Tigabu Dagne
Tigabu Dagne
Tigabu Dagne
JUNE 2012
JUNE 2012
This thesis is dedicated to my father (Ato Dagne Akal) and my mother (W/o
Kassaye Bayhe). They are always a great role model for me because of their
devotion and who always encourages me to make the best effort to realize my
dreams, and their love to our family. Their spirit will be with me forever.
First and foremost extraordinary thanks go for my Almighty God and His Mother Saint-Merry.
It is with immense gratitude that I acknowledge the support and help of my advisor, Dr.
Gashaw Kebede. I have been amazingly fortunate to have an advisor who gave me the freedom
to explore on my own and at the same time the guidance to recover when my steps faltered. He
taught me how to question thoughts and express ideas. His patience, advises and support
helped me overcome challenging situations and finish this thesis, plus his comments added
great value for my future career.
It gives me great pleasure in acknowledging the support and help of Dr. Million Meshesha who
is one of the best teachers that I have had in my life. He sets high standards for his students and
he encourages and guides them to meet those standards. He taught me more than four courses
during my postgraduate study. He has given constructive ideas and comments about my thesis
work which is related to one of the course, Data and Web Mining, that he has introduced me.
I would like to thank all lecturers, staff members and classmates of School of Information
Science for their contribution in the special arena for the success of my study.
Many friends have helped me stay rational through these two years. I greatly value their
friendship and deeply appreciate their belief in me. I have to give a special mention for my best
friend Sewale Belachew. I have no word to express my feeling for his endless help to pull off my
dream for the past eight years. He is unrevealed person for my success. Also, I would like to
thank my friends: Adane L., Belaynaw A., Biniyam C., Getaneh B., Meazashwork A., Tariku A.,
Tsegaye B., and Zewdie M. Their support and care helped me to overcome setbacks and stay
focused on my postgraduate study.
Most importantly, none of these would have been possible without the love and patience of my
family. My father and my mother, to whom this thesis is dedicated to, have been a constant
source of love, concern, support and strength all the past years. In addition, I would like to
express my heart-felt gratitude to my sisters: Mastewal T., Netsanet A., Selam A. and Yikerta L.,
and to my brothers: Abate T., Admasu T., Mulugeta D., Tadele A., and Temesgen D. who have
aided and encouraged me throughout this study.
Finally, I share the credit of my work for the rest of all my brothers, sisters, friends and ICT staff
members of University of Gondar that I have not mentioned their name here.
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................... x
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. xiii
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3. Objective of the Study................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1. General objective ................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2. Specific objectives .................................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Study ................................................................................................. 6
1.5. Methodology of the Study ............................................................................................................ 7
1.5.1. Literature Review ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2. System Design and Data Preprocessing .................................................................................. 7
1.5.3. Architecture of the study ..................................................................................................... 12
1.5.4. Implementation tool ............................................................................................................ 13
1.5.4. Testing Procedure ................................................................................................................ 13
1.6. Significance of the study ............................................................................................................. 13
1.7. Organization of the Thesis........................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................... 15
LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................................. 15
2.1. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ....................................................................................... 15
2.2. Data Mining Models .................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1. The KDD Process Model ....................................................................................................... 18
2.2.2. The CRISP- DM Process......................................................................................................... 20
2.2.3. Comparison of Different Data Mining Models....................................................................... 22
2.3. Data Mining Tasks .................................................................................................................. 25
2.3.1. Descriptive Model ................................................................................................................ 26
2.3.2. Predictive Model .................................................................................................................. 28
2.4. Application of Data Mining.......................................................................................................... 32
2.5. Intrusion detection and prevention principles ............................................................................. 35
2.5.1. Uses of Intrusion Detection Prevention Systems (IDPSs) Technologies.................................. 36
2.5.2. Key Functions of IDPS Technologies...................................................................................... 37
2.5.3. Common Detection Methodologies ...................................................................................... 39
2.5.4. Types of IDPS Technologies .................................................................................................. 40
2.5.5. Approaches of IDS ................................................................................................................ 42
2.6. Cost sensitive feature selection and Intrusion Detection ............................................................. 42
2.6.1. Feature selection ................................................................................................................. 43
2.6.3. Feature ranking and filtering criteria .................................................................................... 48
2.7. Related Work in intrusion detection ............................................................................................ 51
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 54
DATASET PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................ 54
3.1. Initial Data Selection ................................................................................................................... 54
3.2. Data Cleaning and preprocessing ................................................................................................ 57
3.3. Data Transformation and Feature Selection ................................................................................ 57
3.4. Evaluation Metrics ...................................................................................................................... 58
3.4.1. Standard Metrics to Evaluate Intrusion ................................................................................ 59
3.4.2. Performance Measure.......................................................................................................... 60
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................................... 62
EXPERIMENTATION ............................................................................................................................... 62
4.1. Experimentation Design .................................................................................................................. 62
4.2. Semi-Supervised Modeling.............................................................................................................. 63
4.2.1. Training the classifier ............................................................................................................... 64
4.2.2. J48 decision tree modeling ....................................................................................................... 66 Experimentation I:............................................................................................................. 66 Experimentation II: ............................................................................................................ 68
4.2.3. Naive Bayes modeling using all features ................................................................................... 69 Experimentation I:............................................................................................................. 69 Experimentation II: ............................................................................................................ 70
4.2.4. Naive Bayes modeling with feature selection ........................................................................... 71
vii Experimentation I:............................................................................................................. 71 Experimentation II: ............................................................................................................ 71
4.2.5. Comparison of Semi-Supervised Approaches: J48 decision tree and Naive Bayes model ........... 72
4.2. Evaluation of the Discovered Knowledge ........................................................................................ 77
CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................................ 83
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................. 83
5.1. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 83
5.2. Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 85
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 86
APPENDIXES .......................................................................................................................................... 97
Appendix A: Description of features ............................................................................................... 97
Appendix B: Attribute’s Header and Data Declaration .................................................................... 98
Appendix C: Resulting confusion matrix and accuracy using J48 algorithm ................................... 101
Appendix D: Confusion matrix and accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm using all features ......... 102
Appendix E: Resulting confusion matrix and accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm with feature
selection ...................................................................................................................................... 103
Appendix F: Natural Language version for sample rules ............................................................... 105
Appendix G: A sample decision tree generated rule from the J48 decision tree learner for selected
model .......................................................................................................................................... 110
Table 2.1: CRISP-DM phases and tasks …………………………………………………………………………..21
Table 3.3: Distribution of collected records with respect to dataset label ……………………….56
Table 3.4: The 5X5 cost matrix used for the KDD 1999 winner result……………………………...59
Table 4.2: Some of the J48 algorithm parameters and their default values……………………….66
Table 4.3: Semi-supervised classification accuracy using J48 algorithm parameters with 10-
fold cross validation…………………………………………………………………………………………...67
Table 4.4: classification accuracy using J48 algorithm parameters with percentage-split
set to 75% ………………………………………………………………………………………………68
Table 4.5: Classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm parameters with their
default values………………………………………………………………………………………….69
Table 4.6: classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes with percentage-split set to 75%.........70
Table 4.7: classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes simple algorithm parameters with 10
fold cross validation using cost sensitive feature selection…………………………………...71
Table 4.8: classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes simple algorithm parameters with
percentage-split set to 75% using cost sensitive feature selection……………..72
Table 4.10: Comparison of the confusion matrix for J48 and Naïve Bayes
Table 4.12: Validating the selected model with real life …………………………………………………81
Figure 1.1: An overview of the steps that compose the KDD process ………………………………...8
Figure 2.2: KDD process: “From Knowledge Discovery to Data Mining” ………………………….19
Figure 4.1: Comparison of Accuracy the J48 and Naïve Bayes Algorithms ………………………74
Figure 4.2: True Positive (TP) rate comparison of the J48 and Naïve Bayes
Figure 4.3: False Positive (FP) rate comparison of the J48 and Naïve Bayes
NSL: Network Simulation Language
While advances in computer and communications technology have made the network
ubiquitous, they have also rendered networked systems vulnerable to malicious attacks
devised from a distance. These attacks or intrusions start with attackers infiltrating a
network through a vulnerable host and then launching further attacks on the local network
or Intranet. Nowadays, system administrators and network professionals can attempt to
prevent such attacks by developing intrusion detection tools and systems using data
mining technology.
In this study, the experiments were conducted following the Knowledge Discovery in
Database process model. The Knowledge Discovery in Database process model starts from
selection of the datasets. The dataset used in this study has been taken from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Lincoln laboratory. After taking the data, it has been preprocessed.
The major preprocessing activities include fill in missed values, remove outliers; resolve
inconsistencies, integration of data that contains both labeled and unlabeled datasets,
dimensionality reduction, size reduction and data transformation activity like
discretization tasks were done for this study.
A total of 21,533 intrusion records are used for training the models. For validating the
performance of the selected model a separate 3,397 records are used as a testing set. For
building a predictive model for intrusion detection J48 decision tree and the Naïve Bayes
algorithms have been tasted as a classification approach for both with and without feature
selection approaches.
The model that was created using 10-fold cross validation using the J48 decision tree
algorithm with the default parameter values showed the best classification accuracy. The
model has a prediction accuracy of 96.11% on the training datasets and 93.2% on the test
dataset to classify the new instances as normal, DOS, U2R, R2L and probe classes. The
findings of this study have shown that the data mining methods generates interesting rules
that are crucial for intrusion detection and prevention in the networking industry. Future
research directions are forwarded to come up an applicable system in the area of the study.
1.1. Background
As network-based computer system plays increasingly vital roles in modern society. They
have become the targets of cyber criminals. The security of a computer system is
compromised when an intrusion takes place. An intrusion was defined as “any set of
actions that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a
resource” (Heady et.al, 1990).
Lee et al (1999) defined intrusion as the act or attempted act of using a computer system or
computer resources without the requisite privileges, causing willful or incidental damage.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are computer programs that attempt to perform
intrusion detection by comparing observable behavior against suspicious patterns,
preferably in real-time.
IDSs are systems that attempt to identify intrusions or abuses of computer systems by
either authorized users or external perpetrators (Mukherjee et al., 1994). Some IDSs
monitor a single computer, while others monitor several computers connected by a
network. IDSs detect intrusions by analyzing information about user activity from sources
such as audit records, log files, system tables, and network traffic summaries. Intrusion
detection is a new, modern approach for providing a sense of security in existing
computers and data networks, while allowing them to operate in their current “open” mode
(Mukherjee et al., 1994).
IDSs have been developed and used at several institutions. Some example of IDSs are
National Security Agency’s Multics Intrusion Detection and Alerting System (MIDAS),
ATandT’s Computer Watch (Dowell and Ramstedt, 1990), SRI International’s Intrusion
Detection Expert System (IDES) (Lunt,1990), Next-Generation Intrusion-Detection System
(NIDES) (Anderson, 1994), UC Sanat Barbara’s State Transition Analysis Tool for UNIX
(USTAT) (Ilgun, 1993; Ilgun et al.,1995), Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL’s)
Network Anomaly detection and Intrusion Reporter (NADIR) (Hochberg, 1993), UC Davis’
Network Security Monitor (NSM) (Heberlein et al.,1990) and Distributed Intrusion
Detection System (DIDS) (Snapp, 1991).
Intrusion detection is needed as a wall to protect computer systems. The elements central
to intrusion detection are: resources to be protected in target system, i.e., user accounts,
file systems, system kernels, etc; models that characterize the “normal” or “legitimate”
behavior of these resources; techniques that compare the actual system activities with the
established models, and identify those that are “abnormal” or “intrusive” (Lee et al., 1999).
The most widely used and commercially available IDSs are signature-based systems
(William, 1995). A signature based system matches features observed from the audit
stream to a set of signatures handcrafted by experts and stored in a signature database.
Signature-based methods have some inherent limitations. The most significant is that a
signature-based method is designed to only detect attacks for which it contains a signature
in the database. In addition to the expense in time and human expertise of manually
encoding a signature for each and every known attack, the signature-based methods
therefore cannot detect unknown attacks since there is no signature in the database for
them. It is these unknown attacks that are typically the most dangerous because the system
is completely vulnerable to them (William, 1995).
Data mining (DM) -based methods are another paradigm for building intrusion detection
systems. The main advantage of these methods is that they leverage the generalization
ability of data mining methods and in order to detect new and unknown attacks. A data
mining-based IDS uses machine learning and data mining algorithms on a large set of
system audit data to build detection modes. These models have been proven to be very
effective (Lee et al., 1999). These algorithms are generally classified as either misuse
detection or anomaly detection. Misuse detection algorithms learn how to classify normal
and attack data from a set of training data which contains both labeled attack and normal
data (Lee et al., 1999). Anomaly detection algorithms learn a model of normal activity by
training on a set of normal data. Anomaly detection algorithms then classify as an attack
activity that diverges from this normal pattern based on the assumption that attacks have
much different patterns than normal activity. In this way new unknown attacks can be
detected (Hershkop et al., 2007).
Generating patterns and knowledge is vital for IDSs to differentiate standard behaviors
from strange behavior by examining the dataset which is a list of tasks created by the
operating system that are registered into a file in historical sorted order (Dewan and
Mohammad, 2010).
Many researchers proposed different models for network intrusion detection system
(NIDS). Adamu (2010) has tried to study a machine learning IDS that investigated the
application of cost sensitive learning by applying decision tree algorithm. He did not
compare the result with other predictive model techniques like neural network, Naïve
Bayes and other techniques.
Zewdie (2011) proposed an optimal feature selection for Network Intrusion Detection
using indirect cost sensitive feature selection approach. It is a DM approach system that
tried to investigate jointly cost sensitive learning and feature selection to advance the
classification performance of algorithms that incorporate cost. In his study, Information
Gain Ratio (IGR) and Correlation Feature Selection (CFS) are investigated for ranking and
selecting features using the proposed cost sensitive approach. Zewide has tried to
investigate decision tree classification algorithms that used indirect cost sensitive feature
ranking and selection algorithms. Zewdie used in his study only those records which are
labeled. . He did not consider those records which are not labeled.
Both Adamu(2010) and Zewdie (2011) conducted the NIDS on a supervised approach. As
described by Pachghare et al (2011) traditional intrusion detection algorithm is based on
supervised learning and non-supervised learning. These two algorithms have some
limitations; the supervised learning process cannot use a lot of unlabeled data while non-
supervised learning often results in high false alarm rate.
Which Data Mining algorithm can be more suitable for the purpose of predicting
Network Intrusions?
To what degree can the NIDS correctly classify intrusions, and can the system
correctly classify intrusion to such a degree that it can be trusted to respond
actively to them?
What is the pattern that describes whether given networks signal is a normal
packet or an intrusion?
How to design an IDS model which is based on features selection?
This research is basically the extension of the thesis work of Adamu (2010) and Zewdie
(2011) in the area of NIDS. On top of their work those features which were not addressed
by both of them has been addressed. Namely, the result of the J48 decision tree algorithm
compared with other predictive model techniques in developing an IDS model. For feature
selection CfsSubsetEval as attribute evaluator and Best First as a search method are used in
this study.
This research addressed the Semi-supervised modeling of intrusion detection system that
considers both labeled and unlabeled records which were indicated as a future research
direction by Pachghare et al (2011). Because it is not easy to classify network packets
either attack or normal that always needs domain experts for applying only supervised
modeling. At the same time labeling the class of network packets consumed resources.
Due to the datasets were taken from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Lincoln lab, this research did not include data from network security organizations in
Ethiopia. So, further research needs to be conduct including data from these organizations.
Because of time and financial limit this research also focused mainly on how to effectively
detect attacks, not to prevent them. The IDS model constructed in this thesis just notify for
the administrators after detecting an attack and administrators have to manually take
proper actions.
The methodologies that are used in conducting this research are described as follows.
The researchers reviewed different related literatures (books, journal articles, Conference
proceeding papers, and the Internet) in order to have detailed understanding on the
present research. As a continuation of the previous attempts by Adamu (2010) and Zewdie
(2011), different techniques and tools which are relevant for the current research
analyzed, modified and adopted for this study. The detailed reviewed literatures of this
study are presented under chapter two of this study
Data processing, a critical initial step in data mining work, is often used to improve the
quality of training data set. To do so data cleaning and preparation is the core task of data
mining which is dependent on software chosen and algorithms used (Mahbod et al., 2009).
The IDS models in this study are developed on full training Network Simulation Language-
Knowledge discovery in Database (NSL-KDD) dataset using a powerful machine learning
and data mining WEKA tool.
The data mining model that used in this study is the KDD process. The KDD process refers
to the whole process of changing low level data into high level knowledge which is
automated discovery of patterns and relationships in large databases and data mining is
one of the core steps in the KDD process. The goal KDD and DM is to find interesting
patterns and/or models that exist in databases but are hidden among the volumes of data
(Fayyad et al., 1996). The KDD process as described by Fayyad et al (1996) consists of five
major phases. Data were collected then using appropriate algorithms then mined patterns
will be modeled. Figure 1.1 showed the KDD process model that used in this thesis.
Figure 1.1.: An overview of the steps that compose the KDD process (Fayyad et al., 1996).
NSL_KDD dataset (Helali, 2010) most widely used and publicly available for IDS is used for
the experiment purpose. The KDD (Knowledge discovery in Database) Cup 1999 Intrusion
detection contest data (KDD cup 99 Intrusion detection data sets) has been used in this
study. This data was prepared by the 1998 DARPA (Defense Advanced research Project
Agency) Intrusion Detection Evaluation program by MIT Lincoln Labs (MIT Lincoln
Laboratory). .
The data preprocessing step in this study includes basic operations, such as removing noise
or outliers if appropriate, collecting the necessary information to model or account for
noise, deciding on strategies for handling missing data fields, and accounting for time
sequence information and known changes, as well as deciding database management
system issues, such as data types, schema, and mapping of missing and unknown values.
Also, since a predictor can exploit only certain data features, it is important to detect which
data preprocessing works best (Meera et al., 2003). For this study preprocessing of NSL-
KDD dataset contains the following processes:
Assigning attack names to one of the five classes Normal, Probe, DOS (Denial of
Service), U2R (User to Root) and R2L (Remote to Local). To identify and label each
attack different literatures are consulted and Microsoft Excel helps to filter and name
easily using fill handle.
There are records which don’t have attributes and removed from the dataset and there
is also a mismatch in the KDD 99 winner cost matrix and the confusion matrix; as a
result arrangements are made to match the cost matrix and confusion matrix.
The NSL-KDD dataset is available in text format; so to be read for Waikato
Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) tool it has to be changed into ARFF
format. For WEKA Data can be imported from a file in various formats: CSV, C4.5,
binary (Chang et al., 2005).
The data transformation step includes finding useful features to represent the data,
depending on the goal of the task, and using dimensionality reduction or transformation
methods to reduce the effective number of variables under consideration.
In this step the DM methods used for the thesis are decided. DM methods have been
successfully applied for solving classification problems in many applications (Pradeep,
2005). In DM, algorithms (learners) try to automatically filter the knowledge from example
data (datasets).This knowledge can be used to make predictions about original data in the
future and to provide insight into the nature of the target concept(s). According to Pradeep
(2005) the example data typically consists of a number of input patterns or examples to be
learned. DM systems typically attempt to discover regularities and relationships between
features and classes in learning or training phase.
For analyzing the data and classification of network attacks from a network environment,
the three machine learning algorithms (Eibe and Witten, 2005), the J48 decision tree
classifier, Naïve Bayes Classifier and simple k-means clustering are used in this thesis.
Decision tree is a predictive modeling technique most often used for classification in DM.
The Classification algorithm is inductively learned to construct a model from the pre-
classified dataset. Each data item is defined by values of the attributes. Classification may
be viewed as mapping from a set of attributes to a particular class. The Decision tree
classifies the given data item using the values of its attributes. The decision tree is initially
constructed from a set of pre-classified data. The main approach is to select the attributes,
which best divides the data items into their classes (Kruegel and Toth, 2003).
In this study the J48 decision tree algorithms used. It is an implementation of the C4.5
decision tree learner. This implementation produces decision tree models. It recursively
splits a dataset according to tests on attribute values in order to separate the possible
predictions. A decision-tree model is built by analyzing the training data and the model is
used to classify the trained data.
The node of the J48 decision trees evaluates the existence and the significance of every
individual feature. Considering a set A of case objects, J48 initially grows a tree and uses
divide-and-conquer algorithm as follows: (i) if all the cases in A belong to the same class or
if the set is a small one, the tree is leaf labeled with the most frequent occurring class in A.
(ii) or, a test is selected based on a single attribute with two or more outcomes. This test is
made the root of the tree with each branch as one outcome of the test. Further the same
procedure is applied recursively for each subset.
10 Naive Bayes
The other supervised approach used in this thesis is the Naïve Bayes classifier which is
based on probabilistic model for assigning the most likely class to given instance.
Probabilistic model (approach) in classification field allows (model or looks for) the
estimation of conditional probability of classes given instance, p(C/A1…, AN) where C∈
{C1…CM} the classes and Ai, i=1...N, a set of features describing dataset examples (Shekhar
et al., 2007)). Given a valued example, the most appropriate class to be assigned to is the
class with the upper a posterior probability,
Bayesian approach splits a posterior distribution into a priori distribution and likelihood,
Where α is normalization factor to ensure that sums of conditional probabilities over class
labels are equal to 1. The distribution of features given class label is more complex to
estimate. Its estimation is exponential in attribute number and requires a complete training
dataset with sufficient examples for each class. Such problem can be avoided, assumed the
independence of features of given class, and likelihood estimation uses the following
Depending on the precise nature of the probability model, Naive Bayes classifiers can be
trained very efficiently in a supervised learning mode for this study.
In this study for semi-supervised modeling, the researcher used k-means clustering. The k-
means clustering algorithm is used for clustering those unlabeled records into their
appropriate classes. After clustering a classification techniques are applied. In K-means
clustering, assignment of the data points to clusters is depending upon the distance
between cluster centroids. Interpretation/evaluation
It is the final step in the selected KDD process model for this thesis. It includes two basic
subcomponents: (a) interpretation of mined patterns (potentially leading to a repeat of
earlier steps), and (b) consolidating discovered knowledge, which can included
incorporating the knowledge in a performance system.
Supervised intrusion detection approaches use only labeled data for training. To label the
data however are often difficult, expensive, or time consuming as they require the efforts of
experienced domain experts. Semi-supervised learning addresses this problem by using
large amount of unlabeled data, together with the labeled data, to build better classifiers.
Semi-supervised learning requires less human effort.
The architecture used for this thesis showed in figure 1.2. This architecture proposed by
Pachghare et al. (2011) for the semi-supervised approach for intrusion detection system.
As showed in figure 1.2, labeled data used for training the system as supervised approach.
After training, the system test using unlabeled data. The tested data will add to the training
data so as to implement semi- supervised approach.
Detection Results
Figure 1.2: Architecture proposed for Semi-supervised IDS (Pachghare et al., 2011)
1.5.4. Implementation tool
The research has been conducted in preparing the data according to the requirements of
the Tanagra (Eric, 2011) and WEKA data mining tools which are powerful, user friendly
and freely available for noncommercial purpose. Tcptrace utility software used as the
packet filtering tool in order to extract information about packets from TCP connections
and to construct new features (Srinivasu et al., 2009).
The selected data has been preprocessed and using the data mining software package the
network intrusion detection model has been constructed. Finally the constructed model
validated by feeding real life records into the data mining experimenter package.
Network security is an increasing industry as more and more of the corporate workspace is
converted to digital media. Because companies and home users keep sensitive information
on their computers, there is a great need to protect that information from those who would
exploit it. One way to help keep attackers is by using IDS, which are designed to locate and
notify systems administrators about the presence of malicious traffic (Sterry, 2004).
Detecting intrusions allows administrators to identify areas where their defenses need
improvement, such as by identifying a previously unknown vulnerability, a system that was
not properly patched, or a user that needs further education against social engineering
attacks (Sterry, 2004). The research is applicable where; a continuous monitoring of many
parameters is conducted to detect malicious applications.
This research will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Network Intrusion Detection
System by proposing efficient feature selection and model constructing techniques.
This research will contribute its part for the country, Ethiopia. Because installation and
securing the network infrastructure in Ethiopia is not well developed. In addition to this,
the finding of this research will add knowledge for those professionals who want to
advance their area of study in network security and IDS.
1.7. Organization of the Thesis
This thesis is structured into six chapters. The first chapter discusses background to the
study problem area, statement of the problem, objective of the study, scope of the study,
research methodology and application of the study.
The third chapter deals with understanding the data and dataset preparation, Data
transformation and feature selection and evaluation metrics.
The fourth chapter provides a comprehensive discussion about the experimentation part of
this thesis. This includes the supervised and semi-supervised approach.
The researcher has reviewed different related literatures (books, journal articles,
Conference proceeding papers, and the Internet) in order to have detailed understanding
on the present research.
According to Fayyad et al (1996) the traditional method of turning data into knowledge
relies on manual analysis and interpretation. For example, in the health-care industry, it is
common for specialists to analyze current trends and changes in health-care data on a
quarterly basis. The specialists then provide a report detailing the analysis to the
sponsoring health-care organization; the report is then used as the basis for future decision
making and planning for health-care management. For these (and many other)
applications, such manual probing of a dataset is slow, expensive, and highly subjective.
When the scale of data manipulation, exploration, and inference grows beyond human
capacities, people look to computer technology to automate the bookkeeping (Nanda,
2010). The problem of knowledge extraction from large databases involves many steps,
ranging from data manipulation and retrieval to fundamental mathematical and statistical
inference, search, and reasoning. Researchers and practitioners interested in these
problems have been meeting since the first KDD Workshop in 1989 (Fayyad et al., 1996).
To bridge the gap of analyzing large volume of data and extracting valuable information
and knowledge for decision making using new computerization technologies, DM and KDD
has emerged since recent years.
Different scholars have provided different definitions for DM. The term “DM” is used most
by statisticians, database researchers, and more recently by the management Information
System and business communities (Fayyad et al., 1996). According to Nanda (2010), DM is
a logical process that is used to search through large amounts of information in order to
find important data. The goal of this technique is to find patterns that were previously
unknown. Once you have found these patterns, you can use them to solve a number of
problems. DM refers to extracting or “mining” knowledge from large amount of data
(Devedzic, 2000). According to Devedzic, DM is a process of discovering interesting
knowledge from large amounts of data stored either, in database, data warehouse, or other
information repositories. Devedzic has provided other alternative names for data mining:
Knowledge mining, Knowledge extraction, Data/pattern analysis, Data Archaeology, Data
Different scholars have given their own definition for KDD. Fayyad et al (1996) used the
term “KDD” to refer to the overall process of discovering useful knowledge from data and
DM is a particular step in this process—application of specific algorithms for extracting
patterns (models) from data. The additional steps in the KDD process, such as data
preparation, data selection, data cleaning, incorporation of appropriate prior knowledge,
and proper interpretation of the results of mining ensure that useful knowledge is derived
from the data. According to Fayyad et al (1996) KDD has evolved, and continues to evolve,
from the intersection of research in such fields as databases, machine learning, pattern
recognition, statistics, artificial intelligence and reasoning with uncertainty, knowledge
acquisition for expert systems, data visualization, machine discovery, scientific discovery,
information retrieval, and high-performance computing. KDD software systems
incorporate theories, algorithms, and methods from all of these fields. According to Nanda
(2010) DM (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery in database) is the process of
analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information -
information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Nanda (2010) used
KDD and DM interchangeably. Data mining is a powerful tool because it can provide you
with relevant information that you can use to your own advantage. When you have the
right knowledge, all you will need to do is apply it in the right manner, and you will be able
to benefit. It is relatively easy to get information these days. But it is not so easy to get
relevant information that can help you achieve a desired goal (Nanda, 2010).
Although, the two terms KDD and DM are heavily used interchangeably, they refer to two
related yet slightly different concepts (Roshan, 2011). KDD is the overall process of
extracting knowledge from data while Data Mining is a step inside the KDD process, which
deals with identifying patterns in data. In other words, Data Mining is only the application
of a specific algorithm based on the overall goal of the KDD process.
Data mining techniques must be fully integrated with a data warehouse as well as flexible
interactive business analysis tools (Cheng, 2000). The raw data from the warehouse is
preprocessed to remove noise and also to impart domain knowledge on the data. The
knowledge discovery stage then extracts the knowledge which must then be post
processed to facilitate human understanding. Post processing usually takes the form of
representing the discovered knowledge in a user friendly display. Figure 2.1 illustrates
architecture for advanced analysis in a large data warehouse.
A process model is the set of tasks to be performed to develop a particular element, as
well as the elements that are produced in each task (outputs) and the elements that are
necessary to do a task (inputs) (Cheng, 2000). The goal of a process model is to make
the process repeatable, manageable and measurable (to be able to get metrics).
Methodology can be defined as the instance of a process model that lists tasks, inputs
and outputs and specifies how to do the tasks (Cheng, 2000). Tasks are performed
using techniques that stipulate how they should be done. After selecting a technique to
do the specified tasks, tools can be used to improve task performance.
Finally, the life cycle determines the order in which each activity is to be done. A life
cycle model is the description of the different ways of developing a project.
As showed in figure 2.2 the DM process consists of five steps (Fayyad et al., 1996):
data selection – having two subcomponents: (a) developing an understanding of the
application domain and (b) creating a target dataset from the universe of available data;
preprocessing – including data cleaning (such as dealing with missing data or errors)
and deciding on methods for modeling information, accounting for noise, or dealing
with change over time;
transformation – using methods such as dimensionality reduction to reduce data
complexity by reducing the effective number of variables under consideration;
data mining – having three subcomponents: (a) choosing the data mining task (e.g.,
classification, clustering, summarization), (b) choosing the algorithms to be used in
searching for patterns, (c) and the actual search for patterns (applying the algorithms);
interpretation/evaluation – having two subcomponents: (a) interpretation of mined
patterns (potentially leading to a repeat of earlier steps), and (b) consolidating
discovered knowledge, which can include summarization and reporting as well as
incorporating the knowledge in a performance system.
Fayyad et al (1996) emphasize both the interactive and iterative nature of KDD, that
humans make many decisions and that the various steps and methods within them are
repeated frequently as knowledge is being refined – thus our contention above that KDD is
really about knowledge construction rather than discovery.
data Patterns
data Interpretation
Data Mining
data Transformation
Preprocessing & feature
& cleaning selection
Figure 2.2: KDD process: “From Knowledge Discovery to Data Mining” (Fayyad et al., 1996).
Data mining is a step in the KDD process consisting of an enumeration of patterns (or
models) over the data, subject to some acceptable computational-efficiency limitations.
Since the patterns enumerable over any finite dataset are potentially infinite, and because
the enumeration of patterns involves some form of search in a large space, computational
constraints place severe limits on the subspace that can be explored by a data mining
algorithm(Fayyad et al., 1996).
Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) is the most used
methodology for developing DM projects (KdNuggets, 2012). Analyzing the problems of DM
and KD projects, a group of prominent enterprises (Teradata, SPSS – ISL, Daimler-Chrysler
and OHRA) developing DM projects, proposed a reference guide to develop DM and KD
projects. This guide is called CRISP-DM (Chapman et al., 2003). CRISP-DM is vendor-
independent so it can be used with any DM tool and it can be applied to solve any DM
problem. CRISP-DM defines the phases to be carried out in a DM project. CRISP-DM also
defines for each phase the tasks and the deliverables for each task. CRISP-DM is divided
into six phases (see Figure 2.3).
The detailed description of each phases of CRISP-DM model showed in table 2.1.
it to be certain that it properly achieves the business objectives. At the end of this
phase, a decision should be reached on how to use of the DM results.
Deployment: Model construction is generally not the end of the project. Even if the
purpose of the model is to increase knowledge of the data, the knowledge gained will
need to be organized and presented in a way that the customer can use it.
In the early 1990s, when the KDD process term was first coined (Piatetsky and Frawley,
1991), there was a rush to develop DM algorithms that were capable of solving all
problems of searching for knowledge in data. The KDD process (Piatetsky, 1994; Fayyad et
al., 1996) has a process model component because it establishes all the steps to be taken to
develop a DM project, but it is not a methodology because its definition does not set out
how to do each of the proposed tasks. It is also a life cycle. The 5 A’s (Martínez , 2003) is a
process model that proposes the tasks that should be performed to develop a DM project
and was one of CRISP-DM forerunners. Therefore, they share the same philosophy: 5 A’s
proposes the tasks but does not suggest how they should be performed. Its life cycle is
similar to the one proposed in CRISP-DM.
The two models by Cabena et al (1998) and Anand et al (1998) are based on KDD with few
changes and have similar features. Like the KDD process, Two Crows (Two Crows, 1999) is
a process model and waterfall life cycle. At no point does it set out how to do the
established DM project development tasks. CRISP-DM states which tasks have to be carried
out to successfully complete a DM project (Chapman et al., 2003). It is therefore a process
model. It is also a waterfall life cycle. CRISP-DM also has a methodological component, as it
gives recommendations on how to do some tasks. Even so these recommendations are
confined to proposing other tasks and give no guidance about how to do them. Figure 2.4
shows a diagram of how the different DM and KD process models and methodologies have
Figure 2.4: Evolution of DM and KD process models and methodologies (Adem and Julio,
It is clear from Figure 2.4 that CRISP-DM is the standard model. It borrowed ideas from the
most important pre-2000 models and is the groundwork for many later proposals. The
CRISP-DM 2.0 Special Interest Group (SIG) was set up with the aim of upgrading the CRISP-
DM model to a new version better suited to the changes that have taken place in the
business arena since the current version was formulated. This group is working on the new
methodology (CRISP-DM, 2012). The firms that developed CRISP-DM 1.0 have been joined
by other institutions that intend to input their expertise in the field to develop CRISP-DM
2.0. Changes such as adding new phases, renaming existing phases and/or eliminating the
odd phase are being considered for the new version of the methodology.
Cios and Kurgan (2000) model was first proposed in 2000. This model adapted the CRISP-
DM model to the needs of the academic research community, providing a more general,
research-oriented description of the steps.
The KDD Roadmap (Howard et al., 2001) is a DM methodology used in the DM Witness
Miner tool (Lanner, 2008). This methodology describes the available processes and
algorithms and incorporates experience derived from successfully completed commercial
projects. The focus is on the decisions to be made and the options available at each stage to
achieve the best results for a given task.
DMIE or Data Mining for Industrial Engineering (Solarte, 2002) is a methodology because it
specifies how to do the tasks to develop a DM project in the field of industrial engineering.
It is an instance of CRISP-DM, which makes it a methodology, and it shares CRISP-DM’s
associated life cycle.
In summary different DM models have different steps for conducting a given study. Table
2.2 compares the phases into which the DM and KD process is decomposed according some
of the above scheme. As showed in table 2.2, most of the scheme cover all the tasks in
CRISP-DM, although they do not all decompose the KDD process into the same phases or
attaches the same importance to the same tasks. However, some steps described above are
omitted the study by (Yang and Wu, 2006), like 5 A’s and DMIE, propose additional phases
not covered by CRISP-DM that are potentially very useful in KD and DM projects. 5 A’s
proposes the “Automate” phase. This phase entails more than just using the model. It
focuses on generating a tool to help non-experts in the area to perform DM and KD tasks.
On the other hand, DMIE proposes the “On-going support” phase. It is very important to
take this phase into account, as DM and KD projects require a support and maintenance
phase. This maintenance ranges from creating and maintaining backups of the data used in
the project to the regular reconstruction of DM models. The reason is that the behavior of
the DM models may change as new data emerge, and they may not work properly.
Similarly, if other tools have been used to implement the DM models, the created programs
may need maintenance, e.g. to upgrade the behavior of the user application models.
Table 2.2: Comparison of DM and KD process models and methodologies (Yang and Wu,
The tasks of data mining can be modeled as either Predictive or Descriptive in nature
(Dunham, 2003). A Predictive model makes a prediction about values of data using known
results found from different data while the Descriptive model identifies patterns or
relationships in data. Unlike the predictive model, a descriptive model serves as a way to
explore the properties of the data examined, not to predict new properties. Predictive
model data mining tasks include classification, prediction, and regression. The Descriptive
task encompasses methods such as Clustering, Association Rules, and Sequence analysis.
2.3.1. Descriptive Model
Descriptive data mining is normally used to generate frequency, cross tabulation and
correlation. Descriptive method can be defined to discover interesting regularities in the
data, to uncover patterns and find interesting subgroups in the bulk of data (Han et al.,
2000). In education, studies Thair (2009) used Descriptive to determine the demographic
influence on particular factors. Summarization maps data into subsets with associated
simple descriptions (Dunham, 2003). Basic statistics such as Mean, Standard Deviation,
Variance, Mode and Median can be used as Summarization approach. Clustering
Clustering is a data mining technique where data points are clustered together based on
their feature values and a similarity metric. Frank (1994) breaks clustering techniques into
five areas: hierarchical, statistical, exemplar, distance, and conceptual clustering, each of
which has different ways of determining cluster membership and representation. Berkhin
(2002) presented an excellent survey of specific methods for techniques in most of these
areas in.
In clustering, a set of data items is partitioned into a set of classes such that items with
similar characteristics are grouped together. Clustering is best used for finding groups of
items that are similar. For example, given a data set of customers, subgroups of customers
that have a similar buying behavior can be identified. Clustering is a unsupervised learning
process. Clustering is the process of grouping a set of physical or abstract objects into
classes of similar objects (Han et al., 2000), so that objects within the same cluster must be
similar to some extent, also they should be dissimilar to those objects in other clusters. In
classification which record belongs which class is predefined, while in clustering there is no
predefined classes. In clustering, objects are grouped together based on their similarities.
Similarities between objects are defined by similarity functions, usually similarities are
quantitatively specified as distance or other measures by corresponding domain experts.
draw patterns of the customers, a bank can clustering the market into different groups of
people. For different groups of market, the bank can provide different kinds of loans for
houses or cars with different budget plans. In this case the bank can provide a better
service, and also make sure that all the loans can be reclaimed. A comprehensive survey of
current clustering techniques and algorithms is available in (Berkhin, 2002).
Clustering provides some significant advantages over the classification techniques, in that
it does not require the use of a labeled data set for training. For example, Eskin et al (2002)
have applied fixed-width and k-nearest neighbor clustering techniques to connection logs
looking for outliers, which represent anomalies in the network traffic. Marin et al (2001)
also use a similar approach utilizing learning vector quantization (LVQ), which is designed
to find the Bayes Optimal boundary between classes, using k-means clustering to
determine initial vector positioning. Unfortunately, this approach will overlook intensive
malicious traffic, such as heavy probing and denial of service attacks, which should form
their own clusters
no observations change clusters when steps II and III are repeated or that the
changes do not make a material difference in the definition of the clusters.
Associations or Link Analysis are used to discover relationships between attributes and
items such as the presence of one pattern implies the presence of another pattern. i.e. to
what extent one item is related to another in terms of cause-and-effect. This is common in
establishing a form of statistical relationships among different interdependent variables of
a model. These relations may be associations between attributes within the same data item
like (‘Out of the shoppers who bought milk, 64% also purchased bread’) or associations
between different data items like (‘Every time a certain stock drops 5%, it causes a
resultant 13% in another stock between 2 and 6 weeks later’).
Association Rules is a popular technique for market basket analysis because all possible
combinations of potentially interesting product groupings can be explored (Roiger et al.,
The goal of the predictive models is to construct a model by using the results of the known
data and is to predict the results of unknown data sets by using the constructed model. For
instance a bank might have the necessary data about the loans given in the previous terms.
In this data, independent variables are the characteristics of the loan granted clients and
the dependent variable is whether the loan is paid back or not (Berson et al., 2000). The
model constructed by this data is used in the prediction of whether the loan will be paid
back by client in the next loan applications.
In the classification models the following techniques are mainly used (Berson et al., 2000):
Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks and Navie-Bayes.
Decision trees technique is commonly used in data mining because their construction is
cheap, their interpretation is easy, their easy integration with database systems and their
good reliability (Berson et al., 2000).
Decision trees are trees that classify instances by sorting them based on feature values
(Thair, 2009). Each node in a decision tree represents a feature in an instance to be
classified, and each branch represents a value that the node can assume. Instances are
classified starting at the root node and sorted based on their feature values
Artificial neural network models have been studied for many years in the hope of achieving
human-like performance in several fields such as speech and image understanding (Thair,
2009). The networks are composed of many nonlinear computational elements operating
in parallel and arranged in patterns reminiscent of biological neural networks.
Computational elements or nodes are connected in several layers (input, hidden and
output) via weights that are typically adapted during the training phase to achieve high
performance. Instead of performing a set of instructions sequentially as in a Von Neumann
computer, neural network models explore simultaneously many hypotheses using parallel
networks composed of many computational elements connected by links with variable
The back-propagation algorithm is an extension of the least mean square (LMS) algorithm
that can be used to train multi-layer networks. Both LMS and back-propagation are
approximate steepest descent algorithms that minimize squared error. The only difference
between them is in the way in which the gradient is calculated. The back-propagation
algorithm uses the chain rule in order to compute the derivatives of the squared error with
respect to the weights and biases in the hidden layers. It is called back-propagation because
the derivatives are computed first at the last layer of the network, and then propagated
backward through the network, using the chain rule, to compute the derivatives in the
hidden layers. For a multi-layer network, the output of one layer becomes the input of the
following layer.
Typically, the task of learning a BN can be divided into two subtasks: initially, the learning
of the DAG structure of the network, and then the determination of its parameters.
Probabilistic parameters are encoded into a set of tables, one for each variable, in the form
of local conditional distributions of a variable given its parents. Given the independences
encoded into the network, the joint distribution can be reconstructed by simply multiplying
these tables. Within the general framework of inducing Bayesian networks, there are two
scenarios: known structure and unknown structure.
In the first scenario, the structure of the network is given (e.g. by an expert) and assumed
to be correct. Once the network structure is fixed, learning the parameters in the
Conditional Probability Tables (CPT) is usually solved by estimating a locally exponential
number of parameters from the data provided (Jensen, 1996). Each node in the network
has an associated CPT that describes the conditional probability distribution of that node
given the different values of its parents. In spite of the remarkable power of BNs, they have
an inherent limitation. This is the computational difficulty of exploring a previously
unknown network. Given a problem described by n features, the number of possible
structure hypotheses is more than exponential in n. If the structure is unknown, one
approach is to introduce a scoring function (or a score) that evaluates the “fitness” of
networks with respect to the training data, and then to search for the best network
according to this score. Several researchers have shown experimentally that the selection
of a single good hypothesis using greedy search often yields accurate predictions (Cheng et
al., 2002).
The most interesting feature of BNs, compared to decision trees or neural networks, is
most certainly the possibility of taking into account prior information about a given
problem, in terms of structural relationships among its features. This prior expertise, or
domain knowledge, about the structure of a Bayesian network can take the following forms
(Thair, 2009):
I. Declaring that a node is a root node, i.e., it has no parents.
II. Declaring that a node is a leaf node, i.e., it has no children.
III. Declaring that a node is a direct cause or direct effect of another node.
IV. Declaring that a node is not directly connected to another node.
V. Declaring that two nodes are independent, given a condition-set.
VI. Providing partial nodes ordering, that is, declare that node appears earlier
than another node in the ordering.
VII. Providing a complete node ordering.
A problem of BN classifiers is that they are not suitable for datasets with many features
(Cheng et al., 2002). The reason for this is that trying to construct a very large network is
simply not feasible in terms of time and space. A final problem is that before the induction,
the numerical features need to be discredited in most cases.
Databases today can range in size into the terabytes — more than 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
of data (Two Crows, 2005). Within these masses of data lies hidden information of strategic
importance. But when there are so many trees, how do you draw meaningful conclusions
about the forest? According to Two Crows (2005) the newest answer is data mining, which
is being used both to increase revenues and to reduce costs. The potential returns are
enormous. Innovative organizations worldwide are already using data mining to locate and
appeal to higher-value customers, to reconfigure their product offerings to increase sales,
and to minimize losses due to error or fraud.
Many organizations are using data mining to help manage all phases of the customer life
cycle, including acquiring new customers, increasing revenue from existing customers, and
retaining good customers (Two Crows, 2005). By determining characteristics of good
customers (profiling), a company can target prospects with similar characteristics. By
profiling customers who have bought a particular product it can focus attention on similar
customers who have not bought that product (cross-selling). By profiling customers who
have left, a company can act to retain customers who are at risk for leaving (reducing churn
or attrition), because it is usually far less expensive to retain a customer than acquire a new
DM offers value across a broad spectrum of industries. Telecommunications and credit card
companies are two of the leaders in applying data mining to detect fraudulent use of their
services (Nanda, 2010). Insurance companies and stock exchanges are also interested in
applying this technology to reduce fraud. Medical applications are another fruitful area:
data mining can be used to predict the effectiveness of surgical procedures, medical tests or
medications. Companies active in the financial markets use data mining to determine
market and industry characteristics as well as to predict individual company and stock
performance. Retailers are making more use of data mining to decide which products to
stock in particular stores (and even how to place them within a store), as well as to assess
the effectiveness of promotions and coupons. Pharmaceutical firms are mining large
databases of chemical compounds and of genetic material to discover substances that
might be candidates for development as agents for the treatments of disease.
Due to the exponential growth of data, especially in areas such as business, KDD has
become a very important process to convert this large wealth of data in to business
intelligence, as manual extraction of patterns has become seemingly impossible in the past
few decades (Roshan, 2011). For example, it is currently been used for various applications
such as social network analysis, fraud detection, science, investment, manufacturing,
telecommunications, data cleaning, sports, information retrieval and largely for marketing.
KDD is usually used to answer questions like what are the main products that might help to
obtain high profit next year in Wal-Mart. This process has several steps. It starts with
developing an understanding of the application domain and the goal and then creating a
target dataset. This is followed by cleaning, preprocessing, reduction and projection of data.
Next step is using Data Mining (explained below) to identify pattern. Finally, discovered
knowledge is consolidates by visualizing and/or interpreting.
A large degree of the current interest in KDD is the result of the media interest surrounding
successful KDD applications (Fayyad et al., 1996). Several well documented examples of
successful systems can rightly be referred to as KDD applications and have been deployed
in operational use on large-scale real-world problems in science and in business.
In science, one of the primary application areas is astronomy. Here, a notable success was
achieved by SKICAT, a system used by astronomers to perform image analysis,
classification, and cataloging of sky objects from sky-survey images (Fayyad et al., 1996). In
its first application, the system was used to process the 3 terabytes (10^12 bytes) of image
data resulting from the Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, where it is estimated that
on the order of 10^9 sky objects are detectable. SKICAT can outperform humans and
traditional computational techniques in classifying faint sky objects (Fayyad et al., 1996).
Investment: Numerous companies use data mining for investment, but most do not
describe their systems. One exception is LBS Capital Management. Its system uses expert
systems, neural nets, and genetic algorithms to manage portfolios totaling $600 million;
since its start in 1993, the system has outperformed the broad stock market (Agrawal et al.
Fraud detection: HNC Falcon and Nestor PRISM systems are used for monitoring credit
card fraud, watching over millions of accounts. The FAIS system (Mannila et al., 1995), from
the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, is used to identify financial
transactions that might indicate money laundering activity.
clustering methods are used. CASSIOPEE received the European first prize for innovative
applications (Manago and Auriol, 1996).
Intrusion Detections: Here are a few specific things that DM might contribute to an
intrusion detection project (Eric et al., 2002):
Remove normal activity from alarm data to allow analysts to focus on real attacks
Identify false alarm generators and “bad” sensor signatures
Find anomalous activity that uncovers a real attack
Identify long, ongoing patterns (different IP address, same activity)
Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system
or network and analyzing them for signs of possible incidents, which are violations or
imminent threats of violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or
standard security practices (Karen and Peter, 2007). Incidents have many causes, such as
malware (e.g., worms, spyware), attackers gaining unauthorized access to systems from the
Internet, and authorized users of systems who misuse their privileges or attempt to gain
additional privileges for which they are not authorized. Although many incidents are
malicious in nature, many others are not; for example, a person might mistype the address
of a computer and accidentally attempt to connect to a different system without
According to Karen and Peter (2007) an IDS is software that automates the intrusion
detection process. An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is software that has all the
capabilities of an intrusion detection system and can also attempt to stop possible
As discussed by Carl (2003) IDPSs are primarily focused on identifying possible incidents.
For example, an IDPS could detect when an attacker has successfully compromised a
system by exploiting vulnerability in the system. The IDPS could then report the incident to
security administrators, who could quickly initiate incident response actions to minimize
the damage caused by the incident. The IDPS could also log information that could be used
by the incident handlers.
As discussed by Karen and Peter (2007) many IDPSs can also be configured to recognize
violations of security policies. For example, some IDPSs can be configured with firewall rule
set like settings, allowing them to identify network traffic that violates the organization’s
security or acceptable use policies. Also, some IDPSs can monitor file transfers and identify
ones that might be suspicious, such as copying a large database onto a user’s laptop.
Many IDPSs can also identify reconnaissance activity, which may indicate that an attack is
imminent (Christos and Aikaterini, 2004). For example, some attack tools and forms of
malware, particularly worms, perform reconnaissance activities such as host and port
scans to identify targets for subsequent attacks. An IDPS might be able to block
reconnaissance and notify security administrators, who can take actions if needed to alter
other security controls to prevent related incidents. Because reconnaissance activity is so
frequent on the Internet, reconnaissance detection is often performed primarily on
protected internal networks.
alerting when it sees network traffic that should have been blocked by the firewall but
was not because of a firewall configuration error.
Documenting the existing threat to an organization. IDPSs log information about the
threats that they detect. Understanding the frequency and characteristics of attacks
against an organization’s computing resources is helpful in identifying the appropriate
security measures for protecting the resources. The information can also be used to
educate management about the threats that the organization faces.
Deterring individuals from violating security policies. If individuals are aware that
their actions are being monitored by IDPS technologies for security policy violations,
they may be less likely to commit such violations because of the risk of detection.
Because of the increasing dependence on information systems and the prevalence and
potential impact of intrusions against those systems, IDPSs have become a necessary
addition to the security infrastructure of nearly every organization.
There are many types of IDPS technologies, which are differentiated primarily by the types
of events that they can recognize and the methodologies that they use to identify incidents.
In addition to monitoring and analyzing events to identify undesirable activity, all types of
IDPS technologies typically perform the following functions (Crothers, 2002):
Recording information related to observed events. Information is usually recorded
locally, and might also be sent to separate systems such as centralized logging servers,
security information and event management (SIEM) solutions, and enterprise
management systems.
Notifying security administrators of important observed events. This notification,
known as an alert, occurs through any of several methods, including the following: e-
mails, pages, messages on the IDPS user interface, Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) traps, and user-defined programs and scripts. A notification message
typically includes only basic information regarding an event; administrators need to
access the IDPS for additional information.
Producing reports. Reports summarize the monitored events or provide details on
particular events of interest.
Some IDPSs are also able to change their security profile when a new threat is detected. For
example, an IDPS might be able to collect more detailed information for a particular session
after malicious activity is detected within that session. An IDPS might also alter the settings
for when certain alerts are triggered or what priority should be assigned to subsequent
alerts after a particular threat is detected.
IPS technologies are differentiated from IDS technologies by one characteristic: IPS
technologies can respond to a detected threat by attempting to prevent it from succeeding.
They use several response techniques, which can be divided into the following groups
(Karen and Peter, 2007):
The IPS stops the attack itself. Examples of how this could be done are as follows:
Terminate the network connection or user session that is being used for the attack
Block access to the target (or possibly other likely targets) from the offending user
account, IP address, or other attacker attribute
Block all access to the targeted host, service, application, or other resource.
The IPS changes the security environment. The IPS could change the configuration of
other security controls to disrupt an attack. Common examples are reconfiguring a
network device (e.g., firewall, router, switch) to block access from the attacker or to the
target, and altering a host-based firewall on a target to block incoming attacks. Some
IPSs can even cause patches to be applied to a host if the IPS detects that the host has
The IPS changes the attack’s content. Some IPS technologies can remove or replace
malicious portions of an attack to make it benign. A simple example is an IPS removing
an infected file attachment from an e-mail and then permitting the cleaned email to
reach its recipient. A more complex example is an IPS that acts as a proxy and
normalizes incoming requests, which means that the proxy repackages the payloads of
the requests, discarding header information. This might cause certain attacks to be
discarded as part of the normalization process.
As discussed by Karen and Peter (2007) another common attribute of IDPS technologies is
that they cannot provide completely accurate detection. When an IDPS incorrectly
identifies benign activity as being malicious, a false positive has occurred. When an IDPS
fails to identify malicious activity, a false negative has occurred. It is not possible to
eliminate all false positives and negatives; in most cases, reducing the occurrences of one
increases the occurrences of the other. Many organizations choose to decrease false
negatives at the cost of increasing false positives, which means that more malicious events
are detected but more analysis resources are needed to differentiate false positives from
true malicious events. Altering the configuration of an IDPS to improve its detection
accuracy is known as tuning.
Most IDPS technologies also offer features that compensate for the use of common evasion
techniques (Crothers, 2002). Evasion is modifying the format or timing of malicious activity
so that its appearance changes but its effect is the same. Attackers use evasion techniques
to try to prevent IDPS technologies from detecting their attacks. For example, an attacker
could encode text characters in a particular way, knowing that the target understands the
encoding and hoping that any monitoring IDPSs do not. Most IDPS technologies can
overcome common evasion techniques by duplicating special processing performed by the
targets. If the IDPS can “see” the activity in the same way that the target would, then
evasion techniques will generally be unsuccessful at hiding attacks.
Anomaly-based detection, which compares definitions of what activity, is considered
normal against observed events to identify significant deviations. This method uses
profiles that are developed by monitoring the characteristics of typical activity over a
period of time. The IDPS then compares the characteristics of current activity to
thresholds related to the profile. Anomaly-based detection methods can be very
effective at detecting previously unknown threats. Common problems with anomaly-
based detection are inadvertently including malicious activity within a profile,
establishing profiles that are not sufficiently complex to reflect real-world computing
activity, and generating many false positives.
Stateful protocol analysis, which compares predetermined profiles of generally
accepted definitions of benign protocol activity for each protocol state against
observed events to identify deviations. Unlike anomaly-based detection, which uses
host or network-specific profiles, Stateful protocol analysis relies on vendor-developed
universal profiles that specify how particular protocols should and should not be used.
It is capable of understanding and tracking the state of protocols that have a notion of
state, which allows it to detect many attacks that other methods cannot. Problems with
Stateful protocol analysis include that it is often very difficult or impossible to develop
completely accurate models of protocols, it is very resource-intensive, and it cannot
detect attacks that do not violate the characteristics of generally acceptable protocol
There are many types of IDPS technologies. For the purposes of this document, they are
divided into the following four groups based on the type of events that they monitor and
the ways in which they are deployed (Karen and Peter, 2007):
Network-Based, which monitors network traffic for particular network segments or
devices and analyzes the network and application protocol activity to identify
suspicious activity. It can identify many different types of events of interest. It is most
commonly deployed at a boundary between networks, such as in proximity to border
firewalls or routers, virtual private network (VPN) servers, remote access servers,
and wireless networks.
Wireless, which monitors wireless network traffic and analyzes its wireless
networking protocols to identify suspicious activity involving the protocols
themselves. It cannot identify suspicious activity in the application or higher-layer
network protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP) that the wireless network traffic is transferring. It
is most commonly deployed within range of an organization’s wireless network to
monitor it, but can also be deployed to locations where unauthorized wireless
networking could be occurring.
Network Behavior Analysis (NBA), which examines network traffic to identify
threats that generate unusual traffic flows, such as distributed denial of service
(DDoS) attacks, certain forms of malware (e.g., worms, backdoors), and policy
violations (e.g., a client system providing network services to other systems). NBA
systems are most often deployed to monitor flows on an organization’s internal
networks, and are also sometimes deployed where they can monitor flows between
an organization’s networks and external networks (e.g., the Internet, business
partners’ networks).
Host-Based, which monitors the characteristics of a single host and the events
occurring within that host for suspicious activity. Examples of the types of
characteristics a host-based IDPS might monitor are network traffic (only for that
host), system logs, running processes, application activity, file access and
modification, and system and application configuration changes. Host-based IDPSs are
the most commonly deployed on critical hosts such as publicly accessible servers and
servers containing sensitive information.
Some forms of IDPS are more mature than others because they have been in use much
longer. Network-based IDPS and some forms of host-based IDPS have been commercially
available for over ten years. Network behavior analysis software is a somewhat newer form
of IDPS that evolved in part from products created primarily to detect DDOS attacks, and in
part from products developed to monitor traffic flows on internal networks. Wireless
technologies are a relatively new type of IDPS, developed in response to the popularity of
wireless local area networks (WLAN) and the growing threats against WLANs and WLAN
2.5.5. Approaches of IDS
Currently there are two basic approaches to intrusion detection (Anita et al., 2003):
The first approach, called anomaly detection, is to define and characterize correct static
form and/or acceptable dynamic behavior of the system, and then to detect wrongful
changes or wrongful behavior. It relies on being able to define desired form or behavior of
the system and then to distinguish between that and undesired or anomalous behavior. The
boundary between acceptable and anomalous form of stored code and data is precisely
definable. One bit of difference indicates a problem. The boundary between acceptable and
anomalous behavior is much more difficult to define.
The second approach, called misuse detection, involves characterizing known ways to
penetrate a system. Each one is usually described as a pattern. The misuse detection
system monitors for explicit patterns. The pattern may be a static bit string, for example a
specific virus bit string insertion. Alternatively, the pattern may describe a suspect set or
sequence of actions. Patterns take a variety of forms as will be illustrated later.
According to Chang et al (2005) intrusion detection systems have been built to explore both
approaches – anomaly detection and misuse detection – for the past 15 to 20 years. In some
cases, the two kinds of detection are combined in a complementary way in a single system.
There is a consensus in the community that both approaches continue to have value.
A very important but often neglected facet of intrusion detection is its cost-effectiveness, or
cost-benefit trade-off. An educated decision to deploy a security mechanism such as IDS is
often motivated by the needs of security risk management (Denning, 1999). The objective
of IDS is therefore to provide protection to the information assets that are at risk and have
value to an organization. An IDS needs to be cost-effective in that it should be cost no more
than the expected level of loss from intrusions. This requires that IDS consider the trade-off
among cost factors, which at the minimum should include development cost, the cost of
damage caused by an intrusion, the cost of manual or automatic response to an intrusion,
and the operational cost, which measures constraints on time and computing resources.
For example, an intrusion which has a higher response cost than damage cost should
usually not be acted upon beyond simple logging.
Currently these cost factors are, for the most part, ignored as unwanted complexities in the
development process of IDSs (Amir et al., 2011). This is caused by the fact that achieving a
reasonable degree of technical effectiveness is already a challenging task, given the
complexities of today’s network environments and the manual effort of knowledge-
engineering approaches (e.g., encoding expert rules). Some IDSs do try to minimize
operational cost. For example, the Bro (1998) scripting language for specifying intrusion
detection rules does not support for-loops because iteration through a large number of
connections is considered time consuming.
It is possible to develop a data mining framework for building intrusion detection models
in an effort to automate the process of IDS development and lower its development cost.
The framework uses data mining algorithms to compute activity patterns and extract
predictive features, and then applies machine learning algorithms to generate detection
rules (Bro, 1998).
Feature selection is a process that selects a subset of original features. The optimality of a
feature subset is measured by an evaluation criterion. As the dimensionality of a domain
expands, the number of features N increases. Finding an optimal feature subset is usually
intractable (Kohavi and John, 1997) and many problems related to feature selection have
been shown to be NP-hard (Blum and Rivest, 1992). A typical feature selection process
consists of four basic steps (shown in Figure 2.6), namely, subset generation, subset
evaluation, stopping criterion, and result validation (Dash et al., 1997). Subset generation is
a search procedure (Liu and Motoda, 1998) that produces candidate feature subsets for
evaluation based on a certain search strategy. Each candidate subset is evaluated and
compared with the previous best one according to a certain evaluation criterion. If the new
subset turns out to be better, it replaces the previous best subset.
Figure 2.6.: Four key steps of feature selection (Dash et al., 1997)
The process of subset generation and evaluation is repeated until a given stopping criterion
is satisfied. Then the selected best subset usually needs to be validated by prior knowledge
or different tests via synthetic and/or real-world data sets. Feature selection can be found
in many areas of data mining such as classification, clustering, association rules, regression.
For example, feature selection is called subset or variable selection in Statistics (Miller,
trapped into local optima (Doak, 1992). Second, one must decide a search strategy. For a
data set with N features, there exist 2N candidate subsets. This search space is
exponentially prohibitive for exhaustive search with even a moderate N. Therefore,
different strategies have been explored: complete, sequential, and random search.
Complete search
It guarantees to find the optimal result according to the evaluation criterion used.
Exhaustive search is complete (i.e., no optimal subset is missed). However, complete search
does not necessarily means that it must be exhaustive. Different heuristic functions can be
used to reduce the search space without jeopardizing the chances of finding the optimal
result. Hence, although the order of the search space is O (2N), a smaller number of subsets
are evaluated. Some examples are branch and bound, and beam search (Doak, 1992).
Sequential search
It gives up completeness and thus risks losing optimal subsets. There are many variations
to the greedy hill-climbing approach, such as sequential forward selection, sequential
backward elimination, and bi-directional selection (Liu and Motoda, 1998). All these
approaches add or remove features one at a time. Another alternative is to add (or remove)
p features in one step and remove (or add) q features in the next step (p > q) (Doak, 1992).
Algorithms with sequential search are simple to implement and fast in producing results as
the order of the search space is usually O (N^2) or less.
Random search
It starts with a randomly selected subset and proceeds in two different ways. One is to
follow sequential search, which injects randomness into the above classical sequential
approaches. Examples are random-start hill-climbing and simulated annealing (Doak,
1992). The other is to generate the next subset in a completely random manner (i.e., a
current subset does not grow or shrink from any previous subset following a deterministic
rule), also known as the Las Vegas algorithm. For all these approaches, the use of
randomness helps to escape local optima in the search space, and optimality of the selected
subset depends on the resources available.
45 Subset evaluation
Each newly generated subset needs to be evaluated by an evaluation criterion. The
goodness of a subset is always determined by a certain criterion (i.e., an optimal subset
selected using one criterion may not be optimal according to another criterion). Evaluation
criteria can be broadly categorized into two groups based on their dependency on mining
algorithms that will finally be applied on the selected feature subset. The two groups of
evaluation criteria are discussed below: Independent criteria
Typically, an independent criterion is used in algorithms of the filter model. It tries to
evaluate the goodness of a feature or feature subset by exploiting the intrinsic
characteristics of the training data without involving any mining algorithm. Some popular
independent criteria are distance measures, information measures, dependency measures,
and consistency measures (Liu and Motoda, 1998)
Distance measures are also known as divergence, or discrimination measures. For a two-
class problem, a feature X is preferred to another feature Y if X induces a greater difference
between the two-class conditional probabilities than Y, because we try to find the feature
that can separate the two classes as far as possible. X and Y are indistinguishable if the
difference is zero.
Information measures typically determine the information gain from a feature. The
information gain from a feature X is defined as the difference between the prior uncertainty
and expected posterior uncertainty using X. Feature X is preferred to feature Y if the
information gain from X is greater than that from Y.
Dependency measures are also known as correlation measures or similarity measures.
They measure the ability to predict the value of one variable from the value of another. In
feature selection for classification, it is possible to look for how strongly a feature is
associated with the class. A feature X is preferred to another feature Y if the association
between feature X and class C is higher than the association between Y and C. In feature
selection for clustering, the association between two random features measures the
similarity between the two.
Consistency measures are characteristically different from the above measures because
of their heavy reliance on the class information and the use of the Min-Features bias in
selecting a subset of features. These measures attempt to find a minimum number of
features that separate classes as consistently as the full set of features can. An
inconsistency is defined as two instances having the same feature values but different class
labels. Dependency criteria
A dependency criterion used in the wrapper model requires a predetermined mining
algorithm in feature selection and uses the performance of the mining algorithm applied on
the selected subset to determine which features are selected. It usually gives superior
performance as it finds features better suited to the predetermined mining algorithm, but it
also tends to be more computationally expensive, and may not be suitable for other mining
algorithms (Blum and Rivest, 1992). For example, in a task of classification, predictive
accuracy is widely used as the primary measure. It can be used as a dependent criterion for
feature selection. As features are selected by the classifier that later on uses these selected
features in predicting the class labels of unseen instances, accuracy is normally high, but it
is computationally rather costly to estimate accuracy for every feature subset.
In a task of clustering, the wrapper model of feature selection tries to evaluate the
goodness of a feature subset by the quality of the clusters resulted from applying the
clustering algorithm on the selected subset. There exist a number of heuristic criteria for
estimating the quality of clustering results, such as cluster compactness, scatter and
maximum likelihood. Recent work on developing dependent criteria in feature selection for
clustering can be found in (Dy and Brodley, 2000)
47 Result validation
A straightforward way for result validation is to directly measure the result using prior
knowledge about the data. If we know the relevant features beforehand as in the case of
synthetic data, we can compare this known set of features with the selected features.
Knowledge on the irrelevant or redundant features can also help. We do not expect them to
be selected. In real-world applications, however, we usually do not have such prior
knowledge. Hence, we have to rely on some indirect methods by monitoring the change of
mining performance with the change of features. For example, if we use classification error
rate as a performance indicator for a mining task, for a selected feature subset, we can
simply conduct the “before-and-after” experiment to compare the error rate of the
classifier learned on the full set of features and that learned on the selected subset (Liu and
Motoda, 1998).
The rapid developments in computer science and engineering have led to expediency and
efficiency in capturing huge accumulations of data. The new challenge is to transform the
enormous of data into useful knowledge for practical applications (Anirut and Nualsawat ,
An earlier general task in data mining is to extract outstanding features for the prediction.
This function can be broken into two groups—feature extraction or feature transformation,
and feature selection (Mukkamala and Sung, 2003). Feature extraction (for example,
principal component analysis, singular-value decomposition, manifold learning, and factor
analysis) refers to the process of creating a new set of combined features (which are
combinations of the original features). On the other hand, feature selection is different from
feature extraction because it does not produce new variables. Feature selection also known
as variable selection, feature reduction, attribute selection or variable subset selection, is a
widely used dimensionality reduction technique, which has been the focus of much
research in machine learning and data mining and found applications in text classification,
web mining, and so on. It allows for faster model building by reducing the number of
features, and also helps remove irrelevant, redundant and noisy features. This allows for
building simpler and more comprehensible classification models with classification
performance. Hence, selecting relevant attributes are a critical issue for competitive
classifiers and for data reduction. In the meantime, feature weighting is a variant of feature
selection. It involves assigning a real-valued weight to catch feature. The weight associated
with a feature measures its relevance or significance in the classification task (John et al.,
1994). Feature selection algorithms typically fall into two categories; Feature Ranking and
Subset Selection. Feature Ranking ranks the features by a metric and eliminates all features
that do not achieve an adequate score (selecting only important features). Subset selection
searches the set of possible features for the optimal subset. Feature Ranking methods are
based on statistics, information theory, or on some function of classifier’s outputs (Duch et
al., 2003). In statistics, the most popular form of feature selection is stepwise regression. It
is a greedy algorithm that adds the best feature (or deletes the worst feature) at each
round. The main control issue is deciding when to stop the algorithm. In machine learning,
this is typically done by cross validation (Ron, 1995).
The feature selection experiments can be conducted using filter-based approaches on the
training data. The objective of this experiment is to find out which filter can achieve the
best performance for intrusion detection data, and to suggest a good feature subset that
contains relevant features with relative order of importance for baseline reference. Hence,
the features can be ranked according to their relevance values, in order to determine their
orders of importance. These filtering criteria are briefly discussed as follows (Chi-Ho et al.,
Information gain (IG), which is also known as mutual information, measures the
expected reduction in entropy of class before and after observing features. Larger
difference indicates that the selected feature is more important to contain the class
discriminatory information. IG is measured as
where C is the class set and Sc is the subset of S
belonging to class c. IG is the fastest and simplest ranking method, however, the drawback
is that it flavors the features with many number of values.
Gain ratio (GR) normalizes the IG by dividing it by the entropy of S with respect to feature
F, in order to discourage the selection of features with many uniformly distributed values.
GR is measured as:
GainRatio(S, F) = InfoGain(S, F)/SplitInfo(S, F),
2.7. Related Work in intrusion detection
Intrusion detection concept was introduced by James Anderson (1980) in 1980 defined an
intrusion attempt or threat to be potential possibility of a deliberate unauthorized attempt
to access information, manipulate or render a system unreliable or unusable.
Denning (1987) have developed a model for monitoring audit record for abnormal
activities in the system. Sequential rules are used to capture a user’s behavior over time.
These rules are used to store patterns of user’s activities which deviate significantly from
those specified rules in the database. According to Denning (1987) high quality sequential
patterns are automatically generated using inductive generalization and the lower quality
patterns are eliminated.
Frank (1994) notes that clustering is an effective way to find hidden patterns in data that
human might otherwise miss. Clustering is useful in intrusion detection as malicious
activity should cluster together, separate from non-malicious activity.
As addressed by Frank (1994) a classification based IDS attempts to classify all traffic as
either normal or malicious in some manner. The primary difficulty in this approach is how
accurately the system can learn what these patterns are. This ultimately affects the
accuracy of the system both in terms of whether non-hostile activity is flagged (false
positive) and whether malicious activity will be missed (false negative). Some classification
techniques are binary (they classify data into one of two classes), while others are n-ary
(they classify data into one of an arbitrary number of classes). Some of the techniques have
also been investigated as being used as a filtering mechanism to limit the amount of data
that successive classification systems need to evaluate (Frank, 1994; Barbar´a et al., 2001).
Jake et al (1998) applied neural networks to detect intrusions. Neural network can be used
to learn a print (user behavior) and identify each user. If it does not match then the system
administrator can be alerted. A back propagation neural network called NNID was trained
for this process.
Lane (2000) tested his host-based IDS in part of an instance-based learner, a type of
exemplar clustering approach. It performed comparably to his Hidden Markov Model on
the same data. While not all clustering techniques are applicable to the intrusion detection
domain, the wealth of techniques that Berkhin (2002) presented easily leaves the
impression that there is a great deal of potential for further research in the application of
clustering techniques to network intrusion detection.
Dewan and Mohammad (2010) presents an alert classification to reduce false positives in
IDS using improved self adaptive Bayesian algorithm (ISABA). It is applied to the security
domain of anomaly based network intrusion detection.
Amir et al (2011) formalized SOM to classify IDS alerts to reduce false positive alerts. Alert
filtering and cluster merging algorithms are used to improve the accuracy of the
system.SOM is used to find correlations between alerts.
Alan et al (2002) has developed NIDS using classifying self organizing maps for data
clustering. MLP neural network is an efficient way of creating uniform, grouped input for
detection when a dynamic number of inputs are present.
An ensemble approach Srinivas et al (2004) helps to indirectly combine the synergistic and
complementary features of the different learning paradigms without any complex
hybridization. The ensemble approach outperforms both SVMs MARs and ANNs. SVMs
outperform MARs and ANN in respect of Scalability, training time, running time and
prediction accuracy. Shilendra et al (2011) focused on the dimensionality reduction using
feature selection. The Rough set support vector machine (RSSVM) approach deploy
Johnson’s (2002) and genetic algorithm of rough set theory to find the reduce sets and sent
to SVM to identify any type of new behavior either normal or attack one.
Taeshik and Jong (2007) proposed an enhanced SVM approach framework for detecting
and classifying the novel attacks in network traffic. The overall framework consist of an
enhanced SVM- based anomaly detection engine and its supplement components such as
packet profiling using SOFM, packet filtering using PTF, field selection using Genetic
Algorithm and packet flow-based data preprocessing. SOFM clustering was used for normal
profiling. The SVM approach provides false positive rate similar to that of real NIDSs. Sadiq
(2011) genetic algorithm can be effectively used for formulation of decision rules in
intrusion detection through the attacks which are more common can be detected more
Norouzian and Merati (2011) defined Multi- Layer Perceptron (MLP) for implementing and
designing the system to detect the attacks and classifying them into six groups with two
hidden layers of neurons in the neural networks. Host based intrusion detection is used to
trace system calls. Normal and intrusive behavior are collected through system call and
analysis is done through DM and fuzzy technique.
To the knowledge of the researcher there are only two attempts in our country that have
been done so far towards the application of DM in the intrusion detection. Adamu (2010)
had tried to study a machine learning intrusion detection System that investigate the
application of cost sensitive learning using data mining approach to network intrusion
detection. Adamu’s proposed learning approach for network intrusion detection performed
using cost sensitive learning techniques by testing decision tree algorithm on labeled
records. The other research which is undertaken by Zewdie (2010), tried to develop a
predicative model for network intrusion detection using information gain value for feature
selection. He proposed an optimal feature selection for Network Intrusion Detection using
indirect cost sensitive feature selection approach using decision tree as classification
Both Adamu and Zewdie have tried to test data mining application on intrusion detection
using the supervised classification techniques of the J48 decision tree algorithm. Both of
them after building the model they did not validate the model with real life data. Hence this
study has a great contribution in applying DM technology for the purpose of enhancing
security in the networking environment. It is contributed in the areas considering both
labeled and unlabeled records which solved the problem of both supervised and
unsupervised approaches. The IDS model constructed in this thesis notify for the
administrators after detecting an attack and administrators will take proper actions.
This chapter showed that how data is prepared for the purpose of the experiment.
As showed in chapter one, under the methodology section of this thesis, the DM process
model selected is KDD which starts from selection of data. Here there was no need to
understanding the business because the researcher has taken a readymade dataset from
the MIT Lincoln lab.
Before generating a pattern the data should be ready in the way that is easily
understandable. The intrusion detection dataset is based on the KDD 99. The KDD 99
intrusion detection datasets are based on the 1998 DARPA initiative, which provides
designers of IDS with a benchmark on which to evaluate different methodologies (KDD
Cup, 2011). Raw data was initially collected regarding intrusion detection attacks and
related issues from the MIT data set and KDD 99 intrusion detection datasets, which are
based on DARPA 98 dataset, provide labeled and unlabeled data for researchers working in
the field of intrusion detection. Originally 311,027 dataset were collected.
The training and test dataset of NSL-KDD similar to KDD99 consists both quantitative and
qualitative 41 features and is labeled as either normal or an attack, with exactly one
specific attack type and the simulated attacks fall in one of the following five main classes
for intrusion analysis, namely, one normal class and four main intrusion classes: Probe,
DOS, U2R, and R2L (Lee et al., 1999).
I. Normal connections (Normal) are produced by pretending daily user behavior
such as downloading files, and visiting web pages.
II. Denial of service (DOS): In this type of attack an attacker makes some computing
or memory resources too busy or too full to handle legitimate requests, or denies
legitimate users access to a machine. Examples are Apache2, Back, Land, Mailbomb,
SYN Flood, Ping of death, Process table, Smurf, Teardrop.
III. Remote to user (R2L): In this type of attack an attacker who does not has an
account on a remote machine sends packets to that machine over a network and
exploits some vulnerability to gain local access as a user of that machine. Examples
are Dictionary, FTP_write, Guest, Imap, Named, Phf, Sendmail, Xlock .
IV. User to root (U2R): In this type of attacks an attacker starts out with access to a
normal user account on the system and is able to exploit system vulnerabilities to
gain root access to the system. Examples are Eject, Loadmodule, Ps, Xterm, Perl,
V. Probing: In this type of attacks an attacker scans a network of computers to gather
information or find known vulnerabilities. An attacker with a map of machines and
services that are available on a network can use this information to look for
exploits. Examples are Ipsweep, Mscan, Saint, Satan, Nmap.
The description of each feature is shown in the appendix A:
The researcher used NSL-KDD intrusion detection dataset which is available at KDD
(2012). Initially the researcher has taken the Kddcup.data-10-perecnt which contains total
of 311,027 records which includes both labeled and unlabeled records. From these records
around 55 % of them are unlabeled and the remaining 45 % are labeled.
For Semi-supervised modeling, the first 21,699 records are taken. After preprocessing for
this thesis 21,533 records are used. From these records 55 % of them are unlabeled and
the remaining 45 % are labeled.
The distribution of labeled and unlabeled records for semi-supervised modeling of this
thesis was depending on the initial distribution of records in the Kddcup.data-10-perecnt
that explained previously in this section.
The distributions of the initial data which include both labeled and unlabeled are shown in
Table 3.1:
Dataset Label Number of Records Collected
Normal 4,757
Attacks 5,016
Unlabeled 11,926
Total 21,699
Irrelevant data and redundant data are removed before the actual data mining process.
Percentage generation of data include the number of data from each class proportional to
its size. After removing irrelevant and unnecessary data only 21,533 datasets are used for
conducting this study.
After preprocessing the number of datasets distributed for each dataset label is
summarized as follows; this includes 9,662 labeled and 11,871 are unlabeled which is
shown in Table 3.3.
3.2. Data Cleaning and preprocessing
Before data is fed into a DM algorithm, it must be collected, inspected, cleaned and selected.
Since even the best predictor will fail on bad data, data quality and preparation is crucial.
Also, since a predictor can exploit only certain data features, it is important to detect which
data preprocessing works best (Meera et al., 2003). For this study preprocessing of NSL-
KDD dataset contains the following processes:
Assigning attack names to one of the five classes NORMAL, PROBE, DOS (Denial of
Service), U2R (User to Root) and R2L (Remote to Local). To identify and label each
attacks different literatures are consulted and Microsoft Excel helps to filter and name
easily using fill handle.
There are records which don’t have attributes and these are removed from the dataset.
There is also a mismatch in the KDD 99 winner cost matrix and the confusion matrix;
as a result arrangements are made to match the cost matrix and confusion matrix.
The NSL-KDD dataset is available in text format; so to be read by WEKA tool it has to
be changed into ARFF format. Also for WEKA Data can be imported from a file in
various formats: CSV, C4.5, binary (Chang et al., 2005). The WEKA format of attributes
and data declaration is presented in appendix B.
Feature selection is the process of removing features from the data set that are irrelevant
with respect to the task that is to be performed (Selvakani and Rajiesh , 2007). Feature
selection can be extremely useful in reducing the dimensionality of the data to be
processed by the classifier, reducing execution time and improving predictive accuracy
(inclusion of irrelevant features can introduce noise into the data, thus obscuring relevant
features). It is worth noting that even though some machine learning algorithms perform
some degree of feature selection themselves (such as classification trees); feature space
reduction can be useful even for these algorithms. Reducing the dimensionality of the data
reduces the size of the hypothesis space and thus results in faster execution time.
Effective feature (attribute) selection from intrusion detection datasets is one of the
important research challenges for constructing high performance IDS. Irrelevant and
redundant attributes of intrusion detection dataset may lead to complex intrusion
detection model as well as reduce detection accuracy. This problem has been studied
during the early work of Selvakan and Rajiesh (2007) on KDD99 benchmark intrusion
detection dataset, where 41 attributes were constructed for each network connection.
Feature selection methods are commonly used for cost insensitive learning and found to be
very helpful because the elimination of useless features enhances the accuracy of detection
while speeding up the computation, thus improving the overall performance of IDS
(Selvakani and Rajiesh, 2007). The attribute selection in KDD99 dataset has been widely
used as a standard method for network based intrusion detection learning, and it was
found that all 41 attributes of KDD99 dataset are not the best ones for intrusion detection
learning. Therefore Selvakani and Rajiesh (2007) suggested that the performance of IDS
may be further improved by studying attribute selection methods
A cost matrix (C) is defined by associating classes as labels for the rows and columns of a
square matrix; in the current context for the NSL-KDD dataset, there are five
classes,{NORMAL, PROBE, DOS, U2R, R2L},and therefore the matrix has dimensions of 5×5.
An entry at row i and column j, C (i, j), represents the non-negative cost of misclassifying a
pattern belonging to class i into class j. Cost matrix values employed for the KDD 99
dataset are defined (Charles, 2001). These values were also used for evaluating results of
the KDD99 computation. The magnitude of these values was directly proportional to the
impact on the computing platform under attack if a test record was placed in a wrong
category. A confusion matrix (CM) is similarly defined in that row and column 5×5 matrix
for the KDD 99 dataset. An entry at row i and column j, CM (i, j), represents the number of
misclassified patterns, which originally belong to class i yet mistakenly identified as a
member of class j.
The form of the cost matrix C will depend on the actual application. In general, it is
reasonable to choose the diagonal entries equal to zero, i.e. C (i, j) = 0 for i = j, since correct
classification normally incurs no cost as shown in table 3.4. In addition the size of the cost
matrix should be the same as that of the confusion matrix.
normal 0 2 2 2 2
Probe 2 0 2 2 2
DOS 2 2 0 2 2
U2R 2 2 2 0 2
R2L 2 2 2 2 0
Table 3.4: The 5X5 cost matrix used for the KDD 1999 winner result (Charles, 2001).
To evaluate the approach, the four standard metrics of true positive, true negative, false
positive and false negative developed for network intrusions, have been used. Table 3.5
shows these standard metrics.
The representation of True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), and False
Negative (FN) are defined as follows:
True Positive (TP): The number of malicious records that are correctly identified.
True Negative (TN): The number of legitimate record that correctly classified.
False Positive (FP): The number of records that are incorrectly identified as attacks
however in fact they are legitimate activities.
False Negative (FN): The number of records that are incorrectly classified as
legitimate activities however in fact they are malicious. Accuracy
Overall Classification accuracy (OCA) is the most essential measure of the performance of a
classifier. It determines the proportion of correctly classified examples in relation to the
total number of examples of the test set i.e. the ratio of true positives and true negatives to
the total number of examples. From the confusion matrix, we can say that accuracy is the
percentage of correctly classified instances over the total number of instances in total test
dataset, namely the situation TP and TN, thus accuracy can be defined as follows (Farhan et
al., 2010):
60 Detection Accuracy
Detection accuracy (rate) refers to the proportion of attack detected among all attack data,
namely, the situation of TP, thus detection rate is defined as follows (Farhan et al., 2010):
Precision is the number of class members classified correctly over the total number of
instances classified as class members. Technically can be expressed as the attack has been
occurred and the IDS detect correctly (Ferri et al., 2002).
Also called True Positive Rate (TPR), Recall measures the number of correctly classified
examples relative to the total number of positive examples. In other words the number of
class members classified correctly over the total number of class members (Ferri et al.,
This chapter describes experimental study of the algorithms and procedures, which are
described in the previous chapters. In this research both labeled and unlabeled records are
used. The dataset is in a spreadsheet (Excel) format save a lot of time in preprocessing.
Rows are records of connection; columns are attributes of records (duration, protocol type,
service, src_bytes, dst_bytes, etc) and each cell should include one value only (Yeung and
Ding, 2003). Data mining software tools used are WEKA (version 3.7.5) and Tanagra
(Version 1.4.42).
All experiments are performed in a computer with the configurations Intel(R) Core(TM) 2
CPU 2.16GHz, 4 GB RAM, and the operating system platform is Microsoft Windows 7. Weka
and Tanagra are collections of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks that
contain facilities for data preprocessing, classification, regression, clustering, association
rules, and visualization. Microsoft Excel is used to filter records for manual labeling of the
five classes from the NSL-KDD dataset. The following are the steps used in this thesis
I. In the beginning, in order to build the experiment, the researcher selected the data
mining software and records used in the experiment.
II. The selected records are changed from text format into Microsoft excel format.
The Microsoft excel portion of the records contain both labeled and unlabeled
III. To come up with cleaned datasets preprocessing tasks are undertaken for
underling missing values, outliers and other issues.
IV. Train the classifier using WEKA data mining software. The records are included
both labeled and unlabeled that is a semi-supervised modeling approach is
followed. The researcher used clustering over the classes to cluster evaluation for
semi-supervised modeling. Here, the researcher made the number of clusters into
five by using the simple k-means clustering techniques. The number of clusters set
to five because the main intention is to train the classifier that will classify
unlabeled records into five classes by referring the labeled records. Using
visualizes the clusters method the researcher saved the clusters into ARFF format.
Then the ARFF format opened in the Microsoft excel format. Then the researcher
assigned the classes as Normal, Probe, DOS, U2R and R2L based on the clusters in
the trained classifier.
V. At this step open the ARRF file using WEKA tool. Before running classification
techniques different filtering techniques are done depending on the objective of
the study. For feature selection there is a filtering technique which is called
Attribute Selection under supervised approach or under select attribute menu.
Evaluate the trained classifier using all attributes or some selected attributes by
excluding unimportant features to achieve Feature ranking and selection of
relevant features. After selecting either all features or some selected features
develop the classifier model for different predictive modeling techniques. Here,
there were a number of experiments done by changing different test options and
classifier techniques. The performance comparison between different
experimentation was evaluated and discussed.
VI. From previous step, those training models which scores better classification
accuracy has selected for this study.
VII. Lastly, the selected model for this study is tested by previously unseen records
which were unlabeled that enable to determine the performance of the selected
Supervised intrusion detection approaches use only labeled data for training. To label the
data however are often difficult, expensive, or time consuming as they require the efforts of
experienced human attention. Meanwhile unlabeled data may be relatively easy to collect,
but there has been few ways to use them. In this study semi-supervised learning addressed
this problem by using large amount of unlabeled data, together with the labeled data, to
build better classifiers.
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) addressed in this thesis by allowing the model to integrate
part or all of the available unlabeled data in its supervised learning (Pachghare et al., 2011).
The goal is to maximize the learning performance of the model through such newly-labeled
examples while minimizing the work required of human effort.
As it has been discussed in this study under section 3.2, initially 311,027 records which
included both labeled and unlabeled are taken. For this study after preprocessing and
other tasks 21,533 records are selected. From these records 9,662 (45%) are labeled and
11,817(55%) of them are unlabeled. These records are used for next experimentation
under semi-supervised modeling. Before applying the classification learning techniques,
however, applying a clustering technique will help to identify the class for those unlabeled
which will classify those unlabeled records into 5 classes by refereeing to those labeled
records. The cluster mode used in this experiment is “classes to clusters evaluation”.
The researcher made the clusters into 5 because the classes of the intrusion are known
classes which are 5. These classes are Normal, Probe, U2R, R2L and DOS. Form the total
given records 45% of the records are labeled by these classes. The semi-supervised
modeling will classify those remaining 55% unlabeled records into their corresponding
classes based on the given classes. After the clustering applied the distribution of the
clustered instances showed in table 4.1. The percentage distribution of the clustered
instances from table 4.1: Cluster 0=7888 (37%), Cluster 1= 7939 (36%), Cluster 2= 1226
(6%), Cluster 3= 1138 (5%), and Cluster 4=3342 (16%). The Class attribute are considered
as classes. There are 9217(42.80%) records which are not correctly clustered.
Cluster 0 <-- Normal, Cluster 1 <-- DOS, Cluster 2 <-- U2R, Cluster 3 <-- Probe, and Cluster 4 <-- R2L
For the classification modeling experiments, the decision tree (in particular the J48
algorithm) and the Naïve Bayes simple algorithms will explored in the in semi – supervised
4.2.2. J48 decision tree modeling
As described earlier, the J48 algorithm is used for building the decision tree model. The
training of the decision tree classification models of the experimentation is done by
employing the 10-fold cross validation and the percentage split classification models.
J48 algorithm contains some parameters that can be changed to further improve
classification accuracy. Initially the classification model is built with the default parameter
values of the J48 algorithm. Table 4.2 summarizes the default parameters with their values
for the J48 decision tree algorithm.
As described before, the J48 algorithm is used for building the decision tree model. The
training of the decision tree classification models of the experimentation is done by
employing the 10-fold cross validation and the percentage split classification modes. Experimentation I:
The first experimentation is performed with the default parameters. The default 10-fold
cross validation test option is employed for training the classification model. Using these
default parameters the classification model is developed with a J48 decision tree having
608 numbers of leaves and 675 tree size.
The decision tree used more than 17 of the total 41 variables for generating the tree. Some
of these are: logged_in, dst_bytes, protocol_type, diff_srv_rate, srv_diff_host_rate, src_bytes,
falg, service, dst_host_srv, and num_compromised. The decision tree has also shown that
the protocol_type variable is the most determining one. Table 4.3 depicts the resulting
confusion matrix of this model.
Total number of instances Correctly classified Incorrectly Classified
(training sets) Instances Instances
21,533 20,696 (96.11 %) 837 (3.89%)
Table 4.3: Semi-supervised classification accuracy using J48 algorithm parameters with 10-
fold cross validation
As shown in the resulting confusion matrix, the J48 learning algorithm scored an accuracy
of 96.11%. This result shows that out of the total training datasets 21,533 (96.11%).
records are correctly classified, while 837 (3.89%) of the records are incorrectly classified.
Resulting of confusion is presented in Appendix C.
As described before, the size of the tree and the number of leaves produced from this
training was 675 and 608 respectively. This seems that it is difficult to traverse through all
the nodes of the tree in order to come out with valid rule sets. Therefore, to make ease the
process of generating rule sets or to make it more understandable, the researcher
attempted to modify the default values of the parameters so as to minimize the size of the
tree and number of leaves. With this objective, the minNumObj (minimum number of
instances in a leaf) parameter was tried with 0.25, 0.20, and 0.1.
With minNumObj of 20 a number of leaves produced are 485 and the size of the tree is 492.
The accuracy is almost similar with minNumObj value of 0.25. From the total records
21,533 (95.42%) are correctly classified and 878 (4.58%) are incorrectly classified
With minNumObj of 10 a number of leaves produced are 347 and the size of the tree is 374.
The accuracy is almost similar with minNumObj value of 20. From the total 21,533
records 95.14% are correctly classified. This experiment has shown an improvement in the
number of leaves and tree size. The size of the tree is lowered from 492 to 374 and the
number of the leaves decreased to 485 from 347.
In general, though the tree size and the number of the leaves decreased, the accuracy of the
J48 decision tree algorithm in this experiment is somewhat poorer than the first
experiment with the default parameter value of the minNumObj.
The second experiment is performed, by changing the default testing option (the 10-fold
cross validation). In this learning scheme a percentage split is used to partition the dataset
into training and testing data. The purpose of using this parameter was to assess the
performance of the learning scheme by increasing the proportion of testing dataset if it
could achieve better classification accuracy than the first experimentation. Even if different
experiments were tested using percentage splitting mechanisms the one with 75 %
training and 25 % testing has scored better classification accuracy. The result of this
learning scheme is summarized and presented in Table 4.4.
The size of the tree and the number of leaves produced from this training were 675 and
608 respectively. In this experiment out of the 21,533 total records 16,150 (75%) of the
records are used for training purpose while 5,383 (25%) of the records are used for testing
purpose. As we can see from the confusion matrix of the model developed with this
proportion, out of the 5,383 testing records 95.95% of them are correctly classified and
218(4.05%) records are incorrectly classified. Resulting confusion matrix is presented in
Appendix C.
The above experiments showed that when the training data decreases the performance of
the algorithm for predicting the newly coming instances also decreases. Though this
experiment is conducted by varying the value of the training and the testing datasets, the
accuracy of the algorithm for predicting new instances in their respective class could not be
improve. This shows that the previous experiment conducted with default 10-fold cross
validation is better than the percentage splitting mechanism.
Therefore, from the above two experiments using decision tree, the first experiment using
10 fold-cross validations has been chosen due to its better overall classification accuracy
The other classification data mining technique employed for the classification sub phase of
this research is the Naïve Bayes. To build the Naïve Bayes model, WEKA software package
is used and it employs the Naïve Bayes Simple algorithm in developing the model. The 10-
fold cross validation, which is set by default, and the percentage split with 75-25 for
training and testing the model test options are employed. Experimentation I:
The first experiment of the Naive Bayes model building is performed using the Naive Bayes
Simple algorithm with the default10-fold cross validation test option. Table 4.5 showed the
resulting confusion matrix of the model developed using the Naive Bayes Simple algorithm
with the default 10-fold cross validation test option.
Table 4.5: Classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm parameters with their
default values
As shown in the above confusion matrix the Naïve Bayes Simple Algorithm scored an
accuracy of 94.82%. This means out of the total 21,533 records 20,418 (94.82 %) of the
records are correctly classified, while 1,115(5.18 %) of the records are misclassified. The
snapshot confusion matrix taken from the tool is for training phase of using Naïve Bayes
algorithm with default values in Appendix D.
The output of the above experiment shows that the model developed with Naïve Bayes
Simple Algorithm is poor in the accuracy of classifying new intrusions to the corresponding
class, compared with the decision tree model that is developed in experiment
Another experiment of the Naïve Bayes model building for all features is conducted using
the Naïve Bayes simple algorithm with 75 % training records and 25% testing records of
percentage split test option. Even if different experiments were tested using percentage
splitting mechanisms the one with 75 % training and 25 % testing has scored better
classification accuracy. Resulting confusion matrix and accuracy for both the training and
testing phase of using Naïve Bayes algorithm with Percentage Split is shown in Appendix D.
As shown in table 4.6 that resulted from the model developed by the Naïve Bayes Simple
Algorithm with the 75% training and 25% testing percentage split, the model scored an
accuracy of 94.67%.This shows that from the total 5383 test data, 5,096 (94.67%)of the
records are correctly classified, while 287(5.33%)of them are misclassified.
Table 4.6: classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes with percentage-split set to 75%
In summary from the above two experiments which are conducted using the Naïve Bayes
simple algorithm by using all features the algorithm with the default 10-fold cross
validation test option resulted a better classification model with a better classification
accuracy than the second one conducted with 75 % training and 25% testing and
percentage split test option.
4.2.4. Naive Bayes modeling with feature selection
For both the experimentation of Naïve Bayes modeling with cost sensitive feature selection
from a total of 41 features (attributes) 11 of them are selected. These are: protocol_type,
service, flag, src_bytes, num_compromised, is_host_login, count, srv_count, diff_srv_rate,
dst_host_same_src_port_rate and class. In both of the following experimentations the
attribute evaluator used for cost sensitive feature selection classification model is
CfsSubsetEval and the search method is Best first search. Experimentation I:
The first experimentation of feature selection with cost sensitive modeling is performed
with the default parameters. The default 10-fold cross validation test option is employed
for training the classification model. The cost assigned at this experiment is 0.1. Resulting
confusion matrix and accuracy for the training phase using Naïve Bayes algorithm with
default values is shown in Appendix E.
As shown in table 4.7 out of the total training datasets 21,533 (94.02%). records are
correctly classified, while 1,287 (5.98%) of the records are incorrectly classified.
To build the above cost sensitive feature selection model the total Cost incurred is 1,287
and the average classification cost is 0.0598.
The second experiment is conducted by making the percentage split parameter set to 75,
which is to mean 75% for training and 25% for testing. The classification accuracy resulted
from this experiment is shown in table 4.8.
(testing sets) Correctly classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances
5,383 5,061(94.02 %) 322 (5.98%)
Table 4.8: classification accuracy using Naïve Bayes simple algorithm parameters with
percentage-split set to 75% using cost sensitive feature selection
In this experiment out of the 21533 total records 16150 (75%) of the records are used for
training purpose while 5383 (25%) of the records are used for testing purpose. As we can
see from the confusion matrix of the model developed with this proportion, out of the 5383
testing records 5,061(94.02 %) of them are correctly classified and 322(5.98%) records
are incorrectly classified. Using the cost sensitive feature selection model the total Cost
incurred is 322 and the average classification cost is 0.0598. Resulting confusion matrix
and accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm with Percentage Split is shown in appendix E.
Comparing different classification techniques and selecting the best model for predicting
the network intrusions is one of the aims of this study. Accordingly the decision trees
particularly the J48 algorithm and the Naïve Bayes classification approaches were used for
conducting experiments. Summary of experimental result for the two classification
algorithms is presented in table 4.9 below:
Input ares all Features With feature Selection
Classifier/ Test Mode Correctly Incorrectly Correctly Incorrectly
Model Classified Classified Classified Classified
Naïve Bayes: 10-fold cross validation 94.82 % 5.18 % 94.02% 5.98 %
Semi-Supervised and Other default values
Percentage Split 94.67% 5.33% 94.02% 5.98%
J48 : 10-fold cross validation 96.11 % 3.89%
Semi-Supervised and Other default values
Percentage Split 95.95% 4.05%
Table 4.9: Comparison of Semi-Supervised Approaches
The detailed classification accuracy and confusion matrix for each algorithm conducted in
this thesis were presented in the Appendix C, D and E. For comparison of the selected
models summarized experimental results has showed in the table 4.10 below.
Table 4.10: Comparison of the confusion matrix result for J48 and Naïve Bayes Algorithms
In this thesis J48 and Naïve Bayes algorithms performed different prediction accuracy. As
showed in figure 4.1 from all six experiments, the J48 with 10-fold cross validation
performed better classification accuracy in identifying intrusions either normal or attack
(DOS, U2R, R2L and Probe).
The reason for the J48 decision tree performing better than Naïve Bayes is because of the
linearity nature of the dataset. This means there is a comprehensible segregation point
that can be defined by the algorithm to predict the class of a particular network intrusion
94.00% Accuracy
J48 with 10 J48 with Naïve Bayes Naïve Bayes Naïve Bayes Naïve Bayes
fold cross percentage with 10 fold with with 10 fold with
validation split (set to cross percentage cross percentage
75%) validation split (set to validation split (set to
75%) feature 75%) feature
selection selection
Figure 4.1: Comparison of Accuracy the J48 and Naïve Bayes Algorithms
The other reason for the Naïve Bayes, scoring a lower accuracy than the J48 decision tree is
because class conditional independence assumption may not hold for some attributes,
therefore loss of accuracy. In addition, in terms of ease to interpret and implement the J48
decision tree is more self-explanatory. It can handle large number of features and generates
rules that can be converted to simple and easy to understand classification if-then-else rules. The
average TP and FP rates for all experiments conducted in this study showed in table 4.11.
Algorithms TP FP
J48 with 10 fold cross validation 0.96 0.008
J48 with percentage split (set to 75%) 0.96 0.008
Naïve Bayes with 10 fold cross validation 0.95 0.004
Naïve Bayes with percentage split (set to 75%) 0.95 0.004
Naïve Bayes with 10 fold cross validation feature selection 0.94 0.006
Naïve Bayes with percentage split (set to 75%) feature selection 0.94 0.006
Table 4.11: Average TP and FP Rates
The detailed FP and TP rate for each algorithm is presented in the Appendix C, D and E.
For a good IDS TP rate should be high. As shown in the following figure 4.2, TP rate of the
J48 algorithm is higher in most classes when it compared with other algorithms
0.93 TP
J48 with percentage split
(set to 75%)
Figure 4.2: True Positive (TP) rate comparison of the J48 and Naïve Bayes Algorithms
For a good IDS FP rate should be low. As shown in figure 4.3 the FP rate of the J48
algorithm for both cases (10 fold-cross validation and percentage split mechanism) is
higher when compared with the Navie Bayes algorithms. From all experiments the Naïve
Bayes algorithms with all features has the lowest FP rate.
0.001 FP
Figure 4.3: False Positive (FP) rate comparison of the J48 and Naïve Bayes Algorithms
The gap with the TP rate between the J48 decision tree and Naïve Bayes from figure 4.2 is
0.01. This means the TP rate of J48 decision tree is grater by 0.01. The gap with FP rate
between the J48 decision tree and Naïve Bayes algorithm from figure 4.3 is 0.004. This
means the FP rate of Naïve Bayes algorithm is lower by 0.004. So, the greater TP rate of J48
decision tree will leads it effective than Naïve Bayes algorithm.
In summary, from figure 4.1 and 4.3 it is clear that J48 algorithm with 10-fold cross
validation Accuracy and TP rate is better than other algorithms. As a result, it is reasonable
to conclude that the J48 algorithm is better than Naïve Bayes method for this study.
Therefore, the model which is developed with the J48 decision tree with 10-fold cross
validation classification techniques is considered as the selected working model for this
4.2. Evaluation of the Discovered Knowledge
In this section the selected models from those 6 experiments conducted in this study are
evaluated. From all the experiments in this study, one model has achieved better
classification performance
Some of the rules generated from the selected model are the following.
Rule 7: If protocol_type=tcp and rerror_rate='(-inf-0.1]' and logged_in = '(-inf-0.5]' and flag
= SF and Duration = '(-inf-0.5]' and num_failed_logins ='(-inf-0.5]'and dst_bytes =
'(36.5-41.5]'then U2R (the attack type is U2R)
Rule 12: If protocol_type=icmp and service = ecr_i and src_bytes = '(-inf-27.5]' then DOS
(the attack type is DOS)
Rule 15: If protocol_type=udp and same_srv_rate = '(0.005-0.19]' and count = '(-inf- 44.5]'
then U2R (the attack type is U2R)
Rule 16: If protocol_type=tcp and rerror_rate='(-inf-0.1]' and logged_in = '(-inf-0.5]' and
flag = SF and Duration = '(- inf-0.5]'and Duration = '(-inf-0.5]' and num_failed_logins
='(inf- 0.5]' and dst_bytes ='(35.5-36.5]'then normal (the intrusion is normal traffic)
For the above generated sample rules, natural language version was prepared by the
researcher and presented in appendix F. The natural language version of these rules can be
easily understood by peoples.
As discussed in section 3.1 of Appendix A of this thesis, the attributes in KDD99 dataset can
be divided into three groups. The first group of attributes is the basic features of network
connection, which include the prototype, duration, service, number of bytes from source IP
addresses (Src_bytes) or from destination IP addresses (dst_bytes), and some flags in TCP
connections. In this study as shown the above generated rules, most of the attributes used
for constructing the selected predictive model are from the basic features of network
The second group of attributes in KDD99 is composed of the content features of network
connections. From the second group of attributes in this study logged_in, num_failed_logins
and num_compromised attributes are mostly used in the construction of rules. The third
group is composed of the statistical features that are computed either by a time window or
a window of certain kind of connections. The third groups of attributes are like rerror_rate,
dst_host_srv_count and count are selected for generating rules in this study.
When checking the rules generated from the J48 decision tree shows that more than 17
attributes are used for generating the tree from among 41 variables. . Some of these are:
logged_in, dst_bytes, protocol_type, diff_srv_rate, srv_diff_host_rate, src_bytes, falg, service,
dst_host_srv, and num_compromise. From these generated attributes Protocol_type is the
most determinant variable.
For checking the rules and other related issues the researcher has consulted Ethiopian
Information Network Security Agency (INSA) experts. The domain experts agreed with the
most determinant attributes which are selected during the design of intrusion detection
model in this study. The experts said that most of the time features like protocol_type,
src_bytes, service, dst_host_same_src_port_rate, dst_host_srv_count, wrong_fragment, flag
should have to be check in order to say a given network packet is either normal traffic or
attack. As the domain experts said that most of the time the attack is DOS if the
protocol_type is icmp (Internet Control Message protocol) and the only additional attribute
is service with any value.
In the INSA firewall, the configured protocols are including Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), IPSec
(Internet Protocol Security), and Point to Point Transmission Protocol (PPTP) and Layer
Two Transmission Protocol (L2TP). But on the dataset which is taken from the MIT
Lincoln lab did not considered IPSec, PPTP and L2TP protocols.
From the above sample generated rules some of the rules are prevailing (that is known
rules) and some of them are interesting rules (that is new rules). For deciding theses rules,
the researcher consulted the domain expert from Ethiopian INSA. Also, the researcher
referred the Cisco IOS firewall IDS (Cisco, 2012) and Microsoft Internet Security Exchange
(ISA) Server (Microsoft, 2011) default security features. Rule 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12 and 15 are
prevailing rules while the rest are interesting rules.
In INSA as the domain experts said there is no a data mining intrusion detection system.
They have used firewalls as a network security tool for safe guarding their networks. Most
of the protocols which are selected for the construction of the selected model for this study
are considered in the INSA firewall router. Those protocols are enabled for the
classification purpose of a given network traffic on the router which firewall configured.
The quality of IDS measures by its effectiveness, adaptability and extensibility features
(Karen et al., 2007). As the domain experts from INSA said there is no one perfect firewall.
As the domain experts said the software and hardware firewalls which are available in the
market currently lucks effectiveness, adaptability and extensibility. So, DM based IDS
which has effectiveness, adaptability and extensibility features will enhance the network
The selected model for this study is J48 decision tree algorithm with default value which
scores the highest classification accuracy of 96.11%. This model is tested with 3,397 testing
dataset and scored a prediction accuracy of 93.2%. Sample rules generated from the
selected model’s decision tree are presented in Appendix G.
The selected model for this study is validated by real life data. The real life data is with
unlabeled classes. The prediction performance of this model is tested using a java code by
using either Disk Operating System (DOS) or Simple Command line Interface (SCLI) on
The command used for training purpose of the J48 algorithm is the following:
The command used for testing purpose of the J48 algorithm is the following:
The performance of the selected model is tested with the separately prepared 3,397
validating datasets as shown in the table 4.12.
The performance of the model on the test set was 93.2% to classify the new instances as
normal, DOS, U2R, R2L and probe classes. This result showed that out of the 3,397 testing
datasets, the developed decision tree classification model predicted around 3,166 (93.2%)
records correctly. The model has a prediction accuracy of 96.11% on the training datasets.
There may different reasons why the performance of the model was lower during the
testing phases. According to Shilendra and Preeti (2011) the errors committed by a
classification model are generally divided into two types: training errors and generalization
errors. Training error is the number of misclassification error committed on training
records, whereas generalization error is the expected error of the model on previously
unseen records. Here, the training error which is the FP rate was high for the training
phase of the model in this study. The lower performance registered also due to lack of
representative Samples in the model training.
The researcher has encountered different challenges during conducting this study. The first
challenge was related to dataset. Each record of the dataset obtained from the MIT Lincoln
lab, which includes both labeled and unlabeled records has 41 features. Most of the
features were new and require long time to understand them. The second challenge was
related to understanding the domain area. The researcher has tried to consult domain
experts in the area of intrusion detection but most of the experts were not used the system
in Ethiopia; rather they used firewall technologies for protecting attacks.
5.1. Conclusions
Computer networks are dynamic, growing, and continually evolving. As complexity grows,
it becomes harder to effectively communicate to human decision-makers the results of
methods and metrics for monitoring networks, classifying traffic, and identifying malicious
or abnormal events. Network administrators and security analysts require tools that help
them understand reason for, and make decisions about the information their analytic
systems produce.
Because of the dynamic change of the technology and number of hackers and crackers in
networking industry are in an increasing manner there should be a means to minimize or
remove such challenges. And DM is one of the technologies that is used for intrusion
detection and prevention
In this study, attempts have been made to use DM technology with the aim of detecting and
predicting intrusions in the networking industry. The KDD process model designed by
Fayyad et al. (1996) has been followed during undertaking the experimentation and
discussion. The dataset used in this study has been taken from MIT Lincoln lab. After taking
the data, it has been preprocessed and prepared in a format suitable for the DM tasks.
This study proposed the semi supervised approach for IDS. The proposed model will offer
the advantage of considering those unlabeled records. In this case filling only the top few
most confident data points and make it empty the class of rest records. Semi-supervised
learning is more suitable for intrusion detection because they require a small quantity of
labeled data while still taking advantage of the large quantities of unlabeled data.
The number of features required is another major concern in processing the dataset as well
in this study. According to Kok-Chin et al (2009) as the number of features increase, the
relationships among the features as well as the relationships between features and classes
will become very complex. High computational cost will inevitably be needed in processing
such complex relationships. It is thus necessary to undergo a feature selection stage to
obtain an optimal feature set with less number of features but able to provide high
intrusion detection accuracies.
Both J48 decision tree algorithm and the Naïve Bayes simple algorithm have been tested as
a classification approach for building a predictive model to intrusion detection. By
changing the training test options and the default parameter values of these algorithms,
different models have been created. The model created using 10-fold cross validation using
the J48 decision tree algorithm with the default parameter values showed the best
prediction accuracy. The model has a prediction accuracy of 96.11% on the training
datasets. This model is then validated with 3,397 testing dataset and scored a prediction
accuracy of 93.2% for classifying new instances of datasets as normal, DOS, U2R, R2L and
probe classes.
In summary, the results from this study can contribute towards in improving the
networking security. The study has shown that it is promising to identify those network
intrusions either normal or attacks (DOS, U2R, Probe and R2L) and put forward tangible
mechanisms for detecting and preventing them using the appropriate Data mining
5.2. Recommendations
The result of the study has shown that the J48 decision tree algorithm with cross-validation
test mode and other default values is appropriate in the area of intrusion detection. Hence,
based on the findings of this study, the following are recommended as future research
The Network Intrusion predictive model, which is developed in this study, generated
various patterns and rules. To use this model effectively in the real world Network
Security environment, designing a knowledge base system which will add adaptability
and extensibility features of the IDS and connect to DM model is one of the future
research directions.
Constructing an IDS which will have both high intrusion detection (that is true
positive) rate and low false alarm (that is false positive) rate.
To use the selected models there is a need to visualize the patterns, as visualization
methods enhance network intrusion detection and anomaly detection. Information
visualization techniques help network administrators and security analysts to quickly
recognize patterns and anomalies; visually integrate heterogeneous data sources; and
provide context for critical events. Information visualization and visual analytics hold
great promise for making the information accessible, usable, and actionable by taking
advantage of the human perceptual abilities. Visualization methods are also employed
in the classification of network traffic and its analysis. So, designing and integrating
computer network visualization and visual analytics with the predictive intrusion
detection model is one of the future research directions.
This study is conducted on the dataset taken from the MIT Lincoln lab. Future
research should be conducted on real life dataset from organizations that have their
own network by combining the problem domain and the domain expert on the study
This study was carried out using clustering technique of simple K-means and
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Appendix A: Description of features
# Features Description Type
Basic features of
network connection
(source IP addresses
or from destination
IP addresses)
1 Duration Duration of the connection. Cont.
2 Protocol type Connection protocol (e.g. tcp, udp) Disc.
3 Service Destination service (e.g. telnet,ftp) Disc.
4 Flag Status flag of the connection Disc.
5 Source bytes Bytes sent from source to destination Cont.
6 Destination bytes Bytes sent from destination to source Cont.
7 Land 1 if connection is from/to the same host/port; 0 Disc.
8 Wrong_fragment number of wrong fragments Cont.
9 urgent number of urgent packets Cont.
content features of network connections suggested by domain knowledge
10 hot number of "hot" indicators Cont.
11 failed logins number of failed logins Cont.
12 logged in 1 if successfully logged in; 0 otherwise Disc.
13 # compromised number of "compromised'' condition Cont.
14 root shell 1 if root shell is obtained; 0 otherwise Cont.
15 su attempted 1 if "su root'' command attempted; 0 otherwise Cont.
16 # root number of "root'' accesses Cont.
17 # file creations number of file creation operations Cont
18 # shells number of shell prompts Cont.
19 # access files number of operations on access control files Cont.
20 # outbound cmds number of outbound commands in an ftp Cont.
21 is hot login 1 if the login belongs to the "hot'' list; 0 Disc.
22 is guest login 1 if the login is a "guest'' login; 0 otherwise Disc.
Statistical traffic features computed using a two-second
23 Count number of connections to the same host as the Cont.
current connection in the past two seconds
24 srv count number of connections to the same service as Cont.
the current connection in the past two seconds
25 serror rate % of connections that have “SYN'' errors Cont.
26 srv serror rate % of connections that have “SYN'' errors Cont.
27 rerror rate % of connections that have “REJ'' errors Cont.
28 srv rerror rate % of connections that have “REJ'' errors Cont.
29 same srv rate % of connections to the same service Cont.
30 diff srv rate % of connections to different services Cont.
31 srv diff host rate % of connections to different hosts Cont.
32 dst host count count of connections having the same Cont.
destination host
33 dst host srv count count of connections having the same Cont.
destination host and using the same service
34 dst host same srv rate % of connections having the same destination Cont.
host and using the same service
35 dst host diff srv rate % of different services on the current host Cont.
36 dst host same src % of connections to the current host having the Cont.
port rate same src port
37 dst host srv diff host % of connections to the same service coming Cont.
rate from different hosts
38 dst host serror rate % of connections to the current host that have Cont.
an S0 error
39 dst host srv serror % of connections to the current host and Cont.
rate specified service that have an S0 error
40 dst host rerror rate % of connections to the current host that have Cont.
an RST error
41 dst host srv rerror % of connections to the current host and Cont.
rate specified service that have an RST error
@attribute 'service' {'aol', 'auth', 'bgp', 'courier', 'csnet_ns', 'ctf', 'daytime', 'discard', 'domain',
'domain_u', 'echo', 'eco_i', 'ecr_i', 'efs', 'exec', 'finger', 'ftp', 'ftp_data', 'gopher', 'harvest', 'hostnames',
'http', 'http_2784', 'http_443', 'http_8001', 'imap4', 'IRC', 'iso_tsap', 'klogin', 'kshell', 'ldap', 'link',
'login', 'mtp', 'name', 'netbios_dgm', 'netbios_ns', 'netbios_ssn', 'netstat', 'nnsp', 'nntp','ntp_u', 'other',
'pm_dump', 'pop_2', 'pop_3', 'printer', 'private', 'red_i', 'remote_job', 'rje', 'shell','smtp', 'sql_net', 'ssh',
'sunrpc', 'supdup', 'systat', 'telnet', 'tftp_u', 'tim_i', 'time', 'urh_i', 'urp_i','uucp', 'uucp_path', 'vmnet',
'whois', 'X11', 'Z39_50', 'icmp'}
@attribute 'flag' { 'OTH', 'REJ', 'RSTO', 'RSTOS0', 'RSTR', 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'SF', 'SH' }
@attribute 'urgent' real
@attribute 'dst_host_diff_srv_rate' real
0,udp,private,SF,105,146,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,4,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,255,255,1,0,0.01,0,0,0,0,0, ?
0,icmp,ecr_i,SF,1032,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,511,511,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,255,255,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, ?
Appendix C: Resulting confusion matrix and accuracy using J48 algorithm
Classified as Normal R2L DOS U2R Probe Sum
Normal 1975 90 3 14 9 2091
R2L 6 789 0 5 2 802
DOS 0 0 2006 0 0 2006
U2R 32 17 1 63 30 143
Probe 0 0 0 9 332 341
Sum 2013 896 2010 91 373 5383
Table C.4: Confusion Matrix using J48 algorithm parameters with percentage-split set to 75%
Appendix D: Confusion matrix and accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm using all
TP Rate FP Precisio Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class
Rate n
0.92 0.00 0.999 0.93 0.961 0.994 Normal
0.92 0.02 0.893 0.92 0.906 0.991 R2L
1 0 1 1 0.999 1 DOS
0.93 0.03 0.432 0.93 0.59 0.985 U2R
0.87 0.00 0.964 0.87 0.913 0.999 probe
Weighte 0.95 0.004 0.966 0.95 0.954 0.996
Table D.1: Detailed Accuracy by Class Naïve Bayes algorithm with 10 Fold cross Validation.
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area class
0.93 0 0.999 0.93 0.963 0.994 Normal
0.91 0.02 0.892 0.91 0.901 0.992 R2L
1 0 1 1 1 1 DOS
0.91 0.03 0.442 0.91 0.576 0.982 U2R
0.85 0.00 0.935 0.85 0.889 0.999 Probe
Weighted 0.95 0.004 0.964 0.95 0.952 0.996
Table D.3: Detailed Accuracy by Class using Naïve Bayes with percentage-split set to 75%
Appendix E: Resulting confusion matrix and accuracy using Naïve Bayes algorithm
with feature selection
TP FP Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class
Rate Rate
0.92 0.00 0.995 0.926 0.959 0.99 Normal
0.92 0.02 0.886 0.923 0.904 0.976 R2L
1 0 1 0.995 0.997 1 DOS
0.35 0.02 0.4 0.352 0.375 0.971 U2R
1 0.03 0.706 0.999 0.827 0.997 Probe
WA 0.94 0.006 0.946 0.94 0.941 0.992
Table E.1: Detailed Accuracy by Class using Naïve Bayes with their default values and using cost sensitive-
feature selection
Classified as Normal R2L DOS U2R Probe Sum
Normal 7831 362 0 170 91 8454
R2L 25 2976 0 110 114 3225
DOS 2 15 7922 23 0 7962
U2R 15 5 0 203 353 576
Probe 0 0 0 2 1314 1316
Sum 7873 3358 7922 505 1872 21,533
Table E.2: Confusion Matrix by Naïve Bayes simple algorithm parameters with their default values using u
cost sensitive feature selection
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area class
0.93 0.00 0.995 0.93 0.96 0.991 Normal
0.91 0.02 0.883 0.91 0.898 0.973 R2L
1 0 1 1 0.998 1 DOS
0.35 0.02 0.385 0.35 0.366 0.952 U2R
1 0.03 0.716 1 0.835 0.996 Probe
WA 0.94 0.006 0.946 0.94 0.941 0.991
Table E.3: Detailed Accuracy by Class using Naïve Bayes simple algorithm parameters with percentage-split
set to 75%
Appendix F: Natural Language version for sample rules
Rule 1: This rule means for a given network packet with its attribute and values like
protocol type is transmission control Protocol (TCP), rerror_rate which means the
percentage of connections that have “REJ” errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent,
logged_in which means either successfully logged or not in to the network is less
than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the flag is source flag (SF), the length
(number of seconds) of the connection which means duration is less than or equal
to 0.5 seconds ,the number of failed logins (num_failed_logins)is less than or equal
to 0.5 logins and number of data bytes from source to destination which is the
src_bytes is greater than 3 bytes and less than or equal to 6.5 bytes then the packet
is normal network traffic.
Rule 2: This rule means for a given network packet with its attribute values like its protocol
type is User Datagram protocol (UDP), percentage of connections to the same
services which means same_srv_rate is less than or equal to 0.005 percent and
percentage rate of connections to the current hosts having the same source port
(dst_host_same_src_port_rate) is less than or equal to 0.965 percent then the
network traffic is an attack which is Probe.
Rule 3: This rule means for a given network packet with its attributes like protocol type is
internet control message protocol (ICMP), the network services on the destination
(service) may be telnet or http or private or domain_u or smtp or finger or ftp or
pop_3 or X11 or ftp_data or domain_u then the network traffic is an attack which is
Rule 4: This rule means for a given network packet with its attribute values like protocol
type is ICMP, the network services on the destination is ecr_i, number of data
bytes from source to destination which is the src_bytes is greater than 27.5 and less
than or equal to 38.5 bytes and count of connections having the same destination
host (dst_host_count) is less than or equal to 5.5 then the network traffic is normal.
Rule 5: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is SF, the length (number of seconds) of the connection which means duration
is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or equal to 0.5
logins and the percentage of different services on the current host which is
dst_host_diff_srv_rate is less than or equal to 0.005 percent then the network traffic
is an attack which is R2L.
Rule 6: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is UDP, percentage of connections to the same services which means
same_srv_rate is greater than 0.995 percent and the network services on the
destination is either telnet or hyper text transfer protocol (http) then the network
traffic is an attack which is R2L.
Rule 7: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is SF, the length (number of seconds) of the connection which means duration
is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or equal to 0.5
logins and number of data bytes from destination to source which is dst_bytes
greater than 36.5 and less than or equal to 41.5 bytes then the network traffic is an
attack which is U2R.
Rule 8: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is ICMP, the network services on the destination is eco_i and count of
connections having the same destination host and using the same service
(dst_host_srv_count) is less than or equal to 1.5 then the network traffic is an attack
which is U2R.
Rule 9: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is SF, the length (number of seconds) of the connection which means duration
is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or equal to 0.5
logins and number of data bytes from source to destination which is the src_bytes is
less than or equal to 3 bytes then the network traffic is an attack which is U2R
Rule 10: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is UDP, percentage of connections to the same services which means
same_srv_rate is greater than 0.995 percent, the network services on the destination
is domain_u and count of connections having the same destination host and using
the same service (dst_host_srv_count) is less than or equal to 51.5 then the network
traffic normal.
Rule 11: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is SF, the length (number of seconds) of the connection which means duration
is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or equal to 0.5
logins , and number of data bytes from destination to source which is dst_bytes
greater than 34.5 and less than or equal to 35.5 bytes then the network traffic is an
attack which is U2R.
Rule 12: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like protocol
type is ICMP, the network services on the destination is ecr_i and number of data
bytes from source to destination which is the src_bytes is less than or equal to 27.5
bytes then the network traffic is an attack which is DOS.
Rule 13: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like its protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is source flag (SF), the length (number of seconds) of the connection which
means duration is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or
equal to 0.5 logins , number of data bytes from source to destination which is the
src_bytes is greater than 6.5 bytes and less than or equal to 11.5 bytes and number
of data bytes from destination to source which is dst_bytes is less than or equal to
16 bytes then the packet is normal network traffic.
Rule 14: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like its protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is SF, the length (number of seconds) of the connection which means duration
is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or equal to 0.5
logins , number of data bytes from source to destination which is the src_bytes is
greater than 6.5 bytes and less than or equal to 11.5 bytes and number of data
bytes from destination to source which is dst_bytes greater than 16 and less than
or equal to 34.5 bytes then the network traffic is an attack which is R2L
Rule 15: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like its protocol
type is UDP, percentage of connections to the same services which means
same_srv_rate is greater than 0.005 percent and less than or equal to 0.19 percent
and number of connections to the same host as the current connections in the past
two seconds which means count is less than or equal to 44.5 times then the network
traffic is an attack which is U2R.
Rule 16: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values like its protocol
type is TCP, rerror_rate which means the percentage of connections that have “REJ”
errors is less than or equal to 0.1 percent, logged_in which means either successfully
logged or not in to the network is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, the status of the
flag is SF, the length (number of seconds) of the connection which means duration
is less than or equal to 0.5 seconds, num_failed_logins is less than or equal to 0.5
logins , and number of data bytes from destination to source which is dst_bytes
greater than 35.5 and less than or equal to 36.5 bytes then the network traffic is
Rule 17: This rule means for a given network packet if its attribute values which are
protocol type is ICMP, the network services on the destination is eco_i and count
of connections having the same destination host and using the same service
(dst_host_srv_count) is greater than 14.5 and less than or equal to 57.5 then the
network traffic is normal.
Appendix G: A sample decision tree generated rule from the J48 decision tree learner
for selected model
| | | dst_host_count = '(-inf-5.5]': normal (3.0/1.0)
| | | dst_host_count = '(110.5-214.5]': R2L (25.0)
| | | dst_host_count = '(214.5-254.5]'
| | | | dst_host_same_srv_rate = '(-inf-0.005]': R2L (0.0)
protocol_type = icmp
| service = telnet: DOS (0.0)
| service = http: DOS (0.0)
| service = private: DOS (0.0)
| service = ecr_i
| | src_bytes = '(-inf-0.5]': DOS (0.0)
| | src_bytes = '(27.5-38.5]'
| | | dst_host_count = '(-inf-5.5]': normal (1.0)
| | | dst_host_count = '(5.5-51.5]'
| | | | dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate = '(0.025-0.045]': normal (0.0)
| | | dst_host_count = '(51.5-110.5]': DOS (11.0/2.0)
| | | dst_host_count = '(110.5-214.5]': normal (3.0/1.0)
| | | dst_host_count = '(214.5-254.5]': DOS (0.0)
| | src_bytes = '(47-65.5]': normal (1.0)
| | src_bytes = '(65.5-79.5]': DOS (0.0)
| | src_bytes = '(1033.5-2702.5]'
| | | srv_diff_host_rate = '(-inf-0.005]': normal (2.0)
| | | srv_diff_host_rate = '(0.48-0.515]': U2R (4.0/1.0)
| | | srv_diff_host_rate = '(0.515-0.665]': normal (0.0)
| | | srv_diff_host_rate = '(0.98-inf)': normal (0.0)
| | src_bytes = '(2702.5-215668.5]': DOS (0.0)
| | src_bytes = '(215668.5-inf)': DOS (0.0)
| service = domain_u: DOS (0.0)
| service = other: DOS (0.0)
| service = smtp: DOS (0.0)
| service = X11: DOS (0.0)
| service = finger: DOS (0.0)
| service = pop_3: DOS (0.0)
| service = time: DOS (0.0)
| service = eco_i
| | dst_host_srv_count = '(-inf-1.5]': U2R (7.0/3.0)
| | dst_host_srv_count = '(14.5-57.5]': normal (6.0/1.0))
| | dst_host_srv_count = '(254.5-inf)': U2R (0.0)
I declare that the thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any
other university.
Tigabu Dagne Akal (CCNA, CCNP, MCITP Candidate)
Cisco Network Engineer
This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as university advisor.
Gashaw Kebede (PhD)
June 2012