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Plant Growth and Development: Pre-Medical: Biology Allen

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Pre-Medical : Biology

Characteristic of all living organism
Irreversible change
Indeterminate (Mostly)
Growth Open form
It is diffused in animals and localised in plants
Occur throughout the life in plants
* At cellular level growth can be measured by measuring the increases in the amount to protoplasm but
it is very difficult to measure directly, so growth is measured by a variety of parameters, they are
(a) Increase in fresh weight (b) Increase in dry weight
(c) Increase in surface area/volume (d) Increase in number or size of cells.
* Growth is measured by Auxanometer.
(1) Cell division or cell formation or
meristematic phase : Number of cells is
increased by cell division in this phase. The
cells of this region have rich protoplasm
and conspicuous nuclei, thin and F
primary cell w al l & abundant E
plasmodesmatal connections. D
(2) Cell enlargement or cell elongation
phase : Size of cells is increased due to
vacuolation & TP (Turgor pressure) and
Parallel line technique B
new cell wall depositions in this phase.
to detect
(3) Cell maturation or differentiation phase : zone of elongation in root A
Protoplasmic modifications. Qualitative
changes in cells is important feature of this phase.


* Increased growth per unit time is termed as growth rate.

* The growth rate shows an increase that may be arithmatic or geometric.
(a) Arithmatic growth : In arithmatic growth only one daughter cell among the two further divides
while other differentiates and become mature. E.x Root and shoot elongation at constant rate

* It is mathamatically expresesed as
Arithmetic growth

Lt = L0 + rt
Height of plant

where Lt - length at time 't'

Meristematic Cell
L0 - length at time 'zero'
Differentiated Cell
r - growth rate per unit time. Time
* It's curve is linear.
E 235
Pre-Medical : Biology
(b) Geometric Growth : Here both the progeny cells following mitotic divisions retain the ability to
divide and continue to do so. Ex : All cells, Tissues, Organs, Developing seed, Germinating seed etc.
It is mathematically represented as

W1 = W0ert Steady/stationary phase

Size/wt. of organ
Where W1 - final size

W0 - initial size at the begining of period.

Log/Exponential phase
r - growth rate

e - base of natural logarithms. Lag phase

Geometric growth Time

q Absolute and Relative growth rates :

* Absolute growth rate : Growth per unit time.
* Relative growth Rate : Growth per unit time per initial parameter

10cm2 55cm2

5cm2 50cm

Eg : Time period = 7 days

* Both posses same absolute growth rate i.e 5 cm2 in 7 days.But high relative growth rate is in leaf 'A'
about 100 % while in leaf 'B' it is about 10%.


* Water, oxygen and nutrients are very essential for growth. The plant cells grow in size by cell enlargement
which in turn requires water.
(a) Turgidity of cells helps in extension growth. Thus, plant growth and further development is intimately
linked to the water status of the plant.
(b) Oxygen helps in releasing metabolic energy essential for growth activities.
(c) Nutrients (macro and micro essential elements) are required by plants for the synthesis of protoplasm
and act as source of energy.


Cell Division Death


Plasmatic growth Differentiation

Meristematic cell

Mature cell
Expansion (Elongation) Maturation

Sequence of the development process in a plant cell

236 E
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q Plasticity :-

* Plants follow different pathways in response to environment or phases of life to form different
kinds of structures. This ability is called plasticity, e.g. heterophylly in cotton, conriander and larkspur.
In such plants, the leaves of the juvenile plant are different in shape from those in mature plants.

* On the other hand, difference in shapes of leaves produced in air and those produced in water in buttercup
also represent the heterophyllous development due to environment. This phenomenon of heterophylly is
an example of plasticity.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Juvenile Adult Terrestrial habitat Water habitat

Heterophylly in larkspur (a, b) Heterophylly in buttercup (c, d)


* PGRs are also called plant growth substances or plant hormones or phytohormones.


Plant growth promotors Plant growth inhibitors


Auxins, Gibberellin, Cytokinin Abscisic acid, Ethylene

q Characteristic 'or' chemical nature of plant growth regulators :

* The plant growth regulators (PGRs) are small, simple molecules of diverse chemical composition. They could be-

(i) Indole compounds (indole-3-acetic acid = IAA) Þ Auxin

(ii) Adenine derivatives (N6-furfurylamino purine = kinetin) Þ Cytokinin

(iii) Derivatives of carotenoids (abscisic acid = ABA)

(iv) Terpenes (gibberellic acid = GA3) Þ Gibberellin

(v) Gases (ethylene = C2H4).

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* Term Auxin derived from Greek word 'auxein' which means to grow. F.W. Went gave the name “auxin”
to growth substance, thus credit of discovery of auxin is given to F. W. Went. (First of all, Auxin was
isolated from human urine). He is also credited for Avena curvature test.

* First of all Charles Darwin & Francis Darwin (son of C. Darwin) observed the process of phototropism.
They observed coleoptile bending in Canary grass (Phalaris), responded to unilateral illumination. After
a series of experiments, it was concluded that the tip of coleoptile was the site of transmittable influence
(Auxin) that caused the bending of the entire coleoptile.

* Biosynthesis of auxin occurs at both shoot and root apex and transport of auxin is basipetal.
Biosynthesis of auxin occurs by tryptophan Amino acid in the presence of Zn++ ion.


(1) Apical Dominance (Characteristic function of auxin) :- The phenomenon in which apical bud dominates
the growth of lateral buds is called Apical Dominance.

* Removal of shoot tips (decapitation) usually results in the growth of lateral buds. It is widely applied
in tea plantations, hedge - making.

(2) Cell Division & Cell Enlargement : Mainly cell elongation. Helps in cell division.

(3) Root initiation :- Rooting on stem cuttings (widely used in plant propagation) is promoted by IBA &

(4) Prevention of Abscission :- IAA, NAA prevent premature abscission of young plant organs. Pro-
mote the abscission of older mature Leaves & Fruits.

(5) Flower initiation :- Auxin promotes flowering in Pineapple & Litchi plants.

(6) Parthenocarpy :- Seed less fruits can be produced by spray of IAA. eg. Tomato.

(7) Selective weed killer :- 2, 4-D widely used to kill Dicot weeds, does not affect monocot plants.
2, 4-D + 2, 4,5-T = Agent orange. It is used to prepare weed free lawns.

(8) Auxin controls xylem differentiation.


* First of all Japanese farmers observed symptoms of the disease in rice seedlings & called it bakanae disease
(Foolish seedling disease)

* Kurosawa and Sawada confirmed that rice plants become thin, tall & pale due to infection of fungus
Gibberella fujikuroi (Ascomycetes). Yabuta and Sumiki were first to extract a crystalline substance from
the Gibberella fungus to which they named Gibberellin.

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* They are synthesised in buds, shoot, root and germinating seeds.
* There are more than 100 gibberellins reported from widely different organisms such as fungi and higher plants.
They are demoted as GA1, GA2, GA3 and so on.
* GA3 was one of the first gibberellins to be discovered and remains the most intensively studied form.
* All GAs are acidic.


(1) Stem/internode elongation (characterstic function of gibberellins) :- Gibberellins induce internode
elongation just prior to flowering in Rosette plants (Beet and Cabbage), this phenomenon is known as
Bolting effect.
(2) Elongation of genetic dwarf plants :- When gibberellins are applied to dwarf Maize, Pisum etc. plants
then they become tall.
(3) Seed germination :- Gibberellin induces the synthesis of hydrolysing enzymes like a-amylase, Lipases &
Proteases in seeds and these enzymes help in seed germination.
(4) Fruit & Flower enlarger :- Size of grape fruits and length of stalk of bunch is increased by GA
Pomalin Þ GA + CK – used as apple enlarger..

(5) In fermentation :- GA increases malt formation. (Malting process) so helpful in brewing (wine) industry.
(6) Increase height of Sugarcane plant :- GA can increase the yield in sugarcane upto 20 tonnes per
(7) GA delays the senescence in plant parts so the fruits can be left on the tree longer so as to extend the
market period by application of GA.
(8) Spraying juvenile conifers with GAs, hastens the maturity period, thus leading to early seed production.


* Cytokinin are derivative of adenine nitrogen base. Synthetic cytokinin was obtained from Autoclaved DNA of
Herring fish sperm name as kinetin. Natural cytokinin was obtained from immature corn grains (corn
kernels) and coconut milk by Letham & named it as Zeatin.

* Root tips are major sites of biosynthesis of CK. Also synthesised in developing shoot buds, young

fruits etc.


(1) Cell Division (Characteristic function of cytokinin)
(2) Morphogenesis :- Morphogenetic changes (Root and shoot development) are induced by CK in presence of
IAA in tissue culture.

Low CK High CK
® root differentiation, ® shoot differentiation
High Auxin Low Auxin

(3) Overcome the apical dominance :- C.K. promotes growth of lateral buds.
(4) Delay in senescence (Richmond Lang Effect) :- Senescence is delayed by CK because they improves the
pholem conduction and nutrient mobilisation. Also help to produce chloroplasts in leaves.
(5) Promots lateral shoot growth and adventitious shoot formation.

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* ABA is synthesised in senescent organs, old leaves.
* ABA is also known as stress hormone because it protects plants from adverse conditions like water
stress. ABA increases tolerance of plants to various type of stresses.
(1) Induces senesence and abscission – ABA causes senescence and abscission of leaves and fruits by increasing
the activity of cellulase & pectinase enzymes.
(2) Induces Bud & Seed Dormancy – ABA increases bud & seed dormancy (Inhibits seed germination).
ABA plays a major role in seed maturation enabling seeds to become dormant.
(3) Stomatal closing – ABA closes stomata under the water stress conditions. (Anti transpirant).
* In most situations ABA act as an antagonist of GAs (Anti GA)
(4) ABA plays an important role in seed development, maturation and dormancy

Ethylene is a simple gaseous PGR. It is a hydrocarbon reported as a fruit ripening hormone.
H.H. Cousins confirmed the release of volatile substance from ripened oranges that hastened the
ripening of stored unripened bananas. Biosynthesis of Ethylene takes place by methionine amino acid.
Ethylene is synthesised in large quantity by ripening fruits and senescent organs.
• Ethylene is one of the most widely used PGR in agriculture. The most widely used compound as source of
ethylene is ethephon.
• Ethephone is an aqueous solution is readily absorbed and transported with in the plant and releases ethylene
(1) Post harvest ripening of fruits – Ethylene enhances the respiration rate during ripening of the fruits. This
rise in respiration is called respiratory climactic. Citrus, Oranges, Banana, Apple, Tomato etc.
(2) Stimulation of senescence & abscission of leaves and flowers (thinning of cotton, cherry, walnut).
(3) Flowering and synchronising fruiting in pineapple. Flowering in mango.
(4) Triple response on stem :- (i) Apical hook formation in dicot seedlings (ii) Swelling of axis
(iii) Horizontal growth of seedlings
(5) Promotes root growth :- Ethylene promotes root growth and also stimulates the formation of root
hairs, thus helping the plant to increase their absorption surface. Z:\NODE02\B0AI-B0\SPARK KOTA\BIOLOGY\BOTANY\CLASS_XI\ENG\12-GROWTH.P65

(6) Femaleness (Feminising effect) in cucumbers. (Promotes female flowers to increase the production)
(7) Ethylene breaks seed and bud dormancy, initiates germination in peanut seeds, sprouting of potato
(8) Ethylene promotes rapid internode/petiole elongation in deep water rice plants. It helps leaves/
upper parts of the shoot to remain above water.
* Effect or requirement of relative length of day (photoperiod) & night (dark phase) on flowering of plants is
called as photoperiodism.
Garner & Allard classified the plants in following groups -
(1) SDP (Short Day Plants) :- These plants flower on exposure to photoperiod shorter than their Criti-
cal day length. In SDP the dark period is critical and must be continuous. Thus SDP are also called as
LNP (Long Night Plants). If this dark period is interrupted even with a brief exposure of light, the

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SDP will not flower. Examples of SDP :- Tobacco, Soyabean , Viola, Xanthium (Cocklebur), Musturd,
Dahlia, Sugarcane , Strawberry, Rice, Bryophyllum etc.
(2) LDP (Long Day Plants) :- These plants flowers when they are exposed to photoperiod longer than
their critical day length. A brief exposure of light in the dark period stimulates flowering in LDP.
The light period is critical for LDP. Ex. :- Henbane (Hyoscyamus), Spinach, Sugarbeets, Radish,
Carrot, Wheat, Larkspur, Barley, Avena, Potato.
(3) DNP (Day Neutral Plants) or Intermediate plants :- These plants do not need a specific light period for the
flowering.Ex. Maize, Cotton, Tomato, Sunflower, Cucumber

Above Above

No Flowering
Flowering photoperiod

Below Below after
No Flowering Flowering

Long day plant Short day plant Day neutral plant

Photoperiodism : Long day, short day and day neutral plants

* Stimulation of critical photoperiod is perceived by leaves.

* “Florigen”, hypothetical hormone (not isotaled yet from plants) which migrates from leaves to shoot
apices for inducing flowering.

* A light sensitive pigment phytochrome is responsible for flowering induction.

* Phytochrome exists in two different forms –Pr (Phytochrome Red), Pfr (Phytochrome Far Red)

* Both forms of phytochromes are photobiochemically interchangeable into each other.


In LDP flowering inhibit Red light (660 NM) In SDP flowering inhibits
Pr Pfr
In SDP stimulates Far red light (730 NM) In LDP stimulates

* Phytochrome - Pfr (P730) is active form which controls many photophysiological processes in plants like - flowering,
seed germination etc.


In some plants flowering is either quantitatively or qualitatively dependent on exposure to low temperature. This
phenomenon is termed as vernalisation.
"Vernalisation refers specially to the promotion of flowering by a period of low temperature".

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Mechanism : After perception of suitable low temperature period, a hypothetical hormonal substance (vernalin)
is produced.
Examples : Some important food plants, wheat, barley, rye have two kinds of varieties :
(i) Spring varieties (ii) Winter varieties

Spring varieties Winter varities

They are normally planted in the spring They are planted in late autumn. They germinate and
and come to flower and produce mature over winter come out as small seedlings, resume growth
grain before the end of growing season. in spring and usually harvested around mid-summer.

· Winter varieties, however, if planted in spring would normally fail to flower or produce mature grains within a
span of flowering season.
· Another example of vernalisation is seen in biennial plants (e.g. sugarbeet, cabbages, carrots etc.).
Biennials are monocarpic plants.
In first season they germinate then resume growth
and ultimately attain maturity.

Biennial plants

In second season they flower then form fruits, set seeds

and undergo senescence and die.
Significance : Vernalisation prevents precocious reproductive development late in the growing season and
enables the plant to have sufficient time to reach maturity.

Seed dormancy refers in seeds to failure of a viable seed to germinate even when given favourable environmental
condition. Such seeds are understood to be undergoing a period of dormancy which is controlled not by external
environment but are under endogenous control or conditions within the seed itself.
Reasons of seed dormancy :
(i) Impermeable and hard seed coat.
(ii) Presence of chemical inhibitors such as abscissic acids, phenolic acids, para-ascorbic acid.
(iii) Immature embryo.
Breaking of dormancy :
This dormancy however can be overcome through natural means and various other man-made ways :

(1) By Natural way :

(i) Action of sunlight : Exposure to light breakdown the germination inhibitors.
(ii) Action of heat : Exposure to heat breakdown the germination inhibitors.
(iii) Passage through digestive tracts of animals : When seeds pass through digestive tract of animals
hard seed coat become soft due to action of enzymes. Enzymatic action also eliminate inhibitors.
(iv) By microbial action
(2) By artificial way :
(i) Stratification : Physiological dormancy is broken by exposure in cold temperature.
(ii) Scarification : It is breaking of dormancy by nicking seed coat with sharp knife and abrade seed with
sandpaper or by vigorous shaking.
(iii) Water : Soaking seeds in water overnight softens a hard seed coat enough to allow moisture inside to that
the seed can germinate.
(iv) Application of certain chemicals : Gibberellic acid and nitrates are often used to break seed dormancy.

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1. Primary precursor of I.A.A is :- 9. Auxanometer is meant for measuring -
(1) Phenyl alanine (2) Tyrosine (1) Respiratory activity
(3) Tryptophan (4) Leucin (2) Photosynthetic activity
(3) Growth activity
2. The biological activity of I.A.A is tested by :- (4) Osmotic pressure
(1) a - amylase test
(2) Avena curvature test 10. Auxin is mainly produced by -
(1) Apical root meristem
(3) Endosperm activity test
(2) Root cambium
(4) Chlorophyll preservation test
(3) Apical shoot meristem
3. Indole, 3 acetic acid, called as auxin was first (4) Phloem in shoot tip
isolated from :-
11. In plants growth is -
(1) Human urine
(1) Restricted to certain regions or structure
(2) Corn germ oil
(2) Irreversible
(3) Fusarium (3) Change in size
(4) Rhizopus (4) All the above

4. Stem elongation is affected by :- 12. Growth is primarily affected by two climatic factors
(1) Gibberellin and florigen (2) Auxin and gibberellin which are ?
(3) Florigen and kinin (4) Kinin and auxin (1) Light and temperature
(2) Temperature and relative humidity
5. Apical dominance means :-
(3) Light and wind
(1) Suppression of growth of apical bud by axillary
(4) Rainfall and temperature
(2) Suppression of growth of axillary buds by the 13. In a growing plant, the first phase during the process
presence of apical bud. of growth is -
(3) Stimulation of growth of axillary buds by removal (1) Cell division (2) Cell enlargement
of apical bud (3) Cell differentiation (4) Cell maturation
(4) Inhibition of growth of axillary buds by removal 14. The natural plant hormones were first isolated from
of apical bud. (1) Cotton fruits, spinach leaves and rice plant
(2) Avena coleoptiles, spinach leaves and fungus
6. Auxin inhibits the growth of -

(1) Apical bud

(3) Human urine and corn germ oil
(2) Lateral axillary buds
(4) Human urine and rice plant
(3) Roots on stem cutting
(4) Parthenocarpic development of fruits 15. Plants bend toward the light because -
(1) They need light for photosynthesis
7. Which of the following is not a natural occuring plant (2) They need light for respiration
hormone ? (3) Light attracts them
(1) 2, 4 - D (2) GA2 (4) Cells on the shaded side elongate more
(3) Gibberellin (4) I.A.A
16. If the tip of a seedling is cut off growth as well as
8. Leaf fall occurs when the content of :- bending ceases because it hampers
(1) Auxin increases (1) Respiration
(2) Auxin decreases (2) Photosynthesis
(3) Abscisic acid decreases (3) Perception of light stimulus
(4) Gibberellic acid decreases (4) Transpiration
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17. Growth hormone acts - 28. Cytokinin -
(1) Always as growth promotors (1) Is a hormone whose main function is to induce
(2) Always are growth inhibitors the cell division
(3) Some as promotors and some as inhibitors (2) Induce bolting
(4) Rarely as growth inducers (3) Induce senescence
(4) Causes dormancy
18. The movement of auxin is largely -
(1) Acropetal (2) Basipetal 29. Bolting hormone is -
(3) Lateral (4) Centripetal (1) Auxin (2) Gibberellin
(3) ABA (4) Ethylene
19. Which growth hormone is responsible for apical
dominance ? 30. Gibberellins are -
(1) Auxin (2) Cytokinin (1) Growth inhibitors
(3) Gibberellin (4) Ethylene (2) Growth promotor
(3) Not concerned with growth at all
20. 2 , 4 - D is a synthetic -
(4) Of little potential in agriculture
(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellin
(3) Cytokinin (4) Florigen 31. Gibberellins do not cause -
(1) Shortening of genetically tall plants
21. Which of the following induces femaleness in plants ?
(1) Ethylene (2) Ethanol (2) Stimulation of seed germination
(3) ABA (4) Gibberellin (3) Promotion of parthenocarpy
(4) Induction of a - amylase synthesis in barley
22. Agent orange is-
(1) Biodegradable insecticide 32. Gibberellins can promote seed germination because
(2) Dioxin weedicide (2,4-D + 2,4,5-T) of their influence on :
(3) Biofertilizer (1) Rate of cell division
(4) Biopesticide (2) Production of hydrolyzing enzymes
(3) Synthesis of abscisic acid
23. Richmond - Lang effect is due to :- (4) Absorption of water through hard seed coat.
(1) Cytokinin (2) Auxin
(3) ABA (4) All the above 33. Which of the following is a coconut milk factor ?
(1) Auxin (2) ABA
24. A hypothetical chemical belived to be involved in (3) Morphactin (4) Cytokinin
flowering is :-
(1) Gibberellin (2) NAA 34. In germinating seeds Amylase, Proteases,Lipases Z:\NODE02\B0AI-B0\SPARK KOTA\BIOLOGY\BOTANY\CLASS_XI\ENG\12-GROWTH.P65

(3) Florigen (4) IAA are stimulated by :-

(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellin
25. Photoperiodic stimulus is picked up by : (3) Cytokinin (4) Ethylene
(1) Phytochrome (2) Phytohormone
(3) Enzyme (4) Vernalin 35. Richmond lang effect due to cytokinins pertains to-
(1) Root formation
26. Which of the following plant hormone substitutes (2) Apical dominance
for long photoperiod in flowering plant ?
(3) Delay of senescence
(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellin
(4) Leaf formation
(3) Cytokinin (4) Ethylene
36. Which one of the following is a gaseous plant
27. Internodal elongation is stimulated by :-
hormone ?
(1) Auxin (2) Cytokinin
(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellin
(3) Gibberellin (4) Phenol
(3) Ethylene (4) Cytokinin

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37. Pomalin is sprayed over apple to increase fruit size, 46. Which of the following is growth inhibitor -
it is - (1) IAA (2) ABA
(1) Auxin (3) NAA (4) GA3
(2) Mixture of auxin and gibberellin
47. Abscisic acid treatment results in -
(3) Mixture of auxin and cytokinin
(1) Leaf expansion
(4) Mixture of cytokinin and gibberellin
(2) Stem elongation
38. Apical dominance can be overcome by application (3) Stomatal closure
of :– (4) Root elongation
(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellin
48. Natural cell division inducing factor occurs in -
(3) Cytokinin (4) Florigen
(1) Coconut milk
39. The maximum growth rate occurs in :- (2) Immature maize seeds
(1) Exponential phase (2) Stationary phase (3) Both (1) and (2)
(3) Senescent phase (4) Lag phase (4) Heated t - RNA

40. Dormancy of seed is broken by :- 49.. Seeds of Tomato do not germinate in its pulp due to-
(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellins (1) Presence of excess salts
(3) Ethylene (4) Cytokinin (2) Presence of ferulic acid
(3) Absence of oxygen
41. In tissue culture, differentiation of shoot is controlled (4) Presence of ABA
by :-
(1) Light Intensity 50. What is a stress hormone ?
(2) Temperature shock (1) Benzyl aminopurine
(3) Low Auxin to high CK (2) Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid
(3) Ethylene
(4) High auxin to low CK
(4) Abscisic acid
42. Pine apple can made to flower in off season by
51. Seed dormancy is due to the :-
the application :-
(1) Ethylene (2) Abscisic acid
(1) Zeatin (2) Ethylene
(3) IAA (4) Starch
(3) Short day (4) Low temperature
52. Hormone responsible to induce senescence :–
43. Among the following which helps in early ripening
(1) ABA (2) Auxin
of fruits ?
(3) GA (4) Cytokinin
(1) Methane (2) Ethylene

(3) CO2 (4) CO 53. One set of a plant was grown at 12 hrs. day and
12 hours night period cycles and it flowered. While
44. Abscisic acid induces :-
in the other set night phase was interrupted by flash
(1) Shoot elongation
of light and it did not flower. Under which one of
(2) Cell elongation and cell wall formation
the following categories will you place this plant
(3) Cell division
(1) Short day (2) Long day
(4) Leaf fall and dormancy
(3) Darkness neutral (4) Day neutral
45. In autumn leaf fall occurs, because -
54. Long day plant's produces flowers when they
(1) Formation of abscission layer at the base exposed to :-
(2) Leaf becomes heavy (1) Any duration of light
(3) Leaf does not remain green (2) Light period longer than a critical day lenght
(3) Light period longer than 12 hrs.
(4) Of low temperature
(4) Short photoperiods than critical day length
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55. Which of the following is a hypothetical hormone? 59. Which is not a plant hormone -
(1) Gibberellin (2) Auxin (1) Phytochrome (2) Florigen
(3) Cytokinin (4) Florigen (3) GA (4) IAA

56. Which plant is LDP ? 60. Which pigment absorbs the red and far–red light?
(1) Tobacco (2) Glycine max. (1) Cytochrome (2) Phytochrome
(3) Xanthium (4) Spinach (3) Carotenoids (4) Chlorophyll

57. Wheat & henbane are :- 61. Cell elogation in internodel regions of the green
(1) SDP (2) DNP plants takes place due to :-
(3) LNP (4) LDP (1) Ethylene (2) Indole acetic acid
(3) Cytokinin (4) Gibberellins
58. In short day plants (SDP) flowering is induced by
(1) Long night 62. Prunning of plants promotes branching, because
(2) Photoperiod less than 12 hours the axillary buds get sensitized to :-
(3) Photoperiod shorter than critical value and (1) Ethylene (2) Gibberellin
uniterrupted long night. (3) Cytokinin (4) IAA
(4) Long photoperiod and interrupted long night.


Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 4
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 1 2 4 2 3 3 4 3 1 2 3 2 2 4 1
Que. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 2 3 3 2 4 2 1 1 2 4 4 4 3 1 2
Que. 61 62
Ans. 4 3

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