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Adaptability of The Law of Tort in Bangladesh: An Interpretative Approach

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ISSN: 2079-567X

Vol. 14 • No. 1 • June 2014

Adaptability of the Law of Tort in Bangladesh: An Interpretative Approach

A.S.M.Tariq Iqbal∗
The law of tort is fashioned as an instrument for making people adhere to the
standards of reasonable behaviour and respect the rights and interests of one
another. This is done by protecting interests and by providing for situations when a
person whose protected interest is violated can be compensated for the loss suffered
by him from the person who has violated the same. By interest here is meant a claim,
want or desire of a human being or group of human beings seek to satisfy, and of
which, therefore the order of human relations in civilized society must take account.
It is however, obvious that every want or desire of a person cannot be protected nor
can a person claim that whenever he suffers loss he should be compensated by the
person who is the author of the loss. Thus, law of tort is a branch of law which
resembles most of the other branches in certain aspects, but is essentially different
from them in other respects. Although there are differences in opinion among the
different jurists regarding the liability in tort, the law has been developed and has
made firm roots in the legal showground. There are well defined elements and
conditions of liability in tort law in many countries. This article focuses on the law of
tort, therefore, determines what interests need protection. Here the necessity of
enacting the tort law in Bangladesh is well explained too.
Keywords: Law of tort, justice, negligence, defamation, nuisance, consumer rights.
Tort is the area of law where in response to a private or civil wrong or injury the courts
provide the remedy of allowing a lawsuit for (usually monetary) damages. Thus, the goal is
to restore the victim to his or her former condition. Tort law is said to be a development of
the old maxim ubi jus ibi remedium (Every right needs a remedy). The term tort comes from
the Latin "tortus", meaning "crooked" or "twisted". Derived from French for "wrong," a civil
wrong or wrongful act, whether intentional or accidental, from which injury occurs to
another. Torts include all negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in
harm. Therefore tort law is one of the major areas of law (along with contract, real property
and criminal law) and results in more assaults, battery, wrongful death, fraud, conversion (a
euphemism for theft) and trespass on property and form the basis for a lawsuit for damages
by the injured party. Defamation, including intentionally telling harmful untruths about
another-either by print or broadcast (libel) or orally (slander)-is a tort and used to be a crime
as well.

Assistant Professor, Department of Law at Bangladesh Islami University (BIU), Dhaka-1203.
Adaptability of the Law of Tort in Bangladesh: An Interpretative Approach 163

Definition of Tort
Tort is a civil wrong for which the remedy is an action for unliquidated damages and which
is not exclusively the breach of a contract, or the breach of a trust, or the breach of other
merely equitable obligation"- Salmond. The first reported case where the court used the word
"tort" is an old (1597) English case, Boulton v. Hardy (1597, cro. Elz. 547). The term tort is
the French equivalent of the English word ‘wrong’ and of the Roman law term ‘delict’. The
word tort is derived from the Latin word tortum which means twisted or crooked or wrong
and is in contrast to the word rectum which means straight. Everyone is expected to behave
in a straightforward manner and when one deviates from this straight path into crooked ways
he has committed a tort. Hence tort is a conduct which is twisted or crooked and not straight.
As a technical term of English law, tort has acquired a special meaning as a species of civil
injury or wrong. It was introduced into the English law by the Norman jurists. Tort now
means a breach of some duty independent of contract giving rise to a civil cause of action
and for which compensation is recoverable. In spite of various attempts an entirely
satisfactory definition of tort still awaits its master. In general terms, a tort may be defined as
a civil wrong independent of contract for which the appropriate remedy is an action for
unliquidated damages. Some other definitions for tort are given below:
Winfield and Jolowicz- "Tortuous liability arises from the breach of a duty primarily fixed by
law; this duty is towards persons generally and its breach is repressible by an action for
unliquidated damages."
Salmond and Hueston- "A tort is a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common action for
unliquidated damages, and which is not exclusively the breach of a contract or the breach of
a trust or other mere equitable obligation."
Sir Frederick Pollock- "Every tort is an act or omission (not being merely the breach of a
duty arising out of a personal relation, or undertaken by contract) which is related in one of
the following ways to harm (including reference with an absolute right, whether there be
measurable actual damage or not), suffered by a determinate person:-
a) It may be an act which, without lawful justification or excuse, is intended by the agent to
cause harm, and does cause the harm complained of.
b) It may be an act in itself contrary to law, or an omission of specific legal duty, which
causes harm not intended by the person so acting or omitting.
c) It may be an act of violation the absolute right (especially rights of possession or
property), and treated as wrongful without regard to the actor’s intention or knowledge.
This, as we have seen is an artificial extension of the general conceptions which are
common to English and Roman law.
d) It may be an act or omission causing harm which the person so acting or omitting to act did
not intend to cause, but might and should with due diligence have foreseen and prevented.
e) It may, in special cases, consist merely in not avoiding or preventing harm which the
party was bound absolutely or within limits, to avoid or prevent."

Some General Conditions in Tort

Act and Omission
To constitute a tort there must be a wrongful act, whether of omission or commission, but not
such acts as are beyond human control and as are entertained only in thoughts. An omission
is generally not actionable but it is so exceptionally. Where there is a duty to act an omission
may create liability. A failure to rescue a drowning child is not actionable, but it is so where
164 Banglavision Research Journal Vol. 14, No. 1, 2014

the child is one’s own. A person who voluntarily commences rescue cannot leave it half the
way. A person may be under duty to control natural happenings to his own land so as to
prevent them from encroaching others’ land.
Voluntary and Involuntary Acts
A voluntary act has to be distinguished from an involuntary act because the former may
involve liability and the latter may not. A self willed act like an encroachment for business, is
voluntary, but an encroachment for survival may be involuntary. The wrongfulness of the act
and the liability for it depends upon legal appreciation of the surrounding circumstances.
Malice is not essential to the maintenance of an action for tort. It is of two kinds, ‘express
malice’ (or malice in fact or actual malice) and ‘malice in law’ (or implied malice). The first
is called malice in common acceptance and means ill will against a person; the second means
a wrongful act done intentionally without just cause or excuse. Where a man has a right to do
an act, it is not possible to make his exercise of such right actionable by alleging or proving
that his motive in the exercise was spite or malice in the popular sense. An act, not otherwise
unlawful, cannot generally be made actionable by an averment that it was done with evil
motive. A malicious motive per se does not amount to injuria or legal wrong.
Development of the Concept of the Law of Tort
Historical Background
The subject of torts originates in the idea of hurt or damage done by force. The early history
of the law of torts, after its separation from criminal law, is embraced in the history of the
action of trespass. Trespasses early were divided into several distinct actions, or perhaps it
would be more accurate to say that trespass was the combination of these several actions. In
all of these branches of the action, however, we see present the element of force or violence.
In trespass quare clausium fregit, there is the forcible entry upon or damage to the land; in
trespass de bonis asportatis, there is the forcible taking and carrying away of the goods of
another; while in trespass to the person the violence is directed against the person of the
injured party. For indirect damages or for damages unaccompanied with violence to a
person's body, land or personal property, or for such damages as those to his reputation there
could be no relief under the action of trespass, and there was no relief under any form of
action until near the close of the thirteenth century. Right of action for injuries which cannot
be brought within the scope of trespass owe their origin to the famous Statute of Westminster
II 36 passed in 1285. Under the authority of this statute there was created the new action of
Case, or of Trespass on the Case which with trespass covers the whole field of torts. The
most common view of the history of (common) tort law is that it grew from those duties
imposed upon actions that caused physical harm, regardless of fault, and expanded from
there to determine more refined moral standards of general liability, but not everyone would
agree. Some early quotes are "the thought of man shall not be tried for the devil himself
knoweth not the thought of man" (Chief Justice Brian, 1468), and "in all civil acts, the law
doth not so much regard the intent of the actor, as the loss and damage of the party
suffering". Early post-Norman England required writs, which cost money, in order to bring a
defendant to court. There were a limited number of very specific writs. Local aristocracy
would limit the writs that could be issued to bring people to the King's court, largely because
they wanted to increase the power of the local courts. Two writs of specific historic interest
are the writ of trespass, and the writ of action on the case.
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The Origin of Law of Tort

Tort law arises largely out of common law. Different states and different municipalities have
their own tort standards, although there are some unifying concepts. Torts are made up of
elements. The general four elements for any cause of action in tort are:
(a) Duty (frequently encountered viz. standard of care analyses)
(b) Breach of duty
(c) Causation
(d) Damages

The Possible Functions of the Law of Tort

Corrective Justice
a) Tort law can restore the "moral" (occasionally) and “financial” balance offset by the
b) The above functions best on an individualist level; when several parties are involved, the
rationale begins to get diluted.
Optimal Deterrence
a) We want to deter excessively risky activity.
b) Avoid losses that are worth avoiding.
c) This justifies the imposition of a negligence standard in most cases.
d) Naturally, "worth avoiding" is very subjective.
Loss Distribution
a) Promote the broad distribution of potential losses
b) "Having a large number of people bear a small loss" is better than the converse.
c) Calabresi: Tort law should aspire to assign liability to the cheapest cost avoider.
d) Problem: A lawsuit is an inefficient way of achieving an equitable distribution of loss.
a) Promote the compensation of those who have suffered injury.
b) The above has many problems, especially as tort law becomes more sophisticated and
c) Consequently, it is easier to say that compensation under certain circumstances promotes
the other goals of tort law.
Redress of Social Grievances
a) Tort law permits the triumph of "small" actors against large.
b) Populism and anti-institutionalism.
c) As with compensation, functions best in tandem with other tort rationales.
Basic Subject-matter of the Law of Tort
In the modern law of tort, the word negligence has two meanings: Firstly, it indicates the
state of mind of a party in doing an act and secondly, it means a conduct which the law
deems wrongful. The tort of negligence is a tort which can be committed both, person and
property. Negligence in the sense of conduct refers to the behavior of a person who, although
166 Banglavision Research Journal Vol. 14, No. 1, 2014

innocent of any intention to bring about the result in question, has failed nevertheless to act
up to the standard set by law, which is usually that of a reasonable man. Recklessness is
serious failure to act reasonably. When a statute prescribes a certain standard of behavior
with a view to avoiding injury to persons, it has been said that the failure to come up to the
standard is statutorily equivalent to negligence, without proof of carelessness. Now as a
result of the development of law, (in England mainly in the nineteenth century), negligence
has become an independent, specific tort in itself. Although it is clearly a mental element,
still judges in deciding whether a man is guilty of negligent conduct or not apply an external
standard and do not take into consideration his real mental attitude at the moment of the act.
Thus to determine whether a particular driver has been negligent in driving his car alone the
public road, or whether a doctor has been negligent in performing a particular operation, they
apply an external standard of a reasonable man placed in similar circumstances. If the judge
is of opinion that a reasonable man in similar circumstances as the defendant would not have
acted in that way and caused damage to the plaintiff, then the defendant is liable. Thus a
purely standard was applied in such cases and wrongdoers were not permitted to aver that in
fact and in truth they were not in negligent or careless.
The reason for the application of this external standard by the judges in England was due to
the increase of the railway accidents and other injuries from industrial machinery in that
country during the nineteenth century. The judges found that no justice could be done to the
injured individuals or their relatives if the wrongdoers were permitted to set up their
individual state of mind as a defense. Then it will be easy for even willful wrongdoers to say
that they never intended to do any harm to any person, much less to the particular plaintiff,
and it will really be very difficult for the latter to prove the mental state of such defendant.
The conduct of reasonable man as envisaged in English common law could be seen from a
decision of Vaughan v. Menlove, the plaintiff had some interest in certain cottages on land
adjoining that on which the defendant had erected a haystack. The plaintiff's cottages were
damaged by a fire which had spread from the haystack which was insured. When the
condition of the stack and the probable and almost inevitable consequence of permitting it to
remain in its then state were pointed out to him, he abstained from the exercise of the
precautionary measures that common prudence and foresight would naturally suggest and
very coolly observed that he would chance it. It was manifested that he adverted to his
interest in the insurance office. The defendant was held liable. Tindal, C.J. while rejecting the
argument of the defendant that he had would bona fide to the best of his judgment and that
should be accepted, said thus: "instead, therefore, of saying that the liability for negligence
should be coextensive with the judgment of each individual, which would be as variable as
the length of the foot of each individual, we ought rather to adhere to the rule which requires
in all cases a regard to caution such as a man of ordinary prudence would observe.

The right of each man during his lifetime to the unimpaired possession of his reputation and
good name is recognized by law reputation depends upon opinion and opinion in the main on
the communication of thought and information from one individual to another. The law of
defamation based upon the fundamental principal that the reputation of the member of the
society, the esteem in which he is held by it, the credit and trust it reposes on his intelligence,
honor and integrity, all these constitute a valuable asset for him and it deserve protection at
the hands of law. A defamatory statement is a statement calculated to expose a person to
Adaptability of the Law of Tort in Bangladesh: An Interpretative Approach 167

hatred, contempt or, ridicule, or to injure him in his trade, business profession, calling or
office, or to cause him to be shunned or avoided in society. Defamation is the publication of
statement which makes lower a person in the estimation of right thinking members of society
generally or which tends to make them avoid that person (Winfield) defamation is a false
accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
aspersion: an abusive attack on a person's character or good name. Any intentional false
communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the
respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or
disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person. Defamation may be a criminal or civil
charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements,
called slander.

Under the common law, persons in possession of real property (land owners, lease holders
etc) are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their lands. However this doesn't include tenants or
visitors etc as they aren't considered to have an interest in the land. If a neighbor interferes
with that quiet enjoyment, either by creating smells, sounds, pollution or any other hazard
that extends past the boundaries of the property, the affected party may make a claim in
nuisance. Legally, the term nuisance is traditionally used in three ways:
1. To describe an activity or condition that is harmful or annoying to others (e.g., indecent
conduct, a rubbish heap or a smoking chimney)
2. To describe the harm caused by the before-mentioned activity or condition (e.g., loud
noises or objectionable odors)
3. To describe a legal liability that arises from the combination of the two. However, the
“interference” was not the result of a neighbor stealing land or trespassing on the land.
Instead, it arose from activities taking place on another person’s land that affected the
enjoyment of that land.
The law of nuisance was created to stop such bothersome activities or conduct when they
unreasonably interfered either with the rights of other private landowners (i.e., private
nuisance) or with the rights of the general public (i.e., public nuisance). A public nuisance is
an unreasonable interference with the public's right to property. It includes conduct that
interferes with public health, safety, peace or convenience. The unreasonableness may be
evidenced by statute, or by the nature of the act, including how long, and how bad, the effects
of the activity may be. A private nuisance is simply a violation of one's use of quiet
enjoyment of land. It doesn't include trespass. To be a nuisance, the level of interference must
rise above the merely aesthetic. For example: if your neighbor paints their house purple, it
may offend you; however, it doesn't rise to the level of nuisance. In most cases, normal uses
of a property that can constitute quiet enjoyment cannot be restrained in nuisance either. For
example, the sound of a crying baby may be annoying, but it is an expected part of quiet
enjoyment of property and does not constitute a nuisance. Any affected property owner has
standing to sue for a private nuisance. If a nuisance is widespread enough, but yet has a
public purpose, it is often treated at law as a public nuisance. Owners of interests in real
property (whether owners, lessors, or holders of an easement or other interest) have standing
only to bring private nuisance suits.
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Trespass to Land
It is a form of infringement on property rights. The tort of trespass to land consist in the act
of (1) entering the land in the possession of the plaintiff, or (2) remaining upon such land, or
(3) placing or projecting any object upon it- in each cases without lawful justification.
Trespass to land is a common law tort that is committed when an individual or the object of
an individual intentionally (or in Australia negligently) enters the land of another without a
lawful excuse. Trespass to land is actionable per se. Thus, the party whose land is entered
upon may sue even if no actual harm is done. In some jurisdictions, this rule may also apply
to entry upon public land having restricted access. A court may order payment of damages or
an injunction to remedy the tort. By law, Trespass for mesne profits is a suit against someone
who has been ejected from property that did not belong to them. The suit is for recovery of
damages the trespasser caused to the property and for any profits he or she may have made
while in possession of that property. For a trespass to be actionable, the tort doer must
voluntarily go to a specific location, but need not be aware that he has entered the property of
a particular person. If A forces B against his or her will onto C's land, C will not have action
in trespass against B, because B's actions were involuntary. C may instead claim against A.
Furthermore, if B is deceived by A as to the ownership or boundaries of C's land, A may be
jointly liable with B for B's trespass. In most jurisdictions, if a person were to accidentally
enter onto private property, there would be no trespass, because the person did not intend any
violation. However, in Australia, negligence may substitute the requirement for intent. Thus
in that country, if a person trips and rolls upon the land of another, for want of due care, he or
she would likely be found to have committed trespass. Modern law allows landowner to
possess, and maintain an action in trespass in relation to, the airspace above the land or the
subsurface beneath to the extent that is reasonably necessary for the enjoyment of the land or
the extent to which control can be exercised.

Necessitate for Introducing the Law of Tort in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh tort law is not introduced yet. In Bangladesh penal code, civil procedure code,
criminal procedure code there are short application of tort law. From the above case studies it
is clear that it is very essential for a country to adopt tort law, country like India, Sri Lanka,
Nepal, USA, and UK adopted tort law. The context of the law of tort in particular one tort,
has dominated the development of the common law of torts in the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries, namely, the tort of negligence and its specific off-shoots relating to Employer’s
liability, Occupiers’ liability, Liability for animals and Product liability. The key feature of
the tort of negligence is that it attributes responsibility on the basis of principles of personal
fault that require individuals to adhere to a standard of reasonable care. A general feature of
the tort of negligence is that, for the most part, it is concerned with actions that cause
physical harm, although there is a growing body of case law that also attributes responsibility
for acts that cause foreseeable economic harm. Despite the dominance of the tort of
negligence, there are other torts, which seek to protect other interests. There is group of torts,
as trespass to the person, which focuses on personal integrity and may, to an extent, be
relevant to the issue of individual privacy. Tort law also recognizes the interests and
responsibilities of land owners, seeking to balance the right of a landowner to use his land as
he wishes, against the right of neighbors to expect landowners to operate and maintain their
land in a reasonable manner. Other torts protect both personal and business reputations. Thus,
Adaptability of the Law of Tort in Bangladesh: An Interpretative Approach 169

it is a tort to defame a person by seeking, intentionally, to lower that person’s reputation in

the mind of right-thinking persons generally. In relation to chattels and business interests,
there is a range of diverse torts, broadly based on intentional conduct that protects the
interests of a person who owns or is in possession against deliberate interference by others
and torts that guard against conspiracy and inducement of another to commit a breach of

Compensation for Accident Case

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) in its annual publications provides data relating to
road accidents. The Statistical Year Book (2000) contains figures from 1987 to 2000. The
total number of accidents during the above period ranged from 1,521 in 1987 to 3,419 in
2000, a rise of 125 percent. Of these, the causalities’ in 1987 was 1,156, which rose by 164
percent in 2000, thus increasing the number to 3,050. The number injured was 1,988 in 1987,
which rose to 2,653, a rise of 33 percent. This is an issue of major concern. Since 1977 there
have been 248 motor launch accident records by BIWTA with a loss of 2309 lives, 374
persons are injured and 208 persons are missing. Most of the accidents happened because of
the negligence of the Launch operator and their owner. Whenever any launch accident occurs
basically the government pays minimum amount as compensation to the victim in case of
death. The owner is exempted from giving compensation the individual victim. In practice,
much of the law of tort is concerned with compensating the victim of the defendant’s
accidental wrongdoing. Accordingly, at a general level, the function of a remedy in the law
of tort is to relieve the claimant in respect of the loss or damage he has suffered rather than to
punish the defendant. There is a range of means by which the compensation objective is
sought to be achieved. Generally, the tort system is concerned with wrongs in the sense that
the defendant is required to compensate the claimant in respect of damage caused by some
fault-based or culpable conduct on his (the defendant’s) part. In this sense, tort liability rules
are concerned with loss shifting in that they make the defendant responsible for the loss
suffered by the claimant because he (the defendant) is in some way to blame for that loss. In
a study (2003) referred to earlier has also drawn attention to the economic impact on the poor
caused by road accidents. It is said that the heads of households or their spouses are often the
fatal victims of road accidents. This has an adverse economic impact on other members of
the families. It is estimated by the study that about 32 percent of road deaths occurred to poor
heads of households or spouses compared to 21 percent for the non-poor. The study findings
indicated that for the 70 percent poor, the household income, food consumption and food
production decreased following road deaths. For the non-poor, the impacts were less with 54
percent reporting loss of income. If there was application of the law of Tort in Bangladesh
then the owner of the launch had to pay compensation to each of the victims of the accident.

The Law of Tort as a Deterrent to Harm-causing Activities

In the law of Tort, the desire to deter a person from engaging in activities which cause harm
to others is seen as a primary objective If the law imposes liability in damages for certain
acts, this would appear to serve a deterrent purpose, since few people will wish to engage in
conduct which they realize is likely to result in them having to pay another in respect of the
harm which has been caused. Even in professional negligence cases where tort rules might
conceivably have a deterrent effect, the inadvertence argument once more becomes relevant.
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It is also arguable that the threat of liability based on the notion of fault is likely to result in
the adoption of over-defensive practices which might prove detrimental to the interests of the
client or patient. A further consideration is that if tort rules do operate in a deterrent fashion,
then steps may be taken by potential defendants to guard against being sued which may be
out of proportion to what is considered reasonably necessary. The possibility that such
disproportionate steps may be taken is often put forward as a reason for not imposing a duty
of care. Thus if there is a danger that doctors may engage in ‘defensive medicine’ this may be
a reason for declining to hold that a duty of care exists in particular circumstances. But the
concept of defensive practices is not confined to cases of medical malpractice and may
extend into other areas such as the exercise of statutory powers by a public authority charged
with a responsibility for protecting others.

Wrong Done by Bureaucrats and Autonomous Bodies

As per the Law of Torts nobody including a banker has any right to injure others
intentionally or innocently. At present, in most cases, the public is getting injured by the
wrongful acts of the bureaucracy and their instrumentalities, agencies and other bodies like
banks, financial institutions, other utility service providers etc. The wrong doings of bankers,
if any, cause legal damage to the affected person, apart from actual damage, if any. Such
damages commence the moment the wrong doings are committed. On the other hand, they
owe a duty of care towards the assisted borrowers. If any injury is caused on account of the
said wrong doings or violation of the duty of care, the affected person is entitled for
compensation for unliquidated damages. If the wrongdoings are willfully caused, knowingly
continued and if they are arbitrary, unconstitutional and oppressive, the affected person is
entitled for aggravated and exemplary damages. The Bank Nationalization Act of 1972 has
given an indemnity to bankers for all of their acts except willful negligence. In case, the acts
and omissions of the bank officials are not keeping the above aspects in practice, it would
amount to wrongdoings, resulting in compensation for the loss and damages, legal as well as
actual which become due the moment the wrongdoings are caused.
Apart from the situation in banks and financial institutions, there is hardly any remedy for
tortuous offence in Bangladesh due to lack of awareness in the society and the legal system.
There is hardly any case for such office. We have observed few cases of tort against doctors
but in most of the cases we see "compromise" between parties. These trial processes
sometimes require expert opinion and in most of the cases, the experts are not willing to give
opinion against fellow members of own profession. The bureaucrats and bankers are
indemnified from professional liabilities but others are not indemnified so far. But there is
hardly any litigation or remarkable judgment for any offence involving tort. We are suffering
for wrong treatment, lack of service from local bodies, utility providers, neighbours having
administrative and political power connection, local ruffians etc. We consider all these
sufferings as part of our life and society. There is very frequent news of arrest and torture of
innocent persons but there is no visible remedy in law under the justice system in our
country. In the above consideration, we must enact law of Tort to improve the service of
government, professionals, service providing agencies both in public and private sectors etc.
Adaptability of the Law of Tort in Bangladesh: An Interpretative Approach 171

Protection of the Consumer’s Rights

Another thing, which needs highlighting at this juncture, is the Consumer Protection, in
Bangladesh. The demand for a self certain consumer protection legislation began in the early
80's last century. The civil society and various consumer rights promoting organizations
raised their voice. The new Chapter began on 6th April 2009 with the adoption of the
Consumer Rights Protection Act 2009 (hereinafter CRPA) as a comprehensive legislation in
the national assembly. Articles 18 and 15 of our constitution have served as the basement
upon which the Act has been formulated. The purpose of the CRPA 2009 is to define
standards and to set up procedures to promote and protect consumer interest. In its preamble
the Act stipulates: “ extends well beyond the mere protection of economic interests of the
consumers, to become part of a mere general social policy on consumer affairs.” But a close
analysis shows that the Act has failed to develop the existing system, containing so many
loopholes. It is now a big question whether this Act will serve as a protecting shield to the
consumers. We shall discern the demerits as we proceed. The Act provides that any
complaint concerning defective product resulting in substantial financial or physical damage
must be filed within 30 days. If pondered over the fact, we can see there are many long-term
effects which cannot be identified readily after using the products. 30 days time span is thus
too short a scale. Thus the Act has failed to keep up with reasonableness and medical science.
Sec 71(1) of the Act stipulates no individual can make any complaint about violation of
consumer rights to the court of a 1st class magistrate or the CMM. So the people are placed
at the mercy of the Council for enforcing the rights given to them, which would ultimately
prove to be a nugatory. If there was application of the law of Tort these questions would not
have arise.
The entire law of tort is founded and structured on morality. Therefore, it would be primitive
to close strictly or close finally the ever expanding and growing horizon of tortuous liability.
Still many laws like the Indian Law Reports furnish in this respect a striking contrast to the
number of tort cases before the Courts. In Bangladesh, we have ignored to introduce the law
of Tort in our legal spectrum. We need specific codification of the law of Tort which can
cover not only ‘accesses to justice but also assurance to ‘justice’. Undoubtedly a code is
useful, but it is well to recognize that this branch of law is still in the process of growth and
while it would be difficult to prepare a code, it would not also help a proper development of
the law to do so. Following the instances of India where the law is also not codified, the
judges and the lawyers can play their contribution for the initial growth of the law of Tort in
Bangladesh. Consideration should also pay for the assurance of proper justice. Failure of
aggrieved persons to assert their legal rights is perhaps to be ascribed not merely to
insufficient appreciation of such rights but to other causes as well, e.g., difficulties in proving
claims and obtaining trustworthy testimony, high court fees, delay of courts. The elimination
of difficulties which obstruct aggrieved parties in seeking or obtaining remedies which the
law provides for them is a matter which is worthy of consideration. It is suggested that the
court-fee should be decreased to cause more cases to be entertained in the courts. It has been
desired that lawyers must take on themselves the responsibility of educators of litigants from
all walks of life, to enable them to start right actions including actions for recovery of
damages for the injuries sustained. If these lacunas are removed, Bangladesh would also
witness a growth in tort litigation.
172 Banglavision Research Journal Vol. 14, No. 1, 2014

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