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Mts Sunan Kalijogo: Ujian Tengah Semester 2

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Bidang studi : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tgl : Rabu,28 April 2004
Kelas : 1 ( Satu ) Waktu : 90 menit


1.Annisa likes collecting stamps.She has collected stamps.They………... come from different count
a.any album of c.a bar of d.piece of

2.The plane…………at 7 clock yesterday.

a.arrived b.arrive c.arrives arriving

3.I……….English.I read English for one hour everyday

a.liking liking d.likes

4………………did you buy in the sale ?

a.which who c.when d.what

5…………was waiting at the cinema ?

a.which b.who c.where d.what

6.A driver is…………a car.

a.driving c.preparing d.pushing

7.A writer is………an article for newspaper.

a.drawing b.writing c.painting d.editing

8.A teacher is………the student in the class.

a.studying b.learning c.teaching d.watching

9.A typies is…..the letters.

a.writing b.drawing c.sending d.typing

10.Person who serves the customer in the shop is called………

a.shopkeeper b.cook c.eashier d.chemist

11.Person who gives medical treatment is called……

a.driver c.manager d.director

12.Sinta visit her old friend once a year or once 2 year, sometimes once in 3 year.
She ……….visits her old friend.
a.seldom b.usually c.often d.always

13.I often drink milk for brekfast. ( often x……….)

a.enjoy b.always c.usually d.seldom

14.Anton always practices basketball on Sundays. ( always x……… )

a. usually b.never c.often d.sometimes

15.I feel cold when I stay in Lembang. ( cold x…..) b.hate c.bad d.sad

16.Rich people always have recreation on the weekend. ( rich x ………..)

a.sad b.happy c.glad d.poor

17.There is only ………..oranges in the refrigerator.

a.a lot of b.much c. a few a.little

18.My father has………… trousers and shirts.

a.a lot of b.much c. a few a.little
19.There is only ………water in the bath tub.
a.a lot of b.much c. a few a.little

20. A…………thing is not always bad in its quality.

a.shirt b.skirt d.expensive

21.Miss Diah works in a hospital. Her uniform is white.She is not a doctor, but she is…. b.nurse c.chemist d.servant

22.The girl works in a restaurant. She is a………… dresser b.nurse c.stewardess d.waitress

23.Mr.Shihab manages the company. He is a………….

a.manager b.teacher d.sailor

24. SLTP students…………. Uniforms to go to school.

a. must b. must wear c.must not wear d. must not

25. Ahmad………. to work at 8 every morning.

a. go b. went c. goes d. going

26. The man…………. Smoking. It………… good for his health..

a. are ; is b. is ; not c. are ; ,is not d. is ; is not

27. The employer will……….. all the staffs to the meeting…………

a. inviting b. invite c. invites d. invited

28. I usually buy food in…………..

a. drug store b. a restaurant c. a grocery store d.a department store

29. ………… is a bunch of banana.

a. How b. What c. How many d. How munch

30. Mitra department store sell various kinds of good , the antonym of the word ‘seel’ is….
a. pay b. buy c. work d. play

31. ………… is faster , a plane or a train ? a plane.

a. Which one b. What c. Where d. Whose

32. Q : Where did Budi buy his radio?

A : He bought his radio at the………
a. book shop b. butcher shop c. electronic shop d. stationary shop

33. There is ……… apple juice

a. any b. some c. much d. many

34. ………. There any cats in the classroom?

a. Do b. Does c. Is d. Are

35 My sister ………teble tennis playing b. playing c. are playing d. is not playing

36. Why is scabble a game? Because ………..

a. there is a winner c. it improves your mind is fun d. there is not a winner

37. Playing ……… will improve your vocabulary

a. marbles b. secrabble c. badminton d. billiard

38. Which of these is not a game ?

a. playing foot ball c. watching television
b. playing scrabble d. playing dakon
39. ………Is played by two groups
a. hide and seek a. go –back to door c. dakon d. jawuran

40. There are there film on TV tonight ……… one shall we watch ?
a. what b. when c. which d. who

II. 1. Arrange these words into good sentences !

a. are - the - not – shoes – blue
b. are - dark – blue – brothers – my – shorts

2. Fill in the blank with, al ot, of, afiew, a little

a. there are ----------- in the batht ub
b. A library usually has --------- books

3. Find the antonym above

a. cheap X ---------
b. in front of X --------

4. Complete. The sentences with use, never, some times, of ten, usually and always
a. I eat banana everyday I -------eat banana everyday
b. I play a little tennis I -------- play tennis

5. Change these sentences into -- dan ?

a. + I am buying a pen at ashop
_ ___________________________
? ___________________________

b. + My family are going to market

_ ___________________________
? ___________________________
Bidang studi : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tgl : Rabu,28 April 2004
Kelas : 2 ( Dua ) Waktu : 90 menit


1.A person who welcome the guest in the hotel is called……..
a. an office boy b. a receptionist c. a waiter d. a stewardess

2.Guest : Are there any …………… this hotel ?

Receptionist : Sure.There are live music and dancing.
a. advertisement b.antertainment c. announcement d.improvement

3.We can use …………..for sending our money to our relatives.

a. postal order b. money order c. post card d. parcel

4.After you finished speaking, put the…… its place properly .

a. telephone card handle c. coin d. telephone box

5.What is the equipment used to measure the body temperature rate ?

a. a stethoscope b. a themometre c. a flash light d. a syringe

6.Every famili should prepare the………..such as aspirin,iodine, eye droppers, plaster,etc, in their homes.
a. medicine b. first aid kits c. medical teratment d.medical equipment

7.What is the place of worship for the chritian ?

a. a mosque b. a church c. Vihara d. Pura

8. I want to phone my friend, bot I don’t have a telephone in my house. So, I go to…..
a. the telephone card c. telephone stall
b. the facsimile d. have phoned

9.The lawyer …………………his client since nine o’clok.

a.has phoned b.phoned c.phones d.have phoned

10.Who is serving you food and drink in the restaurant ?

a. a cook is b. a teller is c. a waiter is d. a receptionist is

11.These terms are related with dance, except…….

a. dancer, dancing studio,practise c. stage,scarf,custumer
b. actor, microphone, gallery d. movement,gamelan,enjoy

12.The followings are the names of birds,except………….

a. peacock,pigeon c. parroy,canary
b. starling,cocakrowo d.rooster,goose

13.this animal is often ridden by people for racing it is a………….

a. buffalo b. cow c. horse d. sheep

14.People often keep the chickens because of their………

a.voice b. funny ways c. eggs d. beautiful body

15.We can get honey from…………

a. ants b. bees c. grasshopers d. butterflies

16.These animals are wild and dangerous,except………..

a. tigers,lions b. elephants,bulls c. rabbits,goats d. snakes,crocodile

17.What kind of animals can run very fast ?

a. a deer b. a tortoise c. a camel d. a crocodile

18.We must not………cendrawasih, the paradise bird,because it is a protected animal.

a. hunt b. protected c. see d. meet

19.My friend and I……….to Taman Safari last month.

a. are going b. went c. are going to go d. have gone

20.Our country………..a lot of liquid gas to Japan last yer.

a. improted b. exported c. received d. accepted
21.Mr.Hadi : How often do you practise jogging ?
Dony : I………..if three times a week.
a. prctise b. next Sunday c. last Sunday d. every Sunday

22.Lisa : When did you cat seafood in the restaurant ?

John : ………………
a. for an hour b. just now c. tomorrow d. yesterday

23.the – caught – the – fishermen – last – night – fish

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 1-4-2-3-7-5-6 b. 1-7-5-6-2-3-4 c. 3-4-2-1-7-6-5 d.1-6-5-3-4-3-2-7

24.It rains almost………during the wet season.

a. yerterday b. tomorrow c. this morning d. everyday

25. Parno : Why werw you absent yesterday ?

Asnah : because I…………to the hospital.
a. am going b. go c. goes d. went

26.The bell boy looked tired to serve the guest………….

a. every Sunday b. on Sunday c. Last Sunday Sunday

27. Receptionist :………………

Guest : I’d like a room with a single bed on the first floor.
a. Can I help you ? c. Is there something I can do ?
b. Which room do you like ? d. What can I do for you ?

28.I…………..leave my house at a half past six and arrive at school at five to seven everyday.
a. often b. usually c. never d. always

29. Credit card are used to get…………

a. interest b. loan c. bill d. money

30.People must pay interest to the bank for their…………

a. debt b. cash c. loan d. charge

31.Mr.Zauhari is a Moslem. He prays every morning………….

a. Pura b. Vihara c. Church d. Mosque

32.The cake looks…….but it does not taste nice.

a. delicous b. sour c. salty d. bitter

33.The most important person in a restaurant,is…………

a. receptiinist b. servant c. customer d. bellboy

34. X : How………do you have meals aday ?

Y : Three times aday .
a. wide b. often c. much d. high

35. Thomas sianturi’s place of worship is…………..

a. temple b. church c. Mocque d. Pura

36.I Gede Subhana’s holy book is………………

a. Qur’an b. Bible c. Veda d. Tripitaka

37. Muhammad Naufal Prays everyday…………..times.

a. three b. four c. five d. two

38.Agnes Monica goes to church a month………..

a. once b. twice c. three times d. four times

39. Hens,cats,birds fish are…… means they are a costumed to live with men, and being cared for by people.
a. wild b. tame c. pet d. loyal

40.People like to breed hens, because their meat, they also give us …………
a. egg b. buffalo c. pig d. cow

1. Arrange these words to make good sentences !

a. mosque – to – go – Moslem – Friday – month – a – about – so – four time
b. a – always – bank – daughter – goes – my foot – on
2.Change this sentence into ( - ) and ( ? )
( + ) Alya Rohali went to Surabaya yesterday.
( - )…………………………………………..
( ? )………………………………………….
3.Complete these sentences with using “ HOW “…………
a. How………….is the building ? It is only 10 meters.
b. How………….is your body ? It is only 70 metres.
4. a. The bird is…………the case.
b.The book and an adictionary are…………the table.
5.Mention 4 animals as pets and protected :
a. Pets are 1………………………….
b. Protected are 1……………………………

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