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Checklist Procedures For The Successful Opening of A New Airport

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Checklist Procedures for the Successful Opening of

a New Airport
The new airport checklist was designed so that the OPERATION
airline community can work with the airport authority The ACC working group will meet with the airport
to ensure that when a new airport opens, it will authority two days before a regular ACC meeting is
operate smoothly, with minimal operating problems scheduled. During the first day the working group
right from opening day. The checklist can also be will meet with the airport authority and its project
used in part for a major terminal expansion. management consultants to review the new airport
The checklist was assembled to highlight recurring checklist.
problems in the lead up to opening of new The status of each element will be determined,
Greenfield airports and to resolve potential noting progress to date and when the element will
operational issues that have often occurred with be completed. Certain elements are further divided
new passenger terminals during the first days / into sub elements to provide more detail. The sub
weeks on opening. The checklist will ensure that all elements are shown on a separate page. Key or
the major elements of the new airport will be critical elements for each airport project can be
considered and any deficiencies, or elements that highlighted (shown in bold).
will not be ready, will be highlighted. The checklist Where it is anticipated that there will be problems
will provide a tool to encourage constructive completing an element of the project, then a
engagement between the Airport Consultative recovery or contingency plan should be developed.
Committee (ACC) and the airport authority during Comments will be made for those elements that will
the final stages of a major airport project. not be completed on-time. Additional comments
Assuming the airport authority addresses issues can be made on a separate sheet.
raised in a timely manner, the checklist should be The ACC working group should also consider the
kept confidential. It is important that a good working most critical elements of the airport and plan for
relationship be maintained between the airlines and their non-availability or failure in the first days of
the airport authority.Sharing information gathered operation e.g. staff parking, BHS, primary power
using the checklist with third parties would damage etc. It is hoped that such “disaster scenarios” are
trustbetween the airport authority and the ACC. never used, but the process should establish solid
TIMING working relationships that are able to react
positively to even minor issues like blocked toilets
The checklist will be used several times as the or cracking floors.
airport project nears completion. It is suggested that
The working group will complete the report on the
the checklist should be used at the following times:
second day.
 24 months before the airport / terminal opens; At the regular ACC meeting, the working group will
 12-15 months before the airport / terminal present its findings to the airport authority and ACC
opens; members. The ACC report, including the completed
 3-6 months before the airport / terminal opens. checklist, will be sent to ACC members, AOC Chair
ACC WORKING GROUP COMPOSITION and the airport authority. The airport authority will
be asked to reply to the report and comment on any
The checklist will be used by an ACC working group deficiencies mentioned in the ACC report.
drawn from the following stakeholders:
 ACC Chair
 AOC Chair
 ACC member – passenger terminal specialist
 ACC member – cargo / support / airfield
 IATA Airport Development staff member

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