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Hoa Exam Na Totoo

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1. The space between triglyphs with or without sculptures is known as a. Trachelion b. Opisthodomos c. Posticum d.

a. Metope b. Dentil c. Architrave d. Guttae 17. The Greek male statue used as columns is known as
2. The widely used order during the Greek period is the a. Canephorae b. Quadrigas c. Telamones d. Osiris
A. ionic b. Doric c. Corinthian d. Tuscan 18. Another prehistoric burial mound term
3. The Greek Council house w/c is covered meeting place for the a. horus b. fillet c. tumulus d. barrows
democratically elected councils 19. Art Nouveau in Germany is known as
a. Leontarium b. Hypaethrum c. Farrarium d. Bouleuterion a. Jugendstil b. Bauhaus c. Empire Style d. Eclecticism
4. The Greek wrestling school is known as 20. This is a gateway to a Dravidian temple for hindu architecture
a. Palaestra b. Gymnasia c. Dipteral d. Spina a. hypathrael b. torii c. torana d. gopura
5. Greek Temples stood on a foundation of three steps called 21. Pathenon is the largest Greek Temple which was the Crownig Glory of
a. Base b. Podium c. Crepidoma d. Stereobate Temenos dedicated to ;
6. Amphitheaters are used in a. god mnesicles b. goddess athena c. god parthenos d. goddess
a. Horse Racing b. Gladiatorial contests c. Marathon d. Chariot venus
Racing .7. Roman bridges are called 22. Completing the world-famous Pisa group of cath’l. & baptistery is the
a. Pons b. Gryse c. Facet d. Moat campanile known as
8. That which corresponds to the Greek Agora is the Roman a. Tower of London b. Leaning Tower c. Tower of Babel
a. Place b. Forum c. Plaza d. Market d. Tower of the Winds
9. The space between columns is called 23 . What Architecture did they reintroduced the Classical Orders ?
a. Interposition b. Intercupola c. Intercapedo a. Romanesque b. Renaissance c.Gothic
d.Intercolumnation d. Age of the Revivals
10. The upright stone slab containing the name of the dead found in the 24. The palatial public bath generally raised on high platform within
mastaba is an enclosing wall is the
a. pilaster b. band c. scuncheon d. stele a. Thermae b. Gymnasium c. Laconicum d. Triclinium
11. The architects of the Parthenon are 25. The biggest religious temple in the world known to be the temple
a. Ictinus & Callicrates b. Pheidias & Mnesicles c. Anthemius & mountain ;
Ictinus d. Theron & Pheidias a. Borobudor Temple b. Ziggurat at Ur c. Angkor Wat Temple d. Stupa
12.The builder of the famous Pharaohs or Light House is at Sanchi
a. Ptolemy ll b. Rameses ll c. 26. Founder of Buddhism;
Amenemhat 1 d. Senusrets a. Lao Tze b. Suryavarman II c. Gautama d.Brahman II
13.The favorite motifs of design of the Egyptians include the lotus , 27. The European style of arch developed in the 17th to 18th Century
papyrus & characterized by oval spaces ,curved surfaces & conspicious use of decor ,
a. scarab b. nipa c. palm d. cavetto scupture & color;
14. The palace proper found in Assyrian palaces is called a. Rococo Arch b. Neo Classical Arch c. Baroque
a. Seraglio b. Khan c. Thalamus d. Jawab Arch d. Antiquarian Arch
15. The male statue in kneeling position used in Greek Temples as columns 28. It began in Paris, it is a style of arch , primarily French in origin w/c
& ornamental blocks represesnts the final phase of the baroque around the mid of 18th Century
a. Canephorae b. Quadrigas c. Telamones d. Atlantes using rockworks, pebbles, coquilles & fantastic scrolls ;
16. The Epinaos is also called
a. Rococo Arch b. Neo Classical Arch c. Baroque Arch 40. The monastery designed w/ courts or shrines w/ a central square
d. Antiquarian Arch space surrounded by priest’s chambers.
29. Most prominent Art Nouveau architect whose works includes the Guell a. wat b. chaitya c. vihara d. stambha
Palace in Spain is 41. Art Nouveau in France is known as
a. Antonio Gaudi b. El Cid c. Henri Labrouste d. J.V. Louis a. Beaux Arts b. Le Modern Style
30. The dry sweating room in the thermae is the c. Stile Liberty d. Modernismo
a. Unctoria b. Sudatorium c. Palaestra d. 42. It is the considered as the world’s largest religious structure in the
apodyteria world
31. The dressing room in the thermae is called a. St. Peter’s Basilica b. Istana Nurul Aman c. Borubudor d. Angkor Wat
a. Frigidarium b. Hypocaust c. Apodyteria
d. laconicum 43. Ornament symbolizing resurrection
32. The private house of the Roman is the a. Lotus and Palm b. Scrab and Sacred Beatle c. Solar Disk d. NOTA
a. Megaron b. Villa c. Domus d.
insula 44. It is the pd. in French w/c is characterized by pointed arches &
33. The Pantheon, Rome is known today as the geometric traceried windows .
a. Sta Maria, Rotunda b. Sta Maria a. Decorated b.Mannerist
Maggiore, Rome c.Baroque d. Lancet
c. Sta Maria della Strada d. Sta. Maria Cancellaria, Rome 45. The pattern produced by the lierne is called
34. The small private bath, very usual in Roman palaces and houses were a. Sexpartite vault b. Quadripartite vault
called c. Pendant vault d. stellar vault
a. Balneum b. Hypogeum c. Bathtub d. 46. It is the lavishly ornamented Spanish Baroque style of the early 18th
Sensorium century characterized by a reaction from the correct and frigid formalism
35. The bedroom in the domus is called a. Modernismo b. Moorish
a. Dormitorio b. Cubicula c. Thalamus c. Arrab sque d. Churrigueresque
d. alcoba 47. Built in honor of the Pharoah
36. A single line of column surrounding the naos wall is an arrangement a. Cult b. Mortuary c. Stupa d. NOTA
calle 48. Hall of palace with hundred of columns
a. Peripteral b. Octasyle c. Monotriglyph d. a. Portico b. Persepolis c. Parados d. Palace
Araeostyle 49. The Revival and Eclectic Architecture in 19th century Great Britain
37. The naos, epinaos and the _________ are the 3 chambers of the Greek which is also used for its American counterpart
temple a. Victorian Arch b. Carolingian Arch
a. Cella b. Posticum c. Peristyle d. Pronaos c. Tudor Arch d. Elizabethan Architecture
38. From Buddhist structure Stupa , the crowning umbrella is called 50. A style of decoration in architecture and applied art developed
a. chattri b. torana c. dagoba d. principally in Belgium and France toward the end of 19thcent.
gopuram characterized by organic & dynamic forms, w/o traces of historical styles
39. The Amygdaloidal trap formation of living rocks in Buddhist a. Art Nouveau b. Beaux Arts
architecture is called ; c. Int’l .Architecture d. Colonial Arch
a. wat b. rath c. lath d. stambha 51. Romanesque Revival in the USA was introduced by
a. Louis Sullivan b. Henry H. Richardson c. Departure from the classic lines d. Roman like art
c. Frank Lloyd Wright d. Richard Upjohn 66. The principal floor of the Italian palazzo
52. The master sculptor of the Parthenon is a. Entresol b. Piano nobile
a. Scopas b. Mnesicles c. Pheidias d. Theron c. Oeil-de-boeuf d. sgrafitto
53. The architect of the Erectheion is 67. The internal court, surrounded by an arcade, in an Italian palace
a. Callicrates b. Mnesicles c. Theron d. Ictinus a. Cortile b. Patio
54. Pricipal chamber containing the statue of God and Goddesses c. Atrium d. hypaethral court
a. Pronaos b. Naos c. Epinaos d. Arcade 68. Art Nouveau in Austria is known as
55. The placing of one order after another order or above another a. Federal Style b. Sezessione
a. Intercolumnation b. Superimposition c. both A and B c. Utilitarianism d. monumentalism
56. Sunk panels, lacunaria or caisson form in the ceiling vault of domes 69.In a Muslim mosque, it is the large open court
a. Dado b. Coffers c. exedra d. abacus a. sahn b. dikka c. mihrab d. Muezzin
57. The bedroom in the domus is called 70. Characteristic wall ornament of the Egyptians
a. Dormitorio b. Cubicula c. Thalamus d. alcoba a. hieroglyphics b. beads and reels c. polychrome brickwork
58. The bedroom in the megaron is called d. papyrus leaves
a. Thalamus b. Cuarto c. Cubicula d. harem 71. This is a Chinese gateway made of stone and wood
59. A memorial monument to persons buried elsewhere is called a. kalasa b. vimana
a. Podium b. Nymphaeum c. Cenotaphs d. rostral column c. pai-lou d. mandap
60. The central aisle of the church is called 72. This is a Japanese gateway usually with three openings
a. Choir loft b. Nave c. Bema d. ambo a. torii b. bogyo
61. The prayer tower from the saracenic architecture ; c. torana d. gopuram
a. Ambo b. minaret 73. This is the gateway to a stupa
c. Baldachino d. carpet a. cha-sit-su b. shoji
62. A projecting block or spur of stone carved with foliage to decorate the c. torana d. kibleh
raking lines formed by angles of spires and canopies is the 74. The early Japanese system of construction is called
a. Boss b. Crocket c. Pendant a. torii b. cha-sit-su
d. pinnacle c. gussho d. kimono
63. The upper portion of a pinnacle, bench-end, or other architectural 75. The Chinese pagoda is called
feature is the a. yuan b. obi
a. Crocket b. Pinnacle c. pai-lou d. ta’is
c. Finial d. turret 76. The Japanese pyramidal roof is called
64. The church which is half- Renaissance and known at present S. Maria a. hogyo b. shichu
del Fiore is c. kirizuma d. myojin
a. Pantheon, Rome b. Florence Cath
c. S. Andrea, Mantua d. Superga, Turin 77. The Japanese teahouse is called
65. Renaissance means a. cha-sit-su b. irimoya
a. Architecture of the curve line c. yosemune d. moshi
b. Classic Re-birth 78. The emperor who built the Great Walls of China is
a. Yamashita b. Mitsubishi a. Temenos b. Tholos c. Domos d. Dromos
c. Chao Ju Kua d. Shi Huang Ti 94 . Monumental gateway of Egyptian temple
79. Raised stage reserve for clergy a. Pylon b. Mastaba c. Obelisk d. cult
a. Atrium b. Bema c. Antepodium d. Ambo 95. Passave grave
80. Former name of Iran a. Tumulus b. Cromlech c. Menhir d. Tomb
a. Gaul b. Persia c. Mesopotamia d. NOTA 96. Small stones, Loose pattern, resembling polygonal walling
81. Small private chapel furnish with an altar and crucifix a. Opus Incertum b. Opus Quadtratum c. Opus mixtum
a. Dais b. Oratory c. Canceli d. Trancept 97. Entrance court, open to sky and at the center is impluvium
82. Men’s apartment a. Atrium b. Impluvium c. Tablinum
a. Diwan b. Dar c. Harem d. Minaret 98. Dressing room in Roman Arch
83. Crowning featrure of a column a. Apodyteria b. Uncturia c. Tepidarium
a. Shaft b. Capital c. Base d. Crown 99. Thick volcanic earth material in Roman Arch
84. A shelter promenade a. Stone b. Rock c. Pozzolana
a. Dentils b. SToa c. Trachelion d. NOTA 100. Papasa ka bang AQE2018?
85. Spiral scroll in an ionic capital a. OO b. Yes c. both A and B.
a. Plinth b. Volute c. Loggia d. Flutting
86The sacred enclosure found in the highest part of Greek city is
known as
a. Terminus b. Pteroma c. Citadel d. Propylae
87. In the Greek theater, the area for the spectators is known as
a. Paraskenia b. Skene c. Orchestra d. Cavea
88 . A projecting block or spur of stone carved with foliage to decorate the
raking lines formed by angles of spires and canopies is the
a. Boss b. Crocket c. Pendant d. pinnacle
89. . The ornamental pattern work in stone filling the upper part of a
Gothic window is
a. Stained glass b. Billet moulding c. Tracery d. cresting
90. The characteristic Norman church in England is
a. York b. Durham c. Rochester d. Oxford
91. It is known as the architecture of the curve line
a. Renaissance b. Art Noveau c. Roman d. Baroque

91. Massive and monumental type of construction

a. Pre historic b. Egyptian c. Near East d. Greek
92. Masonry made up of huge stone blocks
a. Cyclopean Wall b. polygonal wall c. Propylea d. NOTA
93. Sacred enclosure also known as citadel or acropolis

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