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Secret Rapture

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Of the Saints



About the Author…………………………………………………….…..… 3

Prophecy And Its Fulfillment-Historical Review.........................…...... 4

The Historical Interpretation.....................................................….......

The Practerist Theory.............................................................…........

The Futurist Theory............................................................................

Bridging the Gulf............................................................................... 6

The Tractarian Movement - Landslide Towards Rome.................…. 14

Another Fish on the Hook........................................................…..… 15

The Oxford Movement...................................................................... 16

The Brethren Movement................................................................... 18

The Hour and the Man...................................................................... 24

Darby and the "Secret Rapture......................................................... 26

Notes................................................................................................ 32



One of Scotland's well-known Gaelic scholars, the Reverend Duncan McDougall

graduated at Edinburgh University in Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Gaelic, taking Gaelic
medals, Blackie Prize and MacPherson Scholarhip (twice). After leaving college he
was Examiner in Hebrew for eleven years to the Free Church College, Edinburg, in
which he had taken his theological course. Having been posted to Holland in the
First World War, Mr. McDougall had acquired a working knowledge of Dutch, and in
expectation of a mission appointment in South America, which, however, did not
materialize, he set himself to acquire a working knowledge of Spanish. He was
therefore a linguist of very considerable repute.
A devout Christian, Mr. McDougall was ordained to the Ministry of the Free Church
of Scotland, a denomination which has long been known for its firm adherence to the
teaching of the Holy Scriptures and its repudiation of modernistic and higher critical
views. For six years he was Lecturer in Christian Evidences to the Vancouver Bible
School, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Finally returning to Scotland, he was
appointed Minister of the Free Church in Dundoon, a post which he held until his


Many professed Bible Teachers have been busy in Bible studies, conventions,
revivals, religious papers, leaflets, and books, telling with an air of authority (which
amount almost to a claim to Divine inspiration), all about the "secret rapture" of the
saints and what is to take place on this earth after they are gone. According to their
theory the Lord is to come SECRETLY for His saints: they are to be caught up
(raptured) to meet Him in the air without the world knowing that anything is
happening. All who are unprepared are to be left on earth in an unsaved state, then
an individual known as the "Antichrist' is to make his appearance, to assume power
as a world Dictator, to revive the old Roman Empire as a ten-kingdomed
confederacy, and to rule over it, to make a covenant with the Jews to allow them to
set up again their temple worship in Jerusalem, and at the end of three-and-a-half
years, to break the covenant and persecute them. After seven years Christ is to
come back with His saints to destroy the Anti-Christ and set up His reign of a
thousand years on this earth. All these things are described in as much detail as if
they were actually taught in the Bible, and even some good men have got the
impression that the Bible does actually contain them.

It will come as a shock to many good people that not only is this teaching not in the
Bible, but that it was originated by the Bible's worst enemies. If Christians would
only study God's Word, coming to the Bible with an open mind instead of coming
with their heads filled with the teachings of human and fallible men whom they treat
as if inspired, they would not be so readily 'carried away with [this] wind of doctrine'.
If they would accept the teaching of Christ that "a corrupt tree cannot bring forth
good fruit," or the warning given to Daniel that "none of the wicked shall
understand," they would know better than to expect to get a clean bird out of a foul
nest. The pity is that so many choose to remain ignorant of the nest out of which the
bird has come, and so, "professing themselves to be wise," they proclaim their
ignorance as it were on the house-tops. To these "blind leaders of the blind,"
ignorance is a Pearl of Great Price, and to offer them any enlightenment on
historical facts is an attempt to rob them of their precious jewel. If any of them have
ever read any of the writings of the Reformers on the subject of Prophecy, they
seldom by the slightest allusion betray the fact. Being neither willing to admit, nor
able to refute, the wisdom of all these mighty Spirit-taught men of God, our modem
Bible Teachers studiously ignore them, and speak as if they themselves were the
people, and wisdom had been born with them. One would never guess from the
writings of these "Bible Teachers" that any expositor existed earlier than J. N. Darby.
Naturally to tell them the truth is to become their enemy.


When the Bible, after being almost unknown for centuries, was suddenly made an
open book at the Reformation, the Reformers saw in it a full-length portrait of the
great anti-Christian system known as the "Church" of Rome, with the Pope at its
head. They found in the Book of Revelation a prophetic account of the fiery trials
through which the True Church was to pass, and also of God's judgments on her
enemies. They recognized the Romish system as the spiritual Babylon denounced
in that prophecy, and the Pope as the Antichrist, the Man of Sin and Son of
perdition. They used the prophecy as a sharp two-edged sword with which to smite

the iniquitous imposture which had usurped the place of the Church of Christ. The
interpretation of prophecy as a foretelling of actual history which had been and was
being strikingly fulfilled, was largely blessed of God in bringing about the
What could Rome do? She could not blot the Book of Revelation out of the Bible.
She had to find some other meaning for the Book, which would provide her with an
alibi and turn aside the accusing finger pointed at her. The Jesuits, the most
unscrupulous body of men on earth, whose "moral theology" reeks of the bottomless
pit, a body whom Loyola had formed specially to undo the work of the Reformation,
set to work to find a meaning for the Revelation which would side-track the


Alcazar, a Spanish Jesuit, started the idea that the Apostle John could not possibly
foretell events which were to happen hundreds of years after his own time; that he
was writing merely about what was happening in his own day, and that his Antichrist
was probably the Emperor Nero or some other early persecutor. This theory has
been adopted by German rationalists, and finds favor with the modernists in the
churches today1.


Ribera2, another Spanish Jesuit, went to the other extreme and propounded the
theory that the whole Book of Revelation related to events to take place just at the
time of Christ's Second Coming, and therefore still in the future. The Antichrist was
to be a World-Dictator who would appear at the end of this dispensation.

The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, instigated by the Jesuits, took place in 1572, and
Ribera published his theory in or about 1580. The blood-stains had scarcely
disappeared from the streets of Paris and in the sight of God the hands of the
Jesuits were still deep-dyed with the innocent blood of the Protestants of France
when they gave their theory to the world. It was published with a design to shift the
odium of being the Antichrist away from the Pope, who had held a festival and struck
a medal in commemoration of the massacre. Ribera was not simply a disinterested
lover of the Word of God studying prophecy for its own sake. God has testified:
"None of the wicked shall understand" yet thousands of "Bible Teachers" today
maintain strongly that Ribera's idea of a future personal Antichrist is the right
interpretation, and that the Reformers' view of the papacy as the Antichrist is wrong1.

For 250 years from 1580 to 1830, the idea of an individual personal Antichrist to
appear sometime in the future was the recognized teaching of the Church of Rome,
while the belief that the reign of Antichrist extended all through the Dark Ages, from
the fourth century to the Reformation, was universally held by the Protestant


The Jesuits, owing to their vicious principles and their encouragement of treachery
and violence making orderly and peaceable government impossible, have been
expelled sooner or later from almost every civilized country in which they have set
foot. Their record covers about a hundred orders issued by different governments
for their expulsion. When they were expelled from Chile, Emanual Lacunza
(pronounced Lacuntha), a Chilean of Spanish descent, who had become a member
of the order in 1747 at the age of sixteen and had risen to be superintendent of the
Noviciates, training them zealously in the principles of Jesuitry; came and settled in
the north of Italy. He devoted the remainder of his days to writing a book entitled,
"The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty." Lacunza was of course,
steeped in the current Jesuit teaching that the appearance and reign of Antichrist
was still in the future and to this he added a touch of his own, namely, that in order
to make room for all the events which he anticipated, at the coming of Christ there
would have to be a period of time between the rapture of the saints and the actual
appearance of the Messiah in His Glory. He conceived the idea that:

"when the Lord returns from heaven to earth upon His coming forth from heaven,
and much before His arrival at the earth, He will give His orders, and send forth His
command as King and God omnipotent: 'with a shout (in the Vulgate jussu, i.e. 'by
the order') with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.' At this voice
of the Son of God, those who shall hear it, shall forthwith arise, as saith the
evangelist St. John (chapter 5:25) 'those who hear shall live.'"3

Here is the germ out of which sprang the whole theory that Christ was to come
TWICE, once for His saints, and again some time later with His saints.

Lacunza, though largely in bondage to Romish teaching, and vigorously asserting

that the Book of Revelation "is wholly directed to the coming of the Lord," and that it
did not find its accomplishment in any sense in the facts of history during the
Christian dispensation - a contention in which all Futurists and Roman Catholics are
agreed - was to some extent an independent thinker and gave expression to several
views which could not but be anathema to Rome. He at least hinted that the
Antichrist would appear in Rome and that he would usurp the place of the Head of
the Church. He also stated plainly that the second beast of the thirteenth chapter of
Revelation signified the priesthood, not of some false religion, but of the Church of
Rome, which he regarded as the true Church. This priesthood, he believed, was to
apostatize on the appearance of Antichrist, just as the Jewish priesthood apostatized
when they crucified Christ, and, owing to the supposed sanctity of their office, they
would be able to seduce the vast majority of the Christian world, and would
persecute the true saints of God.

What was most damaging of all from the Pope's point of view was the fact that
Lacunza ventured to call in question the teaching of his own church as to the
individual personal Antichrist, with all the supernatural powers for evil which he was
to exercise within his few years reign. He actually yielded the main contention of the
Protestants, that the Antichrist of the Scripture was not one man, but a mighty
system or body of men animated by one spirit. Speaking of the teachings of the
Romish doctors on the person of the Antichrist, he refers to their ideas as "so
various, so obscure, and so ill-founded," and adds:

"Who knows, but all this variety of notions may have originated in some false
principle, which without design, has been looked upon, and received as true? Who
knows, but all the evil may have originated, in having imagined this Antichrist as a
singular and individual person, and sought to accommodate to him all the general
and particular things which we find in Scripture? This supposition is the thing which
has rendered very many of the notices we read in the Scripture, obscure and
incomprehensible, to my understanding: which has made things and notions
innumerable to be imagined, which, do not appear from revelation, in order to supply
the peace of those which do appear. This, in short, has made Antichrist to be
sought; yea, and found, and with the eyes of the imagination beheld, where no
Antichrist was, and at the same time, neither to be seen, nor recognized, where he
actually is." 4

The childish notion that Mussolini, or any such individual Dictator, such as the
accepted Romish teaching had led men to anticipate, can fulfill the Divine
predictions concerning Antichrist, was condemned by Lacunza in words which
modern "Bible teachers" might well take to heart:

"Seeing this beast (the first beast of Rev. 13) is by the confession of all, the
Antichrist whom we look for, and seeing by this terrible and wonderful metaphor are
announced so many things, so novel, so grand, and so stupendous, as about to
happen in those times over all the earth, this Antichrist ought to be something
infinitely different, and incomparably greater than what a single man can be. There
is no doubt that in those dark times shall be seen, now one king, now another, now
many at one time in various parts of the world, cruelly persecuting the small body of
Christ. But neither shall this king, nor that, nor all conjoined, be anything in reality
but the horns of the beast, and the arms of Antichrist.
"If we expect to see accomplished in one man all that is said of the beast, with all
that is announced to us in so many other parts of Scripture; it is much to be feared,
that, all which is written will take place, and such an Antichrist not appearing, we
shall be looking for him when he is already in the house. Likewise it is to be feared,
that this idea which we have formed of Antichrist may prove the chief cause of the
very great carelessness in which men shall be found when the day of the Lord

The Reformers had unanimously pointed to the dreadful persecutions of the

Bohemians in Eastern Europe, and of the Waldenses in the West, the long drawn-
out excruciating agony, the burnings, tortures, and unspeakable atrocities committed
by the brutal soldiery of one nation after another, urged on to the murderous work by
a line of Popes more degraded than the most beastial of the assassins, over a
period of more than three centuries, and ending in the extermination of the Bible
witness just before the Reformation, as the fulfillment of the prophetic description of
the sufferings of the "Two Witnesses" and their death at the hands of the beast.
The Jesuit doctors had vehemently asserted that the Two Witnesses were to be two
men who should appear during the reign of the Antichrist just before the coming of
Christ, and they were almost unanimous in predicting that the two had never tasted
death. Lacunza strenuously opposed this view, and argued at length that:

"From the context itself, it is easy to perceive that those Two Witnesses are as far
from signifying two single and individual persons, as is the beast to whom they are
opposed, and which is to persecute them to the death. It is enough to read
attentively what is said of these two witnesses, from the 7th verse to the 14th, in
order to perceive that they are two pious and religious bodies, or, as it were, two
congregations of faithful and religious ministers of God, who, filled with the Holy
Spirit, and guided by Divine Providence, shall oppose themselves to the abounding
iniquity. . . . These (continues the text) the beast shall furiously persecute, but God
shall visibly protect them by wonderful interferences, until they shall have fulfilled the
days of their prophecy, when they shall be conquered and overcome by the beast
himself, with the universal applause and joy of the inhabitants of the earth."6

Lacunza is striking at the speculations of the theologians of his own Jesuit order; but
if he had lived today and been commenting on the imaginings of our "Bible
teachers", he could not have expressed himself in any other terms. Here several
pointed questions arise which are not so easy to answer. On a number of the main
contendings of the Reformers, Lacunza appears to be deliberately giving Rome's
case away to them in the most palpable manner - an attitude which in a Jesuit must
appear peculiar; yet on other aspects he zealously maintains Rome's point of view.
In a word, what he does is to take the Reformer's picture and try to fit it into Rome's
frame; and the two do not fit.

He agrees with the Reformers (though without giving the slightest hint that he had
ever heard of their tenets or even knew of their existence).-

1. That "the beast' or Antichrist is not one man, but a vast world-wide organization
animated by one spirit and ruled by one official Head who was to usurp the place of
the Head of the Church, and was to have his seat in Rome.
2. That the "two witnesses" are not two individuals, but two bodies of faithful
ministers of God, who were to oppose the Antichrist, and were to be finally
overcome by him.

How Lacunza could describe the events so accurately, and yet fail to see the very
scene he was depicting, written in fire and blood across the page of history, must
remain a riddle. But to the jaundiced view of the Jesuit, the martyrs were all
heretics, while he who shed their blood was the "Vicar of Christ".

But he maintains with all other Romish theologians of the Ribera school:

I. That the appearance of the Antichrist and of the two witnesses, and the
fulfillment of all prophecies concerning them, are still in the future.
2. That they will all be fulfilled in a very short space of time, just prior to the Second
Coming of our Lord in His Glory.

He adds as a speculation of his own the surmise that the whole career of Antichrist
will be run and all these prophecies fulfilled, within a period that will elapse between
Christ's setting out from heaven and issuing the command to His angels to go out for
the saints, and His actual arrival at the earth with the saints.

There is an inconsistency between the two parts of Lacunzas picture, which will at
once strike every logical mind. If the whole prophecy were to be fulfilled in a short
space of time, it would be more reasonable to suppose that it would be carried out
under the control of one man, or super-man, and that the Antichrist would be an
individual World Dictator. If, on the other hand, what was prophesied was to be a
vast world-wide organization, opposed by the witness of two churches or bodies of
Christians, reason itself would indicate that these would require some time to
develop, and that the prophecy must cover a considerable period of history.

Thus Lacunza's half-way house is an untenable position. From whichever direction it

is approached, the reasoning mind cannot stop there. If he could have influenced
the Church of Rome to accept the view that the Antichrist was a world-power
animated by one Spirit, the inexorable force of logic would compel Roman Catholics
to acknowledge that history had already produced one world-power, and only one, to
answer the description. In other words, Rome would be driven to accept the
Protestant position. But if he could induce the Protestant world to accept the view
that the Antichrist was to appear only for a few years at the end of this dispensation,
logic would equally force Protestants to picture that Antichrist as an individual
person, in other words Protestantism would be compelled to accept Rome's alibi.

It stood to reason that Lacunza's book would not affect the beliefs of his own church.
It would not, it could not, be read by faithful Roman Catholics. It differed just so
widely from the accepted teaching of Rome, that it was certain to be placed
by the Vatican on the "Index" of prohibited books as soon as it made its last
appearance, and none knew this better than the author. This indeed may well have
been part of his plan. But if it was not to be read by his own Church, for whom was it
written? Did he expect that a book written by a Jesuit would be read and accepted
by Protestants, even if it came with the commendation of having been condemned
by the Pope? That is a question. Let us see.

For four centuries before the Reformation, the Church of Rome built up her
pretensions on what are known as the "Decretals of Isidore "7, a fictitious collection
of Bulls and Rescripts supposed to have been issued by the Bishops of Rome during
the first three centuries of the Christian Era to show the authority of the popes of that
early age. They were alleged to have been the fruit of the researches of Isidore of
Seville, one of the most learned bishops of the ninth century. They were only given
to the world two centuries after Isidore's death. In the general ignorance that
characterized the Golden Age of the Church of Rome, the Decretals were
everywhere accepted as authentic, and men beheld with awe the autocratic power
wielded by Peter and his immediate followers. At the Reformation the genuine
history of these centuries was examined, the forgery was discovered, and the
"Decretals of Isidore" exposed as the most audacious imposture ever palmed off on
an unsuspecting world. But for four centuries they did their work, and Rome reaped
the benefit. What Rome has done once, she always expects to be able to do again.
It may seem a hard thing to suggest that a book written as a solemn meditation on
"The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty" was produced with the intention of
imposing on the world in the same way. Yet the facts point that way. Lacunza wrote
under the name of "Rabbi Ben Ezra,"8 supposedly a learned Jew who had accepted
Christ as his Saviour and was writing with a view to the conversion of his Jewish

brethren. Possibly you had never heard the name of Lacunza before, and you did
not know who he was, but you may have heard about "Ben Ezra" before. You have
come across some Futurist writers quoting, frequently with approval from "Ben
Ezra". Only, you always thought he was a Christian Jew; you never had any idea
he was a Jesuit. Exactly. That is just what Lacunza intended you should think. How
else could he expect his teaching to gain a hearing, not to speak of being accepted,
in the Protestant world? With Jesuit cunning and Jesuit thoroughness the cloak of
the converted Jew is worn throughout the work. Even the dedicatory prayer at the
opening of the book is the prayer of "Juan Josafat Ben Ezra", the converted Jew
pleading with the Almighty to use the book for the enlightenment of his Jewish
brethren. This Jewish Rabbi does not placate the priesthood when he adds in his
prayer the petition that his work would "oblige the priests to shake off the dust from
their Bibles", which appear "in these times to have become, to not a few of them,
the most useless of all books."

We might feel impelled to throw the cloak of charity over Lacunza, and suppose that,
fearing the displeasure of his own Church for his "errors," he merely wished to hide
his identity under a "non de plume." But one has only to glance at any account of
the fierce persecution of the Jews by the Church of Rome in Spain - a vivid picture of
the awful sufferings inflicted on the Jews in the name of Christ as given in
Dr. Grattan Guinness's "Light for the Last Days"9 to see that with such bitter
hatred existing between the Jews and the Roman Catholics, the guise of a Jewish
Rabbi was the one best suited to secure the absolute exclusion of the book from the
Roman Church. Lacunza's views might be tolerated if coming from a Jesuit, for the
Jesuits within the bosom of the Church were allowed to air all kinds of views; but
coming from a Jewish Rabbi the book was certain to be put on the "Index" of
prohibited books.

Did Lacunza really expect to reach the Jews by pretending that the author of his
work was a Jewish Rabbi? It is very unlikely that he did. The Jew, even the
converted Jew, has a mentality of his own which it would be futile for any Gentile to
try to impersonate and Lacunza either was ignorant of or did not attempt to copy the
peculiar workings of the Jewish mind. He was certainly ignorant of the writings of
the genuine Jewish Rabbis, which any learned Jew would have made reference to.
Moreover, the Jewish world is too compact, and the records of all its Rabbis too well
known, for any fake Rabbi to go far among them without detection. The unbelieving
Jews would only smile at any attempt to influence them in favour of Christianity by
foisting a fictitious Jewish Rabbi upon them. It would have the opposite of the
desired effect.

There remain only the Protestants, and there can be little doubt that it was for their
consumption that this elaborate forgery was prepared. To get them to begin
dabbling in the theory of a future Antichrist was worth a vast amount of time and
labour to the Church of Rome.

Had Lacunza lived to see his work given to the public, he might have so managed it
that the world would never have discovered the secret of its authorship. That
evidently was the intention. Lacunza was found dead by the side of the river where
he was accustomed to go for a walk, on the morning of the 17th of June, 1801.
There is no record of what caused his death. His book, or rather what appears to

have been an abridgement of it, was first printed in two small volumes at the Isle of
Leon, Spain, in 1812, during the short period of the Cortez, Spain's ill-starred bid for
freedom. As soon as the monarchy and papacy regained power, it was
suppressed. It was also placed, as might have been expected, on Rome's Index of
prohibited books, and denounced as such by the Inquisition. This was the best
advertisement it could have got in those days. Immediately after the extinction of the
Cortez, there were formed in Spain numbers of societies of young men and women,
the object of which was "to procure and read those books expressly prohibited by
the Inquisition" of which they had got a taste under the government of the Cortez.
Finding the work of "Ben Ezra" mentioned in the list, they made it their business to
secure copies, which they read with delight. Soon copies or extracts made their way
into France and were read by members of the Gallican Church.

In 1816 a complete edition (apparently the first complete edition), of Lacunza's work,
in four volumes, was published in London by the Diplomatic Agent of the Republic of
Buenos Aires. The secret of the real authorship of the work, though still hidden from
the world under its disguise, must have been known to those concerned in this
publication. Otherwise, how would the Diplomatic Agent of a South American
Republic be interested in the work of 'Rabbi Ben Ezra' a converted Jew? At a time
when ninety-five per cent of the whole population of South America were still
illiterate, when its infant republics were struggling to lift their heads out of the
primordial slime of Romish depravity and to crawl towards the cherished goal of the
terra firma of civilization, an important theological work by a Native Son was
something for all South America to be proud of. True, the authors identity could not
be divulged as yet. Protestant England could not be trusted to give an unbiased
opinion of a book known to have been written by a Jesuit. The Author must go
before the British public in the disguise of the converted Jewish Rabbi, as he had
himself planned. When a sufficient number of the leaders of religious thought in
England had committed themselves to approval of the work, or acceptance of its
teaching, when it would be too late for them to reverse their verdict, then would be
time enough to reveal the identity of the author and give "honour to whom honour
was due."

At that time everything in a printer's shop: type setting, press work, folding, binding;
all had to be done by hand and the output of books in London was but a mere
fraction of what it is today. The production of a thelogical work in Spanish, in four
volumes, was an important undertaking, liable to attract much attention. Though
Spanish is a simple language, one of the simplest in Europe to master, the number
of people in England who would be qualified to read this work was necessarily
limited. The number of copies required would be small, and the cost per set
correspondingly high. Today a copy of these four volumes from an art dealers point
of view might well be worth their weight in gold. When they were published, to
possess and be able to read the work of this wonderful Jewish Rabbi would be quite
a mark of distinction among the learned in London.

There was one library in London which could not afford to be without a copy of the
new publication, a theological library which was and still is second to none in
England with the possible exception of the great university libraries of Oxford and
Cambridge. That was the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury, maintained not for
his private use only but for the whole Church and people of England. We may be

sure that if the Archbishop or his librarian did not take care to secure a copy, the
Diplomatic Agent would be diplomatic enough to place a copy at their disposal. It
must be available to any who wish to consult it at this center of sacred learning.

Here then, on the library shelves of the official head of the Anglican Church, at
the very heart's core of British Protestantism, we leave these four volumes.
Rome has done her work well. She has drilled the hole in the Rock of
Reformed Theology; she has driven home the charge; she has laid the fuse; all
is set for the blast which is to rend the Rock in pieces. How long will it be till
the explosion takes place? It may take years. But Rome has infinite patience.
She is willing to wait.

It took ten years. Ten years are not a very long time to produce a radical
change in the thinking of a seasoned scholar and theologian, to get the man
who had the care of these volumes so saturated with their teachings that he
was himself precipitated into authorship.

In 1826, ten years after the publication of Lacunza's work, Dr. Maitland, librarian to
the Archbishop of Canterbury, startled the Protestant world with the first of a series
of pamphlets on prophecy10. He propounded the theory, already taught for 250
years by the Jesuits 11 that the whole book of Revelation refers only to the future,
and is to be fulfilled in a short period at the return of Christ. Rev. E. P. Cachemaille,
of Cambridge describes these Pamphlets as:
"Energetically assailing the whole Protestant application of the symbols of the Little
Horn in Daniel VII, and of the Apocalyptic Beast and Babylon, to the Roman Papacy
and Church." 12

"The scheme he [Maitland] advocated was even more Futuristic than the Jesuit
Ribera's, for he supposed St. John even in the very first chapter of Revelation to
plunge in spirit into (but see the Greek) 'the day of the Lord,' as though 'the Lord's
day,' spoken of in Revelation 1:10, could be the great epoch of the Lord's second
coming and of the consummation of all things, passing over the whole Christian
dispensation without any guidance for God's Church and people, and ignoring the
statements as to things which must shortly come to pass in Revelation 1:1 and
22:6." 13

What Cachemaille failed to notice was that Dr. Maitland was borrowing not from
Ribera direct, but from Lacunza. This argument about "the day of the Lord" is
Lacunza's. In fairness to Dr. Maitland we must believe that he was quite unaware
that he was using the ideas of a Jesuit. He could only have known the work as that
of "Rabbi Ben Ezra", a converted Jew. The disguise had done its work. But the
force of logic drove Dr. Maitland back to Ribera's position about the personal
Antichrist. Having accepted the Futurist teaching that the whole book of Revelation
was to be fulfilled in a short period of a few years, the idea that the Antichrist was to
be one individual World-Dictator followed naturally.

Seeing that Cachemaille has selected the argument of Dr. Maitland on the first
chapter of Revelation as one point on which he seems to show some originality, we
might take it as a test, and see whether the idea did not really originate with
Lacunza. Listen to what Lacunza has to say on this subject:

"This divine book is an admirable prophecy directed wholly to the times immediate
upon the coming of the Lord. The title of the book shows well to what it is all
directed; what is its argument, and what is its determinate end: 'The Apocalypse of
Jesus Christ' - 'the Revelation of Jesus Christ.'" 14

"This title till now has been taken only in an active sense, as if it meant only a
Revelation which Jesus Christ makes to another of future things. But I read these
same words very often in the epistles of St. Peter and St. Paul, and never find them
in an active sense, but always in a passive sense, and capable of no other than this-
the revelation or manifestation of Jesus Christ in the great day of His second
coming'. With this single exception, the word 'Revelation of Jesus Christ' always
signifies the coming of the Lord, which we are expecting . . .

"I say that this divine book is wholly directed to the coming of the Lord . . . the very
words with which, after the salutation to the Churches, the prophecy begins, carry a
very sensible proof of this truth. 'Behold He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall
see Him, and they also which pierced Him; and all the kindreds of the earth shall
wail because of Him. Even so, Amen!' Rev. 1:7."15

These extracts should be sufficient to dispel any reasonable doubt as to the source
from whence Dr. Maitland drew his inspiration. If the most original idea he had to
put forward was this one as to the first chapter of Revelation referring to the day of
the Lord's second coming, we find that this was argued at length by "Rabbi Ben
Ezra", and published in London ten years before Dr. Maitland used it. Dr. Maitland's
argument bears the imprint of the master-hand of Lacunza.



Almost immediately after the appearance of the first of Dr. Maitland's pamphlets a
Mr. Burgh16 in Ireland published a book on the Futurist Antichrist, along similar lines,
and evidently drawn from the same source. But another seven years were to elapse
before the disintegration of Protestant Christianity would begin in earnest. These
seven years were needed, both in England and in Ireland, for the idea to take root
that the Reformers had done the papacy an injustice in regarding it as the Antichrist
of Scripture; and that Rome was really a "sister church" and should be so regarded
by the Protestants of Britain. The year 1833 was the crucial time when the vision of
the Seer of Patmos was to begin to be fulfilled : "And I saw three unclean spirits like
frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and
out of the mouth of the false prophet; for they are the spirits of devils, working
miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world . . . "

Rev. 16:13,14.

Cardinal Newman17 long afterward stated in his Apologia18 that he never considered
and kept July 14th, 1833 as the start of the Tractarian Movement19. Newman's work
on the Arians of the Fourth century, published early in October of that year, appears
to have been the first publication of the new movement for Reunion with Rome, the
fore-runner of the Tracts for the Times which gave the movement its name. It is
important, remember that date - July, 1833. Even Pusey20, most advanced
Romanizer of all, did not join the movement till near the close of this year. The only
publications preparing the minds of the people of England for a return to Rome, prior
to July, 1833, and which might be said to belong to the Tractarian Movement, were
Maitland's and Burgh's pamphlets on the Future Antichrist.

It would take us too long to follow all the ramifications of the Oxford21 or Tractarian,
or, as it is now called, the Anglo-Catholic Movement - that is, Anglican in name and
Romish at heart. We need only to note that Dr. Maitland's theory of a future
Antichrist was one of the main weapons used in the Tractarian defence of the
papacy from the charges levelled against it by the Reformers. It was part of the
kindly light which "amid the encircling gloom" that clouded Newman's soul, "led him
on" into the arms of the Pope. It was part of the "Faith of our fathers, holy faith,"
which Romish apologists are fond of pitting against the teaching of Scripture, and
which Faber enshrined in a hymn which he left behind22, to be invoked by
"Protestant" congregations when he himself, with seven of his monkish brotherhood,
flopped over into the Church of Rome. The Romish monasteries and convents,
confessionals, candles, incense, adoration of the host, and other ritualistic practices
smuggled into the Church of England; the Society of the Holy Cross, Order of
Corporate Re-Union, Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, and all the other
paraphernalia of the Oxford Movement, still reaping its deadly harvest in the
engulfing of precious souls in Rome's pit of perdition; all are the fruits of this
teaching that the Antichrist is still in 'the Future, that the papacy is not the Antichrist
but the true Vicar of Christ, and that the papal system is a sister Church and not the
Babylon of Revelation AND THE END IS NOT YET.

But we must go back to Lacunza. This wonderful Spanish Work of "Rabbi Ben Ezra"
had attracted so much attention in London that it must be translated into English.
And here the slimy trail of the Jesuit branches off in another direction. The work of
translation was undertaken by a young Scottish Presbyterian minister, brilliant but
erratic, who had been assistant to the great Dr. Chalmers in Glasgow, and had come
to London as minister of the Scots Church there. This was Edward Irving, founder of
the "Irvingites", or as they now call themselves, the "Catholic Apostolic Church", a
body whose beliefs and practices are among the most peculiar in Christendom.
Some at least of these vagaries are distinctly traceable to the views Irving imbibed
from Lacunza.

It is to Irving we are indebted for all that we know of Lacunza's life. In connection
with his work of translation, Irving took pains to search for some information about
the life of Rabbi Ben Ezra, the supposed author. The sponsors of the Spanish
edition of 1816, must have thought the reputation of the book sufficiently securely
established to make it safe to divulge the real authorship, for Irving was able to

secure details of Lacunza's career and publish them in the preface, although the
work was still given out under the name of "Rabbi Ben Ezra".

Irving was more inexcusable than Dr. Maitland. He knew that he was giving to the
world the teaching of a Jesuit, and with his Scottish Presbyterian training, he knew
enough of the morality of the Jesuits to be aware of the suicidal folly of such an

When Irving began his translation or when he finished it might not seem of much
interest, but in this case, the date is of vital importance. I have not seen the original
edition, but it was a voluminous and expensive work and some time after it was
published some parties, who, like most of the Tractarians, chose to remain
anonymous, made an abridgement of it in order to publish a cheap popular edition
which would give it a much wider circulation. Irving refused to allow this cheap
edition to be published until his own first edition was sold out. I have here a copy of
this cheap edition, published in 1833, the year in which the Tractarian movement
began; and judging from the editor's apology for the delay in getting it out, I gather
that there were some parties waiting to use it as soon as it appeared. This is
significant. On the title-page are the words: "Being an Abridgement of a work
translated from the Spanish, and published in 1827." Beneath is this wish:
"Oh that my brethren in Christ might have the same divine satisfaction, and
unwearied delight in reading that I had in translating this wonderful work.
Translator." Thus Irving must have been absorbed in Lacunza at the very time when
Dr. Maitland was busy on his pamphlet. A coincidence?

At this very time Irving heard what he believed to be a Voice from heaven
commanding him to preach the Secret Rapture of the Saints. Obeying this Voice, he
began to preach that Christ was to come TWICE; first, secretly FOR His saints:
then, after an interval of seven years - the reign of Antichrist - gloriously WITH His
saints, to destroy Antichrist and to reign. Protestants had always believed, as taught
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, that the saints would be "caught up" (raptured) when
Christ would appear in glory; and Irving's is commonly supposed to have been the
first mention in the whole history of the Church of a SECRET rapture of the saints
prior to Christ's appearing in glory.

I have already shown where this idea originated. As the point is of such importance,
let me quote again the suggestion of Lacunza, that:

"when the Lord returns from heaven to earth upon His coming forth from heaven,
and much before His arrival at the earth, He will give His orders, and send forth His
command as King and God Omnipotent; which is all signified in these words: 'with a
shout (in the Vulgate "jussu", i.e. 'by the order') with the voice of the archangel, and
with the trump of God.' At this voice of the Son of God, those who shall hear it shall
forthwith arise, as saith the evangelist St. John (chapter V, 25) 'those who hear shall
live.' " 24

The words: "He will give His orders, and send forth His command," in this passage,
refer to the 'rapture' or gathering of the saints; and Lacunza says this is to happen
'much before His arrival at the earth,' so much before, in fact, that the whole reign of

Antichrist and all the other events foretold in the Book of Revelation, are to take
place between the rapture and Christ's arrival with His saints. This is exactly the
order of events as described by Irving.

Please remember that I am quoting these words from Irving's own English
translation of Lacunza's work, so that there can be no question that Irving had seen
and studied this Jesuit doctrine before he gave out his own teaching on the subject.


The Oxford Movement was founded on Falsehood, cold blooded and deliberate.
This may seem a hard thing to say about the conduct of professedly Christian men.
But I don't have to say it; the leaders of the Movement say it for themselves-
Newman claims Clement of Alexandria as his authority for his own rule that a
Christian both thinks and speaks the truth except when careful treatment is
necessary, and then, as a physician for the good of his patients, he will
LIE, or rather utter a LIE, as the Sophists say. Ward, who became leader when
Newman went over to Rome, is quoted by his own son in his biography of his father
as holding that "when duties conflict, another duty may be more imperative than the
duty of truthfulness." The son says that his father expressed his rule thus
'Make yourself clear that you are justified in deception, and then LIE LIKE A
TROOPER". Hurrell Froude, another of the first leaders as early as 1834, referred
to the whole Movement as "The Conspiracy", a term which accurately defines it.
Pusey25 describes their method as "disposing of Ultra-Protestantism by a side wind,
and teaching people Catholicism, without their suspecting," so that they might find
themselves Catholics before they were aware." Their whole campaign was run
according to that truly Jesuitic maxim stated by Newman in his Apologia: "There is
some kind or other of verbal misleading, which is not sin."

It might be supposed that a movement professing such a low moral standard would
find little support among the clergy of the Church of England but the movement
swept England like a prairie fire. The publication of Newman's Tracts was like the
sowing of the dragon's teeth, which immediately sprang up into a host of armed
warriors. The founders of the movement were so amazed at the result that they
were convinced that behind it all there must be a mighty spiritual power of which they
were merely the instrument. Some of them, like the Witch of Endor, were startled by
the spirit which they had aroused.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God." There
can be no question that there was a supernatural power at work. WHAT WAS
Spirit of God, the God of Truth, teach the leaders of the movement to LIE? Surely
not. This must be a LYING SPIRIT, bringing on men "a strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie." Dr. Maitland's teaching of a Future Personal Antichrist had
created in the minds of those who accepted it, a bitter revulsion of feeling against
the Reformers who charged the papacy with being the Antichrist, which prepared

their minds for the reception of other teaching favourable to the Church of Rome.
Hence the readiness with which the strong delusion took root.

As in the case of Dr. Maitland and the Tractarians, so in the case of Irving26. His
obedience to the "Voice" which commanded him to preach the Secret Rapture
seems to have been the signal for the loosing of a veritable deluge of "spirit
manifestations" upon him and his poor deluded congregation. The result was a
fanatical outbreak which scandalized the whole Church. Led by a Mr. Robert Baxter,
who is described as "for a time one of the most deluded men in the Church's
History," who gave utterance to the most extraordinary prophecies and angel
communications, which were accepted as truths by the infatuated people, the
congregation went from one fanatical extreme to another, until what had been a
Presbyterian congregation formally applied for admission to the Church of Rome.

Cachemaille gives this further information, which sums up the whole connection of
the "Secret Rapture" theory:
"Mr. Robert Baxter subsequently repented deeply of his part in the impiety.
Humbly confessing his sin, he separated himself wholly from the partisans of the
'fables' and plublished a 'Narrative of the Facts'. He constantly maintained that the
manifestations with which he had been connected were supernatural, but that Satan,
not the Holy Spirit, was their author. This explains the features of the movement. It
is notable that the whole movement including the origin of the "Secret Rapture" idea,
belongs to the era when the three unclean and delusive spirits like frogs began to go
forth. It would therefore be part of their work."27

As Irving's followers had shown such fanatical tendencies, his influence would be
confined to a comparatively narrow circle. This would not suit the delusive spirit who
had initiated the work, and so, as in the case of Dr. Maitland, the teaching had to be
passed on to a body filled with misguided zeal, who would create among the
dissenting bodies the same confusion as the Tractarians were to create within the
Anglican communion.


And so we must cross over to Ireland, to witness the formation of just such a body.
In the "Brethren" movement28 the seed sown by Lacunza was to find the most
congenial soil in which to spread rapidly over the whole Protestant world.

It may surprise some of you to be told that there is anything in common between
Tractarianism, with its hankering after everything Romish, and Brethrenism, which
appears to be a deeply spiritual and evangelical movement. I have long worked in
the closest harmony with many earnest men among the Brethren, for whose
sincerity and piety I have the utmost respect, and I should be sorry to give offence to
any of them. But in the matter of prophecy, it cannot be denied that if you scratch a
Brethren skin you will draw Tractarian blood29. Just try it for yourself, if you doubt
my words. Suggest to any one of the Brethren that the Pope is the Antichrist, the
Man of Sin and Son of Perdition, and that Rome is the Babylon of Revelation, the
Scarlet Woman, and you will see him bridling up as if the Pope were a personal
friend of his, and as if he held a brief for the defence of Rome. Tractarians couldn't

be more zealous in the Pope's behalf. It will be stoutly asserted of course, that the
Brethren and Tractarian movements will never come together. That may be true. It
is also true that parallel straight lines will never meet, for the simple reason that they
are proceeding in exactly the same direction. These two have attacked the citadel of
evangelical Protestantism from opposite sides, but the effect on the citadel is largely
the same in either case.

"Serving and Waiting," the magazine of the Philadelphia School of the Bible, during
1925 ran a series of articles by Harry A. Ironside, now Dr. Ironside, pastor of the
Moody Church in Chicago 30, on "The Brethren Movement." Dr. Ironside had been
for years, nearly thirty, associated with assemblies of the "Brethren" and had access
to documents and sources of information available to very few. He was therefore
peculiarly fitted to present the world with an authentic account of Brethrenism,
as it was and is; and as he was, and I believe still is, a sincere believer in the "Secret
Rapture" theory. He appears to regard J. N. Darby as God's chosen instrument -
eighteen centuries after the time of Christ - for first revealing this "precious" truth to
the Church, therefore we shall not do the Brethren an injustice by following his
version of the beginnings and works of this movement.

Dr. Ironside mentions seven leaders of the first Brethren assembly formed in Dublin,
and adds: "Of these it would seem that Edward Cronin was the chosen instrument to
first affect the others." 31 In other words, it was Cronin who started the meeting, and
thus was the real founder of Brethrenism. Again I quote Ironside: "Mr. Cronin was a
young dental student who had been brought up as a Roman Catholic, but had been
graciously enlightened by the Spirit of God through personal faith in Christ and into
the knowledge of peace with God through resting upon the atoning work of the Lord
Jesus." 32 Now, strange as it may seem to some, it is nevertheless true, that there
are, and always have been, true children of God within the Church of Rome; souls
that have passed through the experience of conversion which Ironside here
describes, and yet have not seen enough of the light to come out from Rome and be
separate. Cronin came out of Rome, but he never came into the full light of
Protestantism; he came far enough to form a half-way house - Brethrenism -
combining the pietism of such Romanists as Thomas A Kempis with an instinctive
dislike to many of the fruits of the Reformation. Such a half-way house could not
have been founded by anyone who was in full sympathy with the battle waged by the

As I have been accused of making a false charge on this head, I must, at the risk of
being a little longer than usual, give a few points of Brethrenism.

First: Cronin adhered to the Romish definition of the word Church, as meaning
one thing, and only one, namely, the whole body of the faithful, a body every
member of which is a true child of God, and outside of which there is no salvation.
Luther's discovery of the distinction between the visible church and the church
invisible was never understood by Cronin or his followers. Luther discovered that all
the separate Churches mentioned in the New Testament were outwardly visible
organizations, each and all of which contained members who were not truly born
again, and therefore not members of the true body of Christ. None of these, nor all
of them put together, were identical with the true Church, the mystic Body, which
were invisible to the world and known to God alone. Cronin thought the wheat and

tares should be separated here and now, and the mystic Body be identified as a
visible organization. In this boast of doing what the Apostles failed to accomplish,
Brethrenism and Rome are unanimous. But the Brethren are more Romish than
Rome herself, in that they carefully avoid the New Testament use of the word
Church as referring to a local congregation, knowing that to use Church in this sense
would spoil their whole argument.

Second: Cronin and his followers carefully copied Rome in the exclusiveness and
arrogance of its claim to "THE CHURCH" and even in the subtlety of the language
embodying the claim. Rome arrogates to herself the title "Catholic" (Universal) but
disliked the word "Roman" as that may seem to imply that she is only one of several
Churches, and that there are other branches of the True Church besides herself. In
the same way, Cronin and his followers avoided the use of any term that would
seem to imply that there were any other Christians on earth besides themselves.
Ironside apologizes for having to use even the term "Brethren" as if it were merely
the name of a sect, adding: "They have from the first refused any name that would
be distinctive or that could not be applied, rightfully to all of God's people.
Therefore, they speak of themselves as brethren, believers, Christians, saints, or
use any other term common to all members of the body of Christ." Just as Rome
takes a name that belongs to the whole body of Christ. Anyone who likes can draw
the inference that there are no believers, Christians, saints, outside the ranks of
those to whom they apply the names. Sometimes it suits to draw it, and again,
sometimes it does not.

Third: Cronin had all a bigoted Romanist's contempt for the Protestant "sects" and
before forming a sect of his own tried to achieve the Romish ideal of "unity" by
breaking down the bulwarks of Church membership and discipline which the
Churches had erected for their own preservation. He claimed that having professed
to be converted, he had a right to sit at the Lord's Table in any and every Church in
the city, without becoming a member of any. John Calvin nearly lost his life in
Geneva when he stood guard over the Lord's Table and refused to allow the
Libertines to partake, claiming that it was his duty as the minister of God to judge the
lives of those who made this profession, and to keep out those who were unworthy.
Cronin's plan, if it had succeeded would have broken down all such rule and
discipline, giving the pastors or elders no "oversight" (1 Peter 5:2) over the
membership of the Church. I myself have had a teacher of "Brethren" doctrine
attempt to sit at the Lord's Table in my church without being a member of any
Church; but let any of you try and go in and "break bread" as they call it, in any
Brethren meeting, and see how far you will get. Would they tolerate what Cronin
tried to force upon the Churches? Certainly notl

Fourth: Cronin "also found growing up within himself a feeling of repugnance to a

one-man ministry, for it seemed to him that there was no place for this in the New
Testament Church." The spirit of the French Revolution was abroad in the world,
and men everywhere were inclined to rebel against all authority in both church and
state. The "true saying" of Paul that "if a man desire the office of a bishop, he
desireth a good work" (1 Timothy 3:1) would be reserved by Cronin, who apparently
did not see why any man should be set apart to "labor in the Word and doctrine,"
and be "worthy of double honour" (1 Timothy 5:17). The cry of "liberty, equality,
fraternity" had gone forth, and who should be on a footing of perfect equality more

than the disciples of Christ? Christ had said, "All ye are brethren" but there was a
vast difference between the "brotherhood" of the New Testament, where some were
set apart as elders to "feed the flock of God . . . taking the oversight thereof," and
others were commanded to "obey them that have the rule over you," and the
"Fraternity" of the Revolution, which aimed at obliterating all such distinctions. This
is the "gainsaying of Core" (Jude 11), for the protest of Jorah, Dathan, and Abiram
against Moses and Aaron, "Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation
are holy, and the Lord is among them; wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above
the congregation of the Lord?" expresses exactly the idea underlying the title
"Brethren" - absolute Equality.

Finally: Rome's dread weapon of excommunication once more assumed all the
terrors of the Middle Ages, and was as ruthlessly applied. To those who really .
believed that the little assemblies of "Brethren" were THE CHURCH, the Body of
Christ, excommunication or cutting off from "fellowship" was a terrible calamity. The
Reformed Churches of all embodied what they considered fundamental articles of
faith in creeds or confessions of faith, and so long as a preacher did not violate any
of these fundamentals he was allowed full liberty in expounding the Scriptures as he
was led of the Spirit. But all these creeds were anathema to the Brethren. They had
therefore no standard to determine what was fundamental and what was not. The
Churches had some kind of ruling body regularly constituted, which could determine
questions of doctrine and form a court of appeal in the event of any member being
unjustly dealt with in the congregation to which he belonged, as the Jerusalem
Council in the Apostolic Church settled the question of circumcision, but such a
Council as the Apostles held was contrary to the "Brethren" ideas of "Liberty,
Equality, Fraternity." Each little "Assembly" was therefore a law unto itself. And as
there was no ministry to govern according to fixed laws, those in each assembly who
loved to have the pre-eminence lorded it over God's heritage, ruling them with a rod
of iron. The result was a riot of wrangling and hair-splitting over points of doctrine or
interpretation, followed by excommunications to right and left, seldom if ever
elsewhere witnessed in the history of the Church. Ironside's History from start to
finish is such a melancholy record as could scarcely be equalled in Christian annals,
filled with pictures of little "assemblies like Soviets" excommunicating other
"assemblies" or individuals. There was no appeal, no higher court. The only, and
natural reply that an assembly could give when excommunicated was to return the
compliment. Time will not allow me to go into the case of Newton of Plymouth, of
whom Ironside writes: "The late venerable man of God, Mr. Henry Varley, well-
known as an evangelist and Bible teacher in Europe, America and Australia, said to
me on one occasion: "If I were asked to name the godliest man I have ever known, I
should unhesitatingly say, Benjamin Willis Newton." 33 He described him as tall and
of patriarchal bearing with the calm of heaven on his brow, and the law of kindness
on his lips. His intimate associates loved him devotedly and listened with rapt
attention to his expositions."

Newton's preaching drew together what was the largest congregation in the pastoral
work of the Brethren movement - so large that he was compelled to devote his whole
time to the pastoral work, and so became a mere "hireling" according to Brethren
views. He recognized the Scriptural injunction to ordain elders and deacons in each
assembly, another grave fault. He even recognized that there were Christians in the
"denominations", and was willing to have fellowship with them. An unpardonable sin

in Brethren eyes, as his assembly thus ceased to claim to be THE CHURCH, the
WHOLE Body of Christ in Plymouth, and became on its own admission a mere
branch or "sect" of the Church. This is what Brethren called "Sectarianism", the
opposite of the ordinary dictionary meaning of that word. He unfortunately fell into
the usual Brethren snare of injudicious speculations about the person and work of
Christ, seeking, like many of them, to be wise above what is written: a plague which
has caused continual doctrinal controversies between Brethren leaders, and made
charges of "heresy" fly thick and fast all through the movement. The
excommunication of this eminent saint split the whole movement in two. Ironside
says: "In the minds of many he is to this day the very incarnation of iniquitous
teaching," which would alone justify the words of Dr.John Kennedy of Dingwall, that
prince of Scottish preachers, who described Brethrenism as "broad in its creed-
lessness, narrow in its sectarianism, and lofty in its self-conceit."

But I must give one more sample of this spirit which shines out of page upon page of
Ironside's story; and with this we must leave Cronin, the founder of the movement.
In his old age, he came to reap the fruits of the system he had sown. In the
Brethren assembly at Ryde there was a member who had married his deceased
wife's sister. This was the same degree of relationship as the marriage of Herod to
his brother's wife, which John Baptist declared unlawful, and owing to which he
became a martyr. All churches, both Romish and Protestant, were agreed that it
was unlawful, and it was also contrary to the law of England. This member had
gone across to France, where since the Revolution many Bible laws had been set
aside, and got married there. He had enough influence in the Brethren assembly to
retain his "fellowship" in it, an unhallowed fellowship which soon brought the
assembly to a condition which Mr. Darby emphatically describes as "rotten". It
happened that an Anglican clergyman in Ryde, a personal friend of Cronin's, wished
to join the Brethren movement with his whole congregation. They had already
withdrawn from the Anglican Church, but the rules of the Brethren required that the
"rotten" assembly be recognized as THE CHURCH of Christ in Ryde, and that this
other congregation be dissolved and all apply as individuals for admission to the
"rotten" assembly. Knowing the condition of that assembly, they refused to do this,
and began to "break bread" as a separate assembly. Dr. Cronin visited Ryde, and
after trying in vain to help the "rotten" assembly to cleanse themselves, he notified
them that he was perfectly free to break bread with the new company, which he did;
an action that was
looked upon as Ironside adds: "as a fearful sin in the eyes of those who put the new
game above the souls of saints."
I must finish the story in the words of, Ironside:
"Upon the aged doctors return to his home assembly at Kennington he learned that
his act had been construed by many as a definite over-attack on 'the ground of the
one body.' Kennington, it was said, was one body with the "rotten" assembly at
Ryde. It could not be one body with the new gathering, however godly and fragrant
with Christian love and devotion. But many saw otherwise and for about six months
it was impossible to get concerted action at Kennington. Finally the patriarchial
offender was excommunicated and for months sat back with the tears streaming
down his face as his brethren remembered the Lord, and he, the first of them all was
in the place of the immoral man or the blasphemer. Finally he promised that,
although unable to confess his act as sin, be would not offend in the same way
again out of deference to the conscience of his brethren; but still he was kept under

the ban. Is it any wonder that some critic said of the Brethren that they are "people
who are very particular about breaking bread, but very careless about breaking

Poor Cronin! According to his own teaching, the assembly at Ryde who shielded
the incestuous person and kept him in their fellowship, and his own assembly who
became partakers in their guilt, were "the body of Christ," THE CHURCH! If the
Rapture were now to take place, they would be caught up, and he, having been cast
out of the Church, would be left behind! No wonder he wept! It is a dangerous thing
to be too logical, if we start out from false premises; the force of logic may lead us to
most absurd conclusions. As if the usurper Diotrephes had power over the saints
who befriended the Apostle John, to separate them from the Body of Christ,
because he "cast them out of the Church" (3 John 8, 9, 10). But if "the Church"
which John there mentions was the body of Christ, as Rome and the Brethren
maintain it always is, then Diotrophes had that power. Which is absurdl

It would be a weariness to follow all the divisions and excommunications, the

charges and counter-charges, which resulted from the expulsion of Dr. Cronin.
"At Ramsgate a majority party, led by a fiery zealot, Mr. Jull, proceeded to
excommunicate the entire Kennington Meeting for its dilatoriness in dealing with the
'wicked old doctor.'" Because the minority refused to go with them in this hasty
action they disowned them in like manner and went out to start a new meeting 'on
divine ground.' The majority met in Guildford Hall and the minority at Abbott's Hill,
and these two names were destined to become well-known in the months and years
that followed. Owing to an oversight about procuring the key to the Hall, the Abbott's
Hill-ers did not get in to the breaking of bread the first Lord's Day after the division
and so were later considered off church ground altogether. This is an important
point to bear in mind in view of what happened in Montreal a few years later . . ."

Could anything be more grotesque and ridiculous? The fact that the incestuous
person had been retained in fellowship was considered a mild offence in comparison
with Cronin's crime in having fellowship with an assembly of Christians who were
outside "the body of Christ." But to put the fool's cap on the whole proceedings; this
little body in Ramsgate who refused to join in condemning Cronin were considered
outside the "Body of Christ" because they had forgotten to get the key to their hall in
time to "break bread" on the Lord's Day! "Mr. Darby, now in his 81st year and a
very sick man, pleaded vainly that no ultra severe measures be taken and declared
that if questions like these were made tests of fellowship, he would not go with such
wickedness." 35 Yes, VAINLY. Dr. Cronin was out, and he was out TO STAY OUT.
The London meeting with which Darby was connected was split in the same way in
spite of Darby's pleadings, and its leader, William Kelly, a man of whom Spurgeon
said that he had "a mind for universe narrowed by Darbyism," was also "cast out."
Such was the beginning of similar splits all over the country. The celebrated George
Muller of Bristol was excommunicated because be differed from Darby on some
points of doctrine so fine that most of you would not even understand what it was all
about. And so it went on, until finally there were in almost every city two or more
rival "assemblies of Brethren, each claiming to be THE Church of Christ and refusing
to have any fellowship, not only with all the other churches but also with each other.
Here was Satan's chosen method of breaking down the strong bulwark of
evangelical religion, the 'united front' which our Reforming forefathers had

established against Rome, and under which the Protestant Churches had carried the
Gospel to every corner of the globe.

1. Tractarianism was to awaken sympathy for Rome, and to eliminate the

distinction between the Church of England and Rome by clandestinely
introducing Romish practices into the Anglican services, so as to make it
appear that the Churches of England and Rome were to all intents and
purposes, one.

2. Brethrenism was to weaken the resistance to Rome by enticing the most

spiritually-minded members to withdraw their support from the Protestant
Churches, and to turn aside and waste their energies in vain jangling,
obliterating as far as possible the distinction between the evangelical church
and Rome and falsely applying to the evangelical churches the warning which
the Lord gave in regard to the idolatries of Babylon: "Come out from among
them and be ye separate".
And the very doctrine which the Tractarians were to use to awaken sympathy
for Rome, the Brethren were to acclaim as a Divine Revelation placing them
on a Pedestal above all the saints of past ages, and above all the Protestant
Churches in particular.




Let us glance at the man whom Brethrenism venerates as the revealer of this
wonderful secret. J. N. Darby36 came of a good Irish family, was educated for the
bar, took high honours at the Dublin University, then turned aside, to his father's
disgust, and became an Anglican Curate. A brother of Cardinal Newman31 who
became very intimate with him, describes his first impression of him: ". . . a most
remarkable man, who rapidly gained an immense sway over me. His bodily
presence was indeed 'weak.' A fallen cheek, a blood-shot eye, crippled limbs resting
on crutches, a seldom shaven beard, a shabby suit of clothes, and a generally
neglected person, drew at first pity, with wonder to see such a figure in a drawing
room."31 He had all the hall-marks of the religious zealot, and the description
reminds one forcibly of the appearance of Ignatius Loyola after he had seen in a
trance a vision of the Virgin Mary and had dedicated himself to founding the "Society
of Jesus."

Ironside says: "For a time he had hopefully followed the will-o-the-wisp of

Tractarianism, and as a high churchman, he looked with a bigoted youth's disdain
upon all other professing Christians, "hoping they might find grace through the
uncovenanted mercies of God," but fearful that they were living and dying "without
benefit of clergy."39

This statement is illuminating. Ironside may seem to be a little out in the use of the
word "Tractarianism," for he is referring to a period prior to 1827, the year in which

Darby became definitely identified with Cronin's meeting in Dublin and the Tractarian
movement, according to Newman, was only founded in 1833. But the spirit of that
movement was already abroad in the land, and although we are obliged to Ironside
for the information, it would not have taken a great deal of discernment to guess that
that spirit had taken a strong hold on Darby before ever he met Cronin.
Brethrenism, in fact, was rocked in the cradle of Tractarianism, and if we had been
looking for words in which to describe the attitude of Darby and all his followers
towards all the other professing Christians, we could not have any more suitably
chosen than these of Ironside's.

Newman gives us another interesting side-light: "He had practically given up all
reading but the Bible; and no small part of his movement soon took the form of
dissuasion from all other voluntary study. In fact, I had myself more and more
concentrated my religious reading on this one book; still I could not help feeling the
value of a cultivated mind. Against this my new eccentric friend (having himself
enjoyed no mean advantages of cultivation) directed his keenest attacks. I
remember once saying to him: "To desire to be rich is absurd; but if I were a father
of children, I should wish to be rich enough to secure them a good education." He
replied: "If I had children, I would as soon see them break stones on the road as do
anything else, if only I could secure to them the Gospel and the grace of God." I
was unable to say 'Amen' but I admired his unflinching consistency, for now, as
always, all he said was based on texts aptly quoted and logically enforced." 40

You will say these are the words of a real fanatic. No man with a well-balanced mind
would want to see his children breaking stones on the road if he could secure for
them a good education with all the advantages it would bring them in their life's
work. Having an education that would relieve them of life's drudgery would have no
necessary bearing on their having or not having "the Gospel and the grace of God."
In fact the education would enlarge their opportunities and usefulness in the Gospel.
But we do not see the true significance of Darby's revolt against general reading and
study if we look at it only as the fanaticism of the man. There was method in the
madness of the monks who laid down the principle that IGNORANCE IS THE
MOTHER OF DEVOTION. There is a kind of pietism which thrives in a hotbed of
ignorance and like a mushroom will flourish in a darkness that may be felt. It is of a
subjective and emotional nature, akin to auto-suggestion, easily captivated by any
wind of doctrine with an emotional appeal, and averse to being trammelled by the
cold facts of history or experience. Romanism, Anglo-Catholicism, and Brethrenism
alike breed this kind of pietism in abundance. Rome protects it by placing all kinds
of "dangerous" books (including the Bible) on the "Index." There was a logical
necessity forcing both Anglo-Catholicism and Brethrenism to do the same, and
Darby - or the spirit whose tool he was - was keen enough to see it. Ignorance of
Church history was essential to the success of these movements. Men who knew
the career of the Popes over centuries, their lewdness, blasphemies, cruelties, the
millions of the saints of God whose blood they had shed, could not accept a puppet
Antichrist of the future and call his reign of a few years "the great Tribulation." Men
who had studied the contendings of the noble army of martyrs, and read the soul-
satisfying expositions of Scripture by the Puritans, could not accept the necessity of
"coming out from among" the followers of these saints and martyrs in order to join
THE CHURCH, the Body of Christ. Those who were to be swept into this movement
MUST be kept ignorant of the Church's whole past history. Mary Baker Eddy and

others who have started a new brand of faith at variance with the contendings of the
saints in the past, have seen this same necessity and prohibited their followers as
far as possible from reading any other religious works but their own.

Some of you will find it hard to believe that "no small part of (Darby's) movement
soon took the form of dissuasion from all other voluntary study." Darby was quite a
writer himself, and his followers have turned out a vast quantity of tracts and other
Christian literature. Surely he did not want people to refrain from reading his own
writings? Of course not! The little bookshelf which every Christian home in Britain,
no matter how poor, possessed at that time, contained as a rule, 'Foxe's Book of
Martyrs', 'The Great Cloud of Witnesses', and some of the writings of lives of the
Reformers and Puritans. It was to consign these to oblivion that Darby's "dissuasion
from all other voluntary study" was directed. But an even surer way of displacing
them was to supply other reading material to take their place. The Tractarian
Movement was so called on account of the "Tracts" of one man, Newman. But the
real Tractarian Movement was Brethrenism, whose writers were legion. The
objective of the two was the same: NOT to bring the Gospel to the unsaved (that is a
secondary object which is never allowed to interfere with the "Breaking of Bread"
Meeting which is the kernel of the movement) BUT to entice out of the Churches
those who were already followers of Christ. These, being under the care of their
own pastors, could not be reached by preaching; the new doctrine must be slipped
under their notice otherwise, and tracts and other religious literature was the most
effective method. Here was "a tree to be desired to make one wise," the foretelling
of future events which Cbristians could never have discovered for themselves by the
most diligent study of the Bible, for the simple reason that they were not in the Bible.
This detailed story of the coming Antichrist and all that he was to do, had all the
subtle attraction of clairvoyancy or crystal-gazing. It enabled people to read
between the lines of their Bible many things that their own ministers had never
discovered, and so to become wise, very wise, above that which is written. It placed
them on a pedestal from which they could look down with disdain on the very pastors
who had led them to Christ. Well might the godly Dr. Kennedy refer to Brethrenism
as "the slimiest of all the isms." Not only is this new theory spread in tracts and
magazines; it is dressed up in the form of novels; and in the Scofield Bible, the most
subtle propaganda of all, the whole theory is incorporated in notes on the text of the
Scripture, in such a way that many simple souls read the notes as if they were a part
of the Inspired Word of God. The Bible thus acquires a new meaning to them. They
find in it new doctrines, of which their fathers never dreamt. Is it not because they
are accepting the teaching of new gods, whom their fathers knew not?


I have left to the last the crucial question of all. Was the "Secret Rapture of the
Saints"' given as a special revelation of the Holy Spirit to Darby, and through him to
the Brethren and Movement, or did Darby simply borrow it from Irving, and through
him from Lacunza, the Jesuit? In other words, Did the Secret Rapture teaching
originate with the Holy Spirit, or with the Jesuits?

Ironside is a believer in the "Secret Rapture." Let us read very carefully what he has
to say on this point:
"A meeting began in London in the same year (1833), through a brother that
Mr. Darby met while in Oxford. Some little time before this, a group of earnest
Christians had been meeting in the castle of Lady Powerscourt41 for the study of
prophecy. To these meetings Mr. Darby and Mr. Bellett were invited. Here also they
met George V. Wigram, who was to become one of Mr. Darby's most earnest
collaborators in after years. At these meetings a chairman was chosen, and he
indicated who should speak on the subject under discussion. It became soon
evident that Mr. Darby's enlightenment on prophetic themes was considerably in
advance of most of the others, but the meetings were real conferences, the
forerunners of the Bible readings so common in Brethren meetings, except that in
such meetings a chairman is dispensed with. Many clergymen attended, and quite a
few who were linked with the Irvingites, thus giving rise to the erroneous impression
that the Brethren Movement was more or less linked with the 'Catholic Apostolic
Church'. These Irvingites, however, soon dropped out, because the teaching was so
contrary to what they held."42
"It was in these meetings that the precious truth of the rapture of the Church was
brought to light; that is, the coming of the Lord in the air to take away His Church
before the great tribulation should begin on earth. The views brought out at
Powerscourt Castle not only largely formed the views of Brethren elsewhere, but as
years went on obtained wide pubIication in denominational circles, chiefly through
the writings of such men as Darby, Bellet, Newton, S. P. Tregelles, Andrew Jukes,
Wigram, and after 1845 William Kelly, whose name was then linked with the
movement; C. H. Mackintosh, Charles Stanley, J.B. Stoney and others."43

Now, just what does Ironside tell us? He DOES NOT say that it was Darby who first
announced the "Secret Rapture," though he obviously intends to convey that
impression, and that is as far as any Futurist who is not a very rash one will venture
to go. But Ironside is writing nearly a century after the event. Let us hear a witness
who lived through this period. Dr. Tregelles,
"The well-known Greek scholar and editor of the Greek New Testament, was a
member of Mr. Newman's flock in Plymouth, and accepted the Futurist theory. You
will notice that his name is included by Ironside in his list of those who helped to
spread the "Secret Rapture" theory. He was probably the most learned man that
has ever adorned the ranks of Brethrenism, and his name would be an asset to any
cause. He may have been carried away with the new teaching for a time - long
enough for Ironside to claim his name for it - but when he learned the facts of its
origin he gave a clear ringing testimony against it. Here is his verdict:
"I am not aware that there was any definite teaching that there would be a secret
rapture of the Church at a secret coming, until this was given forth as an utterance in
Mr. Irving's church, from what was there received as being the Voice of the Spirit.
But whether anyone ever asserted such a thing or not, it was from that supposed
revelation that the modern doctrine and the modern phraseology arose. It came not
from Holy Scripture, but from that which falsely pretended to be the Spirit of God."

"To the testimony of Dr. Tregelles is added that of Mr. Robert Baxter, the principal
actor in the Irving scandals," says Cachemaille 45 who was able to refer to Baxter's
'Narrative of the Facts.'

With this apparently conflicting evidence before us, what conclusions may we safely

We must assume that Ironside was ignorant of this testimony of Dr. Tregelles
otherwise he could not honestly have included the name of Tregelles as he does
among the supporters of the theory.

We may assume also, that Tregelles was ignorant of Irving's work in translating
Lacunza, or at least had never examined this translation for himself, as his keen
mind would at once have detected the connection between it and Irving's other
vagaries, and in particular he would have discovered and pointed out the true origin
of the "Secret Rapture" in the work of the Jesuit.

When Newton and his flock were cast out of the ranks of Brethrenism, Dr. Tregelles
was of course excommunicated along with the rest. Among the many doctrinal
differences between Darby and Newton, we can be sure that Tregelles' exposure of
the "Secret Rapture," though not mentioned by Ironside, would be accounted not the
least serious.

Let us now analyse the information Ironside has given, and see what it contains.

"It was in these meetings that the precious truth of the rapture of the Church was
brought to light."46 In this statement Ironside is guilty of the serious misuse of words
common among the Brethren; he speaks of "the rapture" when he means "the secret
rapture," an entirely different thing. "The Rapture" or the taking up of the Church
was first "brought to light" by Paul in First Thessalonians, the very earlies of his
epistles, and was cherished by the saints as part of the blessed hope of Christ's
glorious appearing for about eighteen centuries before the Powerscourt meetings.
But the SECRET "rapture" was (as we may correctly infer from Ironside) unknown to
either Paul or any of the apostles or saints or martyrs, being only "brought to light"
(so far as he knows) at these meetings.

Were the Powerscourt meetings started for the express purpose of 'bringing to light'
the "secret rapture"? The theory had been in print for six years in Irving's
TRANSLATION of Lacunza. It had been preached by Irving in his own church, and
was regarded as one of the distinctive tenets of his new Irvingite sect. But the spirit
manifestations in connection with his preaching of the new doctrine had put the
Christian public on their guard, so that it took him six years to dispose of the first
edition of his translation. Then, in this fateful year 1833, in which Newman floated
the Tractarian Movement, appeared the cheap popular edition of Lacunza, and
about the same time the Powerscourt meetings were opened "for the study of
prophecy". Would it be a very wild guess to surmise that the anonymous editors of
Lacunza were among the promoters of the Powerscourt meetings?

Here are one or two points to notice:

1. Darby and the other Brethren leaders, who as yet knew nothing of a "Secret
Rapture" had nothing to do with organizing the meetings. They were invited, and
went apparently quite innocent of any previous knowledge of what was to be brought
to light.

2. The Irvingites came to the meetings obsessed with the ideas of the "Secret
Rapture" and the future of Antichrist, which they would naturally bring to light at the
first opportunity.

The result proves the correctness of these conclusions. Ironside says the presence
of these Irvingites at the Powerscourt meetings (though there is nothing to show that
they were "Brethren" meetings at all) gave rise to the erroneous impression that the
Brethren movement was more or less linked with the 'Catholic Apostolic Church.' But
the public do not form their "impression" on such slight grounds as Ironside would
have us believe. No one would jump to the conclusion merely because a series of
special studies taken part in by members of his church were attended by some
members of another church, that there is some link between his church and that
other. The public would not pry into who was attending some semi-private meetings
in Powerscourt Castle. But when Darby and the other Brethren leaders came out
from these meetings and began zealously to publish all over the country some of the
"precious truth" as Ironside calls it that had been first announced during the fanatical
outbreak in Irving's church, the Christian public could come to only one conclusion,
and who shall say that their impression was an erroneous one? The facts all pointed
in the one direction.

Ironside hastens to point out that the Irvingites "soon dropped out, because the
teaching was so contrary to what they held."47 What teaching? Certainly not the
teaching as to the "Secret Rapture" followed by the reign of Antichrist. It is probable,
of course, that the Irvingites would maintain the position taken by Lacunza who as
we have seen made concessions to the Protestant view-point so far as to allow that
the Antichrist was not merely one individual, but a vast system under one official
head; and that as the usurper of the prerogatives of Christ, the Antichrist would
occupy the seat of the papacy. Darby and his followers, as the Brethren teachings
show, were not satisfied with any such half-way house but went right over to the
undiluted teaching of the Jesuit school of Ribera as to an individual personal
Antichrist. On this point there might be some disagreement but it is not likely that it
was this alone which caused the withdrawal of the Irvingites. Darby was keen on a
belief of his own, which the Brethren lovingly refer to as "Dispensational Truth," but
which Newton called "speculative nonsense." The Irvingites had a number of
"revelations" equally speculative and equally nonsensical. It was not to be expected
that either party would accept all the speculations of the other; and in a conflict of
speculations the dogmatism of Darby made it a foregone conclusion that the
Brethren leaders, though only there by invitation, would finally be left in possession
of the field.

So much for the withdrawal of the Irvingites, of which much has been made by the
Brethren by way of showing that they and the Irvingites had nothing in common. But
whatever the differences between them - and they were neither few nor small - on
the matter of the "Secret Rapture" they were
"Two minds with but a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one."
Or to adopt a homely metaphor, Darby had swallowed the Irvingite bait, "hook, line
and sinker" and on seeing this, it may have been policy on their part to retire and
leave him free to spread the new doctrine in his own way, unhampered by the stigma
that was attached to their sect.

It is now over a hundred years since the Powerscourt Castle meetings and in all that
has been spoken and written on this subject in that time, no one appears to have
been able to explain how a belief which was known to be a Jesuit invention and had
for two-and-a-half centuries been confined to the Church of Rome, suddenly began
to spread like wildfire among evangelical Christians. I believe that I have submitted
satisfactory proof that this fire did not originate as has been supposed, by
spontaneous combustion at Powerscourt. Lacunza, alias "Rabbi Ben Ezra" was the
mysterious "missing link" who has escaped notice right up until now. I have shown
how by a subtle approach to the Reformer's position, and by being put on Rome's
"Index," his work was gilded to gain the favour of Protestants; then, how the sugar-
coated pill was thrust under the noses of the Protestant British nation, by being
published in London; how Maitland and Irving fell into the trap; and finally how in
1833 the spreading of the new teaching was formally undertaken by Tractarianism
on the one hand and Brethrenism on the other.

At every stage the evidence is sufficient to satisfy any unbiased mind.

God in many marvellous ways brings good out of evil, if only we know how to
appreciate and use His good gifts. In 1837, Rev. E. B. Elliott began his
monumental "Horae Apocalypticae" which he published in 1844, bringing together
such a mass of evidence to prove from the pages of history that the Book of
Revelation had up to date been fulfilled in all its minutest details, as is startling and
overwhelming in its cumulative force. No one can read it without standing in awe of
the Divine Majesty revealing before in sublime symbolism to the saints every event
among the nations that was to affect the Church's welfare. The preparation of this
inexhaustible storehouse of facts, which has confirmed the faith of so many in "the
depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God," was suggested to
Elliot by
the increasing prevalence among Christian men in our country of the futurist system
of Apocalyptic interpretation - "a system which involved the abandonment of the
opinion held by all the chief fathers and doctors of our church, respecting the Roman
Popes and Popedom as the great intended anti-Christian power of Scripture
prophecy." We ought to thank God for over-ruling even the wiles of the Jesuits to
bestow on the Church such a masterly vindication of "the faith once delivered to the

Elliott was not the only Defender of the Faith. In 1839, there appeared the "Key to
the Prophecies," by Rev. David Simpson, a little volume which is now very rare. A
well-known evangelist recently showed me a copy which he had picked up at a
bookstall in the States for 25 cents, and said be would not sell it for a thousand
dollars; he had learnt more about prophecy from that one little book than from all he
ever read on the subject. Dr. Cumming of London had to leave his own church and
take the Albert Hall, and even that was packed to hear his "Apocalyptic Sketches,"
which afterwards had a wide circulation, reviving the interest in the remarkable
fulfilment of prophecy in history as brought out by Elliott. Even Darby's friend
William Kelly, though a leader of the Futurist school, finally renounced many of their
dogmas and accepted the Historical fulfilment of prophecy.

I have at times been confronted with an imposing array of names of Bible teachers-
Gaebelein, Panton, Scofield, etc.,49 who believe in the "secret rapture" and the
Future Personal Antichrist. How can I dare to assert that these men are all wrong?
I dare to go further than that. I will venture to assert that THERE IS NOT A BIBLE-
STUDY OF THE BIBLE ITSELF. These teachers all come to the Bible with cut-and-
dried theories which they have learnt elsewhere, and twist and torture texts to fit the
theory. If the spiritual pedigree of these Futurist Bible teachers could be traced
back, they would all be found to spring from one source - LACUNZA THE JESUIT.
Be not deceived, God is not the Author of confusion. He has not given us the Book
of Revelation to put our minds in a muddle, nor yet as a Happy Hunting Ground for
our imagination. We should be very careful how we speculate or dogmatize about
any prophecy that is as yet unfulfilled.50 When a prophecy is fulfilled, then we can
see and understand the meaning of every detail of the symbolism used, and what
we know of this must be our main guide to the meaning of prophecies that are still in
the future; the average Futurist cannot put his finger on a single prophecy in the
Book of Revelation which has proved itself to him by its actual fulfilment to be the
Word of the Living God. I hope in this series of studies to show how verses and
even whole chapters have been torn from their proper setting and twisted into the
most fantastic shapes, to prove theories equally far-fetched; even after the prophecy
had been fulfilled in the most exact detail. But in case any of you should miss the
other lectures, I shall close with one word of advice.

Many even of our Futurist friends are constrained to admit that the world is AT THIS
MOMENT hastening towards the great Battle5l of Armageddon, mentioned in
Revelation 16:16. The three unclean spirits like frogs (v. 13-14) have now been at
work in the world for a whole century, and their deceptions are rapidly coming to a
head in preparing the nations for battle against God Almighty. One of the results, as
might have been expected under the sway of these spirits of devils has been the rise
of many antichrists of every shape and colour. Our Bible teachers have plenty of
material to work on, First, Mussolini was the antichrist; they were all sure of it. But
Mussolini ordered the Bible to be taught in all schools in Italy, and our prophets grew
a little less positive about him. Stalin, Hitler, and even Roosevelt, have shared the
honour of being singled out as the Antichrist, or at least, his forerunner.

This is mere trifling with a solemn subject. If we are approaching the Battle of
Armageddon, we are well on through chapter 16 of Revelation. But the career of
Antichrist occurs in chapter 13, and no man has airy authority or right to tear chapter
13 out of its place and thrust it into the middle of chapter 16. A historian records the
fact of history in chronologic order. He never leaves the natural order of events
except for some reason which he makes clear to his readers; otherwise all would be
confusion. God does not produce such confusion. He has given us a record of
events that were to come to pass, that is, history written beforehand, for the
guidance of the Church. It is divided into three great periods in which God's
judgments are foretold under the symbols of Seven Seals (clearly before the reign of
Antichrist); and Seven Vials (clearly after the reign of Antichrist). All the nations are
now rushing their preparations for the last of these judgments; "The seventh angel
poured out his vial into the AIR." Keep your eye on that word. John knew nothing of
the horrors of war in the AIR as we know it will be. Radio, fighting and bombing

airplanes, poison gas, germ warfare, infrared rays - all the means for carrying on war
in the air that can wipe out a whole population in a few hours or even minutes -such
diabolical weapons of destruction were undreamed of by our own grandfathers, let
alone the simple fishermen of Galilee. But John, seeing in his Vision the final crash
that would bring the present system of civilization toppling in ruin, wrote nearly
nineteen hundred years ago: "The seventh angel poured out his vial into the AIR."
That is the Grand Climax so far as God's judgments on this age are concerned. It
will not only bring down "the cities of the nations" it will bring suddenly to
remembrance the career of Antichrist and the war which he made against the saints,
which our Futurist Bible teachers are so feverishly trying to help the world to forget.
The Babylonish system of Antichrist, described by John in chapter 17, is still in
existence, still "drunken with the blood of the saints," gloating over the "war" and
massacre of the saints described in chapter 13. All that remains of Antichrist in the
future is the final and complete destruction of his whole system, which though
occupying the whole of chapters 17 and 18, is part of the immediate result of the
pouring put of the Seventh Vial.

The "Rapture of the Saints" occurs in chapter 19, and nowhere else in the Book of


1. Definitions of Historicist, Futurist and Praeterist; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Ed., XXIII, 213c-iii & iv. English
New Testament, Alford (1872); Vol. II, Part II, 348a,b,c. Revelation of Jesus Christ, (1966), J.F. Walvoord; pp. 17-
22. Halley's Bible Handbook, 19th Ed.; pp.614-615
2. RIBERA: Jesuit author of the Future Antichrist concept - Old Fashioned Prophecy Magazine, Dec., 1965, p.10.
Revelation of St. John (1644), Thomas Brightman (Ribera's contempory); pp A-4, 181, 188. etc. Ency. Brit., 11th Ed;
XXIII, 213c. Greek New Testament, Alford (1866); IV, 248. Horae Apocalypticae, E.B.Elliot (1851); IV, 465. The
Beasts and the Little Horn, Rev.G.S. Hitchcock (R.C.); p.7 (Published 1911 by the R.C.Truth Society).
3. The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty, by Juan Josafat Ben Ezra; Dublin. 1833 Wm. Curry Jun., & Co.
Pages 10 and 11.
4. Ibid, page 92
5. Ibid, pages 113, 114
6. Ibid, but could not locate page due to delicate condition of book.
7. Encyc. Brit., 11th Ed.; VII, 915-917.
8. Prophetic Faith of our Fathers, LeRoy Froom; III, 303-324 (1946).
9. 1893 edition, p.98, et seq.
10. Prophetic Faith, Froom; II, 657. History Unveiling Prophecy, Guinness (1905); pp.285-289.
11. See note No.2.
12. Historicism, Preterism, Futurism; What Are These? E.P. Cachemaille (1929); p.44.
13. Ibid.
14. The Coming of Messiah, Ben Ezra; see note 6.
15. Ibid.
16. Prophetic Faith, Froom; III, 258. Horae, Elliott; IV, 554.
17. Hist. Unv. Prophecy, Guinness; pp. 281-295.
18. On page 48 of his Apologia, in reference to his close friendship with Froude, Cardinal Newman said, "He made
me look with admiration towards the Church of Rome, and in the same degree, to dislike the Reformation."
Everyman's Library.
19. Secret History of the Oxford Movement (1899), Walter Walsh; 5th Ed., p.1.
20. Pusey; Hater of Protestantism, eulogizer of Jesuitry and "frightened at calling Rome Antichrist." - Ibid, pp. 289-
292. See Puseyism; Puseyite in Twentieth Century Dictionary (Webster's), for 1935.
21. Walsh's book is a thorough exposure of this hellish movement; see also The oxford Movement Exposed (1932),
Rev. Thomas Houghton.
22. Faber: famous writer of hymns "largely used in Protestant collections," who was converted to Romanism. he
was already a Romanist for five years when he wrote "Faith of Our Fathers." Encyc. Brit., 11th Ed.; X, 111-112.
Another music-coated Romanist pill that Protestants have long been swallowing is "Ave Maria" - Hail Mary. Just
what is the matter with Protestants?
23. Prophetic Faith, Froom III, 514-526; IV, 420-422. Hist. Unv. Prophecy, Guinness; p. 240. Horae, Elliott; IV, 552.
24. The Coming of Messiah, Ben Ezra; pp. 10 and 11.

25. Pusey, Keble, Newman and Froude mentioned as "chief leaders." Oxford Mvt. Exp., Houghton; p.8.
26. See note No. 3 reference; also page 19 of note no. 27 reference - "the VOICE."
27. The Prophetic Outlook Today, E.P. Cachemaille (1918); p.20.
28. Plymouth Brethren; Encyc. Brit., 11th Ed.; XXI, 864.
29. Or, to modernize the thought - "Scratch a Futurist-Fundamentalist and you still draw Tractarian blood." My! My!
How the brethren have blossomed!
30. Written when Dr Ironside was still living.
31. Prophetic Faith, Froom; IV, p. 1223, note 6.
32. A Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement, Harry Ironside, p.10.
33. Prophetic Faith, Froom; IV, 1223, 1225, 1226 and footnotes.
37. Francis William Newman; Ironside, p.13.
38. F.W. Newman quotes; Ironside; p.13.
39. Ironside, p.13.
40. F.W. Newman quotes; Ironside p.14.
41. Powerscourt: Prophetic Faith, Froom; IV, 1223-1225 and footnotes.
42. Ironside, p.23.
43. Ironside, p.23.
44. Tregelles: Prophetic Faith, Froom; IV, 442, 1223 and 1225 note.
45 Prophetic Outlook Today, Cachmaille, p.19.
46. Ironside, p.23.
47. Ironside, p.23.
48. About 140 years at this printing.
49. PLUS many names fearlessly mentioned in Old Fashioned Prophecy Magazine often, such as Seiss, Steams,
Pettingill, Panton, McBirnie, Winrod, Estep, Barnhouse, the Joneses, the Beirneses, Oliver Greene, Oral Roberts,
Schiffner, Gilpin, John Douglas, Billy Graham, G.L.K. Smith, Wilbur Smith, Oswald Smith, Noel Smith, V. Sears,
Herbert Armstrong, Walvoord, and scores of big-name evangelists and thousands of lesser lights orating and prating
false prophecy over pulpit tops and the airwaves ad nausseum!
50. The great sin of the Futurists! Of such is one named above, Oliver Greene, who broadcasts all over the world.
Even at this writing he is teaching Revelation over the air, Futurist style, and hoodwinking thousands of trusting
souls and placing them all in the ranks of the deceived elect.
51. Should be "war" according to Alford and the A.V.R. - Rev. 16:14 note. Some expositors, with good reason,
expound this "war" as beginning with World War 1, which never terminated in a peace. The world is still in a state of
war! This is sound logic and truth and we must therefore be in the midst of Armageddon and have been at least 56
years. It is more "Future" than a lot of other "Future" things of the Futurists. The BIG THING certain to be future is
our Lord's Second coming IN ONE COMPLETE ACT - not a DIVIDED ACT stipulated as "a coming for" and a later
"coming with" His saints, as being popularly taught by the deceived elect Protestant Clergy today! The "Great
Tribulation" is 99% behind us friends and our King is coming soon to end it, bringing our rewards with Him - Rev.
22:12 and Luke 19:13. If you, as a faithful servant, have earned the right to be given rule over ten cities when our
Lord comes with your reward, how would you feel if it began to be rumored that the "Coming" you were expecting
had suddenly been postponed 7 years and you had no authority to rule whatsoever? Someone is trying to make us
think that Revelation 22:12 does not mean what it says.
52. The Futurist Prophetic Beagle is so busy sniffing at things Future and Negative that he fails to concern himself
with the remarkable events of the Present and Positive which are the fulfillments of Apocalyptic Prophecy NOW. He
has rammed his sniffer so deeply into the Future Jesuitc Mud that even his eyes and ears are buried in the Future


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