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Wollo University

College of Social Science and Humanity

Department of Sociology
Socio Economic Problem of Orphan Children in Dessie Town in the Case of
menafash sub city
Senior Essay Submitted to Department of Sociolgyas Partial Fulfillment for
the requirement of Bacheror of Arts (BA) Degree in Sociology

BY; Addis Dinkneh

Advisor: Dires. (M.A)

June ,2010
Dessie, Ethiopia

Approved byBoard of examiners

Advisor ___________________________ Signature______________ Date_________________

Examiner___________________________ Signature ____________ Date _________________

Head of department __________________ Signature _____________Date ________________


First and for most I would like to thank my almighty God for helping and guiding me
throughout my entire life. Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt
thanks to my advisory Dires for his brotherly approach, valuable, constructive and precise advice
with immediate feedback by reading and correcting my essay from its proposal to the final part.
My great thank would also got to menfesha administration office and all employee this is the
result of their precious support in giving information and hope made me different, so I need to
thank them. Third I would like to acknowledge to respondent and contributors of the study who
forwards their idea, believes, agreements and disagreements through questionnaire, interview
and discussion. Fourthly I would like to thank my family’s members for moral and financial
supports, specifically father and mother. Finally, my special thanks go to all my colleagues,
friends and relatives for the generous support and contribution of by letting the researcher to
discuss and sharing idea.

List of table

Table 4.1, Age and Sex composition of the respondents--------------------------------------------16

Table 4.1.1 distribution of respondent by educational level --------------------------------------17

Table 4.1.2 distribution of respondent by family background

Table 4.2 economic condition of the respondent ----------------------------------------------19

Table 4.2.1 The educational expense of respondents’ per month

Table 4.2.2 question related respondent the income sufficient for

Table 4.3.1 question related of respondent education condition-------------------------------22

Table 4.3.2 question related of respondent have you got support from your school

Table 4.4 question related of respondent how express the support of the community for your
education? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---24

Table 4.4.1how to experienced stigmatization while living in your

--------------------- ------25

Table 4.4.2 question related to respondent attitude your community in to


Table 4.4.3 question related to respondent discrimination in your school-----------------------26

Table 4.5.1 Respondents related question to how to support government and


Table 4.5.2 question related to respondent factor that hinders to get their food?


AIDS: - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

CSA: - Center Statistic Authority
HIV: - Human Immune Virus
MOH: - Ministry of Health
OVC: - Orphan and Vulnerable Children
UNAIDS: - Joint United Nation Program on HIV/AIDS
USAID: - United States Agency for International Development
NGOS- non-Government Organization

UK-United Kingdom

UN-United Nation

ILO –Inter National Labor Organization

STD-Sexually Transmitted Disease

Orphaned children are one of the most disadvantaged groups, living in the community with
various problems. Orphan problems are universal in nature and the magnitude of problem varies
from one geographical location to another. The common problems faced by orphans worldwide
are at higher risk of severe malnutrition, high mortality rates, lower levels of school attendance,
and increased likelihood of child labor (both paid and unpaid).Now a day the role of government
and communities to decrease socio economic orphan problem is significantly observed in
different communities. The main objective of the study to assess socio economic problem of
orphan children in the case of menafesh sub city and to explain economic problem of orphan
children in the study and also to examine education status of orphan children in study area. And
another objective is to identify the challenge of orphan children relation to stigma and
discrimination in study area. In order to meet these objectives, both qualitative and quantitative
research methods were used. The data was collected by interviewing and conducting
questionnaire and key informant interview were employed consequently, used for both
probability and non-probability purposive sampling was used to select the respondents and
discussants of the study. The study used descriptive statistics for quantitative data and thematic
analysis for qualitative data for finding socio-economic problem of orphan children is very
serious in relation to food education and economic problem to satisfy their needs and maximize
their pleasure for pan children. For this it is important to create coordination among the
government and non-government organization in order to avoid the duplication of resources and
increase the Coverage of the services for the orphan children and community should give
psychological and other cares for orphan children as care as their children.


Orphan poverty is the denial choice and opportunity violation of dignity. It means the basic
capacity to participate effectively in the society. It means not having enough income and job into
themselves. They have not job and sufficient income and this leads to another problem such as
child labor, commercial sex, withdraw from school etc. because of lack of their parent they are
vulnerable for different socio economic problem of orphan unduly happen. But the vulnerability
and the number of orphans are different from country to country.

In any countries of the world, the socio economic problem of orphan children are some of them
have no any income and job to fulfill the basic needs orphan failed under high risk of
malnutrition because the member of extended family cannot afford to give sufficient and faced or
(diet) then due to the above problem the orphan sexually abuse and end up with commercial sex
workers [Jhon Traverse, 2002). Most of the time the sub-shara country such as Nigeria Niger,
Ethiopia, Kenya are the most prominent country of the world. Children have the number of needs
such as economic need, social need, psycho social, education need etc. But orphan is denied this
basic needs it leads to emotional problem, hardship, and stigma and then the orphan because
under street, low income the chronic dilemma for some orphan and live with marginal and fragile
environment without access clean water and sanitation and other problem (UN 2005).

As an effect of poor condition of this developing nation, Ethiopia contains and struggles to care
for millions of orphaned children. Though estimates vary, recent approximations claim that there
are over 5 million orphans including 1.5 million AIDS orphans in Ethiopia. The definition used
to classify orphans is children under 18 years of age who have lost one or both parents. (Abebe
& Asase, 2007; Gross & Connors, 2007). After AIDS orphans, "The remaining 70% of orphans
are often classified as 'famine orphans,' 'war orphans,' 'malaria orphans,' and 'social orphans,' i.e.
children who have been abandoned mainly due to poverty" (Abebe & Asase, 2007). One
psychologist explains how devastating the experience of losing a parent can be and stresses how
important support and nurturing are in order for the orphan to survive the emotional and
economic losses (Bhargava, 2005). Orphism is the contemporary social problem due to this
orphans are the first portion (part) of the society failed in greater risk because orphan have as job
to support and they are not utilized them to get the good income. Even if orphan participate in
the workforce for various reasons. They are given lower position due to physical strength, age,
and other family related problems, skill and etc. (Taut, 1989).

The socio economic problem of orphan children increase in Dessie town from time to time. As
we know Dessie town one of the greatest city in Ethiopia. So the population is migrated from
different corner of the city. Then number of orphan population and orphan increase from to time
because of lack of awareness of people and not have government social service towards social
and economic problem of orphan children (administration office.2010).In my research the
targeted in Dessie town that there are a number of orphan who fail under the socioeconomic
problem of orphans.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Orphan children is defined by the deprivation of parents, and is commonly understood to be a
child who has lost both parents to death When children lose their parents at early age and become
either orphans or fatherless or motherless, no one to take care of them and some time they grow
up with their guidance, relatives and in the orphanage or in the community (UNICEF, 2004).
Socio economic problem of Orphans children have been suffering from a lot of problems
associated with these vulnerability factors. Some of the problems they face include hunger, lack
of access to health and education, physical and psychological abuse, lack of love and affection
and negative communities’ attitude towards them (Berry and Guthrie,2003). Most of these
children are lack of shelter, clothes, health and education due to loss of their parents who take
care for them. They live with their poor relatives such as grandparents who had no regular
sources of income. The livelihoods of these poor relatives and grandparents are based on meager
income they get from daily labor and selling of coffee straw. Moreover, these poor
relatives/parents have large family size, 3-6 children, in most cases. Hence, they face many
difficulties to meet the basic needs of the children let alone others (ibid). According to world
food summit (1996) “food security exist when all people at all-time have the physical (food) and
the economic (means to gain the food) access to sufficient, sage and nut rate an faxed that meet
their directory need and food performance for an active and health life? However, mostly in the
developing country these types of explanation seem paper-value only because their economy is
not feasible to full the above mention criteria. Food in security happened mass part of the world
but it different from country to country as well as part of the scarcity in the country. Although the
current government of Ethiopia take different cure at action to full fill food security of the citizen
still Ethiopia people food insecure in different pocket of the society such as children, acid age
female headed house hold etc. but in the case of orphan is very harsh and increase time to time as
increase urbanization.

Although several research conducted an orphan. But still untapped the problem of orphans.
According (gudian, nega and Tariku Ale(2007) research done in Jimma town about orphan and
vulnerable children. These researches have been conducted on AIDS orphan problems and
consequence. Children who have been orphaned by AIDS and/ or affected by the HIV and AIDS
pandemic, children living with sick parents, children living in highly affected communities and
children living without adult care are also categorized under vulnerable children and problem of
orphan children for this research is work situation, sexual abuse, education and more focus on
psychological problem and base for used for qualitative method of research but my research is to
assess socio economic problem of orphan children in Dessie town this research focus on
economic and that of social problem orphan children in this place and appropriately use both
qualitative and quantitative method of research.
Kasahun, (2004) done research about the impact of HIV AIDS on socio-economic problem of
orphan. His research was focused on the magnitude of orphan children with HIV and impact of
IV and social life and stigma. But how signature stigmatization and discrimination orphan being
orphan or orphan free from HIV|AIDS. He due not explain the attitude of orphan towards the
society, and he does explain the future expectation of orphan. He decide the viciousness of the
problem mean socio-economic problem of orphan cause HIV and inertly.

As much my reading concerned I don’t get researches done on the socio economic problem of
orphaned children in Dessie Town, hence my research will address the socio-economic problems
of orphan focusing on specific socio-economic variable such as education, child labor, sigma and
discrimination in Dessie town particularly that of menafasha sub city

1.3. Objective of the study

My researcher will have general and specific objectives.

1.3.1General objectives
• The general objectives of this study would be investigating the socio economic problem
of orphan children in Dessie town the case of menafasha sub city

1.3.2Specific objectives
• To explain economic problem of orphan children in the study area.

• To examine education status of orphan children in study area.

• To identify the challenge of orphan children relation to stigma and discrimination

1.4Significance of the study

The significance of this study provide an insight about the socio economic problem of orphan
children in Dessie town for this orphan children more venerableble in this place so this finding
important for this children in addition to it would be helpful as a source of data for person who
will conduct research regarding orphan children. This study gives serve as source of information
for other researcher who wants to study this issue, The study will provides useful information
about socio economic problem of orphan it is also very significant for the researcher to fulfill the
academic graduation and general this study is expected to be useful for the family, orphan
children themselves, community, non-government organization and community based
1.5The scope of the study
This study will be focus on socio economic problem of orphan children. Conducting research
about the socio economic problem of orphan is crucial both at country wide or regional level.
The researcher obliges to limit the scope of the study to Dessie town in the case of Menafasha
sub city due to many constraints which actually beyond the capacity of the research like Lack of
sufficient experiences or skill of the researcher since are novice. Time and financial constraint
and respond have not voluntary try to give the information.

1.6. Organization of the paper

The study was organized and structured under five (5) chapters that have some sections and sub
sections. The first chapter deals with the introductory part which comprises the background of
the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research methodology, significance,
delimitation, limitation, and organization of the study.

The second chapter emphasize on theoretical and conceptual frame work section. Hence the
socio economic problem of orphan explained by different concepts help to provide brief
knowledge and understand site for the readers.

The third chapter focused fully devoted topic related the finding and presentation of the study.
The challenges and constraints of orphan children for socio-economic and other social life or
orphan children are addressed. The fourth chapter focuses on presenting, conclusion and
recommendation part. Therefore, once conclusion based on finding discussed under the
conclusion. And the recommendation followed and forwards under the end of the study.


Orphan has several meaning and definition by different organizations and institutions. Both
UNICEF and USIAD, (2004) defined as “a child who last his mother or her mother or both point
material orphan and double orphan” respectively.

Orphanage: It is the governmental or nongovernmental organizations that cares about children’s

who last their parent and have no giving any care. Social exclusion: - Refers to the process in
which in individual in a community of the people systematically blocked from the right and
resources example having employment (World Vision,2005).

Social stigma: - is the extreme disapproval of the person or group in social characteristics the
ground that perceive and services distinguish them from other member of the society.

Discrimination: Prejudial treatment of individual based on another actual or perceived

membership in certain grows or category.

2.1Theoretical frame work and concept

Being obvious that study the socio economic problem of orphan important and principle of
growth and development of society at community law (local level) country wide as whole is
different by different way. So, I try to see the diversity of meaning the cause and other aspects of
socio economic problem of orphans in different scholars.

2.2Family system theory

This theory is focused on the role of family everything family is very Essen the family. Because
of the number of one family number is not only attending material aspect. But also emotional
and spiritual attachment as groups of family system. Then this approach is describe as system
become very popular both in the theory and precipices as particularly traps working coupes and
family who live in problem. Then due to the death of the children is affected their life in general.
How the people think and be have is affect by the family background. But the orphan children
are influence outside environment because they live within sum or squatter (davidAlson: 1994).
2.3The cause of orphans
The causes of orphans are factors that the children to the orphan such as natural factors,
economic factor, economic factors and practical factors, and other factors contribute the children
to be orphan. But one of the most prominent factors of cause of orphan HIV AIDS orphan is the
current and urgency problems of orphan. According to UNICEF 30% of orphan are losses their
parent by HIV ADIS and the other are non-ADIS orphan who lack their parent.

2.4Types of orphans
There is no clear classification or segmentation and of orphan and other classifications.

Single orphan: - Is an orphan who loss the parent only mother one internal orphan and full
orphan is who last their parent both mother and father (UNICEF: 2004). This classification
excludes the partial orphan (father loss children).

2.5Another classification of orphans

This classification of orphans is classified by the children to be orphan through different causes.
Such as AIDS orphan famine orphan, were orphans, material orphan, social orphan and etc. (save
children UK: 2009).

2.5.1Child headed house hold

As we know the child who have their parent was force to child head family. Due to these the
child head family need to family because of their economy, managing system, power system and

These stresses of house hold from the external and internal (pipeline Bass cited in also deferring:
1994). She done research on the family street theory and has summarize many of ideas in the
lack of family management back. The internal and external factors will be inside in the family
system such as drunk’s suicide etc. and external by natural factor etc. The child headed family
characterized by economic distress social isolation violent marriage etc.

2.5.2The role of family

There are two key concepts parenting behavioral of such as support and control. The parent is the
amounts of caring closeness and affection that prohibit to give child the parent exercise the
leveled of support prevent have social psychological and academicals impact on the children.
The influences of better academic high self-esteem, moral social competences psychological and
academicals negatively affected in the cause of support and denied the basic need such as food,
cloth (uniform) gen, exercise book and other reference materials so the academic performance is
law, have self-esteem goal from the freed and dissatisfied their life (Deferring, 1988).

2.5.3Orphan abuse
Orphan abuse psychological, physical and mental injuries sexual abuse and negated treatment of
orphan less than 18 years orphan share not psychological abuse but also malnutrition and
emotional abuse by the community is difficult to nurturing. And shared the positive attitude
about the value norm,. Sanction, folkway rules regulation and the law of society. Because, they
were abuse and discriminated before. Then they are freely, ignore the community means to
achieve the goals and the system. If leads to vicious circles problem between the community and
orphan and leads to orphan abuse the community and refers true ((Devid Olson: 1994).

2.6Consequence of socio economic problems of orphan

The socio economic problem of orphans lead to several sever problem that range from
deprivation of the basic needs in the necessary condition of living in life. Whereas, essential they
are essence but have no sever problem of the life span if they are not fulfill. The basic need they
are the most necessary for serving in life, while essential are help for better life of the children.
But in the case orphan these necessary condition is not fully secured. Then the socio economic
problem or orphan has the following result.

2.6.1Lack of proper diet leads to maturation

As we know food is necessary condition for human survival. It is not essential rather than
children food supply from the external sources colludes be actively food security in the long run
if it is disrupt the local market. Due to the deprivation not food and clean water the children
failed under food and water or malnutrition and under water born disease so ministration of
orphan is largely happen in orphan the children who how the parents. Malnutrition is used
condition of the body received improper diet or does not get in enough nutrient food. It is
threaten the children and have negative impact on the growth of children physical (muscular
strength) and weight and mental development of children .It is happen in gable level But the
distribution of country and the parson).The distribution of may malnutrition is different from
country to country across the world as well as it different from the society to society with in an
country. Mal automation is wide spread the orphan part of the society because they have no
naught income to support the styles and have no relative to full fill the basic diet when we in
general malnutrition is safely happen in sub-Sahara an country and it is faced the.

Malnutrition is used the condition of the body received improper diet or does not get enough
nutrient food. More variable children and elder and disabled person. According to the Ethiopia
central statistic authority (2005) may nutrition of the children show the children sweetly wasted,
11% the children wasted and 47% of the children under Weight which orphan contain 30% of
from the total population of children. Wasted 1 setup) wasted mean the individual weight is
below minus two (-2) standardization from the media weight age of reference (UNICEF, 2008).

2.6.2Lack of basic facility further education leads to with draw from the school
Education is the process of increasing skill knowledge and development of other activities. So,
there may be different educational input. The children that become orphan after the loss of their
parent through (HIV AIDS) other natural causes miss out from the school interrupted because of
domestic and economic pressure orphan is less the skill and other practical knowledge that they
received from their saws. Without this skill and basic school education many of these children
negatively offered in long run as suffered economic health and social problems.

According to UNIAID revel large number of Ethiopia is suffer in quavered and illiteracy from
the total of five (5) million who last their parent of orphans. The literacy rate is among is year
and above 35.9 with deep gender gap and difference the literacy rate of males is 50% and 22.8%

2.6.3Social class and academic achievement

Unsafely most of the orphan children are the family of lower class they being and have its own
effect one education. Too many poor and minority students continue to attend school is difficult
because despot addresses their need and in which they learn little. Due to this they are with draw
from the school and have showed little performance in their educational activity the cause behind
high school dropout rate failure law achievement. Another hand the poor children used as
escaping from poverty if they get the chase to support the basic facility to the teaching because
they have no other opportunity to engage and support themselves.

This two idea seems to contract oppose the poor and minority they are poor in educational
achievement and another than they are poor and minority group in the society who get the
opportunity to full fill the basic facility are good educational pertinence or achievement whine
we see in the close of orphan even though they get the opportunity to support the basic facility
they may not effective due to the family related problem and received from the community. This
implies that financial (material) aspects are not enough to the children in good achievement there
must be emotional and psychological support are needed. (Elliot, 2000: 127).

Lack of schooling result missing educational qualification and higher skill thus pervading their
life in poverty competition of children with could worker leads to depressing wage sources. A
part from this above lack of opportunity for higher education older children’s deprives caption of
developing higher skill and technological capabilities felt are required for economic development
transformation to attain higher income and better standard of living.

2.6.4Stigma and social exclusion received from community

It is the most sewer problem happen in orphan children. It reads to set halting the children stigma
is extreme disparate at (discontent with) a personal groups on social characterized ground that
perceived the sever to distinguish them from the other secrecy and a discrimination on the other
hand the partial treatment that received from the community leads to social excursion.

They are exclude from the community participation education political activity then the orphan
failed under social treasure and leads to seeing of the value less and engaged in different deviant
activities, such as prostitution crime, gambling, school drop, and other violence’s (Gattan, 1997:

2.6.5 Forced child labor

The studies and serves on child labor have proven undependable to the children who lose their
parent engaged in forced labor. Concerning this problem “rapid assessment carried out by the
international labor organization (ILO) investigate the situation of working children are much
more likely than non-orphan to be commercial, agriculture domestic serves, commercial sex
street venders” (ILO, 2003). This rapid assessment is clearly showing the experience of child
force through pall a way. This is different in different context. In out areas most of the children
labor is engage in agriculture and at heavy work. While in urban areas they engage in
commercial sex, street children actor criminal activities.

The child exposed accidental injuries at work. The children thus are protected to prevent the
socio economic and physical harm which persist to affect them during their life time such
injuries include the following points.

General Child injuries and abuse like tiredness, laziness excessive fear and more. Sexual abuse
particular sexual emption of girls by adult rose, prostitution, early and unwanted pregnancy,
abortion and sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV/AIDS, drug and alcoholism.

Emotional agate such as depreciation family love and affection resulting landing and have

Physical abuse that include car postal, punishment emotional treatment such as blaming verbal
attack, rejection, simulation and bad work (premeaux,1996:432).


3.1. Description of the study area
The study is conduct in Dessie town, south Wollo zone of Amhara regional state, which is
located 401KM away from the capital city of the country (Addis Ababa).Its astronomical
location is at it sites at altitude and longitude of 11°8'N 39°38'E/11.133°N 39.633°E, with an
elevation between 2.470 and 2.550 meters above sea level. . Based on the 2007 national census
conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), Dessie town has a total
population of 151,174, of whom 72,932 are men and 78,242 women; 120,095 or 79.44% are
urban inhabitants living in the town of Dessie, the rest of the population is living at rural kebeles
around Dessie. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 58.62% reporting that as their
religion, while 39.92% of the population said they practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and
1.15% was Protestants.
3.2 Research design

This study were used a cross sectional study design because the data collect at one point in a time
or the current time only to assess the socio economic problem of orphan children in Dessie town
in the case of Menafeshe sub city .The main reason of this study use cross _sectional study
design is considering time and budget constraints. In addition to this were use both qualitative
and quantitative method of data collection.

3.3. Research Approach

This research employed mixed research design with in mixed approach (both quantitative and
qualitative methods). Because this mixed approach is very important and use full for the
validation of findings in terms of accuracy and checking personal bias in the research.
Qualitative study used observation, interview method and quantitative method by using
descriptive statistical tools such as tables, figures, percentages, graphs and charts for data collect
through questionnaires quantitatively.

3.4. Source of data

3.4.1. Primary source of data

This study would be used primary data, based on directly from the respondents by using
interview, sample survey and questionnaires.

3.4.2. Secondary source of data

Secondary data means data that are already available. This study would be referring to the data
which have already have been collected and analyzed by someone else. The secondary sources
were gathered from the document, magazine, books, internet, newspaper and journals.

3.6 Method of data collection

3.6.1 Survey method

To collect large number of information for the target group, the researcher prefer to use survey
methods particularly questionnaire. The questionnaire was use both open and closed ended
questions would be used for this purposes.

3.6.2 Interview
Interview Guideline is one method of data collection which enables to gather qualitative data
from respondents. In doing so, the researcher were use interview as an instrument of data
collection because of its expected to fulfill those data which may not be gathered by
questionnaire and to support data which would be gather by questionnaire as well as to
understand more about the response of the respondents

3.4 Sampling size and Technique

In this study the researcher were used both probability and non- probability sampling technique
to collect data from the respondent. In the probability sampling the researcher used simple
random sampling because it gives equal chance for all respondents to be select and from non –
probability sampling the researcher used purposive sampling technique to select key informants
from the concerned office in order to collect relevant data. Accordingly out of the total number
of orphan children, 240 in this sub city the researcher will selected 63 respondents purposively
by taking in to account respondents capacity to the objectives of the research by using Sampling
size determination is the act of choosing size the number of representative for all population
(Kothari, 2004) in this case researcher uses statistical formula to determine the number of

Researcher uses table and charts to depict the result from the descriptive statistics including
mean and standard deviation in this study.

N= Total number of population

n=sample size from total population

Z=value of Z under normal core 95% confidence level

e=determine error (5%=0.05)

P= expected response rate from the respondents

q= determine error p-1


These 63 respondents represented the whole 240 orphan children in the case of manfasha sub

Source (Kothari, 2004)

3.6Accordingly out of the total number of orphan children, 240 in this sub city the researcher
will selected 63 respondents purposively by taking in to account respondents capacity to the
objectives of the research by using Sampling size determination is the act of choosing size the
number of representative for all population (Kothari, 2004) in this case researcher uses statistical
formula to determine the number of respondents

The research would be used data analysis for both qualitative and quantitative data that is
appropriate to each method. The research would be use descriptive analysis in the form of tabular
representation of the respondents, and content analysis for qualitative method on better
understand of the respondents.

3.7. Ethical Consideration

In this study the following ethical measures will take Explanation of the objective and
significance of the study was give to the sample Population and the Keble.

Information was conduct by voluntary and asking politely. The culture and tradition of the study
population was respected finally at the time of the research respondent was taken into account
throughout the process of study After collect the data, the researcher was insured the respondents
answer in privacy and safety.
This chapter focuses on the presentation analysis and interpretation of data gathered from
questionnaires and interview. In the survey the researcher was distributed 63questionnaires and
there was returned after completion. In addition, the researcher also asked seven open ended
questions for Menafesha administration officials who work in labor and social affair association
bureau of Dessie town.

4.1. Socio- Demographic characteristics of respondent

As part of the socio-demographic characteristics, the age range and sex of the orphan children
respondents was considered. This is indicated in Table 1 below.
Table 4.1, Age and Sex composition of the respondents

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

1-6 years 15 24
7-12 years 28 44
Above 13 years 20 32
Total 63 100
Male 30 48
Female 33 52
Total 63 100

Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010E.c

As we can infer from the above table 15(24%) of the respondent are under the age of 1-6 years
and 7-12 years are 28(44%) and the rest 20(32%) are above 13 years form this table number of
orphan children which majority influence socio economic problem is the year from 7-12(44%)
because of this children are not able to work, economical in active, have not access to education
and have not livening house for most living in the street. Concerning the sex composition as we
have seen from the above table, respondents who select with random sampling technique are
females 33(52%) and the rest 30(48%) are males. The interviewee result indicated that females
were more affected with the socio economic challenges due to the attitudes of the society
towards females, the cultural imposition and other psycho social challenges brings to female
orphan. Females were more prone to Labor exploitation than men as they are supposed to lack
strength and skill to oppose the challenges.

Table 4.1.1 distribution of respondent by educational level

Educational level Frequency Percentage (%)

1-8 grade 30 47
Above grade 8 20 32
Uneducated 13 21
Total 63 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

As the above table reveal that 30(82%) of the respondent under grade 8 and the 20(32%) are
above grade 8 and the rest13 (21%) are uneducated. This table shows that the orphans who attend
their education under grade 8 are more dominant than who follow above grade 8 and from

According to Mengstu officer of labor and social affair office, said that most children are
uneducated because children have not any support to get education, food and suitable for life and
government and different community based organization have not sufficient support to orphan
children due to this and different factors children are have to go school more likely live in the
street, malnutrition, high mortality rates, lower levels of school attendance, and increased
likelihood of child labor (both paid and unpaid is the finding of this analysis.
Table 4.1.2 distribution of respondent by family background

Items Options Respondent

With whom are you Frequency Percentage (%)
living now? with father only 12 19
with mother only 23 36
With grandparents only 16 25
uncle 7 11

Aunt 5 8
Total 63 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table shows that the children live with different families. Most of the children live
with mothers only 23(36%), with grandparents 16(25%), with father only 12(19%), uncle 7(11%)
and aunt 5(8%) respectively. The data show that most of orphan children who live in the sub-city
living with mothers and grandparents are dominant most of children choice live to mother have
not live father because father have not treatment for the children health and different
psychological problem at the whole indicated the data the number of children are more live in
mother and grandparent.
4.2 Economic condition the study are
Table 4.2 economic condition of the respondent

Items Options Respondent

Frequency Percentage
Source of income for from father only 11 17
education from mother only 14 23
from grandparents 10 16
from NGO 12 19
From governmental organization 16 25
Total 63 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 E.C

The above table show that the source of income for education to the orphan children are 14(23%)
from mothers only, 11(17%) from fathers only, 12(19%) from NGO and the rest 16(25%) are
from governmental organizations and the rest 10(16%) are from grandparents. From this one can
understand that the source of income orphan children are more affected in disease ,that of health
problem have not access to education , most of the time this children are lack of food ,water and
sanitation for this reason. The dominant source of income for education to the orphan children is
governmental organization and that of different nonprofit organization community based
organization and institutions are support to the orphan children.

Table 4.2.1 The educational expense of respondents’ per month

Items Options Respondents

The educational expense of Frequency Percentage (%)
respondents’ per month below100 birr 15 24
101-150 birr 20 32
151-200 birr 18 29
above 200 birr 10 15
Total 63 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table reveal that the income level of their education bellow 100 birr are 15(24%),
101-150 birr 20(32%), 151-200 birr are 18(29%), and above 200 birr 10(15%). From the above
table the researcher understand that the income levels of the orphan children for their education
are located on the range of 101-150 birr in month which a 32 percent of the total respondents.
The above information shows that the income level of orphan children which is justified by low
income earnings. For use in Shelter, medical care and the income for using education facility.
Those who rated education as one of their most pressing need are among orphans who were
unable to raise fees for secondary education and vocational training this means most of the
young children who are being taken care of by orphans ignore the opportunity to enjoy their
early childhood education, which may be unfavorable for their mental and physical development.

Table 4.2.2 question related respondent the income sufficient for education

Items Options Respondent

Does the income Frequency Percentage
sufficient for A yes 20 32
education B no 43 68
Total 63 100
If you say no, what , government should 15 33
should be done? give promote and

, NGO should 10 22
participate in providing
and helping orphan
The community 8 18
responsible for support
of orphan children
, governmental , NGOs 12 27
and the community
should participate
Total 45 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table shows that most of the orphan children do not have sufficient income for their
education 45(71%) orphans have no sufficient income for their education.

Then the respondent gave their solution, most of the respondent say that the government should
promote and support 33%, and 22% of the respondent say that nongovernmental organization,
governmental organization and community should participate, hand In hand 18% of respondent
NGO should participate in providing and helping orphan and the rest 27% of the respondent say
that the community responsible for support orphan for this the role of NGOs in reducing socio
economic problem is good even though it had some problem Provide foods such as biscuit and
other important diet Provide a direct financial support for satisfying their basic needs and also
Providing the financial support for orphan family relatives and grandparents and adjust to
participate income generation activities in order to reduce their suffers from this problem.

4.3 Educational condition of the study area

Table 4.3.1 question related of respondent education condition

Items Options Respondents

Are you currently Frequency Percentage
following your A Yes 36 57
education? B no 27 43
Total 63 100
If you say yes is A ,yes 37 64
there any obstacle B, No 20 35
that hinder to
achieve your
Total 57 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table shows that most of the orphan children follow their education 36(57%) are
follow their education this means most of orphan children accessed to education.

Most of the respondent said that there are a problem that hinder their educational achievement
are 64% and the rest 35% said that there are no hinder in their education. So the dominant
number of orphan children is under good achievement due to the obstacle the obstacles of the
respondents are economical problem, family related issue and the unequal treatment in the school
and another thing is that orphan children are have not the basic needs of human beings are such
as water, shelter and food. Though, the basic needs of children are very complicated. Children
are the crops of their surroundings and their basic needs also related to mental and emotional
conditions. A child, who belongs to an unsteady environment, can’t live a happy life, shows
Maladjustment everywhere and looks like an angry person. For this and other reason So these
children require more attention, care, affection for good wellbeing.
Table 4.3.2 question related of respondent have you got support from your school

Items Options Respondent

Have you got Frequency Percentage (%)
support from your A yes 29 53
school B no 26 47

Total 55 100
If your answer is A educational 20 36
yes, what are the material
support you got B psychological 2 4
from the school? support
C educational 4 7
D other
Total 26 47
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table infer the orphan children who got support from their school 26(47%) and the
rest 29(53%) had not got support from their school. This shows that the dominant orphan
children had not got support from the school. According to the k-informant interview said that
orphan children are have not got support from the school only that of the material support,
psychological, technical support and another support have not sufficient to support a material
support for achievement of their education they may be get a great risk to the orphan children.

Table 4.4 question related of respondent how express the support of the community for your

Items Options Respondents

How do you express Frequency Percentage (%)
the support of the very high 6 10
community foryour high 8 13
education? medium 15 24
low 30 47
very low 4 6
Total 63 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010EC
The above table show that the orphan children had got support for their education from the
community is low. They expressed that 30(47%) are low, 4(6%) are very low. So from this one
can understand the support of the community for orphan children to their education is low. The
interviewee result indicated that the support of the community very low because the support is
provided by volunteer only and false image about the orphan children are theft more live in street
and not hared working ,not social interaction to the society for this and another negative attitude
community are not more support to children in the society.

4.4The social relation in relation discrimination and segregation

Table 4.4.1 psychological problem related to discrimination

Items Options Respondents

Have you faced psychological problem Frequency Percentage
related to discrimination? A yes 34 54
B no 29 46
Total 63 100
Source: computed from the primary data survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table show that orphan children psychological problem related to discrimination from
the total of 63 orphan children 34 (54%) are faced psychological problem and the rest 29(46%)
are not faced psychological problem. This show that one of the indicators of socio-economic
problem of orphan children is psychological problems related to discrimination because the
dominant number of orphan children said that there is psychological problem related to

Table 4.4.1how to experienced stigmatization while living in your community

Items Options Respondents

Have you experienced Frequency Percentage (%)
stigmatization while living in A yes 37 59
your community? B no 26 41
Total 63 100
if your answer yes number A extremely 25 51
how do you express the bad
stigmatization? B bad 18 36
C neutral 5 10
D no bad 1 3.03
Total 49 100
Source: computed from survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table infer most of the orphan children are experienced stigmatization 37(59%) and
the rest 26(41%) were not experienced in their community. This shows that the dominant orphan
children faced stigmatization in their community.

Most of the respondents said extremely bad (51%), bad (36%) and 10% neutral and the
remaining 3% were respond not bad. From this the researcher understands the stigmatization of
the orphan is very severing. From the total of discriminated orphans 51% were extremely
discriminated The k-informant interviewee result indicated that the support of the community
very low because the support is provided by volunteer only and false image about the orphan
children they sow as theft, ruddy the role of extended family is very low. It leads to the increment
of the children burden and morbidity because some orphans child headed family system. The
member of the community is neglect orphan children due to individualization way of life,
unstable way of life interaction with community full of tension and calculation relationship ,there
is a problem of funding ,skill man power in order to recruitment for training and creation of
awareness to orphan children.

Table 4.4.2 question related to respondent attitude your community in to discrimination?

Items Options Respondents

What is your attitude Frequency Percentage

your community in
to discrimination? A very bad 31 49

B bad 9 14

C medium 12 19

D good 7 11

E very good 4 6

Total 63 100
Source: computed from the primary data survey conducted by the researcher 2010EC

The above table show that most of orphan children attitude is extremely bad 31(49%) ,9(14%)
bad, 12(19%) medium, 7(11%) good, and the remaining 4(6%) are very good towards their
community in relation to discrimination . Most of orphan children had negative attitude
towards their community.

Table 4.4.3 question related to respondent discrimination in your school

Items Options Respondents

Is there any Frequency Percentage (%)

discrimination in
your school? A yes 40 63

B no 23 37

Total 63 100

if your answer is from the student 25 40

yes, from where
discrimination is from teacher 10 16
from directors 9 14

From the school 6 10


Total 51 81
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table infers that most of the orphan children are faced discrimination in their school
who are account 40(63%) and the rest 37% are not discriminated in the school. most of the time
orphan children are discriminated in their school discriminated in school and that of society.

The respondent said that 40% of discrimination raised from the student and 16% of the
respondent said that from the teacher 14% of respondents said from directors and the rest 10%
are from school security. Most of the orphan children discriminated in the school by students
who have a parent which accounts 40% from the total samples. Because for when of orphan
children are Majority orphan neglect opportunity to continue with school. Due to Lack of food,
shelter and medical care force the older ones into child labor market where they are sometimes
met with even harder problems of harassment by employers, poor working conditions, sexual
exploitation, and prostitution. Others join gang groups and involve themselves in stealing and
later on they may graduate into robbery with violence this all problem are more affected the
orphan children for this reason children are discriminated in school and that of society.

4.5 Analysis related to food

Table 4.5 Analysis related to food

Items Options Respondents

How many times do Frequency Percentage

you eat per day?
A once 19 30

B twice a day 28 44

C three times 9 14

D above three 7 12

Total 63 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table show that most orphan children got /eat twice a day 28(44%), three times
9(14%), and (12%) above three and the rest one eat once a day. According to this statistics
orphan children who eat twice account large number of orphans

Form the above when orphan children are eat your food once tome for day those children are
have not survive for your life ,have not sufficient economic ,those children have not educated
,for and most of the time live in the street ,it become health social and economic problem .when
children are eat twice day is better in economic from once times eat those children have middle
income standard of life. .
Table 4.5.1 Respondents related question to how to support govertment and NGOs

Items Options Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

by begging 14 22

support by 22 35

by forced labor 18 29

by NGOs 9 14

Total 33 100
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table show that most of orphan children get their food by governmental organization
22(35%), 18(29%) by force labor, by begging 14(22%) the rest 9(14%) get food their food by
nongovernmental organization. The government and NGOs is very low in working problem of
orphan children. In order to reducing the problem of orphan children government and NGOs
work together sharing an experience and information about orphan children problem than
support children in social and, economical aspect.

Table 4.5.2factor that hinders to get their food?

Items Options Respondents

Is there any factor Frequency Percentage (%)

that hinders to get
their food? A ) yes 42 67

B) no 21 33

Total 63 100

If your answer is the increment of 32 57

yes what are the food price
obstacles or Lack of physical 15 27
hindrances? fitness

Total 56 89
Source: computed from the survey conducted by the researcher 2010 EC

The above table reveal that large number of children incurred an obstacle to get their food they
account 56(88%) of orphans from the total.

Most of the respondent responds that 57% said the increment of food price, 27% lack of physical
strength and the rest 16% other factors such as job cutting of their parent. From this most of the
orphan children faced the increment of food price. Then due to the increment of food price
orphan children are the first victim.

The response of key informants also shows from asked how do you explain support of
community to orphan children (Head of in administration office) In order to know the socio
economic problem of orphan children in menafasha sub-city.

About the issue of support the community to the orphan children

The researcher raised the question entitled as how do you explain the support the community to
the orphan children. When the researcher asked the question for the workers of labor and social
fair bureau almost all respondents argue that the support of the community is low for this
argument the respondent gave the following evidence for their argument. The support is very low
because the support is provided by volunteer only and false image about the orphan children they
sow as theft, ruddy the role of extended family is very low. It leads to the increment of the
children burden and morbidity because some orphans child headed family system. The member
of the community is neglect orphan children due to individualization way of life, unstable way of
life interaction with community full of tension and calculation relationship ,there is a problem of
funding ,skill man power in order to recruitment for training and creation of awareness to orphan

Educational access of orphan children

In order to explain the educational access of orphan children the researcher raise a question
entitled as how do you explain the access of education for orphan children? Most respondents
said that the government works in order to access for all children then the respondent gave the
following activities done by the government

Building both primary and secondary in each Keble of sub-city

Setting policy quality education for all

Giving a financial support for orphan

Giving the educational materials such as book, exercise book, and pen

Provide free education for all children without any cost the government decree the educational
right for children and work for the implementation of these rights then orphan is benefited since
they are a part of children.


5.1 Major finding and DISCUSION

The research has come up with important findings in investigate social economic problem of
orphan children in community for this the objective to explain economic problem of orphan
children in the study area, to examine education status of orphan children in study area and to
identify the challenge of orphan children relation to stigma and discrimination

of this study for this reason identifying education statues of orphan children the efforts being
made by concerned bodies to respond to the needs of these children. It also assessed the
challenge of orphan children relation to stigma and discrimination. In addition, most of the
researches on vulnerable children (OVC) in their localities on assessment of basic need but this
research fills the limitation in research by assessing the socio economic problem orphan children.
The result also shows that the problem of orphans is serious socially and economically , Most of
the parental orphans, face the problem of low family income, for maternal orphans ,it creates
double burden on women guardians, their occupation depend on daily labor so did not have
enough food, health care, housing and tutor. In this study, it is found that the majority of
respondent (44 per cent) live with their mother. when regarding to orphan children in education
majority of respondent have not accessed to education (53) and Regarding the place of living,
33.5 of orphan children live in their own house with their single parent, the study also reveals
that (44 per cent) of orphaned children are able to access to food daily .

Most of the children categorized as orphan have no/little access to basic needs such as food,
shelter and clothes. Majority of this orphan particularly the orphans live in dilapidated houses
with the poor and the sick relatives/guardians unable to meet these needs for them. They are
unable to get even three meals a day, whatever the content of the food. They have no regular or
sustainable sources of income to sustain their lives as they have no family or live with poor
relative/guardians. This finding goes in line with the findings of Berry and Guthrie (2003) and
Star Foundation (2011) situational analysis in Tigrai region, Northern Ethiopia. Berry and
Guthrie (2003) stated that the main challenges of orphans and vulnerable children are lack of
food, shelter, schooling, medical care, vulnerability various forms of abuse and economic
exploitations. Poor self esteem and high drop outs in both primary and secondary schools as are
the major problems faced by OVC. Result of my study for education of orphan children the
majority of orphan is no learned about (44percent) because orphan children are education at
appropriate school age is limited. Even if they start, they frequently absent from school in order
to work and earn their means of survival or support their poor families’ meager income from
daily labor. Most of them engage in works which are physically, psychological and socially
harmful to their healthy growth and development. They are poor in their academic performance
and rarely pass from one class to the next class. Lack of basic needs, schools materials, adequate
time and place to study are the major factors for their academic related problems as described by
the study participants. Moreover, particularly orphan girls children are exposed to child sexual
abuse and trafficking which has detrimental effects on their health and wellbeing. Garedew
(2006) also indicated that the probability of becoming victims of violence, exploitation,
trafficking, discrimination and various types of abuse for orphans and vulnerable children’s are
high and adversely influence such children’s physical, social and intellectual development
designed programs to respond to the needs of the Orphan children. They mainly engage in
provisions of educational materials, school uniforms and income supports. The supports they
provide are based on the felt needs of the Orphan children; however, there is no coordination
among different organizations in order to support orphan children. This resulted in duplication of
resources. This is one of the factors for the imbalance between the supports being provided and
the number of the orphans in need of the supports because there is a situation in which a given
child gets benefit from more than one organization while still there is a child who has not get
any opportunity to be supported. Even there are no/little programs for the abandoned orpan

CHPTER SIX; Conclusions and Recommendation

6.1 Conclusion

Being the main thesis of my study socio economic problem of orphan children in menfasha sub-
city. It is very serious problem of orphan in social interaction economic need and other
educational activity that directly harm for them or they are first victim by socio economic
problem of orphan.

As briefly discuss in chapter three the socio economic problem of orphan children is very sever
parallel to theoretical aspect of socio economic activities of orphan children. For this the
researcher had gathered questionnaires from orphan themselves and interview from workers of
labor and social affair manfasha sub-city

The evidences show that the socio-economic problem of is very serious in relation to food
education and economic problem to satisfy their needs and maximize their pleasure. In other
case there is extreme discrimination and stigmatization received from the community. This made
the social life of orphan very harsh and difficult due to this there is a problem of life span of
orphan children different psychological problems.

Even though the government, non- governmental organization and some volunteers of the
community work in reduce socio economic problem of orphan however, they are constraint and
challenged by different factors

6.2 Recommendation

From the socio-economic problem of orphan children in Menafeshasub-city. The recommended

that the following recommendation to the concerned body such as government and NGOs and
community in order to reduce the socio-economic problem of orphan.

• Government should work more than what the present do for orphan children by
understanding and the basic principles of service delivery. Example, safety needs
economic and psychological need and social services and anticipated the future needs
orphan children.

• The government should prioritizing the orphan need and providing responsive and
equitable service via consistence levels of support until the orphan children support

• NGOs should established friendship with community and other governmental

organization in order to protect the material and emotional needs of the orphan

• NGOs should from the minimum levels and design sustainable project

• The community should decrease discrimination and stigmatizations of orphan children

• A community should appreciate and encourage the orphan to participate the community
activities .This reduce hostility of orphan towards their community

• A community should give psychological and other cares for orphan children as care as
their children

• There should be open , democratic discussion between the community government and
NGOs in setting goals in exchange ,sharing resources and important information so as to
effective and tangible result in reducing the suffers of orphan children.

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WOLLO University

College of Social Science and Humanities

Department of Sociology
Questionnaire; An assessment of socio economic problem of orphan children in
Dessie town the case of menafesha sub city.
Dear respondents; I am graduate Student in department of Sociology at wollo
University. Currently I am undertaking research in an assessment of socio
economic problem of orphan children. You are one of respondent selected to
participation in this study .Thus; we would kindly request you to answer these
questions. You honesty and kindness would be of great help in many aspects of this
study. Finally, the information that you gave will be kept confidential and only
used for academic purpose.
Note no need of writing your name.

Please tick the relevant answer for closed ended questions and write your answer in
blank space.

PART ONE: person background of respondents

1. Demographic questions

• Sex A Male □ B. Female □

• Age

• 1-6 year □ B. 7-12 year□ C. 13-17 year □

• Educational level

• 1-8 grade □ B. Above 8 □ C. Un educated □

• With whom are you living

• Father only □ B. with mother only□ C. with grandparent □ D.

with relative □ E. other □

5, Source of income for education

A, from mother only □ c, from grandparent □
B, from father only □ d from governmental origination □
6, Income level for education
A, Below 100 birr □ □
c, 151-200 birr
B, 101-150 birr □ □
bove 201 birr
7, Dose the income sufficient (adequate) enough for education
A yes □
B, no □
8, If your answer for questionNO seven, what should be done? Of your answer is
YES skip question from eight to question nine.
A, the government should promote and support □
B, NGO should participation in providing help for orphan children □
C, The community should responsible for supporting orphan children □
D, other □
9, whose breed winner for you
A, Father only □ C, Grandmother □ E, Other □
B, mother only □ D, Grandfather □
10, Are you currently following education

A, Yes

B, No□

11, if the answer is YES for question 10 is only obstacle that hinder your
educational achievement, if your answer NO skip

A, Yes

B, No□
12, have you faced any psychological problem in relation to discrimination

A, Yes

B, No□

If you say yes explain

13, have you experience stigmatization while living in your community?

A, Yes

B, No□

14, If you say YES for question 13 how do discrimination

A, Extremely bad □ c, Neutral □ e, Not very bad □

B, Bad □ d, not bad□
15, what is your attitude toward the community in relation to discrimination
□ □ □ □

A, very good b, good c, medium d, bad e, very
16, is there any discrimination in your school

A, Yes
B, No□
17, If your answer is YES for question 16 from where it arise (if your answer in
NO skip to question 18)
A, from the student □ c, from the director □
B, from teacher □ d, other □
18, how many times do you eat per day?
A, any time □ c, three times □
B, two time □ d, above □
19 How do get the food

A, by begging c, from support of NGOs □ e,
B, support by the government □ d, income from forced labor □
1, how do you explain support of community to orphan children?

2, how do you explain the access of orphan children?

3, how do you see coordination of government, community and NGOs in reducing

the socio-economic problem of orphan?

4, what should be done to the future about the coordination?

5, what the role NGOs in reducing the socio-economic problem of orphan?

6, what are the solution provide by government the socio-economic problem


7, what are the setback that hinder government from being full and effectively
reducing the suffer of socio-economic problem of orphans?

ልክቶ  የሚደረግጥናት.
ውድምላሽሰጪዎች; በወሎዩኒቨርሲቲየሶስዮሎጂዲፓርትመንትተመራቂተማሪነኝ.

1. ፆታሀ. ወንድ□ለ. ሴት□
2. ዕድሜሀ. ከ 1-6 ዓመት□ለ.ከ 7-12 ዓመት□መ.ከ 13-17 አመት□
3. የትምህርትደረጃሀ. 1-8 የተማሩ□ለ.ከ 8 በላይ□
4. የትነውየምትኖረው?
ሀ. አባትብቻከእናትጋር□ሐ. ከአያትከአንዷጋር□መ. ከሌሎችዘመዶች□ሰ. ሌላ□
5, ለትምህርትየሚገኝገቢ
ሀ, ከእናቶችብቻ, □መከአያትቤተሰብ□
ለ, ከአባትብቻ□ሰከመንግስትምንጭነው□
6, ለትምህርትየሚገኝየገቢደረጃ
ሀ, ከ 100 ብርበታች, □መከ 151-200 ብር□
ለከ 101-150 ብር□ሰከ 201 በላይነው□
7, ለትምህርትየሚያበቃበቂገቢአላቸዉ?
ለ, አይደለም□
8, ለጥያቄቁጥር 7 መልስአይደለምከሆነምንመደረግአለበት?መልስህለጥያቄቁጥር 8
ለ, መንግስታዊያልሆነድርጅትወላጅአልባሕፃናትንለመርዳትተካፋይመሆንአለባቸዉ□
መ, ማህበረሰቡወላጅአልባልጆችየመርዳትሃላፊነትአለበት□
D, ለእነሱተገቢዉንሃላፊነትያለባቸዉቤተሰቦች?
ሀ, አባትብቻ□መ, የአባትአያት□ረሌላ
ለ, እናትብቻ□ሰእናትአያት□
10, አሁንትምህርትእየተከታተሉነው?
ለ, አይደለም□

11, ለጥያቄ 10 መልስአዎከሆነ, የትምህርትውጤትዎንየሚያደናቅፍችግርአሉ?

ለ, አይደለም□
IV ከአድልዎስራዎችጋርየተያያዘጥያቄ
12 ከአድልዎጋርበተያያዘማንኛውንምየስነ-ልቦናችግርገጥሞዎታል?
  ሀአዎ, □
   ለ, አይደለም□
መልስዎአዎንከሆነእባክዎንይግለጹ? ........................................................................................
13, በማህበረሰብዎውስጥሲኖሩከማህረሰብአድልዎስራዎችውስጥችግርያጋጥማችኋል?
ሀአዎ, □
14, ለጥያቄቁጥር 13 መልስአዎካሉትመድልዎእንዴትነው?
ሀ, እጅግበጣምመጥፎው□መ, ገለልተኛ□ረ, በጣምመጥፎአይደለም□
ለ, መጥፎ□ሰ, መጥፎአይደለም□
15, ስለመድልዎጉዳይለኅብረተሰቡምንአመለካከትአለዎት?
ሀ, በጣምጥሩ□ለ, ጥሩ□መ, መካከለኛ□ሰ, መጥፎ, □
16, በትምህርትቤትዎውስጥማንኛውምልዩነትአለ?
ሀአዎ, □
ለ , አይደለም□
17, መልስህአዎከሆነለጥያቄቁጥር 16 በማንኛዉየማኅብረተሰቡአካልላይነዉጎልቶየሚታየዉ?
(መልስህአይደለምከሆነወደጥያቄ 18 መሔድ)
ሀ, ከተማሪው□ለ, ከአስተዳደርው□
መ, ከአስተማሪ□ሰ, ሌላ□
V, ከምግብጋርየተያያዘጥያቄዎች
18, በቀንስንትጊዜትበላለህ?
ሀ, በማንኛውምጊዜ□ለ, ሦስትጊዜ□
መ, ሁለትጊዜ□ሰ, ከዚያበላይ□
19 ምግብእንዴትማግኘትይቻላል?
ሀ, በመለመን, □ለመንግስታዎካልሆኑድርጅቶች□መከሌሎችድጋፍ□
ሰ,, በመንግስትድጋፍ□ ረ በጉልበታችንበመስራት□

1, በማህበረሰቡዘንድወላጅአልባልጆችላይየሚደረገዉድጋፍእንዴትያብራራል?
2, ወላጅአልባሕጻናትንአቅርቦትማግኘትእንዴትሊብራራይችላሉ?
3 የወላጅአልባልጆችማህበራዊናኢኮኖሚያዊችግሮችንለመቀነስከመንግስት,
4 የወደፊትያለዉትብብርንአብረዉለመስራትያላቸዉእቅድምንድንነው?
6, መንግሥትማህበራዊናኢኮኖሚያዊችግሮችንለመፍታት-መፍትሄውምንድንነው?
7 በመንግስትወላጅአልባህፃናትማህበራዊእናኢኮኖሚያዊችግሮችንለመቅረፍመንግስትላይእንቅፋትእንዳይሆኑየ

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