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QCSHS Rules and Regulations Revised

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


I hereby pledge that as a Scientian, I will abide by the school rules and regulations of Quezon City Science High School, and
pledge to uphold its academic standards, as well as the standards of behavior and conduct stipulated below. Quezon City Science High
School strives to maintain and uphold a culture of excellence and a culture of positive discipline that these rules and regulations
reflect. I also categorically state that I am accountable for all my actions inside and outside of the QCSHS campus as pertains to my
status as a Scientian, and hereby acknowledge that I will submit myself to whatever sanctions that may be prescribed by the
appropriate school authorities in violation of these standards, as stated herein and in the school policies and procedures.

I hereby affirm that:

1. I will show respect to all the teachers and staff of Quezon City Science High School, including all the professional and
ancillary workers, from the Principal to the Janitor, as well as to my fellow students, whose dignity and rights as human
beings are equal to my own and therefore deserving of the same respect I expect for myself as a person;

2. I will respect and protect any and all property of Quezon City Science High School, and not to tolerate any desecration of
such inside the campus and within its perimeters; I will take responsibility for any loss or damage to school property that
may be caused by my actions, willful or otherwise, and provide compensation, either monetary or in kind, equal or
commensurate to the property in question;

3. I will give due respect to the Philippine flag, a symbol of our enduring freedom as a sovereign people, by attending
without fail the weekly Flag Raising Ceremony held every Monday at 6:45 A.M. in the Covered Court of the campus; I
also acknowledge that tardiness and absence from the assembly for said ceremony will result in disciplinary measures
and penalties that may be reflected in lowered grades/ratings in my first period class as well as in Araling Panlipunan and
Values Education;

4. I will take responsibility to be present in all my classes and be prompt and punctual in my attendance from the first
period class at 7:00 A.M. to the last class included in my curriculum, and acknowledge that I will be subject to penalties
and sanctions for tardiness and absences incurred, which may be reflected in lowered grades/ratings in the affected class
subject as deemed appropriate by the subject teacher; likewise, it is incumbent upon me to make amends with the
appropriate teacher and make all requests in writing for whatever remedies that may be agreed upon by both parties
based on the school’s policies and procedures; I am aware that I am required to present an excuse letter duly signed by
my parent/guardian upon my return from absence.

5. I will be conscientious and responsible for all school requirements. I am fully aware that the school personnel shall not
entertain persons who are tasked to bring projects, assignments, materials, and any item left at home. I shall provide the
school with prescription medicine to be taken in case of need;

6. I will abide by the school’s zero-tolerance to any form of violence inside the campus, whether verbal or physical, and
conduct myself always in a manner becoming of a Scientian, and be a role model of proper conduct and behavior to my
peers and fellow members privileged enough to be part of this Scientian community; I hereby acknowledge that
permanent exclusion from Quezon City Science High School is the right and proper penalty for any student involved in
any incidence of violence against any member of the community, whether student, teacher, parent or any staff member,
inside the campus and within its perimeters;

Regional Science High School

Golden Acres Rd. Cor. Misamis St. Bago Bantay, Quezon City
Tel. No. 8-352-5957, CP Nos. 09985948424, 09155426803
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

7. I will show respect for others and exhibit a deep sense of responsibility in the use of social media/the Internet; I will not
engage in any form of cyber-bullying, create defamatory blogs, post derogatory pictures and/or remarks that may in any
way infringe on the rights of the institution in general, any school official, teaching and non-teaching personnel, parent,
or fellow student; This includes sharing and commenting on malicious and offensive content, e.g. pictures, blogs,
commentary, posts, etc. I recognize that any violation of this policy will result in sanctions, including suspension and/or
expulsion from QCSHS;

8. I will abide by the school’s ban on bringing any type of weapon or explosive inside the campus and its perimeters, as
well as on the use of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes by any student inside the campus; likewise, I acknowledge that any
use of school computers to access pornographic and inappropriate material on the Internet and bringing any pornographic
and inappropriate material inside the campus are strictly prohibited; I am aware that gambling is prohibited inside the
campus, and as such, playing cards or any other material that may be used for gambling must not be brought in the
campus. I understand that any violation of this policy will result in sanctions, including suspension and/or expulsion
from QCSHS;

9. I will not engage in any illicit relationships or inappropriate behavior with any member of the school community;
furthermore, I will not engage in sexual harassment and activity of such nature inside the campus whether verbal or
physical, and will not tolerate such behavior from any member of this community, whether students, teachers or staff; I
acknowledge that any violation as such is subject to sanctions, that may include suspension or expulsion from QCSHS;

10. I understand that in compliance with Quezon City Resolution 6969, s. 2017 as well as DepEd Order 83, s. 2003 and
DECS Order 70, s. 1999 which was amended with DECS Order 26, s. 2000, the use of electronic devices, including cell
phones and game consoles, during class hours is strictly prohibited, and violations will be subject to penalties, including
confiscation and seizure of such devices by the teacher; confiscated devices will then be stored for safekeeping by the
Teacher Custodian for a period of one week for each violation, and repeat offenders will be subject to double the
penalties as written;

11. I will abide by the school’s existing written policy and Department Order No. 41, Series 2005 on the maintenance of
good academic standing unless rescinded or repealed, and submit myself to the penalties prescribed upon my failure to
meet the academic requirements of the school, including exclusion from school for obtaining a failing grade in any of the
subjects in the curriculum; I will seek transfer to another school upon determination of my failure to make the grade
requirement to meet the high academic standard of this school;

12. I will wear appropriate school attire including the school ID, as well as follow the prescribed haircut during the school
year. The following are prohibited among students: rubber shoes, black socks, dyeing of hair, nail polish, and wearing of
makeup. I will wear appropriate attire during Physical Education days.

13. I understand that all activities inside the school campus outside of school hours must be duly recommended by the
subject teacher and must have written authorization from the Office of the Principal, as well as written consent from the
parents of participating students. I am aware that absences due to participation in activities not supported by DepEd
memoranda are not excused. I shall not hold the school or any of its representative authorities liable for any injuries, fatal
or non-fatal, that I may suffer under any of these circumstances;

14. I will abide by an Honor Code which prohibits any form of cheating in the performance of my academic duties and
obligations, including cheating on examinations and copying the work of other people, as well as plagiarism of any kind;
I will likewise not tolerate such offenses in my fellow students and will report any such violations to the appropriate
school authorities for investigation and appropriate sanction, which may include suspension and/or expulsion from

Regional Science High School

Golden Acres Rd. Cor. Misamis St. Bago Bantay, Quezon City
Tel. No. 8-352-5957, CP Nos. 09985948424, 09155426803
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

15. I will discuss and reiterate to my parent or guardian the school’s policy requiring notice of at least 24 hours from any
parent or guardian who may wish to visit the campus and confer with a teacher regarding my performance in school; I
understand that it is strictly prohibited for any parent or guardian to arrive in school without prior notification and
specific appointment confirmed with the teacher’s department head; likewise, I understand that no parent or guardian
will be allowed to disrupt a class and directly approach a teacher regarding concerns about their child’s performance in
school; without exception, everyone is required to go through the proper channels and follow the prescribed protocol;

16. I have read and understood all the rules and regulations herein stated and I pledge to abide by them; I will take
responsibility for all my actions, and submit myself to the penalties and sanctions required for any infractions I may
incur that violate any of these rules and regulations.

Date: ___________________ ____________________________________

Signature over Printed Name of Student

Grade Level and Section

I, ____________________________, have read and understood the Rules and Regulations of QCSHS as stated above and respectfully
concur with my son/daughter, who has likewise read and understood the Rules and Regulations of the school, and accept my
accountability in ensuring that my son/daughter follows those rules and regulations, or otherwise accept the sanctions so stated for any
violations, which may include my son/daughter’s suspension or expulsion from QCSHS.

Date: ___________________ _________________________________________

Signature over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian


________________________________________ ________________________________________
Class Adviser Prefect of Discipline

Curriculum Grade Level Coordinator

Regional Science High School

Golden Acres Rd. Cor. Misamis St. Bago Bantay, Quezon City
Tel. No. 8-352-5957, CP Nos. 09985948424, 09155426803

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