POLARISATION (Part-1) : Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi (E-Resource Material / Study Material)
POLARISATION (Part-1) : Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi (E-Resource Material / Study Material)
POLARISATION (Part-1) : Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi (E-Resource Material / Study Material)
The phenomenon of restricting the vibration of light in a particular
direction perpendicular to the direction of wave motion is called as
To explain the phenomenon of polarisation let us consider the two
tourmaline crystal with their optics axis placed parallel to each other
.When an ordinary light is incident normally on the two crystal plates
the emergence light shows a variation in intensity as T2 is rotated.
The intensity is maximum when the axis of T2 is parallel to that of T1
and minimum when they are at right angle. This shows that the light
emerging from T1 is not symmetrical about the direction of
propagation of light but its vibration are confined only to a single line
in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation, such light is
called as polarised light.
Plane of vibration:
The plane containing the direction of vibration and direction of
propagation of light is called as plane of vibration.
Plane of polarisation:
The plane passing through the direction of propagation and containing
no vibration is called as plane of polarisation.
Since a vibration has no component of right angle, to its own direction,
so the plane of polarisation is always perpendicular to the plane of
vibrations. Angle between plane of vibration and plane of polarisation
is 90˚.
Light waves are transverse in nature:
If the light waves are longitudinal in nature, they will show no variation
of intensity during the rotation of the crystal. Since during the rotation
of the crystal, the variation in intensity takes place, this suggests that
light waves are transverse in nature rather longitudinal.
Production of plane polarised light:
The plane polarised light can be produced in four different ways such
1. Polarisation by Reflection
2. Polarisation by Refraction
3. Polarisation by Scattering
4. Polarisation by Double refraction
1. Polarisation by reflection:
The production of the polarised light by the method of reflection from
reflecting interface is called polarisation by reflection.
CBY+ DBY=90˚
900 r 900 r 900
2. Polarisation by Scattering:
When a beam of ordinary light is passed through a medium containing
particles, whose size is of order of wavelength of the incident light, then
the beam of light get scattered in which the light particles are found to
vibrate in one particular direction. This phenomenon is called
“Polarisation by scattering”.
To explain the phenomenon of scattering, let us consider a beam of
unpolarised light along z-axis on a scatter at origin. As light waves are
transverse in nature in all possible direction of vibration of unpolarised
light is confined to X-Y plane. When we look along X-axis we can see
the vibrations which are parallel to Y-axis. Similarly, when we look
along Y-axis the vibration along X-axis can be seen. Hence, the light
can be scattered perpendicular to incident light is always plane
Polarisation by refraction:
The phenomenon of production of polarised light by the method
of refraction is known as polarisation by refraction.
To explain the polarization by refraction, let us consider an ordinary
light which is incident upon the upper surface of the glass slab at an
polarizing angle i p or Brewster’s angle B , so that the reflected light is
completely polarized while the rest is refracted and partially polarized.
The refracted light is incident at the lower face at an angle “r”.
sin r sin r sin r
tan r g a tanrga
cos r sin(90 0 r) sin i p
Thus according to Brewster’s law, “r” is the polarizing angle for the
reflection at the lower surface of the plate. Hence, the light reflected at
the lower surface is completely plane-polarised, while that transmitted
part is partially polarised. Hence, if a beam of unpolarised light be
incident at the polarizing angle on a pile of plates, then some of the
vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of incidence are reflected at
each surface and all those parallel to it are refracted. The
net result is that the refracted beams are poorer and poorer in the
perpendicular component and less partially polarised component.
Malus’ law:
It states that when a beam of completely plane polarized light
incident on the plane of analyser, the intensity of the transmitted light
varies directly proportional to the square of the cosine of the angle
between the planes of the polariser and plane of the analyser.
I cos 2
Let us consider a beam of plane polarised light coming from the plane
of the polariser is incident at an angle “” on the plane of the analyser.
The amplitude of the light vector “E” is now resolved into two mutual
perpendicular component i.e. E1 E0 cos which is parallel to the plane of
transmission and E2 E0 sin which is perpendicular to the plane of
transmission. As we are able to see only the parallel component so the
intensity of the transmitted light coming from the plane of the analyser
is proportional to the parallel component only.
IE 2 I kE2 cos 2 I cos 2 , where I kE2
1 0 0 0 0
Double refraction:
The phenomenon of splitting of ordinary light into two refracted ray
namely ordinary and extra ordinary ray on passing through a double
refracting crystal is known as double refraction
To explain the double refraction, let us consider an ordinary light
incident upon section of a doubly refracting crystal
When the light passing through the crystal along the optic axis then at
the optic axis the ray splits up into two rays called as ordinary and
extraordinary ray which get emerge parallel from the opposite face of
the crystal through which are relatively displaced by a distance
proportional to the thickness of the crystal. This phenomenon is called
as double refraction.
Difference between ordinary (O-ray) and Extra ordinary ray (E-
This is how we are able to produce the plane polarised light by the
method of double refraction.