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Artur Hometasks

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Hometasks: 1) Peter Pavlov - translate (in writing); 2) Grammar 1 - Ex. 1; 3) Have got — Ex. 1-4 4)
speak_out_elem_S.B. - p. 6 - Ex. 4a, 5a

Focus on Grammar
To be – Present Tense
+ I am a teacher.
You (we, they) are teachers.
He (she, it) is a teacher.

? Am I a teacher?
Are (you, we, they) teachers?
Is (he, she, it) a teacher?

- I am not a teacher.
You (we, they) are not (aren’t) teacher.
He (she, it) is not (isn’t) a teacher.

Exercise 1
1. What is your name? — My name is Shirley Frank. 2. What is your address?
— My address is 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What is your phone number? —
My phone number is 718-1930. 4. Where are you from? — I am from New
York. 5. I am a pupil. 6. My father is not a teacher, he is a scientist. 7. Is your
aunt a doctor? — Yes, she is 8. Are they at home? — No, they are not at home,
they are at work. 9. My brother is a worker. He is at work. 10. Are you an
engineer? — Yes, I am. 11. Is your sister a typist? — No, she is not a typist, she
is a student. 12. Is your brother at school? — Yes, he is 13. Is your sister at
school? — No, she is not at school. 14. My sister is at home. 15. Is this your
watch? — Yes, it is . 16. She is an actress. 17. This is my bag. 18. My uncle is an
office worker. 19. He is at work. 20. Helen is a painter. She has some fine
pictures. They are on the walls. She has much paper. It is on the shelf. The shelf
is brown. It is on the wall. Helen has a brother. He is a student. He has a family.
His family is not in St. Petersburg, it is in Moscow.

  1.Заполни пропуски глаголом have got / has got.
1. The child  has got a new beautiful toy.
 2. They have got eight beautiful flowers.
3. Ann has got a nice black piano.
4. You have got two beds in your room.
5. The woman has got a very nice dress.
6. Tim has got three bananas.
7. I have got seven cousins.
8. Diana and George have got four children.
9. Jane has got two uncles.
10. We have got five English books.
  2.Вставь «have» или «has».
1. Have her parents got five sons ?
2. Has the dog got a puppy ?
3. Has Sue got friends ?
4. Have your sisters got toy elephants ?
5. Has the bird got corn ?
6. Has Ben got a new schoolbag ?
7. Has the table got four legs ?
8. Have the boys got bicycles ?
9. Have our friends got a new CD ?
10. Have those boys got  balls ?

3.a)Запиши предложения в отрицательной форме. HAVE HAS выносятся

в начало предложения всегда! Потом подлежащее, потом все остальное.
   b) Составь вопросительные предложения.
1. Mary has got a long green skirt.
Mary has not got a long green skirt.
Has Mary got a long green skirt?
2. The dog has got a big bone.
The dog has not got a big bone.
Has the dog got a big bone?
3. You have got a nice sister.
You have not got a nice sister.
Have you got a nice sister?
4. My niece has got a husband.
My niece has not got a husband.
Has my niece got a husband?
5. Henry and Mark have got a grandmother.
Henry and Mark have not got a grandmother.
Have Henry and Mark got a grandmother?
6. Alice has got  a  father.
Alice has not got a father.
Has Alice got a father?
7. The man has got a car.
The man has not a cat.
Has the man got a car?
8. They have got three little dolls.
They have not got three little dolls.
Have they got three little dolls?
9. I have got green apples.
I have not got green apples.
Have I got green apples?
10. The  cat has got a little fish.
The cat has not got a little fish.
Has the cat got a little fish?

4.Вставь «have» или «has» 3лицо ед.число

и переведи предложения.
1.How many kittens Has the cat got ?
2. Has Kate got a child ?
3. What toys Have the children got ?
4. How many pencil-boxes have the pupils got ?
5.  Have their children got skates ?
6. Who has got a rubber ?
7. How many flowers have the women got ?
8..What bird has Mike got ?
9. Who has a red shirt ?
10. How many sisters have you got ?



I have a friend. His name is Peter Pavlov. He is 36 years old. Peter is an engineer
he works on/for ONHP. He has a lot of jobs and he is always busy. Peter has not
got much free time. When he is free, he spends time with his family at home.

Peter is married. He has got a family. He has got a wife, two sons and a daughter.
Peter has got a mother. She is an old woman, She is 65 years old, she is a
pensioner, but Peter has not got a father. His father is died.

Peter’s wife is Elena. She is a nice young pretty woman. She is 33 years old. Elena
is an economist. She is works on/for ONHP too. Elena likes reading very much.
She is interested in reading English books.

Peter has a daughter, her name is Kate. She is a 12 years old, and she is a student at
school. Kate is very interested in sport. She is a busy in/ __with______ her
homework. She has got a many/ lot of = much homework. But Kate has got a time
for sport.

Kate has got two brothers. They are twins. They are 5 years old. They are pretty
good boys. They love sport too. They are friendly. They have many/ a lot of
=much free time. Boys is/are interested in computer gaming / games.

Peter loves his family very much. They have a big flat in the city center. Peter likes
to be at home with his family.

To be fond of
To be interested in

An interesting book

Exercise 3

1. Меня зовут Катя. 2. Мне 14 лет. 3. Я русская. Я из Санкт-Петербурга. 4. Я

ученица. 5. Мой любимый вид спорта — теннис. 6. Я ин-тересуюсь музыкой.
7. Мой любимый предмет — английский язык. 8. Мой папа — программист.
Он не интересуется политикой. 9. Моя мама — зубной врач. Она
интересуется искусством. 10. Мы всегда заняты, но мы очень счастливы быть

My name is a Kate. I am 14 years old. I am Russian. I am from Saint Petersburg. I

am a student. Tennis is my favorite sport. I am interested in music. My favorite
lesson is the English language. My father is a programmer. He isn’t interested in
politics. My mother is a dentist. She is interested in Art. We are always busy, but
we are very happy together.

5.Задай вопросы к предложениям. Используй слова в скобках.


6. Sally has got a beautiful doll. ( What )

What has Sally got?
7. The pupils have got textbooks. (Who )
Who has got a textbooks?
8. They have got two beautiful vases.( How many )
How many beautiful vases have they got?
9. She hasn`t got a handbag. ( What )
what does has she haven’t got?
10. The girl hasn`t got a skirt. ( Who )
Who hasn’t got a skirt?

6. Составь предложения , расставив слова в правильном порядке. Обращай

внимание на знаки препинания в конце предложения.
1. got , the dog , how , many , puppies , has ?
how many puppies has the dog got?
2. you , got , a , have , camera ?
Have you got a camera?
3. has , who, TV set , got , a ?
Who has got a TV set?
4. hasn`t, Sue, a , pencil ,why , got ?
Why hasn’t Sue got a pencil?
5. he, what , has , brother , got ?
What brother has he got?
6. your , children , many , parents , got , how , have ?
How many children have your parents got?
7. brother , got , a , her , blue , has , ruler .
Her Brother has got a blue ruler
8. haven`t , got , bicycles , they .
They Haven’t got bicycles.
9. homework , got , Dima , hasn`t .
Dima hasn’t got homework.
10. many , got , their , have , friends , toys .
Their friends have got many toys

8. Переведи предложения с русского на английский.

1.У нашей собаки два щенка.

Our dog has got two puppies.
2. У его бабушки семь внуков.
At his grandmother has got seven grandsons.
3.У кого есть машина ?
Who has got a coffee machine?
4. Сколько конфет у Бена?
How many candies has Ben got?
5. У Маши три красивые куклы.
Masha has got a three pretty dolls.
6. У них две дочери.
They have got a two daughters.
7. Что у девочек ?
What have the girls got?
8.Какие книги у Ани?
What books has Anna got?
9.У их детей есть два кролика.
They have got a two rabbits.
10. У папы новый компьютер.
Father has got a new computer
Lesson 8_for beginners - Ex. 2 (translate and make your own sentences)

I like to play basketball in my Free time.

I am a busy man, I have got a many job a lot of work.
I want to be married at my 30 years old.
My girlfriend is a pretty young woman.
My grandfather worked at a good project.
My daughter will be a nice little girl
This year will be happy, because I moved to St/P
I am fond of speaking English, but my English language level is low.
Jane to has a lot of work to do, she is a managing director.


Hometasks for Arthur (for Wednesday): 1) Grammar 1 - Ex. 3 (11-21 sentences);

2) have got _1 Ex. 1-2; 3) Lesson 8_for beginners - Ex. 3; 4) speak_out_elem_wb.
- p. 2 - Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 A + p. 7 Ex. 1 A

1) 11. Чья это ручка? — Это моя руч¬ка. 12. Чья это книга? — Это ваша
книга. 13. Чей это стол? — Это стол моего брата. 14. Чья это сум¬ка? — Это
сумка моей мамы. 15. Чей это каран¬даш? — Это карандаш моей сестры. 16.
Это твоя тетрадь? — Да. 17. Это тетрадь твоего брата? — Нет, это моя
тетрадь. 18. Где ваш стол? — Он посередине комнаты. 19. Где твоя ручка? —
Она в моем кармане. 20. Где твоя тетрадь? — Она на столе. 21. Где твоя
мама? — Она на работе.

Whose pen is this? – This is my pen. Whose book is it? – This is yours book.
Whose table is this? – This is my brother table. Whose bag is this? This is my
mother bag. Whose pencil it this? – This is my sister pencil. This is yours
notebook? – Yes. This is you brother notebook? – No. its mine notebook. Where is
yours table? – His middle of the room. Where is your pen? She in to my pockets.
Where is your notebook? - She is on a table. Where is you Mother? – She is on a

speak_out_elem_wb. - p. 2 - Ex. 1

A) Hi jeff. How are you?

B) Great thanks! How Are you?
A) Fine. This is my friend Marianne.
C) Nice to meet you.
B) Hello I’m jeff. Nice to meet you.

speak_out_elem_wb. - p. 2 - Ex. 2

Hello. How are you?
Er… hello.
Sorry are you Mr and Mrs Rutter?
No, we not Mr and Mrs Rutter. They are Mr and Mrs Rutter.
Oh, sorry.
Excuse me. Are you Jerry Rutter?
I Am Ben Pastor.
Oh, hello. Nice to meet you, Ben. This is my wife, Sally.
Sorry. What is your name Sandy?
No, it’s not Sandy. It’s Sally.
Nice to meet you, Sally.

Are you American?
No, I am not. I am Canadian.
He is a student?
No, he is not a student.. He is a teacher.
We are late?
No, we not late. You are early.
They are from India?
No, they not from India. They are from China.

Greece -Greek, Portugal – …. , Mexico - Mexican, Spain – Hispanic , Poland –
Pole , Thailand - Thai, Russia - Russian, Japan - Japanese, Scotland - Scot, Canada
- Canadian, China - Chinese, Germany – German.

Lesson 8, ex3

1. В этом году у меня много работы. 2. Его отец умер. 3. Мой сын тоже
увлекается спортом. 4. Моей дочери девять лет. 5. Я сегодня занят, а мой
друг свободен. 6. Моя сестра замужем. 7. Откройте книгу и читайте новые
слова урока. 8. Его братья – рабочие этого завода. 9. У нас мало английских
книг, но у нас много русских книг. 10. Дайте мне ваш учебник, пожалуйста. –
Пожалуйста. – Спасибо. – Не стоит. 11. У Анны мало свободного времени,
потому что она занята своим дипломным проектом. 12. Петр отсутствует,
потому что у него больна мать. 13. Инженеры этого завода заняты сейчас
совершенно новым проектом. 14. Я люблю читать английские книги. 15. Мой
сын любит играть со своей собакой. 16. Ваша дочь школьница? 17. Это
управляющий нашей фирмой. 18. Его квартира в новом доме.

1) In this year I have a lot of job. 2) His father is dead. 3) My son interested sport
too. 4) My daughter is 9 years old. 5) I busy today, but my friend was free. 6) My
sister is married. 7) Open the book and read new lesson words 8) His brother are
works of this factory. 9) We have a few English books, but we have a lot of
Russian books. 10) Give me yours textbook, please. – Please. -Thanks -Nothing.
11) Anna has a few free time, because she is busy with her graduation project.
12)Peter is missing, because his mother is sick. 13) Engineers of this factory is
busy in a completely new project. 14) I love read English books. 15) My son like
play with his dog. 16) Yours daughter student? 17) This is the manager of our
company 18) His flat is in a new building.

1) Have got_1 Ex.3-4

2) lesson 8 for beginners– Ex.4 (story about a friend and his family)
3)Speak_out_elem_wb -p.9 – Ex. 1- 4
4)Semen Dmitriev – translate

Have got_1
Ex 3.

1.Steve has not got a girlfriend.

2.Steve has got lots of DVDs.
3. Has Carl got a girlfriend?
4. Amy and Kieran have (not) got a lots of friends.
5. Barbara has got a boyfriend.
6. Have you got a mobile phone?
7. I have not got a lots of money.

Ex 4.
1. Have you got a mobile phone?
2. Yes, I have.
3. Has Carl got a camera phone?
4. She hasn’t got a boyfriend.
5. We have got a blue eyes.
6. No, I haven’t.

3)Speak_out_elem_wb -p.9 – Ex. 1- 4

1. Snack bar, Cola, Coffee, Sandwich
2. Tourist, shop, postcard, battery, souvenir.
3. Bure , _ud_, change, exchange, rate money
4. train station, single ticket, platform

Conversation 1
1. Excuse me. Do you speak English?
2. Yes. Can I help you?
1. Can I have these four postcards, please?
2. OK. That’s two euros, please.
Conversation 2
1. Can I have a coffee, please?
2. That’s one euro fifty.
3. Thank you.
1 . a tomato salad. – 2 two euros 15 fifteen 1 mineral water
ice cream – 1.50
2. A green salad. – 2.67 two euros sixty seven
3. A Egg rolls - 2.70 one euros eighty two
4. A chicken rolls - 3.50
5. A. cheese rolls -2.20
6. a coffee drinks - 1 50

1) stairs 2) Lift 3) restaurant 4) keyhole 5) parking 6) reception 7) internet
computer 8) room service.

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