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Chap 1-3 Research

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Chapter I


A. Introduction

The plastic carrier bag or simply known as cellophanes, is a popular means of

carrying goods when making purchase. The retail business always use carrier bags or

cellophanes as they are inexpensive, weightless but strong enough to carry bought items

and clean when used the first time (Jalil, Mian & Rahman, 2013). Used cellophanes,

however, also known to cause long-term damage to the ecosystem and the natural

environment. Cellophanes take a long time to degrade in soil and contributes to air, water

and soil pollution. Cellophanes end up in landfills and oceans which bring up significant

environmental burden that relates to resource use (Musa, Hayes, Clayson & Brand,


The Philippines was ranked the 3rd top source of plastic leaking into oceans in a

February 2015 study. The country generates 2.7 million metric tons of plastic garbage

each year, 20% or 521,000 tons of which ends up in ocean. The study found that 74% of

the plastic leaking into the ocean is from the Philippines comes from garbage that has

already been collected by haulers and garbage truck.

In the attempt to reduce the problems on the environment from the nonchalant use

of plastic bags or cellophanes the Philippines’ waste management has serious

environmental effects making the passage of Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000, a Landmark Environmental Legislation in the

Philippines. RA 9003 declares the policy of the state in adopting a systematic,

comprehensive and ecological solid waste program that ensures the protection of public

health and the environment, and the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage,

treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adaptation of best

environmental practices.

As the ‘No Cellophanes Policy’ has been implemented in Magallanes National

High School, the researchers wanted to know the impacts of the said policy to the

students in their compliance to the Ecological Solid Waste Management. The researchers

wanted to determine the possible effects to the students after they have been banned in

using cellophanes in any of their consumptions.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the impacts of ‘No Cellophane Policy’ to the selected

students of Magallanes National High School in their compliance to Ecological Solid

Waste Management. Specifically, it sought to answer the following queries:

1. What is the demographic profile of the selected students?

a) Age

b) Gender

c) Grade level

2. What are the possible impacts to the students after the implementation of the

‘No Cellophane Policy’?


3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the said policy to the students?

4. What are the responsibilities that the students have applied to their selves?

5. What are those proper etiquettes that the students have learnt after this


C. Significance of the Study

This study would be a great help in the community, schools management and

students for this study can help in determining the possible impacts of the ‘No

Cellophane Policy’ in Magallanes National High School.

This will be a great help to the following group of individuals:

Community. The result of this study can benefit the community as it would help

them in improving more policies related to the Ecological Solid Waste Management

(ESWM) and help in decreasing the large number of wastes especially cellophanes in

landfills and dumpsites in Magallanes.

School. The study would be of great help to the school in which it would help the

awareness of the school management on how to improve this policy in the future as this

will help them to evaluate the impacts happened to the students.

Teachers. This would greatly benefit the teachers for they will assess the impacts

of this policy to their students and improve their classroom waste management by giving

off information drive related to the ‘No Cellophane’ Policy.

Students. This study will benefit the students as it will improve their attitude

when it comes to the proper etiquettes. This will also change their perspective to become

a responsible student and participate in every implementations of the school.

Future Researchers. The result of the present study will serve as a great

reference for future studies with regard to the similarity and outcomes of the study.

D. Scope and Delimitation

The study on “Impacts of the ‘No Cellophane Policy’ to the Students Compliance

to Ecological Solid Waste Management in Magallanes National High School S.Y. 2019-

2020” was conducted in Magallanes National High School, located at Purok 6, Brgy. Sto.

Niño, Magallanes, Agusan del Norte. The said study aimed to inform and increase the

students, teachers, and school management’s awareness of the impact of the ‘No

Cellophane Policy’ in MNHS. This study focused in determining the impacts created by

the ‘No Cellophane Policy’, which mostly focuses in coping up with the student’s needs

and problems with the said policy.

The study’s purpose was examined by teachers and experts which was given

approval. The researchers then started conducting interviews limited only to junior high

school to senior high school students of the said school. The analyses for the answers and

results of the surveys were only limited to the given questions by the researchers, and are

used to imply the impacts of the school library improvement.

E. Theoretical Framework

The present study was anchored by numerous theories where the study is being

assisted in its idea.

The impact evaluation theory of change were applied on the said study. As this

theory provides information about the impacts produced by an intervention. An

intervention might be a small project, a large program, and a collection of activities or a

policy. This implies that the theory goes beyond describing or measuring impacts that

have occurred to seeking and understanding the role of the ‘No Cellophane Policy’. An

impact evaluation should only be undertaken to improve or reorient an intervention to

inform decisions about whether to continue, discontinue, replicate or scale up an


F. Conceptual Framework

Impacts to the Students of

‘No Cellophane’ Magallanes National High
Policy School

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The diagram above shows the concept of the present study. There were two boxes

in the figure above and showed each the independent and dependent variables. The ‘No

Cellophane Policy’ is the independent variable as this variable will be observed and

tested to see possible impacts to the dependent variable, which is the students of

Magallanes National High School. The arrow between the two boxes is defined as to

indicate cause and effect relationship.

G. Definition of Terms

The following terms are related are defined operationally to understand how it is

use in the study.

Cellophane- refers to a thin transparent wrapping material that is mainly used for

packing foods. It is widely used by consumers to carry bought foods, things. Its low

permeability to air, oil, greases and water makes it useful for food packaging.

Ecological Solid Waste Management- refers to an act also known as RA 9003 that

describes solid waste management as a discipline associated with the control of

generation, storage processing, transfer and transport and disposal of solid wastes.

Microplastics- refers to a plastic that slowly breakdown into small fragments.

No Cellophane Policy- refers to an implemented policy to help lessen the large number

of cellophanes. This policy bans any cellophanes, plastics from vendors or producers in

schools, buildings and even market places.

Plastic- refers to a lightweight, hygienic and resistant material which can be molded in a

variety of way, and utilized in a wide range of applications.

Single-used Plastic- refers to a disposable plastics and are commonly used for plastic

packaging and include items intended to use only once before they are thrown away or


Chapter II

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after thorough and in-depth

search done by the researchers. This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis,

generalization or conclusions, methodologies and others. Those that were included in this

chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present


Related Literature

No Plastic Policy. Ordinance No. 205 (s. 2013) prohibits the use of plastic bags

on dry goods, regulates its utilization on wet goods, and bans the use of styrofoam in the

Province of Abra prescribes penalty thereof. The ordinance aims to regulate the use of

plastic bags to prevent potential serious ecological imbalance particularly in the creeks,

rivers, and other waterways. The Environment and Natural Resources Office (ENRO) is

tasked to monitor the enforcement of the ordinance by submitting periodic reports. The

implementing body is composed of the Provincial Planning and Development Office

(PPDO), Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Health (DOH), and Local

Government Unit’s Municipal Planning and Development Council (MPDC). Section 11

of the ordinance states the prohibited acts wherein establishments and/or individuals are

prohibited from selling and providing plastic bags to customers as secondary packaging
materials on wet goods, selling and providing plastic bags to customers as packaging

material on dry goods, selling and providing styrofoam as containers and disposing of

plastic wastes. Section 12 states the penalties of all establishments violating the

ordinance. First offenders will be fined P1,000.00. Second-time offenders will be fined

P2,000.00. Third-time offenders will be fined P5,000.00 and or imprisonment of more

than six months upon the discretion of the court and in the case of business

establishments, cancellation of their license to operate for a period of one year.

Plastic Bag Ban in the Philippines. In the Philippines, cities and municipalities,

businesses and the general public have also acknowledged the negative effects of too

much reliance on plastic bags and are now more accepting of efforts to regulate their

usage. Currently, there are at least 20 cities and provinces in the Philippines that have

some form of policy to regulate the use of plastic bags. In addition, business

establishments around the country are allowing the use of, or offer non-plastic options

such as customer-owned reusable bags, used carton boxes or paper bags. Existing policies

to regulate plastic bag use range from plastic levies to outright bans. In October 2018,

Siquijor passed a provincial ordinance which regulates the use of plastic bags for

secondary packaging and prohibits the free distribution of plastic bags as primary

packaging. Effective February 1, 2019, the ordinance also requires customers to bring

their own bags when shopping, prohibits the sale of new plastic bags during Sunday, and

prohibits the use of cellophane for cooked food and water. Effective May 2019, the

ordinance prohibits the use and sale of Styrofoam and other disposable containers.

To be effective, the ordinance was supported by a Provincial Executive Order (No. 2019-

ZSV-002) which mandates the creation of a provincial environmental task force to

implement Siquijor’s SWM program and plastic use ordinance. The ordinance has been

well-received by the public, and enforcers have observed that even tourists are


Effects of Plastic Bag Ban. Disposable plastic bags are recyclable. But

unfortunately due to the difficulty in recycling them, the majority of plastic bags will end

up as litter. When bags are banned, that eliminates a major source of litter. When a plastic

bag ban became official in San Jose, California in 2012, the effects of banning plastic

bags was significant. Between 2012 and 2016 there was a 76 percent reduction in plastic

bag litter in local creeks and rivers, and a 69 percent reduction of plastic bag trash in

storm drain inlets. Less plastic bag litter means there is less of a threat to animals and

their habitats. A reduction in litter found in storm drain inlets means it takes less work to

clean them out, which saves time and money. There is also less chance of flooding due to

the storm drain system failing when it is needed. If the ban does not also cover paper

bags, it is likely that retailers may experience an increased demand for paper bags

immediately following the introduction of a ban. This may result in an increased

spending on paper bags. There is a decrease in spending on plastic bags, so it balances

out. As shoppers begin to get into the habit of bringing reusable bags, these expenses

should decrease altogether for retailers. Retailers do have the ability to sell reusable bags

to their customers which will increase their revenue (Shirley, 2017).

Economics of Single-Use Bag Bans. A study entitled “Single-Use Plastic Bag

Ban Informational Report” provided a summary for the findings of the results of the

Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban. Benjamin B. & Matthew B (2013) stated that the majority

of the research into plastic bag bans has demonstrated that in the many cases the long-
term economic impacts of the bans are minimal However, each time the issue of banning

plastic bags is proposed, the potential negative economic impacts are used as a reason to

continue using the bags. There even exist coalitions that are specifically dedicated to this

opposition. The following sections will describe in detail the true economics impacts of

plastic bag bans on retailers, consumers, cities/towns and plastic bag manufacturers

(AECOM, 2010; Equinox, 2013).

Economic Impacts on Consumer. The same study has found out the impacts

happened to the consumers of Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban. In an assessment conducted in

San Diego, projections were made to quantify the cost of switching from plastic bags to

paper and reusable bags. Based on the this particular study, in the first year of a plastic

bag ban where there is a fee of $0.10 per paper bag, an average household can expect an

annual increase in grocery expenditures of $7.68 or roughly $0.02 per day (Clapp et al.,

2009). This calculation only applies to the first year of the ban, when people are still

adjusting to the new system. As people become more familiar with it and become

accustomed to bringing reusable bags whenever they shop, that annual cost is expected to


Related Studies

According to a study of Asmuni, Hussin, Khalili & Zain 2014 which states that

the No Plastic Bag Ban Day program in Malaysia has been 52.3% effective in making

consumers avoid the use of plastic bags as this ercentage represents those who resort to

using reusable grocery bags or other means of carrying purchase items. The authors also

recommended suggestions to increase the level of effectiveness and participation of the

public in No Plastic Bag Ban Policy such as generating a culture of bringing own bags

when shopping and making the practice more convenient.

The Plastic Bag Bans successfully reduces the volume of single-used bags

deployed in San Diego. A total of 74 million MJ reduction of energy, 6,418-ton reduction

of CO2 EQ emission, 270,000 kg reduction of solid waste and 30 million gallon increase

of water consumption has changed due to the Plastic Ban. This means less energy is

required, more water is required, less solid waste is generated in fewer greenhouse gases

from the life cycle of bag used profiles achieved by plastic bag ban (“Plastic Bag Bans

Economic and Environmental Impacts, 2013).

Balinese people already undertake a more environmentally friendly choice

regarding bottles, the plastic bag usage is moderate, reused rates are high, the

environmental impact awareness is fairly high and the willingness to reduce consumption

of plastic bans is elevated. It has also recommended for a continued improvement,

considering the intermediate acceptance of a container [deposit scheme to manage plastic

bottles and a contradictory preference for a ban on plastic bags and voluntary actions to

reduce plastic bags (Martin, 2015).

The results of partial plastic bag ban on Nepal indicate that a strict enforcement,

subjective expectation of fine, of a complete ban of a plastic bag used well reduce the

number of plastic bags used by consumers by around 95% and the weight of plastic bags

used by retailer’s by almost 100% as compared to a poorly enforced complete ban, partial

ban, or no ban. By ensuring the highest level of subjective expectation of fine in the 191

municipalities of Nepal will help stop 1 250 million single used plastic bags from

entering the environment every year (Bharadwaj, 2016).

An anonymous author suggested that a plastic ban would serve to accelerate the

change in each market and could harmonize the market at a modest cost. The effect of the

ban would reduce litter disamenity and impacts on the economy because plastic free

items would disintegrate within significantly shorter time scales (Months rather than tens

to hundred of years). Finite resources would also be saved (“A Preliminary Assessment

of the Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of A Potential Ban of Plastic Straws,

Plastic Stem Cotton and Plastic Drink Stirrers”, 2018).



This chapter deals with the research methodology of the study, including the

research design, research instrument, research locale, research sample and the data

collection procedure.

Research Design

This study uses qualitative method in presenting the data. It is qualitative in nature

since the research question we seek leads to an interview. The design of qualitative

research is the most flexible of all the experimental techniques. The objective of

qualitative research is to develop the ability in interpreting answer, develop ideas since

qualitative research is interpretative and descriptive. Specifically, the study best suits in

Phenomenological Studies as this study aims to determine the effects or impacts of ‘No

Cellophane Policy’ to the said respondents in Magallanes National High School.

Research Locale
The study was conducted within the vicinity of Magallanes National High School.

MNHS is a public school which is located in P-6 Barangay Sto. Niño, Magallanes

Agusan del Norte. It has three (3) curriculums in junior high school namely: Science

Technology and Engineering (STE), Special Program in the Arts (SPA), and Revised

Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC). The mentioned school also have a senior high

school program that consist of three (4) academic tracks namely: Science Technology

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy and Business Management (ABM),

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and General Academic Strand (GAS) and it

also contains four (4) Technical Vocational and Livelihood Track namely: Cookery,

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Shielded Metal Arc and Welding

(SMAW) and EIM. The Senior High School in Magallanes National High School is

divided into two tracks, the academic track and TVL track.
Figure 2. Map of Magallanes National High School
Population and Sampling

The target population of the study are the students from Magallanes National

High School, one student from each grade levels, two students from Senior High School,

adviser of Ecological Solid Waste Management of Magallanes National High School and

the. A total of 9 respondents will be interviewed and assessed for the said study. The

researchers used the Probability sampling specifically the Simple Random Sampling. The

researchers collected all the list of students from all sections of Grade levels 7-12. It was

then tabulated in Microsoft Excel, and randomly picked 9 students.

Data Collection Instrument

The researchers designed an interview schedule as one of the data collection

instrument for this study. The data collection instrument refers to the tools or devices that

the researchers used to collect data such as; questionnaires, tests, structures, observations,

interviews and checklists. In this study, the primary instrument used in gathering data is

interview and observation schedule. The researchers made questions and asked the

respondents through interview. The observation schedule is a set of sentences of what

the researchers are going to observe. Each questions depicted on the statement of the

problem and refers to the responses of the respondents. The study does not require the
identity of the respondents for them to answer the questions as to respect their personal


Data Collection Procedure

The data collection procedure allows the researchers to collect information about

the study. In this study, the researchers interviewed the respondents in order to obtain the

answers relevant to the objectives and research questions of the said study. The

researchers observed the following necessary steps in obtaining the process data


Letter of Request

The researchers submitted a request paper to the advisers of the said respondents

in Magallanes National High School for the permission to conduct an interview to the

selected students.

Interview Schedule

The researchers interviewed the respondents according to the questions regarding

the information related to the study. The respondents are the students chosen by the

researchers who corresponds to the objective of the study.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers considered ethics in their study.

Informed Consent

The researchers considered this ethic for it is part of the study in order for the

study to be credible and legit.

Equality of Service

The researchers considered this ethic so that they would end up with unbiased

result and to give equal treatment to the respondents.

Knowledge of Outcome

The researchers make sure that they will gain knowledge from the results

obtained from the respondents.

Informed consent, equality of service and knowledge of outcome, these are the

ethics considered by the researchers in order for their study to be valid as the reliable

source of information for future researchers.



This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of interview and observation

and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the

specific research problem regarding the Impacts of ‘No Cellophane Policy’ to the

students in their compliance to the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM).

A. Profile of the students

Findings are summarized in Table 1 for the demographic profiles of the


Table 1. Demographic characteristics of respondents (N=10)

Variables Frequency

Male 2

Female 8
Age Range

13-15 4

15-18 5

18 above 1

Grade Level

Grade 7 2

Grade 8 2

Grade 9 1

Grade 10 1

Grade 11 2

Grade 12 2


Student 9

Teacher 1

The researchers have interviewed a total of 10 respondents with (8) eight female

respondents and (2) two male respondents. There are four (4) respondents with their age
ranges from 13-15, (5) five respondents with their age ranges from 15-18 and one (1)

respondent who’s age is (18) eighteen above. The researchers interviewed respondents

from Grade levels 7-12, with two (2) respondents are from Grade 7, two (2) from Grade

8, one (1) from Grade 9, one (1) from Grade 10, two (2) from Grade 11 and two (2) from

Grade 12. The profession of the respondents were also gathered and there are nine (9)

students and one (1) teacher.

Impacts of the Policy

Question 1: What do you think are the impacts happened to you after this


The first question explores the main objective of this study, to know the impacts

of the ‘No Cellophane Policy’ to the students. In response to this question, a female

respondent from Junior High School answered:

“After implementing this policy, maybe I could

think of myself to be a responsible student to
the environment and it is the main method for
me to be responsible to the environment”

The same response has been gathered by a female respondent from Senior High

School which she stated that:

“The impact of the said policy to me is we

should be responsible with the way of how we
throw our garbage and dispose it properly
especially the cellophanes.”
By this policy, students have learnt to be responsible to the environment since

cellophanes are one of the sources that causes huge number of garbage in our

environment. Students have learnt the responsibilities including proper waste disposal

and segregation. Another female respondent from Senior High School narrated:

“Sugod sauna dili na ged ko magamit og

cellophane, so wala gey impact nga nahitabo
sa akoa og dili man ko maglabay-labay
bisag aha”
Translation: Since before, I don’t usually use
cellophanes so I guess there’s no impact
happened to me and I don’t throw my
Banning the cellophanes
garbagesdoes not affect some student since they were already

using other materials instead of cellophanes. Some of them have set their mindset to not

use cellophanes and to not throw their garbages everywhere as it has negative effects to

our environment. A female respondent from Junior High School also responded:

“For me not just myself, but also in our school

it has a big impact hoping that our school can
be clean and mostly cellophane and garbage
free because of the implementation in our
school is an ecofriendly and garbage free

‘Cellophane free’ school is possible by banning the vendors to use cellophanes in

the canteen. Students have thought that this policy would help to the school to be eco-

friendly and environment inclined. Another male respondent from Senior High School

“Wala nay mahitabo nga agbara sa canal
unya pagbaha og dili na kaayu hugaw ang
Translation: “Because of banning cellophane the
canals won't get clogged anymore and when
there's flood the water is not that dirty compared
in the last years”
Cellophanes are one of the reasons why canals and drainage are clogged. It also

causes flood and water contamination that’s why if cellophanes are banned, it will be of

great help in reducing one of its problems. A female student from Junior High School

answered that:

“Mas na kuan nku nga although mas convenient

gamiton ang cellophane peru murag hazardos
siya sa lahi ga way ba by murag kuan mangyud
siya naka cause og daghang pollution mangyud
environment.”“ I have thought that even though
cellophanes are convenient, it still have
hazardous effects that would cause a lot of
pollutions in our environment.”

The same thought of the answer has been gathered by a male respondent

from Junior High School which he stated that:

“ Naay nadugang knowledge tas na aware

na ko sa mga butang-butang nga possible
mahitabo if dili nato ma ban ang
Translation: “ It gave me more knowledge
and awareness about the things that could
possible happen if we won’t ban the

Some peoples’ mindset has been affected by this policy since it helped them in

understanding the consequences or the results of using the cellophanes. Cellophanes

causes lots of disasters in the world, including the water and land pollution in which it

has harmful effects to the environment. This policy gave the students an awareness and
knowledge about the harmful effects of the cellophanes and the importance of this policy.

Another male respondent from Senior High School gave his response and said that:

“Di na kaayu sigeg, kung mag snack gani mamili

ra asa ang madali-dali. Dili pareha anang sauna
nga mag palit kag buko dili man gid cellophane
na, sa baso nama, dili man sa ingon nga wala
gihugasan pero kanang what if nay nakauna sa
imo ug gamit sa baso unya gihugasan lageh peru
dili man ingon nga basin diay wala gi sterilize.”

Translation: “I don’t always go to snack, and if I

do, I choose only those convenient ones. Unlike
before, if you buy buko juice now, it is placed in
a washable plastic cup, I’m not saying that it is
not washed properly but what if there’s someone
who used it before and it is not sterilized.”
Through this policy, many students were concerned about the health impacts that

may affect to them. Since some vendors used a replacement for cellophanes, they use

paper cups and some were using washable plastic cups. There would be a negative effect

to the health of the students as it would lead to spreading viruses or diseases that are

passed through mouth-to-mouth contact. Another female respondent from Senior High

School said that:

“Well, at first it felt new to me, but as time goes

by, I understand why this policy was being
implemented. It gives me an idea that no
cellophanes will be consumed, it is a great help
not in just our society but in our ecosystem.”

This policy gives an idea to the students as it helped them in understanding the

importance of this policy to the society and ecosystem. Since cellophanes were banned, it

will be of great help to the environment since a large number of garbages will be reduced,
which will result to improvement and clean surroundings. A female respondent from

Junior High School also responded and said that:

“Actually, ang impact ana kumbaga dili nato makita

sa dayon-dayon ang impact ana sa ato murag dugay
pa nato ma appreciate ngano man? mao pay pagtudlo,
dili pa maka follow dayon in the last 3 years, pero na
kita naman nga naa nay mga section nga organize.
wala pa gani ko mangita na mo ingon nga ma'am
among mga basura daghan na pero ang impact unsa?
pag-abot sa panahon nga kami matiguwang og kamo
na ang mahimong teachers at least naa namoy full
awareness kung unsaon ang basura pag plastar kay
kasagaran man sa ato magpa sayon ra cellophane
gamit dayon labay dili naghunahuna sa impact sa
society ug sa environment so kaning management
system nga ge“Actually
introduce we
kungcannot easily see
mag padayon nga the
impact, it's like we cannot easily appreciate
practice hantod sa next generation dako kaayo ning the
impact it is only taught now, we cannot
atong community.”
follow easily, in the last 3 years, but there are some
sections that are organize. When the time comes that
we are very old and you guys are the teachers you
already have a full awareness we have a full
awareness of how to dispose of plastics as we often
make cellophane easy to use then without
considering the impact on the society and our
environment, so the management system that is
introduced to practice this for the next generations
the impact will be a great help for our community”.

The respondent has pointed out that the some of the impacts of this policy won’t

be easily seen or observed. In a short time of the implementation, only few were observed

by the respondent which includes the organization and awareness of the students about

this policy. The students’ awareness about this policy will be of great to the next

generation as they are practiced and introduced to the different management systems of

the garbages.
Advantages of the ‘No Cellophane’ Policy

Question 2: What do you think are the advantages of this policy?

The second question explores the advantages of this policy to the students. In

response to this question, a female respondent from Junior High School answered that:

“The advantages of this is it helps the

environment to be better and to have its
original structure that God given us”

This policy helped in improving the environment as it would lessen the garbages

that slowly destroyed and damaged it. The original structure of the environment is far

different from what it is now. A female respondent from Senior High School said that:

“Para ma reduce ang kalat, basura”.

Translation: “To reduce the waste, the garbage”

The same answer has been gathered by a female respondent from Junior High

School which she stated that:

“It can reduce the garbage in our school and in our

environment it can promote the cleanliness in our
school and also it can be ecofriendly and discipline
ourselves and can help our mother nature”

Also, the same response has been collected by a male respondent from Senior

High School which he narrated that:

“Mareduce ang plastic waste, dili napod ta mag

problema ug segrate kay wala naman kaayu
Translation: “To reduce the plastic waste, and it
won’t be a problem to segregate anymore since
there will no longer be cellophanes.”
The same thought of the answer has been gathered by a female respondent from

Senior High School which she stated that:

“The advantages of the said policy is it can help

to reduce the garbage’s that are hard to
decompose in our school/community. “

The same response has been obtained by a female respondent from Senior High

School which she stated that:

Well, it helps our society to reduce the
garbage’s specifically the cellophanes

This policy helped in developing the knowledge of the respondents by thinking

that the no cellophane policy will help in reducing the large number of cellophanes. A

study by had found out that . Moreover, a female respondent from Junior High School

narrated that:

“Mas mawala na ang basura then wala na

kaayu pollution sa mother Earth.”

Translation: “ The garbages are reduced and

there’s a lesser pollution to the environment.”

The same thought of the answer has been obtained by a male respondent from

Junior High School which he stated that:

“ Kabalo baya ta nga ang cellophanes kay
dili biodegradable which means if ma ban
ang paggamit ani, dako ang chance nga
lesser nalang ang pollution and lesser
nalang ang basura.”

Translation: “We all know that cellophanes

are non-biodegradable which means if
cellophanes are banned to use, there would
be a bigger chance that lesser pollution and
lesser garbages will happen.

One of the advantages of this policy is it gave awareness and information about

the effects of this cellophane ban. Garbages especially cellophanes from around the world

has been reported to be one of the reasons why pollutions exist. Land pollution is mainly

caused by improper disposal of waste and Garbage pollution is caused by

mismanagement of solid waste from human and their activities. Cellophanes are not

biodegradable and if cellophanes become litter, it pollutes oceans, rivers, farmlands,

cities and neighborhoods. Bans means to eliminate cellophanes which equals less litter

and less pollution. Asde from this, a female respondent from Junior High School stated


“Dako kaayo nig advantages OMG! kasayod mo

nganong dako? dako siya in a sense nga dili naman
mamroblema ang school kung asa ibutang ang mga
basura, daghan may advantages , una, dili na
mamroblema ang mga advisers kung asa nila e hatod
ang ilang mga basura, sauna mangyud ang mga basura
bisan asa ra nila ihuwad karon dili na ihuwad ato nang
ginabaligya, hinuon gagmay raman naghalin pero at
least atong basura dili na kalat mahimo siyag kwarta,
tan-awa kanang mag awarding ta mahimo nag awards
diba instead ang garbage mo kalat it turn into cash nga
mahimong awards diba.”
Translation: “ It has a very big advantage, do you know
why? It is big in sense that the school don't have any
problem where we put our garbage’s, first, the advisers
will not have any problem where to put the wastes, in
Through this policy, some problems in the school were solved including the place

for waste disposal and collection. Also, it contributed a lot in the management of the

wastes especially the plastics as these were sold and the earnings were used for the


Disadvantages of the ‘No Cellophane’ Policy

Question 3: What do you think are the disadvantages of this policy?

The third question explores the disadvantages of this policy to the students. In

response to this question, a female respondent from Junior High School answered that:

“Hasol magdala ug container than to use cellophanes”

Translation: “ It’s hassle to bring tumblers than to use

The same answer has been collected by a female respondent from Junior High

School which she stated that:

“ Kapoy magdala og tumbler and mas naanad ta

nga mugamit og cellophanes kay mas convenient.”

Translation: “ It’s exhausting to bring tumblers

and we are used to using cellophanes since it is
more convenient.”

Another same thought of the answer has been gathered by a female respondent

from Junior High School which she said that:

“Lisod ug walay selopen kay siyempre mas

naanad mantag nay selopen gamit.”

Translation: “Ofcourse we are used to

cellophanes therefore, it is hard to adjust.”

Since this policy implements the ban of cellophanes, students must bring tumblers

or any material that would replace the cellophanes. Tumblers were made to effectively

replace the cellophanes as usage for water. Some tumblers were made out of metals or

plastic which is heavier than the cellophanes that’s why most of the students are not using

it. Cellophanes are more convenient than the tumblers in terms of its weight, flexibility

and portability. But what makes cellophanes more convenient is its cheapness. That’s

why students prefer cellophanes as a usage for their food or water. However, aside from

this disadvantage, a female respondent from Senior High School pointed out that:

“Naa ni siyay possibility nga makaapekto sa atong

health kay sa bukohan gani kay balik-balik ra ang mga
baso nga atong gamiton”

Translation: “ There could be possible negative effects

on the health of the students as we are only allowed to
use the same plastic cups in the canteen.”
The same response has been obtained by a male respondent from Seinor High

School which he answered that:

“Ang disadvantage ged ani is makaapekto ged ni siya

sa atong health pareha atong nahitabo sa bukohan nga
ang mamaligyaay kay magpagamit ra ug mga baso
tapos hugasan ra nila, which is wala ta kabalo basin
diay naay mga sakit ang mga niinom so maka resulta
jud ni siya…. sa pagpasa sa mga sakit-sakit.”

Translation: “The disadvantage of this is it affects our

health just like what happened in the bukohan. The
vendors are letting the students to use washable plastic
cups which is we don’t know if the students who drank
using the cups have diseases which will result to
spreading of……diseases.”

The vendors in the canteen were following this policy which they are only

allowed to use those materials to replace the cellophanes. They use plastic cups that are

washable in which it turned out that these were not properly sterilized. There would be a

possibility that this will cause to spreading of viruses. The students have thought that this

policy will only lead to having diseases that are passed through mouth-to mouth contact.

Aside from this disadvantage, a male respondent from Senior High School said that:

“ Para sa akoa, mas nakita nako nga murag ni

hasol naman noon para sa mga studyante og
mamaligyaay kay kailangan nila magdala og mga
butang para lang di na makagamit og cellophane.
Ug mas ni mahal na hinoon siya para sa mga
mamaligyaay so kay ni mahal man, mas ni mahal
sab ang ilang pagbaligya.og nigamay ang sulod sa
mga baligya”
Translation: “For me, I have seen that it only
created hassle to the students and vendors since they
bring or use materials just to replace cellophanes.
And it costs a lot for the vendors that’s why they sell
it also for a higher price than the usual and the size
is not the same as the usual.”

Since the policy was implemented, it became hassle to the students as they could

only get water or buy food if they have their tumblers or food containers. Vendors are

strictly not allowing the students to use cellophanes so that’s why students should bring

their tumblers. If they haven’t brought it, the vendors could only use small paper cups

that’s why the size of the usual food or juice they buy is different and it costs more since

paper cups are at higher price than the cellophanes. In addition, a female respondent from

Senior High School also pointed out one of the disadvantages of this policy and she said


“More papers well be wasted because papers are not

reusable because it get easily tear apart, wet and it
cannot handle heavy things”

Another same thought of the answer has been gathered by a female respondent

from Senior High School which she said that:

“The disadvantage with the said policy is there will

be so many papers and trees that are wasted
because we all know that papers came from trees.”
Since this policy bans the usage of cellophanes for food consumptions, vendors

find papers and paper cups as an alternative way for this. No cellophanes which means

higher demand for paper and paper cups, and higher demand for this means more trees

will be cut. The respondents were concerned of the trees that will be cut in the future if

the cellophanes will no longer be available. Another male respondent from Senior High

School insisted a disadvantage of this policy to the vendors which he said that:

“Para sa akoa, ang labing maapektohan ged

ani kay ang mga mamaligyaay sa atong
canteen kay mas mahal ang mga paper cups
kompara sa selopen og mas maglisod sila
unsaon pagbaligya og pagdala namo sa mga
Translation: “For me, the vendors in our
canteen are the most affected by this policy,
since paper cups costs more than the
cellophanes and it is harder to sell and buy

This policy has helped the students to understand the situations of the vendors. It

gave them insights that the ones who are most affected by this policy is not the students,

but those vendors who are selling the foods for them in which they are struggling for

finding a way to alternatively replace cellophanes as one of their material for selling. A

female respondent from Junior High School also clarified that:

“Disadvantages sa policy kapoy in a sense that una daghan sa ato mga

estudyante dikasabot dili lang kay estudyante lang naa poy mga
teachers kasabot pero dili mo sunod, example, ge prohibit na ang
cellophane pero pag mo palit ipa cellophane siyempre teachers na ang
vendor mo unsa man diba? so isa na ka factor and I want that be
recorded kay para ma basa sa uban, kita nga nagbuhat ana na balaod
Translation: “Disadvantage of this policy are the students that can't
understand not just the students but some of the teachers that do not
follow this simple policy in our school, example, the cellophane is
prohibited in our school but when they buy something they always tell
the vendors to put in a cellophane, obviously the teacher is the one who
requested that so the vendors don't have a choice, so it is one of the
factor and I want that to be recorded so that the people will know about
this thing, we are the ones who made the policy we should be the first
one to follow that, but there are some people with not following the
attitude, the disadvantage of this system is changing the stuff that we are
used to do. The second one, is changing the attitude that we are used to,
our principles are the one that got dirty, the teachers should be the one
to follow and make a move so that the students can follow this policy, it
is a real challenge but the challenge is already accepted.”

The respondent has pointed out one of the attitudes that have been changed due to

this implementation. Some people were still insisting to use cellophanes even though it

has already banned and some were requesting to the vendors to let them use cellophanes

in a private way. This could affect to the way the students will follow this

implementation, since they have seen others were still not following it, students may also

do the same thing. The respondent clarified that if this policy will be banned to everyone,

then everyone must follow with no exceptions.

Changes happened after this implementation

Question 4. What do you think are the changes happened to you after this


The fourth question explores the changes happened to the students after the

implementation of the policy to the students. In response to this question, a female

respondent from Junior High School answered that:

“Mas nasabtan nako na kuan nga anga basura

gud dapat malabog nya ang paglabay gani sa
selopen kuan,mas aware nasa ko sa kuan unsay
dulot niya.”
Translation: “I have deeply understood the
importance of not using cellophanes and it gave
me awareness to the harmful effects of

This means that the students have deeply understood the importance of the

implementation of the ‘No Cellophane’ Policy. The students are aware of this policy

which they turned out they have learnt new knowledge about the harmful effects of the

cellophanes. Another female respondent

“The changes thatfrom Junior High
happened to meSchool gaveI her answer and
is being
became more a responsible human-being to our
said that: environment and surroundings “

“In a positive way of implementing this policy

maybe it could just help the environment to
develop and be better its physical structure and
greater environment to happen and oxygen that
we could breathe every day and our entire
surroundings would be better”
Another same thought of the answer has been gathered by a female respondent

from Senior High School which she said that:

After implementing this policy may be I could think

of myself to be a responsible student to the
environment and it is the main method for me to be
responsible to the environment

The same thought of the answer has been obtained by a male respondent from

Senior High School which he stated that:

“Mas naging responsible ko sa akong mga

basura og akong ge practice nga maka adjust
og dili paggamit sa selopen sa pagpalit nakog
pagkaon, bisag sa gawas pa.”
Translation: “I became more responsible to my
garbages and I practiced to adjust in not using
cellophanes for

Through this policy, the students’ mindset and attitude have changed as they were

thinking of the responsibilities they have. Being responsible to the environment means

taking care and participating to every activities that promotes eco-friendliness. A female

respondent from Senior High School stated that:

“The changes that have happened to myself are:

I seldom used cellophanes now, I brought my
tumbler every day, and I used paper bags when I
bought my snacks.”

Due to this policy, the respondent has changed her habit of consuming the food

she eat. This means that this policy has affected the habits of the students including the
adjustments of using cellophanes and using alternative materials such as paper bags and

bringing tumblers. In contrast to this response, a female respondent from Senior High

said that:

Another same thought of the answer has been gathered by male respondent from

Junior High School which he said that:

“Wala. Kay sa tinuod-anay lang, naa koy na

learn pero walay nabag-o kay naanad naman ko
nga dili mugamit og selopen ”
Translation: “None, Because honestly I have
learnt something but it never changed me since I
am used to ”

Nothing has happened nor changed after banning the cellophanes since some

people were already adopting and trying to not use cellophanes before as they are

naturally inclined to environment and eco-friendly. Some are also not using this because

the disciplining their

“Giselves to not
disiplina use akong
nako harmfulkaugalingon
materials that
sa would affect our
pagpili nalang sa akong mga paliton sa
environment, as theycanteen”
are concerned and conservative. However, a male respondent from

Senior High School which he said“Ithat:

Translation: disclipned myself to choose only
what I buy in the canteen”.

“I can discipline myself especially throwing

garbage and I can help the mother nature of
course also it can discipline my classmates that
plastic can ruin our future”
The same thought of the answer has been obtained by a female respondent from

Junior High School which she stated that:

“I can discipline myself especially throwing

garbage and I can help the mother nature of
course also it can discipline my classmates that
plastic can ruin our future”

By this implementation, the respondents have been changed since they were

disciplining their selves in order to help in protecting and cleaning the environment. One

of them stated that he started to change his habit of purchasing his snack as he learnt to

control himself. The female respondent also claimed that by disciplining herself, she

could help the environment. Another female respondent from Junior High School stated


“Changes? Unsa may changes na nag bago sa mga

estudyante? una masayop ang papel kumot shoot sa
basurahan karon iplastar na, kuan na sya mindset og
practice, kuan na siya ang mindset eventually na correct
na unya ang manners pero I admit nga dili pagyud tanan
kay kung moadto ta sa covered court naa didto ang
Translation: “Changes? What are the changes
happened to the students? First, when they write
mistakes on their paper they always crumple the paper
and shoot it in the trash bin but now they straighten
the paper when put in the bin, that’s what we called
mindset and practice, the mindset is already corrected
and the manners but I admit that not all students do
that the evidence is in our covered court.”
The respondent thought that the students’mindset and practice have been changed

through this policy. It became more effective in teaching the proper etiquettes to the

students which includes the proper segregation, proper disposal and collection of the

garbages. Their mindsets have been improved in to which they are more aware and

gained more knowledge and manners.

Proper Etiquettes that the students have learnt

Question 4. What proper etiquettes have you learnt after the implementation of

this said policy?

The second question explores the changes happened to the students after the

implementation of the policy to the students. In response to this question, a male

respondent from Senior High School answered that:

“Paghuman nakog kaon, akong basura akong

isulod sa akong bulsa.”

Translation: “when I finish eating I always put

my wastes in my pocket”

The same thought of the answer has been obtained by a female respondent

from Senior High School which she stated that:

“I will not use cellophanes ever and instead of

having cellophanes to put my things I will bring
my bag to put the things that I brought”
This means that the respondent has learnt the proper etiquette of keeping you’re

his own garbage after eating. He learnt that keeping your own garbage is one of the

proper etiquettes as a student to conserve and protect the environment. Another female

respondent from Junior High School has pointed out a proper etiquette which she said


“Throwing garbage properly separating the garbage

properly and put in to the right trash bins and also
cleaning our school and disciplining ourselves not to
throw the garbage everywhere”

The same thought of the response by a male from Senior High School has been

obtained which he stated that:

“Labay ug basura sa saktong labayanan.og ang

pag disiplina sa imong kaugalingon nga dili
maglabay og basura bisag aha. Og ang pinaka
importante is ang pagdili paggamit ug selopen.”
Translation: “To throw your garbages at the right
place and to discipline yourself to not throw
garbages everywhere. And the most important thing
is to not use cellophanes anymore.

A male respondent from Junior High also answered the same thought which he

emphasized that:

“Labog ug basura sa tamang lalagyan og ang pag

segregate sa mga basura nga naa sa atong
Translation: “To throw your garbages at the right
place and to segregate the trash in our classroom.
The same response has been gathered by the researchers from a female respondent

of Junior High School which she emphasized that:

“Proper throwing of garbage, ug nakita nako nga

nakut-unan ged sa mga bata ang saktong paglabay,
parehas anang kung naa silay makita nga trash bin,
didto ged na nila ilabay instead nga sa ground ero
dili ko makaingon nga tanan ha…”\
Translation: “Proper throwing of garbage, and I
have seen that the students have learnt the proper
way of throwing your garbage, just like if they see
trash bins, they throw it there instead to the ground,
but I’m not saying all of the students..”

This means that the respondents have learnt to throw and segregate their garbages

at the right place. Throwing your garbages is one of the proper etiquettes for disposal of

the garbages. As these wastes that are thrown properly will also be disposed in a proper

way. A female respondent from Senior High School also stated that:

“Ang pag segregate sa mga basura og ang pag

participate sa mga implementations sa atong
school labi na ang sa ESWM nga inyung ge
ingon, nga apil na diri ang proper waste
disposal, segregation og collection sa mga
basura. “
Translation: “The segregation of the wastes and
The same thought of the response
the participation to thebyimplementations
a male from Senior High School has been
of our
School especially the ESWM that you mentioned
obtained which he stated that:
which includes proper waste disposal,
segregation, and collection of wastes.”
“To be responsible in participating every
implementation we have in our school, just like
the ‘Alas Kwatro Na, MRF Time Na!’ and to
follow the proper segregation and waste
disposal of the garbages.”
With the help of this policy, the respondents have learnt to participate the

activities and implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management in the School.

This includes the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal

of solid waste through the formulation and adaptation of best environmental practices.

The ‘Alas Kwatro na, MRF time Na!’ has been a practice in the school since the past few

years in which the wastes that have been collected and segregated by the students are

submitted and disposed in the Materials Recovery Facility or MRF.

Responsibilities that the students have applied to their selves

Question 5. What are those responsibilities you have applied to yourself after this policy?

The fifth question explores the responsibilities that the students have applied to

their selves after the implementation of the ‘No Cellophane’ policy. In response to this

question, a female respondent from Junior High School answered that:

“To help the world to be safe and it is the

main thing to us to do this thing because it
is not just to help our self but also to our
The respondent hasand
future applied
to ourthe responsibility of helping the environment. Taking

of ones’ selves is not the only responsibility of the people, it is needed also to help and

clean the environment for it to improve and be a better place to live. Another respondent

has also pointed out a responsibility she applied to herself which he said that:

“I should be ecofriendly, I should be more

environmental friendly, be lovable into our
mother nature and be aware that if I put one
garbage in our environment it can harm the
whole people leaving in it”
Being an eco-friendly and environmentally concerned are one of the

responsibilities that the respondent has applied to herself. After the implementation of

‘No cellophane’ Policy, she realized that people should love the mother nature and be

aware of the danger that the garbages could cause. Since the effects of cellophanes to the

environment is very alarming and disturbing that’s why the awareness of this policy

should be spread. A respondent has also clarified that this policy has helped him to apply

this responsibility which he said that:

“Responsibilidad nako as a student nga mo

tabang og limpyo sa atong palibot, ug is
ana dira ang pagdili og paggamit og
selopen og ang dili pagtaka-taka og labog
sab sa basura bisag aha.”
Translation: “It is my responsibility as a
student to help in cleaning our
surroundings and one of that is to not use
cellophanes anymore and to not throw my
garbages everywhere.

One of the responsibilities that a student must apply is cleaning and helping the

environment. This includes the control of not using cellophanes, aside from it is banned

but it is also a great way of reducing the risk of having environmental damage. This only

means that the students should participate the implementation of policy to the school.

Moreover, a respondent has observed the adjustments of the student to this policy which

he stated that:

“Mag-agi patag adjustments kay naanad na

biya ta ug gamit og cellophanes, so ang
responsibilities ged nato ani as estudyante is
ang pagsunod sa mga implementations
parehas sa ‘No Cellophane’ Policy”
A respondent has also pointed out that students must learn also to be a responsible

consumer which she said that:

“We should be a responsible consumer,

the things we used from the stores we
should recycle and reuse it and we should
not throw garbage’s anywhere”

The respondent has learnt the responsibility of recycling and reusing the materials

she bought. This means that consumers have the responsibilities in keeping and recycling

the materials they have, just like the single-use cellophanes and plastics. These materials

are capable to be recycled and are of great help in reducing the wastes. Also, the most

important responsibility that a consumer must have after purchasing is to avoid throwing

their garbages everywhere. This responsibility has also been stated by a respondenr

which he said that:

“Kanang pagkuan sa sakto nga basura

and dapat jud dili lang sarli nimu imung
isipon dapat jud kanang imong
Translation: “To throw your garbages at
the right place and to not think only
about yourself, but to our environment
A respondent has also answered the same thought which she said that:

“I think I became more responsible in

throwing my garbages at the trash bins
and in segregating the wastes I have.”

Throwing your garbages at the right place is also one of the responsibilities that a

person must apply to himself/herself. And this implies that after buying the items or

foods, it must be thrown and segregated properly in order for it to be disposed properly.

In addition, the researchers have also gathered a response from a respondent which he

emphasized that:

Kee the things that I have bought and

to stop myself from throwing my
garbages everywhere.
A respondent also had the same thought of the answer which he said that:

“Dapat kita, kay estudyante man ta, di

nato padaghanon ang basura or I avoid
ged nga mudaghan ang basura, so ang
buhaton ged nato is atong I keep ang
mga butang nga humana natog gamit
og palit.
Translation: “We, students must not add
more the garbages or avoid to add
more wastes, so we the thing we must
do is to keep the waste of the things you
have used and bought.

To avoid wastes, people must learn to keep their own garbages as one of the

responsibilities of a consumer should do. Keeping your own garbage would help to

reduce and stop the garbages in the environment especially in the landfills, rivers and

oceans. Morover, a female respondent has stated a responsibility which she said that:

“Siyempre responsibility in a way

disposing your wastes, kumbaga mao
na ang real battles kanang unsaon pag
correct sa attitude nga mo kalit rag
labay diba, mao nang real battle sa
management system”
Translation: Responsibility in
disposing your wastes, the real battle
is how to correct the attitudes of the
people throwing garbage everywhere,
that’s the real battle in the
management system
Disposing waste is one of the responsibilities that the students must do. When

waste is properly disposed, it would help to prevent additional pollution which can

improve public health. Wastes that are properly disposed has a lesser chance of getting

into the water supplies and cause illness that would affect humans. So as this, it is

important that wastes must be disposed in a proper.

Observation Schedule

The researcher number one (1) observed the respondent number one (1) from

Junior High School department upon observation, the said researcher noticed that the

respondent always used cellophane for food consumption and seldom throws it at the

garbage bin for the reason that the said respondent put his waste on his pocket. As peer

said, the observed respondent uses cellophane instead of any other containers such as

tumblr and he is knowledgeable enough of the Solid Waste Management or ESWM

etiquettes but he rarely participates in "Alas kwatro na, MRF time na!" yet segregates the

garbages into its proper places. In conlusion, the behaviour and attitude of respondent

number one (1) from the junior high school is far from improving towards the said policy.

On the other side, the researcher number two (2) from Senior High School 2

weeks observed the respondent assigned to her. In a short span of time the researcher find

out that the respondent number two (2) always use cellophane for food usage and

afterwards throws it into the garbage can. The researcher also observed that the said

respondent often bring tumbler or any other related containers and for replacement to the

tumbler she used cellophanes for water consumption. The respondent follows and

participate the ESWM etiquettes specifically the "alas kwatro na, MRF time na!" in

addition to that, he also segregates the garbages into paper, cellophane, biodegradable

and other wastes. Add more to that he reuses, recycles and reduces the waste materials in

the garbage bin. Eventually, the observed respondent improves its behaviour and attitude

towards the said policy every single day.

The respondent number three (3) has been observed by the researcher number 3.

The respondent from the Senior High Department seldom uses the cellophane for the

reason, that the food she eat rarely on cellophanes but one time the researcher notice that

she uses cellophane for food consumption yet the respondent throws it in its proper place.

In addition to that the respondent number three (3) never uses any container material nor

paper bag but, there is one thing the researcher observed the said respondent participates

in, "alas kwatro na, MRF time na!" policy. Aboveall, the respondent is being more

responsible and more aware on her behaviour towards the said policy.

The researcher number four (4) observed the respondent number four (4) if she

uses the cellophane for food usage. During the 2 weeks observation the said researcher

observed that the respondent she follows from afar seldomly uses cellophane for food

consumption and sometimes dispose her garbage everywhere but in many instances she

throws it properly on the garbage bin. The respondent is aware about the Ecological Solid

Waste Management (ESWM) because she follows the proper etiquettes of the said

platform and she knows the proper disposal of waste she consumed. She participate in

School's, "Alas kwatro na, MRF time na!" and apply to herself the 3R's, the reuse,

recycle, reduce. Add more to the observation, the attitude of the said respondent from the

Junior High School Department little by little changed her behaviour regarding to the

proper disposal of waste as peer observation by the researcher number four (4).
(Camille) Move to the observation of the researcher number five (5). The respondent

number five (5) is from the Junior High School Department and she has been observed by

the researcher number five (5). Base on the statement given by the said researcher, the

respondent he observed always use cellophane for food consumption then again throw it

on its right place. The respondent always carry a tumbler on her side for water

consumption and follows the ESWM etiquettes as well as participate in, "Alas kwatro na,

MRF time na!" also, segregates the wastes on its appropriate spot. In the end, the

behaviour of the said respondent has been improved in regards to the proper throwing of

cellophane in the proper garbage bin.

The researcher number six (6) has been observing the respondent number six (6)

in 2 weeks. After observing the said respondent the researcher came up with this result.

The respondent number six (6) never use cellophane for food consumption because she

never bought a food that uses cellophane. Since she never used cellophane for food

consumption, by no means she don't throw cellophane in the garbage bin. The respondent

observed by the researcher seldomly bring water containers such as tumbler so she used

papercups for water usage but then she follows ESWM and participates in the school's,

"Alas kwatro na, MRF time na!". In conclusion, the behaviour of the respondent number

six (6) is already improved before the implementation of the said policy.

The researcher observed the respondent number seven (7) for 2 weeks. During the

observation, the researcher find out that the respondent she observed seldomly uses

celJed) The researcher observed the respondent number seven (7) for 2 weeks. During

the observation, the researcher find out that the respondent she observed seldomly uses

cellophane for food consumption. In connection to that, the said respondent throws the
waste he consumed in the garbage bin and on its proper place. The respondent uses

papercups instead of paperbags and container such as tumbler and any other water

consumption materials. In addition, the respondent also follows the Ecological Solid

Waste Management or ESWM as well as participate in, "Alas kwatro na, MRF time na!"

and he even segregate the garbages into paper, cellophanes, biodegradable and other

wastes. Therefore, the researcher came up to this conclusion, the respondent's behaviour

is becoming better every single day in that 2 weeks of observing him.

The 8th respondent from Senior High School Department has been observed by

the researcher of Senior High School also. On the first day of the observation the

researcher noticed the fine behaviour of the respondent in regards to the proper disposal

of waste that even she uses cellophane she knows the right place of the cellophane in the

trashcan in a few words she segregated it very well. Second day of observation the

researcher discovered that the student she observed is not fond of bringing tumbler and

other water consumption materials but instead of cellophane the respondent uses

papercups. On the 3rd day of observing the said respondent, her attitude is way more

better that it is used to due to the fact that the respondent number eight (8) brought a

tumbler and fill it with water. And on that same day also, when four (4) o'clock came the

researcher observed the said respondent from afar assuring that she really participate in,

"Alas kwatro na, MRF time na!" policy. In connection to that, she follows the rule

plainly. 4th day of observation, the said respondent takes part in the responsibilities

towards the said policy. On the 5th day of observing the respondent number (8) the

researcher noticed that as time passes by the behaviour and the attitude of the said
respondent changes into better one. And same goes with the remaining 1 week of


Moving on to the 9th respondent, the respondent number nine (9) seldomly uses

cellophane for food consumptions and even she seldomly uses cellophane she still throws

it on its proper place. The researcher observed that the respondent number nine (9)

always brought a tumbler for water usage. In that two (2) weeks of observing the said

respondent, the researcher follows the ESWM's proper etiquettes such as participating

into, "Alas kwatro na, MRF time na!" , proper way of disposing garbages and lastly the

reuse, recycle as well as reduces of trash. The respondent being observed has been

improving her behaviour every single day and takes part of her responsibility as a student

towards the said policy.


Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter resents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.

A. Summary of Findings

The focus of this study was to determine the Impacts of ‘No Cellophane’ Policy to

students in compliance to their Ecological Solid Waste Management. The present study

used the descriptive type of qualitative study. The researchers adopted a

phenomenological approach to achieve the objectives of the study. Qualitative interviews

and observations were done by the researchers to the randomly selected 10 respondents

Data were properly treated and analyzed. Thus, findings of the study highlight the


1. It was found out that the majority of the respondents were female and both age ranges

and grade level were almost equally represented in the table.

2. Female respondents have more concerns about the environment and the environmental

impacts of using cellophanes.

3. Males have always thought of the health impact of using the plastic cups instead of the


4. Some respondents have not been affected by this policy since they were already using

other materials instead of cellophanes and set their selves to not use cellophanes.

5. Some respondents’ mindset has been affected by this policy since it helped them in

understanding the consequences and results of using cellophanes to the environment.

6. This policy is advantageous in setting the mindsets of the respondents that banning the

cellophanes would lessen the large number of cellophanes.

7. Since this policy implements the ban of cellophanes, respondents have learnt to bring

their tumblers and containers.

8. The respondents were concerned for the trees as the source of the paper cups and bags

that will be cut in the future if the cellophanes will be totally banned.

9. Through this policy, students have understood the situation of the vendors, who are

mostly affected by this policy in which they are struggling for finding a way to

alternatively replace cellophanes.

10. The mindset and attitude of the respondents have been changed as they were thinking

of the responsibilities they have for this policy.

11. The respondents were aware of this policy and have deeply understood the

importance of the implementation of ‘No Cellophane’ Policy.

12. This policy has affected the habits of the students including the adjustments of using

cellophanes and using alternative materials.

13. Nothing has happened nor changed to a respondent since she is already adopting and

trying to not use cellophanes as she is naturally inclined to the environment.

14. Some respondents have been changed since they were disciplining their selves to not

use cellophanes.

15. The respondent thought that the students’ practice and mindset have been changed as

it became more effective in teaching the proper etiquettes to students including the proper

waste disposal, segregation and collection.

16. Through this policy, the respondents have learnt to participate the activities, rules and

regulations of the Ecological Solid Waste Management which includes the ‘Alas Kwatro

na, MRF time na!’.

17. The respondents have learnt to be responsible in throwing his/her own garbage after

eating at the trash cans and avoid littering everywhere.


Based on the presentation and discussion of the findings, it is concluded that the

‘No Cellophane’ Policy is effective in making students to control their selves in using

cellophanes and setting their mindset and attitude to not use cellophanes. To increase the

level of effectiveness and participation of the students, awareness and proper information

drive to the students can be increased. One way is to generate a culture of bringing own

tumblers and containers for food and water consumption and by providing a one-day

information address and symposium of the importance of this policy to the students and

teachers of the school.


Based on the discussion and conclusions of the findings, the following

recommendations are put forwards.

To the Students

Students should follow the implementations, rules and regulations of the

Ecological Solid Waste Management in the School as this is one of their compliance. It is

their responsibility to take part in the activities and conventions related to the

environment. The researchers recommend to the students that….

1. Students should be reminded and have a practice of bringing their own

tumblers and containers for their food and water consumptions as this is one

of the alternative ways to replace effectively replace the cellophanes.

2. Students must participate in the rules and regulations of the ESWM which

inludes participating the ‘Alas Kwatro na, MRF Time na!’, proper

segregation, disposal and collection of the wastes.

3. Students must be responsible to the environment which includes having the

proper etiquettes of the garbeages for they are the ones who can help in

protecting and saving the mother earth from the pollutions and harmful


To the School
School is a place for learning which means that the school is capable of teaching

the lessons that would help the students to follow the implementations properly. The

school can teach the following:

1. The school must have an information drive every start of the school so that the

students will be informed and aware with the policies, rules and regulations of the


2. The school must have an organization or club that will focus in giving

awareness and in leading the students to follow the implementations of the ESWM.

3. The school must have a monthly activity to support the eco-friendly campaign

of the government which includes the cleaning of the drainage and disposal of the

garbages in the school.

To the Government

1. Strengthen the implementations and policies that bans the cellophanes by

spreading awareness and having a convention through announcements in the

barangays to effectively eliminate the usage of cellophanes in the Municipality of


2. Make more implementations that would help the environment including the

plastic bag and plastic bottles bans as this one of the main sources of the pollutions

and brought harmful effects to the environment and humans.

To the future researchers

1. Conduct a study about the impacts of the cellophane bans by involving a large

number of respondents in different locales to ensure the reliability and validity of

the results.

2. Conduct a comparative study of the attitudes and behaviors of the students

before and after the implementation of the study

3. Conduct a study which focuses the effects of this policy to the health and

mindset of the students.

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