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Computernetwork Updated

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iI-IVAN UNIVERSiT Y Exam. . ,: ' ':.,:'' ,.p*nO1Ua ';',;: '::.'i .,,r , 1,.,,.1,


Exarv*im n tion C ontrol Division Prograyge- BCT Pass Marl{s
2076 Chaitrn Year I Part IY/I Tirne 3 hrs.

S_ybigc_f ; C-orniryter Netwo "rk gr'7a2)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
/ Attempt All questions.
{ The figures in the margin indicate ru$ lUIGrl{s,
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. What is protocol? \4{hat are the reasc,ns for using layered network architecture? Compare
OSI rvith TCPIIP reference model. tl +7+-51

2. What is transmission mediurn? Explain different transmission medium with their merits
and demerits. LI+7)
3. What is collision? How is it occured? How the possibility of collision is reduced in IEEE,
802.3 and IEEE 802.11'/ i:xplain. [1+1t-6]
4. Suppose yow cornpany has leased the IP addrsss af from your ISP.
Divide it far five different departments containing 50, 30, 25,72,10 no of hosts" There
List out the network
are also two points to point lkrks far interconnection between routers"
address, broadcast address, usabie IP address range and subnet mask for each subnet.
Also mention the unusecl range of IP addresses. t8]
5. What is the purpose of Time to live (TTL) and protocal f,reld in ireader of IPv4 datagram.
Which protocol is used in internet layer to provide feedback to hosts/routers about the
problerns in the netrvork environment? What is ARP and how does it work? [4-F1+3]
6. What are the major task of transport layer? Explain. What is token bucket algorithm? [5+3]
'1. What is DNS? Explain the working principle cf DNS with a proper diagram. Compare
ih'IAP a"nd POP3 protocols. [1+4+3]
8. "IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence" what does this mean? Explain Dual stack approach with an
appropriate figure. [3+5]
9. How does a Digital Signature work? Encrypt the worid HELLO using RSA aigorithm.
Also decrypt it by showing steps. 12+61

10. Explain briefly the desirable properties of secure cornmunication. Explain how packet
filtering firen,al1 rvorks. [4+4]


Examination Control Division Programme BCT I Pass Marks
2076 Ashrvin Year /Part ry/r. Time 3 hrs.

fyli: " t._SSgrytqLN.twork Gr )

7 o2

candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
Attempt All questions.
The figures in the ntargin indicate Full Marks.
Assurue suitable data if necessary.

1' What are the.features of Client/Server Architecture? What are headers and trailers and
how do they get added and removed?
2. Why the telephone companies developed ISDN? Explain the working principle of ISDN
with its interface and functional group.
3. Explain the working principle of csMA/cD with appropriate figure.
4,, Institute of Engineering has six departments having 16,32,61, g, 6 and 24 computers.
use to distribute the'network. Find the network address, broadcast
address, usable IP range and subnet mask in each department
5,r What is routing? Differentiate betrveen distance vector and link state routing aigorithms.
ft.,lxpl{n ihe TC_P segment structure. Why TCP is known as reliable protocol and also
'' *-"-,^"-uvrv rvr
describe horv reliability r\_rr
)y TCp?
is provided by
j 14+41
7' What. is TFTP? Explain working principle of FTP with da:ta transfer process including
propgr port connection. Use proper diagram to justify your answer.
8. List the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4, Explain any two transition strategies for Ipv4 to
IPv6. LZ+6)
9, List the properties of secure commu.nication. Encrypt and decrypt :'ROSE" using RSA
10. Write short notes on: (Any two)
a) Firewall and their types
b) 803 TokenBus
c) Virtual circuit switching
IRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. : *': jl'.'. , i 'Itdiiulni,tB'ii&Hj,".i.'.'i'l';,,'

Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Marks 32

2075 Cbaitra Ysar / Fart ly ll Time 3 hrE,

fi yils:s!::"-p*erngulsrNglxgrF--(ffi ??il"-..-"

Draw the architecture f,or Client/Server network model. Explain in details about P2P
network model with supportive exampies. L2+61

2. $Ihat is switching? Wlat are the

various switching techniques? Elaborate packet
switching with a proper diagram. [1+2+s]
3. What are multiple access protocols? Describe the various fi'aming techniques at data link
layer, V+61
4. Suppose you are a private consultant hired by the large company to setup the network for
their enteiprise and you are given a large number of consecutive. IP address starting at Suppose that four departments A,B, C and D request 100,500,800 and
400 addresses respectively, how the subnetting can be performed so, that address wastage
will be minimum? t8l
5. Whai do you mean by autonomous system? Explain how routing loops are prevented in
Distance Vector Routing with examples, 12+61
6. Explain connection establishment and tetmination in TCP. Explain briefly about Leaky-
Bucket algorithm for congestion control? l4+4)
7. Why we need proxy servers? What are the importance of DNS and HTTP(S) while you
are browsing any website? [2+6]
8. "IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence" what does this mean? Explain what you mean by address
. family translation in IPv4/IPv6 migration process with an appropriate figure. [3+5]
9. Explain briefly the desirable properties of secure communication. Explain how Packet
filtering firewall Works. [4+4]
10. Write short notes on: (Arry two) [4+4]
a) Digital Signaflrre
b) vPN
c) Symmetric key cryptography
* x,ft

Examination Control Division Programme i BCT
2075 Ashwin Year/Part :IV/I

$ "_ni "nS! : : C 9m_p"y1gj_Ngly_o'k )

(c_!7_9 2

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Msrks.
Assume suitable data if necessqry.

1. Why layering is important? Explain design issues for layers in detail. Mention service
primitives for implementing connection oriented service. 12+4+2]
2. Compare circuit switching and packet switching. Explain ISDN channels with
architecture. [3+5]
3. State the various design issues for the data link layer. What is piggybacking? A bit string
0111101111i 101111110 needs to be transmitted at the data link layer. What is the string
actually transmitted after bit stuffing? 13+3+2)
4. Why routing is essential in computer networking? Compare working of distance vector
routing algorithm with link st41e routing algorithm. [3+5]
5. Design a network for 5 departments containing 29, 14, 15,23 and 5 computers. Take a
network example lP t8l
6. Wrat are the differences between TCP and UDP services? Explain the TCP datagram
format in detail. [3+5]
7. Define socket programming. How web server communication and file server
communication are possible in network. Explain with used protocols. 16+21

8. What are the mettrrods used to interoperate IPv6 and IPv4. Show IPv6 datagram format. 16+21

9. What is VPN? Encrypt a message "network" using RSA algorithm. 12+61

10. Write short notes on: (any two) [4+4]

i) Flow controlinD22
ii) x.2s
iii) ALOHA
j Programme i gCt
-ftll Marks . 8_0 i

Examination Control Division Pass Marks , 32

i'l'rylT--l:.:-:-:, ji 1-^l1l'o'-* :" i
2074Chaitra iYearlPart ifV/I !Time -_-___--_

Subject: - Computer Network (CT702)

{ Candidates are required tc give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt AII questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuII Mark*
/ Assume suitable data if necessarv.

1. Distinguish between Client-Server network and Peer-Peer network. Explain Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model. [3+5]
2. Define transmissionmedia Compare among Twisted Pair, Coaxial cable and Fiber optic. [3+5]
3. What is the main firnctionality of data link layer? Differentiate between circuit switching
and packet switching. 14+41
4. Mention the criteria for good routing. Explain RIP, OSPF, BGP, IGRP and EIGRP . t2+41
5. How can you dedicate 32,65, 10,21,9 public IP address to the departments An B, C, D
and E respectively form the pool of class C IP addresses with minimum loss. Explain t8]
6. Howcorurection is established and released in TCP. Explain Token Bucket algorithm. [4+4]
7. Which protocols are used in sending and receiving an email? Illustrate with necessary
figure. Give acomparison of POP3 and IMAP. [5+3]
8. What are the factors that lead to the speedy development of IPv6? Define the process of
transition from IPv4 to IPv6, [4+4]
9. Define type of Encryption used in security. How PGP can secure email communication? [5+3]
10. Write short notes on: (any two) 14+41

i) Types of firewals
ii) FDDr
iii) Socket programming -

Examination Control Division
2074 Ashwin

" - - . i:rff9:Ispstelt-gl'ygS-(g{** ".

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. What is the significance of OSI layer? Explain different layers of OSI with its
functionalities. 12+61
2. Define switching and multiplexing. Explain about any two guided hansmission media in
detail. 12+61
3. What are the causes of packet delay in computer networks? What are the differences
between circuit switching and packet switching? [2+6J
4. What is classful and classless address? Differentiate between link state and distance
vector routing protocol. tS]
5. Suppose you are a private consultant hired by a company to setup the network for their
enteqprise and you are given a large number of consecutive IP address starting at Suppose that four deparhnents A, B, C and D request 100, 500, 800 and
400 addresses respectively, how the subnetting can be performed so that address wastage
will be minimum? t8l
6. Explain the TCP protocol with its Header. What do you understand by socket? Explain
with its imporiance. [5+3]
7. What is recursive and iterative query? Explain with suitable diagram. Discuss the DNS
records. 16+21
8. List the advantages of IPve over IPv+. Explain header translation and tunneling approach
used for migrating IPv+ to IPvo. [4+41
9. Explain briefly the desirable properties of secure communication. Explain how Packet
filtering firewall Works. [4+4]
10. Write short notes on: (Any two) 14+41
a) SMTP and POP
b) Diffie Hbllman's Algorithm
d) DLL Flow Control Mechanisms
Examination Control Division Programme : BCT
2073 Shrawan Time

Subject: - Computer Network grr0z1

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Diflerentiate between TCP/IP and OSI Model. Define Frame Relay in detail. [5+3]
2. What do you mean by switching in communication? Compare switching with
multiplexing. Explain the El Telephone hierarchy system. l2+2+41
3. What do you understand by Media Access Control? What is its significance in data link
layer? Explain why token bus is also called as the token ring. l2+2+41
4. You are a pivate contractor hired by the large company to setup the network for their
enterprise and you are given a large number of consecutive IP address starting at Suppose that four deparftnent A, B, C and D request 100, 500, 800 and
400 addresses respectively, how the subnetting can be performed so, that address wastage
will be minimum? tSl
5. Discuss about the network congestion? Explain how difFerent network parameters effect
the congestion. Compare operation of link state routing with the distance vector routing. [2+2+4]
6. How web server communication and file server communication are possible in network,
explain with used protocols. Define socket programming. [6+2]
7. What are the factors that lead to the development of IPv6? Define the process of
transition from IPv4 to IPv6. [4+4]
8. Compare symmetric key encryption method with asymmetrlc key encryption. Explain
RSA algorithm with example. [3+5]
9. what do you mean by firewall? Explain diffurent types of firewall. [z+6j
10. Write short notes on: [4x2]
ii) Web Server
Examination Control Division
2012 Chaitra

$r!js:!:: sgtr-Pulgr Network (cT7o2)

{ Candidates are required to give their ansuers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Compare OSI layer with TCP/IP Layer? Explain in which level of OSI layer following
tasks are done. [5+3]
i) Error detection and correction
ii) Encryption and Decryption of data
iii) Logical identification of computer
iv) Point-to-point connection of socket
v) Dialogue control
vi) Physical identification of computer
2. Explain five instances of how networks are a part of your life today. Through we have
MAC address, why do we use IP address to represent the host in networks? Explain your
answer. [5+3]
J. Briefly explain different types of Data Link Layer framing mechanisms. List the features
of FDDI. t8l
4. Explain ho*' can you alloeate 30, 24, 25 and 20 IP addresses to the four different
department of ABC company with minimum \^astage. Specify the range of IP addresses,
Broadcast Address, Nerwork Address and Subnet mask for each department form the
given address poo1202.77.19.0124. t8I
5. What is routed and routing protocol? Give examples. Explairt Token Bucket algorithm. 14+41

6. For the client-server application over TCP, why must the server program be executed
before the client program? TCP is known as reliable process how, desuibe reliability is
provided by TCP. [3+5]
7. Compare the header fields of IPV6 and IPV4. Which method do you suggest for the
migration of IPv6 and why? [4r4]
8. Explain briefly how firewalls protect network and also explain different types of Firewall.
Illustrate ypur answer with appropriate figures. t8I
9. Write down the steps involved in RSA encryption algorithrn. Encrypt the word CAT
using RSA algorithm, choose the suitable data for encryption by yourself according to
RSA algorithm. t8l
10. Write short notes on: Px2l
a) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
b) Doman Name Server

4. What are the tirnctions oi'.netrvork Iayer? Explain briet);; abor-it multicast routing
,protocols ancl unicast rotiting protocois. [2+61
: :- j .::.

Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Marks 32

2070 Chaitra Year lPart tv lr Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Computer Networks (CT702)

r' Candid{es are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questtons.
r' Thefigares in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. What are the features of ClienUServer Architecture? What are headers and, trailers and
how do they get added and removed? Explain. 14+41
2' Explain about various tspes of switching with
ffili#,lli"frffil]"ffi|ri:*ng? t8I
3. What is the difference between Error Correcting and Error detection process? A bit shing
0llll0llltl0ltlllll0 needs to be tansmitted at the data link layer what is sring
actratly trarrsmitted after bit shrffing, if flag patterns is 01 I 11 I [5+3]
4. Explain the working pdnciple of different t]?es of network deviccs Repeatcr, HUB,
Bridge, SwitchandRorser- 18]
5. How can you dedicate 1O,12,.8, 14 public IP addressa to dryrtment A, B, C and D _
rcryoctively from thc pool of class C wift minimum lossc of IP? BAlairL t8I
6. Explain thc UDP segmcnt sfirchr€. Illustratc your answer with appropriarc figures. tSl
7. What do you mean by email ssver? What are the protocols used on it? t2+61
8. Explain the IPv6 datagram format with appropriate figures. tSI
g. Explain briefly how firewalls protect network and also explain different tlpes of Firewall.
Illustrate your answer with appropriatefigures. t8I
10. What do you mean by Network security? Explain the operation of Data Encryption
Standard Algorithm? [3+5]
31 ' TRIBHWANTINIVERSITY Exam. Old Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)

Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Marks 32

2070 Ashad Year lPart ry/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Computer Network (EG74 lCI)

r' Candidates are required to give theii answers in their own words as far as practicable,
r' Attempt All questions.
r' fircfigures in the margin indicate Futl Marks.
/ .Assume fuitable data if necessary. . ,


ICPItPmodel. :. [4+41

3. What are the functions of LLC and I\{AC sub-layer? Discuss ditrerent farming
link layer.
approaches used in data 12+2+6)
4. How data transfer occurs in Ethernet network? Explain. ' l tO]
5. Discuss how CSIvIA works? Differentiate it with'CSIvIA-CD. Explain the optical fiber
cabling standards with examples.. lZ+2+4)
6. Wbat is vinrs circuit svvilshing? Describe the operation of Frame-Relay netvork, 12+6)
7. Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive routing. Explain shortest path finding
algorithm in link state routing. . [3+5]
8. Compare between lealcy bucket and token bucket algorithm with the operation how token
bugkel works. [3+5]
9. .What are the major problems with existing IPv4 network? E4plain IPv4 addressing and
zub-petting with example. ;1{+4)
' 10. Write short notes on: 14+41
i a) ALOIIA system
b) TcPheader


34 TRIBHWAT{ Exam.
-I o.zal Full Marlrs BO
--:a: -

Examination Programme BCT Pass Marks 32

Year lPart Iv/I Time 3 hrs.

'/ Candidates are requir€dto give their answers in their owa words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
/ Thefigares intlie marginindicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Explarntle heed of Networking Software in the form of Hierarchy? Mention in which

1) Timing and voltage of received signal
ii) Encryption and decryption of data
iii) Dataframing
iv) Point-to-point bounection of socket.
2. Define switching and multiplexing. Differentiate between circuit switching and packet
switching . l4+4)
3. Explain different types of Data link layer framing mechanisms t8]
4. What is the contribution of sub-netting in IP address management? Show the importance
iu this case. Banijya bank need to allocate 15 IPs in HR department; 30 in finance
tieparhent, 24 in customer care unit and 25 in ATM machines. if yo,, have o# network
ofclass C range public IP address. Describe how you wilt manage ii. ' \ t8l
5. S/hy is routing protocol necessary? Explain the working process of Routing Infomration
protocol (RIP) with exanple. [3+5]
6. Why do you think that there exist two protocols in tuansport layer where as there exists
only one protocol in lnternet layer in TCP/IP referenci rnodel. Explain token bucket

7. What is HTTP protocol? With an example explain how a request initiated by a IITTP
client is served by aHTTP server. [2+61
8. Explain the IPv6 datagram format and the function of each freld with nesessary fig,ure: t8]
g. Cornpare symmetic key encryption method with asymmetric key encryption. Describe
the operation of RSA algorithm. l4+4)
10. What is network security? How can firewalls enhance network security? Explain how
firewalls can protect asystem. t2+2+4J

t *{.

P.3 5
31 TRIBHUVA}IUNIVERSITY Exam. Resular / Back

:.,r tii
tion Control Division Piogramme BCT PassMarks 32
. Year lPart rV/I
2068 Chaitra Time 3 hrs. i'

are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
All questions.
in the margin tndicate Full Marlw.
,{ suttable data if necessary.

1. U&y ar" the network softwares defined with distinct layers stacked on top of one another? ;
What are the factors to be considered when designing these layers? 12+61
2.' .ffiy"-do we'need RAID in the computer networks? Define and discuss the differences
i .'__- i

between RAID 0, RAID I and RAID 5. i[2+61

3. What is a telephone? With a simple diagram of a telephone network explain how the
'system works. [2+61
4. Why channel access mechanism is important in computer networking? Explain the
operation of IEEE 802.5 with its frame format. [3+t1
5. Differentiate: l2xsl
a) Distance vector and link state routing algorithm
b) Circuit switching and packet switching
6. What is X.25? Explain the format ofX.25 packet in detail. [3+s]
7. What are the differences between TCP and UDP services? Explain the TCP datagrawr
format in detail. [3+s]
8. Suppose there are 4 dephrfinents A, B, C and D. The departnient A has 23 hosts, B has
18 C has 28 and D has 13 hosts. You are given a networks Perform the
subnetting in such a way that the IP address wastage in each departrnent are minimum-
and also find out the sunbet mask, network address, broadcast, and unable host range,in
,j eachdepartnent
"i' '.'. tl0I
9. Write Short notes on: [2x51
a) Network Security i

Ul and Gateway
' i.l 'i: 'l'**

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Control Division Programme BCT 32

':.. 068 Year / Part ry/I 3 hrs:

far as practiqable: , ..
data tf necessary.

effrciency of slotted Aloha. 14+4)
consists of hvo VLAN'named' student
with necessary diagram, IP addresses and configurations. 12+6
You rre given the IP address block If there ,:
require 5, 40, 28,12;6 hosts.respebtively. Design the slrbnet. [2+6J
5, '''What'ard the functionsof trarispolt layer? Draw the segment structure of TCP. 1f+i1
6. What is a fragmentation and re-assembly? Explain about any intra-AS routing protocol. [3+5]
7. What are the advantages of IPV6? The maximum payload segment is 65495 bye, ![!y

8. What is the function of proxy sen'er? Explain about electronic mail. [3+5]
g. What is a secure socket layer? En+rypt the message "DANGER" using RSe. algorithm. [2+6]
I0. Comparex.25 and frame relay network. Abit string 0llll0lllll0llllll0 needs to be
transmitted at the data link layer. What is.the string actually transmitted after bit stuffing? [6+2]



31 , TRIBHW4\ILiNIyE-RSITY .- -- -Ellrt---.._-"_

Examination Control Division Programme BCit Pass Marks t2

2067 Ashadh Year / Part IV/I fime 3 hrs.

Subjec-t; - Computer
/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their orvn woids as far as pracleable.

,/ Thefigures in the margtn indic:ate Full Marks.

{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1- Why network software should be in hierarchical forrr? Exptain in detail about OSI layer. [3+s] {
2. ff you are assigned to design a LAI'{ for Pulchowk Campus having 5 departnents. Each
deparhent will have 100 computers locating in 5 rooms each equipped with 20
computers. Make your ourn justification while selecting connecting devices 'and
accessories 16*27
3. What do you mean by ISDN and what is it contribution in the field of 'data
. communication? Explain variorr.p . ty.pes . of multiple.xing. mectanism .used in
cornmunication. :
4. Describe what do you understand by switching along with various types of switching
meclqqqism Exptqiq the fq{1lolerancemecfr4r{sqr of FDDJ [4+4]
5. Why access control of channel is esse,ntial? Compare operating details of IEEE 802.4 and
IEEE 802.5. 12+61
6. Explain along with the packet format about the virtual circuit connection of X.25. [4+4]
7. Why routing is essential in computer networking? Compare working of distance vector
routing algorithm with link state routing algorithm 12+6)
8. Explain in detail about IP frame format. t8l
9. If you
' need (--1o assign IP addresses to all computers of question no. 2 making each network. What will be your approach? Explain with IP address ranges
are suggesung. tsI
10. protocol SMTP operate? Explain ttre procedures to make your network
secured. [3+s]
{.* {.

., : '
. .iNSTITUTE'OF ' ". Exam.
"i '-
. ENGINEERING Level BE FulI }Iarks 80
Examination Cbntrol Division 'Proframml' BCT
Pass Plark's 32
'' 2055 Bhad,ra. Year / Part ry./ I Time 3 hrs.

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicabie.

-: tfl";;#7:?;:T;*indioaeFauMqrtts., ,,, .r ,, l

,.-.r :'-. 1. a) ' .Why do comraunicatioo p*"or within tomputer r"n o;r.'irt;eea ind. ia1tEisi rtow ' - "' : '

.,.' ,.'. .' ',,the process of data incapbulation occurs in transmissionmode described:by seven ' .l ''
,,layelsofOSlmodel,CompareOSlmodel-withTcP/iPmodel.... . ..:. l2+2+4I ,

.:1 ._- : .-r"'ii.*.rtr-q
.-' -.....-

z. a) Wha! are the services provided by d.ata linli la-yeri Expiain *ytorr"
: 1-. j.-...".:i r.. .
methods oi =


. b) Calculate SNR and,maximum charrnel.capaci;y:of.a cat6 charurel having bandwidth

.'':i 3. a) ,D.escribe the 802.-r Ethernet'standarC for CSIvI.VCD and compare itrvith-802.4 r,oken
'r; ..:
bus techroiogy. Explain horv DSSS technique is applied in'*'ireless transmission. -[5+3]
'lti 'Differenliate betvreen circuit srvitching and.packet switching technoiogy..Explain the
. .operation horv srvitched virtual circuit in tiame netrvork is establ,:shed, .r"lay_
maintained and teardown. [2-6]
4 a) What is unicast and multicast routing? Describe the concept of optimality principle.
Describe how the routers in its lin-k state routing come into fully adacency state. [2-6]
b) l'\'hat are the factors that cause cgngestion rvithin W.AN? Propose 1'ou: best tratfic
shaping approach to m.anage congestioir in packet srvitched net*,ork. [2+6]
5. a) Give the reason rvh.v the current **orld is moving.lo.IPl addressing mechanisry.
. .. , pis_bripe the IPv6 address types rvitb its representaJion format. You are given the IPv4
addreps block 20j.71.53.0/26; assign'the trP subner fgf the follorying ner.'.,ork. : .'' - 12+?+6)'
.. '. -.. :...
. ' __-._:.
:Net Fr 29'Hosts

'Net 5 Hosts et E: 2 Hosts


NetC: LZ Hosts

b) Write short notes on (any nvo) i3+31

i) TCP Sliding Wintlou, Protocol
ii) Secrete Key ilgorithm: DES f
:::'. T\ f I
iii, ;aT\\r c:-^;:--
$ru^ r 9rErrcrr.rsi ^-J nr:vt
4llu ^ -,n!^
.i"j lcvtP }t'essage Types
,F t* 't
j:,.; . ' .

- '*o: ,I

.:j. - - '-.-_ .r j .-- .'

35 . TRIBTI{IVANUNWERSIfi . .. Exam. Back

Examihation Con-trol Division Programme BCT Pass Marlc 32

2055 Poush Year / Part .w/I Time 3 hrs.

Candidates are r.equired to.give ttreir answers in their own wcirds as fax as practicable-
,.{ Attempt All qudstiizns.,"
TheJigures in the margin indicate Futt MarN. ''..
./ 'Ailume g4idbte data ...."-
Define network and protocol for netruork. Expiain pr"i-to-p"", network process with
'r ": ..
' -:2. D'escribe guided and unguided mediaused in eomputer network with their advan:iges- tE]
-.:;,..:. .:j-
. .-....'..
,J. Explainthe.6pErationof!ureALoHA.sjlstem.HowcSMA/CDwottfui.,.-.
4. List the functions of Date Link Conftol Layer. Explain any two sliding window protocols
''r'5;":.Describe.tlie,,policies that helil'in preventing the congestions'within,the ,netlvork?
' i'. Differentiate between leaky bucket'and token bucket algorithm..with their operation and'.
, working of token bucket. ' [4+5] :

6. What do you virtual circuit slritching? Explain the X.25.virnral circuit
switching. : .f?+Kl
L- -j

7 . Expiain the seven la-vers of OSI model w-ith their example proroeols, t8l
8. Briefly describe" ICMP error and informational message types in IPv4 network
infrasiructure. t8l
9, How can lve maintain the security rvithin the communication netw'ork? Explain any ohe
cry,ptography algorithm with example. [2+6]
10, Write short notes on (any trvo): -
. '[3+3]
....i.).UDPaiiditsapp1icatioo,'.-,...,.. ,,..,.:
c) iPv4 Header Structure ' '





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