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Practical System Tips

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System Tips
Technical Reference Manual
Last Updated on October 14, 2015


These are my personal notes, which include published helpful hints, CAR responses, etc. so use
at your own risk. If you’re not sure about a command, don’t use it! You can download the
latest version of the Practical System Tips manual from the following Invensys website: After logging in, select the "Documents" menu at the top of
the page, then select "I/A Series", then "Practical System Tips". The latest version of the manual
will always be at this location. –Julie Monsour
For more information, contact:

Schneider-Electric Customer Support Services

Foxboro, MA 02035 USA

Telephone (USA, Canada): 1-866-PHON-IPS (1-866-746-6477)

Telephone (worldwide): 1-508-549-2424

Fax: 1-508-549-4999



The technical information provided in this booklet is proprietary and confidential information for use only by personnel of
Invensys Process Systems and authorized users of Invensys Process Systems' I/A Series systems. The information has been
compiled in this booklet for your convenience as an authorized user of I/A Series systems. You agree you will not copy or
otherwise provide the information herein in whole or in part to any third party such as any unauthorized user of I/A Series
systems, including competitors of Invensys. It is important to note the information contained herein may be modified or
superceded at any time by Invensys. Therefore, before using the information herein it must be checked for current accuracy
on the Invensys Customer Satisfaction Center technical website Thus, no warranty is made or
implied as to the accuracy of information disseminated through this medium, and you use the information at your own risk.
Access Levels – Using the setacl Command
See “setacl” Command.

add_periphs (50 series)

When a SCSI peripheral such as a tape drive or CDROM is attached to a 50 series station, you can either do a
boot –r at the PROM ok prompt or run add_periphs from normal user mode:

Starts graphical user interface for adding and administering user accounts and printer configuration.

AIM Historian – Dumping Message Data to a Text File

Problem Description

Customer would like a way to dump the contents of the AIM messages files (m*.fdb files) collected in the AIM
Historian database into a text file from a command line. While it is possible using one of the other AIM client
packages such as AIMInform or AIMDatalink, those packages are not currently installed or licensed.

You may use the apitst utility from the command window (shell). This is an undocumented/unsupported utility
which provides functions allowing a method of retrieving the message data and directing the output to a text file on
the local hard drive.

1) Open a DOS window and change to the D: partition and enter the shell (sh). Change directories to /opt/aim/bin
($cd /opt/aim/bin)

2) Launch the apitst utility

3) At the function menu, enter 700 for the AIM*Historian.

4) Next enter 11 at the function menu to access fh_FdbMsgQuery.

5) You will then be stepped through a series of prompts; during this you will notice the default value if applicable is
always displayed in brakets [ ]. To accept the default value, simply hit return to accept the value.

When prompted for Bulk output to file enter – y (otherwise the output will just be displayed in current window
When prompted for Historian – Enter your instance name
Output File – msg.txt is the default, you can simply hit return to take the default value as shown.
Start Time – enter time and date, when prompted to Accept, type y (lower case).
End Time - enter time and date or type "Now" to use the "current" time and date.
When prompted for filter [*], hit return to accept the default value.
When prompted Ok to add enter y

You will see the alarms scroll on the screen. Once completed you should be able to locate the msg.txt file in either
/opt/aim/bin or D:. If needed perform a search to locate on your local hard drive.

It is suggested to run some simple tests/queries first, to retrieve only the last few hours of data, prior
to attempting to retrieve a significant amount of message data. After the first time you run through the prompts
you will see the previous value entered retained in [brackets]; as stated previously just hit return if you want to use
that value again. These values will be retained as long as the apitst utiltiy is open; once it is closed the default
values will be returned.

After locating the msg.txt fle try opening the file in wordpad. The downside of this method is there is no way to
eliminate columns in the messages and there is no easy way to import the data into excel so it can easily be
sorted, etc.

AIM Historian – Error Message Received About Number of Entries

Periodically, we will receive a message that “hist01 has used 59093 of 60000 entries” for an example, and
this number grows by the hour. The problem is that we have reached the limit on the index file and it’s
time to archive. There are other archiving procedures than the one we use here but this is the method
that works best for us.

First we turn off the historian and AIMAPI then remove or copy to external drive the oldest r* files. At this
point, we need to rebuild the index so we run:

xrebuild hist01

This will rebuild the index for hist01 using only the r* files that we have not archived.

I have a customer that is collecting data fast and furiously (and I might add needlessly) so this
procedure is done every few months or so.

AIM Historian – Procedure to Increase the Size (5,000 points to 10,000

This procedure is to increase the size of the historian from 5000 points to 10,000 points.

The first thing to do is to turn off the historian and AIMAPI.

Edit /opt/aim/examples/maxima.inp and change MAXPTS = 10000 (instead of 5000) – the historian name in
maxima.inp is hist01 so if your historian has a different name you will need to replace all references of “hist01” in
that file to your historian name.

Run histbatch to batch in the maxima.inp file.

In Apiadmin, put in new authorization codes.

Edit the /opt/aim/bin/aimapi.cfg file to add/change the line maxobj=10000 (max is 30000).

When I used this procedure, I received errors loading the maxima.inp file but I kept trying and it finally took it. It’s
important to make sure that the historian and API are off.

AIM Historian – Procedure to Increase the Max Number of Alarms in Alarm

History (5,000 to 40,000)
Go to Config > Dispalmcfg > File > Open > or customer’s .am filename > Workstations > select the
AW > Workstation Properties > foxdefault > Edit > Misc tab > change “Maximum number of historical alarms” from
5,000 to 40,000 > Ok > File > Save > File > Validate Records > File > Create Install Files > Done > File >
Distribute Install Files > File > Exit.
After doing this procedure we had to dismiss the AM and open it back up to see the changes which took a long
time to view since there were so many messages. So be patient and wait for it to load.

AIM Historian – Procedure to Move from one AW to Another

This is the procedure used to move the AIM historian from one Windows XP AW to another.

Note: A commit will have to be run only if you are saving/historizing system monitor messages)

This example is moving the historian from AW0001 to AW0002.

On AW0001

Save the configuration from hist manager (I chose to save to /opt/aim/myfiles/ with the name of my historian and
the date (hist01_mydate) and these two files are created: hist01_mydate.inp and hist01_mydate_del.inp then
saved to the Lacie external drive.

Stop the historian and collector on AW0001. Backup the /opt/aim/inst/hist01 directory to the Lacie (just copy).
Backup /opt/aim/bin/an_init.tcp, aimapi.cfg, alias.cfg (if it exists).

Stop the historian and collector from histmgr. From control panel, stop the AIMAPI. From task manager, stop any
aim processes still running (fetchdog, ipchisti, apimgr, etc.).

You will need to remove the AIM historian from starting on this AW on boot. Go to /usr/fox/bin and edit the
fox_apps.dat file to remove the historian, in my case there was a line in fox_apps.dat that read “AIMHISTORIAN”
with an associated go_AIMHISTORIAN. Remove this line completely so that the historian doesn’t start up on boot
or you’ll have issues with the new historian on AW0002.
On AW0002

Install AIM on AW0002 v3.3.x. From Apiadmin, edit server connections and add alias, ipaddress of alias and
disable broadcast requests (added AW0002

Start Aimapi on AW0002 and record the hostid from histmgr (to get a new permanent license associated with this
AW) – also add temp license info in Apiadmin. From histmgr, select Tools > Batch Config > and batch in the
hist01_mydate_del.inp file that we saved earlier. Stop the historian from task manager and copy
/opt/aim/inst/hist01 from the Lacie (that we saved earlier).

Verify that an_init.tcp has same authorization and users. Start aimapi and historian. Make sure Aimapi is on.
From histmgr, make sure that the instance and collector are selected to restart on reboot.

I’m not sure that it’s necessary to run xrebuild and msgfix at this point because we’re doing a straight copy from
the historian that was running on the other AW, but I did it anyway. I ran “xrebuild hist01” and “msgfix hist01” to
have it rebuild the indexes for RTP’s and message files.

AIM Historian Starting and Stopping

The following method may be used to stop and restart the AIM* Historian processes.

cd /opt/aim/bin

start_server STOP


The above commands will stop the AIM processes and the API processes.

The histps command will list the remaining processes and identify their PID#s. On 51 stations, you do not want to
kill the windu processes if they are running.

kill -9 PID PID PID

(where PID is the number determined from the histps step above. As the example shows, you may list more than
one PID at a time.)


(Confirm that the processes are no longer running)



start_server FH

These 3 commands will change to the C Shell, start the API server, and start the historian processes. You can
now open the histmanager and turn the instance on.

AIM Historian problem with corrupt RTP file

This procedure is used when the RTP file is corrupt. First, use the procedure above for stopping the historian and
API services.

rtpcheck hist01

(Where hist01 is the name of your instance. This utility is used to check .fdb files, if it finds any corrupt files they
will be displayed on the screen as well as in a log file /opt/aim/inst/hist01/rtpcheck.log.)

rtpfix hist01 10

(Where hist01 is the name of your instance, r10 is the name of the file marked as corrupt {r10.fdb}. Run this on
each file flagged as corrupt. If the file cannot be repaired you will want to delete the corrupt files from the
/opt/aim/inst/hist01 directory).
xrebuild hist01

(This will rebuild the cross-reference file for the instance. Select yes when prompted to commit changes. If you
have errors or results that you are unsure of, you should consult the Schneider-Electric Customer Satisfaction
Center prior to committing the updated cross reference file.)

The next step is to restart the processes. Use the method above for starting the AIM historian and API processes.
AIM Historian Troubleshooting Tools
Below are some troubleshooting tools for AIM Historian.

The server initialization file, an_init.tcp, is located in /opt/aim/bin.

The client initialization file, an_init.tcp, is located in \Winnt, or <INSTDIR>/common

Alarm History Issue – Not purging old messages and not showing complete
list of alarms
In this case, the alarm history shows that we have 40,000 messages but only displays a few thousand. The Alarm
Manager should purge the old messages and continually update with the newest ones so you should see the “last”
40,000 messages. Installing QF1105171B solved the problem. Shutdown the AW to install this QF so that the
apiserv32.dll file is not in use to get overwritten. After installing this QF, check the properties of all files named
apiserv32.dll (there are multiple in various directories) to see which has v3.3.x. and which have v3.2.x. This quick
fix probably updated the file located in c:\program files\aim\common\apiserv32.dll. In this case, you would replace
all of the files named apiserv32.dll whose properties show v3.2.x with the updated one whose properties are

Alarm Manager Install Files

In the installation notes for v4.3 and v6.1, a file transfer utility is available which facilitates the transfer of files from
one station to another. See “Display Engineering for 50 Series Workstations” for instructions. The
/usr/fox/alarms/commgrp.cfg and the /usr/fox/alarms/horn.cfg may be the same on each 50 series workstation.
The “install file” will contain at most one AM property scheme, at least one user interface scheme, and at least one
alarm format scheme. They reside in /usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg. Under /usr/fox/customer/config, a directory is
created based upon the name of the database filename, e.g., causes myname.dir to get created. For
each letterbug referenced in the database, an additional subdirectory is created. (The default letterbug is


I created an instance in the Display Alarm Configurator and I saved it as “” and I created alarm
managers and display managers for three stations called AW5101, WP5101 and WP5102. Looking in the
/usr/fox/customer/config directory, I will see the file: and a directory called mycompany.dir. If I
change directories to mycompany.dir, I will see the file “dmcfg” and the directories “AW5101”, “WP5101”, and
“WP5102”. Newer versions have the ability to transfer files from within the DispAlmCfg program. The following is
how I would transfer my files manually on the AW5101 which I am currently using:

From a VT100 or command tool window:

cd /usr/fox/customer/config/mycompany.dir

cp dmcfg /usr/fox/customer/hi

cd AW5101

cp *.cfg /usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg

To copy to the WP5101, (if remote mounted as /rem/WP5101)

cd /usr/fox/customer/config

cp –r mycompany.dir /rem/WP5101/usr/fox/customer/config

cd /usr/fox/customer/config/mycompany.dir

cp dmcfg /rem/WP5101/usr/fox/customer/hi

You can also use the scripts below to copy these remotely. If you do not have an alarm manager configured, there
will be no “yourAMname.cfg” file. Use the rmount command to remotely mount and copy files to the appropriate
remote workstation directories.

The following is a script to copy the modified/new configuration files that are located in
/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg to all AW/WP’s in the .rhosts file. This script is named copyc and is located in
/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg and is to be run from there. The second script is called copyd and will copy the dmcfg
file to all AW’s/WP’s in the .rhosts file. It is located in /usr/fox/customer/hi and is to be executed from there.
Script 1 – “copyc”

for x in `cat /.rhosts`


echo rcp $x/*.cfg $x:/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg

rcp $x/*.cfg $x:/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg


Script 2 – “copyd”

for x in `cat /.rhosts`


echo rcp dmcfg $x:/usr/fox/customer/hi

rcp dmcfg $x:/usr/fox/customer/hi

Alarm Manager – Problem with AM Display Getting Stuck on the Screen
An AM display may get “stuck” on the screen, Cursor can move but nothing can be picked. If you can get into a
vt100 session from remote station, enter the following:
pref –AW0000 amcmd “quitam on; exit”

(where AW0000 is the Alarm Manager name) The DM will now be free.

Alarm Manager – Quitting Alarm Managers that are “not quittable”

From VT100:
pref –AM0000 amcmd “quitam on; exit”

(where AM0000 is your Alarm Manager name) To restart the Alarm Manager, simply go to the Display Manager
and click on the “Alarms” button on the menu bar.

Alarms – Common Alarm Group (CAG)

To append workstation letterbugs to the common alarm group, you must invoke:

This will append the WP names to /usr/fox/alarms/commgrp.cfg.

Alarm Server Task – ast Problem

The ast seems to stop working sometimes when the time changes, if this happens, the following procedure will
stop the Alarm Server Task which will cause it to automatically respawn.
ps –eaf | grep ast

kill –9 PID

alias - Creating a Pseudonym for a Command

alias [name] [cmd]

(If cmd is not specified, print the alias for name; if name also is not specified, print all aliases. Also, the alias will be
gone when you exit the shell, therefore you must put it in the .profile, .cshrc, etc.) To display the current list of

unalias name

(Remove name from the alias list)

Example (assigning “ls –l” to have the alias “l”:

alias l “ls –l”

Example (use the following in /.cshrc to change your prompt to read the station letterbug and the current directory)
alias cd ‘cd \!*;set prompt=”`hostname`:`echo $cwd`# “’

Then, the next time you type in “cd /usr/fox” you will obtain:


Annunciator Configurator
The annunciator Configurator generates the following configuration files for 50 series:

/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg/<WPLNAM>.acr (main config. file)




<WPLNAM> = WP Logical Name NOT the WP Letterbug

The .acr file is the main configuration file from which the AApan and AAtab files are built. In earlier versions of
software, you would need to manually move the files above to /usr/fox/alarms (all except .acr).

Annunciator Keyboard – Troubleshooting Annunciator Keyboard

Installation Problems
NOTE: If using FoxView, the Numeric Keypad of an annunciator keyboard will not work if you have enabled the
option "Windows Off" on the workstation. This problem is fixed on FoxView 8.0

If properly configured, System Definition must show the following items attached to the host station (Ex:3AWE01):
P000nn GCDEV (Graphics Controller, 3AWE01, Serial Port 1) - P000nn M KB (Modular Keyboard, 3AWE01,
Primary GCIO Bus)

Be sure you have selected MKYBD (Modular keyboard) on SysDef, and not AKYBD (Alphanumeric keyboard).
You can have up to 4 Modular keyboards for the same station. The first 2 has to be SysDef's "M KB Modular
keyboard", while 3rd and 4th should be "MH KB Modular keyboard". The last 2 keyboards are to be connected to
the 2nd GCIO. Once you pass the Committal diskette the host station will have a new/modified file:
/usr/fox/sp/wp_dta. This file has the information for ALL peripheral devices on ALL WP/AWs like: touchscreen,
modular keyboards, alphanumeric keyboards. This file is common to ALL stations. It has one line for every
WP/AW on the system. Since this file contains binary entries, it cannot be modified with a text editor. Use bpatch
(/usr/foxbin/bpatch) to inspect this file. See example below. Example (from TAC Lab, station 3AWE01):
/usr/foxbin/bpatch /usr/fox/sp/wp_dta

FILE: wp_dta (224) - ASCII

PAGE: 0 (0 - 0)

x0: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xa xb xc xd xe xf 12 0123456789abcdef

00: 47 32 42 4f 4f 54 0 0 1 32 0 0 0 30 32 1 G2BOOT...2...02.

01: 47 33 42 4f 4f 54 0 0 1 32 0 0 0 30 32 1 G3BOOT...2...02.

02: 47 34 42 4f 4f 54 0 0 1 32 0 0 0 30 32 1 G4BOOT...2...02.

03: 33 41 57 42 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3AWB01..........
04: 33 41 57 43 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3AWC01..........

05: 33 41 57 45 30 31 0 0 1 50 31 0 0 0 0 0 <-

06: 34 57 50 32 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4WP201..........

07: 34 57 50 33 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4WP301..........

08: 32 57 50 32 30 31 0 0 1 50 31 0 31 30 32 1 2WP201...P1.102.

09: 32 57 50 33 30 31 0 0 1 50 31 0 31 30 32 1 2WP301...P1.102.

0a: 32 41 57 42 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2AWB01..........

0b: 33 41 57 42 49 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3AWBI1..........

0c: 33 41 57 44 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3AWD01..........

0d: 33 57 50 35 30 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3WP501..........

... you might need to press RETURN to see the next page...

4) Verify if fields on wp_dta are correct. See table below.

bytes 0-6 WP letterbug plus null terminator (Example: 3AWE01)

byte 7 Secondary GCIO/Touchscreen Letterbug ( 50 series only)

00 (Hex) no secondary GCIO and no touchscreen

S (Ascii) secondary GCIO and no touchscreen

6 (Ascii) secondary GCIO and touchscreen

byte 8 WPIO Primary Station ID

01 (Hex) no multiscreen

02-7F (Hex) multiscreen present, value assigned by SysConfig/SysDef

byte 9 Primary GCIO/Touchscreen Letterbug

00 (Hex) if WP20/WP30: no touchscreen if 50 series: no primary GCIO, no touchscreen

===> P (Ascii) primary GCIO and no touchscreen (50 series only) <==

2 (Ascii) if WP20/WP30 letterbug of touchscreen if 50 series primary gcio with touchscreen

C-Z (Ascii) WP20/WP30 only touchscreen configured w/multiscreen

byte 10 Modular Keyboard #1 Letterbug

00 (Hex) no modular keyboard

===> 1 (Ascii) modular keyboard configured, no multiscreen <==

C-Z (Ascii) WP/WP30 only.. modular configured, w/multiscreen

byte 11 Modular Keyboard #2 Letterbug

00 (Hex) no second modular keyboard

3 (Ascii) second modular keyboard configured

C-Z (Ascii) WP20/WP30 only. Second kbd configured w/multiscreen

byte 12 Numeric Keypad Letterbug

00 (Hex) no numeric keypad

1 (Ascii) numeric keypad located on keyboard #1

3 (Ascii) numeric keypad located on keyboard #2

byte 13 Alphanumeric/Third Modular Keyboard Letterbug

00 (Hex) no third modular keyboard

0 (Ascii) alpha keyboard, no multiscreen

4 (Ascii) third modular kbd lbug, ( 50 series only)

byte 14 Mouse/Trackball or Fourth Modular Keyboard Letterbug

00 (Hex) no mouse, trackball or fourth modular kbd

2 (Ascii) WP20/30 only, mouse or trackball configured

5 (Ascii) fourth modular kbd lbug (50 series only)

B (Ascii) WP20/30 only, mouse/trackball w/ multiscreen

byte 15 Multiscreen Initial Owner of Device

00 (Hex) not initial owner of multiscreen devices.

Always 00 for 50 series.

01 (Ascii) WP20/30 station is initial owner of multiscreen devices…

5) Another file that comes from the Committal diskette, only on 70 Series, is: /usr/fox/sp/gcioport This file lists the
stations that have GCIOs attached and to which port. Typical gcioport contents:

AW7001 COM2

AW7002 COM3

AW5001 ttyb

6) SysMgmt will show both GCIO and MKYBD only if they were properly CONFIGURED, and they will appear
WHITE only if their letterbugs match the ones on wp_dta.

7) Be sure DIP switches on GCIO and kybds are configured for the right letterbug:

P = 0/1 0011111 (First switch is for Horn volume, the rest are for letterbug)

1 = 0/1 0010000 (First switch is for Horn volume, the rest are for letterbug)

2 = 0/1 0001000 (First switch is for Horn volume, the rest are for letterbug)

8) If a serial printer WAS configured on this station and later removed, you have to MANUALLY remove the file:
/usr/local/local_printer. This file would prevent the 'sxlinkd' process from running during station boot.

9) Verify if process "sxlinkd" (the one that talks to the GCIO/Kybd) is running:
ps -ef | grep sxlinkd

If it is NOT running, most probably is because the file "local_printer" was found.
10) Be sure the configuration files in /usr/fox/alarms: AApan and AAtab, are preceded by the "WP LOGICAL
NAME" and not the WP/AW Letterbug!. WP LN can be found in column 6 of the result of:
grep AWLBUG /usr/fox/sp/IIF.prm | grep MSGLN

11) Since 1993 (v3.2) an undocumented development tool: gcio_test , can be used to test the hardware. (Caution
with its use. See CAR4973) This tool is for AW/WP/50/51 only and is located in: /usr/fox/sp/files/gcio_test With
gcio_test you can test/reset Touchscreen, EEPROM, LEDs, GCIO, etc. This tool supports the following options:

"S" - GCIO Socket Status

"R" - Get GCIO ROM Info

"U" - Set GCIO Unit (Ux=ID #(hex))

"C?" - Get 2nd CRT Location

"C" - Set 2nd CRT Location (CL|CR|CT|CB)

"GR" - GCIO Reset (GRx)

"E" - Bad EEPROM Burn (Ex)

"B" - Unit EEPROM Burn (Bx)

"BI" - Burn & Ignore Errors (BIx)

"F" - LED Flash (Fx=led #(hex))

"l" - LED On (lx=led #(hex))

"L" - LED Off (Lx=led #(hex))

"Z" - LED Test (Zx)

"h" - Horn On (hx=frequency)

"H" - Horn Off (Hx=frequency)

"TR" - Touchscreen Reset (TRx)

"TC" - Touchscreen Calibrate (TCx)

"TF" - Touchscreen Config (TFx=mindelta)

"TS" - Touchscreen Scale (TSx=scale)

Where "x" is the unit # (0-7)

"Esc" or "Q" - Exit Program

If configuration is not correct, gcio_test will show continuously something like: (use CTL-C to stop) ioctl GET_UNIT
error, len = 255 (should be 8) *** ..(continuously)

The following devices are used by gcio_test. They exist only on AW/WP/50/51s.
ls -l /dev/gc*

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 132, 2 Jun 30 21:06 /dev/gcio

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 132, 3 Jun 30 21:06 /dev/gcio1

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 132, 4 Jun 30 21:06 /dev/gcio_ecb

12) Use Annunciator debugging tool (LK HH):

Turn debugger on:

pref -WPLBUG dmcmd "annun -1 -1 -1"

Get LED assignments:

pref -WPLBUG aacmd "dump lite_assign"

Check output file: /usr/fox/alarms/WPLBUGAAtab.asg

It shows: Compound-Block-Alarms-Pan-Key-AlmStatus

Get LED current status:

pref -WPLBUG aacmd "dump lite_state"

Check output file: /usr/fox/alarms/WPLBUGAAtab.cnt

It shows: Panel-Key-Count-Num-State

Turn Panel 2, LED 1 on (3=on, 4=off, 5=flashing):

pref -WPLBUG dmcmd "annun 2 1 3"

Turn debugger OFF (Important!):

pref -WPLBUG dmcmd "annun -2 -2 -2"

13) Verify EEPROM settings. If "ttyb-ignore-cd" is False, the station will not talk to the serial port.
eeprom | grep ttyb




If it is "false", change it to "true" at the ok prompt:

setenv ttyb-ignore-cd true

14) If still doesn't work, check if you are using the right cable:

P0904AK 50 Series GCIO Interface w/o TS

P0904AL 50 Series GCIO Interface w/TS

P0904AH WP20/30 Series GCIO wo/TS w/Tabletop

P0904AJ WP20/30 Series GCIO w/TS W/Tabletop

P0904BP WP20/30 Series GCIO w/TS

P0904BQ WP20/30 Series GCIO w/o TS

P0922AD WP20/30 GCIO w/TS For Sony 5402 (MIW Top)

P0922AF WP20/30 GCIO w/TS w/Tabletop For Sony 5402 (EC96)

P0922AE MIW GCIO w/TS For Sony 5402 (EC96)

P0922AG 50/70 Series GCIO w/TS For Sony 5402 (EC96)

GCIO --------------------------------------------------- WP50/AW50

P0970VB/BW/HS [3/15/30m,10/50/100ft]
GCIO ------------------- ---------- B------------------ WP51A/AW51A

P0970XM/XN/XP P0912GU P0970XG (standalone)

nullmodem split_cable or DNBX


GCIO ------------------- ---------- B------------------ WP51A/AW51A (DNBI)


nullmodem split_cable


GCIO --------------------------------------------------- WP51B/AW51B


GCIO ------------------- ---------- B------------------ AW51C/AW51B1

P0971PA/PB/PC P0912GU P0912GX WP51B1

nullmodem split_cable


GCIO --------------------------------------------------- WP51D/AW51D


GCIO --------------------------------------------------- WP51E/AW51E


Troubleshooting with gcio_test

cd /usr/fox/sp/files



* *

* GCIO Test Tool *

* *


<<< Opening GCIO Device Channel "/dev/gcio" >>>

Unit #0 ("Primary GCIO "): Station #77

Unit #1 ("Secondary GCIO "): Station #E5

Unit #2 ("Annunciator Panel #1"): Station #EF

Unit #3 ("Annunciator Panel #2"): Station #FB

The following key commands are supported:

Where "x" is the unit # (0-7)

"Esc" or "Q" - Exit Program

Annunciator Keyboard – Annunciator Will Not Work While Direct Connect

Printer is Configured
If your direct connect printer was configured for the serial port instead of the parallel port, the annunciator panel
will not work. Also, if you had a serial printer connected to the station and removed it to add an annunciator panel,
you will need to do the following. A file is created in /usr/local called “localprinters.” This file must be removed in
order for the annunciator panel to function. This file is created when a printer is configured for the serial port. If you
have a direct connect printer connected to the parallel port, this file need not exist and if you want to use an
annunciator on the serial port of the station, this file MUST not exist. The direct connect printer should be
configured to Port 2 on 50 series stations.

Annunciator Panel – WPLBUGAApan or WPLBUGAAtab Modification

Instead of rebooting the station after updating the WPLBUGAApan or WPLBUGAAtab file, you can just kill the
aa_wp50 process and it will automatically restart. Also, the following pref command will reset using the new
updated pan and tab files:

pref –WP5101 ascmd "Loadalmpnl /usr/fox/alarms/WPWP01AApan"

then kill the “ast” process so that it will respawn.

apitst - How to use apitst
Data for a point (compound:block.parameter) in the AIM*API can be explored and manipulated using the AIM*API
test utility, which is called apitst. This is a testing tool that was created by Development, and it is not officially
supported software. It is very helpful to troubleshoot AIM*API issues. To use apitst, follow these steps on a
Windows workstation:

1.. It is best for the user to be on the local console of the AIM*API Server AW (where AIM*API is running).

2.. Start > Run > cmd

3.. d:

4.. ncenv

5.. sh

6.. cd /opt/aim/bin

7.. apitst

8.. 300

9.. 30

10.. Type in a Compound, Block and Parameter that you want to investigate

11.. If step 9 returns an index number, then the C:B.P exists in the AIM*API list. If that is the case, then do a
32 to read the value from the AIM*API list.

12.. If step 9 does not return an index number (it returns a -1), then you can try manually adding it via a 10 and
then adding the Compound, Block and Parameter manually to attempt to open a new index point. Then you can
try starting back at step 8.

If the AIM*API cannot open a new index number in step 11 above, then confirm that there are no typos in the
Compound, Block and Parameter by trying to read the value straight from the Object Manager (OM) with an
omget. Here are the steps to do an omget:

1.. Start > Run > cmd

2.. d:

3.. ncenv

4.. sh

5.. cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

6.. omget COMPOUND:BLOCK.PARAMETER (where COMPOUND:BLOCK.PARAMETER is a valid tag in the


7.. Did this return a value? If not, then even the Object Manager (OM) is unaware of this tag, and it does not
exist in a CP.

8.. If the omget did return a value, and the AIM*API cannot add a new index number via step 11 in the section
above, then you may need to either refresh the restore_index.dat file or increase the maxobj, or do both. For the
steps to do either or both of these suggestions, reference the section titled: Here are the steps to create a
refreshed restore_index.dat file, and also how to increase the maximum objects (maxobj) setting if applicable in
AP/AW 50 Series Stations Replacement - Changing MAC Addresses
Instead of Downloading FBMS or Rebooting CPs
All hosted CP’s need to be rebooted before their FBM’s will download after a host change, unless the following
procedure is used to change the MAC addresses of CPs after replacing the AW/AP. This procedure does not work
with the CP30B, CP40B and CP60B.

Change to the /opt/fox/bin/tools/directory and for each CP, get the PSAP address of the CP by typing the
cp_utl -gm -oh -p<lbug>_STA:STATION.APPSAP

the result is a 26 byte PSAP address:

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

Record this number as it will be needed later in the procedure.

Get the MAC address of the AW by typing the following:


Each AW’s MAC address will be printed at runtime. Record each AW’s MAC address. Note that this utility will
produce two reports: ckmacadr.ok and ckmacadr.err and the AW MAC addresses should also be in one of these
two files.

Set each control stations’ PSAP address using the following command:
cp_utl -sm -oh -p<lbug>_STA:STATION.APPSAP xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx yy yy yy yy
yy yy xx xx xx xx xx xx xx (continuation of line above)

The only thing that changes in the line above are the spaces where the yy’s are. Where yy yy yy yy yy yy
represents the new CP MAC address which must match the host AW MAC address that was retrieved in step 3.
The remaining part of the PSAP address (the xx’s) is to be entered the same as it was recorded in step 1.

Verify the MAC addresses of all CPs and Aws are matched by typing:

Verify that the ckmacadr.ok file contains all Aws and hosted CPs.

Vxmon is used on AP20’s to continuously report information about the usage of kernel tables, the usage of core,
swap space and Vxmon reports information about in-core running processes.


PID The process ID PPID The parent process ID

PY The priority SZ size of swappable image in kb

TD top of data space in kb ST stack size in kb

OF number of opened files FT number of file table entries

IT number of inode table entries LT number of lock table entries

Time total amount of system and user time used by the process in minutes:seconds.

Delta number of clock ticks (1/60 second) used in between two vxmon samples.
apropos command
Search database for Unix man pages. The apropos command may be used only after the catman command has
been run.

apropos <name>

apropos network

(will return information related to networking)

apropos editor

(will return information on the various editors in the system)

Archiving Historian - “Backup your historian archive” Message

File /etc/wparlns defines all WPs, AWs, and PWs in the system. The above message is output when archiving
finishes. Use “vi” to edit /etc/wparlns, delete any WPs, Aws, or PWs for which you do not want the “Archive
Backup Required” message to appear. If you prefer this message to go to the System Monitor error report printers,
use “vi” to edit the file /etc/histpath and set ARCPRT=yes. The default value is no.

Archive to Tape (Legacy Historian) Problem – Tape Drive Suddenly Not

Although archiving the legacy historian to tape has worked in the past, a file gets edited that makes the tape
device unrecognizable to complete the backup. If you’ve previously been able to archive to tape, check the
following parameters of the file: /opt/fox/historian/bin/histadev.




When this problem occurred, the parameters were set as follows:




The parameters were changed to the following and the archive worked properly:




The size of your tape drive and the device driver will determine parameters to use in this file.

at Command
at [-csm] [-f script] [-q queue] time [date] [+ increment]

at now + 1 day

at 0233 now

at 0815am Jan 24

at 5 pm Friday

-c C Shell is used to execute script

-s Standard Bourne shell is used to execute

-m sends mail to user after job has been completed

-f script reads commands to be executed from named script file

-q queue submit jobs in a queue other than default queue a.

-l job reports all jobs scheduled for the user or a specified job

-r job removes specified jobs

ATS Information - (Address Translation Station)

ATS Image – OS1A70

ats_db.cfg – file contains list of stations with ATS station type 0x602

ats_lst.cfg – Used by SMDH

STA<LBUG>.BIN – Used only when ATS Boots from host (contains MAC, IP Addresses, and Node Cfg. Info.)

The ATS is the Default NFD Initiator for the Node and only accepts Change Master requests from

Mesh stations.
There is no NFD for the mesh only the Nodebus side.

The “rnfd” (remote nfd) tool causes an ATS to generate an nfd_log on the host.

You can view the nfd log from the ATS (see “rnfd”).

An ATS counts against the 64 station limit per node.

Each Node can have only one ATS pair.

Only one node can have both a LI and ATS.

Only One Mesh Cloud per system.

ATS / Time Configuration (MESH: Class C)

If you are having problems with time issues after adding MESH stations including the ATS to an existing legacy
system, check the following:

Make sure that the ATS is in LI Mode (The ATS is configured to be in LI mode by System Definition configuration.
See the section in these notes entitled SYSTEM DEFINITION CLASS C INSTRUCTIONS.)

Check that the file /usr/fox/sp/system_time.cfg contains “UTC”.

Make sure that the Microsoft Patch for DST has been installed (2007010ABI advisory) on all stations. There is a
different patch for the P91 Server 2003 stations and the P92’s.

Make sure that the time is set to your local time (mine is GST-Central Time) and check the box to automatically
adjust for DST.

In System Management, select the DST pick from the top menu and set to “Auto”. (If the DST pick is not
selectable in System Management, the AW/WP is not configured as a System Monitor

Notification WP not to be confused with System Monitor WP. You must have at least one MESH station configured
as a System Monitor Notification WP).


Use the pattern-matching “program” to modify the specified files. Awk is a very powerful tool, this is just a small
portion of the uses of the “awk” command, which may be helpful.

awk [-f program file] [-Fc] [‘prog’] [parameters] [filename…]

-f programfile awk uses the set of commands it reads from program file

-F c separate fields with character c.

Example Usage:

To print only the second column of file1 to the screen, type:

awk –F/ ‘{print $2}’ file1

To print every line in file1 except the lines that have “dev” in column 2 to a file named file2, type:
awk –F/ ‘$2!~ /dev/ {print $0}’ file1 > file2

To print every line that has "/etc" in column 1 of file1, type:

awk '$1 ~/^\/etc/ {print $0}' file1
To print every line that does not have "/etc" in column 1 of file1, type:
awk '$1! ~/^\/etc/ {print $0}' file1

Background - Running files in

nohup tar cvf /dev/fh0 /usr/sp/files &

nohup cat /usr/fox/hstorian/julie/fname.ace > /dev/LP01 &

backspace function
To be able to backspace with the backspace key without having to hit the “Del” key: In your VT100 session, type:
stty erase ^H

(this is Ctrl+H) - It’s probably more convenient to put in the .profile or .cshrc file.

Backup AP - Configuring WP’s for AP Switching on 20 series stations






Select backup file server then you must reboot the WP! There is a HH on problem with 20 series not seeing 50
series AP’s when selecting backup.
Backup-to-tape Utility
See “Upgrade Utilities”.

backup and restore Procedure

Customer Advisory 2005067abi suggests following the recommended procedures below due to unreliability of tape
backups due to I/A processes not shutting down completely. Please use the “Phase 1” instructions before “Phase
2” below.

***Phase 1

Background Explanation - The documented backup procedure instructs the user to bring the I/A station (51
AW/WP or AP) into the "single user" mode from the normal or "multi-user" mode before the backup procedure is
initiated. This can be done by either clicking on the SHUTDOWN "pull-down" selection (SoftMnt - Shutdown_AW -
SHUTDOWN) for AWs/WPs, or by initiating the shutdown sequence from a "VT- 100" session screen (shutdown -
y -g0 -is). Because this "state change" method does not consistently stop all processes and close all system files
as intended, the "backup" process is not performed with the box in a true "quiescent" state. Making the backup
with a system not in a true 'quiescent' state, can cause the station to: 1) not work properly during this process in a
way that might affect other stations on the network 2) unable to revert to a normal operational state if restoring
from this tape Recommended Action and resolution The proper method to perform the backup is:
*For 51 Series:
Shutdown the station by clicking on the following picks:

"SftMnt - Shutdown_AW - SHUTDOWN". If on an AP, skip this step, of course. This is will bring the station to the
"pseudo" single-user mode. After login, at the prompt type:
init 0

This will sync/close all files and kill all processes. If the previous step fails to bring it to the "ok" PROM prompt,

Once the "ok" PROM prompt is displayed, type:

boot -s

Follow instructions to run the "backup" script. Following this procedure will insure that only those processes
necessary to operate in single user mode are running and the portion of the file system necessary for single user
are mounted. The tape backup will be completed reliably and with no effects on the Node.

If using the backup and restore diskette, follow the instructions included to use that particular backup or restore
cd /usr/local


backup <remote station>

Input the station type to be backed up, (AP, AW, or WP). The system prompts the user with the following
message: Do you have optional RAID data Partition:[y or n], If there is a RAID data partition, respond yes, if not
respond no. (If you have RAID1 answer no, if you have RAID5 with a data partition, answer yes).

Specify the file system or partition to be dumped to tape. (Press <CR> to dump all partitions).

The restore utility is supplied on the Day 0 CDROM.

Boot on the CDROM

boot cdrom

to login, type:

This brings you to the /cdrom directory, to start the restore type:

Enter the station type: (AW, AP, WP) The system prompts the user with the following message:

Were these dumptapes made using the dmp0_8MM utility?[y or n] If they were enter y, if not, n. If this station has
a RAID optional file system to be backed up, the following prompt appears: Were these dump tapes created from
a RAID drive configuration (having a RAID data partition)? [y or n]: If using a RAID1 answer no, if using a RAID5
answer yes. If you answered yes, follow the next instructions for restoring RAID partitions.

Reboot the processor into single user mode. Restore the RAID data partition by running the restore_raid utility.
When the restore is complete, the following message appears:
Type reboot to return to multi-user mode

Backups - 50/51 Series To Streaming Tape using dmp0 and dmp9 scripts
/etc/dumpdates gives last date when drive was backed up.

0=all files



/usr/local/dmp0_150MB AP/AW50 level 0 to 1/4” tape

/usr/local/dmp9_150MB AP/AW50 level 9 to 1/4” tape

/usr/local/dmp0_8MM AP/AW50 level 0 to 8MM tape

/usr/local/dmp9_8MM AP/AW50 level 9 to 8MM tape

/usr/local/wpdmp0_150MB WP50 level 0 to 1/4” tape

/usr/local/wpdmp9_150MB WP50 level 9 to 1/4” tape

/usr/local/wpdmp0_8MM WP50 level 0 to 8MM tape

/usr/local/wpdmp9_8MM WP50 level 9 to 8MM tape

/usr/local/dmp0_8MM AP/AW51 level 0 to 4MM tape

/usr/local/dmp9_8MM AP/AW51 level 9 to 4MM tape

/usr/local/wpdmp0_8MM WP51 level 0 to 4MM tape

/usr/local/wpdmp9_8MM WP51 level 9 to 4MM tape

/usr/local/backup see “backup and restore new (v6.2)”

Can do a remote dump to another tape drive on same network but can’t restore from remote tape, must be local
because it boots locally and doesn’t know to look for remote stations yet. 50 and 51 stations level 0:

Tape 1 File systems /, /var, /usr, and /opt

Tape 2 Informix raw partition

Tape 3 Main Mirrored Disk raw partition

Tape 4 Backup Mirrored Disk raw partition

50 series WP’s will have only 1 tape.

If backing up using the new /usr/local/backup routine, please see instructions at “backup and restore”.

Backups - Level 0 (Complete) Backup

Shutdown to single user mode and run a file system check.

(This script located in /usr/local but should be in the path) When script prompts for partition name press enter for
all partitions. You must wait until the tape has finished rewinding (blinking light stops) to press return after inserting
the tape. If you don’t you’ll have some really good problems.

Backups - Level 9 (Incremental) Backup

Shutdown to single user mode and run a file system check.


(This script located in /usr/local but should be in the path) When script prompts for partition name press enter for
all partitions. To return to multi-user mode type exit.

Backup Using A Remote 50 Series Tape Drive

When performing a remote tape backup from one 51 station to another, it is important to be in single user mode to
preclude the possibility of the file system being changed during the procedure. You should halt the machine and
reboot into single user mode with “boot –s”. However, in single user mode, all I/A Series communications have
been halted by the shutdown procedure. For this reason, it is necessary to manually start the I/A Series software
which allows communications. This is done as follows:

mount –F vfox /foxboro /dev/foxboro

trap “” 16

trap “” 17

/usr/fox/exten/mac_daemon /dev/le 0 1 > /dev/null &

Verify that the name of the AP/AW from which the dump is to be performed is listed in the /.rhosts file of the
AP/AW with the remote tape drive by typing:
rsh <remote_host> cat /etc/motd

If permission to cat the file is denied, the AP/AW with information to be dumped is not listed in the remote AP/AW
/.rhosts file. You must then edit the /.rhosts file on the remote AP/AW to include the letterbug. Shutdown the
AP/AW station to be backed up to single user mode.

Make sure the station being backed up is shutdown, the tape host can stay in normal multi-user mode. Use the
script commands for backup with this syntax example:
/usr/local/dmp0_150MB <remote_host>

(level 0 dump to 150MB tape)

Return to multi-user mode by typing exit.

Backups - Checking Save-All Diskettes Integrity

To check the integrity of your save-alls:
mount the floppy to /f0 then

lc /dev/f0 (AP20)

ls /dev/fd0 (50 series)

or select “Show Diskette Directory” in the ICC.

Backups – Using the dd command with bs and count

bs-80b means copy data in chunks of 80 blocks at a time.

bs-80 means copy data in chunks of 80 bytes at a time.

Using bs and count with the dd command: bs defaults to 1024 bytes/block on AP20, AW50 and AW51A; 512 on
PW; and 2084 on 51B and 51C.

Example: Bs=80b will copy 80 bytes at a time.

Count gives the number of times to get a given number of blocks.

Example: bs=512b count=2880 means to get 512 bytes/block for 2,880 times which gets a total of 1,474,560
bytes. You’ll be getting 2880 blocks of data. A 5 ¼” floppy on PW has 2400 blocks at 512 bytes/block. A 5 ¼”
floppy on AP20 has 1200 blocks at 1024 bytes/block. To get the count to use bs=80. Divide 80 into 2400 or 1200
depending on which you’re using. Example: Using dd on 5 ¼” floppy on PW with bs=80b, the count would be
count=15360. If you use a larger count than is necessary, it will stop at the end. If there’s a bad spot on the disk, it
will be flagged as an error. If you use the dd command with no bs or count, it will do a bit copy of the entire disk
using the defaults.

Backups AP20 - Copying From Primary Hard Drive

(rshd3.all) To Extra Hard Drive (rshd4.all) On Line. This extra hard drive is an exact mirror image of the primary to
be used when the primary fails. It can be swapped out with the primary.
dd if=/dev/rshd3.all of=/dev/rshd4.all

The above command will copy the entire drive from the system disk to the backup (rshd4). You can also check to
see exactly how many blocks are on rshd3.
dd if=/dev/rshd3.all of=/dev/null

The number of blocks returned should be the same as when the “dd” was performed.

To backup an entire system drive to 5gb tape using “dd”: Shutdown the AW/AP.
dd if=/dev/sd0c of=/dev/rst9 bs=96b

(sd0c is primary drive, sd2c is secondary drive) To restore, swap “if” and “of”. (if=input file, of=output file)

Backups - Recommended Directories To Back Up

These directories are specifically 20 series. These files will be contained in different directories on the 50 series
stations. (i.e., /usr/fox/sp/files/*CPNAME* will be located in /opt/fox/sp/files on the 50 series). You should consult
your Installation/User’s Guide also for recommended files to backup.

A very good way to back up your files is using the Upgrade Utilities. See “Upgrade Utilities” in this manual.

AIS files to backup in /opt/fox/ais/bin: an_init.tcp, an_init.dec

Report Writer files in /opt/fox/rptwrt: ./rpt_c fg/*.cfg; ./sched/*

Control Libraries in /usr/fox/ciocfg: sequenlibrary; plblibrary; sequeninclude

Foxwatch files: /opt/rem; /opt/fox/bin/remote

Display Related Files: /usr/disp; /usr/dispgrp/usr/displib; usr/fox/wp/fonts/usr_mkr*.bdf; /usr/fox/customer/hi/dmcfg;

/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg; /usr/menus; /usr/fox/wp/data/wp*; /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user; /usr/fox/hi/init.cmds;
/usr/fox/alarms/horn.cfg; /usr/fox/alarms/*AA*; /usr/fox/alarms/commgrp.cfg; /usr/fox/alarms/alarms.fmt;
/usr/markers; /usr/fox/hi/sys_*.*; /usr/fox/hi/conventions; /usr/fox/hi/Dsp_Status; /usr/fox/wp/data/conventions;
usr/fox/wp/data/Dsp_Status; /usr/fox/sys/Change_Env; /usr/fox/ia16/usr/displib; /usr/fox/ia16/usr/disp;
/usr/fox/ia16/usr/dispgrp; /usr/fox/ia16/usr/menus; /usr/fox/ia16/usr/fox/sys/Change_Env; /usr/fox/ia16/usr/markers

System-Related Files: /etc/inittab; /etc/shadow; /etc/fstab; /etc/vfstab; /etc/hosts; /etc/hostname.le?;

/etc/hostname.hme?; /etc/passwd; /etc/group; /etc/netmasks; /.cshrc; /.profile; /.rhosts; /.Xdefaults;
/etc/defaultrouter; /etc/dfs/dfstab

Application Files: /usr/applic/start; /usr/applic/mastercron; /etc/fox/user_apps.dat; /etc/fox/rc.foxapps;

/usr/spool/cron/crontabs; /opt/foxind

Historian Files: /opt/fox/hstorian/bin/*.dbs

Backups AP20- Checking Streaming Tapes Integrity

stcopy -I /dev/rtape2

Backups - Checking Tape Stamp On 50 Series

dd if=/dev/nrst0 of=tapestamp bs=126b

tar tvf /dev/rst0

Backups - AP20 Streaming Tape

Although these commands may be issued from normal user mode, you must shutdown to single user mode to do
the full tape backup on the AP20’s.
st -f /dev/tape2 status

This command will return the drive status information about the tape.
stcopy -t /dev/tape2

This command will retention the tape.

stcopy /dev/rshd3.all /dev/tape2

This command will copy the primary hard disk to tape.

stcopy /dev/rshd5.hstor /dev/tape2

This command will copy the extended hard drive to tape.

BACKUPS - Saving Multiple Directories/Files to Tape – 50 series stations

Create file named: /opt/savefile. This file contains only the list of directories/files to be backed up.

Example of contents of /opt/savefile:





Create file named: /opt/saveit. This file should include the following line:

tar cvf /dev/rst9 `cat /opt/savefile`

This is the only line in the file and it should be made executable after creating. Determine which tape drive device
name that you should be using and use in place of /dev/rst9.


To backup /usr/menus, /usr/disp, and /usr/fox/sys/Change_Env to tape.

tar cvf /dev/rst9 /usr/menus /usr/disp /usr/fox/sys/Change_Env

tar cvf /dev/rst9 /usr/menus

(to copy one file)

tar rvf /dev/rst9 /usr/disp /usr/fox/sys/Change_Env

(to append more files)

or you can also use the mt command to forward to end of file mark:
tar cvf /dev/rst9 /usr/menus

mt fsf /dev/rst9

tar rvf /dev/rst9 /usr/disp

mt fsf /dev/rst9

tar rvf /dev/rst9 /usr/fox/sys/Change_Env

This method spaces forward to the end of file mark using the MT command.

Boot Procedures for Troubleshooting an AW/AP/WP that won’t boot

Ask user for configuration information
boot –a

Reconfiguration boot. Probe all attached hardware devices

boot –r
Boot only to init level ‘s’/single user mode
boot –s

Boot with verbose messages enabled

boot –v

If the system fails to boot to single user mode, use the boot –vs command (from ok prompt) to display detailed
startup messages.
boot – vs

Check to see where in this sequence the system fails. If the system seems to fail immediately after the kernel
loads, then it is possible there is a corrupt or missing systems file. For example, if the /etc/system file contains an
invalid entry you can perform an interactive boot using boot –as. The boot program prompts for the location and
the name of all of the important system files it needs to boot. If the /etc/system file is backed up to an alternate file,
/etc/system.orig, this name can be given instead of the default. Note that you must also enter the physical name of
the root device to match what is in the /etc /system file.
boot –as

You will be asked for filename [kernel/unix]: just press return here to accept the default. Then you will be asked
the name of the system file [/etc/system]: type:

Then you’ll be asked for the physical name of the root device
[/iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5, 8800000/sd@3, 0:a]: you will then type:

Determine what /etc/rcS.d startup script the system is failing on. Use the output messages from these scripts listed
earlier to isolate the system’s point of failure. It may be necessary to boot from the day 0 cdrom to correct the
problem as you will not have access to the system if it is not booting to single user mode. If at this point the
system can boot to single user mode but fails before fully booting to multi-user mode. Boot the system using boot
–vr. These options will cause the system to display detailed startup messages and reconfigure the system. If the
system starts the Open Look Window Manager (OLWM – indicative of the blue background on the screen) check
the S99FOXBORO script for failures. If not, check the /etc/rc2.d scripts. Use the output messages from these
scripts listed earlier to isolate the system’s point of failure. Additionally a suspect script can be edited with set –x to
trace commands. For example, insert the line “set –x” at the top of the /et/r2.d/S801p script to trace each
command being executed. The output will display each command in the script preceded by a plus sign.

Boot Problems – WP51E will not boot after v6.4 day0 install

***Upgrading a system to 6.4 w/WP51E's

After performing the ia_install with the 6.4 day0 cdrom the WP51E will not boot.


(installs baseline 6.4)

Do not reboot machine. Perform only the steps below:

1. For Ultra-30 WP51E: Boot cdrom, mount the “/” file system and copy the following files:
mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /mnt
cp /cdrom/name_to_major /mnt/etc/name_to_major

cp /tmp/root/etc/path_to_inst /mnt/etc/path_to_inst

2. For Ultra-60 WP51E: Boot cdrom, mount the “/” file system and re-create the devices.
mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /mnt

# For Internal System hard drive or

mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 /mnt

# For External System hard drive

cd /mnt

rm /mnt/dev/dsk/*

rm /mnt/dev/rdsk/*

drvconfig -r devices -p /tmp/root/etc/path_to_inst

disks -r /mnt

reboot -- -r

************* WP51E now boots *****************

Boot Host Checks – Troubleshooting a station (CP, COMM, etc.) that won’t
1. sict tables

These are the Software Information Configuration Tables. These are located in /usr/fox/sp and there are six files.
Information is placed in these files by Software Install. They can be examined by using /usr/fox/swi/ds_stasict.
Typing the command with no arguments will give you the syntax.
ds_stasict [-ffbm_lbug] station_lbug

Where –f is the letterbug of the target fbm.


This file is located in /usr/fox/sp/files directory and contains the NSAP address of the station. If a station is booting
local, it must have the same NSAP address as it’s boot host. You must use usr/foxbin/bpatch to view this file.

3. Enable Download

The Download Enabled/Disabled parameter is set through System Management by going to the Equip. Change
pick for a given station. Sometimes gateways on their first boot up will show booted green and on- line in System
Management but you can’t get in them in the ICC. You get the error “Database Operations In Progress”. Look in
/usr/fox/sp/files for a DB<gateway letterbug>.UC file for that gateway. Copy the B<gateway letterbug>.init file to
the DB<gateway letterbug>.UC file and it should finish booting. This usually is only a problem on the first time that
a gateway boots up or could be used when you have a corrupted checkpoint file in a CP or gateway.
Boot Partitions On PC - Switching
Venix to DOS:
/etc/fdisk -a 0


DOS to Venix:

Change boot partitions; Non-DOS partition.

On AP20:
/usr/fox/bin/tools/bpatch <filename>
On AP50/51:
/usr/foxbin/bpatch <filename>

On NT stations:

There is no bpatch on NT, use fxedit (see fxedit)

/usr/foxbin/bpatch transfer01.dwf

(bpatches the file called transfer01.dwf)

Bypass Module
1. Write down all four output points

2. Turn module on with switch

3. Make sure knobs are set to “N”

4. Plug cords in correct places on module as shown below.

5. Use top knob to turn to make black needle align in the middle at zero.

6. After aligning with zero, flip the bottom knob to “S”. You are in control

7. Before giving control back to operator, he must put in values inside.

8. To give control back to the operator, turn knob back to “N”

C Program – Compiling 20 Series

Example Compiler:

The following script should be named “hcc”:


cc -c $1.c -I/usr/include/fox

$ESQL $1.o -o $1 -lhist -lisam -lfox –lpw


hcc <source program name>

normal message to receive is: “ld: /usr/local/lib/libpw.a: cannot open” (do not be alarmed, everything went well)

Cable Pinouts – Serial cable to null modem

If you don’t have a null modem adapter, you can change the pinout on one end of the serial cable to have pins 2
and 3 swapped. Therefore if your serial cable has this pinout on both ends: 1=black, 2=brown, 3=red, 4=orange,
5=yellow, 6=green, 7=blue, 8=purple, 9=gray. You can take one end and switch the number 2 pin and the number
3 pin to make 2=red and 3=brown.
Cabling - Hard Drives, Floppy, Streaming Tape Without Extra Backup Hard
Drive (AP20)

Cabling - Hard Drives, Floppy, Extra Backup Hard Drive, Without Streaming
Tape (AP20)

cal Command
Provides a calendar.

cal [[month]year]

Print a 12 month calendar for the specified year or a single month. Without options, print calendar for the current
Cancel Print Job
cancel lp1 –110

(110 being job name)

cat Command
cat filename

(print filename to screen)

cat filename > /dev/LP01

(print filename to LP01 printer)

catman Command
The catman command builds a database of keywords and allows the apropos command to work.


Note: catman needs to be run once and takes about an hour to run. See “apropos” for more information.

cb Command
“C” Program beautifier.

cb [files]


-j join split lines

-l length split lines longer than length

-s standardize code to style of Kernighan and Ritchie in

“The “C” Programming Language.

This tool allows the user to configure collection points without the standard interactive historian Configurator, or to
extract point configuration data from an existing database.

AP20 – located in /usr/fox/bin/tools

50 Series – located in /opt/fox/hstorian/bin

cfgpts [-hnADGRvqxs] [histname] [<infile>] [<outfile>]
n=just checking; A=add mode; x=show indices; v=verbose; D=delete mode; s=statistics; b=brief; G=get mode;
h=help; q=quiet; R=get non-removed

To output configuration to an ASCII file

cfgpts > /tmp/filename

To input configuration from an ASCII file

cfgpts -A hist22 < /tmp/filename

You should refer to the instructions in the cfgpts.doc on your system for complete details.

Checkpoint CPs
For a detailed description of the Checkpoint command, go to the section titled “Utilities: Upload, Shrink,
Checkpoint, Save_all.”
20 series:

/usr/fox/bin/tools/cpoint CPLBUG HOSTAPLBUG

50 series:

/opt/fox/bin/tools/cpoint CPLBUG HOSTAPLBUG

Checkpoint Files Location



DB(CPLBUG).init Initialization File

BB(CPLBUG).UC Backup file

Checkpoint File Maximum Sizes

The following are approximate maximum file sizes of CP checkpoint files:

CP30 = 350k

CP40 = 700k

CP40B = 1.3mb

CP60 = 2.7mb

Checkpoint File – Rebuilding Corrupt Checkpoint File(HH953)

Problem: Checkpoint file is corrupted and no saveall is available. This procedure describes how to fix a corrupt
checkpoint file and create a loadall using .O and .wf files. 5CP301 is the CP letterbug being used in this example.

1. In VT100, go to /usr/fox/sp/files of CP host, copy .init to .UC and reboot the CP.
cd /usr/fox/sp/files

cp DB5CP301.init DB5CP301.UC
Reboot the CP

2. Make a directory to create a saveall in the /opt partition and create a saveall with cio api
mkdir /opt/SaveAll /opt/SaveAll/5CP301

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

save_all 5CP301 /opt/SaveAll/5CP301

3. Go to ICC and Initialize, then reboot CP.

From Menu: Config, Control_Cfg, CIO_Config, Vol, Edit Station, 5CP301

From ICC, Select MAINT, then Initialize

Reboot CP

4. Go to VT100 and perform loadall from the saveall created in step 2.

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

load_all 5CP301 /opt/SaveAll/5CP301

5. Exit ICC so that 5CP301 will checkpoint. Check your work by accessing 5CP301 in ICC again.

Note that any parameters (setpoints, tuning) changed since last Upload will be lost.

See “AP/AW 50 Series Station Replacement – Changing MAC Addresses Instead of Downloading FBMs or
Rebooting CPs.

chmod Command
chmod [-fR] [ugoa] [+-=] [rwxlstugo] file

To change the access mode of one or more files:

chmod +x filename

(to make file executable)

chmod u+x file

(will add execute by user permission to file)

cmp - Compare
cmp [-l] [-s] file1 file2 [skip1] [skip2]

Compare file1 with file2 and print the differing byte and line numbers.

cmp [options] file1 file2


-l print byte number and differing bytes

-s print only the return codes:

0=files are identical

1=files are different

2=files are inaccessible

Concatenating Drives (50 series)

To concatenate a drive: (example is for the second drive; the one after the system disk. System disk is esp0 scsi3
and the second drive is esp0 scsi2, the third is esp0 scsi1, etc.)

*shutdown to single user mode

dft format_disk esp0 scsi2

dft add_to_sys esp0 scsi2

Concatenation Problem / add-to-sys Problem Concatenating Drives
The process of disk drive concatenation on an AP/AW 50 series station requires the /opt partition is not mounted.
During the operation of the dft add_to_sys command, all loopback file systems (lofs) and /opt are unmounted. The
umount will fail if any programs are accessing lofs or /opt, but the umount failure does not return an error condition
to the dft add_to_sys command. Therefore, dft add_to_sys continues processing assuming that all loopback file
systems and /opt are unmounted. The dft add_to_sys command issues a meta database clear command. The
meta database command fails, returning an unable to clear metadb message to the user. This problem can be
avoided by performing the following steps to umount lofs and /opt before issuing the dft add_to_sys command.

For complete instructions for this procedure, see CAR 5692 Response from Fred Sanford. This procedure should
take care of the add_to_sys failure problems.

Concatenating Drives (50 series) Restoring Problems (HH859) Error

commonly seen is “SCSI 2 Already in Use”
First restore using level 0 dump tapes using either restore_8MM or restore_150MB with the exception of the OPT
partition. ( As described in the B0193ND document you will be asked during the restore process if you have
concatenated drives answer yes to this and the /OPT will be omitted) Under normal circumstances restoring of the
/OPT partition as described in the B0193ND manual would result in the completion of the restore process, but
there are times when the metadatabase becomes corrupt or does not load properly and this results in the
improper loading of the /opt partition. If the following steps are followed the Metadatabase will be set to a day0
install and will always result in the proper loading of the /OPT partition. Boot the system into single-user mode
(boot -rs) and follow these steps:
cd /usr/local/medusa/datafiles

cp sys.diskdata.temp sys.diskdata

cd /usr/local/medusa/databases

cp /etc/opt/SUNWmd

(copies the file to directory SUNWmd)

cp /etc/opt/SUNWmd

(copies the file to directory SUNWmd)

cp /etc/opt/SUNWmd

(copies the file to directory SUNWmd)

uncompress (.1050.AW51,.2100.AW51,.535.AW51)(md.db.[drive type].[system
type].Z) (this is SCSI drive address =3) (continuation of line above)

dd of=/dev/rsd0d

(copies day0 metadatabase to the raw partition)

shutdown and reboot to single user mode

boot –s

Reconcatenate the extra hard drives as follows:

cd /usr/local/medusa

dft format_disk esp0 scsi2

(may need to type ./dft XXXXXX)
dft add_to_sys esp0 scsi2

repeat the above steps for all other drives 1 then 0

You are now ready to restore only the opt partition as described in the B0193ND DOC. (The following steps are
taken from the B0193ND)

Shut down into single user mode

First check the root and usr partitions

fsck /dev/md/rdsk/d0 (root)

fsck /dev/md/rdsk/d4 (usr)

Create the new partition (opt)

newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d5

Check the newly created file system

fsck /dev/md/rdsk/d5

Mount the partition

mount -o rw -F ufs /dev/md/dsk/d5 /opt

If restoring from 150 MB tape

cd /opt

ufsrestore tfs /dev/rst0 1

(this views the file system Table Of Contents)

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst0 1

level 9 dump (if any)

ufsrestore tfs /dev/rst0 3

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst0 3

If restoring from 5 GB tape 4mm

cd /opt

ufsrestore tfs /dev/rst9 4

(views the partition Table of contents)

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst9 4

(restores partition)

You will get a message stating that you have not read any volumes to specify the next volume enter 1 for the next
volume if level 9 dump
ufsrestore tfs /dev/rst9 3

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst9 3

Unmount the partition

cd /
umount /dev/md/dsk/d5

fsck /dev/md/rdsk/d5

reboot and the 51 series box will now boot into I/A

Connection Failure Error Message Received

The error message “Connection Failure AW0001 has refused connection because the version between the client
and the service could be different” was received on an AW named AW0001 when the trends locked up and we
couldn’t get into System Manager.

Solution: From Apiadmin, make sure to “Disable Broadcasting”.

CP60 Installation/Grounding Checklist

The following checklist has been used many times when having problems with CP60 grounding issues. Problems
may be fault-tolerant CP60’s going single, excessive PIO bus errors, etc. After satisfying every one of the following
items, problems were resolved in all cases. Each metal enclosure must have a SINGLE connection between the
insulated earth terminals and the enclosure frame.

Install three ferrite cores for each set of CP60’s. The ferrites go around all 4 white coaxial cables for a single
CP60. For a fault-tolerant CP, the ferrites go around all 8 white coaxial fieldbus cables. Use two cable ties to keep
the ferrites in place. This can be done while the plant is running. Install the CP60 DIN rail insulators. Only the
following devices are to be installed on the CP60 Isolated DIN rail sections: The CP60 Fieldbus bracket and
connectors; the CP60 Fieldbus 10Base2 to fiber-optic-converter (Black Box); (optional) status tap for the
respective 1x8 mounting structure (connect the green/yellow earth wire from the status tap to the CP60 DIN rail –
also, the status tap may only connect to channel isolated FBM’s); Extended nodebus bracket (RG58 cables with
TNC connectors).

Install the following additional earth wires: (12 AWG) for each 1x8 mounting structure: a) From the lower right
hand screw (when viewed from the rear) on the 1x8 mounting structure earth bus, to the earth-terminal on the
respective isolated DIN rail; b) From earth-terminal on the isolated DIN rail to the added insulated Earth terminals;
c) From the added insulated Earth Terminals to the power earth terminals. Install a Ring Terminal on the earth
wire at the cellbus and Isolated DIN rail earth connections.

If multiple isolated DIN rails are required for a single 1x8 mounting structure depending on the number of cp60
connector brackets, connect the first isolated DIN rail with a wire to each additional isolated DIN rail.

The contact tang on the clips (X0175GD) must be approximately +/- 15 degrees twisted to minimize contact
resistance with the Din rail.

If a Black Box 10Base2-to-fiber-optic-converter is used, mount with the BNC connector facing outside on the
bracket with the large star washer between the converter and the bracket. Make sure that a reliable contact is
obtained between the bracket and the metal converter housing/BNC connector.
Verify that the CP60 DIN rail is grounded to the respective 1x8 an to earth ground. Verify that status taps are
grounded to the CP60 DIN rail, which is isolated from the cabinet. Verify that the FCM10e, FCM10ef, WFCM10e,
and WFCM10ef’s are at revision “F” or later. Verify that the CP60 modules are at revision “N” or later.

QF1005124 should be installed to get all FCM’s to an EEPROM level of 1.14. This QF should be installed once
the latest FCM’s are in service. This software installation may be done while the system is in full operation so long
as both FCM’s are not updated at the same time.

CP’s Control Processor Maximum Values and Loading

The maximum number of block equivalents (BEQs) for CP10s, CP30s, Gateway 10/15s and Integrator 30s are
300, 1000, 300 and 1000, respectively. In the local configuration, the maximum number of FBMs per CP10 or
CP30 is 24. In the remote configuration, the maximum number of FBMs per CP10 or CP30 is 48 (w/ Remote
Fieldbus Isolators). A maximum of 24 FBMs can be attached to any one (single or dual) Fieldbus Isolator, with a
maximum of 16 FBIs per CP. The maximum fieldbus length is 1800m/6000ft end-to-end. Fieldbus Isolators are
required when the length of any local bus exceeds 12m/40ft. The maximum checkpoint file size for a CP60 is 2.7
mb. Sometimes Foxwatch report states that a CP’s checkpoint file size is reaching the maximum. Check to see if
the CP is a CP60 and compare the values.

See “som/rsom”.

Converting 20 series save-alls to 50 series save_alls

***On PW or AP20:

Put in the drive the 20 series save_all diskette:

mount /dev/fh0 /f0 -r

cd /f0

tar cvf /usr/tmp/<CPLBUG> .

(<CPLBUG> = the CP letterbug of save_all) (Be sure to include the “.” at the end.)
cd /

umount /dev/fh0

Put a new diskette in the drive:

format /dev/fh0

tar cvf /dev/fh0 /usr/tmp/<CPLBUG>

rm /usr/tmp/<CPLBUG>

***On 50 series station:

Put in the drive the diskette that has the tarred file from the 20 series station:
cd /

tar xvf /dev/fd0


Put in this drive, a new diskette that will be your new 50 series save_all.

newfs /dev/fd0c

mount /dev/fd0 /f0

rmdir /f0/lost+found

cd /f0

tar xvf /usr/tmp/<CPLBUG>

cd /

umount /f0


Converting Displays Problem - Unix to NT

When converting displays between UNIX and Windows NT Workstatoin 4.0, you may need to edit the display
picks that contain the run command on Windows NT Workstation. If the run command starts a script, the
command must contain an sh after the run command. For example:
run sh /opt/scripts/my_script

Also note that the name of the script file must end in .ksh (for example, my_script.ksh).

Copy Files from one AW/WP to All Other Hosts

The following is an example script which will copy a display from the AW/WP that you are working on to every
other AW/WP that is in the .rhosts file. This example script is called “blow”. It resides in the /usr/bin directory so
that it will be in the path and can be used from any directory without a path name. It will rmount and rcp a file to all
stations in the .rhosts file.


FILEDIR=`dirname $1`

if [$FILEDIR = “.”]




for all_args


for x in `cat /.rhosts`

if [ `uname –n` != $x]


if [$x != junk]


if [-f $all_args]


echo rcp $all_args $x:$FILEDIR” at “ `date`

rcp $all_args $x:$FILEDIR






blow filename

You must be very careful using this script because the rcp command tends to take precedence over some system
calls. Care should be taken because sending large amounts of data on the Nodebus can cause other stations to
be unable to communicate. SMURFS! System management may miss heartbeats and flag them failed or the
Nodebus failed. A cable test will usually fix.

Copy - unix2dos and dos2unix (50 series)

Copying files in DOS format: Format floppy (3.5) to DOS format:

mount /pcfs

unix2dos /dir/fn /pcfs/fn

umount /pcfs


Copying files from DOS to 50 series station:

mount /pcfs

dos2unix /pcfs/fn /dir/fn

Example to remove unwanted hard carriage returns – (^M) at the end of each line of a file. The following
command will globally replace the last character of each line (the carriage-return) with nothing (i.e. delete it). The
hard carriage returns are placed at the end of the line in a file saved in DOS/Windows. Thank you Bob “VI and
awk” Dombrowski. (Also see “VI – Colon Commands” for a different method).
dos2unix -ascii <originalfile> <convertedfile>

Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With One High Density Drive
Available (3 ½”)
insert source diskette

dd if=/dev/rfh0 of=/usr/tmp/disk1 bs=8192 count=180

insert target diskette

dd if=/usr/tmp/disk1 of=/dev/rfh0 bs=8192 count=180

rm /usr/tmp/disk1

Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With Two High Density Drives
Available (3 ½”)
dd if=/dev/rfh0 of=/dev/rfh1 bs=8192 count=180

Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With One High Density Drive
Available (5 ¼”)
insert source diskette

dd if=/dev/rfh0 of=/usr/tmp/disk1 bs=8192 count=150

insert target diskette

dd if=/usr/tmp/disk1 of=/dev/rfh0 bs=8192 count=150

rm /usr/tmp/disk1

Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With Two High Density Drives
Available (5 ¼”)
dd if=/dev/rfh0 of=/dev/rfh1 bs=8192 count=150

Copy From Hard Drive to Floppy

tar cvf /dev/fh0 /usr/fox/hstorian/bin/hed*.*

cvf=copies; rvf=appends; tvf=dir of disk

Copy From Floppy to Hard Drive
tar xvf /dev/fh0 /usr/fox/hstorian/bin

Copying ASCII files to DOS diskette on 50 Series

Put in DOS formatted diskette in fd0.
cd /

mount /pcfs

cp /usr/filename /pcfs

Copy Stamped (5.25”) With One Drive Available

20 series:

Stamp located in last block.

dd if=/dev/rfh0 of=/usr/tmp/disk

dd if=/usr/tmp/disk if=/dev/rfh0

If the Media Stamp is incorrect, see the section titled “Stamp-ID – Changing Incorrect” in this manual.

Core Files- Reading

20 series

/usr/foxbin/strings core

50 series

/usr/bin/strings core

(Reads core file)

By typing:
file core

While in the directory containing the core file will identify the program that dumped the core file. Then if you type:
adb program_name core

It has been suggested that you will get an in-depth analysis of the core file if possible. Some of the options are $C
which shows you the “top of the stack” at the time of the core dump; and $Q quits the adb program and returns
you to where you were. These commands are case sensitive. I will have to do some exploring with this “adb”
command in order to add more information in this manual about it.

Counters – Station Block Counters

To get the Station Block counters information, where CPLBUG is the CP letterbug:




To reset the Station Block counters, where CPLBUG is the CP letterbug:


These counters get reset automatically upon CP station reboot. The PIOE1R or Fieldbus Retries, keeps track of
the number of Fieldbus operations that required one retry during stable system operation, a non-zero counter may
indicate Fieldbus hardware problems.

The PIOEFT or FT Mismatch, keeps track of the number of Fault Tolerant Control Processor output mismatches
on the Fieldbus. This occurs if the Primary and the Shadow have different outputs and a retry occurs. If several
retries are required, then the primary and shadow modules will perform self-diagnostics to determine if there is a
hardware problem, and the suspect module will go off-line (red/green). A non-zero number in this counter may
indicate a hardware problem with one of the two Control Processor modules or the X-bus and a mismatch may
occur as a software glitch.

The PIOEGB or FBM State Change, keeps track of the number of good to bad FBM statuses. It is common for this
counter to be non-zero during system startup and checkout, but it should not increase during stable system
operation. If this counter increases over time, the System Monitor printer should be examined for messages
indicating FBM or Fieldbus problems.

The station block provides a connectable, non-settable real ouput parameter “total memory” (TOTMEM) indicating
the Dynamic Free Random Access Memory (RAM) available for the Control Database. For proper operation, the
CP must have at least 20K of free memory. The CP updates this value every 30 seconds. To support various
functions, the Dynamic Free Memory required is 30 Kbytes for a CP10 and 80 Kbytes for a CP30. This means that
the minimum amount of free memory as shown on the Station block for CP10s and CP30s should always be at
least 30 Kbytes and 80 Kbytes, respectively, when the short term functions (Alarm Message transmission,
operators calling the Select screen, Get/Sets of Control Block Data, Process Summary Report, etc.) are not

Some of the Station Block parameters are listed below:

OMLDAV - The average CPU percentage spent on Object Manager tasks over the last 12 scans.
Typically, should not exceed 30%.

OMOVRN - The number of Object Manager overruns that occurred since the CP was booted or the
counter was reset.

IDLETM - This is the percentage of time that the main microprocessor in the CP is executing in an idle
loop. This value should be at least 20% to allow tasks like alarm and I/O handling, which utilize other
subsystems in the CP to occur.

MAXMEM The largest memory segment available in the CP. This largest Memory segment should be at
least 10,000 bytes.

Object Manager overruns can be caused by a large number of stations trying to connect simultaneously, losing
communications to a connected station, or simply overloading the OM Scanner Task by trying to connect to too
many stations. If Object Manager overruns are occurring frequently (one per minute), check the System Monitor
for communication problems and use the Station Block to examine station loading problems. To reduce Object
Manager load:

Reduce the number of WPs accessing data from the CP.

Adjust displays to scan OM list at 2.0 seconds rather than 1.0 second.

Change the BPC of the CP to 1 second which reduces peer-to-peer load.

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.

Counters – Application Sublayer Counter Thresholds

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.
Counters – LAN (Network Information) -LAN Tokenbus Statistics Counters

*****This information can be found on HH960*****

File: LAN Tokenbus Statistics

Release: V6.2.x

Date: Nov 15, 2000

Subject: LAN Tokenbus Statistics Counters

Source: SD&E

Carrierband LAN's and FOLAN's have a set of statistical counters which help monitor the health of the 802.4
Tokenbus. These counters represent the Primary LAN's view of the Tokenbus and are a composite of messages
heard on both the "A" or "B" cables. These counters are only reset by rebooting the LAN module. Both sides of a
FT LAN must be rebooted in order to reset counters otherwise the counters read will be the Shadow's
accumulated counters.

Previously the only way to gather these counters was by using the mini-SMDH (remd/remv) which came with the
Foxwatch scripts or by using the Lan Load Tools (pc_v42 or pc_v62). At version 6.2 the LAN image was enhanced
by creating OM variables for these counters and two other counters. The OM variables are created by the Short
Term Report Handler (STRH) process running in the LAN. This process will run every 30 seconds.

Creating OM variables allows these counters to be read using tools such as "omget" or "oma". A display could be
built which would include these OM variables but this is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED because that would create
a connection to the LAN module putting an additional load on the station.

I/A systems running at versions prior to V6.2.x can also get these counters by installing QF11458. The OM names
are accessed by pre-pending the Letterbug Name of the LAN module to the counter root name.


A LAN module with a Letterbug Name of NODE04 would get the counter named <LBUG>PDUS30

and <LBUG>FDBDERR by typing:

omget NODE04PDUS30


Object Manager Variables


<LBUG>PDUS30 Average number of Packets relayed by LAN over a 30 second average. This counter represents
the Network Layer PDUS Relayed counter.

<LBUG>VALLOCF Available memory for allocation in 16 byte buffers

<LBUG>TKNPASS Number of successful tokens passed by station

<LBUG>TKNHRD Number of tokens gone by

<LBUG>NOSCR8 Number of times the station has failed to find a successor to pass the token to after failing
token pass and who follows. This counter is the TBC statistics No Successor 8 counter.
<LBUG>WHOFLWS Number of times the station has had to find a new successor to pass the token after failing
token passing to its normal successor. This counter represents the TBC statistics Who Follows counter.

<LBUG>TKNFAIL Number of times the station has failed to pass the token to it's normal successor. This counter
is incremented by two. This counter represents the TBC statistics Token Pass Fail counter.

<LBUG>NONSIL Number of periods that the Tokenbus Controller detected a valid signal in 5-10 Mhz rage without
a Start Delimiter. This counter represents the TBC statistics Non-Silence counter.

<LBUG>FCSERRS Number of received frames with Frame Check Errors. This represents the TBC statistics FCS
Error counter.

<LBUG>EBITERR Number of received frames with the E-bit set in the End Delimiter. This should only be set by a
repeater which detects an FCS error in the frame. This counter represents the TBC statistics E-Bit Errors counter.

<LBUG>FRMFRGS Number of frames received which did not have an End Delimiter. This counter represents the
TBC statistics Frame Fragments counter.

<LBUG>FRMLONG Number of frames received which longer than 8K bytes. This counter represents the TBC
statistics Frames Too Long counter.

<LBUG>FDBDERR Number of frames that were discarded because here were no Frame Descriptors or buffers
available. This counter represents the TBC statistics No FD/BD Error counter.

<LBUG>OVERRUN Number of times that a frame has dropped because the Tokenbus Controller couldn't get
DMA access.

Counter Thresholds


<LBUG>PDUS30 As traffic rates increase through a LAN this counter will skew since the STRH handler has a
lower priority than than the routing task. Use the following thresholds:


0-250 0-250

250-300 250-275

300-325 275-300

<LBUG>VALLOCF Not a counter but a reference of free memory in 16 byte chunks (Normally around 300K)



<LBUG>NOSCR8 5 Per Hour



<LBUG>NONSIL 20 Per Hour



<LBUG>FRMFRGS 240 x Number LAN"s in the token ring




The LI (Lan Interface) provides both Token Bus Controller (TBC) statistics and modem counter information. These
statistics and counters are updated dynamically within the LI memory space by

the TBC, in its limited statistics counter mode. The TBC statistics and modem error counters cannot be reset, they
are read only parameters. Also, these values are not reset upon a MAC reset or a hot remarry, they are only reset
when the LI reboots. However, an LI running “Single” will clear the value of Non-silence whenever the value
reaches or exceeds 5000. The statistics and counter values are integer vcalues and are defined as follows:

Noise may be expected in some procedures of the protocol due to collisions. The “Non-silence”, “FCS Errors”, and
“E-Bit Error” counters track the number of noise bursts detected when noise was not expected. These counters do
not track expected noise bursts, only noise bursts that are due to errors or unexpected noise on the medium.


NO SUCCESSOR 8 - The number of times the TBC fails to pass the token and does not succeed in finding a new
successor station. This counter is incremented only when two or more LI stations are active in the network. A
significantly large value in this counter may indicate a faulty transmitter in the LI.

WHO FOLLOWS - The number of times the LI station has had to look for a new station to pass the token to. This
frame is sent as part of the TBC’s effort to pass the token to its former successor’s successor (the successor of
the station that dropped out of the ring) if the original successor station does not respond to the tken. This
counter is incremented by two every time a failure occurs.

TOKEN PASS FAIL - The number of “token pass failed” transitions when the pass state is equal to pass token.
Upon failing to pass the token, the TBC tries to send a second token, where the pass state equals repeat pass
token. If this effort fails too, this counter is not incremented again; but the TBC will then send a “who follows” frame
and the “who follows” counter will be incremented.

FRAMES TOO LONG - The number of received frames that are greater than 8K bytes, an IEEE 802.4 parameter.

NO FD/BD ERRORS - The number of frames that were not received because there were not enough frame
descriptors or not enough buffers.

OVERRUNS - The number of times the TBC detected a First In First Out (FIFO) overrun during a receive

NON-SILENCE - The number of received periods of non-silence. In other words, the number of times the LI waited
for silence in order to communicate on the cable, but noise or collisions on the cable caused the LI to have to wait
for a silence period.

FCS ERRORS - The number of received frames with FCS or CRC errors and the E-bit reset.

E-BIT ERRORS - The number of received frames with the E-bit set in the end delimiter. The “E” bit, or “error” bit,
is set by the regenerative repeater (headend remodulator), when the headend detects a FCS error on the forward

FRAME FRAGMENTS - The number of frame fragments collected with a start delimiter (SD) not followed by a
valid end delimiter (ED). A valid frame consists of only data (zero or one MAC symbols) between the SD and the
ED. If an SD is detected and then, before a valid ED, the TBC detects either silence, non data (not part of the
aligned ED), or a bad signal, then this counter is incremented. Note that this includes abort sequences.

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.
Counters – MAC Sublayer Counter Thresholds
Frames Transmitted and Frames Received should not exceed 50 pkts/second. DMA Underruns, Excess
Collisions, CRC Errors, Align Errors, No Receive Resources, DMA Overrun, Collisions and Transmits Deferred are
not reported on FT stations unless it is a CLI.

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.

Counters – Network Sublayer Counter Thresholds

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.

Counters – Peripheral Sublayer Counter Thresholds

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.

Counters – Station Loading Counter Information

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.

Counters – Transport Sublayer Counter Thresholds

Note: The values of these counters are guidelines and can be affected by system dynamics. Exceeding one of
these values is not a definite indication of a problem or system error.

cpio Command
To copy from tape to hard drive:
cpio -ivd “/usr/disp/filename” < /dev/rst9

To get directory listing of tape:

cpio -itv < /dev/rst9

To copy from hard drive to tape:

find /usr/disp -print | cpio -o > /dev/rst9

To look on tape for certain filename:

cpio -itv “/usr/disp/RP*” < /dev/rst9

The crontab file consists of six fields: minute (0-59; hour (0-23); day of month (1-31); month of year (1-12); day of
the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday):
crontab [file]

will add the file to crontab

crontab -r

will remove the crontab file

crontab -l

will list current crontab entries

20 series

in /usr/lib/cron (cron.allow cron.deny must exist)

Example to schedule crontab if crontab file is named somename.cron (for example)

crontab somename.cron

example line in crontab:

10 07 * * * /usr/fox/hstorian/bin/hpu

which tells it to execute the script called hpu at 7:10 a.m. every day of every month of every year.
50 series

crontab -l

shows what’s in crontab. If no entries are shown by crontab -l then add lines to crontab by following this

To add a line to your crontab file:

echo ; * * * * /usr/prog/myfile; >> cronit

(That line will add /usr/prog/myfile to the crontab file named cronit)

To add this line to the currently scheduled crontab:

crontab cronit

If you’re not sure what the name of the crontab file is, you can get the current crontab configuration and add to it
and rename it by doing the following:
crontab -l > cronit

to get crontab contents and create a file named cronit

echo ; * * * * /usr/prog/myfile; >> cronit

This will add /usr/prog/myfile to the new crontab file named cronit
crontab cronit

This is now your current crontab file.

Windows Stations

Please see the section titled: “Scheduling .ksh Files to run through Windows Scheduler” in this document for the
procedure to run .ksh files from Windows workstations.
CSA Mismatches –Find Mismatches on CSA CP Databases
The following information taken from SOL1747.

If the CSA (Compound Summary Access) is not in sync and does not match the database running on the CP, this
solution provides the steps to fix it. Usually the "check_db_sync" utility is used to detect if you have this problem.


Remember to always perform a Checkpoint before running "check_db_sync". This procedure does not fix
mismatches against the database in the workfile.

This is a procedure to have a CSA CP's db that matches exactly the compound/blocks running on that specific

It was written for Windows. (On Unix, you will have to create the script using vi, or converting the Notepad-created
file to Unix by using utility dos2unix).

NOTE: It doesn’t fix anything on the workfile, just the CSA db for the specific CP.

It uses the command "getpars" to get the compound/block names and types, directly from the CP, and then
convert the output to CSA format.
A. Get compound/block names from CP

This is the basic command to get the compound/block names from the CP:

/opt/fox/bin/tools/getpars -n -UCPLBUG -mCMPNM:%15s -mTYPE:%7

In order to use the result for CSA we need to change the order of columns, remove some extra lines, etc.

All those changes can be accomplished with this script: "getpars2csa.txt"



cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

getpars -n -U$1 -mCMPNM:%15s -mTYPE:%7s | sed '1,6d' | awk '{printf "%-13s\t%-13s\t%-13s\n", $2, $1,
$3}' | awk '

$1 != Lastcmpd {

Lastcmpd = $1

print $1

$1 == Lastcmpd {

printf "%-13s\t%-13s\t%-13s\n", $1, $2, $3 }' > $1


Copy the lines above (between dotted lines) to Notepad and save the file as "getpars2csa.txt"

Copy the file to the CSA host (preferred), into /opt/fox/bin/tools directory

How to use the script:

Once the script is in /opt/fox/bin/tools, open a command prompt and type:



cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

getpars2csa.txt CPLBUG (Replace CPLBUG with the letterbug of your CP)

The script will create a file named "CPLBUG" in /opt/fox/bin/tools, that can be used for CSA Merge.

Open that file and verify that starts with the STATION block line and it looks like this (format):












B. Remove ALL compound/blocks names from CSA Database, just for that CP

cd /usr/fox/csa

csa_fn reset CPLBUG

Verify CSA database for that CP, is empty, by typing:

csa_stn_save CPLBUG

It should just show the prompt.

C. CSA Merge:

Create a temporary directory in D: named /opt/tmp/csa_merge

Put the CPLBUG file, for the CP that need to be merged, into that directory.

Then type:
cd /usr/fox/csa

CSA_Merge /opt/tmp/csa_merge

D. Verify CSA has now the database for the CP, by typing:

csa_stn_save CPLBUG

E. Check if that databases are in sync by running

/opt/fox/bin/tools/db_sync/check_db_sync CPLBUG
CSA – Rebuilding CSA (HH1008)
On the CSA host the csa database can get corrupted for one or more stations. This is not a common occurrence
and can happen if /tmp space fills up when an ICC operation is taking place. One symptom of this occurring is the
ICC hangs gray when entering a control station. This could be due to a corrupted stations csa database. In this
situation typing csa_fn reset CPLBUG never completes. When this occurs no ICC functions or iccdrvr.task
command can access the corrupted station.


Ensure that the station is question is your CSA Server. This can be found by the following command:
/opt/fox/bin/tools/glof -p CSA_SERVER

This will give an output as follows:

Global find for process "CSA_SERVER" = 00 00 00 01 00 0D 49 30 30 30 30 30 31 08 00 20 A3 70 85 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

Now type the following to ensure this is the expected station:

/opt/fox/bin/tools/fist APLBUG

(APLBUG being your host)

This will give an output as follows:

Station Identifier Address (hex) Error description


6AWE01 I000001 080020A37085

So this states that 6AWE01 is my CSA_SERVER due to the 08 00 20 A3 70 85 in the glof command matching my

Next thing you must have to rebuild your CSA database is a good CSA_Save. This is performed by the following
set of commands:
cd /usr/fox/csa

mkdir save

(The directory name can be other than save)

CSA_Save ./save

(This saves the csa files to text files)

***If this hangs on the control processor that is the problem the following can be done prior to a CSA_Save.
cd /opt/fox/csa


(note the directory of the bad processor)

mkdir /opt/tmp

(if there is not an opt/tmp already)

cp -rp LTRBUG /opt/tmp

(this copies files for this processor)

rm -r LTRBUG

(this removes the database that is corrupted)

Now attempt to do a CSA_Save again. After the CSA_Save completes, change to the directory where CSA was
saved and notice the LTRBUG for the offending processor should not be there. If a CSA_Save cannot be done,
Stop Call the Customer Satisfaction Center, this procedure will not fix your problem with out a good CSA_Save.

Clean out CSA by doing the following:

ps -eaf |grep CSA

(Notice the line like the following)

root 1826 1 0 16:58:06 ? 0:35 /usr/fox/csa/CSA_SERVER

kill the process using the PID number from the second column of the line with CSA_SERVER.
kill 1826

cd /opt/fox/csa

cp -rp ./* /opt/tmp

(This copies all files to directory /opt/tmp)

rm -r *

(This now empties CSA database)

cd /opt/tmp

cp -p BPARM_DEF* /opt/fox/csa

Rebuild the default CSA files by doing the following: Reboot your CSA host. After the host boots do

the following to verify that the default CSA files are there.
cd /opt/fox/csa


(you should see the following)

BPARM_DEF.dat CMPD_INDEX.dat STN_INDEX.dat drivers.chk foxblock.lic BPARM_DEF.idx

CMPD_INDEX.idx STN_INDEX.idx drivers.lic

Load CSA back into the system by doing the following.

cd /usr/fox/csa

CSA_Merge ./save

(This restores the CSA database)

Output will look like the following:

Merge of CSA information for 6CP101 completed

Merge of CSA information for 6CP302 completed

Merge of CSA information for 6CP401 completed

Merge of CSA information for 6CP402 completed

Merge of CSA information for 6CP40B completed

Merge of CSA information for 6CP601 completed

Merge of CSA information for 6CP602 completed

Merge of CSA information for volwrk completed

CSA merge completed

CSA is rebuilt !!

CSA is complete except for the database of the station that was corrupted. This station needs to be initialized and
rebooted and a loadall done on this station that caused the corruption to have the CSA database complete.

CSA – Removing Entries from CSA

(Please don’t try this at home…)

To remove entries for CPLBUG in CSA:

csa_fn reset CPLBUG

CSA Report
(HH#: HH1007)

On the Unix platforms at version 6.2 and above. At this time the CSA_Report gives the following error:

CSA_Report: csa_save: not found

This is repeated for all of the stations in the CSA configuration.


CSA_Report is looking for csa_save and it should be looking for csa_stn_save.

cd /usr/fox/csa

cp CSA_Report CSA_Report.old

vi CSA_Report


This will move you to the line as follows:

if csa_save $stn > $REPORT_DIR/$stn

this must be changed to the following by:

Type: llli (this moves curser over to first _)

Type: _stn (this adds this to the line)

Key: Esc (this exits the edit mode)

The new line should look like this:

if csa_stn_save $stn > $REPORT_DIR/$stn

Type: : (a Colon is needed to exit the edit mode)

Type: wq (this write quits the editor session.)

The purpose of this is to change the csa_stn to csa_stn_save, which is needed to successfully run the
CSA_Report command.

Now you can type CSA_Report and then cd /opt/fox/csa/CSA_REPORT and read

all of the compound block information for each station CSA hosts.

Daylight Savings Time Issues - Setting time “back”

(see latest Daylight Savings Time customer advisory for more information)

(The following information taken from Customer Advisory 2001015_5abi)

Systems running on the Windows® based platforms will not experience this issue. Setting system time forward
does not result in problems with the system or applications, or loss of data. Users running historical data collection
applications like AIM*™ or the I/A Series legacy Historian on either the Solaris or Windows platforms, will
experience issues with data collection and a lack of on-screen data updates within these applications for a period
equaling the length of time that the system time is set back. The following contains information on what can be
done to work around the issues resulting from setting the system time back, see the Workaround section below.
We are also publishing this advisory to advise you of 2 new Quick Fixes that will correct time related issues with
the FoxView/FoxDraw V9.0 and V9.0.1 running on Solaris® stations. In order to apply this Quick Fix, you will need
to have previously installed FoxView/FoxDraw V9.0 or V9.0.1. Quick Fix 1007522 applies to stations running
FoxView/FoxDraw 9.0 while Quick Fix 1005815 applies to stations running FoxView/FoxDraw 9.0.1. The Quick
Fixes are available for download on the Invensys CSC web site, If you are at a
FoxView/FoxDraw version prior to 9.0, please contact your local Service Representative to determine the terms for
upgrading to V9.0.1. For those users who do not apply the Quick Fix for FoxView/FoxDraw, or have other Motif
applications, the Customer Advisory contains information on what can be done to work around the issues resulting
from setting the system time back in time. Users running historical data collection applications like AIM*™ or the
I/A Series legacy Historian on either the Solaris or Windows platforms, will experience issues with data collection
for the period that the system time was set back. The most noticeable symptom is a lack of on-screen data
updates within these applications for a period equaling the length of time that the system time was set back.
Display Manager - The legacy Display Manager (DM) users will not experience these issues.

(20 series)

/usr/fox/bin/tools/dbvu -? DB[CPLBUG].UC

(50 series)

/opt/fox/bin/tools/dbvu -? DB[CPLBUG].UC

The directory that contains checkpoint files that are updated during a checkopint is /usr/fox/sp/files.

The directory that contains work files that are updated during an upload is /usr/fox/ciocfg/CPLBUG.


Run by itself will give argument screen.

The block equiv. calculation in dbvu is not accurate.

To document ECB blocks:

/usr/fox/bin/tools/dbvu -t DB[CPLBUG].UC ECB

on CP10’s and Gateways use dbvu

on CP30’s run dbvu30

on CP40’s run dbvu40

(v8.x systems)

On a MESH system, use the following to dump the result in a file called DBVU_report in /opt.
/opt/fox/bin/tools/dbvu -rs –CDB<CPLetterbug>.UC CP270 > /opt/DBVU_report

On some stations, I had issues trying to run dbvu using the above command. The way that I finally was able to get
it to work was to copy the checkpoint file (/usr/fox/sp/files/DB*.UC into /opt/fox/bin/tools and run the following
command. The following command is running dbvu on a CP60 named CP0001.
dbvu –spblru –CDBCP0001.UC CP60 > DBCP0001.txt

This command takes the output from dbvu –t as its input to generate a compound-block-error report named file1.

dbvu_err parameter_linkage_report > file1

A brief command description can be generated by:

dbvu_err –h

cd /usr/fox/sp/files

/opt/fox/bin/tools/dbvu –t –C DB<GatewayLetterbug>.UC –M OS1MG.mp2 –I OS1MG |

/opt/fox/bin/tools/dbvu_err (continuation of line above)

**(the above 2 lines are one command, please do not issue these lines separately. This command on one line.)
Where “-M OS1MG.mp2” is a request for the “map” file, and the “ –I (this is a capitol i ) OS1MG “ is the “image”
file. These files are found in /usr/fox/sp/files.

dd command
See also “Backups”.

Helpful hint using the “dd” command: When you have a lot of WP51’s/AW51’s to install using the install_AW/WP
script, you can speed up this process by doing the following. Install one WP51/AW51, about 30-40 minutes time,
shutdown the WP/AW and put a second hard disk in the SUN box, do a boot –rs and see which SCSI address this
second disk is getting. Once you’ve determined this information, you can copy the first disk to the second with the
following command:
dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 of=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 bs=16000k

Where “t1” in the “of” is SCSI address 1 (you will enter the number determined above) and “bs” is the block size,
the figure stated here can be as big as 50% of the installed RAM in your Sun box (e.g. 128MB of RAM ->
bs=64000k). This takes you only 10 minutes!!

defunct Processes
A reboot is required to remove defunct processes.

A process moves in and out of various execution states throughout its lifetime. When a process terminates, it
enters what is called the zombie state. A process in the zombie state is said to be defunct. In the zombie state a
process’ entry in the process table is replaced with its exit status, and the user and system time required to run it.
Thus a defunct process entry exists whenever a child process terminates. After forking a child, mkzombie sleeps
for a minute. Because the child process exits immediately, it is in a zombie state for the entire minute its parent is
sleeping. A child’s exit status is returned to its parent process only if the parent process waits for it by executing a
wait(2) system call. When a child’s exit status is reported to its parent, the child’s process table entry is removed. If
the parent never calls wait(), as in mkzombie, the zombie child stays in the process table until the parent process
terminates. Most likely, your defunct process was the child of a still-executing parent. It can’t be killed because a
zombie process is never scheduled to run and, thus, will never receive the signal you’re sending it.

d_edit Command
The d_edit command on windows stations provides a very user friendly menu interface. The following is for using
d_edit on older stations.



RIGHT] [-SCDELAY=0…255] [-SCRATE=1…20] [-v[fs]] [-o] [-lrxLRX] [-ggroup_name] [-ompath]
[m[,n]]e[/search]/[search2]/[-I | -dump | -upload] [-embed -l ] [-embed [script_file_name] -del | -upd] [-embed
script_file_name -add] disp_file_name
d_edit -dump filename

(dumps ASCII overview.dmp lists connections - vi to change)

d_edit -upload filename

(will update and re-install graphic called filename from the .dmp file)
/usr/fox/bin/tools/d_edit -l filename
(lists all connections)
/usr/fox/bin/tools/d_edit -I filename

(will ask for connection number to change - q quits and reinstalls.

d_edit -l filename | grep FI

(lists all FI’s in the flows display)

The following is a GREAT script using d_edit50 (which you can substitute d_edit) which when executed with the
syntax below, will allow you to “vi” the display file and then upload it when it is finished. This is used to edit a
display file in ascii format without having to do the dump and upload which the script will do for you. Great for
making those minor search and replace changes. This script is named “editdisp” (you can name it whatever you

for x in $*


if [-f $x]


/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/d_edit50 –dump $x

vi $x.dmp

/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/d_edit50 –upload $x

rm $x.dmp


echo $x is NOT a file!!!



editdisp displayname

To verify connections on displays:

d_edit –x <displayname> & ..

To check the progress of the above command:

tail –f /usr/tmp/d_edit.log ..

d_edit - Search and Replace

A single connection attribute can be substituted within a single connection or multiple connections with one or
more display files. One type of substitution per command line is allowed. You cannot change path names, deltas
and access levels within the same d_edit command line.

d_edit [-g group_name] -[m[n]]AacdfmtT /[[search/]match/]replace/<filespec>

-A Action name (name used in “pick” command)

-a access level
-c path name of connection

-d delta value

-f numeric format for contents < real connection

-m momentary contact pulse function

-t dynamic text

-T static text

When characters such as #, $, \, ? and * are used, be sure to use a pair of single or double quotes to specify the
character (e.g. “$”), or entire argument (e.g., “-c/?/a/”).

Device Monitor
The Device Monitor monitors the status of Comm Servers for all printers attached and Graphical Consoles (WP’s,
AW’s, PW’s)

Troubleshooting Hint:

**If a wp has a cs_devmon.cfg file with the size of 0, copy the cs_devmon.cfg from another aw/wp on the node.
Once the cs_devmon.cfg file is 0 the devmon doesn’t have any stations in his list to initialize or update. (QF8410
4.2 – fixed in 4.2.2 & 6.0).

**On AP20’s/PW’s during the software install process there was a problem. Device Monitor was started by the
p_init script before the PW/AW had configured his nodebus NSAP address. This caused Device Monitor to mark
all configured alarm destinations as failed. (QF8945)(Fixed in 4.2.3).

Determining Device Monitor Master

cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

(for 50’s and /usr for 20’s)


(glof returns a string of hex which contains the address of the master). Perform a fist on each aw/ap/wp/pw in the
system to get all file servers addresses.
/opt/fox/bin/tools/fist LID

Compare the address from the glof with the address from the fist and determine who the master is.

Forcing it to Change Its Master

Determine who the master is, delete the current master:


/opt/fox/bin/tools/fist LID

run fist on all stations to determine master.

omdel –p DEV_MONITOR

on the master find the pid of cs_devmon and kill it, then restart the cs_devmon process.
ps –eaf | grep cs_devmon
Requesting Device Monitor Master to Initialize

cd /usr/fox/cs (ap20/pw)

cd /usr/fox/exten (pre v4.2)

cd /usr/fox/cs (4.2)

dm_recon t


dm_recon d

This dumps the result of the last initialization into cs_dm.current on the DEVMON master. If a WP’s cs_devmon
file has a size of 0, copy it from the AW to the WP.

Disabling and Removing - AP20 procedure:

ps –eaf | grep cs_devmon

(get pid of cs_devmon).

kill –9 pid

cd /usr/fox/bin/tools

omdel –p DEV_MONITOR

(delete shared object).

cd /usr/fox/cs

mv cs_devmon cs_devmon.old

(prevent restart on reboot).

Model 50 Station Procedure:

ps –aux | grep cs_devmon

(get pid of cs_devmon).

kill –9 pid

cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

omdel –p DEV_MONITOR

(delete shared object).

cd /usr/fox/cs

mv cs_devmon.cfg cs_devmon.cfg.old

(prevent restart on reboot).

Model 51 Station Procedure:

ps –eaf | grep cs_devmon

(get pid of cs_devmon)

kill –9 pid

cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

omdel –p DEV_MONITOR

(delete shared object).

cd /usr/fox/cs

mv cs_devmon.c fg cs_devmon.cfg.old

(prevent restart on reboot).

Device Monitor – disabling

AP20 Termination:

ps –ef | grep cs_devmon

kill –9 pid

cd /usr/fox/bin/tools

omdel –p DEV_MONITOR

cd /usr/fox/cs

mv cs_devmon cs_devmon.old

50 SERIES Termination:

ps –aux | grep cs_devmon

(for 50 stations)
ps –eaf | grep cs_devmon

(for 51 stations)
kill –9 pid

cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

omdel –p DEV_MONITOR

cd /usr/fox/cs

mv cs_devmon.cfg cs_devmon.cfg.old

Device Names
PW - 3.5” F/D = /dev/fmh1 at v4.0=/dev/fh0

PW - 5.25” F/D = /dev/fh0 at v4.0=/dev/fh1

WYSE = /dev/fd0

AP/WP50 3.5” F/D = /dev/fd0

Floppy from single user mode = /dev/fd0c

Mirrored Drive = /dev/sd0

150 MB ST Drive = /dev/rst0

4MM 5GB TAPE = /dev/rst9

8MM Tape = /dev/rst1

There are instances where the newer tape drives will use the /dev/rst4 or /dev/rst36 driver. Make sure that the
thumbwheel on the back of the drive is set correctly.

Sun systems use the following naming convention to describe the logical device name for a disk:


The 1st “#” is the controller number.

The 2nd “#” is the target number.

The 3rd “#” is the disk or LUN number.

The 4th “#” is the slice/partition number.

The controller numbers would be c0 or c1. The target address would be t3 for a SPARC system and t0 for an Ultra
system. The disk number is also known as the logical unit number (LUN) and is always set to d0 for any
embedded SCSI device. The slice numbers range from 0 to 7 and are the partitions. The following is an example
of the slices:

s0 = / (root)

s1 = swap area

s2 = address of whole disk

s3 = metadevice database area

s4 = /var

s5 = INFORMIX ‘raw’ database area

s6 = /usr

s7 = /opt

To address the root partition of a SPARC machine, the address would be as follows:


To address the root partition of an ULTRA machine the address would be as follows:


Foxboro uses another naming convention and the relationship is as follows:

Foxboro Name Sun Microsystems Name

/dev/sd0a /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0

/dev/sd0b /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1

/dev/sd0c /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s2

/dev/sd0d /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3

/dev/sd0e /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4

/dev/sd0f /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5

/dev/sd0g /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6

/dev/sd0h /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7
The AWs use the Metadevice address to access the drives which are as follows:

/dev/md/dsk/d0 = / (root)

/dev/md/dsk/d1 = swap

/dev/md/dsk/d2 = /var

/dev/md/dsk/d3 = INFORMIX

/dev/md/dsk/d4 = /usr

/dev/md/dsk/d5 = /opt

In the above mentioned naming convention, there are also directories of the same devices known as the raw
partition. There is a /dev/sd0a as well as a /dev/rsd0a. The /dev/sd0a is accessed by blocks, is buffered, and is
mountable. The /dev/rsd0a is accessed by characters, is not buffered and is not mountable.

devnm <filesystem>
Identifies the device name associated with specified file system such as /usr, /opt, etc.

df command
df -t

on a 20 series station reports number of free blocks


on 50 stations
df -k -F ufs

df on 50 series stations reports amount of disk space occupied by currently mounted file systems, amount of used
and available space, and how much of the file system’s total capacity has been used.

dft commands
To concatenate a drive:

(example is for the second drive; the one after the system disk. System disk is esp0 scsi3 and the second drive is
esp0 scsi2, the third is esp0 scsi1, etc.)

shutdown to single user mode

dft format_disk esp0 scsi2

dft add_to_sys esp0 scsi2

To mirror a drive:

(example is for the first mirrored drive; the first to hang on the second scsi port. First drive on second scsi is esp1
scsi3 and the second is esp1 scsi2, etc.) You do not have to shutdown to single user mode to mirror hard drives.
dft format_disk esp1 scsi3

dft create_sys
dft mirror_sys

dft show_status

It takes approx. 10 min. to mirror a 535 MB Hard Drive and approx. 20 min. for a 1 GB Hard Drive. Note: The
metastat command gives more information than the dft_show_status command.

Uses the tool fist and the files sldb and hldb creating an output with Station letterbug, station identifier, station
address, station type, host AP, system monitor host, and system monitor domain.
Use on AP20:

/usr/fox/bin/remote/diag_fist > fist_out

Use on AP50:

/opt/fox/bin/remote/diag_fist50 > fist_out

Use on AP51:

/opt/fox/bin/remote/diag_fist51 > fist_out

diff - file comparison utility

diff [-bitw] [-c | -e | -f | -h | -n] fname1 fname2

diff [-bitw] [-Cnumber] fname1 fname2

diff [-bitw] [-Dstring] fname1 fname2

diff [-bitw] [-c | -e | -f | -h | -n] [-l][-r][-s][-Sname] dir1 dir2

diff[options] file1 file2

diff[diroptions] dir1 dir2

Report the lines that differ between file1 and file2, or if diroptions are specified, report the files that differ between
dir1 and dir2.

File options:

-b ignore blank spaces and tabs -cn produce n lines of context

-e produce a script of commands -f produce a scr. not in rev ord.

-h perform the compare quickly -I ignore case of letters

-n ignore all blanks -t expand tab characters

-C num list of diff w/num lines of text -n produce script in opposite ord.

-D string (creates merged version of f1 and f2)

Dir options:

-l long output format -r recursive for common subdrs

-s report files that are identical -Sfile begin dir. comp. with file
diff3 – 3-way file comparison
This command reports 3-way differential file comparison.

diff3 [-exEX3] fname1 fname2 fname3

For further instructions, type: man diff3

dircmp – directory compare

This command reports directory differences.

dircmp [-d] [-s] [-wn] dir1 dir2

If no option entered, a list is output indicating whether the file names common to both directories have the same

-d Compare contents of files with same name and output a list telling what must be changed in the 2 files to make
them the same.

-s Suppress messages about identical files

-wn Change width of output line to n characters.

Disk Space Issues

Acceptable Levels of Disk Space:

The root (/) and /tmp should have at least 2000 blocks of free space (enough to tar in a floppy). The /usr partition
should have at least 4000 blocks free. Also check the number of free inodes. If files use up all the inodes free,
blocks will be inaccessible without an inode to reference the block.
50/51 Series

The Sun files system reserves 10% of total space in all partitions so when the df command shows a partition at
100% there is still space left. The recommended level for all partitions is less than 90% used for all partitions (Aps
/usr should be less than 95% used). The number of inodes should be less than 80% used.

Determining the problem directory/file that has filled the partition:

How to find the directory or file filling up a hard drive partition. (also see HH1044)

To prevent false reports, start by taking the station down to single user, if possible. It is important that no stations
are left 'rmounted'. (Remember a WP51 always mounts its AW host)

Use the 'du' command to create a report file with the size of all directories of the partition that is full. Create report
file in a partition different from the one that is full. Suggested locations: /usr or /tmp (avoid /opt) /usr has been used
on examples below.

Example if /var partition is full:

cd /var
du > /usr/list

Sort lines in report by size, in reverse order.

cd /usr

sort –n –r +0 list > list1

Look for non-familiar names at the beginning of the list, or abnormal size.
more list1

Recommended ways to free disk space…..

delete unwanted core files; see “find” command to help locate the core files.

UUCP is located in /var/mail and /var/cron and is an incremental log file that grows on 50 series stations.
crontab -r uucp

echo “ “ > /var/cron/log

rm /var/mail/uucp

This procedure deletes UUCP, deflates the log file and stops crontab from writing to that file.

Another incremental log file that grows is online.log located in /var/tmp.

tail -100 online.log > retain.log

ln retain.log online.log

rm retain.log

Dump files on 20 series stations in /usr/fox/sysmgm/softmgr/dump can be deleted, these files will have extension
LBUG.0, LBUG.1, etc.

/opt partition problem may be historian sample files. Dir. on 20 series is u0, dir. on 50/51 is

50 series crash files are located on AP/AW in /opt/crash/letterbug and in WP’s /usr/crash/letterbug. There are 2
crash files which are created: UNIX.x and vmcore.x and vmunix.x (x=0,1, etc.)There are no crash files on

In /var/adm there are two files wtmpx and utmpx. (log of users logging into station).
cd /var/adm

cp /dev/null wtmpx

cp /dev/null utmpx

Look in /var/adm/messages. Some of these older messages can be deleted. (These messages are report of all
messages during station bootup.

In /etc/fox/users_apps.log file there are usually no more than 2 or 3 lines in this file, however if an application is
crashing or corrupt, it may dump an enormous amount of “garbage” to this file.

For root space issues, a common place to look is /dev. Look in here for irregular items or typos such as someone
tried to tar off information to /dev/fo instead of /dev/f0, or redirecting a file to a printer (i.e. lp00 instead of LP00). If
a device file/Driver needs rebuilding, see “Drivers – Rebuilding Devices” in this manual.

Check in /opt/fox/rpt_wrt/rpt_run to see if there are old report writer reports that can be deleted.
To free up space on /usr, the man pages may be moved to /opt and linked. See User notes for v4.0 B01193Q1.
Rev C

When your root partition capacity is at 100% and you can’t find any files to remove, there’s the possibility that
while in single user mode, someone has tarred a file or directory that is root relative. The space increases the
capacity used by root. The system then gets rebooted and root gets mounted and the space that was used when
in single user mode is now hidden. Shutdown the AW/AP and do a “boot –s” to go to single user mode. At the
prompt in single user mode execute the following “du” command: “du / > /var/du.root”. Examine the output file of
the du command. The space that was hidden while in the Multi User mode should now be visible. Remove the file
or dir. And reboot.

Umount all remote mounted stations and check the “/rem” directory for files named with the letterbugs of the
stations that could possibly be mounted. When trying to copy to a remote device that is not rmounted, a file by
the name of the station that you’re copying to will be created in “/rem”. This file will not be visibile while that station
is rmounted, therefore it is necessary to rumount all stations to find this problem file/files.

Another way to free space on the /usr partition is by using loopback mounting to the /opt partition. An example of
this would be the /usr/disp directory:
mkdir /opt/disp

cp –rp /usr/disp /opt/disp

rm –r /usr/disp

mount –F lofs /opt/disp /usr/disp

Caution: Make sure that directories which are being loopback mounted are not symbolically linked to other
directories. Also do not loopback mount to the / or /var partition. Usually loopbacks are only performed to the /opt

Use the du command to find what directories are using the most space.

The /proc directory exists only on 51 series. The /proc is actually a file system which provides access to the image
of the process in the system. Even though the “du” command will show this directory as using a lot of space in the
root partition, NOTHING should ever be removed from this directory.

If the root (/) partition fills up on a Solaris machine and you can’t find the problem, try looking for a hidden file
called “wastebasket”. It is used by the Solaris file manager much the same way that the “Recycle Bin” is used on
Windows stations.

Display Manager or Foxview – How to Invoke

If you’re running Display Manager and want to change to Foxview:
cd /usr/fox/wp/bin/tools

Then reboot the station.

If you’re running Foxview and want to change to Display Manager:

cd /usr/fox/wp/bin/tools

Then reboot the station.

Display Manager – Install Files
See “Alarm Manager Install Files” in this manual.

Display Managers – Quitting Display Managers that are “not quittable”

From VT100:
pref –DM0000 dmcmd “quitdm on; exit”

(where DM0000 is your Display Manager name) or if that doesn’t work, try the commands below where W23A02 is
the DM name of the primary/first head on a dual-headed WP and W23A22 is the DMname of the
secondary/second head on a dual headed WP.

Kill first head DM

pref -W23A02 DMCMD "dmcmd dmexit"

restart first head


setenv DISPLAY W23A02:0.0

nohup /usr/fox/wp/bin/dm_wp50 -alias W23A02 >/dev/null &

to kill second head

pref -W23A22 DMCMD "dmcmd dmexit"

restart second head


setenv DISPLAY W23A02:0.1

nohup /usr/fox/wp/bin/dm_wp50 -alias W23A02 >/dev/null &

Display Manager – Starting Manually

setenv DISPLAY AW0001:0.0

nohup /usr/fox/wp/bin/dm_wp50 –alias DM0001 > /dev/null &

(Where AW0001 is the letterbug of the station and DM0001 is the Display Manager Name)

dmcfg – Making Changes Without Having to Reboot

If you run hi_init.cmd found in D:/usr/fox/exten, and then re-spawn the FoxView you will not need to reboot the
station to make the changes in the dmcfg take place. This is good for trouble shooting purposes so you do not
need to reboot after every little change. However, it is not the supported method of executing changes and
the station should be rebooted after trouble shooting is completed to properly execute any changes to the dmcfg.
This command provides a listing of the system’s last reboot (only on 50/51 stations). Another way to look at
bootup history is to do a “more /var/adm/messages.x”, where x = the message number. The higher the number,
the older the file.

Historian tool:

To list reduction group configuration:

dmpcfg –r

To list reduction group configuration as well as operations and member points:

dmpcfg –rom

To list collection point configuration:

dmpcfg –c

dmpnam > /dev/LP01

dmpnam > filename

This tool prints the contents of __tdata for all sample collection points.

cd /usr/fox/bin/tools/hstorian/bin


DNBI blink codes

One green blink: Serial port cable is not connected or is inactive.

Two green blinks: AUI cable is not c onnected or is inactive.

Three green blinks: Jabber timeout has occurred.

doscopy Command
doscopy filename dos!a:

(wildcards are allowed)

doscopy -b filename dos!a:
(for binary files)
doscopy -a filename dos!a:

(for ASCII files)

doscopy -r directory dos!a:

(copies subdirectories)

DOS Files - Copying Into Venix (20 series)

doscopy dos!a:fname.ext

doscopy -b dos!a:os1uc /usr/fox/sp/files/os1uc

(keeps same name into current directory)

doscopy -a dos!a:printers /etc

(copies printers to /etc directory)

doscopy -r dos!a:/wp/helpfiles /usr/help

DOS Files - Viewing On Disk In Drive 0 on 20 Series Stations

dosdir dos!a:

dosdir dos!a:/dos/help

Drivers - Rebuilding Device Drivers (Print Devices - LPXX)


Example: /dev/LP13 has a size of 23979


ls –li /dev/LP13

mknod LP13 c 23 13

chown lp LP13

chgrp sys LP13


50 Stations

On 50 Series there an be files greater than 1K in the /dev/directory but device drivers should never be that large. If
a devie needs to be recreated you an delete it and use the MAKEDEV script located in the /dev directory. For
example: If you wanted to create device ttyt0 you would type:

This would also try to create ttyt1-3. If they already existed you would receive a message.
51 Stations
On 51 Stations (Solaris 2.2 and up) devices are created when the box is booted with a boot –r (reconfigure). Use
the boot –r option to recreate a corrupted device. If the devices for tape or floppy drives need to be rebuilt, the
commands for rebuilding and linking these devices can be found in the /etc/rc2.d/S99FOXBORO script file.

Drivers - Drivers not built for DAT tape drive on bootup

Sometimes drivers are not built for the tape drives and an error will be received stating that the file system is full
while trying to do a tape backup. When doing a tape backup on the 51 stations, the file nrst9 will be created and
can be 10MB in file size or more. This is because the driver does not exist for the tape drive therefore the backup
is being written to a file in the /dev directory (/,root partition). An error is received while doing the dump that the /
file system is full. Follow the procedures below to build these drivers.

I have used the following procedure on AW51A’s, B’s, and C’s as well as the WP’s. Following this procedure is
one that was used to rebuild drivers on an AW51E style. You also must know the device name that you’re looking
for. Some dat tapes will use the rst9 and some (newer ones) will use rst4 or rst0, etc. Doing a boot –r should build
the driver for you. If it is anything other than rst9, you will probably have to modify the dmp or restore script which
usually has rst9 as the device name. This method used on AW/WP 51 A,B,C:
rm /dev/nrst9

reboot machine with “boot -rs”






You can also stick a tape in the drive and try running the command :

Check the file /dev/nrst9 and see that it got built and is linked to nrst29. If the file still doesn’t exist, type:
ln rst29 rst9

ln nrst29 nrst9

This method used on AW51E:

boot cdrom

cd /devices/pci*/scsi@3

ln st@5,0:lb /tmp/rst9

cd /cdrom

cp restore_8MM /tmp

cd /tmp

vi restore_8MM

Toward bottom change TAPE device from /dev/rst9 to /tmp/rst9


if doing a level 0 dump, substitute dmp0_8MM for the restore script above.
Drivers – Verifying Software Driver for the Tape Device
Issue the “mt’ command to access the tape drive status.
mt –f /dev/rst9 status

If “mt” returns status information, the tape drive is accessible, if not, correct the problem by: Verifying that /dev/rst9
is still a device driver and is linked to a rmt device driver. Verify power and cabling. Check the tape drive’s
adddress, A QIC ¼” tape drive uses SCSI address 4, a 4mm tape drive uses SCSI address 5. Use above method
for building drivers if necessary.

drvconfig creates the /devices directory tree which includes hardware devices.
drvconfig [-b][-d][-a alias_name][-c class_name][-I filename][-m major_num][-r rootdir]

-b add a new major number to name

-d debug. Print out devices it has found.

-a alias_name add the alias_name to list of aliases that this driver is known by.

-c class_name added driver exports class_name

-i filename only configure the devices for drivers named in filename.

-m major_num specify major number for this driver

-r rootdir build device tree under specified directory.

dtree Command

to see directory tree

du Command
Disk Usage

du [-asrk] [name…]

-a generate output line

-s give grand total only

-r give msg about dirs. that can’t be read

-k print allocation in kilobytes


cd /

du –s * | more
(This will give files and directories in 512 byte blocks)

50 Stations

cd /

du –s * | more

(This will give files and directories in kblocks)

51 Stations

cd /

du –sk * | more

(This will give files and directories in kblocks)

Dual Foxview DMs – How to Display both DMs on boot on P92 Workstations
The P92 workstation can accommodate dual monitors. Out of the box, only one monitor is active. This procedure
describes steps to activate the second head and make both FoxViews display on their correct monitors.

An Additional Display Manager (AADM7) must be configured in System Definition.

Add the Additional Display Manager to NAME in the /usr/fox/customer/hi/dmcfg file. The example below shows
RDM701 as the additional FoxView for the second head. Note that it must be configured as a floater (-) in the
dedicated monitor column.

# NAME [lbug] [dmname] [dedicated monitor(s)] [type]

NAME AAW701 AAW701 .0 -

NAME AAW701 RDM701 -

Write a script called 2nd_fv in /usr/fox/wp/data

if [ $DMNAME = $GCLBUG ]






Edit /usr/fox/wp/data/fv_cmds. Place this line at the end of the file:

dmcmd wp_applic /usr/fox/wp/data/2nd_fv

Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Display Properties. Select Settings folder. Pick and move box 2 to the
physical location (side by side or up and down) of the second monitor in reference to box 1 (primary monitor). A
message will appear to activate the second monitor. Select yes, then exit Control Panel.
Select File, Additional FoxView. (If the message "FoxView Not Available OK appears, you did not add the
additional display manager in SysDef.) If second FoxView does appear, move it to the second monitor. Then pick
View, Window Preference, Window Position, then "save now".

Shutdown and reboot.

Note: With two video cards installed, the second head can be configured as an extension of the desktop. Right
click the windows blue area of the screen > Display > Settings > click on the box with #2 > check the box that says
“Extend my Windows Desktop onto this monitor” for Dual Heads > Apply > OK.

Dump Files - Location

Dump files are created on reboot of stations: /usr/fox/sysmgm/softmgr/dump/LBUG.0 (LBUG.1, LBUG.2, etc.).
These files should be removed when no longer needed for evaluation because of the hard disk space they

ECB - Equipment Control Blocks

ECBP Primary ECB

ECB11 Primary ECB

ECB1 Analog Input

ECB2 Analog Input and Analog Output

ECB4 Pulse In and Analog Output

ECB5 Digital In, Sustained/Momentary, and Digital Out

ECB6 Sequence of Events Input

ECB7 Digital In and Pulse Count Input

ECB8 Ladder Logic or DC Out/Validated Input

ECB9 Remote/Manual Station (Analog I/O, Digital I/O)

ECB11 Reserved for Primary FBM (ECBP)

ECB12 Intelligent Transmitter 2 Interface (Parent)

ECB13 Hydrostatic Tank Gauge

ECB14 Panel Mounted Display

ECB15 Allen-Bradley Programmable Logic Controller

ECB16 Modicon Programmable Logic Controller

ECB18 Intelligent Transmitter 2 (Child)

ECB19 760 MICRO Controller

ECB21 761 MICRO Controller

ECB22 Mass Flow Transmitter (Coriolis)

ECB23 Intelligent Transmitter 2 Interface (Parent)

ECB34 MDACT Feedback Lag Tristate

ECB36 MDACT Pulse Width Tristate

ECB38R Intelligent Transmitter 2 Interface (Red Parent)

ECB39 AMSPRI Gas Chromatograph

ECB41 Analog Input FBC

ECB42 Digital Input FBC

ECB43 Analog Output FBC

ECB44 Digital Output FBC

ECB46 Digital Input/Digital Output FBC

ECB47 FBP10 Interface to Cluster I/O (Parent)

ECB52 DPIDA Controller

ECB53 Analog Output

ECB80 Port ECB

ECB81 C50 RTU Intelligent Transmitter

ECB200 Foundation Fieldbus H1 Interface

ECB200 Profibus Application

ECB201 Foundation Fieldbus H1 Device

ECB202 Redundant DCI Fbm Interface

EEPROM/NVRAM parameters for 50 series stations

These parameters must be changed to reflect a new terminal configuration (i.e., AW to AP). To change a 50 series
AP to an AW or WP, the output-device and input-device NVRAM parameters must be changed to reflect the new
terminal configuration. Default EEPROM parameters can be found for each station listed in the EEPROM
Information section of any SAR.
Changing AP NVRAM parameters to AW/WP NVRAM parameters:

Method 1

Press Stop (L1) and n keys while turning the power on to the 50 series processor. This restores the default
NVRAM parameters defined by Sun.

Method 2

Performed from a Wyse terminal direct connected to a 50 series processor. These commands are used to change
parameters while in openprom mode (at ok prompt).

To get the current eeprom parameters:


To set the eeprom parameters:

setenv input-device keyboard

setenv output-device screen

Method 3
Wyse terminal:
eeprom input-device=keyboard

eeprom output-device=screen

Changing AW and WP NVRAM parameters to AP NVRAM parameters:

Method 1

In openprom mode on the AW or WP:

setenv input-device ttyb

setenv output-device ttyb

Method 2
eeprom input-device=ttyb

eeprom output-device=ttyb

Resetting EEPROM/NVRAM parameters for 50 series stations

The following instructions are for pre-51F(P79) and pre-51G(P80) stations. To reset the EEPROM/NVRAM
parameters, press Stop/N and hold until the boot process starts. You will then need to reset some of the EEPROM
parameters as stated in the 51 processors section of the Foxwatch reports.


AW51 EEPROM parameters were incorrectly set while trying to make it an AP51. At this point, there’s no interface
into the AW. You must reset it as stated above. It must be hooked up to the monitor (not Wyse) with Alpha
Numeric keyboard attached (because this one is an AW).
Restoring NVRAM To Default Settings On 51F and 51G Stations (HH1033)

Problem: Sometimes a 51 series station may not boot up properly or send its output to the monitor due to incorrect
settings and may need to have the NVRAM reset to default values. On earlier models of SUN workstations the
NVRAM could be reset by holding down the Stop Key and the "N" key simultaneously while powering up the
station. On SUN stations that have USB peripherals the Stop "N" sequence does not work. This currently applies
to the P79 (51F) and P80 (51G) stations. In many cases the set-defaults command can be used to reset the
NVRAM parameters to their defaults but in cases where the input or output device has been changed you will
need this procedure.


Note: The following procedure doesn't actually reset the NVRAM parameters to their default values. This
procedure enables the NVRAM parameters to be accessed to view their current and default settings as well as
change them.
Resetting the NVRAM on 51F

Remove all peripheral connections to the station except for the KBD, Monitor and Mouse.

Power down the station by pressing the power button on the left front of the station and hold it for about 4-5
seconds until the display shuts down on the monitor.

Power up the station by pressing the power switch. You will have to wait any where from about 5 seconds up to 1
minute and 45 seconds until the power switch begins to blink and you hear an audible beep. The wait period
depends on which NVRAM settings have been changed. When the beep sounds, press the power switch twice
quickly like a double mouse click but a little slower.
When the monitor comes on if you were successful in pressing the power button at the proper time you will see
the following: Note the spelling of overwridden is incorrect but maintained because this is what the operator will
see. Safe NVRAM Mode, the following nvram configurations have been overwritten:

'diag-switch?' is true

'use-nvramrc?' is false

'input-device' 'output-device' are defaulted

'ttya-mode', 'ttyb-mode', are defaulted

At this point you must set the NVRAM values to the desired settings. Use the printenv command to see current
and default settings. Use the setenv command to set parameters to the desired value. See Examples at the end.
Make sure that the diag-switch? is set to false. Some NVRAM settings are set to default by this procedure and
must be manually reset in order for them to remain permanent.

If the screen comes up with the normal boot sequence information power down and repeat the procedure.
Resetting the NVRAM on 51G

Remove all peripheral connections to the station except for the KBD, Monitor and Mouse.

Power down the station by pressing the power button on the left front of the station and hold it for about 4-5
seconds until the display shuts down on the monitor.

Power up the station by pressing the power switch. The CDROM will flash after about 50 seconds the power led
will start flashing and give an audible beep. When the beep sounds press the power switch twice quickly like a
double mouse click but a little slower.

When the monitor comes on if you were successful in pressing the power button at the proper time you will see
the following: Note the spelling of overwridden is incorrect but maintained because this is what the operator will
see. Safe NVRAM Mode, the following nvram configurations have been overwridden:

'diag-switch?' is true

'use-nvramrc?' is false

'input-device' 'output-device' are defaulted

'ttya-mode', 'ttyb-mode', are defaulted

At this point you must set the NVRAM values to the desired settings. Use the printenv command to see current
and default settings. Use the setenv command to set parameters to the desired value. See Examples below. Make
sure that the diag-switch? is set to false. Some NVRAM settings are set to default by this procedure and must be
manually reset in order for them to remain permanent.

If the screen comes up with the normal boot sequence information power down and repeat the procedure.
Printenv Example:
printenv <RET>

Value Default Value


diag-passes 1 1

pci-probe-list 7, c 3, 8, d, 13, 5 7, c, 3, 8, d, 5, 13

Setenv Example:
setenv diag-switch? true <RET>
ERROR received trying to enter a station in the Control Configurator
Above messages received in control configurator going into a CP. Checkpoint process was running at the same
time - was able to kill the checkpoint process to fix. Also, if the ICC is already open in that CP/Gateway on another
AW/AP/WP, this message will be given. If the CP/Gateway is not completely booted, this message will be
received. Sometimes gateways on their first bootup will show booted green and on-line in System Management
but you can’t get in them in the ICC. You get the error “Database Operations In Progress”. Look in /usr/fox/sp/files
for a DB<gateway letterbug>.UC file for that gateway. Copy the DB<gateway letterbug>.init file to the DB<gateway
letterbug>.UC file and it should finish booting. This usually is only a problem on the first time that a gateway boots
up or could be used when you have a corrupted checkpoint file in a CP or gateway.

ERROR - “Cannot Communicate With Server”

Above error received while scheduling reduction groups: Turn historian off then on again.

ERROR – “System Monitor Not Responding”

The following commands are to be run on the station hosting the system monitor that is not responding.
ps -el | grep smon

find the number of the process of smon and use in the next line.

kill -9 141 (141 is the process id number)

(kill system monitor)

nohup /usr/fox/sysmgm/sysmon/smon_ech &

(restart system monitor)

ps -el | grep smon

will show them running

Error Received While Performing Shrink

The above error received while performing the “Shrink Function”. Shrink doesn’t work properly after v3.0, so you
have to go into a library volume and initialize it then you can do the shrinks. Make sure you’re in a library volume
to initialize or you’ll be looking for a new job.
ERROR - “Invalid File Header”
cd /usr/disp

cp overlay filename.dwf

/usr/foxbin/bpatch filename.dwf


then press backspace

(d0f0 should be first two bytes of the display file)

ERROR - “SP Error - Lck_Chkpt Failed”

on AP20

cd /usr/diskless/WPLBUG

rm rmnttab

touch rmnttab

chmod 666 rmnttab

on 51 stations

The following information for the 'SP Error lck_chkpt' failure is from the Section 14. Integrated Control Configurator
B0193QL - Rev C of the 'Release Notes for Version 4.0 Operational Recommendations' document : 14.1.27
Workstation Reboot While in ICC If the Workstation Processor is inadvertently rebooted when in the Integrated
Control Configurator (ICC), the ICC attempts to clean up its database and leave the environment in a usable state.
When the system is busy, this can take a non-trivial amount of time. If the user immediately re-enters the ICC
using the WP which was rebooted, a number of Undesirable symptoms can occur.

As a result of this possibility, it is recommended that when such a WP reboot or other nonpermanent WP failure
occurs, the user should wait at least five (5) minutes before attempting to initiate a new ICC session using (1) the
same WP and (2) referencing the CP that was being edited when the reboot occurred. If the user doesn't wait long
enough, any or all of the symptoms listed below may occur. The top menu bar contains two overlapping sets of
soft keys.

When attempting to re-enter the Control Station which was being edited when the WP failure occurred, the user
may be returned to the initial display (Foxboro logo). When attempting to re-enter the Control Station which was
being edited when the WP failure occurred, the operation may be prevented due to the error "Open New
Configuration", "Remote Host Transfer", "Failure".

When attempting to re-enter the Control Station which was being edited when the WP failure occurred, the
operation may be prevented due to the error "SP Error lck_chkpt", "Failure". When any of the above symptoms
occur, the user should take the steps listed below to execute a manual recovery. To begin, the user should exit
from the ICC. Then, enter the VT100 screen from a different WP or use a Wyse terminal to log in to the host AP of
the CP which was being edited when the WP failure occurred.

The steps are as follows:

Execute the shell command "ps -auxww" if on a SunOs system or the command "ps -aef" if on a VENIX or
Solaris system. Note if a process "ciocfgtask.nhi" is active. If one or more such processes is active, note
the process id (PID) of the process where the command line contains the letterbug of the WP that failed. If
one exists, execute the following command: kill -9 PID

Execute a "cd" command to "/opt/fox/ciocfg/tmp" if on a Sun system or to "/usr/tmp" if on a VENIX system.

Perform the command "ls -CF". If you find a directory whose name is the name of the letterbug of the WP
that failed (WPLBUG), execute the command "rm -r WPLBUG" to delete that directory. (This operation
removes the left-over PASTE buffer, if it exists).

Execute a "cd" command to "/usr/fox/sp/locks", and then execute "ls -CF". If either a file with the name
fCPLBUG+ or one with the name sCPLBUG exist in this directory, delete the file(s). CPLBUG is the
letterbug of the CP that was being edited when the WP failure occurred.

Execute the command "/usr/fox/bin/rem_stop WPLBUG" where WPLBUG is the letterbug of the failed WP.

Finally, reboot the previously failed WP.

At this point the ICC may be entered for normal operations. Another thing to try is to review the
/opt/fox/ciocfg/tmp/<WPLBUG>.log file that gets generated for the AW51E on the boot host AW51.

ERROR - “Checkpoint Unsuccessful”

For checkpoint error, one solution is as follows, which is copying the backup checkpoint file to the current
checkpoint file (use with CAUTION and as a last resort!).

/usr/fox/sp/files/contains 3 files:

DBUCE001.init, DBUCE001.UC, BBUCE001.UC


ERROR - “Checkpoint type 5; class 8; code -24 Failed”

When trying to do a checkpoint in all CP’s this message received when /usr area on hard drive has filled up. Need
to delete some files and try again. /usr area should not be less than about 8000 blocks on an AP20/PW.

ERROR - “Parameter Version Check Failed”

When trying to loadall compounds from diskette onto a CP.
mount /dev/fh0 /f0

cd /f0



/usr/foxbin/strings parameters | more

(Find the line which reads “REVISION CODE xxxx”, at the end of the file. Check this with the Revision of another
cd /

umount /dev/fh0
ERROR received doing a Load-All

Above is second message received. If a load-all attempts to load ECB’s when ECB’s are already fixed or loaded in
the CP or Gateway, this message is returned. Picking yes causes the subsequent command to be loaded.

Error: unable to qualify my own domain name (APLBUG) – using short

name (HH1035)
The following procedure is to prevent the following messages from appearing in the messages file and VT100


Oct 25 09:31:12 20AP01 sendmail[9344]: unable to qualify my own domain name (20AP01) -- using short name

The issue was introduced by later version of sendmail installed as part of the higher patch level of that release.
The solution was from an Internet search, several hits indicated that the problem could be cleared by adding an
additional alias to the hosts file, appending a period '.' to the letterbug.

E.g. AW51B1 AW51B1. loghost

It should also be noted that the start-up file for sendmail is renamed to /etc/rc2.d/s88sendmail (lower case “s”) to
prevent sendmail start-up by default.

/etc Directory
/etc/fox/loghost Logical host of WP50/WP51

/etc/aplns Logical names of all AP’s & PC’s

/etc/cplns Letterbugs of all Control stations and gateways

/etc/histlns Names of all historians

/etc/histlocs Historian names and letterbug of host

/etc/lblns Library volumes names

/etc/printers List of names and types of printers

/etc/wplns Logical name of WP’s

FBM Types And Part Numbers – Legacy

FBM(200 Series) and FCM Types/Part Numbers

FDSI – Typical Modbus FDSI Configuration

(For detailed configuration information, see B0700BG document.)

The first step is to install the Modbus Master Driver files on the AW. The Modbus.ziph file will be installed in the
/usr/fox/sp/files/devices directory along with some example .XML files. The FDSI Configurator Software must also
be installed. Install the FBM ECB (in this example it’s an FBM230) and connect the Modbus device to the FBM.
Create the port configuration file using the FDSI Configurator (.XML). You must create an ECB200 for each
FBM230 or FBM232. You must also create an ECB202 for each FBM231 or FBM233. In this example, we are
using FBM230 so we will create an ECB200 as the parent FBM ECB and then create the child ECB which is the
ECB201 for each Modbus device.

Place the FBM online in System Management. Download the I/O device driver file (Modbus.ziph) from SMDH by
EEPROM/SOFT_DOWNLOAD > SOFT_DOWNLOAD. Download the port configuration file from SMDH using
DB_DOWNLOAD. Enable the communications on the port. Download the device configuration of the ECB201 by
using DB DOWNLOAD in SMDH. Verify that communication is enabled by using “ENABLE/DISABLE
COMMUNICATION”. You then have to create and edit DCI blocks for all device I/O points. Checkpoint.
File System - Creating New On 50 Series diskette

newfs /dev/fd0

mount /dev/fd0 /f0

rmdir /f0/lost+found

umount /dev/fd0

File System - Creating New On Extended Historian Drive (AP20)

mkfs /dev/shd5.hstor 156360:15636

mount /dev/shd5.hstor /u0

df -t /u0 156360:15632


File Types
file [-c][-h][-f ffile][-m mfile] file

-c check magic file for errors

-h do not follow symbolic links

-f ffile ffilename contains names of files to be examined

-m mfile mfilename as an alternate magic file instead of /etc/magic

file filename

shows file type of filename

file *

shows file types of all files in a directory

Use on AP20 and AP/AW51:
find / -name <filename> -print

To skip searching for a file in remote directories you should use the following arguments in your find command: -
fstype urfs –prune –o

To skip rmounted hosts

find / -fstype urfs -prune -o -name <filename> -print

Another Example:
find / -fstype urfs -prune -o -size +2000 -print

(will locate all files that have a size greater than 2000 blocks or approximately 1MB (1 block = 512 bytes)

And Another Example:

find / -fstype urfs –prune –o –mount –mtime –2 –size +100 –ls

(will locate all files in root file system that were modified in the last 2 days and have a size greater than 100 blocks
@512 bytes/block=51200 bytes.)

And Another Example:

touch filename

(to timestamp the file)

find / -newer filename -print

(to find any files newer than the timestamp on filename)

More uses of the find command:

To find files “r*” that are over 90 days old:

find . –mtime +90 –name ‘r*’ –print

Or to find all files that are over 90 days old:

find . –mtime +90 –print

To remove files that are over 90 days old:

find . –mtime +90 –exec rm –f {} \;

To start at root and remove core named files:

find / -name core –exec rm {} \;

Will locate any station on the node. It prints out several identifiers and the network address of the station specified.
(Station letterbug, NSAP address, mac/ethernet address)
on AP20:

/usr/fox/bin/tools/fist <Station_Lbug>

on AP50/51:

/opt/fox/bin/tools/fist <Station_Lbug>

Floppy Device Issues on P80 and P81 Stations

Issue 1:

The AW51 (P81) doesn't recognize the USB floppy device because when the AW51 was rebooted, it didn't have
the USB floppy device connected. Do I need to reboot the AW51 (P81) to recognize my USB floppy drive?


Connect the USB floppy drive to the left bottom front USB connector.
Open a VT100 window and change to the /usr/local directory.

Run the fox_mklink script, you should see the message: USB Floppy drive Connected to c1t0dos0 Or USB Floppy
drive Connected to c2t0dos0

Now, you could use the alias fd0 or rfd0 for the usb floppy device.
Issue 2

Can I format the floppy and put a DOS partition on it?


The best procedure is to format the floppy on a PC running OS Windows. However if you want to do it on the P81,
you could do the following:

Format a floppy device.

rmformat -Flong /dev/fd0

Or modify the script /usr/bin/fdformat as follows:

/usr/bin/rmformat -Flong /dev/rfd0

Create 1.4 Mb file system.

mkfs -F pcfs -o nofdisk,size=2880 /dev/rfd0

The above procedure creates a formatted DOS floppy diskette; however it

cannot be mount on an AW51 with Solaris 2.5.1.

Issue 3

For the Operating System Solaris 8 (On P80 and P81), the DOS 8.3 names are in upper case unless you use the -
o foldcase option. The foldcase option forces all upper case and mixed case names to lower case, in this way the
contents of the diskette will be treated as Solaris 2.5.1.

Solution 3

The below procedure is assuming that the contents of the MS-DOS diskette, is the following (Using the windows





Solaris 2.5.1

Mounting a DOS diskette and listing its contents:

mount -F pcfs /dev/fd0 /pcfs

ls /pcfs

text1.txt text2.txt text3.txt text4.txt

Solaris 8

Mounting a DOS diskette with out the foldcase option and listing its contents:
mount -F pcfs /dev/fd0 /pcfs

ls /pcfs
TEXT1.txt TEXT2.TXT TEXT3.txt TExt4.txt

Mounting a DOS diskette with the foldcase option and listing its

mount -F pcfs -o foldcase /dev/fd0 /pcfs

ls /pcfs

text1.txt text2.txt text3.txt text4.txt

Fonts – Restoring a custom font/marker file

THAT YOU CUSTOMIZED (i.e., /usr/fox/wp/fonts/usr_mkr.bdf). Also, do not put extra files in the directory such as
a usr_mkr.bak because it will cause many problems with the install fonts routine.
cd /usr/fox/wp/fonts

rm usr_mkr.bdf

rm Lusr_mkr.bdf

rm hhusr_mkr.bdf

(If you make a backup copy of these files before deleting, they should be stored in another directory, NOT
/usr/fox/wp/fonts) You must now tar in the custom fonts from diskette. You may get by with just tarring in the
*usr_mkr*.bdf files from the tape or floppy, but if the fonts are not correct, you will need to continue. Go into your
font_editor and load this custom file and save the font. Go back to VT100.
cd /usr/fox/wp/fonts

/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/font_expand –L –o Lusr_mkr.bdf sr_mkr.bdf

/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/font_shrink –h –o hhusr_mkr.bdf usr_mkr.bdf


You must now restart the Display Manager.

format command 50 series

By typing “format” at a VT100 window or when booted on the cdrom, you will be asked to select which disk to
inquire about. Select the disk number (i.e., 0 or 1, etc.). The format command enables you to format, label, repair,
and analyze disks on your system.

-f command-file

-l log-file

-x data-file

-d disk-name

-t disk-type

-p partition-name

-e enable SCSI expert menu

-s silent
-m enable extended messages

-M enable extended and diagnostic messages

Format Floppy
(20 series)
format /dev/fh0

(50 series)
fdformat -e

( -e switch ejects the floppy when done formatting)

fdformat -d

( -d formats the floppy in DOS format)

Form Feed IN Ace Reports

Does anybody still do Ace reports anymore? Go figure….you guys need to junk those AP10’s and Commodore
64’s and get with the program.

echo `\f` > /dev/LP01

f for form feed, n for new line, t for tab

echo ^L > /dev/LP01

FoxAPI and AIMAPI Configuration Files


an_init.tcp is located in d:\opt\aim\bin

an_init.cfg is located in c:\Program Files\aim\common

aimapi.cfg is located in d:\opt\aim\bin


foxapi.cfg is located in d:\opt\fox\ais\bin

an_init.tcp is located in d:\opt\fox\ais\bin

an_init.cfg is located in c:\windows

When using the API Server Connection Utility, the an_init.cfg is located in the c:\Program Files\aim\common
FoxAPI - Verifying the Version of FoxAPI
From the command prompt:

cd /opt/fox/ais/bin



(use -1 repeatedly to exit foxtst)

FoxAPI – Problem with v4.3.3 and useaimapi=0 parameter

With FoxAPI v4.3.2 or v4.3.3 and AIMAPI installed, the useaimapi=0 parameter was configured to allow sharing of
the OM lists between the two API’s. This caused the applications to be dependent upon FoxAPI running and the
historian processes would not start. In the configuration, the DMC application uses FoxAPI while the Historian
uses AIMAPI. Instead of creating two separate OM lists, the useaimapi=0 option was used to have these two
applications share objects. When booting the workstation, the historian would not start and the FoxAPI and
AIMAPI processes had to be stopped manually and restarted (in that order) to be allow the historian to start. CAR
was opened.

FoxAPI – Problem with v4.3.3 and useaimapi=0 parameter

With FoxAPI v4.3.2 or v4.3.3 and AIMAPI installed, the useaimapi=0 parameter does not work.

FoxAPI and AIMAPI on the same station – API Server Connection Utility
The following information obtained from HH1084. Note that the versions of FoxAPI/AIMAPI are important to
consider when troubleshooting API problems. See some of the other API problem/solution entries in this document
for more information when troubleshooting.

HH#: HH1084

IA Info: rss0501

Date: Mar 25, 2005

Subject: Having NetFOXAPI and NetAIMAPI on the same station.

Source: TAC, DEV


The newer I/A networked client applications (IACC, FoxDraw, FoxCAE and 8.0 Alarm History Display) now have
the capability to configure connections to either FoxAPI or AIM*API servers using the new "API Server Connection
Utility" that is shipped with these applications. The problem occurs on I/A server stations that have both AIM*API
and FoxAPI installed and connection to the AIM*API server is already configured for the AIM clients that also
reside on that machine. All FoxAPI and AIM*API client applications identify FoxAPI and AIM*API servers by the
station name (typically the AW letterbug name). Running API Server Connection Utility will show if the named
station is configured as an AIM*API or FoxAPI server. If the user then proceeds to switch the named local server
from AIM*API to FoxAPI, then consequently this will disable the connection to the AIM server for all the AIM client
applications that are on that same station

There is now only one client configuration file (an_init.cfg) on the server station that is commonly shared by all AIM
and FoxAPI clients that are on the same station. The station has both FoxAPI and AIM servers installed. The
station name (typically the AW letterbug name) is used by the clients to identify both AIM and FoxAPI servers.
When the API Server Connection Utility is used the user has an option to switch the radio button to configure the
named station as either an AIM server or a FoxAPI server. Doing this switches the port number that is used for the
TCPIP networked connection to the server. The port for FoxAPI is 55555. The port number for AIM is 45678. The
associated port configurations are entered in the an_init.cfg file by the utility. Therefore switching the radio button
from AIM*API to FoxAPI will disable the connection to the AIM server for all the AIM clients that are on that same
Solution :

Need to chose which server to alias, this can be done with the FOXAPI or the AIMAPI server. If you chose to alias
the AIMAPI server may run into issue of editing the an_init.tcp file from API_ADMIN utility .

Turn off FOXAPI or AIMAPI, need to turn off the server you chose to alias. This can be done for AIMAPI by
cd /opt/aim/bin and running apistop

This can be done for FOXAPI by

cd /opt/fox/ais/bin and running aisstop

In the AIMAPI or the FOXAPI directory make a backup copy of the an_init.tcp file called an_init.tcp.sav.

In the AIMAPI or FOXAPI directory need to edit the an_init.tcp file under the [AISNET] section the Host name will
be the letterbug, need to make this the alias name. Some times the Host parameter is not listed, in this case add
the line for Host.

Host = AW0001 change this to the alias, Host = AIM001 < /FONT >

Next is to change the an_init.cfg file. For Unix systems this is under the /opt/windu directory and for most IA NT,
XP and windows 2003 this is under the C:\windows directory. To ensure that you are using the correct an_init.cfg
file launch the API Connect Utility that comes with FOXAPI 4.3. This can be run from the START-Programs-API
Connect Utility pick that was installed. On the top of this utility it will display the Location of the an_init.cfg file. On
windows systems the location can also be found by going into regedit look in the following path. My

Make a copy of the an_init.cfg file as an_init.cfg.sav.

Edit the an_init.cfg file, This can be done with the API Connect Utility. This is an example of a file that has the
alias has been set for the AIMAPI and the letterbug is being used for the FOXAPI.











AW0001 = “ 55555 /dev/tcp 1024”

AIM001 = “ 45678 /dev/tcp 1024”

After these edits have been made need to restart the FOXAPI or the AIMAPI using aisstart or apistart respectively.
Issues that have been found with this solution:

Found that if the AIMAPI is aliased may not be able to edit the an_init.tcp file from the admin tool. Can change the
an_init.cfg file back to using AW0001 for 45678 and this will allow the editing of this from API Connect Utility and
then change the AW0001 back to 55555.

Can be confusing in the Historian manager, will see both the AW0001 as gray and AIM001 that is used.

When need to use the AIMServer need to use AIM001 vs. AW0001 in applications connecting to the AIMServer.

FoxAPI and AIMAPI – User Cannot Connect to the API Server via IACC, the
API Admin Tool or the AIM*AT Historian Manager
The following information obtained from SOL dated 8/11/08. Note that the versions of FoxAPI/AIMAPI are
important to consider when troubleshooting API problems.
Problem Description:

v8.x P91 Windows 2003 Server with FoxAPI and AIMAPI installed. The application was working for months until
the IP address was changed on the second Ethernet card. After this change, customer could not use IACC
because it could not connect to server. It was also impossible to connect to the API Server using the API Admin
Tool, which gave the same error.

Failed to connect to server “AW7101”

Unable to communicate with server.


Open the AIM*AT applet from Control Panel and stop the AIM historians. Stop the AIM*API. Check task manager
to make sure that the apisvr.exe process eventually ends to signify that the AIMAPI has completely stopped.

When opening the API Server Connection Utility it gives the location of the an_init.cfg file as
C:\WINDOWS\an_init.cfg. This is the location of the an_init.cfg file if FoxAPI is being used. Changing the radio
button between FoxAPI and AIMAPI did not change the “Location of the an_init.cfg file” field at the top of the API
Server Connection Utility window. This was the problem. Every time the API Server Connection Utility is opened, it
changes the an_init.cfg file that is being used by editing the registry. To use AIMAPI you must edit the registry to
point to the AIMAPI an_init.cfg file and then NOT open the API Server Connection Utility. When you open this API
Server Connection Utility it will overwrite the registry to represent the FOXAPI file’s location.

Start > Run > regedit. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > SIMSCI > AIM > and click on
SETTINGS so that the window on the right includes the an_init entry in the Name column. Double-click an_init and
edit the “Value data” field to point to the AIMAPI configuration file (C:\Program Files\aim\Common\an_init.cfg).
Close the regedit window, DO NOT open the API Server Connection Utility, restart AIMAPI via the AIM*AT applet
in the Control Panel, restart the AIM Historians if you wish to do so, and once the AIMAPI is back up and running
(apisvr.exe in Task Manager) then you will be able to connect to the API server via IACC, the API Admin Tool or
the AIM*AT Historian Manager.

FoxAPI and AIMAPI Solutions – Sharing OM Lists

Note that the versions of FoxAPI/AIMAPI are important to consider when troubleshooting API problems.
Information obtained from Foxboro FAQ 1/29/08.

How can the useaimapi=0 command string be enabled in the aimapi.cfg file so that FoxAPI will share OM lists with

If the useaimapi=0 command string is not added to the aimapi.cfg file and both AIMAPI and FoxAPI are going to
be used, then they will both open their own Object Manager (OM) lists. This can weigh down a processor if there
are long OM lists and reduce the time to open OM connections when the I/A Series workstation is rebooted.

Edit the aimapi.cfg file to include the “useaimapi=0” entry. Stop the AIM collectors and instances, stop AIMAPI and
stop FoxAPI. Go to the command line and enter the korn shell via:


cd /opt/aim/bin

start_server STOP

Check task manager to make sure that the foxapisvr.exe and apisvr.exe are not running anymore. These are the
processes for foxapi and aimapi.

Now, start FoxAPI via the Control Panel applet. Wait until the foxapisvr.exe process starts up in the task manager
then startup the AIMAPI via the Control Panel and AIM Historian instances and collectors.

With useaimapi=0 enabled, FoxAPI will share the OM lists with AIMAPI so that these lists will not be duplicated.
Also, you will notice that the AIM API Admin Tool correctly lists the AIM packages and their authorization codes,
configured users, etc whereas if the useaimapi=0 is not enabled properly, the AIM API Admin Tool could list
FoxAPI information. The document B0193YM Rev D describes the useaimapi=0 string on page 48.
FoxAPI Communication Error 211
Note that the versions of FoxAPI/AIMAPI are important to consider when troubleshooting API problems.

Problem: System has v8.2 XP, FoxAPI v4.3.2, and AIMAPI installed. When attempting to run a third party
application, the following error is received:

ERR: (net) FoxAPI Communication error: 211

Solution: This is an error with some versions of FoxAPI that keep it from communicating with I/A Objects. Proper
versions of FoxAPI along with the proper version of QF’s should resolve these issues. FoxAPI v4.3.2 and v4.3.3
have this issue; however, v4.3.1 with the appropriate quick fixes works.

FoxAPI – Problems with ADDE6

The ADDE6 package can cause problems when assigned to a station in system definition. When ADDE6 (FoxAPI
for Solaris) is added to a station it causes an addition to the fox_apps.dat file during install. This addition is a
request to start FoxAPI. By default there is already an entry in fox_apps.dat named FoxAPI which will also start
FoxAPI. A problem can exist where two instances of FoxAPI can get started causing problems with processes and
lists and data retrieval. DO NOT ASSIGN ADDE6 package to stations.

FoxAPI – Viewing Data Sets and Values

To see the sets and data within using “foxtst” :
cd /opt/fox/ais/bin


Select option:


Select option:


You will then be asked for a set number. Your data set will start with set 3.

Select option:

This will show you how many lists are open and will show their values.

Note: The 900 menu item was moved to foxspy after FoxAPI version 4.2.2. Enter foxspy instead of foxtst.

cd /opt/fox/ais/bin



(will select option 900, then 13)

To determine the version of FoxAPI:

cd /opt/fox/ais/bin




FOXCAE – Converting Database to Loadall Issue

The mk_loadall utility converts only the first compound to LoadAll, this issue occurs because Solaris 8 converts all
lower case file names to upper case, see CAR 1005963 for more details.


1. Open a VT100 window on the AW where the FoxCAE Transfer Utilities were installed.

2. Change to the /opt/fox/ciocfg/foxcae_xfr directory

3. Use the vi editor to modify the cnvt_foxcae file.

4. After you open the cnvt_foxcae file with the vi editor type “:set nu” (do not type the double quotes) to display
line numbers.

5. Replace the lines 130 and 187, with the following information:

for cmpd in $DIR/CMP[0-9]*

6. Now the mk_foxcae utility will convert all compounds to LoadAll.

FoxDraw – Connecting to Server

Windows NT

FoxDraw uses an_init.cfg out of c:\winnt instead of /opt/fox/wp/FoxDraw.

51 Series Stations

an_init.cfg is located in /opt/fox/wp/FoxDraw.

The following is an example an_init.cfg that is configured for support of an AIM* AT Server and a FoxDraw Server.


; In this section you should change the APNT01 to your real

; machine name. Keep all parameters as they are. The only two parameters

; you might need is Printerr and tracelevel. These are used for debugging.

; Printerr takes 0 or 1 or 2

; tracelevel takes 0 or 1

; these two parameters will generate a file with .log extension to show

; the history of the connection and provide some debugging capability.

Printerr = 0
tracelevel = 0












;The next line should have the name of the FoxAPI server. If you

; have several servers, add them on separate lines.

; The line will read like this

; SERVERNAME = “ 55555 /dev/tcp 1024”

2AW001 = “ 55555 /dev/tcp 1024”

2AW002 = “ 45678 /dev/tcp 1024”

[AIMServer Connections]

; The next line should have the name of your FoxAPI server also.

2AW002 = 2AW002 TCPIP 1 0 1 1 / 1

; make sure you remove the comment mark (;)

[IAServer Connections]

2AW001 = 2AW001 TCPIP 1 0 1 1 / 1

The AW with the letterbug 2AW002 in the above example hosts the AIM* historian. FoxDraw is
connecting to 2AW001.

FoxSelect Problem – FoxSelect Dies When Turning Compound On or Off.

We have experienced a problem at times using FoxSelect. When a compound is selected and turned on or off,
FoxSelect dies. The problem is that FoxSelect gets corrupted and some .DAT and .INI files are created.
cd /opt/fox/wp/FoxSelect

Remove the *.DAT and *.INI files (The next time FoxSelect is selected, these files will be rebuilt). We will also
periodically get .INI and .DAT files in the (/) root directory and these are simply removed.

Foxview Files


*** In older versions of Foxview, the program looks to /opt/customer/env first then will use default /opt/fox/env if
no entry found. Can lead to customer editing /opt/fox/env and never seeing the result.

Foxview Environment Passwords

To set environment passwords, use the following command (example to set the Process Engineer Environment

/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/dmsepass Process_Eng -p new_password

The file containing environment passwords is /usr/fox/wp/data/dmpasswd_cfg. This file can be copied to multiple
stations once the passwords have been set.

Foxview Display Manager Files




wp51_glbls …etc.


Foxview Alarm Files





Foxview Display Alarm Configurator Files
/usr/fox/customer/alarms/cfg/am_def.cfg (use DispAlarm cfg)

Foxview Issue: “Configure Objects” Window Cannot Be Accessed on

Windows Screens
(Refer to SOL149 for details)

Problem: The 'Configure Objects' window should pop up either when I right-click and select 'Configure Objects',
pick it from the menu bar, or highlight it and type Alt+Enter. All the other picks, such as 'Graphic Attributes,' still
pop up. The pick is not grayed out - I can select it, but nothing appears to happen. Restarting FoxDraw and
rebooting the station do not solve the problem. This occurs on both imported graphics and brand new displays.

Solution: The likely cause is that the registry entry called "ConfigDialogPos" is incorrect or invalid for your
resolution. To set it to a correct value, there are two main ways to get to RegEdit.

Start -> Run -> RegEdit

Ctrl+Shift+Esc -> File -> New Task -> RegEdit

Next, perform a find on "ConfigDialogPos," or follow the filepath


You should see a value in ConfigDialogPos in the format of two numbers: "x-pos y-pos" or "280 547" for example.
These numbers indicate where on your display the window should pop up. The example given is a good value and
indicates that the display would pop up 280 pixels from the bottom and 547 pixels from the left edge of the screen.
There are two possible ways that the entry could be incorrect:

If either number is negative, the window will not pop up at all.

If either number is greated than the corresponding part of the screen resolution, the display will 'appear' off-
screen. If your resolution is 1024 x 768, the the first number must be less than 1024 and the second must be less
than 768.

In one case, the number was '248 1167,' while the screen was set to 1024x768. When the screen resolution was
increased to 1600x1280, the dialog box was visible in the corner.

The registry value was set to '248 400' arbitrarily, but once the display was called up in FoxDraw it reset itself to
'248 1167.' In the TAC lab we determined that for a resolution of 1024x768, a default ConfigDialogPos is '264
380.' For 1280x1024, a good value is '280 547.'

We entered '264 380' into the registry and then tried to bring up the dialog box again. This time it worked: the
dialog box appeared normally and the change remained permanent in the registry.

Control Processor Files

/opt/fox/ciocfg workfile, etc.

/usr/fox/sp/files checkpoint, comex bin, etc.

/opt/fox/csa csa files

/opt/menus/d1 default

/opt/fox/displib bitmaps, markers, faceplates, trends


/opt/fox/ais/bin/an_init.tcp (on UNIX and NT)

c:\winnt/an_init.cfg (on NT)

Foxview Problem – Selecting item on Foxview causes Foxview to crash

This problem was seen to occur on some installations of pre-v9.x Fv/Fd. The following files do not get installed on
occasion when installing Foxview/FoxDraw. The files can be copied from another WP or AW of the same style box
(51D, 51E, etc.).
cd /usr/fox/wp/data

ls –l dsp*

The following files should appear in the list:



If these files are not in that directory, copy them from another station.

Foxview Problem – Cannot open a Foxview; Foxview crashes when trying

to open
When booting the AW51 or WP51 a problem occurs where Foxview is trying to open but crashes and a Foxview
cannot be manually started. After reinstalling Foxview and the problem continued, the problem turned out to be
files missing from the environment directory. The customer set the Foxview environment directory to be
/opt/customer/env in one of the initialization files in /usr/fox/wp/bin/tools. Since we were using a newer version of
Foxview, the default Foxview environment directory is /opt/fox/env. After copying files from the
/opt/fox/customer/env directory to the /opt/fox/env directory, the station was able to call up a Foxview. By copying
the files to the /opt/fox/env directory, we were able to prevent this from happening in the future.

Foxwatch Report Common Error Messages

The following are error messages commonly seen on Foxwatch Reports.

"NFS getattr failed for server

variable: RPC: Timed out"

("NFS read failed" often appears with this message)

This message appears on an NFS client that requested a service from an NFS server whose hardware is failing.
This message usually indicates server hardware failure. (See chapter on monitoring network performance in the
System Administration Guide, Volume II for more information.)

“Stations CP0001 and CP0002 have checkpoint files that are approaching or have exceeded the maximum size of
1153020 and 1159463 respectively. Additional loading on these stations should be monitored.”

(Both of these CP’s are CP60’s. The maximum checkpoint file size for a CP60 is 2.7 mb. For some reason, the
Foxwatch Report Analysis is using the wrong maximum size for CP60’s.)

Also on the report was a suggestion that WP0001 had error messages occur since the last reboot. The error
messages were as follows:

"Aug 2 13:30:11 WP0001 unix: ecpp_isr: interrupt not for us.dcsr=c0800010

Aug 2 13:30:11 WP0001 unix: WARNING: interrupt level 3 not serviced"

(According to CAR# 1003863, this is a nuisance message and should be disregarded.)

frev - To Get Revision Levels Information

Use frev to find the firmware revision of all stations and ECB’s that contain an EEPROM.
Usage on AP20:

/usr/fox/bin/tools/frev SYSMN1

Usage on AP50/51:

/opt/fox/bin/tools/frev SYSMN1

The scripts (diag_frev/diag_frev50/diag_frev51) will “awk” station names from hldb, “fist” the station to find if it is
on line, identify the station type using sta_type file. It will then output the system information to standard output.

Note: Using the System Monitor Name as an argument (SYSMN1, for example) will limit the report to just the
stations contained within the indicated smon – this may save time in a large configuration if you are targeting few
stations. This command can be used with no arguments.

fsdb - (file on commit disk)

The file determines type of nodebus configured. The number after the station letterbug indicates the

type of nodebus.

0=nodebus node


2=mixed nodebus node

3=ethernet node

ftp (file transfer protocol) – on 50 Series Station

ftp [-dgintv] [hostname]
The ftp command is the user interface to the Internet standard. File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP transfers files to
and from a remote network site. You can type “man ftp” to get more detailed instructions. Below is an example of
how I use it on an AW51 that’s on the training system. This AW is not on the node, however I can transfer files
through it’s second ethernet port to the I/A node AW that’s on the same network. The AW that I’m transferring files
to is listed in both AW’s /etc/hosts file as “MYAW01”. I am going to copy a text file (/opt/file1) and a binary file
cd /opt

ftp MYAW01

Name/login: root

Password: password

Will get an “ftp>” prompt


(will change to binary mode)

put file2

(To send file2 to the remote station)


(will change to ascii mode)

put file1

(To send file1 to the remote station)

(“get” instead of “put” will get file from remote station)

Note: Typing help at the “ftp>” prompt will give you a list of available commands. The following commands can be
specified to the command interpreter:
fuser – (find user)
Identifies the process Ids of the processes that are using the files or remote resources specified as arguments. For
example the following shows the process using remote mount /rem/r0.
fuser –c /rem/r0

fxedit - Used on NT instead of bpatch

There is no bpatch on NT stations, you must use fxedit.exe located in c:\tools.

GCIO – adding to 51F (P79) station


Open 51F station and install the optional Serial Expansion Card (P0971UB) in any of the 3 slots… Be sure you
don't forget to put back the retainer screw!!! Connect the GCIO to the FIRST serial port of the 8 connectors. It is
marked as "0". Refer to B0400SR-C, page 34 if you need more details. See also B0400QM-A, v7.1 Release
Notes, page 22.
NOTE: Do not install the software from CDROM "SunSAI/P 2.0 and 3.0". The I/A v7.1 operating system already
has support for this card. Reboot box with "boot -r" from the ok> prompt so that the station will recognize the new
expansion card. While the box reboots, you should see lines for the new Serial Extender card:


saip:0 Using default configuration for saip8 #0

saip port:0x0 mem:0x4000000 ports:8 PCI SAI/8 V2.0


PCI serial adapter configuration initiated...

Starting saip daemon to download PCI Async firmware


After reboot, you should be able to see the new serial devices:
cd /dev/term

ls -l

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a000 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a000,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a001 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a001,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a002 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a002,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a003 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a003,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a004 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a004,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a005 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a005,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a006 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a006,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a007 -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@5/pci114f,1c@0:a007,term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 43 Aug 31 11:20 c -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/isa@7/serial@0,3f8:a

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 43 Aug 31 11:20 d -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/isa@7/serial@0,2e8:b

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Aug 31 11:10 a -> ../../devices/pci@8,700000/ebus@5/serial@1,400000:a

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Aug 31 11:10 b -> ../../devices/pci@8,700000/ebus@5/serial@1,400000:b

Same files are listed for /dev/cua


Use SysDef (2.4.1 or higher) to add the GCIOto the AW51F or WP51F station.

NOTE: You can NOT add a Serial Expansion card to a 51F!!! (See B0400QM for details). If you still try to do it you
will get: "Although physically allowed, one or more component attachments specified are not supported by I/A.
Those attachments will not be made" On Configuration Components View, add new Peripheral: GCDEV (Graphics
Controller) and attach (drag) it to the 51F station

On AW51F by default GCIO is connected to "Serial Port 3" (the other option is Serial Port 4). On WP51F by
default GCIO is connected to "Serial Port 1" (no more options). Add also any Modular Keyboards (M KBD) as
needed. It might look like this:

P000nn GCDEV

P000nn M KB

NOTE: Remember you can have up to 4 Modular keyboards for the same station. The first 2 are "M KB Modular
keyboard", while 3rd and 4th should be "MH KB Modular keyboard". The last 2 keyboards are to be connected to
a 2nd GCIO.

Options, Utilities, Check Configuration

Options, Utilities, View Log Files

Ignore this error:

"ERROR: Station needs serial expansion board, but one not found: AW51F1"

Create Committal diskette using v7.1 10091 diskette

NOTE: Committal diskette has a file named "gcioport" with stations that have GCIO and their ports.

51F stations show as: AW51F01 ttyb


Pass the Committal diskette using "Install_AW"

Check log files and reboot the box


After reboot

- Process "sxlinkd" is reported immediately after the serial ports from expansion card

If you don't see it, could be because you configured ALSO a direct serial printer The presence of
/usr/local/local_printer prevents "sxlinkd" from running S99FOXBORO starts sxlinkd as:

/usr/fox/exten/sxlinkd -f $GCIO_DEVICE where GCIO_DEVICE is: /dev/cua/a000 (51F) or /dev/ttyb (51G)

SysMgmt will show: GCIO in White If not, check /usr/fox/sp/wp_dta, verify DIP swicthes on both GCIO and
modular keyboard, etc.

NOTE: If you remove "local_printer" (or modify S99FOXBORO to ignore the presence of that file)

you might have both Serial printer (on port "1) AND GCIO (on port "0") working. This configuration is

NOT supported because Device Monitor doesn't know how to handle this situation.


From B0400QM-A, v7.1 Release Notes, page 22: Configuring a Model 51F Workstation with GCIO or Serial Printer

The Model 51F (Sun Blade 150) workstation has only one serial port, and would normally need a multiport serial
card installed and configured using System Definition in order to connect annunciator keypanels, a touchscreen,
or a directly connected serial printer. However, System Definition does not allow the configuration of a multiport
serial card on a Model 51F (Sun Blade 150) workstation. Due to remnant configuration parameters in System
Definition and software install, and the fact that the multiport serial card drivers are built in the Model 51F at boot
time, you can perform the following workaround that negates the System Definition problem.

This problem also exists for the Model 51G workstation. However, Model 51G workstations are equipped with two
serial ports, and do not need multiport serial cards to connect annunciator keypanels, a touchscreen, or a directly
connected serial printer. The software installation process does not allow both a serial printer and a GCIO
configured through System Definition on the same machine.

To work around this issue, perform the following steps:

1. Do not configure a multiport expander card for the Model 51F workstation in System Definition. Simply create
the “GCDEV” or directly connected serial printer in System Definition, and physically connect the GCIO or printer
to “Serial Port 1” on the workstation, as is done for a Model 51B, C, D, or E workstation.

2. Install the multiport serial card in the Model 51F station per the instructions in the workstation-specific document
shipped with your processor. When software install executes, it builds the serial port configuration parameters as it
did previously on the Model 51B, C, D, or E workstations, which have two serial ports.

3. Connect the GCIO or printer to the multiport serial card, using the first connector (0) for GCIO, or the second
connector (1) for a serial printer.

4. The multiport serial card drivers are created on bootup. When the devices are connected properly, SMDH,
Device Monitor, lpstat, and System Monitor messages show the devices as operational.

getpars and ucsaq utilities

The almost unknown 'getpars' and 'ucsaq' utilities can be used to create different types of report.

A) 'ucsaq' creates a report of just: CPLBUG - COMPOUND - BLOCK - BLKTYPE, but it does it from all CPs and
Gateways in the system. The data comes from the CSA database.
cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/ifdenv

ucsaq > z

(wait until you get prompt back) (it might take longer if you have a lot of CPs)
more z




The 4 columns correspond to:


Remember to remove output files after.

B) 'getpars' can create more detailed reports, including values of most parameters. The general format for
'getpars' to get Compound parameters is:
getpars -Ucpname -Ccmpdname -pcompound_Parameter:%...

The general format for 'getpars' to get Blocks parameters is:

getpars -Ucpname -Ccmpdname -tblocktype -Bblockname -mBLK_PARAM:%...

The command “getpars” is used to Create a formatted list with values of user defined parameters from the control

SYNOPSIS getpars [-options]

To determine which PIDA blocks have the LIMOPT option set to 1 and redirect to a file named pida.list:
/opt/fox/bin/tools/getpars –tpida –mlimopt:%1d > /opt/fox/bin/tools/pida.list

–t Specifies a blocktype filter. Only blocks of the type –t specified will be examined.

-m Specifies a block parameter and how this parameter should appear in the report.

For other options and uses, see the getpars man page. The option "-n" is very useful to eliminate headers and put
everything from a block on one line. Reports created this way can be easily imported into Excel or similar
spreadsheets. The data comes directly from the control processors and gateways.

Please remember the limitations of this utility:

- Up to 20 parameters with one shot

- Can not get string parameters like: EO1, NM0, NM1, SCTXT0, SCTXT1, EU, etc

The only exceptions to this rule are name and description: NAME and DESCRP

Read /opt/fox/bin/tools/ to get more details on the use of this utility.

The following four examples show how to use this command.


This is the type of report advanced control companies usually request when they start their implemention. The
columns of this report are: BlockName - CompoundName - CPname - BlockType - Description
To create a report from ALL CP and Gateways in the system, type the following on a VT100 window. The report will be
saved as file 'z' on current directory.

cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

getpars -U4CP401* -n -mCMPNM:%15s -mCP:%7s -mTYPE:%7s – mDESCRP:%32s

more z




U64001 4CP401_ECB 4CP401 ECB48R UCM_64 MAIN FBP

U64102 4CP401_ECB 4CP401 ECB45 UCM64 NEST_1 SLOT_2, 2-I/O

To create a report for a group of CP's with similar names,

like: 4CP401, 4CP402, 4CP403, etc

getpars -U4CP40\* -n -mCMPNM:%15s -mCP:%7s -mTYPE:%7s – mDESCRP:%32s > z

To create a report for an specific CP, like: 4CP401

getpars -U4CP401 -n -mCMPNM:%15s -mCP:%7s –mTYPE:%7s – mDESCRP:%32s > z


You might find this report useful to verify current values of important parameters like FSENAB, INITMA, etc, before
an online CP reboot.

Note: If a PID blocks has INITMA=0, it will come up in MANUAL after reboot.
cd /opt/fox/bin/tools
getpars -n -mCP:%7s -mCMPNM:%14s –mTYPE:%7s -mINITMA:%ld –mFSENAB:%2d > z

more z





Control Processor 4OM201 not accessible.

Control Processor CP3000 not accessible.


cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

getpars -n -tAIN -mCMPNM:%15s -mCP:%7s –mPERIOD:%d – mLSCO1:%11.3f –mHSCO1:%11.3f -mDESCRP:

%33 > z (continuation of above line)

cat z


09PT0089A CP3_K1BLREF 3CP101 3 0.000 350.000 A REFINER CASING


Example 4:

To determine which PIDA blocks have the LIMOPT option set to “1”, type:
/opt/fox/bin/tools/getpars –tpida –mlimopt:%1d > opt/fox/bin/tools/pida.list

You can then view the file “pida.list”.

The glof command <global find> can be used to find a variable, global or process that is active anywhere on the
system. The glof command will search the entire I/A network.

Use AP20:
/usr/fox/bin/tools/glof -p <process>

Use AP50/51:
/opt/fox/bin/tools/glof -p <process>

The bold numbers represent the mac address and the italicized number represent the NSAP.

6C in the mac address represents a single Foxboro module

00006CC0xxxx in the mac address would represent a FT Foxboro module.

02xxxxxxxx in the mac address represents a PW station.

08xxxxxxxx in the mac address represents a 50/51 station.

glof LPXX
(will find owner of the LPXX printer).

Usage 1 : glof LBUG [LBUG...]

Usage 2 : glof -a ALIAS [ALIAS...]

Usage 3 : glof -p PROCESS [PROCESS...]

Usage 4 : glof -v VARIABLE [VARIABLE...]

The grep command searches files for a pattern and prints all lines that contain that pattern. The grep command
can be found in /bin.

grep APLBUG /usr/fox/sp/hldb

(will look in hldb and print all instances of the APLBUG specified)
grep NOTYET IIF.cur

(to look in IIF.cur and find word NOTYET)

grep DNI *

(look in all files in current directory for DNI)

head command
head –n <file-list>

Displays the top of the files, by default the top 10 lines.

-n Top n lines

See “tail” to get the last 10 lines of the file.

Historian (legacy - copying from one AW to another)

Users who keep identical configurations of legacy historian on two different AW's use the following procedure to
copy. The following is an example to copy the configuration from hist01 into hist02 (exact duplicate):

AW0001 hosts hist01

AW0002 hosts hist02

Perform saveh50 on AW0001 of hist01 and on AW0002 of hist02.

cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin


Then, on AW0002, copy the contents of hist02.exp directory to a file for later recovery if needed:
tar cvf hist02122393.tar /opt/fox/hstorian/bin/hist02.exp/*
(filename hist02122393 has date included in filename-12-23-93).

Initialize hist02 and clear contents of the hist02.exp directory:


rm -r hist12.exp

On AW0001, tar hist01.exp directory to a file to copy to AW0002:

cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin

tar cvf hist01122393.tar /opt/fox/hstorian/bin/hist01.exp/*

Copy hist01122393.tar (tar file on hist01) to AW0002:

rcp -p hist01122393.tar AW0002:/opt/fox/hstorian/bin

On AW0002, extract contents of tar file and rename/move to hist02.exp directory:

cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin

tar xvf hist01122393.tar

(this will extract to a hist11.exp dir on AW0002)

mv hist01.exp hist02.exp

The next step is to change any instance of hist01 in the files to hist02.
cd hist02.exp

grep hist01 *

(there is a space between "01 and *")

Now "vi" the listed files to change hist01 instances to hist02. The files modified may include: pnt_memb.unl,
all_groups.unl, arch_cfg.unl, and unload50.sql. Use the following command in vi to globally search for hist01 and
replace with hist02:

Do the above command in each file and save. Perform another grep for hist01 in that directory to make sure that
all instances of hist01 have been changed to hist02:
grep hist01 *

Once all instances of hist01 have been changed to hist02, a loadh50 may be performed.

Stop the historian and perform loadh50:


Restart the historian.

Historian - Legacy historian and foxtst

1. Open a VT100 window and change to the /opt/fox/ais/bin directory.
cd /opt/fox/ais/bin

2. Run foxtst

3. From the Main Menu, select the "625 -(Menu 6) Historian" option. Enter the information requested, the example
below will give you an idea what type of information you need to type.
Note: To enter the old and end time, go to the following address to convert the regular time to UNIX time:

Historian - AIM*Historian and apitst

Open a Command Prompt window and change to korn shell (d:, ncenv and sh) or a VT100 window.

Change to the /opt/aim/bin directory.

cd /opt/fox/ais/bin

Run apitst

From the Main Menu, select the "711 -(Menu 7) AIM*Historian" option.

Enter the information requested, the example below will give you an idea what type of information you need to

Bulk output to file? [ N]: y

Historian [ hist01 ]: hist01

Output File [ msg.txt]: smon.txt

Start time {04/17/02_06:14:13}=[1019024053]

Date? 04/16/02

Time? 12:00:00

Start time {04/16/02_12:00:00}=[1018958400]

Accept Date & Time [Y]y

End time {04/17/02_08:15:14}=[1019031314]

Enter "Now" for the current time!

Date? now

End time {04/17/02_08:15:51}=[1019031351]

Accept Date & Time [Y]y

filter [ *]: legacy:sysmommsg

ok to add? [ ]: y

APITST will provide the number of system monitor messages captures.

Historian = hist01

Start Time = 04/16/02_12:00:00 (1018958400)

End Time = 04/17/02_08:15:51 (1019031351)

Filter = *

Msg 1 legacy:sysmonmsg 04/16/02_15:28:34 to smon.txt

Msg 2 legacy:sysmonmsg 04/16/02_15:28:53 to smon.txt

2 messages printed into the smon.txt file. Note:

The smon.txt file can be create in the /opt/aim/bin or /opt/aim/inst/histname directory. Where histname is the name
of the instance

Do more on the smon.txt file.

more smon.txt

AIM*Historian and FH_SACEGO

1. Open a VT100 window and change to /opt/aim/bin directory.
cd /opt/aim/bin

2. Run fh_sacego to get the system monitor messages.

fh_sacego msg_mon.out histaw "" "" "" "2002-05-02-12:00" "2002-05-06-09:30" -m


mon_msg.out is the file name and histaw is the historian name

Note: Typing fh_sacego <enter> will give all options and examples on how to use it.

3. Do more on the /opt/aim/bin/msg_mon file.

more msg_mon.out

Historian (Legacy) - Stopping And Restarting

(20 series)

cd /usr/fox/hstorian/bin

histonoff -v {histname} ON or histonoff -v {histname} OFF

(50 series)

cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin

histonoff -v {histname} ON or histonoff -v {histname} OFF

Historical Data - Retrieving From Collection Points on AP20/PW

goto VT100 mode

cd /usr/fox/hstorian/bin

/usr/fox/bin/tools/dmpnam | pg

(get index number)

cd /u0/sam/hist11


q to quit lists
history Command On 50 Series
To turn history command on (C-Shell only):
set history = num

(To display list of remembered commands):


(To display last n commands):

history n

history 5

(will show the last 5 commands)

(Repeats previous command)


! -3

(will re-execute the 3rd last command in history)


(will re-execute the n number in history)

(-r reverses the order of printout to be the most recent first rather than the oldest first.
history –r

(-h displays the history list without leading numbers)

history –h

(Refer to the last command which began with character <char>


! n

(would repeat the last command which began with an “n”)

If you have issued the find command in error as below with “fint instead of find”:
fint / -name core –print

You can use history to change the “t” in fint to a “d” and reissue the command by typing:
^fint ^find

history – Scroll History Log

On the WP and AW, the Open Windows shelltool provides a window (VT100) where text scrolls upward. This
scrolled text can be stored in a temporary history log. You can scroll backwards and forwards and perform
searches on the text in the log file. However, the size of this file can grow rapidly and, therefore, should be
monitored. The default setting is that the text is not stored to a history file when scrolled out of the window.

To enable scroll history logging for text in the VT100 window, Right click the mouse button when in the window
pane and select “Enable Scrolling” from the popup menu. Right click the mouse again to assign the log file to be
created. The text is temporarily stored in a history file while the VT100 window is open and automatically deleted
when the VT100 window is exited. The history file is created and is named Text<pid>.<n>, where <pid> is the
process ID of the shelltool and where <n> starts at 0 and increments whenever the log file is cleared.

File that is built during the software install phase and is located in /usr/fox/sp directory. Use this file to: List all
stations on an I/A system and determine the type of the station.
more /usr/fox/sp/hldb

Displays the contents of the OM open-point-list used by the Historian.

cd /usr/fox/hstorian/bin


hostid – determining on a 50 series station

To determine the hostid on your 50 series station, type:

To determine the hostid on your Windows station, start your Aim APIAdmin and when connected to the AW will list
the hostid.

hps Historian Command

Legacy Historian:

hps is a command that is executed to give a list of all of the historian processes that are currently running.

Note: If you see the process called “startup” in the results of running the file “hps”, then the historian is still starting
up, when it is completely finished starting, the startup process will disappear.

AIM* Historian:

cd /opt/aim/bin


The iaboot utility is a 50 Series version of the AP20 reboot program. Use iaboot to reboot other stations. Access
iaboot from the UNIX shell.

iaboot <station_letter_bug>

The iaboot command used without arguments will reboot the local machine.

iccapi – save_all and loadall commands

save_all station path

load_all station path

You must first change directory to /opt/fox/ciocfg/api to run these commands.

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api/

save_all CP0001 /opt/julie/cp0001

(to save the CP0001 database to a directory previously created named /opt/julie/cp0001)

iccprt Command
This script lets the user produce a report of all parameter names and values of all compounds and blocks in a
specified station or volume, Compounds within a station, and Blocks within a specified compound.

Location: /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

iccprt [-m num] [-n compound[:block]] [-o outputfile] station

where :

-n compound / block set to report on (defaults to ALL parameters of ALL compounds and blocks; wildcard
characters are supported)

-o file to which parameter data will be written

-m type of report (1,2,3 = parameter report) (4,5 = compound or block order report) (FOR BACKWARDS

-p report on compound / block parameters rather than block order station control station letterbug


To save parameters of all blocks and compounds of CP 3CP401 to ASCII file “z”:
iccprt –p –o z 3CP401

To save a list of parameters of block “ZF925AI” of Compound “ZINC_FLASH” to ASCII file “z”:
iccprt –n ZINC_FLASH:ZF925AI –p –o z 3CP401

List all blocks in Compound APICMP1 to printer:

iccprt –n APICMP1 C10A50

List all blocks in Compound APICMP1 to a file apicmp1.txt:

iccprt –n APICMP1 –o /tmp/apicmp1.txt C10A50

List all block parameters in Compound APICMP:PLB001 to a file apicmp1.txt:

iccprt –p –n APICMP1:PLB001 –o /tmp/apicmp1.txt C10A50

List all compounds and all blocks to a file apicmp1.txt:

iccprt –n\* -o /tmp/apicmp1.txt C10A50

List all parameters in all compounds and all blocks to a file apicmp1.txt:
iccprt –p –n\* -o /tmp/apicmp1.txt C10A50

ifconfig is used to assign an address to a network interface and/or configure parameters.

-a apply commands to all interfaces in system

-ad apply commands to all down interfaces in system

-au apply commands to all up interfaces in system

ifconfig –a

apply commands to all interfaces in system – gives status of ethernet ports.

ifconfig le1 down

disable 2nd ethernet port

ifconfig le1 up

enable 2nd ethernet port

Installing fonts with the shrink & expand procedure on 50 series stations.
THE FONT FILE THAT YOU CUSTOMIZED . Running install_fonts will compile. (i.e.,
cd /usr/fox/wp/fonts

rm usr_mkr.bdf

rm Lusr_mkr.bdf

rm hhusr_mkr.bdf

(If you make a backup copy of these files before deleting, they should be stored in another directory, NOT
/usr/fox/wp/fonts). You must now tar in the custom fonts from diskette. Go into your font_editor and load this
custom file and save the font. Go back to VT100.
cd /usr/fox/wp/fonts

/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/font_expand –L –o Lusr_mkr.bdf usr_mkr.bdf

/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/font_shrink –h –o hhusr_mkr.bdf usr_mkr.bdf


You must now restart the Display Manager.


Intelligent Devices – Getting a List of All IFDs
This command should return ALL compound/blocks which can have intelligent devices. To get entire list of
Intelligent Devices configured on system:
/opt/fox/ciocfg/ifdenv/ucsaq –t “ECB13|ECB22|ECB74|ECB18”

Intelligent Field Device Configurator

At v4.3 and v6.1 the IFD Configurator comes on a CD separate from the Install CD. To install on v6.1, you must
first exit any open IFDC or ITMW applications.
mount –o ro –F hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom

cd /cdrom/ifdc_sol2


After the install script is completed,


umount /cdrom

To install on v4.3 WP51 or AW51, you must first exit any open IFDC or ITMW applications.
cd /usr/fox/sp/lastinst

Backup the REVLVL and SYSLVL files.

Change the first line of the REVLVL file from 4.3 to 6.1.

Change the lines in the SYSLVL that say “6.1” to 4.3.

Insert the IFDC CD into the CDROM.

mount –o –ro –F hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom

cd /cdrom/ifdc_sol2


After the install script is completed:


umount /cdrom

Copy the original REVLVL and SYSLVL files back into the recently edited versions.
IP Addressing on the Mesh
Switches (Max. 250 on the Mesh) –

Primary Network Port (WSs, CPs, FCMs, ATS) –

Alternate Network Port (WSs, CPs, FMCs, ATS) –

Primary IOC of ZCP –

Alternate IOC of ZCP –

(Alternate IP’s are not in System Definition)

At v8.0.x, each card in the AW has a unique IP address as well as a software virtual adapter with a unique
address. To determine the alternate, subtract 128 from the primary address.

Example: Primary = then the alternate would be

At v8.2, One virtual adapter monitors the health of both cards.

IPC Connections - Getting Number Of

See “sipc.”
ISQL Commands (examples)
create table tablename

(tag_one char(32))

select * from tablename

from prompt outside of isql:

/usr/informix/bin/isql hist01 -




from red_grp_name, all_points

where red_grp_name.status_tag=3 and


order by id, time_tag desc

select * from all_points

order by id

ISQL Invoking on 50 Series

The following is to make ISQL work on 50 series stations:

From “C” Shell type:

setenv INFORMIXDIR /opt/informix

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/informix/bin

If the development portion of Informix is installed, these variables will already be set.

To invoke type:

Jumper Settings - Hard Drives (20 series)

rshd3.all -> A0A1 take jumper off R0 and put on P1 for 5 1/4” drives

rshd5.hstor -> A0A2 leave on R0 for 3 1/2” drives

rshd4.all -> A2 extra primary hard drive

Letterbug Pinouts
Last CP Reboot – Determining the date and time of the last CP reboot.
To determine the date and time of a CP reboot on a 51 series station, you must determine which devices receive
system monitor messages:
cd /usr/fox/sysmgm/sysmon

/usr/foxbin/strings destact.cfg

Once you’ve determined which stations receive these messages, you can find the messages for that station using
the device listed.

To capture system monitor messages to a file:

See “System Monitor Messages – Capturing to a File.”

last reboot Command

To find out the date and time of last reboot (also see “psrinfo” or “dmesg.”
last reboot | head

This command lists time and date of all system reboots in the system log.

letterbug – determining letterbug of 50 series station

To determine the letterbug of the 50 series station you are on:
uname –n

Letterbugs - Generic





Link – Methods of Linking Files

There are two types of links, symbolic and hard. The standard command:
ln file 1 file 2

Is a hard link. The two files share a common inode number. This gives you two ways to address the same file. It
can only be used in the same file system.

To cross to other file systems, you must use the symbolic link that uses the “–s” switch as in:
ln –s file1 file2

This creates a small file that creates a path to the name of the file in the other file system. When you do the “ls –l”
command, you will see that the first character is the letter “l”. See the man page for more information.
loadh50 (Historian Restore Procedure)
Legacy historian:
cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin


Log file – Generating from an executing file for troubleshooting (AP20)

If you think that a certain file is not finishing it’s execution, having problems, etc., you can generate a log file which
will tell you what that executable file is doing and you may possibly be able to tell how far along it got. For
example, one of the startup files is called S99FOXBORO. If the following lines are put at the beginning of the
S99FOXBORO file and if <filename>=/S99FOXBORO.log, then there will be a log in the root directory of
everything that S99FOXBORO tried to run.

exec > <filename> 2>1&

set –x

loopback mounts
To create a loopback mount on a model 51 processor, use the following syntax:
mount –F lofs <mount point> <special mount point>

lp Command
lp filename

lists files to default printer

lp –dLP00

will use the alternate LP00 as the default printer for the lp command.
lp –n

number of copies

lpc Command
The main interface for user control is the “lpc” command. The “lpc” command will enter a command shell when it is
typed with no arguments and a Return. Use the “lpc” command to enable/disable, get status, clean queues and
start/stop printers.

(to get a listing of all commands)

lpstat Command
lpstat [-d][-r][-R][-s][-t][-a[list]][-c[list]][-f[list][-l]] [-o[list]][-p[list][-D][-l]][-

-a reports if printers are accepting requests

-d print sys. Default dest. For output

-f verify forms in list are recognized

-o print status of output requests

-p status of printers

-r status of LP request scheduler

-R print number showing position of job in the queue

-s status summary

-S verify character sets are recognized by LP print service

-t all status info.

-u status of output request by users

-v names of printers and path of devices

-l long listing

lpstat -t

(gives printer status)

ls command
ls [-ladrsixCR] [dir-list]

-l Long listing

-a All files

-d Directory information

-r Reverse alphabetic

-s Size in blocks

-i I-node number

-x Columns across screen

-C Columns down screen

-R Recursively list contents of subdirectories

man pages – On-Line Manual pages and “man” Command
The following information available in HH998. Sometimes systems are not set up correctly to read the manual
pages. A few simple changes to the environment can fix the situation, and knowing a few commands can make
using the man pages easier. The MANPATH environment path needs to be setup properly. If not , you will get the
man grep

No manual entry for grep.

To correct in C shell enter:

setenv MANPATH /opt/share/man

In Bourne shell enter:

MANPATH=/opt/share/man; export MANPATH

To automatically set these at every login, edit the appropriate file, and add the line in the .cshrc for C shell and
.profile for Bourne shell.

The Unix manual is delivered in the following sections:

man -f intro

(Entering "whatis intro" prints the same list.)

intro Intro (1) - introduction to commands and application programs

intro Intro (1m) - intro to maintenance cmds and application programs

intro Intro (2) - introduction to system calls and error numbers

intro Intro (3) - introduction to functions and libraries

intro Intro (4) - introduction to file formats

intro Intro (5) - introduction to miscellany

intro Intro (6) - introduction to games and demos

intro Intro (7) - introduction to special files

intro Intro (9) - introduction to device driver interfaces

intro Intro (9e) - introduction to device driver entry points

intro Intro (9f) - introduction to DDI/DKI functions

intro Intro (9s) - introduction to kernel data structures

Type this command:

man -f intro

/opt/share/man/windex: No such file or directory

/usr/openwin/man/windex: No such file or director

If this error occurs, You need to convert the man pages from nroff files to preformatted versions of the on-line
manual. First, enter:
catman -p | more
to see how many changes will be made. IF the SYSTEM is SHORT ON DISK SPACE AND YOU ARE SHORT ON
TIME, DO NOT ENTER the catman command. You can still use the man pages without access to man -f, whatis,
and apropos commands. If there is plenty of space (17 MB)

To pre-format only a few sections, enter:

catman 1 2

To search all sections for string "regexp", enter:

apropos regexp

Compare with a search for string "regex":

apropos regex

To view commands of only one section, when a command exists in many sections, enter the section number:
man -s 5 regex

If you are using truss to follow the execution of a process, a system call is listed per line. You can usually find the
call in section 2. A common command is "fcntl". Use:
man fcntl

Truss also shows errors returned to the executing program. These are all listed in intro(2). Enter:
man -s 2 intro

To read the index of all file formats documented in section four, enter:
man -s 4 intro

To learn more enter:

man man


The man pages are not installed on the local disc of WP51s. There are instructions to access the man pages on a
connected AW. The instructions are in the User Guide B0193ND title "System Administration Guide for 50 Series
Stations (Solaris 2.x)", section "Miscellaneous Administrative Tasks", paragraph "man Pages". Either remote login
or remote mount are specified.

Mapping a Network Drive

In this scenario, we are on a P91 and want to map a P92’s network drive. Select to “Map Network Drive” from My
Computer and the drive on the P92 in this instance is called “WP0001”. When asked the drive name type:
\\WP0001\D$ which will map the “d:” drive. You can also map the “c:” drive by using \\WP0001\C$ instead.

Another example is if you want to map the Lacie drive onto WP0001 that resides on the AW0001 F: drive. From
the WP0001, you would Map Network Drive, \\AW0001\F$, now you can do remote backups to Lacie from WP.

Memory – Determining Physical Memory

To determine the amount of physical RAM in AW51:
dmesg | more

prtconf | grep mem

Merging Two Completely Separate 50 Series Systems

There are two major issues which need to be addressed when combining two I/A systems. CSA will have to be
merged. CSA must reside on the AW with the highest level of software no matter which AW is hosting the CP’s.
CSA can only reside on one node. NSAP address assignments for the systems will have to be merged. A list of all
current NSAP assignments for all nodes can be derived by looking at the IIF.prm file in /usr/fox/sp doing a “grep”
for “ADRNSP”. If these two systems are single node systems being merged into one system, all NSAP’s for all
stations will change since both nodes will have NSAP’s of I000001. If these two systems already have LAN’s,
many of the NSAP’s are going to change when you re-commit. All stations which receive a new NSAP must be
rebooted. If an AW is re-committed and receives a new NSAP address, all CP’s/gateways on that node will not be
able to communicate with that AW until they are rebooted.

Mesh Constraints
Maximum of 1920 stations (1920 – Legacy I/A Stations)

No more than 250 managed switches

No more than 30 system monitors

Switches are monitored by System Monitor

Switches must be configured

Maximum of 7 Switches between any 2 stations

Repeating hubs are not allowed

No routers between switches hosting Mesh stations

One port on each switch should be left for diagnostics (Sniffer attachment)


Mesh Network Distances

Maximum Link Distances

Station to Switch & Switch to Switch

2km – Multimode Fiber (MMF)

10km – Single Mode Fiber (SMF)

100km – Single Mode Fiber & Repeaters (not hub repeaters)

Standard maximum end to end distance – 64km

(Seven switches with SMF & MMF links)

Possible End to End Distance – 800km

(Seven switches with SMF & repeaters)

Mesh Generic Upgrade Plan (Starter) for Class C (no reboot of control
stations on legacy system)
The following is a summary of a generic MESH Class C upgrade plan to be used as a guideline when making your
own plan for a Class C installation. The documentation that came with your system should be followed for a
complete plan. The following is a summary, which is subject to change but may help in planning and preparations
for a major MESH expansion. (dated 5/18/07)
Pre-Installation Work to be done:

Upgrade all legacy stations to v6.5.3. If control station images are not at the v6.5.3 level, there is a chance of a
symptom called “station islanding”. Station islanding may become a problem after the MESH integration. See
advisory # 2007001abi for minimum revision levels. May have to disable NFD on those stations. Follow advisory

Install switch hardware, run fibers, connect power, etc.

Install software on the P91 server and P92 stations offline. Install appropriate quick fixes.

Make appropriate System Definition Changes. (Use the Class C System Definition Changes procedure found in
the upgrade document). There is a summary of this configuration under “System Definition MESH Upgrade” in this

Configure the switches.

Boot the ATS’s to have configuration loaded into the ATS prior to cutover (both modules). We used a temporary
1x8 to configure the ATS with letterbugs.

Check peer-to-peers to make a plan to bypass if there are concerns about the loss of peer-to-peer connections.

Move CSA to a MESH station if it is to host control stations, otherwise CSA main remain on the legacy station.

Install the pre-v8.x compatability diskette on legacy stations to fix host files after the super commit. (After commit
is run through the stations, /usr/fox/bin/ will need to be run to fix the /etc/hosts file.)
Cutover Procedure:

Make sure that the time is set ahead by a few minutes on the MESH host. Connect to the P MESH stations to the
network. One person is stationed at the ATS and another at the System Monitor.

Connect fiber connections to front of ATS.

Unplug the LAN module.

Install ATS as single module, boot up.

Attach the redundant connector to the backup ATS.

Connect fiber cables to the backup ATS.

Slide the backup ATS into the slot engaging both the cellbus and the Primary module.

Check System Monitor for good status on the ATS.

Go to next ATS/LAN and repeat.

(This plan is to be used only as a guide in creating your own plan. It may be helpful and used as a reference).

Messages To File - Sending

echo “Don’t Touch Dis”$a >> /usr/julie/filename

Messages To Printer – Sending Messages Within Scripts


(prints current date on first line)

echo “Don’t Touch Dis”$a >> /dev/LP01 $a

(prints “Don’t Touch Dis” on the second line)

Messages To Workstation - Sending

Since multiple display managers can send the message to the dm name, default dm name is letterbug.
pref -WPLBUG dmcmd “dmcmd msglin \”HI THERE\””

sleep 15

pref -WPLBUG dmcmd “dmcmd msglin\”\””

metastat Command
Displays current status for each metadevice (including stripes, concatenations, mirrors, etc.)

-h displays usage message

-p displays list of active metadevices and hot spare pools

-s setname specifies name of disk set on which metastat will work

-t prints current status and timestamp for MDB & hot spare pools

metadevice displays status of specific metadevice

hot_spare_pool displays status of specific hot spare pool

metastat d0

Mirroring hard drives (50 series)

To mirror a drive: (example is for the first mirrored drive; the first to hang on the second scsi port. First drive on
second scsi is esp1 scsi3 and the second is esp1 scsi2, etc.) You do not have to shutdown to single user mode to
mirror hard drives.
dft format_disk esp1 scsi3

dft create_sys

dft mirror_sys

then type the following to check the status of the mirroring process:
dft show_status
It takes approx. 10 min. to mirror a 535 MB Hard Drive and approx. 20 min. for a 1 GB Hard Drive.

Mirrored Drive Nds_Maint Problems

There are occasions when one partition of a mirrored disk pair will report the status of Nds_Maint.

Using the metadetach and metattach commands will usually correct this problem. The following procedure was
done on an AP50, the same procedure will work on a 51 series but the Metamirror and Submirror device names
will be different. Run the dft show_status command to view the mirrored status of the hard drives. Example output
of “dft show_status” of the line that shows needing maintenance.

/dev/md0g: /dev/md4g: 306000 ESP0 / SCSI3 Okay

/dev/md8g: 306000 ESP1 / SCSI3 Nds_Maint

Note: The md0g or /usr partition on the esp1 scsi bus has a status of Nds_Maint.Type:
metadetach –f (metamirror) (submirror that needs maint)

metadetach –f /dev/md0g /dev/md8g

Metadevice /dev/md8g is now detached.

metattach /dev/md0g /dev/md8g &

[1] 838

On 51 stations, for example:

metadetach –f /dev/d0 /dev/d20

metattach /dev/d0 /dev/d20 &

Executing multiple dft show_status commands will show the progression of the re-sync process. The final status
should reflect a state of Okay if no errors were encountered.

Mirrored Disk Drive Problems – Recovering

The procedure to help recover from a mirrored disk failure is outlined in HH745.
The file is on the “pre-v8.x compatability diskette” and should be run on legacy stations to fix host files
after the commit in a system where there are mixed Unix stations and Windows stations. (After commit is run
through the Unix stations, /usr/fox/bin/ will need to be run to fix the /etc/hosts file.)

mkmact Command
/usr/foxbin/mkmact /usr/menus
Modem Commands

View the active profile



Exit and Save

Foxwatch Setup 9600, N81, COM1


This unsecures the modem


Displays configuration

Modes on 50 Series Stations

Normal (Multi-User) Operating Mode

Prompt: <APLBUG>

Boot Command: reboot

Single User Mode/Maintenance Mode

Prompt: #

Boot Command: reboot

PROM Monitor Mode

Prompt: >

Boot Command: b

Forth Toolkit Mode

Prompt: ok

Boot Command: boot disk

boot tape

CTRL-P to get to Monitor mode on AP50 or Wyse

<STOP>A to get to Monitor mode on WP/AW50

n to get to toolkit mode on WP/AW/AP50 and Wyse

b Normal Mode

b -s Single User Mode

n Forth Toolbox Mode

b -r Reconfigure

more Command
more [-cdflrsuw][-lines][+linenumber] [+/pattern][filename]

more filename

(to cat to screen one page at a time)

-c clear before displaying

-d display error messages

-f do not fold long lines

-l do not treat ff chars. as page breaks

-r disp uninterpreted ctrl chars as ^C

-s replace blank lines with 1 blank line

-u suppress escape sequences

-w prompt & wait for key before exiting

-lines display indicated # lines

+line number start up at linenumber

+/pattern start up 2 lines about pattern

Mount Floppy To Copy Files on 20 Series

mount /dev/fh0 /f0

cp /f0/[path] /usr/[path]

umount /dev/fh0

Mount floppy and CD- On 50 Series

To mount a floppy on 51 station:

mount /dev/fd0 /f0

umount /dev/fd0 /f0


*NOTE: A mountable 50 series diskette will not mount on PW.

To mount a DOS diskette on the 50:

mount -F pcfs /dev/fd0 /pcfs

mount /pcfs

To mount a DOS diskette on the 51:

mount /pcfs

(PC file system)

If you have problems with this command try using:

mount /dev/fd0 /pcfs

To mount a local CDROM on the 51:

mount –r –F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

mount –o ro –F hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom

mount –r /dev/sd6c /cdrom

To mount a remote CDROM on the 50 station:

Log into the remote processor as root and create the directory /cdrom if it does not exist: (you can actually use any
directory you choose as the mount point)
mkdir /cdrom

Edit the file /etc/exports by adding:

/cdrom –ro

If there is no /etc/exports file, create it so that it will contain the line above. You must now export the cdrom
directory. If you modified an existing /etc/exports rather than creating one, export it by typing:
exportfs –a

If you are creating /etc/exports for the first time, you must reboot the remote processor to export the /cdrom
directory, type:



Mount the cdrom on the remote processor by typing:

mount –r /dev/sr0 /cdrom

su root

Mount the cdrom by typing:

mount –r <remote_machinename>:/cdrom /cdrom

The following warning appears:

WARNING: No network locking on <remote_machinename>:/cdrom. Contact admin to install server change.

This warning is normal. You are now ready to install the software onto your local machine.

To mount a remote CD on a 51 station:

Edit the file /etc/dfs/dfstab by adding:

share –F nfs –o ro –d “CD-ROM Directory” /cdrom

(“CD-ROM Directory” is an optional description used with the –d option.

Export the /cdrom directory by typing:


On the remote processor, mount the CD-ROM by typing:

mount –r /dev/sd6c /cdrom

You may have to issue the mount command twice.

Check to see if ufds is running by typing:

ps –ef | grep ufds

If ufds is not running, reboot before continuing.

Mount the CD-ROM by typing:

mount –r <remote_machinename>:/cdrom /cdrom

To mount partitions on the hard drive from the local CDROM:

(Root) partition:
mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/sd0a /mnt

(usr) partition:
mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/sd0g /mnt

(opt) partition:
mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/sd0h /mnt
Murphy’s Laws of Computing

Network - Troubleshooting v7.x Network

HH#: HH1050

File: V7x Network


Release: 7.0 & 7.1

Date: July 29, 2004

Subject: V7x. Network Troubleshooting

Source: Development & TAC

Basic Network Checks

Verify that all Workstations have a splitter cable

Verify that the splitter combiner is connected to serial port "A" and the proper NIC or network interface

Verify that the RCNI cables go to the proper switch ("A" or "B")

Verify that the Ethernet cable from the splitter combiner to the RCNI is good. Verify that the Ethernet cable
connected between the Splitter cable and the RCNI is Rev C or higher for P0971XK, XL, XM and XN. Refer to SI
0-00528 for kits AG100WD, WE, WF & WG.

Verify that on each NCNI pair one switch is set to "A" and the other set to "B".

Verify that the NCNI is connected to the proper switch (A or B)

If there is more than one switch in series for each cable verify that there are no crossed cables between switches.
Verify that all switches have the proper configuration parameters as specified in B0400DV. Use the latest revision
of the document under the User Documents for the latest release. For instance under L02-2 B0400DV-A is found
but under L03-1 B0400DV-B is found.

Verify that the status leds and links are operating properly on all RCNIs. All three link leds should be on and
blinking. There will be a difference in the blink rate for the "A" & "B" fibers since one cable will be the Primary for
I/A but there should still be activity on both.

Verify that leds on the NCNIs are operating properly. There should be a link led on for each cable connection on
the NCNI, CAT-5, Fiber or both. When there is activity on a cable the led will blink. The Nodebus led will blink
when there is a transmission to the Nodebus from the NCNI.

Verify that switches which have connections have the led on for receive. The receive led being on indicates link.
There should be activity on the receive led when a packet comes from the switch to the station. The Transmit (TX)
led will blink when the station sends a packet to the switch. Flashing red on the transmit usually indicates a
transmit problem such as a collision. Check the switch port settings for full duplex and auto-negotiation.
Symptom: Network Slowdown

1. Check for crossed cables between the "A" and "B" paths in the V7.x network. A crossed cable can also be
produced by setting the NCNI switch to the wrong position i.e. connecting the NCNI to a switch for cable "A" but
setting the Nodebus Selection switch to "B", connecting the cables from the RCNI to the wrong switch or making a
connection between a switch on the "A" cable to a switch on the "B" cable.

2. Check for bad or missing connections on the station that is the current Nodebus Test Initiator. A bad fiber link
between a RCNI and a switch on the station that is the current NFD Initiator can cause a slowdown if stations think
there is a problem with the cable that doesn't have a bad link. Note: This type of fault would have to be a fault that
does not cause a link loss but does create bad or intermittent communications on the cable with the bad link. 3.
Verify that the station is configured for redundant communications (nodebus) and not ethernet. Check the
CMX_STAND_ALONE parameter in the

/usr/fox/exten/config/loadable.cfg file. For redundant busses (Nodebus) you should see the following values.
Solaris Stations CMX_STAND_ALONE = 0


If these values are not correct then a reconfiguration and re-committal will be necessary to properly configure the
TCP/IP Communications Work But Not I/A Communications (Comex)

1. Check that the splitter cable is connected to serial port "A". IP doesn't need a certain cable to work but I/A won't
work properly if it can't switch cables and switch the "A" & "B" receivers on/off. If the Splitter Cable is properly
connected replace it. Verify that the Ethernet cable connected between the Splitter cable and the RCNI is Rev C
or higher for P0971XK, XL, XM and XN. Refer to SI 0-00528 for kits AG100WD, WE, WF & WG.

2. On XP stations verify that the Foxboro Protocol is only enabled for the NIC port connected to the RCNI. The
Foxboro Protocol should not be enabled (checked) on the Mother Board port but only on the NIC used for I/A
which is usually Local Area Connection 2.
I/A Communications Work But Not TCP/IP

1. Check that the proper subnet mask is set. Sun stations default to NT stations and
XP It is best to set them all to Also verify that the Network portion of the I/A port is
151.128. Note a ping can work even if the netmask is not properly configured.

2. Verify that the Ethernet cable connected between the Splitter cable and the RCNI is Rev C or higher for
P0971XK, XL, XM and XN. Refer to SI 0-00528 for kits AG100WD, WE, WF & WG.

3. If the IP communications is going across a LAN to another node verify that the IP addresses for the destination
and source stations are in the correct IP range for the NSAP of each node. Check the CSC Web page under
Resources -> Troubleshooting Guides -> Tokenbus/Nodebus for a table of NSAP to IP ranges.
Intermittent Cable Failures Reported by NFD

NFD thrashing between V6.x stations and V7.x stations has the potential to create cable problems. On V7.x nodes
verify that NFD has been disabled on all V6.x stations. The one exception is the LAN, which

can't be disabled at V7.0 & V7.1. A workaround is to manually select a V7.x station to be the NFD Test Initiator
even if a V7.x is already the Initiator. On V7.x hosts running NFD the utility nfd_debug can be used to determine if
there is NFD contention occurring between multiple NFD Initiators. See below for more information on nfd_debug.
To set a station as the NFD Test Initiator go to NETWORK in System Management pick NEXT LEVEL, if there are
LANs pick the LAN for the Node which hosts the station which is to be the Test Initiator, pick NEXT LEVEL and
select the station which is to be the Nodebus Test Initiator, select ONLINE DIAG and when the window opens
select CHANGE NODEBUS TEST INITIATOR. When the operation is complete use the CURRENT NODEBUS
TEST INITIATOR pick to verify.
Non Unique Letterbug Messages After Station Reboot

When a Non Unique Letterbug messages shows up in the smon_log this is usually caused by by a Network loop in
the system which allows cross communications between the "A" and "B" cables. Check for crossed cables or a
defective NCNI, RCNI. Check for crossed cables on segments other than the segment on which station reporting
the Non Unique Letterbug that won't boot is located.
Duplicate Mac Address Messages

If a station reports on Duplicate Mac Address when booting up, check for port mirroring being enabled on the
switch to which the station is attached. When the station broadcasts it's Mac Address if port mirroring is enabled
on the switch it may cause the station to hear it's own broadcast making it appear that someone else owns that
Mac Address.
Both Cables Fail or Wrong Cable Fails NFD Test After Breaking One Cable

There are several items that can cause NFD to fail a test. Verify the items in the Basic Network Checks listed
above. Usually an incorrect cable diagnosis is caused by crossed cables or a problem with the serial cable on a
station(s), preventing the station from switching cables. Check the station that is the NFD Initiator. Try changing
the NFD Initiator, running cable test and see if the same results occur.
Workstation Won't Read Letterbug

Verify that the proper letterbug is installed correctly in the RCNI. The letterbug must be installed before powering
up the RCNI in order for it to be read by the RCNI. Verify that the status leds on the RCNI are with one off and the
other on (green), on the upper right corner of the RCNI. Verify splitter cable is connected to serial port "A" on the
workstation. Verify that splitter and Ethernet cables are connected and working. Verify that the serial connection
on the splitter cable is connected to serial port A or Comm 1.
Workstation Won't Communicate Through RCNI to Other Stations.

Verify the link leds are active on the RCNI

Verify the status led of the RCNI is green. There are two status leds in the upper right corner of the RCNI. If the
status leds are red/green the RCNI will not communicate properly. Power down and up to try and correct the

Verify all cabling

Replace the RCNI

Debugging NFD Problems (General)


Enable nfd_log on all potential V7.x NFD Test Initiators. The nfd_log will only record information on the station of
the current NFD Test Initiator. To enable nfd_log create the directory /opt/fox/sysmgm/nfd and then create the file
nfd_log. You will want to monitor the file because it will grow indefinitely. The nfd_log shows what stations are
requesting cable test and if stations are reporting Carrier Sense Errors (CRS).

Enable nfd_debug for information on the current NFD Test Initiator is. This file will log information on all stations
on which it exists. You want to monitor the size of this file because it will grow indefinitely and at a fairly high rate.
This log is helpful to show how many stations each potential Initiator thinks are on the node and also who is the
current Initiator. To enable nfd_debug create the directory /opt/fox/sysmgm/nfd and create the file nfd_debug. A
station that is the NFD Initiator will report messages like the following in nfd_debug

2004-06-18 09:26:33 ev_timeout: my_state: MASTER, Not Refreshing ---

num_stas: 18

my_state: Master (says this station is the Master)

num_stas: 18 (Says NFD on this stations sees 18 stations on the node)

A station that is not the NFD Initiator will have a messages like the following in nfd_debug

2004-06-18 09:31:09 ev_timeout: my_state: Not Master, Not Refreshing -

-- num_stas: 20

(Message indicates this station is not the NFD Initiator "Not Master")

2004-06-18 09:31:16 Heartbeat Rcvd: Master: AW51F1, Override: 1,

Mast_type: 7d -- my_state: Not Master

(Message indicates that a NFD Initiator heartbeat another station "AW51F1")

2004-06-18 09:31:16 2. I_OVERRIDE: No Action

(Message indicates that no attempt has been made by this station to become the NFD Initiator by overriding)


Enable the smon_log on all System Monitor hosts. This log along with nfd_log can help debug cable problems.
You will want to monitor the file because it will grow indefinitely. To enable smon_log create the directory
/opt/fox/sysmgm/sysmon and create the file smon_log.

Networking AW51E with XP station

This procedure was used to network an AW51E with a Windows XP station not running I/A to copy certain display
files from AW to XP station/laptop.


The AW’s 2nd Ethernet port has IP address of Assign the IP address on XP station to
Both stations connected to the same hub/network. Open command prompt window on XP station. Change
directory on XP station to the directory files will reside when copied from the AW.


cd /usr/disp

(cd to dir location of files to extract)

mget *

(to get multiple files in the directory)

(or use)
get filename

(to get one particular file)

Networking – Configuring Master Browser on Windows Station

This method required modifying the system registry. Please do not do this unless you know what you are doing or
you may suffer the consequences if there is an error.




(change XP/NT registry entry of the following to “yes”)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters\Maintain Server List

(exit regedit)

Right click “My Computer”


double click “Services and Applications”

double click “Services”

double click “Computer Browser”

Change startup type from “Disabled” to “Automatic”


(restart the system/reboot)

After system reboots, go to “My Network Places”

Select “Add Network Place” (use the wizard)

“Choose another network location” will be highlighted

Select “Next” and for “Internet or Network Address” type:


(WP5111 is the computer name)

Netstat shows network status. It displays the contents of various network-related data structures in various
formats, depending on the options you select.

man netstat

(for more details and instructions)

One example of using the netstat command is as follows to capture errors on the hme0 port:
netstat –I hme0 5
NFD – Guidelines when adding v7.x station to a node with v6.x
For v7.x Network Troubleshooting, see “Troubleshooting – v7.x Network” in this guide or HH1050. If there is a mix
of V7.x and V6.x stations on a node then NFD on stations earlier than V6.5.2 must be killed or disabled. This can
be achieved as follows: NOTE: V6.5.2 NFD is equal to V7.1.1 NFD.
Solaris stations:

In /usr/fox/exten: Edit foxboro.local and add a # sign in front of the line in which nfd_8023 is started. Reboot the
station. If the station cannot be rebooted, edit the foxboro.local file as stated above and rename the nfd process:
cd /usr/fox/exten

cp nfd_8023 nfd_8023.bak

rm nfd_8023

Kill the running nfd_8023 process

Windows NT/XP stations:

In d:\usr\fox\exten: Edit foxboro.loc and add a # sign in front of the line in which nfd_8023 is started.

Reboot the station NOTE: renaming and killing the NFD process may cause the station to crash. If the node is part
of a multi-node system, only NFD on stations earlier than V6.5.2 in that node needs to be killed/disabled. If there is
a LAN interface in the node, NFD in this LAN interface cannot be killed/disabled unless they have the V7.1.1/6.5.2
LAN image or the associated QF1005591 for that image The

V7.1.1/6.5.2/QF1005591 LAN image is backwards compatible with other LAN images. In a node with a mix of
stations earlier than V7.1.1 and V6.5.2, the Nodebus Test Initiator will default to (one of) the V7.x station(s). There
is one exception: If there is a LAN interface in the node and it was made the Test Initiator manually (CHANGE
NODEBUS MASTER in the Network display in SMDH), the Nodebus Test initiator will stay in this LAN interface. In
all cases, the following needs to be done:

On mixed nodes with a LAN, you should manually select one of the V7.x stations to become the

NFD Initiator. This will avoid the possibility of NFD thrashing between the LAN and other V7.x stations. Every time
the V7.x NFD Test Initiator reboots, you will have to manually select it as the NFD Initiator. NFD Thrashing occurs
when a V7.x station tries to become the Master and thinks that it has but the LAN keeps taking the Mastership
back or when more than one station thinks it is the MASTER.

If the LAN image associated with V7.1.1/V6.5.2 or the associated QF1005591 has been applied, the LAN module
will not try to takeover as the NODEBUS MASTER unless there are no other potential masters available on that

If a V7.x station is connected via an RCNI, the hardware between the RCNI and the nodebus is considered to be
part of the node by NFD (like a Nodebus Extender). This means, that interrupting one of the cables between the
RCNI and the nodebus will cause the complete nodebus cable (including the legacy part) to be declared BAD

If a V7.x station is connected via a DNBT and the cable between the splitter cable and the DNBT is interrupted,
the station will be declared FAILED in SMDH (assuming it is monitored by another station), but the nodebus will
not be declared BAD.

In a multi-node system with V7.X stations on some nodes, do I have to disable the V6.x NFD processes on all
V6.x stations? No, V6.x NFD processes should only be disabled on those nodes that contain V7.x stations. The
NFD Initiator for each node is independent of the other nodes. It will process requests from other nodes for a local
cable test and forward requests to remote nodes for stations that are on another node but results of any cable test
are only applied to the local node.
Is there any advantage to connecting a Solaris 8 station (51F Or 51G) or an AW70P (XP) station to the node via
an RCNI versus a DNBT/DBNX? Yes, a Solaris 8 or XP station connected to the Nodebus using RCNIs/NCNIs will
provide a more stable Nodebus Master. Comex below NFD is responsible for finding a good cable combination for
a station to communicate on. On stations directly connected to the Nodebus, including DNBT/BX/BI connections,
cable faults such as constant carrier or Excess Collisions will cause Comex to change cable combinations in order
to find a good bus. If the NODEBUS MASTER (NFD) is running on a station with a direct connection then cable
fault reports and cable test results can be missed when Comex is changing cables. When a station is connected
via an RCNI/NCNI combination it is isolated from the collisions and constant carrier faults that station connected
directly to the nodebus see.

Does NFD run in a WP? No, in order to have NFD a station must be configured as an AW. Can I add switches to
Nodebus without adding a V7.x AW? When switches are added to a Nodebus a V7.x workstation is required in
order to have an updated version of NFD. The updated version of NFD will be able to detect and handle the type
of faults that can occur due to the multiple segments in the node created by adding switches. An exception to this
would be if there are V6.5.2 workstations on the node because they also have an updated version of NFD.

NIC Cards – Changing MAC Address in the Registry

During a software install, the registry is updated with the MAC address associated with the existing NIC cards.
When the AW dies and a replacement is received, you have no issues if you are doing a day0 install because the
software will update the registry with the existing NIC’s. However, if you are restoring from a backup, the software
contains registry information for the NIC’s in the old AW; you then have 2 choices:

Either move the NIC cards from the old AW to the replacement AW before doing the restore


Restore the replacement AW from backup and once booted, modify the registry to assign the MAC address to the
new NIC cards as follows.

The NIC cards in the replacement AW do not match the software that we restored from an AW with different NIC’s,
therefore we will change the MAC address in the registry.
Get the address of the new NICs

You can get the address of the NIC cards by selecting “Network Connections” > choose the proper connection >
Properties > general tab > move the mouse to hover over the driver name and the mac address and location are
displayed like this:

Local area connection: mac addr: 00-15-77-70-a6-5f slot 5

And the 2nd NIC card will look like this as well:

Local area connection 2: mac addr: 00-15-77-70-a6-cb slot 6

(MAC_IA is my Local Area Connection)

(MAC_ALT is my Local Area Connection 2)

Run “regedit” and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Foxboro/System

Configuration Parameters and edit the binary MAC_IA and MAC_ALT to the physical address of the NIC cards
and reboot.

The nohup command runs immune to quit signals and log outs. Both standard output and standard errors are sent
to nohup.out. (See also “Background – Running files in Background” for more examples).
nohup diag_syst –r &

NSAP Addresses
NSAP of the Mesh


NSAP of Single Node System


NSAP of Multi-Node System


Nutcracker Environment on Windows NT 70 Series

The nutcracker environment is where you can enter Unix commands as if you were on a 50 series station. It
emulates UNIX on Windows NT. Go to the MSDOS Command Prompt



Nutcracker – Script to Call Nutcracker Environment Window

Procedure to Create a Script to open a Nutcracker Environment either by dropdown menu or from a FoxView


This procedure documents how to implement a dropdown pick from SftMnt that will launch a nutcracker
environment into a particular directory. (In this example, the destination directory is defined as /opt/fox/bin/tools).

1) Create a script in the /opt/customer/env directory on the AW70 station that contains the following
information. In this example, the script has been named “nutcrack.cmd”.




SET Path=.\;%NCDIR%\mksnt;%NCDIR%\bin;%NCDIR%\bin\X11;%WIN32BIN%;%Path%

SET NLSPATH=%NCDIR%\etc\locale\~L\~N;%NCDIR%\etc\locale\~L\~N.CAT

SET SHELL=%NCDIR%\mksnt\sh.exe


SET TERMCAP=%NCDIR%\etc\termcap




cd \opt\fox\bin\tools


To set up so that it will execute from a dropdown pick from SftMnt:

2) Edit the /opt/fox/env/soft.mnu file so that there is an entry something similar to:

“Nutcracker….” “run start /opt/customer/env/nutcrack.cmd”

3) Change environment to one such as softw_eng that contains the SftMnt pick.

Note: Some versions of FoxView/FoxDraw have capital letters such as Softw_Eng.

4) Click the SftMnt label and select “Nutcracker” from the drop down menu. An MKS Korn Shell window will
open up in the /opt/fox/bin/tools directory.

Nutcracker Service on Windows Stations

Sometimes when installing certain software you get a message that the Nutcracker Service must be running to
install and you know that you aren’t supposed to have I/A running to install the package. You can manually start
the Nutcracker service by using the following method.

To start Nutcracker service: right click “my computer”, manage > services & apps > services > double click
nutcracker service > start

oma Utility

On AP20:

cd /usr/fox/bin/tools


On AP50/51:

cd /opt/fox/bin/tools


to add point:

a0 ffic_4401:input.pnt f

a1 b

a2 ffic_4401:stnreq b

a3 ffic_4401:cntl.meas f

to change FFIC_4401 from manual to automatic:

to set back to manual: s1=0

(enter) will get bulk values


to get value of one item (line number 2)

to save sheet to file

w filename

to read/retrieve file

r filename

to set bscale to 32 on TI_4209:

s ti_4209:input.bscale=32

omget - Get Value Of Variables and Write To File

If used in a script on an AP20, put “sleep 1” between each omget.

omget [-av] [<name>..] -a alias -v variable

omget LOGIC:HEATER1.IFL_11 > julie.txt

omget LOGIC:HEATER1.IFL_12 >> julie.txt

location of omget: 20 series (/usr/fox/bin/tools)

50 series (/opt/fox/bin/tools)

omset [-av] [-bcfils<value>]

-a alias -v variable

-b boolean -c character

-f float -I int. system performance

Operating System – Determining Solaris Version and Hardware Model

The present Solaris version is 2.5.1. By adding the number 3 to the Solaris version, you can determine the SunOS
version which is 5.5.1. You can find the hardware type and version number of the operating system by issuing the
“uname –a” command at a console prompt.

Foxboro Hardware Type Sun Microsystems Hardware Type






AW51E1 (51E rev C) ULTRA 60

Optimize Displays
(20 series)

This utility used to reoptimize displays.

/usr/foxbin/pdfpack –r /usr/disp

(50 series)

/usr/foxbin/pdfpack –r /usr/disp

Packing the files removes the OM optimized data (OM list within the display file for quick OM connections). Once
the file is re-opened within the DM, the display file is re-optimized.

Partition Information (AP/AW 50 Series)

Partition Device Device Partition

# 50,51A,51B,51C 51D,51E Name

0 /dev/md/dsk/d0 /dev/md/dsk/d0 / (root)

1 /dev/md/dsk/d1 /dev/md/dsk/d1 Swap

2 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s2 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 Full Disk

3 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 MetadeviceDB

4 /dev/md/dsk/d2 /dev/md/dsk/d2 /var

5 /dev/md/dsk/d3 /dev/md/dsk/d3 INFORMIX DB

6 /dev/md/dsk/d4 /dev/md/dsk/d4 /usr

7 /dev/md/dsk/d5 /dev/md/dsk/d5 /opt

EIDE and SCSI Peripheral DISK Names (Sorted by OS)

SunOS Solaris 2.5.1 Solaris 2.5.1 Partition

4.1.1 50,51A,51B,51C 51D,51E Name

/dev/md0a /dev/md/dsk/d0 /dev/md/dsk/d0 AP/AW root partition

/dev/rmd0d /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d3s3 AP/AW Mirror DB Primary

/dev/rmd0d /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c1t0d3s3 AP/AW Mirror DB Shadow

/dev/md0 /dev/md/dsk/d2 /dev/md/dsk/d2 AP/AW /var partition

/dev/rmd/0f /dev/md/rdsk/d3 /dev/md/rdsk/d3 AP/AW INFORMIX RAW

/dev/md0g /dev/md/dsk/d4 /dev/md/dsk/d4 AP/AW /usr/partition

/dev/md0h /dev/md/dsk/d5 /dev/md/dsk/d5 AP/AW /opt partition

Password – Changing password for Foxview Environments

The environment directory may be specified in /usr/fox/wp/data/wp51_glbls.all file. It will look something like this:


To change the password for the Proc_Eng_Env environment to “newpassword” do the following:
cd /usr/fox/wp/bin/tools

dmsepass Proc_Eng_Env –p newpassword –f


This will change the password to “newpassword” and update the dmpasswd_cfg file with the new password.

path_to_inst – Building Drive offline for 51B/C using 51A processor

When building drives for an upgrade offsite, you can utilize a 51A system to build for 51B or 51C processor for
version 4.2x. This is done using the “path_to_inst*” files located in the /etc directory and also on the boot CD. The
files that exist are:

/etc/path_to_inst Loaded during ia_install

/etc/path_to_inst.A for 51A boxes

/etc/path_to_inst.B for 51B boxes

/etc/path_to_inst.C for 51C boxes

Example: Build a 1.03 GB drive for a AW51B which has an internal drive. Available system:

AW51A with an external 1.03 GB drive.

Boot the AW51A with the Boot CD and start the IA install for AW51B processor. On completion, mount the root (/)
partition of the drive.
mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/sd0a /mnt

cd /mnt/etc

cp path_to_inst.A path_to_inst
cd /

umount /dev/sd0a

Reboot the AW. After software installation, shutdown the system to single user mode, then
cd /etc

cp path_to_inst.B path_to_inst

Backup the system (dmp0).

There have been instances where an AW/AP would not boot any stations that it hosts after a commit. One way
that we’ve been able to correct this is to use the following method. If you’re on an AW51A, then you would go to
the /etc directory and copy the path_to_inst.A file to the path_to_inst file.

cd /etc

cp path_to_inst.A path_to_inst

If you are on a B then copy the path_to_inst.B instead of path_to_inst.A. The same if you’re on an AW51C, copy
the path_to_inst.C instead of path_to_instA.

Period And Phasing

The following table lists the phase values for a CP that has a BPC of 0.5 seconds.

Period Phase Phase

Value Length Values Value Length Values

0 0.1 sec 7 10 min [0-1199]

1 0.5 sec [0] default 8 60 min [0-7199]

2 1.0 sec [0,1] 9 0.2 sec

3 2.0 sec [0,1,2,3] 10 5.0 sec [0-9]

4 10 sec [0-19] 11 0.6 sec [0] default

5 30 sec [0-59] 12 6.0 sec [0-11]

6 1 min [0-119] 13 0.05 sec

*Available in CP40,CP40B & CP60 only when permitted

Relationship Between Block Period and Phase

Block periods greater than the BPC are always equal to an integral number of BPCs (for example, when the BPC
is 0.5 seconds, a block period of 2.0 seconds equals 4 BPCs). Each block uses this integral multiple, N, to set up
a modulo N counter that counts BPCs and triggers block execution every Nth BPC. In the example where N
equals 4, the block's modulo counter cycles through the counts 0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3-0-, triggering block
execution every fourth cycle. The block's Phase value determines whether block execution occurs at the 0 count,
the 1 count, the 2 count, or the 3 count. A Phase value greater than three in this example exceeds the maximum
modulo count and the block will never be executed. Generally, the legal phase values are the integers from 0 to N-
1, where N equals the number of BPCs in the Period. Thus, a block having a PERIOD/PHASE assignment of 3/1
executes every 2.0 seconds in the second BPC frame of the two second period.

ping Command
The ping command is sometimes used to check the communication from one station to another via Ethernet ports.
For example, to see if communications have been established between AW5101 and WP5101 across the hme1
port, in a VT100 session on AW5101, type:
ping <Ethernet address or name assigned in /etc/hosts file>

You should be able to ping from either station to the other. Another use of ping is to capture packets to a station.
The following command will monitor the communications between the AW where the command is performed and a
WP named WP5101:
ping –srv –I2 WP5101 64 30

(Where 64 is the packet size and 30 is the # of packets to capture)

See the manual for ping for more information.

pg Command
pg [-number][-p string][-cefnrs][+linenumber] [+/pattern][filename]

-c clear before displaying -p use “string” as prompt

-number size of window to use -e do not pause at end of each file

-r restricted mode -s standard output mode

-f no page splitting -lines display indicated # lines

+linenumber start up at linenumber -n auto end of cmd -cmd ltr is ent.

+/pattern start at first line with pattern expression

pg filename

ls | pg

(view one page at a time)

pr Command
pr [[-columns][-width][-a]][-eck][-ick][-drtfp][+page][-nck][-ooffset][-llength][-

+page begin with page number

-columns print cols. # of output

-a print multi col. 1 line/col.

-m merge/print all file 1/col.

-d doublespace the output

-eck expand input tabs

-ick replace white space in output

-nck provide k-digit line numbers

-wwidth set width to (width)

-ooffset offset line by (offset)

-llength set length of page to (length)

-hheader use header as text of header

-p pause before begin of page

-f use single form feed char

-r print no diag reports on files that can’t be opened

-t don’t print header/trailer

-s separator separate cols. by single char

-F fold lines of input file

pr filename

( list file in page form)

pr filename > /dev/LP01

(same and direct to LP01)

pr test > /dev/LP01

(list files that begin with test, send to LP01)

pr filename | more

(file appears on screen formatted into numbered pages with header w/filename and date and time)
pr -2 filename | more

(print file in 2 column format)

pr -2h “Put text header here” filename | more

(to change header of above formatted file)

pr -2dh “Put header text here” filename | more

(to double-space above formatted line)

pr-2dh “Put header text here” filename | lp -dLP01

(prints formatted file to LP01)

pr-2dh “Put head text here” filename | -d LP01 -n2

(prints two copies to LP01)

pref Command
pref [-<lbug>] <vbl> [<value>]

pref -WPLBUG dmcmd /usr/disp/displayname

sends /usr/disp/displayname to the WP’s display manager

pref –WP0001 dmcmd “stddisp COMP:BLK PID”

forces station WP0001 to display the detail display for PID block COMP:BLK

Printer – Adding a printer to a 51F (P79) station (HH1061)


Open 51F station and install the optional Serial Expansion Card (P0971UB) in any of the 3 slots. Be sure you don't
forget to put back the retainer screw. Refer to B0400SR-C for details. NOTE: Do not install the software from the
CDROM "SunSAI/P 2.0 and 3.0". The I/A operating system 7.1 already has support for this card. Reboot box with
"boot -r" from the ok> prompt so that the station will recognize the new card.

While the box reboots, you should see lines for the new Serial Extender card:


saip:0 Using default configuration for saip8 #0

saip port:0x0 mem:0x4000000 ports:8 PCI SAI/8 V2.0


PCI serial adapter configuration initiated...

Starting saip daemon to download PCI Async firmware


After reboot, you should see the new devices:

cd /dev/term

ls -l

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a000 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a001 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a002 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a003 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a004 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a005 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a006 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Sep 7 13:51 a007 ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 43 Aug 31 11:20 c -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/isa@7/serial@0,3f8:a

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 43 Aug 31 11:20 d -> ../../devices/pci@1f,0/isa@7/serial@0,2e8:b

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Aug 31 11:10 a ->


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Aug 31 11:10 b ->


Use SysDef (2.4.1) to add the new serial printer to the 51F. NOTE: Do not add a Serial Expansion card to this
box!!! (See B0400QM for details). On the Configuration Components View, add a new Peripheral. SysDef allows
you to choose only these printers:

P80BWS 80 Dot-Matrix,B&W,Ser

P132S 132 Dot-Matrix,B&W Ser

P136S 136 Dot-Matrix,Color Ser to 51F

Select "Serial Port 3" for 'Connection'. (Only other option is "Serial Port 4")
Select View, Parameter Definition

Enter LP01 for 51F "Port 1 Logical Name"

NOTE: Leave "Port 3 Logical Name" empty

Options, Utilities, Check Configuration

Options, Utilities, View Log Files

Ignore all these errors:

- WARNING: Port has logical name but no peripheral is connected (P1LN) OS6AW1->AW51F1

- WARNING: Printer connected to port with no logical name (P3LN) OS6AW1->AW51F1

- ERROR: Port Logical Name not 4 characters long (P3LN) OS6AW1->AW51F1

- ERROR: Station needs serial expansion board, but no one found: AW51F1

Create Committal diskette using v7.1 10091 diskette


Pass Committal diskette using "Install_AW"

Check log files and reboot the box


After reboot you should notice:

- /etc/printers: doesn't show the Serial Printer (LP01)

- System Management doesn't show any printers attached to this 51F

- Can not print by redirection to /dev/LP01 --> can not create error

- cs_alarm is not running


Correct "cs_alarm" file by:

Changing owner to 'root' from 'nobody'

Changing group to 'sys' from 'nobody'

cd /usr/fox/exten

chown root cs_alarm

chgrp sys cs_alarm

Reboot box again. After reboot you should see now:

- cs_alarm is running

- SysMgmt now shows: LP01 in White, but as a TERMinal

- cat /etc/printers > dev/term/a001 It should print correctly

- cat /etc/printers > dev/LP01 Error: can not create

- lp -dLP01 /etc/printers It should print correctly


Change how printer shows in SysMgmt from 'Terminal' to Printer:

LPTYPE = 4 (VT100 Wyse Terminal)

LPTYPE = 3 (80 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser)

LPTYPE = 5 (132 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser)

LPTYPE = 5 (136 Dot-Matrix,Color,Ser)

cd /usr/fox/sp/files


Change line: LPTYPE#4


After the change, that section should look like this:

# Printer Definition for LP01 on /dev/term/a001

# System Configuration Parameter Name: P1LN


# System Configuration Parameter Name: P1B1

# --- No Backup device configured ---



# End of P1LN parameter specifications

Add the new Serial Printer LP01 to /etc/printers:

cd /etc

vi printers

Tip: copy an existing line, paste it, and edit it. The line should look like these lines

LP01 0002 80 Dot-Matrix,B&W,Ser

LP01 0004 132 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser

LP01 0005 136 Dot-Matrix,Color,Ser

After copying the line and editing use the "set list" command to view invisible characters and verify

that all lines are the same length. Make sure all the columns and dollar signs line up. type

:set list

Reboot box.

System Management should now show Serial Printer (LP01) as a printer with a CLASS NAME =

OKI132 (or similar, under EQUIPMENT INFO)

You should be able now to print by redirecting files to /dev/LP01

cat /etc/printers > /dev/LP01
Printer Troubleshooting
The best printer troubleshooting guide in the world can be found on the Schneider Electric TAC Global Support
Webpage, which was authored by Angel Corbera. I cannot put all of the information in here because it is a booklet
by itself. Great job, Angel and thank you!!!

Printers – Direct Connect Configuration

Direct connect parallel printers connected to 50 series stations are to be configured to Port 2 (parallel).

Printer Problem - HP1600 defaults to 60 lines/page while UNIX defaults to 66

Make a backup copy of ps_interface file
cd /etc/lp/interfaces

cp ps_interface

Use a text editor to add the following lines in the ps_interface file after the line that reads:

“internal_lpset “${cpi}””${lpi}””${width}””${length}”””

Add these lines:


# Set the lines/page to 66 lines


echo “\033%-12345X@PJL DEFAULT FORMLINES=66”

echo “\033%-12345X”

After saving the file, assign interface program to printer:

lpadmin -p LPXX -i /etc/lp/interfaces/ps_interface

set default page length

lpadmin -p LPXX -o length=66

Printer problem – preventing printscreen color problems (Models 51D and

The default parameters of the Style D and Style E parallel port are different from those of other 51stations.
Change the parallel port settings to prevent printscreens from having distorted colors. (For example, printscreens
sent to an HP890C printer sometimes have this problem.) To change the parallel port settings on the Model 51,
invoke a VT100 window and enter the command:
lpadmin –p LPxx –H

Where xx is the printer number.

Printer Problem – Print Device Failure
Print device failure after alarm burst condition: To handle a large burst of alarm messages the CMP10 has been
changed to allow for backed up messages to be rerouted to a remote backup print device. When the primary print
device is in the rerouting mode the status of the print device if OFFLINE and NOT FAILED in the SMDH display.
Once the burst condition has subsided, to return the primary to ON-LINE and NOT FAILED the operator must
manually toggle the print device off/on-line or power reset the print device.

Printer Problem – Printer Will Not Print (spooler becomes disabled)

The following information found in CAR 992163. Problem with all types of parallel printers (1200,1600and 895cxi)
on Unix platforms. All of last year we were experiencing problem with printers, disabling in spooler, not printing
etc. After installation of QF991068b, printers would disable after a reboot of an AW or WP. After running dm_recon
and verifying the file, it was notice that the printer connected to device 3 was indicating FAIL. If the
second device is not configured it will fail the third device.

Problem Workaround:

To work around the problem a dummy printer can be added to /usr/fox/sp/files/ file. Edit the file and copy the 10 lines for P2LN, and place the dummy copy above the real parallel printer
information. Change the LPNAME parameter of the dummy entry to some unused value, like LP99, and change
the PTNAME parameter of the dummy to /dev/ttyb. Save and exit the edit, and reboot the processor.

Problem Action

Quick Fixes 991068 and 990273 are needed to resolve this issue. The following list has the 2 Quick Fixes that are
needed, and must be installed in the same sequence.

991068B - cs_devmon, etc

990273B - cs_devmon, cs_alarm, etc

Revision B of 991068 (existing Quick Fix) must be installed first if it has not already been installed on the system.
Revision B of 990273 should be installed next. It detects when the Foxboro Alarm queue is stalled, and causes
the printer to go off line in Station Management.. It also offers much more consistent print options than the original
Quick Custom. The changes will be released in version 6.3.
Printer Problem – Printscreens are too dark
Printscreens on the PostScript 1200 sometimes come out too dark. To change the gamma correction go to VT100
and do the following:
cd /usr/fox/wp/bin

echo /usr/fox/wp/bin/xwd2ps –g.50 > printscreen.cmd

The value –g.50 represents the gamma correction value. Gamma factor: 0.25 < gamma < 1: 1=normal,

Printer Problem – Printscreens take longer

Printscreens on the PaintJet replacement, HP1200C/PS may take longer. The HP1200 waits to receive the entire
image before it begins printing. It may take up to an additional 1 minute and 15 seconds to complete a printscreen.
The HP supports a Negative Motion print option. The default causes the HP to wait for the data before printing it.
We can change this to “no” manually for the HP to begin printing as soon as the data is received. Type in a VT100

echo “\033&a1N” > /dev/LPxx (LPxx is logical name of the HP1200)

Printer Problem – Skewed Printing on Color Inkjet Printer

When printing to an HP PaintJet printer, the pringout may appear skewed, because the InkJet does not
automatically insert carriage returns after line feeds. To correct this situation, type the following line in VT100
echo “\033&k2G” > /dev/LPnn

(where LPnn is the logical printer name).

Printer Problem – Printing Skewed ASCII Output

When the line termination character in an ASCII file is a <LF> instead of a <CR><LF>, output may be skewed.
That is, each line of the output begins in the column following the end of the proceeding line.

Printing from AP10 or AP20

On an AP10/20 this problem is avoided by printing ASCII files with the lp command:
lp –dLPXX filename.txt

Printing from Model 50 stations

On 50 Series stations, this problem can be worked-around by instructing the printer to do a <CR><LF> each time
it sees only a <LF>. This can be done sending the printer an escape sequence as follows:
echo “\033&k2G”>/dev/LPXX

Sending the HP1200C/PS printer a Postscsript file (i.e. Printscreen from a 50 series workstation) clears the setting
and requires it to be resent. However, the above command can be added to a script, or the escape sequence can
be added to the beginning of the ASCII file.

Printing from Model 51 stations

On a Model 51 station, a script file can be modified such that the lp command issues the escape sequence to the
printer prior to printing and also a Form Feed to eject the last page. To implement this, make the following change
on each AP/AW/WP51.
cd /etc/lp/interfaces

cp LPXX HP1200

(LPXX: logical name for the HP 1200C/PS)

Using a text editor find the following at or about line 709:


#Set the page size and print spacing, but not the character set.

#We will be doing the character set later (after the header).


internal-lpset “${cpi}””${lpi}””${width}””${length}” “”

Add the following lines after the above text:

#Echo command to printer to map Newlines

#as carriage-return Newline.

echo “\033&k2G”

Near the end of the file find:

if [-n “${FF}”-a”yes”=”${nofilebreak}”]


echo “${CR}${FF}\c”


Add the following lines after the above text:

#Eject the last page out of the printer

echo “\014”

After both of the above changes are complete issue the following lpadmin command:
lpadmin –p LPXX –i /etc/lp/interfaces/HP1200

An lp of an ASCII file is formatted properly and the last page is ejected.

Printer And Scheduler Commands on 20 Series Stations


disables scheduler

enables scheduler

To change default printer:

lpstat -t

/usr/lib/lpadmin -dLP02


lp /etc/inittab

(This line to check to see if you get a printout at new LP02 (new default)

Printer Not Showing Up In List Of Printers In Control Configurator

20 series:

lpstat -t

(to see if printer is in scheduler)

cd /usr/lib


lpadmin -pLP02 -v/dev/LP02 -i/usr/fox/eq/scoki293

(scoki293 found in /usr/spool/lp/interface)


enable LP02

accept LP02

then check /etc/printers to see if LP02 is there, if not, copy that file from other AP

Printers - Ports Types and Descriptions

Port Type Description

0003 80 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser

0002 80 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser

0002 80 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Par

0000 80 Dot-Matrix,Color,Ser

0005 132 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser

0004 132 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Ser

0004 132 Dot-Matrix,B/W,Par

0005 136 Dot-Matrix,Color,Ser

0004 136 Dot-Matrix,Color,Par

0006 Color Ink-Jet,Ser

0006 Color Ink-Jet,Par

0006 Deskjet Printer,Ser

0010 Deskjet Printer,Par

0006 PS Postscript Printer

0010 PS Postscript Printer


Note: The description of a PostScript printer does not tell you if the interface is Serial or Parallel, however the
PORT TYPE is 0006 for Serial, and 0010 for Parallel. (Above information taken from Angel Corbera’s Printer

Printing Compounds And Blocks To Text File And Copy to Dos Formatted
1. get formatted DOS diskette

2. go into Ctrl-Cfg and select the Cp, then select print all compounds and blocks.

3. select cancel before sending to printer

4. will put in a file in directory called /usr/tmp (there will be a filed called [WPLBUG]print – the

following commands are assuming the letterbug is PCAT00

5. goto VT100
doscopy -a PCAT00.print dos!

or on 50 series
mount /pcfs

cp PCAT00.print /pcfs

probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all and probe-ide

To probe the SCSI bus to see equipment on the bus: At the ok> prompt only type:


On a 51D, you can use probe-ide since the 51D does not use SCSI drives.

Process Summary Reporter – New FoxSelect Summary Report

The Process Summary Reporter is no longer supported on v8.2 and later. Instead, use the FoxSelect Summary
Report. To run it from a command prompt window, create a script as follows:

Make sure that configuration files are available in /usr/fox/psr/cfg. If they are not, create them in FoxSelect by
selecting the “View” menu > “Configure Report” > and the report configurator window will appear. Select “New”
and select the appropriate configuration for your report > select “Save”. Select the appropriate save response
which is “No”. This will create a configuration file in /usr/fox/psr/cfg.

Once the previous step is complete, create a script in /usr/fox/psr/files called alarmrpt.ksh. The alarmrpt.ksh file
should look like this:
/opt/fox/wp/FoxSelect/foxselect –psr –cfg compalarmcfg –out compalarmrpt
Note that compalarmcfg refers to the configuration file name and compalarmrpt refers to the report name.

To run the script, call it from the command prompt as follows:

cd /usr/fox/psr/files


or through windows scheduler by creating a .bat file with the following replacing WP0001 and LP01 with your
AW/WP name and Printer name:

print /d:\\2WP016\LP04 d:\usr\fox\psr\files\PSR_MANUAL_RPT.txt

This command prints system information. The output includes the total amount of memory, and the configuration
of system peripherals formatted as a device tree. To find out the port for the second ethernet port, type:
prtconf | grep le

prtconf | grep hme

ps Command
Shows what processes are currently running with process ID numbers.

ps -el (AP20)

ps -eaf (AW51)

ps -aux (AW50)

Example :
ps –avx

(shows cpu and memory usage on 50 series stations.)

-e Display status info. about all active processes controlled by any terminal

L Long, complete status report with 14 columns

S State of process

R Running

S Sleeping

W Waiting

PID Process ID of the process

PPID Process ID of the parent process

TTY Number of the terminal that controls this process

TIME Number of seconds the process has been executing

CMD Command line the process was called with.

Another version of the “ps” command can be found in /usr/ucb and will provide information such as %CPU,
%MEM, PID and more.
/usr/ucb/ps –aux | more | sort –nrt3 | head

This command will return the information sorted by the process using the most CPU time.

psrinfo –v

This command prints the time of the last station reboot, and the speed of the station’s process(s), in MHz. It is only
available on Solaris (51-series) machines. Note: This command can be used with no arguments.

pstat -s

-s Print information about swap space usage. For use on 50 series systems only.

RAID drive – Connecting to Laptop

Connect via COM1. Set RAID and hyperterminal to 19200 Baud with Parity at 8-None-1, and XON/XOFF. Change
font to “terminal” in hyperterminal program. Use Ctrl+L to refresh hyperterminal screen when connected to RAID.

rcp – Remote Copy on 50 series stations

The rcp command copies files between machines. Each filename or directory argument is either a remote
filename of the form “hostname:path” or a local file name (containing no “:” (colon) characters, or “/” (slash) before
any “:” (colon) characters).

rcp hostname:path

rcp [-p] file1 file2

rcp [-pr] filename…directory

To copy /usr/disp from remote machine AP5101 to /tmp on local machine:

rcp AP5101:/usr/disp /tmp

cd /tmp

rcp AP5101:/usr/disp/* `pwd`

To copy /usr/disp from local machine to /tmp on remote machine AP5101:

rcp /usr/disp/* AP5101: /tmp

cd /usr/disp
rcp `pwd`/’* AP5101:/tmp

Reboot on 20 Series Stations

/usr/fox/bin/tools/reboot WPLBUG

Reboot on 50 Series Stations

/opt/fox/bin/tools/iaboot WPLBUG

iaboot without specific letterbug reboots the station you’re logged into.

Allows the user to view reduction group status information.
Usage on 20 stations:

cd /usr/fox/hstorian/bin


Usage on 50 series:

cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin


Reduction Groups - Deleting Names of

Legacy historian:

(names still appear on list after regular deletion)

from isql

delete from all_groups

where id=“reduction group name”

The remv process is the operator interface (VT100) to remote administration SMDH from a WYSE terminal and
remd provides that dispatch interface to filter and determine all messages, counter information, station information,
and ECB information.

a)The remd/remv files can be located in:

On AP20:

/usr/rem/remd/remd and /usr/rem/remv/remv

On AP50/51:

/opt/rem/remd/remd and /opt/rem/remv/remv

b)To use remv, remd must first be running, remd should be running on only one AP on the entire network.

To start remd on an AP20:

nohup /usr/rem/remd/remd &

To start remd on AP50/51:

nohup /opt/rem/remd/remd &

c)To examine system monitor functions from a VT100 terminal (interactive mode).

Use on AP20:

Use on AP50/51:

remv [-d<domain name>[-s<station name>[-e<ECB name>[-[c][r][t]]]]

-c Retrieve counters -cr Retrieve counters and then reset

-r Reset counters -t show TBC statistics

remv -dSYSMO1 -sAP2100 -cr

(The symbol @ acts as a wild card)

Remote Application Troubleshooting Checklist

Check for rem_strt process already running on Initiating station.
ps –eaf | grep rem_strt

Verify that the process “mles” is running on the application host station. Try running the script manually
substituting variables for $TMHST and $GCLBUG. Get TMHST and GCLBUG values from the /usr/fox/IIF.prm file



dmcmd script

dmcmd run /usr/fox/bin/rem_strt 5 AW0001 /usr/fox/bin/run_cio WP0001

The above sript would start up the Control Configurator on AW0001 and the Display results and user interface on
WP0001. Verify that /etc/fox/loghost contains the proper Logical Host Letterbug.
grep APLHLB IIF.prm

Verify proper rmount directories are present on Initiator station and Application Host station. Also check the
permissions of the rmount directories.

Check the sum of the rem_strt process in /usr/fox/bin

sum /usr/fox/bin/rem_strt
Remote Copy
See rcp.

Remote Login from VT100

rlogin lbug

Remove Files In A Directory

rm -r /path/directory

(this command is dangerous! It removes files and directories recursively.)

Restoring Level 0 Dump Tapes on 50 Series

At “ok” prompt:
boot cdrom

While booted on the cdrom, type:


(if on an AP or AW)


(if on a WP)

or if using the new “backup and restore” utilities


Restore – Interactive on 50 series

After reading in the directory information from the media, ufsrestore invokes an interactive interface that allows
you to browse through the dump file’s directory hierarchy and select individual files to be extracted.

ufsrestore ifvs [tape device-name] [tape file-number]

Change to a temporary directory and start the ufsrestore command with the interactive option. The number 3 in
the ufsrestore command is for the /usr partition on the tape. (/ =1, /var=2, /usr=3, /opt=4 on AP/AW’s, On WP’s it’s
/=1, /usr=2, /opt=3)
cd /opt/tmp

ufsrestore ifvs /dev/rst9 3

Prompt changes to “ufsrestore”. A “?” at the ufsrestore prompt will provide help on interactive mode. Display the
contents of the directory structure on the dump volume.
You can change directories within the dump volume.
cd PDEMO/HI/annunc


add REA*

(This flags all files named REA* to be extracted from the directory /usr/PDEMO/HI/annunc. Marked files will show
an "*” in front of them).
delete REA*

(This clears them from extraction. It does not actually delete the file)
add REA*

add .rhosts .wastebasket


When it asks you to specify the next volume, specify 1. When asked to set owner/mode for ‘.’? Specify y. Set
modes anyway? Specify y. Exit the interactive restore once the files are extracted.

ls –R /opt/tmp

Note: The extraction of the REA* files caused the creation of the parent directories (/PDEMO/HI/annunc) under the
/opt/tmp (where we originally started). Now these files can be moved or copied wherever they may be required.
When the exact location of the files is known and/or only a few files are required, the Direct mode below proves to
be faster.

Restoring individual files from level 0 dump tapes on 51 stations

The File Systems Tape of the level 0 dump on the 51 stations uses the command “ufsrestore” to restore files from
this tape.

To view files in the root partition on the tape: (Example)

ufsrestore tfs /dev/rst9 1

The above command looks at the 1st partition on the tape (/dev/rst9) and prints those files to screen. You may
have to change the tape device name is not using the 4MM tape. To look for a particular file in the /usr partition.
The following will look in the /usr partition on the tape for the file named /usr/disp/boiler1.
ufsrestore tfs /dev/rst9 3 ./disp/boiler1

Since the file is in the /usr partition on the tape, the paths start with ./ and looks for /usr/disp/boiler. To extract files
from the tape: (Example) To get the file named “/etc/hosts” off the tape, you must first change directories to /
(root). The ufsrestore command places the files starting at the current directory.
cd /

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst9 1 ./etc/hosts

It will ask you to specify the next volume, type in “1”. It will also ask if you want to change the permission/mode
and you will answer “y”. The last question asked is if you want to change these permissions anyway and the
answer is “y”. Another example: To restore the “/usr/fox/sys/Change_Env” directory off the tape, you must first
change directories to /usr.
cd /usr

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst9 3 ./fox/sys/Change_Env

The partition numbers for AP’s/AW’s are as follows:

/(root) = 1

/var = 2

/usr = 3

/opt = 4

The partition numbers for WP’s are:

/(root) = 1

/usr = 2

/opt = 3

Restoring individual files from level 0 dump tapes on 50 stations

The File Systems Tape of the level 0 dump on the 50 stations uses the command “restore” to restore files from
this tape.
To view files in the root partition on the tape: (Example)

/etc/restore tfs /dev/rst1 1

The above command looks at the 1st partition on the tape (/dev/rst1 which is the 8MM tape) and prints those files
to screen. You may have to change the tape device name is not using the 8MM tape. To look for a particular file in
the /usr partition. The following will look in the /usr partition on the tape for the file named /usr/disp/boiler1.
/etc/restore tfs /dev/rst1 3 ./disp/boiler1

Since the file is in the /usr partition on the tape, the paths start with ./ and looks for /usr/disp/boiler.
To extract files from the tape:

To get the file named “/etc/hosts” off the tape, you must first change directories to / (root). The restore command
places the files starting at the current directory.
cd /

/etc/restore xfs /dev/rst1 1 ./etc/hosts

It will ask you to specify the next volume, type in “1”. It will also ask if you want to change the permission/mode
and you will answer “y”. The last question asked is if you want to change these permissions anyway and the
answer is “y”. Another example: To restore the “/usr/fox/sys/Change_Env” directory off the tape, you must first
change directories to /usr.
cd /usr

/etc/restore xfs /dev/rst1 3 ./fox/sys/Change_Env

The partition numbers are as follows:

/(root) = 1

/var = 2

/usr = 3

/opt = 4

The partition numbers for WP’s are:

/(root) = 1

/usr = 2

/opt = 3

Restoring Individual Partitions – 50 Series

To restore only the /var partition:
cd /

shutdown the AP/AW

Do fsck on / and /usr to check their consistency.

fsck –y /dev/md/rdsk/d0

fsck –y /dev/md/rdsk/d4

newfs /dev/rsd0e

fsck –y /dev/rsd0e

mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/sd0e /mnt

The following command for RAID drives only :

mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7 /mnt (end of for RAID drives only)

cd /mnt

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst9 2

cd /

umount /dev/sd0e

fsck –y /dev/rsd0e

To restore only the /opt partition:

cd /

shutdown the AP/AW

Do fsck on / and /usr to check their consistency.

fsck –y /dev/md/rdsk/d0

fsck –y /dev/md/rdsk/d4

newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d5

fsck –y /dev/md/rdsk/d5

mount –o rw –F ufs /dev/md/dsk/d5 /opt

cd /opt

ufsrestore xfs /dev/rst9 4

cd /

umount /dev/md/rdsk/d5

fsck –y /dev/md/rdsk/d5
The rexec command allows the remote execution of a command from the current AP to an AP specified in the
argument list. On AP20 it is located in /usr/bin and on AP50/51 it is in /usr/local.

Don’t rmount to do this.

Use: rexec <ap_letterbug> command

Or rexec <ap_letterbug> /bin/sh

rexec APLBUG /usr/foxbin/mkmact /usr/menus

rexec APLBUG /bin/sh

rm – Interactive
You can perform an interactive “rm –r” by typing:
rm –ri

This will ask you whether to remove each file in the directory. Answer “y” to the problem file and “n” to everything
else. Unfortunately, this command will walk through every subdirectory and does not work with many versions of
“rm”. You can do a “chmod a-x” to those directories temporarily to make them unsearchable. The best thing to do
is to use the “rm” command with extreme caution and you won’t have to worry about it.

rmount APLBUG /rem/r0

rmount APLBUG /rem/r1

rm_station - Delete/Remove Installed Stations

Initialize the station to be deleted.

The current Day 1 must be modified to detach and delete the desired station.

The system monitor assignment will be removed automatically.

Commit the configuration

Execute Committed Install Files on all stations.

Execute /usr/fox/swi/rm_station to remove SICT table entries as follows:

rm_station host_id station_id

rm_station 21AP20 21CP10

In this example, 21CP10 will be removed from the SICT tables and will no longer be able to boot.
This is a very important step!

Remove the following files from /usr/fox/sp/files:

DB<LBUG>.UC (Checkpoint file)

DB<LBUG>.init (initialized file)

BB<LBUG>.UC (backup checkpoint file)

CMX<LBUG>.BIN (cmx/boot file)

If the station is not initialized as described in step 1 there will also be files left over in:

/opt/fox/ciocfg/CPLBUG (50 Series) and /usr/fox/ciocfg/CPLBUG (Intel).

rnfd Tool (remote NFD ATS tool)

The rnfd tool causes an ATS to generate an nfd_log on the host.

rnfd <ATS LBUG> <RET>

Output goes to the screen and is a combination of the V7.x nfd_debug and nfd_log.

route Command
51 series:


To add the default router upon an AW/AP reboot you must initiate the route add" at boot up. If you have only one
hop you can add the IP address and router name to /etc/hosts and /etc/defaultrouter. If you have more than two
hops from the AW/AP to your client machine it is recommended you use /etc/fox/user_apps.dat. Create
/etc/fox/user_apps.dat if not created using your favorite editor. Add the path for your executable:
vi /etc/fox/user_apps.dat

add the following line to user_apps.dat


Create /etc/fox/go_addroute and it should contain the following:

route add default 1 {for one hop}

route add 2 {for two hops}

( & are the IP addresses for the additional routers.) Ensure you perform the following
to make the file executable:
chmod 777 /etc/fox/go_addroute

To add routers on the fly without initiating a reboot perform the following;
netstat -r > routetable

(redirect routing table to filename routetable)

ping {Router IP}
(to ensure your AW/AP can actually talk)
netstat -f

(flushes the routing table)

route add default {Router IP} 1

route add {Router1 IP} {Router2 IP} 2

See HH876 for additional networking information.


Adding a router/hub: When trying to communicate through a router and/or hub, the following command may be
/usr/sbin/route add <newpcip> <newrouterip> 1

Above line may be added to /etc/rc2.d/S69inet for recognition of these IP addresses on bootup of the AW. Add the
above line for every PC’s IP address to the end. This is helpful when your PC’s obtain a new IP address on
bootup. You can add the entire range of IP addresses to this file.

rumount APLBUG

System Monitor Messages (viewing and sending to a file)

The following information may be obtained from HH1000. The helpful hint assumes that the name of the Historian
is known and provides five options on how to get the System Monitor Messages: 1) Legacy Historian and Informix,
this procedure can be executed on the 51 series also; 2) Legacy historian and foxtst, this procedure can be
executed on 51 series; 3) AIM*Historian and apitst, runs on 51 and 70 series; 4) AIM*Historian and FH_SACEGO,
runs on 51 or 70 series; 5) Creating a smon_log file, works on 51 or 70 series running v6.2 or later.

Legacy Historian and Informix

1. Open a VT100 window and change to the csh (C Shell).


2. Change to the /opt/fox/hstorian/bin directory.

cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin

3. Set the PATH variable

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/informix/bin

4. Set the INFORMIX variable

setenv INFORMIXDIR /opt/informix

5. Send the system monitor messages to a file.

isql histaw > mon_msg << @

select * from sysmonmsg

order by time_tag desc;


6. Do more on the mon_msg file.

more mon_msg

Creating a smon_log file

1. On NT, open a Command Prompt window and change to korn shell (d:, ncenv and sh). On UNIX, open a VT100

2. Change to the /opt/fox directory:

cd /opt/fox

3. If the sysmgm directory doesn't exist then create it.

mkdir sysmgm

4. Change to the sysmgm directory.

cd sysmgm

5. Make a sysmon directory and change it to there.

mkdir sysmom

cd sysmon

6. In the /opt/fox/sysmgm/sysmon directory, create a file and name it smon_log.

touch smon_log

7. To verify that smon_log is capturing the system messages, perform a checkpoint on the CP Database. This can
be done from SMDH or ICC.

8. Do more on the /opt/fox/sysmgm/sysmon/smon_log file.

cd /opt/fox/sysmgm

more smon_log

9. Periodicly check the size of the smon_log file because it may grow very fast and can take some space in the
/opt partition.

Legacy Historian:

Used to display the contents of the extended sample files which are located on the extended drive /u0.
Usage on AP20:


or for 50 series:


See Historian for details.

save_all Command
For a detailed description of the save_all command, go to the section titled “Utilities: Upload, Shrink, Checkpoint,

Moving “SAVEALL” Diskette between Solaris and NT Operating Systems,

Including PLB Blocks (Obtained from HH912)



1. Open a VT100 session.\

2. Change to the /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir unix62

3. Insert the UNIX Control Database (SaveAll) on the floppy drive.

4. Mount the floppy.

cd /

mount /dev/fd0 /f0

5. Copy all files and directories from the diskette to the new directory.

cd /f0

cp -r * /opt/unix62

cp .Compound_Dir /opt/unix62

6. Umount the floppy and eject it.

cd /

umount /dev/fd0

eject /dev/fd0

7. Insert a new diskette and format it.

8. Tar all files and directories to diskette and eject it.

cd /opt/unix62

tar cvf /dev/fd0 *

tar rvf /dev/fd0 .Compound_Dir

eject /dev/fd0


1. Open a DOS Command Prompt window and run the Korn shell.




Now your prompt will be $

2. Change to the /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir nt62

3. Insert the diskette created on step 8 of the “Method 1 Control Database On Diskette” procedure.

4. Tar back all files and directories in the new directory.

cd /nt62

tar xvf a:

5. Making a saveall NT.

5.1. Run NT Explorer and select the D:\opt\nt62 folder.

5.2 Select all folders and the .Compound_Dir file and copy all of them to a DOS formatted diskette
(This will be your NT SaveAll).

6. Open ICC and perform a LoadAll using the diskette created in the step “5”.



1. If the Control Database is loaded on a CP or Micro I/A or an AW51x use this procedure.

2. Open a VT100 session.

3. Change to the /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir unix62

4. Change to the /opt/fox/ciocfg/api directory.

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

5. Perform a SaveAll, running the save_all utility. ICC should not be opened.

save_all CPLBUG /opt/unix62

Where: CPLBUG is the letterbug of the CP or Micro I/A or AW51X.

6. Tar all files and directories to diskette and eject it.

tar cvf /dev/fd0 *

tar rvf /dev/fd0 .Compound_Dir

eject /dev/fd0


1. Open a DOS Command Prompt window and run the Korn shell.




Now your prompt will be $

2. Change to /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir nt62

3. Insert the diskette created on step 6 of the “METHOD 2 USING ICCAPI AND CONTROL DATABASE LOADED
ON A STATION” procedure.

4. Change to the new directory and tar back all directories and the .Compound_Dir file.

cd /opt/nt62

tar xvf a:

5. Change to the /opt/fox/ciocfg/api and un the load_all utility. ICC should not be opened.

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

load_all CPLBUG /opt/nt62

Where: CPLBUG is the letterbug of the CP or Micro I/A or AW70X.

6. Open ICC and verify that all compounds and blocks were loaded.




1. Open a DOS Command Prompt window and run the Korn shell.




Now your prompt will be $

2. Change to /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

cd mkdir nt62

3. Insert the NT Control Database (SaveAll) on the floppy drive.

4. Copy all files and directories from the diskette to the new directory.

cd a:

cp -r * /opt/nt62

cp .Compound_Dir /opt/nt62

5. Eject the floppy and insert a diskette formatted in the UNIX station.

6. In the new directory, tar back all directories and the .Compound_Dir file.

cd /opt/nt62

tar cvf a:


1. Open a VT100 session.

2. Change to the /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir unix62

3. Insert the diskette created in the step 5 of the “METHOD 1 CONTROL DATABASE ON DISKETTE”

4. Change to the new directory and tar all directories and the .Compound_Dir file.

cd /opt/unix62

tar xvf /dev/fd0

5. Eject the floppy.

6. Insert a new floppy and format it.

7. Make a file System check, mount the diskette and remove the lost+found directory or formatted the diskkette
from ICC and then mount it.

newfs /dev/fd0c

newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rfd0c: (y/n)? y

mount /dev/fd0c /f0

rmdir /f0/lost+found

8. Transfer all directories and the .Compound_Dir file.

cd /opt/unix62

cp -r * /f0

cp .Compound_Dir /f0

9. Change to root directory and umount the diskette.

cd /

umount /dev/fd0c

10. Open ICC and perform a LoadAll using the diskette created in the step 9.


1. Open a DOS Command Prompt window and run the Korn shell.




Now your prompt will be $

2. Change to /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir nt62

3. Change to the /opt/fox/ciocfg/api directory.

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

4. Perform a SaveAll, running the save_all utility. ICC should not be opened.

save_all CPLBUG /opt/nt62

Where: CPLBUG is the letterbug of the CP or Micro I/A or AW70X.

5. Tar all files and directories to diskette and eject it.

tar cvf a:


1. Open a VT100 session.

2. Change to the /opt directory and create a new directory.

cd /opt

mkdir unix62

3. Insert the diskette created on step 5 of the “METHOD 2 USING ICCAPI AND CONTROL DATABASE

4. Change to the new directory and tar back all directories and the .Compound_Dir file.

cd /opt/unix62

tar xvf /dev/fd0 *

5. Change to the /opt/fox/ciocfg/api directory and run the load_all utility. ICC should not be opened.

cd /opt/fox/ciocfg/api

load_all CPLBUG /opt/nt62

Where: CPLBUG is the letterbug of the CP or Micro I/A or AW51X.

6. Open ICC and verify that all compounds and blocks were loaded.

saveh50 (Legacy Historian Backup Procedure)

50 series:
cd /opt/fox/hstorian/bin


When the saveh50 is saved to the hard drive instead of floppy or tape, a directory /opt/fox/hstorian/bin/hist01.exp
is created and can be compressed and saved to tape.

To Check saveh50 for errors:

cat saveh50.log | grep –i error

Scheduling .ksh files to run through Windows Scheduler

The following information obtained from SOL1197 Solution: How can I schedule .ksh files to run automatically on
Windows workstations?

One of the easiest ways to schedule .ksh files through the Windows Scheduler is to create a .cmd or .bat file
containing the following syntax to run a .ksh script.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c “D:\nutc\bin\ncenv.cmd && D:\nutc\mksnt\sh.exe –i
D:/xxx/yyy/zzz.KSH” (continuation of the line above)

(Replacing D:/xxx/yyy/zzz.KSH with the name of the .KSH script to schedule.)

The last step is to call up the Windows Scheduler from the Control Panel and schedule this new task.

SCSI Bus Configuration Guide

When choosing the components on a SCSI bus, the user must be aware of the limits within which a SCSI bus
properly operates. The total equivalent SCSI length must be less than or equal to 6 meters. It should be noted that
the sum of the physical lengths of the interconnecting cables is only one factor in the total length. Each device on
the SCSI bus, including the processor, adds a portion to the overall length. The table below gives the dquivalent
SCSI length for each device and cable. In practice, the system does not cease to function at lengths just beyond
six meters, but the reliability of the bus begins to erode at that point.

Device Equivalent SCSI Length

Model 50 processor 0.5 meters

Model 51A processor 0.71 meters

Model 51B processor 1.6 meters

Model 51C processor 1.6 meters

Size – A peripheral 1.6 meters

Size – A peripheral cable 0.16 meters

Size – B peripheral 0.8 meters

Size – B peripheral cable 0.16 meters

Size – D peripheral 0.8 meters

Size – D peripheral cable 0.4 meters

Size – D 50/68 pin cable 1.2 meters

Size – D 68/68 pin cable 0.8 meters

P0170NX SCSI cable 1.5 1.5 meters

P0970JR SCSI cable 0.56 meters

P0970KF SCSI cable 1.3 meters

P0970KG SCSI cable 0.6 meters

P0970KJ SCSI cable 0.6 meters

P0970QS SCSI cable 0.8 meters

P0970FZ SCSI cable 1.3 meters

P0971MK SCSI cable 1.2 meters

P0971ML SCSI cable 0.8 meters

P0971MX SCSI cable 1.5 meters

P0971MY SCSI cable 1.5 meters

P0971RH SCSI cable 0.8 meters

Select Screen - Setting up to have * in CP Name Field When Select Screen

is Called
cd /usr/fox/wp/data

Will need to edit the file named: wp50_glbls or wp51_glbls

Look for line that says: SELCPSRH= and change it to read


As of v4.3 and v6.1 the file to use is wp51_glbls.all instead of wp51_glbls which gets written over at time of reboot.

Sequence Block - Editing Logic

Sequence code can be edited off line and put on the AP/AW and then compiled. The .s file is the source and the .r
file is the report.
cd /usr/fox/ciocfg or /opt/fox/ciocfg


(where COMPOUND1 is the name of the sequence compound name) You can use vi to edit this file or it can be
edited offline. When you want to get a good printout of sequence code to work with, you can print one with line
numbers using the following command:
pr –I60 –n3 –f filename.s | lp –dLPXX

The pr command will give you line numbers that are the same as the ones you get when you edit the sequence
code in the ICC. If you want a listing of compiled sequence code where line numbers on your printout match the
ones in the select screen use the following:
strings filename.r | lp –dLPXX

Sequence Block - Executing A Script From

sendmsg(“Script Or Command”) to msggrx

where script or command is to be executed on the AP hosting the CP hosting the sequence block and xc is
number of a standard message group. The logical device listed in the compound parameter of the destination
standard message group should be VSHELL which is the name of an unsupported Foxboro utility that is run from
setacl Command
dmcmd setacl 20 + + - + - - -

This display manager command says to give me access level 20, 21, not 22, give 23, not 24, 25, or 26.

Add the following command below it for the Alarm Manager.

dmcmd run /usr/local/pref -$GCLBUG amcmd

“setacl 20 + + - + - - -“

If other AM’s are being used, you will need to send commands to them. (i.e. AM0001 in place of $GCLBUG)

Shell On 50 Series
“C” Shell “AP50/Wyse default”

Switches you to the Bourne shell

“Bourne” Shell “AW/WP/VT100 default”


Switches you to the “C” shell

Used to display the current usage levels of each of the configurable operating system parameters. (Currently
configured maximum value, Quantity of that parameter free/available, and Quantity in use).

with –a Displays all revision information for the current system.
showrev –a

with –p Displays all revision information on all patches applied to the current system.
showrev –p

Shrink Command
For a detailed description of the SHRINK command, go to the section titled “Utilities: Upload, Shrink, Checkpoint,

Shutdown - AP20 Procedure

Operators must switch APs if on a WP30 hosted by a different AP.
cd /

continue? Y

will put you in single user (Maint) mode

To restart an AP:
telinit 2

Shutdown – Problem with 51 Stations – Will Not Shutdown When Shutdown

If the AW51 is running AIM* historian and selecting the SHUTDOWN button in the SHUTDOWN-AW menu has no
effect, the reason is that the involved “” script in the directory /usr/fox/wp/bin contains the following
command line: “ /opt/fox/hstorian/bin/histonoff –v OFF “Since there is no historian to shutdown with this command,
it causes the shutdown script to hang. Use vi to edit the file usr/fox/wp/bin/ and change the line
/opt/fox/hstorian/bin/histonoff –v OFF to:

hps | grep hist_srv

if test $? –eq 0


/opt/fox/hstorian/bin/histonoff –v OFF

sleep 1


This problem is scheduled to be fixed in v6.3 release.

Signal Conditioning Parameters

Parameter: SCI





2 (0-10VDC) 1600-64000 RAW COUNTS LINEAR

3 (4-20MA) 12800-64000 RAW COUNTS LINEAR

4 0-64000 RAW COUNTS SQ. RT.

5 12800-64000 RAW COUNTS SQ. RT.






















2 1600-64000 RAW COUNTS LINEAR

3 12800-64000 RAW COUNTS LINEAR

This utility transfers control to a command environment in which you can view the IPC software database in the 50
series station or AP20/PW where sipc is executing. Access sipc from the shell level and from the /opt/fox/bin/tools
(50 series) or /usr/fox/bin/tools (20 series/PW).
cd /opt/fox/bin/tools



If one of the om_server entries in the dt (data transfer) table has a cmxid of 043A, then messages being sent to
this om_server connection can be identified in foxwatch messages with the first two protocol id fields having a
value of 4 and 58.
dt scan_task

(gives scanner connections)

CP10 max= 12
CP30 max= 30

CP40 max= 30
dt om_server

(gives server connections)

CP10 max= 12

CP30 max= 20

CP40 max= 20

File that is built during the software install. File is in /usr/fox/sp directory and can be used to find a letterbug,
determine a station’s host AP, and determine which System Monitor monitors a station.
more /usr/fox/sp/sldb

grep <STATION_LBUG> /usr/fox/sp/sldb

The snapshot command is a procedure for saving graphics from Fox I/A Sun workstations (AW/WP51’s) to
Windows compatible format such as .jpg or .gif. From VT100, type:
cd /usr/openwin/bin

This will start the snapshot application in an X-window on your screen. To capture or “snap” a window on the
screen click on Snap Type: Window. If the snapshot window overlaps the window that you want to capture, click a
checkmark by the : Hide Window During Capoture box. Then click the “snap” button on the window. It will print a
prompt at the bottom of the snapshot window that says: SELECT – Select Window, ADJUST or MENU – Cancel.
At this time, left click on the window you want to capture. If you have Hide Window checkmarked the window will
disappear and you will hear beeping until the capture is complete. Shortly after the capture is complete the
snapshot application window will re-appear on the screen and you can pick the View button to start Imagetool and
vi ew what you have captured. The graphic will be displayed. If the area comes in all Black you need to
simultaneously hold down the Control and Again keys found on the keyboard to make the graphic display

You are then ready to save the graphic to the desired format by clicking the File button on the Imagetool window,
and then selecting Save_As from the pulldown menu. From here you can select the location to save the file and
the file type. It is good practice to put a .gif after the name if you are saving in GIF format, a .tif if saving as TIFF,
etc. This will identify the file type correctly when you FTP the file from the AW or WP to your PC.

CAUTION: The default selection will be Sun Raster and to select any other format you must first click on Sun
Raster and then click on the format you desire. If you don’t follow this procedure Sun Raster will continue to stay

The snoop will capture network packets and displays their contents.

snoop [-d device][-c maxcount][-i filename][-o filename]

-d device receive packets from network using specified device.

-c maxcount Quit after capturing maxcount packets

-i filename Display packets previously captured in filename

-o filename Save captured packet as filename.

snoop -d le2 -c 2000 -o /usr/tmp/snoopinfo

(To capture 2000 packets and redirect to /usr/tmp/snoopinfo)

To view packets in /usr/tmp/snoopinfo:

snoop -i /usr/tmp/snoopinfo

(See HH907 for more information)

som is a Foxboro utility that can be used to monitor the utilization of the I/A Object Manager subsystem. Use som
to view the object manager functions on a station.


Note: Use rsom –h to get help. Use cp10 for Modicon, comm10 and comm15.
Type rsom -u to be able to enter the target station on which you want to view the OM lists. The station does not
have to be hosted by the AP.

The opdb command displays the remote stations in which the selected station is the source of data and the
number of points requested. (m opdb = more opdb)

The command opvr is used to display the points contained in an opdb entry.

The command conn and sconn while using som allows you to examine IPC connections. The conn command
displays the number of SINK connections.

Other commands used are as follows:

ADR Disp OM AddrTable

CONN Disp OM Conn.Table

DBID open id Disp opn pts db hdr

ID open id Disp omopen tbl hdr

IMP Disp import table

LIST Disp object dir

NADR open id Disp ID's netadrtbl

OBJ object name Disp obj val rec

OPDB Disp opn pts db

OPNL Disp omopen tbl

OPVR open id Disp opdb open vars

PQTBL Disp OM Process Queue Table

SCAN <start row> Disp scanner db

SCONN Disp OM Scanner Conn.Table

Configuring som/rsom output via crontab:

Create a file with som/rsom commands you want to output to a file:




opvr 0



Execute som/rsom from the command prompt using the following syntax:
rsom –i [input file] –t[trace/output file] > /dev/null

rsom –icp1_info –tcp1_out > /dev/null

Create an executable file for your crontab entry:

vi cp_som_out

/opt/fox/bin/tools/rsom –icp1_info –tcp1_out > /dev/null

(Should be the only line put in this file.)

Add cp_som_out to crontab and test.

How to use the rsom utility to view Object Manager lists in a CP

1. Start > Run > “cmd”

2. d:

3. sh (Now you should see the $ prompt because you are in the Korn Shell.)

4. cd /opt/fox/bin/tools

5. rsom –u (This should put some new text on the screen, with an interface that asks you to enter the
station “Type”.)

6. CP270 (for an FCP270 or a ZCP270. See FAQ667 for what to enter for legacy station types.)

7. CPLBUG (where CPLBUG is the letterbug of the Control Processor you wish to check at this time.)

8. The old text will now be replaced, and you will see a prompt towards the bottom left that says: Command
?" This is the field you will use to enter the following commands.

9. OPDB (You will see a listing of Object Manager (OM) lists that are currently open. You may see
multiple lists for the same PID. Do not be alarmed by this, because one application can open multiple
lists. Some examples of what may have opened OM lists in a CP include other CPs, FoxView, InFusion
View, an AIM Historian collector, and an InFusion/Wonderware collector, just to name a few. Compare
the PID to the PID you see in Task Manager to figure out what opened the OM list in the CP.)

10. M OPDB (You may have more open OM lists than what appears after running the “OPDB” command.
Use the "M OPDB" command multiple times, if necessary, to cycle through all the open OM lists.)

11. If you care to see the actual points that exist in an OM list, you can use the following commands. This will
show you the health status of five OM points (aka objects) at a time.

12. OPVR ## (where ## is the ID # of the OM list. Keep in mind that although there are only two digits, if
you exceed 100 open OM lists then you will need to type in a “1” in the hundredth digit to denote that it is
not ##, but rather 1##.)

13. M OPVR (after you have typed in “M OPVR” once you can simply press the Enter key to continue
doing more “M OPVR” commands. From an OPVR list you can do an OPDB command to go back to the
list of open OM lists.)

14. Q (to quit when you are finished.)

15. Bottom of Form

sort [-cmu][-ooutput][-T directory][-ykmem][-dfiMnr][-btx][+pos1[-pos2]][fname…]

-c Check input is sorted according to ordering rules

-m Merge only, the input files are already sorted

-u unique

-o output use output filename instead of standard out

-T directory name of dir to place temporary files

-ykmem use kmem instead of system default memory size

-d dictionary order

-f fold lower-case letters to upper case

-i ignore non-printable chars.

-M compare as months

-n sort numeric string by arithmetic value

-r reverse the sense of comparisons

-b ignore leading blanks

-tx use x as field separator char.

sort +1 -2 input-file

(Sort contents of input-file with the second field as the sort key)
sort -r -o output-file +1.0 -1.2 input-file1 input-file2

(Sort in reverse order, contents of input-file1 and niput-file2, placing output in output-file and use first char. Of
second field as sort key.

spell command
spell [-bilvx] [file]

The spell command collects words from named files and looks them up in a spelling list. For more information,
man spell

Stamp-ID – Changing Incorrect

If the Stamp ID is incorrect for a diskette, note the 5-digit media id requested by Software Install and perform the
following steps.
cd /tmp
mkdir mydir

cd mydir

tar xvf /dev/xxx

where xxx = fd0 for 50 series and xxx = fh0 for 20 series
/usr/fox/swi/tui_xfr –cxxx –sdiskid

where xxx = fd0 for 50 series and xxx = fh0 for 20 series and where diskid = 5 digit number prompted by

Make sure you are in /tmp/mydir when performing the tui_xfr portion.

Station Blocks
LODSW makes display update when LODSW=white

Total CP average plus Cont. Block averages plus I/O load = Total CP Loading.

Overruns will be updated but not at the specified time.

170k of memory in CP10 - need to keep 30% free.

360k of memory in CP30 - need to keep 30% free.

There are 16 maximum peer to peer connections.

1/2 sec. BPC’s are shown in station block (amount loading per 1/2 sec. BPC)

LODSW - ON Enables dynamic load processing and display Updates of

BPC sample frames

LODSYN-ON Enables sampling on a schedule basic specified by looper

starting at phase # specified by

LODPHS OFF Done on continuous basic with default looper

LODPER- Specifies freq. at which station block samples loading

for ten consecutive BPC frames DEFAULT:10*BPC

RANGE:(5sec to 1 hour)

LODPHS Specifies starting phase

Status Taps to FBM07

Status Taps are covered in B0193AC rev K (installation manual) on pages 51-53.


Status Tap “A” to FBM07 “CS”; Status Tap “Comm” to FBM07 “+”

Note: If this is reversed, the point locks into alarm condition.

Wiring to Other Device:

Status Tap “A” to “+” of device

Status Tap “Comm” to “-“ of device

The status tap has an internal 1/8 amp fuse.

The status tap when connected to an FBM07 will show +24v between “A” and “Comm” givi ng +24v on the input of
the FBM07 point. The contact light on the nose cone will be out when all is NORMAL and not in alarm. Point logial
status “Not True”. The Status Tap’s internal contact closes when in alarm causing the voltage on “A” to “Comm” to
drop to approximately +.82v. The FBM point goes to .82v and the indicator light on the nose cone comes on. The
logical state becomes “TRUE” and the point is in alarm.

Also Note: If an FBM07 is used for the status tap connections, then only one point of each “pair point” (i.e. pts 1
and 2 are paired by grounds. Pts 3 and 4 are paired by their grounds, etc .) can be connected or both points will
track each other.


Voltage High is Logical Low and no alarm

Voltage Low is Logical High and in alarm

Contact between status tap pt A and Comm is open for normal no alarm

Contact between status tap pt A and Comm is closed for problem in alarm.

If using a meter to measure the contact you must put the Positive lead on A and the negative lead

on Comm.

This command calculates and prints a 16-bit checksum for the named file, and also prints the number of 512 byte
blocks in the file.
Use on AP20:

/bin/sum <filename>

Use on AP50/51:

sum </full/path/filename>

swap -s

Above to get a summary of swap space usage.

swap –l

Shows partition swap space and file swap space.

To add swap space to a 51:

mkfile 12m /opt/swap

vi /etc/vfstab

(add to file on last line)

You must be certain to add the following line with the correct spaces, tabs, etc. or your machine may not boot.

/opt/swap- - swap - no -
swap -a /opt/swap

To add swap space to a 50:

vi /etc/fstab

(add to file on last line)

You must be certain to add the following line with the correct spaces, tabs, etc. or your machine may not boot.

/opt/swap swap swap rw 0 0

swapon –a

swi_pars.cfg file
The file /usr/fox/exten/config/swi_pars.cfg gives information such as PSAP, STA_LBUG, LOG MAC ADDRESS,

Switches – v7.x 8-Port Managed Switch (P0972MF) (HH1019)

The 8-port managed switch is connected into the IA system per B0400DV but before it will communicate to an
Invensys computer (AW or WP), the switch must be configured. If the switch current address is known (default
from manufacturer is then the AW or WP ethernet port can be used to configure the switch. If the
address is not known, then the switch must be programmed via its serial port. See the manufacturer's
Management Guide.


Invensys Part Number: P0972MF

Enterasys Part Number: VH-8TX1MF

Enterasys WEB site:

After configuration, you should mark each switch with its IP address and the letter A or B, as applicable, to aid in
trouble shooting the network.

Wiring for Configuration

Connect one of the AW or WP's ethernet ports directly into the switch (any port) with one of the copper cables. Do
not use the RCNI or the media converter. Once configuration is complete, reconnect per B0400DV.
AW70 or WP70 Setup

Configure the AW or WP ethernet port that you have used above, with an IP address that will allow it to talk to the
switch. If the switch IP address is the default address, then set the AW or WP address:

AW/WP port address

AW/WP subnet mask

Start --> Settings --> Network Connections -> double click on your network connection

Properties --> TCP/IP (select in blue) -- > Properties

Select OK to get out of all the selections.

(Note that you will have to re-set the 70 Series IP subnet mask to after each committed
software installation.)

Start --> Run (insert the command cmd ) which will open a cmd prompt window.


This should get a response that the switch is alive. If you do not get the "alive" response then the switch has
another IP address. If the switch has the Foxboro recommended address, you can try an Invensys address in the
AW/WP (eg. but if this address does not connect to the switch, then you need to use the serial port
on the switch.

If the above "ping" was successful, then telnet to the switch


Telnet and Serial Configuration

Default User = admin

Password = none (Just hit Enter)

(Note that you should give the switch a password. If none is assigned, you should use the default Invensys

Use the arrow keys to select "Device Control Menu"

Use the arrow keys to select "Port Configuration"

Ensure that each port is set for:

Duplex Mode = Autonegotiate

Flow Control = Disable

Use the arrow keys to select "Management Setup Menu"

Use the arrow keys to select "Console Login Configuration" set the password for all users

Use the arrow keys to select "Network Configuration"

Use the arrow keys to select "IP Configuration"

Enter your switch IP (for example, for the first switch)

Subnet Mask

Select OK and back out.

If you use telnet, the switch will immediately lose communication since it has a network IP that is different from
your network IP. Reconnect the switch per B0400DV and ping the switch. The switch must give the "alive"
response. Ensure the IA port subnet mask is set to The RCNI will determine whether Cable A or
Cable B is talking.

Note that the switch for Cable A must have a different IP address from the Cable B switch.
Switch Power Up

When the switch first receives power, it will not communicate to connected devices for about 1 minute, 30
seconds. Wait this amount of time before expecting an "alive" response from your ping command.
Serial Communication Setup

Obtain the serial communications cable (9 pin female both ends) that is shipped with the switch and connect to the
back of the switch and the 70 Series COM2.

Serial Port Settings:

A) 8 data bits

B) 1 stop bit

C) No parity

D) 19,200 baud rate

E) No flow control

At the 70 Series station, select:

Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Communications --> Hyperterminal

Ignore any assistance from Windows.

At the window, select File --> New Connection (Cancel location items)

Name the connection "Switch" and select COM2 for the connection.

Select the Properties as specified above and pick OK. In the terminal window, hit the ENTER key. The switch
should prompt you for the User Name (admin) and Password.

Configure the switch parameters as specified above in Telnet and Serial Configuration.

Switches – v7.x 16-Port Managed Switch (P0972MJ) (HH1023)

The 16-port managed switch is connected into the IA system per B0400DV but before it will communicate to an
Invensys computer (AW or WP), the switch must be configured. If the address is not known, then the switch must
be programmed via its serial port. See the manufacturer's Literature.


Invensys Part Number: P0972MJ

Smart Switch: 2200

Cabletron Systems: 2H258 - 17R (Firmware = 05.04.19)

Cabletron WEB site:

After configuration, you should mark each switch with its IP address and the letter A or B, as applicable, to aid in
trouble shooting the network.

Wiring for Configuration

Connect a PC (Hyper-Terminal) serial port directly into the switch's serial port using the cable and adaptor
provided with the switch. This cable, adaptor and switch literature must be stored in a secure location at site. You
may need it again in the future.

Serial Communication Setup

Set up the PC Serial Port:

A) 8 data bits

B) 1 stop bit

C) No parity

D) 19,200 baud rate

E) Flow control XON - OFF

F) Telnet terminal IS = ANSI

G) Emulation = VT100

H) ASCII setup = force 7 bit

At the 70 Series station, select:

Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Communications --> Hyperterminal

Ignore any assistance from Windows.

At the window, select File --> New Connection (Cancel location items)

Name the connection "Switch" and select COM2 for the connection. Select the Properties as specified above and
pick OK. In the terminal window, hit the ENTER key.

The switch should prompt you for the User Name (admin) and Password. If none, just hit enter.

Configuring the Switch

Password = none (Just hit Enter)

(Note that you should give the switch a password. If none is assigned, you should use the default Invensys
password.) Use the arrow keys to select "Security" (Enter)

"Passwords" (Enter)

Set a password for Read Read-Write and Superuser

Return (back to the Device Menu)

Device Configuration Menu (Enter)

General Configuration

IP address = 151.128.79.XX [Valid Range through 192]

Subnet Mask =

Module Name = Cable A (or Cable B)

(Set time and date if not correct)


802.1 Configuration Menu

Spanning Tree Configuration Menu

Spanning Tree Configuration

Current STP Mode = NONE

Return to Device Configuration Menu

Port Configuration Menu

Ethernet Interface Configuration

Select one port (Enter)

Full Duplex Flow Control = ENABLED

Half Duplex Flow Control = ENABLED

Save to All Ports

Return and SAVE the configuration and EXIT.

Switch Power Up

When the switch first receives power, it will not communicate to connected devices for about 1 minute. Wait this
amount of time before expecting an "alive" response from your ping command. Note that it is possible to power the
switch from two sources of electricity. There is also a reset button on the switch. Pressing it once will result in
communication loss for about one minute. Pressing it a second time (within the one minute) could result in
communication loss for several minutes while extensive diagnostics are run.

AW and WP Connection

Once the switch has the correct IP address and WP's or AW's are connected to it, you may use the Foxboro
station to configure or change the switch settings.

51 Series

Call a VT100 terminal.


cd /usr/openwin/bin

setenv DISPLAY=0:0

xterm &

Go to the xterm window and telnet to the switch using its IP address.
telnet <IP address>

70 Series

Start --> Run (insert the command cmd) which will open a cmd prompt window.
telnet <IP address>

If both switches are active and the RCNI is in place, the telnet session will experience delays as the RCNI
switches to the other cable. Foxboro has a new 24 port fiber-optic switch (P0972YC), which replaces the

Switches – Cisco 24 Port Fiber Configuration Instructions (HH1039)

The 24-port managed switch is connected into the IA system per B0400DV but before it will communicate to an
Invensys computer (AW or WP), the switch must be configured. This switch must be programmed via its serial
port. See the manufacturer's Literature.


Invensys Part Number: Not a part numbered item.

Cisco Switch: 3550-24-FX-SMI

Cisco WEB site

After configuration, you should mark each switch with its IP address and the letter A or B, as applicable, to aid in
trouble shooting the network. Documentation for the switch can be downloaded from the Cisco website.

Wiring for Configuration

Attach a PC or workstation with emulation software to the switch console port. This is with the 9 pin serial cable
provided. The default data characteristics of the console port are 9600, 8, 1, no parity. You might need to press
the Return key several times to see the command-line prompt.

Configuring the Switch

This configuration is bare bones with none of bells and whistles that this switch is capable of. Most customers will
have a Cisco representative configure their switches and this is just a configuration to get IA back running.

Switch> enable (This enters the switch)

Switch# (This is the switch prompt)

Switch# configure terminal (This enters configuration mode)

Switch(config)# interface range fastethernet0/1 –24 (Configures all ports)

Switch(config-if)# duplex full

Switch(config-if)# speed 100

Switch(config-if)# end (This has set up all ports to full duplex)

Always configure the vlan1 on all switches, must be same vlan to talk together.

Switch(config)# interface vlan1 (Setting up switch IP address)

Switch(config-if)# ip address (ip address and masking)

Switch(config-if)# no shut

Switch(config–if)# end (This setup ip address, masking and switch stays alive)

Switch(config)# end

Switch# show interfaces fastethernet0/3 (Shows port 3 setup)

Interface FastEthernet0/3

Switchport mode dynamic desirable

Duplex full

Switch# show running config (Shows all of the changed parameters)

Switch# copy running-config start-config (Loads configuration for startup)

Switch# end

Each switch needs to have a unique identifier from the range thru

Switch Power Up

When the switch first receives power, it will not communicate to connected devices for about 1 minute.

AW and WP Connection

Once the switch has the correct IP address and WP's or AW's are connected to it the switch will communicate
across node.
Check Running Switch Status

This is with an IP address and the first two ports in use.

Switch> enable

Switch# show ip int brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status


Vlan1 YES NVRAM up up

FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset up up

FastEthernet0/2 unassigned YES unset up up

FastEthernet0/3 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/4 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/5 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/6 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/7 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/8 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/9 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/10 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/11 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/12 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/13 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/14 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/15 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/16 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/17 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/18 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/19 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/20 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/21 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/22 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/23 unassigned YES unset up down

FastEthernet0/24 unassigned YES unset up down

Switch# end

Switch Configuration – Configuring 100 MHz
HH#: HH1019

IA INFO: trd0301

File: Ethernet Switch

Release: V7.0

Date: Mar. 11, 2003

Subject: Configuring 100 MHz Switches for IA

Source: Testing


The 8-port managed switch is connected into the IA system per B0400DV but before it will communicate to an
Invensys computer (AW or WP), the switch must be configured. If the switch current address is known (default
from manufacturer is then the AW or WP ethernet port can be used to configure the switch. If the
address is not known, then the switch must be programmed via its serial port. See the manufacturer's
Management Guide.


Invensys Part Number: P0972MF

Enterasys Part Number: VH-8TX1MF

Enterasys WEB site:

After configuration, you should mark each switch with its IP address and the letter A or B, as applicable, to aid in
trouble shooting the network.

Wiring for Configuration

Connect one of the AW or WP's ethernet ports directly into the switch (any port) with one of the copper cables. Do
not use the RCNI or the media converter. Once configuration is complete, re-connect per


AW70 or WP70 Setup

Configure the AW or WP ethernet port that you have used above, with an IP address that will allow it to talk to the
switch. If the switch IP address is the default address, then set the AW or WP address:

AW/WP port address

AW/WP subnet mask

Start --> Settings --> Network Connections -> double click on your network connection

Properties --> TCP/IP (select in blue) -- > Properties

Select OK to get out of all the selections. (Note that you will have to re-set the 70 Series IP subnet mask to after each committed software installation.)

Start --> Run (insert the command cmd ) which will open a cmd prompt window.

This should get a response that the switch is alive. If you do not get the "alive" response then the switch has
another IP address. If the switch has the Foxboro recommended address, you can try an Invensys address in the
AW/WP (eg. but if this address does not connect to the switch, then you need to use the serial port
on the switch.

If the above "ping" was successful, then telnet to the switch


Telnet and Serial Configuration

Default User = admin

Password = none (Just hit Enter)

(Note that you should give the switch a password. If none is assigned, you should use the default Invensys

Use the arrow keys to select "Device Control Menu"

Use the arrow keys to select "Port Configuration"

Ensure that each port is set for:

Duplex Mode = Autonegotiate

Flow Control = Disable

Use the arrow keys to select "Management Setup Menu"

Use the arrow keys to select "Console Login Configuration" set the password for all users

Use the arrow keys to select "Network Configuration"

Use the arrow keys to select "IP Configuration"

Enter your switch IP (for example, for the first switch)

Subnet Mask

Select OK and back out.

If you use telnet, the switch will immediately lose communication since it has a network IP that is different from
your network IP. Reconnect the switch per B0400DV and ping the switch. The switch must give the

"alive" response. Ensure the IA port subnet mask is set to The RCNI will determine whether Cable A
or Cable B is talking.

Note that the switch for Cable A must have a different IP address from the Cable B switch.

Switch Power Up

When the switch first receives power, it will not communicate to connected devices for about 1 minute, 30
seconds. Wait this amount of time before expecting an "alive" response from your ping command.

Serial Communication Setup Obtain the serial communications cable (9 pin female both ends) that is

shipped with the switch and connect to the back of the switch and the 70 Series COM2.

Serial Port Settings:

A) 8 data bits

B) 1 stop bit

C) No parity
D) 19,200 baud rate

E) No flow control

At the 70 Series station, select:

Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Communications --> Hyperterminal

Ignore any assistance from Windows.

At the window, select File --> New Connection (Cancel location items)

Name the connection "Switch" and select COM2 for the connection. Select the Properties as specified above and
pick OK. In the terminal window, hit the ENTER key. The switch should prompt you for the User Name (admin)
and Password. Configure the switch parameters as specified above in Telnet and Serial


SYS Key Blink Status

The sys key flashes the following:

Blinking Red – At least one unacknowledged equipment failure

Solid Red – At least one acknowledged equipment failure.

Blinking Normal – No equipment failed but a previous failure is unacknowledged.

Solid Normal – No equipment failed

The default behavior of the SYS blink when one station of a fault tolerant pair fails is to blink yellow. There is a
quick fix for Foxview to change this behavior to a red blink that may allow an audible alarm for priority alarming.

System Definition Configuration for MESH Class C Instructions

The following procedure was used to add a MESH system including P91’s, P92’s, ATS’s, and FCP270’s to an
existing legacy system with 3 nodes without rebooting any control stations on the legacy side.

Import Ccurrent SysDef into SysDef 2.8.

Make sure that all stations on the existing system are marked “DONE”

Take note of existing node NSAP addresses.

Create the HPS Network.

Create the Switches.

Create the Stations (P91, ATS, FCP, etc.)

Drag the Switches to the HPS Node

Attach Switches to Switches

Attach Stations to Switches

Drag existing Node to the newly assigned ATS

Delete the LAN Interface

Delete the Carrierband Lan Network

Confirm that all NSAPs are still same (NSAP for ATS modules should be 000000)

Generate version specific commits (Super Commit is a Day 0 on the MESH and Day 1 on the Nodebus.

System Management Counters (getting data and resetting)

Start remd with no System Management running on this station.
cd /opt/rem/remd

nohup remd &

run remv in batch mode

cd /opt/rem/remv

remv –d@ -s@ -cr > /opt/tmp/file1

(the “r” in “cr” resets the counters after sending counter information to file1)

This command can be run interactively. You should wait for one hour to get counter information after resetting
because the thresholds for these counters are based on one hour of data.

To get data without resetting counters:

remv –d@ -s@ -c > /opt/tmp/file2

You must kill remd when finished or you will not be able to start system management.

To reset the fieldbus counters and generate a report:

cd /opt/fox/bin/remote

diag_cpload51 > /opt/tmp/file1


System Monitor Messages – Capturing to a File

To capture all system monitor messages to a file, You can create a smon_log file which will capture date and time
of all the sysmgm activities. It works in I/A v6.2 or later. However, it will capture the data from the time the
smon_log file was created……

Here is the procedure:

CREATING A "smon_log" FILE,

1. On NT, open a Command Prompt window and change to korn shell (d:, ncenv and sh). On UNIX, open a VT100

2. Change to the /opt/fox

cd /opt/fox

3. If the sysmgm directory doesn't exist then create it.

mkdir sysmgm

4. Change to the sysmgm directory.

cd sysmgm

5. Make a sysmon directory and change it to there.

mkdir sysmon

cd sysmon

6. In the /opt/fox/sysmgm/sysmon directory, create a file and name it smon_log.

touch smon_log

7. To verify that smon_log is capturing the system messages, perform a checkpoint CP Database. This can be
done from SMDH or ICC.

8. Do “more” on the /opt/fox/sysmgm/sysmon/smon_log file.

cd /opt/fox/sysmgm

more smon_log

2002-04-29 14:09:59 CP3001 Software Manager SYSMON -00021 Checkpoint Success.

A CP Reboot will show:

2002-04-29 14:09:59 CP3001 Software Manager SYSMON -00021 Power up rebooted OK.

9. Periodicly check the size of the smon_log file because it may grow very fast and can take some space in the
/opt partition.

System Monitor Processes





(there will be one of these (smon_nm) Network Manager processes for every switch on the system)

System Monitor – Problem with WP/AW configured as System Monitor WP

But Cannot Access “Equip Chg” on the Display
The AW/WP was configured as a System Monitor WP and System Monitor Notification WP, however, The WP
lacks the System Monitor Notification and cannot make changes through “Equip Chg.” The first thing to do is to
check the configuration to make sure that this WP/AW is configured properly as a System Monitor WP. We have
had a station to be configured as a System Monitor WP yet still cannot select “Equip Chg.”
cd /usr/fox/sysmgm/sysmon

bpatch destact.cfg

Check this file to see that it is actually configured as a System Monitor WP. If it is not, you may have your field
service representative to bpatch the file by making a copy of the original first to make the necessary change
adding the AW/WP as a SMGC station. The final step is to stop and restart the system monitor.

System Monitor - Restarting/Reinitializing

To stop and restart the system monitor:
ps -eaf | grep smon
kill -9 PID

(PID=Process ID Number found when doing the ps -eaf)

(kill both smon processes)

nohup /usr/fox/sysmgm/sysmon/smon_ech &

To reinitialize/reinstall the system monitor:

cd /usr/fox/sysmgm/sysmon

mv smon_strh

mv smon_ech

cd ./fs_util

mv fs_util

cd /usr/fox/sp/files/pkg_inits

p_init.SYSMO <host station letterbug> NOTYET

tail command

tail [+n | -n] <file>

Display end of file, by default last 10 lines

-n Last n lines

+n Line n to end of file

Tape Drive – Checking the 4mm tape drive status

mt –f /dev/rst9 status

This will give the online/alive status.

tar Command (on NT)

view diskette:
tar tvf a:

copy diskette:
tar cvf a:

tar xvf a:
TCP/IP (valid addresses for each NSAP)
Proper TCP/IP Range for NSAP Addresses in Multinode Systems

NSAP TCP/IP Address Range For Node

I000101 thru

I000102 thru

I000103 thru

I000104 thru

I000105 thru

I000106 thru

I000107 thru

I000108 thru

I000109 thru

I000110 thru

I000111 thru

I000112 thru

I000113 thru

I000114 thru

I000115 thru

I000116 thru

I000117 thru

I000118 thru

I000119 thru

I000120 thru

I000121 thru

I000122 thru

I000123 thru

I000124 thru

I000125 thru

I000126 thru

I000127 thru

I000128 thru

I000129 thru

I000130 thru

I000131 thru

I000132 thru

I000133 thru

I000134 thru

Single Node System

NSAP TCP/IP Address Range For Node

I000001 thru

telnet - 50 series
telnet communicates with another host using the TELNET protocol. If telnet is invoked without arguments, it enters
command mode, indicated by its prompt telnet>. In this mode, it accepts and executes its associated commands.
If it is invoked with arguments, it performs an open command with those arguments.

Type “man telnet” more more detailed instructions.

Example: To run a VT100 type session on an AW51 that’s on my network, (connected through the

AW’s second ethernet port) whose name is MYAW01, type:

telnet MYAW01

login: root

password: password

touch Command
touch [-amc][mmddhhmm[yy]] filename

-a update only access time -m update only modification time

-c do not create file if it doesn’t exist.

The touch command will change the date and time of creation of a file to the current date and time.

To create a temporary file to find all files “newer than”.


This will create a file named and set the timestamp for the current date and time.
find / -newer -print

This command line will find all files that have been updated since that time.

Tracking – AOUT Block in Hold State

If the AOUT has an “H” on the detail display, this means that the block is in “Hold”. The BCALC’s and the INITO’s
control the tracking of the AOUT block. There are a few parameters that should be checked and set to make sure
that the block will communicate. See the following example of parameters that should be set in a control loop
compound named TANK1.
TANK1:FT100 (AIN) (nothing special here…keep moving)

TANK1:FIC100(PID) (check these 3 parameters of the PID)




PRIBLK: 1 (make sure this is set to “1”)

Troubleshooting FCMs, FBIs, WFCMs and DCMs Problems

HH#: HH1003

The term FCM will be used to apply to FCMs, FBIs, WFCMs and DCMs unless otherwise noted in the following
Helpful Hint.

There are status leds and activity indicators on the front of an FCM that can be used to determine the health of an
FCM. When troubleshooting an FCM problem start with the two status leds marked Operational Status and then
proceed to the Ethernet/Fiber Activity leds and finally the Fieldbus Activity leds.
CP60 to FCM Communication Problems

1. If the status leds show the FCM in normal (see table below) but the CP60 is indicating a problem or
will not communicate with the FCM check the TX Ethernet status led.

The TX led will blink if there is any activity at all on the Ethernet connection.

If the TX led is out check the cabling between the CP60 and the FCM Check the ECB for the FCM

If cabling, ECB are good and the CP60 is communicating with other FCMs, replace the FCM

Otherwise check the CP60

2. If the Ethernet TX led is blinking check the Ethernet RX led.

The Ethernet RX led will blink when the FCM receives comms from the CP60 addressed to it.

If the Ethernet RX led doesn't blink check the letterbug on the baseplate and verify it matches the ID
in the ECB.

FCM to FBM Communication Problems

Verify that the there is activity on the Fieldbus TX led.

1. If there is no Fieldbus TX activity no messages are being sent to the FBMs. Verify that the FBMs are
Online and the ECBs are configured correctly.

If the Fieldbus TX is blinking check the RX led

2. If there is no Fieldbus RX led activity verify baseplate connections, cabling, and ECB/letterbug

If there are multiple FCMs configured for this CP60 verify that the MAC addresses for the FCM are
unique. (See Table Below)
Operational Status Leds:

Top Led / Bottom Led Status


Green / Off Normal

Green / Red FCM Downloading Itself

Off / Red Failed Start up Memory Test

FCM Mac Addresses:

Copper FCM 00 00 6C 11 xx xx

FIBER FCM, WFCM 00 00 6C 12 xx xx

FBI, DCM 00 00 6C 13 xx xx

Note: xx xx will be a unique factory burned in value. When the CP60 first communicates with an FCM it uses the
letterbug. Once the FCM responds to the CP60 the CP60 will use the MAC address of the FCM for all following
communications. If there are two FCMs with the same MAC address they will become confused and try to send
messages to FBMs, which don't belong to them. See Sec B0400CC V6.3 Readme
PIO Bus Operations

The CP60 will select the bus (A or B) with the most FBMs. The CP60 will issue an Open Request to all the FBMs
and then a Status Request. This will be done for both busses and the bus with the most FBMs is the bus that is
selected. If both busses have the same amount of FBMs then bus A is the default. Once a bus is selected for
operation the other bus must exceed the original bus for a bus switch to take place.

The CP60 will send out a Broadcast (Bcast) message every ½ or 1 second. The Bcast message is for
compatibility with legacy FBMs. A legacy FBM will switch busses if it doesn't hear a heartbeat. The 200 series
FBMs listen to both busses at the same time so there is no bus switching and the heartbeat doesn't apply.

The CP60 will package up all the messages for FBMs under a given FCM based on the size of the FBM
responses. Normally one message is sent to the FCM for all the FBMs. If the size of the response message from
the FCM exceeds 1400 bytes then more messages will be generated. The FCM will take the request messages
from the CP60 and send out individual messages to the FBMs. The FCM will wait for the FBM response and
package them up into a single message that will be sent back to the CP60.

MPOLL does not apply for 200 series FBMs

Note: Placing an FCM into Offline doesn't really place it into Offline. The CP60 will continue to talk to the FCM.
The only current way to stop communications to an FCM without failing it is disable switching to the cable an FCM
is on.
Communications Problems

1. If an FBM is slow to answer or fails to answer the FCM will send a Timeout to the CP60.

2. If a response from an FCM to the CP is garbled or there is a CRC error the CP may restart the I/O

3. A garbled response or CRC error received by the FCM will not be answered.

4. Noise bursts can make FBMs appear as though they are not there.

FBM Response Timeouts

DIN (200 Series) 1.1 msec

Legacy FBM 2.0 msec

Migration FBM 3.0 msec

DCI 5.04 msec

Troubleshooting scripts
One way to troubleshoot a script file to see what it’s actually doing:
sh –x scriptname

This will show you the commands being executed and results of these processes.

Troubleshooting v7.x Network (HH1050)

Basic Network Checks

Verify that all Workstations have a splitter cable

Verify that the splitter combiner is connected to serial port "A" and the proper NIC or network interface

Verify that the RCNI cables go to the proper switch ("A" or "B")

Verify that the Ethernet cable from the splitter combiner to the RCNI is good. Verify that the Ethernet cable
connected between the Splitter cable and the RCNI is Rev C or igher for P0971XK, XL, XM and XN. Refer to SI
0-00528 for kits AG100WD, WE, WF & WG.

Verify that on each NCNI pair one switch is set to "A" and the other set to "B".

Verify that the NCNI is connected to the proper switch (A or B) If there is more than one switch in series for each
cable verify that there are no crossed cables between switches.
Verify that all switches have the proper configuration parameters as specified in B0400DV. Use the latest revision
of the document under the User Documents for the latest release. For instance under L02-2 B0400DV-A is found
but under L03-1 B0400DV-B is found.

Verify that the status leds and links are operating properly on all RCNIs. All three link leds should be on and
blinking. There will be a difference in the blink rate for the "A" & "B" fibers since one cable will be the Primary for
I/A but there should still be activity on both.

Verify that leds on the NCNIs are operating properly. There should be a link led on for each cable connection on
the NCNI, CAT-5, Fiber or both. When there is activity on a cable the led will blink. The Nodebus led will blink
when there is a transmission to the nodebus from the NCNI.

Verify that switches which have connections have the led on for receive. The receive led being on indicates link.
There should be activity on the receive led when a packet comes from the switch to the station. The Transmit (TX)
led will blink when the station sends a packet to the switch. Flashing red on the transmit usually indicates a
transmit problem such as a collision. Check the switch port settings for full duplex and auto-negotiation.
Symptom: Network Slowdown

Check for crossed cables between the "A" and "B" paths in the V7.x network. A crossed cable can also be
produced by setting the NCNI switch to the wrong position i.e. connecting the NCNI to a switch for cable "A" but
setting the Nodebus Selection switch to "B", onnecting the cables from the RCNI to the wrong switch or making a
connection between a switch on the "A" cable to a switch on the "B" cable.

Check for bad or missing connections on the station that is the current Nodebus Test Initiator. A bad fiber link
between a RCNI and a switch on the station that is the current NFD Initiator can cause a slowdown if stations think
there is a problem with the cable that doesn't have a bad link. Note: This type of fault would have to be a fault that
does not cause a link loss but does create bad or intermittent communications on the cable with the bad link.

Verify that the station is configured for redundant communications (nodebus) and not ethernet. Check the
CMX_STAND_ALONE parameter in the /usr/fox/exten/config/loadable.cfg file. For redundant busses (Nodebus)
you should see the following values. Solaris Stations CMX_STAND_ALONE = 0 NT and XP
CMX_STAND_ALONE=DNBI_PRESENT If these values are not correct then a reconfiguration and re-committal
will be necessary to properly configure the station.
TCP/IP Communications Work But Not I/A Communications (Comex)

Check that the splitter cable is connected to serial port "A". IP doesn't need a certain cable to work but I/A won't
work properly if it can't switch cables and switch the "A" & "B" receivers on/off. If the Splitter Cable is properly
connected replace it. Verify that the Ethernet cable connected between the Splitter cable and the RCNI is Rev C
or higher for P0971XK, XL, XM and XN. Refer to SI 0-00528 for kits AG100WD, WE, WF & WG.

On XP stations verify that the Foxboro Protocol is only enabled for the NIC port connected to the RCNI. The
Foxboro Protocol should not be enabled (checked) on the Mother Board port but only on the NIC used for I/A
which is usually Local Area Connection 2.
I/A Communications Work But Not TCP/IP

Check that the proper subnet mask is set. Sun stations default to NT stations and XP It is best to set them all to Also verify that the Network portion of the I/A port is
151.128. Note a ping can work even if the netmask is not properly configured.

Verify that the Ethernet cable connected between the Splitter cable and the RCNI is Rev C or higher for P0971XK,
XL, XM and XN. Refer to SI 0-00528 for kits AG100WD, WE, WF & WG.

If the IP communications is going across a LAN to another node verify that the IP addresses for the destination
and source stations are in the correct IP range for the NSAP of each node. Check the CSC Web page under
Resources -> Troubleshooting Guides -> Tokenbus/Nodebus for a table of NSAP to IP ranges.
Intermittent Cable Failures Reported by NFD
NFD thrashing between V6.x stations and V7.x stations has the potential to create cable problems. On V7.x nodes
verify that NFD has been disabled on all V6.x stations. The one exception is the LAN, which can't be disabled at
V7.0 & V7.1. A workaround is to manually select a V7.x station to be the NFD Test Initiator even if a V7.x is
already the Initiator. On V7.x hosts running NFD the utility nfd_debug can be used to determine if there is NFD
contention occurring between multiple NFD Initiators. See below for more information on nfd_debug. To set a
station as the NFD Test Initiator go to NETWORK in System Management pick NEXT LEVEL, if there are LANs
pick the LAN for the Node which hosts the station which is to be the Test Initiator, pick NEXT LEVEL and select
the station which is to be the Nodebus Test Initiator, select ONLINE DIAG and when the window opens select
CHANGE NODEBUS TEST INITIATOR. When the operation is complete use the CURRENT NODEBUS TEST
INITIATOR pick to verify.
Non Unique Letterbug Messages After Station Reboot

When a Non Unique Letterbug messages shows up in the smon_log this is usually caused by by a Network loop in
the system which allows cross communications between the "A" and "B" cables. Check for crossed cables or a
defective NCNI, RCNI. Check for crossed cables on segments other than the segment on which station reporting
the Non Unique Letterbug that won't boot is located.
Duplicate Mac Address Messages

If a station reports on Duplicate Mac Address when booting up, check for port mirroring being enabled on the
switch to which the station is attached. When the station broadcasts it's Mac Address if port mirroring is enabled
on the switch it may cause the station to hear it's own broadcast making it appear that someone else owns that
Mac Address.

Both Cables Fail or Wrong Cable Fails NFD Test After Breaking One Cable There are several items that can
cause NFD to fail a test. Verify the items in the Basic Network Checks listed above. Usually an incorrect cable
diagnosis is caused by crossed cables or a problem with the serial cable on a station(s), preventing the station
from switching cables. Check the station that is the NFD Initiator. Try changing the NFD Initiator, running cable
test and see if the same results occur. Workstation Won't Read Letterbug. Verify that the proper letterbug is
installed correctly in the RCNI. The letterbug must be installed before powering up the RCNI in order for it to be
read by the RCNI. Verify that the status leds on the RCNI are with one off and the other on (green), on the upper
right corner of the RCNI. Verify splitter cable is connected to serial port "A" on the workstation. Verify that splitter
and Ethernet cables are connected and working. Verify that the serial connection on the splitter cable is connected
to serial port A or Comm 1.
Workstation Won't Communicate Through RCNI to Other Stations.

Verify the link leds are active on the RCNI

Verify the status led of the RCNI is green. There are two status leds in the upper right corner of the RCNI. If the
status leds are red/green the RCNI will not communicate properly. Power down and up to try and correct the

Verify all cabling

Replace the RCNI

Debugging NFD Problems (General)


Enable nfd_log on all potential V7.x NFD Test Initiators. The nfd_log will only record information on the station of
the current NFD Test Initiator. To enable nfd_log create the directory /opt/fox/sysmgm/nfd and then create the file
nfd_log. You will want to monitor the file because it will grow indefinitely. The nfd_log shows what stations are
requesting cable test and if stations are reporting Carrier Sense Errors (CRS).


Enable nfd_debug for information on the current NFD Test Initiator is. This file will log information on all stations
on which it exists. You want to monitor the size of this file because it will grow indefinitely and at a fairly high rate.
This log is helpful to show how many stations each potential Initiator thinks are on the node and also who is the
current Initiator. To enable nfd_debug create the directory /opt/fox/sysmgm/nfd and create the file nfd_debug. A
station that is the NFD Initiator will report messages like the following in nfd_debug

2004-06-18 09:26:33 ev_timeout: my_state: MASTER, Not Refreshing --- num_stas: 18

my_state: Master (says this station is the Master)

num_stas: 18 (Says NFD on this stations sees 18 stations on the node)

A station that is not the NFD Initiator will have a messages like the following in nfd_debug

2004-06-18 09:31:09 ev_timeout: my_state: Not Master, Not Refreshing - -- num_stas: 20

(Message indicates this station is not the NFD Initiator "Not Master")

2004-06-18 09:31:16 Heartbeat Rcvd: Master: AW51F1, Override: 1,

Mast_type: 7d -- my_state: Not Master

(Message indicates that a NFD Initiator heartbeat another station "AW51F1")

2004-06-18 09:31:16 2. I_OVERRIDE: No Action

(Message indicates that no attempt has been made by this station to become the NFD Initiator by overriding)


Enable the smon_log on all System Monitor hosts. This log along with nfd_log can help debug cable problems.
You will want to monitor the file because it will grow indefinitely. To enable smon_log create the directory
/opt/fox/sysmgm/sysmon and create the file smon_log.

tput - Clear Screen

The tput command will clear the screen.

tput clear

Proportional band or gain (P) Output is proportional to error. Farther away from SP, the more action you’re gonna
get (Slow(100) > Fast(0.1))

Integral Time, reset time, or reset rate (I) Output repeats proportional change over time. Integrates area under
error curve. Looks at how long you’ve been away from SP. You don’t have enough integral if it really never
reaches the setpoint. (Slow(100) > Fast(0.1))

Derivative Time or rate (D) Output repeats based on slope of error curve. Time is how long derivative action lasts.

Looks to see if you’re making progress and tries to catch the measurement before it starts swinging back and
forth. (Slow(0) > Fast(5))

Closed Loop Technique:

Turn the integral time to its highest setting (set to 10 minutes per repeat)

If used, turn the derivative time (rate time) to zero or its minimum
Decrease the proportional band until the loop maintains a small sustained cycle.

Then set the controller adjustments to:

Kc=Kcu/2 where Kc=100/Proportional Band

Pc=2Pcu where Kcu=ultimate gain, same units.

Ti=Pn where Ti=Integral time, minutes per repeat

Td=Pn/8 where Td=Derivative time, minutes

Open Loop Technique:

Place the controller in manual

2. When the process is sufficiently stable, make a small change in the controller output called a step change.

Then set the controller adjustments to:

Kc=1/RL where R=%change in measured var/minute divided by %change in controller output


Ti=4L where L=“Apparent” dead time


Use the open loop method on slow processes, such as temperature and composition. Also note that the “L”
parameter is more important then “R”. Also note that if “R” continues to increase, these tuning rules do not apply.

Two important things to note: As the proportional band is increased, the loop will tend to oscillate. Also, as the
proportional control is decreased, the offset becomes smaller, but never reaches zero. Cascade Control: Tune the
secondary controller first for tight control. The secondary controller should be faster. The primary loop will see the
secondary loop as another “lag”. Then tune the primary loop as you would any other loop. The amount of lag seen
in the primary loop depends on the tuning of the secondary loop.

DO NOT HAVE EXACT ON BOTH MASTER AND SLAVE. Set parameters on secondary then turn it off and leave
exact on master.
Example tuning process:

Turn off integral and derivative, set both to 0. Start with P-Band at 100 then just watch to see what happens to it. If
it starts to drift, keep changing P-Band until you get a slow kind of curve not a zigzag curve. Figure the natural
period in minutes. If Pband comes to 65 then set Pband to 130. The natural period in minutes = Integral if natural
time = 30 seconds then Integral = .5. Derivative = natural period divided by 8 or .0625.

uname Command
uname [-amnprsv]

-a print all information

-m print machine hardware name

-n print nodename

-p print host’s processor type

-r print operating system release

-s print name of operating system

-v print operating system version

Upgrade Procedure – CP30 or CP40 with legacy FBMs to CP60(HH983)

Some clients wish to upgrade their CP30 or CP40 to a CP60 and retain their legacy FBM's. The FBI10E is used to
communicate with these legacy FBM's but the procedure is not obvious. Ensure that no parameter from this CP is
displayed on a CRT, anywhere in your system before STEP # 3 is performed.

1. Configure a new CP60 letterbug in System Definition and install it in the usual manner. Insert the CP60 and
verify that it boots correctly.

2. In the "old" CP30 or CP40, perform an UPLOAD and SAVEALL to save the existing control block data.

3. INITIALIZE the "old" CP and remove the CP from the cell buss.

4. Replace the Field Bus Isolator with the FBI10E. Wire up the ethernet fieldbus per the installation instructions.
The leds on the FBI10E should go RED /GREEN, then GREEN only. There may be a brief flicker on the WHITE
leds. There should be no further fieldbus activity.

5. Call the CP60 in the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC). Insert the "old" SAVEALL diskette and select SHOW
and Diskette Directory.

6. Select Load from Diskette and in the field "Current Name:" select the "old" letterbug_ECB <Enter> then in the
"New Name:" type in your CP60 letterbug_ECB <Enter> then DONE. This will load the "old" ECB's into your
CP60. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to modify the ECB's; select - Yes.

7. Select LOADALL. This will load in the remaining blocks and will notify you that it failed to load the Station
Compound and the ECB Compound.

8. Go to the ECB compound and add a new block before the "old" ECB's Name = DevID = letterbug of your
FBI10E. Type = ECB110 HW = 200 SW = 200

9. Go to System Management and select the FBI10E to go ON LINE (both) You should now see the WHITE leds
flashing on the FBI10E. Go to the SMDH Next level and you should see your old FBM's. Select DOWNLOAD for
each FBM.

10. Verify that your eeprom levels are correct for each FBM

11. Perform a SAVEALL with Format for your new CP60.

Upgrade Utilities
The “Upgrade Utilities” document should be read in its entirety before running these scripts. Below are just brief
descriptions and are to be used as a reference only. These notes are subject to change so it’s important to read
the actual manuals. Before performing a day0 upgrade, the latest upgrade scripts should be downloaded.

Tar off the install_upg utility into /tmp and run this program. This program will generate a sort of “Upgrade Plan”
which is to be used as a reference when actually writing your own upgrade plan. There are several reports that are
generated from this utility. All of the information contained in these reports is very useful. The install_upg utility will
then run another script called upg_util. The upg_util is an interface program which runs a series of scripts to
inventory all files and directories as well as the checksums of all Foxboro Standard System and display related
files. This utility in effect will give you three files that will be 1) a list of all custom directories that do not exist on a
day0 drive, 2) a list of all custom files that do not exist on a day0 drive, and 3) a list of the Foxboro Standard
System and Display related files that have been modified.
Backup-To-Tape and Restore-From-Tape Utilities
Again, it is very important to read the entire documents on these utilities. If the procedures are not followed
precisely, there could be problems.

The backup-to-tape utility generates a list of files to back up to streaming tape. There is a list of files in the
document that this utility automatically puts in this backup list. It also gives the user the opportunity to add
customer-specific files to the list via a text editor or the menu provided by the utility.

The restore-from-tape utility restores the files that backup-to-tape saved to the streaming tape. Upon restoring the
files, you may be informed of files in prior_release directories. The prior_release directories exist so that older files
can be restored onto the drive without overwriting files critical to proper operation or to provide information from
the older drive for reference purposes. The priorrelease directories contain only “old” files whose contents differ
from the “new” files of the same name.

These utilities are a must when trying to retrieve all custom information from a customer’s system to restore to a
day0 drive.

Upload Utility
For a thorough explanation of the UPLOAD utility, go to the section titled “Utilities: Upload, Shrink, Checkpoint,
upload <type> <CP Letterbug><compound><block>]workfile.dat [<tempdir>] <CP type>

upload 4 UCE001 workfile.dat

/usr/fox/ciocfg/upload 4 UCE003 workfile.dat

<type> 1=upload compound; 2=upload block; 3=upload ECB compound; 4=upload all; 5=upload oper. status

<CP letterbug> letterbug of CP

<compound> name of compound to upload

<block> name of block to upload

workfile.dat this string is passed as is

<temp dir> name of temp dir. to be used for storage of oper. status database install command files. (argument
only appears when option 5 is chosen)

<CP type> type of CP to upload (201,2001,8001,etc)

Location of work files for CP: /usr/fox/ciocfg/CPLBUG/*.wf

This command displays the length of time the system has been up since the last reboot.

Utilities: File2dsk and Dsk2file Issues with Win2000 and XP (HH989)

Some users cannot get the FILE2DSK and DSK2FILE tools to work with Win 2000 and Win XP operating systems.
These two operating systems have two command line windows.
WINNT\System32\ and WINNT\System32\cmd.exe

The cmd.exe program has failed to operate correctly with the tools FILE2DSK and DSK2FILE on some computers.
The program has been tested and confirmed to work with the tools FILE2DSK and DSK2FILE on
Win NT, Win 2000 and Win XP. You should use when you need to run these tools. It can be
started from the Start - Run window.

Utilities: Upload, Shrink, Checkpoint, Save_all

The following information was supplied by Alex Johnson and is a clarification of the relationships between

UPLOAD – The upload operation reads unconnected, settable parameters from the control station’s RAM and
stores them in the workfile for the Control Station.

SHRINK – The workfile grows without bound as blocks are changed. When the “DONE” button is pressed, the
altered block is written to the end of the workfile (appended).

CHECKPOINT – The contents of the CS’s RAM are written to the host machine. This file is used to restore the
RAM after a reboot. Since this is basically a copy of the contents of RAM at the time of the checkpoint, the
rebooted box can start with the previous setpoints and block states. Parameters like INITMA are used to alter its

SAVE_ALL – A directory structure using the native file system of the host is written to the floppy when a
SAVE_ALL is triggered. This directory structure contains a hidden file that holds the names of the compounds on
the floppy, directory for each compound that holds the sequence and ladder logic files for the CS, and a file
(parameters) that contains the parameter values for each parameter of each block.

LOADALL – The LOADALL pick causes the ICC to read the floppy created by the SAVE_ALL. Related to this is
the fact that the ICC database is actually in four different places. The CS’s RAM holds the working copy. This is
the copy that changes made at a display will alter.

The checkpoint file, which is stored in /usr/fox/sp/files on the boot host of the control station. Its name is
DB<LBUG>.UC. Its backup is BB<LBUG>.UC

The source code files used by the ICC. These are stored in /opt/fox/ciocfg. The directory <LBUG> stores the files
related to the compounds, blocks, and parameters of the objects in the CS. The directory <CMPDNAME> holds
the sequence and ladder logic files for the compounds.

The CSA database contains a list of the compounds and blocks in the system. This list is used by the ICC to
guarantee uniqueness of names.

The “source code files” consist of two types of files: the .O files and the .wf file. The <LBUG>.O file contains a
record for each compound in the CS. There is one <LBUG>.O file for each station. There is a <CMPDNAME>.O
file for each compound. Each <CMPDNAME>.O file contains the names of the blocks owned by that compound.
The .wf file contains all of the parameter data. The <CMPDNAME>.O records contain a pointer into the .wf file that
is used to locate the parameters of a particular block. Since changes to the block cause new records to be
appended to the file, the .O files must be updated with each change.

The SHRINK action causes the excess information in the .wf file to be “squeezed” out. Problems arise when these
files get out of synchronization. If the CS’s RAM is lost, the checkpoint file is used to recover. (This is a reboot) If a
checkpoint file is lost, the checkpoint operation can recreate it. If the “source files” are lost, there is no standard
approach to recovery and the ICC cannot be used to recover with the CP running. If CSA is lost, the SAVE_ALL,
INITIALIZE, REBOOT, and LOADALL sequence may be required to recover the database or to resynchronize to a
VI - Colon Commands
:set all shows parameters settable

:set wm=20 sets right margin at 20 spaces

:set nu sets number display of each line

:set ai indent lines until go into escape mode

:q! exit without saving

:n move to that line number

:x,ymz move line between x & y to a position following z

:x,ycoz makes copy of lines from x to y and places them after z

:x,ywfilename copy lines from current file to new file

:x,yw>>filename append lines to existing file

:e edit another file while in vi

:w save changes to current file

:ZZ saves and exits

:wq! writes and quits

:%s/oldtext/newtext/g (global search and replace)

Global Search and Replace:


Substitute <pattern1> with <pattern2> globally

Example search and replace: To edit the file IIF.pkg file searching for the pattern “FBM” and changing the word
“NOTYET” to “DONE”, do the following:
vi IIF.pkg


This searches for a line that has “FBM” in it and changes the word “NOTYET” on that line to “DONE”.

This could have been searching only for WP51’s for instance:



Example to remove unwanted hard carriage returns – (^M) at the end of each line of a file. The following
command will globally replace the last character of each line (the carriage-return) with nothing (i.e. delete it). The
hard carriage returns are placed at the end of the line in a file saved in DOS/Windows. Thank you Bob “VI and
awk” Dombrowski. (Also see “Copy - unix2dos and dos2unix (50 series)” for a different method).

VI - Inputting AND Editing Text
i insert text at cursor

l insert mode at beginning of line

a append text after cursor

A add text to end of line

r replaces letter

cw change a word or text

cc change line of text

x delete character where cursor is

dw delete a word

dd delete a line

D delete from cursor to end of line

3x delete 3 characters

3dw delete 3 words

3dd delete 3 lines

p paste deleted word/character/line after cursor

P paste deleted word/character/line before cursor

yw/yy yank a word/yank a line to be pasted

y1y copies entire line

J joins line together

. repeat commands

u undoes changes to last altered text

U undoes all last changes to current line

1p retrieves deleted text - move to space deleted text should begin and enter 1p, (.) will

repeat retrieval command

/text searches forward

?text searches backwards

n,N will search for next occurrence, previous occurrence

c Change text to end of line

VI - Moving Around A File

w first letter of next word

b first letter of preceding word

e to end of word
l forward one space

h back one space

k up one line

j down one line

0 to beginning of line

$ to end of line

:set number to set numbered lines

nG to specific line number

G to end of file

1G to beginning of file

- to previous location in file

H to go to top of screen

M to go to middle of screen

L to go to bottom of screen

Ctrl-Y scroll up one line

Ctrl-E scroll down one line

Ctrl-B scroll back a full screen

Ctrl-F scroll forward a full screen

Ctrl-L refreshes screen

Ctrl-D scrolls down half a screenful

Ctrl-U scrolls up half a screenful

VI - Opening A File
at the end of the file = vi + filename

at specific word = vi +/word filename

at specific line = vi +n filename

For use on 50 series systems, vmstat will display certain system statistics regarding process, virtual memory, disk,
trap and CPU activity.
vmstat 5 10

(will run vmstat updating every 5 seconds displaying the first 10 lines)

For use on 50 series systems, the vmstat command will display certain system statistics regarding process, virtual
memory, disk, trap and CPU activity Note: vmstat statistics are only supported for certain devices. Without options,
vmstat displays a one-line summary of the virtual memory activity since the system was last booted. If an interval
is specified vmstat summarizes activity over the last interval in seconds, repeating forever.

Note: In the example below vmstat will update every five seconds; vmstat terminates by entering <ctrl>c Because
vmstat consumes system resources be careful about leaving vmstate running for extended periods.

vmstat 5


-c Report cache flushing statistics. By default, report the total number of each kind of cache flushed since boot
time. The types are: user, context, region, segment, page, and partial-page.

-i Report the number of interrupts per device.

-s Display the total number of various system events since boot.

-S Report on swapping rather than paging activity. This option will change two fields in vmstat's ``paging''

procs memory page disk faults cpu

r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr f0 s3 -- -- in sy cs us sy id

0 0 0 4188 2796 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 276 244 3 5 91

0 0 0 61800 2372 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1785 322 271 10 5 85

procs - Report the number of processes in each of the three following states:

r in run queue

b blocked for resources (I/O, paging, and so forth)

w runnable but swapped

memory - Report on usage of virtual and real memory. swap amount of swap space currently

available (Kbytes) free size of the free list (Kbytes)

page - Report information about page faults and paging activity. The information on each of the following activities
is given in units per second.

re page reclaims, see the -S option for how this field is modified.

mf minor faults, see the -S option for how this field is modified.

pi kilobytes paged in

po kilobytes paged out

fr kilobytes freed

de anticipated short-term memory shortfall (Kbytes)

sr pages scanned by clock algorithm

disk - Report the number of disk operations per second. There are slots for up to four disks,

labeled with a single letter and number.The letter indicates the type of disk (s = SCSI, i = IPI, and so forth); the
number is the logical unit number.

Note : An idle time that is consantly below 50 percent should be investigated.

VT100 – Unix Initialization Files
File executed at login into the “C” Shell:


File executed at login into the “Bourne” Shell:


File executed each time a shell is spawned in “C” Shell:


File executed upon logout of the “C” Shell:


wc Command
wc [-cwl] <file-list>

Counts characters, words, and lines of files

-c Characters

-w Words

-l Lines

The who command examines the /var/adm utmp file to obtain information of everyone logged in. /var/adm/wtmp
contains a history of all the logins since the file was created.
who -a

who am I

who -u

who -b

(who -b will show the last boot date for the system)

(who -a and who -b are not available on the 50 series systems).

Work Files for Control Processors

20 series:

50 series:

wp_dta file – AW and WP Peripheral File
As of the v3.3 release, the System Configurator started creating the WP peripheral configuration file,
/usr/fox/sp/wp_dta, with a “P” put in byte 9 of each record (first byte is 0). For 50 series stations a “P” indicates that
no touchscreen is configured for the primary GCIO. While for WP20’s and WP30’s, a binary 0 means no
touchscreen and a “P” would mean that a touchscreen with the letterbug of “P” is configured. Note, if a WP20 or
WP30 is configured for a touchscreen this is not a problem. The AW and WP peripherals (Touch Screen, GCIO
and Modular Kayboards) are assigned in the System Configurator. A file is transferred to the station during the
Software Installation which is read by the station on bootup to determine what equipment has been specified.

This binary file located in /usr/fox/sp can be read by using bpatch. You should copy your wp_dta file before using
bpatch on it.

bytes 0-6 WP letterbug plus the null terminator

byte 7 Secondary GCIO/Touchscreen letterbug, 50 series only

00 (Hex), no secondary GCIO and no touchscreen

S (ASCII), secondary GCIO and no touchscreen

6 (ASCII), secondary and touchscreen

byte 8

WPIO Primary Station ID

01 (Hex), no multiscreen

02 – 7F (Hex), multiscreen present, value assigned by SysCfg

byte 9 Primary GCIO/Touchscreen Letterbug

00 (Hex),if WP20/30 no touchscreen, if 50 series no primary GCIO and no touchscreen

P (ASCII), no touchscreen for primary GCIO, 50 series only

2 (ASCII), if 50 series, touchscreen configured for primary GCIO, and if WP20/30, letterbug of
touchscreen C-Z (ASCII), touchscreen configured and Multi-screen WP20/30 Only, letterbug assigned by

byte 10 Modular Keyboard #1 Letterbug

00 (Hex), no modular keyboard

1 (ASCII), modular keyboard configured and not multiscreen

C-Z (ASCII), modular keyboard configured and Multiscreen,

WP20/30 Only, letterbug assigned by SysCfg

byte 11 Modular Keyboard #2 Letterbug

00 (Hex), no second modular keyboard

3 (ASCII), second modular keyboard configured and not multiscreen C-Z (ASCII), second modular
keyboard configured and multiscreen, WP20/30 only, letterbug assigned by SysCfg
byte 12 Numeric Keypad Letterbug

00 (Hex), no numeric keyboard

1 (ASCII), numeric keypad located on first modular keyboard

2 (ASCII), numeric keypad located on second modular keyboard

byte 13 Alphanumeric/Third Modular Keyboard Letterbug

00 (Hex), no keyboard

0 (ASCII), alphanumeric keyboard and no multiscreen

4 (ASCII), third modular keyboard and no multiscreen

A (ASCII), alphanumeric keyboard and multiscreen, WP20/30 only

C-Z (ASCII), third modular keyboard and multiscreen, WP20/30 only letterbug assigned by SysCfg

byte 14 Mouse/Trackball or Fourth Modular Keyboard Letterbug

00 (Hex), no mouse, trackball, or fourth modular keyboard

2 (ASCII), mouse or trackball configured, WP20/30 only

5 (ASCII),fourth modular keyboard (50 series only)

B (ASCII), alphanumeric keyboardmouse or trackball and multiscreen, WP20/30 only

byte 15 Multi-Screen Initial Owner of Device

00 (Hex), not initial owner of shared dev, always 00 for 50 series

01 (Hex), if initial owner of shared devices, or WP20/30 not configured for Multi-Screen

Each row represents one WP or AW. The G2BOOT, G3BOOT and G4BOOT are the default letterbugs on every
I/A AW. The TESTWP is the WP for testing for this example. There is a hex portion on the left and an ASCII
portion on the right. The x0 column in the hex portion “54” is the hex code for ASCII 0 column “T” of the letterbug.
TESTWP, above is configured for a single CRT, without touch screen and no GCIO interface. The file only
changes for the WP options for touch or no touch, GCIO or no GCIO and Modular Keyboards (MK) (1 or 2) for the
main CRT and/or the second CRT. There are no changes for mouse or trackball, nor when the color TGX card is
selected. Adding a second CRT without touch and without MK but including GCIO did not make any change to the

If you see the “S” on the ASCII side or a “P” and you know that you do not have linked WP’s, then check your
System Configuration to ensure there is a GCIO for each CRT that you have MK’s configured on.

Wyse Terminal Settings When Used As An Alarm Printer

DTR =instead of xoff

Parity = odd instead of none

Annunciator Keyboard – Troubleshooting Annunciator Keyboard 
/  Installation Problems, 10 
Annunciator Panel, 16 
/etc Directory, 91  Annunciator Panel – WPLBUGAApan or WPLBUGAAtab 
Modification, 16 
AP/AW 50 Series Stations Replacement ‐ Changing MAC 

Addresses Instead of Downloading FBMS or Rebooting CPs, 
4mm tape, 81, 210  18 
Apiadmin, 4, 5, 42 
A  apitst, 3, 4, 17, 119, 178 
apitst ‐ How to use apitst, 17 
AApan, 10, 13  apropos, 19, 36, 134 
AAtab, 10, 13  apropos command, 19 
Access Levels, 3  Archive to Tape (Legacy Historian) Problem – Tape Drive 
Access Levels – Using the setacl Command, 3  Suddenly Not Recognized, 19 
add_periphs, 3, 80  Archiving, 19 
add_periphs (50 series), 3  Archiving Historian ‐ “Backup your historian archive” Message, 
admintool, 3  19 
AIM, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 64, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 119, 120,  ascmd, 16 
122, 178, 189, 194  ast, 9, 16 
AIM Historian – Dumping Message Data to a Text File, 3  at Command, 20 
AIM Historian – Error Message Received About Number of  ATS, 20, 21, 127, 136, 177, 207, 208 
Entries, 4  ATS / Time Configuration (MESH: Class C), 21 
AIM Historian – Procedure to Increase the Max Number of  ATS Information ‐ (Address Translation Station), 20 
Alarms in Alarm History (5,000 to 40,000), 4  awk, 21, 22, 46, 59, 109, 223 
AIM Historian – Procedure to Increase the Size (5,000 points to  awk ‐ PATTERN MATCHING PROGRAM, 21 
10,000 points), 4 
AIM Historian – Procedure to Move from one AW to Another, 5 
AIM Historian problem with corrupt RTP file, 6  B 
AIM Historian Starting and Stopping, 5 
AIM Historian Troubleshooting Tools, 7  Background ‐ Running files in, 22 
AIM*Historian and apitst, 119  backspace, 22, 89 
AIM*Historian and FH_SACEGO, 120  backspace function, 22 
aimapi, 4, 5, 98, 102  backup, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 80, 90, 97, 100, 124, 
AIMAPI, 4, 5, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103  136, 149, 162, 163, 172, 177, 221, 222 
aimapi.cfg, 4, 5, 98, 102  Backup, 5, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 35, 37, 126, 155, 161, 185, 220 
AIMServer, 101, 105  backup and restore Procedure, 23 
Alarm History, 4, 7, 99  Backup AP ‐ Configuring WP’s for AP Switching on 20 series 
Alarm History Issue – Not purging old messages and not  stations, 22 
showing complete list of alarms, 7  Backup Using A Remote 50 Series Tape Drive, 26 
Alarm Manager, 7, 9, 77, 188  Backups, 25, 26, 27, 28, 66 
Alarm Manager – Problem with AM Display Getting Stuck on the  Backups ‐ 50/51 Series To Streaming Tape using dmp0 and 
Screen, 9  dmp9 scripts, 25 
Alarm Manager – Quitting Alarm Managers that are “not  Backups ‐ AP20 Streaming Tape, 28 
quittable”, 9  Backups ‐ Checking Save‐All Diskettes Integrity, 26 
Alarm Manager Install Files, 7  Backups ‐ Checking Tape Stamp On 50 Series, 28 
Alarm Server Task – ast Problem, 9  Backups ‐ Level 0 (Complete) Backup, 25 
Alarms, 4, 9, 14  Backups ‐ Level 9 (Incremental) Backup, 26 
Alarms – Common Alarm Group (CAG), 9  Backups ‐ Recommended Directories To Back Up, 27 
alias, 5, 9, 10, 77, 81, 91, 96, 100, 152  BACKUPS ‐ Saving Multiple Directories/Files to Tape – 50 series 
alias ‐ Creating a Pseudonym for a Command, 9  stations, 29 
am_def.cfg, 107  Backups – Using the dd command with bs and count, 27 
an_init.cfg, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 108  Backups AP20 ‐ Copying From Primary Hard Drive, 27 
an_init.tcp, 5, 7, 27, 98, 100, 101, 108  Backups AP20‐ Checking Streaming Tapes Integrity, 28 
Annunciator Configurator, 10  Backup‐to‐tape Utility, 23 
Annunciator Keyboard, 10, 16  blink, 78, 85, 144, 207, 213, 216 
Annunciator Keyboard – Annunciator Will Not Work While 
Direct Connect Printer is Configured, 16 
boot, 3, 5, 12, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40, 42, 66, 76, 80, 82, 85,  Concatenation Problem / add‐to‐sys Problem Concatenating 
86, 90, 112, 113, 136, 139, 145, 154, 155, 158, 172, 176, 177,  Drives, 40 
197, 198, 217, 222, 226, 227  conn, 43, 193 
Boot, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40, 136, 139, 154  conn/sconn, 43 
Boot Host Checks – Troubleshooting a station (CP, COMM, etc.)  Connection Failure Error Message Received, 42 
that won’t boot, 31  CONTROL BLOCKS, 124 
Boot Partitions On PC ‐ Switching, 32  Control Processor Files, 107 
Boot Problems – WP51E will not boot after v6.4 day0 install, 30  Converting 20 series save‐alls to 50 series save_alls, 43 
Boot Procedures, 29  Converting Displays, 44 
Boot Procedures for Troubleshooting an AW/AP/WP that won’t  Converting Displays Problem ‐ Unix to NT, 44 
boot, 29  Copy ‐ unix2dos and dos2unix (50 series), 45 
bpatch, 10, 31, 32, 33, 89, 111, 209, 228  Copy Files from one AW/WP to All Other Hosts, 44 
bs, 27, 28, 46, 66  Copy From Floppy to Hard Drive, 47 
Bypass Module, 33  Copy From Hard Drive to Floppy, 46 
Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With One High Density 
Drive Available (3 ½”), 46 
C  Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With One High Density 
Drive Available (5 ¼”), 46 
C Program – Compiling 20 Series, 34 
Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With Two High Density 
Cable Pinouts, 34 
Drives Available (3 ½”), 46 
Cabling, 35 
Copy From One I/A Diskette to Another With Two High Density 
Cabling ‐ Hard Drives, Floppy, Extra Backup Hard Drive, Without 
Drives Available (5 ¼”), 46 
Streaming Tape (AP20), 35 
Copy Stamped (5.25”) With One Drive Available, 47 
Cabling ‐ Hard Drives, Floppy, Streaming Tape Without Extra 
Copying ASCII files to DOS diskette on 50 Series, 47 
Backup Hard Drive (AP20), 35 
Core Files, 47 
CAGinit, 9 
Core Files‐ Reading, 47 
cal Command, 35 
count, 27, 46, 155 
Cancel Print Job, 36 
Counter Thresholds, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55 
cat, 8, 22, 26, 29, 36, 44, 116, 140, 160, 161, 185 
counters, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 171, 208 
cat Command, 36 
Counters, 47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 208 
catman, 19, 36, 133, 134 
Counters – Application Sublayer Counter Thresholds, 49 
catman Command, 36 
Counters – LAN (Network Information) ‐LAN Tokenbus Statistics 
cb Command, 36 
Counters, 50 
cfgpts, 36, 37 
Counters – MAC Sublayer Counter Thresholds, 53 
check_db_sync, 59, 60 
Counters – Network Sublayer Counter Thresholds, 54 
checkpoint, 31, 37, 38, 43, 64, 65, 88, 90, 107, 109, 177, 179, 
Counters – Peripheral Sublayer Counter Thresholds, 54 
209, 222 
Counters – Station Block Counters, 47 
Checkpoint, 37, 59, 88, 90, 93, 177, 180, 188, 209, 221, 222 
Counters – Station Loading Counter Information, 55 
Checkpoint CPs, 37 
Counters – Transport Sublayer Counter Thresholds, 55 
Checkpoint File – Rebuilding Corrupt Checkpoint File(HH953), 
CP’s Control Processor Maximum Values and Loading, 43 
CP60 Installation/Grounding Checklist, 42 
Checkpoint File Maximum Sizes, 37 
cpio, 57 
Checkpoint Files Location, 37 
cpio Command, 57 
chgrp, 79, 160 
Creating a smon_log file, 179 
chmod, 38, 39, 89, 176, 177 
crontab, 57, 58, 75, 193, 194 
chmod Command, 38 
Crontab, 57 
chown, 79, 160 
cs_devmon, 68, 69, 70, 163 
ckmacadr, 18, 38 
csa, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 107 
cmp, 39 
CSA, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 114, 135, 136, 222 
cmp ‐ Compare, 39 
CSA – Rebuilding CSA (HH1008), 61 
cnvt_foxcae, 104 
CSA – Removing Entries from CSA, 63 
commgrp.cfg, 7, 9, 28, 106 
CSA Mismatches –Find Mismatches on CSA CP Databases, 59 
Committal diskette, 10, 12, 113, 160 
CSA Report, 63 
concatenate, 39, 72 
csa_fn, 60, 61, 63 
Concatenating, 39, 40 
csa_merge, 60 
Concatenating Drives (50 series), 39 
CSA_Merge, 60, 62 
Concatenating Drives (50 series) Restoring Problems (HH859) 
CSA_Report, 63, 64 
Error commonly seen is “SCSI 2 Already in Use”, 40 
csa_stn_save, 60, 63, 64 
DOS Files ‐ Viewing On Disk In Drive 0 on 20 Series Stations, 79 
D  dos2unix, 45, 46, 59, 223 
doscopy, 78, 79, 167 
d_edit, 66, 67 
doscopy Command, 78 
d_edit ‐ Search and Replace, 67 
dosdir, 79 
d_edit Command, 66 
drivers, 62, 79, 80, 81, 113, 114 
Daylight Savings Time, 64 
Drivers ‐ Drivers not built for DAT tape drive on bootup, 80 
Daylight Savings Time Issues ‐ Setting time “back”, 64 
Drivers ‐ Rebuilding Device Drivers (Print Devices ‐ LPXX), 79 
db_sync, 60 
Drivers – Verifying Software Driver for the Tape Device, 81 
dbvu, 64, 65 
drvconfig, 31, 80, 81 
dbvu/dbvu30/dbvu40, 64 
ds_stasict, 31 
dbvu_err, 65 
dtree, 81 
dd, 27, 28, 40, 46, 47, 66, 224 
dtree Command, 81 
dd command, 66 
du, 74, 75, 76, 81, 82 
defunct, 66 
du Command, 81 
defunct Processes, 66 
Dual Foxview DMs – How to Display both DMs on boot on P92 
Device Monitor, 68, 69, 70, 113, 114 
Workstations (HH1060), 82 
Device Monitor – disabling, 70 
dump, 3, 14, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 47, 65, 66, 67, 75, 80, 83, 172, 
Device Monitor Master, 68, 69 
173, 174 
Device Names, 70 
Dump Files ‐ Location, 83 
devnm, 72 
devnm <filesystem>, 72 
df, 72, 74, 94  E 
df command, 72 
dft, 39, 40, 41, 72, 73, 137, 138  ECB, 60, 65, 83, 84, 91, 93, 109, 115, 116, 170, 171, 213, 220, 
dft commands, 72  221 
diag_fist, 73  ECB ‐ Equipment Control Blocks, 83 
diag_fist50, 73  echo, 8, 10, 45, 58, 67, 75, 98, 137, 162, 164, 165 
diag_fist51, 73  eeprom, 14, 84, 85, 220 
diag_syst, 150  EEPROM, 13, 14, 43, 84, 85, 93, 109 
diff, 73  EEPROM/NVRAM parameters for 50 series stations, 84 
diff ‐ file comparison utility, 73  error, 13, 19, 27, 31, 40, 42, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 63, 65, 80, 
diff3, 74  88, 89, 90, 101, 103, 108, 109, 113, 121, 133, 140, 147, 160, 
diff3 – 3‐way file comparison, 74  185, 214, 218 
dircmp, 74  Error, 4, 40, 42, 51, 52, 61, 88, 89, 91, 103, 108, 160 
Disk Space Issues, 74  ERROR ‐ “Cannot Communicate With Server”, 88 
Dispalmcfg, 4  ERROR ‐ “Checkpoint type 5; class 8; code ‐24 Failed”, 90 
DispAlmCfg, 8  ERROR ‐ “Checkpoint Unsuccessful”, 90 
Display Alarm Configurator, 8, 107  ERROR ‐ “Invalid File Header”, 89 
Display Manager, 9, 64, 76, 77, 82, 97, 106, 124  ERROR ‐ “Parameter Version Check Failed”, 90 
Display Manager – Install Files, 77  ERROR ‐ “SP Error ‐ Lck_Chkpt Failed”, 89 
Display Manager – Starting Manually, 77  ERROR – “System Monitor Not Responding”, 88 
Display Manager or Foxview – How to Invoke, 76  ERROR received doing a Load‐All, 91 
Display Managers – Quitting Display Managers that are “not  ERROR received trying to enter a station in the Control 
quittable”, 77  Configurator, 87 
Displays, 108  Error Received While Performing Shrink, 88 
dm_recon, 69, 163  Error: unable to qualify my own domain name (APLBUG) – using 
dmcfg, 8, 28, 77, 82, 106  short name (HH1035), 91 
dmcfg – Making Changes Without Having to Reboot, 77  exportfs, 141 
dmcmd, 14, 77, 82, 137, 158, 171, 188 
dmesg, 78, 130, 135 
dmpasswd_cfg, 106, 154  F 
dmpcfg, 78 
dmpnam, 78, 120  FBM, 18, 42, 48, 83, 92, 93, 197, 213, 214, 215, 220, 223 
dmpstat, 78  FBM Types And Part Numbers – Legacy, 92 
dmsepass, 106, 154  FBM(200 Series) and FCM Types/Part Numbers, 93 
DNBI blink codes, 78  fdformat, 44, 94, 96, 98, 183 
domain, 73, 91, 171  FDSI – Typical Modbus FDSI Configuration, 93 
DOS Files ‐ Copying Into Venix (20 series), 79  File System ‐ Creating New On 50 Series diskette, 94 
File System ‐ Creating New On Extended Historian Drive (AP20), 

File Types, 94 
GCIO, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 111, 113, 114, 228, 229 
find, 94 
GCIO – adding to 51F (P79) station, 111 
find command, 94, 95, 121 
gcio_test, 13, 15 
fist, 61, 68, 73, 95, 109 
getpars, 59, 114, 115, 116 
floppy, 27, 45, 74, 80, 95, 96, 97, 98, 140, 180, 183, 185, 222 
getpars and ucsaq utilities, 114 
Floppy Device Issues on P80 and P81 Stations, 95 
glof, 61, 68, 116, 117 
fonts, 28, 97, 124 
grep, 9, 12, 13, 14, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 88, 117, 118, 133, 135, 
Fonts – Restoring a custom font/marker file, 97 
142, 168, 171, 185, 189, 191, 209 
Form Feed IN Ace Reports, 98 
format, 8, 39, 40, 43, 45, 59, 60, 67, 68, 72, 73, 96, 97, 98, 107, 
114, 134, 137, 157, 180, 183, 191, 192  H 
format command 50 series, 97 
Format Floppy, 98  head, 77, 82, 83, 117, 130, 157, 169 
FoxAPI, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 108  head command, 117 
FOXAPI, 98, 100, 101, 102  hi_init, 77 
FoxAPI – Problem with v4.3.3 and useaimapi=0 parameter, 99  histbatch, 4 
FoxAPI – Problems with ADDE6, 103  histmgr, 5 
FoxAPI ‐ Verifying the Version of FoxAPI, 99  histonoff, 120, 189 
FoxAPI – Viewing Data Sets and Values, 103  Historian, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 28, 64, 78, 92, 94, 99, 101, 102, 117, 
FoxAPI and AIMAPI – User Cannot Connect to the API Server via  118, 119, 120, 122, 131, 178, 179, 185, 194 
IACC, the API Admin Tool or the AIM*AT Historian Manager,  Historian (legacy ‐ copying from one AW to another), 117 
101  Historian (Legacy) ‐ Stopping And Restarting, 120 
FoxAPI and AIMAPI Configuration Files, 98  Historical Data ‐ Retrieving From Collection Points on AP20/PW, 
FoxAPI and AIMAPI on the same station – API Server Connection  120 
Utility, 99  history, 7, 78, 104, 121, 227 
FoxAPI and AIMAPI Solutions – Sharing OM Lists, 102  history – Scroll History Log, 121 
FoxAPI Communication Error 211, 103  history Command On 50 Series, 121 
FOXCAE – Converting Database to Loadall Issue, 104  histps, 6, 122 
Foxdraw, 108  hldb, 122 
FoxDraw, 64, 99, 104, 105, 107, 108, 151  Hold State, 212 
FoxDraw – Connecting to Server, 104  hopspy, 122 
FoxSelect, 106, 167  hostid, 5, 122 
FoxSelect Problem – FoxSelect Dies When Turning Compound  hostid – determining on a 50 series station, 122 
On or Off., 106  hps, 122, 189 
foxspy, 103  hps Historian Command, 122 
foxtst, 99, 103, 104, 118, 178 
Foxview Alarm Files, 106 
Foxview Display Alarm Configurator Files, 107 

Foxview Display Manager Files, 106 
iaboot, 122, 123, 170 
Foxview Environment Passwords, 106 
ICCAPI, 181, 182, 184, 185 
Foxview Files, 106 
iccapi – save_all and loadall commands, 123 
Foxview Issue:    “Configure Objects” Window Cannot Be 
iccprt, 123, 124 
Accessed on Windows Screens, 107 
ifconfig, 124 
Foxview Problem – Cannot open a Foxview; Foxview crashes 
ifdc, 126 
when trying to open, 108 
Installing fonts with the shrink & expand procedure on 50 series 
Foxview Problem – Selecting item on Foxview causes Foxview to 
stations., 124 
crash, 108 
Foxwatch Report Common Error Messages, 108 
Intelligent Devices – Getting a List of All IFDs, 126 
frev, 109 
Intelligent Field Device Configurator, 126 
frev ‐ To Get Revision Levels Information, 109 
IP Addressing on the Mesh, 127 
fsck, 25, 26, 41, 42, 175 
IPC Connections ‐ Getting Number Of, 127 
fsdb ‐ (file on commit disk), 109 
isql, 128, 170, 178 
ftp, 109, 110, 146 
ISQL Commands (examples), 128 
ftp (file transfer protocol) – on 50 Series Station, 109 
ISQL Invoking on 50 Series, 128 
fuser, 111 
fuser – (find user), 111 
fxedit ‐ Used on NT instead of bpatch, 111 
Merging Two Completely Separate 50 Series Systems, 135 
J  Mesh Constraints, 135 
Mesh Generic Upgrade Plan (Starter) for Class C (no reboot of 
jumper, 128 
control stations on legacy system), 136 
Jumper Settings ‐ Hard Drives (20 series), 128 
Mesh Network Distances, 135 
messages, 3 
K  Messages To File ‐ Sending, 136 
Messages To Printer – Sending Messages Within Scripts, 137 
ksh, 44, 58, 167, 168, 185  Messages To Workstation ‐ Sending, 137 
metadetach, 138 
metastat, 73, 137 
L  metastat Command, 137 
metattach, 138 
LAN, 50, 51, 135, 136, 144, 145, 148, 207, 216, 217 
mget, 146 
Lan Interface, 52 
Mirrored Disk Drive Problems – Recovering, 138 
Last CP Reboot – Determining the date and time of the last CP 
Mirrored Drive Nds_Maint Problems, 138 
reboot., 130 
Mirroring hard drives (50 series), 137 
last reboot Command, 130 
mk_foxcae, 104 
Legacy historian and foxtst, 118 
mkfs, 94, 96 
Letterbug, 10, 11, 12, 13, 50, 129, 145, 171, 217, 221, 228, 229 
mkhosts, 136, 138 
letterbug – determining letterbug of 50 series station, 130 
mkmact, 138, 176 
Letterbug Pinouts, 129 
mkmact Command, 138 
Letterbugs ‐ Generic, 130 
mknod, 79 
LI Mode, 21 
Mode, 86, 135, 139, 199, 201, 206 
Link – Methods of Linking Files, 130 
modem, 34, 52, 139 
ln, 75, 80, 130 
Modem Commands, 139 
load_all, 38, 123, 182, 185 
Modes on 50 Series Stations, 139 
Load‐All, 91 
more Command, 140 
Loadalmpnl, 16 
mount, 8, 26, 27, 30, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 76, 90, 94, 95, 
loadh50, 118, 131 
96, 97, 111, 126, 131, 134, 140, 141, 142, 154, 167, 175, 180, 
loadh50 (Historian Restore Procedure), 131 
localprinters, 16 
Mount floppy and CD‐ On 50 Series, 140 
Log file – Generating from an executing file for troubleshooting 
Mount Floppy To Copy Files on 20 Series, 140 
(AP20), 131 
Moving “SAVEALL” Diskette between Solaris and NT Operating 
Logic, 83, 187 
Systems, Including PLB Blocks (Obtained from HH912), 180 
loopback mounts, 131 
mt, 29, 81, 210 
lp, 79, 131, 157, 160, 162, 164, 165, 166, 187 
lp Command, 131 
lpadmin, 162, 165, 166  N 
lpc, 131 
lpc Command, 131  ncenv, 17, 119, 150, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 208 
lpsched, 79, 165, 166  netstat, 147, 177, 178 
lpshut, 79, 165, 166  Network ‐ Troubleshooting v7.x Network, 143 
lpstat, 114, 132, 165, 166  Networking – Configuring Master Browser on Windows Station, 
lpstat Command, 132  147 
ls, 9, 13, 27, 61, 62, 79, 90, 95, 96, 97, 108, 112, 130, 132, 156,  Networking AW51E with XP station, 146 
159, 172, 173  newfs, 41, 44, 94, 175, 184 
ls command, 132  nfd, 21, 145, 146, 148, 177, 217, 218 
NFD – Guidelines when adding v7.x station to a node with v6.x, 
M  NIC cards, 149 
NIC Cards – Changing MAC Address in the Registry, 149 
MAC address, 18, 149, 214 
nohup, 22, 77, 88, 149, 150, 171, 208, 210 
MAC Addresses, 18, 38 
NSAP, 31, 68, 95, 116, 135, 144, 150, 207, 208, 211, 212, 216 
man, 19, 74, 76, 110, 115, 130, 133, 134, 147, 195, 212 
NSAP address, 31, 68, 95, 135 
man pages – On‐Line Manual pages and “man” Command, 133 
NSAP Addresses, 150 
Nutcracker, 150, 151 
Map Network Drive, 134 
Nutcracker – Script to Call Nutcracker Environment Window, 
Mapping a Network Drive, 134 
Memory – Determining Physical Memory, 134 
Nutcracker Environment on Windows NT 70 Series, 150  Printer Problem – Printer Will Not Print (spooler becomes 
Nutcracker Service on Windows Stations, 151  disabled), 163 
NVRAM, 84, 85, 86, 204  Printer Problem – Printing Skewed ASCII Output, 164 
Printer Problem – Printscreens are too dark, 164 
Printer Problem – Printscreens take longer, 164 
O  Printer Problem – Skewed Printing on Color Inkjet Printer, 164 
Printer Troubleshooting, 162 
Object Manager, 17, 48, 50, 102, 192, 194 
printers, 19, 68, 79, 92, 131, 132, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166 
oma, 50, 151 
Printers – Direct Connect Configuration, 162 
oma Utility, 151 
Printers ‐ Ports Types and Descriptions, 166 
omdel, 68, 69, 70 
Printing Compounds And Blocks To Text File And Copy to Dos 
omget, 17, 47, 48, 50, 152 
Formatted Disk, 167 
omget ‐ Get Value Of Variables and Write To File, 152 
probe‐scsi, 167 
omset, 48, 152 
probe‐scsi and probe‐scsi‐all and probe‐ide, 167 
Operating System – Determining Solaris Version and Hardware 
Process Summary Reporter, 167 
Model, 152 
Process Summary Reporter – New FoxSelect Summary Report, 
Optimize Displays, 153 
overruns, 48 
prtconf, 135, 168 
OVERRUNS, 48, 52 
ps Command, 168 
PSAP, 18, 198 
P  psrinfo, 130, 169 
pstat, 169 
partition, 3, 24, 25, 26, 32, 38, 40, 41, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 80, 96,  put, 4, 9, 22, 33, 66, 96, 97, 110, 111, 115, 128, 131, 152, 158, 
97, 138, 142, 154, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179, 197, 209  162, 167, 187, 189, 192, 194, 197, 228 
Partition Information (AP/AW 50 Series), 153 
password, 106, 110, 154, 199, 201, 206, 212 
Password – Changing password for Foxview Environments, 154 

path_to_inst, 31, 154, 155 
raid, 24 
path_to_inst – Building Drive offline for 51B/C using 51A 
RAID, 24, 169, 175 
processor, 154 
RAID drive – Connecting to Laptop, 169 
pcfs, 45, 47, 96, 97, 140, 141, 167 
rcp, 8, 44, 45, 118, 169, 170, 172 
pdfpack, 153 
rcp – Remote Copy on 50 series stations, 169 
Period, 155, 156 
Reboot, 24, 38, 62, 77, 89, 112, 130, 145, 148, 155, 158, 160, 
Period And Phasing, 155 
161, 170, 209, 217 
pg, 120, 156 
Reboot on 20 Series Stations, 170 
pg Command, 156 
Reboot on 50 Series Stations, 170 
phase, 122, 155, 156, 196 
Rebuilding CSA, 61 
ping, 144, 156, 177, 199, 202, 205, 206, 216 
Recommended ways to free disk space….., 75 
ping Command, 156 
redinfo, 170 
Pinouts, 129 
Reduction Groups, 170 
pr, 156, 157, 169, 187 
Reduction Groups ‐ Deleting Names of, 170 
pr Command, 156 
regedit, 100, 102, 147, 149 
pref, 9, 14, 16, 77, 137, 158, 188 
RegEdit, 107 
pref Command, 158 
rem_stop, 90 
printenv, 84, 86 
remd/remv, 50, 170 
printer, 3, 12, 16, 36, 48, 75, 113, 114, 117, 123, 131, 132, 158, 
Remote Application, 171 
159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 
Remote Application Troubleshooting Checklist, 171 
Printer, 16, 113, 137, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 
Remote Copy, 169, 172 
167, 168, 229 
Remote Login, 172 
Printer – Adding a printer to a 51F (P79) station (HH1061), 158 
Remote Login from VT100, 172 
Printer And Scheduler Commands on 20 Series Stations, 165 
remote tape backup, 26 
Printer Not Showing Up In List Of Printers In Control 
Remove Files, 172 
Configurator, 166 
Remove Files In A Directory, 172 
Printer Problem ‐ HP1600 defaults to 60 lines/page while UNIX 
Resetting EEPROM/NVRAM parameters for 50 series stations, 
defaults to 66, 162 
Printer problem – preventing printscreen color problems 
restore, 17, 23, 24, 25, 27, 40, 41, 80, 149, 172, 173, 174, 175, 
(Models 51D and 51E), 162 
221, 222 
Printer Problem – Print Device Failure, 163 
Restore, 24, 131, 149, 172, 220 
Restore – Interactive on 50 series, 172  Shutdown ‐ AP20 Procedure, 188 
Restoring, 40, 85, 97, 172, 173, 174, 175  Shutdown – Problem with 51 Stations – Will Not Shutdown 
Restoring individual files from level 0 dump tapes on 50  When Shutdown Selected, 189 
stations, 174  Signal Conditioning Parameters, 189 
Restoring individual files from level 0 dump tapes on 51  sipc, 127, 190 
stations, 173  sldb, 73, 191 
Restoring Individual Partitions – 50 Series, 175  smon_log, 145, 146, 178, 179, 208, 209, 217, 218 
Restoring Level 0 Dump Tapes on 50 Series, 172  snapshot, 191, 192 
rexec, 176  snoop, 192 
rhosts, 8, 26, 28, 44, 173  som, 43, 192, 193, 194 
rm, 31, 43, 46, 62, 67, 75, 76, 80, 89, 90, 95, 97, 118, 124, 148,  som/rsom, 192 
172, 176  sort, 75, 169, 195, 220 
rm – Interactive, 176  spell, 195 
rm_station ‐ Delete/Remove Installed Stations, 176  spell command, 195 
rmformat, 96  Stamp‐ID, 47, 195 
rmount, 8, 44, 171, 176  Stamp‐ID – Changing Incorrect, 195 
rnfd Tool, 177  Station Blocks, 196 
rnfd Tool (remote NFD ATS tool), 177  Station Loading, 55 
route, 177, 178  Status Taps, 196 
route Command, 177  Status Taps to FBM07, 196 
rsom, 43, 192, 193, 194  stcopy, 28 
rtpcheck, 6  strings, 47, 90, 130, 187 
rtpfix, 6  sum, 171, 186, 197 
rumount, 76, 178  swap, 18, 27, 71, 72, 169, 197, 198, 226 
swap space, 18, 169, 197, 198, 226 
swi_pars.cfg, 198 
S  swi_pars.cfg file, 198 
Switch, 135, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 
samspy, 120, 179 
Switch Configuration – Configuring 100 MHz, 205 
save_all, 38, 43, 44, 123, 180, 181, 182, 184, 222 
Switches, 127, 135, 188, 198, 200, 202, 205, 207 
Save_all, 37, 180, 188, 221, 222 
Switches – Cisco 24 Port Fiber Configuration Instructions 
save_all Command, 180 
(HH1039), 202 
saveall, 37, 38, 181 
Switches – v7.x 16‐Port Managed Switch (P0972MJ) (HH1023), 
SAVEALL, 180, 220 
saveh50, 117, 185 
Switches – v7.x 8‐Port Managed Switch (P0972MF) (HH1019), 
saveh50 (Legacy Historian Backup Procedure), 185 
Scheduling .ksh files to run through Windows Scheduler, 185 
SYS Key, 207 
SCI, 189 
SYS Key Blink Status, 207 
sconn, 43, 193 
System Definition, 10, 21, 82, 113, 114, 127, 136, 207, 220 
scripts, 8, 25, 30, 44, 50, 109, 215, 220 
System Definition Configuration for MESH Class C Instructions, 
SCSI Bus Configuration, 186 
SCSI Bus Configuration Guide, 186 
System Management Counters (getting data and resetting), 208 
Select Screen, 187 
System Monitor, 19, 21, 48, 88, 109, 114, 130, 135, 136, 146, 
Select Screen ‐ Setting up to have * in CP Name Field When 
178, 191, 208, 209, 218 
Select Screen is Called, 187 
System Monitor – Problem with WP/AW configured as System 
Sequence, 83, 187 
Monitor WP But Cannot Access “Equip Chg” on the Display, 
Sequence Block ‐ Editing Logic, 187 
Sequence Block ‐ Executing A Script From, 187 
System Monitor ‐ Restarting/Reinitializing, 209 
setacl, 3, 188 
System Monitor Messages – Capturing to a File, 208 
setacl Command, 188 
System Monitor Messages (viewing and sending to a file), 178 
setenv, 14, 77, 84, 85, 86, 128, 133, 178, 202 
System Monitor Processes, 209 
shareall, 142 
Shell, 6, 20, 121, 128, 151, 178, 188, 194, 227 
Shell On 50 Series, 188  T 
show_params, 188 
showrev, 188  tail, 67, 75, 117, 210 
Shrink, 37, 88, 180, 188, 221, 222  tail command, 210 
Shrink Command, 188  Tape Drive – Checking the 4mm tape drive status, 210 
Shutdown, 7, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 76, 83, 188, 189  tar Command, 210 
TCP/IP (valid addresses for each NSAP), 211  utmpx, 75 
telnet, 199, 202, 206, 212  uucp, 75 
telnet ‐ 50 series, 212 
touch, 89, 95, 179, 209, 212, 229 
touch Command, 212 

tput, 218 
VI, 46, 223, 224, 225 
tput ‐ Clear Screen, 218 
VI ‐ Colon Commands, 223 
Tracking, 212 
VI ‐ Inputting AND Editing Text, 224 
Tracking – AOUT Block in Hold State, 212 
VI ‐ Moving Around A File, 224 
Troubleshooting FCMs, FBIs, WFCMs and DCMs Problems, 213 
VI ‐ Opening A File, 225 
Troubleshooting scripts, 215 
vmstat, 225, 226 
Troubleshooting v7.x Network (HH1050), 215 
VT100, 8, 9, 22, 37, 38, 77, 89, 91, 96, 97, 104, 115, 118, 119, 
Tuning, 218 
120, 121, 124, 156, 161, 162, 164, 167, 170, 171, 172, 178, 
179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 188, 191, 201, 202, 208, 212, 227 
U  VT100 – Unix Initialization Files, 227 
Vxmon, 18 
ufsrestore, 41, 172, 173, 175 
umount, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 90, 94, 126, 140, 155, 175, 180, 184 
unalias, 9 

uname, 45, 130, 152, 219 
wc, 227 
uname Command, 219 
wc Command, 227 
unix2dos, 45, 223 
who, 50, 52, 64, 68, 117, 146, 217, 227 
Upgrade, 23, 27, 136, 220 
Windows Scheduler, 58, 185, 186 
Upgrade Procedure – CP30 or CP40 with legacy FBMs to 
Work Files, 227 
CP60(HH983), 220 
Work Files for Control Processors, 227 
Upgrade Utilities, 23, 27, 220 
workfile, 59, 107, 221, 222 
Upload, 37, 38, 180, 188, 221, 222 
wp_dta, 10, 11, 12, 113, 228 
Upload Utility, 221 
wp_dta file – AW and WP Peripheral File, 228 
uptime, 221 
wtmpx, 75, 76 
Wyse Terminal, 161, 229, 76 
Wyse Terminal Settings When Used As An Alarm Printer, 229 
useaimapi, 99, 102 
usr_mkr, 28, 97, 124 
Utilities: File2dsk and Dsk2file Issues with Win2000 and XP  X 
(HH989), 221 
Utilities: Upload, Shrink, Checkpoint, Save_all, 222  xrebuild, 4, 5, 6 

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