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Lesson Plan TP5 - Olga

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Candidate: Olga Date: 18.08.2021 Level: Interm

Tutor: Anna TP No.: 5 Length: 45 mins

MAIN LESSON AIM(S) – these must be measurable and achievable - What do you intend the students to get
out of the lesson?)

Grammar: by the end of the lesson students will have understood and practised different future forms
(will, to be going to, Present Continuous for future arrangements)
SPEAKING: by the end of the lesson students will have improved their oral fluency by talking to each
other about their arrangements and plans.

SUBSIDIARY AIM(S) – consider steps towards achieving your main aims

Ss wil develop reading for gist.

PERSONAL AIM(S) – consider feedback you’ve received from previous lessons - What aspects of your teaching
do you want to work on?
I want to work on giving appropriate feedback.
I want to adjust the strategies and techniques learned during the first half of the course to a group of a
different level.

ASSUMPTIONS - What do students already know that relates to the focus of your lesson and will help you
achieve your aims? e.g. If you are teaching present perfect, they may already be familiar with past participle verb
forms, so you won’t have to teach those first, or you may review them as a warmer activity; also think about
background, likes, dislikes

Students might be familiar with certain future forms, that`s why at the beginning of the lesson I will
check to what degree they know it.
TIMETABLE FIT - how does your lesson link to / build on other lessons? - consider what your fellow trainees
have taught or will teach and how it can be relevant to your lesson in terms of language, skills or topic

My lesson is not connected with one of the previous teacher but it is followed by the lesson of my
colleague who will have a vocabulary lesson about education.
MATERIALS - include specific reference to course book, page, exercise, and list all other equipment, resources
and materials required to teach the lesson, including self-designed

Handouts and activities adapted from Life Intermediate Student’s Book page 49 © National
Geographic/(ELT), 2012.


Anticipated Problems
Stage Aim(s) Time Procedure Interaction
+ Possible Solutions
Lead-in To generate 2 min SS close their eyes and imagine their life in 1 year. Ss They might not want to
interest in the Ss – Ss speak about their future.
topic 19.15- Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you I will just ask them to
19.19 with? imagine that.

Turn to your partner and share your ideas.

Reading for To practise 3min I will give the ss a text about Elizabeth. They should T – Ss SS might not have
gist reading for gist read the text and say if they have something in Ss anything in common with
common. Ss – Ss Elizabeth, so they might
ICQs: say what are the
Will you read word for word? differences.
19.19- Do you need to get the main idea of the text?
Pair work: discuss the text.

Clarification To help 15 min SS should read the text and find the following: T-Ss SS might not feel the
of meaning, students clarify 1. Something Elizabeth is planning to do. difference between
form, areas of 2. Something Elizabeth has arranged to do. arrangement and
pronunciatio meaning, form 19.22-37 3. Something Elizabeth decides to do as she is plan/intention.
n and speaking. I will ask CCQs (they are
pronunciation in the procedure)
Do you work individually?
Do you underline any sentences?
Pair check.
So, how many different forms have we got? (3)

Anticipated Problems
Stage Aim(s) Time Procedure Interaction
+ Possible Solutions
Match the verb forms with their uses (a-c) SS
a) a plan or intention decided before the
moment of speaking
b) an arrangement to do something at a
specified time in the future.
c) A decision made at the moment of speaking

The telephone is ringing. I`ll answer. Is it smth I
decided on the spot?
I`ve got a toothache. I`m seeing a dentist tomorrow
at 5`oclock. Is it for sure I will go to the doctor?
Have I fixed a time?
What is our plan here? Why do you attend English
Drill the sentence and board it.
You are going to speak English fluently.

Is it something you want very much?

Do you plan it?
Is the plan in your mind or in your diary?

To enable the 7 min Choose the correct option. Check in pairs. T – Ss Filling in the gaps may be
Controlled students to Ss – Ss too hard for at least some

Anticipated Problems
Stage Aim(s) Time Procedure Interaction
+ Possible Solutions
practice consolidate 19.37- Complete the responses with the most logical Ss: in this case, monitor
their accuracy 19.44 future forms. them.
with regard to
of the
target language

3. Why do you think it`s a fixed plan?

5. Is it in his diary?
Provide feedback.
Follow-up To provide 6 min Regrouping. T – Ss Ss might have lack of ideas
speaking 1 fluency Think of 3 plans for you. (30 sec) Ss – Ss about their plans or how
practice and a 19.44- SS work in pairs. SA will start first and say their to give a helping hand to a
chance for the 19.50 plan. For example: I`m going to have a picnic. The partner, I will monitor and
students to student B will come across some ideas how to help in case they have any
give a personal him realize his plan. difficulties guide them.
How can you help me with my plan?
I`ll bake cookies. I`ll order pizza and hamburgers.


Freer To provide less 10 min SS – Ss Ss might have lack of


Anticipated Problems
Stage Aim(s) Time Procedure Interaction
+ Possible Solutions
practice controlled I tell the ss that next weekend is a long holiday ideas about their plans, I
practice in 19.50- weekend. Think of 3 fun things to do and a time (e.g. will monitor and in case
order to 20.00 go to funfair) and write them next to 3 of the days. they have any difficulties
practice future Leave one day blank. guide them.
SS walk round the class and invite people to the 3
events. They must also agree to do something on
their blank day.


LANGUAGE ANALYSIS (grammar, functions)


Target Language (name Future forms (will, to be going to, Present Continuous
of structure/grammar for future arrangements)

Model (Example) We are going to speak English fluently.


Meaning/Use of Target Different situations of using different future forms in order ss

Language feel the difference in using them.

Context (conveying It`s a guided discovery lesson via the text and the grammar
meaning) table.

Checking Techniques CCQs (they are given in the procedure)

Form The phrases are used according to specific rules. They have a
common pattern. SS should understand the rule to practise using
different future forms.
You are going to speak English fluently. (falling intonation)

Anticipated Problems and Solutions

Problem(s) Solution(s)
Meaning SS might not feel the I will ask CCQs (they are in
difference between the procedure)
arrangement and I`ll provide more examples,
plan/intention. use pictures.

Form The SS might mix up different Give them more controlled

forms of future. practice.

Phonology Ss might have problems with Model and drill, correct as

sentences with to be going to. needed later.

Reference Materials
Used Practical Phonetics and Phonology
Third Edition A resource book for
students 2003

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