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Speech Intelligibility

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APPLICATION NOTE Measuring Speech Intelligibility using DIRAC Type 7841 ‘Speech intelligibility is an important measure of the effectiveness or adequacy of a communication system or to communicate in a noisy environment. In many daily Ife situations itis important to understand what is being said, for example over a loudspeaker system, and to be able to react to acoustic signals of different Kinds. Amplified speech systems like public address systems, telephones, radio links, intercoms are vital to society, but even lunamplifed unaided speech is important in offices, workshops, vehicles and many other situations With Brio! & Kjay’'s state-of-art equipment, speach measurements ‘can be camied out through an artificial mouth-directional loudspeaker sound source or through direct injection into a sound system while stil taking into account the impact of extemal ‘and internal noise sources. Objective evaluations using one or ‘more standardized methods can then be performed and the causes for lowered speech inteligibilty identified. DIRAC DIRAC PC sofware is used for measuring a wide range of room acoustical parameters. Speech intelligiilty, ‘measurements can be carried out in compliance with the IEC 60268~-16 standard through an artificial mouth directional loudspeaker sound source or through direct injection into @ sound system, taking into account the Jmpact of background noise. For accurate measurements according to the ISO 3382 standard, internally or ‘externally genarated stimulus signals through a loudspeaker sound source can be used, Incorporating Briel & Kjzer room acoustic solutions, its possible, among other things, to: + Determine whether speech inteligibilty in, for example, a church or railway station is suficent + Determine how many loudspeakers are needed to raise the speech intellghbity to a satisfactory level + Determine whether speech intelligibility is dictated by reverberance or background noise Determine how well performers on stage can hear themselves and others + Refine and troubleshoot a structure's acoustical design parameters to improve speech inteligibilty DIRAC is a valuable tool not only for field and laboratory acoustics engineers, but also for researchers and ‘educational institutions. To learn more about DIRAC and i's applications, please visit vw. bksv.comvDIRAC. Speech intelligibility Basics ‘Speech transmitted across a room by a person or a public address system is never received at a listening position as an exact replica of the original signal. Speech inteligibility in everyday conditions depends on the: + evel of background noise + distance from the speaker to listener + loudness of the speech (signal strength) + voice spectrum of the speech + amount of reverberation (echoes) Briiel & Kjzer -= Table 1 ‘Average vocal fort and ‘sound lover ‘The intelighilty is adversely affected by noise. To achieve full sentence inteligibiliy for listeners with normal hearing, the signal to noise ratio - the diference between the speech level and the sound level of the interfering noise ~ should be at least 15 dB(A), The nature of speech sounds determines the mechanism of loss of speech intlighbilty. Vowels and consonants convey different sound energy. Consonants are spoken ‘more softly than vowels, and tend to get drowned out in noisy environments. The average level of consonants is 10 - 12 dB lower than the level of vawels. Vocal Effort | dB(A) Whispering I 2 Sot 7 Relaxed @ Normal (private) | a7 ‘Narmar (public) 2 Raised oT Loud T 62 Very Loud a ‘Shouting I 2 ‘Max. Shout i 7 Consonants are more important than vowels in understanding speech, They convey most of the word Information, acting as breakpoints, separating syllables and words from one another. Moreover, the most energy of consonants is at higher frequencies, while vowels are represented at lower and middle frequency bands. ‘The sound signal of speech is rich in temporal and frequency patterns. The speech band covers the range from around 125 Hz ~ 8 kHz, with the most important cue bearing energy being between 300 and 3000 Hz, and the waveform envelope varies in amplitude. These fluctuations of power in time and frequency are called modulations. Speech intelligibilty is to a large extent based on this slow modulation of a sound Pressure signal and despite their acoustic complexity, spoken words remain intelligible after drastic degradations in ether time or frequency, Objective Methods and Parameters Speech Inteligiilty is usually expressed as a percentage of words, sentences or phonemes (speech sounds making up words) correctly identified by a listener or group of listeners when spoken by a speaker or ‘a number of speakers, However, such subjective intellgibilty tess are time consuming and expensive and it 's possible to estimate speech inteligibilly from physical measurements and dispense with the need for lve test subjects. The standards of the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International ‘Standards Organization (ISO) incorporate such objective methods for evaluating speech intelligibility. Physical measurement techniques make use of a synthesised speeciviike waveform played through an atiicial voice device or small loudspeaker to act as the source for the tests. This can also be played through fa PA system or sound-field system. A microphone placed at the listener position receives this signal and from the degree of modulation in each band the speech transmission is calculated. Noise and reverberation inthe room will duce the observed degree of modulation and affect the result. STI, RASTI or STIPA are the most established parameters for measuring speech intelligibility All of them basically apply the same principle, whereby RASTI and STIPA are a simplified version of STI. They are all based on measuring the MTFs (Modulation Transfer Functions) in seven actave bands. For each octave band there is one MTF quantifying the preservation degree of the intensity modulations in this band. These functions quantify how much the intensity modulations are preserved in seven octave bands covering the long-term speech spectrum. ‘A typical speech intoligibilty measurement can be carried out as follows: 4. A stimulus is played through an aricial mouth-directional sound source at the talker position. E-sweeps: are more robust, while MLS signals sound less obtrusive. 2. The responses are recorded in DIRAC, either directly for immediate results or through a hand-held sound recorder for higher portability 3. Back at the office itis possible to see the effect on speech inteligiilty ifthe signal andior background noise levels are changed. Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Fig.t Relation betwoon ‘speech intelligibility ‘and modulation depth ‘The speech intellighbilty parameters in DIRAC are based on the relation between perceived speech inteligibliy and the intensity modulations in the talker's voice, as described by Houtgast etal [1,6]. When a sound source in a room is praducing noise that is intensity modulated by a low frequency sinusoidal ‘modulation, the modulation depth at the receiver position will be reduced due to room reflections and background noise. The modulation transfer function (MTF) describes to what extent the modulation is transferred from source to receiver, as a function af the modulation frequency F, which ranges from 0.83 to 12.5 Hz. Hence, the MTF depends on the system properties and the background noise (see Fig. 1) Background Nise VV out onnitoctenal Simulator (7 b= Room under Tat Ma), MeealF 100% 100% 00 Modulation Reduction Matrix ‘To evaluate speech inteligibilty the MTF is determined for each octave frequency band relevant for speech High MTF values indicate a good transfer ofthe level modulations and hence a good speech intelligibility. Low MTF values indicate a significant reduction of the speech inteligibilty, due to the acoustical system properties andlor background noise. ‘The MTF values for the 14 modulation frequencies are averaged, resulting in the modulation transmission index (MT). The modulation transmission indices for the 7 oclave band frequencies can be processed to arrive at the Speech Transmission Index STI (see also [1}), Table 2 shows an example of a modulation reduction matrix. From the modulation reduction matrix, you can obtain information on the cause of the reduction of the speech intelighilty. A constant MTF over F indicates background noise, a continuously decreasing MTF indicates reverberation and an MTF first decreasing and then increasing with F indicates an echo. For ‘example, the modulation reduction matrix of Table 2 reflects a case where only reverberation plays a role, \while the influence of background noise and echoes is negligible, Table 2 Example of STI modulation reduction matt Modulation Frequency F [Hz] es Ered rote Le) 125 [250 | 500 | tk | 2k | 4k 8k 063 4.000 | 7.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 0.80 7.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000_| 1.000 | 1.000 1.00 1.000 | 7.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 1.25 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 1.60 ‘oes | 0.866 | 0.208 | 0.852 | 0.837 | 0.641 | 0.835 2.00 0.858 | 0.866 | 0.806 | 0.852 | 0.837 | 0.841 | 0.895 2.50 0.858 | 0.866 | 0.808 | 0.852 | 0.837 | 0.641 | 0.835 3.15 0.858 | 0.870 | 0.806 | 0.852 | 0.837 | 0.841 | 0.835, 4.00 0.858 | 0.866 | 0.808 | 0.852 | 0.837 | 0.861 | 0.835 5.00 0.651 | 0.676 | 0.543 | 0.664 | 0.630 | 0.633 | 0.612 6.30 0.651 | 0.876 | 0.543 | 0.664 | 0.630 | 0.633 | 0.612 8.00 0.506 | 0.533 | 0.377 | 0531 | 0.506 | 0.502 | O471 10.00 0.506 | 0.533 | 0.377 0531 | 0.506 | 0.502 | o471 12.50 0444 | 0.460 | 0.267 | 0.427 | 0.406 | 0413 | 0.373 Mtl 075 | 076 | 070 | 075 | 073 | 074 | o73 The used octave frequency bands are related to the typical frequency range of a human voice. A differentiation between male and female voice spectra is made in IEC 60268-16 [2]. The ferale voice spectrum model does not include the 125 Hz octave band. Measuring MTF: Modulated Noise Versus Impulse Response ‘Two commonly used MTF measuring methods are the modulated noise method and the impulse response method, In the modulated noise method the excitation signal basically consists of 7 x 14 = 98 summed noise signals, each of which is ftered and modulated according to the matrix in Table 2. The signal is picked up at the listener position and for each octave band and modulation frequency (F) the modulation reduction MTF (F) is ‘measured. A complication for the full STI method described here is that the modulations in one octave frequency band can influence the modulations in other frequency bands. Not all 88 modulations can therefore be measured at once. Also, due to the randomness ofthe excitation signal, it takes a relatively long time to obtain reproducible results. In practice a single full STI measurement requires at least 15 minutes. ‘The receiver can also misinterpret background noise fluctuations as signal modulations, and overestimate the speech inteligibilty at low SNR values. ‘Schroeder [3] has shown that the MTF, can also be derived from the Fourier transform of the squared impulse response. Rife [4] has used [1] and [3] to include the impact of background noise. Ifthe impulse response is measured through deconvolution of a deterministic signal, such as an MLS or sweep signal, the ‘measurement takes far less time than with the modulated noise method for the same reproducibility (some 5's om average). The impulse response method does, however, require more processing power. MTF Measurement Conditions and Limitations The MTF as a basis for the speeci intelligibility also has its imitations. Distortions in the system under test may affect the MTF (hence the measured speech inteligibilty) differently from the real speech intelligibility. For instanca, a recorded voice that is played back at a slightly higher speed is stil very intelligible, but the ‘measured MTF may drop significantly. Centre cipping (cross-over distortion) may affect the real speech intelligibility much more severely than the measured MTF, The same holds for signal drop outs (Houtgast, ‘Steeneken et al, [6). In general the deviation between real and measured speech inteligibilty will be different for the two measuring methods mentioned in the previous section. In the IEC 60268-16 standard (2), some conditions are given to avoid problems 4. The system under test should not introduce frequency shits or use frequency multiplication 2, The system under test should not contain vocoders, such as LPC, CELP and RELP. 3. The speech transmission should be essentially linear, with amplitude compression or expansion limited to 1.48, and no peak clipping Obviously, we can add: 4, The system under test should not introduce centre clipping. 5, The system under test should not introduce drop outs. Its therefore important to be aware of any nonlinear behaviour when measuring the speech intelligibility through a sound system. If the system is behaving linear, the measured and real speech inteligibilties correlate very well for both methods. Parameters Related to Speech Intelligibility Table 3 Rolation botwoon ST! and ‘speech intlgity Table 4 ASTI modblation rection mate ‘Speech Transmission Index (STI) ‘The speech transmission index STI is the most comprehensive and important speech intelligibility parameter ln DIRAC. Although not usable for transmission channels that introduce frequency shits of frequency ‘multiplication, or include vocoders (voice encoders), the ST! takes into account most effects that could cause deterioration of the speech intligiblty, For details, refer to [2]. Technically, the STI is calculated as the weighted sum of modulation transfer indices MTI, one for each octave frequency band from 125 Hz through 8 kHz (where each MT! value is derived from MTF values over 14 diferent modulation frequencies, see Table 2) taking into account auditory effects according to TEC 60268-16, ‘stl 000-030 | 030-045 | 045-060 | 060-075 | 0.75-1.00 ‘Speech intelligibility Bad Poor Fair Good Exealient ‘The STI parameter as described in this section is based on the definition given in IEC 60268-16 Ed. 4.0. The ISO 3362-3 standard for open plan offices [7] uses a slighty different definition ofthe STI, in that is does not take auditory masking and the hearing threshold into account. Also, the STI in ISO 3382-3 is based on a different (unisex) speech spectrum DIRAC contains a separate "STI for ISO 3382-3" parameter. Room Acoustics Speech Transmission Index (RASTI) The RAST is a simplified version of the STI, intended to approach the STI under typical room acoustical Conditions. The RASTI was originally developed to reduce the time required to perform the measurement (using modulated noise) and the time to compute the final result. In order to obtain correct RAST! values, in addition to the requirements for the STI method, the overall system frequency response must be uniform from the 125 Hz through the BkHz octave band, the background noise must be smooth in time and frequency, the space must be substantially free of discrete echoes and the reverberation time must not be strongly frequency dependent. For detals, refer to (2) ‘The RASTI is calculated as the weighted sum of MTIs over the 500 and 2000 Hz octave bands, where the IMTI values are derived from MTF values over 4 and 5 diferent modulation frequencies respectively. See Table 4. Modulation (Octave Band Frequency [Hz] Frequency F [Hz] 500 2k o7 . 10 : 14 . 2.0 : 28 . 40 : 56 . 3.0 : "2 . In DIRAC, where the STI is measured through impulse responses rather than modulated noise, the RAST! has no advantage over the ST! with respect fo measurement or computation time, Nevertheless, the RAST! requires a smaller measurement system bandwidth than the STI, and it can be used for survey ‘measurements in most practical room acoustical situations. The RASTI parameter has become obsolete in IEC 60268-16 Ed. 4.0. Il should therefore no longer be used. Table 5 STITEL modulation reduction Table 6 STIPA modulation reduction matrix ‘Speech Transmission Index for Telecommunication Systems (STITEL) The STITEL is another simplified version of the STI, also meant to reduce measurement and calculation time. In order for the STITEL values to approach the corresponding STI values, a number of measurement Concitions have to be met, which are typical for telecommurication systems. The STITEL uses the same octave bands as the STI, but in each band only one octave band specific ‘modulation frequeney is used. See Table 6. Octave Band Frequency [Hz] 725 [250 | 500 | tk | 2k | 4k 8k o71 : 112, : 178 . 2.83 : 4.53 : 697 . 11.33 : Modulation Frequency F [Hz] In DIRAC, where the STI is measured through impulse responses rather than modulated noise, the STITEL hhas no advantage over the STI with respect to measurement or computation time, but itis meant for comparabilty with other measured STITEL values. ‘Speech Transmission Index for PA Systems (STIPA) ‘The STIPA is a simplified version of the STI, intended to emulate STI under conditions, typical for public address systems. STIPA was developed to reduce the time required to perform a measurement (using ‘modulated noise), and the time to compute the final result, In order for STIPA values to approximate corresponding STI values, several measurement conditions have to be met, which are typical for public address systems, Octave Band Frequency [Hz] 425 | 250 | 500 | tk | 2k 0.83 : 0.80 1.00) 1.25 1.60) 2.00 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00 6.25 8.00 70.00 12.50 : ‘Modulation Frequency F [Hz] In DIRAG, where STI is measured through impulse responses rather than modulated noise, STIPA has no advantages over STI with respect to measurement or computation time, but is meant for comparisons with other measured STIPA values. Percentage Articulation Loss of Consonants (% ALC) ‘The % ALC (also called % ALcons) is originally based on the reception of words by listeners. In DIRAG, the ‘% ALC is derived from the STI through a widely used approximation formula by Farrel Becker’ [8} HAL 170.5405 6419157), "te str ents on: Ms atone a Fae Becher equatn a te ad ea STI ALcne aie. ‘he ampital data reported ‘squaton was ahr ebtaned tough al non dented om he dla ported by Hougat sa ‘The same formula is used with RASTI, STITEL and STIPA. The % ALC values normally range from 0 (corresponding to an excellent speech intelighbilty) to 100 (corresponding to an extremely bad speech ineligibility), but the % ALC value calculated from the above-mentioned approximation formula, will exceed 400 at a very low STI “The % ALC in DIRAC is mainly meant for comparison with other calculated or measured % ALC values. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) ‘The SNR is defined as the logarithmic rato ofthe signal level and the noise level, and is therefore related to signals rather than systems. In DIRAC, the SNR is the ratio of speach and background noise signal levels as derived from the impulse response, or from the impulse response and a separate background noise ‘measurement intermittent measurement). Ths is not necessarily the same as the apparent SNR used in the speech inteligbilty calculations. In certain measurements scenarios (described later in this document), the ‘measured signal levels are modified to line up with prescribed speech spectra Early Decay Time EDT Because the EDT relates more than the other reverberation parameters to the inlial and highest level part of the decaying energy, it also relates most to modulation reduction. The EDT is derived from the decay curve section between 0 dB and 10 dB below the intial level. From the corresponding slope, the EDT is calculated 2 the time to reach ~60 0B, Measuring the Speech intelligibility Measurement Techniques ‘There are two factors thal determine the speech intllghbilly. The background noise, or rather the signal to noise ratio SNR, and the acoustics of the room (e.g. the sound reflections in the room). On page 16 the impact of the SNR on speech inteligibilty is detailed, which leads to the important 15 dB SNR criterion: ‘The background noise is negligible ifthe SNR exceeds 15 dB in each relevant octave frequency band and the STI does not exceed 0.8. In practice, STI values rarely exceed 0.8 and therefore, in most practical cases it will be sufficient to meet only the SNR > 15 dB condition, in which case a background noise measurements not required and the STI ccan be calculated from any impulse response measurement, In most interesting cases however the SNR is lower than 15 dB and the background noise level s relevant. In the remainder ofthis document itis assumed the 15 dB cnterion is not met, unless stated otherwise. DIRAC derives the acoustics of a room from a measured impulse response. Rife [4] has found that (under specific conditions) the SNR can also be calculated from the measured impulse response. This means that both factors influencing the speech intelligibility can be measured simultaneously in principle, The specific Conditions that need to be fullled for an accurate determination of the SNR from an impulse response are low distortion in the measurement chain and time-invariant acoustics (no air movement, or people waking round), resulting in system induced noise that is much lower than the background noise. Also, pre- averaging cannot be used as this would artificially increase the SNR. However, itis also possible to measure both factors independently. In fact, measuring the room acoustics Using an impulse response without the presence of (significant) background noise gives much better result, jas you can use pre-averaging, longer sequence lengths etc. to improve the quality (INR) of the impulse response, Also, itis not always possible or even desirable to measure the impulse response in the presence of background noise. ‘Measuring the background noise is also easier (an more accurate) through a direct level measurement instead of ingirectly through an impulse response measurement. Sound Sources ‘Mouth-directional loudspeaker sound sources Mouth-directional loudspeaker sound sources, in short mouth simulators, have a directivity similar to a human mouth. This directivity is relevant forthe speech intelligibility, in that speech inteligiblity is highest on the axis of the source. An artificial mouth with directivity characteristics according to ITU-T Pt [5] is preferred. A small high quality loudspeaker with diameter not exceeding 100 mm is also usable. ‘A mouth simulator is normally used in the situation of an unampiified talker or in a situation with a sound system equipped with a close-akking microphone, Table 7 Retaive octave band levels [8] Table @ Relative octave band levels forthe RASTI test Table 9 ‘Sound pressure levels of ‘pooch for ISO 3382-3 Echo Speech Source Type 4720 was specifically designed for speech intelgibilly measurements with DIRAG. It features the proper directivity and fully calibrated sound levels and sound spectrum. The use of the Echo with DIRAC is described in later sections of this document, (Omnidirectional loudspeaker sound sources ‘Omnidirectional sound sources are required for ISO 3382-3 compliant measurements. The source must fulfil the requirements set out in ISO 3382-1, and must be used at a height af 1.2 m. OmniSource Type 4295 ang the OmniPower Type 4292-L are both omnidirectional sound sources that can be used for open plan office measurements, ‘Stimuli ‘Sweep versus MLS For impulse response measurements any broadband signal can be used, but the most common are MLS and sweep. The exponential sweep (e-sweep) in particular has a number of properties making it very useful for impulse response measurements [9]. The disadvantage of e-sweeps (or sweeps in general) is that they sound much more intrusive than MLS signals. There are occasions where the use of sweeps is simply not allowed. Sweeps are also more dificult to handle for sound sources. The MLS is therefor still avery useful aterative. Intermittent stimulus ‘To faciltate the independent measurement of impulse response (IR) and background nolse, DIRAC provides the intermittent stimulus. This stimulus consists of a standard deterministic MLS or sweep stimulus followed by a period of silence. Both parts are treated as a single measurement, and the resulting impulse response {and background noise measurement are combined in a single wav fle, with the IR in the frst and the background noise in the second channel. The intermittent stimulus also circumvents Rife's condition regarding the artificial increase of the SNR when using pre-averaging, Speech levels and spectra ‘Speech intelgibilty measurements must be carried out using test signals that resemble human speech in level and spectrum in order to capture the correct SNR values in each frequency band. IEC 60268-16 specifies male and female speech spectra for use in STI, STIPA and STITEL measurements. The STIPA is only measured for a male speech spectrum. The A-weighted level of the speech signal should be 6048 at ‘im from the source, and the octave bands should have the relative levels as indicated in Table 6. The preferred method of measuring the speech inteligbilty using DIRAC is therefor through separate ‘measurements of the impulse response and the background noise, These can then be combined when caleulating the speech intelighilly. This also makes it possible to use a single impulse response ‘measurement to study diferent scenarios with different SNR values. Octave Band [Hz] 125 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 | 4000 | #000 Male 29 29 | -08 | 68 | -128 | -188 | 248 Female = 63) -19 | 91 | 168 | -167 | -180 For RASTI measurements, where only 2 octave bands are relevant, the relative levels are in Table 8. Octave Band(Hz] | 500 | 2000 Level [4B] 10 | =10.0 ISO 3382-3 uses a spectrum derived from averaged male and female spectra [10]. The total A-woighted level 's 57.4 dB at 1 m from the (omnirectional) source with the levels for each octave band given in Table 9. Octave Band Ha 425 [250 | 500 | tooo | 2000 | 4000 | e000 | I “og [ 543 | 680 | 620 | aa | age | a5 | ‘Omnisource Le ‘Although i is possible to create signals with the correct spectrum in DIRAG, in most practical measurement scenarios an arbitrary but known source spectrum is used for the measurements and the measured SNR values are then recalculated for the desired speech spectrum. [Note that the frequency response of the source has to be taken into account when attempting to generate signals with a predefined spectrum. Although in principle this can be done using an equaliser or using a shaping fiter created with DIRAG, it's much easier to use a calibrated source Fig.2 Level caliration Fig.3 ‘The love calibration dialog When the signal is injected directly in an existing PA system, no equalisation is necessary, as the response of the PA system always influences the speech signal, and is part ofthe system that needs to be measured, Note however that the stimulus stil needs to be speech shaped ifthe 15 d8 criterion is not met. In order to measure absolute sound levels in DIRAC, an input level calibration must be performed. To perform an input evel calibration, follow these steps: 1. Click @ the Measure button, and selec the Gain tab inthe lowor half ofthe measurement window Connect the omnidirectional microphone to the sound device input you want to use. Insert the microphone into a single tone sound calibrator and switch the calibrator on Click the Cal button and wait untl the measurement has finished. Make sure thatthe calloration signal aid ‘not stop before the measurement finished 5. In the Level Calibration dialog box, fl n the sound callbrator level given by the manufacturer, select the {channel on which you recorded the calbrator tone, and then click OK, Now the input level is calibrated for the selected channel 6, Verify the calibration by switching the calibrator on again and check the value (in dBA) displayed beneath the level meter. It should display the calibrator level Note: + The most recent input level calibration date is displayed in the lower right-hand comer of the Measurement window + You can clear the calibration results by clicking the Clear button, This wil also clear the input calibration notification in the Measurement window + Ifyou calibrate channel 1, while channel 2 has not yet been calibrated since the last calibration reset, channel 2 will adopt the calibration result of channel 1. This is not as accurate as calibrating channel 2 separately (which is recommended), but with two microphones of the same type, this is probably better than not calibrating channel 2 at all. Channel 1 wll never adopt the calibration result of channel 2 Fig.4 The system calioration diatog + Tho input level calibration is valid only for the microphone and sound device setup used with the calibration + The procedure is described for one microphone, You can also calibrate two microphones simultaneously, Using a sound intensity calibrator + Input level calibration 's useful only if the sound device input frequency characteristic is flat within 21 6B over 88 Hz through 11.3 kHz + Ibis recommended to repeat the input level calibration before each speech intelligibility measurement ‘System Calibration (WoScSS IB] The sound source must deliver the speech signal at a prescribed sound level. For most speech inteligibilty measurements one can use Echo Speech Source Type 4720, DIRAC is equipped to recognize the (fully calibrated) Echo signals making the Echo-DIRAC combination the easiest option for accurate speech inteligiblity measurements. 180 3382-3 compliant measurements require the use of an ‘omnidirectional sound source that needs to be calibrated. In DIRAC this is handled through a system calibration. The system calibration characterizes the complete measurement Chain, including amplifiers and microphones. The calibration is best performed in a reverberation room, but a free-field calibration is also possible, ‘To perform the system calibration, follow these steps: 1, Set up the measurement window as you would for the speech inteligibilty measurement, Make sure you select the same stimulus and receiver type, but do not select an intermittent stimulus. For instance, if you want to perform ISO 3382-3 measurements, load the ISO 3382-3 measurement preset, but uncheck the Intermittent option 2. Make a note of the gain settings on you ammpiiers). These settings will need to be the same during the final measurement, of any changes wil have to be entered on the Gain tab. 3. Perform impulse response measurements in a reverberation chamber or in a free-field situation (for instance on a large stage). In a reverderation chamber measure in atleast three microphone positions. In a free feld, rotate the source aver 6, 7 or 9 angles of 360in degrees, 4. Choose Calibrate System... from the Setup menu, 5, Glick Add and select the calioration measurements. 6, Select Diffuse field and enter a Volume for a reverberation chamber, otherwise select Free field and enter ‘an appropriate Time window to remove reflections from the signal 7. Enter a suitable Calibration name or description and click OK. 8. In the measurement window, select the created system calibration on the Gain tab before starting the speech intelligibility measurements. Note: + You can perform the system calibration after the actual measurements, and apply the calibration to the ‘measurements using the File Properties dialog. Through the Project window you can apply the system calibration to multiple les in a single operation + Repeat the system calibration for each measurement configuration + The free-field time window should be short enough to remove unwanted reflections from the response, yet long enough to get accurate results at low frequencies, Inspect the impulse responses visually to find a compromise value Measurement Scenarios 10 Echo Speech Source Measurements (IEC 60268-16) ‘The Echo Speech Source is delivered with software. After installation on a PC where a copy of DIRAC is Installed, DIRAC will provide the option to select the Echo signal as a stimulus, and it contains an Echo preset. To perform an Echo measurement, follow these steps: 4. Perform a level calibration ofthe microphone. 2. Select the Echo preset on the Preset tab of the measurement window. 3. Ifthe Echo is positioned in front of a microphone connected to a PA system, start the speech signal and set the gain on the PA system such that the speech level appears normal 4, Turn on the Echo Speech source and start the MLS signal 5. Click Start in the DIRAC measurement window. DIRAC will automatically recognize the continuous or intermittent signal and whether tis played at a normal or raised level Use the intermittent signal where the reverberation lime is relatively short and the background noise has a significant impact. As a rule of thumb, use the intermittent signal when RT x SNR < 120. Otherwise use the Continuous signal. Note that you can use pre-averaging with the intermittent stimulus to increase the INR. ‘The raised Echo level should only be used when the background noise is very high and pre-averaging does nol get the INR over 20 dB forthe normal signal level. Open Plan Office Measurements (ISO 3382-3) DIRAC contains a preset for ISO 3382-3 measurements. The procedure for open plan office measurements is as follows: 1. Perform a system calibration with the measurement equipment (you only need to do this once) 2. Perform a level calibration 3. Select the ISO 3382-3 preset on the Preset tab of the measurement window. 4. The preset uses a pink fitered MLS stimulus. Change this to an e-sweep when desired, but note that the sysiem calibration must be performed with the same stimulus. 5, Use the Test button to find the correct output gain, Change the amplifier gains ifnecessary, but be sure to tenter the gain differences on the Gain tab. 6. Click the Start bution in the DIRAC measurement window. 7. Repeat the measurement on 6 to 10 workstation positions along a line, 8, Analyse the impulse responses, ‘The ISO 3382-3 preset uses an intermittent stimulus. Itis possible to set a higher pre-average value with this measurement to increase the INR ifnecessary. Other Speech intelligibility Measurements When the 15 d8 criterion (see Measurement techniques) is met, a speech intelligibility measurement can be performed with this procedure: 41, Connect the excitation signal to a mouth simulator atthe talker position orto the sound system input. 2, Connect an omnidirectional microphone at a lstener position to sound device input 1 43, In DIRAC, select an excitation signal (e-sweep or MLS are common choices). 4, Set a capture length exceeding 2s and the estimated reverberation time, Note that a longer capture length generally results in a better INR. 5, Selecta Pre-average value. Higher pre-average values result in a higher INR. 6. Measure and save the impulse response. 7. 8 If applicable, repeat the measurement with the receiver at different listener positions, ‘Analyse the impulse responses, When the 15.dB criterion is not met, measuring an impulse response in the presence of significant background noise to determine the speech intelligibility can be dificult without a calibrated source. DIRAC. demands an INR higher than 20 dB to be able to reliably caleulate the SNR. At the same time, a low SNR value during the measurement is detrimental to the qualiy of the impulse response and hence the INR. To add to these difficulties, the method devised by Rife to calculate the SNR from the impulse response does not give the correct results when the SNR is increased artificially through pre-averaging, 4, Calibrate the input level 2. Use an equalizer and a pink noise signal to flatten the response of a mouth simulator when applicable. You can also use the Shaping Filter Designer (SFD) in DIRAC to create a ‘iter with which to shape the stimulus for a specific sound source. 3. Generate an MLS or Lin-Sweep stimulus (Edit - Generate) and fiter it with an appropriate fiter (Edit ~ Filter). Use the resuting signal as a User defined stimulus. Select the filer depending on the parameter that needs to be calculated (see Table 0). 4, Set the output level toa practical value or 60 dB(A), 5. Measure the IR with a pre-average value of 1 for a non-intermittent measurement, use a higher pre- average value if necessary for intermittent measurements " Table 10 Outputfiter versus speech Integy parameter Fig.5 Room without sound system Fig.6 Measurement setup in room without sound system 2 ‘Speech intelligibility Parameter to be Measured Filter ‘STI Male or corresponding % ALC value Male ‘ST1 Female or corresponding % ALC value Female RASTI or corresponding % ALC value RASTI STIPA or corresponding % ALC value Male Note that itis possible to use ither intemally or externally generated stimuli. When using an external stimulus, the stimulus type, source fiter and sequence length ofthis extemal signal need to conform to the settings in the measurement dialog. You can find a number of speech fitered MLS and Lin-Sweep stimuli on the DIRAC CD. {At this point it is important to note that the INR in all relevant octave bands of the measured impulse response should be higher than 20 dB. This is required for DIRAC to be able to calculate the SNR and many other parameters. In most situations this requirement can easily be met by @ combination of techniaues such a longer capture lengths, higher pre-average values and higher slimulus output levels, Situation 1: Talker and Listeners in Same Room without Sound System a aT Foflocad Backeroune| Sound aise ho Direc Sound ‘The listeners receive direct sound from the talker, reflected sound, such as reverberation or echoes, and background noise, for instance from an HVAC system. The direct sound contributes positively to the speech inteligibiliy. Reflected sound may contrbute positively (e.g, via the front board) or negatively to the speech ineligibility. Background noise contributes negatively o the speech intelligibility. running ona PC onineeecton Mieophone Echo Spoech Sous 4720 RESTO Situation 2: Talker and Listeners in Same Room with Sound System Fig.7 shows a talker and listeners in a room with sound reinforcement system. Primarly, the listeners teceive direct sound from the sound reinforcement system, reflected sound, such as reverberation of echoes, and background noise, for instance from an HVAC system. There are also some secondary effects. ‘There is direct sound coming from the talker, which is @ low level delayed version of the prmary direct sound arriving at the listeners. Furthermore, the sound system microphone not only picks up the direct sound from the talker, but also reflections from the lectem, fed-back sound and background noise. Fig.7 Room with sound reinforcement system Fig.8 Measurement in room vith sound systom Fig.9 Measurement sotup using drt injection, inroom wih sound system Fig. 10 ‘Separate toler and [stoner areas wit long distance sound system In this situation, there are two ways to measure the speech inteligibilty. To include the sound system ‘microphone characteristic and all secondary effects, use a mouth simulator. Posna nevtcament Sse] rang ona Pe HOHE) oreo rose ta Swen Snes Lf) — cre —— Otherwise, the excitation signal can be injected directly into the sound system, nd Reinfreament Syson| running on a PC eric) | ie Echo Speech Sovrco 4720 Situation 3: Talker and Listeners in Different Areas Fig.10 shows a talker and listeners in different areas connected through a long-distance sound system Prmarily, the listeners receive direct sound from a nearby loudspeaker array, delayed direct sound from a loudspeaker array further away, reflected sound, such as reverberation or echoes, and background noise, for instance from the environment. There are also some secondary effects. The sound system microphone not only picks up the direct sound from the talker, but also reflections and background noise from within the talker's room. Fig. 11 pen loop ‘measurement solyp ‘th Echo Speech Source Fig. 12 Open loop ‘measurement satyp using dct ijoction Also in this situation, there are two ways to measure the speech inteligibilty. To include the sound system ‘microphone characteristic and all secondary effects, use a mouth simulator. Long-istance Systm comnisectona! rennin ona PC Mesophone Echo Spoech Source 4720 Otherwise, you can inject the excitation signal directly into the sound system. Long-distance oe. nisectona! reaning ona PC Meropnone Echo Speech Measurement Analysis Fig. 13 Lot: Comect detection OF R onset Right: Spurious peak setection “ Impulse Response Quality Itis important to check the quality of the measured impulse responses after each measurement, as low quality impulse responses can lead to erroneous results. There are 3 properties of an impulse response that can be checked easily and will give a good impression of the quality and usabilty ofthe impulse response. ‘The first thing to check is the Impulse to Noise Ratio (INR). The INR can be interpreted as the decay range of the impulse response. In general, the INR should be as high as possible. A minimum of 20 dB is barely acceptable. Values over 40 dB should be obtainable. Note that the INR can be improved by using higher signal levels, longer capture lengths andior pre-averaging Another thing to check is whether the onset of the Impulse response is detected correctly by DIRAC. The start ofthe impulse response is indicated by a vertical red marker in the impulse response view. 7 Sm Stomsceney met 09006 56006 OG008 osees {A final impulse response feature that must be verified is that the capture length is long enough given the Impulse response. As a rule of thumb, the capture length should be twice the reverberation time. Another way to look at this is by seeing that the point where the impulse response decays into the background noise should be well within the measurement length. The measurement should clearly display a flat tail where the background noise dominates over the impulse response. Parameter Tables and Graphs ‘The Speech table, which can be opened from the Parameters menu on the Impulse Response window, ists the speech intelgibilty parameters for a given impulse response. Fig. 16 Rogression tine trough a number of ‘measurements esr a7 | ts [om [pad || [Note that the SNR displayed in the speech table indicates the SNR as measured at the microphone position, This is not necessarily the SNR used in the speech intelligibility calculations, as DIRAC may modify the signal levels for a specific speech spectrum and a normalized source level. From th spauch tale you can quickly access the fe properties using @), the Properties buon, where Yourvan meaty the sgra and roe loves see page 18). ‘The MTF graph is displayed by using the MTF window button, @, allowing you to study the causes of the ‘modulation reduction (see page 3). @00 Ge GO Moauston Teast Funeton NNote that a continuous MTF graph as displayed above can only be calculated for impulse response measurements because modulated noise measurements only contain a limited set of discrete modulation ‘frequencies. © Individual parameters and parametor statistics over multiple fles can be displayed in the Parameter Graph window It wl show you « the average, minimum and maximum values, and their standard i deviation. You can also plot the parameters versus the source- s cH receiver distance and calculate parameters based on regression @ lines through these graphs such a5 the Lys. Das, fo aN6 tp ge parameters defined in ISO 8382-3, 6 Fig.17 Changing noise levels ‘Changing Signal and Noise Level Values tis often desirable to know wnat the speech intelligibility would be with signal or noise levels that differ from those at the time of the impulse response measurement. DIRAC provides several ways to investigate the resulting speech intelligibility when speech or noise signal levels are changed. When the impulse response is measured with litle background noise present, itis possible to add noise to the measurement. This can be synthetic noise (menu item: Process - Mix - Noise), or a recording of actual ‘noise (menu item: Process - Mix - Fie) In the File Properties window one can set the speech signal and noise values numerically. To investigate the effect of raised speech or noise levels, one can use the Speech and Noise parameter values as a starting point. . Fie Properties - 51 RO step tev a Note that you can enter either noise levels, speech levels or both. DIRAC will use whatever was entered in the File Properties dialog, and use actual values from the measurement where no value is entered. Inthe parameter graph window you can edi the fle properties of mutiple files at once, Use the Edit menu to change the properties of all fles that have a checkmark set. ‘The Impact of SNR on Speech Intelligibility 6 It the background noise level is negligible, there is no need to measure the SNR and incorporate it in the speech intelligibility calculations, Therefore it may be worthwhile to take a closer look at the impact of the SNR on the speech inteligibilty in practical situations, and formulate the exact condition under which the SNR is relevant. ‘The background noise is assumed to be negligible i its presence resulls in a STI decrease of less than 5% of the STI without background noise. To figure out what the consequence is for the allowed SNR, we write the MTF as a product of 2 modulation reduction factors, mg(k,F) due to system properties (reverberation, echoes) and msya(k.F) due to background noise: gtk. F) MTF(k,F) = mo(k, F): sya (h) = ” 1410 where k is the octave number. By definition, the effective SNR, SNRyq(k,F) relates to MTF(K,F) as does the SNR to sya! SIR gk, F) = 10109 5 _MTE(k A) @ MTFC FY) Hence, SNRoq equals SNR ifthe modulation is reduced by background noise only. For each k from a set of octave frequency bands, and each F from a set of modulation frequencies, SNRyglK.F) is calculated, and clipped to 415 dB, before being further processed to calculate the STI. The clipping operation reflects that ‘SNReq values exceeding 15 dB cannot have any negative impact on the speech intaligbilty, while SNReq Fig. 18 Transmission Index as a fnction ofthe ‘modulation index when no background noise is present values lower than 15 dB cannot have any positive impact on the speech intelligibility. The clipped SNRey values are converted to transmission indices TWk,F) that range from 0 to 1, and each contribute to the STI ri F) = SNRUGPL* 15 ® For the final ST, the TI values are averaged over the modulation and octave band frequencies in a special way, thereby taking into account auditory masking and the absolute hearing threshold. However, to get an idea of the impact of the SNR on the STI, its sufficient to evaluate TI for several values of my and SNR. Fig. 19 shows the relative change of TI when going from a situation with SNR = = to a situation with the given finite SNR: @ If the relative changes in TI would also hold for the STI in case of equal weighting factors for each octave frequency band. Actually, the SNR. values of the octave bands from 500 Hz through 4 kHz are the most signifeant. From Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 it can be seen that as mg increases from 0.5, T! changes faster with mg (hence with 'SNR), until SNReg clips to 15 dB at T/= 1, resulting in a dip at mg = 0.97. A much steeper, yet practically irrelevant dip at ma = 0.03 is not shown, Using Fig. 19 and Table 10, in which relevant octave frequency bands are defined, we now define the 15dB SNR eriterion: The background noise is negligible ifthe SNR exceeds 15 dB in each relevant octave frequency band and the STI does not exceed 0.8. If only the condition of the SNR exceeding 15 dB is met, this could theoretically ead to an underestimation of the STI of 10%, namely if the SNR is close to 15 dBi for all relevant octave frequency bands and the STI without background noise would be 0.97, resulting in a measured STI of 0.9. In practice however, STI values rarely exceed 0.8 and most likely, only @ few SNR values, if any, will come close to 15 dB. Therefore, in most practical cases it wll be sufficient lo meet only the SNR'> 15 48 condition, : a oal oo] Fig. 19 Relative change of tho Transmission Index as a funetion of the ‘modulation index for Seine vase abo “Pac a8 4s a8

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