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CE Practice Problems

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Practice Problems in Civil Engineering 9.

9. A 200 kg crate impends to slide down a ramp inclined at an angle of vertically from its point of release. Determine the initial velocity of
Prepared by: Jerry Jake June B. Hayagan, CE 19.29° with the horizontal. What is the frictional resistance. Use g = the stone.
9.81 m/s2 a. 2.535 m/s c. 83.165 ft/s
“kinaya ngani namon, kamo pa kaya?” a. 648.15 c. 684.15 b. 5.325 m/s d. 83.156 ft/s
GOODLUCK! b. 648.51 d. 684.51 19. Find the moment of inertia with respect to x-axis of the area
10. In how many minutes after 2 o’clock will the hands of the clock bounded by the parabola y2 = 4x and the line x = 1.
1. A right circular cone has a base radius of x and an altitude of 3x. extend in opposite directions for the first time? a. 1.067 c. 1.607
What is its slant height? a. 43.636 c. 82.273 b. 2.133 d. 2.313
a. 3.16x c. 2.14x b. 21.818 d. 45 20. The area bounded by the curve y2 = 12x and the line x = 3 is
b. 1.12x d. 0.5x 11. The number 28, x + 12, 112 form a geometric progression. What is revolved about the line x = 3. What is the volume generated?
2. What is the area in s.q m of the zone of a spherical segment having the 10th term? a. 90.478 c. 180.956
a volume of 1470.265 cu.m. if the diameter of the sphere is 30 m? a. 28672 c. 14336 b. 3698.283 d. 7396.566
a. 564.487 c. 565.487 b. 57344 d. 7168 21. The ratio of the volume to the lateral area of a right circular cone is
b. 566.487 d. 567.487 12. What is the length of the latus rectum of the curve x2 = 20y? 2:1. If the altitude is 15 cm, what is the ratio of the slant height to
3. A regular triangular pyramid has an altitude of 9 m and a volume of a. 5 c. 4 the radius?
187.06 cu.m. What is the base edge in m? b. 20 d. 10 a. 5:2 c. 2:5
a. 10 c. 11 13. What is the radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 6y = 0? b. 5:1 d. 1:5
b. 12 d. 25 a. 9 c. 3 22. In triangle ABC, AB = 15 m, BC = 18 m and CA = 24 m. How far is the
4. What is the derivative with respect to x of (x + 1)3 – x3? b. 4 d. 16 point of intersection of the angular bisectors from vertex C in m?
a. 3x + 6 c. 6x + 3 14. A 3-degree curve has an angle of intersection of 24°. What is the a. 13.500 c. 14.305
b. 2x + 4 d. 4x + 2 length of the cord in meters? Use chord basis b. 15.300 d. 14.350
5. A cylindrical steam boiler is to have a volume of 1340 cu.ft. The cost a. 158.85 c. 184.81 23. The area of a circle circumscribed about an equilateral triangle is
of the metal sheets to make the boiler should be minimum. What b. 163.09 d. 150 254.47 m2. What is the area of the triangle in m2?
should be its base diameter in feet? 15. Water is running into hemispherical bowl having a radius of 10 cm a. 127.235 c. 105.222
a. 11.949 c. 11.940 at a constant rate of 3 cm3/min. When the water is x cm. deep, the b. 345.123 d. 123.345
b. 11.994 d. 11.499 water level is rising at the rate of 0.0149 cm/min. what is the value 24. The radius of the moon is 1080 mi. The gravitational acceleration at
6. Gas is escaping from a spherical balloon at a constant rate of 2 of x? the moon’s surface is 0.165 times the gravitational acceleration at
ft3/min. How fast in ft2/min is the outer surface area of the balloon a. 2 cm c. 4 cm the earth’s surface. What is the velocity of escape from the moon?
shrinking when the radius is 12 ft? b 3 cm d. 6 cm a. 1.4773 miles/s c. 1.7437 miles/s
a. 0.667 c. 1.333 16. A wall “h” meters high is 2 m away from a building. The shortest b. 1.4377 miles/s d. 1.4737 miles/s
b. 0.333 d. 1.667 ladder that can reach the building with one end resisting on the 25. From the same point, two mosquitos flew out towards different
7. What is the integral of sin x dxif the lower limit is 0 and the ground outside the wall is 6 m. How high is the wall in m? direction with the angle between their directions equal to 84
upper limit is 0.5 π ? a. 10.811 c. 2.245 degrees. One mosquito was flying at 12 m/min while the other was
b. 1.433 d. 5.406 flying at 18 m/min. After two minutes, the distance from one to the
a. 0.35 c. 0.53
17. A pulley that is rotating at 36 rev/s is decelerated at 12 rad/s2 until it other most probable is closest to:
b. 0.70 d. 1.06
stops. How many complete revolutions does it make within this a. 39.51 m c. 45.32 m
8. Given is the area in the first quadrant bounded by x2 = 8y, the line y
period? b. 41.13 m d. 34.79 m
– 2 = 0 and the y-axis. What is the volume generated when this area
a. 340 c. 339 26. A sphere has a radius of 15 meters. A spherical sector is cut from
is revolved about the line y – 2 = 0?
b. 338 d. 69 this sphere having a central angle 30 degrees. Find the volume of
a. 56.1 c. 34
18. A stone is thrown upward at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. It the spherical sector.
b. 11.25 d. 26.81
lands 60 m measured horizontally and 2 m below measured
a. 240.865 c. 240.856 34. An alien bacteria culture grew from 2,500,000 seven hours ago to A square section ABCD has one of its sides equal to x. Point E is inside the
b. 240.803 d. 240.855 10,000,000 now. What is the percentage growth per hour? square forming an equilateral triangle BEC having one side equal to the
27. A dart target consists of three concentric circles with different radii a. 21.901% c. 138.629% side of the square.
1, 3, and 5 units. If a dart thrower always hits the area of a 5 unit b. 183.629% d. 29.901%
radius but hit the area randomly, what is the probability that the 35. In the event you will not pass this board exam, you can always take 42. Compute the value of angle DEC.
dart hits the area of between the 1 unit radius circle and the 3 unit another option to invest money for you future. If you have a lump a. 150° c. 30°
radius cicle? sum now, how long will it take to triple in value when it is b. 60° d. 75°
a. 0.08 c. 0.16 compounded quarterly at 5% annual interest? Getting the correct 43. Compute for the value of angle AED.
b. 0.24 d. 0.32 answer is one step towards passing the board exam. a. 60° c. 150°
28. Determine all possible values of x that will satisfy the equation a. 22.10 years c. 44.21 years b. 30° d. 75°
44. If the area of the triangle BEC is equal to 63.35 m2, find the area of
|x−1| = 5 – 2x. b. 88.44 years d. 176.87 years
the triangle AED.
36. You are asked to rewrite the equation y – 2sinc = 3. Which of the
a. 2 and 3 c. 2 and 4
four functions below may fit this equation? a. 9.65 m2 c. 6.48 m2
b. 2 and 5 d. 2 and 6 2
a. f(x) = 2sinc +3 c. f(x) = 2sinx +3 b. 8.35 m d. 7.21 m2
29. A vertical cylinder has a circular base of radius 3.5 meters and a
height of 3.95 meters. It is one third full and is being filled with A block of wood 0.6 m x 0.6 m x “h” meters in dimension was thrown into
b. f(c) = 2sinc +3 d. f(x) = 2sinc +3
water at a rate of 0.5 m3/sec and oil at a rate of 0.5 m3/sec. The the water; it floats with 0.18 m projecting above the water surface. The
37. Given an angle in standard position, its terminal side passes through
specific gravity of oil is less than that of water. How fast is the same block was thrown into a container of a liquid having a s.g. of 0.90
the point (-3, 2). Find the value of the cosecant of the angle.
surface of oil is rising? and it floats with 0.14 m projecting above the liquid surface.
a. 0.013 c. 0.0065
√13 c.
−√ 13
b. 0.026 d. 0.0390 2 3 45. Determine the value of “h”
30. A pyramid is 20 cm high from its square base which is 8 cm x 8 cm in a. 0.51 m c. 0.52 m
dimension. It is cut parallel to the base by a plane which is 7 cm 2 −3 b. 0.53 m d. 0.54 m
b. d.
from the base. What is the ratio of the area of the new smaller base
over the base of the original pyramid?
√13 √13 46. Determine the specific gravity of the block.
38. A quadrilateral has properties such that its diagonals bisect each a. 0.667 c. 1.333
a. 0.40 c. 0.41 b. 0.333 d. 2.667
other and are perpendicular. What kind of quadrilateral is this?
b. 0.42 d. 0.43 47. Determine the weight of the block.
a. parallelogram c. rhombus
31. An isosceles triangle has two sides whose lengths are 15 cm and 17 a. 2.4 kN c. 4.9 kN
b trapezoid d. rectangle
cm, respectively. Determine the greatest possible perimeter of this. b. 0.6 kN d. 1.3 kN
39. Given the following set of 7 numbers with 2 unknowns (5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
a. 47 c. 49
A, B). The average of the seven numbers is six. Calculate the value of
b. 48 d. 50 A soil sample was determined in the laboratory to have a liquid limit of
A + B.
32. The angles of a given quadrilateral have ratio 2:3:6:7. The greatest 41% and plastic limit of 21.1%. if the water content is 30%, determine the
a. 5 c. 6
angle is most probably? following:
b. 7 d. 8
a. 40 c. 60
40. If the area of the triangle with vertices (5, 2), (x, 4) and (0, -3) is
b. 120 d. 140 48. Plasticity index
12.5. What is the value of x?
33. A tugboat sailed an 8o km distance in 70 min when going with the a. 19.9 c. 18.7
a. 10 c. 9
water current. Returning afterwards and going against the current, b. 16.4 d. 19.0
b. 11 d. 12
it made the trip in 80 min. Find the nominal speed of the tugboat in 49. Liquidity index.
41. The conjugate diameter of an ellipse is 8 m. If its perimeter is
still water in kph. a. 0.521 c. 0.512
a. 64.286 c. 64.268
35.203m, what is the area of the ellipse in πm?
b. 0.447 d. 0.474
b. 64.862 d. 64.628 a. 37.92 c. 27.36
b. 87.96 d. 75.00
50. What is the characteristic of soil? a. 73 m/s c. 74 m/s 67. A bullet war fired at the trunk of a tree. If the mass of the bullet is
a. liquid c. plastic b. 75 m/s d. 76.0 m/s 25 grams and has a speed of 350 m/s upon hitting the tree,
b. dense d. brittle solid 58. A flywheel rotating at 60 rad/sec is accelerated uniformly at 10 compute for the average force that stopped the bullet if
m/s2. Find its angular velocity after 100 revolutions. penetration is 10 cm.
A given layer of soil has a dry unit weight of 14.7kN/m3 and a saturated a. 1114 rpm c. 1213 rpm a. 12,345.6 N c. 12,456.7 N
unit weight of 20.12kN/m3. The ground water table is located 2 m below b. 1214 rpm d. 1141 rpm b. 15,312.5 N d. 15,123.4 N
the ground surface. 59. 100 rpm is also equal to: 68. A block impends to slide down a ramp when inclined 38° with the
a. 10.45 rad/s c. 10.46 rad/s horizontal. What is the coefficient of friction between the blocks
51. What is the total stress at point A 4.5 m below the ground surface. b. 10.47 rad/s d. 10.48 rad/s bottom and the ramp surface?
a. 24.53 kPa c. 55.21 kPa 60. The instrument that measures the velocity and acceleration of an a. 0.58 c. 0.68
b. 79.74 kPa d. 29.44 kPa earthquake on ground. b. 0.78 d. 0.98
52. What is the pore water pressure at point A 4.5 m below the ground a. accelelograph c. acceleration 69. A steel tank, 12 mm thick and 3 m in diameter, is filled with water 6
surface? b. accelelometer d. tensionmeter m high. What is the maximum circumferential stress in the tank?
a. 24.53 kPa c. 55.21 kPa 61. A ball fell from a height of 2.6 m. the coefficient of restitution a. 7.10 MPa c. 7.20 MPa
b. 79.74 kPa d. 29.44 kPa between the ball and the ground is 0.60. to what height will the ball b. 7.30 MPa d. 7.40 MPa
53. What is the effective stress at point A 4.5 m below the ground 70. A cantilever hollow circular bar is 1.50 m long, 5 mm thick and with
h' .
a. 24.53 kPa
b. 79.74 kPa
55.21 kPa
29.44 kPa
bounce? Use e =

√ h
c. 0.950
outside diameter of 75 mm. It is subjected to a torque of 3kN-m at
its free end. What is the resulting angle of twist of the bar? Use a
shear modulus of elasticity of 78,000 MPa.
b. 0.912 d. 0.929 a. 2.4 ° c. 1.5°
An open cylindrical wood stave tank having a diameter of 2 m and height b. 2.5° d. 1.4°
62. Slenderness ratio
of 4 m is full of water. The upper and lower ends of the tank are held by 71. A Projectile leaves at a velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 30° with
a. L/kr c. KL/r
hoops. the horizontal. Find the maximum height it could reach.
b. Kr/L d. LKr
63. Convert 5 m/s to kph. a. 31.86 m c. 33.59 m
54. Which of the following most nearly gives the tensile force on the
a. 18 kph c. 19 kph b. 24.16 m d. 28.70 m
upper end hoop?
b. 20 kph d. 21 kph 72. At what angle from the horizontal should a projectile be released in
a. 26.16 kN c. 78.48 kN
order for it to reach a farthest distance on the ground?
b. 52.32 kN d. 39.24 kN
An elevator weighing 9.8 kN moves downward from rest until it attains a a. 60° c. 30°
55. Which of the following most nearly gives the tensile force on the
velocity of 20 m/s after it travels a distance of 5 m. b. 75° d. 45°
lower end hoop?
73. An iron column of annular cross-section has an outer diameter of
a. 39.24 kN c. 26.16 kN
64. Which of the following gives acceleration of the elevator? 200 mm and is subjected to a force of 75 kN. Find the thickness of
b. 52.32 kN d. 78.48 kN
a. 38 m/s c. 39 m/s the wall if the allowable compressive stress is 10 MPa.
56. If the lower end hoop remains on its position, at what distance
b. 40 m/s d. 41 m/s a. 12.57 mm c. 15.75 mm
should the other hoop be replaced from the upper end of the tank
65. Which of the following gives the time which the elevator travels at b. 12.75 mm d. 17.75 mm
so that both hoops will experience the same amount of tensile
this instant? 74. A uniform rod of length L, cross-sectional area A, unit mass ρ , and
a. 0.2 s c. 0.3 s
a. 2.67 m c. 1.33 m modulus of elasticity E is suspended vertically from one end. Which
b. 0.4 s d. 0.5
b. 2.33 m d. 1.67 m of the following gives the formula for the deformation of the rod
66. Which of the following gives the tension in the cable supporting the
57. A projectile is fired 80 m above the level plane and reaches a due to its own weight?
horizontal distance of 650 m on that level plane. What is the initial
a. 49.76 kN c. 94.67 kN
velocity of the projectile if it is fired upward at an angle of 35° with
b. 69.47 kN d. 79.64 kN
the horizontal?
ρg L2 c.
2 ρg L2 a. Fb = -352 N, Fa = 938 N, 𝛳 = 40° c. Fb = 523 N, Fa = 94. A load of 1960 N is raised at the end of a steel wire. The minimum
839 N, 𝛳 = 60° diameter of the wire so that stress in the wire does not exceed 100
E E b. Fb = 253 N, Fa = 389 N, 𝛳 = 50° d. Fb = 325 N, Fa = N/mm2 is:

ρg L2 d.
ρg L2 81.
893 N, 𝛳 = 70°
Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at
a. 4.0 mm
b. 4.5 mm
5.0 mm
5.5 mm
2E 3E points E and F in the beam. See figure 45BT2S 95. How many terms of the progression 3, 5, 7, 9 … must be taken in
82. Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at order that their sum will be 2600?
A cantilever retaining wall 6 m high is subjected to an active pressure point C in the simply supported beam. Point C is located just to the a. 40 c. 50
varying uniformly from 0 kN/m at the top to 35 kN/m at the bottom. The right of the 1500-lbˑft couple moment. See figure 12F21 b. 30 d. 60
flexural rigidity of the wall is constant. 83. Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at
points C and D in the simply supported beam. Point D is located just Given the equation y2 = 18x + 21.
75. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum shear on the to the left of the 5-kN force. See figure 555TUNA
a. 105 kN c. 210 kN
84. Determine the internal normal force, shear force and moment 96. What is the radius of curvature at (4, √ 93)?
acting at points B and C on the curved rod. See figure ANGELO143 a. 28.34 c. 25.65
b. 140 kN d. 280 kN 85. Determine the force P needed to hold the cable in the position b. 27.78 d. 26.67
76. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum moment on shown. i.e., so segment BC remains horizontal. Also, compute the
the wall? sag YB and the maximum tension in the cable. See figure
97. What is the curvature at (4, √ 93)?
a. 280 kN-m c. 210 kN-m a. - 0.039 c. - 0.036
b. 560 kN-m d. 420 kN-m b. - 0.035 d. - 0.037
86. Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the x axis. See
77. If the wall is fixed at the top, Which of the following most nearly 98. A googol is equivalent to 10 raised to exponent ___.
gives the moment at the base of the wall? a. 100 c. 1000
87. Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the y axis
a. 90 kN-m c. 63 kN-m b. 10 d. 10000
88. Determine the state of stress at point A on the cross section of the
b. 42 kN-m d. 81 kN-m 99. Determine the probability that an odd number appears in the toss
beam at section a–a. See figure LOL492
78. The device is used for surgical replacement of the knee joint. If the of a fair dice.
89. If the baby has a mass of 5 kg and his center of mass is at G,
force acting along the leg is 360 N. Determine its components along a. ½ c. 3/2
determine the normal stress at points A and B on the cross section
the x’ and y axes. See figure BEBS123 b. ¾ d. 2/3
of the rod at section a–a. There are two rods, one on each side of
a. Fx’ = -162 N, Fy = 344 N c. Fx’ = 381 N, Fy = 100. In a benefit show, a number of wealthy men agreed that the first
the cradle. See figure BEBE13
-434 N one to arrive would pay 10 centavos to enter and each later arrival
90. If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000 kg is 4 cubic metres, 0.75 is
b. Fx’ = 183 N, Fy = -344 N d. Fx’ = -183 N, Fy = would pay twice as much as the preceding man. The total amount
344 N collected from all of them was P104,857.50. How many wealthy
a. specific weight c. specific gravity
79. Resolve F2 into components along the u and v axes and determine men paid?
b. specific mass d. none of these
the magnitudes of these components.See figure SH2AD9 a. 87 c. 34
91. If the atmospheric pressure on the surface of an oil tank (sp. gr. 0.8)
a. F2v = 87.2 N, F2u = 120 N c. F2v = b. 26.5 D. 20
is 0.1 kg/cm2, the pressure at a depth of 2.5 m, is
37.9 N, F2u = 250 N a. 1 metre of water c. 3 metres of water
b. F2v = 77.6 N, F2u = 150 N d. F2v = b. 2 metres of water d. 3.5 metres of water
127.1 N, F2u = 50 N 92. Unit of kinematic viscosity is
80. The truck is to be towed using two ropes. If the resultant force is to a. m2/sec c. Newton sec/m3
be 950 N, directed along the positive x axis, determine the b. Newton sec/m 2
d. Kg sec/m2.
magnitudes of forces FA and FB acting on each rope and the angle 𝛳 93. -12
10 , is called
of FB so that the magnitude of FB is a minimum. FA acts at 20˚ from a. Terra c. Giga
the x axis as shown. See figure MF8G5 b. pica d. Mega

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