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12 Strategies in Franchising Chapter 1 & 2

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The key takeaways from the document are about the strategies employed by successful Philippine franchises such as Potato Corner and Turks to grow their businesses through franchising while maintaining quality and simplicity in their operations.

Potato Corner faced challenges such as during the Asian Financial crisis when it had to close many stores. It later realized that its strength lies in simplicity and focus on flavored fries. It also closed an unsuccessful restaurant concept to refocus on its core business.

Turks started as a modest doner food cart in 2007. It overcame site restrictions by simplifying operations and pre-packaging products. This enabled it to rapidly franchise and become a major food brand through quality products, marketing and a profitable franchise model.


This book is dedicated to all the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) in the Philippines who have taken the path of franchising their
businesses to uplift their quality of life and to share the benefits of growth
to others in their community. The circle of progress is being enlarged
owing to their ground-breaking spirit and their drive to make their
products and services truly competitive and world-class.

The authors from Francorp in the Philippines express their utmost

appreciation to all clients who shared the stories of their journey and in the
process, become an inspiration to others who have only started charting
their own course in franchising. Though franchising is still relatively in
its young stage in the Philippines – only two decades old – it is already
one of the biggest in the world and the next generations are starting to
take over the reins. These future captains of industry are reinventing the
industry as they chart their way towards national and international success.
There is also a new breed of entrepreneurs from the countryside who are
using franchising as their growth strategy and to segue into mainstream

For their inputs, gratitude is given to the Philippine Franchise Association

(PFA), suppliers, management, and staff of Francorp in the Philippines
who have contributed their efforts and creativity in crafting this book.
Above all, we thank the Divine Providence for giving us the wisdom,
talent, time, and treasure to make this project a reality so that it becomes
a useful business tool for the future generations of entrepreneurs.

All of the brands featured in this book were taken from the roster of voice of the Philippine franchise industry, recognized by the World
franchise success stories of Philippine-owned brands. At different stages Franchise Council (WFC) and the Asia Pacific Franchise Confederation
of their development, the hands of business owners were held by capable (APFC).
franchise experts, giving them the appropriate guidance towards their
path to growth. The Certified Franchise Executive Program (CFE) is a career development
program offered by the Institute of Certified Franchise Executives (ICFE)
Since it started creating a buzz in 1996 and steered by the pioneering of the International Franchise Association (IFA) Education Foundation. It
spirit of the three pillars - Samson “Samie” Lim, Ma. Alegria “Bing” Sibal - offers franchise professionals the opportunity to learn, grow professionally,
Limjoco, and Manuel “Manny” S. Siggaoat, who were already big Filipino and reach a recognized standard of excellence in the franchise community.
retailers during that period - franchising in the Philippines was never the While the program was already implemented in the country as early
same. Returning from the United States and learning the ropes from the as 2001, it was only in 2002 when the Philippine Franchise Association
guru of American franchising, Donald Boroian, the three visionaries got (PFA), then spearheaded by Samie Lim and Ma. Alegria Limjoco, formally
back to brass tacks and did the groundwork in the Philippines to promote affiliated with the US-based ICFE to allow PFA to conduct the said
the use of the franchising model for business expansion. program here in the country at discounted rates. By professionalizing the
country’s franchise sector, the Philippines’ position as the Franchise Hub
They gave professional advice to “franchiseable” business owners who of Asia was strengthened.
were at the crossroads - struggling to find out how they can expand
faster; brand owners who were exploring whether or not their business Over the years, the CFE Program conducted in the Philippines has had
meets the franchiseability criteria; and for those who needed an honest enrollees from different countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,
to goodness franchise program to grow exponentially, from one to one Hong Kong, and Singapore. The number of elite Certified Franchise
hundred and eventually to a thousand. Executives (CFEs) continues to grow.

The landscape of local entrepreneurship has forever changed with the From “the Sick Man of Asia” to “Asia’s Rising Star”, the Philippines is in
popularity of franchising. And it helped that the Philippines was able a sweet spot owing to over a hundred million strong population whose
to recruit top and key franchisors to establish the Philippine Franchise young people have a median age of 24, are educated, English-speaking,
Association (PFA). This brainchild of Lim, Limjoco, Siggaoat and other and with great consumer power because of higher incomes endowed
forward-looking entrepreneurs, has now evolved to become the influential by their employment in the huge Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
industry as well as the remittances of their relatives who comprise the The government promoted franchising further by focusing on assistance to
millions of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) spread out all over the the infrastructure and financial needs of micro-small-medium enterprises
globe, the most sought after by employers in the Middle East, Europe, (MSMEs) as this is the sector with a great potential for local employment
Asia, and North America. and entrepreneurship. In order to achieve at least a nationwide network
of at least 100 units, incubation centers at the local level were set up to
For the last five years, the Philippine tourism industry has posted positive promote regional franchise concepts and expand these nationwide. The
trends with international inbound arrivals up by an average of 5.6 million goal is to make these small franchises affordable – within the Php 100,000
tourist arrivals. Most visitors are from South Korea, China, and the United to Php 1 million brackets.
For international expansion, the goal is to make franchise businesses one
Also, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) 2018 report revealed of the top Philippine exports where Filipino entrepreneurs are envisioned
an increase in domestic tourism expenditure from 22% of household to be the foremost master franchise owners of Filipino and Foreign brands
expenditure last year to 24.9% at present , indicating that tourism in the ASEAN region. This can truly make the Philippines the franchise
continues to be driven by domestic travellers who now spend a bigger hub in the Asia Pacific region. The future looks promising because many
chunk of their income to travelling erstwhile mom & pop Filipino brands have already proven to be global
names – Jollibee, Max’s, Goldilocks, Pancake House, Potato Corner,
In the Philippines, the steadily increasing growth of franchises annually Penshoppe, Bench, among others.
has resulted to the country’s attractiveness as a franchise hub. As the
preferred investment option, franchising contributes to the economy. To chronicle these success stories is one way of bequeathing to the next
With more than 2,000 franchise brands generating more than a hundred generation of entrepreneurs franchising lessons which they can use in
eighty thousand franchise outlets, the Philippines has grown to become mapping out the way they want their 21st century businesses to mature
the regional franchising leader in Southeast Asia. or in charting ways for them to benefit from franchising’s multiplier effect
while using other like-minded investors’ money, time, and people.
Franchising is indeed an enabler and multiplier, serving clients in various
stages of their growth, and helping generate millions of jobs. Francorp “Of the 27 Francorp offices internationally
Philippines has assisted in planting Filipino franchise brands in every
serving 45 countries, Francorp Philippines is the
ASEAN country and in every continent around the world except Antarctica.
foremost, most exemplary, and leading edge
Through franchising, businesses are transformed over the years. Some of
them were just mom & pop SMEs or hole-in-the-wall young start-ups before franchise development firm.”
they embraced franchising. Now, as professionally-run organizations, they Don Boroian, Chairman, Francorp International
have grown beyond all expectations.

Identify Your Continuing Value and Build On It
10 PART 1:
STARTING OUT 88 Waffle Time
12 STRATEGY NO. 1 94
Be Guided by the Franchiseability Criteria
18 STRATEGY NO. 2 Invest in Strengthening the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship
Keep It Simple
20 Waffle Time 104 PR Gaz
24 Potato Corner
Turks 108 STRATEGY NO.10
Continue Investing In Your Brand –Rebrand! Renovate!
Think Win Win Win 112 Mont Albo
32 Cowrie/Hukad 118
36 Vibes Massage

38 STRATEGY NO. 4 120 PART 3:

Set A Clear Vision to Guide Growth WHEN YOUR BUSINESS IS MORE MATURE

40 The Generics Pharmacy 122 STRATEGY NO. 11
46 Golden Cowrie/Hukad Explore New Income Streams

48 STRATEGY NO. 5 124 Island Souvenirs

Get Your Systems and Organization Ready SumoSam
130 Fruit Magic / Pure Nectar
56 Farron Cafe
58 Tokyo Tokyo 132 STRATEGY NO.12
Mineski Go International

66 STRATEGY NO. 6 134

As You Are Now Franchising, Change Mindset to that of a “Franchisor” Bench
68 Lugaw Queen 140
72 Teresita’s of San Fernando Mineski
146 Pancake House
76 STRATEGY NO. 7 Max’s
Focus on Core Competencies: Contract Out the Rest 150 Potato Corner

78 The Generics Pharmacy 154 ABOUT THE AUTHORS


I have always believed that the Philippines has the potential to be a As we cross the threshold of our 20th year, I would like to see Francorp
great nation. More so that I came from a generation when the Philippines take a more active role in sharing our best practices with the franchise
was still considered an envy among its Asian peers. But after decades sectors of the various ASEAN countries – particularly the Cambodia, Laos,
of periodic economic mismanagement and political unpredictability, our Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) region. As a beneficiary of how franchising
country plunged to becoming the sick man of Asia – an unfortunate and has become a tool for our economic development and nation-building,
undeserved description considering the wealth of natural and human it is but fitting that the Philippines – with Francorp Philippines as a prime
resources our country has. mover – also extend a helping hand to our ASEAN neighbors and, thus,
contribute in the strengthening of the mission to speed up the ASEAN
That is why I introduced franchising in the Philippines believing that it can Economic Integration so that we can achieve an integrated, peaceful, and
be a tool to build a strong middle class and to bring back our country to stable economic community with shared prosperity for all.
its former glory. With its intrinsic capacity to create nth’s of thousands of
MSME’s and generate millions of jobs, I was confident that franchising can After all, greatness truly lies in our capacity and willingness to be of service
help make the Philippines a nation of opportunities. But I also believed to others.
that the franchising sector can only achieve its purpose if it was built on
a foundation of excellence and world-class standards. It is for this reason Samie Lim, CFE
that I, together with Bing Limjoco and Manny Siggaoat, brought the Chairman
world’s top franchise consulting company, Francorp, to the country in

After 20 years, I am proud that Francorp Philippines has been instrumental

in transforming homegrown businesses into world class brands – many of
which are already foraying into foreign shores proudly proclaiming that
the Philippines is home to these global brands. It is also heartening to
see that our clients have become the most respected names in Philippine

Franchising - because it follows a proven system - eliminates the trial-
and-error phase associated with start-ups. This is also the reason why
franchising boasts of a success rate of over 90%. However, franchising is
not for every businessman. At the outset, there are many ways to assess
whether or not one is ready to franchise his own business.
Continuing Value – Can your
STRATEGY NO.1 Franchising is about replication,
franchisees do without you in the
and it is critical that there is a
strong business model that can long run or will they continue to

BE GUIDED BY THE be replicated. At its most basic,

the critical factor for franchising is
need you even after they know how
to run the business? If you are able
FRANCHISEABILITY that you already have a profitable, to provide continuing value to your

CRITERIA operating prototype. Digging

deeper, other questions that can
franchisees, they will continue to
depend on you and stay with you
When consultants advise new or established business owners, Francorp guide would-be franchisors are: until the end of the term stipulated
follows a set of franchiseability criteria as bases for determining the in the franchise agreement.
potential of a business to go into franchising. Differentiation – Ask yourself –
is your business unique? Are you The easiest way to do this is to
For those who are already business owners in their own right, franchising offering something different, or be the sole source of proprietary
has made many brands household names, making their founders rich and are there others already selling the goods and services – those
famous beyond their imagination. Every week, hundreds of entrepreneurs same thing? which are associated with your
start to explore franchising in an effort to grow from one to a thousand. intellectual property and are only
Unfortunately, not every business is franchiseable. Some are not yet ready Differentiation does not always available to you such as recipes for
and need to work on their concepts to be ready for franchising. As with stem from your product or service example. Franchisors keep recipes
any business decision, timing is critical, and franchising too early can be as being entirely new. You might confidential so that they become
as risky as franchising too late. be selling the same products as
others but yours may be better
tasting or has higher quality or is Franchising can
priced lower, or delivered more accelerate the growth
conveniently. of any business but
only if done correctly
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) from the start. So,
– Are you bringing something of take time to evaluate
value to your customer? Are you your business and
solving an unmet need? This also ensure that it is
applies to ordinary businesses. The unique, simple to
best businesses are those whose replicate, and creates
value proposition to customers is a win-win-win
better than any of their competitors. partnership.
the only source of proprietary items. be attractive. As a rule of thumb in Big Macs but is able to cater to Do you need to score high on all
Branded merchandise sold in retail the Philippines, the payback period non-beef eating Indians by serving criteria? Not necessarily. Some
stores are also ways of providing for investments under Php 1M is the Maharajah Mac which either concepts score low on a few
continuing value. Some franchisors under 18 months, for investments comes in chicken or lamb. Can your factors while others earn high
provide continuing value by between Php 1M to Php 5M it is business thrive in markets different points on others. The business
delivering support unmatched by under 3 years, and for investments from the original while still retaining needs to be looked at holistically.
others in the industry. above Php 5M the target payback its character? The bottomline is that the franchise
period is under 5 years. program must result in a win-win-
Operating Prototype – Franchising Teachability – If it will take several win scenario for the franchisor,
is basically duplicating success Credibility – Does your brand months before a franchisee is franchisee, and the customer.
stories. If there is no original, there generate confidence among able to learn your business, then
is nothing to duplicate. If you have customers or with potential your business will score low on
a successful prototype, you can franchisees? teachability. The shorter the
think of franchising that business. training time, the higher your
One of the reasons why people buy teachability score.
Affordability – How much capital a franchise is the fact that the brand
will a franchisee need in order to is recognizable enough to generate Capital – Do you have capital
replicate your store? instant customers from Day 1. If to invest in the development of
the customers are not aware of a franchise program? Although
If the required investment is high, the brand, the entrepreneur may franchising is a low-cost way of
the less people will be able to be better off starting his business expanding, it is not a no-cost way
afford your franchise. The smaller using his own brand name. Some of expanding.
the initial investment, the higher companies achieve credibility
your business rates in terms of through the strength of their Long-term Commitment –
affordability. organization. Franchise agreements can last
for several years. Do you have
Return on Investment (ROI) - Are Adaptability – Can your store the commitment to perform your
your units profitable? locate in markets and areas away obligations as franchisor for the
from your own? Will your business long term? It is easy enough to play
Since a franchise is an investment, still be relevant in other markets the role of franchisor when sales
investors would like to know when with different tastes, cultures, and are good. Can you show the same
that investment will pay back. Even conventions? commitment during downturns in
if a franchise is affordable in terms of your business when sales are low
initial investment, the ROI needs to McDonald’s India does not serve and franchisees are complaining?


By now, you should have some idea 4. To what degree is your 8. How systematized is your RATINGS
as to where your business stands business distinctive from its business?
in the spectrum between Totally competitors? 0 – 39 Time to step back and think
Unfranchiseable and Eminently Not very 0 point about it. Your business needs to
Franchiseable. But it may help Not very 0 point Some policies make significant strides – perhaps
you to get a more precise idea of Somewhat 3 points and/or handbooks. 2 points with the help of specialists in
your place along this spectrum by Very 7 points Very well systematized your industry – before franchising
taking a brief quiz. Unique 10 points and documented. 6 points becomes a viable option. If a
Highly systematized strong market for your business
Answer each of the following 5. How much would it cost to and computerized. 10 points exists, look for ways to improve
questions, add up your score, and open one of your locations, your score in other areas.
read the results below. excluding franchise fees? 9. How long would it take you 40 – 59 Fine tuning needed.
to teach someone to operate You have made a promising
1. Do you have an operating Php 20 M or more 2 points your business? beginning. Now is the time to
prototype? Php 10 M to Php 20 M 4 points work on areas critical to successful
Php 5 M to Php 10 M 6 points Special franchising, such as systematizing
No 1 point Php 1 M to Php 5 M 8 points certification needed 1 point your business, boosting sales, and
Yes 10 points Less than Php 1 M 10 points 2 to 6 months 2 points adding elements that can make
1 to 2 months 4 points your business distinctive.
2. How many units do you have 6. The market for your business is: 1 to 3 weeks 7 points 60 – 79 On the threshold. You
in operation? 1 week or less 10 points have all of the elements in place for
Local 0 point a successful franchise. At this point,
Assign 1 point per unit up to 10. Regional 3 points 10. How do your sales compare your own goals may be more of a
National 8 points with those of comparable determining factor as to whether
3. How long since you first International 10 points businesses in your industry? or not you will franchise rather than
opened your business? the viability of your business.
7. Competition for the products Much lower 0 point 80 – 100 Watch out McDonald’s!
Not in operation yet 0 point or services you sell is: Somewhat lower 1 point There’s no such thing as a Can’t
Less than six months 2 points About the same 3 points Miss Concept, but yours is about
One year 4 points High 1 point Somewhat higher 7 points as close as a business can get to
Two years 6 points Moderate 5 points Much higher 10 points Total Franchiseability. Go for it!
Three years 8 points Minimal 10 points (Take this test and email your
Four years or more 10 points results to
TOTAL POINTS for a free consultation.)



When starting out, an uncomplicated concept is the reason why some In the service industry, this can be done through clustering of services that
brands were able to stamp their DNA on consumers’ minds and buying are related, while outsourcing the rest. This can be seen in the car repair
habits early on. This is one advice which several of the Philippines’ most industry where car repairs are done in store, but auto detailing, though
well-known and successful brands counted on, later becoming a vital offered in store, are outsourced to other experts.
component in the triumph that they have achieved today.
Whatever industry you are in, it is critical that you look at the part of
Franchising relies on duplicating products and systems consistently across your business that can benefit from scaling up through franchising,
hundreds or thousands of stores day in and day out. If you are a restaurant identify which parts of your business can easily be taught to others, and
with hundreds of dishes on the menu, ensuring consistency and quality simplify the business to key products or services and focus on that when
across a large franchise network becomes exponentially harder. Or, if you franchising.
were a business that offers multiple services that do not complement one
another, ensuring that your team delivers the same quality of service day
in and day out will be a very big task.

To allow your business to make the most out of franchising, focusing

and simplifying your offer and your operations are critical. Teachability
of the concept after all is a key franchiseability criteria and a complicated
process or offer makes it more difficult to teach your systems to new

In the food business, this can be done by focusing on offering key dishes,
instead of having an extremely complex menu. Or, simplify the menu
and steps by using similar ingredients or cooking techniques. In the retail
business, simplification comes from focusing on SKUs that drive business
and profit, while continually taking away non-moving SKUs.

As a small province-grown business
that started in 1998, Waffle Time’s
(WT) first official outlet opened at AVOID WHEN
In the food industry, the following names have confirmed that with one
main product, but in various flavors, and with substantial investment on the Atrium Mall in Gen. Luna St., FRANCHISING
the achievement of quality in all aspects, a mom & pop store can go Iloilo City, a progressive capital in YOUR BUSINESS
national, even global. the Visayas. Four years after their by Sam Christopher T. Lim, CFE
debut, WT got quickly recognized,
enough to confidently spread their
WAFFLE TIME Franchising can accelerate the growth
wings in Metro Manila, though of your business, but it is like building a
Accessible Food on the Go: One Main Item Transcended the house, you need to build it on a stable
there were four other waffle
Fad Franchise Business foundation. So here are a few common
concepts in the market. It was clear mistakes you should avoid when
to them that franchising was the franchising your business to make sure
you build on a solid base.
way to establish a foothold on the
market; another was to consistently MISTAKE NO. 1
I don’t need to write down my
develop new flavors on a monthly process, it’s so simple I can just teach
the franchisee.
A properly developed operations manual
is crucial to the success of a franchise. It
Waffle Time (WT) is a conspicuous becomes the basis of training, ensures
booth in malls, rail stations, and consistent operations as well as serves
as an ongoing guide for franchisees
sites with high foot traffic. Its one in both operating and managing the
main product is the tasty waffle in business. When developed the right way,
the process of developing the manual
different varieties that are filling can bring out new ideas of improving
to the stomach and easy on the and optimizing your system. In addition,
it serves as a legal agreement between
pocket. It has withstood the test of you and the franchisee, ensuring strict
time because Waffle Time provides compliance to the system you’ve worked
hard to develop.
Filipinos a quick 5 - minute snack
to fit their busy schedule. A key MISTAKE NO. 2
My competitor offers this franchise fee
success factor was locating stores and royalty, so I will just do the same.
in Light Rail Transit (LRT) and
Every business and every industry is
Metro Rail Transit (MRT) stations. different. The most successful franchises
Accessibility to customers was like Jollibee, The Generics Pharmacy and
Bench and many more spent months
important, the changing lifestyle to review the financials of the business
necessitated the need for staple and set a franchise fee and royalty that
will make both franchisor and franchisee
happy. This is important to ensure that a
win-win partnership is established.


I’ll just download the forms and
agreements from the internet.

to your franchisees should not be Though the internet provides a wealth of

information for entrepreneurs, franchising
done,” says WT President Johnny is more than just the forms and
Que, “you have to be in control agreements. It is a carefully developed
program that ensures the success of all
of the standards and the quality parties involved. Common forms and
agreements may not be enough to build
of products and services. Our a strong foundation for your business.
people continue to monitor our The last thing you want is to reach 50
franchisees and realize your agreements
franchisees, undergo continuous were not as strong as they should be.
training and re-training to maintain Solving issues when you have 1 store
is much easier than when you have 100
standards. Any deviations from stores and multiple franchisees.
quality and operational systems MISTAKE NO. 4
from time to time are corrected I have so many franchise inquiries
already, I don’t need to do any
by an aggressive checking by marketing.
our operations team for store
Finding the right franchise partners is one
compliance”. of the most crucial activities in franchising.
From 100 leads, only 2 to 3 are usually
truly qualified and fit to run your business.
With things working out better than So marketing your franchise to your
target is important so that you generate
expected, Waffle Time had the the right leads.
confidence to open more branches
in the Visayas such as in Cebu; This person used to work as a
franchise manager and said he can do
in Mindanao such as in Cagayan my program for a cheap price.
De Oro and Davao; as well as up
There are 5 steps to franchise
north in Luzon, in Dagupan City, development – operations manual
Pangasinan. Deciding to go into development, franchise strategy
development, franchise marketing,
franchising meant steady growth franchise sales and legal documentation.
Each of these steps requires a specialist
from thereon. Mr. Que recalls to properly develop the materials and
food that was readily available, at the right price, and can be consumed “when we opened for franchising, guide you along the process. There is no
on the go. one person who has enough experience
we surpassed our targets. We and capability to be able to do all of this
were able to establish presence for you at the quality that you need to
grow your business exponentially.
Waffle Time quickly filled the need of different age groups for a satisfying in hard-to-penetrate areas. While
hunger stopper in the midst of rushing from one destination to another. In Franchising allows you to grow your business
it opened more opportunities, from one to many and if done right, it allows
the maze of food carts, kiosks, and in-line stands that mushroomed, selling we were also exposed to threats the entire franchise network to grow by leaps
all sorts of fast foods, Waffle Time is the brand that stood out and is still and bounds. Taking shortcuts at the start
which we learned to correct as the is like building weak foundations for your
a strong name to this day. “Leaving your brand and your operations fully business progressed”. house, if you build too much, it will eventually
crumble. So do it right from the start, avoid
these common mistakes, invest the time and
money upfront and you will enjoy the unlimited
22 STRATEGY NO. 2 : KEEP IT SIMPLE growth potential of franchising.
POTATO CORNER Jose Magsaysay, Jr. with friends Jorge Wieneke, Danny Bermejo, and
Eyes on the Fries: A Simple Product Achieves Global Success Ricky Montelibano started Potato Corner as a means to earn extra money
for their growing families. They pooled together an initial capital of Php
Freshly-cooked crispy French fries available in cheese, barbecue, and 150,000, and opened their first Potato Corner outlet in SM Megamall in
sour cream flavors - a rather simple and straightforward concept for Mandaluyong City in 1992.
a food kiosk, yet it is this simplicity that has fuelled the domestic and
international growth of Potato Corner for the past 25 years. The business proved to be a success, as the partners were able to recoup
their investment within a month after opening their first store. For their
second outlet, however, they decided to franchise the business instead, not
only because there were inquiries already, but also because it can speed
up growth at a fraction of the cost. To make the offer more appealing to
potential franchisees, Magsaysay thought of waiving the franchise fee, so
the total investment came down to food cost and working capital. For the
next two years, it continued to grow to 70 franchised outlets nationwide.

Magsaysay was president since 2001 when Bermejo passed on. In 2017,
the new holding company that owned and operated Potato Corner
attributed success to their focus on one main product, target market, and
system of operations. For the past 25 years, Potato Corner focused on
selling one main product: flavored French fries. But that did not mean
it was not innovating, because it continually built on its main product
by introducing new flavor variants. While the cheese, barbecue, and
sour cream flavors remained crowd favorites, Potato Corner has since
introduced new ones such as white cheddar, sweet corn, wacky wasabi,
and garlic parmesan, just to name a few. It has also since introduced other
fried potato products, such as potato chips, hash browns, mojos, and
even loopy fries. And, as can be seen in its branding elements and the
presence of a mascot named “Spudster,” Potato Corner is focused on
appealing to a younger market: children. “If you want your brand to stick,
then you should market it to children. Build the relationship while the
market is still young because, once you get them, they are yours for life,”
shares Magsaysay. Some of Potato Corner’s franchisees in the Philippines,
United States, and even Indonesia started out as young customers in the


early nineties; when they grew up, they then decided to franchise their
favorite flavored French fries.

Operations-wise, Potato Corner has always stuck to the same business

format: the food kiosk. While the company has since added in-line
stores to the mix, around 75 per cent of all Potato Corner stores are still
franchised kiosks. Not only is the kiosk format easy to operate, it is also
easier to sell to aspiring franchisees due to a relatively low investment

It is this focus that enabled Potato Corner to weather out the different
storms that came its way. When the Asian financial crisis hit in 1998, Potato
Corner’s operations were inevitably affected, resulting to closing down its
number of stores from 120 to 40. In 2001, when the market eventually
recovered, Magsaysay then set out to streamline systems and strengthen
supply chains for the company. However, there was a time when the
company lost focus. In a bid to diversify, Potato Corner developed other
concepts such as The Spud Diner by Potato Corner. Launched in 2010, it
was a restaurant concept with a selection of potato-inspired fare, such as
baked potato, potato lasagna, and shepherd’s pie, among others.

However, the concept was not received well by the Philippine market,
and it eventually sold and closed its shops to cut losses. It was then that
Magsaysay realized that Potato Corner’s strength truly lies in its simplicity
and focus on flavoured French fries and the kiosk-format franchising


TURKS SHAWARMA The shawarma business boomed in the 90’s because Filipinos at that time
The Beefed Up Biz Drew Strength from a Simplified Process, started developing a taste for Mediterranean fare. Among those who
Then Franchises rode on the wave was the doner food cart of Mr. Gem Zenarosa, owner
of Turks. The carts were first seen in 2007 at the SM Centrepoint Food
Court in Sta. Mesa, Manila. The cart served only distinctively tasty doner
or shawarma to satisfy the cravings of customers. It was freshly cooked
and prepared upon order. Gradually, Mr. Zenarosa added new products
to complement the already popular fare as well as to offer other varieties.

With growing demand for doner and kebab meals, Mr. Zenarosa expanded
his operations. However, his first challenge was site-related because the
mall where he was located began to disallow grilling facilities inside the
food court. Instead of being disheartened, he used this challenge to
simplify the system and find a smoke-free alternative that would allow
them to sell ready-to-serve pita doners, without sacrificing food quality
and taste.

Turks redesigned the carts to simplify the operations and eliminate the
grilling facilities. In order to maintain the quality, the products were pre-
packaged and re-heated in the store. From one store, Turks branched out
to more than 40 outlets in Metro Manila and nearby provinces, with the
beef doner still being the bestseller everywhere. In 2015, Turks launched
its franchise program where the erstwhile humble food cart grew to over
400 stores in just two years. It continues to build on its success by getting
top celebrity endorser backed with TV Ads and billboards, a bold move
for a relatively new food cart player. With massive scale and a simplified
process, Turks is now a brand to reckon with in the food industry, owing
to their delicious doners (shawarma), strong marketing and a profitable
franchise business.


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