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I. (Answer All) : Part-A

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Computer Science

I. (Answer all)
1. Transistors

2. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

3. The total number of digits in any number system is called a radix / base of a number system.

4. Software is a collection of instructions and data that is concerned with the processing of
data in a computer.

5. Object Oriented Programming is a concept that combines both the data and functions that
operate on a data into a single unit called class.

6. Bjarne Stroustrup.

7. A token is a smallest individual unit in a program.

8. ‘>>’ is the stream extraction operator.

9. The multiple uses of input/output operators (<< or >>) in a single statement is called
cascading of input and output operators.

10. integer or int.

II. (Answer any 5)
11. The types of software are:
System Software and Application Software

12. Hardcopy:- A physical copy of the programs and data on paper

Softcopy:- A digital version of the program or data in the memory of a computer.

13. Methods of representing a negative number-

a) One’s complement
b) Two’s complement

14. Input/Output -> ->Parallelogram

Decision making -> -> Diamond

15. Advantages of OOP are-
a) Data hiding helps to build secured platforms.
b) Multiple instances/objects can be created.

16. <data type><variable name> = <value>;

int a=10:

17. Manipulators are operators used along with the insertion operator to manipulate or modify
the output. Ex) Setw

18. strcmp() - Compare the value of two strings

strcmpi()- Compares the value of two strings but is not case sensitive

III. (Answer any 5)

19. Characteristics of non-impact printers-

a) Quieter than impact printers as there is no striking mechanism
b) They produce graphical quality pictures
c) Speed is measured in DPI (dots per inch)

20. Copy this-

21. Interpreter:
processes the code line by line.
That means that the Interpreter translates one statement at a time. It also analyzes the
code faster as compared to a compiler.
processes the entire code at once.
Although the time the compiler takes to analyze the code is lower, in general it executes the
process significantly faster.

22. Characteristics of a good program-

The algorithm to solve a given problem is the one that requires less space in memory and
takes less time to complete a given task and it should be easy to modify and portable.

Modification- program should allow modification easily whenever required.

Portability- program should be one which can be run on any type of machine independent
of Operating system.

23. Importance of flowchart-

a) In terms of communication flowcharts are a better way of understanding the logic of a
b) Programs can be analyzed more easily.
c) Program flowcharts serve as a good documentation which is required for various
d) Debugging becomes easier.

24. Rules to name an identifier-

a) Sequences of characters has to begin with the alphabet either A-Z (upper case) or a-z
(lower case) or _(underscore)
b) No special characters apart from underscore is allowed
c) Cant be named after a keyword
d) It should be of a reasonable length

25. Syntax:
If the condition is satisfied, the code in the ‘if block’ will be executed, if the condition is not
satisfied, then the ‘if block’ will be ignored.
int a = 10;
int b = 15;
std::cout<< b << “ is greater than “ << a;

Here there will not be any output as the condition was not satisfied. If the values were to be
exchanged then the output would be: 15 is greater than 10

26. #include<iostream>
int main(void)
int inp;
std::cout << "Enter number of elements: ";
std::cin >> inp;
int ar[inp];
int i = 0;
while(i < inp)
std::cin >> ar[i];
IV. (write 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37)

27. The basic uses of computers are:

- Finance: Real Time Stock Prices, ATMs,
- E-Commerce: Order groceries, electronics, essentials online
- Entertainment: Using online platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, Hotstar for entertainment
- Healthcare: Advanced medical tests such as X-Rays, MRI, CT scans, Blood Tests
- Education: Use of Online meeting platforms such as Zoom, WebEx for online tutoring

28. A keyboard is a type of input device. They have alphanumeric and punctuation keys, they
detect the key pressed and generate an ASCII code that can be recognized by a computer.
Types of keyboards:
A mouse is another input device that controls the movement of cursor on the screen. The
display screen is in the form of graphical points(pixels). It’s a device which you can roll on a
flat surface. Either a small rubber ball or an IR reader is placed at the base which tracks the
movement of the mouse and generates a signal which is sent to the system.

29. Copy the below picture-

30. An operating system is a system software that manages computer hardware, software
resources, and provides common services for computer programs. The function of an
operating system is:-
Management of RAM
Management of processor
Management of I/O Resources
Execution of Applications
File Management


32. Debugging is a process of finding and correcting errors.

Types of errors-
a) System error: The grammatical errors in the statements of the program.
b) Runtime error: Error detected during execution of program.
c) Logical error: If the correct translation of algorithm causes wrong results in the output.

33. Characteristics of c++

a) Compilation speed of code is very efficient due to its duality, high level and low level
language understanding.
b) It is a platform independent language.
c) The inbuilt library functions which reduces the code development time.
d) Highly flexible with versatility.
e) A code written in C can be easily included in C++ code, hence the factor of C compatibility.

37. Copy this-

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