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Nosocomial Infections in Surgical Intensive Care U

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DOI: 10.4103/IJCIIS.IJCIIS_57_18
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Nosocomial infections in surgical

intensive care unit: A retrospective
single‑center study
Ajit Subhash Baviskar, Khalid Ismail Khatib1, Deepali Rajpal,
Harshad Chandrakant Dongare2

ABSTRACT Department of Emergency Medicine,

Padmashree Dr. DY Patil Medical College,
Aims: This study aims to study the incidence, microbiological and antibiotic sensitivity Navi Mumbai, Departments of 1Medicine
and resistance profile and impact on intensive care units (ICUs) stay and mortality of and 2Anaesthesiology and Critical Care,
Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College,
nosocomial infections in patients admitted to surgical ICU of our hospital.
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients admitted, over the course of 1 year, in
Address for correspondence:
the surgical ICU was undertaken. All patients who developed nosocomial infections were Dr. Deepali Rajpal,
included in the study. Incidence, sites, common organisms of nosocomial infection were Department of Emergency Medicine,
identified. The antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the microorganisms which were cultured Padmashree Dr. DY Patil Medical
was identified. This group of patients with nosocomial infections was matched with College, Sector 5, Nerul (E), Navi
Mumbai ‑ 400 706, Maharashtra, India.
group of patients without nosocomial infections with respect to age, gender, and clinical E‑mail:
diagnosis and the impact of nosocomial infections on ICU stay, and mortality was studied.
Results: Of 1051 patients admitted to the ICU during the study, 350 patients developed
nosocomial infections and were included in the study group. Of the remaining patients,
350 patients matching the patients in the study group were included in the control group.
The prevalence of nosocomial infections in our study was 33.30%. Skin and soft tissue
infections (36.30%), including postoperative wound infections were the most common
nosocomial infection, followed by respiratory infections (24.46%) and genitourinary
infections (23.40%). The most common organisms causing nosocomial infections were
Escherichia coli (26.59%) and Acinetobacter species (18.08%). About 40% of all Gram‑negative
organisms isolated were multidrug resistant. The average length of stay in ICU was 14.4 days
for patients with nosocomial infections and 5.4 days (P < 0.05) for matched patients
without nosocomial infections. The mortality in patients with nosocomial infections
was 25.14% while that in patients without nosocomial infections was 10.57% (P < 0.05).
Overall ICU mortality was 14.27%.
Conclusions: Nosocomial infections in surgical ICU patients significantly increase ICU
length of stay and mortality.
Key Words: Acinetobacter, Klebsiella, nosocomial infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, surgical
intensive care unit

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INTRODUCTION which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
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Nosocomial infections are common complications in
patients hospitalized to intensive care units (ICUs), For reprints contact:
with reported incidences of 5%–10% in developed
European and American countries and about 25% Cite this article as: Baviskar AS, Khatib KI, Rajpal D, Dongare HC.
in India. [1‑9] The common nosocomial infections are Nosocomial infections in surgical intensive care unit: A retrospective
single-center study. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2019;9:16-20.
respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, pneumonia),

16 © 2019 International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Baviskar, et al.: Nosocomial infections in SICU

urinary tract infections (UTI) (cystitis, pyelonephritis), RESULTS

bloodstream infections (BSI) (septicemia), skin and
soft tissue infections (SSTIs) including surgical site A total of 1408 patients were admitted to the surgical ICU
infections. The prevalence of individual nosocomial during the study. Of these, 1051 patients were admitted
infections will depend on many factors including the for more than 48 h and medical records of these patients
type of health‑care facility (primary care vs. tertiary care), were analyzed. Three hundred and fifty patients had
type of ICU (medical vs. surgical vs. medical‑surgical evidence of nosocomial infections (prevalence rate
vs. burns vs. cardiac surgical), and patient load of 33.30%). These patients comprised the study group.
the facility. [6,10‑12] Patients in Surgical ICUs have a SSTIs were the most common (36.30%) followed by
predilection to develop nosocomial infections because of respiratory tract infections (24.46%) and genitourinary
some unique characteristic such as type of the surgical infections (23.4%) [Table 1]. The most common causative
wound, type of surgery (orthopedic or abdominal microorganism for nosocomial infection was E. coli,
or cardiac or obstetric, etc., major, minor, infective, Acinetobacter, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas [Table 2].
time taken for surgery), duration of preoperative The common microorganisms according to the site
hospitalization, and necessity of blood transfusions.[13] of infections are as per [Table 3]. Approximately half
of the patients are more than 60 years of age with
The treatment of nosocomial infections is further 3/4th being male. Two‑third of the patients had a clinical
complicated by antibiotic resistance and polymicrobial diagnosis of acute abdomen or had abdominal surgery.
nature of the infections in some patients. Hence, knowledge The demographic characteristics of these patients are
of the microbial profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern presented in Table 4. Gram‑negative bacteria were
of prevalent microorganisms is essential. Nosocomial the most common microorganism cultured from the
infections cause morbidity and increase mortality in samples collected in patients with nosocomial infections.
hospitalized patients.[14‑16] Hence, the understanding and The antibiotic sensitivity and resistance profile of
efforts to reduce the prevalence of nosocomial infections the various microorganisms isolated are given in
are important. The aim of our study was to determine the Tables 5 and 6. The average ICU stays of patients with and
prevalence of nosocomial infections in our ICU and to without nosocomial infections were 14.4 and 5.4 days,
analyze the common microorganisms causing nosocomial respectively (P < 0.05). The mortality rate of patients
infections and their antibiotic sensitivity and resistance with and without nosocomial infections was 25.14 and
profile. The impact of nosocomial infections on the length of 10.57 days, respectively (P < 0.05) (see Table 7). The site
stay in ICU and mortality of ICU patients was also studied. of nosocomial infection and microorganism causing
nosocomial infections in the patients who died are given
in Table 8.

A retrospective analysis of medical records of all adult Table 1: Types of nosocomial infections
(age more than 18 years) patients admitted to Surgical Site of nosocomial infections Number of patients (%)

ICU of our hospital over 1 year (January–December 2017) Skin and soft tissue 170 (36.30)
(including surgical site
was done. The study was approved by the Institutional infections)
Ethical Committee, and the need for consent was waived. Respiratory tract 115 (24.46)
Genitourinary system 110 (23.40)
Patients admitted to ICU for more than 48 h were Abdomen 40 (8.51)
analyzed further. Those with evidence of new infection Bloodstream 30 (6.40)
after 48 h of ICU admission (nosocomial infection) were Central nervous system 5 (1.10)
Total 470 (100)
included in the study (study group). Demographic
Total ICU patients with ICU stay >48 h=1051. Patients with nosocomial
characteristics (age, gender, and admission diagnosis), infections=350 (prevalence=33.30%). Some patients had more than one
site of infection (skin and soft tissue including surgical nosocomial infections. ICU: Intensive care unit
site infections, respiratory tract, genitourinary system,
abdominal infections, BSI, central nervous system infections),
Table 2: Causative organisms for nosocomial infections
microorganisms isolated from the site or blood (Escherichia
Organisms Number of patients (%)
coli, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Methicillin‑resistant Escherichia coli 125 (26.59)
Staphylococcus aureus, Citrobacter, Candida spp., and others), Acinetobacter 85 (18.08)
antibiotic sensitivity profile and resistance pattern were Pseudomonas 75 (15.95)
Klebsiella 55 (11.69)
noted. The study group was matched (age, gender, admission MRSA 30 (6.38)
diagnosis) with ICU patients during the study that did not Citrobacter 25 (5.31)
have nosocomial infections. The primary outcome was ICU Candida spp. 10 (2.12)
Others 65 (13.82)
mortality. The secondary outcome was number of days spent Total 470 (100)
in ICU. The duration of ICU stay and mortality in both groups Some patients had polymicrobial infections. MRSA: Methicillin‑resistant
was statistically analyzed using Chi‑square test. Staphylococcus aureus

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Baviskar, et al.: Nosocomial infections in SICU

Table 3: Causative microorganisms according to site of Table 6: Gram‑negative microorganisms resistant to more
nosocomial infections than three classes of antibiotics
Microorganisms Skin and soft tissue (including Respiratory Genitourinary Microorganism Percentage
surgical site infections) (%) tract (%) system (%) Acinetobacter 65
Escherichia 33.33 8.69 36.36 Escherichia coli 7.27
coli Klebsiella 12.9
Acinetobacter 16.66 26.08 9.09 Pseudomonas 5.71
Pseudomonas 4.16 30.43 27.27 Citrobacter 15.38
Klebsiella 12.5 17.39 4.54
MRSA 4.16 ‑ ‑
Citrobacter ‑ 8.69 4.54
Candida spp. ‑ ‑ 4.54 Table 7: Average duration of intensive care units stay and
percentage mortality in patients with and without nosocomial
MRSA: Methicillin‑resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Patient group Average number Percentage
Table 4: Demographic characteristics of the study group of days in ICU mortality

Patient characteristics Number of patients (%) Study group (with nosocomial infections) 14.4 25.14
Control group 5.4 10.57
Age (years) (without nosocomial infections)
18-40 49 (14)
40-60 140 (40) Increase in ICU stay and percentage mortality in study group statistically
>60 161 (46) significant P<0.05. ICU: Intensive care unit
Gender, male:female 266:84 (76:24)
Admission diagnosis
Road traffic accidents/polytrauma 21 (6) Table 8: Types of infections (site and agent) in patients
Acute abdomen/abdominal surgery 228 (65.14) who died (n=88)
Gastrointestinal bleed 28 (8) Site/agent Number of patients (%)
Urological infection 63 (18)
Site of nosocomial infection
Others 10 (2.86)
Skin and soft tissue (including surgical 10 (11.36)
site infections)
Expired 88 (25.14)
Respiratory tract 41 (46.59)
Survived 262 (74.86)
Genitourinary system 14 (15.90)
Abdomen 15 (17.04)
Bloodstream 18 (20.45)
Table 5: Gram‑negative microorganisms and their resistance Central nervous system 2 (2.27)
profile Agent (microorganism) causing nosocomial infection
Escherichia coli 38 (43.18)
Antibiotic drug Acinetobacter Escherichia Klebsiella Pseudomonas Acinetobacter 24 (27.27)
(%) coli (%) (%) (%) Pseudomonas 21 (23.86)
Imipenem 0 5.45 5.45 5.45 Klebsiella 13 (14.77)
Amikacin 5 34.54 16.12 28.57 MRSA 4 (4.54)
Gentamicin 10 25.45 12.90 22.85 Citrobacter 3 (3.40)
Doxycycline 10 18.18 16.12 0 Candida spp. 0
Piperacillin 0 5.45 9.67 14.28 Others 2 (2.27)
tazobactam Patients may have more than one infection site or microorganism. MRSA:
Ciprofloxacin 10 3.63 9.67 17.14 Methicillin‑resistant Staphylococcus aureus

DISCUSSION medical ICU. Our ICU has expanded, and now, we have
separate 20 bedded Surgical ICU and 20 bedded Medical
Our study documented ICU nosocomial infection rate of plus cardiac ICU in an ICU complex, along with other
33.30%. This is similar to the ICU nosocomial infection ICU for respiratory diseases, obstetrics, etc. A study from
rate (26.8%) reported from China and a study from North tertiary care ICU in north India in mixed medical‑surgical
India (33.5) but higher than the EPIC study (20.6%).[3‑5] A ICU patients documented a nosocomial infection rate of
lower rate of nosocomial infections was documented in 58.86%.[8]
a study from Kuwait among mixed medical and surgical
ICU patients (10.6%) and a previous study conducted The most common nosocomial infection was SSTI followed
in our institute in 2011, conducted among medical ICU by respiratory infections followed by genitourinary
patients (9.6%).[6,7] Another study among patients admitted infections. This is similar to the study from North India
to a high volume cardiac surgical ICU documented in patients admitted to a surgical ward. However, this is
a low rate of nosocomial infections (4.6%). [11] The at variance with the studies from AIIMS and a study from
difference could be due to different patient demographic Kuwait. The AIIMS study was in patients of high volume
characteristics (predominantly elderly, associated cardiac surgical unit (adult plus neonatal) who had lower
comorbidities, predominantly only surgical patients, respiratory tract infection (LRTI) as the most common
majority patients with admission diagnosis of abdominal nosocomial infection followed by SSTI and then BSI and
disease/surgery in our study). The study conducted in UTI. The Kuwait study was conducted in a mixed medical
our institute previously was conducted in a 6 bedded and surgical care ICU. When compared to the study in

18 International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | January-March 2019
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Baviskar, et al.: Nosocomial infections in SICU

our institute conducted previously, LRTI followed by done with caution. A multicentric study involving
UTI were common among the medical ICU patients in multiple specialties ICU such as neurosurgical ICU and
that study. A high number of patients with abdominal cardiovascular surgical ICU would add more value
surgeries/acute abdomen in the study group may explain to such findings, besides serving to enlighten about
the high number of SSTIs, including postoperative wound nosocomial infections in these specific study populations.
infections. These patients present and are operated in The sample size of our study was also modest. A study
emergency situations with suboptimal bowel preparation with larger sample size will be adequately powered to
leading to wound contamination. bring out the nuances of nosocomial infections in the
surgical ICU population and also provide a base to study
The main microorganism causing nosocomial infections factors associated with mortality in this population.
in our study were Gram‑negative bacilli . (72.31%)
(E. coli > Acinetobacter > Pseudomonas > Klebsiella). Furthermore, bacterial patterns in one ICU (even within
Majority of studies have reported predominance of a large hospital) might be very different than in a
Gram‑negative bacilli in nosocomial infections in different ICU, and this should be kept in mind whenever
and out of ICU. [3‑8,10‑12,14‑16] These studies have been extrapolating our finding to other ICUs.
reported in a variety of settings, i.e., medical, surgical,
mixed medical‑surgical, and respiratory. Very rarely The strength of our study was that it demonstrated
have Gram‑positive bacteria been reported to be the statistical significance of the impact of nosocomial
predominant microorganism in nosocomial infections, infections in surgical ICU patients.
as in the SOAP study.[9] In this study, S. aureus was the
most common organism, of which 50% were methicillin
resistant. CONCLUSIONS

In our study, 65% of Acinetobacter isolated were resistant Nosocomial infections occur in one‑third of all surgical
to more than three classes of antibiotics, i.e., multidrug ICU patients. MDR Acinetobacter and E. coli are major
resistant (MDR). Various studies have reported a similar microorganisms isolated in these patients. Nosocomial
occurrence of MDR state in two‑third of Acinetobacter infections significantly increase the hospital morbidity
isolated in patients.[17‑19] About 37% of E. coli isolated in and mortality of these patients.
our study were MDR. The reported rate of MDR state
Financial support and sponsorship
in E. coli isolates from 22% to almost 80%. [3,20] MDR
microorganisms are a major threat to ICU patients. These
patients are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality
Conflicts of interest
with limited treatment options.
There are no conflicts of interest.
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