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CPA Bing Blazers PDF

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CPA Bing Blazers

Bing (now officially named Microsoft Ads) has been a

staple for CPA for many years. It has been a golden source,
is still a golden source, and will continue to be one for the
foreseeable future.
With Bing recently going through a big change, I
created this course to update what are the most effective
and profitable strategies while teaching the new interface.
I will be teaching multiple strategies that involve
Bing, each catering to different levels of skill, experience,
and budget. So no matter where you are at in your CPA
journey, this course can help you get on the right path to
reaching your biggest goals with CPA.
Before we move forward, I want to make sure
you know about the upgrades that can help you
big time with starting faster and getting
profitable more quickly. They are limited so be
sure to jump in while they are available.

CPA Bing Blazers DFY Package – This will get

you running profitable CPA Dash campaigns in
no time. I give you literally everything you need
to set up the entire method with proven and
profitable campaigns. There are limited spots to
grab these.
CPA Bing Blazers Booster Package – You
are leaving a lot of money on the table if you
are not using this booster package along with
the main CPA Bing Blazers course. This
teaches an additional ultra powerful Bing
method with insane ROI. This is also very
limited. http://cpa-ad-

CPA Bing Champions DFY/Coaching - My

new innovative high end CPA Bing training
content/coaching/DFY program that I have
masterfully designed to take CPA/Affiliate
marketers of ANY level, including beginners,
to full time income with CPA. Extremely

What You Need

• Bing Ads (Microsoft Ads) Account
• Landing page builder (optional) – Make sure you
email me your Wordpress login information so I can
install instabuilder for you with my developer’s
license if you haven’t already. It is at least $77 if you
buy it on your own.
• Autoresponder (optional) – I recommend Aweber
• CPA or affiliate offers to promote
• Tracking platform – Bemob is free, cloud hosted, easy
to use, and has all the features we need

Direct Linking
This is the simplest and fastest way possible to get
campaigns up. With direct linking campaigns, you simply
run ads straight to the CPA offer without a landing page. So
literally all you need is a Bing ads account and an offer to
• Quick – You can get a campaign up and running
within 5 minutes
• Cheap – With less variables to test, you can use a
smaller budget before you adjust and optimize
• Less Control – You do not control anything on the
offer page so you cannot improve anything on it
either. This is why offer selection is extremely
important if you are direct linking as you need a
proven offer that converts.
• No Email Leads – You do not have the opportunity to
collect emails and market to your audience long term.
How To Scale
To scale with direct linking is simple. You optimize
your campaign by cutting losing keywords. You can
increase bids and budgets on winning keywords. You can
launch more campaigns quickly and see which offers
convert. With direct linking, it is all about simply
discovering winning offers that convert. Once you do this,
you can scale up by adding additional scoops or you can
strictly focus on this scoop by launching as many
campaigns as you can.
Campaigns With Landing
If you want to boost and maximize the profitability of
any campaign, you need to use a landing page. A landing
page is simply a page between your ad and your offer. So
your ad will lead to your landing page and from your
landing page you will lead your visitors to your offer. This
gives you complete control over your campaign and allows
you to adjust and optimize the message to your audience.
• Control – You control everything your audience sees
after the ad
• Increased Conversions – Because of your ability to
presell and warm your audience up, you can
significantly increase conversions and ultimately
• More scalability – You increase your profitability
significantly when you properly use landing pages.
• Time – A good landing page can be created in
minutes. However, testing and optimizing countless
factors on your landing page can be much more time
How To Scale
With landing pages you can scale in a variety of ways
in addition to the ways you can scale up with scoop 1. You
can create more landing pages to test, use different angles,
change the headline, call to action button, informational
content, colors, etc. My main advice when it comes to
landing pages is to be as congruent with the offer page as
If you want to start out with some proven landing pages, I
have included some of my best inside of the done for you
package here:
Adding Email For Easy
Reliable Short & Long Term
For some reason, this is what people seem to dread the
most. They think it’s boring, tedious, and difficult to do.
That is simply not true, at least not for me and for people
who like maximizing the amount of money you can make.
Email is a massive part of my business because of how
effective and profitable it is.
I believe that everyone should be implementing emails
into their campaigns, and that it is a huge waste if you do
not. I highly recommend setting up at least a 3 email
sequence. The first email should come right after someone
signs up to your list. The 2nd email should come 24 hours
later, and the last email should come 24 hours after that.
This is a general guideline, and you can adjust/tweak
this depending on the offer and/or niche. However, when
just starting out, this is what I do.
This is free traffic that you are driving on demand.

Now, you have multiple options when it comes to setting

up this sequence. Remember, that these are people you are
communicating with, not mindless zombies you can
constantly promote to and expect conversions (although
many can be).

For niches that typically have smaller payouts and easier to

convert (email/zip submits), you can set up a simple
sequence that you do not need to dig too deep for.

• Bigger Profits – Both short and long term profits can
be significantly increased
• Time – It can take a little more time to put together an
email sequence for your campaign, but it is well worth
How To Scale
The possibilities with email are endless. You can build
an intimate relationship with your list and enjoy higher
commissions and more conversions both short and long
For some proven and highly profitable email swipes you
can use in any niche, you can grab them inside of the done
for you package as well. This will literally save you hours
of work and months of testing as these are optimized
through literally hundreds of campaigns:

Here are the basic steps to any campaign you run:
1. Find an email submit offer to promote
2. Keyword research
3. Landing page creation (optional)
4. Create email follow up sequence (optional)
5. Set up tracking
6. Run ad on Bing
Find An Offer
Depending on what CPA network(s) you are in, this is
a fairly easy step. I will use Max Bounty as an example.
When you first sign into your account, go to “Search” in
the left hand side menu

Then narrow your search down to email submit offers with

the dropdown menu here next to “Categories”
You will find many offers here that simply require an email
submit for you to get paid. However, you will not find all
email submit offers here. I have had good success finding
offers here, but my go-to offers are actually found under
The payouts are higher and a majority pay
commissions on a simple email submit or at most a first
page submit.
Now sort the offers by EPC and go down the list of offers
until you find one you want to promote. The EPC is a good
indicator of a good offer. However, keep in mind that that
is the network-wide EPC.
That means it can convert lower or higher for you.
Some really good affiliates could be inflating the EPC and
some really bad affiliates could just as easily be dragging
the EPC down.
Here are the main things I look for in an offer page:
• Email submit form is above the fold. This means
you do not have to scroll down to find it
• The headline is big and clear, and also details the
major benefit of the offer
• There is clear call to action that tells the visitor
what to do next.
Here is an example of an offer page that has all of that
As you can see, the headline is loud and clear, the email
submit form is above the fold, and it is clear what the
visitor needs to do to continue.

Keyword Research
Many people think you need expensive keyword and
spy tools to do keyword research. However, let me tell you
that no matter what, you will need to test keywords on your
own to see what really works. I have used some tools in the
past that gave me so called indicators of good and bad
keywords. After testing, I found many good keywords that
were supposedly bad and many bad keywords that were
supposedly good.
In my opinion, you can use these tools to get good
ideas, but you need to test on your own. I prefer to keep
things simple, and I simply use the Google Keyword
Planner for keyword research. There is also a keyword tool
built into Bing Ads that you can use. So all you need to do
is go to Google Keyword Planner by searching for it on
Google. You will need to sign into your Google account,
which you can make for free.
Once in the Google Keyword Planner, simply search
for keywords under this section

Click on “Get Ideas” and the next page will give you
hundreds of keywords you can target. That’s it! You can
then target these keywords in your Bing ads.
Setting Up Tracking
Once you find an offer you want to promote, the next
step is setting up a tracking link for your offer. Do not be
intimidated by this step. Because there are so many
different tracking platforms and CPA networks out there,
there can be a lot of varying factors when it comes to
setting up your link.
So in this section, I’m going to show you
how to get tracking set up with Bing and BeMob.

1. Sign up for a free BeMob account at
2. Once you sign in, click on “Home” on the
top menu bar

3. Click on “Traffic Sources”

4. Click on the arrow next to “New”

5. Click “New From Template”

6. Search for and select “Bing” then click


7. Click “Save” in the bottom right corner

That’s it! Your BeMob account is now ready
to start tracking campaigns on Adnium.
You simply do the same thing for whichever affiliate
network, offers, and landing pages you use. BeMob has
templates for pretty much everything.
Here is an in depth guide at setting up tracking with Funnel

Setting Up Your Bing Ad

This is the fun part, and you can do this in just
minutes. First step is obviously going to your Bing Ads
dashboard. Click “Campaigns” in the left hand side menu.

Click on “Create campaign”

Choose “Visits to my website” as the goal

Fill out the following page as follows
You can budget lower or higher. I like to start at $10 per
day, but you can go as low as $5 with email submit offers.
For location, keep in mind that CPA offers often have
restrictions to where you can promote so choose only those
locations or you will waste money. Also, I recommend only
selecting “People in your targeted locations” for best
results. For language, make sure only “English” is checked
unless you are doing foreign language campaigns. Click on
“Save & go to the next step” when you are finished.
On this page, simply put the URL of your landing page or
offer, name the ad group whatever you want, and enter the
keywords you researched earlier.

On the next page you will create your ad copy. This part is
easy as well. You can simply swipe or use inspiration from
what people are already running on Bing. So if you are
running a survey offer, just go to and type in
“make money with surveys” and look at how other
marketers are advertising.
Use the same type of wording and angles, but please switch
it up a bit so that you stand out. The point here is to get a
general idea of what people are attracted to in the niche. As
you can see, people want to know how much you can make
with surveys and they want to know if it is legitimate so
you want your ad copy to reflect that.
Click on “Create Ad”

Fill the popup with all of the relevant information for the
On the next page, you will set your bids. I recommend to
start that you set your bids to $0.50. This will give you a
good amount of traffic and impressions to start with. You
can lower the bid once you are optimized.
Once you click save, your ad should be submitted, and it
should start running shortly.
Now, there is one more quick step to do. Once you submit
your campaign, go to “Settings” on your Bing campaign
(be sure you are inside of the campaign you just launched)

Scroll all the way down to where it says “Campaign URL

Click on “Tracking template”
This is where you will paste the tracking link URL from
your tracking platform. For Bemob, this is the Campaign
URL. Once you paste in the tracking URL, you want to
make sure you add “&(your landing page URL)={lpurl}”
of course, disregard the quotes and parentheses.
After that, click “Save” at the bottom of the page and you
are done!

Analysis And Optimization

After your first ad has been running for around 24-48
This is how we will measure it. The first number to look
at is impressions. These are how many times your ads
were displayed. The next number to look at is your total
clicks, followed by your CTR (click through rate).
The click through rate is what percent of people clicked
divided by the total number of times the ad was
We can monitor our campaigns to see how they are
If you have spent as much as a commission payout, for
example an offer you’re promoting in one of your
machines pays out $35 and you’ve spent $30-$35 with no
sale, it’s time to pause the campaign.
You can either try again with new keywords, or work on
new offers.
If you’ve tried an offer with over 3 different keyword sets
and it isn’t converting, it’s probably time to move on to
another offer.

If you have very low clicks, it means you need to check

that your ads are highly relevant to your keywords.
Change up ads before pausing a campaign to see if you
can improve the click through rate.
Other than that, if you’re tracking, you can see which
keywords are bringing you conversions inside of Bemob.
From the main page, go to “Home”

Checkmark the campaign you want to check on

Click on “Report”

At the top menu, you will see a dropdown menu titled


Hover your cursor over that, and you will get this
dropdown menu
These are the parameters that Bemob is tracking for you
for your campaign, and you can analyze the data on every
single one of them to make informed decisions about
How to succeed with this method
We have done everything in our power to ensure the
highest chance of profitability with our campaigns.
One thing to remember is that unfortunately, it’s
impossible to be profitable with every single campaign.
So, there is a certain way you need to approach this. Aim
to put up a certain amount of campaigns at a time.
For example, if you want to be aggressive, aim for 20
campaigns per week.
A certain percentage of these will be profitable. It can be
2 of them , or it can be 15 of them.
Over time, you will be able to accumulate many that are
profitable. This is where strength in numbers come in.
Know that the power of this method is the ability to get
super cheap clicks that won’t break your budget, and help
you achieve massive ROI.
Since you can do this with any campaign in any niche,
you have the ability to have potentially 10 or more
profitable campaigns going in just a few weeks from now.
Even if each one is only making you $20-$30 per day in
profit, that’s another $200+ every day.
The more you stay diligent, the more profitable
campaigns you will find- in some cases as high as
10,000% ROI.
Long story short, keep going. Eventually you can have 50
campaigns running- then you’re a five figure per month
affiliate marketer.
All you need is a plan and diligence. This is what you’ll
get with this method. Just remember to test, test, and test.
Kill the losers and scale the winners.
Some variables work against you, but remember, this is a
hell of a lot easier and quicker than 10 years in the
corporate world to work up to 6 figures a year.
Stay diligent and you will crush it.
Remember, be sure you know about the upgrades
that can help you big time with starting faster and
getting profitable more quickly. They are limited
so be sure to jump in while they are available.

CPA Bing Blazers DFY Package – This will get

you running profitable CPA Dash campaigns in
no time. I give you literally everything you need
to set up the entire method with proven and
profitable campaigns. There are limited spots to
grab these.
CPA Bing Blazers Booster Package – You
are leaving a lot of money on the table if you
are not using this booster package along with
the main CPA Bing Blazers course. This
teaches an additional ultra powerful Bing
method with insane ROI. This is also very
limited. http://cpa-ad-

CPA Bing Champions DFY/Coaching - My

new innovative high end CPA Bing training
content/coaching/DFY program that I have
masterfully designed to take CPA/Affiliate
marketers of ANY level, including beginners,
to full time income with CPA. Extremely

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