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Healthmeans 3 Interview Transcripts From The Eczema Psoriasis Skin Disease Masterclass

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Enjoy these 3 expert talk transcripts from the

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass!

Enjoy learning from these If you’re already a (If you’re not yet registered,
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transcripts pulled from the Psoriasis & Skin Disease these interviews!)
Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Masterclass, you can access
Disease Masterclass! the video interviews of
these talks below:

Setting the Stage and Primary
Root Causes with Ryan and Teddy
Click here to watch this interview!

Bacteria, Fungi and

Inflammation with Dr. Eric and
Sabrina Zielinski
Click here to watch this interview!

Essential Secrets for Achieving

Your Healthiest, Youngest-Looking
Skin with Brian Vaszily
Click here to watch this interview!

We’re happy that you’re taking time to From the entire Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin
learn about living a healthier and happier Disease Masterclass team, thank you for
life, and we hope you’ll make us a regular downloading these transcripts -- we hope
part of that journey! you learn a lot from them!

Setting the Stage and

Primary Root Causes
Ryan and Teddy Sternagel

Ryan: Hi. We are Ryan and Teddy Sternagel. And couple months old.
I never thought we’d be saying this, but we’re We were aware that eczema could get bad, but we
really excited to be here today talking to you had no clue there was this whole grading system
about everything we’ve learned firsthand when it or that it could get as severe as Rocky’s did and
comes to how to look at and approach eczema in lead to so much suffering. You may also be aware
this first lesson of the Eczema, Psoriasis, and Skin that this is not our first rodeo with healing our
Disease Masterclass, Setting the Stage and Primary child of a severe chronic condition.
Root Causes.
Seven years before we were beginning to realize
If you are going through a skin condition outside Rocky’s condition was very serious and wouldn’t
of eczema, I would highly encourage you to still be going away on its own, our son, Ryder, was
watch our portion of the class. Because from being diagnosed with stage four cancer.
everything we’ve learned, there is a whole lot
of crossover between eczema and things like That’s a whole other story in and of itself that
psoriasis, rosacea, and other skin conditions with led us to putting out information online, and you
the potential autoimmune component to them. can see it on our website,
But the reason we bring it up is that through that
But also definitely check out what Dr. Eric and journey, we’ve learned time and time again the
Sabrina Zielinski are doing with their portion of value of a holistic approach, as in taking the whole
the class is they’ve been covering skin conditions picture, natural, alternative, complementary,
overall like this for a long time. And if you’re going conventional, et cetera, and seeing that there’s a
through eczema specifically, for that matter, time and a place for everything.
they’ve got a whole lot of DIY recipes, et cetera,
that will help across the board for the specific And that has really guided us in this new healing
components we’re going to be talking about with journey of high-grade eczema, and this being our
eczema, especially here. second time going through a major condition
firsthand, I think we’ve been able to nail down
Teddy: In December of 2019, I gave birth to our the primary things to be focusing on with a very
third son, Rocky, naturally at a birth center, like unique perspective that we’re really excited to be
our other two children, Ryder and Channing. But laying out for you throughout this class.
24 hours later, I developed a uterine infection
that went septic, and I was hospitalized and on Ryan: We should probably let you know that
antibiotics for three weeks, which thankfully saved today Ryder is thriving and the healthiest kid
my life. But we also believe were the cause of we know, but we’re not here today to focus on
Rocky developing high-grade eczema at only a Ryder or cancer, which, again, we do have a ton

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


of information on our website about. We’re here kids have to go through what Ryder went through.
to talk about what we went through healing
So it’s been a tough year. Rocky has eczema. And
Rocky of high-grade eczema, which you may quite
the eczema isn’t just a little rash on his elbow
literally painfully be aware is not just a childhood
or his knee. This is hybrid eczema diagnosed by
condition, which we really didn’t know before this.
dermatologists and pediatricians, and it’s all over
We’ve sent out weekly emails to over 100,000 his body. And when he gets a flare-up, the itching
people for a few years now. And like I’ve been is out of control. There’s sleepless nights. They
telling people, I’m known for writing a lot of look like welts and burns, and they’re just all over.
controversial emails, a lot of emotional emails, a And it just seems like nothing we do helps actually
lot of controversial and emotional emails. And we fix what’s happening.
get a ton of response from all of them.
We do feel like we know the cause. When I had
But never have we received anywhere close to about a month left to go on the pregnancy,
the level of feedback we did when we started I started getting sick and had a chronic ear
documenting the process of everything we were infection that I just could not shake. I had never
going through with Rocky. And before we go on, experienced that level of pain up until that point,
instead of just telling you about it, we wanted to at least. So when I delivered him, everything
give you an up-close look of what that actually seemed fine at that time.
looked like for us early on.
We had him naturally in a birth center like the
Teddy: Six and a half years ago, our son Ryder other two kids and went home the same day, a
was diagnosed with stage four cancer at a year few hours later. And we had our whole family
old. Fast forward, here we are. He’s doing great. together, and the kids were enjoying their brand
And our third baby, Rocky, just turned one, and new baby brother, and everything seemed great.
we’re dealing with a pretty serious autoimmune
Twenty-four hours later, things started to go
condition. It’s crazy. And even kind of déjà vu for
downhill very quickly for us when I started
me to be sitting here, sharing this with you.
experiencing truly intense pain that I can’t even
But given the emotional strain that this has put on describe. It was like the right side of my body was
our family this past year and everything that we’re shutting down, and I felt like I couldn’t move, but
doing trying to heal Rocky, we feel like it’s time to at the same time, somebody was running a knife
share what going through this has been like for us into me.
in hopes that it helps just one family. And that was
So I went to bed and, in the middle of the night,
really our intention when we started everything
started feeling like this isn’t normal, but I kept
for Ryder was if it helped just one family, then
telling myself, okay, this is my third pregnancy.
it would be worth it. And here we are, and we
And everyone says that you experience cramps
know that his journey has impacted thousands of
more on your third baby. So I thought that’s all
that it was. So we got to morning and realized that
So hopefully, one day, we’ll be able to say the something still just wasn’t right. And we needed to
same thing about Rocky’s healing journey. What get to the hospital.
has made this particularly hard for us to open up
By the time we got to the hospital, I had a high
about is the feelings of shame and guilt. It feels
fever, which I didn’t have at home. And as it
like we know enough that our kids shouldn’t be
turned out, I had a uterine infection that went
suffering from this and that we’ve taken these
septic. Thirty percent of women who get this
drastic huge steps to make sure that none of our
don’t make it. So it’s a really big deal. Being in

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


the hospital, we asked if we could do IVC. They And we took him to a dermatologist to find out
said no. And I was immediately put on very high that Rocky has the kind of eczema that he’s not
dosages of antibiotics. going to just grow out of. And it’s just caused
We consulted with numerous doctors, both conventionally by bad luck, which is so familiar to
conventional and integrative, because obviously what we experienced when Ryder was diagnosed.
we had this beautiful newborn baby boy, and we And the cancer was just bad luck. And there’s
didn’t know what to do as far as if I should be nothing that you can do.
nursing him or if he should be getting formula. So With conventional medicine, all they can offer
after talking to all of these people, it seemed like, are steroids or topical non-steroid creams that
at the time, the right decision was to nurse him if also come with plenty of side effects and don’t
I could. I wasn’t in a position where I could have do anything to actually address the cause. So
pumped. He just basically laid in the hospital bed basically, if you stop using it, the flare-ups come
beside me. right back and even worse than before because
We were there for a week, and we were there you’re basically suppressing them back into the
over Christmas. And when we got out, I was on body that’s trying to purge them out.
two more weeks of oral antibiotics this time. In Knowing what we know, we really do believe that
the hospital, I was on IV antibiotics for a week. we have the answer as to what caused it, being
And so we believe that that event, which destroys exposed to that level of antibiotics from such a
everything in your gut, also destroyed everything young age. Obviously, it’s not the lifestyle we live.
in Rocky’s gut. And here we are a year later, and We’ve done so much to create a nontoxic healing
he has eczema everywhere. environment for Ryder and for our other kids to
[10:00] thrive in, so we don’t believe it’s environmental
I never understood how much suffering went
along with it until now. This past year, we’ve So how are we healing? Well, we found a doctor
worked remotely with doctors, but nothing has that is close to us in the same town that we’re
really seemed to help him. We have dozens of working with, who is addressing the antibiotic
topical creams, but we know like Ryder, there’s damage in me. And in turn, me giving that to
just not a silver bullet, and it’s not an overnight fix. Rocky, who is still nursing. I’m on this big candida
protocol, and Rocky is as well.
We started noticing it when Rocky was about a
month old. It started with a rash on his forehead, So it’s great having somebody here that can
like a Batman-shaped rash. And from there, the actually see him and see our progress or our
rashes started developing on the rest of his body. steps backwards, which right now it feels like
And ironically, this one cleared up, but not from we’ve taken a giant step back. Something has
any creams. recently flared him up, and we don’t know exactly
what that is. I’ve eliminated gluten, soy, dairy,
I was smothering it in oatmeal creams, and corn, and eggs. But most recently, like within the
nothing made it go away until one day, that one last several days, I’ve also eliminated yeast, which
started going away. But then his whole body just I think may have contributed to this last flare-up.
started flaring up, and pediatrician said it’s classic
eczema, but he would probably grow out of it. We’re currently managing his symptoms with
Fast forward to several months later, and the oatmeal baths every night, red light therapy. We
eczema continued to get worse and worse. also have a BIOPTRON light. We have a ton of
different creams, and we’ve also discovered ozone

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


oils, but at the end of the day, something inside ability to use them.
of his body is causing this. And that’s why we’re
And then, in the evening time, we do a nightly
trying to heal him from the inside out because,
bath with oatmeal, which seems to help calm
really, his skin is a reflection of the havoc that’s
down the overall itching. And then when I can get
going on inside of his body.
him to sleep, usually by nursing him, depending
So what does a typical day look like for us? Well, on how agitated he is, sometimes it takes longer.
it starts off very early in the morning or basically Then I will sit there with him and do the red light
doesn’t end when we go to bed; however, you therapy before we go to bed.
want to look at that. But when we go to bed, I
So with Ryder, we made the decision when he
have to hold Rocky so that he doesn’t scratch.
was about a year old to just start documenting
Sometimes we put him in this wet wrap, this wet
everything. Because at that point, we really felt
suit that keeps his wounds moist and creates
like if it helps just one family, then that would be
more of a healing environment, and helps reduce
And here we are, again, going through something
And then fast forward to about three or four in
similar to our journey with Ryder. And again, we’re
the morning, Ryan will wake up and take Rocky
feeling that call to be transparent and document
with him and go to the couch in the living room
everything even if it helps just one family heal
and bounce him on the chair and see if he can get
from this or any autoimmune condition.
him to go back to sleep for an hour or two and
give me a little bit of a nap. We have kept it mostly to ourselves. Obviously,
we’ve made references that he has eczema, but
When Rocky wakes up from that, then Ryan brings
never to this degree of putting it all out there
him back to me, and I sit up with him in the bed,
because there has been those feelings of shame,
nursing him back to sleep, and usually, we can
which are things that we need to deal with on our
hang out there for about another hour. It’s really
own. But those feelings aren’t going to help Rocky
tough to see him get to suffer.
or anyone else heal.
And if you are a parent that’s ever experienced
So we hope that by putting out our journey with
it, then I don’t have to tell you that. You just
him and documenting everything that we’re doing
know. So from Rocky waking up with me in bed,
along the way, like Ryder’s journey, we can help
then Ryan will take him back and put him in the
someone else going through this. These are all
backpack while we get the other kids kind of ready
chronic illnesses where at the end of the day, we
to go in the morning with their breakfast.
know that you just have to keep going, and that’s
Rocky has to be kept in the backpack with special what we’re going to do. And we really want you
sleeves on so that he doesn’t scratch himself and with us along the way, sharing in this journey with
create more rashes. And then I take Rocky back, us as we heal Rocky.
and I can usually get him a bit of a nap, but he has
Of course, when we put that out, there were a
to be laying down on me for that nursing. And we
whole lot of people wishing us well and all that,
usually will do the BIOPTRON light at the same
but overwhelmingly, it was people who had been
going through eczema themselves in many cases
And then we do supervised floor time with him so for decades or parents of children who had been
that he’s not scratching. And he gets to actually going through it their whole lives all to different
use his hands so that they’re not just wrapped degrees. But so many of them described this
up in a suit all day, and he just doesn’t have the immense suffering they’ve been going through for

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


year after year with no relief. himself to a much closer version of at least what
And we just had no idea it was this prevalent of a we would call a normal life relatively quickly.
thing. Cancer had been such a major scar in our And outside of that pre-existing knowledge of
life to the point we basically viewed everything healing one chronic disease combined with new
through a cancer lens, but now this whole new firsthand experience, going through another, we
world of eczema was unfolding before our eyes. were able to make a system out of everything
And it turns out there are almost twice as many we will be unfolding over the next several days
internet searches for eczema-related topics per together. And we really can’t wait for you to see
month as there are cancer. it because we really think it’s going to clear up
And what really shocked us was that most of a whole lot of things and put everything into
the people who wrote to us about their own categories and a system that you can manage.
experiences with eczema and not being able Speaking of that doctor, her name is Sheila
to get past it, to be frank, they were the type of Kilbane. She’s a medical doctor, and she just
people who have been on our email list, meaning happens to be giving a presentation on her overall
they’ve watched a whole lot of health events and approach to eczema as one of the featured videos
they’re doing their own research from a wide on day one here. And we’ll come back to that
variety of sources. shortly.
And they’ve seen integrative and holistic doctors But we also wanted to give you our own overview
from a wide variety of backgrounds, and they of how we’ve come to see eczema and, more
were still suffering. importantly, how we’ve approached it and what
Ryan: But what was also really neat was hearing we would do differently if we were to start over
from the people who had healed. And I want to again knowing what we know now.
emphasize that people do heal from even the Teddy: I think the biggest revelation we’ve had
worst cases of eczema, often after suffering for throughout this experience actually flies in the
years. And so can you. face of what’s come to be conventional wisdom
And all these people that wrote in, shared what within the natural health world, which is this
they felt were the biggest factors in their healing, notion that the skin is a window to the gut.
and then getting to compile all those messages And if you’ve got any sort of chronic skin condition
and see what came up the most. like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and so on, that
[20:00] you must be eating GMOs or pesticides, and you
just need to stop. Or you just need to eat some
And then taking the knowledge of healing a more fermented foods and take some more
chronic condition we already had and overlay it probiotics or just pull foods you’re sensitive to out
with all this new information we were taking in of your diet, or just start doing castor oil packs.
on eczema, between that and more importantly, And that’s all you need to do to heal.
finding an integrative doctor who really
understands just what eczema is and what it takes And while that’s certainly a huge part of the
to heal from it, we were able to put Rocky on the equation, if it were really as simple as that,
fast track to recovery. we wouldn’t have had the hundreds of people
writing us that we did saying they’ve done enough
Life went from being not just miserable morning gut healing for three lifetimes and were still in
to night, but 24 hours a day because we were up absolute misery.
all night with him itching and trying to tear out

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


Ryan: Yeah. The truth is it’s more of a two-way wasn’t enough to fix the issue.
street from what we’ve come to find. Yes, you
It’s only when we took this two-way street
need to heal the gut to heal the skin, but you also
approach that things really started to get better.
need to heal the skin to heal the gut. A huge part
And you very likely are dealing with a very
of eczema, in particular, is a topical infection of
different root cause than antibiotic-induced gut
the skin itself.
dysbiosis, although it is a common one.
So if you’ve got a particularly nasty infection on
And that’s what many of the bonus presentations
your skin, you can do all the gut-healing you want,
to this class from all of our many experts are for.
but until that infection is treated in one way or
Diving into these root causes, as they relate to
another, your skin isn’t going to heal, and more so
eczema and chronic skin conditions, and walking
that infection is going to be sending inflammatory
you through how to identify and begin to reverse
signals throughout the rest of your body, gut
whatever particular ones might be the biggest in
included, and potentially even prevent it from
your specific case.
healing all the way itself.
Ryan: There is one root cause that is not a
So really, instead of this one way the skin is a
potential root cause for many other chronic
window to the gut mantra, it’s really a two-way
conditions that we should mention just for the
street, and you need to be simultaneously healing
sake of completeness. And that is a SNP in the
from the inside out and the outside in to give
FLG gene. The FLG gene is responsible for filaggrin
yourself the best chance at a relatively quick
production. Filaggrin plays a huge role in keeping
success and avoid bouncing around from lotion to
a good, strong skin barrier.
lotion and treatment to treatment indefinitely.
A whole lecture on genetics is outside the scope of
There’s also the condition of leaky skin. If your
what we’re doing here, of course, but I did want to
skin is just wrecked from external toxicants and
mention it again to be complete. And it’s probably
is now sensitive to everything imaginable, same
not something you’re going to hear about in
thing. Even the smallest of triggers is going to
more generic healing conversations. So if you go
set it off. That’s going to set off an inflammatory
through every potential root cause and you feel
cascade throughout the rest of your body. And
like you’re still coming up short, you could go and
healing is not going to come easily.
get your genetics tested and see if something is
Teddy: Now, this is not saying that there was going on with your FLG gene.
not some sort of an internal cause in the first
If so, there is some research showing
place to make the skin susceptible to infection or
supplementing with L-histidine can boost your
weak enough to become leaky. That more than
filaggrin production even if you’ve got that SNP.
likely was a big factor. And it’s likely one or more
Back to the broader discussion of causes, what
of the primary culprits you hear about on most
we’ve learned is what’s unique about eczema
interviews or events on autoimmune or really any
is whatever the root cause, you’ve now got this
chronic condition.
topical skin component that’s basically become
Like we said, in Rocky’s case, we can be almost a root cause all on its own. And you’ve got to be
100% certain enough of the antibiotics I got after focusing on both aspects simultaneously to heal.
that infection made their way to his gut, wiped
Teddy: Take us, for instance, and this gets into
out his gut flora and his gut lining, and led to an
what we would do differently, starting all over
imbalance severe enough to result in high-grade
again. Unlike when we were going through cancer
eczema. The point is that just healing the gut
with Ryder, our first son, and had several strong

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


suspicions on what the primary causes could have about moisturizing and symptom management
been, but we’ll never know for sure. because this still isn’t going to be an overnight fix.
But with Rocky, there’s almost no question in our So we’ll show you all the best packs we’ve found
minds. That when I got that infection that led to for keeping comfortable along the way. We’ve also
me getting a ton of antibiotics, and then those implemented several light therapies in addition
antibiotics made their way to Rocky and wiped out to all of this because there’s incredible healing
his gut and then led to the high-grade eczema. power to the skin to be had there. So we definitely
But that said, even knowing the cause and doing wanted to harness that.
all the gut-healing stuff we’ve learned about over
You certainly can’t forget things like food
the years, again, we were making very minimal
intolerances and triggers and supplements.
Although we mentioned, and as we’ll talk about
We were trying all sorts of lotions and potions on more, in a lot of cases, these really aren’t the
top of this to try to soothe at least some of the primary factors. And then you get to the advanced
symptoms. And it was still just misery day after strategies and protocols for the really severe
day. It wasn’t until we started working with Dr. cases like ours.
Sheila, and she really laid out this understanding [30:00]
for us, that we turned a corner and are happy to
say today Rocky looks like the adorable kid we Teddy: And that all sounds like a lot. And it was
always knew he was supposed to look like. certainly a lot for us to wait through. And there
was a lot of trial and error in figuring out what
Ryan: So what we do differently today is really
worked and what didn’t and what was appropriate
approach it in the way that we have things
in one situation but not another and all of that.
laid out, which is why the topics of every day
of this class are what they are. We had a good But now that we’re here on the other side and can
understanding on what our underlying root look back and reflect on where we went off track
cause was. But if you don’t, you need to do some and what we should have done differently, we’re
thinking and perhaps consulting with a holistic really excited to be using that insight to lay out
doctor on that. everything in a way that’s going to make a lot of
sense and make all of this a lot easier on you than
Remove all the environmental toxicants and
it was for us.
triggers that are going to be keeping your skin
inflamed and keeping your body from healing.
Address the bacteria, fungi, and inflammation
straight away that’s got to get under control in
a hurry like we talked about. Then start thinking

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


Bacteria, Fungi and

Dr. Eric and Sabrina Zielinski

Dr. Zielinski: Hello, and welcome to Lesson 3: next cycle.

Bacteria, Fungi and Inflammation. In this lesson, This poor woman suffered from a litany of other
you’re going to learn about the role candida plays symptoms, including brain fog, thinning hair,
in skin disease, yeast infections and how to avoid adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, insomnia, low
them, the best essential oils to use for candida. libido, and compromised gut health. But what
And we’ll wrap up with a wonderful DIY segment really threw me for a loop were the sores on her
with Mama Z to show you how to make our triple hands. I had never seen anything like it in my life.
threat infection-fighting protocol and Mama Z’s And evidently, neither had all of medical doctors,
skin healing serum, which are our go-to’s for chiropractors, nutritionists, and functional
all things related to eczema, psoriasis, and skin medicine practitioners she visited.
disease. Ready to get started? Me too. Unfortunately, her hands never recovered
I’d like to set the stage for this lesson by telling between cycles. So her only recourse was to
you a true story. Several years ago, a woman wrap them up in soft bandages nearly every day,
approached me at the end of one of my live literally unable to even grasp a pencil because
essential oil classes. Her hands were wrapped of the pain. Also, she was a mother of two very
in bandages, and she hid them very carefully. young children at the time. So just think about
Obviously, embarrassed about how she looked. how this affected her quality of life.
She told me that every month during her monthly Literally, changing diapers in excruciating pain,
cycle, her hands broke out in oozing bleeding not being able to color with her daughter, and
sores. barely able to bathe and get herself ready in the
From what I could tell, she suffered from morning was her normal way of life. She had
a rare condition called autoimmune virtually every medical test done that her doctors
progesterone dermatitis or APD—still very much could think of and was ultimately prescribed
misunderstood. It is suspected that APD is a rare countless cortisone creams and supplements but
skin response to rising progesterone levels during to no avail.
the premenstrual phase of a woman’s cycle that She told me she actually almost went bankrupt
occurs right before menses. paying for the medical bills, prescriptions, and
The way it looks and presents for each woman is mass amount of supplements she was taking.
different. But skin rashes of varying degrees are a At one point, she was on an $800 per month
consistent symptom as hormone levels ebb and supplement protocol—completely strapped for
flow. The outbreak usually resolves within a few cash.
days of menstruation only to reoccur during the

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


She asked for my recommendation about which sleep better. Her sex drive returned, the brain fog
one or two essential oils she could try. She can disappeared. Her hair stopped falling out. She
only afford one or two, she said. I was so moved didn’t have to drink a pot of coffee to get through
by her condition that I offered to coach her for the day. And she literally felt like a new woman.
free. I really coach people because I’m so busy
After her cleanse, we implemented an elimination
writing and researching, and running our online
diet where she slowly incorporated safe foods
biblical health ministry, but she was at her wit’s
like lightly steamed vegetables into her diet while
end, and I felt the Lord guide me to help her. And
completely omitting all grains, dairy, and sugar.
I’m grateful that I did.
Now, my opinion, the root of her problem was
When I started to work with her, the first thing I candida overgrowth, which is a naturally occurring
recommended was that she stopped taking all yeast that naturally lives in your mouth and
supplements for a short season to give her body digestive tract along with billions of other forms of
a break. I am of the opinion that the body needs bacteria.
time to heal when it is in such a heightened state
Not only did all of her symptoms steer me to that
of autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. And
conclusion, but her blood results confirmed it.
I found that water fast and simple detoxes are a
This actually surprised her because she hadn’t
great way to naturally cleanse the gut and help
had a yeast infection or other obvious signs of too
reset the immune system.
much candida.
There are a variety of strategies that work in such
Now, at this point, it’s important to note that
situations, including monitored water fast, simple
there are known bacterial and viral infections
detox protocols, and they don’t require mass
that have been linked to eczema, psoriasis, and
amounts of supplements. But before you start
skin disease. And I’ll refer you to the other videos
one, be sure to work with a trained healthcare
in this lesson to learn more. We also cover how
professional to develop a detox protocol that
to use essential oils for a variety of bacterial and
works for you because this is not something you
viral infections in our new book, The Essential Oils
want to undertake without professional guidance,
Apothecary, and you will want to pick up a copy if
particularly if you suffer from candida overgrowth
you’re interested in learning about that.
and severe eczema, psoriasis, and skin disease.
For our discussion, however, I’d like to cover the
During her cleanse, she implemented some very
candida issue because not all men and women
strategic and targeted essential oil formulations
present candida overgrowth in the same way. And
to facilitate gut health and boost her immune
it is a prime component to eczema, psoriasis, and
system. She applied Mama Z’s skin healing serum
skin disease. Women typically don’t go to their
topically over her sores. And we’ll show you how
doctor unless they get a vaginal yeast infection.
to make that recipe in just a bit.
And guys don’t normally think of it unless they are
She enjoyed a version of my sleepy time blend suffering from jock itch. And this puts people at
at night and carefully consumed antifungal, risk of developing a systemic problem.
antioxidant-rich, and anti-inflammatory essential
If you suffer from a combination of the symptoms
oils. The results were profound. In fact, she called
below, you may have candida infection, and you
it a miracle.
need to get this investigated: brain fog, chronic
Within a couple of weeks, her skin condition fatigue, foul body odor, insomnia, low libido,
was completely resolved, and every symptom sugar cravings, seasonal allergies, vaginal yeast
she suffered from had improved. She started to infections, or jock itch.

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


Vaginal yeast infections are one of the most rare.

common reasons women visit their healthcare
And here’s where things get tricky.Urinary tract
provider. In fact, more than 75% of women will
infections or UTIs are another common ailment
suffer from a vaginal yeast infection at least
that many women suffer from. The good news
once during their lifetime. And 50% will have
is that essential oils are an extremely effective
a reoccurring episode. Unfortunately, these
natural therapy for these painful infections.
numbers are only expected to increase because
Applying a 5% dilution of traditional antibacterial
candida thrives in so many environments.
oils like clove, lemongrass, oregano, or thyme of
Here’s some things you need to know about the abdomen, two to three times a day, can do a
candida. Candida thrives in acidic environments. wonderful job stopping the infection.
Candida feeds on sugar and flourishes in patients
with high sugar diets and uncontrolled diabetes.
Candida has a tendency to develop in immune- And by the way, a 5% dilution is 30 drops of
compromised patients with HIV or who are essential oil mixed with one ounce of a carrier oil.
undergoing chemotherapy. Sage is also a recommended therapy. In a study
comparing Basil, lemongrass, and sage essential
Candida is more likely to thrive in an individual
oils against microorganisms isolated from urinary
who take antibiotics as the medicine wipes out
tract infection, sage performed the best with
friendly bacteria, as well as pathogenic bacteria.
100% efficacy against Klebsiella and Enterobacter
And don’t forget, with no friendly bacteria to keep
it in check, candida, like all harmful bacteria and
viruses, flourish. Candida is also triggered by Ninety-six percent against E. coli, 83% against
vaginal dryness and tightness during sex. Proteus mirabilis, and 75% against Morganella
morganii. In a study evaluating Staph aureus and
And which is very shocking, certain strains
E. coli, which are both bacteria that cause urinary
of candida have developed antifungal drug
tract infections, palmarosa oil was found to be an
resistance, making it untreatable in many cases.
effective remedy.
Typically experienced as genital itching, burning,
Unfortunately, rather than targeting UTIs
and sometimes a thick vaginal discharge that
naturally, far too many doctors prescribe
resembles cottage cheese, the symptoms of
antibiotics, which put women at risk of developing
a yeast infection are similar to other genital
a yeast infection since these drugs destroy the
infections. So it’s important to visit your
healthy bacteria that protect the vagina from
healthcare provider if you have any of these
candida overgrowth.
Remember, your human body contains
In most cases, infection is caused by the candida
approximately 30 trillion bacteria and about one
that is already living in a woman’s body. It is
quadrillion viruses. You need plenty of friendly
actually quite normal for candida to exist in
bacteria to keep the harmful bacteria in check.
the mouth, GI tract, and vagina without any
Multi-drug resistant candida is on the rise because
antifungal drugs have been overused and are
The problem occurs when something goes awry, all but useless at resolving the root cause of the
such as an increase in vaginal acidity, hormonal infection.
imbalance, or undue stress, which compromises
Couple this with a highly acidic diet that’s rich
the immune system. In some cases, candida
in sugar, grains, and dairy, and the perfect
infections can be sexually transmitted, but that is

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


environment for candida outbreaks exist in synergistically with tea tree to combat fungal
women all over the world. To complicate matters, infections but don’t discount lavender by itself.
the situation has become somewhat grim because Even though it’s extremely gentle, it’s quite potent.
antifungals are known to cause nervous system
Third is thyme. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
and antifungals have failed to stop the candida
Even though the FDA has finally issued a epidemic. So researchers have been investigating
warning against using some of these drugs for natural broad-spectrum alternatives, including
uncomplicated infections, doctors still do so every essential oils.
day. So be sure to question your doctor if she
A study out of Poland discovered that both tea
prescribes these drugs. The simple solution is
tree and thyme oils have the uncanny ability to
use antibiotics, antifungals only when necessary.
change the morphology and metabolism of yeast
That’s easier said than done.
enzymes, suggesting that these essential oils
The truth is this is when choosing the right can significantly impact candida spread and that
healthcare provider is key. You should be able candida cannot become resistant to these oils.
to work with your doctor to manage simple
Fourth is peppermint. In 2010, one of the most
infections naturally first using essential oils and
exhaustive studies to date evaluated how 30
herbal remedies. Then if you don’t get the results
different essential oils inhibited the growth
you’re looking for, consider more aggressive
of candida in-vitro or cells in a Petri dish. Of
approach like using pharmaceuticals.
those tested, 12 were found to be ineffective.
It’s important to point out that most of the However, 18 were found to be effective. Of these,
essential oil recommendations out there for eucalyptus and peppermint oils stood out. At
candida focus on treating vaginal infections concentrations as low as 0.15% dilution, both
or thrush, not systemic candida overgrowth. showed significant fungicidal properties.
However, that’s not to say that essential oil
Fifth is geranium. Specifically testing how
protocols can help. But in my opinion, you’ll
geranium helped mice with yeast infections,
be better served if you use essential oils in
researchers have discovered that the oil had a
conjunction with significant dietary changes as
minimal effect when applied alone. However,
your first line of defense.
when used in combination with vaginal washing,
This is particularly true if you’re trying to treat a the infection decreased significantly, thus
vaginal yeast infection or oral thrush. And we’ll stressing the importance of keeping your skin and
cover more about food in less than six. If these genitals clean.
are conditions, you suffer from, using cool or
Six is lemon. Truly a jack and Jacqueline of all
warm compresses can help you considerably. You
trades, lemon has performed well against drug-
can learn more and watch Mama Z, and I make
resistant strains of a number of bacteria and
this remedy in less than four.
fungi, including MRSA and candida. Additionally,
Now, going back to essential oils, we have seen multiple commercial lemon oils have been shown
dramatic results when using these seven. First, tea to contain a broad spectrum ability, killing a
tree, the go-to antifungal oil. Tea tree has a long variety of fungal strains.
history as a skin treatment and air purifying agent
The key takeaway from these studies about
and has been used with great success to treat
lemon is this: limonene is a monocyclic terpene.
fungal infections, especially candida.
It is the main ingredient in most lemon essential
Second, we have lavender which works oils found on the market. However, the

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


antifungal activity depends on the content of or standard American diet and on recurring cycles
action generated monoterpenes. The higher the of antibiotics or dealing with unresolved chronic
content, the better the fungicidal effects that were stress in your life—and who isn’t at this point—all
observed. common triggers of candida and skin infection,
So if you want to battle candida, try to get a then using essential oils to beat skin disease is like
chemical analysis of the brand of essential taking one step forward and two steps back.
oil before buying to be sure it contains these A completely holistic approach is a must if you
constituents. You can usually find this information want to fully resolve eczema, psoriasis, and skin
on the oil manufacturer’s website or just by calling disorders. Now, sure, essential oils can help, but
their customer support. they are only one piece of the organic gluten-
And at last but certainly not least is clove. Rich free naturally sweetened by. Well, that’s it.
in eugenol, a chemical component of plants with That’s a wrap. Now, let’s make some DIY goodies
antiseptic properties. Clove is a superhero at with Mama Z from our book, The Essential Oils
killing microorganisms. Research has shown that Apothecary.
its power against candida strains is so potent “I just wanted to let you all know that I tried Mama
that it can reduce the fungi to near-zero levels, Z’s skin healing serum on my husband’s shingles a
including antifungal medication-resistant strains. while back, and it helped tremendously. It soothes
But before you apply topically over sensitive areas the rash more quickly than pharmaceuticals,
of your body, however, take great caution and be and his osteopathic doctor agreed. His boss got
sure to dilute it properly. I recommend starting at shingles a while later, and he used the serum as
a 1% dilution or six drops of clove mixed with one well, and it helped with healing the rash and the
ounce of a carrier oil and working your way up as pain.
long as no irritation occurs. Clove is powerful and I recently gave some to a friend who came down
can seriously aggravate your skin, so be careful. with shingles, and she said it was so soothing that
In an attempt to determine which essential oils it helped with the pain as well. Awesome stuff.
work best synergistically against microorganisms Blessings, Donna. I made and used your psoriasis
like candida, researchers are starting to get eczema salve, AKA Mama Z’s skin healing serum,
creative in their testing. Now, keep in mind that as and it made the area more comfortable and
you branch out and expand your medicine cabinet eventually cleared it up totally. It took a while, two
to treat candida and other skin infections, certain or three months, for it to totally clear, but I had
essential oils are inherently safer and more let the problem go for months on my foot. Then
effective than others. I tried some other salve on before I found your
The essential oils that contain linalool, borneol,
geraniol, citronellal, and menthol are a good So my foot was in pretty bad shape. I went to
place to start. Oils rich in linalool include clary a dermatologist, and they wanted me to use a
sage, lavender, Lavandin, and Ylang-ylang. Oils cortisone ointment that damaged your skin. So
rich in borneol include Lavandin, lavender, and you can only use it for a small amount of time
Rosemary. Oils rich in geraniol include palmarosa, anyway. They also said the problem would just
thyme, and Melissa. Oils rich in citronellal include come back. Well, they didn’t know whether it
rose, geranium, citronella, and Melissa. And was eczema or psoriasis or perhaps some sort of
peppermint is a popular oil rich in menthol. allergic reaction.

Now, like we’ve said all along, if you’re on this SAD [20:00]

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


And it didn’t make sense to damage my skin with ado, look at all this stuff.
an ointment, so I started researching the problem.
Sabrina: Okay. We have a few things here on this
My cousin’s son had a foot problem, and his
counter, so we’re going to talk about it. I’m going
doctor had given him the cortisone ointment. And
to give you the recipes as it relates to a one-ounce
I happened to have taken some salve with me
portion. However, when you go to make this on
when I went to where they lived, and it worked
your own, if you only use one ounce total, it’s very
well for him, and now he wants more. Thank you
hard to whip into something like the magic bullet
for your help, Shelly.”
because it just spits it around, and it’s just not
“Hi, Eric. Hi, Sabrina. Yes. I have been blessing enough material.
people with the healing serum for your skin, and
So, in this case, we have four ounces of two
the two people I’ve made it say that their skin
different things. So we’re going to end up having
feels like silk, and the inflammation and redness
an eight-ounce batch, but I’m going to give you
have gone. The scratches have stopped, all the
the recipe for what one-ounce batch. So back this
itchiness. The oil has helped my niece with her
train up. Where did this come from?
dermatitis and her eczema. The face moisturizer
has been great. And I had had a chemical burn when I was
younger with over-the-counter skin products that
Muscular pain has been relieved with my mom
really ate my face. And I started to do research on
and brother, shoulder pain. Wintergreen, coconut
what I could do to help heal my skin because it
oil with Rosemary, de-stressed friends enjoying
was so traumatic.
diffuser of orange peppermint neurally. She just
sat into the room and de-stressed—Donna. Just And it was at a time when I was in middle school.
three of the countless testimonials we’ve gotten So it was very tough to have scabs all over my
because of this recipe.” face and utilizing essential oils and aloe at the
time before I used coconut oil. Also, intermixing
Now, this is all in the context of bacterial, fungal
vitamin A and E with those oils ended up helping
infections, and inflammation. Now, as we’ll talk
to clear my skin and all of the scarring.
later on in this lesson about ingesting essential
oils, which are with our triple-threat protocol, Well, fast forward years later, we live in Georgia
which is a great way of combating viruses, now, but we were just visiting, and we went and
bacteria, and fungi internally, what do you do for hiked up Stone Mountain. I did not realize that
topical? because Georgia is closer to the equator than
Michigan, that the sun would be hotter. So we
This recipe is Mama Z’s brainchild, and there’s
went up on our voyage, and you can tell by Dr. Z’s
going to be three modifications to it. Pay very
skin that he can handle lots of extra sun exposure,
close attention to everything because this is the
where for me, I was a tomato. And when I say
basis. This is the basis for healing your skin.
tomato, it was a tomato.
And quite frankly, regardless of what skin
I thought, oh no, I’m going to peal. And this is bad.
condition that you’re battling, whether it’s eczema,
And we’re going to be here for another week.
psoriasis, shingles, as you heard, rashes, simple
What am I going to do? So I started researching,
dermatitis, or as you hear from her father’s story,
and I found that Bragg apple cider vinegar was
skin cancer, we want you to consider using this
not just good for bug bites after they happened
because at the very least, it is soothing. Soothing
before you put on essential oils to calm that. But
inflammation, bursting, and God-willing, it will
it was also good to gently exfoliate the skin and
bring healing to your body. So without further
normalize the pH so that it can heal.

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


Dr. Zielinski: So you are putting vinegar on a started putting it on. And I said you’re not going to
sunburn? smell like a salad when we’re done. So slathered
Sabrina: I know. It seems backwards. it up. And the two spots on his hands within two
days almost completely cleared as far as the open
Dr. Zielinski: Now, that’s acidic. Doesn’t it burn? wounds and stuff.
Sabrina: It doesn’t. Actually, it’s tingly at first, and And then, within two weeks, everything on his
then it completely soothes. So I started doing that forearms had healed. Well, at the time, then
in all of those different areas. And then I had also we’re good. Well, he goes back to his doctor.
researched. I knew aloe was good, and I knew that They ended up burning some different spots.
lavender was a great oil to use, but then mixing And I’m like, you went back? And he said, yeah,
the coconut oil was key because we needed those but this time he’s like, look at this. It’s flaking, and
antifungal, antibacterial properties as well to keep it doesn’t look good. And it really looked really
the surface moist. fungal.
So I started just hand whipping that stuff with So then, that’s when we came up with the fungal
the essential oils. And wouldn’t you know, that protocol. And we’ll talk about each of those right
combination with the Bragg apple cider vinegar before we use them or right before we talk about
and those oils, I didn’t even peel. Within a couple the oils. And again, within a few days during that
of days, it turned to a lighter tan, and it was great. week when they were here, the chuffiness all was
Well then, fast forward years later, my dad came gone, and it looked a hundred times better.
to visit us, and he said, well, let me tell you about
the project. And he was slathering this cream all So from there, that’s when we started looking
over the place. at other oils that were good for skin and kind of
came up with our maximum strength. So that’s
And he says, yeah, they say I have skin cancer kind of a little backstory on all of this. So one
and this. And so I look at the container and then of the questions that I get all the time is, well,
the container, the side effects was that it could you’re using Aloe Vera gel, but can I use the real
cause cancer. And so I was like, do you know it Aloe Vera? And I said, well, yes, of course. And I
says it causes cancer or can cause cancer? And he remember being at your mom’s house, she had
said, well, no. I said, well, how long have you been one of her old friends came by, and she had some
doing this? He said six months. terrible spots of eczema.
And I’m like, that’s a long time to be doing And so your mom had this aloe plant near the
something with no after-effects. So I said, do you window. I knew she had coconut oil. We weren’t
want to-- planning on making salves or anything or skin
Dr. Zielinski: No results because it looked just as healing serum. So I was able to take the aloe
bad. leaves, filet them, scrape them into the container
and then use them the exact same way.
Sabrina: Yeah. And I said, well, do you want to be
healed? And he’s like, well, yeah. So I go get the Now, a little caveat on that. It is going to go
Bragg apple cider vinegar. And he was like-- and bad faster. You do have to store that in the
I couldn’t use a cotton circle on him. I needed to refrigerator. I purposely do store our skin healing
use a paper towel. serum in the refrigerator because if you don’t, it
will eventually separate. The oil will separate from
So when I did, he’s like, oh, I don’t want to be the aloe and the essential oils.
smelling like a salad. And so I started to treat the
areas, and I whipped it up in the magic bullet and But what you do is usually I carve out a circle,

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


which I’ll show you with a spoon. And then you you’re going to do five drops of lavender and two
take it from the fridge, kind of warm it in your drops of frankincense for that one ounce.
hand after you’ve done your apple cider vinegar,
Now, if you’re using it for fungal infections, you’re
and then put it directly on the spots.
going to do four drops of lavender, two drops of
Another way that you can use it is if you do a frankincense, and two drops of tea tree in that
detox bath, especially if you have spots all over same one-ounce portion. Now, if you’re doing
your body, psoriasis, eczema, any of those type of your maximum strength, you’re going to do four
things. And then, once you get out of the bathtub, drops of lavender. You’re going to do two drops of
using the apple cider vinegar. And I’ve been frankincense, two drops of tea tree, one drop of
known to also put it on a paper towel and do the Helichrysum, one drop of sandalwood. I like the
whole body. Hawaiian sandalwood for this.
I do like the organic cotton circles the best. And So these are all of your ingredients. Now because
then you’re going to use that skin healing serum I’m doing so much more, we’ve got today four
right on it. Okay. So I’m actually going to put you ounces of coconut oil. Then we’ve got four ounces
to work today as well when we get to that point. of our organic Aloe Vera gel. We’re going to put
But I want to show you the difference between that in.
coconut oil. So you’re going to need to get some Dr. Zielinski: And all these oils traditionally
raw organic coconut oil and some aloe Vera gel, or like Helichrysum, for example, also known as
you can use the plant. So this is when I’ve made a Immortelle, the fountain of youth, so we see a lot
hot water bath in the sink, and I’ve soaked it. It will of these oils being used regularly in skin care anti-
go right to a liquid. aging products, a lot of your DIY. And that was
Now, if I didn’t, it would be a solid. So when you go really the motivation behind, okay, what do we
to look at your skin healing serum, when you’ve mix together?
put it in the refrigerator, it looks like this. It gets And it was kind of trial by error, but lavender as
nice and solid, but it’s homogenous. So you don’t a foundation for virtually everything that we did
have to worry about it. And again, I’m going to because that was part of Mama Z’s healing salve
stick my spoon in there. I always carve myself out. when she was 14 when she burned her face. And
[30:10] we just kept on adding to it.

And when I make it as gifts, I kind of carve that, so Sabrina: Absolutely. So we’re going to do 20
I stir it for them. And then you’re going to want to drops of your lavender, and we’re going to do
store it in the refrigerator. I like to use glass, but I eight drops of frankincense in this. But I’m going
did put one of the ones that were plastic out here to just let you know, you can tell this is an older
because this is something that I don’t mind if it container. You can see some of the wear on it. So
is in the diaper bag. And I’ll just restir it with my eventually, this one’s going to look like that too,
finger because we go through it enough. Then you but it just happens to be brand new.
can use that, of course. When my grandpa passed away, he had just
All right. Now I’m going to show you the first bought a few years before a brand new magic
one. So when you use the first mixture, the one bullet. And I inherited both of my grandparents’
that’s going to be like our regular one, you’re magic bullets. And so I’ve got endless supplies.
going to want to get out your lavender and your Dr. Zielinski: Well, the essential oils will actually
frankincense essential oils. So for one ounce, do this, by the way. And that’s the thing. And I

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


didn’t know that about our Vitamix, and I love a hole burned through by the essential oils
my Matcha green tea, but you add turmeric and after time. So always use high-grade plastic if
cinnamon, and you add some-- you’re going to use-- like this. Again, this is an
Sabrina: Yes. It doesn’t look the same anymore. aromatherapy type blue. You’ll see a lot of this in
your favorite aromatherapy stores. And this is, of
Dr. Zielinski: No, but it’s all right because it’s course, glass.
functional. But yeah, just know that really this is
the clear danger of why we don’t want to store Sabrina: So I wrote on the top “fresh”. If I use
highly concentrated essential oil. Yeah. We don’t the aloe, the fresh aloe, I’m always going to mark
want to store it. This is very diluted, but if you’re “fresh” so that I know use that first.
going to store a highly concentrated essential oil Dr. Zielinski: Oh, because of the fresh aloe.
preparation in plastic, it’ll destroy the plastic. So
Sabrina: Correct.
this is diluted, and it’s safe.
Dr. Zielinski: And we already put the essential oils
Sabrina: Yeah. Okay. So we’ve got everything in
there. As you can see, it’s clear, but it’s going to
come out like a light white clear beige. Sabrina: Yeah. I put it in right away.
Dr. Zielinski: Now, what if someone doesn’t have Dr. Zielinski: Oh, good.
a magic bullet? What are some project-friendly or Sabrina: Yeah, exactly. So now what I want to
just whatever? show you is-- so if you have problems with any of
Sabrina: So you can increase the amount that your fungal issues, you could take-- remember,
you’re using. Remember it’s equal parts raw we’re still doing equal parts of aloe, but you could
organic melted coconut oil in a hot water bath instead do three ounces of coconut oil and one
with Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera gel. So you can always ounce of something else.
up that. So if you have a blender or something of You’re going to want to add that organic evening
that nature, you can do it in there. You can hand Primrose, one ounce of that. Let’s say you have
whip it, but it isn’t going to look quite the same. some extra healing going on. I’ll do a half an
It might be lumpy. It might be different. It’s still ounce of the straight vitamin E and half an ounce
going to be as effective, though. So go ahead and of rosehip seed oil because then you’re going to
open these containers, these ones right here. And get that A and E healing properties as well.
the lids are perfect. Dr. Zielinski: So we just made the skin healing
Dr. Zielinski: You can still label. It helps, doesn’t serum. The protocol is to first what? Exfoliate with
it? apple cider vinegar.
Sabrina: Yes. Sabrina: Or they came out with-- this is a
concentrate. So it has some honey. It has some
Dr. Zielinski: It helps so you know what it is.
cayenne pepper. And I would consider this an
That’s for on-the-go. And again, if you’re going to
extra stripe. When you’re talking about baby skin,
use plastic, try to use a PET plastic or a medicinal-
sometimes they can take this, or I actually will go
grade plastic because again, some of the junky
50-50 with distilled water. And you always want
dollar store plastics will just-- they’re junkie. I
to do a patch test on your skin to make sure that
mean, they’re a dollar for a reason.
your skin can handle it.
And those weak petrochemicals in those plastics
What I’ve found is even though I have sensitive
will break down, and you might actually find
skin, this has been, and it was almost by

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


accident that I tried this for the last year, but this and wow, it maybe give you an adverse reaction.
concentrate is amazing. And it has a little bit of Maybe your skin is so sensitive it can’t handle it.
lemon juice in it as well. Don’t worry about it.
It’s a little stickier. So if you miss the places with Put a nice label on it, put a bow around it, give
the skin healing serum afterward, you’ll find them it to a friend as a gift. Or put it in your fridge
the next time because it’ll be a little sticky to the because it will last months in the fridge. And
touch, but I like this a lot. And it is kind of like the maybe going through some of the other protocols
extra-strength version. And this is what we use as we’re talking on in this class, your skin might get
our toner even at home here. to that point where it’s not so sensitive, then you
Dr. Zielinski: You made a good point. You made could do it.
a good point about skin patch test. So you know But I’ll tell you, we have never ever heard of
how if you’re going to clean the carpet, the carpet anyone, and this is no exaggeration. We’ve had
cleaner instructions say, hey, first check an tens of thousands of people use this recipe. We
inconspicuous corner just in case it stains. And if it have not heard one person say they couldn’t use
doesn’t stain the carpet, then you clean the rest of it. All right.
the carpet. That’s essentially the same concept of
The apple cider vinegar is essentially the only
a skin patch test.
variable that some people maybe, maybe, not be
So what we would advise you to do is go through too sensitive, but the skin healing serum, good to
this protocol on a non-affected area of your skin. go. So what do you do with this thing? And what
And hopefully, top of the hand or the top of the is this? It looks like a cactus. It looks like I can--
foot typically are areas that most people like to Someone is getting the spanking.
do skin patch test because it’s a strong-- it’s not
Sabrina: You can grow this yourself. Or you can
sensitive. Your hand typically isn’t sensitive like an
buy it at the store, at the health food store. And
underarm or under breast or groin area might be.
I’ve seen them right at the store. So what you’re
So try, and if your skin-- I mean, you just have to
going to do, I’m going to put you to work.
find a non-affected area on your body.
Dr. Zielinski: I’m going to do it.
Key for babies, that’s the other thing. Always
check this on a non-affected part of the baby’s Sabrina: Yes. I want you to do it so that you can
body, especially. And what you’re looking for is show people how it’s done.
any adverse reaction, and no reaction is what Dr. Zielinski: And actually, I’ve never done this.
we’re looking for. We’re looking for no pain, no I’ve used the knife before. I’ve never fileted an
rashes, no anything. The baby, no fussing, no aloe.
Sabrina: Okay. You’re going to cut the ends off
And so to reiterate, you don’t want to use straight first.
apple cider vinegar on a baby. You could go 50-50,
one to one ratio. So a quarter cup water, a quarter Dr. Zielinski: Cut the ends. And the angle?
cup vinegar, mix it up, and that will still do it. And Straight?
that should be okay for baby’s skin. [40:00]
And then you try the skin healing serum. All right. Sabrina: Yeah. You want to leave as good-- you
So check first. And the thing is this, here’s the only take bare necessities off. Now that one.
thing, what if you go through all this effort and
Dr. Zielinski: All right.
make all this, you spend all the money and time

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


Sabrina: Wow. Look, you’re wasting all that, dude. Dr. Zielinski: So whenever I’m allowed to go in
Dr. Zielinski: Okay. I got in trouble. Don’t waste. the kitchen, I’m like, sweet. I could practice.
I wasn’t sure where it stopped. All right. But look, Sabrina: And he always waits until I have a mom’s
we got a little extra. And that’s gooey. day.
Sabrina: Yes. Now you’re going to cut it down the Dr. Zielinski: All right. I got a spoon. So what?
Sabrina: You’re going to get right down to that
Dr. Zielinski: Down the center? So equal? All right. skin. You’re going to scrape it all into this bowl
Sabrina: Yeah. Just equal down the center. right here.

Dr. Zielinski: All right. Let me show people how Dr. Zielinski: Okay. So what’s a good idea? Like
we are doing this. this.

Sabrina: This is my sous chef anyways. So good. Sabrina: I would scrape it on here and then put
Look at you following directions. it-- Yeah. Just like that.

Dr. Zielinski: I don’t know. Wow. That’s beautiful. Dr. Zielinski: Okay. How about we do it like this.
Oh, look at that. Sabrina: You get it as clean as possible. Don’t
Sabrina: It is. You want to know the story behind waste one little bit.
this one? I was moving our aloe plant up to the Dr. Zielinski: Well, there is a lot.
deck, and I was messing around with it, and
Sabrina: I know.
it snapped off, and I was like, oh, I need this
anyways. Dr. Zielinski: This is cool. So you could buy aloe
plants at the store?
Dr. Zielinski: Oh, look. How cool?
Sabrina: Right. Or you can even buy-- sometimes
Sabrina: Yes.
they have just the leaves just like this.
Dr. Zielinski: Can you see that? Can you see how
Dr. Zielinski: Oh, we’ve seen that at some of our
clear that is?
favorite health food stores. This is really jelly.
Sabrina: Yeah. It’s super cool.
Sabrina: Yeah. Don’t waste.
Dr. Zielinski: That is neat.
Dr. Zielinski: I’m not going to waste. We’ll pick
Sabrina: Okay. So what you’re going to want to do it up. Okay. So fun. And this will go bad quicker,
is use your little spoon here, and you’re going to right?
put all of that--
Sabrina: Yes.
Dr. Zielinski: That’s like the gel. It’s like a jellyfish.
Dr. Zielinski: All right.
Sabrina: Yeah.
Sabrina: I mean, basically what happens is if you--
Dr. Zielinski: Okay. Yeah. But you spoil me. I’m and don’t worry about that little piece. If you put
not allowed to do anything in the kitchen unless your aloe leaf in the refrigerator, eventually, it’s
it’s under camera teaching a class. She doesn’t going to get harder and harder and lose more and
allow me. She’s a little territorial. more water substance. So you just need to use it.
Sabrina: He tries to go in the corner by the sink Dr. Zielinski: Having this cool though, and we’ll
and the trash can. And that’s the hottest spot in end with this, having this in the refrigerator is
this whole house. wonderful, especially for those burns, especially

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


sunburns and rashes or rug burn. We have five Sabrina: It’s no blood, no band-aid.
kids. It’s like every day, no joke. Every day it’s like
Dr. Zielinski: Anything else? Because this has
we use this pretty much.
been wonderfully-- I encourage people to maybe
Sabrina: They are like, you need to treat me. You watch this one again because there’s a lot of
need to treat me. information on this one. Of course, we’ve been
Dr. Zielinski: We love them, but it’s so soothing putting up slides and the recipes to make this
because you get it out of the fridge, and it takes super easy for you because we don’t want any
two and a half seconds for it to go onto your palm confusion. And we want you to feel confident.
and for it to liquefy. Like that’s how wonderful Like this is one of those like you could do it off the
this is. So we always love having a little jar in top of your head once you do it once or twice. And
our fridge, and it’s so soothing. And, of course, listening to those testimonials that we shared at
it’s healing. We love that, but it just gives that the top of this lesson, it’s like, wow. And our hope
immediate relief, especially if you want that sort and prayer truly that this has helped transform
of immediate relief. our lives, our skin health, and our followers
And by the way, you could use this as a base for a online, our Natural Living Family.
number of things like, let’s say you’re dealing with Our hope and prayer is that it will help you and
pain and a drop of-- again, I would be cautious your family. And at the very least, give you a little
about using peppermint on top of eczema or symptom relief so you can sleep better at night or
psoriasis. You got to work yourself into that or maybe, by the grace of God, help you completely
just see if it works for you. But this sort of recipe heal. How wonderful would that be? This is us.
works for a million things, headaches, pain. You
Sabrina: Okay. Yes.
could use some wintergreen.
Dr. Zielinski: Well, Mama Z’s skin healing serum.
Roman chamomile is another good one that’s very
soothing, and that is wonderfully safe for kids. It Without a shadow of a doubt, the number one
can help with sleep. This is just a good base as a most controversial topic in aromatherapy is
whole. We talked about Mama Z’s oil base. That’s ingestion—whether or not in how someone
a fantastic base for virtually every DIY, but this should consume essential oils. So I want to
adds a skin healing component to it that we just preface this by saying that of all the essential oils
encourage you to experiment with. manufactured on the planet, up to 50% are used
by the food and flavor industry.
So you’ve gotten three variations. You got the
base recipe. You got the fresh aloe variation. Those natural flavorings, those artificial flavorings,
You have the fungal infection variation and the which are essentially a synthetic knockoff version
maximum strength variation. What do you use of the essential oil, that’s what gives our drinks
that for? Well, if you have a condition like high- and our foods that you buy at the store that flavor
grade eczema or something that you just need a to it.
little more support with, try that as well. So the concern really is dosing because we know
Sabrina: And if you ask any of my kids, they that there are essential oils and synthetic versions
always need the maximum strength. They are like of essential oils in food that people are consuming
they want it. all day long, but we’re talking parts per million,
even parts per billion.
Dr. Zielinski: And five band-aids. I don’t care how
big the scratches and boo-boo is. So when we’re looking at how to combat infection
and we know infection is a critical component

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


for anyone trying to heal from eczema, psoriasis, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-cancer
skin disorders, and chronic disease as a whole, we applications.
know that topical use and inhalation isn’t going to
In fact, carvacrol’s antimicrobial activity is higher
cut it. That’s where we need more of a medicinal
than that of any other compounds present
dose. All right.
in essential oils, and that’s worth repeating.
So what I’m going to show you is the safest way of Carvacrol, which is a primary component in
ingesting essential oils to combat infection. And oregano, it has more antimicrobial activity than
so this is our triple threat for bacterial, fungal, any other essential oil. So if you’re looking at
and viral infections. And what I have here is my combating an infection, oregano is the one you’re
remedy that we’re going to use gel capsules for. wanting to go to.
But before I do, I want to talk a little bit about
Oregano oil also has extremely high levels of
these essential oils and particularly one from my
antioxidants that help protect the body from
chronic conditions, and its protective powers
One particular essential oil has a great profound make it a superior choice for your immune
effect on virtually all infection, and that’s oregano. system. So the reason why we’re focusing on this,
All right. So this is page 131 from The Essential Oils especially now, is who isn’t worried about immune
Apothecary. And this chapter is actually the chronic function?
fatigue and fibromyalgia chapter. And the same
And we see a lot of people battling chronic
information, which is the beauty of God’s wisdom,
conditions and eczema, psoriasis, and skin
the same information is applicable when it comes
disorders because of immune dysfunction and
to essentially any infection.
especially on the wake of the 2020, now 2021,
If you have an uncontrollable bacterial, viral, or health crisis is immune focus is on everyone’s
fungal infection, it doesn’t matter if it manifests mind. And so this is a remedy that I highly
through eczema, psoriasis. If it manifests through encourage people to consider, especially under
fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, or any other the guidance of a healthcare professional.
condition, it’s essentially the same approach to
how to remedy it. We want to get those bad bugs
out of there. Now, the big disclaimer is you are ingesting
essential oils in a medicinal dose. So be very
So this is page 131 in The Essential Oils Apothecary.
careful if you are taking any other medication. All
Now, often referred to as nature’s antibiotic,
right. This book actually has a drug interaction
oregano oil is a top solution for all things related
chart. And I will say there are some interactions
to infection, whether bacterial, fungal, or viral.
that you need to be careful of, and there’s just too
Because chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and
many to list right now because I don’t know what
eczema, psoriasis, and many skin disorders can be
sort of medications you might be taking.
triggered after a viral attack, oregano oil may be
a good choice if you can link your condition to an But if you are currently taking a medication, you
infection. need to look at that first and get the book, check
it out, make sure you’re not ingesting an essential
Here’s the thing, though, and why this works is
oil that could potentially interact with the drug in
because the active ingredient in oregano oil is
an adverse way.
carvacrol, also found in thyme and bergamot, as
well as several other plants. Carvacrol possesses All right. That’s very important because this will
a wide range of biological activities, including have a medicinal effect on your body. So what is

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


the recipe? The recipe is two drops of tea tree, And we’ve helped many people combat and
one drop of oregano, one drop of lemongrass, manage MRSA and others. So what do you do
and one drop of thyme oil. Now, here’s how you is you just open up the gel capsule. So the key
do a capsule. Pretty easy, pretty straightforward. to this gel capsule is when you swallow it, the
I like a double zero, “00”. All right. So when you essential oils are encapsulated in it, and this gel
type up on Amazon or go to your natural health capsule won’t be broken up until it reaches your
food store, this is a 00 size. You can also get 0, gastric juices.
one by itself, but I find that double zero is best, And so, it helps the essential oils bypass the oral
especially if you could stomach it. I mean, it’s a cavity and the esophagus. And so that protects
little bit larger. It’s not a horse pill, but you should you. And so what you do is simply you put two
be able to take it because you want a full amount drops of tea tree and one drop of each of the
of olive oil or a good carrier oil to help with the essential oils, and you fill it with olive oil. Now,
body, absorb it better, and help with the dilution. your choice, if you have a steady hand, you could
All right. So one reason, why are we even putting easily put a drop, or you could use a pipette.
this in a gel capsule? Why aren’t we just putting it The key, though, is make sure you have one
in our mouth? And why aren’t we just putting it on pipette for each essential oil. Just pop off the lid,
top of water and drinking because I’ve seen that? pipette, and then you need another one because
I’ve seen the YouTube videos. I’ve seen what the you don’t want to cross-contaminate. All right. I
bloggers are writing out there in the interwebs. actually start here, tea tree, two drops of tea tree,
Never ever put oils, essential oils in water and one drop of oregano.
drink it or never ever just put a drop in your
One key to this remedy is this is made to order. All
mouth when you’re trying to battle an infection.
right. You do not want to make this ahead of time
Why? Because this is going to burn. This is going because this is a vegan gel capsule that will break
to burn your mouth, burn your esophagus. down over time. Just like how the petrochemicals
Literally, they’re caustic. So they will burn your and plastic will be broken down by the essential
mucus membranes, especially these oils. Now oils. You need to be very careful. So you want to
literally, a drop of lavender, a drop of orange, isn’t make this literally every time that you are going to
going to kill you, but this will hurt you. And so I’ve consume it.
done that. And I remember I got sick several years
And make things easier because this will get
ago, typed up Dr. Google. What do I do?
messy. I like my pipette for my olive oil. This
Someone said, put a drop of tea tree and a drop is real olive oil. You could go to our website,
of oregano in water and drink it. And it was, and learn more about
horrible. I actually developed acid reflux because olive oil. But I stress most store-bought olive oils
it burned so bad. Don’t do what I did. So that’s a are synthetic, just like essential oils.
lot of what I tell you is not only based off of the
Most essential oils, most CBD, and most olive oil
research but based off of practical application.
on the market, especially that you could find at
These essential oils as well, especially oregano your stores are either synthetically manufactured,
and thyme because of the carvacrol, has been they’re adulterated, or they’re not what you think
shown to kill MRSA. We’re talking antibiotic- it is. They’re mislabeled. So that’s another reason
resistant bacteria that virtually no drug on the why we teach what we do to help you get the real
planet can touch. These essential oils can help deal.
with that.
So you simply put that. Again, that’s the thin

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


longer end, and the wider, shorter end goes right And God bless you. I hope and pray that God gives
on top. And this is your capsule. It’s that simple. you the solution that you need. And as you learn
We recommend taking this once a day up to twice about advanced strategies and protocols, maybe
a day, especially if you aren’t at the guidance of you do need a medicinal approach for certain
a healthcare professional. Make sure that this is things. But one thing we don’t want you to do is
safe for you and make sure that there aren’t any we don’t want you to feel like you need to take
drug interactions. I have a drug interaction chart this capsule every day for the rest of your life, nor
in the book, but this is it. do we want you to take a drug every day for the
And I’ll tell you. For people that are battling rest of your life.
infection, especially infections that have been We’re hoping that through shorter time periods of
going on for a while and they’ve tried a number using these essential oils and at most one month--
of different things, this might be the ticket. And I I could tell you by and large research suggests
want to encourage you with one thing, a question at the most, use this protocol for a month. Give
that we get all the time, especially with oregano, your body a couple of weeks off, and then you can
is okay research has shown it’s antibacterial. go back to it if you need a second, like a one-two
Does that mean it kills all the bacteria in my gut? punch.
Does that mean it’s going to cause a microbiome
But what you want to do is you want to give your
misbalance? The answer is no.
body what your body needs to heal itself. So I
The wisdom of God and what he gave us through want to encourage you that using a higher potent
plants, research has shown that essential oils medicinal approach to combating infection,
have what’s known as, and they contain what’s to help with eczema, psoriasis, skin disease,
known as cell selectivity. Essential oils will literally chronic conditions, to get you to the point where
target and kill the bad pathogenic bacteria and you won’t need that anymore because, to me,
leave the healthy bacteria alone. So you don’t that’s hope. To me, that’s healing. And I want to
need to worry about any sort of gut condition encourage you with that. All right.
or, again, ruining your microbiome. It’s just
If you have any questions, of course, reach out
to us. We’re here to help any which way we can.
Now, again, you can overdo anything. So we And this infection-fighting protocol may be the
always recommend, at the most, two doses a day solution that you’ve been praying for.
for at least a max two, three weeks. Again, this
is not something I want people to take for the
rest of their lives. And this is really important.
This is really important. What we teach and what
we’re trying to help people is use essential oils as
an adjunct to their natural living protocol. With
medicine, without, that’s your choice.

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


Essential Secrets for

Achieving Your Healthiest
Brian Vaszily

Brian: Hey, Brian Vaszily here. Welcome to the people really, really important life-changing
essential secrets to achieve your healthiest information. The most effective steps to look your
youngest looking skin. Now, we have a lot of best feel, your best, avoid—overcome possibly—
ground to cover that will lead to the most amazing disease and live long doing it. And I’m the founder
skin possible for you, whatever your age or of Purity Woods. That’s a more recent company
circumstances. And will also lead to some pretty and a really fast growing organization because
impressive changes to your health overall, in there we’re dedicated to providing people the
some cases, dramatic changes. And in some cases cleanest, most effective skincare products out
will possibly be life saving for certain people. You’ll there. They are all USDA Certified Organic. That
see what I mean. So let’s jump in and get started means independent of the company through
right away. some strict processes. We’ll get to a bit of that
later on. And they are fantastic for you. So Purity
Let’s first talk about me because you’re going to
Woods, my little plug is done.
want to know, well, who is this guy teaching me
all this good stuff here. Well, my name is Brian I am also a proud husband and father to four kids.
Vaszily. Again, that rhymes with Paisley, even And inside my household, I’m really renowned
though I’m wearing a plaid shirt in that picture for my terribly funny, and I stress the ‘terribly’
and not Paisley. But I have been a natural health in some cases, bad jokes, for example, what is
researcher and a pretty well-known natural health the best time to go to the dentist? ‘Tooth early’.
advocate now for well over 20 years. These occasionally pop out of me so forgive, but
smiles and laughter are always good medicine.
I’ve worked in front of the camera, behind the
So enough about me. Let’s talk about the more
scenes, you name it. Love digging in deep, deep,
important thing here, you.
deep inside of the research. A lot of people call
me a research geek because I love all the journals Let me over-generalize, but in some cases it really
and I dig deep in all the research. Worked with pays just to have this big concept in mind. After
many folks whose names you probably know. literally decades, decades, digging into research,
Well known MD’s who embrace natural health teaching, I’m told now it’s got to be in the millions
and other medical oriented experts behind a through all these various means of people. I’ve
lot of different organizations that I’ve helped as narrowed down what good health including for
well. And I’m the founder of my own organization your skin, for your body, for your brain really
called where we now have amounts to. And it really can be boiled down to
over 400,000 members. putting the best stuff inside of you and keeping
the worst stuff out. That goes for your emotional
And in a nutshell, what we do there is we provide

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


and mental health as well by the way, not just the And the big problem, the reason this is the biggest
physical. But really it is that simple at the end of problem today is because again, so many people
the day. What do you allow inside of your being, are just not aware of how big this problem is.
your body, your mind? What do you keep out? Including many health conscious otherwise
This matters in a big way. people who focus deeply on eating the right foods
Now, when it comes to beautiful, healthy, your and so on and so forth and yet, a lot of people
youngest looking skin, there’s a lot we can cover. know very little about this still compared to other
And I’m going to brief on a lot of pieces that aspects of health. So let’s dive a bit deeper here.
people have heard elsewhere and know because Typical cosmetics, I will say are the worst
really your skin’s health and beauty is just an offenders for toxins that people are putting
outward manifestation, just an outward billboard, in allowing inside of their bodies. Now, why is
if you will, of your overall health. It really is one that so? You can make a case that toxins in the
and the same. But where I’m going to specifically air, especially inside the home are also pretty
focus today is where a lot of people have little in darn bad and they are. But those two areas, the
some cases, no awareness yet. It’s monumentally toxins and personal care products and cosmetics
important to achieve your most beautiful skin and and in the air are really bad. Now, let me focus
to achieve optimal health and avoid ill health and specifically on cosmetics and personal care
possibly even overcome ill health. products and say, why, why?
Now, please do listen particularly closely today if Because we actively are feeding our baby bodies
of course you do have skin issues, eczema, acne, the chemicals that are in these products. And
all the various sorts, but also if and/or let’s put there are thousands of chemicals overall allowed
it that way, you have other symptoms and you in the United States in these products. Now, in
are not quite sure of the causes. That could be the US the average woman uses 12 personal
dizziness, headaches. It could be fatigue for sure, care products per day that contain on average,
and all kinds of other digestive systems and so 168 different chemicals. The numbers are, I
on and so forth. Pay particular attention if you think about one half that and rising for men
want beautiful skin and you have these issues. In somewhere in that vicinity.
all my years’ experience and researching this and
Here’s one of the big kickers, in the European
seeing results, the number one problem, what is
Union and other countries, over 1300 different
the biggest problem today? Typical cosmetics and
chemicals have been banned because of their
personal care products.
toxicity. Because they range from carcinogens, to
As you see on the screen here, that is because potential carcinogens, to endocrine disruptors,
they can wreak unbelievable havoc on your skin, which is basically means hormone disruptors to
including and in many cases, especially those that high irritants, allergens, and so on and so forth.
advertise, they’re going to help your skin. If they’re So 1300 plus chemicals banned elsewhere, here
loaded with toxins, if they contain these synthetic in the United States just 11 chemicals banned.
ingredients, don’t believe the hype. We’re going I’m going to get a bit into why, because you can’t
to get deeper under this. Sure, they may help you avoid that question when you hear that statistic.
like fast food in a way is good in the moment, but
So let’s talk about common perceptions of the skin
they’re not good for your skin at all. Worse still,
briefly here. It is often treated like a separate part
they can wreak havoc on your hormones, on your
of the body if it’s treated like the body at all. Some
brain, on your digestive system on heart health,
cases, it’s treated more like clothing in a way for
and so many different aspects of your health.
some people. We don’t tend to think of it in the

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


same way that we might think of other organs place.

inside our body, our hearts, our brains, our lungs,
In other words, these ingredients can, and
and so on and so forth, our kidneys. But it is an
many of them will and do penetrate into your
organ. The skin is an organ. In fact, it’s the largest
bloodstream where they will then be sent around
organ in your body.
your organs throughout your body. Now, one key
And yes, just like you consume food through point I really want you to remember is that not
your mouth, the skin also consumes. Your body only is your skin an organ, but your skin is a key
consumes through your skin. If the molecules part of your immune system. In fact, it’s the front
of whatever you’re applying, whether it’s spray line of your immune system. Its job is to be the
on, rub on, whoever you’re applying this, feeding first one to stop things trying to get in from out
this to your skin. If these molecules and all these there, through the air, again, through different
different chemicals are small enough, they things. Anything it comes in contact with that may
penetrate your skin. And the kicker here is that, of have germs or any other number of potentially
course, most of the products have chemicals that pathogenic things in it. Its job is to try to put that
are designed to penetrate your skin. That’s why out.
they have whatever effect they have.
Now, again, typical cosmetics and personal care
[10:00] products are the worst offenders for toxins
So your body is eating whatever you apply to your people are putting in because we are seriously
skin in the very same way that you eat through compromising its ability to do its job of keeping
your mouth. It’s going inside your body. We’ll go these harmful microorganisms out when we’re
deeper. One reason that typical cosmetics are overtaxing it day after day after day with toxic
the worst offender is because yes, in the foods ingredients. In other words, let me put this in real
you put in your mouth and eat, you do have toxic layman’s terms. It should be spending its time,
ingredients where as a collective, we’re far more skin, fighting the natural invaders out there from
aware of that today then than what I’m delving the air, from surfaces we come in contact with
into. This information is about 10 years behind where germs reside and so on and so forth.
where food was maybe 10, 12 years ago, and However, we’re overloading it in a big way
the knowledge about it collectively. So we all because we’re busy without even thinking about
know there are foods out there, plenty of them, it, putting these highly synthetic ingredients on
processed foods and so on and so forth that can our skin, spraying our hair where it sticks to our
have some to many toxins in it. scalp, putting the deodorants under our arm that
And we try to avoid those. It’s a good move to contain these synthetic and toxic ingredients.
make. When you do eat them through your That is anything but harmless folks. That is the
mouth, though, they at least go through various complete opposite. It makes your immune system
filters, we’ll call them in your body. The gastric weaker to fight what it’s supposed to be fighting.
juices, your liver being the primary filter overall. Hence already, you’re starting to see why at the
In other words, your body then engages and very start I said, “This can be potentially lifesaving
tries to kick out as many of these toxins as it information, health-changing information.” Most
can. When you eat through your skin, and again, certainly changes to the appearance of your skin
that is exactly what you’re doing with cosmetics in a positive way if you implement even some of
and personal care products, deodorant, anti- what I discussed with you today, so let’s continue
aging creams, the whole shebang. When you eat here.
through your skin, the body has no such filters in I liken cosmetics and personal care products to

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


fast food. Why? Well, first of all, one image I want products are designed the same way. Let’s focus
to try to cement in your head so you remember on anti-aging cream, that’s a great example here.
this, the next time you go to a grocery store When they contain all kinds of synthetic and toxic
and you’re pushing your grocery cart down the ingredients in these products, they know they
cosmetics and personal care products aisle. Do being the manufacturers that these ingredients
remember this, you are in a food aisle. It’s not are going to actually give you results in the very
separate. It’s just, you’re feeding as I’ve stressed short term.
a lot. And I will keep stressing. It’s just, you’re
So you’re going to put that stuff on your skin, on
feeding your body in a different way through your
your face, around your eyes, wherever you desire
skin, these products. But it is a food aisle.
the effect. And the very next day you’re going
Remember that because then in that way, you to be potentially at least like, “Wow, this stuff
will automatically start being as conscious about works. I don’t care if there’s synthetic toxic stuff
what you’re feeding that way as you probably in here. I’ve lost all my crow’s feet.” Momentarily,
already are when you go to any of the other food in the short term, they have the desired effect
aisles, the produce and all the other aisles in that people seek. The problem is ironically, these
the store where you make conscious choices. So very same ingredients cause early aging. They are
not only is it food, but most of these products, heavily, as I noted a bit earlier, linked to all sorts
these cosmetics, these personal care products of health issues, symptoms that we talked about.
are specifically fast food. Now, what do I mean?
If you do have eczema, psoriasis, if you do have
Well, why do people eat fast food? Here’s why,
headaches and you’re not sure why or dizziness,
it’s scientifically designed, it’s a bit nefarious, but
or gastric, digestive oriented issues, and you’re
it’s true. There are people who are highly trained
not certain why, or you’re fatigued all the
scientists who work hard to make that fast food
time, strongly consider this being the reason.
taste and feel amazing in our mouths.
Meanwhile, ironically, again, I think it’s just really
They’ve manipulated these ingredients so it has ironic that these very same ingredients that have
the perfect mouth feel, that salty, sweet balance, this positive potentially short-term effect can lead
all these different aspects. We all know it’s terrible to severe, far more severe wrinkles and fine lines
for us, but for many people, unless you’ve really and other issues like that. Of course they can
trained yourself back to true whole foods, healthy because they’re synthetic, we’re not designed for
foods, plant-based foods and all that. But for petroleum based products. And yet that’s what so
most people, even those who are conscious of many of these ingredients are.
how bad this is and make an effort to avoid it, it
So just remember, it’s like fast food. They’re to get
still can taste really good in the moment. But we
you. They’re trying to grab you because there’s
all know with fast food, it may feel good in the
these really short-term wow results just like salt,
moment and it’s designed to. It’s designed to be
sweet foods and the balance in your mouth of
nearly addictive if not downright addictive. We all
these fast foods. Well, they’re trying to grab you,
know in the long run, it’s terrible for us. Even in
please remember that.
the medium run, even in the short run, in the next
day, or even hours later, we feel like garbage from Now, regarding the ingredients that are synthetic,
eating it. toxic found in so many, I won’t dwell long on this.
But it’s worth knowing this, that there’s basically
Our bodies are saying, “This is terrible. We don’t
five categories of ingredients that that can be
need this.” Well, cosmetics and personal care
harmful; direct carcinogens, meaning cancer
products, typical cosmetic and personal care
causing ingredients to be blunt about it, hidden

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


carcinogens. Let me side note on that real quick. and personal care industry is the most on you
What that means is, you remember chemistry regulated industry in the United States of America,
class back in high school, you know that when the most. Now, that’s because back in 1938, that’s
you mix chemical A and chemical B, you get some how far back any substantial change or legislation
other kind of chemical. And when you mix three goes. The FDA basically, not basically did say, “Hey,
chemicals or four or five or six, you’re going to get personal care and self-care products, industry,
some other weird stuff. cosmetics, industry, you’re going to regulate
They being these massive companies in some yourself.” And that’s been the case since then.
cases, smaller companies and others, they’re Unfortunately, it’s turned into a Wild West
not required to test virtually any of this as I’ll situation. A Wild West situation, because literally
dip into in a moment here. But they’re certainly you can put anything you want inside of a
not required to test what happens when three formula, call it anti-aging formula again, let’s
different chemicals, synthetic artificial things that use that example or a deodorant. You can put
they’re putting in these products mixed together anything you want in there, stick it on a shelf and
and what they create. Well, what they create is sell it. Now, of course, these organizations are not
often another potentially harmful chemical. going to want to put anything in these products
So you don’t even know what you’re getting in that has an immediate negative effect on your
these products. Even if they list all the ingredients, body, because it will easily be linked to their
they’re not really listing all the ingredients product. They will be found out, they will be sued
because we don’t know what’s going on. And and so on and so forth. So of course they know
there has been multiple studies, including from that the ingredients and the amounts that they’re
EWG, the Environmental Working Group showing adding them are not going to have any immediate
there are these offshoot or hidden carcinogens impact in many cases. In some cases, they do
being created from the mix of some of these have immediate impact in terms of folks with
ingredients. As I mentioned, there’s endocrine allergies and so forth.
disrupting ingredients, well over 200 from a study But in most cases, they’re like, “Yes, we’ve tested
I saw that are allowed in our products. Some these enough to know they’re not going to hurt
of them quite common in our products and of you now.” But they have not done long-term
course, allergens. testing on these ingredients. And in many cases,
[20:10] they actually know that some of these ingredients
are in fact, carcinogenic, are in fact, endocrine
And then here’s one of the worst ingredients; disrupting or hormone disrupting. Here’s the logic.
penetrators because penetrators are ingredients Here’s the reasoning that if you got them to talk at
added to make all the other ingredients, all these all, they might confess and they would say, “Yeah,
other synthetic and toxic ingredients go deeper okay, listen, sure. We know there’s ingredients
into your skin and work faster. In other words, that are potentially carcinogenic and potential
it’s sending the bad stuff deeper and faster inside endocrine disruptors, but they are in such minute
your body. Kind of scary, big question here. quantities in our products, that they’re not going
What? Wait a minute. I thought somebody was to hurt you. No worries.”
watching our backs. Nobody’s out there watching And here’s my response, which is, you know what?
all this and at least making sure we’re somewhat I think I might be okay with that if I use deodorant
safe, a little safe. No, they’re not. In fact, I have one day, a year or once in my whole life. But
seen it said time and again, that the cosmetic guess what? Let’s remember this. We are applying

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


again, 12 products for women on average daily So I often get the question, “Well, what are the
containing 168 different chemicals day after day, worst ones? Can you tell me the five to look for?
week after week, month after month, year after The 10 to look for? By now, you probably get it
year, decade after decade. It really is like death by though. There’s not just five or 10 or 15 or 20
a thousand cuts. In other words, small quantities or 30. There are over 1300 chemicals banned
of all these various potentially toxic chemicals elsewhere that are allowed here and are used
slowly, each day, going into our bloodstream, here. There’s over 4,000 different chemicals used
adding up, adding up, adding up. in fact. There’s no way me, you or anybody is
Nobody’s ever tested this in these organizations, going to know all of the wrong ones to look for,
these giant, mammoth organizations that make nor do we have the time to do that.
these products. You don’t test that, you don’t You turn these bottles around sometimes
look five years, six years, seven years down the and seriously, I don’t need to tell you. In some
line. You don’t test, they don’t even test again, cases, it looks like a horror novel of science-y
the mix of two different chemicals, much less this sounding terrible ingredients and in many cases
so. In the world of cosmetics and personal care they are. Who is going to scan through all that?
products, it truly is buyer beware. These things do “Oh, it’s okay. That one’s not.” You can’t do that.
add up. They have rather quick negative effects. Nonetheless, take a look at the screen here. Next
They can have rather quick negative effects on screen too. I will show you some of the worst
your skin. Again, the next day your skin might look offenders that you may often see.
great seriously, in some cases, a week later, not
Now, that first one at the top there, fragrance. I
to mention a month and so on and so forth and
do want to highlight that right now for you. If you
further down the line.
see a product with fragrance, scent, perfume,
Your skin is a billboard again for your health. It’s seriously think about putting it down and running
the first announcement it’s often the quickest the other way. Why is that? Well, it says right
to respond, whether it’s a positive or negative there. It can be any of over 4,000 chemicals,
change. And so first and foremost thing to often including; and again, the EWG and others had
go if you’re putting bad things into your body, dug into this, potential endocrine disruptors,
through your skin will be your skin. It’s going to carcinogens, and so on and so forth.
announce to the world first, “Huh? Not so healthy
Here’s the kicker, you don’t know, and they being
the companies that make these products are not
And then other pieces and parts of your body, all required to tell you what is in fragrance, why?
these other symptoms we talk about often will Because it’s a trade secret. So they could throw,
follow. So this last line here you see on the screen, and they do anything they want in there often
beauty industry alone is worth $532 billion. I don’t purportedly to make the smell. These sweet
think I need to say much more about if you’re artificial smells that, many of us have been trained
wondering, well, why do they get away with it, why to equate with quality or the thing working. Don’t
are there only 11 chemicals banned in cosmetics fall for that.
here in the US versus 1300 elsewhere? I think
But yeah, fragrance, perfume’s a fancy way of
that pretty much says it all right there. It’s a big
saying it, scent is a real straightforward way.
industry. And that doesn’t even include by the
These could be anything. When I’m at the grocery
way, the chemical industry that benefits big time
store, in the cosmetics food aisle, there it is, I’m
from the sales of its chemicals to the beauty and
always looking and first and foremost, I’m looking
the cosmetics industry.
for that ingredient. Like if it’s in there, I’m not

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


doing it. Because I don’t know what you’re putting help your skin. So it’d be an injustice if I didn’t
in there that I’ll be feeding my body through my just briefly jump into those. So in addition to
skin. Briefly parabens, we probably are more not feeding your skin and therefore the rest of
familiar with that. Now, that’s gotten the spotlight your body cosmetics and personal care products
in recent years. that contain these toxins and these synthetic
I will get to in a moment greenwashing, be careful ingredients and so forth. And instead, which we’ll
because just because on the front of a package, get to at the end, feeding your skin really healthy
just says paraben-free does not mean it’s not a ingredients, that’s a big impact point right there.
toxic product, because that is just a marketing But we’ll get to that.
catch phrase now. Sure. It’s paraben-free but it Also of course, and I’m going to remind you, even
may well contain any number of other ingredients though you’ve heard this 50,000 times, hydrate,
that you don’t want in your body. So don’t hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink your water, drink
necessarily fall for what’s on the front of a label. your water. The rules are different on this. This
Here’s some more for you, formaldehyde. That’s whole thing about eight glasses a day, nobody
an interesting one. It’s used as a preservative in actually can pinpoint where that started and
cosmetics, and it’s also a known carcinogen. Look there’s not any, again, I’m a research geek and
it up. It’s linked to neuro-toxicity, asthma, other there’s not some real deep research that’s showed
issues. And it’s in all sorts of products. Yes. This is that anywhere. Not 10 years ago, not 20 years
the same ingredient that you used in high school ago, not recently. However, the latest insights that
biology to preserve frogs and so forth. And we’re I’ve heard is from some really highly qualified MD
feeding our bodies this in some cases, because it’s friends of mine, they’re saying, “Try to drink at
so prevalent day after day after day. least one to two glasses more than you do on a
daily basis or beyond your current thirst.”
Triclosan is another interesting one to be aware
of. This was banned from hand soaps in 2016, Of course, we all know water is essential for good
and yet it’s allowed in every other type or many skin. So is proper sleep. Oops, sorry. So proper
other types of products still. So they even know sleep, some key points to help enable that really
it has issues. They banned it from one type of you’ve heard this perhaps before, and it’s just
product, but it’s in anti-aging creams and so on finding more and more how true it is trying not
and so forth. Kind of mind boggling on that one. to get any of that blue light that’s emitted from
So we’ll jump back to that a little bit more, but I screens, computer screens, phone screens, TV
do just want to highlight since this is about your screens. Try not to get any of that type of light, at
healthiest, youngest looking skin and how to least two hours before bed.
achieve that first and foremost, and the great Try to get your seven hours or more up to a point
health that goes along with it, they really are per night, seven to eight hours. Try to go to bed
partners. They’re one and the same. Great health, around the same time and wake up at the same
you’re going to have your best skin, not great time daily, including weekends and sleep in a dark
health, you’re not going to have your best skin and quiet room as much as is possible. Sorry. So
and so on and so forth. vitamin D, very important for skin. Very important
[30:00] to avoid too much sun, very important not to not
get any sun. Now, I’m not going to dig deep into
But let’s focus specifically many of the same key this. This has certainly been discussed elsewhere
steps that you want to put in play for your overall many times, but your 15 minutes a day in the sun
health to live long and to live well are going to at least is a good idea.

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


If you know you’re going to be out in the sun that because that’s where I wanted to put the
excessively, like I am. I’m an avid gardener. I love spotlight in this discussion, because small changes
gardening, and that’s why I’m out there a lot. Then in this area can lead to dramatic positive changes
use your zinc oxide based skin sunscreen if you’re for you. You’re going to be surprised in a really
going to do that. Or do what I do, which is, wear a positive way. And the beautiful thing is that as
hat and longer sleeve clothing. If I’m going to be you see here, in a world where making important
out there because sun is good for you, but excess changes can feel so difficult, not feeding your skin
sun meaning you’re to the point of potentially and therefore not feeding your body the wrong
getting burned, not good for your skin, of course. thing ingredients, and instead feeding your skin
Combat excess stress. You’ve heard this the right ingredients is pretty darn easy to do. It’s
elsewhere. It matters for your health and it a pretty darn easy change to make.
matters certainly for your skin. Look at any person And I mean, versus relative to diet and exercise.
who’s gone through a lot of stress and you could We know we have to do those things. We know
see it in their skin. It’s kind of telling. So practice the diet in terms of what we put into our bodies,
techniques, tactics for that covered elsewhere. Of through our mouth. We know the changes we
course, I’ve said it a million times here regarding have to make in most cases, but it’s really hard to
feeding your body. So it’s true, of course, with do. And it’s so easy to fall off the bandwagon, so
the foods you do put in your mouth versus the to speak or off the wagon of doing so. We know
foods you’re putting on your skin. Eat the best about movement and exercise and how important
and try to avoid those that lead to a terrible skin. it is, but it’s very challenging to do. So the beauty
Excess sugar being perhaps the top culprit on that in the area of positive ingredients to feed your
artificial ingredients are way up there, processed skin and negative ones to avoid is relative to those
grains, which act in your body much like sugar sorts of changes, quite easy. It’s a beautiful thing.
anyway. Oils, meats, dairy, none of these are great It’s low hanging fruit as people say.
for your skin, certainly not in access.
So what do you do? Well, these changes are
Plant-based foods certainly are, especially, you going to result in, again, the skin is this incredibly
could see the list here, take a screenshot if you … it’s one of your best friends. Here’s why, it’s
want. But surprising one that most people don’t so receptive to positive change just as it reacts
realize is mushrooms are fantastic for your quickly to negative things a nd looks real, real fast
health in many ways, including vibrant, glowing when you’re doing the wrong things. It’s so quick
skin. If you can eat mushrooms, meaning you’re to respond to positive changes that you make,
not allergic, eat mushrooms, eat a variety of that you’re going to be surprised in a good way
mushrooms. There’s almost nothing better in when you make just some of the changes that
terms of consuming through your mouth foods we’ve talked about, certainly when it comes to
than mushrooms. Avocados, nuts are fantastic reducing or eliminating the toxic products and
for your skin. I could go on and on here with all then the rest of your body will follow.
this types of stuff, but I did want to cover that and
As it says on the screen here, preventing and
you’ll see it on the screen. There’s some key, key
reversing potentially disease is a result of these.
foods for you.
Because again, toxins lead to disease, reducing
Now, let’s jump back to the big key again, the that you’re going to experience positive changes.
highly toxic lifestyle that we’re living, where we So what I would suggest a lot of people do,
are feeding our bodies through cosmetics and because again, we covered how it’s not easy to
personal care products. Look, let’s jump back to look and try to scan for potentially thousands of

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


ingredients you want to avoid. And I’m going to is just from a hand sanitizers alone. And look at
get a little deeper into what you should be looking those words and so many products. This probably
for in a moment. But you want to take inventory looks familiar to people, what you see on the
of all the cosmetics and personal care products screen here because that’s what so many of these
that you routinely use. products look like. So what are you going to do?
A grand statement will be this; if they’ve got How do you pinpoint? “That one’s okay, that one’s
toxins, potential toxins, synthetics in them, the not.”
ideal would be shove them all in the garbage, Here’s what you do. In the US, look for
literally. Don’t give them away to other people. independent, this is a super important word,
You’re not helping them. Shove them all in the independent certifications that the product is truly
garbage and just replace them with far healthier clean, organic, toxin-free or that’s what you do. In
cosmetic and personal care product choices. other words, the most predominant in the United
Now, I realize that’s impractical. Money, first of States, independent certification is USDA Certified
all, we spent good money on all these things. So Organic.
what should you do? Where should you start? One [40:00]
avenue that I suggest people think about is, “How
It’s this little green symbol, I think I show it on the
close to my skin is this product then?” If you have
screen here in a moment. And you want to look
to pick and choose between a bottle of shampoo
for that in all of your skincare products, period.
and an anti-aging cream to replace first, choose
And all of your cosmetics, all your personal
the anti-aging cream. Why? Because day after day,
care products, but certainly those that you’re
you are putting this directly on your skin so it can
applying directly to your body; your creams, your
penetrate if it has these toxins. That’s the first
moisturizers, your serums, your deodorants,
thing you want to limit versus the shampoo, which
those sorts of things.
at least you’re putting on quickly. Some may be
getting into your skull, but it’s quickly rinsed off You certainly want to, and they’re out there,
too, in the shower. So again, think about it in especially with deodorants, you’ll go to common
those terms. grocery stores today and you’ll find several, at
least variety of them in most places. But why
A deodorant, big change. You’re putting that
this approach? Because again, don’t take the
under your arms, in this very sensitive skin spot
company’s word for it. Again, we’re going to get
where it’s hidden there all day long. So it’s got
into that. Let me see if that’s on the next screen
direct contact with your body all day, every day.
here indeed. This is the USDA Certified Organic
Be super careful with the deodorants that you
label I was talking about. But don’t buy into
choose, get rid of those that contain toxins. That’s
whatever the company itself is promoting on its
how I’d suggest folks think about it if they want to
website or on the front of its packaging.
prioritize which ones to get rid of first. Now, how
in the world though do you make good choices? Because again, they can say paraben-free. They
How do you make good choices on what to use? can say organic. They can say natural. They can
What to look for in the cosmetics and personal say anything they want. They can’t say USDA
care products aisles of the store, online and so on Certified Organic, or they’re going to get in
and so forth if there are thousands of potential trouble if they’re found out, but they could just
chemicals to watch out for. say organic. They could say wild crafted. That’s
one I’ve seen a lot, natural, all natural. These are
What are you looking for? You can’t tell, look at
not regulated phrases. And as I mentioned to
some of these example labels here. I think this

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


you, cosmetics and personal care products are forget, please, that your skin eats, your skin
incredibly unregulated, period. Those are not eats. I’m going to get to some really exceptional
widely regulated phrases. ingredients to look for remembering that
And what it could mean is that yes, they have one your skin eats. So you want to feed your skin,
ingredient that is organic, amidst 50 ingredients therefore, your body healthy things the same
that are not organic. And not only that, that have way you feed your body healthy things through
well, maybe synthetic, but still they could put on your mouth. I’ve heard this expression out there
the front, organic. They could put paraben-free, that that beautiful skin happens from the inside
even though it might have formaldehyde and out and from the outside in. In a way, but really
all these other ingredients that you saw on the the truth is that everything happens from, like I
previous screen. Please be careful of this. You’re started at the very start saying from the outside
looking for independent certifications. The top in in. From the outside in, and therefore from the
this country, United States being USDA Certified inside out. In other words, whether we’re have
Organic. a orange here, we’re taking a bite of it or we’re
putting it here and then it goes in and then it
What that means is it’s gone through independent blossoms out.
scrutiny, independent of the company where the
ingredients themselves in the product are 95% or So really you are eating when you put things
more toxin free. And even the ingredients allow on your skin, just remember that. And in some
that other 5% are very specific, very meticulous, cases, the ingredients, the things that you feed
safe in other words. And it means that even your body via your skin can be far more potent
when it does contain as USDA Certified Organic for your skin in terms of healthy aging and great
products do, natural ingredients often grown looking skin, anti-aging than the things you put in
in the ground, plant-based ingredients when your mouth, why? Because again, it’s the reactions
it does. Even those ingredients at the level of happening right there at your skin level. That’s
farming, were farmed without pesticides, without why people do use creams and serums and so on
herbicides, in other words, it’s a really strict and so forth.
process. It can be incredibly effective for getting rid, let’s
It takes a lot to be honest for a product to be frank here, of the appearance of wrinkles, of
become, USDA Certified Organic and still be highly crow’s feet, of loose looking skin, sagging looking
effective as an anti-aging cream, a deodorant, so skin, the appearance of age spots and so on and
on and so forth. It takes a lot. But it’s quite doable. so forth. There are a marvelous, healthy, natural
Now, there are equivalents. In some states ingredients that help these things in a big way. So
there are some strict standards and so there are let’s jump into a few of those for you.
independent certifications. You know what state Before we do, though, I’m glad this screen popped
you live in and it’s worth checking. And if you live up. Real brief lesson for you. There’s these two
elsewhere in the world, and you’re listening to key components. It’s more complicated than this,
this, you may know already your own country’s but this is the key to remember. In skin, there’s
equivalent of USDA Certified. For example, in a lot two key components that have to do with the
of Europe, it’s the ECOCERT, which is based out of appearance of skin and a lot more functionality
France. It’s called ECOCERT, very similar. It’s this as well, but it’s elastin and collagen. Now, we’ve
independent body that regulates this. So watch heard a lot about collagen in recent years and
please carefully your products for that. justifiably so. You hear less about elastin, but if
Now, let’s revisit a few things here. Just never I was going to make the case for either of these

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


two and focusing on them, I’d probably make the And as I just noted, that’s the springs in the
case for elastin a little bit more than collagen to mattress. That’s super important for your
improve it in order to get the best looking skin youngest looking skin. That’s what really can
of your life. But the good news is you don’t have powerfully get rid of wrinkles and the appearance
to pick one or the other, because there are key of wrinkles on the sagging, the skin appearance
ingredients that have an effect in both areas. and all that good stuff. This is really a powerhouse
So let me use this example for you. Here’s a ingredient against the appearance of these signs
metaphor that’s helpful. Think about traditional of aging that you don’t want. And if I was going to
box spring mattress. It has all the stuffing and it say, and good thing we never have to say stuff like
has those wire coils, the springs inside. All that this, because it really is a mix of certain things that
stuff and it’s like the collagen. And yes, when that matters. But if I had to say one single ingredient’s
stuff starts to go down, you will see some wrinkles the most effective that I’ve ever seen, it would be
in your skin and so on and so forth. However, this.
the elastin is the springs themselves. And when But the good news is there’s still more, organic
those go, everything kind of goes. Unfortunately, mango seed butter. Now this is one that does
if you don’t do something about it as you age with indeed really help collagens. Here’s the thing
elastin, just like with collagen, perhaps more so, about collagen, a lot of people out there are
even with elastin as you age, it can naturally well, taking collagen itself. And while that may have
degrade. some benefit, what you really want to do, whether
And then we exasperate it first and foremost, as I it’s foods you’re taking through your mouth or
pointed out by feeding our skin all these horrible foods, you’re feeding your skin is enable your
things over the years, and then through all the body’s own production of collagen. And to do that
other bad lifestyle choices that are relatively one very key ingredient is vitamin C. And organic
very common today. That people make the mango seed butter is one of the handful of
environmental toxins, bad diets in terms of eating ingredients out there that are sky high in vitamin
food through your mouth and so on and so forth. C. It’s exceptional, exceptional for young looking
So many things can exasperate what happens skin. So it’s another outstanding ingredient.
anyway, when you get older. But again, the good Now, here’s one many of us have heard of, and
news is there’s some marvelous, natural, healthy it’s true. Organic aloe Vera juice. It was called the
ingredients out there that can help in a big way. plant of immortality back in ancient Egypt. That’s
Number one, on the list. And many people have how they refer to it. And science has said, “Indeed,
not heard of this one, but organic maple leaf that’s true.” It has all kinds of benefits for your
extract. Now, back in 2018, out of the University skin. We all know and think about it probably
of Rhode Island, this big study basically hit the when we get burns or cuts, but it does so much
airwaves so to speak. And it was reported on all more than that.
over the place, look it up. I think it was, if you [50:00]
follow Mercola, something alternative like him.
It really can have powerful anti-inflammatory
And then it was very mainstream publications like
effects. It moisturizes it’s a great all around
Allure Magazine. Everybody put the focus on this
ingredient. Another that some have heard
cool study, which showed that maple leaf extracts,
of some have not is German chamomile, the
particularly red maple leaf extract has these
scientific name chamomilla recutita. It’s a really
phenolic compounds that that can boost or help
powerful antioxidant, anti-microbial, has powerful
boost elastin in your skin.
anti-inflammatory effects. It’s really a strong

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass


skin soother. So if you have the appearance of that one and it truly is. It’s high in vitamin E and
redness, dryness, really pay attention and see it’s exceptional for hydrating your skin. Camu
how you respond to that ingredient. camu down the list there, take a screenshot of
Now, here’s a … this is not a new ingredient, has this if you’re able to, because these are some
been around for eons, but a lot of attention more outstanding ingredients to look for in your
and more being focused on how effective it is skincare products.
for skin, because it’s a Turkey tail mushroom. So big picture. Let me try to extend this back out.
You might’ve heard this elsewhere in terms of At the start, I mentioned to you that in the course
consuming through your mouth. Well guess what? of this discussion, you’d understand why these
Found out that consuming it in forms through steps that I defined here are the most effective,
your skin can have a real powerful effect anti- fastest, I will assure you of that, that you can take
aging effects. if you really do want your most beautiful youngest
looking skin. Don’t feed your body as many … try
Let’s move on here because my time is limited.
Man, I could talk to you all day about this stuff. to reduce if not downright eliminate those toxins,
But another one to really, really consider is those synthetic products
astaxanthin. Now, this comes from red algae. Feed it healthy, clean, certified organic products.
There is red algae and then there’s creatures Your skin will look amazing from far more
salmon, which is why many of them are pink. amazing quickly than it does today. I could just
Flamingos, which is why they are pink and other state that outright. I’ve seen it too many times,
creatures consume them. But when you’re looking maybe in a couple of cases, I may be wrong, but
for astraxanthan in a product, you do want the I’ve seen it over and over. Just those steps alone.
plant-based form, the algae-based form. But it And the better news is because of course, how
has superior protective abilities that combats we look matters to us. But the better news is you
photo aging. It really helps in a big way with the will feel healthier. A lot of these other symptoms
appearance of weathered skin. Skin that looks like we talk about at the start, don’t be surprised if
it’s been beat down from the sun. If that’s you, they reduce or go away. You will be doing your
look for a product with astraxanthin in it to feed longevity a favor too.
your skin
So you can’t lose. And then of course I briefly
Indian gooseberry extract. You’ve heard, and covered some other areas, hydrate, hydrate,
you certainly will hear more and more about hydrate, and all these other things. But anyway,
amla or gooseberry extract. Turns out sky high I just want to say thank you. I hope you gained a
in vitamin C, great for your skin, super strong lot out of this and I am wishing you decades and
in the anti-wrinkle department. And then a few decades of youth. Take care.
other sunflower seed oil. Maybe you’ve heard of

Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Disease Masterclass

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