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JULY, 2021









Prin-advisor Demis Alamirew (PhD)

co-advisor Solomon Melese (PhD)



JULY, 2021








I hereby certify that I have supervised, read, and evaluated this thesis titled “The Effect of
Personality Traits on Employees Job Performance; in selected sectors of Hulet Ejju Enesie
Woreda in Motta town by Abate Hailu prepared under my guidance. I recommend the thesis be
submitted for oral defense.

Advisor's name Signature Date

Department Head Signature Date







As members of the board of examiners, we examined this thesis entitled “The Effect of
Personality Traits on Employees Job Performance : in selected sectors of Hulet Ejju Enesie
Woreda in Motta town by Abate Hailu, We hereby certify that the thesis is accepted for fulfilling
the requirements for the award of the degree of “Masters of Business Administration (MBA)”.

External examiner name Signature Date

Internal examiner name Signature Date

Chair person name Signature Date


This is to declare that the thesis entitled “The Effect of Personality Traits on Employees Job
Performance: in the case of selected sectors of Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda in Motta town” is my
original work. I have conceded out the present study independently with the guidance of his
submitted for the award of the degree of Masters in MBA program at University of Gondar is my
original work and it has not been presented for the award of any other, Project Report,
Dissertation or other similar titles of any other university or institution.

Declared by:

Signature: ________________

Date: _________________


This is to certify that the thesis work entitled “The effect of Personality Traits on Employees Job
Performance: in the case of Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda in Motta town” submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters of Business Administration
to the College of Business and Economics, University of Gondar; through the Department of
Management, is done by Abate Hailu

Research Advisors:

1.Demis Alamirew (Ph.D.)



Place: University of Gondar

2.Solomon Melese(Ph.D.)



Place: University of Gondar


First I would like to express my limitless gratification to Almighty God together with his Virgin
mother St,Marry who helped me in all state of affairs and give everything in reaching me to this
position and to finish my thesis. Next my special thanks go to my thesis advisors Demis
Alamirew (PhD) and Solomon Melese (PhD) for their precious and constructive professional
advice and comments by spending their valuable time. Without theirs supervision the completion
of this research work would not have been successful. and also my special thanks go to my dear
brother Gizachew Wendie(ass. prof) for his precious and constructive professional advice and
comments by spending his valuable time.My deepest thanks also go to my mother Nigiste
Geremewu, my dear wife Tsehaynesh Eskezia my dear sister Mastewal Hailu, my dear brother
Girma Hailu and all my family members for their consistent moral support and encouragement
during the study time. Last but not least, I would like to thank all of my friends especially who
helped me in writing my thesis.

Table of Content
Contents pages

Table of Content ................................................................................................................................ i

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... iv

LIST FO FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... iv

ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................. vi

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................... vii

CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................... 8

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 8

1.1.Back Ground of the Study ...................................................................................................... 8

1.2. Statement of the Problem..................................................................................................... 10

1.3.1. General Objectives ........................................................................................................ 12

1.3.2. Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................... 12

1.4.Research Hypothesis ............................................................................................................. 12

1.5. Significance of the Study ..................................................................................................... 13

1.6 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................... 14

1.7. Organization of the Study .................................................................................................... 14

1.8. Definition of key terms ........................................................................................................ 15

2. LITERATURES REVIEW......................................................................................................... 16

2.1.Introduction........................................................................................................................... 16

2.1.1 Personality ...................................................................................................................... 16

2.1.2 Personality Related Theories ......................................................................................... 16

2.1.3. Personality Traits .......................................................................................................... 19

2. Conscientiousness: ..................................................................................................................... 20

4. Agreeableness ............................................................................................................................. 21

5. Neuroticism: ............................................................................................................................... 22

2.1.4.Job Performance ............................................................................................................. 22

2.1.5. Relationship between Personality Traits and Job Performance .................................... 23

2.2. Empirical Literature Review................................................................................................ 25

2.2.1. The connection between Neuroticism and Job Performance ........................................ 25

2.2.2. The relationship between Consciousness with Job Performance.................................. 26

2.2.3. The relationship between Openness with Job Performance.......................................... 26

2.2.4. The relationship between Extraversion and Job performance ...................................... 27

2.2.5. The connection between Agreeableness and Job Performance .................................... 28

2.3. Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................... 28

CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 30

3. THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 30

3.1. Research Approach and Design ........................................................................................... 30

3.2. Research design ................................................................................................................... 30

3.3. Population and Sampling ..................................................................................................... 30

3.3.1. Population ..................................................................................................................... 30

3.3.2. Research sampling size sampling techniques. .............................................................. 31

3.4. Sources and types of data .................................................................................................... 31

3.5. Data Collection instruments ................................................................................................ 32

3.6. Data Collection Procedures ................................................................................................. 32

Source: researcheʼs working out with SPSS 2021...................................................................... 34

3.8. Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 35

3.9. Research Model design ........................................................................................................ 35

3.10. Variables ............................................................................................................................ 36

3.10.1. Dependent Variable..................................................................................................... 36

3.10.2. Independent Variables................................................................................................. 36

3.11. Measurement of Variables ................................................................................................. 36

3.11.1. Measurement of Independent Variables ..................................................................... 36

3.11.2. Measurement of Dependent Variable ......................................................................... 37

3.12. Ethical Considerations ................................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER FOUR .......................................................................................................................... 38

4.2.Demographic character of the Respondents ......................................................................... 38

4.3. Descriptive Statics of Dependent and Independent Variables ............................................. 39

4.4. Correlation Analysis of Personality Traits and Job Performance ....................................... 40

4.5. Multiple Regression hypothesis Test................................................................................... 43

4.5.1. Normality Test ...................................................................................................................... 43

4.5.2 Linearity Test ........................................................................................................................ 44

4.5.3 Homoscedasticity Test .......................................................................................................... 46

4.5.4 Multi Co Linearity Test .................................................................................................. 47

4.6. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis .................................................................................. 48

4.6.1. Regression Model Analysis of Effect of Personality traits on Job Performance .............. 48

4.6.2. ANOVA Model of Effect of Personality traits on Job Performance ............................. 48

4.6.3. Coefficient of Personality Traits on Job Performance .................................................. 50

4.7. Hypothesis Testing ............................................................................................................. 52

4.7.1 Hypothesis ......................................................................................................................... 52

4.8.Discussion of Results ............................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................................. 5

5.2. Recommendation ................................................................................................................... 5

6. References .................................................................................................................................... 7

-2 ............................................................................................................................................ 17


Table 3.1: Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient size ................................................................................ 33

Table3.2 Summary on the pre and post-test reliability of items .................................................... 34
Table 4.1. Response Rate Respondants .......................................................................................... 38
Table 4.2.Background profile of the Respondents ........................................................................ 38
Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics of personality traits and job performance Descriptive Statistics.. 39
Table.4.4: Pearson Correlation Coefficient .................................................................................... 41
Table 4.5 Correlation Analysis of Personality Dimensions and Job Performance ........................ 42
Table4.6 .Multi co linearity Test Distribution Result .................................................................... 47
Table 4.7 Model Summary of Effect of Personality traits on Job Performance ............................ 48
Table 4.8 ANOVA Model of Effect of Personality traits on Job Performance.............................. 48
Table4.9. Multiple Linear Regression Result of Effect of Personality traits on Job Performance 50
Table 4.10: Summary of Hypothesis Testing Results .................................................................... 53


Figure 2.1 :- conceptual framework ............................................................................................... 29

Figure 4.1. Frequency Distribution of Standardized Residual ....................................................... 43

Figure 4.2. Normal P-P Plot Of Regression Standardized Residual Dependent Variable ............. 45

Figure 4.3. Homoscedasticity of Job Performance......................................................................... 46


ANOVA Analyisis of Variance

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science


The major purpose of the study was to examine the effects of personality traits on employee’s
job performance, in selected sectors of Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda public in Motta Town .The
study used quantitative research approach and explanatory and descriptive research design.
Purposive sampling technique was used to select the eight sectors from the total of 21 sectors
and also censes sampling technique was adopt to treat the 200 participants. Descriptive
analysis, correlation, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regressions were carried out
to analyze the data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.Regression
analysis was used to examine the effects of personality traits on employee’s job performance.
The study was conducted to observe the effect of personality traits on job performance. The
results of the regression analysis model indicated that the five independent variables (openness
to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) explain about
52.5 percent of the variation in the level of job performance. Based on the findings, the study
recommends public sectors of the study area shall empower public sector employees and ensure
their professional freedoms to avoid shyness and provide co-curricular benefits above their
professional rewards. This may include access to professional development trainings, incentives
and soon.

Keywords: Personality Traits employee, Job performance.


1.1. Back Ground of the Study

Personality traits and job performance relationship has been studied in the past century. Personality
has been deem to be as an important question that is in disput and must bee settled for analyzing
job performance. It is a character which differentiates one person from another person.personality
Traits as Factors Influencing Job Performance Behavior; numerous studies have been conducted on
human behavior and performance. Based on the results of this study, behavior has been identified
as necessary to distinguish one person from another and to analyze performance (Beer., 2011).

Personality is an important factor in determining whether a person is able to do a particular job. It

takes a person to perform a given task efficiently and knowledgeably, so that we can determine
whether or not Breed is more or less suitable for a particular task. Therefore, it is important to
know how different breeds are contributing to performance. As a result, it has become a major
topic of interest for some well-known researchers to study behavioral development ( Neelu .T and
P.K. Sharma, 2018).

While other are seen exhibiting negative work performances behavior such as absenteeism, lateness
to work, laziness, uncooperative attitude, negative moods, irresponsible acts, fraudulent acts,
narrow-minded behavior affecting productivity negatively and so on. How can we use the theory of
personality to predict behavior of employees at work in performing their assigned task (Sev and
Joseph, 2019).

Personality and job performance relations has been common purpose to research topic in many
fields like industry, agriculture, and medicine for a long time. Research conducted in this instance
time was characterized by previous studies in which researchers investigated the interface of
individuals from many personality inventories to different aspects of job performance (Alsuwailem
and Alanoud., 2016).

The connection between personality traits and job performance has been studied in the past
century. Personality has been measured as usefull issue for analyzing work performance. It is a
character which differentiates one person from another person), personality give some thing useful

or necessary about to occur whether a person will be having the nessary meansmake a particular
job or not. Job performance is an outcome of skills, knowledge, efforts and abilities designed at
task lay down behavior. Individuals can be differentiated on the origin of their personality factors
(Beer., 2011).

Personality has been measured as an important factor for analyzing job performance. It is an
activity that differentiates one person from another person (Beer., 2011). Personality provides
impending into whether a person will be capable to do an exacting job or not. Job performance is a
consequence of skills, awareness, efforts, and skills intended for at-purpose agreed behavior. These
characters will originate them more or less fit for a particular job. Therefore, it is significant to
know how different factors are contributing to job performance.

A general conclusion from some of the most well-known researcher’s studies is that the validity of
personality as an interpreter of job performance is quite low. The present study is to identify the
relationship of these five personality constructs to job performance measures for different
occupations. Formal evaluation of personality characteristics is familiar in many organizational
settings, for reasons such as personnel selection, personnel training, establish leadership styles, and
group construction (Murray. R, 1991).

Performance is an important measure for organizational results and achievement because it

measures individual performs or individual level variable (Fitriandini, 2013). In the current fast-
increasing globalizing century, it is critical for organizations today to recruit high-performing
employees. The issue most organizations find tedious is to split individuals who will achieve well
from those who will not. The answer may relate to the type of personality that one exhibits; how
ever since organizations started to integrate personality testing in their recruitment processes there
has been logical doubt in terms of their true usefulness(Burch, 2008).

Why are some workers hardworking, exhibiting positive work performance behaviors that are high
contribution leading to high job performance and goals accomplishment of the company, high level
of inspiration and job satisfaction, regularly seeking for new methods to complete works in
organizations, revealing better performances output, develop work methods that maximize
productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Developing high self-efficacy which will lead to better

work completion and customer satisfaction and achieving greater efficiency at work (Darkwah and
Nana, 2014).

Having apoint with the intention to study the variances and similarities in aperson by personality
theory.These theories are behavioral, Social learning and Cognitive theories; Biological theories;
Humanistic theories; Psychoanalytic theories; and Trait theories. Among the concepts that
describe human behavior listed above, the researcher's theory of behavior includes the relationship
between the five major human slaves in relation to performance. The reason he chose the concept
of behavior over others is because this concept accurately describes human behavior and contains
five types of personality traits that allow him to accurately identify his relationship with job
performance. (Chla. C. S, 2013).

As a result, the researcher was try to some extent feel this empirically investigated gap in the
Ethiopian context by examining the effect of personality traits on job performance Hulet Ejju
Enesie Woreda public sectors in Motta town.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Previous researches showed that the importance of personality traits never be

underestimated,consistent with (Akhtar and R, 2015).There is a giant link between job
performanceand personality traits of employees of the organizations. The corporate human
resource management should asses the personality traits before and after recruit the staff for the
organization (Ghani, 2016).

Personality affects all aspects of a person's performance, even how reacts to situations on the job.
This indicates that the conclusion is wide-reaching and that it is feasible to make straightforward
the outcome of such studies from corner to corner. The characteristics of Big Five personality
(Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) have
been practical only on a limited origin to higher organizational setting; by integrating these five
dimensions in the condition of this sector, this study was add to the literature. In addition, the
findings from this study are to see the trait and the level of Big Five personality and job
performance among employees at an organization (Holila and Mastura. M, 2015).

personality characteristics (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness,

and neuroticism) and individual creativity and which of the correlated factors; autonomy,
supervisory support, and conflict moderates that relation in order to enhance individual creativity.
The past literature shows that people with high extraversion and openness to experience are more
creative. While the other three dimensions show contradictory results. The literature relating to
autonomy, supervisory support, and conflict shows that they all have a moderating result on
individual creativity. But what is the moderating effect on the Big Five personality characteristics
of these relative factors to get better creativity? (Platschorre, 2016).To determine the impact of five
traits of personality on managers' performance at the place of work. The researcher focuses on only
managers so there is a gap in this research; this research was simplify this gap by using the
collection of data considered to all employees (Neema. G, Ashish etal, 2020).

In addition, the researcher believes that the previous researcher was used a small sample size, there
is a methodological gap and such kinds of problems were not identified in the study area. So the
research was simplify this problem and identifies to what extent personality traits are influenced by
employee job performance.In general there is no a agreement among academics in relation to
which trait is more affects the job performance of employees. A meta-analysis of studies find out
there is still a lack of agreement among researchers on which of the Big Five personality traits have
effects on job performance (Y.Ashebir, 2020).

Ingeneral the reasons why I did this study; Firsit, the job performance of the institutions in the
study area different from the performance of another institution as well as the staff of another
employee. In this case the researcher motivated to identify the problem and which personality trait
influences on job performance in the public sectors.Second,due to the lack of research on
personality traits and employee job performanc in the area i chose to conduct the study. Therid, to
identify the type of personality traits that is best suited to determine the job performance of a
person due to differences incharacter.

furthermore, there is no other study had been conducted in regarding to Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda
in motta Towon the effect of personality traits on employees performance, in addition there is a gap
among previous researchers in reaching a harmony which personality trait is a principal factor on
job performance. As a result, all the above mentioned things convince the present researcher to
motivated to the study in examining the effect of personality traits on employee's performance in
Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda public sectors in Motta town.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The researcher have the general and specific objectives

1.3.1. General Objectives

The major objective of the study was to investigate the effect of personality traits on employee job

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

1. To assess the supposed level influence of openness to experience on employee job

2. To examine the influence of conscientiousness on employee job performance.
3. To examine the influence of extraversion on employee job performance.
4. To investigate the influence of agreeableness on employee job performance.
5. To investigate the influence of neuroticism/Negative affectivity on employee job

1.4.Research Hypothesis

Haypothesis1.Openness to experience has a significant positively influences on employee job

performance of in selected public sectors of hulet ejju enesie woreda.

Hypothesis 2.Conscientiousness has a significant positively influences on employee job

performance of in selected public sectors of hulet ejju enesie woreda.

Hypothesis 3.Extraversion has a significant positively influences on employee job

performance of in selected public sectors of hulet ejju enesie woreda.

Hypothesis 4.Agreeableness has a significant positively influences on employee job

performance of in selected public sectors of hulet ejju enesie woreda.

Hypothesis 5.Neuroticism has a significant negatively influences on employee job

performance of in selected public sectors of hulet ejju enesie woreda.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The study was identify effect Personality Traits on employee job performance in an organization.
The research is help the Human Resource Managers and the Administrative staff of Hulet Ejju
Enesie Woreda public sectors in Motta city.

The most important issue in this study was to find out how personality traits affect employee job
performance and therefore the result is help them in selection and recruitments for a particular task.

The study is also used to serves as an input for the government in formulating policies and systems
that will convey progress and It helps policy makers to use this research paper as an input to come
up with a new and more problem-solving policy study, as it can be a fundamental problem for
performance and show what the problem is.

This study serves as a reference for researchers studying their master's degree in this field and
possibly serves as a basis of reference for other correlated research works in the field of academia.

The problem that raised in this research paper is fundamental to the area in which the study was
conducted and will serve as a starting point for further study in the future, and also help get better
the organizational structures originate in the Hulet Ejju enesie Woreda public sectors in Motta

I think this study shows the problems in the study area, so it will serve as a tool for the local
government to consider the issues identified in the study and to correct them.

Finally, this resaerch was used to the employees before entering a job, employees need to know
about the job and their behavior, as well as other behaviors, both before and after the job, so they
need to be aware of the impact that have on the way they enter the public sector. Therefore, this
study was based on individual performance as well as the needs of both new and existing
employees.It can help them understand their types of behaviors and contribute to their work.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study was examine the effects of personality traits on organizational job performance in the
Amhara Region East Gojjam Zone Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda public sectors in Motta town. The
research is covered all employees of the selected eight sectors.

Depend on the character of the study, this research was used an explanatory and descriptive survey
design type of study. From the research, two types of variables is present the dependent variable
and the independent variable.

In this study, there are one dependent variable, the job performance of government organizations
sector leaders, work process coordinators, and employees. In order to answer the research question
of whether personality affects job performance, personality had to be taken as the independent
variable. However, the most recognized way to test personality is through the personality traits:
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experienced and it
intends to find out the effect of personality traits on organizational job performance.

1.7. Organization of the Study

Chapter 1 includes the background of the study, the statement of the problem, research questions,
and the scope of the study, the objective of the study as well as the significance of the study.

Chapter 2 deal more general background for the following chapters and reviews the range of inside
theoretical basics, concepts, characteristics, theories, approaches, and classifications essential to be
aware of and evaluate the correlation between personality and productivity.

Chapter 3 provides the methodology of the study. The data collection procedure and method, the
population covered by the study, and the sampling method is reviewed.

Chapter 4 deals about data preparation and analysis.

Finally, the last chapter includes conclusion and recommendations based on the result of the study.

1.8. Definition of key terms

Extraversion: - is the first choice for human associates, understanding, sociability, forcefulness
and the desire to motivate people(Barrack, 1991).

Neuroticism:-connected with being changeable, disturbing, insecure and reserved

Openness to experience: -connected with being wide-minded, inventive, exceptional, and

interested (Barrick and M. R., 1993).

Agreeableness:-linked with being eager to help, best-natured, forgiving, and kind (Barrick and M.
R., 1993).

Conscientiousness:-connected with being responsible, motivated, and hard-working, and thorough.

an attentive cognitive state in which you are responsive of yourself and your position(Barrick and M.
R., 1991).

Job performance: - is a means to arrive at the purpose or set of goals within a jobresponsibility in
the organization (Rothman, 2003).




In the 21st century, one of the most critical topical issues in the study of organizational behavior is
the effects of labor force variety such as personality on organizational performance. In today’s
global and competitive environment, the general agreement is that organizations that increase
diversity are likely to achieve better than organizations without the advantages that diversity
brings. Workforce diversity refers to employee’s individual differences and similarities. It stands
for individuality that includes personality, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, region, sexual
orientation, income, marital status, work experience, and perceptions that uphold organizational
core values. On the other hand, organizational performance can be defined as when an organization
meets its set targets putting into thought all other personality, external and internal traits that
influence performance (Sikalieh and Damary, 2012).

2.1.1 Personality

Personality traits are extremely important in today’s competitive organizational situation.

Employees individually acquire diverse personality character that may influence on negatively or
positively their performance of jobs assigned to them. It is therefore important that managers and
organizational members take into account these important individual differences because realizing
these traits will help managers and colleagues to deal with employees’ job performance. This
research was therefore conducted to look into the impact of personality traits on job performance in
Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda public sectors in Motta town selected eight public sectors as a case

2.1.2 Personality Related Theories

The intention to study the variances and similarities in a person by personality theories. The
similarities can be used to forecast one's performance and behavior, as they make available the
communal attributes of human character. These theories are(1) Behavioral, Social learning and

Cognitive theories;(2) Biological theories;(3) Humanistic theories ;(4) Psychoanalytic theories;
and(5)Trait theories (.Uwimpuhwe, etal, 2018). theories

Personality structuredcan be classified into three parts (i.e. tripartite), the id, ego and super ego
(also known as the psyche), all increasing at diverse stages in our life. These are systems, not parts
of the brain, orinanyway physical. The id is the primitive and instinctive part of personality. It
consists of all the present at birth (i.e. biological) components of personality, including the sex
(life) instinct– Eros (which contains the libido), and aggressive(death)instinct-Than atos.It operates
on the fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that desire to experiance principle which is
the thought that each wishful an instinctive motiveshould be filled with satisfactionright away,
despite of the consequences (Freud,and Sigmund, 2018).

The ego develops in order to act as a go-between the unrealistic id and the outside actual world(like
referee). It is the judgment creation section of personality. The ego operates according to the truth
principle, functioning our realistic ways of satisfying the id’s demands, often compromising or
postponing satisfaction to keep away from negative consequences ofan extended social group
having adistinictive culture and economic organization.The ego considers social realities and
norms, etiquette and rules in come to adecision about some thing deciding how to behave in
acertain manner.The super ego make in to awhole values and morals of society which are educated
from one's parents and others. It is alike to a conscience, which can punish the ego through causing
approach of guilt (Freud,and Sigmund, 2018). theories

Humanists have priority for human needs and interests; they also believe that it is necessary to
study the person as a whole, especially as an individual grows and develops over the life span
humanistic theory’s for t h e m o s t p a r t focuses are peoples 'needs, self-conception /esteem,
and values) describes humanism as "school of thought that believes human beings are different
from other species and possess capacities not found in animals.”Personal goals are one of the major
properties of humanistic theory(Ali .G and Selda. A, 2012).

17 Biological theories

Biological theoriy was the one of the first theorists to make an effert or elate biology to
personality. He recommended that human brain has two sets of neural mechanisms, extatary and
inhibitory and developed very power full model of personality. Based on the outcome of issue
analyses of responses on personality questionnaires recognized as beingthree dimensions of
personality: extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism. According to Eysenck, the two
dimensions of neuroticism(stable vs. .unstable)and introversion-extroversion combine to form a
multiplicity of personality characteristics (Eysenck and H. J, 1982). Behavioral, Social Learning and Cognitive theories

Observation all earning plays a primary function in the act of contracting,activety involved in
mantaining some thing in good working order,and amendment of behavior. He declare a plan for
something suggests that imitative learning often occurs in the absence of outside reinforcement.
We obtain behavior without performing it overtly and without being reinforced for it. We basically
watch the behavior of others, characterize it cognitively (that is, symbolically),and then perform it
under the suitable situation. The focus is on the ways in which behavior is learned when the person
is influence to single and multiple models with varying personality character(.Uwimpuhwe, etal,
2018). Big Five Personality Traits Theories

Trait theory is one of the main approach to the study of human personality. In the structure of this
approach, personality traits are clear as normal patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that are
manifest in a broad array of situations,the mainly essential features of traits are comparative
stability over time, different degrees of expression in different individuals, and pressure on
behavior; acontemporary trait theory, The Five-Factor Theory mantain by Robert R. McCrae and
Paul T. Costa, Jr., is based on the Five Factor Model (FFM), this are are Openness to Experience ,
Conscientiousness , Extraversion , Agreeableness , and Neuroticism ; often referred to via the
common acronyms ocean (Novikova, 2013).

2.1.3. Personality Traits

Personality traits are communal and one person itself endless outline of perceiving, concerning to,
and attaching about the bordering and oneself. The researchers agree to Big Five personality
dimensions which include all personality traits. Openness to experience includes active
imagination, aesthetic sensitivity, and politeness to internal feelings, favorite for variety,
intellectual interest and freedom of conclusion (Goldberg, 1990). People scoring low on openness
be liable to be conventional in behavior and usual in viewpoint. They have a preference the familiar
to the new, and their emotional responses are somewhat become quiet. People scoring high on
openness tend to be unusual, willing to question power and organized to redirect new ethical, social
and political thoughts. Open individuals are questioning about both internal and external worlds,
and their lives are experientially richer. They are eager to entertain novel ideas and unusual values,
and they experience both positive and negative emotions more willingly than do closed individuals
(Hamilton, 1988). The Big Five Model is generally characterized as Openness to experience,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Neuroticism (emotional stability), and Agreeableness. As the
previous research and theoretical aspects, the big five personality traits can be explained as follows
one by one.

1. Openness

Elevated openness to knowledge the employee may prompt job capability because the job enables
these employees to convince their interest, examine new viewpoints, and grow actual interests in
their procedures. Therefore, they are likely to distinguish important job events and unite their
clearing up with appropriate behavior to get bigger a job practice that maximizes competence,
efficiency, and effectiveness. Moreover as job view expands and technical changes proliferate,
there is likely to be a larger demand for creative workers who are responsive to new developments
and engage in ongoing education and qualified enlargement, which may increase the importance of
openness for ensuring positive work efficiency. On a interrelated note experimental that persons
with higher levels of openness to skill are likely to achieve better efficiency at the job, because they
follow opportunities to be taught new perspectives and deal with vague situations (Ali .G and
Selda. A, 2012).

2. Conscientiousness: -

Reserachers clearly define traits concerning conscientiousness as (competency, organization,

dutifulness, achievement, determination, self-disciplined, thought) run from “paying attention” to
“flexible.” Paying attention traits are useful for leaders, junior executives, and other high achievers
(McCrae and Costa , 1992). It is possessed by employees with high results. They make known the
next attributes dutifulness, achievement, direction, self-disciplined. Flexible traits are useful for
researchers, detectives, and administration consultants. It is possessed by employees with low
results in this trait. They make known attributed of being frivolous, careless, and disorganized.

The researcher describe conscientiousness traits as being hard-working, thoughtful, vigilant,

complete, accountable, systematized, and strong-minded. It also includes the characteristics of
being persevering, prearranged, answerable, loyal, thorough, and productive (Barrick and M. R.,
1991). Individuals with this measurement are in nature hardworking result oriented and ambitious.
These dimensions are no doubt greatly respected by all organizations (Daft, 2008).(Smithikrai,
2007)reveals that because conscientiousness person be inclined to work toward their goals in an
industrious manner, these employees are more likely to believe that their work has special meaning
and thus they understanding greater psychological attachment to their “job” (Li. Lin, 2007).They
also normalize their work behavior more effectively. High conscientiousness exhibits the power to
purpose or build up in general. They are task-based, emphasized goal achievement.

They emphasized the significance of success a goal and expend energetic, long-suffering and
untiring consequence (Anderson, 2004). On a contrary note suggests that high conscientiousness
employees tried to meet only direct demands, does not care about prospective results, lacks a sense
of goals, mistakenly observes rules or standards, and perform an activity weakly (Wallace and
Jovanovich, 2003). A conscientious employee also likely attains enhanced job capability, which
should get better job involvement.

3. Extraversion: -

The traits concerning extraversion are heat, hospitability power goings-on, and excitement-looking
for, optimistic emotions. They run from “Extravert” (E+) traits to introverts traits. Extravert
(E+)traits are helpful in sales, politics, and the arts. Introvert (E-) traits are useful for production
management and in the physical and natural sciences. Extraverts are outgoing, warm, and positive
while introverts are quiets, kept, and shy (McCrae and Costa , 1992). In the views of (Barrack,
1991), meaningful outgoing, companionable, gregarious, talkative, confident, and strong-minded
persons are called extraverts. Extraverts have the tendency to be spontaneous, communicative,
energetic, positive, and enthusiastic (Goldberg, 1990).

They are facing for respect, social acknowledgement, administer and control (McCrae and Costa ,
1992). They are completely linked with emotional assurance (Zickar and Erdheim. W, 2006).
Extraverts are competent of involved affirmative emotions (Costa and McCrae 1992) which in turn
lead to job pleasure (Connolly and Viswesvaran, 2000).

High extroverted employees likely use their constant, cool-headed, positive, and forceful manner
to act in response to customers’ needs which outcome in job completion and customer satisfaction.
Generally predicts that when a person is greatly extraverted, he/she typically provides services
ahead of point in time. They also compose better use of their competencies than do employees with
low down extraversion (Varca, 2004).

4. Agreeableness: -

Defined as the propensity to support and assist others, agreeableness is connected with altruism,
compliance, set aside, understanding and hope. Investigation verification suggests that the overall
influence of agreeableness on employment marketplace outcomes is negative. Even though
agreeable individuals may be extra doing well in a joint effort, three mechanisms might counteract
this positive influence in the office. First, helping others may reduce individual job performance.
Second, agreeable people may be not as successful when bargaining their pay. Finally, agreeable
individuals may come in less-constant, lower-salaried occupations and are further likely to be
unemployed(Fletcher, 2013).

The traits linking to agreeableness are (belief, truthfulness, humanity fulfillment, modesty, and
tender-mindedness). They run from “Adapter” (A+) to Challenger (A-). Adapter (A+) traits are
useful in teaching, social work, and psychology. Challenger (A-) traits are helpful in the promotion,
administration, and military leadership. “High Agreeableness” (A+) personalities are

straightforwardness, acquiescent and sympathetic while “Low Agreeableness” (A-) are
quarrelsome, oppositional, and unfeeling(Mullins, 1996).

Agreeable defines the features such as self-given up, supportive, nurturance, reasonable and
emotional hold up at one end of the measurement and hostility, indifference to others, and self-
attention on any more end (Digman, 1990). Agreeableness consists of traits such as respectful,
flexible, immature, kind, faithful, compassionate, kind and open-minded (Barrack, 1991).

5. Neuroticism: -

Neuroticism is also known as “negative affectivity.” It refers to people's dispositions to practice

pessimistic affecting states, feel worried, and outlook the world around them negatively. They may
play sprite’s advocates in an association pointing out problems with a planned course of doing
something. Managers high in on nneuroticism traits may often sense irritated and sad and criticize
concerning their own and others lacks step up. They also apply negative moods, sense stressed, and
have a negative way (al and Louisburg, 2007).

They are graver of their job performance, a tendency that drives them to make improvements and
excel in serious thought and evaluations. Managers who are low on Neuroticism trait do not be
liable to experience many negative emotions and moods and are fewer pessimistic and serious of
themselves and others (George and Jones , 2007).

The another researcherpreserves also that managers high in Neuroticism traits are Reactive (N+ ).
They are worried, unhappy and self-aware; examples are societal scientist, academicians, customer
service, professionals, while managers low in Neuroticism traits are “Resilient” (N-). They are
diplomatic, contended and self-confident; examples are Airline pilots, military snipers, finance
managers, engineers (McCrae and Costa , 1992). Traits relating to Neuroticism/negative
emotionality are be worried, anger, opposition, self-consciousness, impulsiveness.

2.1.4.Job Performance

Job performance is defined as the total expected value to the organization of the separate
behavioral situation that an individual carries out above a standard period of time( Borman.etal,

2003). Usually, job performance is limited to the core task activities that are based only on job

The combination of effectiveness and efficiency at performing core job tasks is a indication of an
employee’s level of job performance (Stajkovic and Luthans, 1997).For example, in the garment
manufacturing context, job performance could be measured by the number of quality products
produced in an hour. All types of performance relate to the core duties and responsibilities of a job
and are often honestly related to the functions listed on a formal job description. Task performance
is the most important human output contributing to organizational effectiveness (Stajkovic and
Luthans, 1997).

Employees are not using company time productively while cyber loafing, and it could be argued
that this would cause their performance to suffer. Understanding how personality traits relate to on
the whole job performance can offer an insight to which behavior may be linked with cyber loafing
behaviors. Several studies have been performed to decide which of the dimensions are the most
important when predicting job performance with the target of use in selection. (Sag and Michael
A., 2015).

A good employee performance is required for the organization, since an organization's success is
reliant upon the employee’s inspiration, innovation and dedication (Darkwah, 2014). Good job
performances and production development are also important in stabilizing our economy; by way
of enhanced living standards, higher wages, an enlarge in goods accessible for utilization, etc.
appropriate performance can be clear that as persons who comprise motivation to perform
administrative everyday jobs. Appropriate performance indicates that employees will give a hand
organizational operations by inspiration with no any internal system to have power over.

2.1.5. Relationship between Personality Traits and Job Performance

The pursuit to ascertain definite, unambiguous links between personality and job performance
follows an unclear path. In the first period of this quest, results were generally insignificant provide
a clear example of this. Their finding that personality does not predict job performance led to the
conclusion that there is no generalizable facts that personality measures can be recommended as
good or practical tools for employee selection. This is a methodological and theoretical issue. They

referred to past studies on personality as “extensive in conceptual disorder, with no overarching
theoretical model and the subject matter was operational in large numbers of poorly validated
scales with diverse names. It is clear, then, that reviewers of the literature drew distrustful
conclusions regarding the utility of personality measures for employee selection purposes.
Nevertheless, the methodical investigation of the personality-job performance connection began to
corrode this distrust when the Five Factor Model was discovered. It was revealed that five traits,
namely extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness, are the core
aspects of personality (Zurga and Sabrina .A, 2019).

Previous studies shows that big five personality traits explains choice of human behavior including
job satisfaction, turnover intent, and job performance. For example, study conducted by (Mariam
.B and Muhammad .T, 2020)recommended the Big Five personality traits pressure employees
motivation to accept new job assignments (Mariam .B and Muhammad .T, 2020).

Many psychologists have questioned the helpfulness of personality measures in predicting job-
related and job performance, the conclusions of early reviews that most personality measures are
not reproduce the personality truth. Although, confirmation has recommended that personality
measures are suitable predictors of varied job-related. Unlike many measures of reasoning ability,
personality measures in general do not have an adverse impact on disadvantaged employees and
thus can improve fairness in personnel decisions (Alsuwailem and Alanoud., 2016). Newest
research showed that personality traits are related to job performance. Job performance has much
dimensional which indicates how well employees perform their jobs, Job performance could be
influenced by many factors, like the characteristics employee who perform a job, the job itself, the
organization and co-workers. Dispositional Variables is individual responses to situations that
result from one's own past experiences and influence on personality character, needs, wanted,
attitudes, preferences and motives that result in a propensity to act in response to situations in a
predetermined method. Job performance is influenced by ability, need for success, self-regard,
affective temperament and the interaction between these concepts.

Most meta-analyses suggested that two of FFM (The Big Five personality traits or the five factor
model) high level of conscientiousness and low level of neuroticism are positively correlated with
job performance in nearly all jobs. Most meta-analyses recommended that conscientiousness is

more strongly correlated to job performance than is low level of neuroticism (emotional stability
(Barrick and M. R., 1991).

Thus, employees with high scores on conscientiousness should become higher performance at
work. But, being anxious, aggressive, personally insecure and depressed they have low emotional
stability is improbable to get high performance in any job. Thus, they expect that conscientiousness
and emotional stability will be positively related to overall performance across jobs. These two
personality dimensions are also expected to be related to some specific dimensions of performance.
Neuroticism (emotional instability) is a dimension of personality referring to the propensity to
experience negative influence such as fear, sadness, shame, anger and fault. High scorers may be at
risk of some kinds of psychiatric problems. A far above the ground Neuroticism score shows that a
person is inclined to having strange ideas, less able to control impulses, and coping poorly with
stress. A low Neuroticism score is lead to emotional stability as have mentioned above (Akhtar and
R, 2015).

Workers are sometimes tested on the Big Five personality traits in cooperative situations to
determine strong personality traits they can give to the group dynamic. Personality tests can also be
part of the behavioral process, when a company is hiring to determine an individual's ability to act
on certain personality characteristics. It is important to a company to understand its operations and
processes. Understanding what personality components drive the behavior of employees is a useful
data point for management that can be used to determine what type of assignments should be set,
what team dynamics may rise, and how to best conflict or admiration when applicable (Alsuwailem
and Alanoud., 2016).

2.2. Empirical Literature Review

2.2.1. The connection between Neuroticism and Job Performance

The influence of neuroticism is astimulus essential to carry out injurious emotions in a person.
Persons who are high on neuroticism measurement are typically unhappy, irritated,
uncomfortable, expressive, concerned, and unsure of themselves. (Dunn and W. S.,
1995)Showed that neuroticism is the second mainly vital feature that influences the
employability of candidates. Neuroticism is indirectly interrelated to job performance.
Though, (Salgado, 1997)completed that neuroticism is a forecaster of performance in different
occupations. In the case of the five force models of personality traits relation with job
performance the researcher identifies by using primary data collection system ,devellopes five
likertt scale questionaries and by using simplerandom sampling technique that uses 205
respondants The impact of Personality traits on the Job performance of employees is
completely obvious in many organizations use this effect on their employees. The findings
states that, Neuroticism has negativily affects employees job performance (Delima, 2019).

2.2.2. The relationship between Consciousness with Job Performance

In general People who are high in conscientiousness, achieve better at the job than those that are
low in conscientiousness. The persons who are high on conscientiousness are aware, methodical,
arranged, well-originate, less precipitate, devoted to their goals, dependable, and accomplishment
resolute. Workers whose conscientiousness is elevated are better performers in their various jobs
compared with individuals who have less conscientiousness (Barrick and M. R., 1991).

In line with, the conscientiousness trait of personality is able to forecast the performance of
employees in the figure of a variety of nature of the relative performance of employees‟ work.
With little exceptions, the majority of them follow a line of investigation to confirm that
conscientiousness is an imperative forecaster of performance (Barrick and M. R., 1993). In the case
of the five force models of personality traits relation with job performance the researcher identifies
by using primary data collection system ,devellopes five likertt scale questionaries and by using
simplerandom sampling technique that uses 205 respondants The impact of Personality traits on the
Job performance of employees is completely obvious in many organizations use this effect on their
employees. The findings states that, conscientiousness has posetively affects employees job
performance (Delima, 2019).

2.2.3. The relationship between Openness with Job Performance

In the other independent variable i.e.Openness to experience shows an attribute a preference to

acquisitive innovative thoughts, and that they have intrinsic attention and admiration for novelty.
Different preceding research investigations have publicized that openness to experience is
connected to achievements in consulting, training, and altered version. But in additional findings

indicated that doing well employees are who obtained extensively lower achievements on openness
dimensions. This trait can differ with job requirement (Johnson, 1999)and (Hayes, 1994).

Openness to experience originates from a trait of interest, original, broad-minded, rational, and
imaginative. These characteristics guide individuals in the direction of energetic contribution in
learning opportunities as training development programs (Barrick and M. R., 1993). Originate with
openness to experience feature can forecast job performance anywhere connections and relations
are high along with the employees. Consequently, there is a great number of kinds of literature that
identify a positive and important relationship between openness and the job performance of
workers (Hamilton., 1988).

Also, another researcher examine the effects of personality traits on employee’s job performance;
gender as a moderator, in selected bureaus of Amhara National Regional State, Bahir Dar city. The
study was used quantitative research approach and explanatory research design to impartially
respond the projected investigated questions. Simple random sampling technique was used to select
the six bureaus from the total of 20 bureaus and also proportionate stratified sampling technique
was adopted to treat the 260 participants; and out of those, 245 has responded. Descriptive analysis,
Pearson relationship, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regressions were approved out to
analyze the data using SPSS version 23. The finding of the study indicated openness to experience
positive effect on employee performance (Y.Ashebir, 2020).

2.2.4. The relationship between Extraversion and Job performance

Extraversion persons show high occurrence and power of personal relations, optimistic emotions,
and a higher requirement for encouragement. Additionally, extraversion has a tendency to be
hopeful and to reappraise problems positively. Extraverts, in general, contain positive personalities
and may well take them to focus on the high-quality and positive surface of their experiences.
Furthermore, extraversion also tend to be related with difficulty-solve coping, reasonableness,
positive reassessment, and societal-support looking for (Thoresen, 2004).

Extraversion is characterized by a positive outlook and experiences and is as a result seen as a

positive influence Extraversion has established important and positive forecaster of the job
performance of workers particularly in jobs wherever interactions and exchanges are high, as sales
agents and managers (Johnson, 1999).
2.2.5. The connection between Agreeableness and Job Performance

According to the research findings, agreeableness mentions the interpersonal and interrelation way
of individuals. Peoples that have a good height of agreeableness can be categorized as generous,
blameless, compassionate, and kind as compared to others who do not have these characters.
Agreeableness represents an individual with the aim of has supportive principles and the first
choice for the positive interpersonal announcement. Elevated levels of agreeableness may forbid
one's willingness to make a solid bargain, chase one's own self-interest, and pressure or manipulate
others for one's own benefit. Agreeableness is an important forecaster of job performance (Tett,

Agreeableness is connected to training achievement. Agreeable persons are winning in jobs that
need collaboration and joint effort (Rothman, 2003). Agreeableness can be the most excellent
forecaster of job performance at the personnel and managerial level. Because agreeableness trait
contains attributes like cooperative, broadminded, and polite with others, completed that the
agreeableness trait is a good forecaster of workers‟ performance of the jobs requires joint effort
and these results are also established .As a result, most researchers are in agreement that
agreeableness can be positively and significantly predict the job performance of employees (Judge,
T. H., 1999).

Also, another researcher examines the effects of personality traits on employee’s job performance;
gender as a moderator, in selected bureaus of Amhara National Regional State, Bahir Dar city. The
study was used quantitative research approach and explanatory research design to impartially
respond the projected investigated questions. Simple random sampling technique was used to select
the six bureaus from the total of 20 bureaus and also proportionate stratified sampling technique
was adopted to treat the 260 participants; and out of those, 245 has responded. Descriptive analysis,
Pearson relationship, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regressions were approved out to
analyze the data using SPSS version 23. The finding of the study indicated that agreeableness
positive effect on employee performance (Y.Ashebir, 2020)

2.3. Conceptual Framework

The researcher suggested in order to show the conceptual framework that has been developed
below describes the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The
independent variables include Personality Traits (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism). The dependent variable is Job performance. The
conceptual framework shows the effect of the independent variables Personality Traits on the
dependent variable of Job performance. This conceptual framework is developed as per the above
empirical researchs.

Independent variable

Agreeableness (+)

Conscientiousness (+) Dependent variable

Extraversion (+) Job performance

Neuroticism (-)

Openness (+)

Figure 2.1 :- conceptual framework

Sources : From different theoretical and emperical literetures (Chia .C.S,2013 &Y.Ashebir, 2020).



This chapter delegate the research approaches, Methods and designs, data collection system, data
analysis. Sample size and population, data analysis instruments functional and data collection
techniques used. It also gives a concise explaining of the questionnaire and questionnaire design,
explains different sections of the questionnaire and the target respondents.

3.1. Research Approach and Design

Quantitative research usually involves a systematic and empirical investigation of phenomena

through statistics and mathematics and the processing of numerical data. The process of estimating
numbers in quantitative research provides the essential linkage between empirical observation and
the mathematical expression of quantitative relations. In quantitative research data is typically
selected and analyzed in a numerical form (Singh.etal, 2012).This study will obtain to form a
quantitative research approach. Quantitative research deals with quantifying and analyzing
variables to get outcome by involving the operation and analysis of numerical data using particular
statistical techniques to answer a question like who, how much, what, and how many.

3.2. Research design

Depend on the character of the study, this research was used an explanatory and descriptive survey
design type of study and it intends to find out the effect of personality traits on organizational job
performance. Explanatory research design was intended to provide an explanation on the causal
relationships between variables through hypothesis testing or it aims to acquire the right
conclusions of causality between variables.

3.3. Population and Sampling

3.3.1. Population

The population is defined as all elements (individuals, objects, and events) that meet the sample
criteria for inclusion in a study (Babbie and Mouton, 2001). The population of this study consists
of all permanent employees in the selected public sectors of Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda public
sectors in Motta town. There are about 21 sectors, from these the researcher select eight sectors that
cover 38% of the total population. The sample sectors were selected by a purposive sampling
system. I think the institutions have enough information and understanding for my research in light
of their work ethic. The total population in these eight sectors is 200 employees (source the woreda
civil service office). Based on this the researcher selected the following sectors as sample
population. These are the Government communication affairs office, Trade and marketing
development office, Technique and vocational development office, Urban development and
investment office, Cooperative office, Culture, and tourism office, Civil service, and human
resource development, Water and energy office(source the woreda civil service office).

Sampling is the process of selecting observation subjects from a population (Babbie and Mouton,
2001).When we are involved in studying a population, it is often not feasible or promising to study
the entire population, particularly if it is large or hard to access. Therefore, we may choose to study
acensus survey.

The target population number of respondents in the study area is 200 in total. The population is
appropriately defined so that there is no ambiguity as to whether a given unit belongs to the
population. Sample A selected group of some elements from the totality of the population is known
as the sample. It is from the study of this sample that something is known and said about the whole
population of selected eight public sectors in the Hulet Ejju Enesie Woredapublic sectors in Motta
town. The research sampling size was 200 because the researcher will use the census survey
sampling technique.

3.3.2. Research sampling size sampling techniques.

The researcher was select eight public sectors 200 employees of Hulet Ejju Enesie Woreda in
Motta town.The target population of the study was be 200. In this case, the researcher was apply
the purposive and census survey sampling technique due to the reason the researcher was wanted to
get deep information to get more reliable and valid results for the study.

3.4. Sources and types of data

The research was carry out based on two types of data sources, primary and secondary data
sources. Primary data sources collect information through questionnaires (close-ended). Secondary
data was collected through official Human Resource reports of the organization, from the related
literature review and previous research papers, books, and documents.

3.5. Data Collection instruments

The researcher is build up an investigation questionnaire to examine and assess the procedure and
perform participative decision-making by the selected sectors for the aim of the study.
Questionnaires are the chosen data compilation instruments mostly for primary data collection, for
two important reasons. It helps the researcher to collect information on truth and attitudes from an
extensive range of sources and extra more than that it is a useful tool to guides the respondent since
it gives understandable choices to make sure. Questionnaires was propose in Amharic language and
was distribute to 200 respondents.

3.6. Data Collection Procedures

All employees was contributed to the effect of personality traits on organizational job performance
and who are members of the sample obtain a questionnaire bring to their work departments. A total
of 200 questionnaires was used in the data analysis and also data was collected through applicable
documents directly related to the research title.

3.7. Validity and Reliability

3.7.1. Validity

The validity of a tool is the degree to which an instrument measures what it is considered to
determine (Oh, 1993). To measure validity questions were organized based on information
gathered during the literature review to ensure that they are representative of what respondents
should know. contented validity will be further ensured by consistency in managing the
questionnaires. All questionnaires will be circulated to respondents by the researcher personally.
The questions was formulated in simple language for clearness and ease of understanding. Clear
instructions were given to the subjects. Validity is the strength of the conclusions. All realistic
actions are taken to ensure internal validity of the research. Leading questions are avoided and the
wording of questions was made simple and definite. Control questions are added in order to
determine whether respondents are contradicting themselves.

3.7.2. Reliability

Reliability is the degree of consistency of a extent with an instrument. Reliability focuses about the
accuracy and precision of a measurement procedure and implies that the same matter that is
researched continuously by the same or different persons must render the same result. The
questionnaires answered by employees‟ revealed consistency in responses. Reliability can also be
ensured by minimizing sources of measurement error like data collector bias. Data collection bias
will be minimized by the researcher being the only one to administer the questionnaires.
Cronbach”s alpha is reliability coefficient that indicates how well the items of the average inter-
correlations among the items in measuring the concept. The nearer Cronbach‟s alpha is to 1(one),
the higher the internal consistency reliability (Sekeram, 2003).

Table 3.1: Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient size

Alpha Coefficient Range Strength of association

Less than 0.6 Poor

0.6 - 0.7 Moderate

Above 0.7 - 0.8 Good

Above 0.8 - 0.9 Very good

Above 0.9 Excellent

Source: (Zurga and Sabrina .A, 2019)SPSS for windows

Table3.2 Summary on the pre and post-test reliability of items

Post test
Items Pre test

No of No.of Cronbach”salpha No.of No.of Cronbach”salpha

items samples Value items samples Value

Conscientiousness 9 17 0.682 9 180 0.600

Openness to 10 0.745 10 180 0.715
Extraversion 8 0.671 8 180 0.591
Agreeableness 9 0.782 9 180 0.749
Neuroticism 8 0.698 8 180 0.678
Job Performance 9 0.836 9 180 0.846

Cronbach”s alpha Value for all items 0.740 0.700

Source: researcheʼs working out with SPSS 2021

In the above table 3.2,shows that the pre-test Cronbach”s alpha coefficients of Value for all
independent and dependent variable items were 0.74 and also each independent and dependent
variable are: 0.682, 0.745, 0.671, 0.782, 0.698 and 0.836 for Conscientiousness, Openness to
experience,Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Job performance respectively. Thus, as
a rule of the thumb, acceptable alpha value at least 0.70, so from the above table 3.2. shows this
study was used (Cronbach, acceptablealpha value 0.740.The above result specifies that all variables
were better reliability because these alpha coefficients are better. in the same way, the post-test
Cronbach”s alpha coefficients of each independent and dependent variable are: 0.600, 0.715, 0.591,
0.749, 0.678 and 0.846, 0.700 for, Conscientiousness, Openness to experience, Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Job performance respectively. Thus, as well the pre-test, the
result of Post-Test the alpha Value were 0.700.this shows that the Cronbach”s alpha coefficients
indicates that all variables were better reliability because these alpha coefficients are 7.00.

3.8. Data Analysis

Descriptive and statistical analysis was used to evaluate the data and recognize the effect of
personality traits on organizational jobs. The data is build up from both primary and secondary
sources will present using tables and descriptive statements and analyze using descriptive statistics.
IBM SPSS Statistics Version 23 was used to analyze the data. The data analysis is involve both
descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics like mean, frequency, and percentage
will use to outline sample characters and main patterns promising from the data. And also the
demographic characteristics of the respondents is simply noticeable to the reader.

3.9. Research Model design

The research has one model. Model one includes only the independent variables in order to
evaluate the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and job performance.

Model 1

Y = α + βx1 + βx2 +βx3+ βx4+ βx5 +ɛi

Where:-Y = Job performance,

α= constant (Regression coefficient),

β = coefficient of the variables,X1 = openness to experience,

X2 = conscientiousness

, X3 = extraversion, X4 = agreeableness,

X5 = neuroticism, ɛi= error term

3.10. Variables

From the research two type of variables was present the dependent variable and the independent

3.10.1. Dependent Variable

In the study there was one dependent variable, the job performance.

3.10.2. Independent Variables

The researcher used five independent variables to recognized way to test personality is through
the personality traits: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to

3.11. Measurement of Variables

3.11.1. Measurement of Independent Variables

The resaercher was used in this study, the independent variables are personality traits. The
independent variables comprises of five dimensions of Big Five personality traits are Openness to
experience, Consciousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Emotional stability (Barrick and M.
R., 1993).

The researcher measured the independent variables through 44 Likert scale questionnaire which is
adopted from (Johnson, 1999), and discusses about the issues of Big Five personality. All the items
were measured using a five-point Likert scale ranging from „strongly disagree‟ (1) to „strongly
agree‟ (5). Openness to experience includes Ideas, Fantasy, Aesthetics, Actions, Feelings and
Values. Conscientiousness comprises skill, organize, dutifulness, success, Self-discipline and
thought. Extraversion includes sociability, boldness, action, excitement-seeking, positive emotions
and Warmth. Agreeableness consists of faith, altruism, conformity, reserve and tender-mindedness.
Neuroticism includes concern, hostility, sadness, awareness, rashness and openness. It ranges from
strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).

The entity or interest statements that states either a good or anbad attitude towards the object of
interest can be found in summated rating skill. The five-point Likert scale allows respondents to
choose from five alternatives according to their level of conformity with the statement asked in
questionnaire. The format for five-point Likert scale was listed, namely SD=strongly disagree,
D=disagree, N=neutral, A=agree and SA=strongly agree. This mid-sized questionnaire was chosen
to ensure an accurate measure of each personality trait without incurring in an excessively long
questionnaire, which could induce measurement error.

3.11.2. Measurement of Dependent Variable

This study have one dependent variable which is the job performance of employees in the selected
public sectors. Because of the importance of employee Performance to the effectiveness of any
organization job performance choose as the dependent variable. The researcher will measure
dependent variable by 9 standard questionnaire which are adopted from (Teh, 2011).To measure
Job performance nine questions or items are adopted from the works of (Teh, 2011).The items were
measured using a five-point Likert scale ranging from „strongly disagree‟(1) to,strongly agree‟ (5).

3.12. Ethical Considerations

In this study the researcher have used right reference, follow organized collection and analysis of
data techniques, maintain data privacy, obtained the consent of the case organization and staffs and
based on their consent to meet the ethical requirement of research. The research treats any
information that is found from any individual self-confidence without disclosing the respondent's
characteristics and it is going to be as open minded as possible and state opinions as they are given.
The study will not adapt anything and it is going to be very grateful of all literature that has
contributed in any means to this study.



4.1.Responce Rate

To accomplish the research 200 questionnaires were distributed to the employees of selected
sectors of the study area under the sample size. From the 200 sample size, 180 returned their
questionnaire which represented 90% response rate. But 10% of the respondents had not returned
the questionnaire because of not disposed to fill the data. The responses obtained from the data
collected from the sample public servants were sufficient enough to fulfill objectives of the study.

Table 4.1. Response Rate Respondents

Item Response Rate

Number Percent

Sample size 200 100

Collected 180 90

Uncollected 20 10

Source: own survey 2021

4.2.Demographic character of the Respondents

This section states about the demographic characteristics of respondents in sex, marital status, age,
educational level and work experience as shown in the following table 4.2
Table 4.2.Background profile of the Respondents

Items Options Frequency Percent

Sex Male 126 70.0

Female 54 30.0
Total 180
Marital status Single 53 29.8
Married 125 70.2
Total 180
Age 18-28 45 25.0
28-38 116 64.4
38-49 10 5.6
Above49 9 5.0
Total 180
Educational level Up to Grade 12 1 6
Diploma 45 25.0
Degree 129 71.7
Masters 5 2.8
Total 180
Work experience Below 5 Year 51 28.1
5-10 years 88 48.9
10- 15 Years 32 17.8
Above 15 years 9 5.0

4.3. Descriptive statics of dependent and independent variables

Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics of personality traits and job performance Descriptive

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Openness to 180 1 5 3.58 .651
Conscientiousness 180 1 5 3.12 .632
Extraversion 180 1 5 3.23 .640
Agreeableness 180 1 5 3.33 .639
Neuroticism 180 1 5 2.76 .590
Job Performance 180 1 5 3.79 .739

Valid N (list wise) 180
Source:-researcher's computation with SPSS,

As shown in the above table 4.3, among the five independent variables openness to experiences
have the highest mean distribution of 3.58 and standard distribution of 0.651. In contrary, among
independent variables, Neuroticism have 2.76 with standard deviation of 0.590. However, the
other independent variables: Conscientiousness has a mean distribution of 3.12 and standard
distribution of 0.632,Extraversion has a mean distribution of 3.23 and standard deviation of 0.640
and Agreeableness has a mean distribution of 3.33 and standard deviation of 0.639; lays on the
mid points of the Openness to Experience and Neuroticism. Job performance which is the
dependent variable of the study has mean distribution of 3.79 and standard deviation of 0.739.

From the above data, we can generalize that the mean distributions of variables are moderate which
lies between 3 . 7 9 and 2.76. From this, it is safe to conclude that the majority of the employees
agreed with the statement explained and stated under the variables behavior. In addition, as the
standard deviation distribution of variables is below one that lies between 0.59 and 0.793, it is
possible to conclude that most of the employees have agreed on the measurement of variables.

4.4. Correlation analysis of personality traits and job performance

In the broadest sense correlation is a measure of an association between variables. In core-related
data, the change in the magnitude of 1 variable is associated with a change in the magnitude of
another variable, either in the same (positive correlation) or in the opposite (nega-tive correlation)
direction. Most often, the term correlation is used in the context of a linear relationship
between two continuous variables and expressed as Pearson product-moment cor-relation
(Darkwah, 2014). Correlation coefficient is measure of relationship between two variables, and it
ranges between -1 and 1. If the two variables are an imperfect linear relationship ,the correlation
coefficient will be either 1 or -1 (Ibid). The indication depends on whether the variables are
positively or negatively related (Ibid). The number representing the pearson correlation is referred
to as a correlation coefficient.The highest the correlations which are nearly to +1 mean that there is
a perfect relation ship between the two variables (Y.Ashebir, 2020).

Table.4.4: Pearson correlation coefficient

Coefficient range Strength

+0.91 to +1.0 Very strong

+0.71 to +0.90 Strong

+0.41to+0.70 Moderate

+0.21to+0.40 Small but definite relationship

0 to +0.20 Slight,also

Source: Chia.C.S, Chong. S.T,Lee, S.L,Tan.T.S, and Wan.B.Y/

University Tunku Admiistration (HO) March 2013.

Table 4.5 Correlation analysis of personality dimensions and job performance

Openne Conscienti Extrave Agreeabl Neuroti Job
ss to ousness rsion eness cism Perform
experie ance
Openne Pearson 1
ss to Correlation
experie Sig. (2-
nce tailed)
Conscie Pearson .562** 1
ntiousn Correlation
ess Sig. (2- .000
Extrave Pearson .530** .522** 1
rsion Correlation
Sig. (2- .000 .000
Agreea Pearson .435** .538** .579** 1
bleness Correlation
Sig. (2- .000 .000 .000
Neuroti Pearson .312** .526** .596** .451** 1
cism Correlation
Sig. (2- .000 .000 .000 .000
Job Pearson .508** .470** .598** .654** .402** 1
Perform Correlation
ance Sig. (2- .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
B. List wise N=177

Source: researcher’s computation with SPSS,


For examining the vicariate relationship between the variables, Pearson’s Correlation Analysis
was carried out. As it is clearly displayed under the above table 4.5, the results of the correlation
analysis of the study variables clearly demonstrate show each personality traits; openness to
experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism; correlated with
employees‟ job performance. As the table 4.5 shows, the correlation matrix demonstrates the
significantly positive relationship between Independent variables (Openness to experience,
Conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, agreeableness and neuroticism) and dependent
variable (Job performance). The study also supported by the which stated that the independent
variable Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion Agreeableness and Emotional
stability that there is significantly positive relationship between and dependent variable job
performance conducted by (Chia Choo Seng, march2013). And also supported by another
researcher which sated that the independent variable Openness to experience, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion and Agreeableness there is significantly positive relationship between and dependent
variable job performance and with neurotism or emotional stability significantly positive
relationship between and dependent variable job performance conducted by (Y.Ashebir, 2020).

4.5. Multiple regression hypothesis test

Multiple Regression Analysis refers to a set of techniques for studying the straight-line
relationships among two or more variables. Multiple regression estimates the β’s in the equation
(Simon, 2003).Multiple regression analysis is a statistical method that is used to examine the
association between the dependent variable and multiple independent variables, in which more than
one independent variable is assumed to affect the dependent variable. Before going to multiple
regressions, test consequences on the hypothesis of regression are presented as follows.

4.5.1. Normality test

The reason of normality test was to determine whether the data is well-modeled by normal
distribution or not, and to compute how likely an underllying random variable is to be normally
distributed (Brooks, 2008). But there's duals are normally distributed, the histogram be supposed
to be bell shaped and also the classical linear regression assumption states that the error term
should be normally distributed or expected value of the errors terms should be zero(E(εt)=0),so
this assumption is depict as follows on figure4.1.

Figure 4.1. Frequency Distribution of Standardized Residual

Source: Own Analysis with SPSS, 2021

As shown the above figure 4.1, thought that, thought a considerable disparities are shown in the
graph, the shape of histogram is uniformly down and givens an inverted “V” shape which
clearly shows that the residual/errors are normally distributed. Even though most few residuals
are within the curve and near to zero, there are few residuals which are not include under the
curve. This indicates that the hypothesis of normal distribution of error are not violated.

4.5.2 Linearity test

Linearity is the extent that clarify the change in the dependent variable due to the change in the
independent variables ( Y . A s h e b i r , 2 0 2 0 ) . Simply i t explains the relation and movement of
dependent and independent variables. Accordingly, the relationship between the dependent (Job
Performance) and Independent variables(openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness and neuroticism) a linear regression has been computed as shown as shown in
figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2. Normal p-p plot of regression standardized residual dependent variable : job

As show in figure 4.2,the diagonal line across the plots of residuals shows the normal
redistribution of residuals. In addition, the redistribution of residuals did not show any variations
rather it clearly resides in a linear line.It determines whether the relationship between the
dependent variable job performance and the independent variables openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism a linear regression has shown in
figure 4.2.The allocation should follow a diagonal line across the plot if the residuals are normally

4.5.3 Homoscedasticity test

The assumption of Homoscedasticity indicates that the variance of error sis equal and constant
across all levels of the variables. Two exact tests are presented for testing the hypothesis that the
residuals from a least squares regression are homoscedastic.The results can be used to test the
hypothesis that a linear [ratio] model explains the relationship between variables as opposed to the
alternative that the ratio [linear] specification is correct.The first test is parametric and uses the F-
statistic.The second test is non parametric and uses the number of peaks in the ordered sequence of
unsigned residuals. In conclusion, the results of some experimental calculations of the powers of
the tests are discussed.Some Tests for Homoscedasticity (E., 1965).
Homoscedasticity is related to the assumption of normality because when the assumption of
normality is met, the relationship between the variables is homoscedastic. Heteroscedasticity
occurs when the variance of errors differs at different values of the independent variables ((CHIA.
C. S, march2013)).

Figure 4.3. Homoscedasticity of job performance

4.5.4 Multi Co Linearity Test

Multi co linearity refers to when fore see or variables are highly correlated with each other. This
is an issue, when regression model will not be able to accurately connect variance in the outcome
variable with the accurate predictor variable, leading to muddled results and incorrect inferences.
Multi co linearity can be checked in two ways; correlation coefficients and variance inflation

Table4.6 . Multi co linearity test distribution result

Model Co linearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
Opennesstoexperience .591 1.692
Conscientiousness .506 1.976
Extraversion .458 2.184
Agreeableness .583 1.715
Neuroticism .566 1.768
a. Dependent Variable: Job Performance
Likely, as stated above, the result of multi co linearity test shows the statistical result of Tolerance
above 0.1 (i.e. minimum of 0.458 in Extraversion up to the maximum of 0.591 in Openness to
Experience) and statistical result of below 10 for VIF (i.e. minimum of 1.692 in Openness to
experience and maximum of 2.184 in Extraversion). This shows that predictor independent
variables are highly correlated with each other.

4.6. Multiple linear regression analysis

4.6.1. regression model analysis of effect of personality traits on job

Table 4.7 Model summary of effect of personality traits on job

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .725 .525 .511 .516
a. Predictors: (Constant), Neuroticism, openness to experience, Agreeableness,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion
b. Dependent Variable: Job Performance

Source: Own Analysis with SPSS, 2021

As demonstrated in the above table 4.7, the R2 has value of 0.525 and the adjusted R2is 0.511.This

indicates that there is a good representation of the Model. The adjusted R2value is 0.511 which
tells that the explanatory variables; openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism in this study explain about 52.5 percent of the variation in the level
of job performance. The rest 47.5 percent of the variation in the level of job performance of
employees in selected sectors of the study area are explained by other variables which are not
included in the model.

4.6.2. ANOVA model of effect of personality traits on job performance

Table 4.8 ANOVA model of effect of personality traits on job performance

Model Sum of Df. Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 50.450 5 10.090 37.857 .000b
1 Residual 45.576 171 .267
Total 96.026 176
a. Dependent Variable: Job Performance

b. Predictors: (Constant), Neuroticism, openness to experience, Agreeableness,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion

Source: Own Analysis with SPSS 2021

ANOVA (Analysis of variance) is a statistical test for detecting differences in group means
when there is one parametric dependent variable and one or more independent variable. A
statistically significant ANOVA is typically followed up with a multiple comparison procedure
to identify which group means differ from each other. The article concludes with a discussion
of effect size and the important distinction between statistical significance and clinical
significance (stapheni, 2009).
The ANOVA model are mostly effective in indicating the level of significant relation between
the dependent and independent variables. Minding this, as clearly portrayed in the above table,
the dependent variable (Job performance) and the independent variables (openness to
experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) have a statistical
significant correlation at 1% significance level as the sig value is 0.000. In addition, to measure
the overall significance test of the model with the F statistics value of (37.857) and sig value of
0.000 indicates that the model is well fitted at 1 percent level of significance. From this, we can
safely conclude that the personality traits have direct relation with job performance public
sector employees.

4.6.3. Coefficient of personality traits on job performance

Table4.9. Multiple linear regression result of effect of personality traits on job performance


Un standardized Standardized T Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for Co linearity

Model Coefficients Coefficients B Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound Tolerance VIF

(Constant) .460 .257 1.785 .076 -.049 .968

Openness to
.211 .077 .188 2.740 .007 .059 .364 .591 1.692
Conscientiousness .070 .086 .060 .079 .937 -.163 .177 .506 1.976
1 Extraversion .286 .089 .250 3.209 .002 .110 .462 .458 2.184
Agreeableness .489 .079 .425 6.155 .000 .332 .645 .583 1.715

Neuroticism 9.575E .080 .000 -.001 .999 -.157 .157 .566 1.768
a. Dependent Variable: Job Performance

Source: Own Analysis with SPSS, 2021

Regression model was apply to test how far personality traits had affected job performance.
Coefficient of determination R2(R Square) is the measure of proportion of the variance of dependent
variable about its mean that is explained by the independent or predictor variables ((CHIA .C. S,
march2013). Correlation and regression are different, but not mutually exclusive, techniques.
Roughly, regression is used for prediction (which does not extrapolate beyond the data used in the
analysis) whereas correlation is used to determine the degree of association. There situations in
which the x variable is not fixed or readily chosen by the experimenter, but instead is a random
covariate to the y variable The Correlation Coefficient (A. G. Asuero, 2006).
The connection between the dependent and independent variables can be simply determined by
calculating the regression coefficient analysis. This will help to determine and understand the effect of
independent variables on the dependent variables. As a result, the independent variables (openness to
experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness) significantly correlated at p< 0.05 to
the variation on the dependent variable job performance. However, the rest independent variable
(neuroticism)cannot explain at p <0.01to the variation on the dependent variable of job
performance. In advance to this, inspection of the regression coefficients of individual predictor
variables revealed that openness to experience(Beta=0.460,p<0.01); this result shows one unit
increase in openness to experience can result in 0.460 increase in job performance;
Conscientiousness has (Beta=0.070,p<0.01); the result can be interpreted one unit increase in
conscientiousness can resultin0.070 increase in job performance; Extraversion has
(Beta=0.286,p<0.05); this result shows one unit increase in extraversion can result in 0.286 increase
in job performance; and Agreeableness has (Beta=0.489,p<0.01); the result can be interpreted as one
unit increase in agreeableness can result in 0.489 increase in job performance. Ho wev e r,
Neuroticism has (Beta= -0.005,p>0.05). This indicates that the one unit increase in neuroticism can
result in 0.001 decrease in job performance. This means neuroticism has a negative correlation and
not significant with dependent variables (job performance). However, the rest independent
variables namely openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are
significant predictors of employee performance in selected study schools of the study area.

4.7. Hypothesis Testing

4.7.1 Hypothesis
Hypothesis testing can seem complicated, and some methods are fairly sophis-ticated, but the basics
of hypothesis testing is fairly straightforward. This discussion explains the nature of hypothesis
testing, and seeks to improve understanding of correct and incorrect methodologies surrounding their
usage.Before starting on hypothesis testing, let us go back to something more fun-damental in
mathematics: proof by contradiction. In proof by contradiction,we have a candidate statement, and we
want to show that the statement is false.For instance, we might start with the statement ”there is a
largest prime num-ber p.” This statement is then assumed true and We seek to reach a conclusion that
results in a contradiction, perhaps ”there is a prime number p∗> p.”Because we generally do not
allow for contradictions, we conclude that our initial assumption must be wrong, and that the
statement is false. However,if we fail to reach a contradiction, we learn nothing. A contradiction must
be reached in order for us to learn anything about the initial statement (Goldman, 2018).

H1:-Openness to experience has positively influences on employee job performance. Openness to

experience had positive standardized beta coefficients and p-value less than 0.01 (Beta= 0.460, p <
0.01) (please see below the table 4.10). Therefore, openness to experience had a significant positive
effect on job performance of employees in selected public sectors of hulet Eju Enessie Woreda. As a
result, hypothesis H1a is fully accepted.

H2:-Conscientiousness is positively influences on employee job performance. Similarly,

conscientiousness had positive standardized beta coefficients and p-value, that is Beta=0.070,p<0.01
(please see below the table 4.10). Therefore, conscientiousness had a significant positive effect on
job performance of employee’s Hulet Eju Enssie woreda. Hence, the hypothesis concerning
conscientiousness is also fully accepted.

H3:-Extraversion is positively influences on employee job performance. Extraversion had positive

standardized beta coefficients and p-valueless than0.05 (Beta=0.286, p<0.05) (please see below the
table 4.10). Therefore, extraversion had a significant positive effect on job performance of employees
in the study area. As a result, hypothesis three is also fully accepted.

H4:- Agreeableness is positively influences on employee job performance. Likely, agreeableness had
positive standardized beta coefficients and p-value less than0.01(Beta=0.489,p<0.01) (please see
below the table 4.10).Therefore,agreeablenesshadasignificantpositiveeffectonjobperformance of
employees in the study area. As a result, hypothesis four is fully accepted.

H5:-Neuroticism/Negative affectivity) is negatively influences on employee job performance.

Unlikely, neuroticism had negative standardized beta coefficients and p-value greater than0.05
(Beta=-0.005,p>0.05) (please see below the table 4.10). Hence, neuroticism had insignificant
negative effect on job performance of employees in study area. As a result, hypotheses is five is
partially accepted.

Table 4.10: Summary of hypothesis testing results

Hypothesis Beta value P- value Results

H1 Openness to experience has positively influences on P< 0.01
employee job performance. 0.460 0.000 Accepted
H2 Conscientiousness is positively influences on employee job P< 0.01
performance. 0.070 0.009 accepted
H3 Extraversion is positively influences on employee job P< 0.05
performance. 0.286 0.007 Accepted
H4 Agreeableness is positively influences on employee job P< 0.01
performance. 0.489 0.000 Accepted
H5 Neuroticism is negatively influences on employee job P> 0.05
performance. -0.005 0.983 Rejected

4.8.Discussion of Results
The study was conducted by collecting primary data from 200 sample respondents. The majority
of the respondents were male with first degree in education background. In addition, the majority
of the respondents belong to the age group of 28 to38 years old and have more than 5-years
working experience. In terms of marital status, the majority of respondents were married.
pearson correlation measures the existence (given by a p-value) and strength given by the
coefficient r between -1 and +1 of a linear relationship between two variables. It should
only be used when its underlying assumptions are satisfied. If the outcome is significant
we conclude that a correlation exists. Relationship between two variables, Continuous
(scale/interval/ratio, Exploring the (linear) relationship between two variables; e.g. as
variable X increases does variable Y increase or decrease? The relationship is measured
by correlation (Samuels, 2014 ).

Pearson’s Correlation Analysis was carried out the results of the correlation analysis of the
study variables clearly demonstrates how each personality traits; openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism; correlated with employees‟
performance. The correlation matrix demonstrates the significantly positive relationship
between Independent variables (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, agreeableness and neuroticism) and dependent variable (Job performance).
Linear regression is widely used in biomedical and psychosocial research. A critical
assumption that is often overlooked is homoscedasticity. Unlike normality, the other
assumption on data distribution, homoscedasticity is often taken for granted when fitting
linear regression models. However, contrary to popular belief, this assumption actually has a
bigger impact on validity of linear regression results than normality. In this report, we use
Monte Carlo simulation studies to investigate and compare their effects on validity of
inferenceHomoscedasticity (Kun Yang, 2019)

For conducting regression analysis, linearity test, homoscedasticity test and normality test have
been conducted. The distribution result of the normality test shows that the statistical result of
tolerance above 0.1 (i.e. minimum of 0.458 in Extraversion up to the maximum of 0.591 in
Openness to Experience) and statistical result of below 10 for VIF (i.e. minimum of 1.692 in

Openness to experience and maximum of 2.184 in Extraversion). This shows that predictor
independent variables are highly correlated with each other.

Then latter the regression analysis model was performed. The regression model analysis
portrays that the independent variables (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion,
and agreeableness) significantly correlated at p<0.05 to the variation on the dependent variable
job performance. However, the rest independent variable (neuroticism) cannot explain at
p<0.01 to the variation on the dependent variable of job performance. In advance to this,
inspection of the regression coefficients of individual predictor variables revealed that
openness to experience (Beta=0.460,p<0.01); this result shows one unit increase in openness to
experience can result in 0.460 increase in job performance. Therefore, openness to experience
had a significant positive effect on job performance of employees in selected public sectors of
hulet eju enesie woreda; Previous researchers in other related studies also found similar result
in which openness to experience has a positive significant effect on employee's job
performance by (Uwimpuhwe, etal, 2018), (Zurga ,S.A, 2019), (Y.Ashebir, 2020) and (Sev,
2019).Conscientiousness has (Beta=0.070,p<0.01); the result can be interpreted one unit
increase in conscientiousness can result in 0.0.070 increase in job performance. Therefore,
conscientiousness had a significant positive effect on job performance of employees in selected
public sectors of hulet eju enesie woreda; Previous researchers in other related studies also
found similar result in which conscientiousness has a positive significant effect on employee's
job performance by (Uwimpuhwe, etal, 2018), (Zurga ,S.A, 2019), (Y.Ashebir, 2020) and
(Sev, 2019). Extraversion has (Beta=0.286,p<0.05); this result shows one unit increase in
extraversion can result in 0.286 increase in job performance; Therefore, Extraversion had a
significant positive effect on job performance of employees in selected public sectors of hulet
eju enesie woreda.Previous researchers in other related studies also found similar result in
which Extraversion has a positive significant effect on employee's job performance by
(Uwimpuhwe, etal, 2018), (Zurga ,S.A, 2019), (Y.Ashebir, 2020) and (Sev, 2019).
agreeableness has (Beta=0.489,p<0.01); the result can be interpreted as one unit increase in
agreeableness can result in 0.489 increase in job performance. Therefore, agreeableness had a
significant positive effect on job performance of employees in selected public sectors of hulet
eju enesie woreda; Previous researchers in other related studies also found similar result in
which agreeableness has a positive significant effect on employee's job performance by

(Uwimpuhwe, etal, 2018), (Zurga ,S.A, 2019), (Y.Ashebir, 2020) and (Sev, 2019).
Ho wev e r, neuroticism has (Beta= - 0.005,p>0.05). This indicates that the one unit increase in
neuroticism can result in 0.001decrease in job performance. This means neuroticism has a
negative correlation and not significant with dependent variables (job performance).
Therefore, neuroticism had a significant negative effect on job performance of employees in
selected public sectors of hulet eju enesie woreda; Previous researchers in other related studies
also found similar result in which neuroticism has a negative e significant effect on employee's
job performance by (Uwimpuhwe, etal, 2018), (Zurga ,S.A, 2019), (Y.Ashebir, 2020) and
(Sev, 2019). However, the rest independent variables namely openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are significant predictors of employee
performance in selected study sectors of the study area.

Then finally hypothesis testing was performed. Hence, as the respondents with the behavior of
openness to experience had a quality of connected with being wide-minded, inventive,
exceptional, and interested this personality character so have possitively related with job
perwformance, extraversion had a quality of is the first choice for human associates,
understanding, sociability, force fullness and the desire to motivate people. this personality
character so have possitively related with job perwformance, neuroticism had a quality of
connected with being changeable, disturbing, insecure and reserved this personality character so
have negatively related with job perwformance, agreeableness l had a quality of inked with
being eager to help, best-natured, forgiving, and kind. this personality character so have
possitively related with job perwformance and conscientiousness had a quality of connected
with being responsible, motivated, and hard-working, and thorough. an attentive cognitive state
in which you are responsive of yourself and your position. this personality character so have
possitively related with job perwformance (Y.Ashebir, 2020)

As per the testing, openness to experience has positively influences on employee job
performance. Openness to experience had positive standardized beta coefficients and p-value
less than 0.01 (Beta= 0.460, p < 0.01).From this test the researcher can be interpreted the result
as one unit increase in agreeableness can result in0.351 increase in job performance. Therefore,
openness to experience had a significant positive effect on job performance of employees in
selected sectors of hulet Eju Enesie Woreda. Similarity, conscientiousness had positive

standardized beta coefficients and p-value, that is Beta=0.070,p<0.01 (please see in the above
table). Therefore, conscientiousness had a significant positive effect on job performance of
employee’s Hulet Ejju Ensie woreda. Extraversion had positive standardized beta coefficients
and p-valueless than0.05(Beta=0.286, p<0.05) (please see in the above table). Therefore,
extraversion had a significant positive effect on job performance of employees in the study area.
Likely, agreeableness had positive standardized beta coefficients and p-value less than 0.01
(Beta=0.489,p<0.01) (please see in the above table). Therefore, agreeableness had a significant
positive effect on job performance of employees in the study area. As a result, hypothesis four is
fully confirmed. Unlikely, neuroticism had negative standardized beta coefficients and p-value
greater than0.05(Beta=-0.005,p>0.05) (please see in the above table). Hence, neuroticism had
insignificant negative effect on job performance of employees in study area.


5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion

The main objective of this study was to investigate effect of personality traits on employee’s
job performance in Hulet Eju Enesie Woreda Public Sectors. The study result portrays that
personality traits directly affect the overall job performance of employees.

The personality traits for job performance considered under this study are openness to
experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Among these,
openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness have appositive
impact and significant predicator of job performance with high regression coefficient and
Correlation value. Neuroticism has a negative and insignificant impact on job performance of
employees with low regression coefficient and correlation values.

Generally conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, and extraversion have

positive and significant effect on Job performance of employees and neuroticism has negative
and insignificant effect on job performance of employees.

5.2. Recommendation
As stated under the discussion and conclusion part of the study, the job performance of public
sectors employee had a positive/direct relation with openness to experience, consciousness,
extraversion and agreeableness. On the other side, neuroticism had opposite/indirect relation
with job performance of employees. Hence, it’s recommended to do the following basic actions
to upscale the job-performance of the employees under the study area in particular and any
public sector in general:

Public sectors of the study area shall empower public sector employees and
ensure their professional freedoms to avoid shyness and provide co-curricular
benefits above their professional rewards. This may include access to
professional development trainings, incentives and soon.

A conducive and practicable policy shall be formulated to further improve the
job-performance of employees. For example, setting an internationally accepted
standard of work for the public sectors, formulating and establishing standard of
measuring that help to build confidence of employees.
Subsequent administrative measures and reforms for the professional
integrative of public sectors employees shall also carried out. This may include,
making employees decision maker on their professional duty, interference,
entertaining them in multi-tier administrative structure and consulting them for
any decision made affecting their duty.

5.3. Limitations Of The Study

Investigative the effects of personality traits on employees‟ job performance only on chosen
Hulet Ejju Enese woreda eight public sectors of can limit generality. Thus, these predictor
variables should be tested in extra organizations in the same backgroundand environment which
may present confounding effects in other institutions. Besides the above limitation there are also
other causes that have an consequence on job performance.

6. References

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Research Questionnaire

Dear Respondent, thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire. Please answer
the questions as openly as possible. Do not write your name on the questionnaire. Your answers
will not be shared with the higher administration of the office. If you have any questions please
communicate to the researcher. Please checks the questionnaire papers have complete all three
pages .

Thanks a lot,

Abate Hailu

Section A Biographical Information

This section have five questions. Please mark the right answer.

1. Gender :a) Male b) Female

2. Marital status - a) Single b) Married

3. Age - a)18-28 b)28-38 c) 38-48 d)above

4.Educational levels

a) up to grade 12 b)diploma c) degree d/masters

5. Working experience

a) Below 5years b)5-10years c)10-15years d) 15years and above

Section B Independent variable

Please select the sign which best suit for you.

Strongly Disagree (SD) Disagree (D) Neutral (N) Agree (A) Agree (SA)

i) Openness to Experience

No. Research Questions SD D N A S

1 I perceive myself as someone who likes to reflect, play with ideas 1 2 3 4 5
2 I perceive myself as someone who is curious about many different things. 1 2 3 4 5
3 I perceive myself as someone who is complicated in art, music or literature 1 2 3 4 5
4 I perceive myself as someone who has few artistic interests 1 2 3 4 5
5 I perceive myself as someone who is inventive and inventive 1 2 3 4 5
6 I perceive myself as someone who values artistic, aesthetic experiences. 1 2 3 4 5
7 I perceive myself as someone who prefers work that is routine. 1 2 3 4 5
8 I perceive for myself as somebody who is unique and comes up with new ideas. 1 2 3 4 5
9 I perceive myself as someone who has an active imagination 1 2 3 4 5
10 I perceive myself as someone who is ingenious and a deep thinker. 1 2 3 4 5
ii) Extraversion
1 I perceive myself as someone who is talkative 1 2 3 4 5
2 I perceive myself as someone who is reserved 1 2 3 4 5
3 I perceive myself as someone who is complete of energy 1 2 3 4 5
4 I perceive myself as someone who generates a lot of enthusiasm 1 2 3 4 5
5 I perceive myself as someone who tends to be quiet 1 2 3 4 5
6 I perceive myself as someone who has an assertive personality 1 2 3 4 5
7 I perceive myself as someone who is sometimes shy, inhibited 1 2 3 4 5
8 I perceive myself as someone who is out going, sociable 1 2 3 4 5
iii) Conscientiousness
1 1 I perceive myself as someone who does a thorough job

2 I perceive myself as someone who can be somewhat careless 1 2 3 4 5
3 I perceive myself as someone who is a reliable worker 1 2 3 4 5
4 I perceive myself as someone who tends to be disorganized 1 2 3 4 5
5 I s perceive myself as someone who tends to be lazy 1 2 3 4 5
6 I perceive myself as someone who preserves until the task is finished 1 2 3 4 5
7 I perceive myself as someone who does things efficiently 1 2 3 4 5
8 I perceive myself as someone who makes plans and follows through with them 1 2 3 4 5
9 I perceive myself as someone who is easily distracted 1 2 3 4 5
iv) Agreeableness
1 I perceive myself as someone who tends to find fault with others. 1 2 3 4 5
2 I perceive myself as someone who is helpful and unselfish with others. 1 2 3 4 5
3 I perceive myself as someone who starts quarrels with others 1 2 3 4 5
4 I perceive myself as someone who has a forgiving nature 1 2 3 4 5
5 I perceive myself as someone who is generally trusting 1 2 3 4 5
6 I perceive myself as someone who can be cold and aloof 1 2 3 4 5
7 I perceive myself as someone who is considerate and kind to almost every one 1 2 3 4 5
8 I perceive myself as someone who is sometimes rude to others 1 2 3 4 5
9 I perceive myself as someone who likes to cooperate with others 1 2 3 4 5
v) Neuroticism
1 I perceive myself as someone who is depressed, blue 1 2 3 4 5
2 I perceive myself as someone who is relaxed, handles stress well 1 2 3 4 5
3 I perceive myself as someone who can be tense 1 2 3 4 5
4 I perceive myself as someone who worries a lot 1 2 3 4 5
5 I perceive myself as someone who is emotionally stable, not easily upset 1 2 3 4 5
6 I perceive myself as someone who can be moody 1 2 3 4 5
7 I see myself as someone who remains calm in tense situations 1 2 3 4 5
8 I perceive myself as someone who gets nervous easily 1 2 3 4 5

Section C: Dependent Variable Please select the sign which most excellent suit for you .

Job Performance

No Research Questions SD D N A SA
1 I rated the quality of my work in the last performance excellent 1 2 3 4 5
2 I managed to plan my work so that it was done on time. 1 2 3 4 5
3 I have a complete knowledge and understanding of my tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
4 I always reach my objective set (performance target). 1 2 3 4 5
5 I review my performance continuously for improvement 1 2 3 4 5
6 I do my job independently 1 2 3 4 5
7 I perform my work well to the expected standards. 1 2 3 4 5
8 I am effective in my job 1 2 3 4 5
9 I perform better than many other employers who perform the 1 2 3 4 5
same job


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i) *&= &9 !& IlA

. !j (openness to experience)
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1 1_ 'm 1I] \noA p J$)!q/ =/ 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
1O s *U22
2 1_ 1 'm ^t* /$ =uu 1 j r 1O s *Uk 1 2 3 4 5
3 1_ 1 'm 1I] 7v - 7^)7Q+wና 7f xyD 1 2 3 4 5
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8 1_ * 4* 1 c \noA 4/T '% 1 j r *I] 1O s *U2 1 2 3 4 5
9 1_ 1 'm I] ; j \n^ 1 *% '% 1} Jh*Uk 1 2 3 4 5
10 1_ 1 'm 1I] h# 1 &$ n '% 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
#' E&
ii) w -,~ ( Consciousness)
1 1_ 1 'm •< I 'I '% 1 j r 1I] 1} Jh*U 1 2 3 4 5
2 1_ 1 'm I] 7 /' JY €& E 1 j r '% 1} Jh*U 1 2 3 4 5
3 1_ 1 'm 1I] 1 X • 'I E 1} Jh*U 1 2 3 4 5

4 1_ 1 'm I] %K% ! J J 41 *% % 1 2 3 4 5
5 1_ 1 'm ! D 41 *m '% I] 1} Jh*U 1 2 3 4 5
6 1_ 1 'm G 1 v" K$ J ="^$ 1 j r 1I] 1 2 3 4 5
1} Jh*U
7 1_ 1 'm OBA 7^w 1 {x= 1I] 1} Jh*U 1 2 3 4 5
8 1_ 1 'm 1$ m € 71$ !'J 1 =!I 1O s *U 1 2 3 4 5
9 1_ 1 'm 7K<R J^‚ /#= ƒn„ =K# '% 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
#' E&
iii) Extraversion( F ) … €% 4n 1 j† '3A )
1 1_ 1 'm I] F 1 j r 1} Jh*U 1 2 3 4 5
2 1_ 1 'm I] = E j r 1O s *U 1 2 3 4 5
3 1_ 1 'm QR Z&7 /#= ƒ#& 1 *• 1O s *U 1 2 3 4 5
4 1_ 1 'm ^t a /#= F { '% 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
1O s *U
5 1_ 1 'm = * 41 • 1O s *U 1 2 3 4 5
6 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m n'‡ D< N 7 DJ 1 2 3 4 5
O&9 1 j r m
7 1_ 1 'm 1I] =O s7m -. g# ˆ i KX= 1 2 3 4 5
1 j r m
8 1_ 1 'm 1I] =O s7m ‰hA '% 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
iv) ! ( Agreeableness
1 1_ 1 I] =O s7m 7 eA <# , !4 4 1 2 3 4 5
1 *% '% mk
2 1_ 1I] =O s7m eA *! Š1 *I: $ 4 1 2 3 4 5
1 #' '% mk
3 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m C eA F "^ ‹= '% 1 2 3 4 5
1 j r m

4 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m #$ * , 1 *% '% m 1 2 3 4 5
5 1_ 1 1 'm I] =O s7m ^ŒEm -. X • 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
1J *U
6 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m 'C 4* 1 rG 1 j r m 1 2 3 4 5
7 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m *UR= '% 1 ^ 1 € 1 2 3 4 5
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8 1_ 1 'm 1I] =O s7m ‰h *% , *m 1 2 3 4 5
1 j r m
9 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m C eAF ! 1 =/ m 1 2 3 4 5

v) %B =( RX• 91 )
1 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m 'm Cˆ n = 1 2 3 4 5
1 j r m
2 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m s 4* !‰ $ &/ 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
3 1_ 1 'm I] =O s7m =‰ $1 =/T" 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
4 1_ 1 'm =O s7m C!" 7<# ^t 1 ‰ $ '% % 1 2 3 4 5
5 1_ 1 'm 1I] =O s7% 7 aŽ JFF)7K<R #7ni 1 2 3 4 5
1 j r %
6 1_ 1 'm aX• ~j A& 1 7K<R 7ni 1 j r 1 2 3 4 5
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1} Jh*U
8 1_ 1 'm 1I] %K% 7K<R =7ni 1 =J7‚ 1 2 3 4 5
1 j r m
fI {>p= (Job performance
1 7!‰J•% {>p= % fI• I JY ' 8*U 1 2 3 4 5
2 fI• 7/$N * C / K A4*U2 1 2 3 4 5

3 * B‘ •< 1%K 1 Œ„ *•22 1 2 3 4 5
4 1_ U&-. 1_ 4 K! r ^ <# 1 n*U 1 2 3 4 5
5 {>pa * ••& 7 CXX# 1O! *U 1 2 3 4 5
6 fI• 7 & 1’I*U 1 2 3 4 5
7 fI• 7 K!"m !*v4 JY 7 O C % *U 1 2 3 4 5
8 7 I m“X • 1 2 3 4 5
9 !nn# fI C ’G eA 7 HX ’ 3A 7 •* U_X 1’I*U 1 2 3 4 5


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