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Item/ Element Number Building Law Source Statement of The Law Remarks

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Element Building Law Source Statement of the Law Remarks

Minimum Corridor
Width The wider the leaf, the
PD 1096 National Building Code Section 1207. Stairs, Exits, and greater support the leafs
of the Philippines Occupant Loads provide for the rotating
a. Exits Door Leaf Width – hinge knuckle.
max of 1.20
The minimum width of any corridor or An appropriate corridor
passageway serving as a required exit or width enables the structure
2 Fire Code (R.A. No. 9514) means of travel to or from required exit to have a tight feel and
shall be one hundred twelve centimeters provides a proper circulation
(112 cm) in the clear. of the user.
Number of Exits Having 2 exits are essential
At least two (2) exits shall be provided for especially during
every floor or section, including floors emergency. If the windows
3 Fire Code (R.A. No. 9514) below the floor of exit discharge used for and doors are blocked,
industrial purposes or incidental thereto. people can easily access
At least one of which shall be reached their way out with the other
without traversing another storey. door
Masonry provides strength
to the building while wood is
Section 401. Types of Construction:
a good absorbent of sound
Type III – Type III buildings shall be of
PD 1096 National Building Code and light. Both building
4 masonry and wood construction.
of the Philippines materials also coincide with
Structural elements may be any of the
the client’s requirements, to
materials permitted by this.
showcase an indigenous
and modern environment.
SECTION 704. Location on Property
No building shall be constructed unless it Optimizing spaces that is
PD 1096 National Building Code
5 adjoins or has direct access to a public adequate for the client’s use
of the Philippines
space, yard or street on at least one of its and requirement.
Eaves over required windows shall not be
less than 750 millimeters from the side
and rear property lines.
An appropriate
SECTION 808. Window Openings
measurement of openings
Every room intended for any use, not
such as windows allows
PD 1096 National Building Code provided with artificial ventilation system
6 light and ventilation to easily
of the Philippines as herein specified in this Code, shall be
enter the house enabling
provided with a window or windows with
the user to feel peace and
a total free area of openings and equal to
at least ten percent of the floor area of
room, and such window shall open
directly to a court, yard, public street or
alley, or open water courses.
SECTION 706. Allowable Floor Area
Increases An increase floor area
PD 1096 National Building Code
7 The floor areas hereinabove provided allows the user to be more
of the Philippines
may be increased in certain specific flexible with their property.
instances and under appropriate
conditions, based on the existence of
public space, streets or yards extending
along and adjoining two or more sides of
the building or structure subject to the
approval of the Building Official.
SECTION 707. Maximum Height of
Buildings Different users has different
The maximum height and number of preferences. This law allows
storeys of every building shall be the user to choose the type
PD 1096 National Building Code dependent upon the character of of storey they want based
of the Philippines occupancy and the type of construction on their likings. Provides
as determined by the Secretary high quality control and
considering population density, building enables user to freely utilize
bulk, widths of streets and car parking the property.
An adequate amount of
SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements
sanitation provides a
for Group A Dwellings (c) Sanitation
PD 1096 National Building Code healthy environment for
9 Every dwelling shall be provided with at
of the Philippines everyone. It manages their
least one sanitary toilet and adequate
physical and emotional state
washing and drainage facilities.
in a safe environment.
SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements Keeps the user away from
for Group A Dwellings (h) Stairs hazard. It has a specific
PD 1096 National Building Code
10 Stairs shall be at least 750 millimeters in minimum requirements for
of the Philippines
clear width, with a rise of 200 millimeters Filipinos also have a distinct
and a minimum run of 200 millimeters. foot measurement.
SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements
An appropriate amount of
for Group A Dwellings (i) Entrance
PD 1096 National Building Code entrance and exit allows
11 and Exit
of the Philippines and operative access and
There shall be at least one entrance and
another one for exit.
(a) Habitable rooms provided with
artificial ventilation shall have ceiling
heights not less than 2.40 meters
measured from the floor to the ceiling; The adaptability of the room
Provided that for buildings of more than to various uses in the future
one storey, the minimum ceiling height of would also be influenced by
the first storey shall be 2.70 meters and the ceiling height. Ceilings
PD 1096 National Building Code
12 that for the second storey 2.40 meters have a significant effect on
of the Philippines
and succeeding storeys shall have an the understanding of space
unobstructed typical head-room and the overall environment
clearance of not less than 2.10 meters produced since they cover
above the finished floor. Above stated vast surfaces.
rooms with a natural ventilation shall
have ceiling heights not less than 2.70
SECTION 806. Size and Dimension of
Minimum sizes of rooms and their least
An appropriate dimension of
horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:
PD 1096 National Building Code a room enables the user to
13 1. Rooms for Human Habitations – 6.00
of the Philippines utilize the space depending
square meters with a least dimension of
on its function.
2.00 meters;
2. Kitchens – 3.0 square meters with a
least dimension of 1.50 meters;
3. Bath and toilet – 1.20 square meters
with a least dimension of 0.90 meter.
SECTION 807. Air Space Habitable rooms should
Requirements in Determining the Size consider the number of user
PD 1096 National Building Code
14 of Rooms as it assures an ease of
of the Philippines
3. Habitable rooms – 14.00 cubic meters accommodation and
of air space per person. environment.
SECTION 810. Ventilation Skylights
Skylights shall have a glass area not less Artificial means of
than that required for the windows that ventilation must be installed
are replaced. They shall be equipped in rooms or spaces
PD 1096 National Building Code with movable sashes or louvers with an containing manufacturing or
15 of the Philippines aggregate net free area not less than that heating equipment to avoid
required for operable parts in the window unnecessary accumulation
that are replaced or provided with of hot and/or contaminated
approved artificial ventilation of air.
equivalent effectiveness.
Choosing the type of floor is
a crucial part of a residential
SECTION 1205. Floor Construction house since it is where the
(a) Floors shall be of such materials and user circulates at, an
construction as specified under Chapter 5 abused surface of the
Fire Zones and Fire-Resistive Standards building. The floor has a
and under Chapter 6 – Types of huge effect on the aesthetic
Construction. of your home because it is
PD 1096 National Building Code
16 (b) All floors shall be so framed and underfoot and takes up too
of the Philippines
secured into the framework and much room. Adjust the
supporting walls as to form an integral floors in a space to change
part of the whole building. its appearance. Flooring will
(c) The types of floor construction used instantly transform your
shall provide means to keep the beam room, making it appear
and girders from lateral buckling. cooler, warmer, larger,
smaller, more intimate,
cozier, and luxurious.
The railing’s dimensions is
an important part that an
architect has to consider. It
is mostly dependent on the
Railings shall be provided for balconies, user on their characteristics
PD 1096 National Building Code
17 landings, or porches which are more than if the user is an adult, a kid,
of the Philippines
750 millimeters above grade. a person with disability or
whatever his or her
characteristics. It provides
stability, support, and
(f) Regulation of Equipment – All shelves, Furniture and equipment are
fixtures, and fixed equipment in a a substantial factor in a
projection room shall be constructed of residential house. A wide
incombustible materials. All films not in range of variety of furniture
PD 1096 National Building Code
18 actual use shall be stored in metal gives meaning to the overall
of the Philippines
cabinets having individual compartments function of the house.
for reels or shall be in generally accepted However, it should last for
shipping containers. No solder shall be the long run and should not
used in the construction of such cabinets. give harm to the user.
PD 1096 National Building Code SECTION 1209. Bays, Porches, and Appropriate materials and
of the Philippines Balconies dimensions provides a long
Exterior balconies attached to or lasting space. It gives
supported by wall required to be of strength and good comfort
masonry, shall have brackets or beams yielding an outdoor access
constructed of incombustible materials. to a relaxing view and fresh
Railings shall be provided for balconies, air.
landings, or porches which are more than
750 millimeters above grade.
Current drywall is given a
SECTION 1215. Lathing, Plastering,
durable and solid finish.
and Installation of Wall Boards
When water escapes from
PD 1096 National Building Code The installation of lath, plaster and
20 the cement mixture, a
of the Philippines gypsum wall board shall conform to the
chemical reaction occurs
fire-resistive rating requirements and the
that helps in maintaining its
type of construction of building.
good finish.
SECTION 1802. Area Limitation
Exterior glass and glazing shall be
capable of safely withstanding the load The best materials for
due to wind pressures for various height windows should be efficient
PD 1096 National Building Code zones above ground acting inward or and be able to withstand
of the Philippines outward. The area of individual lights wind and heat, regulating
shall not be more than the maximum the overall temperature of
allowable area of glass according to the the building.
wind load multiplied by the appropriate
adjustment factor.

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