Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
SE/ CHENNAI EDC / 044 28521833 410478 26402619(R) PRO/NORTH Ext-2504 410489 9445850929
NORTH Ext-2751 410355 9445850909 DFC/NORTH Ext-2386 410489 9445850919
EE / GENERAL / NORTH 044 28520961 410424 9445850900 PERSONAL ASSISTANT Ext-2365 410489
AE/MRT/LAB. 044 25502118 9445850963
EE/MRT/ NORTH 044 28520961 410424 9445850954
PRESS 044 26262191 410427
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/O&M/PERAMBUR 044 26702324 410356 9445850959 AEE/O&M/MINJUR 044 27934230 410404 9445850910
AEE/O&M/PERAMBUR 044 25505002 410357 9445850969 MINJUR/EAST. 044 27934270 410407 9445850913
AE/PBR/EAST 044 26703436 410358 9445850854 MINJUR/WEST. 044 27934274 410404 9445850911
AE/PBR/WEST 044 26704626 410359 9445850855 MINJUR/TOWN. 044 27934274 410406 9445850912
AE/AGARAM 044 25505003 410360 9445850856 MELUR 044 27912265 9445850914
AE/POOMBUHAR NAGAR 044 25505003 410360 9445850857 AEE/O&M/THIRUVOTTIYUR 044 25734727 410392 9445850896
AE/RAJAJI NAGAR 044 26501436 410361 9445850858 THIRUVOTTIYUR/SS 044 25733129 410395 9445850898
AE/O&M/VILLIVAKKAM 044 26260657 410367 9445850865 THIRUVOTTIYUR 044 25733625 410394 9445850897
AE/ICF 044 26224066 410445 9445850866 KALADIPET 044 25990140 410396 9445850901
AE/VILLIVAKKAM 044 26174245 410368 9445850867 ENNORE 044 25750476 410398 9445850903
AE/AYANAVARAM 044 26447711 410369 9445850868 AEE/O&M/MANALI 044 25010684 410399 9445850904
AE/SIDCO NAGAR 044 26174480 410370 9445850869 KADALIPET / SS 9445850902
AE/TAGOOR NAGAR 044 26260657 410367 9445850870 MANALI 044 25941192 410400 9445850905
AEE/O&M/SEMBIUM 044 25375917 410362 9445850859 NAPPALAYAM 044 25941009 410401 9445850906
AE/KODUNGAIYUR 044 25580167 410365 9445850860 ERNAVOOR 044 25734416 410403 9445850908
AE/SEMBIUM 044 25376021 410363 9445850863 AEE/CONST/TPT 044 25920386 410402 9445850894
AE/KOLATHUR 044 26713856 410364 9445850862 AE/O&M/KORUKKUPET 044 25920386 410402 9445850895
AE/LAKSHMIPURAM 044 25560055 410366 9445850864 AE/MANALI NEWTOWN 9445850907
AE/GANDHI NAGAR 044 25376021 9445850861 EE/O&M/VYASARPADI 044 26733390 410373 9445850871
EE/O&M/TONDIARPET 044 25952128 410389 9445850889 AEE/O&M/VYASARPADI 044 26671996 410378 9445850878
AEE/O&M/TONDIARPET 044 25916104 410390 9445850890 VYASARPADI 044 25514067 410379 9445850879
TONDIARPET/SS 044 25920386 410392 9445850893 VALLALAR NAGAR 044 25288294 410381 9445850881
TONDIARPET 044 25971299 410391 9445850892 MKB NAGAR 044 25513065 410380 9445850880
WASHERMENPET 044 25916104 410390 9445850891 STANLY 044 25268336 410382 9445850882
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/O&M/ROYAPURAM 044 25901392 410383 9445850883 AEE/O&M/PANJETTY 044 27984242 410417 9445850937
AE/O&M/ROYAPURAM 044 25901994 410384 9445850884 JE/O&M/PANJETTY 044 27984242 410418 9445850938
AE/KALMANDAPAM 044 25951558 410385 9445850885 JE/O&M/KAVARAPETTAI 044 27925238 410420 9445850943
JE/O&M/R.K.NAGAR 044 25951843 410386 9445850886 JE/O&M/ARANI 044 27927265 410419 9445850940
JE/O&M/VOC NAGAR. 044 25911579 410387 9445850887 AE/POOVALAMBEDU 9445850941
AEE/O&M/MADHAVARAM 044 25370796 410374 9445850872 AE/IRULIPET 9445850942
MADHAVARAM-I 044 25376218 410375 9445850873 AEE/GUMMIDIPOONDI 044 27922276 410416 9445850932
MADHAVARAM-II 044 25376218 410375 9445850874 AE/O&M/GPD/TOWN 044 27929278 410413 9445850928
AE/O&M/K.K.D.NAGAR 044 25546049 410376 9445850876 JE/O&M/GPD/RURAL 044 27929278 410413 9445850930
AE/M.R. NAGAR 044 25540215 410388 9445850888 AE/DEVANAMBEDU 9445850931
AE/MATHUR 044 29023728 410377 9445850877 AE/O&M/GPD/SIPCOT-I 044 27922276 410416 9445850935
AE/VADAPERUMBAKKAM 044 25376218 410376 9445850875 AE/SIPCOT - II 9445850936
EE/O&M/PONNERI 044 27971741 410408 9445850915 JE/O&M/MADARPAKKAM 044 27940345 410415 9445850934
AEE/PONNERI/EAST 044 27972268 410409 9445850916 JE/O&M/ELAVOOR 044 27921301 410414 9445850933
JE/O&M/PONNERI/SS 044 27972268 410410 9445850920 AEE/CONST/PONNERI 044 27929278 410413 9445850927
JE/PONNERI/TOWN 044 27972268 410410 9445850917 CHIEF STORES OFFICER/ 044 25546133 410477 9445850949
JE/PONNERI / NORTH 044 27972268 410410 COOKS ROAD.
JE/O&M/ANDARKUPPAM 044 27972268 410410 9445850918 STORES OFFICER/
TONDIARPET 044 25951581 410477
AEE/PONNERI/WEST 044 27972268 410410 9445850921
JE/PONNERI/WEST 044 27972368 410410 9445850922
AA0/PERAMBUR 044 26705171 410479
JE/O&M/PONNERI/EAST 044 27973568 410411 9445850923
AE/PONNERI/SOUTH 044 27973568 410411 9445850924 AAO/TONDIARPET 044 25975318 410481
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(CH. N&S) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
MANALI 230 KV SS. 044 25941357 410431 PONNERI/33 KV SS 044 27912268 410457
25941766 410432 TOLGATE/33 KV SS. 044 25956842 410454
VYASARPADI 110 KV SS 044 26670426 410438
PERIYAR NAGAR 33KV/SS 044 25501012 410455
044 25028264 410439
MEDUR 044 27978902 410458
SIPCOT-I /110 KV SS 044 27922572 410436 MADARPAKKAM 044 27940345 410459
27922079 410437
MATHUR 110 KV SS. 044 25558917 410442 PERAMBUR 044 25508050 410463 9445850981
DURAINALLUR/110 KV.SS. 044 27925226 410434 SEMBIUM 044 25375393 410464 9445850979
PANJETTY /110 KV SS 044 27974108 410435 VILLIVAKKAM 044 26262971 410465 9445850980
EE/O/MANALI 9445850944 TONDIARPET 044 25951156 410466 9445850974
PAPER MILLS ROAD 044 26703626 410461 THIRUVOTTIYUR. 044 25990619 410467 9445850977
VYASARPADI IND-ESTATE/SS 044 25516986 410444 VYASARPADI 044 25522232 410468 9445850982
ICF/33 KV /SS 044 26224066 410445 ROYAPURAM 044 25901049 410469 9445850983
KODUNGAIYUR/SS 044 25546049 410446 KORUKKUPET 044 25921581 410470 9445850978
TONDIARPET / 33 KV.SS 044 25926107 410447 SIDCO SS 044 26170622 410462
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/CIVIL 044 28282171 410138 9445850677 AE/O&M/R.A.PURAM 044 24937642 410201 9445850774
EE/MRT 044 28281255 410133 9445850737 AEE/O&M/SAIDAPET 044 24355931 410202 9445850775
Ext-140 AE/SAIDAPET EAST 044 24363601 410246 9445850776
AEE/MRT/PROTECTION 9445850688 AE/SAIDAPET WEST 044 24743331 410204 9445850780
AE/MRT/PROTECTION 9445850689 AE/O&M/CIT NAGAR -1 044 24322211 410203 9445850778
AE/MRT/HT 9445850690 AE/O&M/CIT NAGAR-II 044 24350452 410205 9445850781
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/CON./T.NAGAR 044 24743331 410204 9445850779 AEE/O&M/VEPERY 044 26618884 410160 9445850719
AAO REV. BR. 044 28204082 410273 AEE/O&M/PERIAMET 044 26618295 410161 9445850720
EE/O&M/ANNA SALAI 044 28451270 410129 9445850686 AEE/O&M/KILPAUK 044 26425317 410162 9445850721
AEE/O&M/ANNA SALAI 044 28521292 410142 9445850698 AE/O&M/KILPAUK 044 26425238 410230 9445850722
AE/O&M/ANNA SALAI 044 28520402 410143 9445850699 AE/O&M/KELLYS 044 26420622 410163 9445850723
AE/O&M/T.V.PET 044 25384481 410145 9445850701 AE/PURASAWAKKAM 9445850724
AE/O&M/GOVT.ESTATE 044 25389193 410146 9445850702 AE/NAMMALWARPET 044 26422954 410164 9445850725
AE/O&M/CHEPAUK 044 28544163 410147 9445850703 AEE/O&M/PULIANTHOPE 044 26621265 410171 9445850733
AE/O&M/G.P.ROAD 044 28525115 410144 9445850700 AE/O&M/PULIANTHOPE 044 26670029 410174 9445850736
AEE/CHINTADRIPET 044 28453922 410148 9445850704 AE/O&M/CHOOLAI 044 26670678 410175 9445850738
AE/O&M/CHINTADRIPET 044 28453280 410149 9445850705 AE/O&M./OTTERI 044 26624703 410172 9445850734
AE/O&M/PUDUPET 044 28412776 410150 9445850706 AE/O&M/COOKS ROAD 044 26625528 410173 9445850735
AE/FLOWER BAZAR 044 25353570 410151 9445850708 AEE/O&M/SOWCARPET 044 25268833 410165 9445850726
AE/O&M/PARK TOWN 044 25358435 410152 9445850709 AE/SOWCARPET /WEST 044 25296838 410170 9445850732
AEE/O&M/ESPLANADE 044 25342037 410153 9445850710 AE/SOWCARPET/EAST 044 25291683 410169 9445850731
AE/O&M/MANNADY 044 25352276 410156 9445850713 AE/SOWCARPET/CEN 044 25290808 410168 9445850730
AE/O&M/MUTHIALPET 044 25352520 410157 9445850714 AE/O&M/SEVEN WELLS 044 25271214 410166 9445850728
AE/O&M/SECRETARIAT 044 25671397 410229 9445850715 AE/O&M/KONDITHOPE 044 25210488 410167 9445850729
AE/O&M/S.K.NAGAR 044 25342645 410155 9445850712 AEE/CONSTN./EGMORE 044 28362447 410158 9445850739
AE/O&M/ESPLANADE 044 25341953 410154 9445850711 AAO/REV.BR.,/EGMORE 044 26428999 410271
AAO/REV.BR.,/ANNA SALAI 044 28451027 410270 EE/O&M/MYLAPORE 044 28351803 410131 9445850717
EE/O&M/EGMORE 044 26425723 410130 9445850696 AEE/O&M/MYLAPORE 044 28116245 410176 9445850740
AEE/O&M/EGMORE 044 28362447 410158 9445850716 AE/EAST/MYLAPORE 044 28116281 410275 9445850741
AEE/PANTHEON ROAD 044 28360893 410159 9445850718 AE/WEST/MYLAPORE 044 28114640 410177 9445850742
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
KILPAUK & KELLYS 044 26650146 410282 NUNGAMBAKKAM 33/11 KVSS 044 28330319 410238
EGMORE & PANTHEON ROAD 044 28362154 410281 ROYAPETTAH 33/11 KV SS 044 28416371 410239
SEVEN WELLS, KONDITHOPE 044 25228377 410283 SARDARJUNG GARDEN 044 28480110 410240
T.NAGAR 044 24315544 410285 33/11 KV SS
WEST MAMBALAM 044 23719383 410286 FORESHORE ESTATE33/11KVSS 044 24934530 410241
SAIDAPET EAST & 044 24341898 410264 SPENCER PLAZA 33/11 KV SS 044 28493311 410242
CIT NAGAR-I SPURTANK ROAD 33/11 KV SS 044 28360679 410231
SUB-STATIONS: EGMORE 33/11 K.V.S.S. 044 26618392 410232
EE/ O / MYLAPORE 044 28111319 410134 9445850747 PULIANTHOPE 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 26671901 410233
AE/MTCE/MYLAPORE 044 28114071 410207 9445850684 B&C MILLS 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 26673116 410234
AEE/M/MYLAPORE 230 K.V.S.S. 044 28111320 410206 9445850685 WEST G.T. 33/11 KV SS 044 25291762 410235
SEVEN WELLS 110 KV SS 044 25213510 410213 KILPAUK 33 /11 KV.S.S. 044 26425238 410230
044 25226797 410212
CHEPAUK(BELLS ROAD) 044 28522984 410225
CHINTADRIPET 110/33 KV.S.S. 044 28454807 410210
33/11 KV.S.S.
044 28455759 410211
NEHRU INDOOR STADIUM 044 25389851 410236
COOKS ROAD 110 KV SS 044 26627954 410214
33/11 KV SS
HIGH COURT 110/33 KV.S.S. 044 25359789 410208
FLOWER BAZZAR 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 25340299 410226
044 25359790 410209
ANNA SALAI 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 28520753 410222
V.KOTTAM 110/33/11 KV SS 044 28235658 410217
044 28254903 410218 OCF 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 28520594 410223
NANDANAM 110/33/11 KV.S.S. 044 24323321 410215 GOVT. ESTATE 33/11/ KV SS 044 25390510 410224
044 24343081 410216
PORT TRUST 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 25361880 410227
R.A.PURAM 110/33/11 KV.S.S. 044 24938011 410219
044 24936254 410220 MAMBALAM 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 24346475 410243
MYLAPORE 110/33 /11 KV.S.S. 044 28112737 410221 WEST MAMBALAM 33/11 KVSS 044 24896678 410244
LUZ 33/11 K.V.S.S. 044 24994310 410237 MHU COMPOUND 33/11 KV SS 044 24363191 410245
COLLEGE ROAD 33/11 KV SS 044 28251842 410188 SAIDAPET 33/11 KV.S.S. 044 24363601 410246
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
NUNGAMBAKKAM 044 28330162 410268 9445850786 AEE/CABLES -III Ext-2491 410489 9445850809
NANDANAM (TEYNAMPET) 044 24351295 410262 9445850777 A.A.O./ C.D.C. Ext-2230 410489
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE: 28520131; 28520140, (410489 TO
COM. ROOM /CABLES BR. Ext-2828 410489 410498) FAX : 28525614
DIRVERS ROOM Ext-2458 CHENNAI SOUTH REGION 044 28594234 414284 9445850100
AAO/ACCTS Ext-2230
EA TO CE/D/CSR 044 28594234 414284 9445850010
CASH SEC. Ext-2507
E.E/TECHNICAL 044 28525614 414286 9445850020
AAO/ADM Ext-2584
E.E/PURCHASE 044 28527379 414287 9445850030
CHD Ext-2273
AE/DATA CENTRE/ 044 28527379 9445850050
ADM/ISEC Ext-2813
ADM/IISEC Ext-2487 EE/CIVIL Ext-2941 410489 9445850040
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
(CH. N&S) T.D. - 3
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/KOVOOR 044 24782767 414117 9445850272 AE/VIRUGAMBAKKAM 044 24864316 414054 9445850219
AE/KARAMBAKKAM 044 24827946 414111 9445850263 AE/CHINMAYANAGAR 044 24797836 414056 9445850224
AE/PARIVAKKAM 044 26492559 414114 9445850267 AEE/O&M/SALIGRAMAM 044 23761349 414067 9445850221
COMPUTER CENTRE AE/O&M/SALIGRAMAM 044 23762832 414055 9445850223
EKKADUTHANGAL 044 22331312 AE/O&M/ALAGIRI NAGAR 044 24723993 414057 9445850225
EE/O&M/K.K.NAGAR 044 24715178 414038 9445850202 AE/ALWARTHIRU NAGAR 9445850220
AEE/O&M/K.K.NAGAR 044 24713552 414044 9445850208 COM. CENTRE/K.K. NGR 044 24712243 414047
AE/K.K.NAGAR WEST 044 24852814 414046 9445850210 EE/O&M/TAMBARAM 044 22266681 414073 9445850227
AEE/K.K.NAGAR SOUTH 044 24891008 414058 9445850226 AEE/O&M/TAMBARAM 044 22260234 414074 9445850228
AE/M.G.R. NAGAR 044 24712243 414047 9445850211 AE/TAMBARAM EAST 044 22394635 414075 9445850229
AE/O&M/SALIGRAMAM 044 23761349 414067 9445850223 AE/TAMBARAM WEST 044 22266200 414076 9445850230
AEE/ASHOK NAGAR 044 23661962 414039 9445850203 AE/O&M/SELAIYUR 044 22290229 414095 9445850253
AE/ASHOK NAGAR EAST 044 24715147 414040 9445850204 AE/PERUNGALATHUR 044 22396811 414077 9445850231
AE/ASHOK NAGAR WEST 044 24723439 414041 9445850205 AEE/CONS./TAMBARAM 044 22266681 414073 9445850256
AE/ASHOK NAGAR/ CEN. 044 23661401 414042 9445850206 AEE/O&M/KADAPPERI 044 22414550 414092 9445850248
AEE/KODAMBAKKAM 044 24727117 414048 9445850212 AE/O&M/CHROMEPET 044 22388604 414090 9445850246
AE/KODAMBAKKAM 044 24727117 414048 9445850213 AE/O&M/RADHANAGAR 044 22654000 414093 9445850250
AE/O&M/VADAPALANI 044 24730066 414049 9445850214 AEE/O&M/PALLAVARAM 044 22641452 414080 9445850233
AE/RANGARAJAPURAM 044 24723402 414051 9445850216 AE/O&M/PALLAVARAM EAST 044 22640720 414082 9445850235
AE/O&M/CHOOLAIMEDU 044 23726188 414050 9445850215 AE/PALLAVARAM WEST 044 22640603 414081 9445850234
AEE/VALASARAVAKKAM 044 24860013 414052 9445850217 AE/O&M/PAMMAL 044 22483490 414088 9445850244
AE/VALASARAVAKKAM 044 24868500 414053 9445850218 AE/O&M/ANAKAPUTHUR 044 22483898 414089 9445850245
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/CHITLAPAKKAM 044 22294000 414096 9445850254 33/11 KV THIRUVANMIYUR SS 044 24483714 413977 —
AAO /TAMBARAM 044 22261059 414107 33/11 KV ST.THOMASMOUNT 044 22343650 414030 —
22266255 414108 33/11 KV GUINDY SS 044 22342300 — —
AAO / GUINDY 044 22317323 414035 33/11 KV SS RAJ BHAVAN 044 22352999 414034
22321708 414037
33/11 KV I I T SS 044 22570030 413972 —
AAO / ADAMBAKKAM 044 22330244 414036 —
33/11 KV NANGANALLUR SS 044 22343043 — —
AAO / K.K.NAGAR 044 23712597 414060
23700619 414059 33/11 KV POONTHAMALLEE SS 044 26272562 414125 —
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(CH. N&S) T.D. - 4 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
33/11 KV PALLAVARAM SS 044 22641320 414102 ASHOK NAGAR F.O.C. 044 23662672 414071 9445850436
33/11 KV PAMMAL SS 044 22483746 414104 KODAMBAKKAM F.O.C. 044 24838750 414070 9445850435
110/33/11 KV PERUMBAKKAM 044 22771076 414101 VALASARAVAKKAM F.O.C. 044 24860694 414064 9445850437
044 22771664 414100 044 24860800
110/33/11 KV KADAPPERI SS 044 22368225 414099 ADAYAR F.O.C. 044 24913001 413984 9445850438
044 22368236 414098
TAMBARAM F.O.C.(WEST) 044 22266200 414076 9445850448
110 KV MADAMBAKKAM 044 22280044 414103
KADAPPERI F.O.C. 044 22418277 414106 9445850447
33 KV RADHA NAGAR SS 044 22397117 414105
PALLAVARAM F.O.C. 044 22640603 414081 9445850446
230/110 KV SIRUSERI SS 044 27470245 414009
044 22388739 414008 NAGAR, CHENNAI- 600 040.
230/110 KV SS TARAMANI SS 044 24541454 414005
044 24540674 414006 SE/CHENNAI EDC/WEST 044 26151133 414127 9445850300
33/11 KV PERUNGALATHUR SS 044 22396783 414078 EE/GENERAL 044 26152335 414188 9445850400
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
A.E.E. / GENERAL. 044 26155192 414134 — AE/KOYAMBEDU MKT 044 24792777 414149 9445850302
A.E.E./ DEVELOPMENT. 044 26156918 414132 AE/MAHALINGAPURAM 044 28362381 414144 9445850297
DFC. 044 26153986 414130 9445850174 AE/O&M/CHETPET 044 26421343 414145 9445850298
ASST.ADMIN.OFFICER 044 26155192 414134 AE/ANNA NAGAR /WEST 044 26163700 414139 9445850292
AE//THIRUMANGALAM 044 26164600 414140 9445850293
A.E.E./CIVIL 044 26156918 414132
AE/VANAGARAM 9445850306
SENIOR MANAGER 044 26217492 414131 9445850284
AE/ALAPAKKAM 9445850307
S.O./C.S./AMBATTUR 044 26350795 414190
AE/NERKUNDRAM 9445850308
EE/O&M/ANNA NAGAR 044 26161457 414135 9445850286
PORUR GARDEN 044 23782166 414152 9445850309
AEE/O&M/ANNA NAGAR 044 26161044 414136 9445850287
AEE/O&M/CHETPET 044 26426847 414137 9445850289
EE/O&M/AMBATTUR 044 26254700 414153 9445850311
AEE//ARUMBAKKAM 044 23632177 414138 9445850290
AEE/O&M/AMBATTUR 044 26244004 414154 9445850312
AEE/I.E./AMBATTUR 044 26252440 414157 9445850315
AEE/O&M/KORATTUR 044 26258159 414156 9445850314
AE/ANNA NAGAR / CENT. 044 26214165 414141 9445850294
AEE/O&M/J.J.NAGAR 044 26561160 414155 9445850313
AE/ANNA NAGAR / NORTH 044 26286710 414142 9445850295
AEE/ORAGADAM 9445850316
AE/SHENOY NAGAR 044 26262017 414143 9445850296
AAO/ANNA NAGAR 044 26161219 414185
AE/AMBATTUR /CENTRAL 044 26252004 414170 9445850339
AE/O&M/ARUMBAKKAM 044 23631714 414147 9445850427 AE/AMBATTUR /SOUTH 044 26243003 414158 9445850318
AE/O&M/MMDA COLONY 044 23631589 414148 9445850301 AAO/AMBATTUR 044 26253700 414186
AE/MADURAVOYAL(N) 044 23781659 414151 9445850304 AE/AMBATTUR/NORTH 044 26863050 414171 9445850340
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
AE/THIRUVERKADU 044 26800070 414172 9445850341 EE/O&M/AVADI 044 26554006 414173 9445850344
AE/O&M/I.E./NORTH 044 26251577 414166 9445850330 AEE/O&M/AVADI TOWN 044 26384008 414174 9445850345
AE/O&M/I.E./SOUTH 044 26248015 414165 9445850329 AEE/O&M/PATTABIRAM 044 26850401 414175 9445850346
AE/MANGALAPURAM 044 26253571 414167 9445850331 AEE/THIRUMULLAIVAYAL 9445850348
AE/J.J.NAGAR /NORTH 044 26561460 414161 9445850322 AEE/O&M/REDHILLS. 044 26418413 414176 9445850347
AAO/REV.BR./AVADI 044 26557007 414187
AE/J.J.NAGAR /SOUTH 044 26565001 414162 9445850323
AE/O&M/AVADI /SOUTH 044 26384012 414177 9445850350
AE/O&M/PADI 044 26231115 414164 9445850327
AE/O&M/AVADI /NORTH 044 26385282 414184 9445850367
AE/O&M/KORATTUR 044 26241082 414163 9445850326
AE/KAMARAJ NAGAR 044 26554013 414180 9445850353
AE/PONNIAMMAN NAGAR 044 26534440 414159 9445850319
AE/THIRUMULLAIVOYAL 044 26384007 414178 9445850351
AE/THIRUVENGADA NAGAR 9445850320 AE/O&M/PATTABIRAM 044 26853363 414181 9445850354
AE/AYANAMBAKKAM 044 26534323 414160 9445850321 AE/PONDESWARAM 9445850362
AE/J.J. NAGAR CENTRAL 9445850324 AE/O&M/PUZHAL. 044 29022004 414650 9445850363
AE/KRISHNA NAGAR 9445850325 AE/O&M/ALAMATHI 9445850360
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
37 38
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
KOYAMBEDU MKT. 33/11 KV 044 24792777 414196 — ABT III MAIN ROAD SS 044 26248282 414209
SAF GAMES VILLAGE 33/11 KV 044 24798479 414197 — ALAMATHY SS 044 27680299 414219
Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of
avialble are limited alternative numbers
39 40
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
THIRUVERKADU 100 KV SS 044 26800104 414210 AEE/SPL. MAINT. 044 27423700 414296 9445850002
SHENOY NAGAR 9445850380 AEE/APTS 044 27422928 414297 9443342928
KORATTUR 9445850396 JE/APTS 044 27422928 414297 9442605003
AMBATTUR 9445850392 JE/APTS 9442605004
MNGR. INFORMATION SYS. 044 27422562 414292 9445850041
AMBATTUR I.E. 044 26251224 414227 9445850395
9445850394 SO/CS/CGL 044 27432653 414393
J.J.NAGAR 044 26565002 414226 9445850391 EE/MRT/CHENGLEPUT 044 27423700 414296 9443332561
AVADI 044 26384010 414228 9445850397 EE/O&M/CHENGLEPUT 044 27422808 414298 9445850070
9445850398 AEE/CHENGLEPUT(N) 044 27431450 414299 9445850003
AEE/CHENGLEPUT(S) 044 27565609 414303 9445850009
SENGUNDRAM (RED HILLS) 044 26310293 414645 9445850401
9445850402 AEE/CHENGLEPUT (R) 044 27422808 414307 9445850015
PATTABIRAM 044 26850152 414229 AE/ T/CHENGLEPUT 044 27431450 414299 9445850004
AE/DATA CENTRE 9445850426 JE/NORTH/GCL 044 27431450 414299 9445850005
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
41 42
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ANNA NAGAR 044 27431999 414300 9445850006 AE/W/GUDUVANCHERY 044 27465344 414375 9445850105
JE/O&M/S.P.KOIL 044 27463863 414301 9445850007 AE/E/GUDUVANCHERY 044 27466199 414376 9445850106
JE/O&M/SOUTH/CGPT. 044 27429706 414310 9445850018 AE/URAPAKKAM 044 27465199 414376 9445850107
JE/O&M/ATHUR 044 27430070 414309 9445850017 AE/O&M/VANDALUR 044 22398970 414378 9445850108
JE/O&M/NENMELI 044 27420683 414308 9445850016 JE/O&M/PADAPAI 044 27174280 414379 9445850109
AEE- JE/BUKKATHURAI 044 27565609 414303 9445850011 AEE/O&M/THIRUPORUR 044 27446952 414387 9445850121
JE/O&M/SALAVAKKAM 044 27275400 414305 9445850013 AE/THIRUPORUR 044 27446952 414387 9445850122
JE/O&M/MEYYUR 044 27275063 414304 9445850012 AE/O&M/ALATHUR 044 27446754 414391 9445850125
AEE/THIRUKALIKUNDRAM 044 27449227 414311 9445850019 C.S.O/THIMMAVARAM 044 27432653 414393 9445850127
JE/THIRUKALIKUNDRAM/EAST 044 27447144 414313 9445850021 AE/MAMALLAPURAM 044 27442298 414390 9445850124
AE/THIRUKALIKUNDRAM(S) 044 27447143 414312 9445850023 AEE/O&M/MAMBAKKAM 044 27479355 414380 9445850113
AE/THIRUKALIKUNDRAM(T) 044 27447143 414312 9445850022 AE/O&M/MAMBAKKAM 044 27479355 414380 9445850114
JE/O&M/NERUMBUR 044 27439050 414315 9445850024 JE/KELAMBAKKAM 044 27474244 414384 9445850118
JE/O&M/SADRAS 044 27489266 414316 9445850025 JE/O&M/SEMBAKKAM 044 27446595 414389 9445850129
EE/O&M/MADURANTAKAM 044 27552487 414328 9445850090 JE/O&M/KOVALAM 044 27472244 414385 9445850119
AEE/T/MADURANTAKAM 044 27554600 414329 9445850045 JE/O&M/KANDIGAI 044 27477344 414383 9445850117
JE/T/MADURANTAKAM 044 27554600 414329 9445850046 JE/KOLAPAKKAM 044 22751031 414382 9445850116
AEE/R/MADURANTAKAM 044 27554604 414333 9445850051 EE/O&M/SRIPERUMBUDUR 044 27162221 414343 9445850110
JE/O&M/Z. ENDATHUR 044 27540107 414335 9445850054 AEE/SRIPEURMBUDUR 044 27198022 414344 9445850064
JE/O&M/L. ENDATHUR 044 27560022 414334 9445850053 AE/SPDR/SOUTH 044 27163026 414345 9445850065
JE/O&M/KARUNGUZHI 044 27567598 414331 9445850048 AE/SPDR/NORTH 044 27163924 414346 9445850066
JE/O&M/BUDUR 044 27501570 414332 9445850049 JE/PERAMBAKKAM/S 044 27655343 414366 9445850094
AEE/CHEYYUR 044 27531014 414337 9445850056 JE/PERAMBAKKAM/N 044 27655343 414366 9445850095
AE/O&M/MM.NAGAR-II 044 27455411 414371 9445850101 AEE/KADAMBATHUR 044 27651338 414365 9445850089
AE/KATTANKOLATHUR 044 27452346 414370 9445850103 JE/KADAMBATHUR(T) 044 27651338 414365 9445850091
AEE/GUDUVANCHERY 044 27462400 414374 9445850104 JE/KADAMBATHUR () 044 27651338 414365 9445850092
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
43 44
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
45 46
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
KADAMBATHUR SS 044 27651338 414365 9445850093 KORATTUR S.S 044 26248951 414233
EE/O/S.P. KOIL 044 27464140 414250 9445850475 044 26248953 414234
S.P. KOIL 230 KV SS 044 27464265 414251 AEE/MTCE./KORATTUR 9445850405
SALAVAKKAM 33/11 KV SS 044 27275460 AE/MTCE-I/KORATTUR 9445850406
ORAGADAM 230 KV SS 044 27197036 414253 AE/MTCE-II/KORATTUR 9445850407
SUNGUVARCHATRAM 33/11 KV SS 044 27165451 AEE/LINES/KTR. 9445850408
EE/O/SRIPERUMBUDUR 044 27198035 9445850470 AE/LINES- I 9445850409
EE/400KV SS/ AE/LINES- II 9445850410
SRIPERUMBUDUR 044 27198004 414249 9443320573
AE/LINES- III 9445850411
400/230/110 KV SS CR 044 27198005 414248 9487720573
AEE/MAINTENANCE/SPR 9445850471 AE/HL/KTR 9445850413
EE/230 KV SS/S.P.KOIL 044 27464140 414250 9445850475 AEE/SF 6/KTR 9445850414
EE/S.P.KOIL 230 KV SS CR 27464265 414251 AE/SF 6/KTR 9445850415
EE/230 KV SS 27522350 9445850481 SR. MGR./TT & DC/KTR 044 26241151 414240
ACHIRAPAKKAM EE/O/KILPAUK 044 26442734 414243 9445850416
CONTROL ROOM 27522450 414252
AEE/MTCE./KILPAUK 044 26441956 414244 9445850417
EE/SIPCOT/MAMBAKKAM/CR 27168071 9445850486
AE/MTCE./KILPAUK 9445850418
CONTROL ROOM 27168102 414254
EE/O/KOYAMBEDU 044 24759772 414239 9445850419
EE/ORAGADAM/CR 27197036 414253 044 24758972 414237
EE/NOKIA SEZ/SPR/CR 27107681 KOYAMBEDU S.S 044 24759769 414238
27107340 414255
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
47 48
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/MTCE./S.P.KOIL 044 27464265 414251 9445850476 EE/O/TONDIARPET 044 25923722 414265 9445850947
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/ CIVIL Ext-212 410622 9445851739 Stores Off./ Central Stores 0422 2498883 410644 9445851066
AE/ CIVIL Ext-213 410622 9445851740
EE/ K.Vadamadurai 0422 2642138 410646 9445851077
ADM’O’ Ext-215 410622 9445851741 AEE/ South/ Thudialur 0422 2647183 410647 9445851078
AO Ext-221 410622 9445851742 AE/ West Thudialur 0422 2647183 410647 9445851079
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ East Thudialur 0422 2647354 410648 9445851080 AE/ Krishnapuram, 0422 2665511 410668 9445851101
AE/ Urumandampalayam 0422 2647354 410648 9445851081 DSO/ Substores 9445851107
AE/ Pannimadai 0422 2647226 410649 9445851082 EE/ S.N.Palayam 0422 2450336 410673 9445851108
AE/ Chinnathadagam 0422 2658876 410650 9445851083 AEE/ S.N.Palayam 0422 2452115 410674 9445851109
AEE/ North / Thudialur 0422 2642466 410651 9445851084 AE/ P.N.Pudur 0422 2425374 410676 9445851112
AE/ Vadamadurai 0422 2647548 410652 9445851085 AE/ Bharathiar University, 0422 2426034 410677 9445851113
AE/ N.S.N.Palayam, 0422 2460591 410653 9445851086 AE/ Somayampalayam 0422 2404473 410678 9445851114
JE/ Town/South/P.N.Palayam 0422 2461869 410654 9445851087 AE/ Kanuvai, 0422 2404473 410678 9445851115
AEE/ Perianaickenpalayam, 0422 2696524 410655 9445851088 AEE/ Perur, 0422 2606916 410680 9445851116
AE/ Rural/East/P.N.Palayam 0422 2693269 410656 9445851089 JE/ Perur 0422 2606915 410679 9445851117
AE/ Town/P.N.Palayam 0422 2697393 410657 9445851090 AE/ Kalampalayam 0422 2606916 410680 9445851118
AE/ Jothipuram,T 0422 2693187 410658 9445851091 AE/ Veedapatti , 0422 2479358 410681 9445851119
AE/ West/ P.N.Palayam 0422 2693311 410659 9445851092 AEE/ Thondamuthur, 0422 2618737 410682 9445851120
AE/ Naikenpalayam, 0422 2694794 410660 9445851093 JE/ Thondamuthur, 0422 2618737 410682 9445851121
AEE/ Kovilpalayam, 0422 2653186 410662 9445851094 JE/ K.N.Palayam, 0422 2618753 410683 9445851122
AE/ Kurumbapalayam, 0422 2653254 410663 9445851095 JE/ Devarayapuram 0422 2618742 410684 9445851123
AE/ Kovilpalayam, 0422 2653186 410662 9445851096 AEE/Madhampatty, 0422 2616229 410688 9445851124
AE/ Ganeshapuram 0422 2653359 410665 9445851098 JE/ Madhampatti 0422 2616299 410686 9445851125
AE/ PG Pudur 0422 2653322 410666 9445851099 JE / East/Alandurai , 0422 2650266 410687 9445851126
AEE/ Saravanampatty, 0422 2665001 410667 9445851102 JE / West/Alandurai, 0422 2650266 410687 9445851127
AE/ Chinnavedampatty, 0422 2665001 410667 9445851103 DSO/ Substores 0422 2616280 9445851129
AE/ Idigarai 0422 2461651 410670 9445851104 EE/ Mettupalayam 04254 222961 410689 9445851130
AE/ Saravanampatty 0422 2665572 410671 9445851105 AEE/110/22 KV SS Mettupalayam 04254 222964 410696 9445851138
AE/ Keeranatham 0422 2915376 9445851100 AE/ Petthikuttai, 04254 287555 410697 9445851139
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE /Sirumugai, 04254 254999 410698 9445851140 AE / MRT / Protection Ext-531 410622 9445851071
AE /Lines/ MTP 04254 227345 410699 9445851141 AE/ MRT / LTCT Ext-531 410622 9445851072
AEE/ Town/ Mettupalayam, 04254 223320 410690 9445851131 AEE/ Spl.Mtce Ext-532 410622 9445851073
AE/ Town/ Mettupalayam, 04254 221314 410691 9445851132 AE/ Spl 1 Ext-533 410622 9445851074
AE/Town/South/MTP 04254 223364 410692 9445851133 AE/ Spl 2 Ext-533 410622 9445851075
AE/Town/North/MTP 04254 223725 410693 9445851134
AE/ Spl 3 Ext-533 410622 9445851076
AE/ Rural/ Mettupalayam, 04254 255009 9445851135
AE / SS / Seeranaickenpalayam 0422 2433365 410675 9445851110
AE/ Thekkampatty, 04254 284855 410695 9445851136
AE/ SS/ Madhampatty, 0422 2616229 410688 9445851128
AEE/ Karamadai, 04254 272557 410701 9445851144
Devarayapuram SS 0422 2618104 410685
AE/ West/ Karamadai, 04254 272557 410701 9445851145
Thudialur SS 0422 2642553 411095
AE /East/ Karamadai, 04254 272557 410701 9445851146
AE/ SS, P.N.Palayam 110/22 KV SS 0422 2692392 410661 9445851137
AE /North/ Dhayanur 04254 284100 410702 9445851147
AE/ SS, 110/22 KV Kovilpalayam 0422 2653700 410664 9445851097
AE/ South/ Dhayanur, 04254 284200 410703 9445851148
AE / Lines /Marudhur 04254 272548 410704 9445851149 AE/ SS, 110/22-11 KV SS, S.V.Patty 0422 2666250 410669 9445851106
AEE/ Constn/ MTP, 04254 223320 410690 9445851152 AE/ SS 110/KV SS Mettupalayam 04254 222964 410696 9445851142
AE/ Constn/ MTP 04254 223320 410690 9445851153 AE/ SS/ Irumborai 110/11 KV SS 04254 287666 410700 9445851143
AEE/ South/ Annur, 04254 264605 410707 9445851154 JE I Grade/ SS/ Marudhur 04254 272548 410704 9445851150
AE/South/Annur 04254 264496 410705 9445851155 AE/SS/Annur 04254 262305 410706 9445851156
AE/Kariyampalayam 04254 264605 410707 9445851157
AE/ Pogalur, 04254 265630 410708 9445851158 SOUTH / TNEB / TATABAD / COIMBATORE-12.
DSO/SS/Karamadai 9445851159 TELEPHONE EXCHANGE - 2496622 (AUTO) 2496670,
2496571 (AUTO) 2496875, 2493150
EE/ MRT 0422 2499143 410645 9445851067
AEE/ MRT 0422 2496670 410622 9445851068 SE/Coimbatore EDC/ 0422 2493250 410601 9445851151
Ext-529 South Ext-401 410602 2223211 (R)
AE/ MRT / HTM Ext-530 410622 9445851069 EE/ General 0422 2490301 410616 9445851160
AE / MRT / Lab Ext-530 410622 9445851070
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(CBE) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
DGM 0422 2491218 9445851161 AE/ B.K.Pudur 0422 2253321 410722 9445851195
Ext-419 410620
AE / Sundarapuram 0422 2679770 410718 9445851213
AEE/ Gl 0422 2496670 410622 9445851162
AEE/ Madukkarai 0422 2622111 410724 9445851196
AE/ K.G. Chavadi 0422 2656600 410725 9445851197
AE /Gl-1 Ext-405 410622 9445851163
AE/ South/ Madukkarai 0422 2623058 410727 9445851198
AEE /PRO Ext-408 410622 9445851164
AE/ North/ Madukkarai 0422 2623058 410727 9445851199
AE/ Development Ext-409 410622 9445851165
AE/ Palathurai 0422 2622690 410728 9445851200
AEE/ MM Ext-406 410622 9445851166
AEE / Podanur 0422 2410330 410730 9445851202
AE/ MM-I Ext-407 410622 9445851167
AE/ North/ Podanur 0422 2411267 410731 9445851203
AEE/ RGGVY Ext-666 410622 9445851168 0422 2410599 410732
Deputy Financial controler Ext-414 410622 9445851169 AE /South/ Podanur 0422 2676579 410733 9445851204
Accounts Officer Ext-421 410622 9445851170 AE/ Chettipalayam 0422 2655737 410734 9445851205
Asst.Administrative Officer Ext-415 410622 9445851171 AE/ Vellalore 0422 2412777 410735 9445851206
Central stores Officer 0422 2496201 410714 9445851172 AE /Constn./Madukkarai 0422 2623058 410727 9445851215
Duputy Stores Officer / Sub Stores 0422 2410330 410730 9445851216
EE/Civil Ext-411 410622 9445851173
AEE/Kuruchi 0422 2673720 410736 9445851208
AE/ Civil Ext-411 410622 9445851174
AE/ South/Kurichi 0422 2670800 410738 9445851209
AEE/ TTDC 0422 2493957 410709 9445851175
AE/ Housing Unit 0422 2672720 410739 9445851210
AE/ TTDC Ext-431 410622 9445851176
AE/ Malumichampatty 0422 2610700 410740 9445851211
AE/ TTDC- II Ext-431 410622 9445851177
AE / O.K. Mandapam 0422 2610943 410741 9445851212
EE/ Kuniamuthur 0422 2252660 410716 9445851190
AE / Eachanary 0422 2671364 410742 9445851214
AEE/Kuniamuthur 0422 2251122 410717 9445851191
EE/ Palladam 04255 253048 410743 9445851217
AE/Town/Kuniamuthur 0422 2252888 410719 9445851192
AEE/Town/ Palladam 04255 253013 410745 9445851218
AE/Authupalam 0422 2251363 410720 9445851193
AE /Constn./Palladam 04255 253013 410745 9445851220
AE/ Kovaipudur 0422 2606928 410721 9445851194
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE / P. Vadugapalayam 04255 251230 410747 9445851221 AEE/ Pongalur 0421 2316026 410769 9445851247
AE/Town/North/ Palladam 04255 255041 410748 9445851222 AE/ Town/ Pongalur 0421 2316995 410770 9445851248
AE/Town/ Palladam 04255 254972 410749 9445851223 AE/ Rural/ Pongalur 0421 2316996 410771 9445851249
AE/ Naranapuram 04255 251274 410750 9445851224 AE/ Koduvai 0421 2312632 410772 9445851250
AE/ Kalivelampatty 04255 255400 410751 9445851225 DSO / Palladam 04255 253013 410745 9445851254
AEE/ Rural/ Palladam 04255 254972 410753 9445851226 EE/ Somanur 0421 2333188 410773 9445851255
AE/ Rural/ Palladam 04255 254972 410753 9445851227 AEE/Town/Somanur 0421 2333062 410779 9445851256
AE/ Kethanur 04255 279564 410754 9445851228 AE/ Sakthinagar 0421 2312400 410774 9445851252
AE/V. Kallipalayam 0421 2315383 410755 9445851229 AE/Town/Somanur 0421 2335325 410775 9445851258
AE/ Salaipudur 04255 288173 410756 9445851230 AE/Rural/Somanur 0421 2335101 410776 9445851259
AE/ Jallipatti 04255 288444 410757 9445851231 AE/ Samalapuram 0421 2336025 410777 9445851260
AE/ Madhapur 04255 251343 410758 9445851232 AE/ Kaduvettipalayam 0421 2362567 410778 9445851261
AE/Elavanthy 0421 2315566 410759 9445851233 AEE/ North/Somanur 0421 2333062 410779 9445851263
AEE/ Sulthanpet 04255 268748 410760 9445851235 AE/West/Thekkalur 04296 255766 410780 9445851264
AE/ Sulthanpet 04255 268748 410760 9445851236 AE/East/Thekkalur 04296 255766 410780 9445851265
AE/ Malayadipalayam 04255 268640 410761 9445851237 AE/ Karumathampatty 0421 2335066 410781 9445851266
AE/ K.N. Palayam 04255 268739 410762 9445851238 AE/Senthilnagar 0421 2335998 410782 9445851267
AE/ Poorandampalayam 04255 268748 410760 9445851239 AE/ Chenniyandavarkoil 0421 2332363 410783 9445851268
AEE/ Karadibavi 04255 265226 410763 9445851240 AE/Constn./Somanur 0421 2333188 410773 9445851257
AE/ K.N.Puram 04255 278100 410765 9445851241 AEE/ Mangalam 0421 2344222 410785 9445851270
AE/ Pappampatty 0422 2634249 410766 9445851242 AE/ Mangalam 0421 2344222 410785 9445851271
AE/Selakarachal 04255 265104 410767 9445851243 AE/P.S. Palayam 0421 2336024 410786 9445851272
AE/ Lakshminaikkanpalayam 04255 265104 410764 9445851244 AE/Vannjipalayam 0421 2345838 410787 9445851273
AE/Sidhanaikanpalayam 0421 2534455 410768 9445851246 AE/ Poomalur 0421 2344444 410788 9445851274
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ Kombakkadu 0421 2336155 410789 9445851275 110/11 KV Thekkalur SS 0421 255513 410784 9445851269
AE/ Velayudampalayam 0421 2336226 410796 9445851276 Eripalayam SS 04296 291647 410799
AE/ Agraharapudur 9445851277 Kaduvettipalayam SS 0421 2362100 410797
AEE/Arasur 0422 2360770 410790 9445851278 Kaniyur SS 0422 2910266 410798
AE/Arasur 0421 2360500 410792 9445851279 Arasur SS 0422 2360400 411099
AE/ Vagarayampalayam 0421 2362962 410793 9445851280 Neelambur SS 0422 2917500 410791
AE/ Neelambur 0422 2360770 410790 9445851281 Itchipatty SS 0421 2911654
AE/Kaniyur 0421 2910200 410795 9445851282 Poomalur SS 0421 2344444 410788
Deputy Stores Officer 9445851283 AE /Mtce/ Palladamv SS 04255 253013 410745 9445851219
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Senior Manager/ IS 0422 2495118 410802 9445851287 AE/ Ukkadam 0422 2397699 410812 9445851320
AEE/ Bazaar / West 0422 2396446 410814 9445851322
AEE/ General 0422 2496670 410622 9445851288
Ext-304 AEE/ Ram Nagar 0422 2380131 410815 9445851323
AE/Gl-1 Ext-305 410622 9445851289 AEE/ Tatabad, 0422 2235930 410816 9445851324
AEE / Development Ext-308 410622 9445851290 AEE/ R.S.Puram/ South 0422 2472533 410817 9445851325
AE/Dev Ext-309 410622 9445851291 AEE / R.S.Puram/ North 0422 2442997 410818 9445851326
AEE/MM Ext-306 410622 9445851292 AEE / Race Course 0422 2390439 410819 9445851327
AE/MM-I Ext-307 410622 9445851293 AEE / P.N.Palayam 0422 2240460 410820 9445851328
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/ Peelamedu 0422 2564932 410833 9445851341 AE/ North / Sulur 0422 2682676 410863 9445851372
AE/ Peelamedu / Town 0422 2564932 410833 9445851342 AE/ South / Sulur 0422 2680890 410864 9445851373
AE/ Peelamedu / Town /East 0422 2580724 410834 9445851343 AEE/ Chinniampalayam 0422 2627822 410866 9445851375
AE/ Ganapathay 0422 2532733 410836 9445851345 AE/ Civil Aerodrome 0422 2629334 410867 9445851376
AEE/ Thanneerpandal 0422 2512766 410837 9445851346 AE/ Kalappaty 0422 2910076 410869 9445851377
AEE/ Avaramapalayam 0422 2560580 410839 9445851347
AE/ Chinniampalayam 0422 2629738 410870 9445851378
Duputy Stores Officer / 0422 2496670 410622 9445851353
AE/ Chinniampalayam / West 0422 2629810 410871 9445851379
Sub Stores Ext-340
EE/ Ondipudur 0422 2272204 410843 9445851354 AE/ Chinniampalayam / North 0422 2629810 410871 9445851380
AEE/ Singanallur 0422 2577453 410844 9445851355 EE/MRT 0422 2497595 410804 9445851304
AE/ East / Singanallur 0422 2698871 410845 9445851356
AEE/MRT Ext-352 410804 9445851305
AE/ West / Singanallur 0422 2574195 410847 9445851357
AE/MRT / Protection Ext-353 410804 9445851306
AE/ Irugur, 0422 2632722 410848 9445851358
AE/MRT / HTM Ext-353 410804 9445851307
AE Sowripalayam 0422 2590699 410849 9445851359
AE/ Varadharajapuram 0422 2910048 410851 9445851361 AE/MRT / LTCT Ext-354 410804 9445851308
AEE/ Ondipudur 0422 2270757 410852 9445851362 AEE/R&D 0422 2493262 410805 9445851309
AE/ Ondipudur 0422 2270632 410853 9445851363
AEE/R&D 0422 2496670 410622 9445851310
AE/ Pattanam 0422 2273222 410854 9445851364 Ext-209
AE/ Pallapalayam 0422 2579776 410855 9445851365
AE/R&D 0422 2493262 410805 9445851311
AE/ Peedampalli 0422 2682576 410856 9445851366 Ext-341
AE/ Gandhi Nagar 0422 2579646 410858 9445851368 AEE/ Special Maintenance 0422 2496670 410622 9445851312
Duputy Stores Officer / 0422 2632294 410850 9445851381 Ext-357
Sub Stores AE/Spl Ext-359 410622 9445851313
AEE/ Sulur 0422 2680275 410859 9445851369 AE/ Ukkadam SS 0422 2261800 410813 9445851321
AE/ Sulur / East 04255 277750 410860 9445851370
AEE/ Operation/ CBE., RS 0422 2493508 410840 9445851348
AE/ Town / Sulur 0422 2688676 410862 9445851371 Ext-335
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ Mtce/ Coimbatore RS Ext-336 410840 9445851349 AEE/ Town/ West/ Tirupur 0421 2471450 410876 9445851390
AE/ FOC 0422 2498309 410841 9445851350 AEE/ Rayapuram 0421 2470824 410877 9445851391
AE / Call Centre 0422 2492585 410842 9445851352 AEE/ Kongunagar 0421 2241655 410878 9445851392
AEE/ Town/ South/TPR 0421 2471707 410879 9445851393
AE/ Peelamedu SS 0422 2664977 410835 9445851344
JE/ Town/ South/ Tirupur 0421 2471707 410879 9445851394
Vilankuruchi SS 0422 2511949 410838
JE/ Town/East/Tirupur 0421 2429100 410880 9445851395
Kalapatty SS 0422 2010269 410868
AE/ Bazaar/ Tirupur 0421 2429100 410880 9445851396
Kallimadai SS 0422 2573700 410846
AE/ Bharathinagar 0421 2214957 410881 9445851397
AE/ Irugur SS 0422 2632294 410850 9445851360
JE/ Town Hall/Tirupur 0421 2230701 410882 9445851398
AE/ Sulur SS 0422 2689500 410865 9445851374
JE/ Mudalipalayam 0421 2375876 410883 9445851399
AE/ Peedampalli SS 0422 2634496 410857 9445851367
JE / Kasipalayam 9445851404
Karanampettai SS 04255 277650 410861
AEE/ Rural/ Tirupur 9445851405
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER/ TIRUPPUR AE/ Nallur, 0421 2422700 410888 9445851406
T.N.E.B., TIRUPPUR. AE / Peruntholuvu, 0421 2359094 410890 9445851407
SE/Tiruppur EDC/ Tiruppur 0421 2470153 410605 9445851351 JE/ Pollikalipalayam North 0421 2359911 410891 9445851408
0421 410606 2258712(R)
JE/ Pollikalalipalayam South 0421 2359911 410891 9445851409
AEE/ General 0421 2470153 410605 9445851382
AE/ Chettipalayam 0421 2251800 410892 9445851410
AE/ General 0421 2470153 410605 9445851383
AE/ RVE Nagar, 9445851411
AEE/ Development 0421 2470153 410605 9445851384
AEE/ Veerapandy 0421 2210564 410901 9445851413
AE/ Development 0421 2470153 410605 9445851385
AE/ MM 0421 2470153 410605 9445851386 JE/ Veerapandy 0421 2217100 410895 9445851414
EE/ Tirupur 0421 2481999 410872 9445851387 AE/ Karaipudur 0421 2216364 410897 9445851415
AEE/ Bridgeway Colony 0421 2470827 410873 9445851388 AE/ Ganapathypalayam 0421 2217118 410898 9445851416
AEE/ Town/ North/ Tirupur 0421 2474848 410874 9445851389 AE/ Periyandipalayam 0421 2260795 410899 9445851417
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ Arulpuram 0421 2916868 410900 9445851418 AE/ North / Perumanallur, 0421 2352050 410915 9445851442
AE/ Murugampalayam 0421 2415000 9445851419 AE/ Samundipuram, 0421 2476484 9445851443
JE/ Madheswaran Nagar 9445851420 AEE/ North/Annur 04254 264466 410919 9445851445
JE/ Chinnakarai 9445851421 AE/ North Annur 04254 264466 410919
AEE/ Construction/Tirupur 9445851423 AE / Pasur, 04254 264919 410920 9445851446
AE/ Construction I 9445851424 AE/ Karuvalur 04254 288444 410922 9445851448
Deputy Stores Officer/ 9445851426 AE/ Vadakkalur, 04254 264553 410925 9445851450
Tirupur Sub Stores AEE/ Town/Avinashi, 04296 273321 410928 9445851452
EE / Avinashi 04296 273119 410902 9445851427 AE / T.M.Poondi, 04296 276057 410926 9445851453
AEE/ North /Avinashi 04296 273379 410903 9445851428 AE/ South/ Cheyur 04296 287725 410927 9445851454
JE I Gr / Rural/East/Avinashi 04296 273473 410904 9445851430 AE/ Town/ Avanashi 04296 273321 410928 9445851455
JE I Gr/ Rural/ West/ Avinashi 04296 273929 410905 9445851431 AE/ North / Cheyur 04296 287260 410929 9445851456
JE I Gr / Vadugapalayam 04296 270300 410906 9445851432 AE/ Construction I, 04296 273119 410902 9445851457
AE / Construction II, 04296 273119 410902 9445851458
AE / Nambiampalayam 04296 288445 410907 9445851433
Deputy Stores Officer / 9445851459
AEE/ Anuparpalayam 0421 2484544 410908 9445851434
Avinashi Sub Stores
AE/ Town/ Anupparpalayam 0421 2485161 410909 9445851435 AE/ FOC 0421 2259100 9445851400
AE/ Rural/ Anuparpalayam 0421 2256151 410910 9445851436 AE/ Tirupur SS 0421 2470152 410884 9445851401
AE / R.K. Nagar 0421 2477222 410911 9445851437 AE/ Santhai pettai SS 0421 2214874 410886 9445851402
AE/Vengamedu, 0421 2482500 410917 9445851438 AE/Mtce, Mudalipalayam SS 0421 2375676 410887 9445851403
AE/ Pooluvapatti 0421 2374700 410912 9445851439 Nallur SS 0421 2426000 410889
AE/ Pandian Nagar, 0421 2471122 410913 9445851440 AE/Mtce, Kumar Nagar SS 0421 2472828 410894 9445851412
AE/ South / Perumanallur 0421 2350180 410914 9445851441 AE/ Veerapandy SS 0421 2210564 410901 9445851422
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE / SS, Avinashi SS 04296 273379 410903 9445851429 AEE/Development Ext-125 410639 9445851466
AE/ SS, Perumanallur SS 0421 2350770 410918 9445851444 AE/Development-1 Ext-130 410639 9445851467
AE / SS, Kanurpudur SS 04296 289324 410921 9445851447 Deputy Financial Controller 04252 223787 410618 9445851468
Velampalayam SS 0421 2486300 410916
AO 04252 223785 410639 9445851576
Karuvalur SS 04296 288222 410923
Palavanjipalayam SS 0421 2251929 410893
A.Adm.O 04252 223785 410639 9445851469
Andipalayam SS 0421 2262832 410896 Ext-140
Nethaji Apparel Park SS 0421 2912007 410875 Central Stores Officer 04252 223820 410931 9445851470
110/11 KV SS Ext-163
EE/Civil 04252 223785 410639 9445851471
T.N.E.B., TIRUPUR ROAD, . UDUMALPET- 642 126 AE/Civil/Udumalpet 04252 223785 410639 9445851472
PBX NO: 04252 - 223787 - 410618 Ext-159
04252 - 223766 - 410641 AE/Civil/ Pollachi 9445851473
04252 - 223785 - 410639
EE/ Udumalpet 04252 225086 410934 9445851482
Superintending Engineer/ 04252 224304 410607 9445851451
Ext-101 AEE/Town/ Udumalpet 04252 223639 410935 9445851483
UEDC/ Udumalpet 04252 224285(R) 410608 AE/Town/ Udumalpet 04252 223639 410935 9445851484
EE / General 04252 223787 410618 9445851460 AE/ Gandhi Nagar 04252 231842 410936 9445851485
AE /Rural/North 04252 221101 410937 9445851486
Senior Manager/ 04252 232431 410930 9445851461
AE/ Rural/South 04252 221102 410938 9445851487
Information Systems Ext-150
AE/ Rural/East 04252 221106 410939 9445851488
AEE/General 04252 223785 410639 9445851462
Ext-126 AE/ Construction 9445851489
AE/General-1 Ext-129 410639 9445851463 AEE/O&M/West 9445851491
AEE/MM, Ext-127 410639 9445851464 AE/Valavady 04252 267400 410941 9445851492
AE/MM-1 Ext-131 410639 9445851465 AE/ Gomangalam 04259 280100 410942 9445851493
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
(CBE) T.D. - 3
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/Dhali 04252 265425 410943 9445851494 AEE/ Angalakurichi, 04259 287620 410966 9445851522
AE/ Poolanginar 04252 268000 410944 9445851495 AE/Town/ Anaimalai 04253 283177 410967 9445851523
AEE/ Madathukulam 04252 253000 410946 9445851497 AE/ Sethumadai 04253 244509 410968 9445851524
AE/Madathukulam 04252 253000 410946 9445851498 AE/ Vettaikaranpudur 04253 283050 410969 9445851525
AE/ Kaniyur 04252 241200 410947 9445851499 AE/Thensangampalayam 04253 287181 410970 9445851526
AE/ Komaralingam 04252 278410 410948 9445851500 AEE/ Devanurpudur 04252 262320 410973 9445851529
AEE/ Poolavady 04252 249236 410953 9445851502 AE/Kolarpatty 04259 280200 410974 9445851530
AE/Poolavady 04252 249491 410950 9445851503 AE/East/ Devanur Pudur, 04252 262986 410975 9445851531
AE/Gudimangalam 04252 273740 410951 9445851504 AE/West/ Devanur Pudur 04252 263130 410976 9445851532
AE/ Thungavi 04252 250605 410952 9445851505 AE//Erisanampatty 04252 262987 410977 9445851533
AEE/North/Udumalpet 04252 223637 410956 9445851507 AE/Kanjampatty 04259 284100 410978 9445851534
AE/Manupatty 04252 265435 410954 9445851508 EE/ Negamam 04259 244288 410979 9445851535
AE/Rural/ West/Udumalpet 04252 224930 410955 9445851509 AEE/ Pethappam Patty 04252 246100 410980 9445851536
AE/O&M/ Elayamuthur 04252 265435 410954 9445851510 AE/ Pethappam Patty 04252 246100 410980 9445851537
Deputy Stores Officer 04252 223785 410639 9445851512 AE/V.Velur 04252 271872 410981 9445851538
Ext-157 AE/Ramachandra Puram, 04252 271873 410982 9445851539
EE/ Angalakurichi 04259 287395 410957 9445851513 AE/ Kongal Nagaram, 04252 246101 410983 9445851540
AEE/Valparai 04253 222409 410958 9445851514 AE/ East/ Pollachi 04259 266222 410984 9445851541
AE/ Iyerpadi 04253 292162 410959 9445851515 AEE/ North/ Pollachi 04259 224695 410985 9445851542
AE/South/ Valparai 04253 221536 410960 9445851516 AE/ Vadakkipalayam 04259 246100 410986 9445851543
AE/Noth/ Valparai 04253 221388 410961 9445851517 AE/ A.Sangampalayam 04259 222699 410987 9445851544
AE/ Mudis 04253 221991 410962 9445851518 AE/ Mill Kovilpalayam 04259 259009 410988 9445851545
AE/ Sholayar Nagar 04253 237560 410963 9445851519 AEE/ Negamam 04259 245292 410990 9445851547
AE/HT SC/Iyerpadi 04253 221067 410964 9445851520 AE/ North/ Negamam 04259 244488 410991 9445851548
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ South/ Negamam 04259 244488 410991 9445851549 AEE/ Mulanur 04202 228600 411011 9445851578
AE/ Kattampatty 04259 288540 410992 9445851550 AE/ Town / Mulanur 04202 228600 411011 9445851579
AE/ Rural/ Negamam 04259 244388 410993 9445851552 AE/ Rural / Mulanur 04202 228822 411012 9445851580
AE/ East/ Negamam 04259 244488 410993 9445851553 AE/ Vadugapatty 04202 265100 411013 9445851581
AEE/ Kinathukadavu 04259 242327 410994 9445851555 AE/ Kannivady 04202 225075 411014 9445851582
AE/ West/ Kinathukadavu 04259 241477 410995 9445851556 AE/ Akkaraipalayam 04257 257279 411015 9445851583
AE/ East/ Kinathukadavu 04259 241476 410996 9445851557 AEE/ Kundadam 9445851586
AE/ Vadachittur 04259 283128 410997 9445851558 AE/ North/ Kundadam 04258 263603 411018 9445851587
AE/ Thamaraikulam, 04259 242121 410998 9445851559 AE/ South/ Kundadam 04258 263601 411019 9445851588
Deputy Stores Officer / 9445851561 AE/ Manurpalayam 04258 261070 411020 9445851589
Negamam Sub Stores
AE/ Kallivalasu 04258 246450 411021 9445851590
EE/ Dharapuram 04258 220259 411000 9445851562
AE/ Surianallur 04258 263602 411022 9445851591
AEE/ East/ Dharapuram 9445851563
Deputy Stores Officer / 9445851593
AE/ Town/ Dharapuram 04258 220888 411001 9445851564 Dharapuram Sub Stores,
AE/ Manakkadavu 04258 244388 410993 9445851565 EE/ Pollachi, 04259 226078 411024 9445851594
AE/ Kolathupalayam 04258 241400 411002 9445851566 AEE/Central/ Pollachi, 04259 231321 411026 9445851595
AE/ East/ Dharapuram 04258 226999 411003 9445851567 AE/ Town/ Pollachi 04259 224222 411025 9445851596
AE/ Rural/ Dharapuram 04258 220888 411001 9445851568 AE/ Mahalingapuram 04259 231321 411026 9445851597
AE/ Ponnivadi, 04202 222388 411004 9445851569 AE/ Kottampatty 04259 220470 411027 9445851598
AEE/West/ Dharapuram 9445851571 AE/ Zaminuthukuli 04259 234814 411028 9445851599
AE/ Chinnaputhur 04258 253680 411006 9445851572 AEE/ Pollachi 04259 223822 411032 9445851600
AE/ Dhalavaipattinam 04258 257270 411007 9445851573 AE/ Rural/ Pollachi 04259 230722 411029 9445851601
AE/ Madhathupalayam 04258 230200 411008 9445851574 AE/ South, Pollachi 04259 238500 411030 9445851602
AE/ North/ Dharapuram 04258 222025 411009 9445851575 AE/ /Samathur 04259 271100 411031 9445851603
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/Construction-2 04259 226078 411024 9445851604 AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04252 223637 410956 9445851511
AEE/ West/Pollachi, 04259 296990 411036 9445851606 Udumalpet SS
AE /Mtce/110/22 KV 04253 221112 410965 9445851521
AE/ Rural/Anamalai 04259 296990 411036 9445851607
Iyerpadi SS
AE/ West/Pollachi 04259 296230 411033 9445851608
AE /Mtce/110/22 KV 04259 286398 410971 9445851527
AE/ Mannur 04259 277100 411034 9445851609 Angalakuruchi SS
AE/ Ambarampalayam, 04259 296900 411035 9445851610 AE /Mtce/110 KV 04253 283388 410972 9445851528
Anamalai SS
Deputy Stores Officer/ 9445851612
Pollachi Sub Stores AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04259 295500 410989 9445851546
Mill Kovilpalayam SS
EE/ MRT 04252 223787 410932 9445851474
AE /Mtce, 110/22 KV 04259 244388 410993 9445851554
AEE / MRT 04252 232011 410933 9445851475 Negamam SS
AE/MRT / LTCT 04252 223785 410639 9445851476 AE/ Mtce /110/22 KV 04259 242225 410999 9445851560
Ext-124 Kinathukadavu SS
AE/MRT 1 Ext-124 410639 9445851477 AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04258 291023 411005 9445851570
AE/MRT 2 Ext-124 410639 9445851478 Kolathupalayam SS
AEE/Special Maintenance Ext-163 410639 9445851479 AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04258 220213 411010 9445851577
Dharapuram SS
AE/Special Maintenance-1 Ext-163 410639 9445851480
AE /Mtce, 110/22 KV 04202 227327 411016 9445851584
AE/Special Maintenance-2 Ext-163 410639 9445851481 Mulanur SS,
AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04252 228200 410940 9445851490 AE /Mtce / 110 KV 04202 292600 411017 9445851585
Palappampatty SS Vadugapatty SS
AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04252 267676 410945 9445851496 AE /Mtce / 110/22 KV 04258 263536 411023 9445851592
Poolankinar SS KundadamSS
AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04252 252238 410949 9445851501 AE /Mtce / 110/22 KV 04259 223822 411032 9445851605
Madathukulam SS PollachiSS
AE /Mtce/ 110/22 KV 04252 249236 410953 9445851506 AE /Mtce / 110/22 KV 04259 296990 411036 9445851611
Poolavady SS Marichinaikanpalayam SS
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Deputy Stores Officer / 04262 263053 9445851661 AEE/Town/Kothagiri 04266 271705 411083 9445851681
Sub Stores
AE/Town/Kotagiri, 04266 271705 411083 9445851682
AEE/ Pandalur 04262 220283 411059 9445851653
AE/West Brook 04266 279100 411084 9445851683
AE/ Pandalur 04262 220283 411059 9445851654
AE/Aravenu 04266 272250 411085 9445851684
AE/ Cherambady 04262 266783 411060 9445851655
AE/Kattabettu 04266 279300 411086 9445851685
AE/ iyyankolli, 04262 224224 411062 9445851656
AEE/Rural/Kotagiri, 04266 271624 411090 9445851687
AE/ Uppatty, 9445851657
AE/Nedugula, 04266 271705 411083 9445851688
EE/ Coonoor, 0423 2231052 411066 9445851662
JE/Rural/Kotagiri 04266 271060 411088 9445851689
AEE/Town/Coonoor 0423 2207152 411067 9445851663
JE/ Kil-Kotagiri 04266 276201 411089 9445851690
JE Mount Road, 0423 2207352 411068 9445851664
Deputy Stores Officer / 04266 279380 9445851692
JE/Simspark, 0423 2232252 411069 9445851665
Sub Stores/ Kattabettu
AE/Mount Pleasant 0423 2206152 411070 9445851666
AEE/MRT/Ooty 0423 2446926 411039 9445851625
AE/ Yedappalli 0423 2234052 411071 9445851667
AE/MRT/Ooty 0423 2446926 411039 9445851626
JE/Barracks 0423 2204953 411072 9445851668
AEE/ Spl Maintenance 0423 2446926 411039 9445851627
AEE/ Rural/ Coonoor 0423 2206152 411074 9445851670
AE/ Spl Maintenance 0423 2446926 411039 9445851628
JE/Glendale 0423 2206632 411075 9445851671
AE/Mtce., 110/11KV Ooty SS 0423 2440897 411047 9445851637
AE/Salas 0423 2284210 411076 9445851672
AE/Mtc., 66/11KV SS / Athipally 04262 263983 411063 9445851658
JE/Hubbathalai, 0423 2231652 411077 9445851673
AE/Mtc., 66/11KV SS / Cherampady 04262 266283 411064 9445851659
AEE/Kundah 0423 2509227 411079 9445851675
AE/Kundah 0423 2509227 411079 9445851676 AE/Mtc., 66/11KV SS/ Uppatty 04262 220256 411065 9445851660
AE/ Adigaratty 0423 2590447 411080 9445851677 JE/SS/Jagathala, 0423 2231452 411073 9445851669
AE/ Yedakkadu 0423 2508008 9445851678 JE/SS/Adigaratty 0423 2284796 411078 9445851674
AE/Harukuchi 0423 2286317 411081 9445851679 AE/SS/Kundah 0423 2509120 411082 9445851680
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/O/ Udumalpet 04252 224355 411104 9445851699 AEE/Mtce/ Othakkalmandapam 0422 2610699 411100 9445851720
04252 224100 411105 Othakkalmandapam 230 KV SS 0422 2610699 411100 9445851721
AEE/Lines/udumalpet 9445851700 AE/ Mtce/ Othakkalmandapam 0422 2610699 411100 9445851722
AEE/Lines/Vadamadurai 9445851701 AEE/Mtce/ Palladam 04255 255300 411102 9445851723
AEE/Lines/Ingur 9445851702 Palladam 230 KV SS 04255 255300 411102 9445851724
AEE/Lines/Nilgiris 9445851703 AEE/Mtce/ Udumalpet 04252 224355 411104 9445851725
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
35 36
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Udumalpet 230 KV SS 04252 224355 411104 9445851726 F.O.C. Centre, Coimbatore 0422 2397698 410631
AE/Mtce/ Udumalpet 04252 224355 411104 9445851727 F.O.C. Centre, Tirupur 0421 2259101 410634
AEE/Mtce/ Myvadi 04252 250030 411096 9445851728 F.O.C. Centre, Tirupur 0421 2259102 410635
250353 411097 F.O.C. Centre, Tirupur 0421 2259103 410636
AE/Mtce/ Myvadi 04252 250030 411096 9445851729 F.O.C. Centre, Tirupur 0421 2259104 410637
250353 411097
F.O.C. Centre, Tirupur ISDN
155333 PRI 410638
Telephone Exchange / 04252 223785 410639
Telephone Exchange, 0422 2496622 410621
CEDC/ South, Coimbatore
Telephone Exchange / 04252 223787 410640
Telephone Exchange, 0422 2496670 410622
CEDC/ South, Coimbatore
Telephone Exchange / 04252 223766 410641
Telephone Exchange, 0422 2496875 410623
CEDC/ South, Coimbatore
Telephone Exchange / 0423 2447220 410642
Telephone Exchange, 0422 2496571 410624
NEDC/ Ooty
CEDC/ South, Coimbatore
Telephone Exchange, 0422 2493150 410625
CEDC/ South, Coimbatore
F.O.C. Centre, Coimbatore 0422 2492342 410626
F.O.C. Centre, Coimbatore 0422 2492496 410627
F.O.C. Centre, Coimbatore 0422 2492544 410628
F.O.C. Centre, Coimbatore 0422 2492612 410629
F.O.C. Centre, Coimbatore 0422 ISDN 410630
155333 PRI
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/JE SHIFT-2/110 KV SS/ 04256 240470 411123 9445851995 AE/AVALPOONDURAI 0424 2331051 411184 9445852018
AEE/ARACHALUR 9445852004
AE/JE SHIFT-3/110 KV SS/ 04256 240470 411123 9445851996
AE/ARACHALUR/TOWN 0424 2358211 411185 9445852019
AE/M.H.PALLY 04294 239299 411186 9445852021
AE/JE SHIFT-4/110 KV SS/ 04256 240470 411123 9445851997
KAVINDAPADY AE/KANDASAMYPALAYAM 04204 247680 411188 9445852023
AE/JE MAINT/110 KV SS/ 04294 236000 411124 9445851998 AE/K.B.GRAMAM 0424 2335069 411137 9445852024
GANDHINAGAR AEE/SIVAGIRI 04204 240280 411130 9445852005
AEE/CONSN./U/ERODE 9445851963 AE/SIVAGIRI/EAST 04204 242014 411189 9445852025
AE/CONSTN/U/ERODE 9445851964
AE/SIVAGIRI/TOWN 04204 242021 411190 9445852026
ERODE 110 KV SS 0424 2268828 411121
AE/SIVAGIRI/WEST 04204 242014 411189 9445852027
SURIAMPALAYAM 110 KV SS 0424 2533468 411122
AEE/KODUMUDAI 9445852006
KAVINDAPADY 110 KV SS 04256 240470 411123
AE/KODUMUDI/TOWN 04204 222970 411191 9445852028
GANDHINAGAR 110 KV SS 04294 236000 411124
AE/KODUMUDI/SOUTH 04204 222004 411192 9445852029
METTUKADAI 110/22 KV SS 0424 2556668 411136
AE/THAMARAIPALAYAM 0424 2338480 411193 9445852031
EE/SOUTH/ERODE 0424 2250419 411116 9445852180
AEE/O/ELUMATHUR 110 KV SS 0424 2333051 411127 9445852003
AEE/SOUTH/ERODE 0424 2401100 411176 9445852001
AE/VADUGAPATTY 0424 2358220 411187 9445852022
AE/RURAL/S/ERODE 0424 2401100 411176 9445852009
AE/ELLAKKADAI 0424 2333791 411183 9445852017
AE/MULLAMPARAPPU 0424 2284870 411177 9445852011
AE/LAKKAPURAM 0424 2401168 411178 9445852012
AE/SHIFT-1/110 KV SS/ 0424 2333051 411127 9445852035
AE/KASPAPETTAI 0424 2332251 411179 9445852013
AE/GANAPATHIPALAYAM 0424 2351668 411180 9445852014
AE/SHIFT-2/110 KV SS/ 0424 2333051 411127 9445852036
AE/ELUMATHUR 0424 2333971 411181 9445852015 AE/SHIFT-3/110 KV SS/ 0424 2333051 411127 9445852037
AE/MODAKKURICHI 0424 2501251 411182 9445852016 ELUMATHUR
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not oly raise Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(ERD) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/SHIFT-4/110 KV SS/ 0424 2333051 411127 9445852038 AEE/KUNNATHUR 04294 263088 411146 9445852042
AE/TOWN/KUNNATHUR 04294 264400 411201 9445852058
AEE/CONSN./S/ERODE 0424 2401100 411176 9445852007 AE/KUNNATHUR/EAST, 04294 248100 411202 9445852059
AE/CONSN./S/ERODE 0424 2401100 411176 9445852008 AE/RURAL/KUNNATHUR. 04294 263088 411146 9445852061
ELUMATHUR 110 KV SS 0424 2333051 411127 AE/P.G.PALAYAM 04294 242085 411148 9445852062
KODUMUDI 110 KV SS 04204 222280 411128 9445852034 AEE/CHENNIMALAI 04294 250750 411203 9445852043
NADUPALAYAM 110/22 KV SS 0424 2338132 411129 TOWN CHENNIMALAI. 04294 250750 411203 9445852063
SIVAGIRI 110 KV SS 04204 240280 411130 9445852033 WEST/CHENNIMALAI 04294 259515 411204 9445852064
KASPAPETTAI 110 KV SS 0424 2337600 411133 9445852032 RURAL / CHENNIMALAI 04294 250750 411203 9445852065
K.B.GRAMMAM 33 KV SS 0424 2335069 411137 VELLODE 04294 238222 411150 9445852066
ANJUR 33 KV SS 04204 260100 MUKASIPIDARIYUR 04294 250123 411205 9445852067
EE/D/PERUNDURAI 04294 220553 411117 9445852190 AEE/UTHUKULI 9445852044
AEE/EAST/PERUNDURAI 9445852039 RURAL/UTHUKULI 04294 261999 411207 9445852068
TOWN/PERUNDURAI 04294 222300 411194 9445852047 EAST/UTHUKULI 04294 260122 411206 9445852069
SOUTH /PERUNDURAI 04294 222300 411194 9445852048 CHENGAPALLY 04294 266400 411208 9445852071
NORTH/PERUNDURAI 04294 222000 411196 9445852049 TOWN UTHUKULI. 04294 260222 411134 9445852072
INGUR 04294 230800 411197 9445852051 SARKARPERIYA PALAYAM 0421 2374501 411209 9445852073
SIPCOT 9445852052 AEE/CONSN/PERUNDURAI 9445852045
RURAL / PERUNDURAI 04294 225000 411195 9445852053 SUB - STATIONS
NALLAMPATTY 04294 232100 411198 9445852054 INGUR 110 KV SS 04294 230777 411125 9445852075
VIJAYAMANGALAM/W 04294 243222 411199 9445852055 SIPCOT 110 KV SS 04294 234011 411126 9445852074
THINGALORE 04294 233231 411147 9445852056 UTHUKULI 110 KV SS 04294 260222 411134
VIJAYAMANGALAM/E 9445852057 KUNNATHUR 33 KV SS 04294 263088 411146
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/NORTH/NAMBIYUR 04285 267379 411365 9445852186 JE/OLAGADAM 04256 256200 411408 9445852142
JE/EAST/NAMBIYUR 04285 267529 411366 9445852184 JE/O&M/POONACHI 04256 257598 411408 9445852144
JE/WEST/NAMBIYUR 04285 — 9445852185 AEE/AMMAPET 04256 227777 411398 9445852121
JE/KURUMANDUR 04285 254611 411367 9445852187 JE/AMMAPETTAI 04256 227777 411398 9445852149
AEE/CONSTN./ GOBI — 9445852126 AE/GURUVAREDDIYUR 04256 225022 411399 9445852151
JE/NORTH/GOBI — 9445852182 AE/CHENNAMPATTY 04256 258002 411401 9445852152
JE/KASIPALAYAM 04285 264032 411368 9445852181 AE/VELLITHIRUPPUR 04256 253700 411400 9445852154
JE/K.T.PALAYAM 04285 240868 411371 9445852179 AEE/ANTHIYUR 04256 260267 411423 9445852122
AE/SS/KUGALUR 04285 265260 411409 9445852166 AE/TOWN/ANTHIYUR 04256 263500 411402 9445852158
JE/SS/T.N.PALAYAM 04285 260261 411410 9445852172 AE/N/ANTHIYUR 04256 262400 411403 9445852156
JE/SS/KARATTUPALAYAM 04285 254248 411413 9445852189 AE/S/ANTHIYUR 04256 263467 411404 9445852159
JE/SS/NAMBIYUR 04285 267248 411412 9445852188 JE/THALAVAIPETTAI 04256 263550 411405 9445852161
JE/SS/GOBI 04285 222210 411411 9445852177 JE/SS/THALAVAIPETTAI 04256 249933 411420 9445852143
GETTICHEVIYUR 04285 291293 AE/SS/CHENNAMPATTY 04256 258400 411421 9445852153
EE/O&M/BHAVANI 04256 230254 411359 9445852050 JE/SS/KONERIPATTY 04256 239253 411422 9445852155
AEE/N/BHAVANI 04256 232990 411395 9445852118 JE/SS/ANTHIYUR 04256 260267 411423 9445852157
JE/TOWN/BHAVANI 04256 231400 411394 9445852135 EE/SATHYAMANGALAM 04295 220232 411360 9445852060
JE/N/BHAVANI 04256 232990 411395 9445852134 AEE/E/SATHYAMANGALAM 04295 225040 411382 9445852128
JE/CHITHAR 04256 239993 411396 9445852136 AE/RURAL/N/SATHY 04295 225007 411377 9445852191
JE/K.R.PALAYAM 0424 2231150 411397 9445852137 AE/K.N.PALAYAM 04285 233360 411378 9445852192
AEE/W/BHAVANI 04256 231955 411393 9445852119 AE/D.G.PUDUR. 04285 233350 411379 9445852193
JE/W/BHAVANI 04256 231955 411393 9445852138 AEE/O/P.KODIVERY 04295 223273 411419 9445852214
JE/RURAL/BHAVANI 04256 231955 411393 9445852139 JE/KODIVERY 04285 233340 411380 9445852194
JE/JAMBAI 04256 249955 411406 9445852141 AE/Kadampur 9445852195
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/Kavilipalayam 04295 265140 411386 9445852201 EE/ GENERAL CUM MRT Ext-200 411504 9445852210
JE/Pungampalli 04295 263123 411391 9445852206 AEE/ GENERAL Ext-202 411504 9445851907
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE 3/ SPECIAL MTNCE Ext-322 411504 9445851920 AE/O&M/ KANNENTHERI 04283 266019 411440 9445851829
SR. MANAGER / TECH TRG INST Ext-711 411504 9445851910 AEE/ C&I /METTUR 9445851831
AE 1 / TECH TRG INST Ext-711 411504 9445851911 AE/ C&I /METTUR 9445851832
AE 2 / TECH TRG INST Ext-711 411504 9445851912 AE/MTNCE/110 KVSS METTUR RS 04298 222010 9445851819
EE/O&M/METTUR DAM 04298 244066 411492 9445852230 AE/MTNCE/110 KVSS MECHERI 04298 263388 9445851820
AEE/O&M/ METTUR 9445851808 AE/MTNCE/110 KVSS EDAPPADY 04283 222355 9445851830
AE/O&M/METTUR TOWN 04298 244310 411428 9445851809 EE/O&M/OMALUR 04290 220247 411493 9445852240
AE/O&M/METTUR RURAL 9445851810 AEE/O&M/ OMALUR 9445851833
AE/O&M/KOLATHUR /S 04298 251790 411429 9445851811 AE/ O&M/ OMALUR 04290 222811 411442 9445851834
AE/O&M/KOLATHUR /N 04298 251890 411430 9445851812 AE/ O&M/ THUMNIPADDY 04290 249600 411443 9445851835
AE/O&M/KOLATHUR /R 04298 251790 9445851813 AE/ O&M/ CHINNATIRUPATHY 04290 246426 411444 9445851836
AEE/O&M/ SAMPALLAY 9445851814 AE/ O&M/ VELLAR 04298 269399 411445 9445851837
AE/O&M/ KUNJANDIYUR 04298 231899 411431 9445851815 AE/ O&M/ KADAYAMPATTY-1 04290 243944 411446 9445851838
AE/O&M/ SAMPALLAY 04298 223799 411432 9445851816 AE/ O&M/ KADAYAMPATTY-2 04290 243242 411447 9445851839
AE/O&M/ E MECHERI 04298 279299 411433 9445851817 AE/ C&I/ OMALUR 9445851841
AE/O&M/ W MECHERI 04298 278588 411434 9445851818 AEE/ O&M/ JALAKANDAPURAM 9445851842
AEE/O&M/ EDAPPADY T 9445851821 AE/JALAKANDAPURAM SOUTH 04298 260348 411448 9445851843
AE/O&M/ EDAPPADY T 04283 222271 411435 9445851822 AE/ O&M/ 04298 261900 411449 9445851844
AE/O&M/ CHITHOOR 04283 234800 411436 9445851823
AE/ O&M/ 04298 261800 411450 9445851845
AE/O&M/ POOLAMPATTY 04283 237570 411437 9445851824
AE/O&M/ KONERIPATTY 04283 233400 411441 9445851825
AE/ O&M/ VANAVASI 04298 266234 411451 9445851846
AEE/O&M/ EDAPPADY R 9445851826
AE/ O&M/ NANGAVALLY 9445851847
AE/O&M/ EDAPPADY R 04283 223271 411438 9445851827
AE/O&M/ KONGABAPURAM 04283 265019 411439 9445851828
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ O&M/ THARAMANGALAM 04290 250990 411452 9445851852 AE/ O&M/ 04288 263600 411463 9445851868
AE/ O&M/ THOLASAMPATTY 04290 244141 411453 9445851853
AE/ O&M/ PAPPAMPADI 04290 257790 411454 9445851854
AE/ O&M/ PALLIPALAYAM TOWN 04288 243800 411464 9445851871
AE/ O&M/ ALAGUSAMUDRAM 0427 2383438 411455 9445851855
AE/ O&M/ PALLIPALAYAM WEST 04288 243600 411465 9445851872
AE/ O&M/ PANCHUKALIPATTY 04290 248299 411456 9445851856
AE/ O&M/ SPB COLONY 04288 243020 411466 9445851873
AE/ MTNCE/110 KVSS 04290 249229 9445851840
AE/ O&M/ KOKKARAYANPET 04288 225700 411467 9445851875
AE/ MTNCE/ 110 KVSS 04298 266553 9445851848
AE/ MTNCE/ 110 KVSS 04298 261600 9445851849 AE/ O&M/ SANKARI TOWN 04283 244622 411468 9445851878
JALAKANDAPURAM AE/ O&M/ SANKARI RURAL 04283 244611 411469 9445851879
EE/O&M/SANKARI 9445852250 AE/ O&M/ M.D.CHOULTRY 04283 257100 411470 9445851880
AEE/ O&M/ SANKARI WEST 9445851857 AE/ O&M/ VAIGUNDAM 04283 259100 411471 9445851881
AE/O&M/ VEPPADAI-1 04288 278200 411457 9445851858 AE/ O&M/ SANKARI RS 04283 240633 411472 9445851882
AE/O&M/PALLAKKAPALAYAM 04283 227334 411458 9445851859 AEE/ C&I/ SANKARI 9445851883
AE/O&M/ ICL COLONY 04283 294211 411459 9445851860 AE/ C&I/ SANKARI 9445851884
AE/ O&M/ 04288 228133 411460 9445851861 SUB - STATIONS
AE/ MTNCE/ 110KVSS 04288 260185 411486 9445851869
AEE/ O&M/ KOMARAPALAYAM 9445851863 AE/ MTNCE/ 110 KVSS 04288 243700 411485 9445851876
AE/ O&M/ 9445851864
KOMARAPALAYAM SOUTH AEE/ MTNCE/ 110KV 04283 240554 411488 9445851885
AE/ O&M/ 9445851865
AE/ MTNCE 1/ 110KV 04283 240554 9445851886
AE/ O&M/ THEVOOR 04283 232600 411461 9445851866
AE/ MTNCE 2/ 110KV 04283 240554 9445851887
AE/ O&M/ C.N.PALAYAM 04288 267690 411462 9445851867 GRID SS SANKARI
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ MTNCE 3/ 110KV 04283 240554 9445851889 AE/O&M/TS/NAMAKKAL 04286 225555 411514 9445852462
AE/O&M/NALLIPALAYAM 04286 281077 411516 9445852464
AE/ MTNCE 4/ 110KV 04283 240554 9445851890
GRID SS SANKARI JE/O&M/KOSAVAMPATTY 04286 229269 411517 9445852465
PIN CODE - 637001.
TELE PHONE EXCHANGE : 04286 - 233306 (411506) AE/O&M/R/W/NAMAKKAL 04286 224700 411521 9445852471
JE/O&M/R/N/NAMAKKAL 04286 277800 411522 9445852472
SE/NAMAKKAL EDC/ 04286 233333 9445852400
NAMAKKAL Ext-201 233386(R) AEE/O&M/ERUMAPATTY 04286 252041 411533 9445852449
EE/GL/NEDC/NAMAKKAL 04286 233333 9445852380 JE/O&M/R/S/NAMAKKAL 04286 287500 9445852486
JE/O&M/POTTIREDDYPATTY 04286 252200 411534 9445852484
DFC/NEDC/NAMMAKKAL 04286 233306 411506 9445852510
JE/O&M/ERUMAPATTY 04286 252041 411533 9445852483
MANAGER INFORMATION SYS./ Ext-238 411506 9445852560 JE/O&M/VARAGUR 04286 264130 411535 9445852485
NEDC/NAMAKKAL AEE/O&M/SENDAMANGALAM 04286 271888 411525 9445852447
AEE/DVP/NEDC/NAMAKKAL Ext-204 411506 9445852436 AE/O&M/S/SENDAMANGALAM 04286 271666 411524 9445852474
AEE/RGGVY Ext-205 411506 9445852437 AE/O&M/N/SENDAMANGALAM 04286 271888 411525 9445852475
AEE/MM/NEDC/NAMAKKAL Ext-203 411506 9445852438 AE/O&M/THIRUMALAIPATTY 04286 242880 411526 9445852476
AE/MM/NEDC/NKL -1 04286 233336 411505 9445852441 AE/O&M/MUTHUGAPATTY 04286 278777 411523 9445852473
AEE/O&M/PUDANSANTHAI 04286 245395 411529 9445852448
AE/MM/NEDC/NKL -2 Ext-207 411505 9445852439
AE/O&M/PUDANSANTHAI 04286 245395 411529 9445852479
AE/DVP/NEDC/NKL -1 Ext-208 411505 9445852442
AE/O&M/PUDUCHATRAM 04286 243049 411527 9445852477
AE/DVP/NEDC/NKL -2 Ext-209 411505 9445852443
AE/O&M/KALANGANI 04286 245359 411528 9445852478
EE/O&M/NAMAKKAL 04286 221303 411507 9445852390
AE/O&M/DHATHTHATHRIPURAM 04286 249749 411532 9445852481
AEE/O&M/T/NAMAKKAL 04286 221002 411518 9445852445
AEE/O&M/KALAPPANAICKANPATTY 04286 242910 411508 9445852446
AE/O&M/T/N/NAMAKKAL 04286 224555 411515 9445852463
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
(ERD) T.D. - 3
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/TOWN 04286 242910 411508 9445852455 AE / O&M /PUDUPALAYAM 04287 226529 411542 9445852529
AE / O&M / PATTANAM 04287 226533 411554 9445852542
AE/O&M/BELUKURICHY 04286 246620 411509 9445852456 AEE / O&M /R/ RASIPURAM 04287 220406 411549 9445852518
AE/O&M/KOLLI HILLS 04286 247485 411511 9445852458 AE / O&M / R / S / RASIPURAM 04287 220406 411549 9445852525
AE /O&M / ATHANOOR 04287 255099 411539 9445852526
AE/O&M/KOLLI HILLS 04286 249285 411512 9445852459
(SOLAKKADU) AE / O&M /KAKKAVERI 04287 226530 411545 9445852533
AE/O&M/KARAVALLI 04286 241310 411510 9445852457 JE / O&M / SINGALANDAPURAM 04287 253700 411544 9445852532
SS / NAMAKKAL 04286 221002 411518 9445852466 JE / O&M / R.PUDUPATTY 04287 244543 411546 9445852534
SS / VALAYAPATTY 04286 265485 411519 9445852468 AE / O&M / T.JEDARPALAYAM 04287 240096 411547 9445852535
SS / ERUMAPATTY 04286 252804 9445852487 AEE / O&M / E/ NAMAGIRIPET 04287 240010 411540 9445852519
SS / K.N.PATTY 04286 242310 411513 9445852461 AE / O&M / METTALA 04287 246268 411541 9445852528
EE / O&M / RASIPURAM 04287 231014 411538 9445852420 AE / MULLUKKURICHI 04287 248636 411556 9445852544
AEE /O&M / T /RASIPURAM 04287 292385 411550 9445852517 AEE /C&I / RASIPURAM 04287 222933 411553 9445852522
AE /O&M/ T/RASIPURAM 04287 222933 411553 9445852541 JE / C&I - I / RASIPURAM 04287 222933 411553 9445852523
AE / O&M /ANDAGALOREGATE 04287 231200 411543 9445852531 AE / C&I – II / RASIPURAM 04287 222933 411553 9445852524
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
110 KV SS / NAMAGIRIPET 04287 240010 411540 9445852527 AE/R/MALLASAMUDARAM 04288 287053 411591 9445852569
EE/O&M/ TIRUCHENGODE 04288 252900 411577 9445852410 AE/KALIPATTY 04288 287054 411592 9445852571
AEE/N/TIRUCHENGODE — — 9445852545 AE/MOORPALAYAM 04288 236200 411593 9445852572
AE/N/TIRUCHENGODE 04288 284997 411578 9445852551 AEE/C&I/TIRUCHENGODE — — 9445852549
AE/C/TIRUCHENGODE 04288 250990 411579 9445852552 JE/C&I/TIRUCHENGODE — — 9445852577
AE/E/TIRUCHENGODE 04288 250990 411579 9445852553 JE/C&I/ELACHIPALAYAM — — 9445852578
AE/KUMARAMANGALAM 04288 255297 411580 9445852554 TIRUCHENGODE 110 KV SS 04288 253397 411594 9445852573
AE/UNJANAI 04288 234411 411581 9445852556 UNJANAI 110 KV SS 04288 234180 411595 9445852574
AEE/S/TIRUCHENGODE 04288 253397 411594 9445852546 ELANAGAR 110 KV SS 04288 268614 411596 9445852575
AE/S/TIRUCHENGODE 04288 252397 411582 9445852557 MALLASAMUDARAM 110 KV SS 04288 238153 411597 9445852576
AE/DEVANANKURICHY 04288 251890 411583 9445852558 EE/P .VELUR 04268 220610 411557 9445852430
AE/KOOTAPALLY 04288 252397 411582 9445852559 AEE/C&I/P.VELUR - - 9445852515
AE/MANICKAMPALAYAM 04288 230300 411585 9445852561 AE/C&I/P.VELUR - - 9445852516
AE/R/TIRUCHENGODE 04288 285960 411586 9445852562 AEE/O&M/P.VELUR 04268 223366 411562 9445852488
AEE/O&M/ELACHIPALAYAM 04288 231200 411587 9445852547 AE/TOWN/P.VELUR 04268 224447 411558 9445852489
AE/ELACHIPALAYAM 04288 231200 411587 9445852563 JE/PANDAMANGALAM 04268 230446 411560 9445852492
AE/W/VAIYAPPAMALAI 04288 233950 411588 9445852564 JE/PALAPATTY 04268 253200 411561 9445852493
AE/E/VAIYAPPAMALAI 04288 233950 411588 9445852565 JE/POTHANUR 04268 224436 411559 9445852491
AE/PERIYAMANALI 04288 235300 411589 9445852566 AEE/KABILARMALAI 04268 254735 411567 9445852495
AE/VELAGOUNDAMPATTY 04288 268300 411590 9445852567 AE/PARAMATHI 04268 251968 411564 9445852497
AEE/O&M/MALLASAMUDARAM 04288 238153 411597 9445852548 AE/JEDARPALAYAM 04268 256935 411565 9445852498
AE/T/MALLASAMUDARAM 04288 287053 411591 9445852568
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
(ERD) T.D. - 4
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/PILIKALPALAYAM 04268 255996 411566 9445852499 AEE/PRO 0427 2241357 411233 9445852215
AE/KABILARMALAI 04268 254438 411563 9445852496 ASST.ENGR/DEV.I 0427 2241357 411233 9445852276
AEE/O&M/NALLUR 04268 260262 411576 9445852508 ASST.ENGR/DEV.II 0427 2241357 411233 9445852277
AE/CHITALANDUR 04268 221662 411574 9445852512 AEE/GENERAL 0427 2241357 411233 9445852216
AE/KANDAMPALAYAM 04268 260673 411572 9445852509 ASST. ENGR/TECH.I 0427 2241357 411233 9445852273
AE/NADANTHAI 04268 257340 411573 9445852511 ASST.ENGR/TECH.II 0427 2241357 411233 9445852274
AE/SOLASIRAMANI 04268 222240 411575 9445852513 ASST.EXE.ENGR/MM 0427 2241357 411233 9445852217
AEE/O&M/MOHANUR 04286 256495 411568 9445852502 ASST.ENGR/MM 0427 2241357 411233 9445852275
AE/RURAL/MOHANUR 04286 256495 411568 9445852504 ASST.EXE.ENGR/CIVIL 0427 2241357 411233 9445852218
AE/ANIYAPURAM 04286 266300 411569 9445852505 AE/CIVIL/SALEM 0427 2241357 411233 9445852279
AE/KEERAMBUR 04286 267966 411570 9445852506 EE/CIVIL/THALAIVASAL 0427 231236 411312 9445852080
P.VELUR 110 KV SS 04268 223366 411562 9445852495 AE/CIVIL/THALAIVASAL 0427 231236 411312 9445852281
KABILARMALAI 110 KV SS 04268 254735 411567 9445852501 AEE/U.G.CABLE 0427 2241357 411233 9445852219
NALLUR 110 KV SS 04268 262262 9445852514 ASST.ENGR/U.G.CABLE 0427 2241357 411233 9445852278
S.VALAVANTHI 110 KV SS 04268 258444 411571 9445852507 AEE/R.G.G.V.Y 0427 2241357 411233 9445852221
UDAYAPATTY / SALEM - 636 014. ASST.ENGR/FOC 0427 2414616 411270 9445852282
EPBX EXCHANGE: 0427 - 2241359 : 2241357
ASST.ENGR/FOC 0427 2414616 411270 9445852283
SE/SALEM EDC/SALEM 0427 2241310 411232 9445852300
2449794(R) 411278 EE/MRT 0427 2243090 411239 9445852290
EE/GENERAL 0427 2241358 411234 9445852280 ASST.EXE.ENGR/MRT 0427 2243090 411239 9445852223
DFC 0427 2241357 411233 9445852490 ASST.ENGR/LAB 0427 2243090 411239 9445852284
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
ASST.ENGR/METERING 0427 2243090 411239 9445852285 JE/110/22KV SS/KITCHIPALAYAM 0427 2269286 411247 9445852299
AE/PROTECTION 0427 2243090 411239 9445852286 AEE/C&I/T/SLM 0427 2450866 411279 9445852241
AEE/SPL.METCE. 0427 2243090 411239 9445852224 AE/C&I-I/T/SLM 0427 2450866 411279 9445852306
AE/SUB-STATION 0427 2243090 411239 9445852287 AE/C&I-II/T/SLM 0427 2450866 411279 9445852307
AE/SPL.(INDOOR) 0427 2243090 411239 9445852288 AEE/CENTRAL/SLM 0427 2452462 411280 9445852268
ASST.ENGR (OUTDOOR) 0427 2243090 411239 9445852289 AEE/THILLAINAGAR/SLM 0427 2295100 411258 9445852269
AEE/ENFORCEMENT1 0427 2241238 411231 9445852426 AEE/FORT/SLM 0427 2250335 411243 9445852271
AE/ENFORCEMENT2 0427 2241238 411231 9445852427 AEE/PONNAMMAPET/SLM 0427 2250566 411245 9445852272
AE/ENFORCEMENT3 0427 2241238 411231 9445852428 KITCHIPALAYAM 110 KV SS 0427 2269286 411247 9445852299
EE/ TOWN/SALEM 0427 2450866 411279 9445852090 EE/EAST/SALEM 0427 2241387 411236 9445852310
AEE/GUGAI/SLM 0427 2464499 411281 9445852238 AEE/ O&M/ UDAYAPATTY 0427 2244230 411240 9445852242
AE/GUGAI/SLM 0427 2464499 411281 9445852295 JE/O&M/AMMAPET 0427 2244282 411242 9445852308
AE/SEELANAICKENPATTY 0427 2281236 411256 9445852296 AE/O&M/UDAYAPATTY 0427 2244230 411240 9445852309
AE/NETHIMEDU/TOWN 0427 2273303 411251 9445852297 AE/O&M/VEERANAM 0427 2244240 411241 9445852311
AE/O & M/DASANAIKENPATTY 0427 2281234 411255 9445852301 AE/110/22 KV SS/UDAYAPATTY 0427 2240187 411230 9445852312
2242187 411238
AE/LINEMEDU/SLM 0427 2218747 411229 9445852302
AE/O&M/VALASAIYUR 0427 2484822 411289 9445852313
AEE/KITCHIPALAYAM 0427 2250335 411243 9445852239
AE/O&M/A.PATTINAM/W 0427 2290770 411257 9445852314
JE/BAZZAR/SLM 0427 2250335 411243 9445852298
AEE/O&M/MARAVANERI 0427 2412566 411269 9445852243
AE/KITCHIPALAYAM 0427 2250335 411243 9445852303
AE/HASTHAMPATTY 0427 2412566 411269 9445852315
AE/KALARAMPATTY 0427 2468791 411282 9445852304
AE/O&M/KANNANKURICHI 0427 2404835 411268 9445852316
AE/DADAGAPATTY/SLM 0427 2273586 411252 9445852305
JE/O&M/GORIMEDU 0427 2400759 411267 9445852317
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/MARAVANERI 0427 2412566 411269 9445852318 AEE/SWARNAPURI 0427 2448022 411277 9445852247
AE/O&M/YERCAUD 0427 222495 411226 9445852319 AE/SWARNAPURI 0427 2448022 411277 9445852335
AEE/O&M/KARIPATTY 0427 2482550 411288 9445852244 AE/NARSOTHIPATTY 0427 2342288 411261 9445852336
AE/O&M/KARIPATTY 0427 2482550 411288 9445852321 AE/MALLAMOOPAMPATTY 0427 2386400 411266 9445852337
AE/O&M/A.PATTINAM/E 0427 2290770 411257 9445852322 AE/ C & I / W /SWARNAPURI 9445852338
AE/O&M/KOOTTATHUPATTY 0427 2487588 411290 9445852323 AEE / SURAMANGALAM 0427 2335944 411259 9445852248
AE/110/22KV SS/METTUPATTY 0427 2482812 9445852324 AE/SURAMANGALAM 0427 2335944 411259 9445852339
JE/O&M/SESHANCHAVADY 0427 230440 411227 9445852325 AE/ SIVADAPURAM 0427 2481399 411287 9445852341
AE/O&M/VELLALAGUNDAM 0427 2488636 411291 9445852326 AE /THIRUVAGOUNDANOOR 0427 2335944 411259 9445852342
AEE/C&I/EAST/SALEM 0427 2241387 411236 9445852245 AE /NETHIMEDU RURAL 0427 2274466 411253 9445852343
AE/C&I/EAST-I/SALEM 9445852327 AEE / KARUPPUR 0427 2346272 411263 9445852249
AE/C&I/EAST-III/SALEM 9445852328 AE /KARUPPUR 0427 2346272 411263 9445852346
110/22 KV SS/UDAYAPATTY 0427 2240187 411230 9445852312 AE /VELLALAPATTY 04290 265903 411341 9445852347
2242187 411238
AE/MUTHUNAIKENPATTY-I 0427 231118 411340 9445852348
110/22KV SS/METTUPATTY 0427 2482812 9445852324
AE / MUTHUNAIKENPATTY-II 0427 231118 411340 9445852349
110/22 KV SS /HASTHAMPATTY 0427 2402712
110 KV SS /, KARUPPUR 0427 2346171 411262 9445852344
EE/ WEST/SALEM 0427 2447904 411276 9445852320
110 KV SS KANDAMPATTY 427 2481444
AEE/O & M/ SHEVAPET 0427 2210252 411228 9445852246
EE/ SOUTH/SALEM 0427 2270280 411249 9445852330
AE/SHEVAPET 0427 2210252 411228 9445852329
AEE/O & M/VEMBADITHALM 0427 2496496 9445852251
AE/MEYYANUR 0427 2351133 411264 9445852331
AE/VEMBADITHALAM 0427 2496496 9445852366
AE/ARISIPALAYAM 0427 2351155 411265 9445852332
AE/O & M KK NAGAR 0427 2494130 411295 9445852368
AE/KONDALAMPATTY 0427 2274477 411254 9445852334
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/EILLAMBILLAI 0427 2494110 411293 9445852351 EE / ATTUR 04282 240861 411321 9445852340
AE/O&M/EDAGANASALAI 0427 2494120 411294 9445852357 AEE/TOWN/ ATTUR 4282 253300 411323 9445852255
AE/O&M/P.G.PATTY 0427 2494100 411292 9445852363 AE/O&M/TOWN /ATTUR 4282 253300 411323 9445852373
AEE/O&M/MALLUR 0427 2422320 411271 9445852252 JE/O&M/SOUTH/ ATTUR 4282 253312 411325 9445852374
AE/O&M/WEST/MALLUR 0427 2423220 411272 9445852353 AE/O&M/NORTH/ ATTUR 4282 253422 411326 9445852375
AE/O&M/RURAL/MALLUR 0427 2423230 411273 9445852355 JE/O&M/ KADAMBUR 4282 274345 411331 9445852376
AE/T/PANAMATHUPATTY 0427 2428340 411275 9445852365 AEE/O&M/ATTUR/EAST 4282 253311 411324 9445852256
AE/O&M /RURAL/ 0427 2428340 411275 9445852371 JE/O&M/RURAL/ ATTUR 4282 253311 411324 9445852377
JE/O&M/ KATTUKOTTAI 4282 235650 411315 9445852378
AEE/O&M/ATTYAMPATTY T0427 2472300 411283 9445852253
AE/O&M/ SATHAPADY 4282 238050 411319 9445852379
AE/T/ATTAYAMAPATTY 0427 2472300 411283 9445852358
AE/O&M/ M.V.COLONY 4282 233200 411314 9445852381
AE/O&M/VENNANDUR/T 04287 265300 411339 9445852359
AEE/O&M/ WEST/ ATTUR 4282 240761 411320 9445852257
AE/O&M/ALAVAIPATTY 04287 265200 411338 9445852361
AE/O&M/NSP/ TOWN 4282 281323 411333 9445852383
AE/O&M/VEERAPANDY 0427 2477463 411285 9445852362
AE/O&M/NSP/ RURAL 4282 281630 411334 9445852384
AE/VENNANDUR/RURAL 04287 265200 411338 9445852364
AE/O&M/THANDAVARAYAPURAM 4282 253955 411327 9445852385
AE/O & M/ATTAYAMPATTY/R 0427 2472300 411283 9445852372
AEE/C&I/ ATTUR 4282 253322 9445852258
AE/O&M/ARIYANOOR 04287 2477462 411284 9445852352
JE/C&I/SOUTH/ ATTUR 9445852399
AEE/C & I SOUTH 0427 2270280 411249 9445852254
AE/C & I/ELLAMPILLAI 9445852356
AEE/O&M/ THALAIVASAL 4282 231236 411312 9445852259
AE/C & I/SOUTH 9445852369
AE/O&M/ DEVIYAKURICHY 4282 231236 411312 9445852386
AE/VEMBADITHALAM/SS 0427 2496888 411296 9445852367
AE/SS/THALAIVASAL 4282 231236 411312 9445852387
AE/SS/Mallur 0427 2422320 411271 9445852354
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
35 36
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/O&M/SIRUVACHUR 4282 236474 411316 9445852388 AE/O&M/THIRUMANOOR 427 2424320 411274 9445852406
AE/O&M/THALAIVASAL 4282 231236 411312 9445852397 AEE/O&M/N/VALAPADY 4292 222255 411343 9445852264
AEE/O&M/ GANGAVALLY 4282 232400 411313 9445852261 AE/O&M/N/VALAPADY 4292 222255 411343 9445852407
AE/O&M/MANJINI 4282 275400 411332 9445852391 AE/O&M/BELUR-I 4292 241010 411346 9445852408
AE/O&M/ GOODAMALAI 4282 229500 411308 9445852392 AE/O&M/BELUR-II 4292 241010 411346 9445852409
AE/O&M/THEDAVUR 4282 237400 411317 9445852396 AE/O&M/BELUR-WEST 4292 241995 411478 9445852411
AE/O&M/ GANGAVALLY 4282 232400 411313 9445852431 AEE/C&I/VALAPADY 4292 222210 411478 9445852265
AEE/O&M/ VEERAGANOOR 4282 237700 411318 9445852262 AE/C&I/VALAPADY 4292 222210 411478 9445852413
AE/O&M/ VEERAGANOOR 4282 237700 411318 9445852393 AE/C&I/P.G.PALAYAM 9445852414
AE/O&M/ PULIYANKURICHY 4282 262155 411329 9445852394 AEE/O&M/P.N.PALAYAM 04282 221230 411299 9445852266
JE/O&M/ARAGALUR 4282 260236 410079 9445852395 AE/O&M/P.G.PALAYAM 04283 221667 411300 9445852415
AE/O&M/ KAMAKKAPALAYAM 4282 231136 411311 9445852398 AE/O&M/P.N.PALAYAM 04284 221230 411299 9445852416
110/22 KV SS/ATTUR 4282 242900 411322 9445852382 AE/O&M/ETHAPUR 04285 270328 411330 9445852417
110/22KV SS /THEDAVOOR 4282 237400 411317 9445852389 AE/O&M/THUMBAL 04286 245405 411349 9445852432
110 KV SSTHALAIVASAL 4282 230236 411309 9445852387 AE/ O&M/KARUMANDURAI 04287 244765 411348 9445852433
EE/O&M/VALAPADY 04292 222210 411342 9445852350 AEE/O&M/THAMMAMPATTY 04288 227093 411306 9445852267
AEE/O&M/S/VALAPADY 4292 223679 411225 9445852263 AE/O&M/R/THAMMAMPATTY 04289 227093 411306 9445852421
AE/O&M/S/VALAPADY 4292 223679 411225 9445852402 AE/O&M/KEERIPATTY 04290 225499 411302 9445852422
AE/O&M/T.N.PATTY 4287 249419 411336 9445852403 AE/O&M/ULIPURAM 04291 227094 411307 9445852423
AE/O&M/MANGALAPURAM 4282 245091 411335 9445852404 AE/O&M/SENDRAPATTY 04292 227091 411304 9445852424
AE/O&M/MALLIAKARAI 4282 224707 411301 9445852405 AE/O&M/T/THAMMAMPATTY 04293 227092 411305 9445852425
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
37 38
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/110KV/SS/SINGAPURAM 04292 222255 411343 9445852412 AEE/SHIFT4/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852232
AE/110KV/SS/THUMBAL 04292 245508 411350 9445852418 EE / O / DEVIAKURICHY 04282 230336 411310 9445852370
AE/110KV/SS/THAMMAMPATTY 04282 226373 411303 9445852419 AEE/MTCE. 04282 230336 411310 9445852233
FOC CENTRE/SALEM 0427 2414616 411270 AE/MAINTENANCE 9445852294
CENTRAL/STORE/SALEM 0427 2242288 AEE/SHIFT1 04282 230336 411310 9445852234
AEE/SHIFT3 04282 230336 411310 9445852236
SE/OPERATION/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852500
AEE/SHIFT4 04282 230336 411310 9445852237
411246 2262729(R)
EE / O / PUDANSANDAI 04286 244465 9445852440
AEE/EA TO SE 0427 2272799 411250 9445852225
AEE/ MAINTANANCE 04286 244465 9445852579
AE/TECHNICAL 0427 2272799 9445852291
AE/ MAINTANANCE 04286 244465 9445852581
EE/OPERATION/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852360
AEE/ SHIFT 04286 244465 9445852582
230KV SS / NETHIHEDU 0427 2271919
2273738 AEE/ SHIFT 04286 244465 9445852583
AEE/MTCE. 0427 2270058 411248 9445852226 AEE/ SHIFT 04286 244465 9445852584
AE/MTCE./SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852429 AEE/ SHIFT [ I/C ] 04286 244465 9445852585
AEE/LINES 0427 2270058 411248 9445852227 EE / O / UNJANAI 04288 234480 411598 9445852450
AE/LINES/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852292 AEE/ MAINTANANCE 04288 234480 411598 9445852586
AE/LINES/DEVIYAKURICHY 0427 2270058 411248 9445852293 JE/ MAINTANANCE 04288 234480 411598 9445852587
AEE/SHIFT1/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852228 AEE/ SHIFT 04288 234480 411598 9445852588
AEE/SHIFT2/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852229 AEE / SHIFT 04288 234480 411598 9445852589
AEE/SHIFT3/SALEM 0427 2270058 411248 9445852231 AEE / SHIFT 04288 234480 411598 9445852591
Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of
avialble are limited alternative numbers
39 40
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE / SHIFT 04288 234480 411598 9445852570 EE / O / INGUR 04294 230400 9445852020
AE (LINE UNJANAI) 04288 234480 411598 9445852580 AEE/MAINT/INGUR 230 KVSS 04294 230799 411120 9445851946
EE/O/METTUR DAM RS 04298 222091 411475 9445852260 AEE/SHIFT-1/INGUR 230 KV SS 04294 230799 411120 9445851947
AEE/ MTNCE 1/ 230KVSS METTUR 04298 222091 411475 9445852434 AEE/SHIFT-2 /230 KVSS/INGUR 04294 230799 411120 9445851948
AE/MTNCE 04298 222091 411475 9445852435 AEE/SHIFT-3/INGUR 230 KV SS 04294 230799 411120 9445851949
AEE/ LINES/ 230KVSS METTUR 04298 222091 411475 9445851893 AEE/SHIFT-4/INGUR 230 KV SS 04294 230799 411120 9445851950
AEE/ SHIFT 1/ 230KVSS METTUR 04298 222091 411475 9445851896 AE/MAINT/INGUR 230 KV SS 04294 230799 411120 9445851952
AEE/ SHIFT 2/ 230KVSS METTUR 04298 222091 411475 9445851897 AE/LINES/ERODE 9445851954
AEE/ SHIFT 3/ 230KVSS METTUR 04298 222091 411475 9445851891 AE/LINES/GOBI/O 9445851955
AEE/ SHIFT 4/ 230KVSS METTUR 04298 222091 411475 9445851892 EE / O / 230KVSS GOBI 04285 255193 411361 9445852070
EE/O/400 KVSS K.R.THOPPUR 0427 2383150 411473 9445852270 AEE/SHIFT 230 KV SS/GOBI 04285 255193 411361 9445852127
AEE/ MTNCE 1/ 0427 2383150 411473 9445851898 AEE/ MTCE 230 KV SS/GOBI 04285 255193 411361 9445852145
400 KVSS K.R.THOPPUR AEE/SHIFT 230 KV SS/GOBI 04285 255193 411361 9445852146
AEE/ MTNCE 2/ 0427 2383150 411473 9445851899 AEE/SHIFT 230 KV SS/GOBI 04285 255193 411361 9445852147
AEE/SHIFT 230 KV SS/GOBI 04285 255193 411361 9445852148
AE/ MTNCE / 0427 2383150 411473 9445851901
AEE/ SHIFT 1/ K.R.THOPPUR 0427 2383150 411473 9445851902 zzzzzzz
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
(HQ) T. D. - 3
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(GEN.) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE / CHP-I Ext-4701 414517 9445856758 AEE/ELE O/O SE/O 04298 240396 9445856783
EE / CHP-II Ext-4702 414517 9445856759 AEE/MECH O/O SE/M I 04298 240396 9445856784
EE / C&I Ext-4501 414517 9445856760 AEE/MECH O/O SE/M II 04298 240396 9445856785
EE / EM-I Ext-4502 414517 445856761 AEE/ELE O/O SE/P&A 04298 240396 9445856786
EE / EM-II Ext-4503 414517 9445856762 AE/ELE O/O SE/ES 04298 240396 9445856808
EE / SHIFT - 1 04298 240394 414521 9445856763 AEE/CIVIL O/O SE/CIVIL 04298 240396 9445856790
EE / SHIFT - 2 04298 240394 414521 9445856764 AEE/BM - 1 04298 240396 9445856791
EE / SHIFT - 3 04298 240394 414521 9445856765 AEE/BM - 2 04298 240396 9445856793
EE / SHIFT - 4 04298 240394 414521 9445856766 AEE/BM - 3 04298 240396 9445856794
EE / SHIFT - 5 04298 240394 414521 9445856768 AEE/BM - 4 04298 240396 9445856795
EE / MM 04298 240396 414517 9445856769 AEE/CMP 04298 240396 9445856796
Ext-4991 SM/CMP 04298 240396 9445856798
EE / MRT Ext-4504 9445856770 AEE/CHP I - 1 04298 240396 9445856799
EE / MP Ext-4603 9445856771 AEE/CHP I - 2 04298 240396 9445856800
EE / O&E Ext-4402 9445856772 AEE/CHP I - 3 04298 240396 9445856801
EE / O&ASH Ext-4703 9445856773 AEE/CHP I - 4 04298 240396 9445856802
EE / S&I Ext-4992 9445856774 AEE/CHP I - 5 04298 240396 9445856792
EE / TS Ext-4403 9445856775 AEE/CHP II - 1 04298 240396 9445856803
EE / TRG Ext-4404 9445856776 AEE/CHP II - 2 04298 240396 9445856804
EE / TM Ext-4604 9445856778 AEE/CHP II - 3 04298 240396 9445856805
DCC Ext-4405 9445856779 AEE/CHP II - 4 04298 240396 9445856806
DFC Ext-4993 9445856780 AEE/CA - 1 04298 240396 9445856807
SC Ext-4994 9445856781 AEE/CA - 2 04298 240396 9445856809
AEE/ELE O/O CE/MTPS 04298 Ext-4209 9445856782 AEE/CA - 3 04298 240396 9445856811
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
(GEN.) T.D. - 3
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/INST-I Ext-116 410576 9445856881 UNIT CONTROL ROOM 1&2 2352261 410571
EE/MRT-I Ext-117 410576 9445856883 UNIT CONTROL ROOM 3 0461 2352310 410572
EE/INST-II Ext-118 410576 9445856882 UNIT CONTROL ROOM 4&5 0461 2352483 410573
EE/MRT-II Ext-119 410576 9445856884
EE/GENERATION CHAMBER 0461 2352582 410574
EE/O&E-I Ext-121 410576
EE/ECHP COAL JETTY 0461 2955465 410570
EE/O&E-II Ext-122 410576 9445856904
FIRE STATION 0461 2352113
EE/TS Ext-124 410576 9445856965
EE/CAD Ext-126 410576 9445856901 CHIEF ENGINEER/GTS/TNEB/144, ANNA SALAI, N.P.K.R.R.
EE/MPM-I Ext-127 410576 9445856902 MAALIGAI, CHENNAI - 600 002.
EE/MPM-II Ext-128 410576 9445856903 CE/GTS 044 28552708 414502 9445857001
EE/TRG Ext-129 410576 Ext-2185 414503 24983089(R)
DCC Ext-230 410576 SE/GTS 044 28521386 414504 9444921794
EE/ICHP Ext-141 410576 9445856911 Ext-2659 414505 28352285(R)
EE/ECHP-I Ext-142 410576 9445856908 EE/ELECTRICAL/ E1 044 28523122 414506
EE/ECHP-II Ext-143 410576 9445856910 Ext-2660
EE/BM Ext-151 410576 9445856944 EE/ELECTRICAL/ E2 Ext-2661 414506
EE/TM-I Ext-153 410576 9445856945 EE/MECHANICAL/ EM
EE/TM-II Ext-154 410576 9445856946
FAX NO 044 28552708 414502
EE/AHP Ext-155 410576 9445856947
EE/CMD-I Ext-160 410576 9445856962
EE/CMD-II Ext-162 410576 9445856963
SE/BBGTPS 044 26671384 410068 9445857002
UCB-I Ext-132 410576
SWITCH YARD-I Ext-133 410576 EE/MAINTENANCE 044 26670350 410069 9445857029
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/PERIYRAR PH 04554 235248 9445857131 KADAMPARAI/PH CON. ROOM 04253 238233 414436
PERIYAR POWER HOUSSE 04554 235339 EE/O&M/KPH 04253 238297 414437 9445857112
230 KV SWITCHYARD/KPH 04253 238292 414438
VAIGAI PUMP HOUSE 04546 242238 110 KV UPPER ALIYAR SS 04253 236384 414440
HIGHWAVYS PUMP HOUSE 04554 232210 PUNACHI MINI PH 04253 236386 414439
EE/KODAYAR PH 04651 259209 9445857133 SE/CIVIL MAINTENANCE 0422 2494774 414454 9445857093
KODAYAR PH-I 04651 212060
EE/PAPANASAM PH 04634 291229 9445857132
PAPANASAM PH 04634 291230 S.E./GENERTION/KUNDAH 0423 2508001 414409 9443048001
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of
avialble are limited alternative numbers
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/TIRUPPUR 0421 2471053 410712 9443021532 DIRECTOR/TARIFF CELL 044 28525593 410312 9445857631
AE/ENFT/TIRUPPUR 9442624710 Ext-2630
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
(HQ) T. D. - 2
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
CE/MECH/COAL 044 28522205 410074
Ext-2790 CENTRE
044 28525659 (F) 410076 9444902666 CE/PLANNING 044 28520803 410085 9445856441
DIRECTOR/COAL 044 28520011 410075 9444960560
SE/PLANNING 044 28521322 410090 9445856426
EE/COAL-I Ext-2898 9444287016 Ext-2540
044 28521322(F)
EE/COAL-II Ext-2633
EE/GL/ PLANNING Ext-2603 9445856428
EE/COAL-III Ext-2632
EE/MASTER PLAN Ext-2604 9445856427
DY. OPERATING MGR. 044 28521026 410078
EE/TARIFF CELL Ext-2835 9445856429
EE/MONITORING CELL Ext-2695 9445857509
SE/RE&I (D) 044 28520626 410092 9445856433
FC/COAL 044 28522779 410077 Ext-2638
Ext-2785 EE/PC-I Ext-2641 9445856435
044 28525659(F) 410076 EE/PC-II Ext-2628 9445856437
DFC/COAL Ext-2169 EE/RE Ext-2640 9445856436
CHIEF ENGINEER/ 044 28413938 410066 9445857621 EE/MC Ext-2695 9445857509
CIVIL (CONSULTANT) Ext-2873 EE/RGGVY Ext-2799 9445856434
SE/PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 044 28584969 9444253264 SE/SYSTEM STUDIES 044 28520820 410087 9445850000
& CO-ORDINATION Ext-2676 Ext-2079
EE/CIVIL-1 Ext-2702 EE/SYS. STUDIES-I Ext-2275 9445856444
EE/CIVIL-2 Ext-2677 EE/SYS. STUDIES-II Ext-2237 9445856445
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
SR. MANAGER/TRG 04175 233476 413512 9445856247 CE/INFORMATION 044 28525587 410055 9445857502
SR. MANAGER/TRG. 04362 278754 410115 9445853388 DIRECTOR/COMPUTER 044 28552675 410056 9445857503
SR. MANAGER/TRG. 0462 2576586 410119 9445857607 EE/COMPUTER CENTRE Ext-2626 9445857506
EE/PURCHASE Ext-2874 9445857519
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
CE/DISTN./MADURAI 0452 2537528 412022 9443337528 SE/METRO/MDU 0452 2538159 411603 9443053767
Ext-200 412024 (R)2539470 Ext-217
EE/Elecl. 0452 2537814 412025 9445853355 Ee / General 0452 2532900 411604 9445852929
Ext-207 Ext-250
A.E.E. / General Ext-224 411604 9445852918
EE/Civil 0452 2537415 411661 9445852655
Ext-208 A.E.E. / MM Ext-293 411604 9445852919
EE/Civil (NI) Ext-209 411661 9445853007 A.E.E. / Civil Ext-267 411604 9445852920
AEE/Elecl (Executive Ext-205 411661 9445853005 A.E.E. / Civil(Cable) 0452 2338420 411609 9445852921
Assistant to CE) A.E.E. / Cable 0452 2338420 411609 9445852922
AEE/Elecl. (T1) Ext-201 411661 9445853001 A.E. / Civil 0452 2338420 411609 9445852923
AEE/Elecl. (T2) Ext-202 411661 9445853002 A.E. / Cable 0452 2338420 411609 9445852924
AEE/elecl. (T3) Ext-203 411661 9445853003 A.E. / Development 0452 2532900 411604 9445852925
AEE/Elecl. (T4) Ext-204 411661 9445853004
A.E.r / General 0452 Ext-288 411604 9445852926
AEE/Safety Ext-294 411661 9445853006
A.E. / MM 0452 Ext-288 411604 9445852927
AEE/Elecl. (RC) Ext-267 411661 9445853344
Executive Engineer / 0452 2338420 411609 9443038420
AE/Civil Ext-210 411661 9445853008 MRT/Metro
Ao Ext-212 411661 9445853009 A.E.E/ MRT/Metro 0452 2338420 411609 9445852928
rso Ext-216 411661 9445853010 A.E./ MRT(Metering) 0452 2338420 411609 9445852917
Chief Head Draughtsman Ext-261 411661 9445853013 A.E./ MRT(Protection) 0452 2338420 411609 9445852930
Accounts Officer Ext-206 411661 9445853012 A.E./Spl. Maint./Metro 0452 2338420 411609 9445852931
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
A.E.E. / Thamukkam 0452 2568211 411635 9445852932 EE / West / Metro 0452 2605113 411606 9445852966
A.E. / Thamukkam 0452 2530612 411634 9445852934 A.E.E. / N /Arasaradi 0452 2603661 411638 9445852958
A.E. / Race Course 0452 2563322 411630 9445852935 A.E. / S.S. /Arasaradi 0452 2602363 411610 9445852959
A.E. / Sellur 0452 2528591 411631 9445852936 A.E. / U / N /Arasaradi 0452 2603661 411638 9445852960
A.E. / Tagore Nagar 0452 2528901 411649 9445852937 A.E. / R / Arasaradi 0452 2603661 411638 9445852961
A.E. / Chokkikulam 0452 2528591 411650 9445852938 A.E. / Vilangudi 0452 2662899 411648 9445852962
A.E.E. / Thepam 0452 2311464 411623 9445852939 A.E. / U / W / Arasaradi 0452 2603661 411652 9445852963
A.E. / Theppam 0452 2311464 411623 9445852940 A.E. / PP Chavadi 0452 2603661 411652 9445852964
A.E. / Munichalai 0452 2311645 411627 9445852941 A.E. / Koodalnagar 0452 2662899 411648 9445852965
A.E. / Arasamaram 0452 2330435 411626 9445852942 A.E.E. / S / Arasaradi 0452 2303661 411652 9445852957
A.E. / Keelavasal 0452 2311474 9445852943 A.E. / U /S / Arasaradi 0452 2603661 411652 9445852967
EE / South / Metro 0452 2333707 411605 9445852944 A.E. / Palanganatham 0452 2373067 411645 9445852968
A.E.E./Subramaniapuram 0452 2337593 411629 9445852945 A.E. / Alwarnagar 0452 2458068 411644 9445852969
A.E./ Subramaniapuram 0452 2333056 411621 9445852946 A.E. / SS Colony 0452 2603661 411652 9445852970
A.E. / Arapalayam 0452 2362222 411624 9445852947 A.E.E. / Pasumalai 0452 2672100 411612 9445852971
A.E. / Ellis Nagar 0452 2602235 411625 9445852948 A.E. / S.S./ Villapuram 0452 2672100 411612 9445852972
A.E. /Tamilsangam 0452 2626147 411628 9445852949 A.E. / Pasumalai 0452 2371840 411637 9445852973
A.E. /Townhall 0452 2302425 411633 9445852950 A.E. / TVS Nagar 0452 2694288 411636 9445852974
A.E.E. /Koil 0452 2337593 411629 9445852951 A.E. / T / Thirupparan kunram 0452 2432443 411640 9445852975
A.E. / Koil 0452 2624240 411622 9445852952 A.E./ R / Thirupparan kunram 0452 2484079 411639 9445852976
A.E. / Mahal 0452 2335898 411632 9445852953 A.E. /Jaihindpuram 0452 2670869 411646 9445852977
A.E. / Mahalipatty 0452 2670046 411619 9445852954 A.E. / Jeevanagar 0452 2670869 411646 9445852978
A.E. / Jansi 0452 2323636 411647 9445852955 A.E.E. / Anuppanadi 0452 2697113 411611 9445852979
A.E. / Yanaikkal 0452 2626241 411651 9445852956 A.E. /S.S. / Anupanadi 0452 2697113 411611 9445852980
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
A.E. / R/ Anuppanadi 0452 2697113 411611 9445852981 AE/SS/Theppam 0452 2310222 411615 ….
A.E. / Chinthamani 0452 2697113 411611 9445852982 AE/SS/Palayangulam 0452 2690764 411620 ….
A.E. / Viraganur 0452 2310997 411642 9445852983 AE/SS/Koil 0452 2621427 411622 ….
A.E. / Avanaiyapuram 0452 2671361 411643 9445852984 SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER MADURAI ELECTRICITY
A.E. / Perungudi 0452 2674190 411644 9445852985
TELEPHONE EXECHANGE : 0452-2537415 TO 2537419
A.E. / Villapuram 0452 2673600 411653 9445852986
SE/MADURAI EDC/ 0452 2537754 411667 9443037754
A.E. / Panaiyur 0452 2697113 411611 9445852987 MADURAI Ext-220
A.E. / Call Centre 1 0452 2520601 411656 9445852988
EE/General 0452 2537419 411665 9445852818
A.E. / Call Centre 2 0452 2520603 411657 9445852989 Ext-221
S.O. / C.S. / MEDC /Metro 0452 2333294 411659 9445852990 DFC 0452 2537415 411661 9445853338
A.A.D.O./ MEDC /Metro 0452 2532900 411604 9445852991 Ext-228
D.F.C. / MEDC/ Metro 0452 2532900 411604 9445853335 AEE/General Ext-222 411661 9445852819
Manager / Information 0452 2537351 411608 9445853336 AEE/MM Ext-223 411661 9445852820
Systems / MEDC / Metro Ext-369 AEE/PRO Ext-333 411661 9445852821
AE/SS/Arasaradi 0452 2602363 411610 ….
AEE/RGGVY Ext-500 411661 9445852822
AE/SS/Villapuram 0452 2672100 411612 ….
AEE/Civil Ext-295 411661 9445852823
AE/SS/Achampattu 0452 2458777 411614 ….
SMIS Ext-286 411661 9445853339
AE/SS/Anaiyur 0452 2660990 411613 ….
AE/Civil I Ext-296 411661 9445852824
AE/SS/Anupanadi 0452 2697113 411611 ….
AE/Civil II Ext-370 411661 9445852825
AE/SS/K.Pudur 0452 2560737 411617 ….
AE/Dev Ext-227 411661 9445852826
AE/SS/Mahalipatty 0452 2670046 411619 ….
AE/MM Ext-226 411661 9445852827
AE/SS/Arapalayam 0452 2362525 411616 ….
AE/General Ext-225 411661 9445852829
AE/SS/Subramianpuram 0452 2333056 411621 ….
AADO Ext-230 411661 9445852916
AE/SS/Anna Bus Stand 0452 2529055 411618 ….
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(MDU) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/MRT I 0452 2370379 411731 9445852897 SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER / DINDUGAL EDC / T.N.E.B. /
AE/MRT II 0452 2370379 411731 9445852901 DINDUGAL
AE/SPL I 0452 2370379 411731 9445852898 SE/DINDIGUL EDC/ 0451 2460948 411749 9443384960
AE/SPL II 0452 2370379 411731 9445852899
Steno To S.E Ext-103
EE/GEN/DGL 0451 2461170 411751 9445852666
CSO/MEDC 0452 2370252 411732 9445852915 Ext-102
TRAINING CENTER / AEE/Gen./DGL 0451 2461173 411750 9445852665
DGM/T&DTC/Madurai 0452 2536579 411747 9445853345 AEE/MM/DGL 0451 2461171 411752 9445852664
Senior Manager/Trg - I 411747 9445853346
AEE/PRO/DGL 0451 2461170 411751 9445852667
Senior Manager/Trg - II 411747 9445853347
Senior Manager/Trg - III 411747 9445853348 AEE/Civil/DGL 0451 2461171 411572 9445852669
Senior Manager/Trg-IV 411747 9445853349 Ext-201
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Poothampatty 04551 232384 411766 9445852704 Ayyalur 0451 207133 411825 9445852723
Kovilur 0451 223221 411765 9445852705 Chinnalapatty 0451 2451200 411798 9445852724
Town/Guziliamparai 04551 234180 411795 9445852706 Gandhigram 0451 2451300 411826 9445852725
Rural/Guziliamparai 04551 234180 411795 9445852707 Rural/Sembatty 0451 2552100 411827 9445852726
Palayam 04551 234170 411819 9445852708 N.Panjampatty 0451 2451500 411828 9445852711
Chatrapatty 04551 230216 411820 9445852709 Natham/Town 04544 244442 411773 9445852728
Valliapatty 04551 226234 411867 9445852710 Rural/WestT/Natham 04544 244442 411773 9445852729
EE/O&M/SOUTH/DGL 0451 2460512 411759 9445852727 Goplapatty 0451 2559226 411774 9445852730
Ext-302 V.Kurumbapatty 0451 2559226 411774 9445852731
PA to EE/O&M/South/DGL Ext-301 411759 Senthurai 04544 266652 411775 9445852732
Technical wing Ext-303 411759 Sirugudi 04544 267811 411831 9445852734
AAO/Rev. Branch/North Ext-304 411759 EE/O&M/ODC 04553 240278 411760 9445852733
Rev. Branch/North Ext-305 411759 AEE/SS/ODC 04553 240270 411800 9445852735
AEE/South/DGL 0451 2470828 411796 9445852712 AEE/R/ODC 04553 241600 411777 9445852736
AEE/Vadamadurai 0451 238444 411771 9445852713 AEE/Kannivadi 0451 2555909 411802 9445852737
AEE/Chinnalapatty 0451 2451200 411798 9445852714 AEE/Kallimandayam 04553 260244 411778 9445852738
AEE/Natham 04544 244442 411773 9445852715 AEE/Town/Vedasandur 0451 261891 411804 9445852739
Rural East /DGL 0451 2470828 411796 9445852716 Town/ODC 04553 242700 411832 9445852740
Balakrishnapuram 0451 2470888 411770 9445852717 Virupatchi ——- 9445852741
Siluvathur 0451 2553030 411823 9445852718 Ambilikai 04553 249222 411833 9445852742
Ponnagaram 0451 2470828 411796 9445852719 Edayakottai 04553 230488 411834 9445852743
Town / Vadamadurai 0451 238444 411771 9445852720 Kethaiyurumbu 04553 255266 411835 9445852744
Rural / VVadamadurai 0451 238444 411771 9445852721 Markampatty 04553 230535 411836 9445852745
Thamaraipadi 0451 2051926 411790 9445852722 K.Keeranur 04553 260362 411837 9445852746
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Kannivady 0451 2555909 411802 9445852747 Rural/Kodaikanal 04542 240700 411806 9445852771
Pannaipatty 0451 2555111 411838 9445852748 Panaikadu 04542 256352 411849 9445852772
Moolachatram 04553 243649 411839 9445852749 Thandikudy 04542 266577 411850 9445852773
Kallimandayam/East 04553 260244 411778 9445852750 Town/Nilakottai 04543 233653 411851 9445852774
Kallimandayam/West 04553 260122 411840 9445852751 Rural/Nilakottai 04543 233677 9445852775
Kallimandayam/North 04553 260122 411840 9445852752 Ramarajapuram 04543 236205 411782 9445852776
Vedasandur/ Town 04551 260232 411841 9445852753 EE/O&M/PALANI 04545 242494 411762 9445852777
Velanampatty 04551 260323 9445852754 AEE/T/Palani 04545 242240 411808 9445852778
Sennankottai 04551 261891 411804 9445852755 AEE/W/Palani 04545 242494(PP) 411808 9445852779
Kalwarpatty 04551 229458 411842 9445852756 AEE/R/Palani 04545 242240(PP) 411808 9445852780
EE/O&M/BTL 04543 262375 411761 9445852757 TOWN/Palani 04545 242240 411808 9445852781
AEE/East/BTL 04543 262375 9445852758 Adivaram 04545 242240 411808 9445852782
AEE/West/BTL 04543 262373 411781 9445852759 South/Palani 04545 ——- 9445852783
AEE/Kodaikannal 04542 240700 411800 9445852760 Pappampatti 04545 260220 411853 9445852784
AEE/Nilakottai 04543 233677 411807 9445852761 Neikkarapatty 4545 255355 411854 9445852785
Rural/Eeast/BTL 04543 262375 9445852762 North/Palani 04545 242494 411762 9445852786
Sithayankottai 0451 2552150 411843 9445852763 Chinnakalayamputhur 04545 255569 411855 9445852787
Ayyampalayam 04543 267028 9445852764 Swaminathapuram 04545 253300 411786 9445852788
Ammayanaickanur 04543 238983 411845 9445852765 East/Chatrapatty 04545 220452 411857 9445852789
Rural/West/BTL 04543 262373 411781 9445852766 West/Chatrapatty 04545 220123 411789 9445852790
Town/BTL 04543 262003 411846 9445852767 Ayakudi 04545 251040 411859 9445852791
Viruveedu 04543 227660 411847 9445852768 Thoppampatty 04545 235095 411860 9445852792
Town/East/Kodaikanal 04542 240300 411848 9445852769 Keeranur (M.A.) 04545 235090 411861 9445852793
Town/West/Kodaikanal 04542 240700 411806 9445852770 Civil/Palani 9445852794
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/MRT/DGL 0451 2461948 411750 9443061948 Oddanchatram 110/22KVSS 04553 241600 411777 9445852806
Kallimandayam110/22KVSS 04553 260244 411778 9445852807
AEE/MRT/DGL 9445852677
Kannivadi 110/22KV SS 0451 2555224 411779 9445852/808
AEE/SPL/DGL 9445852678
Vedasandur 110/22KV SS 0451 260235 411780 9445852809
AE/SPL.I 9445852679
Batlagundu 110/22KV SS 04543 262373 411781 9445852811
AE/SPL.II 9445852680
Ramarajapuram 110/11KV SS 04543 236205 411782 9445852812
AE/SPL.III 9445852681
Sithargalnatham 110/22KV SS 04543 291475 411783 9445852813
AE/Protection 9445852682
Ammayanaickanur 110/11 KV SS 04543 238533 411784 9445852814
AE/HT Metering 9445852683
Palani 110/22KV SS 04545 242452 411785 9445852815
AE/LT CT 9445852684
Thalayuthu110/22KV SS 04252 253300 411786
Angunagar 110/22KV SS 0451 2460253 411763 9445852795
Kodaikanal 110/22 KV SS 04542 293300 411787
Thadicombu 110/22KV SS 0451 2050071 411764 9445852796
Renganathapuram110/22-11KV 0451 294521 411788 9445852810
Kovilur 110/33KV SS 04551 223221 411765 9445852797
Sinthalavadanpatty 110/22KV 04545 220123 411789
Eriodu 110/11KV SS 04551 232384 411766 9445852798
Thamaraipady 110/33-22-11KV 0451 2051926 411790
Vallipatty 33/11KV SS 04551 226234 411767 9445852710
Ayyampalayam 110/22 KV 04543 268922 411791
Chatrapatty 33/11KV SS 04551 230216 411820 9445852709
Vitalnayakanpatty 110/33-22 KV 9750676299
Palayam 110/11KV SS 0451 201793 411769 9445852799
Dindigul 110/22KV SS 0451 2470888 411770 9445852800 COMPLEX, N.R.T. NAGAR MAIN ROAD, THENI - 625 531
Vadamadurai 110/11KV SS 0451 238444 411771 9445852801 TELE PHONE EXCHANGE : 04546-265707
Senkuruchi 110/33-22KV SS 0451 2553300 411772 9445852802 SE/THENI EDC / THENI 04546 253677 411869 9443353670
253616 411868 260807(R)
Natham 110/11KV SS 04544 244442 411773 9445852803 253145 411867
V.Kurummbapatty 110/11KV SS 0451 2559226 411774 9445852804 E.E./General/C.O./Theni 04546 253616 411868 9443384886
Sendurai 33/11KV SS 0451 266652 411775 9445852732 253145 411867
Ayyalur 110/11KV SS 0451 203133 411776 9445852805 DFC / Theni 04546 253616 411868 9445853332
253145 411867
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Senior Manager / 04546 253616 411868 9445853334 EE / DISTN. /THENI 04546 253557 411871 9445853171
Information Systems / Theni 253145 411867
A.E.E. /Town/Theni 04546 254886 411876 9445853154
A.E.E. / General 04546 253616 411868 9445853138
A.E. / Town/Theni 04546 262808 411875 9445853155
253145 411867
A.E./ North / Theni 04546 252445 411871 9445853156
A.E.E. / Devlopment & PRO 04546 253616 411868 9445853139
253145 411867 A.E. / P.C.Patti/Theni 04546 265786 411895 9445853157
A.E.E. / RGGVY 04546 253616 411868 9445853140 A.E./ Veerapandi/Theni 04546 246076 411889 9445853158
253145 411867
A.E./C&I/Theni 04546 253097 411896 9445853159
Assistant Engineer / MM 04546 253616 411868 9445853141
A.E.E. / Rural /Theni. 04546 254886 411876 9445853160
253145 411867
A.E./ East /Theni 04546 252445 411871 9445853161
A.E. / General 04546 253616 411868 9445853142
253145 411867 A.E./ West/Theni 04546 252445 411871 9445853162
A.E. / Development 04546 253616 411868 9445853143 A.E. /South/Theni 04546 253097 411896 9445853163
253145 411867
A.E. /Kandamanur. 04546 238100 411888 9445853164
A.E.E. / Civil 04546 253616 411868 9445853144
A.E. /SS/Kandamanur. 04546 238795 411886 9445853165
253145 411867
A.E.E. / Bodi 04546 282181 411897 9445853166
A.E. / Civil I 04546 253616 411868 9445853145
253145 411867 A.E. /Town/Bodi. 04546 282181 411897 9445853167
A.E. / Civil II 04546 253616 411868 9445853146 A.E. / East/Bodi. 04546 282181 411897 9445853168
253145 411867 A.E. / West/Bodi. 04546 282181 411897 9445853169
A.E.E. / MRT/ Theni. 04546 264733 411917 9445853147 A.E. / SS/ Bodi 04546 284600 411898 9445853170
A.E. / MRT(Metering) 04546 264733 411917 9445853148 A.E.E. / Rasingapuram 04546 229250 411890 9445853153
A.E. / MRT(Protection) 04546 264733 411917 9445853149
A.E. / Rasingapuram 04546 229250 411890 9445853172
A.E.E. / Spl. Maint. /Theni. 04546 264733 411917 9445853150
A.E. / SS/ Rasingapuram 04546 229250 411890 9445853173
A.E. / Spl. Maint. (Indoor) 04546 264733 411917 9445853151
A.E. / Thevaram I 04546 254900 411891 9445853174
A.E. / Spl. Maint. (Out door) 04546 264733 411917 9445853152
A.E. / Thevaram II 04546 254450 411892 9445853175
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
(MDU) T.D. - 3
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/D/PERIYAKULAM 04546 231201 411873 9445853177 A.E. / West/ Aundipatti 04546 242631 411918 9445853200
A.E.E. /East/Periyakulam 04546 232389 411903 9445853176 A.E. / Rajathani (S) Aundipatti 04546 249118 411878 9445853201
A.E. / East / Periyakulam. 04546 232389 411903 9445853178 A.E. / SS / Kadamalaigundu 04554 227202 9445853202
A.E. / Thamaraikulam. 04546 232201 411893 9445853179 EE / D / CHINNAMANUR 04554 247380 411872 9445853222
A.E. / Jeyamangalam. 04546 237432 411884 9445853180 A.E.E. / Chinnamanur. 04554 246868 411885 9445853204
A.E. / Madurapuri 04546 269158 411908 9445853181 A.E. / Rural/Chinnamanur. 04554 246868 411885 9445853205
A.E. /SS/Mathurapuri 04546 269158 411908 9445853182 A.E. /Town/Chinnamanur 04554 249500 411879 9445853206
A.E.E. / W /Periyakulam 04546 231389 411903 9445853183 A.E. / Erasakkanayakanur. 04554 249600 411894 9445853207
A.E. / Town / Periyakulam. 04546 232389 411903 9445853184 A.E. / Markeyankottai SS 04554 246400 411906 9445853208
A.E. /Devadanapatty 04546 235289 411902 9445853185 A.E.E. / Uthamapalayam. 04554 265825 411883 9445853209
A.E. / SS/ Periyakulam 04546 231389 411904 9445853186 A.E. / Town / Uthamapalayam. 04554 265825 411883 9445853210
A.E. / C&I/ Periyakulam. 04546 231389 411904 9445853187 A.E. / Kombai. 04554 252999 411880 9445853211
A.E. / Keelavadakarai 04546 231389 411904 9445853188 A.E. / Kamayakoundanpatti 04554 270816 411907 9445853212
A.E.E. / East/ Aundipatti. 04546 242431 411916 9445853189 A.E. / SS/Uthamapalayam 04554 267800 411882 9445853213
A.E. / Town /Aundipatti 04546 242631 411912 9445853190 A.E.E. / Cumbum. 04554 276200 411914 9445853214
A.E. / North/Aundipatti 04546 242631 411912 9445853191 A.E. / Town/Cumbum 04554 272390 411910 9445853215
A.E. / East /Aundipatti 04546 242631 411912 9445853192 A.E. / North/Cumbum 04554 276200 411914 9445853216
A.E. / C&I/ Aundipatti. 04546 242631 411912 9445853193 A.E. / Rural/Cumbum. 04554 273850 411887 9445853217
A.E. / Vaigaidam. 04546 242381 411874 9445853194 A.E. /Surulipatti. 04554 275262 411913 9445853218
A.E. / SS/Aundipatti 04546 242231 411909 9445853195 A.E. / Gudalur 04554 231790 411911 9445853219
A.E. / SS/Vaigaidam. 04546 237150 411877 9445853196 A.E. / SS/ Vannathiparai. 04554 231341 411901 9445853220
A.E.E. / West/ Aundipatti. 04546 242431 411916 9445853197 A.E.E. / Kamatchipuram 04546 247221 411899 9445853221
A.E. / Kadamalaikundu 04554 227202 9445853198 A.E. / Kamatchipuram 04546 247221 411899 9445853203
A.E. / Myladumparai. 04554 227302 9445853199 A.E. / SS/ Kamatchipuram 04546 247221 411899 9445853223
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
A.E. / Odaipatti 04546 247521 411900 9445853224 A.E. / MM/Ramnad 04567 232242 411921 9445852996
A.E.E. / C & I / Chinnamanur 04554 246868 411885 9445853225 A.E. / General/Ramnad 04567 232242 411921 9445852997
A.E. / C & I/ Uthamapalayam(I/C) 04554 265825 411883 9445853226 A.E. / Development/Ramnad 04567 232241 9445852998
S. O. / C. S. / TEDC / Theni 04546 265145 411870 9445853227 A.E. /Civil/Ramnad 04567 232241 9445852992
A.A.O. / TEDC /Theni 04546 253145 411867 9445853228 A.E.E. / Civil/Ramnad 04567 232241 9445853323
A.E.E. / Shift/ 230KV SS/Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853269 A.A.O. /Reve. Branch / Paramakudi _ _ 9445852651
A.E.E. / Shift/ 230KV SS/Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853270 A.E.E. / MRT / Paramakudi 04564 228833 411926 9445852652
A.E.E. / Shift/ 230KV SS/Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853267 A.E. / MRT I / Paramakudi 04564 228833 411926 9445852653
A.E.E. / Shift/ 230KV SS/Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853268 A.E./MRT II/Paramakudi 04564 228833 411926 9445852654
A.E.E./ Operation/230KV SS/Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853271 A.E.E. / Spl. Maint. / Paramakudi 04564 228833 411926 9445852656
A.E./ Maintance/Theni 04546 265474 411918 9445853272 A.E. /Spl. Maint. (Out Door) 04564 228833 411926 9445852657
A.E./Lines/Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853274 / Paramakudi
A.E./Lines II / Theni 04546 265474 411918 9445853273 A.E. /Spl. Maint. (In Door) 04564 228833 411926 9445852658
/ Paramakudi
DISTRIBUTION CIRCLE / TNEB / RAMNAD - 623 501 E.E. / D /Ramnad 04567 231261 411922 9445853033
FAX : 04567 - 231506 E.E. / D /Paramakudi 04564 226750 411923 9445853030
SE/ RAMNAD EDC / 04567 230577 411920 221403(R) A.E.E. / Town / Ramnad 04567 231261 411922 9445852662
RAMNAD 9443130576
A.E.E. / Rural / Ramnad 04567 231261 411922 9445853324
EE/Gl/Ramnad 04567 232242 411921 9443163242
A.E.E. / Thiruvadanai 04561 209445 411954 9445852661
DFC / Ramnad 04567 232517 411924 9445852999
A.E.E. / Town / Paramakudi 04564 223656 411955 9445852663
Manager / Information 04567 231506 411925 9445853331
Systems Ramnad A.E.E. / Rural / Paramakudi 04564 225686 9445853014
A.E.E. / MM/Ramnad 04567 232242 411921 9445852993 A.E.E. / Kamudhi 04576 224204 411944 9445853015
A.E.E. / PRO/Ramnad 04567 232241 9445852994 A.E.E. / Mudukulathur 04576 294145 411948 9445853016
A.E.E. / RGGVY/Ramnad 04567 232241 9445852995 A.E. / Keelakarai 110 KV SS 04567 294145 411948 9445853017
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
A.E./ Keelakarai 04567 294145 411948 9445853018 A.E. / Rural / Paramakudi _ _ 9445853042
A.E./ RS Madai 110 KV SS 04567 293111 411947 9445853019 A.E. / Nainarkoil 04564 266248 411941 9445853043
A.E./ Town / South / Ramnad 04567 225214 411928 9445853020 A.E. / Parthibanoor 04564 264115 411939 9445853044
A.E./ Town / North / Ramnad 04567 231660 411929 9445853021 A.E. / Chathirakudi 04564 262372 411940 9445853045
A.E./ Regunathapuram 04567 293490 411960 9445853022 A.E. /Kamudhi 110 KV SS 04576 223204 411957 9445853046
A.E./ Devipattinam 04567 291810 411962 9445853023 A.E. / Rural / N / Kamudhi 04576 224204 411944 9445853047
A.E./ Rural / Ramnad 04567 230429 411931 9445853024 A.E. / Rural / S/ Kamudhi 04576 223800 411943 9445853048
A.E. / Thiru Uthirakosamangai 04567 256281 411932 9445853025 A.E. / Town/ Kamudhi 04576 223800 411943 9445853049
A.E. / Uchipulli 04567 259090 411930 9445853026 A.E. / Abiramam 04567 265500 411968 9445853050
A.E./ Mandapam 110 KV SS 04573 241460 411950 9445853027 A.E. / Perunali 04576 268428 411942 9445853051
A.E. / Mandapam 04573 241460 411950 9445853028 A.E. / Mudukulathur 04576 291151 411945 9445853052
A.E. / Rameshwaram 04573 221237 411959 9445853029 A.E. / Kadaladi 04576 207533 411966 9445853053
A.E. / Panaikulam 04567 269218 411933 9445852660 A.E. / Sayalkudi 04576 244297 411967 9445853054
A.A.O. /Reve. Branch/Ramnad _ _ 9445853031 A.E. / Sikkal 04576 267637 411946 9445853055
A.E./ Thiruvadanai 04561 254135 411935 9445853032 A.E./Vallinokkam 110 KV SS 04576 262237 411956 9445853056
A.E. / SS Thiruvadanai 04561 209445 411954 9445852659 S.O. / C.S. / Paramakudi 04564 226957 411927 9445853057
A.E. /RS Mangalam 04561 241333 411934 9445853034 A.A.O. / REDC / Ramnad 04567 232242 9445853058
A.E. / RS Mangalam 110 KV SS 04561 293887 411951 9445853035 Perunali 33 KV SS 04576 268370 411969
A.E. / Thondi 110 KV SS 04561 253935 411952 9445853036 Mudukulathur 33 KV SS 04576 291161 411964
A.E. / Thondi 04561 253934 411936 9445853037 Perukulam 33 KV SS 04567 291885 411949
A.E./ Ananthur 110 KV SS 04561 293888 411953 9445853038 R. Kavanoor 33 KV SS 04567 293129 411961
A.E./Paramakudi 110 KV SS 04564 223656 411955 9445853039 Parthibanoor 33 KV SS 04564 264615 411963
A.E. / Town / N / Paramakudi 04564 225696 411938 9445853040 Chatrakudi 33 KV SS 04564 262382 411965
A.E./Town /S/ Paramakudi 04564 231686 411937 9445853041 Ramnad 33 KV SS 04567 221352 411958
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
SIVAGANGA COLLECTORATE COMPLEX, AEE/D/Kalayarkoil 04575 232347 411981 9445853078
SIVAGANGA – 623562. FAX : 04575 – 241600 AEE/Spl.Mtn/Nattrasankottai 04575 291804 411979 9445853071
E.MAIL : Exchange – 04575 – 240606, AE/T/Sivaganga 04575 240333 411982 9445853076
240666, 244412 & 243234 Ext-342
SE / SIVAGANGAEDC / 04575 241600 411973 241316 AE/R/Sivaganga 04575 240666 411975 9445853077
SIVAGANGA Ext-301 9443341609 Ext-324
EE/GL/Sivaganga 04575 240616 411974 9445853070 AE/D/Malampatty 04575 240666 411975 9445853075
Ext-302 Ext-323
EE/MRT/Sivaganga (I/C) 04575 240739 411977 9443340739 AE/D/Madagupatty 04575 230303 411983 9445853073
D.F.C/C.O/Sivaganga 04575 240606 411976 9445853060 AE/D/Kalayarkoil 04575 232203 412012 9445853079
Ext-315 AE/D/Nattarasankottai 04575 204465 411984 9445853081
AEE/MM &GL/Sivaganga Ext-304 411975 9445853062 AE/D/Maravamangalam 04575 235345 411985 9445853082
AEE/PRO& DEV/Sivaganga Ext-303 411975 9445853061 AE/Spl.Mtn./Nattarasankottai 04575 291804 411979 9445853072
AEE/RGGVY/Sivaganga 04575 240666 411975 9445853063 KARAIKUDI DIVISION
AEE/MRT/Sivaganga 04575 240739 411977 9445853069 EE/D/Karaikudi 04565 256295 411986 9445853090
AADO/CO/Sivaganga Ext-306 411975 9445853137 AEE/T/Karaikudi 04565 256031 411987 9445853084
AEE/Civil/Sivaganga Ext-338 411975 9445853064 AEE/R/Karaikudi 04565 256031 411987 9445853085
AE/GL/Sivaganga Ext-308 411975 9445853065 AEE/D/Devakottai 04561 272287 9445853086
AE/MM/Sivaganga Ext-309 411975 9445853066 AE/T/S/Karaikudi 04565 256202 9445853088
AE/DEV/Sivaganga Ext-307 411975 9445853067 AE/T/N/Karaikudi 04565 256202 9445853089
Snr. Manager/ Informn. 04575 246808 411978 9445853337 AE/R/Karaikudi 04565 256202 9445853083
System /Sivaganga Ext-311
AE/C&I/Karaikudi 04565 256031 411987 9445853087
AE/Civil/Sivaganga 04575 240666 411975 9445853068
Ext-325 AE/D/Puduvayal 04565 282244 9445853091
AE/MRT/Sivaganga 04575 240739 411977 9445853059 AE/D/Kanadukathan 04565 283266 9445853092
SIVAGANGA DIVISION AE/D/Kandaramanickam 04577 262500 9445853093
EE/D/Sivaganga 04575 240208 411980 9445853080 AE/D/Kallal 04565 284100 411993 9445853094
AE/R/S/Devakottai 04561 272287 9445853095
AEE/D/Sivaganga 04575 240666 411975 9445853074
AE/R/N/Devakottai 04561 272287 9445853096
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/T/Devakottai 04561 272287 9445853097 AE/D/Singampunary (I/C) 04577 242104 412008 9445853123
MANAMADURAI DIVISION AE/D/S.Pudur 04577 294210 412009 9445853125
EE/D/Manamadurai 04574 258029 411994 9445853111 AE/D/Pulithipatty 04577 251155 412010 9445853124
AEE/D/Manamadurai 04574 258023 412014 9445853101 AE/D/S.V.Mangalam 04577 243838 412007 9445853122
AEE/D/Ilayangudi 04564 265918 412013 9445853103 SUB STATION
AEE/D/Thiruppuvanam 04574 265271 412015 9445853102 AE/110KV SS/Sivaganga 04575 240286 412011 9445853126
AEE/Civil/Manamadurai 04574 258023 412014 9445853099 AE/110KV SS. /Kalayarkoil 04575 232203 412012 9445853127
AE/T/Manamadurai 04574 269616 411995 9445853104 AE/110KV SS/Karaikudi 04565 256353 412017 9445853133
AE/R/Manamadurai 04574 258270 411998 9445853107 AE/110KV SS /Kanadukathan 04565 283664 412018 9445853134
AE/D/Rajagambeeram 04574 261584 411997 9445853106 AE/110KV SS /Devakottai 04561 260111 9445853135
AE/D/Thirupachetty 04574 266300 411996 9445853105 AE/110KV SS /Manamadurai 04574 258023 412014 9445853130
AE/E/Thiruppuvanam (I/C) 04574 264200 411999 9445853109 AE/110KV SS /Nelmudikarai 04574 265271 412015 9445853115
AE/W/Thiruppuvanam 04574 265271 412015 9445853108 AE/110KV SS /Ilayangudi 04564 265918 412013 9445853129
AE/D/Poovanthi 04574 265466 412000 9445853110 AE/110KV SS/Salaigramam 04564 263263 412003 9445853128
AE/T/Ilayangudi 04564 265918 412013 9445853112 AE/110KV SS/Thiruppathur 04577 266034 412016 9445853132
AE/R/Ilayangudi 04564 265918 412013 9445853113 AE/110KV SS/Singampunary 04577 242104 412008 9445853123
AE/D/Salaigramam 04564 263263 412003 9445853114 AE/110KV SS/S.Pudur 04577 294210 412009 9445853125
AE/D/Keeladi 0452 2465245 9445853098 AE/110KV SS/Puduvayal 04565 272244 9445853091
AE/Civil/PSC Yard/Manamadurai 04574 258023 412014 9445853100 AE/110KV SS/Madagupatty 04575 291653 9445853073
THIRUPPATHUR DIVISION 230 KV SS/Karaikudi 04565 238138 412020
EE/D/Thiruppathur (I/C) 04577 266283 412004 9445853131 237531 412021
AEE/D/Thiruppathur 04577 266034 412016 9445853116 SO/C.S./Nattarasankottai 04575 291804 411979 9445853136
AEE/D/Singampunary 04577 242104 412008 9445853117 CIVIL MAINTENANCE CIRCLE / T.N.E.B. / K.PUDUR /
MADURAI - 625 007
AE/T/Thiruppathur 04577 266125 412005 9445853118
SE/CMC/Madurai 0452 2537546 2538149(R)
AE/R/N/Thiruppathur 04577 266125 412005 9445853119
EE/Civil/CMC/Madurai 0452 2537415
AE/R/S/Thiruppathur 04577 266125 412005 9445853120 Ext-300
AE/D/A.Thekkur 04577 292211 412006 9445853121
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER / OPERATION CIRCLE / A.E.E. /Lines/Checkanurani - - - 9445853289
MADURAI, TAMIL NADU ELECTRICTY BOARD , 230 KV A.E./Lines/Checkanurani - - - 9445853290
PASUMALAI SS CAMPUS, PP COLONY, PYKARA, A.E./Maint I /230 KV SS/ - - - 9445853291
PASUMALAI, MADURAI-625004, Checkanurani
PHONE NO 0452-2371621, FAX-0452-2371621
A.E. /Maint II /230 KV SS/ - - - 9445853292
SE/OPERATION/MADURAI 0452 2371621 411734 2535486(R) Checkanurani
411735 9443371621
A.E. /Maint /110 KV SS - - 9445853293
E.A. to SE/O/Madurai 0452 2371621 411734 9445853229 Checkanurani
A.E. in O/o SE/O/Madurai 0452 2371621 411734 9445853230 E.E./ Operation/ Alagarkoil 0452 2093219 - 9443305026
E.E./ Operation/ Pasumalai 0452 2370835 411739 9443307201 A.E.E. /Operation / - - - 9445853294
A.E.E./Shift I / pasumalai 0452 2370088 411736 9445853301 230 KVSS/Alagarkoil
A.E.E. /Shift II / pasumalai 0452 2370088 411736 9445853302 A.E.E./ Shift I/Alagarkoil 0452 2470342 411741 9445853295
A.E.E. /Shift III / pasumalai 0452 2370088 411736 9445853303 A.E.E./ Shift II/Alagarkoil 0452 2470342 411741 9445853296
A.E.E. /Shift IV / pasumalai 0452 2370088 411736 9445853304 A.E.E./ Shift III/Alagarkoil 0452 2470342 411741 9445853297
A.E.E. /Maint /230 KV SS pasumalai - - 9445853305 A.E.E./ Shift IV/Alagarkoil 0452 2470342 411741 9445853298
A.E.E. /Maint /110 KV SS pasumalai - - - 9445853306 A.E. / Maint. /230 KV SS/ - - - 9445853299
A.E.E. /Hot Lines/ pasumalai - - - 9445853307
A.E. / Lines /230 KV SS/ - - - 9445853259
A.E. /Maint /230 KV SS pasumalai - - - 9445853308 Alagarkoil
A.E. /Maint /110 KV SS pasumalai - - - 9445853309 E.E./ Operation/ karaikudi 04565 237531 412021 9445853343
A.E. /Shift I /110 KV SS pasumalai 0452 2370277 411737 9445853310 A.E.E. /Shift I / karaikudi 04565 238138 412020 9445853275
A.E. /Shift II /110 KV SS pasumalai 0452 2370277 411737 9445853311 A.E.E. /Shift II / karaikudi 04565 238138 412020 9445853276
A.E. /Shift III /110 KV SS pasumalai 0452 2370277 411737 9445853312 A.E.E. /Shift III / karaikudi 04565 238138 412020 9445853277
A.E. /Shift IV /110 KV SS pasumalai 0452 2370277 411737 9445853313 A.E.E. /Shift IV / karaikudi 04565 238138 412020 9445853278
A.E. / Lines/ pasumalai - - - 9445853314 A.E.E. /Opt. / karaikudi - - - 9445853279
A.E. /Hot Lines/ pasumalai - - - 9445853315 A.E.E. / Lines/ karaikudi - - - 9445853280
E.E./ Operation/ Checkanurani 04549 287236 - 9443301705 A.E. /Maint / karaikudi - - - 9445853281
A.E.E. /Shift I /Checkanurani 04549 287301 411740 9445853284 A.E. / Lines I / karaikudi - - - 9445853282
A.E.E. /Shift II /Checkanurani 04549 287301 411740 9445853285 A.E. / Lines II / karaikudi - - - 9445853283
A.E.E. /Shift III / Checkanurani 04549 287301 411740 9445853286 E.E./ Operation/ Sembatty 0451 2556175 - 9445853341
A.E.E. /Shift IV /Checkanurani 04549 287301 411740 9445853287 A.E.E. / Shift I/ Sembatty 0451 2051995 411864 9445853231
A.E.E. /Maint /Checkanurani - - - 9445853288 A.E.E./ Shift II/ Sembatty 0451 2051995 411864 9445853232
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
35 36
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
A.E.E. / Shift III/ Sembatty 0451 2051995 411864 9445853233 E.E./ Operation/ Valuthur - - - 9445853300
A.E.E. / Shift IV/ Sembatty 0451 2051995 411864 9445853234 A.E.E. / Shift I/Valuthur 04567 293600 411972 9445853260
A.E.E. /Maint./ Sembatty - - - 9445853235 A.E.E. / Shift II/Valuthur 04567 293600 411972 9445853261
A.E. /Maint. /230 KV SS/ Sembatty - - - 9445853236 A.E.E. / Shift III /Valuthur 04567 293600 411972 9445853262
A.E.E. / Opt. / Sembatty 0451 2556400 411865 9445853237 A.E.E. / Shift IV /Valuthur 04567 293600 411972 9445853263
A.E. /Maint. /110 KV SS/ Sembatty 0451 2556400 411865 9445853238 A.E.E. / Maint. /Valuthur - - - 9445853264
A.E./ Lines /Sembatty - - - 9445853239 A.E./ Lines / Valuthur - - - 9445853265
A.E. / Lines /Palani - - - 9445853240 A.E./ Maint. / Valuthur - - - 9445853266
E.E./ Operation/ Theni 04546 264828 411919 9445853342
E.E / Operation/ 04551 229366 411862 9445853244
Renganathapuram A.E.E. / Shift I / Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853267
A.E.E. / Maint/ - 9445853242 A.E.E. / Shift II / Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853268
Renganathapuram A.E.E. / Shift III / Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853269
A.E.E. / Shift I/ 04551 229277 411863 9445853243 A.E.E. / Shift IV/ Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853270
A.E.E. / Operation/ Theni. 04546 265474 411918 9445853271
A.E.E. / Shift II/ 04551 229277 411863 9445853241
Renganathapuram A.E./ Maintance /Theni. - - - 9445853272
A.E.E. / Shift III/ 04551 229277 411863 9445853245 A.E./ Lines I/Theni. - - - 9445853273
Renganathapuram A.E./ Lines II /Theni. - - - 9445853274
A.E.E. / Shift IV/ 04551 229277 411863 9445853246 Substation
Renganathapuram 230 KV S.S. Pasumalai 0452 2370088 411736
A.E. / Maintenance/ - - - 9445853247 110 KV S.S. Pasumalai 0452 2370277 411737
230 KV S.S. Checkanurani 04549 287301 411740
A.E./ Lines / Renganathapuram - - - 9445853248
110 KV S.S. Checkanurani 04549 287216 411721
E.E/ Operation/ Kavanoor 04564 206708 411971 9445853255
230 KV S.S. Sembatty 0451 2051995 411864
A.E.E. / Shift I/ Kavanoor 04564 208998 411970 9445853250 110 KV S.S. Sembatty 0451 2556400 411865
A.E.E. / Shift II/ Kavanoor 04564 208998 411970 9445853251 230 KV S.S. Alagarkoil 0452 2470342 411741
A.E.E. / Shift III/ Kavanoor 04564 208998 411970 9445853252 230 KV S.S. Theni 04546 265474 411918
A.E.E. / Shift IV/ Kavanoor 04564 208998 411970 9445853253 230 KV S.S. karaikudi 04565 238138 412020
A.E.E. / Maint./ Kavanoor - - - 9445853254 230 KV S.S. Kavanoor 04564 208998 411970
A.E.E. / Lines / Kavanoor - - - 9445853249 230 KV S.S. Valuthur 04567 293600 411972
A.E. / Lines / Kavanoor - - - 9445853256
230 KV S.S. Renganathanpuram 04551 229277 411863
A.E./ Maint. / Paramakudi - - - 9445853257
A.E./ Lines / Ramnad - - - 9445853258 **********
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
35 36
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
37 38
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
(HQ) T. D. - 4
39 40
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
41 42
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Officer E-Mail - ID
Extn. Code(#) (#4)
SE/GOBI 04285 223701 411351 CHAIRMAN :
SE/ERODE, 0424 2262611 414464
SE/KANCHIPURAM 044 27277058 413661
SE/TIRUPPATHUR 04179 220663
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/O&M/PULIYUR 04324 250601 412969 9445854076 AE/O&M/RURAL/KARUR 04324 247168 412931 9445854099
AEE/C&I/KARUR 9445854077 AE/O&M/SOUTH/KARUR 04324 257300 412932 9445854100
AE/URBAN/S/KARUR 04324 274173 412929 9445854078 AE/O&M/MALAIKOVILUR 04320 238500 412933 9445854101
AE/U/NORTH/KARUR 04324 274173 412929 9445854079 AE/O&M/ARAVAKURICHI 04320 231301 412934 9445854102
AE/U/WEST/KARUR 04324 274173 412929 9445854080 AE/O&M/PAVITHIRAM 04324 286500 412935 9445854103
AE/O&M/KARUR 04324 274170 412923 9445854081 AE/O&M/CHINNADHARAPURAM 04320 232785 412936 9445854104
AE/O&M/R/CHINNADHARAPURAM 04320 233900 412937 9445854105
AE/O&M/ VENGAMEDU 04324 223477 412924 9445854082
AE/O&M/K.PARAMATHI 04324 283710 412938 9445854106
AE/O&M/VANGAL 04324 228700 412925 9445854083
AE/O&M/THENNILAI 04320 237390 412939 9445854107
AE/O&M/OTHAKADDAI 9445854084
AE/O&M/VELAYUTHAMPALAYAM 04324 277388 412940 9445854108
AE/O&M/VELLIYANAI 04324 290987 412981 9445854085
AE/O&M/CHATTRAM 04324 279385 412941 9445854109
AE/O&M/THENTHONIMALAI 04324 257900 412980 9445854086
AE/O&M/THOTTAKURICHI 04324 272267 412942 9445854110
AE/O&M/KANIYALAMPATTI 04323 255222 412979 9445854087
AE/O&M/NEYYAL 04324 278154 412943 9445854111
AE/O&M/PULIYUR 04324 251100 412926 9445854088
AE/O&M/U/PALLAPATTI 04320 240249 412944 9445854112
AE/O&M/WEST/PULIYUR 04324 251601 412927 9445854089
AE/RURAL/N/PALLAPATTI 04320 241376 412945 9445854113
AE/O&M/UPPIDAMANGALAM 04324 251900 412928 9445854090
AE/RURAL/S/PALLAPATTI 04320 241077 412946 9445854114
AE/O&M/GANDHIGRAMMAM 04324 245577 412982 9445854091
AE/O&M/ANDIPATTI 04320 235592 412947 9445854115
AE/C&I/KARUR 9445854092 AE/O&M/ESANATHAM 04320 234102 412948 9445854116
AE/FOC/KARUR 04324 240988 412977 9445854093 EE/O&M/KULITHALAI 04323 222011 412949 9445854117
EE/O&M/RURAL/KARUR 04324 248490 412930 9445854094 AEE/O&M/KULITHALAI 04323 222075 412950 9445854118
AEE/O&M/SOUTH/KARUR 04324 248646 412920 9445854095 AEE/O&M/AYYERMALAI 04323 245397 412957 9445854119
AEE/O&M/CHINNADHARAPURAM 04320 232785 412936 9445854096 AEE/O&M/CHINDHAMANIPATTI 04323 251246 412962 9445854120
AEE/O&M/PUGALUR 04324 277288 412972 9445854097 AEE/C&I/KULITHALAI 04323 222011 412949 9445854121
AEE/O&M/PALLAPATTI 04320 240249 412944 9445854098 AE/O&M/KULITHALAI 04323 222075 412950 9445854122
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/MAYANUR 04323 243322 412951 9445854123 AE/SS/PALLAPATTI 04320 240170 412974 9445854146
AE/O&M/RURAL/MAYANUR 04323 243922 412952 9445854124 AE/SS/ANDICHETTIPALAYAM 04324 292671 412975 9445854147
AE/O&M/NACHALUR 04323 246446 412953 9445854125 AE/SS/KAVALKARANPATTI 04323 254226 412961 9445854148
AE/O&M/PANCHAPATTI 04323 244276 412955 9445854126 AE/SS/AYYERMALAI 04323 245527 412958 9445854149
AE/O&M/N/AYYERMALAI 04323 245397 412957 9445854127 AE/SS/PANCHAPATTI 04323 244266 412956 9445854150
AE/O&M/S/AYYERMALAI 04323 245527 412958 9445854128 ASST.ADM.OFFICER 04324 248440 412920 9445854151
AE/O&M/S/THOGAMALAI 04323 252343 412959 9445854129 STORES OFFICER 04324 248445 412976 9445854152
AE/O&M/N/THOGAMALAI 04323 252401 412960 9445854130 DFC/C.O/KARUR 412920 9445853394
AE/O&M/KAVALKARANPATTI 04323 254226 412961 9445854131 SR.MANAGER/I.S 04324 248647 412921 9445853395
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(TRY) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AADO/CO/NAGAPATTINAM 04365 224461 413085 9445854058 EE/O&M/MANNARGUDI 04367 252344 413017 9445853949
DFC/CO/NAGAPATTINAM 04365 224472 412998 9445853392 AEE/O&M/T/ MANNARGUDI 04367 252442 413018 9445853950
EE/O&M/NAGAI 04365 242323 413000 9445854310 AE/T -1 / MANNARGUDI 04367 252442 413018 9445853954
AEE/O&M/N /NAGAPATTINAM 04365 224210 413001 9445854311 JE/T -2 / MANNARGUDI 04367 252442 413018 9445853955
JE/O&M/T/ NAGAPATTINAM 04365 224510 413003 9445853931 JE/N/MANNARGUDI 04367 252442 413020 9445853956
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/MUTHUPETTAI 04369 260444 413031 9445853970 AE/O&M/T/MANALMEDU 04364 254950 413053 9445853999
AEE/CON/MANNARGUDI 04367 252344 413017 9445853953 JE/O&M/R/MANALMEDU 04364 254950 413053 9445854001
AE/CON/MANNARGUDI 04367 224462 413033 9445853974 AE/O&M/MADHANAM 04364 263597 413052 9445853998
JE/CON/HARIDHRANATHI 04367 222462 413033 9445853975 AEE/CONST./SIRKALI 04364 270448 413036 9445853981
EE/O&M/SIRKALI 04364 270448 413036 9445853990 AE/CON./SEMBANARKOVIL 04366 283537 413043 9445854006
AEE/O&M/N/SIRKALI 04364 270548 413037 9445853978 AE/CON./SIRKALI 04364 270448 413036 9445854004
AE/O&M/KOLLIDAM 04364 277799 413049 9445853994 EE/O&M/THIRUVARUR 04366 242718 413056 9445854007
JE/O&M/W/SIRKALI 04364 274950 413050 9445853996 AEE/O&M/THIRUVARUR 04366 241444 413057 9445854008
AE/O&M/ARASUR 04364 292448 413051 9445853997 AE/O&M/T/THIRUVARUR 04366 241444 413057 9445854012
JE/SOUTH/THIRUVARUR 04366 241444 413057 9445854013
AEE/O&M/S/SIRKALI 04364 270548 413037 9445853979
JE/O&M/R/SIRKALI 04364 270548 413037 9445853988 AE/N/THIRUVARUR 04366 241444 413057 9445854014
AE/O&M/ VAITESHWARANKOVIL 04364 279300 413046 9445853991 JE/O&M/KATCHANAM 04366 247690 413058 9445854015
AE/O&M/THIRUVENGADU 04364 275303 413047 9445853992 JE/O&M/ADIYAKAMANGALAM 04366 226198 413059 9445854016
AEE/O&M/SEMBANARKOVIL 04364 282437 413039 9445853982 AEE/O&M/R/THIRUVARUR 04366 239199 413057 9445854009
AE/O&M/ THIRUKKADAIYUR 04364 204880 413044 9445853987 AE/O&M/W/THIRUVARUR 4366 242444 413060 9445854018
JE/O&M/AKKUR 04364 287168 413041 9445853984 JE/O&M/KORADACHERRY 04366 231744 413061 9445854019
AE/O&M/THARANGAMPADI 04364 289428 413043 9445853986 JE/O&M/KODAVASAL 04366 232044 413062 9445854020
AE/O&M/POOMBUKAR 04364 260199 413042 9445853985 JE/O&M/NANNILAM 04366 229444 413063 9445854021
JE/O&M/SEMBARANARKOIL 04364 283537 413040 9445853983 AE/O&M/SRIVANJIYAM 04366 230003 413064 9445854022
AE/O&M/KIDARANKONDAN 04364 283537 9445854005 AEE/O&M/PERALAM 04366 239199 413066 9445854011
AEE/O&M/MANALMEDU 04364 254421 413038 9445853980 JE/O&M/PERALAM 04366 239444 413066 9445854024
JE/O&M/KALI 04364 236044 413054 9445854002 JE/O&M/ADHAMBAR 04366 273442 413068 9445854025
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Vaitheeswarankoil/110KVSS 04364 279301 413045 9445853989 AEE/MM/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853887
Thiruvenkadu/110KVSS 04364 256200 413048 9445853993 AEE/RGGVY/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853888
Thiruthuraipoondi/110KVSS 04369 232880 413030 9445853968 EE/Civil (N.I)/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853889
Voimedu/110KVSS 04369 240444 413013 9445853942 AE/Dev. I/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853890
Kidarankondan/33/1KVSS 04364 282447 9445854052 AE/Dev. II/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853891
Vaduvur/33/11KVSS 04367 267480 413024 9445854057 AE/MM-II/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853894
Kollidam/33/11KVSS 04364 277799 9445854054 AE/Civil/ E/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853895
Tharangapadi 33/11KVSS 04364 289428 9445854055 AE/Civil /W/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853896
Thirukuvalai 100 KV SS 04366 245485 413009 9445853937 AE/Civil /RCC Yard/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853897
DFC/CO/PDKT 04322 221870 412908 9445853389 AE/O&M/R/E/Pudukottai 04322 270456 412854 9445853914
SM/IS/PDKT 04322 220776 412907 9445853390 AE/O&M/Andakkulam 04339 248249 412855 9445853915
AEE/Dev./Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853885 AEE/O&M/Ru/Pudukottai 04322 236234 412831 9445853906
AE/O&M/Sipcot 04322 244509 412856 9445853916
AEE/General/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853886
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines
the called number avialble are limited
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/Thiruvappur 04322 236811 412857 9445853917 AE/110 KV SS/Aliyanilai 04371 271368 412840 9445854230
AE/110KV SS/Sipcot 04322 244506 412830 9445853918 AE/O&M/Town Aranthangi 04371 271651 412893 9445854231
AE/110KV SS /Pudukottai 04322 236234 412831 9445853919 AE/O&M/U/WAranthangi 04371 271651 412893 9445854232
AE/110KV SS /Thirumayam 04333 201111 412833 9445853920 AE/O&M/Silattur 04371 236468 412894 9445854233
AE/110KV SS/Konnaiyur 04333 262233 412833 9445853921 AE/O&M/Avanathannkottai 04371 232268 413895 9445854234
AEE/Con./Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853907 AE/O&M/N/K.mangalam 04371 242268 412848 9445854235
AE/Con.-I/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853922 AE/O&M/S/Keeramangalam 04371 242268 412848 9445854236
AE/Con.-II/Pudukkottai 04322 221870 412908 9445853923 AEE/O&M/Raranthangi ——- 9445854226
AE/Con./Gandarvakottai ——- 9445853924 AE/O&M/Nagudy 04371 238495 412890 9445854237
AEE/O&M/Illuppur 04339 272710 412860 9445853908 AE/O&M/Subramanyapuram 04371 235384 412889 9445854238
AE/O&M/Annavasal 04339 230950 412858 9445853925 AE/O&M/Kodikkulam 04371 260307 412849 9445854239
AE/O&M/Annapannai 04339 231051 412859 9445854214
AE/O&M/Manamelkudy 04371 251101 412891 9445854240
AE/O&M/Illuppur 04339 272710 412860 9445854215
AE/O&M/Avudayarkoil 04371 233100 412892 9445854241
AE/33/11 KV SS/Illupur 04339 272445 412845 9445854216
AE/O&M/Karur ——- 9445854242
AEE/O&M/Gandarvakottai 04322 275279 412861 9445853909
AEE/O&M/Town/Alangudy 04322 251020 412883 9445854227
AE/O&M/N/Gandharvakottai 04322 275279 412861 9445854217
AE/O&M/Town/Alangudy 04322 251017 412881 9445854245
AE/O&M/E/Gandharvakottai 04322 275789 412862 9445854218
AE/O&M/North/Alangudy 04322 251388 412882 9445854246
AE/O&MS/Gandharvakottai 04322 275304 412863 9445854219
AE/O&M/West/Alangudy 04322 251020 412883 9445854247
AE/110 KV SS/ Punalkulam 04362 291131 412842 9445854220
AE/O&M/Thiruvarankulam 04322 242270 412884 9445854248
AE/110 KV SS/Adhanakottai 04322 241225 412836 9445854221
AE/O&M/Vallathirakottai 04322 242377 412885 9445854249
AE/O&M/Adhanakottai ——- 9445854222
AE/110 KV SS/ Vadakadu 04322 291424 412889 9445854250
AE/O&M/Perungalur 04322 241297 412864 9445854223
AE/O&M/Vadakadu 04322 253767 412886 9445854251
AE/O&M/LN Puram 04322 253704 412887 9445854252
EE/O&M/Aranthangi 04371 270650 412911 9445854224
AE/O&M/Kothamangalam 04322 253668 412888 9445854253
AEE/O&M/T/Aranthangi ——- 9445854225
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/O&M/Rural/Alangudy 04322 251368 412838 9445854228 AE/110 KV SS/T.Nallur 04339 250588 412835 9445854277
AE/O&M/Patchikottai 04322 291942 412874 9445854254 AE/O&M/T.Nallur 04339 208218 412867 9445854278
AE/110 KV SS/Alangudy 04322 251368 412838 9445854255 AEE/O&M/Viralimalai 04339 220944 412869 9445854266
AE/O&M/N/Viralimalai 04339 221281 412868 9445854279
AE/O&M/Malayur 04322 256469 412875 9445854256
AE/O&M/S/Viralimalai 04339 220944 412869 9445854280
AE/110 KV SS/Karambakkudy 04322 255368 412837 9445854257
AE/SS/Viralimalai 04339 220232 412847 9445854281
AE/O&M/Karambakkudy 04322 255842 412876 9445854258
AE/O&M/Vadugappatty 04339 221342 412844 9445854282
AE/O&M/Vettanviduthy 04322 256468 412877 9445854259 AE/O&M/Melapatchakudy 0431 2906623 412870 9445854283
AE/O&M/Sempattividuthy 04322 256296 412878 9445854260 AEE/Con./Keeranur 04339 263330 412871 9445854267
AE/O&M/Puduppatty 04322 255635 412879 9445854261 AE/Con./Keeranur 04339 208218 412867 9445854272
AE/O&M/Regunathapuram 04322 254244 412880 9445854262 AE/Con./Viralimalai 04339 221281 412868 9445854273
AEE/Con./Aranthangi —— 9445854229 THIRUMAYAM DIVISION
AE/Con./Aranthangi —— 9445854243 EE/O&M/Thirumayam 04333 274237 412913 9445854284
AEE/O&M/Thirumayam 04333 274238 412914 9445854285
AE/Con./ Alangudy —— 9445854244
JE/O&M/Thirumayam 04333 274245 412896 9445854287
JE/O&M/RC Puram 04333 272238 412897 9445854288
EE/O&M/Keeranur 04339 262203 412812 9445854263
AE/O&M/Arimalam 04333 271493 412898 9445854289
AEE/O&M/Keeranur 04339 263330 412871 9445854264
JE/O&M/Thenippatty 04333 278243 412899 9445854290
AE/O&M/S/Keeranur 04339 263330 412871 9445854268 JE/O&M/Nachandupatty 04333 277224 412900 9445854291
AE/O&M/E/Keeranur 04339 262709 412872 9445854269 AEE/O&M/Ponnamaravathy 04333 262043 412901 9445854286
AE/O&M/N/Keeranur 04339 262683 412873 9445854270 JE/O&M/U/Ponnamaravathy 04333 262043 412901 9445854292
AE/O&M/Kunnandar Koil 04339 208370 412846 9445854271 JE/O&M/Kulipirai 04333 273235 412902 9445854293
AEE/O&M/Mathur 04339 250660 412865 9445854265 JE/O&M/Karaiyur 04333 275238 412903 9445854294
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ Civil / Ayyampettai — — 9445853787 AE/ O&M / Sengipatty 04362 221287 412721 9445853752
AE/ Civil / Kumbakonam — — 9445853717 JE/110KV Veeramarasanpettai 04362 288444 412736 9445853770
TTDC / Thanjavur AE/ O&M/ Kallaperampur 04362 285677 412726 9445853757
Senior Manager / TTDC 04362 278754 412704 9445853388 AE/ O&M / Minnagar 04362 265244 412725 9445853756
Asst.Engineer/ TTDC — — 9445853882 AEE/ Operation 04362 240061 412716 9445853746
Asst.Engineer/ TTDC — — 9445853883 AEE/ Con. / Thanjavur — 9445853747
O&M/THANJAVUR AE/Con. Thanjavur — — — 9445853771
EE/ O&M/Thanjavur 04362 237010 412715 9445853742 O&M/ UBRAN/ THANJAVUR
AEE / O&M/ Thiruvaiyaru 04362 260231 9445853743 EE/ Urban Thanjavur 04362 231922 412705 9445853731
AE/ O&M / T / Thirukattupalli 04362 280444 412717 9445853748 AEE/ Urban/Thanjavur 04362 230181 412706 9445853732
AE/O&M/ R / Thirukkattupalli 04362 287444 412717 9445853750 AE/ O&M Eswari Nagar 04362 240444 412707 9445853733
AE/O&M/T/Thiruvaiyaru 04362 262944 412718 9445853749 AE/O&M Karanthai 04362 250444 412708 9445853734
JE/O&M/ R / Thiruvaiyaru 04362 261475 412731 9445853762 AE/O&M Manambuchavady 04362 235444 412710 9445853735
AE/O&M/ Naducauvery 04362 283367 412724 9445853755 AE/O&M Court Road 04362 230444 412711 9445853736
AEE/ O&M/ R / Thanjavur 9445853745 AEE/ O&M/Arulanda Nagar 04362 258444 412712 9445853738
JE / O&M / Thirukkanurpatty 04362 282561 412734 9445853764 AE/ O&M Palace 04362 271444 412713 9445853739
AE/ O&M/ Kurungulam 04362 282333 412727 9445853758
AE/ Construction — — 9445853741
AE/ O&M / Marungulam. 04362 291449 412728 9445853759
JE/ O&M / R / N / Thanjavur 04362 255144 412723 9445853754 DIVISION
JE/ O&M / R / W / Thanjavur 04362 256044 412730 9445853761 EE/O&M/Orathanadu 04372 233264 412778 9445853818
AE / O&M / Melattur 04362 250435 412733 9445853763 AEE/ Rural/Orathanadu 9445853820
AEE/ O&M/ Thanjavur 9445853744 AE/O&M/S/ Orathanadu 04372 233600 412783 9445853826
JE / O&M / Nilagiri. 04362 246959 412720 9445853751 AE/O&M/Papanadu 04372 258844 412785 9445853828
JE / O&M / Vallam 04362 265050 412722 9445853753 AE/O&M/Uranipuram 04372 241561 412795 9445853838
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
(TRY) T.D. -3
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/Orantharayankudikadu 04372 234323 412787 9445853830 AE/ Town-II, Pattukkottai 04373 252999 412812 9445853862
AE/O&M/Pinnaiyur 04372 291822 412793 9445853836 AE/ Adirampattinam 04373 242444 412804 9445853854
AE/O&M/ Poyyundarkottai 04372 291995 412794 9445853837 AEE/ Rural/Pattukkottai — — — 9445853848
JE/ O&M/Mela Ulur 04372 256484 412789 9445853832 AE/R/East/Pattukkottai 04373 224284 412809 9445853859
JE/O&M/Thiruvonam (I/C) 04372 04372 412795 9445853845 AE/ O&M/Pallathur 04373 293180 412817 9445853867
AE/Cons./Orathanadu 9445853844 AE/R/West/Pattukkottai 04373 224291 412810 9445853860
AEE/O&M/Saliamangalam 04372 04372 412784 9445853821 AE/ O&M/ Alathur 04373 226200 412815 9445853865
AE/O&M/Saliamangalam 04372 239230 412784 9445853827
AE/ O&M/ Perumalkoil 04373 224292 412811 9445853861
JE/O&M/ Marriammankoil 04372 267854 412782 9445853825
AE/ V.Kollaikadu.(I/c) 04373 203566 412820 9445853870
AE/O&M/ Ammapettai 04372 232448 412780 9445853823
AEE/O&M/ Madukkur — — — 9445853847
AE/O&M/Soorakkottai 04372 231299 412788 9445853831
AE/ Town / Madukkur 04373 262092 412805 9445853855
AE/O&M/Panayakottai 04372 246662 412791 9445853834
AE/North / Madukkur 04373 260540 412814 9445853864
JE/ O&M/S/ Ammapettai 04372 233331 412790 9445853833
AE/ Rural / Madukkur 04373 261114 412816 9445853866
AEE/T/ Orathanadu 9445853819
JE/ O&M / Thuvarankurichi 04373 283444 412808 9445853858
AE/O&M/N/Orathanadu 04372 233597 413786 9445853829
AE/ Thamarankottai.(I/c) 04373 283411 412819 9445853869
AE/O&M/E/Orathanadu 04372 233227 412779 9445853822
AEE/ O&M/ Peravurani — — — 9445853849
AE/Vadaseri 110/ 11KV 04372 255547 412798 9445853824
AE/ O&M / R/ Peravunai 04373 232508 412823 9445853873
AE/Kannukudi West 04372 255045 412796 9445853839
AE/Okkanadukeelaiyur 04372 252885 412792 9445853835 AE/ O&M/ Perumagalur 04373 276555 412821 9445853871
AE/ Con. / Orathanadu — — 9445853844 AE/ O&M/ T / Peravurani 04373 232444 412803 9445853853
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/33/11KV/Kumbakonam 0435 2411007 412756 9445853795 AE/Kathiramangalam 0435 232393 412762 9445853802
AE/East Kumbakonam 0435 2411102 412739 9445853778 AE/Thiruppurampiyyam 0435 2459440 412763 9445853803
AE/South Kumbakonam 0435 2420060 412738 9445853777 JE/O&M/ Thippirajapuram 0435 2444110 412765 9445853804
AEE/Rural/Kumbakonam - - 9445853774 AE/O&M/ Patteeswaram 0435 2445244 412766 9445853805
AE/North/Kumbakonam 0435 2481126 412740 9445853779 AE/O&M/ Thiruneelagudi 0435 2473287 412768 9445853807
AE/West Kumbakonam 0435 2417088 412743 9445853782
AE/O&M/ Kurichi 0435 2458300 412769 9445853808
AE/O&M/ Valangaiman 04374 265000 412744 9445853783
AE/Konnulampallam 0435 2450400 412770 9445853809
AE/O&M/ Alangudy 04374 269711 412750 9445853788
AE/O&M/ Semmangudi 0435 2468200 412771 9445853810
AEE/O&M/ Papanasam - - 9445853775
AE/O&M/ Thirupanadal 0435 2456440 412772 9445853811
AE/O&M / Papanasam 04374 240299 412745 9445853784
AE/O&M/ Cholapuram 0435 2452640 412773 9445853812
AE/Rural/Papanasam 04374 252404 412748 9445853785
AE/O&M/ Kabisthalam 04374 224250 412742 9445853781 AE/O&M/ Natchiyar koil 0435 2466440 412774 9445853813
AE/Thirukarukavoor 04374 273707 412741 9445853780 AE/ Thirunageswaram 0435 2463287 412775 9445853814
AE/Ganapathyagraharam 04374 2411050 412751 9445853789 AE/Chettimandapam 0435 2411090 412777 9445853815
AE/Town/Ayyampettai 04374 242444 412749 9445853786 JE/Con. Thiruppanandal — — — 9445853816
JE/Rural /Ayyampettai 04374 242044 412752 9445853790 JE/ Con. Kumbakonam —- — — 9445853817
JE/ Con. Kumbakonam — — — 9445853791
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
110/11KV Aduthurai SS 0435 2472065 412798 9445853792 33/11KV Thiruchitrambalam 04373 286388 412807 9445853857
110/33-11KV Vadaseri SS 04372 255547 412799 9445853824 33/11KV Thirumangalakottai 04372 255045 412796 9445853839
110/11KV Okkanadukelaiyur 04372 252401 412823 9445853842 33/11KV Thamarankottai 04373 283411 412819 9445853869
110/33-11KV Peravurani 04373 232508 412864 9445853873 33/11KV Thuvarankurichy 04373 283444 412808 9445853858
110/33-11KV Madukkur 04373 260223 412724 9445853874 33/11KV Perumagalur SS 04373 276555 412821 9445853871
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
33/11KV V.Kollaikadu SS 04373 203566 412828 9445853870 AE/MM II 0431 -do- 412487 9445853447
33/11KV Valangaiman SS 04374 265001 412745 9445853783 AE/Gl 0431 -do- 412487 9445853448
33/11KV Papanadu SS 04372 258844 412785 9445853828 AE/CIVIL 0431 -do- 412487 9445853449
33/11KV Thuraiyur SS 04372 291299 412788 9445853831 AEE/CIVIL/PSC YARD/ 0431 2520488 412500 9445853378
33/11KV Rahavambalpuram 04372 246662 412791 9445853834 Thiruverumbur
33/11 KV Pinnaiyur SS 04372 291822 412793 9445853836 AE/CML/PSC YARD/ 0431 2520488 412500 9445853760
33/11KV Karukadupatty 04372 233600 412783 9445853826 Thiruverumbur
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE : 0431 - 2422301, 2422303, METRO EDC/TRICHY
2422304, 2422305 FAX NO. 0431 - 2420011
EE/MRT 0431 2463991 412489 9443363991
SE/TRICHY EDC/METRO 0431 2422216 412485 9443370450 AEE/MRT 0431 2463991 412489 9445853450
AEE/Spl.Mtc 0431 2463991 412489 9445853451
EE/Gl/M/TRY 0431 2422301 412487 9445853434
303,304,305 AEE/R&D 0431 2465177 412546 9445853452
AEE/MM 0431 -do- 412487 9445853435 AE/R&D 0431 2465177 412546 9445853453
AEE /PRO& DEV 0431 -do- 412487 9445853438 AE/MRT/Protection 0431 2463991 412489 9445853454
AEE/Gl 0431 -do- 412487 9445853439 AE/LTCT/MRT 0431 2463991 412489 9445853455
AEE/CABLE 0431 -do- 412487 9445853440 AE/HT/Metering 0431 2463991 412489 9445853457
AEE/RGGVY/M 0431 -do- 412487 9445853441 AE/ Spl. Mtc. / Camp 0431 2463991 412489 9445853458
EE/CIVIL 0431 -do- 412487 9445853442 AE/ Spl. Mtc. / Lab 0431 2463991 412489 9445853459
AE/REC 0431 -do- 412487 9445853443 AE/Oil Leak/Spl.Mtc 0431 2463991 412489 9445853928
AE/DEV 0431 -do- 412487 9445853444 EE / O&M/URBAN 0431 2793131 412491 9445853460
AE/CABLE 0431 -do- 412487 9445853445 AEE/ Thennur 0431 2791467 412559 9445853461
AE/MM I 0431 -do- 412487 9445853446 AEE/ Cantonment 0431 2460148 412538 9445853462
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(TRY) T.D. -4 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/ Palakkarai 0431 2793220 412543 9445853463 AE/Shift/110KV SS 0431 2460539 412504 9445853776
AEE/ Rockfort 0431 2793220 412543 9445853464 AE/Shift/110KV SS 0431 2460539 412504 9445853843
AEE/O/Trichy 0431 2460539 412504 9445853465 33KV EB ROAD SS 0431 2701919 412519 ——
AE/Thennur 0431 2794237 412559 9445853466 33KV COURT SS 0431 2400647 412520 ——
AE/Thillainagar 0431 2794737 412539 9445853467 33KV THENNUR SS 0431 2791499 412518 ——
AE/Woraiyur 0431 2794237 412559 9445853468 O&M/EAST/TRICHY
AE/Srinivasanagar 0431 2791467 412559 9445853469 EE/ O&M/ EAST 0431 2422233 412490 9445853485
AE/Con-I/Rockfort 0431 2793220 412543 9445853470 AEE/ Mannarpuram 0431 2422301 412487 9445853486
AE/Con-II/Urban/Trichy 0431 2793220 412543 9445853471 AEE/ Subramaniapuram 0431 2422301 412487 9445853487
AE/Rockfort 0431 2793220 412543 9445853472 AEE/ Sembattu 0431 2341924 412541 9445853488
AE/Cinthamani 0431 2793220 412543 9445853473 AEE/ Crawford 0431 2471880 412542 9445853489
AE/Maingauardgate 0431 2793220 412543 9445853474 AEE/ KK Nagar 0431 2459432 412500 9445853490
AE/110KV/K.Pettai 0431 2706443 412505 9445854029 AEE/ Rural/ Trichy 0431 2422301 412487 9445853491
AE/Palakkarai 0431 2793220 412543 9445853475 AEE / Tiruverambur 0431 2441625 412554 9445853492
AE/Gandhimarket 0431 2793220 412543 9445853476 AEE / Thuvakudy 0431 2501422 412503 9445853493
AE/Senthaneerpuram 0431 2793220 412543 9445853477 AE/ Rural/ Trichy 0431 2690509 412548 9445853494
AE/Junction 0431 2414749 412564 9445853478 AE/ Manikandam 0431 2680300 412549 9445853495
AE/Call Centre- I 0431 2793676 412535 9445853479 AE/Tiruparaithurai 0431 2614322 412550 9445853496
AE/Call Centre- II 0431 2793676 412535 9445853480 AE/Somarasampettai 0431 2607271 412551 9445853497
AE/Ponnagar 0431 2481858 412563 9445853481 AE/110 KV SS/ Ammapettai 0431 2695262 412499 9445853498
AE/Mahalakshminagar 0431 2202525 412561 9445853482 AE/110 KV SS/Alundur 0431 2680514 412498 9445853499
AE/Mtce./Trichy/110KV SS 0431 2460539 412504 9445853483 AE/Tiruverumbur 0431 2512773 412552 9445853500
AE Shift/110KV SS/Trichy 0431 2460539 412504 9445853484 AE/Navalpattu 0431 2512224 412553 9445853501
AE/Shift/110KV SS 0431 2460539 412504 9445853806 AE/Aniyamangalam 0431 2441625 412554 9445853502
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/Kattur 0431 2445811 412555 9445853503 AE/W/Manachanallur 0431 2560133 412573 9445853525
AE/110KV/Thiruverumbur 0431 2520488 412500 9445853504 AE/E/Manachanallur 0431 2560061 412574 9445853526
AE/110kV SS/Amabigapuram 0431 2446262 412501 9445853505 AE/Con/Manachanallur 0431 2560061 412574 9445853527
AE/E/Thuvakudy 0431 2551922 412558 9445853506 AE/Samayapuram 0431 2671212 412570 9445853528
AE/W/Thuvakudy 0431 2501267 412557 9445853507 AE/110/Samayapuram 0431 2670483 412506 9445853529
AE/S/Thuvakudy 0431 2501267 412557 9445853508 AE/Siruganur 0431 2650548 412571 9445853530
AE/110 KV/Thuvakudy 0431 2501422 412503 9445853509 AE/Con/Siruganur 0431 2650548 412571 9445853531
AE/Kailasapuram 0431 2551922 412558 9445853510 33KV Srirangam SS 0431 2430055 412566 ——
AE/K.K.Kottai 0431 2446800 412556 9445853511 33KV vengaimandalam 0431 235221 412522 ——
AE/SS/Sathanur 0431 2456030 412506 9445853512 EE/O&M/ MANAPPARAI 04332 260503 412493 9445853532
AE/Con I/Mannarpuram 0431 2422301 412487 9445853513 AEE/O&M/Manaparai 04332 260503 412493 9445853533
AE/Con II/Mannarpuram 0431 2422301 412487 9445853514 AEE/Vaiyampatty 04332 272961 412582 9445853534
33KV Mannarpuram 0431 2422256 412516 —— AEE/Thuvarankurichy 04332 208300 412575 9445853535
33KVpettavaithalai SS 0431 2612462 412517 —— AEE/Con/Manapparai 04332 260503 412493 9445853536
EE/O&M/SRIRANGAM 0431 2230473 9445853515 AE/S/Manapparai 04332 262552 412584 9445853537
AEE/Srirangam 0431 2435227 412565 9445853516 AE/R/N/Manapparai 04332 261910 412585 9445853538
AEE/Manachanallur 0431 2560453 412572 9445853517 AE/R/Manapparai 04332 263212 412586 9445853539
AEE/Samayapuram 0431 2670483 412506 9445853518 AE/T/Manapparai 04332 260556 412587 9445853540
AE/Srirangam 0431 2430055 412566 9445853519 AE/S/Vaiyampatty 04332 272960 412581 9445853541
AE/Thiruvanaikovil 0431 2230505 412567 9445853520 AE/N/Vaiyampatty 04332 272961 412582 9445853542
AE/Ammamandapam 0431 2435227 412565 9445853521 AE/W/Vaiyampatty 04332 262431 412583 9445853543
AE/Bitchandarkovil 0431 2593333 412569 9445853522 AE/Nadupatty 04332 276221 412524 9445853544
AE/Sirugambur 0431 2620119 412568 9445853523 AE/S/Thuvarankurichy 04332 254242 9445853545
AE/T/Manachanallur 0431 2560453 412572 9445853524 AE/N/Thuvarankurichy 04332 208300 412575 9445853546
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
(TRY) T.D. -5
35 36
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/Puthanatham 04332 273300 412577 9445853547 AE/110/Kallakudy 0431 235358 412510 9445853568
AE/Palakurichi 04332 277555 412578 9445853548 EE/O&M/ THURAIYUR 04327 256004 412495 9445853569
AE/Marungapuri 04332 290683 412579 9445853549 AEE/Con/Thuraiyur 04327 256544 412597 9445853570
AE/Mettupatti 04332 293110 412580 9445853550 AEE/N/Thuraiyur 04327 256353 412511 9445853571
AE/E/Manapparai 04332 261500 412588 9445853551 AEE/W/Thuraiyur 04327 256353 412511 9445853572
AE/SS/Manapparai 04332 267514 412507 9445853552 AEE/S/Thuraiyur 04327 256335 9445853573
AE/Con/Manapparai 04322 260503 412493 9445853553 AEE/Uppiliapuram 04327 253760 412603 9445853574
AE/Con/Vaiyampatty 04332 272961 412582 9445853554 AE/U/Thuraiyur 04327 256365 412596 9445853575
AE/Con/Thuvarankurichy 04332 208300 412575 9445853555 AE/N/Thuraiyur 04327 256544 412597 9445853576
110KV Vaiyampatty SS 04332 271000 412508 —— AE/Sengattupatty 04327 236350 412598 9445853577
33KV Thuvarankurichy SS 04332 208300 412575 —— AE/110KV/Thuraiyur 04327 256353 412511 9445853578
33KV Nadupatty SS 04332 276221 412524 —— AE/Vrnkatachalapuram 04327 253874 412610 9445853579
EE/O&M/ LALGUDI 0431 2541352 412494 9445853556 AE/Sikkathambur 04327 259095 412608 9445853580
AEE/Con/Lalgudy 0431 2541352 412494 9445853557 AE/W/Thuraiyur 04327 290365 412607 9445853581
AEE/O&M/Lalgudy 0431 2541250 412589 9445853558 AE/Kottapalayam 04327 253835 412611 9445853582
AEE/O&M/Kallakudy 0431 235358 412510 9445853559 AE/Eragudy 04327 238865 412609 9445853583
AE/U/Lalgudy 0431 2541250 412589 9445853560 AE/S/Thuraiyur 04327 255020 412599 9445853584
AE/R I/Lalgudy 0431 2543671 412590 9445853561 AE/E/Thuraiyur 04327 256335 9445853585
AE/R II/Lalgudy 0431 2542454 412591 9445853562 AE/Pulivalam 04327 235373 412602 9445853586
AE/Valady 0431 2548944 412592 9445853563 AE/Puthanampatty 04327 234819 412601 9445853587
AE/110KV SS/Poovalur 0431 2912200 412509 9445853564 AE/Kannanur 04327 239376 412600 9445853588
AE/R/Kallakudy 0431 235246 412593 9445853565 AE/Uppiliyapuram 04327 253760 412603 9445853589
AE/Pullambady 0431 241740 412594 9445853566 AE/Koppampatty 04327 253700 412605 9445853590
AE/Vellanur 0431 241805 412595 9445853567 AE/110KVKoppampatty 04327 252263 412512 9445853591
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
37 38
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/T/MUrungapatty 04327 232500 412527 9445853592 AE/Mettupalayam 04326 240129 412624 9445853612
AE/VC palayam 04327 253761 412606 9445853593 AE/Jambunattapuram 04326 279598 412622 9445853613
33KV T.Renganathapuram SS 04327 259635 412526 —— AEW/ 04326 248327 412625 9445853614
33KV T.Murungapatty SS 04327 232274 412604 —— AE/R/ 04326 248923 412623 9445853615
33KV Melakothampatty SS 04327 294208 412525 —— AE/SS/ 04326 248341 412514 9445853616
EE/O&M/MUSIRI 04326 260294 412496 9445853594 AAdm. Officer/Co 0431 2422301 412487,88 9445853618
CSO/CS/Trichy 0431 2460191 412497 9445853619
AEE/O&M/Musiri 04326 263089 412513 9445853595
33KV Gunaseelam SS 04326 209444 412529 ——
AEE/Con/Musiri 04326 260580 412613 9445853596
33KV Kolakudy SS 04326 276387 412530 ——
AEE/O&M/Thottiam 04326 255145 412618 9445853597
110 KV Thottiyam SS 04326 254345 412515 ——
AEE/N/ 04326 248341 412514 9445853598
AEE/S/ 04326 248341 412514 9445853599
AEE / TT&DC 0431 2423232 412544
AE/T/Musiri 04326 260260 412612 9445853600
AE- I / TT&DC 0431 2422301 412487,88 9445853620
AE/N/Musiri 04326 260580 412613 9445853601
AE - II / TT&DC 0431 2422301 412487,88 9445853621
AE/T.puthur 04326 273460 412614 9445853602
AE/CIVIL/Thennur 9445853730
AE/Ayyampalayam 04326 272434 412615 9445853603
AE/110KV/Musiri 04326 260387 412513 9445853604
AE/CC/Tennur, Trichy 0431 2793672/76 412531 ——
AE/Thottiam 04326 255145 412618 9445853605 FOC/Mannarpuram 0431 2420145 412536 ——
AE/Kolakudy 04326 276360 412619 9445853606 FOC/Rockfort 0431 2792627 412537 ——
AE/Kattuputhur 04326 250240 412616 9445853607 FOC/Junction 0431 2460148 412538 ——
AE/Elurpatty 04326 277404 412617 9445853608 FOC/Thillainagar 0431 2794737 412539 ——
AE/Thumbalam 04326 276399 412626 9445853609 FOC/Ariyamangalam 0431 2441625 ——
AE/T/ 04326 248337 412620 9445853610 FOC/Srirangam 0431 2431272 412521 ——
AE/S/ 04326 248477 412621 9445853611 FOC/Thuvakudy 0431 2501922 412503
Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of
avialble are limited alternative numbers
39 40
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
NSK MAHAL, PERAMBALUR - 621212. AE/MRT-PROT/PERAMBALUR 04328 224112 412633 9445853637
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE NOS. 04328 - 277040, 277050. AE/MRT-METERING/ 04328 224112 412633 9445853638
SE/PERAMBALUR EDC/ 04328 276060(P&F) 412638
PERAMBALUR 277040 412631 9443379221 AE/SPL.Lab/PERAMBALUR 04328 224112 412633 9445853639
277050 412631
AE/Spl/ PERAMBALUR 04328 224112 412633 9445853640
EE/GL/ PERAMBALUR 04328 277040/50 412631 9445853636
CHIEF STORES OFFICER 04328 225588 412692 9445853711
DFC/ PERAMBALUR 04328 277040/50 412631 9445853382
EE/O&M/PERAMBALUR 04328 224113 412634 9445853641
EE/MRT/ PERAMBALUR 04328 224112 412633 9443379220
EE/O/ PERAMBALUR 04328 224365 412690 9445853396
EE/O/EACHANGADU 04329 248384 412691 9445853397
AEE/GL Cum MM Ext-121 412630,31 9445853623
AEE/PRO Cum DEV Ext-131 412630,31 9445853624
AEE/RGGVY Ext-111 412630,31 9445853625
AEE/CON./PERAMBALUR 04328 224113 412634 9445853648
AEE/CIVIL Ext-151 412630,31 9445853626
AE/O&M/T/ PERAMBALUR 04328 277124 412635 9445853649
AE/GENERAL Ext-122 412630,31 9445853627
AE/O&M/S/PERAMBALUR 04328 278145 412636 9445853650
AE/MM Ext-112 412630,31 9445853628
AE/O&M/N/ PERAMBALUR 04328 276836 412637 9445853651
AE/DEV Ext-132 412630,31 9445853629
AE/VALIGANDAPURAM 04328 265622 412638 9445853652
AE/REC Ext-132 412630,31 9445853630
AE/O&M/VEPPUR 04328 266541 412639 9445853653
AE/CIVIL Ext-152 412630,31 9445853631
AE/O&M/AMMAPALAYAM 04328 269178 412640 9445853655
AE/ MANAGER/COM. Ext-141 412630,31 9445853383
AE/O&M/ESANAI 04328 264721 412642 9445853656
ASST.ADM OFFICER Ext-301 412630,31 9445853710
AE/O&M/KURUMBALUR 04328 220237 412643 9445853657
AE/O&M/VEPPANTHATTAI 04328 264100 412644 9445853658
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
41 42
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/NAKKASALAM 04328 231652 412645 9445853659 AE/O&M/ N/ARIYALUR 04329 228663 412667 9445853687
AE/O&M/SIRUVACHUR 04328 291665 412647 9445853661 AE/O&M/ R/ARIYALUR 04329 228664 412668 9445853688
AE/O&M/N/CHETTIKULAM 04328 268576 412648 9445853662 AE/O&M/THELUR 04329 249615 412669 9445853689
AE/O&M/S/CHETTIKULAM 04328 268400 412649 9445853663 AE/O&M/R I/SENDURAI 04329 290900 412670 9445853690
AE/O&M/PADALUR 04328 267301 412650 9445853664 AEE/O&M/R II/SENDURAI 04329 291300 412671 9445853691
AE/O&M/KOLAKKANATHAM 04328 291999 412651 9445853665 AEE/O&M/MATHUR 04329 291622 412672 9445853692
AE/O&M/LABBAIKUDIKADU 04328 245300 412652 9445853666 AEE/O&M/THUNGAPURAM 04329 295671 412673 9445853693
AE/O&M/CHINNARDAM 04328 293465 412653 9445853667 AE/O&M/S/JAYANKONDAM 04331 250499 412675 9445853695
AE/O&M/V.KALATHUR 04328 251496 412655 9445853668 AE/O&M/ T.PALUR 04331 243266 412676 9445853696
AE/O&M/N/KRISHNAPURAM 04328 291502 412657 9445853670 AE/O&M/ UDAYARPALAYAM 04331 245903 412767 9445853697
AE/O&M/R/KRISHNAPURAM 04328 293504 412658 9445853671 AE/O&M/ SUTHAMALLI 04331 294767 412678 9445853698
AE/O&M/ARUMBAVUR 04328 261940 412659 9445853672 AE/O&M/N/JAYANKONDAM 04331 251550 412679 9445853699
AE/O&M/ S/ANDIMADAM 04331 242244 412680 9445853700
AE/O&M/POOLAMPADY 04328 261941 412660 9445853673
AE/O&M/ N/ANDIMADAM 04331 242255 412681 9445853701
AE/O&M/KAIKALATHUR 04328 205595 412661 9445853674
AE/O&M/ MEESURITY 04331 244777 412682 9445853702
EE / O&M / ARIYALUR 04329 222110 412662 9445853675
AE/O&M/PERIYATHUKURICHY 04331 293944 412683 9445853703
AEE/O&M/T/ARIYALUR 9445853677
AE/O&M/PAPPAKUDY 04329 263233 412684 9445853704
AEE/O&M/SENDURAI 9445853678
AE/O&M/ THIRUMANUR 04329 244782 412686 9445853706
AE/O&M/ THIRUMALAPADY 04329 243639 412687 9445853707
AE/O&M/ KEELAPALUR 04329 247670 412688 9445853708
AE/O&M/ ELAKURICHY 04329 246440 412689 9445853709
AEE/CON./ARIYALUR 9445853682
EE/O/PERAMBALUR 04328 224365 412690 9445853396
AEE/CON. / JAYANKONDAM 9445853683 230 KV SS
AE/O&M/ T/ARIYALUR 04329 222007 412665 9445853685 AEE/Shift 9445854174
AE/O&M/ W/ARIYALUR 04329 222008 412666 9445853686 AEE/Shift 9445854175
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
43 44
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
MANGALAMEDU 110 KV SS 04328 293365 412654 9445853667 EE/O/Trichy 0431 2403723 412984 9443140368
0431 2403544 412995
ARIYALUR 110 KV SS 04329 228428 412663 9445853684
AEE/Lines/ Trichy 0431 2403544 412995 9445853402
KOOTHUR110 KV SS 04329 295595 412664 9445853687
AEE/Hotlines/Trichy 0431 2403544 412995 9445853408
EACHANKADU 110 KV SS 04329 295595 9445853692
AE/Hotlines 0431 2403544 412995 9445853409
JAYANKONDAM 110 KV SS 04331 250277 412674 9445853694
JE I Gr./110 KV Lines/Trichy 0431 2403544 412995 9445853410
SATHAMANGALAM 110 KV SS 04329 293300 412685 9445853705
JE I Gr./230 KV Lines/Trichy 0431 2403544 412995 9445853411
THELUR 33 KV SS UM 04329 249615 412669 9445853689
AEE/Shift 1 0431 2403544 412995 9445854155
SENDURAI 33 KV SS 04329 290900 412670 9445853690
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
45 46
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm
the called number
47 48
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/T1/NAGERCOIL 04652 231212 412168 9442591030 JE/D2/THUCKALAY 04651 250738 412187 9445854518
JE/T3/NAGERCOIL 04652 231212 412168 9442591050 JE/D/VELLICHANTHAI 04651 237944 412189 9445854519
JE/T5/NAGERCOIL 04652 235743 412170 9442591065 JE/D/THIKKANAMCODE 04651 254870 412190 9445854520
JE/FOC/NGL 04652 247484 412236 9442591023 AEE/D/ERANIEL 04651 223223 412191 9445854521
AE/D/EATHAMOZHI 04652 250152 412171 9445854500 JE/D/ERANIEL 04651 222205 412192 9445854522
AE/D/RAJAKKAMANGALAM 04652 252807 412172 9445854501 JE/D/COLACHEL 1 04651 226335 412193 9445854523
AEE/D/KOTTARAM 04652 270491 412173 9445854502 AE/D/COLACHEL 2 04651 226308 412194 9445854524
JE/D/KOTTARAM 04652 271391 412174 9445854503 JE/D/MANAVALAKURICHI 04651 239406 412195 9445854525
JE/D/KANYAKUMARI 04652 246291 412175 9445854504 JE/D/PARASERI 04651 230033 412196 9445854526
JE/D/MYLAUDY 04652 268291 412176 9445854505 AEE/D/KULASEKARAM 04651 278523 412197 9445854527
JE/D/SUCHINDRUM 04652 240250 412177 9445854506 JE/D/THIRUVATTAR 04651 275602 412198 9445854528
JE/D/THENGAMPUDUR 04652 288566 412178 9445854507 JE/D/R/KULASEKARAM 04651 277698 412199 9445854529
JE/D/KELAKRISHNANPUDUR 04652 288111 412179 9445854508 AE/D/U/KULASEKARAM 04651 278698 412200 9445854530
AEE/D/BHOOTHAPANDY 04652 282372 412180 9445854509 AEE/C & I /THUCKALAY _ 9445854516
JE/D/BHOOTHAPANDY 04652 283834 412181 9445854510 JE/C & I /THUCKALAY _ 9445854495
JE/D/ARALVAIMOZHI 04652 263456 412182 9445854511 JE/C & I /ERANIEL _ 9445854492
JE/D/THOVALAI 04652 262444 412183 9445854512 EE/D/KUZHITHURAI 04651 261306 412201 9445854531
JE/D/AZHAGIYAPANDIPURAM 04652 281811 412184 9445854513 AEE/D/KUZHITHURAI 04651 260227 412203 9445854533
AEE/C & I /NGL _ 9445854491 JE/D/MARTHANDAM 04651 271100 412202 9445854532
JE/C & I /U/NGL _ 9445854494 JE/D/KUZHITHURAI 04651 260227 412204 9445854535
AE/C & I /R/NGL _ 9445854499 AE/D/KALIYAKKAVILAI 04651 245100 412205 9445854536
EE/D/THUCKALAY 04651 250718 412185 9445854514 JE/D/ARUMANAI 04651 286097 412206 9445854537
AEE/D/THUCKALAY _ 9445854515 JE/D/PUTHANCHANTHAI 04651 264188 412207 9445854538
AE/D1/THUCKALAY 04651 250738 412187 9445854517 JE/D/KANNUMAMOODU 04651 238855 412208 9445854539
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/D/KALIYAL 04651 281281 412209 9445854540 JE/110/11 KV SS/ 04652 288499 412221 9445854552
AEE/D/PUTHUKADAI 04651 235199 412210 9445854541 THENGAMPUDUR
JE/D/PUTHUKADAI 04651 232606 412211 9445854542 JE/110/11 KV SS/KANYAKUMARI 04652 270391 412222 9445854553
AE/D/KILLIYOOR 04651 235096 412212 9445854543 JE/33/11 KV SS/ 04652 227650 412223 9442591065
JE/D/KARUNGAL 04651 267299 412213 9445854544
JE/33/11 KVSS/ 04652 289372 412224 9445854513
AE/D/NAMBOLY 04651 240699 412214 9445854545
AE/D/KOLLANCODE 04651 247199 412215 9445854546
JE/110/11 KV SS/S.R.PUDUR 04652 263652
JE/D/ERAVIPUDURKADAI 04651 275332 412216 9445854547
JE/110/11 KV SS/THUKALAY 04651 250022 412226 9445854557
AE/D/SURIYACODE 04651 206099 412217 9445854548
JE/110/11 KV SS/VEEYANOOR 04651 275075 412227 9445854558
JE/D/PALLIYADI 04651 267699 412218 9445854549
JE/110/11 KV SS/PECHIPARAI 04651 281298 412228 9445854559
AEE/C & I /KUZHITHURAI 04651 _ 9445854534
AE/C&I/KUZHITHURAI _ 9445854566 JE/110/11 KV SS/CEMPONVILAI 04651 227555 412229 9445854560
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(TVL) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/SUB/SURADAI 0462 2530966 412031 9445854421 AE/D/MELAPALAYAM 1 0462 2352409 412041 9487897044
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/SS/PALAYAPETTAI 0462 2330289 412046 9487897072 EE/D/VALLIOOR 04637 220234 412048 9445854357
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/D/KOTTAIKARUNKULAM 04637 286555 412064 9445854377 AEE/D/CHERANMAHADEVI 04634 261670 412082 9445854390
AE/D/THISAYANVILAY 04637 272924 412062 9487897193 AE/D/CHERANMADEVI 04634 261670 412082 9487897255
KALLIDAIKURICHY DIVISION 04634 254477 9445854387 AE/D/MUKKUDAL 04634 274900 412084 9487897265
EE/D/KALLIDAIKURICHI 04634 250434 412070 9445854379 AE/D/GOPALASAMUDRAPURAM 04634 279700 412083 9487897274
AEE/D/KALLIDAIKURICHI 04634 250233 412071 9445854380 EE/D/KADAYANALLUR 04633 240378 412087 9445854393
AE/C&I/KALLIDAIKURICHI 04634 251318 412072 9445854381 KADAYANALLUR
AE/D/KALLIDAIKURICHI 04634 250233 412071 9487897228 SUB DIVISION
AE/D/VEERAVANALLURU 04634 288122 412073 9487897247 AEE/D/KADAYANALLUR 04636 250800 412100 9445854394
JE/D/MANJOLAI 9445854383 AE/D/KADAYANALLUR 04633 244999 412090 9445854395
AEE/D/V.K.PURAM 04634 221666 412075 9445854384 AE/D/S/KADAYANALLUR 04633 244314 412091 9445854397
AE/D/V.K.PURAM 04634 221666 412075 9487897238
AE/D/NAINARANGAM 04633 267716 412093 9445854399
AE/D/AALARAURICHI 04634 283200 412077 9487897282
AE/D/SENDAMARAM 04636 245777 412094 9445854400
AE/D/PAPANASAM 04633 240378 412087 9445854386
AE/D/GOPALASANUPURAM 04633 244999 412090 9445854391
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
MANAGER(COMPUTER) 0461 2324508 412353 9445854731 AEE/D/R/ TUTICORIN 0461 2312541 9445854762
STORES OFFICER 0461 2340202 412355 9445854740 JE/D/KULATHUR 04638 227267 9445854763
EE/URBAN/ TUTICORIN 0461 2326651 412358 9445854741 JE/D/PUDUKOTTAI 0461 2271536 9445854764
AEE/U/ N/TUTICORIN 0461 2345751 412359 9445854742 AE/D/VALLANADU 04630 261150 9445854765
JE/U/N/ TUTICORIN 0461 2320863 412360 9445854743 JE/D/SAWYERPURAM 04630 273306 9445854766
JE/D/PALAYAKAYAL 04630 275330 412383 9445854767
JE/RL/N/ TUTICORIN 0461 2346585 412361 9445854744
AEE/D/VILATHIKULAM 04638 233532 412385 9445854768
AE/U/E/ TUTICORIN 0461 2321651 412362 9445854745
AE/D/VILATHIKULAM 04638 233532 412386 9445854769
AE/U/KEELUR/ TUTICORIN 0461 2346585 412363 9445854746
JE/D/NAGALAPURAM 04638 242227 412387 9445854770
JE/U/C/TUTICORIN 0461 2327051 412364 9445854747
AEE/U/ SOUTH/TUTICORIN 0461 2321301 412365 9445854748
JE/D/PUTHUR 04638 252361 412389 9445854772
JE/U/WEST/ TUTICORIN 0461 2321301 412366 9445854749
AE/D/SOORANGUDI 04638 262340 412390 9445854773
AEE/D/SRIVAIKUNTAM 04630 255255 412391 9445854774
AE/URBAN/S /TUTICORIN 0461 2390901 412368 9445854751
AE/T/SRIVAIKUNDAM 04630 255255 412392 9445854840
JE/N/ MUTHIAHPURAM 0461 2355111 412369 9445854752
JE/R/SRIVAIKUNTAM 04630 255255 412392 9445854775
JE/S/ MUTHIAHPURAM 0461 2355214 9445854753
AE/ D/ERAL 04630 270007 412393 9445854776
AEE/D/ OTTAPIDARAM 0461 2366237 412371 9445854754
JE/D/SEIDUNGANALLUR 04630 262317 412394 9445854330
AE/D/ OTTAPIDARAM 0461 2366237 9445854755
JE/C&I/R/TUTICORIN 9445854778
AE/D/PUTHIAM-PUTHUR 0461 2361573 9445854756
EE/D/KOVILPATTI 04632 220298 412396 9445854779
AE/D/PULIAMPATTI 0461 2373253 9445854757 AEE/U/ KOVILPATTI 04632 221298 412397 9445854780
JE/D/OTTANATHAM 0461 2268223 9445854758 JE/T/EAST/KOVILPATTI 04632 221333 412398 9445854785
AEE/C&I/TUTICORIN 0461 2345751 9445854759 JE/T/WEST/KOVILPATTI 04632 221333 412399 9445854784
AE/C&I/SIPCOT/ TUTICORIN 9445854760 JE/T/NORTH/KOVILPATTI 04632 221333 412400 9445854782
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/T/SOUTH/KOVILPATTI 04632 221333 412401 9445854783 AE/DISTN./KAYALPATINAM 04639 283202 412422 9445854810
AEE/D/R/KOVILPATTI 04632 221333 412402 9445854786 AEE/D/ SATHANKULAM 04639 266232 412423 9445854811
JE/ R/ KOVILPATTI 04632 221333 412411 9445854787 AE/U/SATHANKULAM 04639 266232 412424 9445854812
JE/DISTN./ KADALAIYOOR 04632 245371 412403 9445854789 AE/R/SATTANKULAM 04639 266232 412424 9445854716
JE/DISTN./ NALATINPUTHUR 04632 248671 412404 9445854790 JE/D/PALANIYAPPAPURAM 04639 274242 412425 9445854813
JE/D/ETTAYAPURAM 04632 271215 412405 9445854791 AEE/DISTN./NAZARETH 04639 277355 412426 9445854814
JE/D/ KALUGUMALAI 04632 251251 412451 9445854837 AE/DISTN./NAZARETH 04639 277485 412427 9445854815
AEE/DISTN./ KAYATHAR 04632 261200 412406 9445854792 JE/DISTN./MEIGNANAPURAM 04639 227828 412428 9445854816
AE/DISTN./ KAYATHAR 04632 261200 412407 9445854793 JE/DISTN./ALWARTHIRUNAGARI 04639 273285 412429 9445854817
AE/DISTN./ KADAMBUR 04632 246211 412408 9445854794 AEE/DISTN./ UDANGUDI 04639 250280 412430 9445854818
AE/D/EPPODUMVENDRAN 0461 2265224 412409 9445854795 AE/D/U /UDANGUDI 04639 250800 412432 9445854820
AEE/C&I/ KOVILPATTI 9445854797 JE/DISTN./ PADUKKAPATHU 04639 254560 9445854822
AE/C&I/ KOVILPATTI 9445854799 AE/DISTN./NADUVAKURUCHI 04639 253220 412435 9445854823
AE/C&I/ KAYATHAR 9445854798 AEE/C&I/ TIRIRUCHENDUR 9445854803
EE/D/TIRUCHENDUR 04639 242202 412414 9445854800 JE/C&I/SATTANKULAM 9445854824
AEE/D/TIRUCHENDUR 04639 242450 9445854801 AE/CIVIL/UDAGUDI 9445854819
JE/DIST./TIRUCENDUR 04639 242150 412415 9445854802 EE/MRT/TUTICORIN 0461 2322931 412354 9443129322
JE/DIST./KAYAMOZHI 04639 232686 412417 9445854805 AEE/MRT/TTN 9445854733
JE/DIST./PARAMANKURICHI 04639 232685 412418 9445854806 AE/MRT/TTN 9445854734
AEE/D/ ARUMUGANERI 04639 280204 412419 9445854807 AE/MRT-II 9445854735
AE/D/ARUMUGANERI 04639 283203 412443 9445854808 AEE/SPL. MAINT. 9445854736
JE/DIST./KURUMBUR 04639 235211 412421 9445854809 AE/SPL. MAINT. 9445854737
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
(TVL) T.D. - 3
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/Gl./VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854573 AE/CIVIL/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854586
245208 412239 245208 412239
AEE/PRO/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854574 AEE/CIVIL/RJPM 9445854587
245208 412239 AE/CIVIL/SVPR 9445854588
JE/PRO/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854575 EE/MRT/VDR 04562 245724 412247 9443165724
245208 412239
AEE/MRT/VDR 04562 246111 412248 9445854589
AEE/MM/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854576
245208 412239 AE/MRT/VDR 04562 246111 412248 9445854590
JE/MRT/VDR 04562 246111 412248 9445854591
AE/MM/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854577
245208 412239 AE/MRT/VDR 04562 246111 412248 9445854592
AE/MM/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854578 AEE/Spl./VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854593
245208 412239 245208 412239
CHD/MM/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854907 JE/SPL./VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854594
245208 412239 245208 412239
MANAGER (AE)IS 04562 245207 412244 9445854579 JE/SPL./VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854595
245208 412239
SENIOR MANAGER TTC/VDR 04562 280583 412245 9445857606
JE/SPL./VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854596
AE/TTC/VDR 04562 280583 412245 9445854714 245208 412239
AE/TTC/VDR 04562 280583 412245 9445854715 DFC/C.O/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854597
AEE/RGGVY/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854580 245208 412239
245208 412239 AO/REV./VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854598
AADO/C.O/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854581 245208 412239
245208 412239 AO/RIS/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854599
245208 412239
CSO/C.O/VDR 04562 245047 412246 9445854582
EE/O/ANPKM 04562 274024 9443106553
AEE/CIVIL/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854583
245208 412239 AEE/MTC./ANPKM 9445854898
JE/CIVIL/VDR 04562 245206 412238 9445854584 JE/MTC./ANPKM 9445854900
245208 412239 AEE/LINES/ANPKM 9445854899
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/SS/VIRUDHUNAGAR 04562 243112 412310 9445854684 JE/MUTHURAMALINGAPURAM 04566 283144 412330 9445854706
AE/R/S/VIRUDHUNAGAR 04562 281427 412311 9445854685 AE/THIRUCHILI 04566 282500 412331 9445854707
AE/D/MALLANKINAR 04566 288225 412312 9445854687 JE/PALAYAMPATTY 04566 227770 412333 9445854709
AE/D/PANDIAN NAGAR 04562 246206 412315 9445854689 AE/S/KARIAPATTY 04566 254246 412335 9445854711
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.
33 34
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether you get dial tone before dialing Be sure of the number to which you want to dial
35 36
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/Civil 04342 Ext-232 413846 9445855393
VELLORE - 632 006 PBX NOS. 0416 - 2243876 (413528)
2243878, 2243880 FAX NO 2245579 AE/Civil 04342 Ext-229 413846
CE/Distribution/Vellore 0416 2242969 413526 9445855111 AEE/Development 04342 Ext-223 413846 9445855394
413527 2042764(R)
EE/Electrical 0416 2243876 413528 9445855100 AE/Development 04342 Ext-228 413846 9445855585
AEE/General 04342 Ext-226 413846 9445855395
EE/Saftey & Computer Ext-308 413528 9445855200
AE/General 04342 Ext-231 413846 9445855584
EE/Civil Ext-311 413528 9445855300
EE/Civil (NI) Ext-311 413528 9445855400 AEE/MM 04342 Ext-225 413846 9445855396
Accounts Officer Ext-319 413528 9445855600 AE/MM 04342 Ext-231 413846 9445855397
A.D.M. Officer Ext-315 413528 9445854981 AEE/RGGVY 9445855398
AEE/(GI) (IC) Ext-306 413528 9445854982 Manger / Information systems 04342 230739 413849 9445855399
EA to CE Ext-303 413528 9445854983
AEE/PSC Yard / Penneswaramadam 04343 290836 413851 9445855401
AEE/MM Ext-309 413528 9445854984
AE/Civil / Penneswaramadam 04343 290836 413851
AE/Planing Ext-307 413528 9445854985
AE/Civil Ext-312 413528 9445854986 EE/MRT/ Dhrmapuri 04342 230737 413846 9445855583
AE/Computer 9445854987
RSO Ext-321 413528 9445854988 AEE/MRT/ Dhrmapuri Ext-255 413846 9445855402
Computer Center Internet Ext-325 413528 AE/ MRT / Dharmapuri Ext-255 413846 9445855403
230738, 230786 (413846, 413847, 413848) FAX NO : 044342 - AEE/MRT/ Hosur 04344 222668 413891 9445855405
230735 (413845)
AE/MRT / Hosur 04344 222668 413891 9445855406
SE/Dharmapuri EDC/ 04342 230735 413845 230736(R)
Dharmapuri 04342 230737 413846 9445855582 AEE/Spl. Maint./ Dharmapuri 04342 281993 413850 9445855407
Ext-222 AE/ Spl. Maint./ Dharmapuri 04342 281993 413850 9445855408
EE/General Ext-234 413846 9445854989 AE/ Spl. Maint./ Dharmapuri 04342 281993 413850 9445855409
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/Spl. Maint./ Dharmapuri 04342 281993 431850 9445855410 AE/O&M/ Pennagaram/ Town 04342 255554 413863 9445855432
EE/O&M/ Dharmapuri 04342 230764 413853 9445855411 AE/O&M/ Pennagaram/ Rural 04342 255554 413863 9445855433
AEE/O&M / R / Dharmapuri 04342 230764 413853 9445855412 Inspection Bungalow / Hogenakkal 04342 256460 413864
AE/O&M /Dharmapuri/Rural 04342 266188 413867 9445855413 AE/O&M/ Eriyur 04342 252040 413865 9445855434
AE/O&M/Indur 04342 242733 413868 9445855414 AE/O&M /Perumbalai 04342 251370 413866 9445855435
AE/O&M/Pulikarai 04342 235525 413869 9445855415 EE/O&M/ Krishnagiri 04343 230003 413871 9445855436
AE/O&M/ Krishnapuram 04342 243365 413870 9445855416 AEE/O&M /T/ Krishnagiri 04343 232557 413873 9445855437
AE/O&M/ Solaikottai 9445855417 AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ 04343 225577 413872 9445855438
AEE/ O&M/ Adhiyamankottai 04342 244220 413859 9445855418
AE/O&M/ Krishnagiri/ Town 04343 232557 413872 9445855439
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ 04342 244251 413858 9445855419
Adhiyamankottai AE/O&M/ Krishnagiri/ Oldpet 04343 238501 9445855440
AE/O&M/ Adhiyamankottai/ Rural 04342 244220 413859 9445855420 AE/O&M/ M.C.Pally 04343 241230 413875 9445855441
AE/O&M/ Nallampally 04342 244144 413860 9445855421 AEE/O&M / Rural / Krishnagiri 04343 232557 413873 9445855442
AE/O&M/ Lakkiampatty 04342 230763 413861 9445855422 AE/O&M / R / Krishnagiri 04343 232557 413873 9445855443
AE/O&M/ Palayampudur 9445855423 AE/O&M/ Veppanapally 04343 247628 413877 9445855445
AEE/O&M / Dharmapuri / Town 04342 260010 413855 9445855424 AE/O&M/ Shoolagiri/Town 04343 252244 413876 9445855446
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS / Dharmapuri 04342 260890 413854 9445855425 AE/O&M/ Shoolagiri/Rural 04343 252244 413876 9445855447
AE/O&M/ Dharmapuri/ East 04342 260010 413855 9445855426 AE/O&M/ Gurubarapalli 9445855448
AE/O&M/ Dharmapuri/ West 04342 260010 413855 9445855427 AEE/C&I/ Krishnagiri 04343 236230 413874 9445855449
AE/O&M/ Dharmapuri/ North 04342 260790 413856 9445855428 AE/O&M/ Krishnagiri/ 04343 232557 413873 9445855450
Industrial Estate
AE/O&M/ Dharmapuri/ Fort 04342 266010 413857 9445855429
Krishnagiri 33/11 KV SS 04343 236230 413874
AEE/O&M / Pennagaram 04342 255554 413863 9445855430
AE/O&M/ Alappatty 04343 246331 413878 9445855451
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ 04342 255663 413862 9445855431
Pennagaram AEE/O&M / Kaveripattinam 04343 250201 413879 9445855452
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/ Kaverippattinam/ Town 04343 250201 413879 9445855453 AE/Maint./110 KV SS/Zuzuvadi 04344 276993 413887 9445855478
AE/O&M/ Kaverippattinam/ North 04343 250110 413880 9445855454 AEE/O&M / Denkanikottai (I/c) 04347 235048 413890 9445855479
AE/O&M Kaverippattinam/ South 04343 250009 413881 9445855456 AE/O&M Denkanikottai/ North 04347 235048 413890 9445855480
AE/O&M/ Kuttigoundanoor 04343 257055 413882 9445855457 AE/O&M Denkanikottai/ 04347 235048 413890 9445855481
South (I/c)
EE/O&M/ Hosur 04344 222536 413883 9445855458
AE/O&M/ Kelamangalam 04347 232600 413896 9445855482
AEE/O&M / Town/ Hosur 04344 222693 413889 9445855459
AE/O&M/ Thally 04347 234322 413897 9445855483
AE/O&M/ Hosur/ Central 04344 222668 413891 9445855460
A.E. /O&M/ Anchetty (I/c) 9445855484
AE/O&M Hosur/ South 04344 222693 413889 9445855461
AEE/C&I / Hosur (I/c) 04344 222668 413891 9445855485
AE/O&M/ Mathigiri 04344 262600 413892 9445855462
AE/C&I / Hosur 04344 222668 413891 9445855486
AE/O&M Hosur/ West 04344 222668 413891 9445855463
AE/O&M/ Rural / Hosur 04344 222668 413891 9445855487
AE/Maint./110 KV SS / Kempatty 04344 233490 413884 9445855464
AE/O&M/ Bathalapalli 9445855488
AE/O&M/ Belagondapalli 9445855465
AE/O&M/ North / Hosur 9445855489
AE/O&M / Anthivadi 04344 265300 413893 9445855466
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ Sipcot 04344 260050 413886 9445855490
AE/O&M / Uddanapalli 9445855467
EE/O&M/ Palacode 04348 222099 413898 9445855491
AEE/O&M / Bagalur (I/c) 04344 254230 413885 9445855468
AEE/O&M / Karimangalam 04348 241970 413899 9445855492
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ Bagalur 04344 254230 413885 9445855469
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ 04348 241970 413899 9445855493
AE/O&M/ Town/ Bagalur 04344 255477 413894 9445855470
AE/O&M/ Rural/ Bagalur 04344 255477 413894 9445855471
AE/O&M/ Karimangalam/ Town 04348 241224 413900
AE/O&M/ Berigai 04346 201310 413895 9445855472
04348 241970 413899 9445855494
AEE/O&M / Sipcot 04344 260050 413886 9445855473
AE/O&M/ Karimangalam/ Rural 04348 242240 413904 9445855495
AE/O&M / Sipcot I 04344 260050 413886 9445855474
AE/O&M/ Matlampatty 04348 247550 413905 9445855496
AE/O&M / Sipcot II 04344 260050 413886 9445855475
AEE/ O&M / Palacode 04348 222358 413906 9445855497
AE/O&M / Sidco 04344 276993 413887 9445855476
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ 04348 222001 413901 9445855498
AE/O&M / Arasanatti 9445855477 Vellichandai
Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you) your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(VLR.) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/ Palacode/ Town 04348 222358 413906 9445855499 AE/O&M/ Santhur 04343 248440 413919 9445855524
AE/O&M Palacode/ Rural 04348 223925 413907 9445855501 EE/O&M/ Harur 04346 222082 413920 9445855525
AE/O&M/ Papparapatty/ Town 04348 245240 413903 9445855502 AEE/O&M/ Town/ Harur (I/c) 04346 222063 413921 9445855526
AE/O&M/ Papparapatty/ Rural 04348 245240 413904 9445855503 AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ Harur 04346 222063 413921 9445855527
AEE/ / O&M / Marandahalli (I/c) 04348 233347 413902 9445855504 AE/O&M/ Harur/Town 04346 223977 413925 9445855528
AE/O&M/ Marandahally/ Town 04348 233347 413902 9445855505 AE/O&M/ Harur/West 04346 223883 413926 9445855529
AE/O&M/ Marandahally/ Rural I 04348 233347 413902 9445855506 AE/O&M/ Hanumantheertham 04346 243490 413927 9445855530
AE/O&M/ Marandahally/ Rural I (I/c) 04348 233347 413902 9445855507 AEE/O&M/ Rural / Harur 04346 221616 413928 9445855531
AE/O&M/ Rayakkottai/ North 04348 232300 413908 9445855508 AE/O&M/ Harur/North 04346 221616 413928 9445855532
AE/O&M/ Rayakkottai/ South 04348 232300 413908 9445855509 AE/O&M/ Harur/ East 04346 221616 413928 9445855533
EE/O&M/ Pochampalli 04341 252245 413909 9445855510 AE/O&M/ Theerthamalai (I/c) 04346 253324 413922 9445855534
AEE/O&M / Bargur 04343 265554 413911 9445855511
AE/O&M/ Kottappatty 04346 258449 413929 9445855535
AE/O&M/ Bargur/ Town 04343 265554 413911 9445855512
AE/O&M/ Naripalli 9445855536
AE/O&M/ Bargur/ Rural 04343 265554 413911 9445855513
AEE/ C&I / Harur 04346 221883 413930 9445855537
AE/O&M/ Elathagiri 04343 268877 413913 9445855514
AE/O&M/ Harur/ South 04346 221883 413930 9445855538
AE/O&M/ Varattanapally 04343 268850 413914 9445855515
AE/O&M/ Gopinathampatty 04346 242244 413931 9445855539
AEE/O&M / Mathur 04341 256229 413910 9445855516
AEE/O&M / Uthangarai (I/c) 04341 220035 413924 9445855540
AE/O&M/ Mathur-I 04341 256229 413910 9445855517
AE/O&M/ Uthangarai-I 04341 220035 413924 9445855541
AE/O&M/ Mathur-II 04341 256229 413910 9445855518
AE/O&M/ Uthangarai-II 04341 220035 413924 9445855542
AE/O&M/ Jagadevi 04343 243666 413915 9445855519
AE/O&M/ Samalpatty 04341 245799 413932 9445855543
AEE/O&M/ Pochampally 04341 253073 413916 9445855520
AE/O&M/ Kallavi 04341 244868 413933 9445855544
AE/O&M/ Pochampally 04341 253073 413916 9445855521
AEE/O&M / Pappireddipatty (I/c) 04346 246448 413923 9445855545
Pochampalli 110 KV SS 04341 295295 413912
AE/O&M/ Pappireddipatty/ Town 04346 246448 413923 9445855546
AE/O&M/ Arasampatty 04341 254340 413917 9445855522
AE/O&M/ Pappireddipatty/ Rural 04346 246448 413923 9445855547
AE/O&M/ Nagarasampatty 04343 258321 413918 9445855523
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/ A. Pallipatty 04346 251101 413934 9445855548 AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS Hosur 04344 265628 413950 9445855569
EE/O&M/ Kadathur 04346 265480 413935 9445855549 AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS Hosur 04344 265628 413950 9445855570
AEE/O&M / Kadathur 04346 265327 413940 9445855550 AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS Hosur 04344 265628 413950 9445855571
AE/O&M/ Kadathur/ North 04346 265327 413940 9445855551 AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS Hosur 04344 265628 413950 9445855572
AE/O&M/ Kadathur/ East 04346 265327 413940 9445855552 AE/Lines / Hosur 04344 265628 413950 9445855573
AE/O&M/ Chindalpady 04346 254284 413941 9445855553 EE/O/ Karimangalam 04348 241899 9445855574
AE/Maint./ 110 KV SS/ 04346 254740 413936 9445855554 AEE/Maint. / Karimangalam (I/c) 04348 241899 9445855575
AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS 04348 241899 9445855576
AE/O&M/ Ramiyanahally (I/c) 04346 254623 413937 9445855556 Karimangalam
AEE/O&M / Bommidi 04346 244447 413938 9445855557 AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS 04348 241899 9445855577
AE/O&M/ Bommidi/ Town 04346 244447 413938 9445855558
AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS 04348 241899 9445855578
AE/O&M/ Bommidi/South 04346 244447 413938 9445855559
AE/O&M/ Bommidi/ North 04346 244447 413938 9445855560
AEE/Shift / 230 KV SS 04348 241899 9445855579
AE/O&M/ Bairnatham 04346 249222 413942 9445855561 Karimangalam (I/c)
AEE/O&M / Morappur 04346 263388 413943 9445855562 AEE/Lines / Karimangalam 04348 241899 9445855588
AE/O&M/ Morappur/Town 04346 263388 413943 9445855563 AE/ Lines / Karimangalam 04348 241899 9445855580
AE/O&M/ Doddampatty 04346 262338 413944 9445855564 AE/Lines / Karimangalam 04348 241899 9445854991
Doddampatty 33/11 KV SS 04346 262228 413939 DFC 04342 230737 413846 9445855581
AE/O&M/ Kambainallur -I 04346 267244 413945 9445855565 AEE/ APTS/ Dharmapuri 04342 232649 413852 9443332649
AE/O&M/ Kambainallur-II 04346 267206 413946 9445855566 AE/APTS/ Dharmapuri 04342 232649 413852 9443260795
EE/O/ Hosur 04344 265628 413947 9445855587 AE/APTS/ Dharmapuri (I/c) 04342 232649 413852 9443250799
AEE/Maint./ 230 KV SS Hosur 04344 291805 413948 9445855567 CSO / Dharmapuri 04342 281993 413850
AE/Maint./ 230 KV SS Hosur 04344 265628 413950 9445855568
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
OLIMOHAMDPET/ KANCHIPURAM. DSO I /CS 044 27277370 413672 9445855274
PBX : 044-27277432, 27277434 (413659, 413662) Ext-248
SE/KANCHIPURAM EDC/ 044 27277508 413657 9445855444 DSO II /CS 044 27277370 413672 9445855275
KANCHIPURAM Ext-200 413658 27238844 Ext-247
EE/GENERAL 044 27277800 413666 9445855255 EE/ O&M/NORTH/ KANCHI 044 27222733 413668 9445855355
Ext-202 DSO/NORTH/KANCHI 044 27277370 413672 9445855270
DFC 044 27277432 413659 9445855050 Ext-245
Ext-203 AEE/O&M/TOWN/ KANCHI 044 27222028 413706 9445855163
AEE/COMPUTER 044 27277434 413662 9445855154 JE/PILLAIYAR PALAYAM 044 27234200 413707 9445855228
JE/O&M/ ORIKKAI 044 27238600 413710 9445855231
AEE/PRO 044 27277432 413659 9445855156
JE/SIVA KANCHI 044 27222028 413706 9445855252
JE/VISHNU KANCHI 044 27222028 413706 9445855253
AEE/CIVIL Ext-208 413659 9445855160
JE/SANKARAMADAM 044 27222028 413706 9445855254
AEE/GENERAL Ext-206 413659 9445855158
AE / CONSTRUCTION 9445855204
AEE/MM Ext-207 413659 9445855159 KANCHIPURAM
AEE/RJIV GANDHI Ext-207 413659 9445855157 AEE/RURAL/ NORTH/KPM 044 27222733 413660 9445855164
SE/FOC 044 27277791 413665 AE/O&M/ NEERVALLUR 044 27248297 413711 9445855232
SE/FOC 044 27277751 413664 JE/ O&M/ PARANDUR 044 27284303 413712 9445855233
SE/FOC 044 27277761 413663 JE/RURAL/SOUTH/KPM 044 27222028 413706 9445855256
AAO/ADM Ext-209 413659 9445855180 JE/RURAL/WEST/KPM 044 27238330 413709 9445855257
AO/ RIS 9445855183 JE/RURAL/NORTH/KPM 044 27277432 413659 9445855258
AO/EXP. Ext-204 413659 9445855182
AEE/OPERATION 044 27238330 413709 9445855165
AE/ FOC Ext-255 413659 9445855184
JE/O&M/PALLUR 044 27294670 413713 9445855234
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE / O&M / SOUTH 044 27277399 413667 9445855455 AE/ TOWN II/ TIRUTTANI 044 27880012 413692 9445855208
AE/R/ NORTH/ TIRUTTANI 044 27880012 413692 9445855209
DSO/SOUTH/KANCHI 044 27277370 413672 9445855271
AEE/RURAL/ TIRUTTA NI 044 27660918 413716 9445855176
AE/O&M/POONIMANGODU 044 27892488 413695 9445855211
AEE/WALAJABAD 044 27256052 413675 9445855166
AE/KANNA KAMMA CHATRAM 044 27874521 413697 9445855212
JE / O&MWalajabad /RL 044 27257541 413686 9445855197
JE/RL/EAST/ TIRUTTANI 044 27880699 413694 9445855213
JE / O&M / Thirumukudal 044 27290848 413687 9445855198
AEE/AJ PET 9445855177
JE / O&M / Iyyampet 044 27253250 413688 9445855199
AE/O&M/Pallipet 044 27843726 413700 9445855223
JE / Cons. / Walajabad 044 27256052 413690 9445855202
AE/O&M/Podatturpet 044 27898102 413704 9445855224
AEE/R/ SOUTH/KPM 044 27277399 413667 9445855168
Ext-231 JE/RL/A.J.Pet 044 27878388 413699 9445855226
AE / O&M / Damal 044 27246310 413680 9445855192 AE/T/A.J.Pet 044 27878037 413701 9445855227
JE / O&M / BCC 044 27246490 413682 9445855193 AE/CONS./AJ PET - - 9445855221
AEE/CONS/ KANCHIPURAM 044 27222809 413689 9445855169 AEE/RK PET - - 9445855178
JE/CONS./ KANCHIPURAM 9445855201 JE/ERUMBI 04172 263555 413705 9445855217
AEE/UTHIRAMERUR 044 27273100 413691 9445855167 AE/R.K.PET 9445855218
JE/O&M/KALIYAMPOONDI 044 27273450 413683 9445855194 JE/V.PUDUR 044 27840210 413702 9445855219
JE / O&M / UTR / T 044 27273100 413684 9445855195 AE/AMMIYAR KUPPAM 9445855220
JE / O&M / Manamathi 044 27278600 413685 9445855196 AEE/CONS./TRT - - 9445855179
JE / Cons. / Uttramerur 044 27273100 413691 9445855203 JE/WEST/TIRUTTANI 9445855216
JE/R/UTHIRAMERUR 044 27273100 413691 9445855259 EE/O&M/ THIRUVALLUR 044 27660218 413670 9445854999
EE/O&M/ TIRUTTANI 044 27885312 413669 9445855590 DSO/THIRUVALLUR 044 27640258 413720 9445855272
DSO/TIRUTTANI 044 27885242 413693 9445855273 AAO/RB/THIRUVALLUR - - 9445855235
AEE/TOWN/ TIRUTTANI 044 27880012 413692 9445855175 AEE/North/Trl 044 27660918 413716 9445855170
AE/TOWN I/ TIRUTTANI 044 27880012 413692 9445855207 AE/O&M/POONDI 044 27664725 413714 9445855236
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in you conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
(VLR.) T.D. - 3
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/O&M/RL/Trl 044 27645599 413715 9445855237 JE/OUT DOOR-II 044 27222809 413689 9445855269
JE/O&M/Vengal 044 27626833 413717 9445855238 AE/MAINTENANCE
110 KV KANCHI SS 044 27222809 413689 9445855229
AEE/ EA/ THIRUVALLUR 044 27660218 413670 9445855171 110 KV ORIKKAI SS 044 27238330 413674 9445855230
JE/O&M/North/Tir 044 27666538 413718 9445855239 AE/MAINTENANCE
JE/O&M/ RAMANJERI 044 27674211 413727 9445855248 110 KV DAMAL SS 044 27290310 413673 9445855185
JE/WEST/THIRUVALLUR 044 27660918 413716 9445855260 AE/MAINTENANCE
33 KV MUSARAVKKAM SS 044 27246330 413681 9445855186
AEE/UTHUKOTTAI 044 27630258 413721 9445855172
JE/RURAL/UTHUKKOTTAI 044 27630258 413721 9445855261 33 KV WALAJABAD SS 044 27256052 413675 9445855187
JE/WEST/UTHUKKOTTAI 044 27630258 413721 9445855262 AE/MAINTENANCE
AEE/S/THIRUVALLUR 044 27660218 413670 9445855173 110 KV KALIYAMPOONDI SS 044 27293750 413676 9445855188
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Asst.Exe.Eng/Spl.I/c/TPT — — — 9445855282
110 KV PERIYAPALAYAM SS 044 27695827 413724 9445855245 Asst.Eng/MRT/TPT — — — 9445855283
Asst.Eng/Spl/TPT — — — 9445855284
33 KV BANDIKAVANOOR SS 044 27629037 413725 9445855246 JE/Spl/TPT — — — 9445855285
AE/MAINTENANCE EE/O&M/Tirupattur 04179 220198 413734 9445855286
110 KV THIRUVALLUR SS 044 27640258 413721 9445855249 AEE/Town/Tirupattur 04179 220013 413736 9445855287
AE/MAINTENANCE AE/O&M/Town-I 04179 220013 413736 9445855288
110 KV KAKKALUR SS 044 27660918 413716 9445855250 AE/O&M/Town-II 04179 220013 413736 9445855289
TIRUPATTUR ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CIRCLE / AE/O&M/N/Tirupattur 04179 229300 413737 9445855290
T.N.E.B. 2/4B, BALAMMAL COLONY / TIRUPATTUR - 635 601. AE/O&M/Kandhili 04179 248445 413738 9445855291
PBX : 04179 - 220222, FAX : 04179 - 220663 04179 248240 413739
SE / TIRUPATTUR EDC / 04179 225923 9445855500 AEE/S/Tirupattur 04179 229301 413740 9445855292
TIRUPATTUR 413728 220143(R)
220243 JE/O&M/Vengalapuram 04179 229301 413741 9445855293
220222 JE/O&M/Visamangalam 04179 249034 413742 9445855294
222934 JE/O&M/Perambut 04179 249023 413743 9445855295
229986 JE/O&M/ Singarapet 04341 242780 413744 9445855296
EE / General 04179 220222 9445855060 AEE/East /TPR 04179 220012 431745 9445855297
JE/SS/Tirupattur 04179 220012 413747 9445855298
EE/Civil /Tirupattur Ext-206 9445855070
AE/O&M/Madavalam 04179 229303 413749 9445855299
AEE/MM/Tirupattur Ext-205 9445855276
VAE/O&M/ Kurusilapet 04179 246305 413750 9445855301
AEE/DEV/Tirupattur Ext-208 9445855277
AE/O&M/ Mittur 04179 269532 413751 9445855302
AEE/Gen/Tirupattur Ext-204 9445855278
AEE / O&M/ West / TPR. 04179 229302 413752 9445855303
SO/C.Stores /Tirupattur 04179 221113 9445855279
JE / West / Tirupattur 04179 229302 413753 9445855304
DFC /RCS/Tirupattur 04179 220222 9445855080
Ext-410 JE / O&M / Koratty 04179 292490 413754 9445855305
AADM.O/Adm/Tirupattur Ext-306 9445855280 JE / O&M / Kunichi 04179 204350 413755 9445855306
EE/MRT/Tirupattur 04179 222834 413729 9445855090 JE/ Sundarampally 04179 244411 413756 9445855307
Ext-202 AEE/C&I/ TPR 04179 229302 413757 9445855308
Asst.Exe.Eng/MRT/TPT 04179 222834 413729 9445855281 AE / O&M / E /Pudupet 04179 247684 413758 9445855309
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE / W / Pudupet 04179 247683 413759 9445855310 AEE /U/Ambur 04174 242754 413787 9445855338
EE /O&M/ Vaniyambadi 04174 232627 413760 9445855311 JE/Town / Ambur 04174 242754 413788 9445855339
AEE/Urban / Vaniyambadi 04174 224339 413765 9445855312 JE / West / Ambur 04174 242754 413789 9445855340
AEE / SS / Vaniyambadi 04174 232149 413762 9445855313 AE / SS / Ambur 04174 242646 413790 9445855341
AEE / O&M / Alangayam 04174 265230 413772 9445855314 AE/Thuthipet 04174 241413 413791 9445855342
AEE /O&M /Natrampally 04179 242939 413774 9445855315 JE/Alinjikuppam 04174 242744 413792 9445855343
JE / Town / Vaniyambadi 04174 224339 413765 9445855316 AEE/O&M / Odugathur 04171 253533 413793 9445855344
AE / North/ Vaniyambadi 04174 229300 413737 9445855317 AE/O&M / E / Odugathur 04171 253398 413794 9445855345
JE / S / Vaniyambadi 04174 235514 413766 9445855318 AE/West / Odugathur 04171 253533 413795 9445855346
AE / Valayampet 04174 232231 413767 9445855319 JE/Veppankuppam 04171 253399 413796 9445855347
RAE/O&M/Kethandapatty 04174 267341 413768 9445855320 AEE/O&M/Vadakathipatty 04174 256790 413797 9445855348
AE / O&M / Udayendiram 04174 229736 413769 9445855321 AE / O&M / Pallikonda 04171 240316 413798 9445855349
AE/ Vadacherri 04174 266480 413770 9445855322 AE/O&M / Agaramcherri 04174 259390 413799 9445855350
JE/Perumapet 04174 234979 413771 9445855323 JE/Madanur 04174 256790 413800 9445855351
AE / Rural / Alangayam 04174 265230 413772 9445855324 JE/SS / Vadakathipatty 04174 256235 413801 9445855352
AE / Vellakuttai 04174 260586 413773 9445855325 AEE/vinnamangalam 04174 258584 413802 9445855353
AE / North / Natrampally 04179 242939 413774 9445855326 JE/vinnamangalam 04174 258584 413803 9445855354
JE / S / Natrampally 04179 242230 413775 9445855327 JE/Alankuppam 04174 258290 413804 9445855356
AE / O&M / Ambalur 04174 267947 413776 9445855328 AE/South / Ambur 04174 242115 413805 9445855357
JE / Jolarpet 04179 243444 413777 9445855329 JE/karumbur 04174 257790 413806 9445855358
JE / SS / Alangayam 04174 265230 413778 9445855330 EE/O/Vinnamangalam 04174 256790 413800 9445855359
AE/SS/Vaniyambadi 04174 232149 413779 9445855331 AEE/ Mtc./Vinnamangalam 04174 258430 413807 9445855360
EE/Pallikonda 04171 244238 413780 9445855589 AEE/Shift/vinnamangalam 04174 258430 413807 9445855361
AEE / Anaicut 0416 276596 413785 9445855334 AEE/Shift/Vinnamangalam 04174 258430 413807 9445855362
JE/T ./ Anaicut 0416 276596 413785 9445855335 AEE/Shift/Vinnamangalam 04174 258430 413807 9445855363
AE/R/Anaicut 0416 276597 413786 9445855336 AEE/SF6 /Vinnamangalam 04174 258430 413807 9445855364
JE/SS/Anaicut 0416 276233 413784 9445855337 JE/SF6 /Vinnamangalam 04174 258430 413807 9445855365
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/Mtc/Vinnamangalam 04174 258828 413808 9445855366 VELLORE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CIRCLE / T.N.E.B.
VELLORE - 6. FAX : 0416 - 245579 NICNET : 0416 - 242080
JE/Mtc/Vinnamangalam 04174 258220 413815 9445855367
SE/VELLORE EDC/ 0416 2243121 413529 9445855222
EE/O&M/Gudiyatham 04171 220588 413816 9445855368 VELLORE Ext-344
AEE/U/Gudiyatham 04171 229000 413817 9445855369 2243122(R) 413530
AE/U/Gudiyatham 04171 229000 413818 9445855370 EE/GENERAL/VELLORE 0416 2243876 413532 9445855055
AE/U-ii/Gudiyatham 04171 220033 413819 9445855371
AEE/DEVELOPMENT/VELLORE Ext-336 413532 9445855026
JE/E/Gudiyatham 04171 229478 413820 9445855372
AEE/GENERAL/VELLORE Ext-334 413532 9445855027
JE/S/Gudiyatham 04171 229000 413821 9445855373
AEE/MM/VELLORE (I/C) Ext-335 413532 9445855028
JE/Melalathur 04171 229488 413822 9445855374
AEE/CIVIL/VELLORE Ext-372 413532 9445855029
AEE/O&M/Paravakkal 04171 255644 413823 9445855375
DFC/VELLORE Ext-388 413532 9445855040
JE/SS/Paravakkal 04171 255644 413824 9445855376
SENIOR MANAGER/TT Ext-348 413532 9445854994
AE/O&M/Nellorepet 04171 220033 413825 9445855377 & DC/ VELLORE
JE/Valathur 04171 241088 413826 9445855378
CSO/VELLORE 0416 2243881 413541 9445855031
JE/Melpatti 04171 232280 413832 9445855379 Ext-409
AEE/Peranamput 04171 232111 413828 9445855380 MANAGER/IS/VELLORE 0416 2240736 9445854993
JE/T/Pernamput 04171 232111 413829 9445855381
EE/O&M/VELLORE 0416 2242551 9445854996
JE/R/Pernamput 04171 232111 413830 9445855382 Ext-423
JE/S/Pernamput 04171 232111 413830 9445855383 EE/O&M/KATPADI 0416 2243819 413560 9445855016
JE/SS/Pernamput 04171 233033 413831 9445855384 Ext-434
JE/Nariyamput 04171 258444 413833 9445855385 EE/O&M/ARCOT 04172 235407 413579 9445855068
AE/SS/Chinnavarigam 04174 245410 413834 9445855386 EE/O&M/RANIPET 04172 272307 413600 9445855096
AE/O&M/Chinnavarigam 04174 245410 413835 9445855387 EE/O&M/SHOLINGHUR 04172 262552 413618 9445855118
AEE/O&M/Pakkam 04171 258430 413807 9445855388 EE/O&M/ARAKKONAM 04177 232280 413635 9445855135
JE/SS/Pakkam 04171 220332 413836 9445855389 AEE/RGGVY 0416 223876 413532 9445855083
JE/O&M/Pakkam 04171 229755 413837 9445855390 ASST. ADM. OFFICER 0416 238676 413532 9445855042
JE/O&M/Paratharami 04171 247033 413840 9445855391 AEE/URBAN-I/VELLORE 0416 2229050 413538 9445854997
JE/R/GOLLAPALLI 04171 248044 413841 9445855392 AEE/URBAN-II/VELLORE 0416 2229050 413553 9445854998
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/WEST/VELLORE 0416 229060 413540 9445855001 JE/KARNAMBUT 0416 2236268 413578 9445855061
AEE/SATHUMADURAI (I/C) 0416 2230234 413557 9445855041 AE/THIRUVALAM 0416 2236325 413575 9445855063
JE/CENTRE/VELLORE(I/C) 0416 2220351 413538 9445855003 JE/VADUGANTHANGAL 0416 2272245 413565 9445855058
JE/SALAVANPET 0416 2233676 413535 9445855004 JE/K.V.KUPPAM 04171 257022 413567 9445855025
JE/ARIYUR 0416 2270073 413542 9445855048 JE/LATHERI 0416 2238935 413566 9445855054
JE/KEELARASAMPET 04173 240568 413544 9445855049 JE/SENJI 0416 2238920 9445855059
JE/USOOR 0416 2271972 413543 9445855043 JE/PK.PURAM 04171 257122 413568 9445855056
JE/WEST/SATHUVACHARI 0416 2252588 413547 9445855007 JE/MITTOOR 0416 2915887 413577 9445855065
AE/WEST/SATHUVACHARI 0416 2252888 413547 9445855012 AE/MELPADI 04172 252224 413576 9445855064
JE/KAGITHAPATTARAI 0416 2224115 413545 9445855006 JE/EAST/GANDHINAGAR 0416 2295433 9445855022
JE/SANKARANPALYAM 0416 2260688 413548 9445855013 AE/WEST/GANDHINAGAR 0416 2241151 413562 9445855023
JE/BAGAYAM 0416 2261148 413549 9445855005 JE/WORKSHOP/VELLORE 0416 2243876 413528 9445855067
JE/WEST/VELLORE 0416 2233494 413554 9445855008 JE/CONSTN/KATPADI 0416 2244371 413564 9445855066
AE/SHENPAKKAM 0416 2292488 413552 9445855011
AEE/TOWN/ARCOT 04172 235713 413580 9445855069
JE/VIRINJIPURAM 0416 2272388 413555 9445855044
AEE/RURAL/ARCOT 04172 266951 9445855071
AE/THOTTAPALAYAM 0416 2229050 413553 9445855009
AEE/KALAVAI (I/C) 04172 242206 413595 9445855073
JE/SATHUMADURAI 0416 2230234 413557 9445855051
AEE/THIMIRI(I/C) 04172 258345 413592 9445855072
AE/KANIYAMPADI 0416 2230234 413557 9445855045
AEE/MAMBAKKAM 04182 244230 413597 9445855074
JE/FOC 0416 2210254 413550 9445855002
JE/TOWN/EAST/ARCOT 04172 235133 413585 9445855075
AE/KILLPALLIPET(I/C) 04173 241222 413559 9445855046
JE/WEST/ARCOT 04172 235713 413584 9445855076
AE/CONSTN/VELLORE 0416 2233676 413535
AE/VALAPANDAL 04182 244570 413599 9445855095
AEE/URBAN/GANDHINGAR 0416 2243876 413531 9445855017
JE/KATHIYAVADI 04172 266751 413588 9445855079
AEE/KARNAMBUT 0416 2236268 413563 9445855052
JE/PENNAGAR 04173 242138 413598 9445855094
AEE/VADUGANTHANGAL(I/C) 0416 2272245 413565 9445855053
AE/VISHRAM 04172 266251 413587 9445855078
AEE/CONSTN/KATAPDI 0416 2244371 413572 9445855018
AE/RATHANAGIRI 04172 267051 413590 9445855082
JE/DHARAPADAVEDU 0416 2244371 413572 9445855021
JE/K.VELUR 04173 242134 413596 9445855091
AE/URBAN/KATAPDI 0416 2295433 9445855019
JE/EAST/KALAVAI 04173 242242 413594 9445855089
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/EAST/THIMIRI 04172 258345 413592 9445855085 AEE/TOWN/SHOLINGHUR 04172 262600 413622 9445855119
JE/THIMIRI/WEST 04172 265160 413591 9445855084 AEE/KAVERIPAKKAM 04172 254409 —— 9445855121
JE/KAVANOOR 04172 259204 413589 9445855081 AEE/M.V.PURAM 04172 264244 413627 9445855120
JE/VILLAPAKKAM 04172 265167 413593 9445855086 AE/BANAVARAM 04172 249245 413629 9445855127
AE/TOWN/KALAVAI 04173 2242206 413595 9445855089 JE/TOWN/SHOLINGHUR 04172 249245 413629 9445855122
JE/COSTN/ARCOT 04172 235133 413585 9445855077 JE/RURAL/SHOLINGHUR 04172 260970 413623 9445855123
JE/MAMBAKKAM 04173 244230 413597 9445855092 AE/MV.PURAM 04172 264514 413620 9445855129
AEE/URBAN/RANIPET 04172 272277 413602 9445855097 JE/OCHERI 04172 254949 413632 9445855132
AEE/WALAJA 04172 232251 413613 9445855101 A.E/PONNAI 04172 257005 413625 9445855124
AEE/CIVIL/PSC YARD/SIPCOT 04172 246097 413607 9445855995 AE/TOWN/PANAPAKKAM 04172 257005 413625 9445855133
AEE/O&M/SIPCOT 04172 244387 413603 9445855098 JE/KODAIKKAL 04172 252300 413630 9445855128
AEE/CONSTN/RANIPET 04172 244387 413603 9445855099 JE/CONSTN/SHOLINGHUR 04172 260970 413624 9445855126
JE/URBAN/WALAJA 04172 232251 413614 9445855110 AE/RURAL/PANAPAKKAM 04177 252300 413631 9445855134
JE/RURAL/WALAJA 04172 232001 413615 9445854992 AE/KAVERIPAKKAM 04172 254409
JE/AMMOOR 04172 253335 413616 9444585511 AEE/TOWN/ARAKKONAM 04177 264587 413628 9445855136
JE/OZHUGUR 04172 200308 413617 9445855113 AEE/PALLUR(I/C) 04177 233333 413642 9445855138
JE/BHEL 04172 254899 413610 9445855108 AEE/SOUTH/ARAKONAM 04177 224568 413645 9445855137
JE/NAVALPUR 04172 272277 413602 9445855104 AEE/SALAI 04177 243513 413641 9445855139
JE/EAST/SIPCOT 04172 246097 413607 9445855105 AEE/THAKKOLAM(I/C) 04177 246238 413638 9445855140
JE/URBAN-I/RANIPET 04172 272266 413604 9445855102 JE/G.R.PET 04177 243388 413652 9445855151
JE/URBAN-II/RANIPET 04172 272266 413605 9445855103 JE/THAKKOLAM 04177 246186 413653 9445854976
JE/RU/N/ARAKKONAM 04177 238333 9445855142
JE/CHAKRAMALLUR 04172 256504 413612 9445855116
JE/NAGAVEDU 04177 245500 413646 9445855146
JE/CIVIL/PSCYARD/SIPCOT (I/C) 0416 2243876 413528 9445855117
AE/MINNAL 04177 242390 413650 9445855150
JE/SIDCO 04172 246097 413607 9445855107
JE/EAST/NEMILI 04177 247597 413655 9445855148
JE/WEST/SIPCOT 04172 246097 413608 9445855106
JE/TOWN/ARAKKONAM 04177 233333 413642 9445855141
JE/CONSTN/RANIPET 04172 227227 413602 9445855114
AE/R/EAST/ARAKKONAM 04177 226868 413644 9445855145
JE/RURAL/RANIPET 04172 272266 413604 9445855115 JE/KUMMINIPET 04177 293407 413651 9445855152
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/RURUAL/THAKKOLAM 04177 246186 413653 9445854977 PALLUR 110 KV SS 04177 248223 413640 9445854980
JE/ARUGILPADI 04177 293623 413654 9445854978 PUNNAI 33 KV SS 04177 247245 413648 9445855149
JE/WEST/NEMILI 04177 247658 413647 9445855147 RANIPET 33 KV SS 04172 270192 —— 9445855103
AE/PALLUR 04177 248223 9445854979 SALAI 110 KV SS 04177 243513 413649 9445855153
JE/SO/R/ARAKKONAM 04177 224568 413645 9445855146 SATHUMADURAI 110 KV SS 0416 2230234 413557 9445855015
EE/MRT/VELLORE 0416 2243876 413528 9445855030 SHOLINGHUR 110 KV SS 04172 262262 —— 9445855125
SATHUVACHARI 110 KV SS 9445855007
AEE/MRT/VELLORE 0416 Ext-362 413528 9445855032
SIPCOT 110 KV SS 04172 244387 413603 9445855109
AEE/SPL/MNT/VEDC/VELLORE 0416 Ext-371 413528 9445855033 THAKKOLAM 33 KV SS 04177 246238 413656 9445854976
JE/MRT/PROTECTION/VELLORE 0416 Ext-365 413528 9445855035 THIMIRI 110 KV SS 04172 258345 413592 9445855087
JE/MRT/METERING/VELLORE 0416 Ext-366 413528 9445855036 THIRUVALAM 230 KV SS 0416 2236231
JE/SPL MAINT./VELLORE 0416 Ext-371 413528 9445855037 VADUGANTHANGAL110 KV SS 0416 2272245 413569 9445855057
JE/SPL MAINT./OIL PLANT/ 0416 Ext-379 413528 9445855038 VELLORE 110 KV SS 0416 2290401 413556 9445855014
JE/SPL MAINT./ 0416 Ext-371 413528 9445855039
REPAIR BAY/VELLORE PUDUPADI 33 KV SS 04172 294144 9445855116
ARCOT 110 KV SS 9445855083
KATPADI 110 KV SS 0416 2248151 9445855024
SE/OPERATION/ 0416 2236305 413575 2236308(R)
KALAVAI 33 KV SS 04173 242242 413594 9445855089 THIRUVALAM 9445855333
KARNAMBUT 110 KV SS 0416 2236268 413563 9445855062
KATHIYAVADI 33 KV SS 04172 266751 413588 9445855079 EE/OPREATION/ 0416 2236296 —— 9445855010
KAVERIPAKKAM 110 KV SS 04177 254222 —— 9445855131 230KV SS/ THIRUVALAM
KILPALLIPATTU 110 KV SS 04173 241222 413559 9445855046 EE/OPREATION/ 04177 293365 —— 9445855020
M.V.PURAM 110 KV SS 04172 264244 413627 9445855130 230KV SS/ MOSUR
MAMBAKKAM 110 KV SS 04182 244230 413583 9445855093 THIRUVALAM 230 KV SS 0416 2236231 ——
MELPADI 33 KV SS 04172 252224 413576 9445855064 2236900 ——
MOSUR 110 KV SS 04177 232307 9445855144 MOSUR 230 KV SS 04177 230621 ——
MOSUR 230 KV SS 04177 293365 ——
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
1 2
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only. Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology
3 4
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/U/KULLANCHAVADI 04142 279091 413347 9445856015 AE/E/SETHIYATHOPE 04144 250428 413374 9445856057
JE/R/KULLANCHAVADI 04142 279024 413348 9445856016
AE/O&M/K.M.KOIL 9445856059
AE/O&M/LALPET 04144 269059 413375 9445856061
AE/R/N/KPDY 04142 258426 413352 9445856024
AE/R/SRIMUSHNAM 9445856031
AE/O&M/VENGADAMPETTAI 04142 213556 413353 9445856025
AE/C&I/SRIMUSHNAM 9445856040
AE/GANGAIKONDAN 04142 261231 413346 9445856012 JE/PALAYAMKOTTAI 04144 246201 413356 9445856032
JE/SS/KULLANCHAVADI 04142 279231 413349 9445856017 JE/M.T.KUPPAM 9445856058
AE/R/VADALUR 04142 299900 413345 9445856011 AE/SS/CDM 04144 222220 413368 9445856054
JE/C&I/KULLANCHAVADI 9445856026 AE/SOLATHARAM 04144 295236 413357 9445856034
JE/C&I/KURINJIPADY 04142 258243 413351 9445856027 AE/O&M/KANUR 04144 295233 413359 9445856033
State your name when placing a call. The game of “guess who this is” Make your call informative and short.
may not play well with a busy friend.
5 6
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/SS/SRIMUSHNAM 04144 245139 413355 9445856036 JE/I.E.R/PANRUTI 04142 242128 413327 9445856006
EE/O&M/PANRUTI 04142 242128 413327 9445855984 DIVISION
AEE/T/PANRUTI 04142 242028 413330 9445855985 EE/O&M/VRD 04143 239345 413376 9445856067
AE/O&M/KADAMPULIYUR 04142 249123 413332 9445855988 AE/N/VRD 04143 231971 413378 9445856075
AE/R/E/PANRUTI 04142 245656 413329 9445855987 JE/O&M/T/VRD 04143 238081 413377 9445856073
255656 413329 JE/I.E.R/VRD 9445856074
AEE/R/S/PANRUTI 9445855997
AE/SS/VRD 04143 238271 413379 9445856077
AE/R/S/PANRUTI 04142 242028 413330 9445855998 238900
AE/O&M/PUDUPETTAI 04142 245521 413338 9445856002 AE/O&M/ALADY 04143 240271 413380 9445856078
AE/A.C.PALAYAM 04142 240699 9445856001 AEE/R/VRD 9445856108
JE/THIRUVAMOOR 04142 215260 413339 9445856003 JE/R/E/VRD 9445856109
AE/V.P.NALLUR 04142 247668 413340 9445856005 AE/R/W/VRD 04143 204827 413398 9445856110
AEE/R/N/PANRUTI 04142 241222 413333 9445855992 AE/KAMMAPURAM 04143 267678 413399 9445856112
AE/R/N/PANRUTI 04142 241222 413333 9445855993 JE/O&M/NALLUR 04143 249564 413401 9445856114
AE/ORAIYUR 04142 248455 413334 9445855994 AE/O&M/CHITOOR 04143 207735 413400 9445856113
AE/SS/ORAIYUR 04142 215528 AE/O&M/U.MANGALAM 04142 213338 9445856115
AE/O&M/THIRUTHURAIYUR 04142 248255 413335 9445855995
AEE/O&M/PDM 04143 222222 413385 9445856085
AE/KANDRAKOTTAI 04142 248533 413336 9445855996
AE/SS/PDM 9445856086
JE/U/SS/PANRUTI 04142 246428 413331 9445855991
AE/U/PDM 9445856087
AE/O&M/MARUNGORE 9445855989
AE/K.V.KURICHI 04143 243572 413389 9445856092
JE/C&I/PANRUTI 9445856004
AE/KARMANGUDI 04143 243581 413390 9445856093
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Every time you make or receive a call, you are representing yourself or
the called number your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
(VPM) T.D. - 2 Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
7 8
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible. If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to
give the caller the option of waiting or being called back.
9 10
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently Check whether you get dial tone before dialing
11 12
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
SR. MANGR. 04175 232555 413511 9445856248 AE/DEV 04175 232362 413409 9445856233
INFORMATION SYS. 232361 413408
232363 413410
AE CIVIL/KANJI PSC YARD 04175 232362 413409 9445856223
232361 413408 AE/TT&DC 04175 233476 9445856234
232363 413410
AE/DEV 9445856235
DFC 04175 232362 413409
AE/LINES ARNI 04173 226917 413508
CSO 04175 232244 413520 226842 413506
AE/MRT 04175 232362 413409 9445856224 AE/LINES -T.MALAI 04175 237690 413509
232361 413408 235462 413507
232363 413410
AE/MAINT 230 KV SS 04175 237690 413509
AE/SPL. MAINT./ 04175 232362 413409 9445856225 235462 413507
AEE/SHIFT-2/TL 04175 237690 413509
AE/MRT 04175 232362 413410 9445856226 235462 413507
AEE/SHIFT/ARNI 04173 226917 413508
AE/MM 04175 232362 413409 9445856227 226842 413506
AE/SPL. MAINT./ 04175 232362 413409 9445856228 AEE/MRT/TL 04175 232362 413409 9445856236
THIRUVANNAMALAI AEE/GENERAL 04175 232362 413409 9445856237
AE/CIVIL 04175 232362 413409 9445856229
232361 413408 AEE/MAT./ MANAGEMENT 04175 232362 413409 9445856238
232363 413410 61,63 413408
AE/MRT 04175 232362 413409 9445856230
232361 413408 AEE/DEVELOPMENT 04175 232362 -do- 9445856239
232363 413410 61,63
AE/GEN 04175 232362 413409 9445856231 AEE/CIVIL 04175 232362 -do- 9445856240
232361 413408 61,63
232363 413410
AE/O&M/VELLERI 04173 291602 9445856126
AE/GEN 04175 232362 413409 9445856232
AE/O&M/PADAVEDU 04173 293827 9445856127
232361 413408
232363 413410
Be sure of the number to which you want to dial Check whether dial tons cuts-off after you dial the first digit
13 14
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Reveal your identity when the call is responded and then confirm Please be brief in your conversation, since the junction lines
the called number available are limited
(VPM) T.D. - 3
15 16
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/O&M/MAZHIYUR 04178 245210 413435 9445856183 JE/O&M/VEMBAKKAM 04182 247233 413475 9445856207
You may inform your customer / supplier / friend / relative of The correct way to answer a telephone call is “Hello”
alternative numbers
17 18
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/LINES ARNI 04173 226917 413508 AE/O&M/THACHAMPET 04175 248290 413442 9445856253
226842 413506
AE/MAINT./110 KV SS/ 04175 245533 413414 9445856254
AEE/PSC YARD/KANJI 04175 232362 413409 9445856242 MANGALAM
61,63 413408
AE/R/S/ THIRUVANNAMALAI 04175 232393 413418 9445856255
AEE/SHIFT/ARNI 04173 226917 413508 AE/MAINT./110 KV SS 04175 244231 413416 9445856256
226842 413506 VETTAVALAM
AEE/SHIFT/230 KV SS /T.MALAI 04175 237690 413509 AE/O&M/AVOOR 04175 244309 413443 9445856257
235462 413507 AE/O&M/MAEKKALUR 04175 242003 413444 9445856258
AEE/MAINT./230 KV SS 04175 237690 413509 AE/O&M/KONALUR 04175 243358 413445 9445856259
TMALAI 235462 413507
AE/C&I -MANGALAM 04175 245533 413414 9445856260
AEE/SHIFT/230 KV SS /ARNI 04173 226917 413508
226842 413506 AEE/O&M/MANGALAM 04175 245533 413414 9445856261
AEE/SHIFT/230 KV SS /ARNI 04173 226917 413508 AEE/S/THIRUVANNAMALAI 04175 232373 413411 9445856262
226842 413506 AEE/O&M/VETTAVALAM 04175 244231 413416 9445856263
AEE/MAINT./230 KV SS ARNI 04173 226917 413508 JE/MAIN/RAJATHANGAL 04175 243334
226842 413506
AEE/KILPENNATHUR 04175 242228 413415 9445856264
JE/LINES/POLUR 04173 226917 413508
EE/E/THIRUVANNAMALAI 04175 232383 413419 9445856265
226842 413506
AEE/C&I /TIRUVANNAMALAI 04175 232383 413419 9445856266
JE/CIVIL/ARNI 04173 226917 413508 9445856245
226842 413506 JE/O&M/NOOKAMBADY 04175 291755 413446 9445856267
JE/TT&DC 04175 233476 413512 9445856246 JE/SOMASIPADY 04175 249373 413447 9445856268
JE/MAINT./230 KV SS/ARNI 04173 226917 413508 JE/S/KILPENNATHUR 04175 242228 413415 9445856269
226842 413506
JE/T/VETTAVALAM 04175 244231 413416 9445856270
AE/O&M/VERAIYUR 04175 245385 413440 9445856249
JE/VEDENTHAVADY 04175 245718 413448 9445856271
AE/O&M/MANGALAM 04175 245533 413414 9445856250
JE/RAJANTHANGAL 04175 243357 413449 9445856272
AE/N/KILPENNATHUR 04175 242228 413415 9445856251
AE/VADAMATHIMANGALAM 04181 244228 413461 9445856273
AE/O&M/MANSURABATH 04175 292933 413441 9445856252
AEE/KALASAPAKKAM 04181 241256 413423 9445856274
Give your name when the telephone call is answered before Think about the time when planning a call. Avoid calling (unless)
asking for the person your want to speak to. very emergent) at unusual times.
(VPM) T.D. - 4
19 20
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AEE/O&M/TOWN POLUR 04181 224332 413421 9445856275 AEE/O&M/THELLAR 04183 244038 413434 9445856299
AEE/ADHAMANGALAM 04181 242227 413422 9445856276 AEE/RL/VANDAVASI 04183 225012 413490 9445856300
AEE/O&M/R/POLUR 04181 224332 413422 9445856277 AEE/TOWN VANDAVASI 04183 225168 413484 9445856301
EE/O&M/POLUR 04181 222110 413462 9445856278 EE/O&M/VANDAVASI 04183 225062 413432 9445856302
AEE/C&I ,POLUR 04181 222110 413462 9445856279 AEE/C&I ,VANDAVASI 04183 225062 413432 9445856303
JE/O&M/TOWN POLUR 04181 224332 413421 9445856280 JE/O&M/NALLUR 04183 295760 413487 9445856304
JE/RL/NAIDUMANGALAM 04175 246223 413463 9445856281 JE/KILKODUNGALUR 04181 242012 413488 9445856305
JE/MANDAKOLATHUR 04173 247804 413464 9445856282 JE/SOUTH/VANDAVASI 04183 227162 413489 9445856306
JE/MAINT./110 KV SS/POLUR 04181 222055 413465 9445856283 JE/MAINT./110 KV SS/VANDAVASI 04183 225012 413490 9445856307
JE/O&M/ATHIMOOR 04181 292299 413466 9445856284 JE/O&M/PONNUR 04183 291122 413491 9445856308
JE/O&M/ANAIBOGI 04183 293399 413492 9445856309
JE/SSADHAMANGALAM 04181 242227 413422 9445856285
JE/O&M/DESUR 04183 247268 413493 9445856310
JE/SS/NAIDUMANGALAM 04175 246566 413467 9445856286
JE/O&M/VALLAM 04183 248225 413494 9445856311
JE//RL/NORTH/POLUR 04181 222055 413465 9445856287
JE/O&M/RL/THELLAR 04183 244038 413434 9445856312
JE/LADAVARAM 04181 291716 413468 9445856288
JE/O&M/MARUTHADU 04183 242112 413495 9445856313
JE/RL/EAST/POLUR 04181 222055 413465 9445856289
AE/S/THANDRAMPET 04188 24682 413420 9445856314
JE/RL/WEST/POLUR 04181 222055 413465 9445856290
AE/N/THANDRAMPET 04188 24682 413420 9445856315
JE/RL/ADHAMANAGALAM 04181 242408 413469 9445856291
AE/N/THIRUVANNAMALI 04175 232393 413418 9445856316
JE/VILVARANI 04181 246425 413470 9445856292
AE/ATHIYANDAL 04175 236864 413450 9445856317
AE/JAMUNAMARATHUR 04181 294176 413471 9445856293
AESHIFT/THANDRAMPET 04188 246842 413451
AE/KALASAPAKKAM 04181 241256 413423 9445856294
AE/HANDRAMPAT/ 04188 246842 413451 9445856318
AE/NORTH/VANDAVASI 04183 225168 413484 9445856295 THIRUVANNAMALAI
AE/TOWN/THELLAR 04183 244038 413434 9445856296 AE/SS/THANIPADI 04188 247241 413452 9445856319
AE/OSSUR 04183 243113 413485 9445856297 AE/SHIFT/THANDRAMPET 04182 246842 413451
AE/O&M/PURASAI 04182 241350 413486 9445856298 AE/SHIFT/THANDRAMPET 04182 246842 413451
Extend basic courtesy while on telephone as if you are in person. Avoid dialing too quickly or in inadequate lighting, which may
result in “Wrong Number”.
21 22
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
Never hang up on “Wrong number” Express your apology Speak the words clearly and precisely to avoid embarrassment of
asking to repeat.
23 24
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/ T/ SANKARAPURAM 04151 235317 413125 9445855726 JE/IST GRADE/RATHAPURAM 0413 2688410 413146 9445855747
JE/ O&M/ ALATHUR 04151 230300 9445855727 JE/IST GRADE/O&M/ 0413 2674319 413147 94458557748
JE/ARASAMPATTU 04151 245300 413126 9445855728 AE/SS/MADURAPAKKAM 0413 2688488 413148 9445855749
SS/ SANKARAPURAM (I/C) 04151 235217 413122 9445855729 AEE/TOWN/VILLUPURAM 04146 240189 413149 9445855750
JE/ O&M/ ARIYALUR 04151 239500 413128 9445855730 AE/T-I/VILLUPURAM 04146 252192 413150 9445855751
AE/ O&M/ KADUVANUR 04151 263330 413129 9445855731 AE-II/VILLUPURAM 04146 222162 413151 9445855752
JE/VADAPONPARAPPI 04151 268300 413130 9445855732 JE/IST GRADE/T-III/VILLUPURAM 04146 242502 413152 9445855753
JE/SS/ ARIYALUR (I/C) 04151 239334 413135 9445855733 JE/IST GRADE/R/E/VILLUPURAM 04146 240788 413153 9445855754
AE/ O&M/ PANDALA 04151 254112 413131 9445855734 JE/IST GRADE/PILLUR 04146 291291 413154 9445855755
AE/ O&M/ PUDUPATTU 04151 246500 413132 9445855735 AEE/R/VILLUPURAM 04146 258941 413155 9445855756
JE/ O&M/ SERAPATTU 04151 241317 413133 9445855736 JE/IST GRADE/W/VILLUPURAM 04146 222922 413156 9445855758
AAO/ RB/ SANKARAPURAM 04151 235292 413136 9445855737 JE/IST GRADE/R/S/VILLUPURAM 04146 258941 413157 9445855708
EE/DISTN/VILLUPURAM 04146 240571 413137 9445855738 JE/IST GRADE/KEDAR 04146 237468 413158 9445855759
AEE/O&M/VIKRAVANDI 04146 263233 413138 9445855739 AE/KANAI 04146 234486 413159 9445855760
AE/O&M/VIKRAVANDI 04146 263233 413139 9445855740 JE/IST GRADE/KAPPUR 04146 234163 413160 9445855761
JE/IST GRADE/W/VIKRAVANDI 04146 253393 413140 9445855741 AEE/O&M/KANJANUR 04146 235206 413161 9445855762
JE-I/ MUNDIYAMPAKKAM 04146 232472 413141 9445855742 AE/110 KV SS/KANJANUR 04146 235254 413162 9445855763
JE-I/O&M/ 04146 233023 413142 9445855743 AE/POOTHAMEDU 04146 220930 413163 9445855764
AE/O&M/THUMBUR 04146 265317 413164 9445855765
JE-I/SS/ 04146 263254 413143 9445855744
AE/O&M/ANNIYUR 04145 291253 413165 9445855766
AE /O&M/NEMUR 04146 266207 413166 9445855767
AEE/MADURAPAKKAM 0413 2688488 413144 9445855745
JE-I/O&M/ 0413 2688411 413145 9445855746
CHITHALAMPATTU EE/O&M/KANDAMANGALAM 0413 2644565 413167 9445855769
JE/IST GRADE/MANDAGAPAT 0413 2698684 413169 9445855770
Your voice shall reflects your courtesy Let the Telephone ring a reasonable length of time only.
25 26
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/IST GRADE/PAKKAM 0413 2698394 413170 9445855771 JE/O&M/DEVANUR 04145 244318 413194 9445855794
JE IST GRADE/SORNAVOUR 04142 277594 413171 9445855772 AE/GUDUVAMPOONDI 04145 294129 413195 9445855795
JE IST GRADE/RAMPAKKAM 04142 277400 413172 9445855773 JE/O&M/ALAMPOONDI 04145 231610 413196 9445855796
JE IST GRADE/SS/SORANAVOR 04142 277400 413173 9445855774 AE/SATHYA MANGALAM 04145 231620 413197 9445855797
AEE/O&M/U/VALAVANUR 04146 260192 413175 9445855775 JE/THANDAVASAMUDHIRAM 04145 201810 413198 9445855798
JE IST GRADE/SS/VALAVANUR 04146 260492 413178 9445855776 JE/NALLAAN PILLAIPETRAL 04145 241220 413199 9445855799
JE IST GRADE/MOKSHAKULAM 04146 291496 413176 9445855698 JE/SITAMPOONDI 04145 201019 413200 9445855800
JE IST GRADE/V.AGARAM 04146 236499 413177 9445855778 JE/ANATHAPURAM 04145 232155 413201 9445855801
JE IST GRADE/KOLIYANOOR 04146 231206 9445855779 AE/O&M/MODAIUR 04145 235546 413202 9445855802
JE IST GRADE/S/ 0143 2677392 413180 9445855780 AE/O&M/VALLAM 04145 235554 413203 9445855803
AE/O&M/THAYANUR 04145 294600 413204 9445855804
JE IST GRADE/VANAVOOR 0413 2671289 413181 9445855781
AE/O&M/AVALURPET 04145 233224 413205 9445855805
JE IST GRADE/KOTTAKUPPAM 0413 2238966 413182 9445855782
JE/O&M/EYYIL 04145 291122 413206 9445855806
AE/SS/TIRUCHITRAMBALAM 0413 2677002 413183 9445855783
AE/O&M/EDAPET 04145 293309 9445855807
EE/O&M/GINGEE 04145 222671 413184 9445855784
EE/KALLAKURICHI 04151 222574 413207 9445855808
AEE/O&M/T/GINGEE 04145 224029 413185 9445855785
AEE/T/KALLAKURICHI 04151 222474 413208 9445855809
AEE/O&M/R/GINGEE 04145 222028 413186 9445855786
AEE/R/KALLAKURICHI 04151 222857 413209 9445855810
AEE/O&M/THAYANUR/SS 04145 293400 413187 9445855787
AEE/T/CHINNASALEM 04151 236264 413210 9445855811
AEE/R/CHINNASALEM 04151 236122 413211 9445855812
JE/CONS./GINGEE 9445855789
AE/T/KALLAKURICHI 04151 222474 413212 9445855813
AEE/CONS./GINGEE 9445855790
AE/O&M/MATHUR 04151 234200 413213 9445855814
AE/TOWN/GINGEE 04145 224029 413191 9445855791
JE/KACHIRAPALAYAM 04151 234200 413214 9445855815
JE/O&M/EACHUR 04145 201139 413192 9445855792
JE/EDUTHAVAINATHAM 04151 231117 413215 9445855816
AE/O&M/PENNAGAR 04145 291394 413193 9445855793
JE/SS/EDUTHAVAINATHAM 04151 231100 413216 9445855817
Avoid calling the person at closing time. State your name when placing a call. The game of :guess who this is”
may not play well with a busy friend.
27 28
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
JE/S/KALLAKURICHI 04151 220702 413217 9445855818 AE/BRAMMADESAM 04147 232258 413240 9445855841
AE/N/KALLAKURICHI 04151 227111 413218 9445855819 JE/O&M/JAGGAMPETTAI 04147 227158 413241 9445855842
JE/O&M/SADAYAMPATTU 04151 227444 413219 9445855820 AEE/EAST/TDM 04147 250058 413243 9445855843
JE/O&M/NAGALUR 04151 293285 413220 9445855821 JE/110 KV SS/TDML 04147 250058 413243 9445855844
JE/SS/NAGALUR 04151 293285 413221 9445855822 JE/O&M/KILIYANUR 04147 235085 413244 9445855845
AE/O&M/VIRUGAVOOR 04151 237688 413222 9445855823 AE/O&M/UPPUVELLORE 04147 248382 413245 9445855846
AE/110/22 KV/SS/ 04151 222857 413223 9445855824 AE/O&M/MURUKKERY 04147 236228 413246 9445855847
AE/O&M/MARAKKANAM 04147 239919 413247 9445855848
AE/T/CHINNASALEM 04151 258264 413224 9445855825
JE/O&M/ANUMANTHAI 04147 230777 413248 9445855849
AE/KALASAMUTHIRAM 04151 292202 413225 9445855826
AEE/WEST/TDM 04147 250058 413243 9445855850
AE/O&M/RAYAPPANUR 04151 292470 413226 9445855827
AE/O&M/DEEVANUR 04145 235457 413250 9445855851
JE/O&M/SIRUVATHUR 04151 292201 413227 9445855828
AE/VADASIRUVALUR 04145 208364 413251 9445855852
JE/SS/CHINNASALEM 04151 236264 413228 9445855829
AE/VELLIMEDUPETTAI 04145 238469 413252 9445855853
AE/R/CHINNASALEM 04151 236122 413229 9445855830
AE/O&M/KOLLAR 04147 291300 413253 9445855854
AE/O&M/THOTTIYAM 04151 290290 413230 9445855831
AE/O&M/SARAM 04147 238458 413254 9445855855
AE/MELANRIYAPPANUR 04151 292484 413231 9445855832
AEE/O&M/CHENDUR 9445855856
AE/NAINARPALAYAM 04151 251384 413232 9445855833
AE/110 KV SS/CHENDUR 04147 241221 413255 9445855857
AE/110/22 KV /SS/ 04151 292200 413233 9445855834
AE/O&M/CHENDUR 04147 241221 413255 9445855858
JE/PERIYATHACHUR 04146 230487 413256 9445855859
EE/O&M/TINDIVANAM 04147 250003 413234 9445855835
AE/O&M/VEEDUR 04146 269260 413257 9445855860
AEE/TOWN/TDM 04147 250018 413235 9445855836
AE/O&M/MAILAM 04147 241630 413258 9445855861
AE/TOWN I/TDM 04147 222158 413236 9445855837
JE/O&M/RETTANAI 04145 237467 413259 9445855862
AE/TOWN II/TDM 04147 227358 413237 9445855838
AE/O&M/V.PARANGANI 04147 233463 413260 9445855863
JE/O&M/MANUR 04147 251158 413238 9445855839
AEE/C&I/TINDIVANAM 04147 250058 413243 9445855864
JE/O&M/URAL 04147 223758 413239 9445855840
Make your call informative and short. Unnecessary holding of telephone or wasteful chat would not only
raise your bill but would cause damage to some one (or to even you)
29 30
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
EE/O&M/TIRUKOILUR 04153 252263 413278 9445855865 AE/MAIN/110 KV/ 04151 233231 413291 9445855886
AEE//WEST/TIRUKOILUR 04153 252301 413279 9445855866 THIYAGADURGAM
AEE/ARAKANDANALLUR 04153 224050 413284 9445855867 EE/O&M/ULUNDURPET 04149 222390 413263 9445855896
AEE/O&M/T/TIRUKOILUR 04153 252348 413279 9445855868 AEE/ULUNDURPET 04141 222360 413263 9445855897
AE/O&M/G.ARIYUR 04153 291826 413281 9445855872 JE/T/ULUNDURPET 04149 220460 413265 9445855901
JEI GR./SITHALINGAMADAM 04153 233500 413282 9445855873 AE/O&M/ASANUR 04149 209735 413266 9445855902
AE/THIRUPALAPANDAL 04153 252263 413278 9445855874 AE/O&M/SENGURICHI 04149 209706 413267 9445855903
AE/WEST/TIRUKOVILUR 04153 254301 413280 9445855875 JE/O&M/SENDANADU 04149 209722 413268 9445855904
JEI GR./ARAKANDANALLUR 04153 224050 413284 9445855877 AE/O&M/E.KOTTAI 04149 225555 413271 9445855906
AE/VEERAPONDY 04153 235186 413285 9445855878 AE/O&M/ERAIYUR 04149 209741 413270 9445855907
AE/KANDACHIPURAM 04153 231623 413287 9445855880 AE/T/T.V.NALLUR 04153 234500 413273 9445855909
AE/RISHIVANDIYAM 04151 243430 413288 9445855881 AE/R/T.V.NALLUR 04153 234500 413273 9445855910
JE I GR./T-1/THIYAGADURGAM 04151 233231 413291 9445855882 AE/RN/T.V.NALLUR 04153 234500 413273 9445855911
AE/110 KV/SS/THRUKOILUR 04153 252301 413289 9445855884 JE/O&M/ARASUR 04146 206668 9445855913
JE I GR./MAIN/110 KV/ 04153 203034 413290 9445855885 AE/O&M/ANATHUR 04149 226558 413275 9445855914
KARANAIPERICHANUR AE/O&M/MADAPATTU 04149 209711 413276 9445855915
Every time you make or receive a call, you are repressenting yourself Answer promptly on the first ring itself if possible.
or your Department. The impression you create will be a lasting one.
Make sure that you sound alert and you are at your best.
31 32
Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No. Name and Designation STD Office / Short Mobile No.
Extn. Code(#) (#4) Extn. Code(#) (#4)
AE/O&M/THIRUNAVALUR 04149 224400 413277 9445855916 AE/MTCE/230 KV SS/ VPM 04146 291409 413106 9445855687
AEE / LINES (I/C) / VPM 04146 222192 413103 9445855688
AE/SS/ULUNDURPET 04149 222360 413264 9445855917
AE / LINES - I / VPM 9445855689
AE/SS/PILLAIYARKUPPAM 04149 223250 413269 9445855918
JE / LINES - II / VPM 9445855690
AE/SS/ARASUR 04146 206668 413274 9445855919
EE / O / CUDDALORE 04142 223249 413108 9445855959
AE/SS/T.V.NALLUR 04153 234226 413272 9445855920 AEE / MTCE / 230 KV SS / CUD 04142 223131 413109 9445855692
EE / MRT / VILLUPURAM 04146 224620 413262 9445855887 AE / MTCE / 230 KV SS / CUD 9445855693
222192 413103
AEE / LINES / NLY 9445855694
AEE / MRT / VILLUPURAM 04146 222192 413103 9445855702
JE / LINES-I / NLY 04142 229435 413113 9445855695
AEE/SPL. MAINT./VPM. 04146 222192 413103 9445855889 JE / LINES-II / NLY 04142 228436 413114 9445855696
AE/ MRT / VILLUPURAM 04146 222192 413103 9445855890 AE / LINES / VRIDHACHALAM 9445855697
AE / MRT / VILLUPURAM 04146 222192 413103 9445855891 EE / OPERATION / TVM 04175 237690 413110 9445855969
AE / MRT / VILLUPURAM 04146 222192 413103 9445855892 AEE / MTCE (I/C)/ 04175 235462 413112 9445855699
AE /SPL. MAINT.-I/VPM 04146 222192 413103 9445855893
AE/MTCE/230 KV SS/ TVM 04175 235462 413112 9445855700
JE /SPL. MAINT.-II / VPM 04146 222192 413103 9445855894
AE / LINES / TVM 9445855701
AE/SPL. MAINT.-III / VPM 04146 222192 413103 9445855895
EE / O/ (I/C) / ARNI 04173 226917 413115 9445856161
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER / OPERATION CIRCLE / TNEB/ AEE / MTCE (I/C) / 04173 226842 413506 9445855703
AEE / MTCE / 230 KV SS / ARNI 04173 223917 413508 9445855704
SE / OPERATION / VPM 04146 220491 413098 9445855999 AEE / LINES (I/C) / ARNI 9445855705
EA / SE / O / VPM 04146 220312 413100 9445855683 JE / LINES / ARNI 9445855706
EE / O (I/C) / VPM 04146 222980 413101 9445855858 JE / LINES / POLUR 9445855707
AEE / 110 KV SS / VPM 04146 222192 413103 9445855684 SE / O / VPM (O) 04146 221153 413099
SE / O / VPM (R) 04146 220312 413100
AE / MTCE /110 KV SS VPM 04146 220774 413104 9445855685
AEE / MTCE / 230 KV SS / VPM 04146 223329 413105 9445855686
If you need to leave the line to get some information, it is courteous to Kindly handle the telephone instruments gently
give the cller the option of waiting or being called back.