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Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane: A Mini Review of Recent
Advances and Perspective of Chemical Looping Technology
Danis Fairuzov, Ilias Gerzeliev, Anton Maximov and Evgeny Naranov *

Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospect, 29,
119991 Moscow, Russia; (D.F.); (I.G.); (A.M.)
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Dehydrogenation processes play an important role in the petrochemical industry. High
selectivity towards olefins is usually hindered by numerous side reactions in a conventional crack-
ing/pyrolysis technology. Herein, we show recent studies devoted to selective ethylene production
via oxidative and non-oxidative reactions. This review summarizes the progress that has been
achieved with ethane conversion in terms of the process effectivity. Briefly, steam cracking, catalytic
dehydrogenation, oxidative dehydrogenation (with CO2 /O2 ), membrane technology, and chemical
looping are reviewed.

Keywords: ethylene; ethane; dehydrogenation; cracking; membrane technology; chemical looping

 1. Introduction
Citation: Fairuzov, D.; Gerzeliev, I.; Ethylene is one of the most critical intermediates in the petrochemical industry and
Maximov, A.; Naranov, E. Catalytic the global demand for this chemical is shown in Figure 1; it is currently produced through
Dehydrogenation of Ethane: A Mini the steam cracking of light hydrocarbon derivatives, mainly ethane and naphtha [1–3].
Review of Recent Advances and Ethylene complexes operate in 57 countries of the world. There are 215 ethylene producing
Perspective of Chemical Looping facilities operating in the world. The operators of these complexes are about 100 companies,
Technology. Catalysts 2021, 11, 833.
and the largest are ExxonMobil, SABIC, DowDuPont [4–6]. The world’s largest concentra-
tion of ethylene production capacity is located in the four main regions of North America,
Northeast Asia, Central Asia, and Western Europe. Moreover, the main production growth
will be observed only in North America and Northeast Asia. The main reason for the
Academic Editor: Vladimir Galvita
growth in ethylene production in Northeast Asia is the demand for ethylene processing
products in China (primarily polyethylene for packaging goods) [7–9]. The greatest devel-
Received: 31 May 2021
Accepted: 7 July 2021
opment of ethylene production in 2010–2020 observed in the Asia-Pacific countries and
Published: 9 July 2021
in the Middle East, where their own cheap raw materials are used, mainly gas [10]. The
ethylene pyrolysis capacity in these regions increased 2.1 and 5.3 times, respectively [11].
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
An important trend in the current decade was the increase in pyrolysis capacity in
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
North America, which in the period under review increased by almost 25%, which was the
published maps and institutional affil- result of the shale gas revolution in the United States [1,6]. The European olefin market
iations. is stagnating due to the loss of competitiveness of the naphtha-based products produced
by the regional enterprises and the presence of a large number of old plants. As a result,
this period saw the closure of a significant volume of production in Western Europe,
which was also associated with the deterioration of conditions for the petrochemical
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
business in the region due to higher taxes and tightening of environmental requirements
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
in European countries.
This article is an open access article
The expansion of pyrolysis capacities is cyclical: active development in 2000–2010 with
distributed under the terms and an average annual growth of more than 4% per year, in the first half of the current decade
conditions of the Creative Commons it was replaced by a small volume of new construction. Since 2018, a wave of creation
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// of new and expansion of existing pyrolysis units began. Currently, the construction of 116 new production facilities has been announced. If all projects are implemented, in the
4.0/). long term, until 2026, there will be an increase in the total world capacity of pyrolysis

Catalysts 2021, 11, 833.

Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 2 of 15

plants for ethylene by more than 41% to 260 million tons per year [12,13]. In the future, Iran
plans to increase pyrolysis capacity, the country has announced until 2023 the construction
of 17 new installations with a capacity of 10.9 million tons per year, capital investments
will amount to USD 6.69 billion. Plans are in place for nearly a third of all new ethylene
facilities to be built in China over the next ten years [11]. Until 2021 alone, the country
plans to build 29 production facilities with a total capacity of 14.5 million tons per year.
Capital expenditures should amount to USD 9.05 billion [10,14]. An important feature
of the upcoming development of the olefins market is the activation of the United States
of America (USA) in this area [15]. Providing pyrolysis plants with their own shale
feedstock has made ethylene production in the United States extremely profitable and
highly competitive in the world market [16]. Until 2027, it is planned to build 17 pyrolysis
plants in the USA with a total capacity of 19.9 million tons per year. Planned capital
expenditures should amount to USD 22.03 billion. In addition, ethylene facilities with a
total capacity of about 13 million tons per year are in the planning stage. According to
experts, there is not enough ethane in the United States to implement all these plans, as
a result of which, many projects will not be implemented or will be able to operate on
other raw materials, which will reduce their profitability [17]. There are projects for the
construction of pyrolysis plants even in South America and Africa: Venezuela and Bolivia
plan to build a joint production facility with a capacity of 1.4 million tons per year by 2023.
The investment is estimated at USD 1.06 billion. The construction of a plant with a capacity
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 15
of 1.7 million tons per year has been announced in Egypt with capital expenditures of USD
4.55 billion.

Figure Globalethylene
1.Global ethylenedemand
grow to
to almost
almost 200
200 megatons
megatons by
by 2026.

The there of
expansion have been quite
pyrolysis a lot of excellent
capacities reviews
is cyclical: activecovering the topic
development in of ethylene
production, they tend to focus on cracking processes, and in some cases, oxidative
with an average annual growth of more than 4% per year, in the first half of the current dehy-
drogenation [1–7]. This review aims to offer a perspective on various processes of selective
decade it was replaced by a small volume of new construction. Since 2018, a wave of cre-
ethylene production and the generalized design principles for the oxidative processes.
ation of new and expansion of existing pyrolysis units began. Currently, the construction
This review aims to summarize recent progress in ethylene production with the focus on
of 116 new production facilities has been announced. If all projects are implemented, in
novel approaches.
the long term, until 2026, there will be an increase in the total world capacity of pyrolysis
plants for Cracking
2. Steam ethylene by more than 41% to 260 million tons per year [12,13]. In the future,
Iran plans to increase pyrolysis capacity, the country has announced until 2023 the con-
Steam cracking process produces about >140 megatons of ethylene per year, converting
struction of 17 new installations with a capacity of 10.9 million tons per year, capital in-
ethane to ethylene through a single-pass yield of approximately 50% at high temperatures
vestments will amount to USD 6.69 billion. Plans are in place for nearly a third of all new
ethylene facilities to be built in China over the next ten years [11]. Until 2021 alone, the
country plans to build 29 production facilities with a total capacity of 14.5 million tons per
year. Capital expenditures should amount to USD 9.05 billion [10,14]. An important fea-
ture of the upcoming development of the olefins market is the activation of the United
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 3 of 15

(up to 1100 ◦ C) [2,18]. High ethylene yield is limited due to endothermic cracking reactions.
Since the cracking process is both energy and pollutant intensive and suffers from the coke
formation, it requires periodic shut down of cracker furnaces for coke burnout. Production
of 1 ton of ethylene requires 16 GJ of thermal energy and results in approximately 1.2 tons of
CO2 emissions. The steam cracking process is energy-intensive, consuming 40% of the total
energy in the chemical and petrochemical industry [6]. When ethane is used as the feed,
the steam cracking process is driven by the ethane cracking reaction. Because ethane steam
cracking produces a wide product distribution, a cryogenic distillation train is necessary
to obtain pure ethylene [19]. To obtain ethylene from ethane steam cracking requires
upstream separation to obtain the ethane feed and downstream separation for ethylene [2].
Ethylene can be produced from light hydrocarbons (CH4 , C2 H6 , and naphtha) through
the thermochemical routes and oxidative routes [5,6]. The thermochemical routes for
ethylene production include methane coupling and thermal cracking. These processes are
thermodynamically limited, although such limitations can be alleviated by increasing the
operating temperature, as the equilibrium constant for ethylene formation from methane is
only 0.272 at 1200 ◦ C and 1 atm. [6]. The overall enthalpy of the processes (∆H) can be of
critical importance for reactor design. Unlike the Gibbs energy values, the heat of reaction
is not a strong function of operating temperature (Table 1). That is why an endothermic
steam cracking process operated at lower temperatures that consumes low-grade heat or
an exothermic process carried out at relatively high temperatures that generates high-grade
heat would offer a better opportunity for efficiency improvements on the basis of ease in
heat integration and thermodynamic second law analysis [20].

Table 1. Reaction enthalpy of ethylene production by different processes at 600 (◦ C), kJ/mol.

Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Nonoxidative

Ethane Ethane with CO2 Dehydrogenation of Ethane
∆H −103 178 142

The development of the steam cracking process plant started a century ago and its
understanding has evolved from an empirical description to a detailed knowledge of its
fundamentals, in terms of chemical mechanism, kinetics, process requirements, design
methods, etc., Van Goethem et al. have given an overview of the various options for this
process [21]. The steam cracking technology has reached a stage of maturity in which
improvements in yield and product selectivity are becoming increasingly difficult due
to engineering restrictions. Typically, the ethylene yields are improved by raising the
cracking temperature and reducing residence time, in other words increasing the process
severity [22].

3. Catalytic Ethane Dehydrogenation

Formation of side products such as aromatics, light gaseous hydrocarbons is unavoid-
able when cracking/pyrolysis is used [1]. Fabrication of methane, light hydrocarbons
C2 –C4 , and aromatics during the process is especially sustainable at high temperatures.
This side process decreases the efficiency for ethylene production [14]. Catalytic conversion
of ethane to ethylene is expected as a solution to those problems. Non-oxidative catalytic
ethane dehydrogenation over oxide or supported-metal catalysts has been investigated
widely to achieve environmentally friendly ethylene production. Catalytic ethane dehy-
drogenation, denoted as EDH, enables ethylene production at lower temperatures than
those of pyrolysis of ethane. However, the reaction is endothermic [3]. That is why, in
this process, a high temperature and low pressure of ethane must be used and to achieve
higher ethane conversion. The catalysts should possess the ability of selective C–H bond
break. The side processes like hydrogenolysis and polymerization of ethylene to coke must
be avoided to achieve high selectivity towards ethylene. Table 2 summarizes the process
conditions and performances.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 4 of 15

The Pt, Pd containing systems are common catalysts for the selective dehydrogena-
tion of hydrocarbons. The ethane conversion over noble metal catalysts conducts at low
temperatures [23–25]. Two active sites are known for Pt-containing catalysts: octahedrally
substituted Pt located at terrace sites and coordinative unsaturated Pt such as step and edge
sites. Both active sites are responsible for the C–H bond dissociation. However, the unsat-
urated Pt could induce side processes such as hydrogenolysis of ethane and subsequent
polymerization to coke. Wu et al. showed that the selectivity towards ethylene was nearly
constant, indicating that EDH proceeds at the terrace sites [26]. The turn over frequency
increased with the increasing of Pt size, whereas in case for propane dehydrogenation,
TOF decreases with increased Pt particle size. Galvita et al. demonstrated the benefit from
co-feeding of H2 on catalytic stability, but selectivity towards ethylene decreases during
the process [27]. Among these metals, gold containing catalysts also exhibit the catalytic
activity for EDH [28]. It was shown that the catalyst Au-Si doped with Ti exhibited the
dehydrogenation activity with conversion of 16% and the selectivity towards ethylene 95%.
Due to high cost of those catalysts Ni-Ga alloys, which exhibited comparable catalytic
performance of EDH to noble metal catalysts, they were found to be good candidates to
replace expensive catalysts. Gallium oxide based on zeolites was used for the conversion of
light alkanes. This reaction was used in the Cyclar process developed by BP/UOP [29,30].
The other successful substitution of noble metal catalysts are chromium-containing materi-
als. Chromium oxide materials are known as high active catalysts of dehydrogenation of
light alkanes, moreover, they are used in the Catofin process (Mcdermott-Lummus) [31].
Lanthanum manganite (LaMnO3 ) perovskites are known for the activity in the oxida-
tion processes. Yang et al. showed EDH over perovskite LaMnO3 with Ni additives [32].
They found that the proportion of Mn4+ increases and that Ni nanoparticles are deposited
after reduction treatment with H2 . Thus, they proposed that ethane dehydrogenation
occurs on oxygen vacancies around Mn4+ and Ni nanoparticles. Sekine and co-workers
investigated EDH with the presence of water over Ba-doped LaMnO3 [33,34]. They demon-
strated that dehydrogenation is promoted in the presence of steam because the reaction
proceeds via the Mars–van Krevelen mechanism.

Table 2. Catalytic performance of EDH.

Catalyst Temperature (◦ C) Selectivity (%) Reference
Pt-Sn/MgO 600 3 100 [23]
Pt-In/SiO2 600 15 99 [24]
Au/SiO2 650 16 95 [28]
Ni-Ga/Al2 O3 600 10 94 [28]
Cr2 O3 /SiO2 650 19 98 [31]
Ga2 O3 /Al2 O3 650 28 93 [35]
Fe/ZSM-5 600 22 72 [36]

4. Oxidative Dehydrogenation in the Presence of Oxygen Gas

The oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) reaction takes place in the presence of oxygen
in the temperature range 300–700 ◦ C and atmospheric pressure using appropriate catalysts.
Typically, V, Mo and La containing catalysts are used in this process [37–41]. The reaction
occurs through the partial oxidation forming ethylene and water in the temperature range
of 400–700 ◦ C. The exothermic ODH reaction combined with lower operating temperature
requirements can result in energy savings by a quarter compared to a traditional steam
cracking process. In addition, the ODH process leads to a decrease in the number of
technological operations compared to the steam cracking process [42]. Table 3 summarizes
the process conditions and performances.
The reduction in the number of plant operations is due to the excellent selectivity
for ethylene (>98%) and CO2 , which can be removed using membranes [43]. Therefore,
additional expenses related to distillation equipment can be avoided. It should be noted that
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 5 of 15

the coke formation problem is resolved due to the oxidative atmosphere, also preventing the
reactivation steps. However, there are some unsolved problems that hinder the widespread
introduction of oxidative dehydrogenation [44]. For example, the ODH reaction requires
an inert atmosphere to keep the reaction mixture from entering the ignition conditions.
The process uses ethane, highly diluted with inert gases (for example, nitrogen, argon, or
helium) with a relatively low ethane partial pressure reducing the efficiency of the process.
A feasibility study shows that the use of inert gases not only increases the size of equipment,
thereby increasing capital costs, but also increases the risk of security threats [45].

Table 3. Catalytic performance of the different membrane-based ethane ODH.

Ethane Conversion Ethylene Selectivity

Membrane Type Temperature (◦ C) Reference
(wt.%) (%)
Ni-Mg 600 69 53 [46]
Ni-Nb 400 45 76 [40]
Carbon nanotubes 400 20 60 [47]
Ni-W-Ti 330 40 70 [48]
Mg-Dy-Li 600 20–90 60–95 [49]
Boron nitride 590 11 95 [44]
V-Mo-Al 580 20–40 40–80 [41]

5. Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane in the Presence of CO2

The ODH processes with the presence of gaseous oxygen cannot compete with the
traditional processes of pyrolysis and steam cracking because of the expensive apparatus
devoted to gaseous oxygen, which requires high tech reactors and a suitable diluent to
ensure operational safety [50]. The other approach is to replace oxygen with carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is an oxidizing agent that prevents the complete oxidation of ethylene due
to the lower oxidative ability compared to O2 . Unlike the steam used in cracking processes,
the use of CO2 in ODH of ethane can also be more attractive from both economic and
environmental points of view [51,52]. The advantage of ODH-CO2 is that it consumes the
by-product of ethane dehydrogenation—H2 through the reverse water-gas shift reaction.
This can shift the thermal equilibrium conditions for the dehydrogenation of ethane, which
leads to a higher conversion of ethane to ethylene [53]. Table 4 summarizes the process
conditions and performances. However, the ODH-CO2 process has a number of problems:
(1) CO2 must be separated from the gas streams; (2) CO2 conversion is generally low
(<50%), which leads to an increase in the cost of splitting the effluent stream; (3) Just like
steam cracking, the ODH-CO2 process is highly endothermic (Table 1). All this will lead to
increased operating costs.
Typically, the reaction of ODH using CO2 occurs in a temperature range of 550–850 ◦ C
and atmospheric pressure using appropriate catalysts [54,55]. Consequently, innovative
high activity catalysts are still under development. Since the ODH using CO2 is endother-
mic and ODH with O2 is highly exothermic, the heat exchange synergy of those two
processes can be used to reduce the limitations. This process could provide an effective
way to produce ethylene with low energy consumption [56].

Table 4. Catalytic performance of the different ODH-CO2 processes.

Ethane Conversion Ethylene Selectivity

Membrane Type Temperature (◦ C) Reference
(wt.%) (%)
Cr-Ce 700 55 96 [57]
Cr-Zr 700 65 87 [58]
Fe-Cr 650 54 93 [59]
Cr2 O3 650 27 87 [60]
Table 4. Catalytic performance of the different ODH-CO2 processes.

Membrane Ethylene
Temperature (°C) Conversion Reference
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 Type Selectivity (%) 6 of 15
Cr-Ce 700 55 96 [57]
Cr-Zr 700 65 87 [58]
Fe-Cr 650
Table 4. Cont. 54 93 [59]
Cr2O3 650 27 87 [60]
Ethane Conversion Ethylene Selectivity
Membrane Type Cr-Si(◦ C)
Temperature 650 62 81 [61]
(wt.%) (%)
Ga-Si 650 25 92 [62]
Cr-Si 650 62 81 [61]
Ga-Si-Ti 650 47 78 [63]
Ga-Si 650 25 92 [62]
Ga-Si-Ti Ga-Ti
650 700 47 38 78 57 [63][53]
Ga-Ti Co-Ba
700 650 38 48 57 92 [53][64]
Co-Ba 650
Co-Si 700 48 46 92 85 [64][65]
Co-Si 700
Mo2C 600 46 2 85 60 [65][66]
Mo2 C 600 2 60 [66]

6. The Membrane Oxidative Dehydrogenation Technology

6. The Membrane
Membrane Oxidative
ODH is able toDehydrogenation Technology
solve the air separation and process safety problems asso-
ciatedMembrane ODH is able
with the combined to solve
supply theand
of feed air Oseparation
2. Instead and
of a process safety problems
RedOx catalyst, a dense
associated with the
membrane mixedcombined supply of feed
ionic—electronic and O2 . Instead
conductivity (MIEC),of is aused.
RedOx MIECcatalyst, a dense
is integrated
with with mixed
the catalysts ionic—electronic
to allow conductivity
oxygen permeation (MIEC),
and air is used.
separation [67].MIEC is integrated
The efficiency of
carrying out the ODH process in a multitube membrane reactor is pretty high [68]. It of
with the catalysts to allow oxygen permeation and air separation [67]. The efficiency is
carrying out
assumed thatthe
inert process
membrane in atubes
multitube membrane
are filled reactorparticles,
with catalyst is pretty and
[68]. It is
assumed that the inert membrane tubes are filled with catalyst particles,
metered from the side of the housing through the membrane into the tubes, as shown in and oxygen is
Figure 2. from the side of the housing through the membrane into the tubes, as shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2. Scheme of a membrane reactor for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane.

Figure 2. Scheme of a membrane reactor for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane.
The configuration of such a reactor leads to a softer temperature profile, a decrease in
the partial pressure, which increases the selectivity to ethylene. Under certain operating
The configuration of such a reactor leads to a softer temperature profile, a decrease
conditions, an undesirable oxygen build-up phenomenon can occur within the catalyst
in the partialcan
bed, which pressure, which increases
be minimized the selectivity
by carefully to ethylene.
adjusting the Under certain operating
process conditions.
conditions, an undesirable oxygen build-up phenomenon can
The dense mixed ionic electronic conductor membrane divides the occur within the into
reactor catalyst
bed, which can be minimized by carefully adjusting the process conditions.
zones: a reaction zone and an oxygen-enriched zone. The driving force is the oxygen
partial dense mixed
pressure ionic
gradient electronic
across conductor
the membrane. Themembrane
applicationdivides the reactor
of a membrane into two
reactor has
zones: a reaction
the following zone and an
advantages: (1) oxygen-enriched zone.
air separation takes Theondriving
place site; (2)force
thereisisthe oxygen par-
a possibility of
tial pressure gradient across the membrane. The application of a membrane
increasing the yield and selectivity above the thermodynamic limits; (3) this method can bereactor has
efficientadvantages: (1)safe
and relatively air separation
to operate.takes place on site; (2) there is a possibility of
It should be noted that cyclic oxidation and membrane methods can be potentially
interesting, in addition to traditional catalytic approaches [69]. MIEC membranes showed
excellent permeability at elevated temperatures and with a high separation selectivity (up
to 100%). This technology is highly attractive in terms of selective ODH process due to the
fact that separation and reaction are integrated in the same unit. Table 5 summarizes the
process conditions and catalytic performances of membrane type technology.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 7 of 15

Table 5. Catalytic performance of the different membrane-based ethane ODH.

Ethane Conversion Ethylene Selectivity

Membrane Type Temperature (◦ C) Reference
(wt.%) (%)
Bi-Y-Sm 875 75 75 [70]
Pt-Al2 O3 600 46 96 [71]
Li-Mg-Sm 600 95 53 [72]
Ba-Sr-Co-Fe 850 90 65 [43]
Ba-Sr-Co-Fe-Pd 850 90 60 [69]
Ba-Co-Fe-Zr 850 83 25 [73]
Ba-Sr-Co-Fe 850 90 90 [74]
Ba-Fe-Mg-Ce-Gd 750 85 65 [75]

7. Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation

Conventional ODH of ethane requires oxygen gas, which can lead to increased process
costs (as air separation is required) and safety concerns (due to the simultaneous presence
of ethane and O2 ). To eliminate the potential problems associated with co-feeding feed-
stock and O2 , the ODH-cyclic oxidation method uses oxygen from the crystal lattice of a
metal oxide mediator, also known as a RedOx (reduction-oxidation) catalyst, to convert
ethane [4,5]. The catalyst carries oxygen from the regenerator to the reactor and aids in the
conversion of ethane to ethylene. There is no direct contact between the feedstock and the
gaseous oxidizer. The oxidizing agent in this process is the lattice oxygen contained in the
catalyst. The catalyst in the reactor interacts with the feedstock for the required reaction
time, after which it is reoxidized in the regenerator to restore the lattice oxygen content [76].
The technological solution to this problem is achieved through the implementation of the
process with the reaction of the oxidative conversion of ethane to ethylene and the regener-
ation of the catalyst in two separate apparatuses with separate feed of the feedstock and the
oxidant (Figure 3) [77,78]. This technique provides a technological development advantage
due to the continuity of the corresponding reactions in each individual apparatus, ease
of control and flexibility of the process, excluding the ingress of ballast nitrogen into the
reaction products. It should be noted that by-product hydrogen H2 limits the conversion of
ethane, whereas the selective oxidation of ethane occurs the formation of H2 O leading to
much higher single pass yield of ethylene. The increase in the yield of ethylene leads to a
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
lowered molar flow rate of non-condensable gaseous products from the reaction, which
makes it a much more energy efficient process [79].

Figure 3. Schematic of the chemical looping process.

Figure 3. Schematic of the chemical looping process.

In cyclic oxidation schemes, the redox catalyst is in a state of dynamic change be-
tween the ethane ODH and air regeneration stages, due to the concomitant consumption
and regeneration of crystal lattice oxygen. As a result, the catalytic properties of a redox
catalyst are also a function of time, as indicated by some studies on cyclic oxidation [80].
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 8 of 15

In cyclic oxidation schemes, the redox catalyst is in a state of dynamic change between
the ethane ODH and air regeneration stages, due to the concomitant consumption and
regeneration of crystal lattice oxygen. As a result, the catalytic properties of a redox catalyst
are also a function of time, as indicated by some studies on cyclic oxidation [80]. The
general trend is the following: surface oxygen weakly bound to the catalyst surface exhibits
lower selectivity, which leads to more COx formation at the beginning of the ODH stage,
and strongly bound oxygen and/or belonging to the crystal lattice is more selective, which
leads to an increase in selectivity, but decrease in conversion over time. Thus, in order to
achieve the best ethylene yield, the optimal residence time should be chosen in the ethane
ODH stage and in the air regeneration stage.
Chemical looping ODH (CL-ODH) of ethane process requires an oxidizing catalyst, an
oxidizing catalyst gives away its lattice oxygen under an air/oxygen flow. After that, the
reduced catalyst is exposed to an oxidizing flow renewing its lattice oxygen. If the catalysts
is synthesized properly, they can facilitate the high selectivity towards valued products
with minimal separation requirements. Those catalysts are typically porous materials with
high surface area in order to reduce diffusion limitations [81–85]. Catalyst particles usually
contain metal oxides with the following features: the presence of oxygen vacancies and
developed pore system. They have to possess long-term catalytic, mechanic, and thermal
stability, they also should have favorable thermodynamics, and last but not least, they
should have a low cost [4,6]. Oxygen carriers should be reducible in order to be able to
perform the RedOx process. The representative examples are Fe2 O3 and MoO3 [84,86].
These oxides are usually promoted by some additives in order to develop high surface
area and increase catalyst activity. An optimal oxygen carrier possesses a mobile lattice
oxygen atoms in order to accelerate the oxidizing reactions providing required kinetics.
There are several structures that fully meet these requirements: fluorite, perovskite, and
rocksalt [76,87–89]. Fluorite structures like cerium oxide have oxygen anion Frenkel defects.
It forms when oxygen leaves its place in the lattice, creating a vacancy, and becomes an
interstitial site. Therefore, it can form solid solutions with oxygen vacancies, providing
required activity in RedOx processes. The perovskite structure has a common formula
of ABO3 , where A is a lanthanide ion and/or alkaline earth metal, B is a transition metal
cation. Just like fluorite, a perovskite structure contains a high concentration of oxide
vacancies. Therefore, they exhibit high activity in the oxidation processes.
Transition metal oxide such as vanadium and molybdenum have been reported as
effective catalysts for ODH of ethane. For example, the catalyst type of MoO3 -Fe2 O3
showed high ethylene selectivity (57−62%) at 600 ◦ C [86]. Molybdenum and manganese-
containing materials possessed high-temperature stability, low cost, and of course high
effectiveness in the oxidative reaction of light hydrocarbons [90,91]. The manganese oxides
catalysts (MnOx) based on silica and MnO on MgO demonstrated low ethylene selectivity;
however, the promotion with sodium and sodium tungstate allowed to obtain effective
oxygen donation capacity, selectivity, and redox stability. Mixing manganese oxide along
with silica oxide allowed to obtain manganese silicate, which proved to be an effective
strategy to achieve significantly higher ethylene yields than either MnOx/SiO2 or thermal
cracking. Gong et al. developed the bifunctional molybdenum-vanadium mixed oxides
for highly effective oxidation of propane at relatively low temperatures (up to 500 ◦ C)
through the two-step chemical looping oxidative dehydrogenation approach [84]. The
yield of propylene using Mo−V−O oxides greatly exceeds that of previously reported
ODH catalysts [5]. The high conversion remained after 100 dehydrogenation−regeneration
cycles. The list of CL-ODH is summarized in Table 6.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 9 of 15

Table 6. Catalytic performance of the different CL-ODH.

Catalyst Type Temperature (◦ C) Conversion (wt.%) Selectivity (%) Reference

Mo-V/Al2 O3 500 36 89 [84]
Mg-Mn-O-Na 850 92 12 [91]
Mg-Mn-O-Na-P 850 87 51 [91]
Mg-Mn-O-Na-W 850 78 89 [91]
Mn-Si-O 850 81 57 [90]
Mn-Si-O-W 850 67 87 [90]
Fe-Mn-O 850 79 43 [92]
Fe-O 600 33 42 [86]
Mo-Fe-O 600 8 57 [86]
La-Sr-Fe-O-Na 700 60 86 [89]
Mn-Mg-O 850 85 18 [76]

A new approach similar to CL-ODH technology was proposed for oxidative dehydro-
genation of ethane, which implies carrying out the process in two separate apparatuses—a
reactor and a regenerator, between which a microspherical catalyst containing active lat-
tice oxygen is continuously circulating [5]. A close working technology design is the
catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil in a moving bed of a microspherical zeolite-containing
catalyst [6,46].
Experiments on the ODH of ethane with a circulating microspherical solid contact
were carried out in a pilot setup (Figure 4) with a total catalyst load of 2 L. The catalyst
had the form of a mixed oxide of composition Mo–V–O deposited in an amount of 10 wt.%
on the microspherical (average fraction 70 µm) γ-Al2 O3 . The setup includes a reactor unit
(dehydrogenation reactor), a regeneration unit (oxidation reactor), and a control unit. The
feed (ethane) enters the lower part of the dehydrogenation reactor 1, where it contacts
with the catalyst, which comes from the transport line 2 of the oxidation reactor. The
reaction products, together with the catalyst, enter the separator of the dehydrogenation
reactor 3, where they are separated, then into the dust separator 4, where the catalyst dust is
deposited and then escapes into the atmosphere. The reduced catalyst enters the transport
line 5, then is picked up by the nitrogen flow and rises through the pneumatic lifter 6 into
the oxidation reactor 7, where it is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. The oxidation of the
catalyst takes place in a fluidized bed, which is supported by a stream of air. Then, the
catalyst flows through the transport line 2 to the dehydrogenation reactor. The oxidation
products, containing mainly nitrogen, are separated from the catalyst in the separator of the
oxidation reactor 8 and, after cooling in the water cooler 9, go further into the atmosphere.
The preparation of Mo catalysts is characterized by simplicity and complete reproducibility
of their properties. The experiments were carried out at a temperature of 565–635 ◦ C,
the mass feed rate was 1.6–3.6 h−1 , the duration of each experiment was 240 min, the
regeneration temperature was 650 ◦ C, oxidizing agent: raw material mass ratio was 0.45.
Table 7 shows the comparative data on the composition of ethane conversion products
in industrial reactors of the EP-300 unit, autothermal ethane pyrolysis using air as an
oxidant, and oxidative conversion of ethane CL-ODH. The composition of initial ethane
fraction: methane—0.17 wt.%, ethane—99.83 wt.%. As can be seen from the presented
data, the ethylene selectivity for the developed technology significantly exceeds the level
of the thermal pyrolysis technology [18]. Our calculations showed that the specific capital
costs (ethylene productivity of 300 thousand tons/year) for the developed technology
for the oxidative conversion of ethane to ethylene with separate feed and an oxidizer
in comparison with thermal pyrolysis of ethane are 630 and 1035 USD/t of ethylene,
respectively. The separation of feed and oxidizer provides high energy efficiency—there
are practically no costs for heating raw materials and air; heat transfer is carried out by a
circulating microspherical catalyst-oxidant-heat carrier; the heat balance in the system is
provided by the energy released during exothermic reactions—oxidative dehydrogenation
of ethane in the reactor and oxidation of metals with oxygen.
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 15

Catalysts 2021, 11, 833

565–635 °C, the mass feed rate was 1.6–3.6 h−1, the duration of each experiment was10240
of 15
min, the regeneration temperature was 650 °C, oxidizing agent: raw material mass ratio
was 0.45.

Figure4.4.Schematic diagram
Schematic of a of
diagram pilot setupsetup
a pilot with awith
circulating oxygenoxygen
a circulating carrier carrier
for ODH forinODH
a contin-
in a
uous mode. mode.

Table light
Table 7. Selectivity towards 7 shows the comparative
products data on compared
of different technology the composition of ethane
to CL-ODH processconversion
(%). prod-
ucts in industrial reactors of the EP-300 unit, autothermal ethane pyrolysis using air as an
Product Pyrolysis
oxidant, andinoxidative
EP-300 Furnaces
conversion Autothermal PyrolysisThe composition
of ethane CL-ODH. CL-ODH
of initial ethane
CH4 fraction: methane—0.17
5.9 wt.%, ethane—99.83 5.5wt.%. As can be seen from the presented
C2 H2 data, the ethylene0.4 selectivity for the developed 0.2 technology significantly exceeds
0 the level
C2 H4 of the thermal 77.9
pyrolysis technology [18]. Our79.7 calculations showed that the89.2 specific capital
∑C3 H6 costs (ethylene2.9 productivity of 300 thousand4.3 tons/year) for the developed 0.2 technology for
∑C4 H8 4.4 0.5 0.1
C3 H4
the oxidative conversion
of ethane to ethylene 0
with separate feed and an oxidizer
in com-
C5+ parison with thermal
7.5 pyrolysis of ethane are 630
0 and 1035 USD/t of ethylene,0 respectively.
Cox The separation0.3 of feed and oxidizer provides9.8 high energy efficiency—there7.7 are practically
no costs for heating raw materials and air; heat transfer is carried out by a circulating
The high catalyst-oxidant-heat carrier; the
selectivity towards ethylene (upheat balance
to 90%) in the system
provides the low is consumption
provided by
of ethane per ethylene, making the process much more efficient compared toofpyrolysis
energy released during exothermic reactions—oxidative dehydrogenation ethane
reactor and oxidation of metals with oxygen.
By combining different reduction and oxidation reactions, we can envisage
a variety of chemical looping processes that yield clean and efficient power, fuels, and
Selectivity towards light products of different technology compared to CL-ODH process
8. New Trends in the Ethane Conversion Process
Product Pyrolysis in EP-300 Furnaces Autothermal Pyrolysis CL-ODH
CH4 is an alternative
5.9 approach using clean
5.5 solar energy to2.8
activate the
ethane molecule and CO2 under mild conditions [93]. As was mentioned earlier, one of the
C2H2 0.4 0.2 0
promising processes for producing ethylene, is the ODH of ethane in the presence of CO2 as
C2H4 77.9 79.7 89.2
a soft oxidant [50]. Since ODH with CO2 takes place at high temperatures, photo-oxidation
∑C3H6 2.9 4.3 0.2
of ethane with CO2 can be a possible way to improve the process [93–95]. Zhang and
∑C 4H 8 4.4 0.5
co-workers demonstrated that the Pd on TiO materials are prospective catalysts0.1 for the
photocatalytic ODH with CO2 at room temperature [94]. They showed that CO2 signifi-
cantly improved products, leading to the production rates of 230.5 and 282.6 µmol/g·cat·h
for C2 H4 and syngas, respectively. The studies in photocatalytic conversion of ethane are
Catalysts 2021, 11, 833 11 of 15

still in its preliminary stage and very few of them are focused on ethylene production. The
main reason is due to very low selectivity towards desired products.
In contrast to catalytic ODH, electrochemical methods have the potential to achieve
lower thermal energy requirement and higher efficiency [96–100]. For example, solid
RedOx membrane reactors have become a potentially attractive alternative due to the
ability to operate at elevated temperatures. The advantages include the selectivity towards
ethylene no longer depends on the thermodynamic equilibrium. Wang and co-workers
reported an oxygen fuel cell with Ba-Ce-Y-O as an electrolyte support and platinum as
both anode and cathode catalysts [96]. Two steps have been described: production of
hydrogen due to dehydrogenation of ethane at 650 ◦ C and direct conversion of ethane at
700 ◦ C. It was also mentioned that the hydrogen generated in this process was pure. A
34% ethane conversion with 96% ethylene selectivity was achieved in this Pt/BCY15/Pt
PEMR system at 700 ◦ C. Ding et al. reported a non-oxidative process to produce ethylene
and hydrogen [97]. The study showed a production of ethylene from ethane through via
electrochemical dehydrogenation process at 400 ◦ C using Ba-Zr-Ce-Y-Yb-O electrolyte,
Pr-Ba-Sr-Co-Fe-O anode, and Ni-Ba-Zr-Ce-Y-Yb cathode.
Given that the electrochemical system is more complicated than that of conventional
thermochemical processes, many problems are still unsolved. There is a limitation of
highly selective electrocatalysts due to the instability of materials in long-term processes.
Therefore, scale-up of the process with incorporation of electrocatalysts could bring new
problems in ethylene production.

9. Conclusions
Recent developments in technology for EDH and ODH have been described from
the perspective of catalysts activity and selectivity towards ethylene. The ODH and EDH
catalysts have been intensively investigated. It should be noted that each method offers
unique advantages facing challenges. Membrane- and chemical-looping ODH routes
possess the potential to enhance ethylene production due to their potential to integrate
multiple operations in a compact system. There has been a recent push in design of the
chemical looping technology. Chemical looping exemplifies the vanguard of materials
science and mechanical properties, kinetic study, and flow stability. Although great efforts
have been made in the development of oxygen carriers to optimize the ODH processes and
chemical looping process in particularly, the reported materials are still not satisfied in the
economic aspects. There should be more funding in the technological problems. With the
development of pilot-scale studies, including the one we described, there can be no doubt
that chemical looping technology has the potential to be commercially deployable in the
near future for the highly selective dehydrogenation of ethane.

Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation and investigation, D.F.; data curation,
I.G.; funding acquisition, A.M.; conceptualization, writing—review and editing, E.N. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was done as part of TIPS RAS State Plan.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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