SE Chapter 5 - Software Design
SE Chapter 5 - Software Design
SE Chapter 5 - Software Design
Chapter five
Software design
Chapter Five: Software Design
Software design is the transformation of the analysis model into
a system design model.
Software design includes:
the definition of design goals
the decomposition of the system into subsystems
the mapping of subsystem to hardware
the selection of a persistent data management
the selection of an access control policy
the selection of a global control flow mechanism
the handling of boundary conditions
An Overview of System Design
Analysis results in the requirements model described by the following
a set of nonfunctional requirements and constraints, such as
maximum response time, minimum throughput, reliability,
operating system platform, and so on
a use case model, describing the functionality of the system
from the actors’ point of view
an object model, describing the entities manipulated by the
a sequence diagram for each use case, showing the
sequence of interactions among objects participating in the
use case
The analysis model describes the system completely from the actors’
point of view and serves as the basis of communication between the
client and the developers.
The analysis model, however, does not contain information about the
internal structure of the system, its hardware configuration, or, more
generally, how the system should be realized. System design is the
first step in this direction.
System design results in the following products:
list of design goals, describing the qualities of the system that
developers should optimize
The design goals are derived from the nonfunctional
requirements. Design goals guide the decisions to be made by
the developers especially when trade-offs are needed.
The subsystem decomposition constitutes the bulk of system
Developers divide the system into manageable pieces to deal
with complexity: Each subsystem is assigned to a team and
realized independently.
In order for this to be possible, though, developers need to
address system-wide issues when decomposing the system.
In particular, they need to address the following issues:
Hardware/software mapping:
What is the hardware configuration of the system?
Which node is responsible for which functionality?
How is communication between nodes realized?
Which services are realized using existing software components?
How are these components encapsulated?
Off-the-shelf components enable developers to realize complex
services more economically.
User interface packages and database management systems are
prime examples of off-the-shelf components.
Components, however, should be encapsulated to minimize
dependencies on a particular component: A competing vendor may
come up with a better component.
Data management:
Which data need to be persistent?
Where should persistent data be stored?
How are they accessed?
The choice of control flow has an impact on the interfaces of subsystems.
If an event-driven control flow is selected, subsystems will provide event
handlers. If threads are selected, subsystems need to guarantee mutual
exclusion in critical sections.
Boundary conditions:
How is the system initialized?
How is it shut down?
How are exceptional cases detected and handled?
System initialization and shutdown often represent the larger part of the
complexity of a system, especially in a distributed environment.
Initialization, shutdown, and exception handling have an impact on the
interface of all subsystems.
System Design Concepts
A service is a set of related operations that share a common purpose.
During system design, we define the subsystems in terms of the services
they provide.
Later, during object design, we define the subsystem interface in terms of
the operations they provide.
Next, we look at two properties of subsystems: coupling and
Coupling measures the dependencies between two subsystems, whereas
coherence measures the dependencies among classes within a
Ideal subsystem decomposition should minimize coupling and maximize
Subsystems and Classes
In order to reduce the complexity of the application domain, we
identified smaller parts called classes and organized them into
Similarly, to reduce the complexity of the solution domain, we
decompose a system into simpler parts, called subsystems, which are
made of a number of solution domain classes. In the case of complex
subsystems, we recursively apply this principle and decompose a
subsystem into simpler subsystems.
Software Architecture
At a top level, architecture is a design of a system which gives a very
high level view of the parts of the system and how they are related to
form the whole system.That is, architecture partitions the system in
logical parts such that each part can be comprehended independently,
and then describes the system in terms of these parts and the
relationship between these parts.
In UML deployment diagrams, nodes are represented by boxes containing
component icons.
Dependencies between components are represented by dashed arrows.
The figure depicts an example of deployment diagram illustrating two
Web browsers accessing a Web server.
The Web server in turns accesses data from a database server.We can
see from the dependency graph that the Web browsers do not access
directly the database at any time.
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