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Consulting Report Template 03

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ABC Hotel Consulting Report

ENTR 3110 R50

Alan Wei Kang Liu; Bryan Lau; Mark Thomas;

Maxence Arignon; Sue He

Dr. Tony Williams

Executive Summary

ABC Company has several areas of improvement as identified using contemporary

organizational behaviour theories. Using qualitative and quantitative data provided by 11
members of the food and beverage team, we can see central issues and themes emerge.
The Banquet Event Order form (BEO) is a specific guideline that is required for setting up
events. We find that the current leadership team uses this tool to inflict power influence
triggers on staff, creating A and B team dynamics, trust issues, and perceptions of unfair
workload distribution.

We recommend that the management team be educated on select Organizational Behaviour

strategies and tools so they can implement change that will result in sustainable improvements
in their business. These tools are: systems mapping, MBTI Graphing, and the Team Score Card.
These are visual strategies which can have a slight overlap. These tools are consistent with
overall strategies to improve the effectiveness of ABC Hotel. With a strategic focus on
transparency, communication, and equality, this team will improve. The benefit of having
several strategies for organizational change is that this will generate as much pressure as
possible on the intervention point. That point of intervention is the BEO work order.

The leadership team should carefully design and publish each BEO work order, and provide
copies to employees who are working on complex tasks so they have a detailed guide to
follow. This will have an immediate impact on improving transparency, communication, and
equality where directing work can now be delegated and there is no question of fairness. It will
also remove elements of the A and B team dynamic.

With organizational change, there will be a period of time where employees will be mapping
new processes and with this will come adversity. The leadership team must anticipate
“blowback” from staff even when this little change is implemented. By not having a strategy to
channel these feelings, the employees may only validate their current feelings by drifting
further into an unproductive state and become even more hostile than ever.

Creating an environment of encouragement and increased productivity will take time. The
adoption of these changes will be faster and more quickly accepted if the leadership team
provides positive reinforcement. Words like: “good, good job, great work, fantastic”, are
necessary to trigger the release of dopamine associating their new actions and attitudes with:
something positive.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................2
Current Situation: Organizational Culture........................................................................................................4
Systems Diagram..................................................................................................................................................4
Team Fitness..........................................................................................................................................................8
Current Leadership Style........................................................................................................................................8
Leadership Freedom of Scale...........................................................................................................................8
Transformational Leadership...........................................................................................................................9
Vision Leadership.................................................................................................................................................9
Situational Leadership.....................................................................................................................................10
Emotional Intelligence.....................................................................................................................................10
Team Roles..........................................................................................................................................................10
Organizational Transform...................................................................................................................................10
Appendix A – Organizational Chart..................................................................................................................15
Appendix B – Survey Results..............................................................................................................................16
Current Situation: Organizational Culture
ABC is a well established hospitality hotel chain with several different work groups and complex
team dynamics. The workgroup that this report focuses on is the food and beverage
Department. This particular workgroup is responsible for setting up and taking down special
events. The task focus oriented nature of work can have critical consequences when
instructions are not followed exactly as the clients specify. These specifications are prepared by
the marketing department, customer, and food and beverage staff in what is called a Banquet
Event Order form (BEO). The BEO is effectively the work order and contains specifications for
each event.

At the start of each shift, the team comes together and has a 5 minute team meeting led by the
captain. Unfortunately, not all team members speak English, and some do not speak Chinese.
The dictation is given in English by a person whose ability to speak English is limited. Without
fail, members of the team leave the meeting without a clear vision of what the group is trying
to accomplish or what they are specifically responsible for. From survey results, only 1 member
of the team felt heard my management.

Based on some of the feedback collected, there is a considerable amount of distrust between
team members. According to the survey conducted, only 1 member of the team confided that
they trust other team members at work. The captain, who oversees each individual event, often
assigns difficult tasks to the same people each event and assigns less difficult tasks to others.
This creates the foundation of an A team, B team divide, and this is the source for a lot of
conflict. Even more importantly, the BEO is not shown to other members of the team and is
almost always kept secret by the captain.

This workgroup is also unionized, and hasn’t had representation for several years. Employees
feel powerless to stand up to their leaders, fearing retribution without protection. Survey
results reveal that 7 of 11 employees feel that their managers handle problems poorly. These
organizational culture issues will be addressed in this report, which will identify benefits
associated with effective BEO’s and consider how it can change this workgroup. Survey results
also indicate that 8 of the 11 survey respondents are willing to accept change and 3 are neutral
on the idea of change.

In any change project, the analysis is extremely important. To confirm that our focus should
be placed within the BEO, a variety of tools will be employed to verify our findings and
ultimately, guide our recommendations.

Systems Diagram
This report focus on a limited view of a systems diagram stemming from the BEO. The BEO is the
work order of requirements for a specific event. Currently, the direct team leader does not publish
this information. This secrecy of the BEO creates a dependency to the team leader.
Some individuals do not receive a fair workload as a result (perception of favouritism), though
all members of the team are capable of completing tasks equally. The unfair workload creates
high conflicts that lower employee moral resulting in lower commitment and a high employee
turnover. The reinforcing loop (RL) that is identified is based on: high conflicts; low employee
moral; low commitment; low empowerment; resulting in high employee turnover.

System Map:

Figure 1:


Using this condensed version of a systems diagram, it is apparent that the organization’s
central focus should be improvement of the BEO. Addressing this as the central point of
intervention, ABC Company will remove or reduce factors reinforcing the current RL in a
positive way. However, there are other variables that affect elements of the systems diagram.
Other elements that impact the systems diagram include: language barriers between different
staff, the union environment, and distrust.

According to McClaren and Morton, “an effective organization is a system that can accomplish
more or in different ways than any of the individual members of the organization operating on
their own.” (McClaren, Morton, 2003) An organization should work as a group, a team, and more
than that, a system that develops, evolves, readjusts, and regulates itself through any changes
from the past to the future. Based on the survey administered, the F&B department in ABC hotel,
like any other, is just a collection of people who work together. There may be some
extra-‐professional interactions here and there, but those interactions do not create any
positive results or connections. After defining variables and influences that exist in the
department into analysis, we have drawn this simplified “system” map of F&B department.

Figure 2:


Quality of BEO Daily meeting

Transparency Commitment
Fair Conflict

Workload Total working Employee’s

hours for satisfaction Empowerment

Training for new

employees Employee

Number of
Quality of Banquets

This map focuses on a systems approach to the work team . The BEO is intended to be the work
order of requirements for a specific event. Currently, the direct team leader does not elaborate
on or debrief about the BEO. This secrecy of the BEO creates a dependency to the banquet
captain and senior staff. Some individuals do not know exactly what to do next besides taking
orders from senior employees, which creates an unfair workload and a perception of
favouritism. Though all members of the team are capable of completing tasks equally, the
unfair workload inherently results in less training for new employees decreasing quality of
service, banquet event numbers, working hours for employees and then again resulting in
training. This reinforcing loop (RL) only worsens the situation of dissatisfaction among
employees. The other two inter-‐connected RL loops are: 1) reducing commitment to both
their jobs and their employer which raises conflicts among management and staff, which then
decreases employees’ satisfaction; 2) an increase employee turnover leads to a decrease in
overall employee morale and empowerment with a drop in the level of satisfaction, accordingly.

Since the relationships between system causes and effects are clear and obvious to all, the
strategic approach used for simple systems will be most effective to improve the current
situation. This strategy requires that leadership sense, categorize, and respond. Since it is
apparent that the beginning of negative effects is the BEO, it should be addressed as the central
point of intervention. The other two intervention points are union representation and the
language issues. The recommendations at the end of the report are designed specifically to
provide the most effective improvement in responding to those three intervention points.

The MBTI analysis is a graphical representation of a team’s dynamics and core
competencies. This graph takes into account many aspects of “modus opperandi” or the way
that this team does things.

This tool should be seen as a visual representation of what this team’s strengths are, and where
it needs improvement. The aim of this approach is to create a “whole brain team”. ABC
Company is currently weighted heavily towards a security and task focus. It is however, lacking
in people focus and satisfaction. These are major areas of concern if organizational objectives
are to be attained. One reason why the MBTI chart looks so weighted towards “Security”, is the
overuse of power triggers.

According to Leonard and Straus, the lower left quadrant is represented by descriptive words
such as: planner, organized, and administrative. Using the idea of the whole brain theory, ABC
Company is lacking in the upper right quadrant. Such skillsets and attributes that are lacking
are: artistic, imaginative, and holistic.
Team Fitness
Based on survey results, both qualitative and quantitative, we can see a Team fitness
Scorecard that has much room for improvement. For example, 9 of 11 team members believe
that team work is very important. However, all 11 surveyed say they do not feel that they are a
team. By quantifying these intangibles/measurables, we can more effectively plan and control
the organizational behaviour of ABC Company.

From the scorecard, it is evident that the relationship between Trust and Conflict create
somewhat of a trade-‐off. This particular workgroup has such a low level of trust that it would
be reasonable to think that even genuine attempts to improve employee commitment and
reduce unhealthy conflict will be challenging. Management must be diligent in anticipating this.
ABC Company has even made attempts to have a stronger voice in union relations; however,
the union representative position has been vacant for several years.

Here are some symptoms of trust issues that this team has vocalized:

• Favouritism – Staff believe that management favours some staff members

• Scheduling – Staff believe that management does not always follow seniority
• Secrecy – Captains are deliberately concealing the BEO to keep staff dependant
• Workload -‐ Perception that unfair workload is distributed unfairly

Using the Team Fitness rankings, we can once again observe that the central issue is the
BEO and the secrecy around it, which is consistent with the Systems Diagram.

Current Leadership Style

Leadership Freedom of Scale
According to William Onken’s Freedom Scale, only employees that are new hires or extremely
inexperienced should be placed in freedom levels one and two, where employees are
instructed to “wait until told” and “ask what to do”. However, in the case of the ABC Company,
employees are kept at these levels by the actions of the banquet captains. Level 1 and 2,
referred to as the “dungeon”, reinforces an A and B team dynamic. It also prevents
employees from self-‐actualizing and discourages professional growth.
Another major contributing factor in employees being kept at level one and two is language.
Many of the employees have a language barrier between the English and Chinese staff, which
systemically results in employees being on a one or two level, since instructions cannot be
communicated properly.

Transformational Leadership
According to transformational leadership concepts, the management at the ABC should strive
to care for its employees and inspire them by challenging them in a “do what’s right”
environment. Currently, the management is more focused on task oriented leadership, to an
extent that is damaging morale and preventing better results. Tipping the balance more
towards a “people first” attitude will ultimately increase employee commitment and produce
the desired result in this environment. Especially since the food and beverage department is
unionized, it is essential that people be motivated properly and job description be very precise,
to prevent grievances such as stress leave. Such issues can cripple the work team by
developing a “bare minimum” culture among staff with devastating consequences for results
and rebooking by clients.

Currently, the team is governed by fear and kept on a “need to know” basis, with favouritism
towards senior and Chinese staff by management. Employees fear negative repercussions for
whistle blowing and criticism, destroying the communication chain and widening the divide
between employees and management. The language barrier once again further divides the levels
of hierarchy by preventing managers from expressing what charisma they might have, which could
inspire employees to strive for their personal bests. Overall, the only employees being properly
cared for are senior staffs, who enjoy a leisurely and secure employment. Specifically, the banquet
captains and managers need to apply these concepts and increase transparency to reduce
resentment and transform and restore employee trust in the company.

Vision Leadership
For the ABC and the vast majority of businesses, it is essential that management have a vision
of the department and each event, clearly developed and communicated to staff to create a
group social identity. For the manager, a vision of how the department should be run and a
strong brand image as an attractive and pleasant venue would guide staff towards desired
results. For the captains, a clear vision of how each event and setup should be would result in
greater coherence between employees and facilitate the development and attainment of
common objectives. Currently, neither level of management has given the staff any details of
where the department should be heading and how each event should turn out. This leads to
the strong task focus, and strong pressures to complete tasks more quickly, since there is no
“big picture”. This reductionist thinking is largely responsible for most of the inequality in the
work team and the “dungeon” style leadership.
Situational Leadership
Once more, since most employees at the ABC are senior and very experienced, the directive
leadership style is frustrating staff members and inappropriate to their experience level.
Delegating should be used instead, in accordance with appropriate freedom scale levels, to
inspire employees to be autonomous and give their personal bests. Some coaching may be
necessary for junior staff, but directive leadership is wasting valuable management time in
an attempt to keep employees under “control” and maintain the favouritism culture.

Emotional Intelligence
Although EI is an important dimension to analyze in team dysfunctions, most employees seem to
be very aware of the department’s issues, as evidenced by their survey responses. There is also a
strong “office politic” in place, which allows employees and managers to manipulate their
professional images and career paths. This shows some self-‐ and relationship management and a
relatively high level of EI. This has led the consultants to believe that the team possesses the
necessary emotional intelligence to work effectively and that other issues such as inequality and
lack of communication are more central to improving this business unit.

Team Roles
According to Belbin’s team roles, most of the ABC food and beverage staffs are
“Implementers”, who turn objectives into practical results. This distribution in team roles is
consistent with the directive and “need to know” attitude that governs the organization.
However, there is a large lack of people and thought oriented role members, which creates a
stagnant and inflexible environment. This is a toxic culture which paralyzes the food and
beverage team and is responsible for most of its problems. The team needs more coordinators,
team-‐workers and plants to generate more ideas and increase team cohesiveness while
guiding the department towards its objectives.

Organizational Transform
Based on the above analysis, ABC Hotel clearly needs changes. But before any implementations are
being taken into place, leaders have to understand that organizational transformation involves not
only getting the changes done, but also getting people through the transition and anchoring those
new elements into the organization’s culture. According to Kotter, the manager of a department is
the key if the change is needed in a division (Kotter, n.d.). At this stage, manager of the food and
beverage department is the first “step” in transition.

In order to make actual changes happen, people have to let go of the past. However, fears of
facing unknown possibilities or familiar patterns in behaviors can often make a leader hesitate,
especially employees’ disinterests in their own performances. A sense of urgency can motivate
them because transformation requires proactive thinking and behaviours, but people tend to
get defensive toward any changes. In order to avoid potential employees’ atagonistic attitudes,
some established behaviors need to disappear quickly without relapse.

Tools considered but not utilized:

In this particular situation, a number of OB tools were not explored in depth as they seemed
trivial, however, they should be identified. Identity Adaptation modes were explored but were
seen as being to individualistic rather than collective for this organization. The 5 Dysfunctions of
a team were also considered, but quantitative methods like scorecards and visual
representations of team dynamics were decided more appropriate.

After analyzing the current business situation at ABC, our consulting team has come up with
several recommendations in making ABC a better work place in which employees are more
empowered, motivated, and cared for by management.

First, our team believes that it is necessary to publish a more detailed BEO with additional
copies distributed to all staffs. As a result, all staff would have equal access to information and
therefore, workload would be distributed transparently and fairly. Knowing that the BEO is the
source of all conflicts and negative results, our team suggests that management improve the
BEO as an effective communication tool between all employees. Clearly, when the BEO is not
published to all staffs, confusions arise within the team, which leads to problems such as low
commitment, high conflict, high turnover rate, low employee morale, and low empowerment.
By publishing the BEO, employee confusion will decrease as well as conflicts. Our team also
recognized the language barriers at ABC hotel. Staffs who speak different languages are having
trouble understanding topics covered in team meetings. Our team suggests the leader in
hosting daily meetings in both English and Chinese. As a result, staffs are more informed by
what has to be done for the day. Also, workshops should be designed to improve customer
service and professional English for staff to improve the level of customer service and reduce

For ABC company, the urge for an organizational change is crucial. Management should strive
to care for its employees, and inspire them by delegating meaningful tasks and motivating
employees to take charge of their responsibilities at work. Our team therefore sees the
importance of leadership training for ABC hotel’s management team. In particular, favouritism
has been a factor in creating low commitment that leads to low employee morale. Leaders of
the team should acknowledge the importance of equality in terms of delegating work load.
Captains of the team should also acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each staff and
in turn, should delegate job tasks to in accordance to their strengths and weaknesses.

Base on the team fitness scorecard, team trust has an extremely low score at 2, and clearly
trust has been an issue in this team. Our consulting team had come to the conclusion that the
captain of this team has caused this issue by overusing his/her authority. We would encourage
the direct leader of this team to use other types of influence triggers in motivating staff. The
types of trigger to be used should be appropriate to the personality type of each different staff.
As a result, employees will not be overwhelmed by the overuse of power by their leader.
In turn, the captain can then enrich his/her emotional intelligence level during these self-‐
monitoring practices.

Primary Recommendation: Publish detailed unbiased transparent BEO:

• Each BEO should clearly define customer standards and expectations

• Each BEO should established a clear vision of the event result
• Each BEO should include a complete lists of tasks to be completed with deadlines
• Each BEO should clearly indicate the specific employee requirements for the staff,
including scheduling
• Each BEO should have a fair distribution of tasks according to experience
and strengths/weaknesses
• Each BEO should be published and communicated in the two common languages of the

Secondary Recommendation: Reduce Language Barrier

• Setup workshops to improve conversational English mastery in appropriate

professional situations
• Require mastery of both languages in managerial staff
• Translate all major objectives and strategies into both languages to assure
comprehension and transparency


In order to implement the key recommendations the following will need to be implemented:

1) Immediately: BEO needs to define their core competencies and create a communication
method necessary for each of the department team leader in the organization to effectively
communicate with each other. This is through a centralized corporate structure that
requires quarterly meetings and an organizational structure that is similar across
departments. Each team leader would be empowered to make business-‐level decisions
and to ensure all communications are address to all staff members. Decisions to be made at
this time will involve:

1) Team leader need to ensure all staff members voices are heard and have a better
communication between. To avoid language barrier, staff should not communicate
in any other language beside English, only if it’s necessary to communicate with
customers or if it’s not during their shift.

2) Success and fail points – If banquet are not executed to customers and employees’
satisfaction, team leaders can use this as a learning experience.
2) Within 6 months: Corporate meeting: Includes the team leader from each department and
the BEO. Communication will be the centralized structure implemented and provide the
team leaders to discuss and share their successes with each other.

3) Quarterly meetings: A follow-‐up opportunity with all team leaders and staff that will
allow for feedback and career advancement.
Carlson. Carlson. 27 May 2011 <>.
—. Carlson. 27 May 2011 <>.
—. Carlson Hotel Management Team. 2011. 20 November 2011
—. Carlson Radisson. 2011. 24 November 2011 <>.
"Employee Satisfaction Survey Questionaire." Richmond, B.C, 19 Novemeber 2011.
Learn Hub. Learn Hub. 27 May 2011 <http://hotel-‐‐
major-‐ departments-‐of-‐hotel>.
Schwartz, David Rock and Jeffrey. "The Neuroscience of Leadership."Brain and Behavior. 2007. 12.
Appendix A – Organizational Chart
Appendix B – Survey Results
1. Do you care about the organization’s overall well-‐being?
Not at all (3) Moderately (4) Extremely (4)
2. At what degree, are you committed to this organization?
Very low Below average (4) Average (3) Above average (3) Very high (1)
3. Do you think the amount of work load is reasonable?
Unfair (2) Average (6) Fair (3)
4. Do you think we have good customer service atABC Hotel?
Yes (5) No (6)
5. How is the shift scheduling within the Food & Beverage Department?
Very poor (3) Below average (5) Average (2) Above average Excellent (1)
6. Do you think there is a scheduling problem within the department?
Disagree (1) Undecided (2) Agree (8)
7. Do you think there is a communication problem within and/or between department(s)?
Yes (10) No (1)
8. In your opinion, do you think team work is important?
Not at all important Fairly important (1) Quite important (1) Very important (9)
9. Do you think there are sufficient guidelines at work interms of what to do?
Too little (3) About right (6) Too much (1)
10. Do you think there is team work within this particular department?
Yes 2) No (11)
11. Do you think the amount of advancement opportunities is fair?
Disagree (6) Undecided (3) Agree (2)
12. Do you feel empowered by management? Yes (3) No (7)
13. Are you willing to accept changes within the organization? Yes (8) Neutral (3) No
14. Please rate the effectiveness of leadership style atABC Hotel.
Very poor (4) Below average (3) Average (3) Above average (3) Excellent
15. What level of job security do you have at your current position? (Lowest:1 Highest: 5)
1 (1) 2 (1) 3 (6) 4 5 (2)
16. Do you feel your opinion(s) were heard by management? Yes (1) No (10)
17. What level of trust do you have among your colleagues?(Lowest:1 Highest: 5)
1 (1) 2 (4) 3 (5) 4 5 (1)
18. Is there any conflict(s) within your department? At what level? (Lowest:1 Highest: 5)
1 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (3) 5 (2)
19. What level of commitment do you have forABC? (Lowest:1 Highest: 5)
1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (5) 4 5 (1)
20. What level of accountability do you think your team (department) has? (Lowest:1 Highest: 5)
1 (2) 2 (4) 3 (4) 4 5 (1)
21. What is the quality of results produced by your team (department)? (Lowest:1 Highest: 5)
1 2 (5) 3 (5) 4 5 (1)
22. When there is a problem within the department, how well did your leader handle the
1 (2) 2 (5) 3 (2) 4 5 (1)
23. Do you think the job tasks being assigned match your skills and talents? Yes (6) No (5)
24. Do you think you have a voice in your department? Yes (4) No (7)
25. Do you think the current level of supervision from managers is reasonable? Yes (4) No (7)

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