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Achievement Test 1&2

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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

3 Recording 2 Listen and answer the questions
1 Recording 1 Listen to a woman telling a story below. / Odpovězte na otázky.
and underline the correct answer, a), b) or c). /
Poslechněte si příběh a vyberte správné odpovědi. 1 According to June, what activity did people used
to be embarrassed or ashamed of doing?
1 The woman       Writing with their left
a) has never been embarrassed. hand.                                                         
b) likes talking about herself. 2 How old was June when her parents realised
c) prefers other people’s stories. she was left-handed?
2 Her brother               
a) tells funny stories. 3 How was she stopped from using her left hand
b) doesn’t like talking about himself. to write with before she started school?
c) hates people laughing at him.                                                               
3 Her brother told her a story about 4 What two reasons does June give for people not
a) his holiday in Spain. being allowed to be left-handed in the past?
b) his ex-wife.                                                               
c) an embarrassing experience.               
5 Which hand does June use to write with now?
4 In the story, Bob                                                               
a) talks to a man who is lying on the beach.               
b) saves a man who can’t swim. 6 What percentage of people in the world is
c) helps a man get his boat onto the beach. left-handed?
5 Bob communicated with the man               
a) using only sign language.
b) with gestures and incorrect English. 5
c) using incorrect Turkish.

6 Bob was embarrassed because Grammar

a) the man laughed at him and then said he wasn’t
strong enough to help. 4 Underline the correct alternative. / Podtrhněte
b) the man didn’t speak English but thought Bob správnou variantu.
could understand Turkish. 1 Please don’t tell Sam about my new job. I haven’t
c) he had behaved foolishly because he thought had chance to tell him the news already/yet.
the man didn’t speak English. 2 Does this bag belong/Is this bag belonging to
anybody in the class?
5 3 What time do you see/are you seeing Julie
2 Recording 1 Listen again and write true (T) or tonight?
false (F). / Poslechněte si příběh ještě jednou a 4 Are you sure they visited us in 2014? I thought
zaznačte, jestli jsou tvrzení správná nebo ne. they’d already/already had moved to America by
1 The woman doesn’t enjoy telling others 5 I have to check these biscuits aren’t
about situations she found embarrassing. T  containing/don’t contain nuts because I’m allergic
2 Her brother Bob enjoys telling stories to them.
about things that have happened to 6 Who does eat/eats dinner before 10p.m.? In Spain,
people he knows.      we never do!
3 Bob likes making people laugh but doesn’t 7 My brother’s yet/just learnt to ski but before that
enjoy it when they laugh at him.      he learnt to skateboard.
4 The story that she remembers took place 8 I met/’ve met Susie in the shopping mall when I
before her brother and his wife separated.      was doing some shopping.
5 In the story, Bob was asked for help by 9 While/Before I was enjoying a coffee in the town’s
someone on the beach.      main square, I read the main items of news in the
6 Bob thought the man was a local so he local paper.
used basic English and hand movements 10 They’ve/’d worked on cruise ships for years
to communicate with him.      before they decided to start their own
entertainment company.

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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

11 When Sara checked her phone, she realised/had

realised she had missed three calls from her boss.


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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

5 Complete the text with the correct answer, a),
b) or c). / Vyberte pro každý bod správnou
Last call!
                you ever missed a plane? I nearly 2
last summer. I was flying from London to Sydney
and had to change planes in Los Angeles. The plane
                    there at 6.30 in the morning and my flight
to Sydney was at 9.30. I walked around while I 4
because I 5                     been to LA airport before. Then
                    some breakfast in a coffee shop, read my
book and checked emails on my phone.
By 8.15, I was feeling rather bored so I 7                    
decided to find out which gate my Sydney flight
                    from. I saw an information screen on the
wall and 9                     to look at it. I found my flight on
the screen – and saw ‘Last call’ written there. I
couldn’t believe it! I then looked at my watch and
realised I 10                     the time on my watch back by
eight hours instead of seven! I ran to the gate and
                    the time I got there, I was the last person
to get on the plane. How embarrassing!

1 a) Did b) Was c) Have

2 a) did b) had c) was
3 a) landed b) has landed c) is landing
4 a) ’ve waited b) ’d waited c) was waiting
5 a) ’d never b) ’ve ever c) was never
6 a) had b) was eating c) ’d had
7 a) ’d b) was c) -
8 a) had left b) will leave c) was leaving
9 a) was going b) has gone c) went
10 a) ’ve changed b) ’d changed c) was changing
11 a) on b) from c) by


6 Match 1–7 with a)–g). / Spojte body 1-7 s body
1 If you make friends with native     b   
2 Last year our swimming team took      
3 It’s a good idea to show      
4 I’m sorry. We’re in a bit of      
5 Luckily, all the passengers survived      
6 The demonstration turned violent      
7 Uncle Alex told us a really      

a) a hurry and can’t stop now.

b) speakers, your English will improve a lot faster.
c) funny story the other day.
d) part in a national competition.
e) enthusiasm when you answer questions in an
f) after the police arrived.
g) the crash and no one was seriously hurt.

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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the word in CAPITALS. / Doplňte do každé
věty uvedené slovo ve správném tvaru.
1 The students loved learning slang and other
informal     expressions in their English class.
2 Is fluency more important than                                        
when you’re learning another language?
3 When you apply for a job, don’t forget to send
with your CV.
4 Adam has a successful business with more than
thirty                                         .
5 I have a lot more                                         in my new job
as area manager.
6 Did you find all the                                         you needed
at the library?
7 I love                                         comedies. They always
make me feel good.
8 The film The Sixth Sense, with Bruce Willis, is an
excellent                                         thriller.

8 Complete the sentences with the words in the

box. There are two extra words. / Doplňte slova
z nabídka do vět. 2 slova jsou navíc.
chance classmates degree foreign hand
lunchtime purpose say tell weekend

1 At the end of the school year, I helped my

classmates organise a big party.
2 Everyone at our school had to study a
language. I chose Spanish.
3 After Charlotte got a                               in English
literature she trained to become a teacher.
4 I’m sorry. I didn’t drop your laptop on
. It was an accident.
5 Wendy has started her own jewellery business and
makes everything herself by                               .
6 Let’s meet at                               to discuss plans for
next week.
7 Why don’t you just                               what you mean?
It would make life a lot easier if you did.
8 Do you think it’s better to                               a white lie
sometimes than to hurt someone’s feelings by
telling the truth?

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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

Function f) Divided and reunited

9 Cross out the response that is not possible. /
Vyberte u každého bodu nesprávnou reakci.
1 So then I fell off my bike!
a) Oh no! b) That’s right. c) Oh dear!
2 Thanks for helping me out yesterday.
a) No problem. b) You’re welcome. c) I see.
3 The concert starts at 7.30 on Saturday, right?
a) That’s right. b) No problem. c) Yes.
4 Could I ask you something?
a) Go ahead. b) Of course. c) I see.
5 Can I use your phone, please?
a) Of course. b) Yes, I know. c) Go ahead.
6 And you’ll get a weekend off once a month.
a) Go ahead. b) I understand. c) I see.

10 Complete the conversation with words and
phrases a)–f). / Doplňte do textu fráze a)-f)
A: Did I tell you what 1         i        to me when I was
working in the bank last October?
B: No, you didn’t.
A: Well, I’d just finished serving a customer and
was putting things away. And the 2                    
knew, there were two people standing in front of
my desk – wearing masks!
B: 3                     ? I 4                     it! What 5                     ?
A: Nothing! I thought they were robbing the bank!
B: Oh 6                     ! How 7                     ! So, what
A: Well, I just looked at them. I was waiting for
them to say ‘Hands up!’ or something. Then
                    sudden, I remembered it was
Halloween. That’s why they were wearing
masks. They were going to a party!
B: Oh, no. That’s 10                     !
A: Yes. 11                     end, we all laughed about it.

a) frightening g) no
b) next h) next thing I
c) In the i) happened
d) all of a j) don’t believe
e) really funny k) Really
f) did you do

11 Read the article opposite and complete the
gaps with headings a)–f) below. / Vyberte
vhodný nadpis pro každou část.
a) Communication differences
b) What’s in a name?
c) A strange similarity
d) Twins: A case of nature or nurture?
e) Fascinating results

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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

1     d     
Many people are like their siblings in some ways,
but twins are often even more alike. If you are born
at the same time as another baby and grow up with
them, it is likely you will be similar to each other.
But what would happen if you didn’t know you had
a twin? How alike would you be?
In the USA, a pair of identical twins was split up
when they were adopted as four-month-old babies.
Their new parents decided on their names and
without knowing it, both called their son ‘Jim’.
These two boys spent all of their childhood and
teenage years living separate lives in different
places. And it wasn’t until they were thirty-nine
years old that they got to meet each other for the
first time. They were quite surprised to find how
similar they were.
Although they didn’t look exactly the same, they
were both six feet tall and weighed 180 pounds.
They discovered that during their childhood they
had both had a dog named ‘Toy’ and as adults they
had both married twice. Even more strangely, both
of their first wives were called ‘Linda’ and their
second wives were called ‘Betty’. The Jims had
each had a son. One of them had called theirs
‘James Allan’ while the other named theirs ‘James
The similarities didn’t end there. They discovered
that they had both worked as sheriffs, owned the
same type of car, smoked the same cigarettes and
drank the same beer. They also suffered from the
same health problems, like severe headaches. In
later research on the pair, a psychologist* noticed
that they both bit their nails. This was rather unusual
behaviour among identical twins.
However, while they were very similar, there were
also some clear differences. For example, one Jim
preferred to express himself through writing while
the other preferred speaking. They also had different
hairstyles and one Jim had married a third time
while the other hadn’t.
Continued research on the Jim twins has proven to
be very interesting and along with other research
findings has led to the discovery that the personality
and identity of twins who have grown up apart is as
alike as those that haven’t.
* Psychologist – someone who studies the human
mind and human behaviour.

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Intermediate Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

12 Read the article again. Decide if the 14 Put the words into the correct gaps. / Doplňte
statements are true (T) or false (F). / do textu slova z nabídky.
Rozhodněte, jestli následující tvrzení o
předchozím článku jsou pravdivá nebo ne. after, beach, bought, cartoons, hour, now, on,
1 Research has shown that all twins are the parents, pay, take
same as each other.     F    Hi Alex, That's really great that your (1) _________
2 The Jim twins were adopted at birth by
are letting you choose what to buy as a birthday gift.
two sets of American couples.         
3 Neither set of parents knew what the You should (2) _________ to download the latest
other twin had been called.          games on your computer. I have just (3) _________
4 The two Jims grew up in the same area one which has many levels to reach. It is going to
unaware of the other’s existence until (4) __________ me a long time to complete it. Like
they were almost forty.          you, I only get to go online (5) ___________ I've
5 They expected to have a lot in common finished my homework for just an (6) ___________
when they first met in their thirties.         
and two hours at the weekends. I like to watch (7)
6 The two Jims were as tall and as heavy
as each other.          __________ or action films. I'm free (8) _________
7 They had both married a ‘Betty’ and Sunday, so we can go to the (9) ___________ if you
then a ‘Linda’.          like. Bye for (10) __________, Harry
8 Even though they both had similar habits
they’d never worked in the same job.         
9 Psychologists thought it unusual that
both twins bit their fingernails.          10
10 One of the key differences between
the twins was how they enjoyed Total: 100
communicating with others.         
11 Research shows that twins who live
apart as children behave very differently
from each other.         


13 Underline the correct alternative. /
Podtrhněte správnou variantu.
1 They visited all their relatives during/while they
were in Malaysia.
2 Alicia called me as soon as/by the time she got
my message.
3 By the time/While the police arrived at the house,
the thieves had disappeared.
4 I would like to make/take this opportunity to
introduce myself.
5 He ended the email to his friend ‘Hope/I hoping to
hear from you soon’.
6 A typical way to end a letter of application is: ‘I
look forward to hear/hearing from you soon’.

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