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Research Methodology

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Q1.The three perspectives that form the basis of classification of types of research are:
applications of the findings of the research study; objectives of the study; mode of
enquiry used in conducting the study.
A. True
B. False
C. Can’t say
Q2.Which of the following best describes quantitative research?
A. the collection of non-numerical data
B. an attempt to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses
C. research that is exploratory
D. research that attempts to generate a new theory
Q3.Which type of research provides the strongest evidence about the existence of cause-and-
effect relationships?
A. non-experimental Research
B. experimental Research
C. Cannot be determined
Q4.Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variables?
A. age, temperature, income, height
B. grade point average, anxiety level, reading performance
C. gender, religion, ethnic group
D. both A and B
Q5.According to the text, which of the following orders is the recommended in the flowchart
of the development of a research idea?
A. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis
B. Research topic, research purpose, research problem, research question, hypothesis
C. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis
D. Research topic, hypothesis, research problem, research question, research purpose
Q6.One step that is not included in planning a research study is:
A. Identifying a researchable problem
B. A review of current research
C. Statement of the research question
D. Conducting a meta-analysis of the research
E. Developing a research plan
Q7.A formal statement of the research question or “purpose of research study” generally
A. Is made prior to the literature review
B. Is made after the literature review
C. Will help guide the research process
D. All of the above
E. B and C
Q8.The research participants are described in detail in which section of the research plan?
A. Introduction
B. Method
C. Data analysis
D. Discussion
Q9.Research hypotheses are ______.
A. Formulated prior to a review of the literature
B. Statements of predicted relationships between variables
C. Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
D. B and C
Q10. Hypotheses in qualitative research studies usually _____.
A. Are very specific and stated prior to beginning the study
B. Are often generated as the data are collected, interpreted, and analyzed
C. Are never used
D. Are always stated after the research study has been completed
Q11. A research plan _____.
A. Should be detailed
B. Should be given to others for review and comments
C. Sets out the rationale for a research study
D. All of the above
Q12 What is the difference between research questions and research objectives?
A. No difference, they are the same.
B. The question is worded by the researcher, the objective is not.
C. One of these is proposed by a supervisor.
D. The wording of one is likely to be more specific than the other.

Q13 Which word fills all the blanks in this extract:

We talk about generating __________, testing_______, rejecting ________.
A. hypotheses
B. objectives
C. questions
D. aims

Q14 An image, perception or concept that is capable of measurement is called__________.

A. Variable.
B. Scale.
C. Hypothesis.
D. Type
Q15 Which of the following is an example of a concept?
A. Domestic violence.
B. Height in cm.
C. Weight in kg.
D. Income in $
Answer Key
1 A 11 D
2 B 12 D
3 B 13 A
4 D 14 A
5 A 15 A
6 D
7 E
8 B
9 D
10 B

Q1 The literature review will examine:
A. all aspects of a topic.
B. only facts.
C. only opinions.
D. only one side of the main argument.

Q2 Which one of these is likely to be peer-reviewed?

A. The Guardian.
B. The European Journal of Management.
C. Woman's Own.
D. The Economist.

Q3 Why is it important for a researcher to review the literature?

A. Because it identifies like-minded researchers.
B. Because it will find if anyone has done the work before.
C. Because it shows time has been spent on the subject.
D. Because it is traditional.
Q4 Defining hypotheses is a useful way of approaching research because: allows the development of testable propositions. will impress the reader. looks suitably scientific. allows for the development of indisputable proof to be established in research
Q5 Combining deductive and inductive approaches to research will:
A. allows us to sit on the fence.
B. avoid making any difficult decisions.
C. develop a research approach which fits the research question and objectives.
D. ignore the question of which research approach to adopt.

Q6 Carefully study the stages below. Do they refer to Induction or Deduction?

Theory developed
Hypothesis worded
Observations made
Hypothesis tested on data
Theory revised
A. Induction.
B. Deduction.
Q7 Carefully study the stages below. Do they refer to Induction or Deduction?
Observations made
Theory developed
Hypothesis worded
Hypothesis tested on data
Theory revised
A. Deduction.
B. Induction.

Q8 Which one of these is NOT normally associated with quantitative data?

A. Analysis begins as data are collected.
B. Numbers.
C. Analysis guided by standardized rules.
D. Researchers views of high importance.
Q9 A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?
A. Structured study.
B. Quantitative study.
C. Qualitative study.
D. Questionnaire study.
Q10 A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face to face in shopping centres. What type
of study is this?
A. Questionnaire study.
B. Qualitative study.
C. Self-completion study.
D. Ethnographic study.
Q11 Which research strategy is described here?
The introduction of planned change on one or more of the variables; measurement on a small
number of variables and control of other variables.
A. Experiment.
B. Survey.
C. Case study.
D. Ethnography.
Q12 Which research strategy is described here?
The researcher is involved in the acts under study; s/he causes changes and monitors the
A. Action research.
B. Survey.
C. Case study.
D. Grounded theory.
Q13 For any study you should question the validity and reliability of:
A. the sampling procedure.
B. the interviewing process.
C. the questionnaire.
D. all of the above.
Q14 Which one of these is a self-administered questionnaire?
A. Telephone questionnaire.
B. Postal questionnaire.
C. Personal questionnaire.
D. Face-to-face questionnaire.
Q15 An advantage of open-ended questions is that:
A. potential is high for interviewer bias.
B. coding is a challenge.
C. they can also be used in topic guides.
D. respondents can express themselves freely.
Answer Key
1 A 11 A
2 B 12 A
3 B 13 D
4 A 14 B
5 C 15 D
6 B
7 B
8 D
9 C
10 A

Q1 Which of the following is NOT part of the sampling design process?
A. Defining of the population of the study.
B. Specifying the sampling unit.
C. Refining the research question.
D. Selection of the sampling technique.
E. Determining the relevant sample frame.
Q2 The target population be defined in terms of:
A. sampling units - the set of elements available for selection during the sampling
B. extent - the geographical boundaries.
C. time - the time period under consideration.
D. elements - the object about which information is desired.
E. all of the above.
Q3 What is a sampling unit?
A. The population.
B. The basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled.
C. All the individual elements of the final sample, drawn together.
D. The method used to collect the sample.
E. The sampling frame.
F. None of the above.
Q4 Which of the following is NOT true of probability sampling?
A. The results will always be more accurate than non-probability sampling.
B. The number of elements to be included in the sample set can be pre-specified.
C. Sampling units are selected by chance as opposed to the judgement of the
D. Estimates are statistically projectable to the population.
E. It is possible to specify the probability of selecting any particular sample of a
given size.
Q5 What is the least expensive and least time-consuming of all sampling techniques?
A. Judgmental sampling.
B. Snowball sampling.
C. Stratified sampling.
D. Convenience sampling.
E. Simple random sampling.
Q6 Below is a list of populations and samples. Select the sample that is most likely to be
representative (rather than biased) of the population from which it is drawn
A. Population: The general population in an inner London borough. Sample: All
patients registered at local GP surgeries in the same area.
B. Population: Owners of luxury cars. Sample: BMW owners.
C. Population: Online shoppers. Sample: List of individuals who have web-based
D. Population: Owners of luxury cars. Sample: subscribers to What Car magazine.
E. Population: Adults from a single geographic area. Sample: Employees at a local
Q7 Snowball sampling can help the researcher to:
A. access difficult or hidden populations.
B. collect data cost effectively.
C. theorise inductively in a qualitative study.
D. overcome the problem of not having an accessible sampling frame.
E. all of the above.
Q8 Which of the following is not a scale to measure attitudes?
A. Likert scale.
B. Guttman scale.
C. Thurstone scale.
D. Lime scale
Q9 The study population is _______________.
A. The number of elements from which information is obtained.
B. The group of interest for the study from which the sample is selected from.
C. Findings based on the information obtained.
D. The way elements are selected for the sample
Q10 Which of these is not one of the four main reasons for missing data?
A. The respondent may have missed a question by mistake.
B. The respondent did not know the answer or did not have an opinion.
C. The analyst ignored its presence on the data form.
D. The data was not required from the respondent, perhaps because of a skip
E. generated by a filter question in a survey.

Q11 Parametric and non-parametric are:

A. terms used in medical practice.
B. two main groups of statistical significance tests.
C. alternatives to standard deviation tests.
D. general tests of statistical relevance.
Q12 ANOVA is:
A. A government body which collects social statistics.
B. The name of a statistical software package.
C. A one-way analysis of variance.
D. A two-way analysis of variance.

Q13 Parametric test, unlike the non-parametric tests, make certain assumptions about
A. The population size
B. The underlying distribution
C. The sample size
Q14 By taking a level of significance of 5% it is the same as saying
A. We are 5% confident the results have not occurred by chance
B. We are 95% confident that the results have not occurred by chance
C. We are 95% confident that the results have occurred by chance
Q15 When the null hypothesis has been true, but the sample information has resulted in the
rejection of the null, a _________ has been made.
A. level of significance
B. Type II error
C. critical value
D. Type I error
Answer Key
1 C 11 D
2 E 12 C
3 B 13 B
4 A 14 B
5 D 15 D
6 A
7 E
8 D
9 B
10 C

Q1. Good research reports will always:
A. focus on the Harvard style.
B. provide results that may be irrelevant.
C. focus on addressing the research objectives.
D. provide respondent names and addresses.

Q2. The report writer should always remember that people have expectations about what
information they will find and where it will be. It is unusual for final reports to have a
section with:
A. research costs.
B. executive summary.
C. appendices.
D. method.
E. recommendation.

Q3. Which report section is intended to describe the purpose with a full statement of the
research question?
A. Appendices.
B. Results.
C. Method.
D. Objectives.

Q4. Which of these would NOT help your confidence in the context of a presentation?
Good preparation.
A. Comfort with the situation.
B. Presentation software.
C. Looking good.

Q5. The method section for ___________ includes detailed information on the sampling
frame; sample size; variables selected for measurement; questionnaire, sampling
procedure; response rates.
A. a quantitative study
B. a desk research study
C. a qualitative study
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

Q6. The report is NOT:

A. tangible evidence of a research project.
B. future secondary data.
C. a basis for decision-making.
D. a research proposal.
Q7. The quality of the whole study is effected by _____________.
A. Each step of the research process.
B. How the findings are communicated.
C. The clarity of the research report.
D. All of the above
Q8. Before starting to write a report it is advisable to develop ____________.
A. An outline.
B. A theme.
C. A model.
D. A chapter
Q9 When writing about a variable in a report, what should be included?
A. Results of the data.
B. Interpretation of the findings.
C. Graphs or tables of the data.
D. All of the above
Q10 When a citation includes more than ____ authors, only the surname of the first
author is cited followed by et al.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Q11 How many basic parts of a formal report are there?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Six
D. Five
Q12 Research reports:
A. present at least a review of the literature, the methods used, the findings and a
discussion. They have some common elements but may vary in overall
organisational structure.
B. typically present a review of the literature, the findings, a discussion and
C. always present recommendations as well as an outline of the methods used and
the findings.
D. always state the research question or hypothesis and are written in first person to
show that the author takes responsibility for the findings.
Q13 What kind of information is usually presented in the limitations section of a
research report?
A. An outline of the factors that may have prevented the researcher from conducting
more thorough research
B. An outline of the extent of the research study
C. An outline of the historical background of the research study
D. An explanation of the research tools used to gather the data
Q14 In the methods section of the report, the researcher needs to:
A. discuss the results of the research.
B. discuss the theoretical background for the research.
C. recount in detail the daily research activities conducted during the research
D. set out in detail how data was gathered and analysed.
Q15 What is presented in the findings section of a research report?
A. A discussion of the results
B. The quantitative or qualitative data that was collected
C. The theoretical foundations for the research study
D. The methods that were used to collect the data
Answer Key
1 C 11 D
2 A 12 A
3 D 13 A
4 B 14 D
5 C 15 B
6 D
7 B
8 A
9 D
10 A

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