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1.what Was The Happiest Time of Your Life?

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1.What was the happiest time of your life?

When I get my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)result. To be honest, I was not a very smart kid
when I studied in my primary school. I always feel that my friends are doing way better than
me, and I was so jealous of them. When I was in secondary school, I kept asking myself that
“if my friends can get a good result, why can’t me”. From that moment of my life, I change
my mindset and strive for the best. It was not easy, but I know it is possible. Finally, on the
results day, I was so proud and even tearing up when I saw my wonderful results.
When I get the offer to study at a government university and to study my dream course
which is mechanical engineering. I always wanted to study and work as a mechanical
engineer since I was in primary school because I was so in love to know and study about
machines and the mechanics happening around it. It takes a lot of hard work and
scarification of time and energy in order to achieve your dream and I’m very glad that I
didn’t give up during my hard times.
Being around my family. I have always been happy whenever I am with my family. My family
is my source of happiness because they love me, always support me, always spend time
with me, take care of me, feed me, and always allow me to share my problems with them. I
will never be happy without them and I wish I will always take care of them when time
in colc all these moments made me feel like the happiest man alive and I don’t know what I
were doing or what I would become without any of it. thank you

2. If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

I wish the Covid-19 pandemic will end. It is very heart-breaking and sad to see many victims
of covid-19 suffers and even dies due to this virus. As an engineering student, we have a lot
of practical/hands on works which is important for us to gain new experience and ready for
the future job. This Covid-19 pandemic have stopped us from going to workshops to study.
A good health. I would wish I could have a great health condition for the rest of my life. I
want to be healthy so that I could do anything I want to achieve my dreams and goals until
my last breath. I do not want to just be laying on bed for the rest of my life.
Safety and protection. It's a very violent world we are living right now. I would wish for my
family and me to be protected at all times and never be victims of crimes.
It would be wonderful if all the wish I had come true.
3.If you won a million dollars, what would you buy?

When I was a kid, I remember one day when I was looking at a newspaper, I noticed that
there were a number with many zeros on it.So I asked my father and he said it is a million
dollar reward if I hit the jackpot.So I started thinking wt would I do if I get a mil dollars. a
mill usd is equivalent to about 4 million plus Malaysian ringgit and that is a lot of money
firstly, I would keep a portion of the money for the emergency fund.This is because, job loss
can happen anytime.for example many people have lost their job during this covid-19
pendamic.A costly health setback can happen or even an expensive repair for our home or car
can it is good to keep few money for the emergency.

Next,I would invest a portion of the money, which is one of the most powerful thing I can do
with money.This is because the more money you have, the more money you can grow, so I
would love to see my money grow over time.

lastly, I would spend the rest of the money on a house, car, travel and even pay my university
bills.i can fulfil my dream by buying my dream car which is a Nissan skyline gtr r34 which
can cost from 500 thousand to a million ringgit.

in conc, a million dollar is a lot of money, so in order to spend all the money wisely, iwill
also seek my parents to be financial advisor so that I can spend my money wisely.thank you

4. If you could change places with any person in the world for one day, who would it be
and why?
one day is too short to change anything so it would just be an experience.i would choose to
experience the life of someone who can make someones dream come true.if I could
change…..i would change place with kate rubins, who is a nasa astranout who has been to the
international space station.

the first reason is Being an astronaut is an exciting job. Astronauts who see Earth from space
say that it is round, like a ball. While in space, astronauts can look down and see clouds,
land, and water. Some can even see the moon up close. Astronauts get the chance to see
more stars than you or I have ever seen.The experience of travelling to outer space along
with the varied activities and training that you receive is something to be proud of.

secondly, People look up to you and admire your personality, which results in earning
respect in the society. You also get to work as a part of a team, where the sense of
achievement is collective and that precise moment of pride is equally shared.

finally,astronaughts help to detect serious threats to our earth space travel is that it allows
us to detect serious threats that could potentially wipe out humanity. For instance, through
space exploration, we may be able to detect a meteorite that is on collision course with our
earth. In turn, we could take measures to prevent this collision. However, this will only be
possible if we detect the meteorite in time and therefore, space exploration can be crucial
to prevent catastrophic disasters in the future.

in conclusion, i would change place with an astronout because it is an exciting and rare job
to do.thank you.
5. What is something you want people to never forget?
in our life, we came across many good and bad things but not everything that we wish to
remember. But there is something that I really want people to never forget.
First is our parents. I heve came across news which is heart breaking such as children leaving
their parents at the old age home when they are old.This is something that nobody should
should do to their parents. This is because parents gave up a lot of things to raise us.They
gave everything we we need such as love, care, food, money and shelter. so it is our
responsibility to take care of them in their old age.
my second point is independence day. As a Malaysian, we should never forgot
independence day.this is because the sarifices by our forefathers of yesterday have resulted
in us enjoying independence, democracy peace and prosperity. Thus, it is the responsibility
of all to fly the national flag, jalur gemilang, irrespective of race and religion. flying the
national flag will foster unity in a multi racial society.
in conc. people should never forget their parents and the independence day of their
country.thank you
6. What is something you would like to do to improve your life?
We as a human tend to make mistakes in our daily basis because human are not perfect
.there are few thing that I like to improve in my lfe.
my first point is Exercise. Recently, I was busy focusing my life on my education, but I forget
that I also need to keep my body fit. So, I want to create schedule to organise my daily
routine wisely.
my second point is to Eliminate distraction. As a student, I have a responsibility to study well
to get a better job and take care of my family. But I am always distracted while studying or
doing homework such as playing game or spending a lot of time on social media. that is
definitely something that I would like to improve in my life.
finally, I would like to change my sleeping hours. For the past few months, I have been
sleeping very late at night because I always study, gaming and can’t easily fall asleep at
night. As a result, I ended up waking up late in the morning or sometimes afternoon. So, I
really have to change my sleeping time to get better rest and wake up early with enough
energy to start the day.
In order to improve my life, I have to exercise more, eliminate distraction, and change my
sleeping time to live a better and productive life. thank you.
7. What is something you would like to see in your lifetime?
I would love to see my parents be proud of my achievements. it is a wish of many children
to see their parents happy and proud about them because i am nothing and I could never be
doing anything in Life without my parents.i really want to study hard,to get a good job and
take care of my family as how they take care of me when i was growing.
second thing that I want to see in my lifetime is the planet mars.i would love to see mars in
my own eyes.Mars is very different frn other planets. according to scientists, the red planet
might one day be suitable for human to live on.i could witness the beauty of a whole new
world on mars and it will be amazing to experience that.
i have not been out of the country yet but I really wanted to go to Japan.the reason is japan
has a lot of beautiful nature to explore. One of the most obvious beauty spots to visit is the
iconic Mount Fuji. and one of my bucket list is to climb the mount fugi one day.
in conc I would like to see my parents be proud of me, I want to see the planet mars and
also the country Japan. thank you

8. If I had a Superpower

when i was kid i love to watch superheroes movies such as superman,ironman, and
spiderman. i always have dream to be like one of them because they are just amazing. I still
remember the first time I watched the movie Superman and wished I could also be as strong
as him,fly in air and save people in danger like he did.
firstly if i have a superpower, i want to have ability to fly because flying would be very
helpful. I dont have to pay for transportation, dont have to buy car to go anywhere. i can go
wherever i want to go. i can explore by flying around the city, going places I wouldn’t
normally go .flying would be a great way to see the world from a different angle. And of
course I could visit my friends and relatives more often.
next, I want one superpower and that should be to make the world free from crime and
make the earth a saffer and better place to live. I would use my super powers to help people
who are in trouble,just like Superman. If anyone is in trouble,then I would go to that person
and help them. I must also be able to fly fast to reach the place where the crime is
occurring. On some occasions,I should also be able to help police investigate crimes. These
are many things I would like to do to improve the lives of others.
lastly, I will use my superpower to make everybody happy. If they have any problem,they
should be able to solve it easily. I would make the whole world stress-free. They should face
every problem with a smile. Because ,I believe that if we be happy,then our surroundings
will look pleasant too. Our friends will be happy with us too. Happiness depends on what
we can give,not what we can get.
in conc, if I had a superpower, I want to explore the world,make people happy and also
make the earth a better place to live thank you.

9. Pets are for people who don't have children.

The topic given is............ but i am disagreeing this statement and in my opinion,pets are
not only for people who dont have children. anyone can keep pets as as long as they
provide enough care, food and shelter to their pets.

First of all, one advantage is that you can play with your pets. if you like to work out, you
can take them running with you. Pets can keep you active which can turn out to be
beneficial for your health and your body.Dog owners have to take their dogs on walks,
which is a good way to stay fit. Playing and taking runs with pets is also an excellent way
to stay healthy.

next, pets can also provide safety and protection.Some pets are capable to take care of
its owners safety such as dogs.For example, in my family, we also own a dog. Dogs are
extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. In addition, a barking dog may
put off many potential burglars and intruders.

lastly , advantage to owning your own pet is that animals give you some company. Like,
I was at home alone all the time when i was younger, and my dog kept my company so
that i wasnt completely alone. If you are like me and dont like being alone, or if you just
want someone around so you dont go crazy you should try getting a pet. Animals can be
very comforting when your alone.

In conclusion, I think that pets can be very helpful bcoz..... Keeping pets benefits us as it
brings us numerous advantages. Thus, we should keep pet from now onwards.

10 Which is more important: learning from mistakes or doing it right the first time?
the topic given is … in my opinion learning from mistakes is more important than doing is
the first time.
this is because, suceding everything in the first time may sound good but our life will be too
easy and boring. nothing seems to be challenging for us and it make us lazy to think.
Growth starts as soon as you recognize your mistake and how to prevent it from happening
again. Everyone makes mistakes in life, this is normal, but how you learn from them is how
you develop your judgment. The only way to prevent making a mistake a second time is to
learn. If you don’t, you will be making that same error again and again until you are forced
to learn.
in conclusion we need to learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating
them and keep inporoving.

11. What are the benefits of being a man or a woman?

the topic given is….me myself as a male,I can immediately tell that we have a lot of benefits
being a man
Men are better able to defend themselves against physical assault. Although women’s lower
body strength is a bit more comparable to men’s, men’s upper body strength is, on average
greater than women’s . so, we can land much powerful punches to defend ourself.
next benefits of being a man You suffer none of womanhood’s physical unpleasantries.You
will never know the pain of menstruation. You will never endure the pain of childbirth. You
will never, in your lifetime, know the horrors of needing a tampon and not being able to find
one because all the stores are closed.
third point is freedom, whenever man wants to go out, they can go alone and not likely to
be cared by family members bcoz they know u r strong and can survive on your own. But for
women, parents most likely not allow them to go out alone bcox they are concerned about
thier safety.
12 If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take three things, which 3
things would you take with you and why?
the topic given is be honenst being stranded on a deserted island is something i hope
never happen to me because it is just terrifying.But if that happens and i have only to take 3
thing with me, i will take things that will be very useful for my survival.
fistly i would bring endless supply of drinking water because it is essential for survival. You
can survive for up to 2 weeks or so without food, but you’ll only last 3-4 days without water.
So i will bring enough water that can last untill i find myself out of the deserted island.
secondly i will bring knife to prepare food, protect ourselves, and build a shelter. we never
know what we will come across while being in the island.there might be wild animals so i
have to bring something to protect me from danger
last but not least, i will bring a satellite phone. for your information,satellite phone is a
cellphone that can be used anywhere in the world (including a deserted island), as long as
there is a clear line from the antenna to the is really expensive but it is worth it
because it could save my life. i can always bring my phone whereever i go and i could make
a call when i get the clear line.
in conc, if I were stranded on a deserted island, I will bring endless supply of drinking water,
a knive and also a satellite phone. thank you
13. If you could travel anywhere, where would you travel?
i have not been out of the country yet so i am very excited to explore the world and it is my
dream. if i culd travel anywhere in, i would definately travel to Japan.
first reason is japan has a lot of beautiful nature to explore. One of the most obvious beauty
spots to visit is the iconic Mount Fuji. and one of my bucket list is to climb the mount fugi
one day.
my second point is the safety. Japan is amongst the safest countries in the world, with an
extremely low crime rate. This is something the Japanese are, understandably, quite proud
of. Japanese people often leave their doors unlocked and visitors are able to walk around
the cities at night without having to worry.
lastly, people in japan are very freindly. When you’re visiting Japan you will quickly find out
that Japanese behavior is completely different to how people behave in other countries.
Everyone is as respectful as possible and also incredibly helpful.If you have a question or
seem to be confused about something you will always find someone who can help you.
in conc, if I get the chance to travel anywhere, I will travel to Japan to experience and enjoy
the different culture there.thank you.

14. If you could be famous, what would you be famous for?

Reaching fame is one of the most desired achievements for many people nowadays..There
are also some who will do anything to achieve fame.
Firstly, i think i would be famous for being a professional gamer. For the past few years i
have been playing this online game called free fire which is a shooting game. throughout the
years, i have improved my gaming strategy and increased my skills.So there definitely a
chance for me to be a well know person in e sports gaming.
Next, i could be famous for inventing one of the most useful tools or machines that can
improve human life.As a engineering student, i have and will learn a lot about the mechanics
or working of machines and use that knowledge to invent something new and useful.

In conclusion, while fame can bring good money and enhance one’s life experience in some
ways, I think that being famous causes more problems such as lack of privacy and constant
pressure from the media and the public.thank you.

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