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AdNU SHS Student Handbook, 2019 Edition

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Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 1

Copyright 2019 © Ateneo de Naga University (Senior High School)

Office of the Prefect of Students
Telephone No: 881 2368 2111
Address: Ground Floor, SHS Building, Ateneo de Naga University
Cover Designed by: Ms. Mavreen Anne E. Romero
Edited By: The Student Handbook Committee

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 2


Dear Students:

Welcome to Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School! Thank

you for choosing Ateneo SHS as you step forward for another 2-year
academic journey with the mission to embody essential Ignatian values.

In the succeeding pages of this 2019 Edition SHS Student Handbook

(SHS-SH) are guiding principles and policies that Ateneo Senior High
School students are expected to follow.

This SHS-SH is divided into three (3) major articles. These are
DISCIPLINE. Included also are Department of Education policies
that reiterate proper school and classroom behaviors.

An abridged version of the SHS-SH shall be distributed as your

helpful companion to guide you on how to easily understand and cite
important policies especially on rampant cases being encountered in
the SHS community.

Let this SHS-SH be your guide. Read, understand and follow the
provisions in this handbook. Ateneo SHS desires that your SHS
journey will be fun-filled, productive, and meaningful.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 3


Cover Page ....................................................................................................... 1

Foreword .......................................................................................................... 3
Statement of Agreement ................................................................................... 6
Students’ Rights ................................................................................................ 7
Students’ Responsibilities .................................................................................. 8
Messages ........................................................................................................... 10
• President’s Message
• Vice President for Basic Education ................................................... 11
• Director’s Message ........................................................................... 11
Organizational Structure .................................................................................. 13
Brief History of ADNU .................................................................................... 14
Ateneo de Naga University Presidents ............................................................... 18
Evolution of Ateneo SEAL ................................................................................ 19
School Motto ................................................................................................... 20
ADNU’s Mission-Vision Statement .................................................................. 21
ADNU SHS Mission-Vision Statement ............................................................ 23
Profile of ADNU SHS Graduate ........................................................................ 24
ARTICLE I: STUDENT FORMATION AND SERVICES .............................. 26
Section 1: Office of Campus Ministry (OCM) .................................................. 26
Section 2: Guidance Office (GO) ...................................................................... 27
Section 3: Office of Community Program (OCP) .............................................. 31
Section 4: Office of Student Activities (OSA) .................................................... 37
Section 5: University Health Services (UHS) ..................................................... 47
Section 6: Office of Sports Coordinator (OSC) ................................................. 48
Section 1: Admission Policies and Procedures .................................................... 50
Section 2. Policy on Academic Awards ............................................................... 52
Section 3: Policy on Eligibility for SHS Scholarship ........................................... 57
Section 4: Policy on Incomplete Grades ............................................................. 63
Section 5: Policy on Delayed Examination ........................................................ 64
Section 6: Policy on the Issuance of SF9 – Report Card and SF10 – Student
Permanent Record ............................................................................ 68

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 4

Section 7: Policy on Promotion and Retention of Students ................................ 72
Section 8: Policy on Examination ...................................................................... 74
Section 9: Policy on Shifting/Changing Strands or Track ................................... 75
Section 10: Policy on Summer Class Admission ................................................. 76
Section 11: Policy on Work Immersion ............................................................. 77
Section 12: Policy for SRA in Reading Program ................................................. 83
Section 13: Policy on Library ............................................................................ 86
Section 14: Policy on the Office of the Registrar ................................................ 88
Section 15: Policy on Absenteesim and Tardiness ............................................... 89
ARTICLE III: CODE OF CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE ............................. 95
Section 1: Rationale of School Discipline .......................................................... 95
Section 2: Policy Statement ............................................................................... 96
Section 3: General Deportment, Decorum and Behavior ................................... 96
Section 4: Structure of the Discipline System .................................................... 96
Section 5: Disciplinary Status and Sanction System ........................................... 98
Section 6: Nature of Infraction and its Classifications .......................................... 99
Section 7: Disciplinary Procedures and Classifications of Disciplinary Statuses .. 104
Section 8: Nature of Corrective Measures and Sanctions .................................... 107
Section 9: The Disciplinary Committee ............................................................. 111
APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 115
Songs and Prayers ............................................................................................. 116
Waiver for Non-Catholics ................................................................................. 120

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 5

Senior High School
Ateneo de Naga University
Ateneo Ave., Bagumbayan Sur 4400 Naga City, Philippines

Ateneo de Naga University (ADNU) upholds the Catholic Christian ideals
and principles that every human person regardless of race, color, nationality and religious
affiliations or personal conviction, be treated with utmost respect and personal care (cura
personalis) due to one’s dignity as a child of God and a citizen of our nation. Therefore, the
school is committed to provide an outstanding academic training, opportunities to exercise
their inalienable rights and privileges, secured and safe environment, and a just and fair system
of laws and structures based on Christian ethical norms and the laws of our nation.

The Office of the Prefect of Students as the authority on discipline and security
commit to act and decide at all times following the principles mentioned above. Thus, my
signature below indicates my personal commitment to ensure that everyone adheres and
executes the laws and norms mandated by the ADNU Senior High School for the good of the
students, stakeholders and the school-community.

_____________________ ________
The Prefect of the Students DATE

Parents are the most superior authority in forming the youth of our land especially
in the process of their formation and growth. They are recognized also as the true aid so
that our youth may obtain the best version of themselves and be contributory in introducing
substantial change in the society. Thus, ADNU seeks strong collaboration with the parents of
our students in matters concerning disposition and following the regulations and the system of
the school. It is only thru partnership between the school and the parents will the lofty aims of
the school be met and achieved.

My signature indicates my commitment to abide by the system of ADNU SHS

Department and seek partnership in ensuring the continual formation of my child/ward.

___________________________________________ ________
Signature over the Printed Name of Parent or Guardian DATE

The students and their total well-being are the focus and center of the formation and
education process being facilitated by ADNU. They are the very reason why laws and systems
are formulated and executed to ensure their growth in all aspects of their life. That is why, it
is necessary that they submit themselves to the systems and proceedings set by the school and
the authorities. And, in case they fail to comply with the measures recognized duly by ADNU,
they will be subjected to sanctions or penalties appropriate to their context for the purpose of
correction and formation of the students.

My signature indicates my commitment to abide by all the rules and policies of the
school and its authorities to the best of my abilities in order to pursue my growth as a person
and as a learner.

___________________________________/_____ ________
Signature over the Printed Name of Student/Section DATE

(After this page is signed by the involved parties, this should be duplicated and be returned immediately to the Office of the Prefect of the Students.)

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 6

The dignity of each student rests on the observed, protected and guaranteed
rights and privileges provided by the Ateneo de Naga University. Nevertheless, these
rights should not be used by the students to abuse and misuse their inherent freedom.
These rights are granted to the students for them to fully enjoy their purposes for
staying in this institution and for them to freely imbibe the culture being embraced
by this school. Subject to the limitations prescribed by law, all bonafide students of
Senior High School shall enjoy the following rights:

1. The right to be treated with love and respect at all times by all the people
that surround him/her inside and even outside the school campus, based
on his/her dignity as a child of God and based on the legal mandates
issued by the school, our society and the Church;
2. The right to be educated and be formed through quality instruction, age
appropriate approaches and methodology based on Ignatian Pedagogy
and the school’s Mission and Vision in line with national goals;
3. The right not to be discriminated on account of his/her physical
handicap, socio-economic status, political or religious beliefs, sexual
orientation and identity;
4. The right to select any field of study, subject to existing curricula, and
to continue his/her course therein up to graduation, except in cases of
academic deficiency or violation of disciplinary regulations;
5. The right to enjoy a clean, peaceful and secured training ground in order
for him/her to achieve an optimum growth as a person and as a child of
6. The right to be given an equal opportunity to seek, investigate and
research the vast sources of knowledge for his/her personal development
and further enrichment;
7. The right to enjoy the freedom of expression, speech and of the press but
bearing in mind that freedom of expression is not absolute; any form of
defamation such as slander and libel, seditious speeches are outside the
protection of this right. This also includes the right of free election of
their peers in student organizations;
8. The right to air his/her grievance in rightful procedures to the right
authorities especially about any misbehavior or abusive acts that destroy
the integrity of a person of any member of the school community which
includes his/her fellow students, administrative staff, faculty and non-
teaching personnel;
9. The right to freedom of inquiry and to be in a liberal and democratic
classroom environment where a student may air his/her own point of
view regarding a specific discussion or even request for consultation of
grades and transparency in the grading procedures of any faculty in a
peaceful and civil manner;
10. The right to be tried and judged through due process of law each time
he or she unwittingly fails to observe the right conduct and precepts of
our institution;

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 7

11. The right to be free from unauthorized collection or contribution of any
sum of money and/or hazing and any form of pressure or harassment
from any student, peer/s in the organization/s or from any authority
including faculty and administrators;
12. The right to be personally informed of any complaint against them, to
be heard alone or to be accompanied by a teacher, adviser or counselor
in the Ateneo Senior High School, to present evidence for defense, to
be informed of the decision of their case, and to appeal the decision to
proper authorities when appropriate;
13. The right to present petitions, complaints or grievances to school
authorities and the right to receive prompt official replies from school
authorities regarding the disposition of their petitions, complaints or
grievances; and
14. The right to seek redress of grievances against any member of the
academic community in accordance with the defined channels of
authority therein.

Students shall be responsible for their own conduct and for providing
a positive and healthy environment for others by maintaining good order, self-
discipline, and consideration of the rights and property of others including, but not
limited to, the following particular guidelines for conduct:

1. Respect for God, the dignity of persons and the well-being of Ateneo de
Naga University;
2. Maintaining a healthy relationship with fellow students, teachers and
administrators, and other people, following the ideals and principles set
by ADNU being a Catholic and Jesuit institution;
3. Obedience to all the rules and regulations of the school;
4. Neatness and cleanliness of personal attire and hygiene, and respect of
the school uniform and the school ID;
5. Respect for the property of others, including keeping all books, facilities,
and materials used in the school in good condition;
6. Refraining from fighting, creating disturbances, denying others the use
of school facilities or buildings;
7. Avoiding the use or carrying any weapon on the premises, intentionally
injuring another person or acting in such a manner as to expose others
to risk or danger of harm or injury, or using threats or intimidation
against any other person;
8. Concern for the health and safety of others by refraining from using,
possessing, transmitting or acting under the influence of any alcoholic
beverage, narcotic, illegal or prohibited drug or substance, or by engaging
in gambling, extortion, theft, excessive noise, or any other unlawful

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 8

9. Respect for the educational process and learning environment of others
by bringing the necessary educational materials that each of the subjects
require of them and by refraining from intentional or habitual tardiness,
unexcused absence, or other activities such as inappropriate classroom
behavior which affects the rights and opportunities of others to receive
a good education; and
10. Exercising their patriotic responsibilities during assemblies or
gatherings involving the Philippine Flag, singing of the National
Anthem and recitation of the pledge; and to give their full, active, and
lively participation in religious activities.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 9

Christ’s Peace!

The volume you are reading holds not only the basic rules crafted by the
Senior High School administration to help build your character. It contains as well
a list of rights and privileges to help you improve your learning, and enjoy your stay
here in Ateneo de Naga University.

Two years in Senior High School may seem a little quick, but I assure you
that two years are enough to help you prepare for whatever lies ahead. The SHS
community is like a family: the faculty and staff will always be there to guide you,
various organizations are offered to provide avenues of kinship and development, and
a number of facilities are readily available to make your learning experience whole
and enjoyable.

Senior High School is the bridge between Junior High School and College
(or for some: the working world). Use this as an opportunity to reflect on your
future. Discern over your direction by seeking what you can do to help in the school’s
mission: to give light to those trapped in the darkness, to reveal the face of Christ
through good deeds, to be women and men for others.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!



Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 10


The universe is comprised of galaxies, solar systems, planets, stars, moons

and many more. However, these heavenly bodies do not clash with each other,
because each has a particular amount of force or gravity that balances the force of
other bodies, such that order is attained in the limitless space that surround the earth.
Because of the gravitational pull that each body in the universe exerts, our solar
system does not collide with other solar systems and the elements in our solar system,
including the planet earth, go around the sun in a very orderly and precisely-timed
motions. Thus enabling living things to continuously flourish.

This Handbook has a similar purpose – to establish standards for regulating

the behavior of the students in and out of the ADNU campus, through policies, rules
and procedures. Hopefully, if everybody will follow the policies, rules and regulations
contained herein, order will be maintained in school, disputes will be resolved, and
life, liberties and rights of everybody will be protected. Consequently, the quality of
life and learning in the school community will be enhanced and safeguarded.

May each and every one of us in the Ateneo de Naga University Senior
High School community read all the contents of this Handbook, that we may be
guided in our day-to-day activities and in dealing with others.

Thank you very much.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


Vice President for Basic Education

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 11

Welcome my dear Senior High School 11 students!

As you commence your journey for the next two years of academic life,
always consider that your administrator, faculty and staff-companions will always be
around to assure you that everything will be achieved through positive outlook on

Consider this Student Handbook as your guide as you pursue MAGIS and

Make your journey fruitful and enjoyable!



Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 12


Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 13

Brief History of Ateneo de Naga University
In 1940 at the invitation of Bishop (later Archbishop) Pedro P. Santos of
Caceres, the Ateneo de Naga was founded as a Jesuit school for boys with Fr. Francis
D. Burns, S.J. as Rector. Classes were first held in the building formerly used by the
Camarines Sur Catholic Academy (now the Naga Parochial School). Meanwhile, the
construction of the new school building, dominated by the now well-known facade
of four pillars, began. In December 1941, a small band of Jesuits moved to their new
residence on campus and prepared to transfer classes to the newly finished structures
after the Christmas holidays. But suddenly on December 8, the Pacific War broke
When the Japanese Imperial Forces came to Naga City, they imprisoned the
Jesuits (except Bro. Sergio Adriatico, S.J., the lone Filipino among them), occupied
the Ateneo de Naga, and converted it into the local Fort Santiago. As soon as
Philippine Independence was restored in 1946, high school classes resumed.

On June 1,1947 the Ateneo de Naga was granted by the Department of

Education full recognition as a standard four-year secondary School. On June 5,
1947 the College was opened with 87 male students. Six years later, on October 26,
1953, the Ateneo College became co-educational with the admission of five women.

The steady growth of Ateneo called for new structures for governance. Thus,
the 1940 Articles of Incorporation were amended and new by-laws were adopted in
1979, transferring the school’s high governing authority to the Board of Trustees, the
majority of whom were Jesuits. In the same year, the College and the High School
(now Junior High School) were the first in Camarines Sur to be accredited by the
Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU).

Through its more than half a century of existence, the Ateneo made
significant breakthroughs and suffered serious setbacks. Economic difficulties during
the Martial Law years led to a dip in the college enrolment. And in the 80s there
were rumors of the school’s closure. But as the school marked its Golden Jubilee in
1990, this time with Fr. Raul Bonoan, S.J. as President, there began a remarkable
turn-around and recovery.
Fr. Bonoan forged strong and fruitful partnership with the alumni, which
raised funds to support the President’s rehabilitation efforts for Ateneo.

There was a speedy infrastructure development in the 90s, with the

construction of new buildings, such as the Br. Richard Fernando, S.J. Hall, Bro.
Sergio Adriatico, S.J. Hall, John Phelan, S.J. Science Hall, Francis Dolan Hall and
James O’Brien,S.J. Library, the most modern library in the region.

Fr. Bonoan’s administration invested in faculty development to improve the

quality of instruction in the Ateneo, and sourced out scholarship funds as two of the
priorities in the CorPlan 2000.

In 1991 the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports placed the

Ateneo in the list of 18 excellent universities and colleges in the country. The
Graduate School, which had a brief existence in the seventies, was revived in 1993.
On September 16,1996, Fr. Bonoan issued a memorandum declaring the separation

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 14

of the different colleges: the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Commerce,
and the College of Information, Technology, and Engineering. Almost a year after,
the College of Education was created.

The University status was granted to the Ateneo de Naga on November

11, 1998 upon the approval by the Commission on Higher education of Resolution
No. 142-98. Its conferment and the installation of the first University President,
Fr. Bonoan, was celebrated on February 20, 1999. Barely three months after this
milestone, Fr. Bonoan died. Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J. was installed as second University
President on August 28,1999.

In the initial months of his administration, Fr. Tabora called together

representatives from all sectors of the University to review and streamline Ateneo
de Naga’s direction in the next ten years. After intensive discussion and meticulous
work, the approved CORPLAN 2010 became the working document to translate the
University’s mission-vision into action.

Concrete manifestations of endeavors resulting from CORPLAN 2010

emerged. On one hand, seven buildings rose on campus, among them the Christ the
King university church, Xavier Hall, the Arrupe Building, the Engineering Building,
and the new Jesuit Residence. On the other hand, Ateneo de Naga established itself
as the premier educational institution in the region by being the only one in Bicol
with a PAASCU Level III accredited status. This distinction was granted on May
14,2004, six months after obtaining a Level II re-accreditation status.

Two other highlights marked this period in Ateneo de Naga’s history. On

June 23,2003, the Ateneo de Naga High School (now Junior High School) moved
out of the Bagumbayan campus to its new ten-hectare home in Pacol. For the first
time in its 63 years of existence, the High School admitted 185 girls into its student
population. In the following year, effective SY 2004-2005, the University opened the
College of Nursing, increasing the total number of its colleges to six.

Considered a masterstroke of Fr. Tabora in educational management, three

structure were established in ADNU, namely: the Academic Council, serving as a
think-tank and coordinating arm of the University on administrative and curricular
concerns; the University Research Council, keeping ADNU’s academic standards
abreast in international criteria of research; and the University Social Involvement
Council, planning and coordinating the outreach efforts of the different units in
ADNU and sharpening the University’s impact on Bikol communities.

In 2007, the Ignatian Formation Center (IFC) was created, and the Ignatian
Formation Program framework established. TheIFC has since become responsible
for promoting Ignatian Spirituality in the ADNU community. Strengthened by
the creation of the Formation Council and the collaboration of the Formation and
Student Support Offices (Office of Student Affairs, College Guidance Center, Campus
Ministry and College Athletics), the center provided appropriate opportunities and
interventions to concretize the mission and formative intents of the University.

The University took part in the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of Jesuit

Education in the Philippines in the context of the many milestones that it achieved.
In 2008, it became the only University in Southern Luzon to be granted by CHED

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 15

with Autonomous Status. ADNU has the most Centers of Development: in
Information technology, Business Administration and Entrepreneurship; and Center
of Excellence in Teacher Training in the region.

In 2009, it was one of the three universities in the country to obtain

Institutional Accreditation from PAASCU. Other reassuring laurels included the
recognition for having the Best Student Services in the region and Best Student
Leadership Program in the country; the top notch performances in the board
exams for teachers, accountants, librarians and engineers; the first-ever PAASCU
accreditation of Civil Engineering program in Bicol, have made ADNU the region’s
best and one of the country’s finest academic institutions.

In 2010, the University celebrated its 70th Foundation Anniversary. The

occasion became more meaningful as it coincided with the 300th year of Bicol’s
devotion to Our Lady of Peñafrancia or Ina, the patroness of Bicol. The two historic
events allowed the University to not only renew its commitment to the same Christ-
centered mission of the Society of Jesus and strengthen Jesuit-Lay collaboration, but
also reflect on the true essence of devotion to Ina.

The year 2011 ushered in leadership change for the University. With Fr.
Tabora’s election as President of Ateneo de Davao, the ADNU Board of Trustees on
September 22, 2010 elected Fr. Primitivo E. Viray, Jr., S.J. to be the third University
President in Naga. He assumed office on May 11, 2011.

The University under Fr. Viray’s watch, maintained its Centers of Excellence
and Development status. New offices were established, among them the center for
Culture and the Arts, Innovation Center, Management Information System unit and
Computing Systems and Innovation Office. The University Research Council was
reconstituted to improve the University’s research capability. Replacing the Module
1/SMEDI canteen, a four-storey facility, named after Fr. Bonoan, was built to house
the University Cafeteria, new classrooms and offices.

As a response to the K to 12educational reform, ADNU opted to open

in 2012 a pioneering Career Academy or Senior High School which started to be
developed during the latter part of Fr. Tabora’s administration.

In terms of long-term directions, the University engaged in Corporate

Planning (CorPlan 2020), where stakeholders revisited ADNU’s mission-vision,
identity and culture and formulated a plan to integrate them into the life and work
in the University, along with the challenges of K to 12 and the call to contribute to
regional and national development and to protect the environment, among others.

In 2013, Fr. Viray announced ADNU’s expansion of basic education through

offering Grade School in 2014 to respond to the growing demand of Naga city and
neighboring towns for excellent Catholic basic education. The groundbreaking of
the site for the Grade School in Pacol was conducted on June 5, 2013 as a launching
activity of the university’s three-year celebration of its 75th Foundation Anniversary
(2013-2015). On the same occasion, the Pacol Campus was officially named Fr. Raul
J. Bonoan S.J. Campus and the High School Building, Fr. Michael Rooney, S.J.
Under the leadership of Fr. Viray, the University continued to labor hard for

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 16

the realization of the Senior High School in SY 2016 - 2017. Dr. Ronaldo SP. Elicay
was appointed as the First Director of the SHS. It offered Academic Tracks on its first
year of implementation. The first Orientation Seminar was conducted on May 18
- 19, 2016 to more than seven hundred students, with the majority of the enrollees
coming from the different provinces in the Bicol region. Classes officially started on
June 6, 2016. Highlights of the first day of classes were the first Flag Ceremony in
front of Ateneo de Naga’s prominent symbol of pride, the Four Pillars. This most
significant event of the year 2016 was participated not only by administrators, faculty
and staff of the Senior High School, but also by the University administrators headed
by Fr. Primitivo E. Viray, Jr., the first Vice President for Basic Education, Fr. Danilo
B. Isidro, S.J., and deans, faculty members and other personnel.

In School Year 2017 – 2018, Dr. Lydia T. Goingo succeeded Fr. Isidro as the
second Vice – President for Basic Education. On October 13, 2018, the Senior High
School Building Unveiling and Groundbreaking Ceremonies were held.

With the appointment of Fr. Primitivo E. Viray, Jr. S.J. as the Provincial
of the Philippine Jesuit Province, the Board of Trustees, in their meeting in August
2017, elected Fr. Roberto Exequiel N. Rivera, S.J. as the 4th University President. He
assumed office on January 5, 2018.

Photo taken by: Nico Morada

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 17

Ateneo de Naga University Presidents

+ Fr. Raul J. Bonoan, S.J Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J.

1st University President 2nd University President
April 1, 1989 – April 1999 May 1999 – May 2011

Fr. Primitivo E. Viray Jr., S.J. Fr. Roberto Exequiel N. Rivera, S.J.
3rd University President 4th University President
May 2011 – Oct. 2017 January 5, 2018 – Present

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 18

Evolution of the ATENEO de Naga SEAL

1940 to 1985 1985 to 2015 2015 to Present

At the center of the Ateneo University Seal is the escutcheon of the family of
St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. The shield is divided vertically
into two. The right panel shows two wolves on both sides of a hanging cauldron.
The design symbolizes the hospitality and generosity of the Loyola family. On the
left panel, symbolizing nobility and heroism are seven red bars on a field of gold,
honoring the seven heroes of the family who distinguished themselves in the battle
of Beotibar in 1321. The shield is part of the seal of many Jesuit schools in the world
with which the Ateneo shares a four hundred tradition of Jesuit liberal education.

Immediately above the Loyola escutcheon is a gold crown of Mary, Mother

of God, who under the title of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, is the patroness of Bicol.
Over Mary’s crown shines the sun, symbol of Christ. On its face is the seal of the
Society of Jesus in calligraphic form: the first three letters in Greek of the Holy Name
of Jesus (IHS) with the cross on top and the nails of his Holy Passion underneath. The
sun’s rays shine over Mary’s crown, the Loyola shield, and the six stars and beyond.
The Sun, symbol of Christ, truth and life, shines over Mary, Ateneo, Bikol, and the

Arranged in semi-circle under the Loyola shield are six gold stars representing
the six provinces of Bikol. With its seal, the Ateneo proclaims its commitment to
Christ, to the Jesuit education tradition, and to its mission of forming “men and
women for others.”

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 19


Primum Regnum Dei.

(Enot sa Gabos an Kahadean nin Diyos)

The school motto, which is derived from Matthew 6:33

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things will be given”,
expresses the single mindedness with which the Ateneo de Naga
University must pursue the goals of Catholic Jesuit Education.
The ultimate purpose of Ateneo de Naga is not knowledge for its
own sake or merely professional preparation, but the reign of God
and the promotion of Gospel values. In our present context, Jesuit
education focuses on the promotion of justice in the service of faith.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 20

University Mission Statement
As a university, the Ateneo de Naga seeks the integral formation
of men and women who will contribute to the total development
of the family and human society.

As a Filipino university, the Ateneo de Naga fosters love of

country and a deep commitment to the culture of human life and
care for creation. It commits itself to contribute to and benefit
from global society for the transformation of the Filipino nation.
Its special task is the development of Bicol and the preservation
and enhancement of its culture.

As a Catholic university, the Ateneo de Naga is committed to

the service of the faith that promotes justice. It seeks to form men
and women committed to the person and teaching of Jesus Christ
in loyal and dedicated service to the Church and community,
particularly the poor.

As a Jesuit university, the Ateneo de Naga draws its inspiration

and educational principles from St. Ignatius of Loyola. It thereby
seeks to imbue its members with the desire to strive for excellence
in every sphere and activity of life. Through teaching, research,
community service and deep personal interaction it aims to form
“men and women for others” who will find God in all things, always
seek his greater glory and respond generously and courageously to
Christ’s call to serve first God’s Kingdom - Primum Regnum Dei.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 21

Photo taken by: Nico Morada

University Vision Statement

Ateneo de Naga University, a premier university in the
country, provides excellent instruction and formation, conducts
vigorous research, and engages in community service that are ultimately
transformative of society, especially in Bicol. It is possible through its
competent, creative and committed faculty, staff and administrators,
and integrated systems and excellent facilities.

It prides itself in its scholarship support and responsive

student services. It attracts highly qualified students and produces
graduates who are responsible citizens formed in the Catholic faith
and inspired by Ignatian spirituality. They are globally competent but
locally responsive and environmentally sensitive.

Nurtured by Ignatian spirituality, it is a community that is

passionate to: seek truth in divergent cultures; cultivate intellectual life;
respect creation; build human community and promote justice. The
university engages in and maintains partnerships, linkages, networks
with institutions and individuals to further its mission.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 22

Senior High School Mission Statement

The Senior High School (SHS) of the Ateneo de Naga University is

committed to develop students as life-long learners through the acquisition
of ethical as well as spiritual values guided by the teachings of St. Ignatius of
Loyola; and thus be holistically prepared for college education adept at critical
thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, information media and
technology skills geared towards the development of the Bicol Region and the
entire nation.

Senior High School Vision Statement

The Senior High School of the Ateneo de Naga University, a Filipino,
Catholic, and Jesuit Institution effectively forms its graduates into men and
women of global competence, well-formed conscience and compassionate
commitment, and who are academically prepared for the rigors of college
education as well as agents of transformation especially in the Bicol region
and the country.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 23

Profile of the Ateneo de Naga University
Senior High School Graduate

Competence that Serves the Faith. The graduates are prepared for the rigors
of higher education and the pursuit of their interests as persons. Thus, Ateneans:

• Explore career and future lifestyle choices within an Ignatian values framework;
• Desire to improve themselves, to continually gain a deeper understanding of who
they are, and to become more authentically free and decisive in their actions;
• Take pride in their work and enjoy intellectual and imaginative endeavors;
• Think critically and creatively;
• Strive for greater precision and personal style in thought and forms of expression;
• Develop perspectives over central ideas, methodologies, and conceptual
geographies of the variety of intellectual disciplines;
• Seek meaningful application of knowledge and skills to life situations;
• Appreciate appraisal of their attitudes, behaviors and actions;
• Evaluate some of the moral ambiguities embedded in values promoted by foreign
culture; and
• Grow in awareness of the global nature of many social problems and relate them
to current issues and historical antecedents.

Photo taken by: Sir Honesto S. Bermudo III
Conscience that Promotes Social Justice. The graduates examine their
religious feelings and beliefs with a view to living a fundamental orientation toward
God, establishing a relationship with a religious tradition and religious community.
Thus, Ateneans:

• Acknowledge that there are universal values which qualify a truly human life;
• Accept their weaknesses and strengths with genuine humility;
• Rejoice in the blessings of others and grieve over misfortunes of others;
• Seek a clearer understanding of their faith in the context of their lives;
• Reflect on their own experiences and the experiences of others;
• Respect respectable authority and law;
• Draw their motives for responsible moral decisions and act from personal and act

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 24

from personal and community prayer and the sacraments;
• Practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy;
• Strive toward the development of a Christian conscience;
Begin to establish their own identity by integrating their sexuality into their
whole personality.

Compassionate Commitment to Change that is Enculturated. The

graduates transcend self- centeredness and acknowledge their responsibility in the
many needs of the local and wider communities. Thus, Ateneans:

• Maintain healthy relationship with persons different from them;

• Develop the attitude and skill of putting themselves in another person’s place as a
way of showing care and concern for others;
• Nurture a sense of compassion for the victims of injustice and a willingness to
assist them in regaining their rights and dignity;
• Confront the moral ambiguities embedded in values promoted by local and
global structures and advocate social change;
• Promote family unity and foster family service to the community;
• Develop a sense of love and care for the natural environment;
• Affirm the glory of God in the beauty of the created universe and resolve to care
for the natural environment;
• Commit to the public service aspect of the career they choose;
• Find fulfilment in their experiences of serving others and come to an appreciation
of their need for respect, and love;
• Begin to see that Christian faith implies commitment to a just society bringing
into being the Regnum Dei.

Photo taken by: Jasper Infante

Christ - Centeredness that Impels Inter-Religious Dialogue that

Enhances the Faith. The graduates recognize the reality of the human and divine
person of Christ working actively in their lives and the lives of others. Thus, Ateneans:

• Experience God personally in and through Christ as presented in the New

• Understand the Church’s teaching about Jesus and His redeeming mission in and
through the Church;
• Emulate Jesus Christ, His life and His teaching;

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 25

• Translate their affinity with Jesus Christ to their relationship with others;
• Respect non-Christian and non-Catholic religious traditions;
• Become more aware of their responsibility to explore and validate their faith;
• Appreciate the Eucharist as the core of a living Christian community;
• Heed the need for healing and reconciliation with friends, family, church and
the Lord;
• Share with the global community the Bicolanos’ inherent faith in God and
devotion to Our Lady;
• Seek and find God in all things.

Student Formation and Services

Photo taken by: Mikka Ella Fernandez Aerial Shot by: Nico Morada

Photo taken by: Nico Morada

Section 1. Office of the Campus Ministry (OCM)
The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School Office of the Campus
Ministry shares in the mission of the University in rendering service of the faith that
promotes justice. It participates in the Church’s mission of forming a community
that draws inspiration the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The office shall seek to
form leaders with a dynamic spirituality that is Ignatian and rooted in a deep personal
commitment to God who moves them to a dedicated service to the Church and the
community, particularly those in the periphery.

In order to create a culture of spirituality among the Senior High School

students, the Office of the Campus Ministry organizes the class, monthly, and special
community Masses. It also facilitates Confession and Confirmation in coordination

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 26

with the University Chaplaincy Office. Likewise, it facilitates the conduct of the
students’ recollections, retreats, prayer sessions and other spiritual activities. It also
assists in the formation of the w Student Volunteers, the Altar Servers, Lectors, and
Choir Members.
Recollection and Retreats
Spiritual Formation is integral to Jesuit Education (CJE4.2) for personal and
well-being of members. In the Senior High School, all Grade 11 students, regardless
of their religion are given the opportunity to attend the one (1) day recollection while
all Grade 12 students are given the opportunity to attend the overnight spiritual

Section 2. Guidance Office (GO)

Photo taken by: Jam Mazo

The Senior High School Guidance Office is focused on the essential
formation of the students by assisting them develop their personal-social, spiritual,
academic, and career skills. The Guidance Office helps the students become aware of
their strengths, talents and potentials in preparation for college life and other related
career future endeavor.

Purpose of the SHS Guidance Office

1. The SHS Guidance Office aims to assist the new students in their adjustment
and transition to SHS life and integration in their AdNU community;
2. The SHS Guidance Office helps the students to cope with difficulties and
concerns throughout their stay in Senior High School; and
3. The SHS Guidance Office aims to provide a holistic development for the
students and maximize their growth and development to realize their full
• Orientation Service
The SHS Guidance Office organizes the annual conduct of Orientation seminar
for Grade 11 students and parents. The ORSEM for Grade 11 students is a two-
day activity while the Parents’ Orientation is a half day activity. It aims to introduce
Grade 11 students and parents to the school’s strand and academic expectations,
policies and formation thrusts, student activities and services, presentation of
the faculty members, staff, and offices that will aid them throughout their stay
in the University. This is also an opportunity for the administrators and faculty
members to meet and interact with the new students and provide them a chance
to meet new friends.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 27

• Individual Inventory Service
This program is necessary for student profiling. All students have the individual
folders for the safekeeping of essential Guidance related documents. The
individual folder contains the student’s individual record form, routine interview,
intake interview and treatment plan, case notes, psychological tests, and other
school and Guidance related documents. Collection of extensive information
about the student may help the Office have proper understanding, and easy access
of important information needed in the decision making especially in planning
the appropriate interventions to clients during crisis management.

• Testing Service
In coordination with the Institutional Testing Center, this service provides
psychological testing on learning styles, self-efficacy, study attitudes and methods
survey (SAMS) for Grade 11 and school motivation learning strategies inventory
and year level college admission test for Grade 12 students. Test interpretation and
feedback on the results of the said tests are provided to students during Routine
and Exit Interviews. This program also assists other schools in conducting their
college entrance examination to all interested Grade 12 students.
This also includes the administration of National Achievement Test (NAT) for
Grades 11 and 12 and ADMU College Entrance Test (ACET) for all interested
Grade 12 students in the region.

• Counseling Service
This is the primary responsibility of the Office, to provide counseling service to
all SHS students who are in need of assistance in coping with their adjustment,
academic, personal, social, family and career related concerns. This program
aims to address various issues, concerns and difficulties that they have in Senior
High School. This is a one-on-one helping relationship, wherein the Counselor
interprets the data gathered about the individual and relates them to the
information about the world outside the client in order to facilitate growth and
adjustment, problem-solving, and decision making.

• Referral Service
The referral program is open to all SHS administrators, faculty, staff and other
significant others to refer at risk students to the Guidance Office for possible
assistance and appropriate interventions. They may refer a student through the
referral form. Acknowledgment form will be provided by the attending counselor
to those who referred a student in the Office. However, there are cases that the
skills needed by the client are beyond the expertise of the counselor, thus referral
or tapping of other agencies, organizations, or individuals take place that may
be of better assistance in the client’s resolution of problems and difficulties. The
Offices of the Registrar, and Prefect of Students, and Homeroom Adviser can be
the main sources of referrals for student academic performance and attendance.

• Student Monitoring Service

In this program, follow-up interviews and counseling sessions must be carefully
monitored by the attending counselor to make sure of the progress of the students
and referred clients. Routine interview, exit interview, follow-up individual and
group consultations are under this service. Grades and frequency of student’s

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 28

absences are needed as an indicator of academic progress and personal growth.

• Enrichment Service to Students, Teachers and Parents

To improve the potential of the students, this program assists individuals and
groups in conducting leadership trainings, team building activities, smooth
interpersonal relationship (SIR), group growth activities, stress management, and
conflict management. This program is also designed to help faculty members and
staff develop the basic skills in spotting students at risks and be able to know how
to handle and manage them on their level as a teacher counselor. For homeroom
moderators, enhancement training for them on how to facilitate homeroom
modules is also provided.

• Career Guidance Service

The SHS Guidance Office spearheads the conduct of Career Days. This is a 2-day
activity designed to increase the students’ self-knowledge in terms of values,
interests, traits and aspirations; to broaden the students career options for degree
and occupations and the knowledge on current industry trends; and enhance goal
setting and planning, motivation, self-esteem and decision making skills in career/
academic choices. This program also facilitates Recruitment Talks from different
school institutions to provide Grade 12 students a broader career and college
course options. Preparation of the recommendation letter for college admissions
is one of the bulks of counselors.

• Consultation Service
The consultation service includes the mutual sharing and analyses of information
with the administration or management, faculty members, parents and significant
others to facilitate decision-making and learning about strategies for helping the
student clients. Activities under this service includes one on one consultation,
group consultation, parents and teachers meeting, and home visit program. Home
visit aims to build rapport and connections with students and family members,
assist students at risk, especially those with family and personal related issues and
obtain support from parents to improve academic success.

• Information Service
This program entails the comprehensive and systematic collection and
dissemination of information outside the individual through various methods
and programs to assist students in their personal-social, academic, and career
planning. This service provides students with personal-social information
that will aid them develop their personality and social life; with educational-
academic information that would help them select the proper academic setting
and program, knowing the requirements and opportunities available; and with
vocational-occupational information that would help them learn about the world
of work and careers so that they can make appropriate decisions that will prepare
them for the future. Homeroom, group growth activities, posting of relevant
information in the bulletin boards through exhibits are methods of disseminating
information to students.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 29

• Follow-up Service
This service helps determine the status of the students who received assistance and
what other assistance can be rendered so that the service is complete and holistic.
This is also an avenue to determine the adequacy and sufficiency of the programs
and services extended in meeting the needs of the students. This service includes
evaluating the satisfaction and performance of the clients in their chosen strand to
come up with possible programs that can help address expressed needs. This can
be done through follow-up studies through research and/or evaluation.

• Gender Service
This program addresses gender related concerns of the SHS students. Talks on
gender related issues are prepared for the students.

• Evaluation Service
Program evaluation is a program-oriented activity that seeks to collect relevant
information to determine whether the program goals are met in terms of
outcomes as the basis for modification and improvement in planning of the
delivery of guidance services. Aside from the conduct of program evaluation,
SWOT evaluation is also conducted every after the conduct of the activity to
ensure the smooth flow of the next activity recognizing the recommendations and
suggestions given on a particular program or activity.

• Peer Volunteer Program

The Peer Volunteer Program has been created to develop a student volunteer group
that will help or assist in implementing the Office’s guidance program and other
related SHS activities. The members come from different SHS strands who passed
the screening process. They are provided with training in planning, organizing
and implementing activities/events, project proposal and module making,
handling and facilitating group activities, peer mentoring, and peer coaching.
Enrichment trainings are also provided to equip them with the necessary skills
and increase their knowledge and confidence needed in the tasks implementation.
Their activities are also in line with the Ignatian Formation Program.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 30

Section 3. Office of Community Program (OCP)

Photo taken by: Nico Morada

The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School Office of the
Community Program is responsible for the planning, implementation, monitoring,
and evaluation its various community programs, all of which aim to develop the
students’ social spirituality. Specifically, this program aims to help students to a) gain
a broader and deeper context and appreciation of one’s own role, and in a compelling
way, the need of one’s contribution in realizing the church mission especially towards
the poor and the disadvantaged, b) gain a deeper understanding of the call for and
active participation in the life of the society and the global community, and the
Christian imperative to use one’s gifts in the service of others, out of love for God, and
c) strengthen networking and collaborative works partner communities, institutions
and other Jesuit missions.

Immersion and Outreach Activities

The Immersion Activity (Grade 11) is an opportunity for the students to

live for a day with a foster family in an identified partner community in nearby towns.
Though actual experience of the realities of daily life of selected underprivileged
families, the immersion hopes to raise the consciousness of students about the plight
of the marginalized and in the process, become sensitive and responsive to the needs
of their underprivileged brothers and sisters.

The Outreach Activity (Grade 12) is an opportunity for the students to

be exposed and be more responsive to the plight of the members of an identified
community partner or institution serving the marginalized sectors of the society.
Through age - appropriate community service, the outreach hopes to help students
become more loving and empathetic towards their underprivileged brothers and
sisters. Aside from these activities, the Office of Community Program also facilitates
the relief operations efforts of the Senior High School in coordination with the
University’s Center of Community Development (CCD) in time of natural calamities
(e.g. typhoons and eruptions) and sometimes, “man-made” calamities (e.g. Marawi

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 31

Guidelines for Outreach Participants
To ensure the smooth flow of activities during outreach activities, all participants
are expected to observe the following guidelines before, during and after the activity:

Before leaving the campus:

1. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the expected time of departure (ETD) for
preparatory activities and checking of attendance.

2. Upon arrival in the assembly area inside the campus, have your attendance
checked by the assigned student or teacher–in–charge.

3. Submit your accomplished parent’s permit to the student–in–charge or

teacher–in-charge. Without your signed permit, you will not be allowed to
join the activity even if your parent or guardian gave his or her permission
through a phone call.

4. Make sure that you have your own packed snacks and/or lunch and water
supply in the entire duration of the outreach.

5. Make sure that you are wearing the appropriate dress code: white shirt or P.E.
shirt, maong pants, sandals or rubber shoes.

6. Remove your earrings (for boys) and other pieces of expensive jewelry (for
girls). Secure them in your bags.

7. Board the school approved service vehicles when instructed by the teacher–in-
charge. You are not allowed to ride on top of the vehicle nor cling on the door.
Observe safety measures while inside the service vehicle. You are not allowed
to drive your own service (car or motorbike) from the main campus to the
outreach area and vice versa.

8. If you arrive late, you will be sent home by the guards on duty. Never attempt
to travel alone going to the outreach area because you will be sent home too
aboard the school standby vehicle.

During the Outreach Activity or While in the Outreach Area:

1. Upon arrival in the outreach area, stay in the designated venue and wait for
instructions from your teacher–in–charge or the person–in–charge in the
partner community.

2. Observe the schedule of activities strictly by carrying out your assigned tasks
quickly and smoothly without complaining and ranting.

3. Politely greet and engage the members of the community in conversations

using appropriate, respectful language or dialect they can understand. Speak
slowly and clearly. Never use foul and strange language and keep your negative
comments to yourself.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 32

4. Always stay with you assigned buddy. Take care of each other. Never go
anywhere without your assigned buddy and without the explicit permission
of your teacher–in–charge.

5. Take care of your personal belongings. Never leave them unattended and
avoid displaying your valuable items.

6. Never attempt to smoke or drink alcoholic beverages even if you are invited
by the community members. Politely decline the offer by telling them that
you are not allowed to smoke and drink.

7. Refrain from playing cards (tong its, pusoy dos and the like) during gaps or
while waiting for the next activity. Avoid playing billiards or singing in the
videoke machines if these are available in the area and even if you are invited
by the community members.

8. Avoid using your mobile phones in public and refrain from playing games
in your mobile phones or tablets. Use the mobile phone only for emergency
purposes. If ever you are permitted to use your mobile phone, be discreet and
speak in a low voice.

9. Never offer nor promise any form of financial assistance to any community
member even if you are so touched and moved to tears by their plight. The
least thing you can do is to listen to them with an open mind and heart.

10. Observe cleanliness at all times and respect the properties and structures in
the community. Throw your trash in the appropriate places. If there are no
trash bins, keep your trash in your bags. Leave nothing but footprints, take
nothing but pictures.

11. Always ask permission from the community members when taking photos.
If you are going to take photos with children, never take close up photos and
never post them in your social media accounts to protect their identity.

12. Stay only in the designated safe areas in the community. Never go to the
restricted areas such as rivers, falls, port, caves or mountains unless you are
given explicit permission by your teacher-in-charge and you are accompanied
by your teacher and adult members of the community.

13. In case you suddenly feel ill, inform your assigned buddy and your teacher–
in-charge so that you can be given first aid treatment.

14. You are carrying the name of the school during the activity so act
appropriately in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated in the
Student Handbook. If you violate any of the guidelines here and those in the
handbook, you will merit appropriate disciplinary actions commensurate to
your offense(s).

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 33

After the Activity:

1. Clean the area where you held the activities. Make sure that you do not leave
any of your personal belongings.

2. Express your gratitude to the persons–in–charge in the community or

institution for the opportunity given to you and their hospitality.

3. Assemble in the designated departure area and board the service vehicles once
your teacher–in–charge gives you the signal.

4. Say a prayer before leaving the community and observe safety measures while
inside the service vehicle. You are not allowed to ride on top of the vehicle
nor cling on the door.

5. Upon arrival in the main campus, you will be officially dismissed by your

Guidelines for Immersion Participants

To ensure the smooth flow of activities during immersion, all participants are
expected to observe the following guidelines before, during, and after the activity.

Before leaving the campus:

1. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the expected time of departure (ETD) for
the preparatory activities and checking of attendance.

2. Upon arrival in the assembly area inside the campus, have your attendance
checked by the assigned student or teacher – in – charge.

3. Submit your accomplished parent’s permit to the student – in – charge of

teacher – in charge. Without your signed permit, you will not be allowed to
join the activity even if your parent/guardian give his/her permission through
a phone call.

4. Make sure that you have your own food provision and water supply for the
duration of the immersion.

5. Make sure that you are wearing the appropriate dress code: white shirt/p.e.
shirt, maong pants, sandals or rubber shoes.

6. emove your earrings (for the boys) and other pieces of expensive jewelry (for
the girls). Secure them in your bags.

7. Board the school approved service vehicles when instructed by the teacher –
in – charge. You are not allowed to ride on top of the vehicle nor cling on the
door. Observe safety measures while inside the service vehicle. You are not
allowed to drive your own service (car or motorbike) from the main campus
to the immersion area and back.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 34

8. If you arrive late, you will be sent home by the guards on duty. Never attempt
to travel alone going to the immersion area because you will be sent home too
aboard the school standby vehicle.

During the Immersion Activity or While in the Immersion Area:

1. Upon arrival in the immersion area, stay in the designated venue and wait
for instructions from your teacher–in-charge or the person-in–charge in the
partner community.

2. Observe the schedule of activities strictly by carrying out your assigned tasks
quickly and smoothly without complaining and ranting.

3. Once instructed by your teacher–in–charge or the person–in–charge in the

community, proceed to the house of your foster family.

4. Politely greet and engage the members of your host family and community
members in conversations using appropriate and respectful language or dialect
they can understand. Speak slowly and clearly. Never use foul and strange
language and keep all your negative comments to yourself.

5. Maximize your time with your foster family. Get to know the members on
a more personal level without being intrusive and volunteer to participate in
their daily activities or to assist in the household chores.

6. Always stay with you assigned buddy. Take care of each other. Never go
anywhere without your assigned buddy and without the explicit permission
of your foster family or teacher–in–charge.

7. Take care of your personal belongings. Never leave them unattended and
avoid displaying your valuable items.

8. Never attempt to smoke or drink alcoholic beverages even if you are invited
by your host family and community members. Politely decline the offer by
telling them that you are not allowed to smoke and drink.

9. Refrain from playing cards (tong its, pusoy dos and the like) during gaps or
while waiting for the next activity. Avoid playing billiards or singing in the
videoke machines if these are available in the area and even if you are invited
by the community members.

10. Avoid using your mobile phones in public and refrain from playing games in
your mobile phones or tablets while you are with your host family. Use the
mobile phone only for emergency purposes. If ever you are permitted to use
your mobile phone, be discreet and speak in a low voice.

11. Never offer nor promise any form of financial assistance to your foster family
even if you are so touched and moved to tears by their plight. The least thing
you can do is to listen to them with an open mind and heart.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 35

12. Observe cleanliness at all times and respect the properties and structures in
the community. Throw your trash in the appropriate places. If there are no
trash bins, keep your trash in your bags. Leave nothing but footprints, take
nothing but pictures.

13. Always ask permission from your foster family and the community members
when taking photos. If you are going to take photos with children, never take
close up photos and never post them in your social media accounts to protect
their identity.

14. Stay only in the designated safe areas in the community. Never go to the
restricted areas such as rivers, falls, port, caves or mountains unless you are
given explicit permission by your teacher-in-charge and you are accompanied
by your teacher–in- charge or the adult members of the community.

15. In case you suddenly feel ill, inform your assigned buddy and your teacher–
in–charge so that you can be given first aid treatment.

16. You are carrying the name of the school during the activity so act
appropriately in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated in the
Student Handbook. If you violate any of the guidelines here and those in the
handbook, you will merit appropriate disciplinary actions commensurate to
your offense(s).

1. Clean the area where you held the activities. Make sure that you do not
leave any of your personal belongings.

After the Activity:

1. Clean the area where you held the activities. Make sure that you do not leave
any of your personal belongings.

2. Express your gratitude to your host family and the persons–in–charge in the
community for the opportunity given to you and their hospitality.

3. Assemble in the designated departure area and board in the service vehicles
once your teacher–in–charge gives you the signal.

4. Say a prayer before leaving the community and observe safety measures while
inside the service vehicle. You are not allowed to ride on top of the vehicle nor
cling on the door.

5. Upon arrival in the main campus, you will be officially dismissed by your

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 36

Section 4. Office of Student Activities (OSA)
The Office of Student Activities is responsible for the planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Student Activities Program. It
coordinates all major school activities and exercises general supervision of all student
organizations’ activities on and off campus. It also facilitates the establishment and
formal recognition of student organization.

General Guidelines on Safety and Security


(On-Campus Activities until 6:30PM and on Saturdays and Holidays)

1. The activity organizers conduct orientation on House Rules for participants,

especially the safety precaution and other related matters.

2. The activity organizers keep a copy of the Participants’ Directory, with the
following information: participant’s contact information and emergency
contact person and number, medical/health concerns, food diet/allergies, etc.

3. Non–Ateneans and non-SHS students are not allowed to join the activity
designed or intended for members of the community, unless otherwise the
activity is institutional in nature.

4. Students who are candidates for DISCIPLINARY PROBATION and

ACADEMIC PROBATION are not be allowed to join the activities requiring
them to be excused from classes.

5. The activity organizers ensure that there are enough numbers of teacher/
staff companion throughout the activity. 10 student-participants require 1
teacher-companion. 20 student-participants require 2 teacher–companions.
30 student-participants require 3 teacher–companions and so on.

6. The university has the right to suspend or cancel student activities when there
is an imminent threat to the safety and security of students, whether natural
or man-made.

7. The activity organizers ensure that medical first aid kits are available during
the activity and that at least one teacher-companion knows basic first aid

8. The activity organizers choose only food houses or catering services with valid
business permits.

9. The activity organizers require the use of reusable or biodegradable eating


Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 37

10. The activity organizers coordinate with the following: Administrative Services
Office or Security Personnel for safety and security concerns; Prefect’s Office
for discipline-related concerns.

11. The activity organizers, moderators and teacher-companions use mobile

phones to communicate with school authorities and parents.

12. The participants and teacher–companions familiarize themselves with the

safety and evacuation procedures in case of emergency during the activity.
(e.g. Fire and Earthquake Drills).

13. The participants are not allowed to leave the activity venue before the activity
ends except for emergency reasons and provided that such leaving is explicitly
approved by the activity organizer or teacher.

14. The participants are held responsible for all their personal belongings and
valuables. The activity organizers are not responsible for any loss or damage to
the participants’ personal belongings and valuables

15. The school is not held liable for any injury resulting from accidents caused
by human error or equipment failure or by force majeure during transport
of participants. Likewise, it is not held liable for the health and safety of the
participants should he/she decide to leave the venue where the participants
are officially staying without the explicit permission of the authorized school
personnel (Faculty/Staff/Moderator). Furthermore, the school is not held
liable for any untoward incident as a result of the participants’ non-compliance
with any of the rules and regulations the school set for the activity/event.

16. If a participant has any health related condition/concern that may affect his/
her participation in the activity, he/she informs the activity organizer ahead of
time and makes sure he/she brings medicines and indicates in the participants’
directory his/her emergency contact person.

17. After the activity, the activity organizers and the teacher-companions ensure
that participants go home safely. They may hire drivers with valid professional
licenses and registered transport vehicles to bring home the participants.
Further, they may communicate with the participants’ parents/guardians to
check if their children have arrived home safely.

18. These guidelines for safety and security mentioned above are for strict

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 38

(Off-Campus Activities)

1. The activity organizers conduct pre-departure/trip orientation for participants

on safety precaution and other related matters.

2. The activity organizers visit the site, coordinate with local authorities, and
take note of risks in the area and other important concerns like locations of
the nearest hospital, police stations, the barangay hall and tanod posts, etc.

3. The activity organizers keep a copy of the Participants’ Directory, with the
following information: participant’s contact information and emergency
contact person, medical/health concerns, food diet/allergies, etc.

4. The activity organizers ensure that there are enough teacher–companions

throughout the activity. 10 student–participants require 1 teacher–
companion. 20 student-participants require 2 teacher–companions. 30
student–participants require 3 teacher–companions and so on.

5. All participants in off-campus and/or overnight activities are required to

submit their parents’ permits on or before the deadline set to confirm their
participation in the activity. The moderator/teacher ensures that participants
without permits are not allowed to join.

6. Students who are candidates for DISCIPLINARY PROBATION and

ACADEMIC PROBATION are not allowed to join the activities which need
to excuse them from classes.

7. The school has the right to suspend or cancel student activities when there is
an imminent threat to the safety and security of students, whether natural or

8. The activity organizers ensure that medical first aid kits are available during
the activity and that at least one teacher companion knows basic first aid

9. The activity organizers and participants should only hire drivers with valid
licenses and registered and well maintained transport vehicles to transport
students to and from the venue.

10. The activity organizers choose only food houses or catering services with valid
business permits.

11. The activity organizers require the use of paper cups and plates for eating

12. The activity organizers coordinate with the following: Administrative Services
Office or Security Personnel for safety and security concerns; Prefect’s Office
for discipline-related concerns.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 39

13. The activity organizers, moderators and teacher companions use mobile
phones to communicate with school authorities and parents.

14. In case of travel by water, participants and teacher–companions are required

to use life vests throughout the travel time. Swimming is strictly prohibited if
it is not related to the goals of the activity.

15. The participants and teacher–companions familiarize themselves with the

safety and evacuation procedures in case of emergency during the activity.
(e.g. Fire and Earthquake Drills).

16. The participants are held responsible for all their personal belongings and
valuables. The activity organizers are not responsible for any loss or damage to
the participants’ belongings and valuables.

17. The participants are expected to follow the itinerary of the activity set by the
organizers. They are subjected to disciplinary sanction if they deviate from the
itinerary. Participants are not allowed to leave the venue of the activity and
its immediate vicinity except for emergency reasons and provided that the
leaving is explicitly approved by the activity organizer/teacher.

18. The school is not held liable for any injury resulting from accidents caused
by human error or equipment failure or by force majeure during transport of
participants. Likewise, it shall not be held liable for the health and safety of
the participant should he/she decide to leave the venue where the participants
are officially staying without the explicit permission of the authorized school
personnel (Faculty/Staff/Moderator). Further, it is not held liable for any
untoward incident as a result of the participants’ non-compliance with any
rules and regulations of the school or event.
19. If a participant has any health concern or condition that may affect his/her
participation in the activity, he/she informs the organizer ahead of time and
makes sure that he/she brings medicines and indicates in the participants’
directory his/her emergency contact person.

20. If the activity requires tiring activities, the organizers may require medical
certificates from the participants.

21. After the activity, the activity organizers and the teacher–companions ensure
that participants go home safely. Further, they may communicate with the
participants’ respective parents/guardians to check if their children have
arrived home safely.

22. These guidelines for safety and security mentioned above are for strict

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 40


1. Secure from OCSA the Student Activity Application Form (SAAF1.1) and a
copy of the Student Activity House Rules (SAHR).
Accomplish the form and attach all required documents. Submit the form
and attachments at least seven calendar days before the activity. (Please see
below the list of requirements)

2. In case the proposals are returned for revisions, revise the proposal and submit
it with the required attachments at least three working days before the activity.

3. If the activity is scheduled beyond 6:00 PM or overnight held on/off-campus,

students secure and accomplish the parent’s permit form. The activity
moderator and the teacher–companions affix their signatures on the permit.
Upon collection of the permit, verify if the parent/s checked the option “I am
permitting my son/daughter to join…” If no option was checked, return the
same permit to the participant.

4. Only those permitted by their parents/guardians are included in the official

list of participants and be allowed to join the activity.

5. Submit the accomplished forms together with other requirements, if

applicable, the parent’s permit at least three days before the activity.

6. Once the activity is approved, the CSA Office issues the Approval Form
(SAAF 1.2).

7. If necessary, other offices must be furnished by the copy of the Approval

Form. (E.g. Office of the Administrative Services, Venue custodians etc.).
For on-campus activities, this is needed for the final approval of your venue

8. After the activity, conduct an evaluation. This evaluation should be submitted

to the CSA Office a week after the activity. This evaluation shall be included
in the Mid -Year/Year- End report.


1. Various facilities are provided for the students to implement their activities.

2. Reservations of different facilities are coursed through the PHYSICAL

PLANT ADMINISTRATION. Different venues have their respective
guidelines in using the facility.

3. In Ateneo de Naga University students should abide by the Clean as You Go

(CLAYGO) policy.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 41

4. After each activity, the students are expected to place all chairs, tables and
other equipment used at the designated place in the venue.

5. Equipment brought inside the campus should have a clearance from the
Office of Administrative Services.

6. Other logistical requirements must be arranged by the student organization

with the concerned offices.


1. Activity proponents may use print and non-print, traditional and non-
traditional means to promote their activities.

2. Except for tarpaulins, the use of other plastic and other non-biodegradable
materials in all promo materials are highly discouraged.

3. All promo materials should not contain any offensive text and graphics
depicting sex, drugs, violence, discrimination of various forms and anything
in conflict with the values upheld by the University.

4. All promotional materials should be posted only on the approved designated

bulletin boards in various strategic locations in the campus and on the
approved social media accounts and websites.

5. All promotional materials to be posted shall bear the signature of the

Coordinator of Student Activities.

6. The school reserves the right to disapprove and remove promotional materials
that do not adhere/follow the set guidelines.


1. Unauthorized use of the name of the university in external activities (e.g.

participation in bidding for the school to host an event or house participants
from other place, misrepresentation of the school in programs or activities,

2. Conduct of disapproved activities

3. Conduct of activities without the presence of a faculty or staff moderator

4. Any form of dishonesty (e.g. forgery of signatures on parents’ permits, false

information, etc.)
5. Any instance of smoking of members during an activity of the organization

6. Any instance of drinking of alcoholic beverages of members during an activity

of the organization

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 42

7. Disturbance of classes, school activities or community/external activities and

8. Unauthorized collection of money from the members of the organization or

from other individuals/groups either for personal or organizational purposes

9. Unauthorized engagement in sponsorship or income-generating activities

10. Unauthorized activities that affect the good name and reputation of the school

11. Irresponsible use or negligence resulting in loss or damage of school facilities

and equipment

12. Other offenses as may be determined by the Coordinator for Student Activities


These are activities that include different forms of entertainment in one
program that require additional logistical set-ups such as lights and sound system.

The following considerations should be observed by the student group

when organizing activities of this nature:

1. Noise level must remain manageable.

2. No academic classes should be disturbed by on-campus activities with this
3. All on-campus variety shows, concerts or parties must end by 11:00 PM.
4. The Ateneo de Naga University reserves the right to discontinue an activity
due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project
approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration
of program.

VI. SPONSORSHIP(Ref. College OSA HandBook 2013 pp. 149-152)

Money, goods, or services from organizations or individuals outside the
university provided to underwrite specific activities by the University / or requiring
the University to meet specific requirements while performing activities in support
of the University’s mission. (OSA College HandBoook Appendix M. pp. 149.

1. In general, sponsorships for activities are not allowed, but may be considered
for approved activities which have limited financial capability.
2. Only the Office of University President has the sole and final authority to in
the administration and implementation of this policy.
3. To accept or acknowledge sponsorships or acknowledge

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 43

3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Units/ Organizations/Departments
may accept sponsorships only when:

1. The sponsorships are consistent with and do not undermine the

mission and/or best interest of the University.
2. Are governed by an appropriately approved contractual
agreement between the university and a third party.
3. Are not in conflict with any existing contracts, in particular
exclusive sponsorships or providerships;
4. Do not imply endorsement by the university;
5. Do not promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or
6. Do not endorse the position of a political candidate or partisan
political cause or intend to influence legislation;
7. Not prohibited by law; and
8. Do not violate University policies and rules.

3.2. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Units may accept sponsorships and

acknowledge funding sources and other commercial ventures provided the
following requirements for sponsorship acknowledgements are met:

1. Sponsorships agreements
Sponsorships agreements should be written and submitted for
approval of the University President.

The agreement should include:

i. Description of the project/activity to be sponsored;

ii. Identification of the sponsor/s;
iii. Sponsorship time period;
iv. Relation of the sponsorship to the Unit’s mission;
v. Description of the publication / media in which the
sponsorship will be featured and how the sponsorship will
be presented therein;
vi. Estimate of revenue or description and estimated value of
goods or services to be received from the sponsorship;
vii. Identification of the account into which funds from the
sponsorship will be deposited / credited;
viii. Description of how funds raised by the sponsorships will
be used;
ix. Identification of any exclusivity provisions related to
x. Description of any potential conflicts with the sponsorship
and how any such conflicts have been reviewed and
xi. The manner in which the sponsorship is to be acknowledged;
and venue for promotional booths and or/ selling of
products, if any, shall be limited to the designated area for
such activities.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 44

2. Sponsorship Acknowledgements
i. The university, not the sponsor, shall receive the top
billing on any publication in which a sponsorship
acknowledgement is featured.
ii. Sponsorship acknowledgements may include the sponsor’s
name or logo, location(s), value-neutral descriptions
(including displays and visual depictions of a product line
or services), brand or trade names, and product or service
iii. The sponsorship acknowledgement does not necessarily
involve the promotion of goods and services.
1. The unit submits its proposal for sponsorships to the Office of
the University President with the endorsement of the immediate
superior/s through the office of the Director of Administrative
2. The Office of the Director of Administrative Services reviews
the proposal and documents submitted and ensure that all the
terms and conditions contained therein are in accordance with
university policies and thereafter endorse the same for the approval
of the University President.
3. Once the sponsorship is approved by the University President,
copies are furnished to the offices of the Administrative Services
and University Treasurer for file and reference.
4. The unit issues acknowledgement receipts to all sponsoring
companies or entities for all proceeds of the sponsorship
agreements. Cash or monetary proceeds are remitted to the
Office of the University Treasurer for proper accounting, issuance
of official receipts, and disbursements.
5. The unit reports to the Office of the University Treasurer all
proceeds of the sponsorships (including goods and services) and
provide liquidation reports for all disbursements made after the
completion of the activity.
6. Non-observance of these procedures and guidelines will bar the
University unit/s or student organization/s from applying for



1. Concept Paper and Program Flow
2. List of Official Participants Signed by the Moderator/Subject Teacher and
Teacher–Companions (if any)
3. One (1) conformed House Rules copy
4. Level of Approval: Prefect of Students and Coordinator of Student Activities


1. Concept Paper and Program Flow.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 45

2. Letter to Parents signed by the Activity Proponent, the Moderator/Subject
Teacher, the Teacher–Companions, the Prefect of Students, the Coordinator
for Student Activities, the ADFSS (for non-academic activities), the
Department Chair and ADCI (for academic activities) and the Director
3. Duly Accomplished Parents’ Permits
4. List of Official Participants
5. One (1) conformed House Rules copy.
6. Levels of Approval: Coordinator of Student Activities, Prefect of Students,
ADFSS (for non–academics), Assistant Director for Curriculum and
Instruction (for Academic Activities) and Director


1. Concept Paper and Program Flow.
2. Letter to Parents signed by the Activity Proponent, the Moderator/Subject
Teacher, the Teacher–Companions, the Prefect of Students, the Coordinator
for Student Activities, the Coordinator for Community Program (for
community outreach/immersion activities), the ADFSS (for non-academic
activities), Department Chair and ADCI (for academic activities) and the
3. Director
Letter to the Vice-President for Basic Education signed by the Activity
Proponent, the Moderator/Subject Teacher, the Teacher–Companions, the
Prefect of Students, the Coordinator for Student Activities, ADFSS (for non-
academic activities), the Department Chair and the ADCI (for academic
4. activities) and the Director
5. Duly Accomplished Parents’ Permits
6. List of Official Participants
7. One (1) conformed House Rules copy.
Levels of Approval: Prefect of Students, Coordinator for Student Activities,
Assistant-Director for Formation and Student Services (for Non–Academic
Activities), Assistant Director for Curriculum and Instruction (for Academic
Activities) Director and Vice-President for Basic Education.
Letter to the Director signed by Moderator/Subject Teacher, Prefect of
Students, the Coordinator for Student Activities, Campus Minister/Assistant
Campus Minister (for recollections and retreat activities), and endorsed by the
ADFSS (for non–academic Activities), Chair, ADCI (for academic activities)


1. Concept Paper and Program Flow.
2. Letter to Parents signed by the Activity Proponent, the Moderato/Subject
Teacher, the Prefect of Students, the Coordinator for Student Activities,
ADFSS (for non-academic activities), the Department Chair and ADCI (for
academic activities) and the Director
3. Letter to the Vice-President for Basic Education signed by the Activity
Proponent, the Moderator/Subject Teacher, the Prefect of Students, the
Coordinator for Student Activities, ADFSS (for non-academic activities), the
Department Chair and the ADCI (for academic activities) and the Director

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 46

4. Duly accomplished Parents’ Permits
5. List of Official Participants
6. One (1) conformed House Rules copy.
7. Copy of the Vehicles travel permit, Driver’s License.
8. Level of approval is up to the University President.


1. Concept Paper and Program Flow.
2. Letter to the Parents Letter to Parents signed by the Activity Proponent,
the Moderator/Subject Teacher, the Teacher–Companions, the Prefect of
Students, the Coordinator for Student Activities, ADFSS (for non-academic
activities), Department Chair and ADCI (for academic activities) and the
3. Letter to the University President signed by the Activity Proponent, the
Moderator/Subject Teacher, the Teacher–Companions, the Prefect of
Students, the Coordinator for Student Activities, ADFSS (for non - academic
activities), Department Chair and ADCI (for academic activities), the
Director and the Vice – President for Basic Education
4. Duly accomplished Parents’ Permits
5. List of Official Participants
6. One (1) conformed House Rules copy.
7. Copy of the Vehicles travel permit, Driver’s License.
8. Copy of contract with tour/servicing company.
9. Level of approval is up to the University President

Section 5: University Health Services (UHS)

Medical Services
Consultation and treatment of minor cases and those within the competence of the
1. Dispensing of first-aid medicines for headache, stomachache, loose bowel
movement, colds and other related diseases. As a rule, one dose of medicine
is dispensed
2. Treatment of minor wounds and injuries
3. Referral to hospitals of cases beyond the competence of the clinic
4. Health counseling, including reproductive health counseling
5. Annual medical examination of students
6. Supervision of sanitary conditions of school canteens
7. Dissemination of health information by means of lectures, bulletin displays
or flyers Issuance of medical certificate or excuse slip due to absences is given
only for those students with consultation in the infirmary at the onset of
the illness Otherwise, if the condition prohibits you from coming to school.
Medical certificate can be secured from your family doctor.

Dental Services
1. Dental consultations and treatment of cases within the competence of dental
2. Complete mouth examination

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 47

3. Dental health education
4. First-aid medication for toothache and gum disease
5. Temporary filling, when indicated
6. Tooth extraction, when indicated
7. Emergency dental cases
8. Referral to dental clinics for other dental cases beyond the competence of the

Clinic Hours
School Physician 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

School Dentists 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 nn Monday to Friday
3:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

School Nurses 7:30 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Saturday

Program Coordinator for Services

8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

8:00 a.m.- 12:00 nn Saturday

Section 6. Office of the Sports Coordinator (OSC)

Photo taken by: Jam Mazo

Photo taken by: Jill Nuñez Photo taken by: Nico Morada

Photo taken by: Jemimah Keziah del Valle


No school ever exists without giving room to sporting events. Everyone in

the school community is tapped to play different roles during sporting competitions
and events as players, coaches, teacher-companions, cheerers and support group.
These events may range from school Intramurals, inter school competitions, both in
the local and national levels. Some may even be given the opportunity to compete
internationally. The role/s one takes is/are indeed challenging and/or may be life

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 48

threatening, but these should not hamper learning institutions to design programs
that align activities beneficial to students’ holistic development.
The Office of the Sports Coordinator is responsible for the planning,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Senior High School Sports
Development Program. The office is assisted by the Sports Council.


The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School (SHS) Sports Council
shall be comprised of the Sports Coordinator, a Physical Education Teacher, a Faculty,
Student Representatives, Coordinator for Student Activities, the Assistant Director
for Formation and Student Services, and the SHS Director.

The Sports Council has the following roles and responsibilities:

1. To raise consciousness of students regarding benefits one gets from sports in
2. To increase participation in PE and sports through the annual Intramurals;
3. To recommend to the SHS Director the participation of the unit in sporting
4. To determine qualifications of student-athletes;
5. To choose qualified participants in sporting events;
6. To maintain a school website for sporting events;
7. To deliver sports updates to the SHS; and,
8. To decide on the composition of working committees during Intramurals and
other sports related events.

Article II
Academic Policies and Academic Offices
Ateneo de Naga University is a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit University. Its
Senior High School is the only one in Bicol and in several schools across the country
that piloted Senior High School. Ateneo de Naga has professional teachers from
college ranks that have years of teaching experience in their fields of specialization
who will effectively manage Senior High School. Ateneo de Naga Senior High School
has already provided us with proven graduates who have found employment or have
proceeded to obtain a college degree.

The Ateneo de Naga Senior High School offers the following:

• Accountancy, Business and Management Strand (ABM)
• General Academic Strand (GA)
• Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS)
• Social Journalism Strand (HUMSS – SJ)
• Teacher Assistantship Program Strand (HUMSS – TAP)
• Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand (STEM)
• AD-2D Animation and Visual Effects Strand (AD – 2D AVFX)

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 49

Section 1. Admission Policy and Procedures

The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School (ADNU-SHS) observes

a selective admission policy. It admits students, who passed the admission entrance
examination, are of good moral character and have complied with the credentials set
forth by the school. A student eligible for admission recognizes, accepts and complies
with all existing policies, regulations and requirements concerning his/her duties and
campus activities stated in the Student Handbook.

The ADNU-SHS exercises its prerogative to admit or not to admit students,

under certain conditions prescribed in the Manual of Operations and others pursu-
ant to the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools.
This policy aims to provide clear and detailed information to parents and
students who are deciding to enrol and transfer in the ADNU-SHS. It is imperative
that each student who is educated in the SHS receives an appropriate and holistic
education experience. This policy is guided by the existing DepEd orders such as:
1) DO 35, s. 1999 - Acceptance of Transferees from DECS-Accredited Philippine
Schools Abroad, 2) DO 19, s. 1996 - Transfer of Filipino Students from Abroad
to Philippine Schools 3) DO 26, s. 1994 - Placements of Transferees from Foreign
Countries Seeking Admission to Philippine Elementary and Secondary School.

Implementing Guidelines and Policies

1. The school accepts all students regardless of race, culture and religion if they
meet the requirements of the school.
2. It is the school’s prerogative to accept or reject students who have specialized
instructional needs such as those with learning handicaps, communication
disabilities and behavioral disorders that cannot be handled by the ADNU-
SHS current programs.
3. Students who wish to apply for admission should submit the required
4. Evaluation and acceptance of student applicants shall be based on the
a. Academic performance in previous school
b. Entrance examination result
c. Interview result by persons concerned
d. Number of available slots
5. Registration Rules:
a. A student who enrolls in the SHS is understood that he/she is
enrolling for the entire semester. If for any reason, a student
withdraws from school within the semester, he/she shall submit
a request for withdrawal to the Director’s Office for proper
b. A student is deemed officially enrolled after he/she has
submitted his/her appropriate credentials and has paid the
required initial school fees.
c. Enrollment also means that the student and his/her parents/

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 50

guardians agree to comply with the programs, policies and all
other requirements set by the school.
6. All transferee – students’ records need to be evaluated to determine their
proper year/track and strand placement.
7. Re - admission: All returning students who have stopped for at least
one semester and wish to be re – admitted need to be interviewed by the
Director of Admissions and Aid Office have their records evaluated for their
proper year placement.

Testing Procedures
A Junior High School completer seeking for admission in ADNU SHS should:
Fill out the application form for testing to be secured from the Institutional
Testing Office [ITO].
1. Submit 2 copies of 2x2 picture with white background.
2. Pay the testing fee at the Treasurer’s Office.
3. Present the testing fee receipt at the ITO.
4. Set the date and time of exam given at the ITO.
5. Take the admission exam on the scheduled date and time.
6. Claim the admission exam result from the ITO on the scheduled release date.

Admission Requirements
After passing the admission examination, the student – applicant should submit
the following credentials to the Admissions and Aid Office during the enrolment

A. Grade 10 completers

1. Original copy of Junior High School Report Card/Form 138

2. National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) Result
3. Certification of Good Moral Character (ADNU SHS Form)
4. Original copy of PSA (formerly NSO) Birth Certificate
5. Medical Certificate (ADNU Form)
6. 3 copies of 2x2 size picture with white background
7. Long white folder

B. Foreign Students

1. Student Visa or Special Study Permit and Alien Certificate of Registration

2. Photocopy of passport pages where name, photo, birth date and birth place
3. Original copy of Junior High School Transcript of Records
4. National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) Result
5. Certification of Good Moral Character (ADNU SHS Form)
6. Photocopy of Birth Certificate
7. Medical Certificate (ADNU Form)
8. 3 copies of 2x2 size picture with white background
9. Long white folder

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 51

C. Senior High School Transferees

1. Original copy of Senior High School Report Card

2. Permit to Transfer
3. Certification of Good Moral Character (ADNU SHS Form)
4. Original copy of PSA (formerly NSO) Birth Certificate
5. Medical Certificate (ADNU Form)
6. 3 copies of 2x2 size picture with white background
7. Long white folder

D. Foreign Student-Transferees

1. Student Visa or Special Permit and Alien Certificate of Registration

2. Photocopy of passport pages where name, photo, birth date and birth place
3. Original copy of Senior High School Transcript of Records
4. Permit to Transfer
5. Certification of Good Moral Character (ADNU SHS Form)
6. Photocopy of Birth Certificate
7. Medical Certificate (ADNU Form)
8. 3 copies of 2x2 size picture with white background
9. Long white folder

Admission Procedures
1. Secure the entrance examination result together with the admission forms, list
of requirements and enrollment dates from the ITO.
2. Accomplish the application form and submit the required documents
personally to the Admissions and Aid Office for evaluation.
3. Get the copy of the matriculation form from the Registrar’s Office.
4. Pay the required amount at the Treasurer’s Office.

Section 2. Policy on Academic Awards

Adapted from Junior High School, Colleges and DepEd Guidelines
Revised Edition [21 November 2017]


Based on the Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12

Basic Education Program (DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2016), the ADNU Senior High
School Awards guidelines are formulated to recognize the exemplary performance of
students in academics and non-academic achievements which promote ‘magis’. These
awards also recognize the meritorious achievements of the students in various fields
inside the campus and in the outside community.

These special recognitions are necessary to motivate the students to do more

and be more in various disciplines and in the process, become exemplars of “men and

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 52

women” for others who will contribute to the development of Bicol, the country and
the world.


A. First Honors Award. This is given to students who, at the end of the semester,
merit academic final grade averaging 98.00% with no grade below 90% in
any subject.

B. Second Honors Award. This is given to students, who, at the end of the
semester, merit academic final grade averaging 95.00% with no grade below
90% in any subject.



The following terms shall be used operationally to complete the definition and
descriptions of each award.

A. Leadership refers to the capacity to lead and be in service with others. It

includes officership and active involvement in both co – curricular and extra
- curricular activities.
B. Participation refers to the involvement and effort one has contributed to
achieve a certain purpose in co – curricular and extra – curricular activities.
i.e. School Based Activities, Division, Regional, National and International
C. Service is the act of aiding and helping willingly. i.e. volunteer work,
community outreach and extension services
D. Deportment refers to the manner a student conducts himself/herself and
manages his/her behavior and attitude as stipulated in the Student Handbook.



A. First Honors Medallion. This award is given to graduates, who, at the end
of two years in Senior High School, merit academic final grade averaging
98.00% or higher with no grade below 90%.

B. Second Honors Medallion. This award is given to graduates, who, at the

end of two years in Senior High School, merit academic final grade averaging
95.00% or higher with no grade below 90%.

C. Academic Distinction. The Gold Medallion for Academic Distinction

is given to graduates who, in the assessment of the Honors and Awards
Committee, merit at least 95.00 % in all his/her specialized subjects in his/
her strand with no failing grades in all other subjects throughout the two years
of Senior High School in Ateneo.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 53


A. Pillars Gold Medallion. This award is given to a graduate, who, at the end
of the two years in Senior High School and who in the assessment of the
Honors and Awards Committee, has the highest achievement in academics,
leadership, and/or participation in both school and community activities,
service and deportment throughout the two years of Senior High School in

B. Pillars Silver Medallion. This award is given to a graduate, who, at the end
of the two years in Senior High School and who, in the assessment of the
Honors and Awards Committee, has the second highest achievement in
academics, leadership, and/or participation in both school and community
activities, service and deportment throughout the two years of Senior High
School in Ateneo.

C. Pillars Bronze Medallion. This award is given to a graduate, who, at the

end of the two years in Senior High School and who, in the assessment of
the Honors and Awards Committee, has the third highest achievement in
academics, leadership, and/or participation in both school and community
activities, service and deportment throughout the two years of Senior High
School in Ateneo.

Criteria: *as long as s/he qualifies as an honor student, School and Community
Leadership, Service and Participation (20%) and Deportment (10%)


A. Leadership Award. This award is given to a graduate, whose leadership, in

the assessment of Honors and Awards Committee, has earned for him/her
the followership of fellow students and who, for two years, has no failing
grade in any subject, has initiated activities or projects beneficial to his/her
constituents in and outside the campus regardless of his/her position in the
organization or community, and has no record of suspension.

B. Rev. Fr. Raul Bonoan J. Service Award. This award is given to a graduate
who, in the assessment of the Honors and Awards Committee, and who,
for two years, has no failing grade in any subject, has exhibited outstanding
participation in student activities or projects beneficial to his/her constituents
in and out of the campus and has no record of suspension.

C. Outstanding Achievement Award. [eg. Outstanding Achievement in

Sports, Outstanding Achievement in Debate, Outstanding Achievement
in Campus Journalism, Outstanding Achievement in Research]. This
award is given to a graduate, who, in the assessment of the Honors and
Awards Committee and upon the recommendation of his/her moderator/
coach, has no failing grade in any subject, has no record of suspension, has
achieved outstanding merit [i.e. champion or first place] in any field in
regional, national or international competitions/representations sponsored by

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 54

reputable institutions/organizations duly recognized by the school.

Note: Only Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School awards are conferred during the
graduation ceremonies.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 55

Weight of the Components for SHS
Academic Track Technical-Vocational and
Livelihood (TVL) Sports/Arts
and Design Track
Core Subjects
All Other Work Immersion/Research/ All Other Work Immersion/
Subjects Business Enterprise Subjects Research/ Exhibit
Simulation/ Exhibit Performance
Written Work 25% 25% 35% 20%
Performance 50% 45% 40% 60%
Quaterly 25% 30% 25% 20%


A. Leadership Award. This award is given to a graduate, whose leadership, in

the assessment of Honors and Awards Committee, has earned for him/her
the followership of fellow students and who, for two years, has no failing
grade in any subject, has initiated activities or projects beneficial to his/her
constituents in and outside the campus regardless of his/her position in the
organization or community, and has no record of suspension.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 56

B. Rev. Fr. Raul Bonoan SJ Service Award. This award is given to a graduate
who, in the assessment of the Honors and Awards Committee, and who,
for two years, has no failing grade in any subject, has exhibited outstanding
participation in student activities or projects beneficial to his/her constituents
in and out of the campus and has no record of suspension.

C. Outstanding Achievement Award. [eg. Outstanding Achievement in Sports,

Outstanding Achievement in Debate, Outstanding Achievement in Campus
Journalism, Outstanding Achievement in Research]. This award is given to a
graduate, who, in the assessment of the Honors and Awards Committee and
upon the recommendation of his/her moderator/coach, has no failing grade
in any subject, has no record of suspension, has achieved outstanding merit
[i.e. champion or first place] in any field in regional, national or international
competitions/representations sponsored by reputable institutions/
organizations duly recognized by the school.

Note: Only Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School awards are conferred during the
graduation ceremonies.

Section 3. Policy on Eligibility for SHS Scholarship


Ateneo de Naga University continues to take pride in giving support

to alleviate poverty in Bicol Region and in producing graduates who exhibited
the characteristics of Jesuit Education. Thus, it aims to provide quality education
to students, especially to those who are financially-challenged but academically
competitive. That in the future, these men and women can make a difference in the
community and in the whole world.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 57

In the implementation of the Senior High School, it is the hope of the
University to respond to the needs of many students in acquiring quality education
by offering various scholarship programs. And, the scholarship programs will help
the university to attract more deserving students from different junior high schools.

In responding to our mission, the following scholarship programs are

available for Senior High School students:

1. Academic Scholarship
This scholarship will be given to Top 3 students among the Junior High School

Completers. The Top 3 students must have satisfactory scores in the entrance exam
or must belong to Category A. To maintain the standard of the University, the
entrance exam is the initial screening to qualify for the academic scholarship. Also, to
validate the intelligence and interest of the student. For the completers of our Junior
High School, the Top 3 will be given automatic scholarship considering that they are
exempted from taking the entrance exam. The academic scholarship is not limited to
students of our feeder schools. Below are the scholarship benefits.

Top 1 - 100% free tuition

Top 2 - 100% free tuition
Top 3 - 50% free tuition

The Top 3 students who initially qualified for exam must present a
Certification from the Junior High School Principal that s/he graduated Top 1/Top
2/ Top 3 among the junior completers or must submit a copy of the Certificate of

2. Financial Assistance
This scholarship will be awarded to the poor and highly qualified students of
the University. The eligibility in granting the financial assistance is the same
with the existing policy in college, to wit:

I. First Level Screening

The first level screening for Senior High School is the scholarship entrance
exam which is administered in and outside campus for free of charge during
the scholarship exam schedules by the Institutional Testing Office.

For students who are completers of our own junior high school, if
they wish to apply for scholarship, they will take the scholarship exam.

The following are the qualifications in availing the financial assistance

1. The student-applicant must meet the cut-off score (SAI-112) for
2. The student-applicant must belong to the Top 20% among the Junior
High School completers; and
3. The student-applicant must come from the financially-challenged family

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 58

II. Second Level Screening
The student-applicant will be interviewed to determine his/her ability and
to guide him/her in his/her chosen academic track. Also, the student-applicant’s
Scholarship/Financial Aid Questionnaire will be evaluated to determine if his/her
family has the capacity to enroll in Ateneo even without scholarship or financial aid
from the University.

If the student-applicant is proven with financial capacity, s/he may

be disqualified for the third level of screening, the unannounced background

III. Third Level Screening

At this level, the Senior High School conducts the unannounced background
investigation to student-applicant. This is primarily to verify the financial status
and family condition of the student-applicant.Considering the results of the ocular
inspection, the student-applicant will be ranked according to the following:

a. Highly recommended
b. Recommended
c. Not a priority

IV. Fourth Level Screening

At this level, everything is considered. This is the final screening for
scholarships. The Senior High School Scholarship Committee members deliberate
on the qualifications of the student-applicant and consider the availability of slots for


(Policies Governing Scholarship Grant)


1. The Student must carry the full academic load set forth by AdNU for every
semester of the academic year of his/her academic track.
2. The Student must maintain a Senior High School Average of 87.00 with no
failing grade in any subject in order to be able to continue his/her scholarship
grant for the next semester.
3. The Student must not be involved in any grave misconduct, misdemeanor, or
undesirable act within or outside the premises of the University or subjected
to disciplinary action on account of infraction of a school regulation.
4. The Student must prove to the Donor that he/she is utterly sincere in pursuing
and finishing his/her chosen academic track by sticking to it. He may not
change his/her track nor drop any subject unless he /she is able to get the
Donor to agree to the validness of his/her decision.
5. The Student must refrain from working on a part-time basis while still
6. The Student must provide regular updates of his/her personal contact
information to the Donor and AdNU.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 59


1. The Parents and/or legal Guardian must warrant that the Student belongs
to a financially-challenged family.
2. The Parents and/or legal Guardian must commit to keep their child or
his/her ward enrolled in AdNU until he/she finishes his/her Senior High
School academic track.
3. The Parents and/or legal Guardian must pay for any remaining assessment
fee by AdNU not covered by the Senior High School Scholarship Grant. If
the Parents or legal Guardian cannot afford to do so, they or he/she must
secure the approval of the Donor to get another benefactor who is willing
to shoulder the payment of the remaining assessment fees.


The Donor shall provide financial assistance and support to the Student for
every semester that he / she is qualified for scholarship grant until he /she finishes his
/ her academic track.


1. For his/her chosen academic track and for the incoming semester
starting SY______________ and ending SY______________, the
Student shall enjoy a Scholarship Grant in the amount covering his / her
2. The total amount of the Student’s Scholarship Grant shall be made payable
directly to AdNU upon receipt by the Donor of its billing statement.


The enjoyment of the Senior High School Scholarship Grant by the Student
shall be automatically and completely terminated in case any of the following

1. Failure of the Student to meet the grade requirement in any subject and in
general academic performance of an average of 87.00 every semester.
2. Commission of a grave misconduct or misdemeanor by the Student leading
to his/her immediate suspension from classes or expulsion from AdNU.
3. Abandonment by the Student of one or more of his/her subjects through
habitual non-attendance of classes.
4. Inability of the Student to continue his/her studies due to serious physical
injury or medical ailment, transfer to another school or joining his/her
family’s migration abroad or transfer to another locality that is so remote
from AdNU.


(terms and conditions will vary depending on the preference of the donor)

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 60

The Scholarship Fund/Program will start on _________ and will be
reviewed every ______________ for further improvements and adjustments.



a) To provide the Donor with all materials pertaining to the Senior High
School Academic Tracks and Curricula it is offering to Senior High School
students and to orient it on its academic tracks and curricula;
b) To take note of and familiarize itself with the academic tracks and curricula
that the Donor will grant scholarships in;
c) To accept on behalf of the Donor all semestral applications for Scholarship
Fund together with the required supporting documents;
d) To verify the applicants’ underprivileged condition by conducting
appropriate ocular site inspection of his/her residence and interviewing his/
her parents or guardians to confirm their income level status;
e) To conduct preliminary interview of applicants, screen, and rank them
according to the Donor’s set of eligibility criteria;
f ) To recommend, for each semester, a short list of twice the number of the
Donor’s target number of scholars for final interview and selection by the
g) To submit to the Donor within two weeks after the closing of enrollment
the list of students who availed of the Scholarship Fund together with
photocopies of their latest certificates of enrollment and Statement of
h) To submit to the Donor within two weeks after the closing of each semester
the overall individual academic grades of the scholars;
i) To call the attention of underperforming and underachieving scholars with
the objective of helping them improve their grades;
j) To evaluate and recommend to the Donor the replacement of scholars who,
for one reason or another, are not able to continue their Senior High School
education or maintain their scholarship;
k) To keep a separate record of the Senior High School Scholarship Program
for future assessment.


a) To notify AdNU of the academic tracks and curricula in which it will grant
b) To communicate to AdNU the set of eligibility criteria that it will observe
in selecting its scholars;
c) To accept AdNU’s shortlist of applicants that it is recommending for final
d) To submit to AdNU the names of the students that it has selected for 100%
tuition and fees assistance and those for 100% tuition only assistance; and
e) To allocate the necessary funds for this purpose.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 61

1. For incoming Grade 11 applicants, they must be able to pass the qualifying
exams that will show their intellectual quotient and mental capability and
their attitude toward completing a Senior High School academic track. An
applicant’s SAI should not be below 111;
2. The applicant must belong to financially-challenged family. An applicant
who is enjoying scholarship support from other benefactors/government
institutions is subject to further evaluation to validate his/her financial
3. An applicant must be free of any untoward behavioral record. He/she must
not be a delinquent or problem child and preferably must come from a
family of good moral background;
4. An applicant must have sincere intentions of pursuing and finishing his/
her Senior High School studies at AdNU. Likewise, his/her parents must
warrant that they will keep their child enrolled at AdNU until he/she
finishes his/her academic track;
5. An applicant must take up the academic load specified by his/her
curriculum for each semester; and
6. When there are several deserving candidates to choose from, priority will
be given to the student:
a) Who is most in need of a scholarship and thus will be most benefited
by it.
b) Who is most deserving of a scholarship grant based on his/her intellectual
quotient and mental capability and their attitude toward completing a
Senior High School academic track.

• Photocopy of Junior High School Report Card
• Photocopy of the Latest Income Tax Returns of Parents or Certificate of
Tax Exemption from the Bureau of Internal Revenue
• Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Guidance Office/Office of
Student Affairs
• Completed Scholarship Application Form
• 1 copy of 2” x 2” picture in white background


1. The scholar must have an average of 87.00 or higher.
2. The scholar must not have a failing grade in any subject.
3. The scholar must not be a subject of any disciplinary action by the School.
4. Should the scholar’s average fall lower than 87.00, his/her full 100% tuition
and miscellaneous fee scholarship maybe reduced to 100% tuition fee
assistance only or be lost altogether at the discretion of the Donor.


1. The scholarship recipient shall strive to demonstrate his/her worthiness
of the trust reposed on him/her by his/her benefactor by meeting the set
academic performance standard and behavioral norms.
2. The scholarship recipient must refrain from holding a part-time job or
being a working student while he/she is still studying.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 62

3. The scholarship recipient shall provide updates of his/her personal contact
information to the benefactor and AdNU.

Section 4. Policy on Incomplete Grades

There are students who in the course of their academic life may not be able
to complete the full requirements of the course due to circumstances beyond their
control but are doing satisfactory work and therefore passing the course. For such a
situation, an incomplete grade is given. An Incomplete grade (INC) is a temporary
grade which may be given at the Subject Teacher’s discretion to a student when illness,
necessary/valid absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student prevent
him/her from completing the course requirements by the end of the academic term.
The INC grade can be changed after the student has complied with the requirements.

This policy of incomplete grades which is desired to provide fair and just
treatment to students is in accordance with the University’s mission and vision.

Implementing Guidelines and Procedures

1. Incomplete grades should only be given to students, who, (in the initial
computation) have completed most of the course requirements but are
unable to complete their coursework due to unforeseen circumstances and
may obtain a passing grade.
2. Incomplete grades are given at the end of every quarter of a semester.
3. Incomplete grades may be given only in the following circumstances:
a. Failure to take major examinations
b. Non-submission of major requirements such as performance
task, research paper for research subjects
4. Incomplete grades should NOT be given to students who have incurred
absences more than 20% of the total number of class days in a semester.
(DepEd DO 8, s. 2015)

Application and Filing of Incomplete Grades

1. Students with incomplete grades shall be notified by the Subject Teacher
concerned upon computation of grades.
2. The student initiates the request for completion of the grade from the
Subject Teacher concerned.
3. The Subject Teacher shall advise the students concerned to submit the
requirements within 10 working days after the deadline for the submission
of final grade. Submission of requirements, however, does not guarantee
that the student will receive a passing grade. Failure to comply with the
same within the prescribed period shall mean that the pre-computed grade
submitted by the Subject Teacher is deemed final and executory on the part
of the Registrar’s Office.
4. Once the completion is made, the student submits a completion form
to the Subject Teacher, who in turn, computes the appropriate grade the
concerned student has earned.
5. The completion form of the student whose INCs have been completed

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 63

is signed by the Subject Teacher and the Department Chair and must
be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the Subject Teacher within 10
calendar days after the deadline for the submission of final grades.
6. The deadline for submission of completion form by the Subject Teacher to
the Registrar’s Office is 5 working days after the student has completed the
7. The grade computed accordingly and submitted by the Subject Teacher
within the deadline for Completion of INC grades is considered the final
grade of the student.
8. If the Subject Teacher fails to submit the accomplished completion forms
to the Registrar’s office on or before the deadline, the Subject Teacher may
submit a letter of appeal to the Academic Standards Committee (ASC)
with supporting documents (PT/WW – e.g. research output, quizzes, exam
results, rubrics, attendance whenever necessary, etc.) as a reference during
the deliberations of the case.
9. The ASC shall act on the merit of the appeal. Once the appeal is approved,
the change of grade shall be effected by the Registrar through a final notice
signed by the Director of the Senior High School.
10. The incomplete grade is not given as a substitute for a failing grade.

Section 5. Policy on Delayed Examination


Classroom Assessment is an integral part of the curriculum. It is an ongoing

process of identifying, gathering, organizing, and interpreting quantitative and
qualitative information about what learners know and can do (DO 8, s. 2015). It is
either in the form of formative and summative assessment.

In the K-12 Program, one of the classroom assessments is quarterly

examination. It is a type of summative assessment which measures the knowledge
and skills acquired by the students given usually at the end of the quarter. Students
are expected to take all required quarterly assessment and complete all required
coursework and assignments in order to pass.

The Ateneo de Naga Senior High School Curriculum requires four major
examinations namely: Pre-Midterm, Midterm, Prefinal and Finals. Failure to take
any of the examinations may have a significant effect on the grades. To respond to
this, the delayed examination policy is formulated. This policy is in line with the
mission of the university to provide personal care and assistance to students who
failed to take the major examinations due to circumstances beyond their control.

Implementing Guidelines and Procedures

In order to make the delayed examination policy known to all students, and
in order for them to understand in advance what they will be required to do, these
guidelines are formulated, to wit:

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 64

1. Period for Filing of Applications for and taking the Delayed Examination
a) Applications for delayed Pre-Midterm, Midterm and Pre-Final
examinations must be filed within seven (7) calendar days after the last
day of the scheduled examination.
b) Delayed Pre-Midterm, Midterm and Pre-Final examinations must
be taken within fourteen (14) working days after the last day of the
scheduled examination.
c) Delayed final examinations must be taken within seven (7) calendar
days prior to the deadline for submission of the grades for the current
2. The following are the valid reasons for students to apply for delayed examination
without payment:

Circumstances Documents
1. Illness Medical certificate signed by a
A. Severe Illness registered medical, dental or health
practitioner certifying that the student
received medical attention and that
the illness would prevent/prevented the
student from taking the examination.

B. Not severe illness (sickness Letter from parent/guardian

commonly treated at home
but contagious e.g. sore
eyes or seasonal illnesses
( e.g. flu)
2. Death of an immediate family Letter from a parent certifying the
member e.g. mother, father, sister, death of an immediate family member
brother Approval of the Director for death of
other family members
3. Failure to secure exam permit due Statement of Account issued
to financial difficulty by the Treasurer’s office
Exam Permit bearing the date of
issuance Letter from parent due to
non-payment Approval of the Director
4. Court Appearance Excuse letter with attached copy of
court summon or subpoena
5. Embassy Appearance Excuse letter with attached copy of the
letter from the embassy
Approval of the Director
6. Official School Representative with Documentary evidence of participation
prior approval from the Chair/ signed by the adviser/persons con-
Director/VPBE/President cerned (coach, teacher companion)
Excuse letter approved by the Director

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 65

7. Serious illness of an immediate family A letter from the parent or authorized
member which requires the student’s guardian as specified in the specimen
attention signature form
8. Accident, victim of criminal assault, Documentary evidence e.g. police
mugging, or similar traumatic experience. report, blotter, medical certificate

Letter from the parent/ authorized

9. Retreat/Recollection Schedule of the retreat/ recollection
signed by the Campus Minister

3. Students who are allowed to take delayed examination based on the reasons stated
below shall pay a delayed exam fee of Php 200 per subject.

a.) With permit but absent during the examination

b.) Late Arrival (more than 30 minutes during the examination schedule
c.) Forgotten schedule
d.) Personal errand
e.) Participation in an activity not sanctioned by the school, and
f.) Avert for some other reasons

4. Application Process for delayed examination

a. The student requests for delayed examination under the above

circumstances within seven (7) calendar days after the last day of the
scheduled scheduled examination.
b. The student secures the application form from the Director’s Office. Any
application for a delayed examination must be supported by original
appropriate documentary evidence. Note: if a student is found tampering
the supported document or committed fraud in any form, the application
for delayed examination may result in disapproval and will be subjected
to sanctions indicated in the SHS Student Handbook.
c. The student submits the accomplished delayed examination application
form and supporting documents to the Director’s Office.
d. Once the delayed examination application form is approved, the student
presents the approved delayed examination application form to each of
the Subject teachers concerned and arranges for the delayed examination
e. For approved delayed examination with fee, the student pays the required
delayed exam fee at the Treasurer’s Office.
f. Special Delayed Examination Permit shall be issued to students by the
Registrar’s Office upon the approval of the Subject Teacher[s] and the
Director and upon presentation of delayed examination fee receipt [for
students taking delayed examination with fee].
g. The student takes the delayed examination on the date and time set by
the Subject Teacher. Both the student and the Subject Teacher are equally
responsible in ensuring that the delayed examination schedule is strictly

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 66

i. A student who fails to take the delayed examination as scheduled
shall be given zero (0) score (transmuted to 60) for the exam,
unless approval has been secured from the Director for another
delayed examination schedule due to valid reasons listed above.
Immediate rescheduling of delayed examination per subject
should be allowed only once, following the same process of
application and approval.
If a student is incapacitated to such an extent that he/she is
ii. unable to comply with the grace period to submit the application
then evidence of this incapacity should be supplied to support
the application.
A teacher who, with valid reason, cannot administer the delayed
examination on the scheduled date shall find a proctor to
iii. administer the examination.

5. The form of exam and test questions should be different from the test questions
given during the scheduled exam but the same in terms of level/degree of
difficulty. Table of specification (TOS) is required.

6. The delayed examination should not be given during the regular class schedule
so as not to lessen the class recitation hours of the student. It may be given
during the activity period/consultation hours.

7. The Registrar’s Office will set the schedule of the deadlines for filing of
application for and delayed final examination.

8. Non – compliance of the above guidelines will mean non – issuance of the
Special Delayed Examination Permit.

9. In case the delayed examination is for appeal, all documentary evidence, the
TOS and rubrics should be submitted to the Standards Committee for perusal
and basis for giving the final decision.

10. All applications for delayed examination whether for a fee or not should be
supported by a parent’s consent (with a photocopy of their valid ID’s).

Effectivity of this policy is on second semester s/y 2017 – 2018.

• DO 8, s. 2015- Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to
12 Basic Education Program College Faculty Manual (2013). Ateneo de
Naga University.

• Approved revised policy of delayed examination (2014). College

Department Ateneo de Naga University.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 67

Section 6: Policy on the Issuance of SF9 – Report Card
and SF10 – Student Permanent Record

Jesuit Education (JE) is committed to excellence in forming its students to

become “Men and Women for Others”. It also recognizes that it cannot do the task
alone in the development of gifts and talents of its students; it needs the cooperation
not only of its faculty and staff but also of the parents. In this context, open
communication with the parents, especially in giving feedback on the performance
of their children, that is oftentimes reflected in report cards, is a must.

The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School (AdNU SHS) meets
this JE requirement by issuing two kinds of report cards to update both students and
parents/guardians on the former’s scholastic performance and standing. The blue card
(SF9 but formerly known as F138) is issued to students and parents at the end of
every quarter, while the white card (SF9) is issued at the end of every semester.

Based on the Manual of Operations for Private Schools – Education Law

and the Private Schools (ELPS) 2006 Expanded Revised Edition, “The Form 138
and the certificate of eligibility shall be issued only once, unless the student or his
parents can show that these were lost through force majeure and had not been used
for enrollment elsewhere”.

Moreover, the SF10 or the Student Permanent Record is issued to students

only on the following conditions and/or purpose:
1. The student has already graduated from AdNU SHS and upon formal
written request of the tertiary school where the SHS graduate is enrolled;
2. For processing transfer credentials during the semester;
3. To serve as a reference for work application; and
4. Requirement to any College Applications or Scholarship Applications.

Issuance of this record depends on its purpose and use pursuant to the ELPS 2006
(See Implementing Guidelines)

Policy Statement

In recognition of the importance of establishing and maintaining open

communication with the parents of students, especially in giving them feedback on
the performance of their students, as well as in ensuring efficient school operations
and smooth positive relationship with the stakeholders, this policy is formulated to
provide clarity and system to students, parents and guardians relative to the request,
release, purpose and the use of the student’s SF9 and SF10.

In line with this, parents/guardians shall be informed of the performance or

status of their children/wards through two communication channels: 1) through the
report cards; or 2) through a face-to-face consultation or conference.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 68

Definition of Terms

1. SF9 (White Card) – formerly known as Form 138 or the Student Report
Card. SF9 contains students’ final quarter grades and the semestral grade
in their respective subjects. Core Values and Deportment are properly
marked by the class moderator and this official document has the signature
of the Director, the Registrar, and the Class Moderator.

2. SF9 (Blue Card) – this card contains the student’s quarterly academic
progress. This is issued at the end of every quarter or at the beginning of
the next semester. This official document does not bear the signature of
the Registrar as it is a system-generated report. The Blue Card may have
incomplete data as it is based on the submitted grades by the subject
teachers and the status of completion of the requirements by the students.
It can be used, however, for reference purposes

a. Mid-Semester Blue Card – this card is issued at the middle of the semester.
It covers the ratings for the Written Works (WW), Performance Tasks
(PT), and Quarterly Assessments (QA) of the Pre-Midterm and Midterm

b. Semestral Blue Card - this card is issued during the first week of classes
of the succeeding semester. It contains the ratings for the 1st quarter
(Pre-Midterm and Midterm periods) and 2nd quarter (Pre-Final and
Final periods) that are computed based on the Written Works (WW),
Performance Tasks (PT), and Quarterly Assessments (QA). This card also
shows the final grade of the student in each subject and his/her general
average for the semester.

3. SF10 – formerly known as Form 137 or the Student Permanent Record/

Transcript of Records. This document has a complete list of the student’s
academic record in his/her entire Senior High School Years.

Implementing Guidelines and Procedures

A. Issuance of SF9 – Blue Card

1. 1SF9 - Blue Card is issued to students at the end of every quarter whether
the reported data/grades are complete or not.
2. The mid-semester or first quarter blue card may be claimed by the parent/
guardian on the scheduled/special Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC). In
case of failure to attend the PTC due to some reasons, the parent/guardian
may schedule an appointment with the class moderator within three weeks
after the PTC.
3. The semestral blue card however, may be claimed either by the parent/
guardian or the student himself/herself during the first week of the opening
of classes of the immediately following semester.
4. Any unclaimed blue card shall be returned by the Class Moderator to
the SHS Registrar’s Office after the three-week period, for safe keeping
Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 69
B. Issuance of SF9 – White Card

1. The white card may be claimed by the parent/guardian on the scheduled/

special PTC.
a. In case of non-attendance to the PTC for some reasons, the concerned
parent/guardian may schedule an appointment with the class moderator
within three weeks after the PTC. If the parent/guardian fails to schedule an
appointment within the three-week period, they may issue an authorization,
supported with a photocopy of his/her valid ID whose name and signature
clearly appears, to the student or any representative to claim the Card.
b. In the absence of the Class Moderator, the Department Chair of the
concerned section shall take charge in the release of the white card.
c. The release of the students’ white card on their last semester in the university
shall start after seven calendar days following the Graduation Day. A
student-graduate himself/herself or his/her parent/guardian may claim
the card. Representatives, however, must present an authorization from
the student-graduate noted by his/her parent/guardian. This authorization
must be supported by a photocopy of their any valid ID.
2. The white card is issued only once.
3. REPRINTING of the white card will be allowed only in instances of
erroneous information, (maybe due to human error) in the card, such as:
misspelled names, mismatched learner reference number (LRN), grade/s
on academic appeal, and any incorrect information that will affect the
consistency, authenticity, and validity of the document. Any reprinting
in relation to reasons beyond the control of the school shall be processed
after accomplishment of the Request Form (SHS Reg. Form 10) and shall
be charged with a fee, based on the approved calendar of fees and upon
accomplishing request form
4. The Office of the SHS Registrar WILL ONLY ISSUE a Certification of
Grades, upon submission of a notarized affidavit, in lieu of lost white card/s
or if the original white card/s:
a. has been submitted to another school for college admission purposes but
the student opts to enroll in another school;
b. has been submitted to other institutions for scholarship applications;
c. has been submitted for academic evaluations abroad; and
d. other transactions deemed conducted by the owner.

This certification will be released after three (3) working days (excluding
unforeseen cancellations of office work) from the date of filing.

C. Issuance of SF10 – Student Permanent Record

1. The SF10 or the Student Permanent Record is issued after the student has
graduated from the AdNU SHS or has transferred to another school in
the middle of the semester or school year by processing an official transfer
2. SF10 is a school-to-school transaction.
3. Request for SF10 must be supported with a written-request (with further
instructions) from the school where an AdNU SHS graduate enrolled for

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 70

tertiary education or other equivalent. Those who transferred to another
school in the middle of the semester or of the school year must be able to
comply with the required Transfer Credentials prior to the release of their
4. The SF10 will only be released to the owner or his/her representative if and
when the requesting school authorized the bearer of the written-request to
claim such document. Otherwise, the
Office of the SHS Registrar shall mail the document directly to the
requesting school. Mailing fee shall however be charged to the student.
5. Any request beyond the school-to-school transaction shall be supported
with a written-request from the parent/guardian, attached with a
photocopy of any valid ID whose name and signature clearly appears,
declaring the purpose of the request. The requester must also present any
proof or document that SF10 is needed/required. This may be applied but
not limited to the following
– college admission application requirements; scholarship application
requirements; and, academic evaluations abroad. Incomplete requirements
will not be processed.
6. The SF10 will be released after ten (10) working days (excluding unforeseen
cancellations of office work) from the date of filing.

Other Provisions
1. The policies and guidelines shall be reviewed after five years
from the date of its implementation.
2. Should there be any DepEd Order or any other declarations
relative to the policies and guidelines cited in the Manual of
Regulations for Private Schools and other documents, the
AdNU SHS shall abide and comply with those.
3. The Office of the SHS Registrar shall follow internal rules and
policies as approved by the SHS Director.
4. For extraordinary cases on the issuance and request of these
documents, the Vice President for Basic Education, through
an endorsement from the SHS Director, shall have the final

1. This policy shall take effect immediately upon approval of the
University President.

Sarmiento, U.P. (2006) Education Law and the Private Schools:
A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders and Policy Makers.
Philippines: Central Books

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 71

Section 7: Policy on Promotion and Retention of Students

The K-12 Basic Education Program uses a standard and competency-based

grading system. All grades will be based on the weighted raw score of the learner’s
summative assessments. The minimum grade needed to pass a specific learning area
is 60, which is transmuted to 75 in the report card (F138). A student who receives a
grade below 75 in any subject in a quarter should be provided intervention through
remediation and extra lessons from the teacher/s of that subject in order for the
student to meet the requirements.

The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School believes in this same
principle. It is committed to ensure that all of its students meet if not exceed its set
standards for promotion to the higher level, and retention in the school. Thus, the
school, after the final grade for the subject has been submitted by the teachers, will
deliberate on whether the student is for retention in the same year level, promotion
to Grade 12, or removal from the school.

The General Average (GA) is the measure of the quality of the students’
general academic performance during a regular academic term. Only grades in
academic courses including PE are included in the computation of the GA. Subjects
such as SRA (as one of the requirements for graduation) and those without a
numerical grade equivalent are excluded in the GA computation.

Implementing Guidelines

A. Student with good academic standing

1. A student who obtains passing marks in all his/her enrolled subjects for the
first and second semesters of Grade 11 are automatically promoted to Grade
12 provided that:
a. they have not been placed/asked to sign a contract at the Prefect of
Students Office due to excessive absences and tardiness; and
b. they have not committed any major offense or disruptive infraction
against, the school, the school authorities, and their fellow students as
stipulated in the Student Handbook.

B. Student on Academic Probation

1. A student who obtains a General Average (GA) lower than 75 in one (1) or
utmost three (3) subjects during the First Semester of Grade 11 is placed
under Academic Probation during the Second Semester of Grade 11. 2.

2. A student placed on Academic Probation shall be subjected to the following

a. Prior to his/her enrollment in the Second Semester of Grade 11, the
student and his/her parent/guardian shall be informed of his/her status
by the Chair through the Class Moderator;
b. Upon enrollment, the student and his/her parent/guardian shall sign the

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 72

Academic Probation Contract for Second Semester of Grade 11;
c. He/She shall go through academic counselling and close monitoring of
his/her academic and non – academic activities;

3. If his/her performance does not improve until the end of the Second Semester
of Grade 11, the student shall be required to take summer classes for the
subjects (utmost three) where his/her GA is lower than 75.

4. If a student obtains a General Average lower than 75 in more than three

subjects during the First Semester of Grade 11, the student is also placed
under Academic Probation Status. He /She will be allowed to enrol during
the Second Semester of Grade 11 and is subjected to the following conditions:

a. Prior to his/her enrollment in the Second Semester of Grade 11, the

student and his parent/guardian is informed of his/her status by the Chair
through the Class Moderator.
b. Upon enrollment during the Second Semester of Grade 11, the student
and his parent/guardian shall sign the Academic Probation Contract.
c. All appropriate intervention strategies shall be provided by the subject
teachers before a decision to retain a student is made.
d. The Committee on Retention and Promotion chaired by the ADCI
shall discuss the students’ academic performance, deportment, and
the advantages and disadvantages of retaining the student during the
Promotions Meeting towards the end of the Second Semester of Grade 11.
The Director shall communicate to the student and his parent/guardian
the decision to retain him/her in Grade 11 or not after the Promotions
e. Meeting.
If the decision is for retention, the Chair, the Subject Teachers and the
Class Moderator, in coordination with the Guidance Specialist, shall
develop and implement appropriate intervention and support strategies
to improve the student’s academic performance when he/she re – enrol
as Grade 11 student.


At the end of each semester, the school shall be responsible for informing the
students of their performance and achievements. The students are equally responsible
to find out their academic standing. Regular academic feedback and planning for the
students’ success in school are a shared responsibility of students themselves, teachers,
parents/guardians and administrators.

Responsibility and Accountability

Collective responsibility of making sure that students achieve success while

in the Ateneo de Naga University is the prime responsibility of the students, teachers,
school personnel, administrators and parents/guardians.

Effectivity of this policy is First Semester, School Year 2018 – 2019.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 73

Section 8: Policy on Examination

To safeguard the validity of the results, all students should practice honesty
and order during tests and examinations. These rules are specific to mid – term and
final examinations, but their underlying principles of honesty and order apply to
regular quizzes and tests in the classroom as well.

Implementing Guidelines
1. Report to your assigned testing room on time, and occupy only the seat
assigned to you. Latecomers are allowed to take the test, provided that they
arrive within 30 minutes after the test has started. No extension shall, however,
be granted to them.
2. Bring to the examination room all the things that you will need and are
allowed to use by your Subject Teacher.
3. Once test papers are distributed, you will not be allowed to leave the room
for whatever purpose.
4. Present your current Examination Permit to your Test Administrator/Proctor
every time s/he inspects it.
5. Switch-off your mobile phone and place it in your bag.
6. Place in front of the room all bags, books, notebooks, gadgets and other
materials not necessary for the test and/or not allowed to be in your person.
7. Stop all forms of communication once the distribution of test papers begins.
8. Start answering the examinations only when your Test Administrator/Proctor
gives the signal to begin.
9. Keep your eyes away from the test papers of any of your classmates.
10. Make no unnecessary gestures and/or sounds that may distract others in the
11. If you have any difficulty in understanding the instructions, raise your hand
to call the attention of your Test Administrator/Proctor. In order to maintain
students’ focus, do not ask help from any of your classmates.
12. Keep your test paper, extra papers, and scratch papers to yourself for the
duration of the test. They should all be submitted to your Test Administrator/
Proctor at the end of the test. Under no circumstances should you intentionally
or neglectfully put out or drop any piece of paper on the floor.
13. If you finish ahead of time, review your answers and remain seated quietly
until the end of the examination period. Pass your papers by column only
when the bell rings and the Test Administrator/Proctor has given the signal.
14. Any student behavior established clearly as cheating during examination
merits an outright grade of zero (0) on the examination and a disciplinary
15. Any student already with an Examination Permit but intentionally fails to
take the test or gets absent during the exam schedule will apply for and take
the delayed exam and pay the delayed exam fee of Php 200 per subject.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 74

Section 9: Policy on Shifting or Changing Strands or Track
Change in career path is common even in the workplace. This policy is
created to give students the opportunity to change study path and to ensure that
they are fully informed about its consequences and benefits. This will also make sure
that the students are provided with appropriate counseling to assist them in coming
up with a well-thought career-related decision supported by their parents.

Definition of Terms

• Track
Senior High School tracks are specific areas of study much like college courses
and they fall under four disciplines namely, Academic, Arts & Design, Sports,
and Technical– Vocational–Livelihood (TVL). Ateneo de Naga University
Senior High School offers two (2) tracks: Academic and Arts & Design.

• Strand
Academic Track has four (4) strands: Accountancy, Business, and Management
(ABM), General Academic (GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),
and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). ADNU
offers two additional unique strands under the HUMSS. These are Social
Journalism (HUMSS – SJ) and Teacher Assistantship Program (HUMSS
– TAP). Further, it offers 2D Animation and Visual Effects (2D AVFX), a
strand under the Arts & Design Track.

Implementing Guidelines
1. The student submits to the Registrar a Letter of Consent from parents stating
the reasons for shifting to another strand. Attached to this Letter of Consent
is a photocopy of the parent’s signature – bearing valid ID.
2. After the verification of the letter, the Registrar issues the Shifting Form to the
student. Attached to the form is a copy of the requesting student’s academic
records (i.e. subjects taken and grades).
3. The student accomplishes the form and secures the endorsement and approval
of all offices indicated in the Shifting Form in the following order: Guidance
Counselor, Admission and Aid Office (if applicable), Original Strand
Department. Receiving Strand Department, Director’s Office, Registrar, and
Treasurer’s Office.
a. The student sets an appointment with the Guidance Counselor
assigned to the student’s original strand/track for a career counseling.
b. If the student has any form of scholarship, he/she seeks clearance
from the Admission and Aid Office.
c. The original strand Department Chair affixes his/her signature to
the academic records for verification and signs the Shifting Form.
d. The receiving strand Department Chair reviews the academic
records of the student and advises him/her regarding the subjects he/
she still needs to take. The student is informed about the repercussions
of the shifting process. He/She endorses the shifting or changing of
strand or track for the Director’s approval.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 75

e. The Director approves the request for change in strand or track.
f. The Registrar receives the accomplished Shifting Form and processes
the application.
g. The student pays the processing fee at the Treasurer’s Office and
presents the Official Receipt to the Registrar’s Office.
4. Application for shifting to another strand or track becomes valid only if the
form is properly accomplished and corresponding copies are distributed
by the student to the concerned offices (Registrar’s Office, Previous Home
Department, New Home Department and Director’s Office).
5. The Guidance Counselor assigned to the student’s new strand conducts a
follow up counseling session with the concerned student to find out how he/
she is adjusting to the new strand or track.
6. Students can shift only after the semester ends until the enrollment period of
the following semester.
7. Grade 12 students can shift after the First Semester provided that they
understand and agree to the conditions that they will take additional subjects
and therefore, their graduation will be delayed.
8. The Director approves the student’s application for shifting/changing strand
or track.

Section 10: Policy On Summer Class Admission


The Senior High School students need to earn credits in order to graduate.
When students fail in a subject, they fail to earn credits, thus they need to repeat
the subject. Also, there are some prerequisite subjects which need to be taken in
advance so that during the regular semester, the required subjects will be taken and

Thus, the summer classes for these purposes are offered for the Senior High
School students. By offering summer classes, the school manifests its cura personalis
especially to those who do not meet the requirement. It is hoped that through this
intervention, students will have a chance to comply with the academic requirements
and qualify for graduation in Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School.

The summer classes for students with failing grades in the previous
semester/s and for transferees from other school and for students who shifted from
other strands have the following purposes:

1. to provide the Senior High School students the opportunity to meet the
requirements of subjects they failed; and,

2. to provide Senior High School students the opportunity to take prerequisite

subjects missed out during the regular semesters.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 76

Section 11: Policy On Work Immersion

Photo taken by: Jobb Rodriguez

Photo taken by: Abegail Kyla Bilan

Background and Rationale
One of the problems faced by academic institutions is how to meet the
manpower requirements of industries. Based on the 2014 Report of the Global
Agenda Council on Employment, the common complaint of companies is that
graduates do not possess the skills needed by industries l . The job-skills mismatch
crisis in the Philippines continues to worsen due to heightened competition caused
by learning institutions’ failure to fill the gaps.

To address this concern, the Department of Education (DepEd) through

the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum offers work immersion program that
exposes students to the realities and demands of the workplace; where soft and hard
skills are developed and where is formed.

The work Immersion activity is a 3-unit specialized subject of the Academic

strand. This is part of the SHS Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on
experience or work simulation which the Grade 12 students will undergo. This
experience simultaneously enriches the competencies provided by the school under
the supervision of the School Head and the designated personnel of the partner
institution/company, (DepEd Order No. 40, series of 2015).

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 77

The Ateneo de Naga University (ADNU) Senior High School Work
Immersion Program recognizes that competence and skills have to be strengthened
by ethical values so that genuine transformation of the region and the nation may be
To ensure that ADM-J SHS Department moves toward this direction, these
“SHS Policy and Implementing Guidelines” is anchored on the following frameworks
other than the DepEd Order No.40.

Course Description
Work Immersion, as a course, requires SHS students to undergo practicum
in a business organization/establishment where competencies are highlighted through
their exposure to the job and responsibilities related to their field of specialization.

The Work Immersion Program (WIP) aims to assist students make an
informed choice regarding a course which they want to pursue in college; to establish
valuable contacts for future employment/business and prepare them to meet the basic
needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.
This also aims to assist student to:

1. Acquire understanding of their future work and career;

2. Develop students’ interpersonal, managerial, and technical knowledge and
skills for future employment;
3. Gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
4. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories
taught in school; and
5. Gain positive attitude and optimism towards his/her work and in dealing
with others.

Policy Statement
The policies and implementing guidelines and procedures for Grade 12
students are anchored on the Protection for Senior High School Students on K-12
Work Immersion Program and governed by existing laws and DepEd issuances:

1. DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012, Policy and Guidelines on Protecting Children
in School from Abuse, Violence, Exploitation, Discrimination, Bullying and
Other Forms of Abuse; or shall be known as the “DepEd Child Protection
2. Republic Act No. 10627, An Act Requiring All Elementary and Secondary
Schools to Adopt Policies to Prevent and Address the Acts of Bullying in Their
Institutions; or “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013”;
3. Republic Act No. 7877, Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the
Employment, Education or Training Environment, and for Other Purposes;
or known as the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”;

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 78

4. DepEd Order No. 6, s. 2012, “Prohibition on Cooperation or Partnership
with the Tobacco Industry in all areas of the country”;
5. DepEd Order No. 80, s. 2012, “Strengthening the Integration of Breastfeeding
Education in the Curriculum, Setting Up and Sustaining the Operation of
Lactation Stations”;
6. DepEd Executive Order No. 51, Discouraging school officials from partnering
with companies manufacturing milk and infant formula products;
7. Republic Act No. 8525, An Act Establishing an “Adopt-A-School Program,”
Providing Incentives Therefore, and for Other Purposes; or also shall be
known and cited as the “Adopt-A-School Act of 1998”, where the amount
of donation equivalent to 150% is deducted from the Taxable Income; and
8. Relevant labor laws and issuances of Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA) in the fields of internships, apprenticeship, on-the-job training
9. Chapter 21, Article 218 and 219 of the Family Code, on the special parental
authority and responsibility of schools, administrators and teachers.

Procedures and Guidelines

A. Enrollment Requirements
To enroll in the program during the second semester of the Grade 12
students’ final year in the Senior High School, the following documents have to be
made available:
1. Medical Clearance
2. Waiver of Liability/Undertaking Form (WF) signed by the parents or
guardian and duly notarized.
3. Work Immersion Enrollment Orientation Certificate of Attendance
4. Work Immersion Code of Conduct signed by the student and his/her
parent or guardian Grade 12 students without a failing grade during the 1
st semester can enroll in the Work Immersion program.

B. Work Immersion Venue

A student is immersed in institutions/companies where the Senior High
School has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Reservations for assignment
in an institution/company must be approved by the Work Immersion Coordinator
The MOU includes the names and the number of students who will be assigned in
an institution/company.

C. Pre-deployment
1. The Work Immersion Teacher visits the deployment venue and formally
submits in writing the names of the students and the immersion schedule
to the supervisor of the institution/company.
2. With the students and parents/guardians, the Immersion Teacher
conducts an orientation about the mission and vision of the University
and the Department, program goals and course description.
3. With the invited speaker/s and Work Immersion Coordinator, the
Immersion Teacher facilitates a discussion on work ethics and prepares
mock interview related to employment related processes.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 79

D. Deployment
The student is personally introduced by the work immersion teacher to the
company supervisor on or before the training starts.

E. Post-deployment
Post deployment of students is facilitated by the Work Immersion Teacher
who obtains the Certificate of Completion and Work Immersion Performance
Evaluation Form from the Onsite supervisor. Then, a feedback session is held two
days after the return of the students from their immersion sites.

Work Immersion Coordinator

The Work Immersion Coordinator is authorized to seek partnership
between the SHS and partner institutions. In addition, s/he.

1. Identifies institutions/companies that could be immersion partners;

prepares and presents profiles of the institutions/companies to the
Director, work immersion teachers and students consortium for review
and endorsement of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU);
2. Facilitates the approval of MOU between the SHS Department and the
3. prepares documents and other requirements which may be needed by the
4. Manages the conduct of work Immersion;
5. Coordinates with the work immersion teachers regarding the training;
6. Maintains the work immersion partnership between the Ateneo SHS and
Partner Institutions;
7. Consolidates reports from the work immersion teachers;
8. Conducts regular ocular Inspection with the work immersion teacher to
ensure the safety and security of students; and
9. Uses evaluation and monitoring results to recommend decisions on
continuing and/or future partnership.

Work Immersion Teacher

The work immersion teacher:

1. Explains the Policy and Implementing Guidelines for Work Immersion

to students;
2. Assists students in the preparation of résumé and application letter;
3. Monitors each student’s progress throughout the entire work immersion
to make sure that the tasks assigned to each student are performed well;
thus, learning is fully and positively experienced;
4. Regularly monitors that learners’ activities are properly implemented
through the Partner Institutions;
5. Submits reports to the Work Immersion Coordinator on the completion
and performance of learners and of the Partner Institutions;
6. Takes action with the Work Immersion Coordinator on situations
unfavorable for the students or the Partner Institution;
7. Attends to the redeployment of students in extraordinary circumstances
like discriminatory treatment of the Partner Institution to the students

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 80

i+n violation of the Policy Statement of the Work Immersion Program;
8. Facilitates post deployment of students and requests for the Certificate of
Completion and retrieves Performance Evaluation of students from the
Partner Institution;
9. Debrief students after completion of the Work Immersion Program,
10. Collects and compiles reports from students including learning journal,
certificate of compliance and other documents;
11. Issues Certificate of Compliance to the students who have submitted the
work immersion documents;
12. Computes and submits the grade of students approved by the Department
Chau-person to the Registrar’s office; and
13. Provides feedback and evaluation reports to the Department Chair and
the SHS Director.

Responsibilities of the Partner Institution

1. The Partner Institution/Company/Office (PI/C/O) through its On-Site
Supervisor is responsible in assigning the work immersion student to any
department requiring exposure for actual work in line with the students’
strand. The Work Immersion schedule shall be a maximum of eight (8)
hours for ten (10) every Friday during the second semester of Grade 12.
2. Makes facilities available to students and takes all necessary precautions to
ensure safety of students within their areas of operation at all times.
3. The PI/C/O shall appoint an employee from the department/ section
where the student trainee is assigned to be his/her On-Site Supervisor, who
orients the students about the duties and responsibilities and monitors the
overall work performance and attitude of the trainee.
4. The PI/C/O, through the On-Site Supervisor, conducts formative and
summative evaluations based on the agreed standards of performance.
5. The PVC/O issues a Certificate of Completion to the student trainees
upon completion of the Work Immersion Program.

Duties and Responsibilities of the On-Site Supervisor

1. The On-Site Supervisor provides the student trainee with opportunities to
work in a specific department or area where s/he can best apply theories,
principles and ideas learned in the academe.
2. S/he coordinates with the different departments of the PI/C/O where the
student trainee will be assigned.
3. S/he supervises the student trainee for the duration of the Work Immersion
4. S/he evaluates the student trainee’s performance using standards or
grading criteria of the school.
5. S/he regularly discusses with the Work Immersion teacher about
observations, concerns, and other issues that may arise during the Work
Immersion Program.
6. S/he prepares the formative and summative evaluations of the student
trainee and submits the evaluation to the Work Immersion teacher.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 81

The Work Immersion Daily Schedule
Activities for the students during the Work Immersion will be designed
both by the school and the company.

Work Immersion Fees

Upon enrollment, a work immersion fee of 300 pesos is paid to cover the
Immersion Coordinator and Immersion Teacher’s food and fare. Apart from this,
supplemental and illness insurance coverage fees, orientation seminar materials, and
honorarium for speakers are exacted from them.

Weekly Report
The student submits the weekly progress report on framing-related
activities/assigned task; completion of the task within the week; involvement in the
task; difficulties encountered (if any); skills used and gained; and insights from their
experiences and observations. These are emailed or submitted to the work immersion

The offenses involving dishonesty shall apply as provided for in the SHS
Student Handbook (First edition A/Y 2016 — 2017: pp. 33-34), namely:

a. Any form of cheating or dishonesty stipulated in the Policy on Intellectual

or Academic, such as but not limited to the following:
i. Cheating during tests, quizzes, examinations, recitations, and/or other
evaluative processes done within the classroom and/or Immersion site; ii.
Plagiarism or taking partially or fully someone else’s work and showing
it as his/her own; or the submission of another’s work or ideas without
explicitly acknowledging the source; iii. Acts which contribute to the
commission of the above mentioned practices.
b. Online Plagiarism or plagiarizing printed publications or
c. Tampering with and/or falsifying school or public documents and/or
communication, or securing or using such documents whether physical
or electronic, especially those that are part of, or that affect, the official
processes of the University; or
d. Misuse of funds collected from the students.

Work Immersion Document

The work immersion portfolio is a softbound copy that contains the
Company’s Profile, Weekly Progress Reports, Student’s Evaluation of the work
Immersion program, and other pertinent documents namely: photocopy of the
Certificate of Completion, accomplished Supervisor Performance Evaluation (Forms
1) and Teacher Evaluation (Form 2), accomplished Work Immersion Coordinator’s
Rating Sheet, Waiver Form, Bio-data, Training Schedule, Certificate of Completion
from the company, Work Immersion Code of Conduct, and all other papers on Work

Submission of the above work immersion documents are course requirements

since they will be used by the Department to prove the trainee’s competencies which
may be required for employment purposes.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 82

Evaluation Forms
1. Evaluation Form 1 will be used by the Supervisor to assess the overall
performance of the student during his/her work immersion.
2. Evaluation Form 2 will be used by the Work Immersion Teacher to assess
the work immersion document submitted by the student.

Two evaluation forms (1 and 2) will be used by the Supervisor to gauge

the overall performance of the student during the Work Immersion and by the
Work Immersion Teacher who numerically assess the immersion portfolio of the
student. Form 3 however, is accomplished by the student to evaluate her/his On Site
Supervisor. All evaluation forms are scored on the scale of I to 5 (5 excellent; 4 very
good; 3 = good; 2 Unsatisfactory; 1= poor).

Students’ Work Immersion Grade

Work Immersion grade will be based on the approved grading system for the
subject and the evaluation of the work immersion teacher and the on-site supervisor.
In case the student incurred a failing grade, s/he will extend his work immersion to
comply with the required time and performance.

The work immersion teacher is paid equivalent to a 3-unit subject salary.
The allowance of the work immersion teacher which includes fare and food and
other expenses required by his/her work will be taken from the work immersion fee
determined by the SHS Department in consultation with the Parents.

Section 12: Policy for SRA in Reading Program

Background and Rationale

The SRA in Reading Program has been implemented in Ateneo de Naga
University to help prepare the students for college work. It has been serving the
purpose of a bridging program in English, with particular emphasis in Reading
and vocabulary building. With the opening of the Senior High School last school
year, the program was transferred to this level to help students benefit optimally in
any subject they enroll in and thus minimize failures in subjects that require higher
comprehension skills. Moreover, this subject is included in the SHS curriculum as
a tool for further preparing the students in facing the challenges of tertiary level of

All Senior High School students of Ateneo de Naga University must have
a comprehensive level that will help them tackle the rigors of academic work in SHS
and prepare them eventually for college work. Thus, all SHS students are required
to take the SRA in Reading Program offered by the College Reading Center of
Ateneo de Naga University. They take the placement test to determine their starting
level and are required to finish a minimum of 25 consecutive color levels unless the
starting level is so high that the remaining number of color levels is already less than

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 83

25. A student shall be given a Certificate of Completion for having completed 25
consecutive color levels. A student shall be issued a Certificate of Proficiency upon
completion of SRA 3B Purple level, The CRC Director and the current teacher duly
sign the certificates issued.

Students who are non-compliant with the SRA in Reading requirement

shall not be allowed to enroll in Grade 12 and shall be required to take summer
classes in SRA in Reading. Students who had their SRA in Reading in Junior High
School still need to take this subject following the results they got after taking the
placement test. Furthermore, to better prepare and support Senior High School
students in facing the rigors of academic life in college, those who got 3B level result
in their placement test are not exempted from taking the SRA in reading program
—they still have the finish at least three color levels under 3b.


To provide emphasis and recognition that a reading program is necessary to
prepare students for the challenges of academic life, the Senior High School of Ateneo
de Naga University shall provide the structures and requirements that will ensure and
maximize students’ benefit from the SRA in Reading program. The following are the

1. Determining the starting level

a. A placement is given to all enrollees in Grade 11. The placement test is
a 50-item test in reading, to be accomplished within 30 minutes. It is
composed of items in verbal logic, vocabulary and comprehension.
b. The result of the test is used in determining the students’ starting book
level. Book lc is primary level, 2a is intermediate elementary level, 2b
and 2c are high school levels, 3a is transition from Junior High School to
Senior High School level, while 3b is the ideal comprehension level for
them to qualify easily to college.
c. To identify the starting color level, students are required to answer the
starting level guide provided for in each corresponding book level.
2. Attendance
a. The SRA in Reading classes shall follow the attendance policy of the
Senior High School. This is in view of the fact that from experience, an
average student who attends his/her SRA classes can cover one (1) color in
4.5-5 hours. If the students’ SRA classes will meet for 3 hours per week,
for 18-20 weeks a semester, they will be able to finish 11-13 colors per
semester. By the end of their first semester in Grade 12 in Senior High
School, they will have finished their SRA requirements.
b. Students whose starting level is either lc, 2a, or 2b are urged to enroll in
a special bridging class (summer class) to complete the requirements on
3. Guidelines for SRA in Reading classes
a. Orientation sessions will be given to all SRA in reading classes for the
students to be aware of the objectives, SRA in reading policy, procedures,
house rules and other pertinent reminders.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 84

b. Students will take the placement test on the first meeting of this subject.
c. Students shall be given regular feedback by their respective reading teacher
on their performance in SRA in Reading program to help them project
their completion time and understand their area/s of strengths and or
d. Students are required to finish their SRA in Reading requirement on the
second semester of their Grade 11 in Senior High School.
e. To motivate the students to take seriously their SRA in Reading class,
once they get perfect scores (100%) in both areas, i.e. Comprehension
and Learn about Words, in three consecutive power builders for a specific
color, they shall be promoted to the next color level of the same book
f. There will be no SRA class meetings during major examinations, to wit,
pre-midterm, midterm, pre-finals and finals to give the students some
added time to prepare for their studies.
g. At the end of grade 11, students in 2c, 3a, or 3b with more than 10 colors
to finish shall be strongly advised to enroll in the special bridging class
offered in summer to help them finish the requirement.
h. A student diagnosed in 3b may be required to finish three colors only and
be given a Certificate of Completion; but may continue until 3b purple
and be issued a Certificate of Proficiency.
i. Students who already meet the 3b requirement may NOT enroll in SRA
in Reading anymore.
j. At the end of every semester, a monitoring card shall be issued to each
SRA in Reading student. This shall serve as a report card of the student’s
progress. Upon completion, the student surrenders his/her monitoring
card to the Registrar’s Office.
k. The College Reading Center shall ensure that special bridging classes for
Senior High School are offered for those students in lc, 2a, and 2b levels.
This is to help students who, upon taking the diagnostic test, are found
in need of longer time to complete their SRA in Reading requirement.
Regular SRA fees for bridging classes apply.
l. Schedule of SRA classes shall be coordinated with the heads of other
academic departments to avoid conflicts in schedule of subject offerings.

4. End-of-Term Report
At the end of each semester, a report on performance in SRA in
Reading shall be submitted by the SRA Teachers to the College Reading
Center Director. The latter will submit a synthesized analysis of the data
to the Director of the Senior High School.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 85

Section 13: Policy on Library
With excellent and state of the art services, the University Library has
undoubtedly developed into one of the best, if not the best academic library in the
Bicol Region. The O’Brien Library provides materials and tools that are adequate
and necessary to support the teaching, learning, and research activities with print
and electronic materials, needed by the University’s academic community. Books,
journals, and electronic sources are organized systematically, accurately, and made
accessible to patrons. It also provides efficient guides, like computers for the retrieval
of materials, and coupled with the professional and active role of librarians, the
library has become an ideal place for teaching-learning process.

The James O’Brien Library is three-storey building air-conditioned and

fully automated operations as well as its services. It is open on Mondays to Fridays
7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and on Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Also, on Sundays,
(before major examinations), 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All students, faculty and staff are
entitled to full borrowing privileges. Alumni and outside researchers are also welcome
to use the library. To avail of the books and services, every user must present the
validated and barcoded school identification card. To know more about the library,
students may visit its website,

1. Library Section
a. Reference contains general and subject sources like encyclopedias,
dictionaries, handbooks, manuals, bibliographies, indexes, abstracts,
geographical sources, gazetteers, travel guides, directories, etc. that provide
brief answers to specific queries. Materials are used in premises only.
b. Filipiniana houses books about the Philippines, written by Filipino and
foreign authors. These are for room use only. Books with more than 2
copies can be loaned for overnight use starting 6 p.m. daily, to be returned
the following day at 8 a.m.
c. Circulation refers to the servicing of the general collection books. These
may be borrowed for 7 days. A maximum of 5 books at a time can be
borrowed and they may be renewed if they are not demanded by other
users. Fiction books can be borrowed for 2 weeks. The library may suspend
borrowing privileges due to infraction of any library rule.
d. Reserve materials are the assigned readings of Faculty for their students.
They may be books, journal articles, etc., that are required and/or
supplemental readings. Use of reserve materials is limited for 2 hours only.
e. Multimedia Collection is the area where CD-ROMS, VHS tapes
(movies and documentary), newspapers in CD-ROM format, slides,
transparencies, audiocassette tapes, and maps are located. In
addition, microfilms and microfiches are also available.
f. Periodicals Section houses the serials, journals, magazine collection, and
similar materials of the library. These are for room use only.
g. Special Collections Section contains mainly the Dr. Manuel Abella, Fr.
Raul J. Bonoan, S.J. collections, Raul Roco Collection and the Bikol and
other rare Philippine materials are also in this section.
h. Archives includes the official records, photographs, academic records
of students, student theses, memorabilia, school publications and other

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 86

documents that reflect the history and development of the Ateneo de
Naga University. Access to these materials requires permission from the
University Librarian.
i. Knowledge for Development Center (KDC) houses books about
Social Issues, Gender Equality, Development Issues, and World Bank
j. Graduate/Undergraduate Thesis & Dissertation houses all the research
and studies of all the Ateneo students and faculty.

2. Services
a. The O’Brien Library has fully automated operations and services. Online
Public Access Catalog (OPAC), Computerized Circulation System,
Security Alarm System, Computerized Index to Philippine Periodicals
Articles (CIPPA), Internet Facilities, CD-ROMS and other Electronic
Resources are available.
b. Photocopying machines are available at the 2nd floor of the Library.
c. Printing services are available at the Electronic Resource Center (ERC).
d. Electronic Reserve for Books is reading materials assigned by faculty were
scanned and put on the web. This are approved documents/ articles to be
placed on the web and do not available locally.

3. Facilities
a. There are two Viewing Rooms Namely Fr. Parpan and Fr. Bautista that
accommodate 50 students for viewing of Multimedia Collection. For use
of these rooms, on-line reservation is required.
b. Multi-Purpose Hall is a venue for trainings, seminars and university
activities. It can accommodate 80 participants. For use of this hall, online
reservation is required.
c. Electronic Resource Center (ERC) offers computer services to the students
and printing services.
d. Information Commons houses 4 units of tablet and computer units where
students can access e- resource and other related services.

4. Overdue Fines and Penalties

The Library imposes fines and penalties for infractions of
library rules and regulations. A fine of two pesos a day is charged on each
overdue circulation book, five pesos per hour for Reserve, Filipiniana or
Reference book borrowed. All borrowed books must be returned at the
charging desk. Failure to do this will mean continuous charging of fines.
Suspension or expulsion is the penalty for students who deliberately mark,
vandalize, mutilate or deface any books or library material. Theft merits
dismissal from the school.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 87

Section 14: Policy of the Office the Registrar

The Registrar’s Office shall maintain and preserve the integrity and
confidentiality of student’s records. It is committed to excellent service with zeal and
uprightness to the whole community.


The office, as one of the academic support service offices of the university,
handles the accurate and prompt academic information service and management of
all student records. Thus, it maintains and keeps a systematic file of present and past
students’ scholastic reports through its computerization process.

The office will handle the generation of reports submitted to the different
offices, namely: President’s office, Vice President’s for Basic Education office,
Director’s office, Department/Strand Heads and other academic offices which handle
student services.


1. Prepares, in consultation with the Office of the Director, the academic school
calendar for approval of the Basic Education Council, the President and the
Department of Education (DepEd);
• Facilitates semestral and summer enrollment;
• Prepares and submits all major reports required by the Department of
Education (DepEd) such as -
• Learner’s Information System
• School Forms
• Enrollment report
• Promotion report
• Controls flow, safety and security of files and records;
• Prepares reports needed by academic heads pertinent to the academic
performance of their respective students;
• Evaluates students on credits earned for every semester;
• Provides/Issues transfer credentials, transcript of records (F137), diploma,
certifications and other school documents, and;
• Attends to all communication regarding student’s records.


• Consolidates schedules of semestral and summer classes;

• Prepares/Allocates the use of rooms in coordination with the College, Graduate
School, College of Law and Ateneo Teacher Training Program (ATTC);
• Prepares and posts examination schedules at least one (1) week before the
scheduled major exams;
• Schedules classroom for remedial and advance classes, and; approves classroom
reservation requests.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 88

Section 15: Policy on Absenteeism and Tardiness

Regular attendance, coupled with determination and persistence to learn

are significant factors that contribute to a student’s learning. These considerations
may be waylaid/disregarded by them due to circumstances (events) which may or
may not be under their control.
Knowing this fact, the school has its structures to reduce if not prevent
students from depriving themselves in achieving the goals of education: academic
training and cultivation of acceptable attitudes and habits necessary to their holistic
Attendance and punctuality are values which the Ateneo de Naga University
– community professes to instill among its members. Within this community are
students who may veer away from their academic responsibilities because of their
vulnerability from realities which could possibly lure them to be absent or be late
from classes and activities.

Policy Statement

The Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School is committed to the

cultivation of values, attitudes and habits that support optimum achievement of
learning outcomes necessary for the integral formation of students.
Among these habits are consistent attendance and punctuality of students
in classes and school activities. In line with the policy, implementing guidelines and
procedures are herewith established to address absenteeism and tardiness in a manner
consistent with applicable provisions in the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools
and related government issuances.

Implementing Guidelines and Procedures

1. As a rule, all students are expected to be physically present in all classes and
school approved class related activities from the beginning of these classes/
activities in the morning until they are ended in the afternoon.

2. A student is considered absent if he/she:

a. is not physically present in the class or the activity for one period, half – day or
whole day
b. is not physically present in the class or activity but failed to present a valid Letter
of Explanation.
c. arrives in the classroom beyond the first fifteen (15) minutes of the class period.;
d. leaves the class without the teacher’s explicit permission and fails to return after
fifteen (15) minutes, never returned to class, or exceeded the time limit set by
the teacher.

3. Missed class hours by a student who enrolled late shall be marked absent.

4. If a student incurs three (3)-hour absence in any of his/her subject within a

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 89

week, his/her Class Moderator shall be notified and his/her parent/guardian
shall be informed in writing or through a phone call/ a text message by the
Prefect of Students.

5. But, once a student incurs five (5)-hour absence, his/her parent/guardian shall
be called for a conference by the Prefect of Students or a home visit may be
conducted by the Subject Teacher/Class Moderator, Guidance Counselor, and
Prefect of Student/Administrator.

6. If a student incurs additional absences after the conference/home visit, his/her

parents will be notified immediately by the Prefect of Students for a conference.
The student by this time, will be subjected under the terms and conditions set
by Final Written Warning Form to be issued by the Prefect of Students before
he/she will be admitted to his/her classes.

However, a student who is granted permission or consideration approved by

the Prefect and the SHS Director, shall still comply with whatever lessons,
performance tasks and examinations required by the school for him/her to pass
the subject. Further, he/she should not incur any absence until the end of the

7. Any student who incurs absences of ten percent (10%) or more than the
required number of class or laboratory periods for a subject per semester or
20% in a school year, (“Guidelines on Student Absences/Tardiness in a Regular
Semester”) shall be considered “dropped” and will be given a quarterly grade of
“AF” (Failed Due to Absences) and a semestral final grade of 60 regardless of
his/her 1st quarter grade (if the absences are incurred during the 2nd quarter).

Parent/s (or official guardian) of the student shall be informed in writing by the
Registrar of his/her academic status.

A student may be exempted from this rule (no.7) by the SHS Director (on a case
to case basis) based on valid and acceptable reasons of the student indicated in
her/her notarized Letter of Appeal signed by his/her parent/guardian, and the
recommendations of his/her class moderator and subject teacher(s).

This exemption shall not excuse the student from keeping up with lessons and
assignments, and taking examinations when indicated. (Section 157.1 of the
Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools, DO11, S 2011)

8. A student who attends meetings, conferences, seminars, competitions, and

similar off-campus activities as official school representative is permitted to
be absent from his/her classes provided that he/she submits any proof/s of
involvement in a particular event duly approved by the Coordinator of Student
Activities. After which, the Prefect of Students shall inform the student’s Class
Moderator and Subject Teachers of his/her absence/s. Upon his/her return to
school, he/she shall present any proof/document that would validate his/her
reason of absence. He/she is also responsible to coordinate with his/her teachers
and make-up for whatever lessons/activities he/she might have missed during

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 90

his/her absence.
However, a student who is granted permission or consideration approved by the
Coordinator of Student Activities, and the SHS Director, shall still comply with
whatever lessons, performance tasks and examinations that may be required by
the school in order for him/her to pass the subject.

9. The absentee student should present his/her Letter of Explanation signed by his/
her parent/guardian, to the Prefect of Students, before he/she presents it to the
Subject Teachers or any concerned authority. The student shall secure ADMIT-
TO-CLASS SLIP (ATC) before he/she is accepted to his/her classes.

A Letter of Explanation is invalid if it is submitted on the third day and beyond, after
the student’s absence.

10. In case of an anticipated day/s of absence, the student, with the consent of his/
her parent/guardian shall inform in writing and seek approval from the Prefect of
Students and/or the SHS Director at least three (3) days before his/her absence.

11. The Prefect shall inform the student’s Class Moderator and Subject Teachers
concerned by posting through student’s gbox account the approved Letter of

Note: Absenteeism is treated as a disciplinary case, thus, two (2) or more absences of
a student should be reported immediately to the OPS for proper intervention and/or
disciplinary measure. Subject Teachers and Moderators ought to coordinate with the
OPS and/or to their Chairperson with regard to their student’s attendance problem.

1. As a rule, all students are expected to be prompt when reporting to their classes,
assemblies, activities and office appointments. Tardiness usually affects academic
performance and class standing of the students.

Section 157.1 of the Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools states:
“Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the
afternoon shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parent or
guardian of the student concerned or visit him/her at home.” (DO 11, S 2011)

2. A student is late when he or she arrives in the venue/assembly area of the school
activity five (5) minutes and beyond after the activity has started.

3. A student who arrives late for any of his/her classes shall secure an ADMIT-
TO-CLASS SLIP (ATC) from the Prefect of Students and presents it to his/her
Subject Teacher so he/she can join his/her class. Three lateness is equivalent to
one (1)-hour absence.

4. When a student incurs at least three (3) lateness, his/her Class Moderator shall
be notified and his parent/guardian shall be informed in writing or telephone

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 91

call by the Prefect of Students. An accumulated or consecutive three (3) lateness
each month by a student shall be subjected to disciplinary sanction of three (3)
hrs. post.

5. A student who incurs additional lateness after three (3) successive lateness,
will be meted to a higher disciplinary sanction and intervention guided by the
school’s Code of Conduct.

6. If a student has five (5) or more lateness, his/her parent/guardian will be called
for a conference by the Prefect of Students or a home visit may be conducted
by the Class Moderator, the Guidance Counselor, and the Prefect of Student/
Administrator. If a student incurs additional lateness after the conference/home
visit, his/her parents shall be called anytime during office hours for a conference
with the Prefect of Students.

7. A student who arrives late for the Monday morning assembly shall secure an
ATC from the Prefect of Students and presents it to his/her Moderator so he/she
can join his/her Homeroom class. Also, he/she is required to:
a. enlist his/her name in the attendance sheet,
b. do the singing of the National Anthem and say a morning prayer,
c. stay at the Xavier Hall/Grounds unless instructed by the Prefect of Students.

Note: Class Moderators should consistently check the attendance of their students
in the middle of the activity and should require their moderating classes to regularly
attend Monday assemblies.

8. Subject Teachers and Moderators should coordinate with the Prefect of the
Students and/or with their respective Chairpersons in dealing with student’s

9. Students with emergency cases: related to health, family and other uncontrollable
circumstances, shall be deemed excusable by the OPS.


*Acceptable Circumstances and Corresponding Requirements for a Valid Absence

Circumstance Requirements
1. Illness Medical certificate signed by a registered
A. Severe Illness medical, dental or health practitioner
certifying that the student received medical
attention and that the illness would prevent/
prevented the student from attending his/
her regular classes.
B. Less severe illness which are commonly
treated at home but contagious (e.g. sore
eyes) or seasonal illnesses ( e.g. flu) Letter of Explanation from parent/guardian
2. Death of an immediate family member Letter of Explanation (approved by the SHS
(e.g. mother, father, sister, brother, or Director) from a parent explaining the death
grandparent/s) of an immediate family member

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 92

3. Court Appearance Letter of Explanation with attached copy of
court summon or subpoena
4. Embassy Appearance Letter of Explanation with attached copy of
any letter and/or other document/s from the

Approval of the Director

6. Officially Representing the School with Documentary evidence of participation
prior approval from the Coordinator of signed by the adviser/persons concerned
Student Activities/Chair/Director/Vice (i.e., Coordinator of Student Activities,
President of Basic Education (VPBE)/ adviser, coach, teacher -companion, etc.)
Letter of Information/Explanation approved
by the Director

7. Serious illness of an immediate family A Letter of Explanation from the parent

member which requires the student’s or guardian as specified in the specimen
attention signature form
8. Accident, victim of criminal assault, Any documentary evidence (e.g. police
mugging, or similar traumatic experience. report, blotter, medical certificate)

Letter of Explanation from the parent/

authorized guardian
9. Recollection/Overnight Retreat Schedule/List of Participants of the
recollection/overnight retreat signed by the
SHS Campus Minister
10. Other instances that will require the students’ absence or lateness provided that a letter
from a parent or a guardian is approved by the SHS Director.
**Letter of Explanation – is a form of communication addressed to the SHS Prefect
of Students stating the reason for an individual’s absence or lateness. It also includes
the date/s, the day/s, and/or the activity/ies missed by a student and specifies the
‘consideration” the letter writer wants from the person in authority and his/her
adherence to a decision/s reached by the concerned authority/approving officer.

***Guidelines on Student Absence/Tardiness during a Regular Semester


Maximum Failure due Allowance given to students.

Absences* to Absences In excess of this is considered
an absence.
80 hrs. 8 hrs. 9 and more 15 mins.
40 hrs. 3 hrs. 4 and more 15 mins.
Note: A student who has accumulated the maximum allowable number of absences must accomplish the Final
Written Warning Form (cited above) before he/she is admitted to his/her class.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 93

Some forms used by the OPS in monitoring student’s attendance and in securing
safety and order while the class is going-on:

1. Admit-To-Class (ATC) Slip shall be given by the Prefect of Students to a student

who a) arrives late for class, b) incurs an absence and has presented a Letter of
Explanation signed by his/her parent/guardian, c) comes to school not wearing
the proper uniform but has submitted a Letter of Explanation signed by his/her
parent/guardian, and d) has no Letter of Explanation signed by his/her parents
but promised to submit one on or before the deadline set by the Prefect of

2. Infraction Slip (IS) shall be given to a student who causes annoyance, disturbance,
or disrespect to a teacher or a student inside the classroom during the class
session. After the student has received the third Infraction Slip in a month, he/
she will be summoned to the Prefect of Students.

3. Gate Pass (GP) shall be given to a student or group of students allowed to leave
the campus based on valid reason to the school authorities and provided a written
request or a telephone call will reach the Office of the Prefect of Students.

4. Notification Slip (NS) shall be given by OPS to a teacher who decides to notify
a parent/s or a guardian about attendance, misbehavior, commendation, etc.
that may be helpful and in formation and academic performance of the student.

5. Formal Correspondence to Parents (FCP) shall be given to a parent or a guardian

through the OPS to inform and/or invite him/her for a dialogue concerning
matters involving his/her son/daughter or ward.

6. Appointment Form (ApF) shall be given to anyone who would like to have a
dialogue or meeting with a staff, member of the faculty or administrator from
the ADNU SHS office.

7. Beadle’s Daily Deportment Record (BDDR) is a daily log of the students’

attendance and manifested behavior inside the classroom. It is used by the
student-beadle who is authorized to monitor, observe and report his/her
classmate’s behavior to the concerned school authorities.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 94

Article III

Senior High School (SHS) Code of Conduct



The Philippine Constitution mandates that educational institutions not

only have the right but also the responsibility to form the learner’s character. Section
3 (2) of Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution provides that the school shall “teach
the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen the ethical and spiritual values, and
develop moral character and personal discipline.”

As a Jesuit academic institution, the Ateneo de Naga University seeks for the
integral formation of men and women who will contribute to the total development
of the family and the human society. It recognizes the paramount importance of
discipline because it molds an individual whose decisions are anchored on moral
principles and conscience, rather than by impulses, preferences, moods, feelings—or
by external coercion and restraint (Manual for Jesuit High School Administrators,
Jesuit Educational Association, New York 1957).

As an academic and Christian institution, it also pays particular interests and

concerns in sustaining its place in the region and the nation by seeking the assistance
of all entities in the school community towards the realization of its mission-vision.

Hence, it takes its responsibility to formulate rules and regulations in

evaluating the conduct of its students guided by the policies, and implementing rules
and regulations from the Department of Education and the University.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 95


It is the policy of the Ateneo de Naga University to constantly promote

the well-being among its students and to continually strive for personal excellence.
Toward this end, the Ateneo Senior High School Code of Conduct (ASHS-CC) is
adopted which aims to:
1. provide the SHS community: students, faculty, staff and administrators,
standards that will serve as guide in all undertakings in and off campus
activities; and
2. provide students ways and means on how to achieve excellence both in
academics and in character.


The ADNU-SHS unit is cognizant of the basic values emphasized and
honed in the early years of formation of the students. However, in the context of
Senior High School, Ateneans are expected to develop and demonstrate in their
words and actions, the following good traits:

1. Integrity. As called to serve primarily the Kingdom of God, Primum Regnum

Dei, Ateneans ought to become servants of truth and goodness. They ought to live-
out honesty and truthfulness; and they are to be in faithful adherence to Catholic
moral and ethical principles and values. This value is exhibited in their day-to-day
experiences in school: as they deal with any academic requirements, and as they
dutifully seek self-improvement by studying different fields of discipline.

2. Capacity for Discernment. Ignatius, taken as epitome of a discerning spirit,

Ateneans, practice reflection and sensitivity to the interior movements of the soul:
thoughts, desires, inclinations, imaginings, feelings and emotions. It is a way of
finding God in the ordinariness of life’s experiences and a chance of deepening one’s
relationship, with the self, others and God. Both in their personal and communal life,
students allot time for prayer and reflections.

3. Responsibility to Self and Others. Ateneans are expected to possess self-discipline

and commitment as maturing individuals. They are aware of what they ought to
do and what they ought to be. In their life context, they are responsible for the
promotion of the common good. They are not mindful only of their total well-being
but also the promotion of social justice and equality as called to become ‘men and
women for other’. This is concretely manifested as in the life of the students through
respect to individual differences and as they carry-out tasks as responsible citizens of
the society.


A. Authority to Promulgate School Rules. As mandated by the Department of

Education, ADNU SHS unit has the authority and prerogative to promulgate
reasonable policies, and implementing rules and regulations as it deems
necessary for the maintenance of discipline.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 96

B. Scope of Authority to Discipline. To ensure that order and security of each
student is maintained, the responsibility of the school authority to discipline
extends beyond the boundaries of the university:
1. Within the Campus during Academic Period;
2. Outside the Campus Before, During, and After Academic Period;
3. Inside and outside the school campus especially, during school activities
4. The school disciplinary authority ascertains that rights and responsibilities
of the students are exercised even in online postings and/or the use of
social media as long as these requisites are met:
1. if the issue is related to the affiliation of the student to the school, and
2. if it affects the formation of the student/s involved.

Importantly, the power of the school to discipline students does not oppose
nor replace the authority of the parents among their children. In fact, the school
and home should commune and unite to achieve the common ends of both: the
formation and continual human development of the students.

C. Exclusive and Final Authority. The school reserves the exclusive right to
interpret the rules. The school is empowered to:
• ascertain which behavior for the students is acceptable or not;
• understand and interpret the letter and the spirit of the rule;
• categorize offenses by the students; and
• determine the sanction applicable in each case.

Infractions (adapted from the ADNU JHS Student Handbook, 2018):

1. Aggravating Circumstances. A number of situations or conditions can make a
student’s offense more grievous, resulting to a higher sanction. The following can
aggravate an offense:
• Repetition of the same offense
• Premeditation
• Defiance to authority
• Aiming the offense at a person in authority
• Committing an offense towards the end of a semester
• Disciplinary warning status (for offenses deserving the same or higher
• A pattern of behaviors indicating rebelliousness toward school, school
rules, or school authorities

2. Persuading others to commit an offense. A student proven to have induced

others to perpetrate an offense may face a similar sanction as those who committed
the offense itself. More specifically the following cases may qualify for a provocation
liable to a corresponding sanction:
• fights or brawls
• defaming words
• pushing or shoving
• provoking stare

3. Frustrated or attempted offenses. A student may face a similar sanction as one

who committed the offense himself/herself for frustrated or attempted offenses.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 97

Moreover, a student may be penalized with a sanction proportionate to the gravity
of the attempt.

4. Direct or Indirect Involvement. A student is held liable for direct or indirect, active
or passive participation in committing the offense. Therefore, a similar or equivalent
sanction is meted out to one’s involvement. Involvement in the commission of an
offense covers complicity, cooperation, covering up, passive presence, and failure to
report an offense which he/she witnessed.

Liability for damages. In cases where a student’s action, whether it is intentional

or not, which results in 1) damage to property or 2) injury to a person, the student
involved is held liable for damages or injuries, regardless of disciplinary sanction given
to him/her. And when a student’s intentional or unintentional action or omission
results in moral and psychological damage or defamation of another person’s name or
reputation, the students may be required to apologize verbally or in writing or take
other means to make up for the damage caused.

Charges. The school has the power to instigate and conduct its own investigation of
any offense committed by the student/s within or outside the school’s premises, albeit
charges brought by other parties or complaints.

Other Offenses. The list that follows is not comprehensive and extensive, therefore,
not exclusive. Invoking “special parental authority” stipulated in Article 218 of the
Revised Family Code, “the school reserves the right to penalize in whatever mode
it believes necessary, any behavior by its students, whether within or outside the
school premises.” Also, a student’s behavior, which the school considers unacceptable
or which directly affects the reputation of an Atenean students, even if such is not
explicitly codified in the Student Handbook, will be dealt with accordingly.



1st- 3rd Reprimand Inform the moderator and inform Notice 1
OFFENSE parents thru a call (No Disciplinary
4th-6th Reprimand Inform the moderator and inform Notice 2
OFFENSE parents thru a call (No Disciplinary
Refer to the Chaplain or the Status)
Campus Minister, Inform Parents
7th-9th Post – 3 hours Refer to the Guidance Counselor Notice 3
OFFENSE and Inform Parents (No Disciplinary
10th-12th Post – 4 hours Refer to the Chaplain and/or Disciplinary
OFFENSE Campus Minister and Guidance Warning 1
13th-15th Post – 5 hours Refer to the Guidance Counselor Disciplinary
OFFENSE Warning 2

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 98

16th-18th Community Refer to the Community Disciplinary
OFFENSE Service Program Coordinator and/or Warning 3
(6 hours) Guidance Counselor
19th-21st Temporary Refer to the Guidance Director First Disciplinary
OFFENSE Exclusion and ADFSA Probation
22nd-24th Temporary Refer to the ADFSA and SHS Second
OFFENSE Exclusion Director Disciplinary
25th Temporary Refer to the ADFSA and SHS Final Disciplinary
OFFENSE Exclusion Director Probation


1st Post – 3 hours Inform the moderator and Disciplinary
OFFENSE inform parents thru a call Warning 1
2nd Post – 5 hours Inform the moderator and Disciplinary
OFFENSE inform parents thru a call & Warning 2
formal correspondence;
Refer to the Chaplain or the
Campus Minister
3rd Community Refer to the Guidance Director, Disciplinary
OFFENSE Service Community Program and Warning 3
(6 hours) ADFSA or SHS Director
1st Temporary Inform the moderator and First Disciplinary
OFFENSE Exclusion inform parents thru a call & Probation
formal correspondence Refer to
the Chaplain or the Campus
Minister and the Guidance
Counsellor and Community
2nd Temporary Inform the parents thru a call Second Disciplinary
OFFENSE Exclusion & formal correspondence; Probation
Refer to the Guidance Director
3rd Temporary Refer to the SHS Director Final Disciplinary
OFFENSE Exclusion Probation
GRAVE SEPARATION Refer to the Guidance Director, Non-Readmission/
OFFENSE Chaplain, ADFSA and SHS Dismissal/
Director Expulsion


The formation of student/s is expressed in the disciplinary programs and

structures of the school. That is why, incurrence of an infraction gives the school
authorities the opportunity to instill values among those who erred. Interventions
is hoped to effectively and efficiently cause positive behavior. These thorough
collaboration of the school authorities and the parents of the students.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 99

The categorization of infractions is based on the gravity of different acts and
its differences lie on its probable cause and its effect to the school community.

Minor/ Less Serious Infractions – offenses which are easily reparable or cause minor
damage to another or to the School or designated by the school as such. This kind of
infraction can be promptly addressed and can be mediated by an immediate superior
(subject teacher and/or class moderator) through the name of the involved student/s
should be reported to the Prefect of Students for record purposes.

These are classified minor/less serious infractions, but not limited to the following:
Offenses that disregard the school’s general rules and policies
• acting and/or speaking which disrupts classroom and/or school functions
• entering class without ATC slip
• unexplained lateness and absence (including Monday assemblies, and
other communal meetings/activities)
• improper decorum during a flag ceremony, class session, and community
• tardiness or absence in class without valid reason
• no ID or improper wearing of ID card
• violation of the prescribed P.E. and school uniform, haircut, hair color,
and/or good grooming*
Offenses that disrupt the learning process or distract the flow of school activities and
solemnity of religious activities
• screaming, yelling, cajoling and/or using offensive language
• littering, loitering
• possession of and/or playing of card games
• violation to gadget policy (including earphones and other peripherals)

*Standards for Good Grooming:

Male Student
a. wearing of the prescribed Uniform
• trimmed beard or mustache (if any)
• (naturally colored) hair cut not touching the ears and neatly trimmed
• no skin head hair cut
• no flashy nail polish
• no tattoo

Female Student
a. wearing of the prescribed Uniform (i.e., for uniform skirt 1 inch above
the knee length)
b. Hair is free from dye
• (head) with natural color
• no skin head hair cut
• minimal to no make-up
• no flashy nail polish
• no tattoo

Other analogous act or behavior to the foregoing

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 100

Major Infractions – Offenses which are not easily reparable or entail permanent loss
or cause damage to one’s person, property, honor and dignity as a human being or
to the school or designated by the school as such. These are characterized as major
violations of school rules and classroom discipline. It can also be caused by repetitive
commission (10 or more) of minor infractions. Referral to the Guidance Office is
made each occurrence of these infractions. The parent/s or guardian of the involved
student/s is informed about the infraction through a Letter that is signed by the
SHS Director. The Disciplinary Committee may be involved if a case warrants
separation from school such as a) Non-Participation to Graduation Exercises, b)
Non-Readmission, c) Dismissal, and d) Expulsion. The steps in handling this kind
of infractions is specified and explained in “Procedures on the investigation and
adjudication of disciplinary cases”.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 101

These are instances classified as major/serious infractions, but not limited to the
Offenses that disregard the school’s general rules and policies
• cutting class or returning to class with or without ATC slip after or more
than 15 minutes
• use of electronic gadgets during class hours
• failure to return reply slip
• misuse of ID card
• non-compliance to the tasks given by the school due to incurred minor
Offenses against person (self or others)
• possession of cigarette, e-cigarette, vape, or any smoking paraphernalia
• hooliganism, rowdy and violent behavior in public places or any public
Offenses against property
• unauthorized use of classroom or school facilities (i.e., use of TV monitor
for games, displace remote control, etc.)
• tampering of official school notices or materials
Offenses that disrupt the learning process or distract the flow of school activities and
solemnity of religious activities
• violation of off-limits area
• violation of school curfew
• violation of test/exam protocol

Other analogous act or behavior to the foregoing

Serious Offenses – which cause irreparable damage (or leading to such) to one’s
person, property, honor and dignity as a human being or to the School or designated
by the school as such. These offenses should be dealt by the OPS supported the
teacher/moderator. Referral to the Guidance Office is made each occurrence of these
infractions. The parent/s or guardian of the student/s is informed each occurrence
through a Letter of Infraction that is signed by the SHS Director. The Disciplinary
Committee may be involved if a case warrants separation from school such as a)
Non-Participation to Graduation Exercises, b) Non-Readmission, c) Dismissal, and
d) Expulsion. The steps in handling this kind of infractions is specified and explained
in “Procedures on the investigation and adjudication of disciplinary cases”.

Examples of these are, but not limited to:

Offenses that compromise the safety of self and others
• public scandal
• truancy and violations against other city ordinances (i.e., smoking in
public places, drinking of minor in public places, etc.)
Offenses that disregard the school’s general rules and policies
• unauthorized use of the name of school, offices, or any of its administrators,
teachers or personnel
• non-compliance to the tasks given by the school due to incurred major
Offenses against person (self or others)
• defiance to school authority/rules

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 102

• deliberate peeping or any act intended to embarrass teachers, personnel,
and fellow students,
• inappropriate and public display of affection (i.e., kissing, prolonged
hugging and other malicious acts)
• any of the school form of disrespect to any member community
• make false statements and/or lying
• taking/uploading pictures or videos of persons or events without
permission for the purpose of defaming or insulting a person
• gambling (in and out the campus)
• possession or viewing of indecent/pornographic materials or media
• and any other offense analogous to the foregoing

Other analogous act or behavior to the foregoing

Grave Infractions – offenses that vehemently attack the Christian moral principles,
University’s mission and vision, and the established Philippine laws. It would also
violate explicitly the policies of the Department of Education and the Code of
Conduct of ADNU-SHS unit, thus creating a magnitude of destruction to the well-
being of the self, others and the whole community. These offenses should be dealt
by the OPS supported the teacher/moderator. Referral to the Guidance Office is
made each occurrence of these infractions. The parent/s or guardian of the student/s
is informed each occurrence through a Letter of Infraction that is signed by the
SHS Director. The Disciplinary Committee may be involved if a case warrants
separation from school such as a) Non-Participation to Graduation Exercises, b)
Non-Readmission, c) Dismissal, and d) Expulsion. The steps in handling this kind
of infractions is specified and explained in “Procedures on the investigation and
adjudication of disciplinary cases”.

These are instances classified as grave infractions, but not limited to the following:
Offenses that compromise the safety of self and others
• any form of bullying (print, broadcast, online, or spoken)
• fighting inside or outside of school campus
• defamation in any form
• any form of extortion
Offenses that disregard the school’s general rules and policies
• academic dishonesty (plagiarism in any form, possession or use of physical
or digital crib notes, copying from another’s paper, stealing/giving/selling/
buying/receiving test papers whether physical reproductions or digital
copies, and anything analogous to the foregoing)
• coming to school or entering the university premises under the influence
of alcohol, as well as taking of or possessing alcoholic beverages in the
school and/ or during school functions
• forgery or falsification of school documents or records
• non-compliance to the tasks given by the school due to incurred major/
serious infractions
Offenses against person (self or others)
• physical assault to any member of the school-community
• sexual harassment
• consumption or smoking of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vape, or any similar
Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 103
• theft & stealing
• vandalism or deliberate destruction of school property of others and/or
other’s property
• hazing
• possession, consumption, distribution, trafficking, peddling, or use of any
dangerous and prohibited drugs (including the possession of any drug
• possession/ownership and use of deadly weapon(s) and/or explosive device
• membership in fraternities and other secret societies
• collaborative misconduct (i.e., cheating, drinking, drug use, etc.)
• other analogous act or behavior

Other analogous act or behavior to the foregoing

There may be other acts that may not fall under these categories but through
the mandate of the Office of the Prefect of Students, that of ensuring the general
order and security of the students, he/she may interpret any case/instance based on
the policies of the Department of Education, the ADNU SHS unit and the Christian
principles and ideals as recognized by the Ateneo de Naga University.

The OPS accounts for the number of incurred offenses per semester and submits
general feedback/s to the parents and/or official guardian of the student/s through
OPS’ Deportment Report. Due to the 2-year length of stay of the students, the record
of grade 11 students who stayed for one semester or one school year will be carried-
over the next school year; should he/she wishes to finish or continue his/her studies
in Ateneo. However, if a student wishes to leave before or after a semester or school
year, he/she needs to fulfill any of his/her liability before he/she be cleared from his/
her record. Ultimately, a student has incurred serious or grave offense, depending
on the nature and gravity of the offense, will not be given any recommendation
from any administrator, teacher or other personnel; and he/she will not be issued any
certification of good moral character.



NO DISCIPLINARY STATUS is the ideal status that should be aspired by every

SHS student. This is equivalent to no derogatory record in the OPS. This is for
those who have not incurred any serious or grave offenses nor committed several
minor infractions. This category is also given to those who have incurred minor
offense/s or major/offense but have cleared-out their record after their fulfillment of
the requirements set by the OPS.

Procedures. For minor offenses, a subject teacher or a moderator may address any
disciplinary issue/s that is/are categorized as minor/less serious after an investigation,
settlement and dialogue – where every party involved will be given equal chance
to share his/her sentiments and be given chance to defend oneself. Yet, if there is
repeated commission of the same minor/less serious offense or has accumulated three
(3) or more minor/less serious offenses, or the subject teacher/moderator deems it
immediately reports the matter to the OPS.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 104

adapted from the ADNU JHS Student Handbook, 2018:

DISCIPLINARY WARNING. It is the status imposed on any student for repeated

minor infraction/s or for major, or serious infractions resulting to harm which is
mostly, but not exclusively, on himself/herself and his/her own character formation.
A student under Disciplinary Probation shall be given the Disciplinary Warning
Letter addressed to his/her parent’s indicating the nature of the infraction and the
number of Post Hours to be served.

1. Nature of Disciplinary Warning

a. A Disciplinary Warning Status remains on record for at least one (1)
semester and enforced until the following semester, excluding the current
semester even if the following term extends the following school year. The
student on disciplinary warning attends all his/her classes except his/her co-
curricular/extra-curricular activities.
b. In the event that the student has not committed any major or grave
offense/s and has not accumulated another three minor offenses within a
given prescriptive period, his/her disciplinary standing is commuted to the
next lower disciplinary status.
c. If the student commits another major or grave offense or accumulates
another three minor offenses within the given prescriptive period, his/her
disciplinary standing is raised to the next higher disciplinary status.
d. During Disciplinary Warning Period, s/he reports to the Guidance
Counselor for counselling and processing and, on the last day to the OPS for
the evaluation.

2. Authority to Impose Disciplinary Warning

a. Only the Prefect of Students, after due investigation and evaluation, may
impose a Disciplinary Warning status on any student on the basis of the
verified report of infraction or complaint from administrator/s, teacher/s,
personnel, student/s, or any concerned persons.
b. Though the Director only notes the Disciplinary Warning Status Letter,
he/she may terminate its implementation depending on the grounds/bases

3. Procedures
a. Any administrator, teacher, personnel, student, or other concerned persons
can report to the Prefect of Students the infraction committed by the student.
b. The Class Moderator is informed and he/she would be involved in the
case proceedings, either as a counsellor, witness and/or the authority to help
monitor or supervise the possible interventions.
c. The Office of the Prefect of Students investigates the veracity of the report
and assesses the applicability of a Disciplinary warning.
d. When applicable, the Prefect notifies the student and his/her parents
concerning the imposition of the Disciplinary warning, requiring them to
confer with the Prefect before the effectivity of the Disciplinary warning. The
letter specifies the nature of the infraction/misbehavior and the inclusive dates
of the Disciplinary warning period.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 105

e.When the Prefect deems Disciplinary Warning inapplicable, s/he
recommends him/her to the Disciplinary Committee for Disciplinary
Probation Status.
f.On the first day of the Disciplinary Warning, the student shall be given
the Post Hour Form to be filled up by the student and countersigned by
the assigned office personnel as the latter evaluates the performance of the
g.On the last day of the Disciplinary Warning Status, the student shall report
to the Guidance Counselor for processing and to the Office of the Prefect of
Students for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Disciplinary Warning
and bring it to a closure.
h.Non-compliance with the requirements of Disciplinary Warning Status,
particularly the allotted schedule for post hours, will compel the OPS to
impose another Disciplinary Warning against a student/s.

DISCIPLINARY PROBATION. It is a status imposed on any student for continued

violation of any school rule inspite of the interventions and corrective measures given
to him/her. It may be also imposed on any student/s who commit/s accumulated
minor, major or serious offense. A three-day In-school Temporary Exclusion is given
to a student under this status.

1. Nature of Disciplinary Probation

a. The Disciplinary Probation Status remains on record and enforced for the
next three (3) terms after or succeeding the term in which the violation is
committed, even if the succeeding terms belong to the following school year.
Each Disciplinary Probation requires three (3) days of Temporary Exclusion
to be served in school as stipulated in the letter given by the Director.
b. Once the Temporary Exclusion is served, the student on Disciplinary
Probation Status attends his/her classes, he/she is not allowed to join outside
school competitions nor to represent the school for whatever reasons there
may be.
c. In the event that the student has not committed any other offense within
the given prescriptive period, his/her disciplinary standing is commuted to
the next lower disciplinary status level.
d. In the event that the student/s commit/s another major or serious offense
or accumulated another one or two minor/less serious offenses within the
given prescriptive period, his/her/their disciplinary standing is raised to the
next higher disciplinary status.
e. In the mid-afternoon of the third day of temporary exclusion, the student
reports to the Guidance Counselor for individual counselling and processing
then to the Prefect of Students for evaluation.

2. Authority to impose Disciplinary Probation

a. Only the Director may impose Disciplinary Probation on any student after
due consideration of the infraction report and recommendation of both the
Prefect and the Disciplinary Committee.
b. Upon the recommendation of the Prefect of Students, the Director may
elevate the Disciplinary Probation to the next higher level for the student’s
failure to accomplish the tasks assigned to him/her.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 106

3. Procedures
a. Any administrator, teacher, personnel, student, or other concerned person/s
shall report to the Prefect of Students the infraction under serious or any
analogous behavior not listed in the Students Handbook committed by a
student or group of students.
b. The Class Moderator is informed oh his/her involvement in the case
proceedings, either as a counsellor, witness, and/or the authority to help
monitor or supervise possible interventions.
c. The Office of the Prefect of Students investigates the veracity of the case and
assesses the applicability of the Disciplinary Probation.
d. When applicable, the Prefect submits the outcome of investigation and
recommendation/s to the Disciplinary Committee.
e. When the Prefect deems Disciplinary Probation inapplicable, s/he confers
with the person who reported the infraction. s/he then assigns the student a
lower sanction.

4. If and when applicable, the Disciplinary Committee recommends to the SHS

Director the Disciplinary Probation of the student and transmits the Notice
of Disciplinary Probation to both the student and his/her parents, the notice
specifies the nature of the infraction and the inclusive dates of Disciplinary
Probation, the procedures and the warning for non-compliance with the

5. Non-compliance with the Requirements of Disciplinary Probation

a. Upon the recommendation of the Prefect of Students, the Director may
elevate the Disciplinary Probation to the next level for the student’s failure to
accomplish the tasks assigned to him/her.
b. On the recommendation of the Prefect of Students, the Director
recommends to the University President the status of Separation of a student
who culpably fails to fulfill the requirements despite the warnings.

DUE PROCESS REQUIREMENTS. The right to due process is imperative of

Christian charity and justice and is guaranteed under the Philippine Constitution as
defined by the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools. This right shall be observed
in the conduct and resolution of all disciplinary case(s).
The determination of the appropriate sanction shall be based on:
a. The facts surrounding the case;
b. The gravity of the violation committed;
c. The seriousness of the damage or injury caused; and,
d. Such other factors as may be deemed worthy of consideration.

Procedures on the investigation and adjudication of disciplinary cases:

1. The aggrieved party or an eye-witness, or any member of the academic community,

files a complaint with the Prefect stating the nature and the circumstances of the
offense. The evidence or other materials relevant to the case must be included in
the complaint.
2. The Prefect notifies the student concerned of charge(s) against him/her, furnishes
him/her with the copy of the complaint and the evidence against him/her. The

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 107

student is required to respond in writing to the said charge(s) by filing his/her
written response and statements of witnesses, including the evidence within
72 hours after receipt of notice or at the specified period of time prescribed by
the Prefect. Failure to submit a reply will constitute a waiver of the right to be
heard; the case though shall proceed. A formal letter is also sent to the parent/s or
guardian of the student/s involved for notification and/or invitation for dialogue.
3. The Prefect then interviews all parties involved and conducts additional
investigations as may be necessary.
4. After the facts have been ascertained, the Prefect assesses the gravity of the offense
presented and the evidence of guilt or innocence.
5. For cases warranting suspension, dismissal, or expulsion, the Prefect convenes the
Disciplinary Committee (DC) to hand over the case for further investigation and
6. Parents or guardian/s, the Director, Guidance Office, and the Department
Chair/s of the respondent/s shall be duly notified also by the Prefect for offenses
punishable by suspension; or the Prefect presents the written report, including
formal charges, the evidence and other related material relevant to the case, the
past disciplinary records of the student concerned, and recommends suspension,
dismissal or expulsion to the DC sitting in preliminary hearing. Upon verification
that the recommendation of the Prefect warrants further consideration based
on the evidence, the DC processes the case further. (If there is no grounds and
sufficient proof that serve as bases for recommendation to the DC, the case will
be treated as minor or less serious offense.)


A reprimand is a disapproval for minor violations of the Code of Conduct.
It comes in two forms: oral and written. Oral reprimand is given by any subject
teacher or class moderator in coordination with the Prefect of Students, to students
with first offense or any minor offense. Nevertheless, all reprimands, oral or written,
shall be recorded and incidental reports are clear and filed accordingly. The erring
students will be given a chance to write a Promissory Letter or Letter of Justification,
if in case there is a necessity.

The parent/s of the erring student will be informed about the behavior of
his/her children especially, if a minor offense is habitually done. Also, the Disciplinary
Committee will be consulted if a minor offense is committed beyond the allowable
number of offenses committed.

Writing an integration paper is a corrective measure for minor offense. It is
imposed on a student by the subject teacher or personnel conducting or assisting in
class or session with a student or a group of students for violation of class rules, e.g.
no book, no homework, speaking out of turn, class disturbance, etc. The infraction
and the penalty, if any, are reported opposite his/her name in the Beadles’ Daily
Deportment Report (BDDR).

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 108

The penalty may be on the spot, e.g. writing a reflection paper on the
effect/s of his/her violation, etc. The penalty may also be postponed until after classes
in the afternoon, e.g. writing a composition on the relevance of rule violated, etc.

A post is a corrective measure given to a student for accumulating minor
infractions or incurring a major offense. Only the Office of the Prefect of Students has
the authority of imposing post hours. During breaks or after dismissal, the student
reports to the Office of the Prefect of Students and/or to the designated office where
he/she is assigned to serve the post hours. Upon the decision of the OPS in the
Disciplinary Warning Letter, post must be served within five (5) class days

The Discipline Committee may sanction a student of this measure during

the second warning on a grave offense.

For Students under Post-Hour (In-Campus)

(Required Task) Reflection Paper (1-Hour Value)

The student will read an Article based on the Life of St. Ignatius/St. Francis
Xavier/St. Peter Favre or (Self-Discipline as Requisite of a Successful Life or Self-
discipline is a way Towards Excellence). He/she will write a one-page reflection work
with the minimum of fifty (50) sentences. He/she should relate his/her Personal Life
to the Article he/she will read.

Create an Artwork (3-Hour Value)

The optional post allows 3-5 students with the same number of hours to
serve can organize a team. They may create any artwork out of recyclable or organic
materials that can be useful in the office or in the school or for giveaways during
outreach programs. It should not be costly and extravagant project. The project should
be done within the school premise and a permission from the OPS is secured. Sample
artworks should be made from recyclable materials. These artworks maybe any of the
following: floor mat, thrash bin, string bag, Christmas decorations, placards, poster,
rosary, etc. (out of recycled materials).

Assist in any SHS Office (2 -3-Hour Value)

The student may assist any office personnel or administrator with any
clerical work/s to their office. The staff or administrator gives equivalent hour to the
service the student has rendered in the office. The student may render also service to
our faculty provided that all the accomplishments are specified by the teacher after
the hours of the service/s has/have been rendered.

(Optional) In-campus Outreach Activity (3-Hour Value)

Beside clerical works, the student may give other forms of service to any
SHS office, or to any member of the maintenance crew. Some outreach activities may
the following, but not limited to:
a. Render a Christmas song (Christmas caroling activities)
b. Help sweeping the floor or in cleaning our ADNU surroundings
c. Plant trees or water the plants
d. Collect thrashes and help segregate garbage

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 109

Restitution is imposed on students for damage or misappropriation of
school property, property of any student, faculty member, school official/personnel.
It may take the form of payment or appropriate service, which shall be charged to
the student concerned. Failure to make restitution shall warrant a suspension of the
release of diploma or issuance of academic records.


This is a corrective measure given to students who are in a Disciplinary
Probation, due to accumulated minor and/or major offenses. Deferment is an
exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the “Notice of
Deferment” for a minimum of one (1) day until a definite period of time to reinstate
identified in the “Notice of Deferment” with possible reinstatement thereafter, upon
compliance of stipulated in the notice. The parents and/or guardians shall be provided
with a copy of this notice prior to the schedule of deferment.

When a student is subjected to deferment in attending classes, he/she

will report to the OPS and do his/her school work in that same office. He/She is
prohibited from joining his/her classes and/or his/her friends during breaktime. This
measure shall be implemented three to five days after the violator’s receipt of the

It is defined as a designated number of hours of service/work to the school in
replacement of other sanctions; if the erring student fails to accomplish the in-
campus service during the specified period, his/her sanction will be aggravated.
The Community Program Coordinator will be consulted regarding the nature and
opportunities for community service.

Suspension is exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities for a
definite period of time with possible reinstatement and, upon compliance stipulated
in the “Notice of Suspension.” It is a corrective measure imposed on a student for
serious violation of any school rule. Each suspension covers a maximum period of
three school days. The student on suspension is required to come to school on regular
schedule but does not attend his/her classes including PE and co-curricular/extra-
curricular activities, nor is s/he entitled to make-up quizzes, seatwork, assignment,
and laboratory exercises/experiments during his/her suspension period. Instead, he/
she reports to the Prefect’s Office and/or to the designated administrators, teachers
and personnel and performs the tasks/modules assigned to him/her. He/She reports
to the Prefect of Students mid-afternoon of the third day of suspension to evaluate
his/her status.

Authority to Impose Suspension.

Only the University President may impose suspension on any student after
due consideration of the report of infraction and recommendation of both the SHS
Director and the Disciplinary Committee. Authorized by the University President,
the SHS Director upon the recommendation from the Prefect of Students may extend

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 110

the suspension to at most two more days for the student’s failure to accomplish the
modules/tasks assigned to him/her.


This is a corrective measure imposed on an undergraduate student whose
grave infraction meriting dismissal is commuted by the University President. It
is likewise imposed on an undergraduate student who culpably fails to fulfill the
requirements of his/her deferment despite the extension of two days. A student on
non-readmission status is allowed to complete the school year provided that he/she
is not guilty of another infraction meriting dismissal or that he/she, if sanctioned for
another Deferment from classes for any infraction, fulfills the requirements of his/her

Dismissal is termination of the Atenean’s status as a student of the university.
Once a student is dismissed from the Ateneo for cause, he/she becomes ineligible for
readmission to the Ateneo as stated in the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools,
Sec I 45a, as: “A school may dismiss from its rolls during the school year or term a
student who is found after due investigation to have violated the rules and regulations
of the school and the Department of Education and the laws of the land. The student
who is dismissed should be immediately issued his/her transfer credentials.”

Any student who is dismissed from the Ateneo is immediately and officially
separated from the school and is barred from reenrollment or participating in any
class or school activity. S/He is not given credits for subjects taken during the semester
by which the student has incurred the violation regardless of the grades he/she may
have obtained. He/She is likewise not entitled to any Certification of Good Behavior
or any recommendation from any administrator, teacher, or personnel.

The Senior High School may forward record of the student to the College
Guidance Office and/or the College - Office of Student Affairs for deliberation of
possible acceptance in the higher level.

The school shall have zero tolerance on acts involving deadly weapons,
drugs, bullying (in any form) exploitation and violence. Academic dishonesty also
falls on this category.

Expulsion is an extreme form of administrative sanction which debars
the student from all public and private schools. When a student is expelled, s/he is
hindered, not only from the Ateneo but from the entire Philippine school system.
The Secretary of the Department of Education validates on the penalty.


This is a corrective measure imposed on a Grade 12 student whose serious infraction
meriting dismissal is commuted by the University President, or who culpably fails to
fulfill the requirement of his/her Deferment despite the extension of two days.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 111

A student on non-participation status is allowed to complete the school year
if s/he completes the requirements but he/she is not permitted to join the graduation
ceremony. A student is given a non-participation status when s/he commits an offense
between the Promotions Meeting and Graduation Day which merits Deferment.

A non - participation status is non-appealable and non-commutable.


The Disciplinary Committee (DC) is composed of nine (9) members:

four representatives from the faculty, two representatives from the parents (PTA),
representative from one of the formation offices, one Student Leader, and the
Chairperson of the DC, all designated by the Director of the Senior High School
and for the approval of the University President. They shall serve for a period of one
school year or as prescribed by the Director.

The Disciplinary Committee is an august body of trusted and capable

individuals who are purposively formed by the SHS Director to uphold Christian
values and principles in handling serious and grave offenses and/or as recommended
by the Prefect of Students and the SHS Director. As a Committee, it is mandated that
their ways of proceedings and pronouncements be in consonance primarily with the
established policies and principles of ADNU-SHS unit, and, with adherence from
other authoritative bases (i.e., DepEd’s laws and orders, Manual of Regulations for
Private Schools and the established Philippine laws). The authority vested upon them
by the school is to form resolutions/recommendations handed upon them by the
Prefect and investigate or schedule hearing/s that may be necessary in examining the
nature of any presented disciplinary case.

For any hearing, the presence and participation of at least five (5) members
including the Chair of the committee is sufficient to deliberate on the case/s referred
to them by the OPS. In the interest of the reputation of the concerned, the DC
deliberations are documented and remain undisclosed and confidential, unless
ordered by the University President for publication in whole or in part.

Provisions on Penalties. The penalties for minor and other serious offenses
shall be given by the OPS with the approval of the SHS Director, while the offenses
that warrant separation (Non-Readmission, Non-Participation in Graduation
exercises, Dismissal and Expulsion) shall be decided upon by the University President
after the deliberation and recommendation by the Disciplinary Committee. The
Disciplinary Committee is tasked with the formal evaluation of the recommendation
from the Prefect of Students for Disciplinary Probation, Dismissal or Expulsion of a
student due to serious or grave infraction or misbehavior.

Expulsion requires the approval of the Secretary of Department of


Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 112

1. The student must be informed in writing of the nature and cause of the
accusation against him/her as soon as possible;
2. The student shall have the right to answer the charges against him/her,
with the assistance of a parent or guardian, if desired;
3. The student shall be informed of the accusations against him/her;
4. However, the student shall have the right to present his/her evidence;
5. The Prefect conducts initial investigation and prepares the written report,
including formal charges, the evidence and other related material relevant
to the case, disciplinary records of the student concerned, and recommends
suspension, dismissal or expulsion to the Disciplinary Committee (DC)
sitting during preliminary hearing. The DC owns the right to conduct
further investigation in case, there are gray areas and other considerations
that are material to the case.
6. The evidence must be duly considered by the investigating committee by
the designated official to hear and decide upon the case.
7. The school determines the process and administrative decisions of the
students’ involvements in any disciplinary case/s, not the courts or any
entity/ies that are not legally nor legitimately connected with the ADNU-
SHS unit whatsoever.

1. The Disciplinary Committee (DC) sets the date for the formal hearing
and deliberation.
2. The DC notifies in writing all involved and requests their presence at a
formal hearing.
3. While the responsibility for filing a complaint or for answering
complaints/charges directed against him/her rests solely on student. Both
the complainant and the respondent should have at least one of his/her
parents or a guardian; in their absence, they may ask a faculty member or
his/her class adviser or club moderator, to serve as a personal counselor/
adviser during the processing of his or her case.
4. During the process, the counselor may request the DC to be acknowledge.
An administrator, however, cannot be chosen as counselor to avoid
possible conflict of interest.
5. The complainant and the respondent shall submit the names of their
respective counselors to the DC prior to the scheduled hearing. During the
hearing, each party presents its side and supporting evidence (documents
as well as witnesses). The Committee investigates on the parties and their
witnesses, as necessary.
6. The DC deliberates on the case and decides whether the respondent is
guilty or not guilty of the accusation against him/her. The Prefect shall be
imposed, or the DC determines another sanction.
7. The DC submits its judgment, and penalty, in writing, to the Director
for endorsement to the Vice-President for Basic Education (VP-BE)
for approval to the University President. At this level, the VP-BE may
either agree or disagree with the recommendations made. Should the VP-
BE upholds the decision, the document is forwarded to the University
President (UP) for his approval or disapproval; if the recommendation/s

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 113

is/or denied by the UP, the case goes back to the Prefect thru the
Director’s Office. The Prefect administers the appropriate sanction and/or
instructions given by the Director.
8. The Prefect communicates the judgment from the UP immediately to the
student who may appeal the judgment to the UP within five (5) days from
receipt of judgment.
9. The decision of the President on any appeal is final and executory.
10. The Prefect shall administer and oversee the implementation of the
11. In case of expulsion, the President recommends such action to the
Secretary of the Department of Education. Pending action on the part
of the Secretary, the student may be suspended (preventive suspension)
from the school.
• ADMU SHS Student Handbook, First Ed., 2017
• ADNU SHS Student Handbook, 2018
• ADNU JHS Student Handbook, 2018
• Philippine Constitution, Article IV, Section 3(2), 1987
• Manual for Jesuit High School Administrators, Jesuit Educational Association, New York
• Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education, 2010

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 114






WHEREAS, Section 36 (c) , Article III of Republic Act 9165, mandates that the
students of secondary and tertiary schools shall undergo drug testing and that all
drug testing expenses whether in public or private schools under this Section will be
borne by the government;

Random drug testing for students is considered by the government as entirely a

“health” issue and aims to provide appropriate interventions, to those who will be
tested positive for dangerous drug use, which will help the student stop further use
and/or abuse of the substance.

*Excerpts from DBB Board Regulation No. 3, Series of 2009, On General Guidelines for the Conduct of
Random Drug Testing for Students.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 115



Ateneo Alma Mater

Your colors we raise on high,
Over mountains and hills
You honor we’ll bring
Unto the glorious end.

You have taught us to pay the price

To be men for God and Country.
May we learn to love, may we learn to serve
For tomorrow belongs to us.

Ateneo Alma mater

High shall our purpose be
Regnum Dei is our cry
Our fame and glory, too!

We’ll keep our hearts forever true

Ateneo for God and you.


From Isarog through Bicol Land

To lofty Mayon Peak
Our flag is carried flying high
In vict’ry or defeat.
And never have we furled it yet
In spite of foemen’s might.
We’ll cheer our men unto the end
We’ll cheer them as they fight.

Here’s Ateneo’s marching song,

We sing of victory.
Through childhood days and youthful years,
High shall our purpose be.

Regnum Dei is our cry, our fame and glory too.

We’ll fight and win and fight and die.
Ateneo for God and you.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 116


Fundador sois Ignacio’y General de la Compania real De Jesus, hueste belicosa’y

fiel Que arrogame caudillo osara en su furor Eclipsar el gran brillo de vuestro valor?
Lanze, lanze a la liza averno infiel A su monstruo Lucifer, Lucifer.

En tus filas se inmola el celeste escuadron Por Jesus guien tremola tu inviCto pendon
AI comrario infunde el raro vengador, Cruel Terror Emi siempre campea denuedo
marcial Y al Empireo recrea tu fe sin igual Pues, comigo avanzanse guerreros fervidos
En valor incutos, con Luzbel batense Y alzan sus labaros en el combate marcial Fiel
presagio De paz benefica y de laurel De paz y de laurel, de laurel.


San Ignacio, Kawai ni Kristo, Tanggulan laban sa mapanilong tukso, Ang bandila
ng krusipiho, tangan mo sindak ng dilim at ilio Ang kapatirang natatangi sa ‘yo,
niloob mong magpuri sa Ngalan ni Hesus, uusigin, buong giting, naghaharing sala
sa mundo.
Patnubayan saan mang dako ang mga kapatid mong galak ay sa ‘yo Ang gawain sa
kahirapan, kalinisa’t paghahandog ng puso Marapatin mong sana ay maging tapat sa
sumpa at pangakoflg binigkas buong galak Nang magpuri at magpugay kay Hesus,
ligaya ng buhay.
Luwalhatiin, tanang mga tao si Hesus na hari ng mundo.


O Lord, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fioght and not to heed the wounds;
To toil and not to seek for rest;
To labor and not to ask for reward
Save that of knowing
That Iam doing your holy will. Amen


Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,

my memory, my understanding, and my entire will.
All I have and call my own.
Whatever I have or hold, you have given me.
I restore it all to you and surrender it wholly
To be governed by your will.
Give me only your love and grace
And I am rich enough and ask for nothing more.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 117


O God, I love thee, I love thee-

Not out of hope of heaven for me
Nor fearing not to love and be
In the everlasting burning.
Thou, thou, my Jesus, after me
Didst reach thine arms out dying,
For my sake sufferedst nails, and lance,
Mocked and marred countenance,
Sorrows passing number,
Sweat and care and cumber,
Yea and death, and this for me,
And thou couldst see me sinning:
Then I, why should not I love thee,
Jesu, so much in love with me?
Not for heaven’s sake;
not to be out of hell by loving thee;
Not for any gains I see;
But just the way that thou didst me
I do love and I will love thee:
What must I love thee, Lord, for then?
For being my king and God. Amen.


SALVE REGINA, Mater misericordiae. Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad

te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te Suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac
lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad
nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium
ostende. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria.


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone
who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was
left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly to you, O Virgin of Virgins, my mother. To you

I come I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word
Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 118


O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings on this day
In union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world.

I offer them for the intentions of the Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation
for sin, the reunion of all Christians,

I offer them for the intentions of our bishops, and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in
particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. Amen.


V. The angel of the Lord declared to Mary.

R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary…

V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord,

R. Be it done to me according to your word.
Hail Mary…

V. And the Word was made flesh,

R. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary…

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we to whom
the incarnation of Christ your Son was made know by the message of an angel,
may by his passion and cross brought to the glory his resurrection, though the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 119

Senior High School
Ateneo de Naga University
SY 20___ to 20 ___


I / We, as parents / guardians of ____________________, whose religion is

________________ and an incoming ______ student, understand that:

1. Ateneo de Naga University is a Catholic Institution; 2. Retreats, Recollections,

2. First Friday Masses and other Institutional Masses are part of their religious
3. Participation in these activities is part of the requirements of the school to its
4. Participation in these activities does not mean recruitment of our child/ward to
Participation in these activities is part of the holistic formation of our child/
5. ward; and,
Participation in these activities is part of the communal expression of faith of the
6. school

Hence, I / We agree to let our child/ward be exposed to and participate in the

activities related to the practice of the Catholic faith.

____________________________ _____________________________
Father’s Printed Name & Signature Mother’s Printed Name & Signature

Guardian’s Name and Signature

Conferred by : ____________________

Date : ____________________

Please affix your three signature specimen for records purposes.


Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 120

Student Handbook Committee

Chairman: Erika James R. Roxas

1. Joy S.J. Agor
2. Francis M. Amoroso
3. Alyza Marie M. Betito
4. Luis T. Bonifacio Jr.
5. Ian Kelly C. Garces
6. John Carlo P. Naval
7. Jovilet A. Obrero
8. Mavreen Anne E. Romero


Salve P. Yamson, Head of SHS Guidance Office

Honesto S. Bermundo III, Assistant Director for Formation and Student Activities

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 121

Ateneo Senior High School Handbook, 122

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