Accounting Department Basic Accounting Works Level Ii: Global College Ambo Campus
Accounting Department Basic Accounting Works Level Ii: Global College Ambo Campus
Accounting Department Basic Accounting Works Level Ii: Global College Ambo Campus
Unit of Competence: Develop Understanding of
Module Title: Develop Understanding of Taxation
LG Code: BUF BAW2 07 0812
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………… 2
LO1Identify and discuss the role of taxation in the Ethiopian economy-------7
The purpose of taxation
The various ways that tax is collected
The role of the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs
What taxation revenue is
tax returns
Sources of ongoing information
LO3 Identify and discuss indirect tax ---------------27
Key terminology used in indirecttaxation
structure of business and how this affects taxation
How indirect tax is assessed
indirect tax in Ethiopia
The larger the exaction and the major restrictive the objective, the more likely that the exaction
should be classified as a penalty rather than a tax.
A tax system (that is, the set of all taxes) for achieving certain objectives chooses and adheres to
certain principles which are termed its characteristics.
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
Canons of Taxation:
This canon proclaims that a good tax is that which is based on the principle of equality..
This canon is meant to protect the tax payers from unnecessary harassment by the ‘tax
officials’. It implies that the tax-payer should be well informed about the time, amount
and the method of tax payment.
. According to, “every tax ought to be so levied at the time or in the manner in which it is
most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay it
Definition of Taxation
TAX: is a financing charges or other levely imposed to the individual or a legal entity
by a government.
Initially, governments impose taxes for three basic purposes: to cover the cost of
administration, maintaining law and order in the country and for defense. Raising revenue: to
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
render various economic and social activities, a government needs large amount of revenue and
to meet this government imposes various types of taxes.
1. 4
(2) The Assessee will be required to pay Tax if is due from him
-Eg: Pay tax, Individuals Earning monthly salary to pay 600 birr not be forced to pay tax on
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
Ways that tax is collected includethrough regional and federal level taxes including:
direct tax
Tax on Income from Employment / Personal Income Tax/
business Profit Tax/
Tax on Income from Rental of Buildings/
Tax on Interest Income on Deposits
Dividend Income Tax
Tax on Income from Games of Chance
A. Direct tax
B. Indierct tax
A. Direct TAXES
Direct taxes are those taxes which are raid entirely by those persons on where they are
imposed. In other words, the immediate money burden is upon the person who pays the tax to
the authority. Direct taxes are those taxes which can not be shifted to others.
Income Tax
Income tax is one of the taxes that is levied and collected by the federal government. This tax Governed
by income tax Proclamation No 286/2002.Income tax is very important of direct tax. .
Every person whose taxable income for a month exceeds the minimum taxable limit is liable to
pay to the federal government income tax during the current month on the income of the
previous month at the rate in force.
Income tax is a monthly tax levied in every month at the prescribed rates, on every person in
respect of his income for relevant previous month.
Under the income tax proclamation, a person has to pay income tax on his income of a particular
month provided it exceeded a certain minimum limit prescribed in the proclamation.
Income taxable under this proclamation shall include, but not limited to:
The proclamation provides for the taxation of income accordance with four schedules are as
iv. Dividends
Every person having income as defined above shall pay income tax in accordance with this
Any remuneration paid by an employer to his employee in consideration of his services is called
salary. It includes the values of fringe benefits provided by the employer. Any payment received
in cash or in kind in the source of employment by an individual is taxable. This provision is very
extensive and includes the following
Car benefits
Housing benefits
Taxable income:- Every person driving income from employment is liable to pay tax on that
income at the rate specified in schedule A.
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
Tax rate:- The tax payable on income from employment shall be charged, levied and collected at
the following rates.
0.00--- -------------------------1800---Exempted
38401 -----------------------63000---20%---3630.00
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
a) Direct taxe
b) Inderect taxe
Direct taxe:
-Income from Employment -------( 5---35% )
Un corporates ( 10---35% )
Incorporates ( 30% )
-income from royalties -----( 5% )
-income from paid for service rendered outside of Ethiopia ----( 10% )
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
--Dividend------------------------------( 10% )
Indirect Tax
-VAT (value added tax)-------( 15% )
-Automobiles= ( 20 )
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
- Goat Skin
1) Determine the amount of Direct Tax liability of the company for the month for October2014
2) Determine the amount of Input and output VAT for the month of october
EX 2: Global PLC is a business Organization and during the Megabit 30/2006.give are purpose tax .
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
1. Direct Tax
1.Business Porfit Tax= 1000000*30%
= 1000000*30/100
2.Employee Income Tax= 10000.00
2. Indirect Tax:
1.sales( out put VAT) includingVAT= 34500*15/115
= 4500.00
= 172500/115
C. Direct tax
D. Indierct tax
A.Direct tax
Incomes taxable under Article 6 of the Income Tax Proclamation No. 286/2002 includes:
Income from employment (10% - 35%)
Income from rental of building (10% - 35%)
Income from business profit – for unincorporated entities (10% -35%);–for incorporated
ones (30%)
Income from royalties is at flat rate of 5%
Income paid for services rendered outside of Ethiopia is at a flat rate of 10%
Income from games of chances (15%)
Dividends (10%)
Income from causal rental of property is 15% (any land, building or movable asset)
Interest income (5%)
Gains on transfer of certain investment property (sale or gift):
Building for business, factory, office (15%)
Shares of companies (30%)
Income from agricultural activities – based on proclamations issued by regional states.
Inheritances and donations: No estate duty or other death duties are levied in Ethiopia.
So an individual foreigner, who lives in Ethiopia for more than 183 days in a period of twelve
calendar months, whether continuously or intermittently, is regarded as being resident for the
entire tax period and is taxed in accordance with the provisions of Income Tax Proclamation No.
286/2002 (Article 5.2).
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
Hardship allowance;
Reimbursement of travelling expenses incurred on duty;
Per Diem and travelling expenses on joining and completion of employment, provided
that such payments are made pursuant to specific c provisions of the contract;
board members’ and board secretaries’ allowances; the income of persons employed for
domestic duties;
The contribution of the employer and the employee to the retirement or provident fund
and all forms of benefits contributed by employers that do not exceed 15% of monthly
salary; and
Payments made to a person as compensation in relation to injuries suffered by that person
or the death of another person.
-A system that taxes every one at the same rate is the counistant& income increase
Eg: s/n Income Rate
1 1500 15%
2 2000 15% tax system=(Yeroo retiin dabalaa
3 3000 15%
demuu galiin hir’achaa deemaa.)
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
A system that tax every at the Income decrise & rate is the increase
Tha tax system that can be every at the income increase& rate is the dicrease
a) Single &
b) Multiples
A. Single Taxation
-A single tax system means oly one kind of tax / one tax base /. One can make a single
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
B.Multiples Taxation
Modern economy have laid great stress on the diversity of taxation that is there should be all
typesof taxes
Taxable income:- Every person driving income from employment is liable to pay tax on that
income at the rate specified in schedule A.
Tax rate:- The tax payable on income from employment shall be charged, levied and collected at
the following rates.
-Indirect tax is a tax the burden of which may not necessarily be borne by assesses. Indirect taxes can be
shifted or passed on to other persons.
The turnover tax would be payable on goods sold and services rendered by persons not registered for
value added tax. The rate of turnover tax is
10% on others
Any change in the name, address, place of business constitution, or nature of the principal
taxable activity or activities of the person
Any change of address from which, or name in which, a taxable activity is carried by the
registered person, within 21 days following such change.
-VAT and Excise Tax are among the taxes that exist in the tax system. The Federal Government has
issued VAT Proclamation No. 285/2002 and Excise Tax Proclamation No. 307/2002. This section deals
with these taxes.
This section generally will discuss about VAT and Excise Tax. In particular, we will study about the
imposition of VAT and Excise Tax. We will also study the subject matters over which VAT and Excise Tax
are imposed and the rates applicable over the various subject matters that are taxable. Finally we will
discuss the implementation and enforcement of the tax.
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
After having completed the study of this section, you will be able to:
-The VAT Proclamation No. 285/2002 which has rescinded and replace the sales and excise tax
proclamation No.68/1993 and which has come into force as of January 2003 is a consumption tax which
is levied and paid as Value Added Tax at a rate of 15% of the value of every import of goods, other than
an exempt import and an import service.
Tax system
Tax system which tax is the tax system are the type of
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting
Global college
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials
Objective Taxation
- initially gevernment imposed that taxes for the three basic purpose.
a. Cost of administrative
b. Maintaining law
c. For defense
Effective of taxation:
-effective of tax in the particulary they study how tax affect people are behavior icluding their
choice in:
======= END=======
TTLM Development Manual Date: october 12,2020
Compiled by , Debasa Teshome Department of Accounting