Case Study 12 Singapore Rises To Prominence in The World Market
Case Study 12 Singapore Rises To Prominence in The World Market
Case Study 12 Singapore Rises To Prominence in The World Market
Why do you think the strategy of extended entrepôt trading – importing raw
materials, refining them, then exporting them to foreign countries – is effective?
The strategy of extended entrepot trading is effective because of several factors that
involve both cost and revenue in the importing of raw materials and exporting to foreign
countries. First the materials, a country need to change the type of raw additives in
order to provide product differentiation for superiority of countries. Second the methods,
in order to add value based on this aspect is by changing the production methods or
regular work done which leads to giving added value at low cost. Third the market which
include mechanisms or means for determining price of the traded item, communicating
the price information, facilitating deals and transactions and effecting distribution.
Entrepot trading is also effective because trade occurs at duty-free ports, where these
goods do not have additional import or export duties, or taxes placed upon them.