Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
The student should be able to:
• Apply the basic principles and evaluate antenna parameters and link power budgets
• Design and assess the performance of various antennas
• Design a microwave system given the application specifications.
1. John D Krauss, Ronald J Marhefka and Ahmad S. Khan, “Antenna and Wave Propagation:
Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw –Hill, 2006. (UNITI, II, III)
2. David M.Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, Fourth Edition, Wiley India, 2012. (UNIT I, IV,
1. Constantine A.Balanis,”Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, Third edition, John Wiley
India Pvt Ltd., 2005.
2. R.E.Collin, “Fundamentals for Microwave Engineering”, Second edition, IEEE Press, 2001.
2. Define microwave.
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves (EM) with wavelengths ranging from 1mm to
1m. The corresponding frequency range is 300MHz to 300 GHz.
7.A parabolic reflector antenna used for reception with the direct broadcast system (DBS)
is 18 inches in diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. Find the far-field distance for this
The operating wavelength at 12.4 GHz is λ = c/ f =( 3 × 108 )/(12.4 × 109) = 2.42 cm.
D= 18 inches= 18x0.0254=0.457m
The far-field distance is Rff = 2D2 / λ = 2(0.457)2/ 0.0242 = 17.3 m.
13. Define main lobe, side lobe, minor lobe and back lobe with reference to antenna
radiation pattern.
Major Lobe: Major lobe is also called as main beam and is defined as “the radiation lobe
containing the direction of maximum radiation”. In some antennas, there may be more than one
major lobe.
Minor lobe: All the lobes except the major lobes are called minor lobe.
Side lobe: A side lobe is adjacent to the main lobe.
Back lobe: Normally refers to a minor lobe that occupies the hemisphere in a direction opposite
to that of the major(main) lobe .
Minor lobes normally represents radiation in undesired directions and they should be minimized.
15. What do you mean by an isotropic radiator? What is the directivity of isotropic
An isotropic radiator is a hypothetical loss less radiator having equal radiation in all
2𝜋 𝜋
U(θ,φ) = 1 for isotropic antenna. Applying the integral identity, ∫∅=0 ∫𝜃=0 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑑𝜃𝑑∅ = 4𝜋, we
𝐷 = 2𝜋 𝜋 =1
∫∅=0 ∫𝜃=0 𝑈(𝜃, ∅)𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑑𝜃𝑑∅
The directivity of an isotropic antenna is D = 1, or 0 dB.
22.Define effective aperture area. What is the relation between effective aperture area and
Received power is proportional to the power density, or Poynting vector, of the incident wave.
Since the Poynting vector has dimensions of W/m2, and the received power, Pr, has dimensions
of W, the proportionality constant must have units of area.
We have, 𝑃𝑟 = 𝐴𝑒 × 𝑆𝑎𝑣𝑔
where Ae is defined as the effective aperture area of the receive antenna. The effective aperture
area has dimensions of m2, and can be interpreted as the “capture area” of a receive antenna,
intercepting part of the incident power density radiated toward the receive antenna.
The maximum effective aperture area of an antenna is related to the directivity of the antenna as,
𝐴𝑒 =
The maximum effective aperture area as defined above does not include the effect of losses in
the antenna, which can be accounted for by replacing D with G, the gain, of the antenna.
PART B - C401.1
1.Explain in detail, the physical concept of radiation. Illustrate with necessary diagrams, how
the electromagnetic fields guided within the transmission line and antenna, finally get
“detached” from the antenna to form a free-space wave.
2. Explain in detail the field regions of antenna. What is the significance of Fraunhofer zone?
5. State Babinet’s principle and how it gives rise to the concept of complementary antenna?
(May 2013) (Nov 17)
Babinet’s principle states that the sum of the field at a point behind a plane having a screen and
the field at the same point when a complimentary screen is substituted, is equal to the field at the
point when no screen is present. This principle can be applied to slot antenna analysis.
10. The aperture dimensions of a pyramidal horn are 12x6 cm and operating at a frequency
of 10 GHz. Find the beam width and directivity. (May 2013)
Frequency = 10 GHz
3 108
= = 3 cm
10 109
d = 12 cm and w = 6 cm
Beam width : E = 56 = 140
H = 67 = 33.50
power gain = = 36 = 15.56 dB
Directivity = = 60
11. What are secondary antennas? Give two examples. (Nov 17)
Secondary antennas are one that needs a primary antenna to excite it. Eg: Reflector antenna,
Lens antenna.
16. Write any two differences between slot antenna and its complementary dipole antenna.
(i) First, the electric and magnetic fields are interchanged. In case of the dipole antenna the
electric lines are horizontal while the magnetic lines form loops in the vertical plane. But in case
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of slot antenna, the magnetic lines are horizontal and the electric lines are vertical. The electric
lines are built up across the narrow dimensions of the slot. As a result, the polarization of the
radiation produced by a horizontal slot is vertical and vertical slot is horizontal.
(ii) Second, the direction of the lines of electric and magnetic force abruptly reverse from one
side of the metal sheet to the other. In case of the dipole, the electric lines have the same direction
while the magnetic line forms continuous loops.
19.What are the features of microstrip antennas? (Dec 2011) (May 2015)(Nov/Dec
2015)(April/May 2017)
• Micro strip antennas are low profile, conformable to planar and nonplanar surfaces,
simple and inexpensive to manufacture using modern printed-circuit technology,
mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces, compatible with MMIC designs,
and when the particular patch shape and mode are selected, they are very versatile in
terms of resonant frequency, polarization, pattern, and impedance.
• In addition, by adding loads between the patch and the ground plane, such as pins and
varactor diodes, adaptive elements with variable resonant frequency, impedance,
polarization, and pattern can be designed.
PART B - C401.2
1. Derive the expression for the field quantities (E and H) for a small oscillation current element.
(May 2016)(Nov/Dec 2016)
2. Derive the expression for the field quantities radiated from a / 2 dipole and prove that the
radiation resistance to be 73 Ohms. (May 2016)
3.(i) Compare uniform and tapered aperture antennas. Give examples.
(ii)With neat diagrams, explain parabolic reflector antenna and its Cassegrain feeding system.
(Nov 2019)
4.Discuss the principle working of Parabolic reflectors. Explain the various feed techniques their
relative merits and demerits. Discuss the role of f/d ratio in the parabolic reflectors (f- focal
length, D – diameter of reflector). (May 2019)
5.(i) Explain the radiation mechanism of Microstrip antenna.
(ii) Write short notes on Slot antenna. (Nov 2019) (Nov 17)
6.Design a 50 to 200 MHz log periodic dipole antenna for gain corresponds to scale factor 0.8
and space factor 0.15. Assume the gap spacing at the smallest dipole is 3.6 mm. (May 18)
7.Explain in detail about log periodic antennas. What is the need for feeding from end with
shorter dipoles and the need for transposing the lines? Also discuss the effects of decreasing α.
(Nov/Dec 2016)
8.Design a Log-Periodic dipole array with 7 dBi gain and a 4 to 1 bandwidth. Specify apex angle
α, scale constant k and the number of elements. (Nov/Dec 2015)
9.Explain the design procedure for the construction of log periodic antenna. (May 2016)
10.Explain the principle of operation of Log periodic antenna with neat schematic diagram.
(Nov/Dec 2016) (May 2019)
11.Discuss in detail how a spiral antenna behaves as a frequency independent antenna. (May
12.(i) What is Log periodic antenna? Explain the principle of Log periodic antenna.
(ii) Design a 50 – 200 MHz log – periodic antenna to obtain a gain corresponds to scale factor
0.8 and space factor 0.15(Nov 2019)
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13.Explain in detail the radiation from a slot antenna and their feed systems. (Nov/Dec 2016)
14.(i) Explain the principle of parabolic reflector antenna and discuss on different types of feed
used with neat diagram.
(ii) The diameter of a parabolic reflector is 2m. For operation at 6GHz, find the beam width
between first nulls and the gain. (Nov 17)
15.Explain the principles of operation of Horn antenna and discuss the various forms of Horn
antenna. Obtain the design equations of Horn antenna. (May 18) (May 2019)
16.Explain the radiation mechanism of a microstrip antenna with suitable illustrations. With
suitable figures explain the various feed techniques. (May 18)
17.Explain the principle of operation and applications of loop antenna.
7.What are the factors that decide the radiation characteristics of array?
In an array of identical elements, there are at least five controls that can be used to shape the
overall pattern of the antenna.
These are:
1. the geometrical configuration of the overall array (linear, circular, rectangular, spherical, etc.)
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2. the relative displacement between the elements
3. the excitation amplitude of the individual elements
4. the excitation phase of the individual elements
5. the relative pattern of the individual elements
12. A uniform linear array contains 50 isotropic radiators with an inter element spacing of
/ 2 . Find the directivity of broadside forms of arrays. (May 2013)
N=50 d= / 2
Array length=N d=l = 25
Directivity of Broadside array = 2 =50
15.Draw the radiation pattern for a linear array of two isotropic elements spaced λ/2 apart
and with equal current fed in phase. (April/May 2017) (May 2019)
Normalized total field of two element array of isotropic point sources of same amplitude and
same phase that are / 2 apart is
E nor = cos 2 = cos cos
2 2
16.Draw the radiation pattern of an isotropic point sources of same amplitude and opposite
phase that are / 2 apart along X-axis symmetric with respect to origin. (May 2016)
Normalized total field of two element array of isotropic point sources of same amplitude and
opposite phase that are / 2 apart is,
E nor = sin 2 = sin cos
2 2
17. A uniform linear array of 4 isotropic elements with an inter element spacing of / 2 .
Find the BWFN and directivity of end fire arrays.
n=4 , d= / 2
Array length= nd =l = 2
21.Using pattern multiplication find the radiation pattern for the broadside array of 4
elements, spacing between each element is λ/2.(April/May 2017)
PART B - C401.3
1. Define any two performance factors of directional couplers. List out the different types
of directional couplers.
The two performance factors of DC are the Coupling Factor and Directivity. Coupling Factor
defines the ratio of the amount of power coupled in coupled port to that of power at input port in
decibels. Directivity is defined as the ratio of powers at the isolated port and the incident ports
at decibels.
Types: Bethe hole DC, 2 hole, crossed guide DC, coupled line couplers, branch line couplers,
and Lange DC are the different types of directional couplers.
2. Name some uses of waveguide Tees. What are the two different types of waveguide Tees?
It is used to connect a branch or section of the waveguide in series or parallel with the main
waveguide transmission line for providing means of splitting and also of combining power in a
waveguide system.
Types: (i) E-plane tee (series) and (ii) H-plane tee (shunt).
3. Write the application of magic Tee. (Nov 2012 & May 2017)
Measurement of impedance, (ii) As duplexer (iii) As mixer and (iv) As an isolator.
6. A Directional coupler is having coupling factor of 20dB and directivity of 40dB. If the
incident power is 900mW, what is the coupled power? (May 2013)
Coupling power (C) = 10log10 (Pi/Pf) =20 Pi/Pf =102 = 100 Therefore, Pf=Pi/100 = 9mW
Directivity (D) = 10log10 (Pf/Pb) = 40 Pf/Pb =104 = 1000 Therefore, Pb=Pf/1000 = 0.9MW
Coupled Power Pr =Pi-Pr-Pb = 90.1mW
7. What are the various materials used for Gunn diodes? What are the four different
modes of operation of GUNN diode?
GaAs, InP, CdTe, InAs are materials used in Gunn diode. Gunn oscillation mode, stable
amplification mode, LSA oscillation and bias current oscillation mode.
14. What is the purpose of slow wave structures in TWT? Name them. (May 2018)
Slow wave structures are used to reduce the phase velocity of the wave in certain direction so
that the electron beam and signal wave can interact. Helical, Feedback line, Zig-Zag, Interdigital
line, corrugated wave guide.
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15. List the advantages of Reflex klystron over multi-cavity klystrons.
Reflex klystrons can be used as an oscillator without any complex feedback circuitry as required
in multi-cavity klystrons. As it is a narrow bandwidth device it can be tuned to operate at a single
desired frequency in resonant circuits.
19. Bring out the differences between the TWT & Klystron (Nov 2013 & 2014)(May 2015
& 2017)
TWT Klystron
High BW Narrow BW
More gain Less gain
Use non-resonant structures Use cavity resonators
Continuous interaction between electron Discontinuous interaction between electron
beam and RF voltage beam and RF voltage
23. What are the classifications of Microwave tubes and explain the difference between
them. (May 2017)
Linear beam tubes (O –type) Cross field tubes (M- type)
In O-Type tube , a magnetic field whose axis In M-Type tube, electric field is in the
coincides with the electron beam is used to radial direction & magnetic field is in the
hold the beam together as it travels the length axial direction.
of the tube
Reflex Klystron, TWT are Linear beam tubes Magnetron is M-type beam tubes
29. What do you mean by O type tube? Name some O type tubes.
In O-type tube a magnetic field whose axis coincides with the electron beam is used to hold the
beam together as it travels the length of the tube. It’s also called as linear beam tube. TYPES -
Helix travelling wave tube and coupled cavity TWT.
30. How to minimize the lead inductance and inter electrode capacitance. (NOV 2018)
The lead inductance and inter electrode capacitance minimized by reducing the lead length and
electrode area.
PART B- C401.4
1. Explain how Directional coupler can be used to measure reflected power. Also Derive
scattering Matrix for Two hole Directional coupler. (Nov2012) (May 2013 & 2015) (Nov 2019)
2. Derive and explain the properties of H-plane tee and give reasons why it is called shunt Tee.
(Nov 2012) (May 2017)
3. Derive and explain the properties of E-plane tee and give reasons why it is called series Tee.
(Nov 2014) (Dec 2015) (May 2013) (May 2017)
4. (i)Derive the equation for scattering matrix of magic Tee.(Nov 2013) (Nov 2017)
(ii) Find the directivity in db for a coupler if the same power is applied in turn to input and output
of the coupler with output terminated in each case in matched impedance. The auxiliary output
readings are 450mW and 0.710µW. (May 2014)
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5. Explain the working of Attenuators with neat diagram. (May 2014)(Dec 2015)
6. Explain Physical structure, negative resistance, power output & efficiency of IMPATT Diode.
(Nov 2013) (May 2013) (Dec 2015) (May 2015)
7. Briefly Explain Gunn Effect & modes of operation of the Gunn Diode. Explain the working
principle of Gunn diode with two valley model and plot its characteristics. (Dec 2015) (May
2015) (Nov 2019)
8. Derive the S matrix for a directional coupler and also verifying the properties of it (May 2018)
9. (i)Derive the S matrix H plane TEE.
(ii)Explain the mode of oscillation of gunn diode. . (May 2018)
10. (i)Explain the construction of Magic Tee and derive its S-matrix.(Nov 2019)
(ii) Derive the scattering matrix for a directional coupler. (Nov 2018)
11. Describe the Gunn effect with the aid of two valley model theory
12. Explain the working principle and operation of multi-cavity Klystron amplifier and derive
the expression for its output power. (Nov 2016)
13. Explain the working principle of Reflex klystron oscillator and derive output power &
Efficiency. (Nov 2013) (Dec 2015) (Nov 2017)
14. Explain the operation of TWT Amplifier & write its characteristics. (Dec 2015) (Nov &
May 2017)
15. Explain π mode of operation of Magnetron Oscillators mention few high frequency
limitations. (May 2015)
16. A Reflex klystron is to be operated at frequency of 10 GHz, with dc beam voltage 300V,
repeller space 0.1 cm for 1 mode. Calculate PRFmax and corresponding repeller voltage for a
beam current of 20 mA.
17. A Reflex klystron is to be operated at frequency of 9 GHz, with dc beam voltage 600V,
repeller space 1 cm for 1 mode. Calculate electronic efficiency, output power and
corresponding repeller voltage for a beam current of 10 mA. The beam coupling coefficient is
assumed to be 1.
18. A two-cavity klystron amplifier is tuned at 3 GHz. The drift space length is 2cm and beam
current is 25mA. The catcher voltage is 0.3 times the beam voltage. It is assumed that the gap
length of the cavity << the drift space so that the input and output voltages are in phase (β = 1).
Compute (a) Power output and efficiency for N= 5 (b) Beam voltage, input voltage and output
voltage for maximum power output of N= 5 mode.
19. A two-cavity klystron amplifier operates at 5GHz with a dc beam voltage of 10KV and a 2
mm cavity gap. For a given input RF voltage, the magnitude of the gap voltage is 100 volts.
Calculate the transit time at the cavity gap, the transit angle, and the velocity of the electrons
leaving the gap.
20. An X- band pulsed conventional magnetron has the following operating parameters: Anode
Voltage Vo = 5.5 KV, Beam current is 4.5 mA, Operating frequency 9GHz, Resonator
conductance 2×10-4 mho, Loaded conductance 2.5 ×10-4 mho, Vane capacitance is 2.5 PF, Duty
cycle 0.002, Power loss is 18.5 KW. Compute 1) Angular resonant frequency, 2) Unloaded
quality factor 3) loaded quality factor, 4) external quality factor 5) circuit efficiency 6) electronic
21. A 250kw pulsed cylindrical magnetron has the following parameters. Anode voltage =
25Kv, peak anode current = 25 A, Magnetic field = 0.35Wb/m2, Radius of the cathode = 4CM,
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Radius of the Anode = 8CM, Calculate efficiency of the magnetron, cyclotron angular frequency,
Cutoff magnetic field. (May 2013)
22. Write a detailed note on cylindrical magnetron (Nov 2013) (Nov 2017)(Nov 2019)
23. A traveling wave tube (TWT) operates under the following parameters: Beam Voltage
V0=3Kv; Beam Current I0=30ma; Characteristics impedance of helix =Z0=10Ω; Circuit length
=N=50m; Frequency f=10GHz. Determine: (i) gain parameters C (ii) Output power gain Ap in
decibels. (iii) All four propagation constants. (Nov 2016)
24. With neat diagram explain the operation of two cavity Klystron amplifier and derive the
equations for velocity modulation process. (May 2017)(Nov 2019)
25. (i) Draw a neat sketch showing the constructional features of a cavity magnetron and explain
why magnetron is called as crossed field device. (ii) Derive an expression for cut off magnetic
field for a cylindrical magnetron. . (May 2018) (Nov 2019)
26. A reflex klystron is operated at 8 GHz with dc beam voltage of 600 V for 1.75 mode, repeller
space length of 1mm, and dc beam current of 9 mA. The beam coupling coefficient assumed to
be 1. Calculate the repeller voltage, electronic efficiency and output power.
Vo =600 V, L= 1mm,IO =9mA Β0 = 1, f=8 GHz, n =2 or 13/4 mode. (May 2018)
27. (i) Draw the schematic of two cavity Klystron amplifier and explain the process of velocity
modulation and bunching .Also derive the equation of velocity modulation.
(ii) With neat diagram, explain how amplification of RF wave is accomplished in Helix type
TWT. (Nov 2018)
28. (i)Draw the cross sectional view of Magnetron tube and explain the process of bunching.
Derive the expression for Hull cut off voltage. (ii) Compare TWT and Klystron(Nov 2018)
29. A two cavity Klystron amplifier has the following specifications.
Beam Voltage Vo= 900V
Beam current Io=30mA
Frequency f= 8 GHz.
Gap spacing in either cavity d= 1mm
Spacing between center of cavities L= 4cm
Effective shunt impedance Rth = 49kΩ
(i)Electron velocity(ii) Dc transit time of electron (iii)Maximum input voltage (iv)Voltage
gain(Nov 2018)
3. List out the factors that may be important in the selection of a particular matching
network? (Nov 2019)
Complexity, Bandwidth, Implementation and Adjustability
4. Define a filter.
A filter is a two-port network used to control the frequency response at a certain point in an RF
or microwave system by providing transmission at frequencies within the passband of the filter
and attenuation in the stopband of the filter. Typical frequency responses include low-pass, high-
pass, bandpass, and band-reject characteristics. Applications can be found in virtually any type
of RF or microwave communication, radar, or test and measurement system.
5. Differentiate between Image parameter and Insertion loss methods used in filter design.
Image parameter Method Insertion loss Method
Filters designed using the image parameter A more modern procedure, called the
method consist of a cascade of simpler two insertion loss method, uses network
port filter sections to provide the desired synthesis techniques to design filters with a
cutoff frequencies and attenuation completely specified frequency response.
characteristics but do not allow the
specification of a particular frequency
response over the complete operating range.
Thus, although the procedure is relatively The design is simplified by beginning with
simple, the design of filters by the image low-pass filter prototypes that are
parameter method often must be iterated normalized in terms of impedance and
many times to achieve the desired results. frequency. Transformations are then applied
to convert the prototype designs to the
desired frequency range and impedance
12. What are the steps involved in the process of filter design by the insertion loss method?
The design of low-pass filter prototypes that are normalized in terms of impedance and
frequency; this normalization simplifies the design of filters for arbitrary frequency, impedance,
and type (low-pass, high-pass, bandpass, or bandstop). The low-pass prototypes are then scaled
to the desired frequency and impedance, and the lumped-element components replaced with
distributed circuit elements for implementation at microwave frequencies.
23. Define Transducer power gain. (Nov 2013 & May 2017)
Transducer power gain = GT = PL/Pavs is the ratio of the power delivered to the load to the power
available from the source. This depends on both ZS and ZL.
24. State the conditions that are necessary and sufficient for unconditional stability.(May
In K-Δ test, it can be shown that a device will be unconditionally stable if Rollet’s condition,
defined as
1 − |𝑆11 |2 − |𝑆22 |2 + |Δ|2
𝐾= >1
2|𝑆12 𝑆21 |
along with the auxiliary condition that
|Δ| = |𝑆11 𝑆22 − 𝑆12 𝑆21 | < 1
are simultaneously satisfied.
31. The IS-54 digital cellular telephone system uses a receive frequency band of 869– 894
MHz, with a first IF frequency of 87 MHz and a channel bandwidth of 30 kHz. What are
the two possible ranges for the LO frequency? If the upper LO frequency range is used,
determine the image frequency range. Does the image frequency fall within the receive
The two possible LO frequency ranges are
fLO = fRF ± fIF = (869 to 894) ± 87 =956 to 981 MHz and 782 to 807 MHz
Using the 956–981 MHz LO, we find that the IF frequency is
fIF = fRF − fLO = (869 to 894) − (956 to 981) = −87 MHz,
The RF image frequency range is
fIM = fLO − fIF = (956 to 981) + 87 = 1043 to 1068 MHz,
which is well outside the receive passband
35. Why is it necessary to go for microstrip line matching networks? (Nov 2018)
Design of matching networks involves discrete components. However, with increasing
frequency and correspondingly reduced wavelength, the influence of parasitics in the discrete
elements become more noticeable. The design now requires us to take these parasitics into
account, thus significantly complicating the component values computation. This, along with the
fact that discrete components are only available for certain values, limits their use in high
frequency circuit applications. As an alternative to lumped elements, distributed components are
widely used when the wavelength becomes sufficiently small compared with the characteristic
circuit component length.
PART B- C401.5
1. What is a matching network? Why is this required? Briefly explain T &π matching networks.
(Nov 2012& 2013)
2. Explain in detail about Microstrip line matching network with neat diagram. (May 2017)
3. Discuss the smith chart approach to design the L section and T section matching networks.
4. i)Explain the significance of impedance matching and tuning. ii) What are the design issues
in T and Pi matching network and explain. (Nov 2019)
5. Design an L-section matching network to match a series RC load with an impedance
ZL= (200-j100) Ω to 100Ω line at frequency of 500 MHz. (use smith chart).
6. Design a matching network to match a ZL= (10+j10) Ω to 50Ω line. Specify the values of L
and C at frequency of 1GHz. (use smith chart). (May 2014)
7. Using smith chart design any two possible configurations of discrete two element matching
networks to match the source impedance Zs= (50+j25) Ω to the load ZL = (25-j50) Ω. Assume
Zo= 50Ω, f=2GHz. (May 2015)
8. For a broadband amplifier, it is required to develop a Pi-type matching network that
transforms a load impedance of 𝑍𝐿 = (10 − 𝑗10) Ω into an input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛 = (20 +
𝑗40)Ω. The design should involve the lowest possible nodal quality factor. Find the component
values, assuming that matching should be achieved at a frequency of 𝑓 = 2.4 GHz .
9. Design a T-type matching network that transforms a load impedance 𝑍𝐿 = 60 − 𝑗30Ω into a
𝑍𝑖𝑛 = 10 + 𝑗20Ω input impedance and that has a maximum nodal quality factor of 3. Compute
the values for the matching network components, assuming that matching is required at
𝑓 = 1GHz.
10. Design a low-pass composite filter with a cutoff frequency of 2 MHz and impedance of
75 Ω. Place the infinite attenuation pole at 2.05 MHz, and plot the frequency response from 0 to
4 MHz.
11. Tabulate all the four Kuroda’s Identities and prove them.
12. Design a low pass filter for fabrication using microstrip lines. The specifications include a
cut-off frequency of 4 GHz, an impedance of 50Ω, and a third-order 3 dB equal-ripple
passband response. The normalized low-pass prototype element values are 𝑔1 = 3.3487 ; 𝑔2 =
0.7117 ; 𝑔3 = 3.3487 ; 𝑔4 = 1
13. Design a low pass filter whose input and output are matched to a 50Ω impedance and that
meets the following specifications: cut-off frequency of 3GHz; equi-ripple of 0.5dB; and
rejection of at least 40dB at approximately twice the cut-off frequency. Assume a dielectric
material that results in phase velocity of 60% of the speed of light. The filter coefficients are
𝑔1 = 𝑔5 = 1.7058 ; 𝑔2 = 𝑔4 = 1.2296 ; 𝑔3 = 2.5408 ; 𝑔6 = 1
14. Discuss in detail the steps involved in microwave filter design.
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15. (i)Write mathematical analysis of amplifier stability (Nov/Dec 2018, April/May 2019) (ii)A
microwave amplifier is characterized by its S parameters. Derive equations for power gain,
available gain and transducer gain. (Nov 2012) (May 2015) (Nov 2016) (Nov 2018) (May 2018)
( May 2019) (Nov 2019)
16. An RF Amplifier has the following S-parameters: 𝑆11 = 0.3∠−700 , 𝑆12 =
0.2∠−100 , 𝑆21 = 3.5∠850 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆22 = 0.4∠−450 . Furthermore, the input side of the amplifier
is connected to a voltage source with 𝑉𝑆 = 5𝑉∠00 and source impedance 𝑍𝑆 = 40Ω. The output
is utilized to drive an antenna which has an impedance of 𝑍𝐿 = 73Ω. Assuming that the S-
parameters of the amplifier are measured with reference to a 𝑍0 = 50Ω characteristic impedance,
find the following quantities: (a) Transducer gain 𝐺𝑇 , Unilateral transducer gain 𝐺𝑇𝑈 , available
gain 𝐺𝐴 , operating power gain G and (b) Power delivered to the load 𝑃𝐿 , available power 𝑃𝐴 and
incident power to the amplifier 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑐 . (Nov 2017) (Nov 2019)
17. Investigate the stability regions of a transistor whose S-parameters are recorded as follows:
S12=0.2 ∟-10˚;S11=0.7∟ -70 ˚;S21=5.5 ∟85 ˚;S22=0.7∟ -45 ˚; at 750 MHz. (Nov 2016)
18. Explain in detail noise figure in an amplifier.
19. Discuss in brief steps involved in the design of Low Noise Amplifiers.
20. Elaborate on Microwave Power amplifiers and their efficiencies.
21. Explain in detail the types of mixers in microwave circuits.
22. Write a detailed note on microwave oscillator design.