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1st Quarter: Module
Developing the Whole Person

Roxan B. Montibon
Module Writer

Department of Education: Republic of the Philippines

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5
Core Subject – Grade 11/12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

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Development Team of the Module

Authors: Roxan B. Montibon

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Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

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Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5

1st Quarter: Module 2
Developing the Whole Person

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities.
We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office
Caloocan City
Grade: 11/12 Learning Area: Personal Development Quarter: Two (2)
Parent’s Guide and Monitoring Sheet
A. Parents’/Guardians’ Preparatory Activities

1.Prepare the child’s mindset for online class as if he/she is inside the class.

2.Prepare the place in the house that will be used for online class, make it inviting and
conducive for learning process.

3.Prepare all the materials that the child will be needed during the online classes
including the learner’s packets and others.

B. Procedures to follow in Obtaining and Sending back the Learning Packet:

1. Get the learning packets in the community center or to the place where you agreed
with school authority or ask an elder relative to personally get it in your behalf

2. You can also ask copy using messenger from the adviser of your child-learner.

3. You can also ask help from the teachers for clarifications considering the most
convenient time of both

C. Post Activity

1.Fill out the checklist with regards to the accomplished tasked of your child.

2.Place appropriate remarks on activities that was not finished by your child for the
provision of teachers’ assistance.

3.Remember! You are the guide of your own child’s learning, take this as an
opportunity to train the child well.



Guide Accomplished
Topic Activities accomplished Remarks
Questions Activities

1. What is Answer the

career? following
2. What are 1. Module:
the factors a. Pre-Test
affecting b. Looking
the career Back
Persons choice? c. Post-Test
and 3. What 2.Activity
Careers career will Sheet
be suited to a. Activity 1.1:
an Complete Me
individual’s b. Activity
personality 1.2: Hollands
type? Theory of
career Choice
3. Activity

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5
a. Check your
b. Reflection

Learner’s Weekly Home Learning Task

Learning Area: Personal Development Quarter: Two (2) Week: Six (6)

I. Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to;

1. discuss the different factors that may affect his/her decisions in choosing
career and life goals.

2. evaluate his/her career options based on factors that he/she considered to


3. create his/her personal career plans to attain personal life’s goals.

A. Content Standard:

The learners demonstrate the concepts of career development, life goals, and
personal factors influencing career choices and external factors

B. Performance Standard:

The learners shall be able to set a personal career goal based on the results of
self-assessment of various personal and external factors

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Explain that understanding different factors, career development concepts and

personal life goals influence career planning and decision making. (EsP-PD11/12PC-

2. Identify career options based on different factors, career development concepts and
personal life goals. (EsP-PD11/12PC-IIf12.2)

3. Prepare a career plan based on the identified career options to attain personal life’s
goal. (EsP-PD11/12PC-IIg-12.3)

II.: Preparatory activities for Learners: (Paghahanda ng mag-aaral)

A. Wake up early and do necessary preparations before having class using messenger.

B. Prepare part of the house intended for class session, make it inviting and conducive
for learning.

C. Prepare all the materials needed including the learner’s packets and be ready to ask
questions to the teacher for clarifications of lesson.

III. Procedures to follow in Obtaining and Sending back the Learning Packet:
1. Get the learning packets in the community center or to the place where you agreed
with school authority or ask an elder relative to personally get it in your behalf.

2. You can also ask copy using messenger from the adviser of your child-learner.

3. You can also ask help from the teachers for clarifications considering the most
convenient time of both.

IV. Post Activity

Module in Personality Development
First Semester- 2 Quarter Week 5
5. Fill - out the checklist of the accomplished activities.

6. Place appropriate remarks for the unfinished activities and ask guidance from your

Guide Topics Needed

Topic Activities Essential
Questions Clarifications
1. What is Answer the following
career? activities:
2. What are 1. Module:
the factors a. Pre-Test
affecting b. Looking Back
the career c. Post-Test
choice? 2.Activity Sheet
a. Activity 1.1: Complete
b. Activity 1.2: Holland’s
Theory of Career Choice
3. What 3. Activity Sheet
career will a. Check your
be suited to Understanding
an b. Reflection

You have already made a remarkable success in polishing and honing
your knowledge through answering the previous modules.

This module aims to assist you in preparing yourself for the future. It will
provide an invaluable insight about the different factors that will influence you
in choosing the right career and profession.

Through this learning materials you will be able to recognize and identify
your personal choices and decisions to set your own career life goals.

Activities and related performances in this module can be answered

based on the knowledge that you gain related to the lesson and thru your
personal insights and knowledge. Using the web and other learning materials
as your reference are very much welcome.

I hope and pray for your success in finding the right career.


Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter
iii Week 5

At the end of the module, you will be able understand the concepts of
career development and personal goals.

Furthermore, this module will also:

 discuss the different factors that may affect his/her

decisions in choosing career and life goals.

 evaluate his/her career options based on factors that

he/she considered to follow.

 create his/her personal career plans to attain personal

life’s goals

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_______ 1. What do you called the combination and sequence of roles played by
a person during the course of a lifetime?

a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Roles

_______ 2. Which of the following term refers to the position of an individual

that holds doing specific duties?

a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Roles

_______ What do you called the similar work for which people have similar
responsibilities and for which they develop a common set of skills and

a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Roles

_______ 4. Which of the following career development model postulates that

skills and abilities need to fit the demands of particular field?

a. Holland’s Career Typology c. Super’s Model

b. Krumholtz’s Social Learning d. Trait and factor Theory

_______ 5. Which of the following theory establishes a classification system that

matches personality characteristics to job characteristics?

a. Holland’s Career Typology c. Krumholtz’s Social Learning

b. Super’s Model d. Trait and factor Theory

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5
Directions: Identify the kind of the family described in each statement. Choose
the right answer inside the box.
Conditional Separated Family Extended Family Stepfamily
Bi-Racial or multi-racial Family Foster family Nuclear Family

_____________ 1. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, and


_____________ 2. A family where the parents are members of different racial

identity groups.

_____________ 3. A family member is separated from the rest of the family. This
may be due to employment far away; military service; incarceration;
hospitalization. They remain significant members of the family

_____________ 4. A family consisting of parents and children, along with either

grandparents, grandchildren, aunts or uncles, cousins etc. In some
circumstances, the extended family comes to live either with or in place of a
member of the nuclear family.

_____________ 5. A family where one or more of the children is legally a

temporary member of the household. This “temporary” period may be as short
as a few days or as long as the child’s entire childhood.


Career Concepts:

W h a t k i n d o f
to gain personal goals? What are the things I
must consider in choosing my career? Those
are the possible questions that run into your
head, specially during this time. This is the
right time to decide for yourself in what path
you will take because it will shape your
future. Having doubts and worries is a
normal thing but lethead-come-forward-ascent-1015600/
me remind you that this
is your life and your decision matters. The
following lessons and concepts will help you to have
a clear understanding that will eventually help you in making up your

Module in Personality Development

2 Week 5
First Semester- 2nd Quarter
A career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a
person during the course of a lifetime (Super, 1980). Your career basically
dictates a lot of things in your life – it can determine the kind of lifestyle that
you will be leading, the quality of relationships that you have with people
around you like your family and friends, the kind of balance you will be able to
keep with your life and your responsibilities. There are two other concepts that
we often associate with the concept of career. One is a job. A job is a position
an individual holds doing specific duties. Another term is occupation. An
occupation is defined as the similar work for which people have similar
responsibilities and for which they develop a common set of skills and

Factors Affecting the Career Choice:

Choosing the right career and profession is not an easy task, you have a
lot of things to take into consideration. Because of its importance, there are
professionals that focuses on helping individuals to assess and evaluate their
skills and capabilities suited for a certain career. Thus, the concept of career
development, or the process of managing life, learning and work over the

Skills and Abilities – These Trait and Factor Theory recommend creating
occupational profiles for specific jobs as well as identifying individual
differences, matching individuals to occupations based on these differences. An
individual will perform best if they work within their abilities and capabilities.

Interest and Personality Type – Holland's Career Typology is a widely used to

connect personality types and career fields. This theory establishes a
classification system that matches personality characteristics and personal
preferences to job characteristics.

Life Roles – Super's Lifespan theory directly addresses the fact that we each
play multiple roles in our lives and that these roles change over the course of
our lives. How we think about ourselves in these roles, their requirements of
them, and the external forces that affect them, may influence how we look at
careers in general and how we make choices for ourselves.

Previous Experiences – Krumboltz’s Social Learning and Planned

Happenstance theories address factors related to our experiences with others
and in previous work situations. Having positive experiences and role models
working in specific careers may influence the set of careers we consider as
options for ourselves.

Culture –Our culture often shapes our values and expectations as they relate
to many parts of our lives, including jobs and careers.

Gender – Gender is a factor included in multiple career development theories

and approaches including, Social Learning and multicultural career
counseling. How we view ourselves as individuals may influence both the
opportunities and barriers we perceive as we make career decisions.

Module in Personality Development
First Semester- 2 Quarter Week 5
Social and Economic Conditions – Events that take place in our lives may
affect the choices available to us and even dictate our choices to a certain
degree. Changes in the economy and resulting job market may also affect how
our careers develop.

Childhood Fantasies – What do you want to be when you grow-up? You may
remember this question from your childhood, and it may have helped shape
how you thought about careers then, as well as later in life.

Work with your career counselor!

If you are still having doubts and worries about the career that you
wanted to take you can talk it out with your teachers, parents, and
professionals like counselor. It is important to understand that career choice is
not made based on any one factor. Our choices are subject to many influences
– individual, cultural, social, and environmental. The combination and
interaction of various influences on your decision-making are unique to you
and your situation. There may also be multiple options, several "good-fits" for
you, instead of a single, right choice.


Activity 1.1: Complete me: Fill out the organizational chart and answer the
guide questions that follows.

Guide Questions:

1. Do you already have a specific career in mind? If yes, which of the factors
influenced you the most to come up with a decision? Why/Why not? (2 pts.)




2. Differentiate career from job and occupation. (5 pts)




Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5

Activity 1.2: Holland’s Theory of Career Choice

Your interest and personality 4are some the factors that will greatly
influence your decision in choosing the career that you will take and eventually
will utilize to make a living. In line of this, the most widely theory used to
connect interest and career is the Holland’s Theory of career Choice.

John Holland theory’s core idea is that most people resemble a

combination of six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social,
Enterprising, and Conventional (commonly abbreviated with the acronym
RIASEC). Each type is characterized by a constellation of interests, preferred
activities, beliefs, abilities, values, and characteristics. People working in the
environment they preferred and with people of the same interest will eventually
work effectively and efficient.
The figures beside show the Holland
Personality Code, and

1. Every individual is inclined towards

one trait, with two supporting traits.

2. The combination of these three core

areas is your Holland Code.

3. Identifying your Holland

Code can help you find
a career aligns with
your interests, values,
and skills.
To help you to identify your personality type and the careers that suited to you,
answer the RIASEC test:

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5

Guide Questions: Answer the following question.

1. What RIASEC stands for? What is the use of RIASEC Test? _______________


2. What are the 6-personality type? Explain each personality. _______________



3. Based on your answers on the RIASEC Test, what is your personality type?
Is it applicable to you? Why/Why not? ______________________________________



4. After finding out your personality based on the RIASEC Test, look for the
related career for your personality, do you agree? Why or why not?



5. In you own opinion, do you think the RIASEC Test of Holland Theory of
Career Choice is reliable and can be used to assess the career suited to you?
Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5


Listed below are the words that used in the lesson.

artistic – people who have artistic, innovating, or intuitional abilities

career - the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during a

lifetime (Super, 1980)

conventional – people who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical

culture - the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that
characterizes an institution or organization

enterprising – people who like to work with people-influencing and


Holland's Career Typology - most widely theory used to connect interest and

investigative – people who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze,

evaluate, or solve problems.

job - a position an individual holds doing specific duties.

Krumboltz’s Social Learning and Planned Happenstance – according to this

theory having positive experiences and role models working in specific careers
may influence the set of careers we consider as options for ourselves.

occupation - the similar work for which people have similar responsibilities
and for which they develop a common set of skills and knowledge

realistic – people who have athletic or mechanical ability

RIASEC Test – also known as Holland Codes, stand for R -realistic, I –

investigative, A – artistic, S – social, E – enterprising, and C – conservative. It is
an assessment used by the students for career plans/choice.

social – people who like to work with people, to inform, enlighten, help and

Trait and Factor Theory – developed by Frank Parson, the central idea of this
theory is the concept of matching the talent with his/her work. An individual
will perform best if they work within their abilities and capabilities.


I. Identify the kind of personality each of the following career has. Write
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising or Conservative in
the blank.

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5
_____________ 1. Architect ____________ 6. Lawyer

_____________ 2. Nurse _____________ 7. Photographer

_____________ 3. Engineer ______________8. Counselor

_____________ 4. Teacher 7 ______________ 9. IT Specialist

_____________ 5. Accountant ______________ 10. Psychologist

II. True or False: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if
you think the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE. 

__________ 1. The most effective method of choosing the right career is to rely
on with your luck.

__________ 2. You could not make a career out of your hobbies, so it is just
right to stop thinking about doing it to look for a job or profession.

__________ 3. The culture of an individual’s regional area, local community, and

extended family may impact career decisions.

__________ 4. The term career is synonymous with job and occupation.

__________ 5. Both men and women have experienced career-related labels.

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_______ 1. Which of the following theory establishes a classification system that

matches personality characteristics to job characteristics?

a. Holland’s Career Typology c. Super’s Model

b. Krumholtz’s Social Learning d. Trait and factor Theory

_______ 2. What do you called the similar work for which people have similar
responsibilities and for which they develop a common set of skills and

a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Roles

_______ 3. What do you called the combination and sequence of roles played by
a person during the course of a lifetime?

b. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Roles

_______ 4. Which of the following term refers to the position of an individual

that holds doing specific duties?

a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Roles

_______ 5. Which of the following career development model postulates that

skills and abilities need to fit the demands of field?

c. Holland’s Career Typology c. Krumholtz’s Social Learning

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5
d. Super’s Model d. Trait and factor Theory


Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5


Anke, M. L. (2015, November 5). [Career, head, forward]. Retrieved July 02, 2020, from

DEFINITION OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT. (n.d.). Retrieved July 02, 2020, from

Nauta, M. M. (2010). The Development, Evolution, and Status of Holland’s Theory of

Vocational Personalities: Reflections and Future Directions for Counseling Psychology.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57(1), 11-22. doi: DOI: 10.1037/a0018213

Module in Personality Development

First Semester- 2nd Quarter Week 5

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