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The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative To Central Banking

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Book Reviews

The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to

Central Banking
Saifedean Ammous
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2018, 305 pp.

The “crypto world,” as the budding industry based on the applica-

tion of blockchain technology is often called, is a very tribal place.
Perhaps the potential for vast riches in “Web 3.0” causes the splinter-
ing. Or perhaps it is an example of self-selection that first-movers in
a new industry tend to be aggressive and opinionated. Either way,
one need only spend a short time in the right corners of Twitter and
Reddit to witness the sort of factional competition usually reserved
for politics, religion, and sports.
Just as in those other contests, leaders of each crypto-tribe tend to
emerge. One such faction is “Bitcoin maximalists,” a term coined by
Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin, of which Saifedean Ammous
has become a leader. He and others in this faction see Bitcoin as the
only cryptocurrency with a future. In particular, Ammous expects the
“Bitcoin standard” to become the new gold standard and the anchor
of the international monetary system. Bitcoin maximalists thus
resemble old-fashioned gold bugs in insisting that there is only one
truly “sound money”: alternative cryptocurrencies are to them what
silver coinage was to Grover Cleveland Republicans.
In The Bitcoin Standard, Ammous presents something of a
Bitcoin Maximalist Bible: a guide, from an Austrian school of eco-
nomics point of view, to the historical context of the now famous
white paper written by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto and to the
economic characteristics of Bitcoin that make it so endearing to those
who view it as sound money.
The Bitcoin Standard attempts to make the case that Bitcoin is a
digital form of money that can provide a viable alternative to central
bank fiat currencies. The first four of the book’s 10 chapters explain
what money is, how it has evolved over time, and how and why vari-
ous monies throughout history have succeeded or failed to serve their
purpose—namely, to store value and exchange it. The next three
chapters dive deeper into the implications for society of sound versus
unsound money as defined by Ammous. Finally, the last three chap-
ters explain why the author considers Bitcoin “the sound money of
the digital age,” while addressing misconceptions and lingering ques-
tions about the still young technology

Cato Journal

The Bitcoin Standard certainly has its virtues. To Ammous’s

credit, the book does a fine job describing historical examples of
money and such concepts as salability, hard money, stock-to-flow
ratios, and money as a medium of indirect exchange. One of the best
things about Bitcoin entering public consciousness is that it has made
people stop and think about money itself—what it is, what makes a
good or bad money, and why the government has a monopoly on its
issuance. The Bitcoin Standard should be commended for pushing
the narrative forward that free-market money would, to borrow a
phrase from those in Silicon Valley, “make the world a better place”
by limiting the power of the state over the individual. When central
banks can increase the money supply to pay off government debt
accumulated by irresponsible spending, the state is less responsive to
the classical liberal conception of government, in which operations
are restricted to only what its subjects deem tolerable. Ammous
deserves kudos for helping to convey these concepts to a wider
However, whatever praise he deserves for disseminating these
ideas to a broader audience is diminished by his packaging of them
alongside an exaggerated view of the wonders of “sound money.” To
him, everything from the fall of the Roman Empire and the “break-
down of the modern family” to the apparently disappointing state of
modern art has “unsound money” to blame. In Ammous’s view, it is
no coincidence that “Florentine and Venetian artists were the lead-
ers of the Renaissance, as these were the two cities which led Europe
in the adoption of sound money,” and “it was hard money that
financed Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos while easy money financed
Miley Cyrus’s twerks.” Surely such assertions are better suited to
Twitter posts than to a work purporting to convey serious lessons
about monetary economics, Austrian or otherwise.
When The Bitcoin Standard isn’t merely glib, it tends to suffer
from its author’s narrow perspective. For example, his survey of
money’s history hardly mentions the large part played by credit and
the different forms of money based upon it, including most bank
deposits. Ammous seems to believe that the only “sound money”
throughout history, until the advent of Bitcoin, has been gold. Yet his
analysis of the gold standard leaves much to be desired and fails to
provide readers with historically accurate facts that are relevant to the
book’s supposed subject—the future of the global monetary order.
For example, his assertion that the rise of Hitler and Mussolini, along

Book Reviews

with World War II, was triggered by European nations’ abandon-

ment of the gold standard and the embrace of Keynesian economics
is historically inaccurate. Likewise, he lets his imagination run wild in
blaming what he calls the “Keynesian deluge” for the murder of clas-
sical liberal (free-market) economists in Russia, Italy, Germany, and
The most offensive of his misrepresentations is the book’s straw-
man treatment of John Maynard Keynes. Ammous accuses him of
causing the Great Depression, which broke out several years before
Keynes’s General Theory was published in 1936. He also asserts that
Keynes “never studied economics or researched it professionally,” an
absurd claim to level at a man who almost literally learned econom-
ics at his father’s knees and who was, among other things, the author
of A Treatise on Money (1930) and a long-time editor of the
Economic Journal. Finally, Ammous dwells upon Keynes’s notorious
pedophilia, presumably to discourage readers from seeing any merit
in his economic theory and policies. How Ammous thought such an
ad hominen attack on Keynes would help his argument that Bitcoin
can provide a decentralized alternative to central banking is unclear.
One of the more interesting arguments made in the book is the
reference to “zero-to-one” events—a term he borrows from technol-
ogist Peter Thiel—in which visionaries pioneer the first successful
example of a new technology. According to Ammous, such events
occurred more frequently in eras of “sound money”—including the
“belle époque” of 1871 to 1914, when the gold standard prevailed
throughout Europe and the Americas—than in the subsequent era of
government-produced fiat monies. That outcome, argues Ammous,
occurred because sound money, which holds its value over time,
enables individuals to “lower their time preference” such that they
can take more time to produce and invest in ever-more complicated
goods to “satisfy ever-more remote needs,” and, in turn, advance
Ammous claims that innovations are mostly “one-to-many”—
matters of scaling, marketing, and optimization—under the cur-
rent fiat money system. Although there is nothing wrong with
one-to-many innovations, says Ammous, we should think about
why there aren’t as many zero-to-one innovations nowadays.
Bitcoin itself is an example of a zero-to-one innovation: it is the
first example of blockchain technology, and it created a verifiably
scarce digital cash. Ammous, as a Bitcoin maximalist, has little

Cato Journal

confidence in other applications of blockchain technology like sta-

blecoins, land-title registration, privacy coins, and uncensorable
political discussion. In downplaying those applications, he misses
Bitcoin’s one-to-many opportunity: to scale and optimize free-
market money and government-circumvention.
It is disappointing that Ammous spends so little time discussing
Bitcoin and its potential as a replacement for central bank money.
Only the last three chapters of his book deal with Bitcoin. He there-
fore passes up the chance to have a fair discussion of several unre-
solved arguments. To his credit, on the debate over fractional reserve
banking in a Bitcoin standard world, Ammous lends credence to the
vision outlined by the recipient of the first-ever Bitcoin transaction
from Satoshi Nakamoto, the late Hal Finney, on the Bitcoin forum in
2010. There, Finney cited theories of competitive free banking to
describe a scenario in which Bitcoin is the “‘high-powered money’
that serves as a reserve currency for banks that issue their own digi-
tal cash. . . . Some would be fractional reserve while others may be
100% Bitcoin backed.”
However, Ammous doesn’t spend any time addressing the con-
cerns held by many economists that Bitcoin’s limited supply—an
attribute lauded by Ammous but exacerbated by the unknown
amount of Bitcoin lost forever—would eventually result in undesir-
able deflation. Nor does he summarize and confront the more tech-
nical arguments about mining power centralization or whether the
incentive system can survive once the 21 millionth Bitcoin is released
and miners are only rewarded by transaction fees. These are impor-
tant questions if a Bitcoin standard is ever going to supplant central
The result is a missed opportunity to provide a foundation from
which others can advance the literature on the important question of
how cryptocurrencies will interact with the current monetary system.
Ammous’s choice to cater to “internet Austrians” and his “Bitcoin
maximalist” Twitter followers by offering a one-sided view of mone-
tary history may help with book sales, which he can convert to Bitcoin
and hoard, but it does little to advance our collective understanding
of the topic the book professes to address.
Tyler Whirty
Cato Institute


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