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Placenta Previa Maternal and Foetal Outcome

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Meenakshi Devarmani1, Patil Sanjana Tallur2

1Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, M. R. Medical College, Gulbarga.

2Senior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, M. R. Medical College, Gulbarga.

To analyse maternal and neonatal outcome in pregnancies complicated with placenta previa and to evaluate the potential risk
To study the risk factors for placenta previa, to study the mode of deliveries, to study the maternal and foetal outcome and to
study the incidence of placenta previa.
50 pregnancies with placenta previa during a 2 years study period (2014-2016) were analysed. The total number of deliveries
during the study period was 4759. The data on the potential risk factors compiled; the information on the maternal and neonatal
outcome was subjected to appropriate statistical analysis and following deductions provided.
The incidence of placenta previa was 1.8%. Factors significantly associated with development of placenta previa were advanced
maternal age, number of previous caesarean section, number of previous abortions and multiparity. The complications seen most
commonly in the neonatal outcome was prematurity at birth (42.85%) followed by RDS (28.5%) and aspiration (14.2%); 48% of the
babies required resuscitation, out of which 24% required further NICU admission. The neonatal mortality calculated was 280/1000
live births.
In the present study, the incidence of antepartum haemorrhage was 4.9% and placenta previa contributed to 37% of cases. The
perinatal mortality due to placenta previa was 280 per 1000 live births. The maternal mortality rate due to placenta previa in this
study is nil, but maternal morbidity was high, that is more than 60% of cases had antenatal, intranatal and postnatal complications
and anaemia worsened the clinical state of patients.
Placenta Previa; Maternal Morbidity; Neonatal Mortality.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Devarmani M, Tallur PS. Placenta previa: maternal and foetal outcome. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci.
2016;5(40):2477-2480, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2016/577
INTRODUCTION certainly been curtailed to a large extent; still, lot needs to be
Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH) still presents as one of the done in the lower socioeconomic group in urban slums and the
most dreaded and devastating group of disorder in obstetrics. rural India. Approximately >40% patients deliver in hospitals
Vaginal bleeding in any stage of pregnancy is an alarming without immediate 24 hours blood bank to facilities. These are
event generating significant concern in both patients and the statistics and this is in booked cases, the state of unbooked
doctors and when occurring in third trimester causes are case is even worse.
mainly placenta previa and abruptio placenta and marginal Placenta previa involves bleeding from placental site
placental separation. completely, which is located in the lower uterine segment
Majority of the painless vaginal bleeding in the 2’ half of either partially or completely and as the lower uterine
the pregnancy are associated with placenta previa, more segment stretches near term or in labour the associated
common with neglected pregnancies, increased parity and bleeding is inevitable.
advancing age. Antepartum haemorrhage forms one of the most
Availability of blood for transfusion have dramatically dangerous and devastating group of disorders in obstetrics.
decreased maternal mortality, morbidity and with better NICU Placenta previa contributes to 115th of the cases of
facilities available, perinatal morbidity and mortality has antepartum haemorrhage.
This catastrophic complication not only poses a risk to
Financial or Other, Competing Interest: None. the foetus, but also endangers the mother’s life. Developed
Submission 16-03-2016, Peer Review 29-04-2016, countries have a near zero maternal mortality rate for placenta
Acceptance 04-05-2016, Published 19-05-2016. previa, but even with today’s better medical facilities and
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Meenakshi Devarmani,
awareness India lags way behind.
Professor, The maternal and neonatal outcome can be definitely
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, improved in cases of placenta previa, as it can be diagnosed by
M. R. Medical College, Sedam Road, antenatal USG even before the first episode of bleeding. Once
Gulbarga-585105, Karnataka, India.
the condition is diagnosed, the case should be judiciously
DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2016/577 managed and all steps required should be taken to treat the
complications associated with such cases. These cases are to

J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 05/ Issue 40/ May. 19, 2016 Page 2477 Original Article
be managed only in centres where there are facilities for blood Type of Placenta Previa
transfusion, immediate operative interventions and NICU Postoperative Minor Major Total
facilities round the clock. Complications Vaginal LSCS Vaginal LSCS (n=50)
Better ANC and thorough screening of the patients with (9) (15) (n=0) (n=26)
second trimester scan, better referral system, transport and Sepsis - - - 3 3 6.00
more hospitals with 24 hours blood bank facility are the need Febrile
- 1 - 7 8 16.00
of the labour. morbidity
All these measures can probably bring down the UTI 1 1 - 6 8 16.00
maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity rates and PPH - 1 - 4 5 10.00
achieve the standards of the developed countries. Table 3: Postoperative Complications

AIM OF THE STUDY Maturity and Mode of Delivery

1. To study the risk factors for placenta previa. Outcomes Term(n=5) Preterm(n=45) Total Percent
2. To study the mode of deliveries. LSCS Vaginal LSCS Vaginal
3. To study the maternal and foetal outcome. Alive 3 0 29 7 39 78
4. To study the incidence of placenta previa. AUD 1 1 8 1 11 22
Table 4
Analysis of maternal and neonatal outcome in cases of Neonatal Outcome Term Preterm Total Percent
placenta previa occurring over a period of 2 years from Jan No. of neonates
2014 to Jan 2016. This study was carried out at the requiring no 3 23 26 52.00
Basaveshwar Teaching and General Hospital, Gulbarga, resuscitation
attached to M. R. Medical College, Gulbarga. NICU admissions -- 12 12 24.00
Expired within 48 hours -- 3 3 6.00
Inclusion Criteria 9 9
Pregnant women with placenta previa confirmed by Table 5: Neonatal Outcome in the Live Born Fetuses
ultrasonography and with gestational age beyond 28 weeks
were selected irrespective of their parity, type of placenta
previa and with a live or dead foetus.

Out of 50 cases of placenta previa, 24 cases had minor degree
of placenta previa and 26 cases had major degree of placenta
previa; 41 cases were delivered by caesarean section; 38 as
emergency as elective and 9 cases delivered vaginally.

Total Graph Correlation of Maternal Age and Placenta Previa
Complications Minor Major Percentage
(n=24) (n=26)
No. of episodes
35 53 88 -
of bleeding
Severe anaemia
6 10 16 32.00
(<7 g%)
Patients in shock - 8 8 16.00
Antenatal blood
2 4 6 12.00
3 4 7 14.00
IUD 3 8 11 22.00
Table 1: Antenatal Complications in the Present Study

Type of Placenta Graph Correlation of Parity and Placenta Previa

Intraoperative Previa Total
Complications Minor Major (n=50)
(n=24) (n=26)
- 2 2 4.00
sutures Cho’s
haemostatic - 1 1 2.00
sutures B-lynch
Table 2: Intraoperative Complications

Graph Risk Factors for Placenta Previa

J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 05/ Issue 40/ May. 19, 2016 Page 2478 Original Article
RESULT The mean Apgar score in the present study correlated with
In the present study, analysis of maternal and neonatal that of the McShane.9 study. Study conducted by Joan.10 had
outcomes in cases of placenta previa occurring over a period maximum perinatal mortality due to RDS, whereas
of 2 years from January 2014 to January 2016 at the prematurity was the most common cause of perinatal
Basaveshwar Teaching and General Hospital attached to M. R. mortality in the present study. Perinatal mortality is very high
Medical College, Gulbarga. We studied 50 eligible cases of in our study in all birth weight groups when compared to the
placenta previa selected randomly. After detail analysis of the study done by McShane.9
case, the present study was compared with other studies.
From the above study our incidence was almost similar DISCUSSION
to study conducted by Sharma BD.1 where the incidence of In the present study 50 cases of placenta previa were studied
APH was 3.1% and placenta previa was 52.64%, while in the regarding the type of clinical presentation, the clinical course,
present study the percentage of APH and placenta previa was the perinatal and maternal outcome. The information obtained
4.9% and 37% respectively. Our study shows that 50 eligible was analysed statistically. In this study, it was observed that
women among attending our hospital, only 30 (60%) were the incidence of APH was 4.9%, out of the total number of
booked while 20 (40%) remained unbooked. Also the study deliveries and placenta previa contributed to 37% of cases of
conducted by Razial et al2 showed that the number of APH. In the present study, the cases of placenta previa were
unbooked cases were (84%). Similarly, our ANC care is also highest in the maternal age group of 20-29 years, i.e. 70%. It
inadequate and a universal effort is required by all south Asian was 16% in the age group of 30-35 years, 12% in the age group
countries to improve the ANC and high risk screening for >35 years and 2% in the present study was 25.96+4.7 years. In
better outcome of maternal and neonatal welfare. The the present study, incidence of placenta previa was highest
association between maternal age and incidence of placenta (56%) in the multiparous (2-3 viable births) group. It was 24%
previa has been maximally in the age group 20-29 years (56%) in the grand multi group (>4 viable births) and 105 in the primi
about 28 cases in the present study. group. In the present study, the risk factors were caesarean
This data correlates with the incidence seen in the same section, abortion and twin gestation.
age group reported by Tariq.3 Michelle AW.4 and Steven Clark.5 The incidence of prior caesarean section was 12%, prior
In the present study 28 (56%) multiparous women had abortion was 18% and twin gestation in the present pregnancy
placenta previa, while 12 (24%) women were multigravida was 2%. Of the complications studied, in the present study
and 10 (20%) women were primigravidae. These studies severe anaemia (<7 gm%) contributed to 32%,
correlate with the statistic of studies done by Tariq.3 Michelle malpresentation contributed to 14% and PIH was found in
AW.4 and Steven Clark.5 Comparing our study with statistic of only 2% of cases. In the present study, 58% of cases required
Victoria Taylor.6, our incidence of previous LSCS was 12% blood transfusion and shock/hypotension was noticed in 12%
versus 20% and the percentage of previous spontaneous of cases, PPH was noticed in 10% of cases. In one case B-lynch
abortions in the present study was 18%, whereas it was 36% was utilized to control intraoperative atonic PPH and in 2
in the study conducted by Victoria Taylor. 6 The incidence of cases Cho’s multiple haemostatic sutures used for the bleeding
twin gestation in the present study is nearly double the from the placental site. Post-operative febrile morbidity was
incidence seen in the study done by Steven Clark.5, whereas seen in 16% of the cases and sepsis complicated 6% of cases.
incidence of twins were up to 6% in the study conducted by In the present study, perinatal morbidity was studied as the
Savita Rani.7 percentage of babies requiring resuscitation and NICU
The most common gestational age in our study group, admission. It was 48% and 24% respectively.
which presented with bleeding was 30-34 weeks, whereas In the present study, the percentage of perinatal deaths
findings in Tariq.3 study showed maximum number of patients was 28%. Prematurity was the major contributor to perinatal
with first episodes of bleeding in 34-38 weeks group followed deaths, i.e. 42.85% followed by RDS 28.5% and aspiration
by 30-34 weeks. Our study show only 26% of women with contributed to 14.2% each. The perinatal mortality was the
normal haemoglobin, while 16% of patients had severe same in both the clinical types of placenta previa, i.e. chi square
anaemia and transfusion was required in 29 (58%) cases, value was 1.26 which is not significant. The perinatal mortality
whereas when compared with the study conducted by Tariq.3 was more in the 28-33 weeks gestation group i.e. 51%,
only 16.7% of women were anaemic and blood transfusion whereas in the 34-36 weeks and 37+ weeks gestation group it
given only in 3 women (3.5%) who had their haemoglobin less was 34.28% and 14.28%. Infants with birth weights above
than 9 gm%. Our study is almost similar to the study 2500 grams had a good survival rate and infants with birth
conducted by P. Rani Reddy.8 study, where there were 20% of weight <1000 grams had a very poor survival rate.
Study conducted by McShane.9 showed 27% of mal- CONCLUSION
presentations. When compared with the study done by In the present study, the incidence of antepartum
McShane.9 our study has higher rates of sepsis, febrile illness, haemorrhage was 4.9% and placenta previa contributed to
UTI and shock. This indicates that we must acquire a more 37% of cases. The general perinatal mortality was 81 per 1000
appropriate and prompt approach in the management of live births and that due to placenta previa was 280 per 1000
placenta previa with good antibiotic coverage and better live births, i.e. approximately 4 times higher than the general
aseptic precaution. Resuscitation required for the neonates in perinatal mortality rate. The maternal mortality rate due to
the present study was 48%, whereas in the study done by placenta previa in this study was nil, but maternal morbidity
McShane.9 it was 33%. NICU admissions in the present study was high, i.e. more than 60% of cases had antenatal, intranatal
done by McShane9 were 24% and 10% respectively, again and/or postnatal complications and anaemia worsened the
indicating the inadequacy in our antenatal and perinatal care. clinical state of the patients.

J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 05/ Issue 40/ May. 19, 2016 Page 2479 Original Article
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