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Lesson Plan 4 - Kinematics: Background

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Lesson Plan 4 – Kinematics

Kinematics is the study of bodies in motion. In this lesson, only linear motion will be
investigated, circular motion will be covered in another lesson. Kinematics uses
three terms to describe the motion of a body: it uses the body’s position (x), velocity
(v), and acceleration (a). Each of these terms is used in a series of three equations
that can be derived from each other through the use of calculus but for simplicity
sake the three equations are listed here.

1. The position of the body at any point in time given the initial position xo, initial
velocity vo and acceleration a is written as:
x = x0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2

2. The velocity of the body at any time given the initial velocity and the acceleration
is written as:
v = v 0 + at
Velocity can also be written as the change in distance over a period of time:
3. We will only be dealing with constant acceleration in this curriculum. Acceleration
can be estimated as a change in velocity over a period of time.
1. Kinematics is the study of moving bodies
2. Acceleration, velocity and position are all inter-related by the equations of motion

Student Learning Objectives NYS Standards

Students should be able to understand and use the
kinematic equations to describe a body moving at a
constant acceleration.

Key Terms
Position Velocity Acceleration
Projectile Motion Kinematics

Kinematics Lesson, M. Ingraham, 8/20/07, SEP0508

• (5 mins) bring class to order and introduce the lesson to the students.

• Relate today’s lesson to roller coaster – view a portion of video shown in first
lesson to observe acceleration and velocity. Try to draw general trend in velocity
or position as a function of time. (Note – in these cases, acceleration not
constant so it is hard to mathematically quantify with our tools
( ))

• Describe what they will be able to do by the end of the day – calculate velocity or
position of an object as a function of time.

• (10 mins) Discuss conceptual relationship between position, velocity and

acceleration. In general, if a body is accelerating, then overtime – velocity is
increasing. This is a linear relationship

Position – increases in parabolic

fashion with time (X α t2 )
X, v or a

Velocity – linear increase over time (v α t)

Start at vo , slope of line = acceleration

a Acceleration – constant over time



• Write kinematic equations on the board and explaining each part of the equation
and doing a practice problem with them.
o Draw a picture – label known and unknown components and the forces
acting on the body and their direction
o Hint – look for clues in problem to help solve. For example
ƒ “the body is at rest” at either the beginning or end – v=0
ƒ Motion in vertical direction – acceleration is due to gravity (a=g=9.8

Kinematics Lesson, M. Ingraham, 8/20/07, SEP0508

• (20 Mins) Have students work on Kinematic equations worksheet #1 and work
through the problems, teachers will circulate and help students, students may
work in pairs or alone on this part of the project.
• (5mins) Wrap up lesson with what was covered, try to relate to video again.
• Hand out kinematic equations HW (this is just an extension of the kinematic
equations worksheet)

Supply list
Kinematic Equations worksheet
Kinematic Equations HW
Example Problems to put on the board, these can be made up by the instructor as
they see fit. (Have fun with the examples you use)

Kinematic Equations Worksheet #1.doc
Kinematic Equations HW#1.doc

Kinematics Lesson, M. Ingraham, 8/20/07, SEP0508

NAME: _________________________________________
Kinematic Equations Worksheet #1
1. John Doe gets on the highway in his 1967 Shelbey 427 Cobra. Starting from a dead stop
at the bottom of the on-ramp it can be assumed that John accelerates at a rate of 6.7 m/s2.
How long does it take for John to reach a speed of 30m/s? How far has John traveled in
this time if you take his starting point to be 0m?

2. Baseball pitcher Josh Beckett throws a ball straight up in the air, the balls mass is 4kg,
and he releases it at a speed of 35m/s, what is the maximum height that the ball will
reach, and how long will it take for the ball to come back down and hit the ground next to
him? Assume there is no air resistance, and the ball is released from and returns to a level
of 0m.

3. Josh Beckett is now looking to throw a ball as far as he possibly can. So this time he is
going to throw the ball away from himself at an angle of 45 degrees and at a velocity of
35 m/s. What is the highest point the ball reaches, and how far does the ball go if you
assume that the ball is released from and comes to rest at a vertical height of 0m.

Kinematics Lesson, M. Ingraham, 8/20/07, SEP0508

Kinematic Equations HW #1
1. John Doe gets off the highway in his 1967 Shelbey 427 Cobra. Starting from a speed of
35 m/s and decelerating at a rate of 7.4 m/s2 how long does the off ramp need to be for
him to come to a dead stop? How long did it take him to come to a complete stop?

2. Baseball pitcher Tim Wakefield throws a 40 m/s fastball right down the center on a 3-2
count to strike out A. Rod. How long did it take for the ball to reach the batter if the
pitcher’s mound is 18m away from home plate? Also, how far did the ball drop in that
time from the height that Wakefield released it at? You can neglect air resistance.

3. During a hockey practice, Sabre’s player Brian Campbell fires a slapshot from the blue
line towards goalie Ryan Miller. If the puck is moving at 50 m/s and the blue line is 19.3
m from the goal, what does Miller’s reaction time have to be to deflect the puck? You can
neglect air resistance.

Kinematics Lesson, M. Ingraham, 8/20/07, SEP0508

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