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Department of Education: School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment 2 Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Name of Project Objective/ Date of Accomplishments Issues/Problems/Challenges Recommendations/Action Signature
Project Targets Monitoring /Status to date points of the
ct Team
Project a. Sustain the January 15, Celebration of Absence of F2F facilitation of Facilitate online activities
Eco- students’ awareness 2021 Zero Waste activities due to risk of and Home-based output
Smart regarding the issues Month COVID-19
impacting the All activities will be done at
environment and the January 19, Posted Officers comfort and safety at home
actions to improve it 2021 and Members’
through webinars and initiatives on
environmental Zero Waste
commemorations; Lifestyle
b. Practice and
maintain home and January 29, Conducted Waste
school waste 2021 Management
management system System thru
in compliance with RA Home MRF
c. Reduce organic
wastes through February 26, Distributed the
vermicomposting; 2021 vegetable
d. Implement seedlings for
home/urban Organikong
gardening among the Gulayan sa
learners and teachers; Bakuran at
and e. Produce Paaralan to the
organic vegetables officers,
through the use of the members and
school’s greenhouse. faculty.
Set up
Facilty in School
Project a. Identify the low Unstable Internet Connection Give the students hard
BAYANI performing students copies of the activities that
based on their first are self-paced to help them
quarter grades in their learning activity.
b. Develop
Intervention materials Students are not answering Monitor the students from
such as activity their activity sheets and time to time and build
sheets, supplemental other intervention learning connections and
materials, budgeted materials. partnerships to the parents
lessons based on the to monitor their child’s
MELCs, SIMs and progress is answering the
other related useful intervention materials.
materials. Unavailability of learning Monitor the activities of the
c. Track students’ tutors to help the low learning partners and
progress through performing students conduct a tutorial per
record keeping and student to cover the
tracking reports absence of the learning
d. Organized learning partners if they are absent.
barkadas per class
focused in managing
and leading Araling
Panlipunan Activities
among the beginning
learners that will
remotely conducted
through different
online platforms.
Project a. Establish a February 26, Conducted a Unstable Internet Connection
SAVE partnership between 2021 Community-
the school and the Based Crime
community that will Awareness and
strengthen the Crime Drug Prevention
Awareness and Drug Campaign
Prevention Campaign through Poster
b. Conduct a Making, Slogan
community-based Making Content
crime awareness and with Cash Prizes
drug prevention and a Virtual
campaign Drug Symposium
c. Identify and participated by
implement activities the selected
that will support the Grade 9, 10 and
Drug Awareness and Senior High
Crime Prevention School students
Campaign of AIS.
d. Strengthen the
implementation of the
NDEP in schools by
conducting Drug
Awareness and Crime
Prevention Campaign
e. Prepare an
report for the
conducted programs
and activities
Project a. Mabigyan ng January 15, Conducted a Parents are not cooperative. Give reading materials
PAGBAS atensyon ng mga 2021 classroom-based during distribution and
A mag-aaral ang orientation to the Most of the parents don’t retrieval to the parents.
pagbasa bilang parents/guardia have facebook messenger as
solusyon at aksyon sa ns of the concern means of communication.
kanila na hindi students during
makabasa at the distribution
mababagal bumasa at of modules.
hindi makaunawa sa
binasa. Gave reading
b. Maiangat mula sa materials to the
non-reader at parents/guardia
frustration level ns of the concern
patungo sa students.
instructional level ang
mga mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng
c. Magkaroon ng
interes ang mga mag-
aaral sa pagbasa.
d. Makabasa at
makasagot nang nag-
iisa ang mga mag-
aaral sa mga modyul.

Project a. Makatulong sa mga February 26, Introduced the Limited participants of Voluntary participation to
KaPWA kababayang Aeta na 2021 project to the Outreach program due to the Outreach Program
matuto at mapaunlad admin Pandemic
ang kakayahan sa
pagbasa at pagsulat
sa pamamagitan ng Submitted
pagbibigay ng mga project proposal
aklat, worksheets, to the Division
modyuls at linanging Office
kit sa mga Aeta
b.Makapagbahagi ng
pampamayanan sa
pamamagitan ng
pagbibigay ng relief
goods tulad ng mga
pagkain, damit o
anumang material na
c. Maipadama ng
paaralan ang pag-ibig,
pagmamalasakit at
paglingap sa mga Aeta
Mahawang sa
pamamagitan ng
reading and feeding
d. Maging daan upang
makapagbukas ng
kamalayan at
maikintal sa kanilang
kaisipan ang
kahalahagan ng
edukasyon at
Project a. Enhance the January 15, Conducted a Follow up activities and Prepared exploratory
CARE reading skill of 2021 classroom-based initiative of the learners to activities and coordinated
struggling readers orientation to the read with their parents.
through prepared sets parents/guardia
of reading activities in ns of the concern
English and Filipino. students during
b. Develop the the distribution
comprehension skill of of modules.
learners under non-
reader, frustration Gave reading
and dependent level of activity sheets to
reading. the
c. Create an parents/guardia
opportunity to ns of the concern
strengthen the students.
partnership between
reading teachers and
parents of struggling
Project 1. Uplift the February 26, Posted video Due to pandemic, there is no Video presentations of the
ShOWCa motivation of students 2021 presentations of face to face exhibit of best outputs to be posted
SE in partaking to the the AIS students students’ outstanding works via facebook account of the
teaching-learning Best Outputs for and exemplars school
process by the 2nd Quarter
appreciating on the official
outstanding works. page of the
2. Instill to the school.
parents and
guardians the
engagement that
students and teachers
undertake to achieve
the academic
3. Exhibit the works
of the students online.
Project a. Increase the Unstable internet connection Conduct LAC and other
AGHAM science achievement of teachers online activities on-site
rate from 84.75% to where internet connections
86% in the new Insufficient funds and are available
normal situation; materials to be used in
b. Update science developing learning and Use donated materials or
teachers on the supplemental materials personal funds
concept of teaching
and learning in the Monitor the conduct and
new normal; implementation of the
c. create and compile activities of the project.
MELC-based Learner’s
Activity Sheets (LAS)
for enrichment and
d. apply new teaching
approaches that will
increase students’
participation such as
the conduct of virtual
activities, online
monitoring and
feedbacking, remedial
teaching and online
peer tutoring.

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