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Occupational Health and Safety 4.

Microcomputer – Personal computer, Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital

Occupational health and safety (OHS) or workplace health and safety (WHS) is an area assistant (PDA), tablets & smartphones are all types of microcomputers. The micro-
concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or computers are widely used & the fastest growing computers. These computers are the
employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe cheapest among the other three types of computers. The Micro-computers are specially
and healthy work environment. OHS may also protect co-workers, family members, designed for general usage like entertainment, education and work purposes. Well known
employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace manufacturers of Micro-computers are Dell, Apple, Samsung, Sony & Toshiba. Desktop
environment. computers, Laptops, Gaming consoles, Sound & Navigation system of a car, Netbooks,
In the school as a computer teacher or trainer you must be aware of how your students Notebooks, PDA, Tablet Pc’s, smartphones, Calculators are all type of Microcomputers.
behave when they are working in the computer laboratory, as well as implementing a safe Personal Computer Types
way of accomplishing every task. Safety practices should be learned early and always Notebook computer- An extremely lightweight personal computer that weighs weigh
adhered to when working with any electrical device, including personal computers and less than 6 pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. Aside from size, the
peripherals. This is for the protection of not only the people working with them, but also for principal difference between a notebook computer and a personal computer is the
the devices themselves. The basis for this process begins with your Occupational Health and display screen. Notebook computers come with battery packs that enable you to run
Safety Policies. them without plugging them in. These are also called Laptop computers.
Here are some of the basic OHS policies that you can used in the training of computer Laptop computer - A small, portable computer -- small enough that it can sit on your
hardware servicing: lap.
1.Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are Sub-notebook computer- A portable computer that is slightly lighter and smaller than a
recognized. full-sized notebook computer. Typically, sub-notebook computers have a smaller
2.Personal protective equipment are correctly used in accordance with organization keyboard and screen, but are otherwise equivalent to notebook computers.
OHS procedures and practices. Hand-held computer - A portable computer that is small enough to be held in one’s
3.Hazard/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to hand. The most popular hand-held computers are those that are specifically designed
minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment. to provide PIM (personal information manager) functions, such as a calendar and
4.Always discharge yourself before touching any part of the computer. address book. Hand-held computers are also called PDAs or Personal Digital Assistants,
5.Remove all jewelry when working inside any computer relates equipment. palmtops and pocket
6.Be careful with tools that may cause short circuit. Wear rubber sole shoes when
standing on the ground or in a concrete floor.  Computer system,-It is made up of interrelated parts that work as a unit to perform tasks. A
7.Do not over tighten the screws. computer system is made up of different components of computer namely:
8.Be sure not to mix electronic components and water.
9.Always power off and unplug the computer before working on it. When making a.Hardware – it is a tangible part of the computer or the mechanical devices of the
circuit changes, switch off and unplug the power cord from the equipment then computer.This component of computer system is categorized into four, namely:
discharge the capacitors.  a.Processing devices – it is considered as the brain of the computer that carries out
10.Wear an anti-static device to prevent Electro Static Discharge instructions from the program.
11.Replace only fuses with those proper rating. b.Memory devices – it stores programs or data
12.Hold the components by the edges and do not touch the IC’s.  c.Input and Output devices – it is used to enter and display data.
13.Read and follow instructions on the manual carefully. d.Storage devices – it holds the data or program permanently.
14. Do not use excessive force if things don’t quite slip into place. b.Software – it is a intangible part of the computer and it tells the computer of what to
It is not only in the workplace that we will observed OHS, also the correct position in using do.This is a set of instructions that tells the computer of what to do. There are two types of
the computer is also included in the OHS software, namely:
a.System Software – it is a software that interacts with the hardware or other software
COMPUTER - It is an electronic device that accepts, processes, and stores data information to perform certain tasks.
(in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or b.Application Software – it is a software developed with a specific task.
sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed. c.Peopleware – the users of the computer.These refer to the users of the computer. The
These are the principal characteristics of a computer; users can be categorized into two:
It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner. a.Programmer / Developer – they are the creator of the program or software.
It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program). b.Application Users – they are the users of the program created or develope
It can quickly store and retrieve large amounts of data. d.Data – these are the pieces of the information that computer process.
Types of Computer Information Processing Cycle of a Computer Systems - This is the cycle used by
1.Supercomputer – The most powerful computers in terms of performance and data computer to process data. It will start with the user who input the data into computer using
processing are the supercomputers. These are specialized and task specific computers used any input devices and then the computer will process the data and presents the data to the
by large organizations. These computers are used for research and exploration purposes, like user using output devices. The user will also have the privilege of storing the information
NASA uses supercomputers for launching space shuttles, controlling them and for space using any storage devices. INPUT= PROCESSING = OUTPUT= STORAGE
exploration purpose.
Uses of Supercomputer Space Exploration Earthquake Studies
Weather Forecasting Nuclear weapon testing
Popular Supercomputers IBM’s Sequoia, in United States COMPUTER HARDWARE
Fujitsu’s K Computer in Japan IBM’s Mira in United State The Basic Parts of a Desktop Computer System are;
IBM’s SuperMUC in Germany NUDT Tianhe-1A in China 1. System Unit – A computer case also known as a computer chassis, tower, system unit,
2.Mainframe Computer – Although Mainframes are not as powerful as supercomputers, but cabinet, base unit or simply case and sometimes incorrectly referred to as the “CPU”. It
certainly they are quite expensive nonetheless, and many large firms & government contains most of the components of a computer including CPU/Processor, Power Supply,
organizations uses Mainframes to run their business operations. The Mainframe computers RAM, Hard Disk Drive, Motherboard, CD/DVD Room and Video Card.
can be accommodated in large air-conditioned rooms because of its size. Supercomputers 2. Monitor - looks like a TV screen. It shows whatever you type on the keyboard or draw
are the fastest computers with large data storage capacity, Mainframes can also process & with the mouse.
store large amount of data. Banks educational institutions & insurance companies use 3. Keyboard - is used for entering data into the computer system. It can type words,
mainframe computers to store data about their customers, students and insurance policy numbers and symbols.
holders. 4. Mouse - is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a
Popular Mainframe Computers Fujitsu’s ICL VME Hitachi’s Z800 surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which
3.Minicomputer – are used by small business & firms. Minicomputers are also called as allows a smooth control of the graphical user interface of a computer.
“Midrange Computers”. These are small machines and can be accommodated on a disk with 5. Speakers - are the output devices that produce different types of sounds processed by the
not as processing and data storage capabilities as super-computers & Mainframes. These computer. You can listen to songs or speeches stored in the computer with the help of
computers are not designed for a single user. Individual departments of a large company or speakers.
organizations use Mini-computers for specific purposes. For example, a production 6. Printer - A printer prints the results of your work from the computer screen on a sheet of
department can use Mini-computers for monitoring certain production process. paper. This is called a printout.
Popular Minicomputers K-202 Texas Instrument T1-990 SDS-92 THE 3 FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THE COMPUTER
 IBM Midrange computers 1. System Unit - acts like the center or core,process the data and information received from
input devices.
*Basic Parts of the System Unit: room to spare. What's more, larger computer case size = higher air volume = better
1. System Case 2. Motherboard 3. Central Processing Unit (CPU) ventilation and heat dissipation.
4. Power Supply 5. Hard disk 6. Random Access Memory (RAM) Hardcore Gaming - For some, playing the latest games with relative smoothness isn't enough
7. CDROM drive 8. Expansion Card/Slot - They demand 4K resolution gaming with ultra setting .on a triple monitor setup. If that
sounds like you, then you'll want a full tower capable of transforming into a gaming monster
2. Input Devices - is any Hardware devicethat sends data to a Computer, allowing you to with triple or even quad graphics cards.
interact with and control the computer.The most commonly used or primary input devices WHAT’S INSIDE THE SYSTEM UNIT?
on a computer are thekeyboard and mouse. However, there are dozens of other devices that 1. CPU - performs calculations and does the comparisons and does the comparisons
can also be used to input data into the computer. needed for processing, and controls the other parts of the computer system.
*joystick, mouse, mic, touch tablet, camera, hand-held scanner, keyboard, flatbed scanner 2. POWER SUPPLY - converts standard electrical power into a form the computer can
3. Output Devices - these are the devices like printers. It receives the system unit’s 3. FAN - cools the CPU and other important components.
Processed information. It is any peripheral that receives data from a computer, usually for 4. HARD DRIVE- stores data and programs: the principal storage device for most PC’s.
display, projection, or physical reproduction. 5. STORAGE BAYS- hold storage devices, such as the floppy, DVD, and hard drives
*speaker,monitor,headphone, plotter,projector, printer shown here.
6. DVD DRIVE- accesses data stored on CDs or DVDs.
System Unit is the part of a computer that houses the primary devices that perform 7. FLOPPY DRIVE - acesses data stored on floppy disks.
operations and produce results for complex calculations. It includes the motherboard, CPU, 8. MEMORY SLOTS - connect memory modules to the motherboard.
RAM and other components, as well as the case in which these devices are housed. This 9. MEMORY (RAM) MODULES - sotes data temporarily while you are working with it.
unit performs the majority of the functions that a computer is required to do.The term 10. MOTHERBOARD - connects all components of the computer system: the PC’s ,main
system unit is generally used to differentiate between the computer itself and its peripheral circuit board.
devices, such as the keyboard, mouse and monitor.A system unit is also known as a chassis 11. EXPANSION SLOTS - connect expansion cards to the motherboard to add additional
or a tower in layman's terms. capabilities.
12. EXPANSION CARDS - used to connect peripheral devices or add new capabilities to
Basic Parts of a System Unit a computer system.
1. System Case - A computer case also known as a computer chassis, tower, system unit, 2. Motherboard – (a mobo) is the main printed circuit board (PCB) found in computers and
cabinet, base unit or simply case and sometimes incorrectly referred to as the “CPU” or other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the
“hard drive”, is the enclosure that contains most of the components of a computer. crucial electronic components of a system. Such as the central processing unit (CPU)
System case is the main body of a desktop computer which is typically consisting of a and Memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals.
metal or plastic enclosure containing all the essential parts of the personal computer. Common motherboard manufacturers:
FORM FACTOR OF SYSTEM UNIT- Most computer cases come in four distinct sizes: 1. ACER 2. ASROCK 3. ASUS 4. BIOSTAR 5. ECS 6.EMAXX 7. HP
small form factor (SFF), mini tower, mid tower and full tower. The image below shows 8. Gigabyte 9. Intel 10.MSI 11.PC Chips 12.Toshiba 13.Samsung 14.SONY
the distinct difference between PC case sizes: PARTS AND COMPONENTS OF MOTHERBOARD
1. Small Form Factor (Mini-ITX Case)-Once cast aside as niche cases with limited uses, 1. CPU Socket – is where the CPU or central processing unit is placed.
small form factor casings have been gaining rapid popularity in recent years. A small form 2. Memory Slots - is where the Random Access Memory (RAM) is inserted.
factor case is perfect for housing a home theater PC. Their small size makes them a great fit 3. Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Bus Slots or Expansion Slots –these are
for most TV shelves and closets, plus they won't look out of place next to other hometheater used to install various components to add more capabilities to a computer such as
equipment. A Mini-ITX case also makes a lot of sense for basic users with limited space. video card, sound card, and network card.
Whether you're working in a small office or living in a cramped apartment, a SFF case will 4. SATA Connectors – Connects to modern hard disk drives, solid state drives and
save you a lot of space... while being much easier and cheaper than laptop to repair and optical drives for data transfer.
upgrade. 5. M.2 Slot – this is a new slot for attaching M.2 solid state drive.
2. Mini Tower (MicroATX Case)-All things equal, mini towers tend to be the cheapest 6. Platform Controller Hub (PCH) – this is a latest chipset architecture by intel that
among the different computer case sizes (simpler design and less material needed). Mini replace the older architecture of Northbridge and Southbridge chipsets. In PCH, the
towers also support MicroATX motherboards, which happen to be the most common form functions of Northbridge are integrated to CPU and the functions of the Southbridge
factor for budget boards. Despite their size, most mini towers are still able to accept are now done entirely by the platform controller hub chip.
(cheaper) standard sized components. On the other hand, SFF cases sometimes require 7. Northbridge - Also known as Memory Controller Hub (MCH). A Chipset that allows
smaller and more expensive parts such as SFX power supplies and low profile graphics cards. the CPU to communicate with the RAM and graphics card. Beginning from Intel Sandy
2. Mid Tower (ATX Case)-Once upon a time, mid towers were the standard computer Bridge in 2011, this motherboard component is no longer present as it has been
case size for most people regardless of usage. While its smaller siblings have eroded its integrated within the CPU.
market share over time, ATX cases remain popular to this day and there are good reasons for 8. Southbridge - Also known as the Input/output Controller Hub (ICH)Chipset that
choosing one: allows the CPU to communicate with PCI slots, PCI-Express slots (expansion cards),
Gaming - Most mid to high end graphics cards take up two expansion slots each and can SATA connectors (hard drives, optical drives), USB ports (USB devices), Ethernet ports
stretch up to ~31 cm (12.1 inches) long. Most mid towers are able to support two such cards, and on board audio.
packing enough gaming muscle for at least 95% of gamers out there. Some gaming mid 9. Input/output Interfaces
towers can even take up to three cards, though we do recommend a full tower for a triple a. Back Panel Connectors Ports -connectors and ports for connecting the
GPU setup.And it's not about just squeezing big graphics cards into a case. Graphic cards are computer to external devices suchas display ports, audio ports, USB ports, Either
the hottest components in a PC, hitting temperatures of up to 90°C under load. Toss in a 60 ports, PS/2 ports etc.
to 70°C CPU, and we end up with something capable of cooking eggs. A mid tower's roomier b. Front Panel USB 2.0 & 3.0 Connectors – Connects to USB 2.0 & 3.0 ports at the
interior allows for better air circulation, plus gives you more space for additional case fans front or top a computer case.
and larger heat sinks. c. Front Panel Connectors – Connects to the power switch, reset switch, power
Cable Management - Power cables, data connectors, case wires... Left unchecked, the LED, hard drive LED and front audio ports of a computer case
insides of a PC case can quickly degenerate into a rat's nest of wires. The extra drive bays, 10. ATX 12V Power Connector –Connects to the 4-pin power cableof a power supply
additional cable routing holes and bigger side panel clearance all add up to simpler and unit which supplies power to the CPU.
better cable management. This goes a long way in improving air flow and reducing dust 11. ATX 24 pin power port – Connects to the 24-pin ATX power cable of a powersupply
build-up over time. Unit which supplies power to the Motherboard.
3. Full Tower (EATX Case)- Full towers have always attracted a very dedicated 12. Fan Headers - Supplies power to the CPU heat sink fan and computer case fans.
followingserver admins, PC enthusiasts, over clockers and hardcore gamers. Why do these 13. IDE Connectors - Connects to older hard drive disk and optical drives for data
power users show such unwavering devotion towards mega cases? Let's explore the reasons transfer.
in detail. 14. CMOS Battery- Supplies power to store BIOS settings and keep the real-time clock
Servers - In order to accommodate a second CPU and extra RAM slots, server motherboards running. Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor (CMOS). The CMOS battery
can get quite massive. Most mid towers can't hold anything larger than a standard ATX found on most motherboard is the CR2032 lithium coin cell.Computer Cable
motherboard, so you'll need a full tower to house the larger EATX and SSI CEB server boards. Connectors
Overclocking - Pushing the limits of your computer requires a lot of cooling, and proper There are four types of computer cable connection to a monitor: VGA, DVI, HDMI and
cooling equipment can take up a lot of space. 230 mm case fans, dual tower heat sinks, triple Display Port.
radiators only a full tower can contain these monsters with
1. VGA Cable –Video Graphics Array (VGA) Connector is a three-row 15-pin DE-15
connector. The 15-pin VGA connector wasprovided on many video cards, computer, ✓ AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) – used an APU or Accelerated Processing unit, is AMD’s
laptop computers, projectors and high definition television sets. marketing term for CPUs that have both a conventional CPU and a GPU on a single die. This
2. DVI Cable – is one of the most common digital video cables you’ll see on desktops is just a CPU with integrated graphics.
and LCD monitors today. It’s the mostsimilar to VGA connectors with 24 pinsand Understanding AMD Ryzen Processor Names
support for analog as well as digital video. DVI can stream up to 1920X1200HD video. BRAND
3. HDMI Cable –High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is a proprietary SEGMENT- 7 = enthusiast/prosumer 5- high performance 3= mainstream
audio/video Interface for transmitting uncompressed videodata and compressed or GENERATION-
uncompressed digitalaudio data from an HDMI-complaint source device, such as a PERFORMANCE LEVEL- 7,8 = enthusiast 4,5,6 = high performance TBA- mainstream
display controller, to a compatible computer monitor, video projector, digital television, MODEL NUMBER- leaves option for speed bump or sku differentiatior
or digital audio device. POWER SUFFIX- X=high performance, with XFR ‘’’’=Standard desktop CPU
4. Parallel Cable – is a type of interface found oncomputers for connecting peripherals. G= DT with GFX T =low power desktop
The name refers to the way the data is sent; parallelports send multiple bits of data at S= low power desktop wiith GFX U= standard mobile
once, as opposed to serial interfaces that send bits oneat a time. H=high performnace mobile M= low power mobile
5. Serial Cable - is a serial communication interface through which information t
ransfersin or out sequentially one bit at a time. This isin contrast to a parallel port 4. Power Supply Unit (PSU) is an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an
which communicates multiple bits simultaneously in parallel. electrical load. The primary function of a power supply is to convert one form of electrical
6. The PS/2 port is a 6-pin mini-DIN connector used for connecting keyboards and mice energy to another and, as a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric
to a PC compatible computer system. Its name comes from the IBM Personal System/2 power converters. Some power supplies are discrete, stand-alone devices, whereas other are
series of personal computers, with which it was introduced in 1987. built into larger devices along with their loads. Examples of the latter include power supplies
Purple PS/2 port: for keyboard found in desktop computers and consumer electronics devices. In market today, there are
Green PS/2 port: for mouse Generic PSU and True Rated PSU. Generic PSU's often use cheaper components while True
7. Audio connector – is an electrical connector for carrying audio signals. Rated PSU’s (Higher quality PSU's) are generally more accurate about their capabilities),
8. Power Cable - is an electrical cable, an assembly of one or more electrical include over voltage protection. Over voltage protection is very important in case a PSU
conductors, usually held together with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for blows up. It does not allow excess currents to flow through to damage other components
transmission of electrical power. like motherboards, CPUS, GPU'S and Hard drives. Without over voltage protection the excess
current runs right through your system.
3. CPU - A central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer and one of the most 5.
important chips in the computer. New CPUs are small and square and contain multiple Types of PSU - The most important distinguishable feature of computer power supplies
metallic connectors or pins on the underside. The CPU is inserted directly into a CPU socket, is the form factor; this specifies the size, shape, and often other features of the device. The
pin side down, on the motherboard. The two main manufacturer of a CPU for Desktop and form factor must match the type of motherboard where the power supply is to be installed.
Laptop computers are Intel and AMD. Choosing a processor manufacturer will depend on There are a variety of computer motherboard styles and cases available, and typically each
which motherboards are compatible with your CPU. has a corresponding power supply form factor which should be chosen to match.
✓ Intel - is an American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered 1. ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended)- Computer power supply designed specifically for
in Santa Clara, California, in Silicon Valley. It is the world's largest and highest-valued the ATX motherboard. This is a motherboard designed by Intel to overcome the limitations
semiconductor chip manufacturer on the basis of revenue, and is the developer of the x86 of the AT motherboard specified by IBM. There are several modalities of this motherboard.
series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers (PCs). Intel The standard size of an ATX motherboard is 305 mm by 204 mm.
ranked No. 46 in the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total a. Flex ATX - Power supply designed for an ATX variety with a size of 229 mm by 191
revenue.[6] Intel is incorporated in Delaware.Intel supplies microprocessors for computer mm.
system manufacturers such as Apple, Lenovo, HP, and Dell. Intel also manufactures b. Micro ATX - Power supply designed for an ATX variety with a size of 244 mm by 1244
motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory, mm.
graphics chips, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and c. Mini ATX - Power supply designed for an ATX variety with a form factor of 150 mm by
computing. 150 mm size.
Understanding Intel Processor Name & Generation 2. ATX2 (Advanced Technology eXtended Version 2.2) - have a 24-pin motherboard power
Brand -The Intel naming scheme starts with the processor’s brand—the overall product line connector rather than the normal 20 pin of an ATX. This type is the most common PSU’s
the processor was created for. Today, the most common Intel® processor names begin used nowadays.
with Intel® Core™, Intel® Pentium®, and Intel® Celeron®. Intel® Pentium® and Intel® 3. AT - Power supply for the original AT motherboard designed by IBM with a size of 350 mm
Celeron® processors are economical product lines created for price-conscious by 305 mm.
consumers. Intel® Core™ processors bring faster performance and additional features 4. LPX - Power supply designed for an LPX motherboard with a size of 330 mm by 229 mm.
not available in Intel® Pentium® and Intel® Celeron® models. 5. NLX - Power supply designed for an NLX motherboard with a size of 254 mm by 228 mm.
Brand Modifier - Intel® Core™ processor series include a brand modifier before the 6. SFX - Power supply designed for an SFX motherboard. The "regular" SFX power supply is
remaining parts of the model number. Intel® Pentium® and Intel® Celeron® processors nominally 100 mm wide, 125 mm deep, and 63.5 mm in height; it has an output of 90 W
do not use this naming convention. Today, the Intel® Core™ processor series includes which is sufficient to run small systems with lower requirements and fewer peripherals.
the brand modifiers i3, i5, i7, and i9. Higher brand modifier numbers offer a higher level
of performance and, in some cases, additional features (like Intel® Hyper-Threading Connections -Relating to form factor are the connections made by computer power supplies.
Technology). For example, within a given processor family, an i7 will outperform an i5, Different connectors determine what devices power supplies can connect to and supply
which will outperform an i3. power for. It is important to select a power supply that has the right connections needed for
Generation Indicator - After the brand and brand modifier comes the processor’s generation the system.
indicator. Intel® processor generations are identified in the processor number in all I. Motherboard connector - connects the power supply to a particular motherboard.
Intel® Core™ processor brands. In a four-digit processor number, the first digit typically ATX motherboards are attached with 20 or 24 pin connectors.
represents the generation. For example, a processor with the digits 9800 is a 9th gen II. CPU connector - used to connect power supplies to motherboards with on board
processor, while one labeled 8800 is 8th gen technology.For 10th Generation Intel® computer processing units (CPUs). These are either 4 ("P4") or 8 pin connectors.
Core™ processors, the Intel naming scheme differs slightly (see below). However, the III. Molex connector - the IDE connector that connects to hard drives and CD ROM
first two digits in the product number will be 10. drives. Most computer power supplies include at least one of these connectors.
SKU Numeric Digit – For the majority of Intel® processors, the final three digits of the IV. Floppy connector - 4 pin connector used to supply power to floppy drives, card
product number are the SKU. SKUs are generally assigned in the order in which reader drives, and other similar devices.
processors in that generation and product line are developed. A higher SKU within V. AUX connector - a 6 pin connector that is a necessary connection for some computer
otherwise-identical processor brands and generations will generally have more motherboards.
features. However, SKU numbers are not recommended for comparison across different VI. SATA connector - connectors for devices using serial advanced technology
generations or product lines. attachment (SATA) interfaces, such as hard drives.
Product Line Suffix - The SKU suffix is another key indicator of the processor’s capabilities. VII. PCI express connector - used to connect to PCI express video cards, which receive
These remaining differences are indicated by a letter-based product line suffix. For power directly from the power supply rather than from the motherboard.
example, within the Intel® Core™ processor series, U indicates a processor that has PSU PIN ROW = ORANGE (+3.3V) BLUE (-12V) BLACK (Ground) RED (+5V)
been designed for power-efficient laptops or 2 in 1s. Meanwhile, XE indicates an VIOLET (+5VSB) GREEN (PS-ON) GRAY (PG) YELLOW (+12V) WHITE (-5V)
“extreme edition” processor for desktops designed for maximum performance.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) -UPS is a Backup power source that, in the case of is planned to reduce power consumption, while doubling bandwidth. ... The world's
power failure or fluctuations, allows enough time for an orderly shutdown of the first DDR5 DRAM chip was officially launched by SK Hynix on October 6th, 2020.
system or for a standby generator to start up. UPS consists usually of a bank of 7. CD – Rom (Capability CDROM/CDRW/DVDROM/DVDRW)- A CD – ROM is a pre-
rechargeable batteries and power sensing and conditioning circuitry. pressed optical compact disc which contains data.The name is an acronym which stands for
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Power Supply- The automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is “Compact Disc Read – Only Memory”. Computers can read CD – ROMs, but cannot write to
designed for the unstable voltage of the power grid, mainly for the protection of the CD – ROMs which are not writable or erasable.
back-end equipment, and the protection function of the equipment is more complete. CD – Compact Disc (700mb) DVD – Digital Versatile Disc (4.7 GB)

5. Hard Disk Dive (HDD) is a Data storage device used for storing and retrievingdigital 8. EXPANSION CARD is also known as an interface adapter or an expansion card which is
Information using one or more rigid (“hard”) rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with considered as an electronic board added in a desktop computer so it could give a computer a
magnetic material. The platters are paired with magnetic heads arranged on a moving new ability. List of expansion cards that could be installed in an available expansion slot.
actuator arm, which read and write data to the platter surface. Data is accessed in a random- ▪ Modem ▪ MPEG Decoder ▪ Network Card ▪ Sound Card ▪ Video Card
access manner, meaning that individual blocks data can be stored or retrieved in any order
rather than sequentially. HDDs retain stored data even when powered off.
1. Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA) - These were the first types of Software is a set of programs, which is designed to perform a well-defined function. A
hard disk drives and they made use of the Parallel ATA interface standard to connect to program is a sequence of instructions written to solve a particular problem.
computers. These types of drives are the ones we refer to as Integrated Drive Electronics There are two types of software; System Software & Application Software
(IDE) and Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (EIDE) drives. 1. System Software is a collection of programs designed to operate, control, and extend the
2. Serial ATA (SATA) – These hard drives have replaced the PATA drives in desktop and processing capabilities of the computer itself. System software is generally prepared by the
laptop computers. The main physical difference between the two is the interface, although computer manufacturers. These software products comprise of programs written in low-
their method of connecting to a computer is the same. Here are some advantages of SATA level languages, which interact with the hardware at a very basic level. System software
Hard Disk Drives. Worth noting is that their capacities vary a lot and so does the prices. serves as the interface between the hardware and the end users.
When buying a disk drive, you need to know its storage capacity and how much storage you Some examples of system software are Operating System (OS), Compilers, Interpreter,
want. Assemblers, etc.
✓ SATA drives can transfer data faster than PATA types by using serial Operating System (OS) is software that manages computer resources and provides
signalling technology. programmers/ users with an interface used to access those resources.
✓ SATA cables are thinner and more flexible than PATA cables. -Is a layer of software which takes care of technical aspects of a computer’s operation.
✓ They have a 7-pin data connection, with cable limit of 1 meter. It shields the user of the machine from the low-level details of the machine’s operation and
✓ Disks do not share bandwidth because there is only one disk drive allowed per SATA provides frequently needed facilities.
controller chip on the computer motherboard. -Is a software installed on a computer's hard drive that enables the computer hardware
3. Solid State Drives (SSD) - These are the latest in drive technology that we have in the to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating
computer industry. They are totally different from the other drives in that they do not system, a computer and software programs would be useless.
consist of moving parts. They also do not store data using magnetism. Instead, they make Below is a listing of common operating systems available today, and who developed them.
use of flash memory technology. They make use of integrated circuits or semiconductor Microsoft Windows - Microsoft created the Windows operating system in the mid-
devices to store data permanently, at least until they are erased. Here are some of their 1980s. There have been many different versions of Windows, but the most recent ones are
advantages. Windows 10 (released in 2015), Windows 8 (2012), Windows 7 (2009), and Windows Vista
✓ Faster data access. ✓ Less susceptible to shock. ✓ Lower access times and latency. (2007). Windows comes pre-loaded on most new PCs, which helps to make it the most
✓ Durability. ✓ Less power usage. popular operating system in the world.
Apple macOS - with Apple computers, macOS is the primary operating system used
6. RAM – (Random Access Memory) – is a Temporary Form of Storage; it holds the program with Apple desktop and laptop computers.
data while the computer is running. Android - is an operating system used with smartphones and tablets. Today, Android is
TYPES OF RAM the most popular operating system worldwide because of how many smartphones use a
1. DIP (Dual Inline Package) -This type of memory was used by old motherboard. variant of the Android operating system.
2. SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)-After the Dual Inline Package, designers soldered Apple iOS - The Apple iOS operating system used is the operating system used with the
the DIP into a circuit board so it will be easily installed. Apple iPhone and iPads.
3. RIMM- This is a trademark of RAMBUS which is similar to a DIMM package but uses Linux - is a free and open source operating system used with PC and IBM compatible
different pin settings computers. Because the operating system is open source, it is used to create many variants
4. SODIMM (Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module)-This type of memory is used in of Linux, including Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, and Slackware.
laptop or mini laptop. Chromium / Chrome OS - is an operating system used with Google Chromebooks.
5. DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) –This type of memory is commonly used in desktop Network operating System runs on a server and provides the server the capability to
and laptop computer nowadays. manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions. The
TYPES OF DIMM RAM primary purpose of the network operating system is to allow shared file and printer access
1. SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random AccessMemory) -usually has two DIMM among multiple computers in a network, typically a local area network (LAN), a private
notch. This is the old type of DIMM. It has 168 pinswith 2 notches network or to other networks.Examples of network operating systems include Microsoft
2. DDR SDRAM (Double-Data-Rate Synchronous dynamic random access memory) - Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Novell
Compared to single data rate SDRAM, the DDR SDRAM interface makes higher transfer NetWare, and BSD.
rates possible by more strict control of the timing of the electrical data and clock The advantages of network operating systems ; 
signals. It has 184 pins with 1 notch. Centralized servers are highly stable.
3. DDR2 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 2 Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory) Security is server managed.
- is a double data rate (DDR) synchronous dynamic randomaccess memory (SDRAM) Upgrades to new technologies and hardware can be easily integrated into the system.
interface. It superseded the original DDR SDRAM specification, and was itself Remote access to servers is possible from different locations and types of systems.
superseded by DDR3 SDRAM (launched in 2007). Double-Data-Rate 2 has 240 pins with The disadvantages of network operating systems; 
1 notch. High cost of buying and running a server.
4. DDR3 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 3 Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory) Dependency on a central location for most operations.
- is a type of synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) with a high Regular maintenance and updates are required.
bandwidth ("double data rate") interface, and has been in use since 2007. Double- 2. Application Software products are designed to satisfy a particular need of a particular
Data-Rate 3 has 240 pins with 1 notch. environment. All software applications prepared in the computer lab can come under the
5. DDR4 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 4 Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory) category of Application software.Application software may consist of a single program, such
- is the abbreviation for "double data rate fourth generation synchronous dynamic as Microsoft's notepad for writing and editing a simple text. It may also consist of a collection
random-access memory", the latest variant of memory in computing. DDR4 is able to of programs, often called a software package, which work together to accomplish a task,
achieve higher speed and efficiency thanks to increased transfer rates and decreased such as a spreadsheet package.
voltage. Examples of Application software; Payroll Software
6. DDR5 SDRAM is the official abbreviation for Double Data Rate 5 Synchronous  Student Record Software Inventory Management Software
Dynamic Random-Access Memory. Compared to its predecessor DDR4 SDRAM, DDR5  Income Tax Software Railways Reservation Software
 Microsoft Office Suite Software Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint
Features of application software:
 Close to the user Easy to design More interactive Slow in speed
 Generally written in high-level language Easy to understand
Easy to manipulate and use Bigger in size and requires large storage space

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