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Dimensioning metric screw assemblies

VDI guideline 2230, published in 2003, provides 1 2 3 4
fundamental information on dimensioning, in particular of Force in N Nominal diameter in mm
high-strength screw assemblies in engineering. Strength class
12.9 10.9 8.8
The calculation of a screw assembly starts from the    2.500 M3 M3 M4
operating force FB that works on the joint from the outside.    4.000 M4 M4 M5
This operating force and the elastic deformations of the    6.300 M4 M5 M6
components that it causes bring about an axial operating   10.000 M5 M6 M8
force FA, a shear force FQ, a bending moment Mb and   16.000 M6 M8 M10
where applicable a torque MT at the individual screw   25.000 M8 M10 M12
position.   40.000 M10 M12 M14
  63.000 M12 M14 M16
When the necessary screw dimension is calculated 100.000 M16 M18 M20
­mathematically, it must be taken into account, starting 160.000 M20 M22 M24
from the known load ratios, that a loss of preload force 250.000 M24 M27 M30
can occur through setting processes and temperature 400.000 M30 M33 M36
changes. 630.000 M36 M39

Tab. 1
It must also be taken into account that, depending on the
chosen assembly method and on the frictional conditions, A From column 1 choose the next higher force to the one
the assembly preload force FM can disperse in more or that acts on the joint. If the combined load (lengthwise
less wide limits. and shear forces FAmax <FQmax/μTmin) apply, only FQmax is
to be used.
An approximate dimensioning is often sufficient for an ini-
tial selection of the suitable screw dimension. Depending B T he necessary minimum preload force FMmin is found by
on the application, further criteria are then to be checked proceeding as follows from this figure:
in accordance with VDI 2230.
B1 If the design has to use FQmax: four steps for static or
6.1 A pproximate calculation of the ­dimension dynamic shear force
or the strength classes of screws
(in accordance with VDI 2230)
On the basis of the above-mentioned findings, the pre- FQ

selection of the screw is carried out in the first step in FQ

accordance with the following table.

1 2 3 4
Force in N Nominal diameter in mm
Strength class
B2 If the design has to use FAmax: 2 steps for dynamic and
12.9 10.9 8.8
eccentric axial force
   1.000 M3 M3 M3
   1.600 M3 M3 M3
All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1787
1 step for tightening with a torque wrench or precision
screwdriver, which is set by means of the dynamic torque
measurement or elongation of the screw


0 steps for tightening by angle control in the plastic range

or by computerised yield point control

or D Next to the number that is found, the required screw

dimension in mm for the appropriate strength class for
1 step for dynamic and concentric or static and eccentric the screw is found in columns 2 to 4.
axial force
A joint is subjected dynamically and eccentrically to an
axial force of 9000 N (FA).
The strength class was stipulated previously as strength
class 10.9.
The installation is carried out using a torque wrench.
A 10.000 N is the next higher force in column 1 for the
force FA
B 2 additional steps because of eccentric and dynamic
axial force
Reading: 25,000 N (= FMmin)
or C 1 additional step because of the tightening method
using a torque wrench
0 steps for static and concentric axial force Reading: 40,000 N (= FMmax)
D The screw size M12 is now read in column 3 for
FA strength class 10.9.

6.2 Choosing the tightening method and the

mode of procedure
Tightening factor αA (taking the tightening
uncertainty into account)
All tightening methods are more or less accurate. This is
FA caused by:
• the large range of distribution of the friction that
C The required maximum preload force FMmax is found ­actually occurs during installation (friction figures can
by proceeding from force FMmin with: only be estimated roughly for the calculation)
2 steps for tightening the screw with a simple screw- • differences in the manipulation with the torque wrench
driver which is set for a tightening torque (e.g. fast or slow tightening of the screw)

or Depending on whether the influences referred to above

can be controlled. the tightening factor αA has to be

1788 All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness.
A calculation is therefore made taking account of the
tightening and setting method, as well as the coefficients
of friction classes in accordance with the following table.

Reference values for the tightening factor αA

Tightening factor Distribution Tightening Setting method Notes

αA method
1.05 to 1.2 ±2% to ±10% Elongation-controlled Sound transmission • Calibration values required
tightening with time • With lK/d<2 progressive fault increase to
ultrasound be noted
• Smaller fault with direct mechanical
­coupling, greater fault with indirect
1.1 to 1.5 ±5% to ±20% Mechanical length Setting by means of • The exact determination of the screw's
measuring elongation measure- axial elastic flexibility is necessary. The
ment distribution depends essentially on the
accuracy of the measuring method.
• With lK/d<2 progressive fault increase to
be noted
1.2 to 1.4 ±9% to ±17% Yield strength Input of the relative The preload force distribution is determined
controlled tightening, torque – angle of basically through the distribution of the yield
power-operated or rotation coefficients point in the installed screw batch. The screws
manual are dimensioned here for FMmin. A construc-
1.2 to 1.4 ±9% to ±17% Rotation angle Experimental determi- tion of the screws for FMmax with the tightening
controlled tightening, nation of preliminary factor αA is therefore not applicable for these
power-operated or torque and angle of tightening methods.
manual rotation (stages)
1.2 to 1.6 ±9% to ±23% Hydraulic tightening Setting by means of • Lower values for long screws (lK/d≥5)
length or pressure • Higher values for short screws (lK/d≤2)
1.4 to 1.6 ±17% to ±23% Torque controlled Experimental deter- Lower values: large Lower values for:
tightening with torque mination of target tor- number of setting or low angle of rotation,
wrench, torque ques at the original control tests neces- i.e. relatively stiff con-
signalling wrench or screw part, e.g. by sary (e.g. 20). Low nections
mechanical screw means of elongation distribution of the relatively low hard-
driver with dynamic measurements of the given torque (e.g. ness of the counter-
torque measuring screw ±5%) necessary. surface
1.6 to 2.0 ±23% to ±33% Torque controlled Counter-surfaces
Determining the Lower values for:
(coefficient of friction tightening with torque that do not tend
target torques measuring torque
class B) wrench, torque by estimating the to “seize”, e.g.
wrench on even
phosphated or with
signalling wrench or coefficient of friction tightening and for
1.7 to 2.5 ±26% to ±43% sufficient lubrication.
mechanical screw (surface- and lubrica- precision torque
(coefficient of friction Higher values for:
driver with dynamic tion ratios) wrenches
class A) large angle of
torque measuring Higher values for:
rotation, i.e. relatively
signalling or collaps-
resilient connections
ing torque wrench
and fine threads
Very hard counter-
surfaces in combina-
tion with rough
2.5 to 4 ±43% to ±60% Tightening with Setting the screws by Lower values for:
impact or impulse means of the retight- • large number of setting tests (retightening
screw driver ening torque, which torque)
comprises the target • on the horizontal branch of the screw
tightening torque (for driver characteristics
the estimated coef- • impulse transmission without play
ficient of friction) and
a supplement

Tab. 2

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1789
A different coefficient of friction “μ” has to be selected,
depending on the surface and lubrication condition of the
screws or nut coat. With the great number of surface and
lubrication conditions it is often difficult to ascertain the
correct coefficient of friction. If the coefficient of friction
is not known exactly, the lowest probable coefficient of
friction is to be reckoned with so that the screw is not

6.3 A llocation of friction coefficients with reference values to different materials/surfaces and
­lubrication conditions in screw assemblies (in accordance with VDI 2230)

Coefficient of friction Range for µG and µK Selection of typical examples for

Material/surface Lubricants
A 0.04 to 0.10 Bright metal Solid lubricants such as MoS2,
Black annealed graphite, PTFE, PA, PE, PI in solid film
Phosphate lubricants, as top coats or in pastes;
Galv. coatings such as Zn, Zn/Fe, liquefied wax; wax dispersions
Zn/Ni, zinc flake coatings
B 0.08 to 0.16 Bright metal Solid lubricants such as MoS2,
Black annealed graphite, PTFE, PA, PE, PI in solid film
Phosphate lubricants, as top coats or in pastes;
Galv. coatings such as Zn, Zn/Fe, Zn/ liquefied wax; wax dispersions;
Ni, zinc flake coatings, Al and Mg greases, oils, delivery condition
Hot dip galvanised MoS2; graphite; wax dispersions
Organic coating With integrated solid lubricant or wax
Austenitic steel Solid lubricants, waxes, pastes
C 0.14 to 0.24 Austenitic steel Wax dispersions, pastes
Bright metal, Phosphate Delivery condition (lightly oiled)
Galv. coatings such as Zn, Zn/Fe, None
Zn/Ni, zinc flake coatings, adhesive
D 0.20 to 0.35 Austenitic steel Oil
Galv. coatings such as Zn, Zn/Fe, None
­hot-dip galvanised
E ≥ 0.30 Galv. coatings such as Zn/Fe, Zn/Ni, None
austenitic steel, Al, Mg alloys

Tab. 3

Coefficient of friction class B should be aimed for, so that 6.4 Assembly preload forces FMTab and tightening torques
the highest possible preload force with simultaneous low MA with 90% utilisation of the screw yield strength Rel
distribution can be applied. (The table applies to room or 0.2% offset yield point Rp0.2 for set screws with metric
temperature.) standard thread in accordance with DIN ISO 262;
head sizes of hexagon head screws in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 4014 to 4018, screws with external hex-
alobular drive in accordance with DIN 34800 or socket
cap screws in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4762 and
“medium” bore in accordance with DIN EN 20 273 (in
accordance with VDI 2230)
1790 All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness.
Standard thread

Size Strength Assembly preload forces Tightening torques

class FMTab in kN for μG = MA in Nm for μK = μG =
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24
M4   8.8 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 3.9 3.7 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.1 4.5
10.9 6.8 6.7 6.5 6.3 6.1 5.7 5.4 3.3 3.9 4.6 4.8 5.3 6.0 6.6
12.9 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.1 6.7 6.3 3.9 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.2 7.0 7.8
M5   8.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.4 6.0 4.4 5.2 5.9 6.5 7.1 8.1 9.0
10.9 11.1 10.8 10.6 10.3 10.0 9.4 8.8 6.5 7.6 8.6 9.5 10.4 11.9 13.2
12.9 13.0 12.7 12.4 12.0 11.7 11.0 10.3 7.6 8.9 10.0 11.2 12.2 14.0 15.5
M6   8.8 10.7 10.4 10.2 9.9 9.6 9.0 8.4 7.7 9.0 10.1 11.3 12.3 14.1 15.6
10.9 15.7 15.3 14.9 14.5 14.1 13.2 12.4 11.3 13.2 14.9 16.5 18.0 20.7 22.9
12.9 18.4 17.9 17.5 17.0 16.5 15.5 14.5 13.2 15.4 17.4 19.3 21.1 24.2 26.8
M7   8.8 15.5 15.1 14.8 14.4 14.0 13.1 12.3 12.6 14.8 16.8 18.7 20.5 23.6 26.2
10.9 22.7 22.5 21.7 21.1 20.5 19.3 18.1 18.5 21.7 24.7 27.5 30.1 34.7 38.5
12.9 26.6 26.0 25.4 24.7 24.0 22.6 21.2 21.6 25.4 28.9 32.2 35.2 40.6 45.1
M8   8.8 19.5 19.1 18.6 18.1 17.6 16.5 15.5 18.5 21.6 24.6 27.3 29.8 34.3 38.0
10.9 28.7 28.0 27.3 26.6 25.8 24.3 22.7 27.2 31.8 36.1 40.1 43.8 50.3 55.8
12.9 33.6 32.8 32.0 31.1 30.2 28.4 26.6 31.8 37.2 42.2 46.9 51.2 58.9 65.3
M10   8.8 31.0 30.3 29.6 28.8 27.9 26.3 24.7 36 43 48 54 59 68 75
10.9 45.6 44.5 43.4 42.2 41.0 38.6 36.2 53 63 71 79 87 100 110
12.9 53.3 52.1 50.8 49.4 48.0 45.2 42.4 62 73 83 93 101 116 129
M12   8.8 45.2 44.1 43.0 41.9 40.7 38.3 35.9 63 73 84 93 102 117 130
10.9 66.3 64.8 63.2 61.5 59.8 56.3 52.8 92 108 123 137 149 172 191
12.9 77.6 75.9 74.0 72.0 70.0 65.8 61.8 108 126 144 160 175 201 223
M14   8.8 62.0 60.6 59.1 57.5 55.9 52.6 49.3 100 117 133 148 162 187 207
10.9 91.0 88.9 86.7 84.4 82.1 77.2 72.5 146 172 195 218 238 274 304
12.9 106.5 104.1 101.5 98.8 96.0 90.4 84.8 171 201 229 255 279 321 356
M16   8.8 84.7 82.9 80.9 78.8 76.6 72.2 67.8 153 180 206 230 252 291 325
10.9 124.4 121.7 118.8 115.7 112.6 106.1 99.6 224 264 302 338 370 428 477
12.9 145.5 142.4 139.0 135.4 131.7 124.1 116.6 262 309 354 395 433 501 558
M18   8.8 107 104 102 99 96 91 85 220 259 295 329 360 415 462
10.9 152 149 145 141 137 129 121 314 369 421 469 513 592 657
12.9 178 174 170 165 160 151 142 367 432 492 549 601 692 769
M20   8.8 136 134 130 127 123 116 109 308 363 415 464 509 588 655
10.9 194 190 186 181 176 166 156 438 517 592 661 725 838 933
12.9 227 223 217 212 206 194 182 513 605 692 773 848 980 1,092
M22   8.8 170 166 162 158 154 145 137 417 495 567 634 697 808 901
10.9 242 237 231 225 219 207 194 595 704 807 904 993 1,151 1,284
12.9 283 277 271 264 257 242 228 696 824 945 1,057 1,162 1,347 1,502
M24   8.8 196 192 188 183 178 168 157 529 625 714 798 875 1,011 1,126
10.9 280 274 267 260 253 239 224 754 890 1,017 1,136 1,246 1,440 1,604
12.9 327 320 313 305 296 279 262 882 1,041 1,190 1,329 1,458 1,685 1,877
M27   8.8 257 252 246 240 234 220 207 772 915 1,050 1,176 1,292 1,498 1,672
10.9 367 359 351 342 333 314 295 1,100 1,304 1,496 1,674 1,840 2,134 2,381
12.9 429 420 410 400 389 367 345 1,287 1,526 1,750 1,959 2,153 2,497 2,787
M30   8.8 313 307 300 292 284 268 252 1,053 1,246 1,428 1,597 1,754 2,931 2,265
10.9 446 437 427 416 405 382 359 1,500 1,775 2,033 2,274 2,498 2,893 3,226
12.9 522 511 499 487 474 447 420 1,755 2,077 2,380 2,662 2,923 3,386 3,775
M33   8.8 389 381 373 363 354 334 314 1,415 1,679 1,928 2,161 2,377 2,759 3,081
10.9 554 543 531 517 504 475 447 2,015 2,322 2,747 3,078 3,385 3,930 4,388
12.9 649 635 621 605 589 556 523 2,358 2,799 3,214 3,601 3,961 4,598 5,135
M36   8.8 458 448 438 427 415 392 368 1,825 2,164 2,482 2,778 3,054 3,541 3,951
10.9 652 638 623 608 591 558 524 2,600 3,082 3,535 3,957 4,349 5,043 5,627
12.9 763 747 729 711 692 653 614 3,042 3,607 4,136 4,631 5,089 5,902 6,585
M39   8.8 548 537 525 512 498 470 443 2,348 2,791 3,208 3,597 3,958 4,598 5,137
10.9 781 765 748 729 710 670 630 3,345 3,975 4,569 5,123 5,637 6,549 7,317
12.9 914 895 875 853 831 784 738 3,914 4,652 5,346 5,994 6,596 7,664 8,562

Tab. 5

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1791
Assembly preload forces FMTab and tightening torques MA
with 90% utilisation of the screw yield strength Rel or 0.2%
offset yield point Rp0.2 for set screws with metric fine
thread in accordance with DIN ISO 262; head sizes of
hexagon head screws in accordance with DIN EN ISO
4014 to 4018, screws with external hexalobular drive
in accordance with DIN 34800 or socket cap screws in
accordance with DIN EN ISO 4762 and “medium” bore
in accordance with DIN EN 20 273 (in accordance with
VDI 2230)

Fine thread
Size Strength Assembly preload forces Tightening torques
class FMTab in kN for μG = MA in Nm for μK = μG =
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24
M8   8.8 21.2 20.7 20.2 19.7 19.2 18.1 17.0 19.3 22.8 26.1 29.2 32.0 37.0 41.2
x1 10.9 31.1 30.4 29.7 28.9 28.1 26.5 24.9 28.4 33.5 38.3 42.8 47.0 54.3 60.5
12.9 36.4 35.6 34.7 33.9 32.9 31.0 29.1 33.2 39.2 44.9 50.1 55.0 63.6 70.8
M9   8.8 27.7 27.2 26.5 25.9 25.2 23.7 22.3 28.0 33.2 38.1 42.6 46.9 54.4 60.7
x1 10.9 40.7 39.9 39.0 38.0 37.0 34.9 32.8 41.1 48.8 55.9 62.6 68.8 79.8 89.1
12.9 47.7 46.7 45.6 44.4 43.3 40.8 38.4 48.1 57.0 65.4 73.3 80.6 93.4 104.3
M10   8.8 35.2 34.5 33.7 32.9 32.0 30.2 28.4 39 46 53 60 66 76 85
x1 10.9 51.7 50.6 49.5 48.3 47.0 44.4 41.7 57 68 78 88 97 112 125
12.9 60.4 59.2 57.9 56.5 55.0 51.9 48.8 67 80 91 103 113 131 147
M10   8.8 33.1 32.4 31.6 30.8 29.9 28.2 26.5 38 44 51 57 62 72 80
x 1,25 10.9 48.6 47.5 46.4 45.2 44.0 41.4 38.9 55 65 75 83 92 106 118
12.9 56.8 55.6 54.3 52.9 51.4 48.5 45.5 65 76 87 98 107 124 138
M12   8.8 50.1 49.1 48.0 46.8 45.6 43.0 40.4 66 79 90 101 111 129 145
x 1,25 10.9 73.6 72.1 70.5 68.7 66.9 63.2 59.4 97 116 133 149 164 190 212
12.9 86.2 84.4 82.5 80.4 78.3 73.9 69.5 114 135 155 174 192 222 249
M12   8.8 47.6 46.6 45.5 44.3 43.1 40.6 38.2 64 76 87 97 107 123 137
x 1,5 10.9 70.0 68.5 66.8 65.1 63.3 59.7 56.0 95 112 128 143 157 181 202
12.9 81.9 80.1 78.2 76.2 74.1 69.8 65.6 111 131 150 167 183 212 236
M14   8.8 67.8 66.4 64.8 63.2 61.5 58.1 45.6 104 124 142 159 175 203 227
x 1,5 10.9 99.5 97.5 95.2 92.9 90.4 85.3 80.2 153 182 209 234 257 299 333
12.9 116.5 114.1 111.4 108.7 105.8 99.8 93.9 179 213 244 274 301 349 390
M16   8.8 91.4 89.6 87.6 85.5 83.2 78.6 74.0 159 189 218 244 269 314 351
x 1,5 10.9 134.2 131.6 128.7 125.5 122.3 155.5 108.7 233 278 320 359 396 461 515
12.9 157.1 154.0 150.6 146.9 143.1 135.1 127.2 273 325 374 420 463 539 603
M18   8.8 122 120 117 115 112 105 99 237 283 327 368 406 473 530
x 1,5 10.9 174 171 167 163 159 150 141 337 403 465 523 578 674 755
12.9 204 200 196 191 186 176 166 394 472 544 613 676 789 884
M18   8.8 114 112 109 107 104 98 92 229 271 311 348 383 444 495
x2 10.9 163 160 156 152 148 139 131 326 386 443 496 545 632 706
12.9 191 187 182 178 173 163 153 381 452 519 581 638 740 826
M20   8.8 154 151 148 144 141 133 125 327 392 454 511 565 660 741
x 1,5 10.9 219 215 211 206 200 190 179 466 558 646 728 804 940 1,055
12.9 257 252 246 241 234 222 209 545 653 756 852 941 1,100 1,234
M22   8.8 189 186 182 178 173 164 154 440 529 613 692 765 896 1,006
x 1,5 10.9 269 264 259 253 247 233 220 627 754 873 985 1,090 1,276 1,433
12.9 315 309 303 296 289 273 257 734 882 1,022 1,153 1,275 1,493 1,677
M24   8.8 228 224 219 214 209 198 187 570 686 796 899 995 1,166 1,311
x 1,5 10.9 325 319 312 305 298 282 266 811 977 1,133 1,280 1,417 1,661 1,867
12.9 380 373 366 357 347 330 311 949 1,143 1,326 1,498 1,658 1,943 2,185
M24   8.8 217 213 209 204 198 187 177 557 666 769 865 955 1,114 1,248
x2 10.9 310 304 297 290 282 267 251 793 949 1,095 1,232 1,360 1,586 1,777
12.9 362 355 348 339 331 312 294 928 1,110 1,282 1,442 1,591 1,856 2,080
M27   8.8 293 288 282 276 269 255 240 822 992 1,153 1,304 1,445 1,697 1,910
x 1,5 10.9 418 410 402 393 383 363 342 1,171 1,413 1,643 1,858 2,059 2,417 2,720
12.9 489 480 470 460 448 425 401 1,370 1,654 1,922 2,174 2,409 2,828 3,183
1792 All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness.
Size Strength Assembly preload forces Tightening torques
class FMTab in kN for μG = MA in Nm for μK = μG =
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24
M27   8.8 281 276 270 264 257 243 229 806 967 1,119 1,262 1,394 1,630 1,829
x2 10.9 400 393 384 375 366 346 326 1,149 1,378 1,594 1,797 1,986 2,322 2,605
12.9 468 460 450 439 428 405 382 1,344 1,612 1,866 2,103 2,324 2,717 3,049
M30   8.8 353 347 339 331 323 306 288 1,116 1,343 1,556 1,756 1,943 2,276 2,557
x2 10.9 503 494 483 472 460 436 411 1,590 1,912 2,216 2,502 2,767 3,241 3,641
12.9 588 578 565 552 539 510 481 1,861 2,238 2,594 2,927 3,238 3,793 4,261
M33   8.8 433 425 416 407 397 376 354 1,489 1,794 2,082 2,352 2,605 3,054 3,435
x2 10.9 617 606 593 580 565 535 505 2,120 2,555 2,965 3,350 3,710 4,350 4,892
12.9 722 709 694 678 662 626 591 2,481 2,989 3,470 3,921 4,341 5,090 5,725
M36   8.8 521 512 502 490 478 453 427 1,943 2,345 2,725 3,082 3,415 4,010 4,513
x2 10.9 742 729 714 698 681 645 609 2,767 3,340 3,882 4,390 4,864 5,711 6,428
12.9 869 853 836 817 797 755 712 3,238 3,908 4,542 5,137 5,692 6,683 7,522
M39   8.8 618 607 595 581 567 537 507 2,483 3,002 3,493 3,953 4,383 5,151 5,801
x2 10.9 880 864 847 828 808 765 722 3,537 4,276 4,974 5,631 6,243 7,336 8,263
12.9 1,030 1,011 991 969 945 896 845 4,139 5,003 5,821 6,589 7,306 8,585 9,669

Tab. 6

6.5 Tightening torque and preload force of

• Safety screws with nuts
• Flange screws with nuts
With 90% utilisation of the screws’ yield strength Rel or
0.2% offset yield point Rp0.2 (according to manufacturer’s

Counter Preload forces FVmax (N) Tightening torque MA (Nm)

M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16
Locking screws Steel 9,000 12,600 23,200 37,000 54,000 74,000 102,000 11 19 42 85 130 230 330
strength class Rm < 800
100 and nuts MPa
strength class 10
Steel 9,000 12,600 23,200 37,000 54,000 74,000 102,000 10 18 37 80 120 215 310
Rm = 800–
1,100 MPa
Gray cast 9,000 12,600 23,200 37,000 54,000 74,000 102,000 9 16 35 75 115 200 300

Reference values

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1793
6.6 Reference values for tightening torques Coefficient of friction µges 0.20
for austenite screws in accordance with
Preload forces FVmax. Tightening torque MA
DIN EN ISO 3506 [KN] [Nm]
The following table shows the tightening torque required FK 50 FK 70 FK 80 FK 50 FK 70 FK 80
for an individual case in dependence on the nominal M3    0.60    0.65    0.95      1.00    1.10    1.60
diameter, the coefficient of friction and the strength class M4    1.12    2.40    3.20      1.30    2.60    3.50
(SC) as a reference value. M5    1.83    3.93    5.24      2.40    5.10    6.90
M6    2.59    5.54    7.39      4.10    8.80   11.8

Coefficient of friction µges 0.10 M8    4.75   10.2   13.6     10.1   21.4   28.7
M10    7.58   16.2   21.7     20.3   44.0   58.0
Preload forces FVmax. Tightening torque MA M12   11.1   23.7   31.6     34.8   74.0 100.0
[KN] [Nm]
M14   15.2   32.6   43.4     56.0 119.0 159.0
FK 50 FK 70 FK 80 FK 50 FK 70 FK80
M16   20.9   44.9   59.8     86.0 183.0 245.0
M3    0.90    1.00    1.20    0.85    1.00    1.30
M18   26.2   56.2   74.9   122.0 260.0 346.0
M4    1.08    2.97    3.96    0.80    1.70    2.30
M20   33.8   72.4   96.5   173.0 370.0 494.0
M5    2.26    4.85    6.47    1.60    3.40    4.60
M22   41.0   88.0 118.0   227.0 488.0 650.0
M6    3.2    6.85    9.13    2.80    5.90    8.00
M24   47.0 101.0 135.0   284.0 608.0 810.0
M8    5.86   12.6   16.7    6.80   14.5   19.3
M27   61.0   421.0
M10    9.32   20.0   26.6   13.7   30.0   39.4
M30   75.0   571.0
M12   13.6   29.1   38.8   23.6   50.0   67.0
M33   94.0   779.0
M14   18.7   40.0   53.3   37.1   79.0 106.0
M36 110.0   998.0
M16   25.7   55.0   73.3   56.0 121.0 161.0
M39 133.0 1.300
M18   32.2   69.0   92.0   81.0 174.0 232.0
M20   41.3   88.6 118.1 114.0 224.0 325.0
M22   50.0 107.0 143.0 148.0 318.0 424.0 Coefficient of friction µges 0.30
M24   58.0 142.0 165.0 187.0 400.0 534.0
Preload forces FVmax. Tightening torque MA
M27   75.0 275.0 [KN] [Nm]
M30   91.0 374.0 FK 50 FK 70 FK 80 FK 50 FK 70 FK80
M33 114.0 506.0 M3    0.40   0.45    0.70      1.25    1.35    1.85
M36 135.0 651.0 M4    0.90   1.94    2.59      1.50    3.00    4.10
M39 162.0 842.0 M5    1.49   3.19    4.25      2.80    6.10    8.00
M6    2.09   4.49    5.98      4.80   10.4   13.9
M8    3.85   8.85   11.0     11.9   25.5   33.9
M10    6.14 13.1   17.5     24.0   51.0   69.0
M12    9.00 19.2   25.6     41.0   88.0 117.0
M14   12.3 26.4   35.2     66.0 141.0 188.0
M16   17.0 36.4   48.6   102.0 218.0 291.0
M18   21.1 45.5   60.7   144.0 308.0 411.0
M20   27.4 58.7   78.3   205.0 439.0 586.0
M22   34.0 72.0   96.0   272.0 582.0 776.0
M24   39.0 83.0 110.0   338.0 724.0 966.0
M27   50.0   503.0
M30   61.0   680.0
M33   76.0   929.0
M36   89.0 1.189
M39 108.0 1.553

Tab. 8

1794 All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness.
6.7 How to use the tables for preload forces Depending on how the above-mentioned influences are
and tightening torques! controlled, the tightening factor αA must be selected.
The procedure is as follows:
A) Determining the total coefficient of friction If a commercially available torque wrench with an
μges.: ­electronic display is used, a tightening factor
Different coefficients of friction “μ” have to be reckoned αA = 1.4–1.6 must be reckoned with.
with, depending on the surface or lubrication condition of The selection is:
the screws or nuts. Table 3 in chapter 6 is used to make αA = 1. 4 (see Table 2 in chapter 6 “Reference values for
the selection. the tightening factor ...”)

Example: D) Preload force FVmin

Selecting the screw and nut with surface condition zinc Example:
galvanised transparent passivation, without lubricant: In Table 5 in chapter 6 in column μG = 0.14, line M12
µges = 0.14 and strength class 8.8 read off the value for the maximum
(Note: the lowest probable coefficient of friction is to be preload force FVmax = 41.9 KN in the area “Assembly
reckoned with for the dimensioning of the screw so that it preload forces”.
is not overloaded)
The minimum preload force FVmin is ­obtained by dividing
B) Tightening torque MA max. FVmax by the tightening factor αA.
The maximum tightening torque is found with 90% utilisa-
41.9 KN
tion of the 0.2% offset yield point (Rp0.2) or of the yield Preload force FVmin =
point (Rel).
FVmin = 29.92 KN
Hexagon head screw DIN 933, M12 x 50, strength class E) Control of the results
8.8, galvanised, blue passivation: You should ask yourself the following questions!
In Table 5 in chapter 6 look in the column for μG = 0.14 • Is the residual clamping power sufficient?
for the line for M12 with strength class 8.8. • Is the minimum probable preload force FVmin sufficient
Now read off the desired value for the maximum forces that occur in practice?
MA max = 93 Nm
from the section “Tightening torque MA [Nm]”.

C) Tightening factor αA
(taking the tightening uncertainty into
All tightening methods are more or less accurate. This is
caused by:
• The large range of distribution of the friction that
­actually occurs during installation
(if friction figures can only be estimated roughly for the
• Differences in the manipulation with the torque wrench
(e.g. fast or slow tightening of the screw)
• The distribution of the torque wrench itself.

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1795
6.8 Pairing different element/contact corrosion Pairing different fasteners/component
The following rule applies for preventing ­materials with regard to contact corrosion
­contact corrosion:
Component material/surface*
In each case fasteners must have at least the same

Steel, galvanised, yellow chromated

­corrosion resistance as the parts that are to be connected.

Steel, galvanised, black pass.

Steel, galvanised, blue pass.

If fasteners of equal value cannot be selected, they must
be of higher value than the parts to be connected.

Stainless steel A2/A4

Steel, bright
Fastener material/surface

Stainless steel A2/A4 +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Aluminium ++ +++ ++ ++ + + + +

Copper + + +++ ++ + + + +

Brass + + ++ +++ + + + +

Steel, galvanised, black passivated – – – – +++ ++ ++ +

Steel, galvanised, yellow chromated –– –– –– –– + +++ ++ +

Steel, galvanised, blue passivated –– –– –– –– + + +++ +

Steel, bright ––– ––– ––– ––– –– –– –– +++

+++ Highly recommended pairing
++ Recommended pairing
+ Moderately recommended pairing
– Less recommended pairing
–– Not recommended pairing
––– Pairing not recommended under any circumstances
* This assumption applies with a surface ratio (component ratio of fastener to the
part to be connected) between 1:10 and 1:40.

Tab. 9

6.9 Static shearing forces for slotted spring pin connections

Slotted spring pins, heavy duty in accordance with ISO 8752 (DIN 1481)

Up to 8 mm nominal diameter Up to 10 mm nominal diameter

Spring steel hardened
from 420 to 560 HV
Fig. AU Fig. AV

Nominal diameter [mm] 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20

Shearing force min. [kN] Single-shear 0.35 0.79 1.41 2.19 3.16 4.53 5.62 7.68 8.77 13 21.3 35 52 57.5 72.3 85.5 111.2 140.3
Two-shear 0.7 1.58 2.82 4.38 6.32 9.06 11.2 15.4 17.5 26 42.7 70.1 104.1 115.1 144.1 171 222.5 280.6

Tab. 10

1796 All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness.
Spring-type straight pins, standard design in accordance with ISO 8750 (DIN 7343)

Spring steel hardened
from 420 to 520 HV
Fig. AW

Nominal diameter [mm] 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16

Shearing force min. [kN] Single-shear 0.21 0.3 0.45 0.73 1.29 1.94 2.76 3.77 4.93 7.64 11.05 19.6 31.12 44.85 61.62 76.02
Two-shear 0.40 0.6 0.90 1.46 2.58 3.88 5.52 7.54 9.86 15.28 22.1 39.2 62.24 89.7 123.2 152

Tab. 11

Spring-type straight pins, coiled, heavy duty in accordance with ISO 8748 (DIN 7344)

Spring steel hardened
from 420 to 520 HV
Fig. AX

Nominal diameter [mm] 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6

Shearing force min. [kN] Single-shear 0.91 1.57 2.37 3.43 6.14 9.46 13.5
Two-shear 1.82 3.14 4.74 6.86 12.2 18.9 27

Tab. 12

Spring-type straight pins, slotted, light duty in accordance with ISO 13337 (DIN 7346)

Up 8 mm nominal diameter Up to 10 mm nominal diameter

Spring steel hardened
from 420 to 560 HV
Fig. AY Fig. AZ

Nominal diameter [mm] 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20

Shearing force min. [kN] Single-shear 0.75 1.2 1.75 2.3 4 4.4 5.2 9 10.5 12 20 22 24 33 42 49 63 79
Two-shear 1.5 2.4 3.5 4.6 8 8.8 10.4 18 21 24 40 44 48 66 84 98 126 158

Tab. 13

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1797
F 2F

single-shear two-shear


Fig. BA

6.10 Design recommendations for internal Hexagonal socket

drives for screws
Technical progress and financial considerations are
leading worldwide to an almost complete replacement of
straight slot screws by internal drives.

AW drive

Fig. AS

Good force transmission through several points of ap-

plication of force. Hexagonal socket-screws have smaller
widths across flats than hexagon head screws, which
also means more economic designs because of smaller
Previous drive systems AW drive
Cross recess Z (pozi drive) in accordance
Fig. AR with ISO 4757

AW drive system
Advantages with regard to previous drive systems:
• Improved force transmission by means of the conical
multipoint head.
• Longer service life through optimal fit.
• Optimum centring through the conical course of the bit.
• Greatest possible bearing surface of the bit in the
screw drive → comeout.
• Comeout = zero. The even force distribution prevents
damage to the surface protective layer and thus guar- Fig. AT
antees greater corrosion resistance.
1798 All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness.
The four “tightening walls” in the cross recess, with which Angle of rotation method
the screwdriver is in contact when the screw is being Prerequisite is that the parts to be joined rest largely flat
screwed in, are vertical. The remaining walls and ribs are on each other. The pre-tightening torque is applied with
slanted. This can improve ease of assembly if the cross one of the two methods described above. Mark the posi-
recesses are made optimally. Pozi drive screwdrivers have tion of the nut relative to the screw shaft and component
rectangular blade ends. clearly and permanently, so that the subsequently applied
further tightening angle of the nut can be determined
Cross recess H (Phillips) in accordance easily. The required further tightening angle must be
with ISO 4757 determined by means of a method test at the respective
original screwed connections (e.g. by means of screw

Fig. AU

Normal cross recess in which all walls and ribs are

­slanted, whereby the screwdriver has trapezoid blade

6.11 Assembly
Torque method
The required preload force is generated by the Fig. W
­measurable torque MV. The tightening appliance that is
used (e.g. a torque wrench) must have uncertainty of less
than 5%.

Angular momentum method

The connections are tightened with the help of an impulse
or impact driver with an uncertainty of less than 5%. The
tightening appliances are to be adjusted as far as pos-
sible to the original screw assembly in a suitable manner
(e.g. retightening method or length measuring method).

Retightening method: the connection is tightened first of all

with the screwdriver and then retightened/checked with
a precision torque wrench. Length measuring method: the
resulting lengthening of the screw is checked (measuring
calliper), whereby the lengthening of the screw has to be
calibrated beforehand on a screw test stand.

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to completeness. 1799

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