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Linked Hybrid: Best Tall Building Asia & Australasia

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Best Tall Building Asia & Australasia


Linked Hybrid
Beijing, China

he pedestrian-oriented Linked Hybrid the lower buildings, public roof gardens offer tran-
complex, sited adjacent to the old city wall quil green spaces. The central roof garden features
of Beijing, aims to counter current urban an open design to reflect the architectural structure of
developments in China by creating a new twenty- the cinematheque. At the top of the eight residential
first century porous urban space, inviting and open towers private roof gardens are connected to the pent-
to the public from every side. A filmic urban experi- houses.
ence of space; around, over and through multifaceted
spatial layers, as well as the many passages through the Elevators displace like a “jump cut” to a series of pas-
project, make the Linked Hybrid an “open city within sages on a higher level. From the 18th floor a multi-
a city”. The project promotes interactive relations and functional series of skybridges with a swimming pool,
encourages encounters in the public spaces that vary a fitness room, a café, hotel bar, and an art gallery,
from commercial, residential and educational, to rec- connect the eight residential towers and the hotel
reational; a three-dimensional public urban space. tower, and offer views over the city. The shops at the
grade level are complimented by the programs at the
The project exists on three levels. The ground level bridge level and work together to be semi-lattice-like
offers a number of open passages for all people (resi- rather than simplistically linear. The complex aims
dents and visitors) to walk through. These passages to achieve a programmatic self sufficiency of amen-
include “micro-urbanisms” of small scale shops which ities for residents. By bringing diverse programs
also activate the urban space surrounding the large together both on the ground floor and in the bridges,
central reflecting pond. All public functions on the the project stresses ambulatory circulation. Rather
ground level—including a restaurant, hotel, Montes- than skybridges that drain street life, the aim is for a
sori school, kindergarten, and cinema—have con- base route and sky route that will constantly generate
nections with the green spaces surrounding and random relationships like the richness of metropolitan
penetrating the project. On the intermediate level of density; functioning as social condensers in a special
experience of city life to both residents and visitors.

Completion Date: Spring 2009

Height: 66m (217ft)
In proposing the sectional variety of Linked Hybrid,
Stories: 21 the aim is for new “Z” dimension urban sectors that
Area: 220,000 sq m (2,368,060 sq ft)
aspire to individuation in urban living while shaping
Primary Use: Towers 1–8: Residential, Tower 9: Hotel
Other Use: Retail, Office, Public Space public space. In the experience of traversing the bridge
Owner/Developer: Modern Green Development Co., Ltd. route, one feels the urban excitement of the passage of
Architect: Steven Holl Architects
Associate Architect: Beijing Capital Engineering Architecture the body through space. Movement, spatial sequence
Design Co., Ltd. and time of day with different light are intertwined.
Structural Engineer: Guy Nordenson and Associates, China
Academy of Building Research
MEP: Transsolar ClimateEngineering, Beijing Capital Engineering
Opposite: Towers viewed from within
Architecture Design Co., Ltd., Cosentini Associates central plaza
Contractor: Beijing Construction Engineering Group Photo © Shu He

“Though this project is not especially tall, it points the way
forward for the intensified multi-use, multi-level, connected cities
of the future.”
Antony Wood, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

Above: Exterior views of skybridge connections
Left Photo © Iwan Baan, Right Photo © Shu He
Opposite Top: Building sections
Opposite Bottom: Aerial view within urban
Photo © Shu He

The point of view changes with a slight ramp up, a energy during summer and 3700 KW in winter.
slow right turn, or a stop to gaze at the distant urban The large urban space at the center of the project is
view. The encircled route connects the towers in a new activated by a grey water recycling pond with water
collective aspiration—different from towers as isolated lilies and natural grasses in which the cinematheque
iconic objects. The context of this new linkage is the and the hotel appear to float. The pond is part of a total
increasingly privatized and objectified nature of recent project grey water recycling system, which connects
Beijing developments. all apartments to a main ultraviolet filter tank system
and with distribution watering all landscape gardens
Geo-thermal wells—660 in number—at 100 meters and roof gardens. In Beijing, where water shortage
(328ft) deep, provide Linked Hybrid with cooling in requires urgent measures, Linked Hybrid sets a new
summer and heating in winter, and make it one of the example as a total ecological urban sector with living,
largest green residential projects in Beijing. About working, cultural, and recreational facilities operating
70% of the heating and cooling load is covered by the from the same sustainable systems of water recycling
geothermal system throughout the year. Using this and geothermal cooling and heating.
closed-loop system saves a calculated 5600 KW in

Jury Statement
With its rich pallet, appropriate scale and consistency
in architectural language, Linked Hybrid adds a level of
high quality architecture to the city of Beijing. Working
well above the plane of purely sculptural architecture, the
project embodies, on an urbanistic scale, where the future
of tall buildings and urban cities is heading, creating
architecture that does not isolate, but rather connects
both on the ground plane and in the sky. This creates both
a unique ground level plane that acts as an oasis in the
density of Beijing, and a real multi-use zone of connected
urbanism in the sky.

The project incorporates numerous sustainable design

features, but really goes far beyond its geo-thermal
and water recycling, to tackle the much broader issue
of social-urban sustainability itself. Its mix of residential
and retail, cinemas and kindergartens, hotels and art
galleries, swimming pools and parks—all within a single
complex—is remarkable. The vision to weave these
facilities into the complex not only at the ground plane
but throughout the section of the building, is fantastic. It
is only in the intensification of our cities and the inclusion
of mixed urban-public facilities in the sky that the true
vibrant, dense cities of the future can be realized. The
Linked Hybrid building, perhaps more than any other built
project, really does point the way to that future.

In the winter the pool freezes to become an ice-skating

rink. The cinematheque is not only a gathering venue
but also a visual focus to the area. The cinematheque
architecture floats on its reflection in the shallow
pond, with its exterior wall capable of projecting films,
adding vitality to the community. Its first floor is left
open to the community, with views over the land-
scape surrounding the building. The three film projec-
tion halls will be occupied by Broadway Cinema from
Hong Kong.

The polychrome of Chinese Buddhist architecture

inspires a chromatic dimension. The undersides of the
bridges and cantilevered portions are colored mem-

Left: Detail view of façade and

Opposite Top: Site plan
Opposite Bottom: Interior of a
Photos © Shu He

A. Cinematheque
B. Hotel
C. Pond with parking below
D. Kindergarten / Mound of
E. Mound of Adolescence
F. Mound of Middle Age
G. Mound of Old Age
H. Mound of Infinity




branes that glow with projected nightlight. Based

on chance operations of the I-Ching, the window
jambs and heads have colors found in ancient Chinese
temples. The façades are monochrome revealing their
colors in the parallax views of movement around or
looking up. An exoskeletal concrete frame with insu-
lation and sanded aluminum skin is utilized through-
out with lateral earthquake bracing exposed in the
gridded structural wall. This allows maximum flex-
ibility for interior apartment layouts while establishing
the space. A basic model apartment was designed with
“hinged space,” in which rotating walls allow loft-like
open apartments with long diagonal interior views.
Spaces are connected by visual perspective, from one
room to the next.

Re-using the earth excavated from the new construc-

tion, five landscaped mounds to the north contain
recreational functions. The “Mound of Childhood”,
integrated with the kindergarten, has an entrance

Left: Overview of central public plaza
with roof garden over theater in center
Opposite Top: Building elevations:
south above, east below
Opposite Bottom: View at ground
plane with large reflecting pool in
Photos © Shu He

“Coherent, dramatic and well thought-out architecture

which makes complete sense socially and visually.”
Ken Shuttleworth, Make

portal through it. The “Mound of Adolescence” holds to taste are already visible—life at the urban scale
a basketball court, a roller blade and skate board area. goes on—but the hope of shaping new public space
In the “Mound of Middle Age” there is a coffee and tea with Hybrid Buildings of “Z” dimension experiences
house (open to all), a Tai Chi platform, and two tennis remains a core intention. The overlapping perspec-
courts. The “Mound of Old Age” is occupied with a tive thrill of walking the skybridge route is matched
wine tasting bar and the “Mound of Infinity” is carved by the amazing porous sense of urban enclosure while
into a meditation space with circular openings refer- walking within the public space at grade. The magical
ring to infinite galaxies. night time up-lighting on the bridges reflected in
the central pond are phenomenal experiences which
At the Linked Hybrid project, the idiosyncratic cannot be photographed—they must be felt via the
changes of new users and adjustments according body in space.


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