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Banff FPSO Description

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The document provides an overview and description of the systems and components on the Petrojarl Banff FPSO.

The document aims to describe the hull, marine systems, production systems, and safety systems on the Petrojarl Banff FPSO.

The document describes the hull, accommodation, fuel systems, water systems, drainage systems, and other marine systems on the FPSO.



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Table of Contents:

1. PETROJARL BANFF FPSO OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 6

1.1 Petrojarl Banff Design Features ........................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Oil Export ............................................................................................................................................ 7

1.2.1 Responsibility for Oil Export .................................................................................................................. 7
1.2.2 Shuttle Tankers ..................................................................................................................................... 7

1.3 Gas Export ........................................................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Production Utilization Factor (PUF) ..................................................................................................... 7

2. HULL AND MARINE SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................... 9

2.1 Class and Flag Certification .................................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Hull Description ................................................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Function ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.2 Size ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.3 Hull Materials, Construction and Protection......................................................................................... 9

2.3 Hull Tanks.......................................................................................................................................... 10

2.4 Main Deck ......................................................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Vessel Machinery Spaces................................................................................................................... 10

2.6 Accommodation /TR ......................................................................................................................... 10

2.6.1 Construction ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.6.2 Control Rooms and Equipment Rooms ............................................................................................... 11
2.6.3 Cabins .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.6.4 Mess, Laundry and Welfare Facilities .................................................................................................. 11

2.7 Fuel ................................................................................................................................................... 12

2.7.1 Diesel Fuel ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7.2 Aviation Fuel Storage and Refuelling System ...................................................................................... 12

2.8 Bunkering .......................................................................................................................................... 13

2.9 Water Systems .................................................................................................................................. 13

2.9.1 Industrial Fresh Water......................................................................................................................... 13
2.9.2 Domestic Fresh Water System ............................................................................................................ 13

2.10 Caissons and Sea Chests .................................................................................................................... 14

2.11 Drain systems .................................................................................................................................... 14

2.11.1 Maintenance Drains System ........................................................................................................... 14
2.11.2 Hazardous Open Drains .................................................................................................................. 15
2.11.3 Marine deck drains ......................................................................................................................... 16

2.12 Sewage Treatment ............................................................................................................................ 16

2.13 Ballast and Bilge System .................................................................................................................... 16

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2.14 Inert Gas System ............................................................................................................................... 17

2.14.1 Topsides inert gas system ............................................................................................................... 17
2.14.2 Ship Inert Gas System ..................................................................................................................... 18

2.15 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning ......................................................................................... 18

2.15.1 HVAC Provision ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.15.2 Air Supply Quality ........................................................................................................................... 19
2.15.3 Overpressure and air tight sealing requirement............................................................................. 19
2.15.4 Fire Dampers ................................................................................................................................... 19

3. TURRET AND SWIVEL ...................................................................................................... 21

3.1 Swivel pathways ............................................................................................................................... 21

3.1.1 Production Swivel Pathway ................................................................................................................. 21
3.1.2 Gas Export Swivel Pathway ................................................................................................................. 22

3.2 Turret Gantry Structure ..................................................................................................................... 22

3.3 Turret Riser Capability ....................................................................................................................... 22

3.4 Structure ........................................................................................................................................... 22

3.5 Bearings ............................................................................................................................................ 23

3.6 Turning and Locking System .............................................................................................................. 23

3.7 Turret Safety Systems ....................................................................................................................... 23

3.8 Means of access ................................................................................................................................ 24

3.9 Turret Hydraulic System .................................................................................................................... 24

3.9.1 Turret Hydraulic Power Unit ............................................................................................................... 24

4. TOPSIDES AND PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................. 26

4.1 Subsea systems and risers ......................................................................................................... 26

4.1.1 Well operations ................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Riser Arrangement .............................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.3 Riser ESDVs .......................................................................................................................................... 26

4.2 Petrojarl Banff production ................................................................................................................ 26

4.2.1 Capacity ............................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Process Operating Philosophy............................................................................................................. 27
4.2.4 Process Control System ....................................................................................................................... 27

4.3 Process Systems Design Pressures and Temperatures ....................................................................... 28

4.4 Oil Separation and Stabilization ........................................................................................................ 29

4.4.1 Topsides Flowlines .............................................................................................................................. 30
4.4.2 HP and Test Separators ....................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.3 Separator Internals ............................................................................................................................. 30
4.4.4 Interstage Heating ............................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.5 MP and LP separators and crude oil coolers ....................................................................................... 31
4.4.6 MOL Pumps ......................................................................................................................................... 31
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4.5 Oil Metering ...................................................................................................................................... 31

4.6 Produced Water Treatment............................................................................................................... 31

4.7 Gas Compression ............................................................................................................................... 32

4.7.1 LP Compression ................................................................................................................................... 33
4.7.2 MP Compression ................................................................................................................................. 33
4.7.3 HP Compression .................................................................................................................................. 34
4.7.4 Export Gas Compression ..................................................................................................................... 35
4.7.5 Control of Gas Compression ............................................................................................................... 35
4.7.6 Gas metering ....................................................................................................................................... 36

4.8 Gas Dehydration ............................................................................................................................... 36

4.9 Process Utility Systems...................................................................................................................... 37

4.9.1 Fuel Gas System .................................................................................................................................. 37
4.9.2 Cooling Medium System ..................................................................................................................... 38
4.9.3 Heating Medium System ..................................................................................................................... 39
4.9.4 Seawater System ................................................................................................................................. 39
4.9.5 Compressed Air System ...................................................................................................................... 40

4.10 Chemical Injection ............................................................................................................................. 41

4.10.1 Process chemical injection .............................................................................................................. 41
4.10.2 Turret subsea inhibitor chemicals injection .................................................................................... 42
4.10.3 Methanol injection ......................................................................................................................... 43
4.10.4 Seawater chemicals injection package ........................................................................................... 44

4.11 Cranes and Laydown Areas ............................................................................................................... 44

4.11.1 Cranes ............................................................................................................................................. 44
4.11.2 Lifting Capacity................................................................................................................................ 45
4.11.3 Laydown Areas ................................................................................................................................ 45

5. PETROJARL BANFF TOPSIDE STRUCTURE AND LAYOUT .................................... 46

5.1 Topsides Structure ............................................................................................................................ 46

5.1.1 Topsides primary structure ................................................................................................................. 46
5.1.2 Structure General ................................................................................................................................ 46
5.1.3 Process Deck ....................................................................................................................................... 47
5.1.4 Process Underdeck .............................................................................................................................. 47

5.2 Layout of Process Plant ..................................................................................................................... 47

5.2.1 Layout Safety Features ........................................................................................................................ 47
5.2.2 PAU 3 Production Manifold and Water Injection Module .................................................................. 48
5.2.3 PAU 4 Gas Treatment Package ............................................................................................................ 48
5.2.4 PAU 6 Oil Separation ........................................................................................................................... 48
5.2.5 PAU 9 Pipe Rack .................................................................................................................................. 48
5.2.6 PAU 1 Chemical Injection .................................................................................................................... 49
5.2.7 PAU 2 Helifuel/ Laydown .................................................................................................................... 49
5.2.8 PAU 5/7 Local Equipment Room (Switchroom, Workshop, Lab) ........................................................ 49
5.2.9 PAU 8 Utilities ..................................................................................................................................... 49
5.2.10 PAU 10 Windsail Structure.............................................................................................................. 50
5.2.11 PAU 11 Power Generation .............................................................................................................. 50

6. POWER SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................... 51

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6.1 Main Power ....................................................................................................................................... 51

6.1.1 Turbine driven generators for main 11Kv / 60 Hz power generation ................................................. 51
6.1.2 Diesel driven generators for main 11Kv / 60 Hz power generation .................................................... 51

6.2 Emergency Power ............................................................................................................................. 52

6.2.1 Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) ................................................................................................ 53

6.3 Electrical Power Distribution ............................................................................................................. 53

6.3.1 Normal and Emergency Lighting ......................................................................................................... 54

7. SAFETY SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................... 55

7.1 Safety Integrity Levels ....................................................................................................................... 55

7.1.1 Shutdown system integrity ................................................................................................................. 56
7.1.2 Shutdown Levels ................................................................................................................................. 56

7.2 Relief and Blow Down System ........................................................................................................... 57

7.2.1 Depressurising ..................................................................................................................................... 57
7.2.2 Pressure Relief .................................................................................................................................... 57
7.2.3 Flare Headers ...................................................................................................................................... 58
7.2.4 Flarestack / Flaretips ........................................................................................................................... 58

7.3 Vents ................................................................................................................................................. 59

7.3.1 Atmospheric vents .............................................................................................................................. 59
7.3.2 Cargo tank vents ................................................................................................................................. 59

7.4 Fire and Gas System .......................................................................................................................... 60

7.4.1 Fire Pumps........................................................................................................................................... 61
7.4.2 Firemain .............................................................................................................................................. 62
7.4.3 Manual Fire Fighting ........................................................................................................................... 63
7.4.4 Helideck Firefighting ........................................................................................................................... 63
7.4.5 Passive Fire Protection ........................................................................................................................ 64

7.5 Evacuation, escape and rescue assessment ....................................................................................... 64

7.5.1 EERA .................................................................................................................................................... 64
7.5.2 Escape Routes ..................................................................................................................................... 65
7.5.3 Temporary Refuge (TR) ....................................................................................................................... 66

7.6 Lifeboats ........................................................................................................................................... 66

7.7 Helicopter Services and Helideck ....................................................................................................... 67

7.8 Liferafts ............................................................................................................................................. 68

7.8.1 Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV) ................................................................................ 68

8. OIL STORAGE AND EXPORT ........................................................................................... 69

8.1 Cargo Tanks ....................................................................................................................................... 69

8.1.1 Cargo loading ...................................................................................................................................... 69

8.2 Oil export arrangements ................................................................................................................... 70

8.2.1 Oil export swivel pathway ................................................................................................................... 70

8.3 Storage Tanker .................................................................................................................................. 70

8.3.1 FSO mooring and export riser specification ........................................................................................ 70
8.3.2 FSO Storage ......................................................................................................................................... 71
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9. FPSO MOTION AND STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS .............................................. 72

9.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 72

9.2 Greenwater ....................................................................................................................................... 72

9.3 Active Heading Control...................................................................................................................... 72

10. STATIONKEEPING ............................................................................................................. 73

10.1 System Description ........................................................................................................................... 73

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1. Petrojarl Banff FPSO overview

1.1 Petrojarl Banff Design Features

The Petrojarl Banff is a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel developed
from the Tentech Ramform B-380 design. The vessel was built in the Hyundai Mipo
Dockyard, South Korea during 1997. Topsides design was by Aker and fabrication was
carried out at the Aker McNulty construction yard in South Shields during 1998. Subsea tie-
backs for Banff field were originally carried out by DSND (Det Sondenfjelds Norske
Dampskibsselskab), recent installation of risers has been carried out by Halliburton Sub Sea.

The FPSO has a turret located roughly midships. The turret is securely moored to the sea
bed. The Petrojarl Banff will remain permanently moored on location for the field life.

The Petrojarl Banff has production facilities, utility systems to maintain the installation on
station, life support utilities such as power generation, accommodation for 60 people, fire
and gas system, emergency shutdown systems, firefighting, lifesaving, communications,
helideck and cranes. A dedicated standby vessel (SBV) equipped with fast rescue craft
(FRC) is on station in the field at all times.

Many of the necessary modifications to process and safety systems to accommodate Third
Party fields were made during construction in 1998.

The installation has the capability to weathervane around the turret and to align itself into the
prevailing direction of wind and/or waves. A positive consequence of this is that the loads in
the mooring lines, due to environmental forces, are minimised. The installation will normally
operate with the turret locked and the wind coming from a direction forward of the beam.
Thrusters are used in maintaining the selected heading.

The accommodation, including control functions, is located forward and therefore upwind of
all hydrocarbons containing equipment. In the event of a hydrocarbon release, gas is blown
aft and in the event of ignition and a fire, heat convection is away from the accommodation
building, located on the forecastle deck. The accommodation provides the temporary refuge
(TR). The accommodation is separated from the remaining part of the hull structure by a fire
/ blast wall which has been designed to H120 rating.

The helideck is sited partially on top and forward, of the accommodation superstructure, in
the non-hazardous area forward of the H120 rated firewall.

The short length of the installation presents a relatively small target to errant or drifting
vessels and the double-hull design reduces the likelihood of tank rupture following collision.
The risk to the environment from ship collision is reduced by the operating philosophy to
maintain a minimum storage of oil within the tanks. The storage tanks are generally only
filled to provide a buffer in the event that the FSO tanker is unavailable. The maximum
storage capacity of the Petrojarl Banff is 88,000 bbl at a limited draught of 11.5m and
displacement of 32,209 tonnes. The free space above the oil inventory is inerted.

Figures 2.22 and 2.24 are plot plans and elevations showing the general layout of the FPSO.

The Turret and associated systems are key features of the vessel. The turret is a cylindrical
body extending through a vertical moonpool in the main hull. Bearings allow the vessel to
rotate around the turret which is the geostationary part of the vessel and:
• provides the interface with the seabed production systems via risers and umbilicals
• provides the connection for the vessel mooring system
• allows the vessel to weather vane
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Production fluids are routed through subsea flowlines and the turret swivels to the FPSO’s
process facilities. The process system is designed to handle combined peak flow rates of
90,000 BPD from Banff. Crude oil is stabilised and de-watered prior to being exported to a
remote Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) tanker or a shuttle tanker or, as
circumstances dictate, routed under gravity to the Petrojarl Banff cargo storage tanks.
Produced water is cleaned to regulatory standards prior to overboard discharge.

1.2 Oil Export

From March 2001 stabilised crude oil from the process plant has been pumped along a 2.4
km pipeline to the floating storage and offloading (FSO) tanker “Apollo Spirit” moored to a
submerged turret loading (STL) buoy. The FSO tanker offloads oil to shuttle tankers via a
stern-deployed hose loading system.

The original oil export arrangement to shuttle tankers tethered to a Single Anchor Loading
(SAL) system located approximately 1.6 km ENE of the Petrojarl Banff has been partially de-
commissioned and mothballed. It will be possible to re-commission the system in the future.

1.2.1 Responsibility for Oil Export

Ugland Stena Storage AS (USS) is the duty holder for Apollo Spirit and has responsibility for
operations in the 500 m safety zone around it. Teekay Offshore operates the oil export
pipeline up to the demarcation point on the riser flange below the STL buoy on the FSO
1.2.2 Shuttle Tankers

Teekay Offshore (TOP) has a contract with the ship owner ‘Knutsen’ to provide shuttle
tankers for the export of crude oil from Apollo Spirit at the Banff field. Any one of a ‘pool’ of
vessels could be used.

1.3 Gas Export

Petrojarl Banff is equipped to allow for gas export into the existing Central Area
Transmission System (CATS) gas pipeline, through an 8” rigid gas export line approximately
6.8 km long.

1.4 Production Utilization Factor (PUF)

Experienced PUF during the continuous production of the Banff field from 2006 through out
2011 is shown in the below graph. The PUF values are the monthly reported values.
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Average: 93.5 %
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2. Hull and marine systems descriptions

2.1 Class and Flag Certification
The vessel was built in South Korea, is registered at the port of Douglas, Isle of Man and is
classed to DNV GL rules based on the regulations for the following class notations:
1A1 (DNV Rules for the Classification of Ships, Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4)
Oil Production and storage vessel (DNV Rules for the Classification of Ships, Pt 5, Ch 9)
E0 (DNV Rules for the Classification of Ships, Pt 6, Ch 3, Sec 3)
Helideck (SH) (DNV Rules for the Classification of Ships, Pt 6, Ch 1, Sec 2)
Crane (DNV Rules for the Classification of Ships, Pt 6, Ch 1, Sec 3)
POSMOOR-TA (DNV Rules -DNV OS-E301, Ch. 3, Sec. 1)

The POSMOOR-TA notation has been updated according to the 2012 revision of the DNV
OS-E301 rules.

Flag certificates are:

International Load Line Certificate
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
GMDSS Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
International Tonnage Certificate
IOPP Certificate

2.2 Hull Description

2.2.1 Function
The performance standard states the objective for the hull is to provide support for topside
process, turret and the temporary refuge (TR) for all environmental and operational
conditions throughout the installation life cycle and to mitigate major accident events as far
as is reasonably practicable. Details of the hull design are governed by classification
requirements. Hull design life is 25 years.

2.2.2 Size
The main hull dimensions are:
length overall: 120.4 m
length between perpendiculars: 107.8 m
breadth moulded: 53.4 m
depth moulded: 16.0 m
draught design: 11.0 m
draught scantling: 11.5 m
displacement at draught 11.5 m: 32,209 tonnes

The lightship weight at inclining, on 22nd August 1998, was 15,180 tonnes (to be updated
following inclination test in September 2013). The vessel is estimated to have a gross
registered tonnage of 17,942 tonnes. A weight control and monitoring system is in operation,
to record all alterations to lightship weight.

2.2.3 Hull Materials, Construction and Protection

In general, mild steel (LR mild B) has been used in the hull structure. High strength steel
(NVA 36) is utilised in special areas such as the turret.
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Materials Protection
Impressed current cathodic protection is used on the hull and sacrificial anodes provide for 5
years of protection. In addition, a system for marine growth protection is fitted in the sea
chests and a suitable number of zinc anodes mounted in the lower part of the turret

A comprehensive preparation, paint application and inspection scheme to highest standards

was included in the shipyard build specification. This is intended to reduce over-side
maintenance and enable the FPSO to remain on station for the life of the field.

2.3 Hull Tanks

The FPSO has:
five cargo tanks - three aft and one either side of the turret moonpool
two slop wing tanks forward of the turret moonpool
six water ballast wing tanks
additional water ballast tanks: forepeak tank, no. 1 double bottom tank
void tank between the aft end of cargo tanks and the thruster rooms
double bottom void spaces beneath the cargo storage tanks.

Tank capacities are:

cargo tanks (5): 19156 m3
slop tanks (2): 510 m3
water ballast (8) 12669 m3
diesel oil (5): 1500 m3
fresh water (2): 239 m3

2.4 Main Deck

The main deck is designed for a distributed load up to 5 tonne/m2, concentrated loads of 180
tonne in the primary strong points and 100 tonne for secondary deck structure [reference
2.12]. Areas around the turret moonpool, the two pedestal crane foundations, and areas with
heavy equipment have additional local strengthening. 79 primary support stools on the main
deck transmit loads to the primary structure. Support flanges are arranged 400 mm above
main deck.

2.5 Vessel Machinery Spaces

Ships equipment, machinery, ballasting equipment, etc., are located in the hull - forward of
the H120 fire and blast wall.

2.6 Accommodation /TR

The accommodation is located forward of the H120 fire and blast wall. It comprises the living
quarters, CCR and incident management areas, offices, entrance to the engine room and
other machinery. Permanent accommodation is provided for 60 persons. The lower
boundary of the TR is the level below the main deck and above the engine room.

The TR is a PFEER EER measure. The TR performance standard states the objective for
the TR is to provide facilities for the control and monitoring of incidents, safe mustering of
personnel and communications, both on board the installation and externally in an
emergency for the defined endurance time of 60 minutes.
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2.6.1 Construction
The aft accommodation bulkhead is protected by an H120 fire and blast wall. Main decks
and stairwells are A60 rated.

External stairways port and starboard provide access from the wheelhouse/CCR to the
forecastle deck.

An external starboard stairway provides access from the forecastle deck to the process deck
through the blast / fire wall and access to the process deck, port side is via the escape

The wheelhouse structure is stiffened and integrated with the main ship structure to avoid
vibration. As far as is practicable, all longitudinal and transverse bulkheads are in line with
primary longitudinal and transverse ship structural members.

The forecastle deck is strengthened for lifeboat davit supports and firewater pump

2.6.2 Control Rooms and Equipment Rooms

The wheelhouse and central control room (CCR) are located at the top of the
accommodation superstructure, on B deck, within the TR. The CCR contains the process
control and monitoring systems, the main monitoring and control functions for the subsea
facilities, the mooring system, the interface for the emergency shutdown and fire and gas
systems and the management of primary marine systems. It also accommodates the
telecommunications centre.

The wheelhouse / CCR accommodates, communications, positioning, process, F&G, ESD,

metering, instrumentation and control functions for cargo, ballasting and UPS systems.

2.6.3 Cabins
Cabins are primarily designed for a maximum of 2 man sleeping, with integral storage and
cupboards. Each cabin has ensuite shower and toilet.

2.6.4 Mess, Laundry and Welfare Facilities

These are located within the accommodation area. The mess is a well-equipped facility on
the main deck, capable of providing a high quality service for feeding the 60 men
complement. Special attention to counteract vessel motion has been given to the safety of
personnel both in the galley area and the mess. The galley cooking range has a dedicated
fixed fire suppression system.

The laundry on the lower deck is fully equipped to deal with both clean and dirty clothing.
The ventilation is designed to vent residual hot air. Washing and drying machines have been
selected for minimum noise output.

A fully equipped and large serviceable gymnasium is located on the lower accommodation,
fitted out with specialised equipment for the crew to keep fit.

Smoking and non-smoking areas have been designated on the lower accommodation level:
a smoking television area and a non-smoking coffee shop and television area. There is a
smoking coffee shop on the main deck level of the accommodation.
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2.7 Fuel
2.7.1 Diesel Fuel
There are bunker stations for diesel and lube oil on top of the deck store, main deck
starboard. The shipboard diesel oil system is a closed circuit overflow system with overflow
tanks forward.
The tanks are:
• two storage tanks in the engine room
• one settling tank in the engine room
• one drain tank in engine room
• one service tank with capacity for 24 hours service for the two sub-main generators
• one overflow tank in the engine room
• one service tank for the emergency generator

Diesel tank capacities are:

Diesel tank Location Inventory (m3)

Two storage tanks Engine room 1382 (total)
One settling tank Engine room 43
One drain tank Engine room 1
One service tank for sub-main generators Engine room 55
One overflow tank Engine room 20
One service tank for the emergency generator Emerg. generator 1.6

Diesel treatment and purification facilities are located within the engine room, bunds collect
spills from storage tanks and spillage is directed to the drain tank.

Topside consumers supplied from the diesel fuel system are:

• the two main power turbo generators (GT35s) - primary fuel source is fuel gas
• the one aft and two forward firewater pump day tanks.

Two forwarding pumps, located within the engine room, supply diesel to the GT35 turbo
generators and the aft firewater pump. Each pump has a capacity of 10 m3/hr, which is
sufficient to supply both GT35 turbines at 100 % load. The pumps deliver diesel to a single
stainless steel line that is heat traced and lagged, operating at  3 barg, (design pressure 19
barg) between temperature limits of –7 oC and 50 oC. An ESD valve in the line isolates the
supply on an ESD level 1 (facility emergency shutdown).

All vessel consumers and the forward fire pumps are supplied from the ship’s diesel system.
The supply lines to the forward fire pumps are also heat traced and lagged.

2.7.2 Aviation Fuel Storage and Refuelling System

The self-contained helicopter refuelling package has the following main elements:
• one bulk storage tank (5.4 m3)
• two transportable storage tanks (2.7 m3)
• two fuel pumps
• one fuel filter / coalescer
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The package is mounted on a common skid frame within a bunded area adjacent to the
turret, starboard side and is provided with a deluge system. The transportable storage tanks
and bulk storage vessel are protected with pressure / vacuum valves. The fuel pumps have
integral pressure relief valves and the filter coalescer has a relief valve sized for the fire

The helicopter fuel dispensing system is located in a bunded area adjacent to the helideck
• one filter / monitor
• one hose-reel / bonding cable
• one flowmeter

2.8 Bunkering
A bunker station complete with locally operated hose winches is located on the starboard of
the production deck, aft of the blastwall, with connections for:
• diesel oil
• fresh water
• sludge
• lube oil
• sewage

2.9 Water Systems

2.9.1 Industrial Fresh Water
Two fresh water generators, each with a capacity of 25 m3 per day, produce fresh water by
seawater evaporation. The main heat source is waste heat from the diesel generators
cooling system. There is an electric heater back-up, sized to enable 12.5 m3/day of
freshwater generation.

The fresh water generators have dedicated seawater pumps and a mineral filter is installed
in the discharge line to the fresh water storage tanks.

The shipboard system can supply the topsides industrial fresh water storage tank via a
single forwarding pump, thereafter, the topside tank supply is distributed by two 100 %
pumps configured as one duty and one standby.

2.9.2 Domestic Fresh Water System

Each cabin in the accommodation is equipped with a toilet / shower room and wash basin.
The main elements of the domestic fresh water system are as follows:
• one fresh water hydrophore tank
• two hydrophore pumps
• two hot water circulating pumps
• two calorifiers for electric heating
• one UV steriliser

Domestic cold fresh water is supplied from the fresh water tanks via hydrophore pumps and
a fresh water pressure tank to the galley, pantries, laundry, toilets and WCs. The water is

Domestic hot water is supplied from fresh water pressure tanks via piping arranged as a
pressurised main system.
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2.10 Caissons and Sea Chests

Caissons or sea chests are provided for:
• seawater lift
• produced water disposal
• seawater disposal
• firewater pumps
• drains

2.11 Drain systems

A closed maintenance drains system and a hazardous open drains system serve the topside
process plant. The FPSO also has marine drain systems for machinery spaces and
scuppers for the main decks.

The hazardous open drains are a PFEER mitigation system. The performance standard
states that the objective for the hazardous open drains is to remove rainwater, sea spray,
deluge water and process spillage from the installation decks via a system of scuppers,
freeing ports and drains.

2.11.1 Maintenance Drains System

Topsides hydrocarbon processing equipment and pipework are connected to the
maintenance drains collection system to facilitate maintenance.

Drain connections are located in:

▪ production/test manifolds
▪ slugcatcher and wellstream heaters
▪ test and production separators (HP, MP and LP)
▪ crude interstage heaters
▪ crude oil coolers
▪ crude oil export metering station
▪ oil and gas export risers and manifolds
▪ crude oil pig launcher.
▪ gas compressors, suction scrubbers / coolers
▪ export gas metering skid
▪ TEG (Tri-Ethylene Glycol) contactor/dehydration inlet scrubber
▪ TEG (Tri-Ethylene Glycol) regeneration package including flash drum,
exchangers and filters
▪ fuel gas KO drum and filters
▪ turbo generators
▪ bulk methanol storage vessel
▪ temporary pig launcher / receiver

One of the slop tanks is arranged to function as a closed drains tank with a capacity of 250
m3. It operates at near atmospheric condition and is configured to accommodate the removal
and disposal of residual stabilised liquid from the topsides equipment under maintenance
and discharged via the maintenance header, also the normal discharge of recovered oil from
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the topsides hazardous open drains system. The drains header is maintained at atmospheric
pressure as there is a dip line fitted into the tank.

2.11.2 Hazardous Open Drains

The hazardous open drain headers collect drainage from the following areas:
▪ PAU-1 chemical injection
▪ PAU-2 helifuel skid / laydown area
▪ PAU-3 water injection
▪ PAU-4 gas compression
▪ PAU-5 LER/workshop
▪ PAU-6 separation

All process deck hazardous areas with the potential for liquid hydrocarbon spillage have
plated decks with drain boxes. These are located, with a spacing of 1 drain box per 50 m2,
in process areas. Vessel pitch and roll will assist drainage of spilled hydrocarbons and
deluge water. The drain boxes have liquid traps – any burning liquids entering the drain
header will extinguish due to lack of air. The drain boxes drain into the hazardous open
drain tank. Overflow from the drain boxes leads to spillage onto the main deck. The
overflow is likely to be greater in conditions with high roll and pitch.

All water, de-aerated or seawater, used for flushing the separators or pipework is discharged
locally to the open hazardous drains system. Discharge to the slop tank is avoided to
alleviate potential scaling which could result from mixing of seawater and the produced water
present in the slop tank.

Drains in topsides deck areas with non-hydrocarbon inventories, e.g. PAU 8, are routed
directly to the main deck (cargo tank top) below.

Drainage from the glycol dehydration skid is collected in a dedicated storage drum and
pumped back to the glycol tote tanks.

Other inputs to the hazardous open drains are:

▪ the glycol (TEG) regeneration skid atmospheric vent drain
▪ relief valves from the TEG and fuel gas systems
▪ tundishes and drip trays for fire pumps and other ship’s utilities
▪ inert gas headers


Drain headers discharge liquids into the hazardous open drains tank via dip tubes or loop

The hazardous open drain tank and headers are designed for 0.07 barg within temperature
limits of –7 °C and 50 °C. The hazardous open drain tank is provided with a nitrogen blanket
to maintain an inert atmosphere in the tank at all times. The tank has a dedicated vent to

Liquids in the tank can be pumped out to the drain water centrifuge. A low-level trip prevents
drains pump damage.
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The hazardous open drain tank overflow is routed to the drain disposal caisson. A sample
point is provided on the discharge line from the centrifuge package to monitor the quality of
the treated water.

The drain caisson has an air-driven skimming pump to deal with spillage during an upset at
the centrifuge package. The drain caisson is designed for 3.5 barg and full vacuum within
temperature limits of -7°C and 50°C and a nitrogen blanket is maintained at the caisson.

2.11.3 Marine deck drains

Scuppers, discharging overboard drain the main deck. Normally the scupper plugs are left in,
except for the aft one on each side allowing rainwater, etc., to flow directly overboard. The
main deck has a coaming, approximately 6” high around the perimeter. In the event of a
spillage, the OIM can order the scuppers to be plugged and the shutters lowered on the cut
out panels in the coaming, in order to contain any spilled liquid.

2.12 Sewage Treatment

Grey water from wash basins, sinks, showers and washing machines etc. drain directly
overboard below the water line. Drainage from the galley passes through a grease trap
before entering the treatment unit. Drains from the hospital are routed via the sewage
treatment plant.
the sanitary discharge system includes:
one marine toilet system, vacuum type
one sewage treatment plant, biological type

The toilet vacuum unit and sewage treatment plant is located forward, below main deck
level. Black water discharges from the toilets are led to the vacuum unit and pumped from
the vacuum unit to the sewage treatment plant. The treatment plant is emptied by an
automatic pump and pumped directly overboard below the water line.

2.13 Ballast and Bilge System

The vessel has two ballast systems. The objective of the ballast systems is to prevent loss of
vessel stability and over-loading of hull structure in all operating and environmental

Figure 2.28 illustrates the function of the ballast system. The bilge and ballast system
located in the forward machinery spaces allows trim ballasting via the fore peak tank and no.
1 double bottom tank. This system is fitted with two general-purpose bilge and ballast
pumps; however, the larger no. 2 (300 m3/hr) pump which is provided with remotely
controlled valves is the primary unit. As a backup, the system may be operated using no. 1
pump (rated at 160 m3/hr). One stripping ejector is arranged in the engine room for stripping
of the ballast tanks forward of frame 90.

Both pumps may be connected to the forward machinery space bilges. Normal machinery
space bilge pumping operations are carried using the oil/water separator and dedicated
pump rated at 10 m3/ hr. Emergency bilge suction is afforded by no. 1 CSW pump.

The second system provides stability control for cargo operations and comprises three pairs
of wing tanks served by two hydraulically powered ballast pumps located in the ballast pump
room aft of frame 90. The pumps are rated at 1000 m3/h. Sea chests, port and starboard in
the ballast pump room have crossover suction and discharge lines and valves. Independent
water ballast lines are provided for each ballast tank.
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Both systems have remotely operated hydraulic powered valves controlled and monitored by
the integrated control and monitoring system (ICMS). The hydraulic power unit has a main
and stand-by pump and reserve accumulator capacity to operate two of the largest valves if
the pumps are not available. A manual hand pump may be connected to the valve solenoid
cabinet for manual control of the ballast valves.

All primary sea suction valves may be operated in an emergency from above the normal
operating draft level, by a self-contained hand operated hydraulic system.

The only major accident scenario where the ballast system may be actively required is a ship

The ballast pump room is located amidships and as the system is designed to withstand
reasonably foreseeable shock loads, it is unlikely to be impaired in this event.

However, the power supply to the ballast pumps is vulnerable to a ship collision scenario
forward of frame 90, where the hull is single skinned. Cargo operations, loading or
discharge, are carried out to predetermined plans which ensure that hull stresses and
stability are acceptable at all stages of the operation, with the aid of the ballast system.

2.14 Inert Gas System

The topsides inert gas system provides blanket gas at process vessels and tanks and is
used for purging equipment prior to carrying out maintenance work. The shipboard system
provides an inert gas blanket to the crude storage tanks and slop tanks.

2.14.1 Topsides inert gas system

The topsides inert gas system objective is to prevent the formation of potentially explosive
atmospheres within process & utility equipment on board the installation.

Inert gas is used as a buffer-gas for the gas compressor seals, blanket gas in process
vessels and tanks and for purging equipment prior to carrying out maintenance work. The
topsides system consists of two 100 % duty filters; an air feed pre-heater, eight individual
membrane separators and an inert gas accumulator. The eight membrane separators are in
parallel and generate nitrogen from compressed air fed from the topsides air compression

Inert gas is supplied to the following topsides users:

▪ compressor seals
▪ utility stations
▪ produced water disposal caisson
▪ drain water disposal caisson
▪ heating and cooling medium expansion vessels
▪ hazardous open drain tank
▪ methanol storage vessel
▪ atmospheric vent header
▪ HP wet flare header
▪ HP cold flare header
▪ LP flare header

An inert gas distribution header on the central piperack has branches to individual areas with
a single utility station in each area. During normal operation, all inert gas requirements are
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met by the membrane units. An oxygen analyser, downstream of the membranes,

continually monitors oxygen levels. In the event that the oxygen level increases above 5 %
(i.e. only 95 % nitrogen) the inert gas is automatically diverted to atmosphere.

2.14.2 Ship Inert Gas System

The objective of the ships inert gas system is to prevent fire or explosion within cargo and
slop tanks.

An inert gas generator in the engine room, supplies inert gas to the cargo and slop tanks.
See figure 2.29. Diesel oil is burned. The evolved gases are cooled and cleaned by a spray
of seawater then dried in a demister. The flow-rate varies automatically in accordance with
demand, normally between 500 and 2000 m3/hr (at std. Conditions).
The system maintains a positive pressure in the cargo tanks at all times. The system
supplies inert gas during the following operations:
oil discharging
hydrocarbon gas purging after tank cleaning
tank cleaning
hydrocarbon gas purging the main storage oil lines

The system is operated and monitored from the CCR. Manual valves on the main deck level
control flow to the cargo tanks and also for venting to atmosphere. Inert gas is delivered to
the cargo area via the deck water seal, manual block and non-return valve. The water inside
the seal pipe is displaced to a reservoir during operation and immediately falls back and
closes the seal on loss of positive gas flow. This ensures gas containing hydrocarbons is
prevented from flowing back to the engine room.

During oil offloading from the cargo tanks, the inert gas generator automatically adjusts the
supply of inert gas to meet the set point pressure requirement of the pressure indicator
controller directly downstream of the deck water seal. The flow-rate is controlled via a pair of
pressure control valves upstream of the deck water seal, this acts to divert surplus inert gas
to atmosphere if required. The oxygen content of the inert gas may be adjusted in the range
1 to 4 % by volume as required in order to achieve required oxygen content in the
atmosphere of the cargo tanks of 8 % by volume or less. Adjusting the fuel/air ratio using the
oxygen trimmer potentiometer achieves this.

The generator secures positive pressure in the tanks under any normal operating condition.
The pressure / vacuum breaker on the inert gas main line prevents cargo tank overpressure.
There are breather valves on both IG and vents lines. All IG and vent tank valves are
normally locked open.

The inert gas generator can also be used to supply fresh air for use when the tanks are to be
gas-freed. In this mode of operation, the fuel and cooling water systems are then shut down
and the blower simply supplies air to the tanks.

The inert gas generator has a high oxygen content analyser alarm (set at 6 % on the inert
gas line after the scrubbers) and a high temperature alarm.

2.15 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

2.15.1 HVAC Provision
Mechanical ventilation is provided for all enclosed areas. The accommodation HVAC
supplies all cabins, the mess room, recreation rooms, public rooms, hospital, offices, CCR,
pantry, dry provision room, washrooms and laundry etc. A separate HVAC system supplies
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the escape tunnel providing fresh air at a positive pressure. ‘Air locks’ are provided at all
access points to the escape tunnel. Another dedicated HVAC system supplies the workshop,
laboratory, local equipment room and switch-room building on the process deck.

2.15.2 Air Supply Quality

HVAC inlets draw air from non-hazardous areas. The HVAC exhausts discharge air to non-
hazardous locations.

Air to each area of the accommodation is supplied through electric pre-heater coils mounted
in the duct before diffuser units.

The following table showing air changes per hour indicates air quality.

Area Supply Exhaust Area Supply Exhaust

Cabins 6-8 - Pantry 10 10
Mess room 8 - Laundry 15 15
Recreation rooms 8 - Wash rooms 15 20
Offices 10 - Toilets 15 -
Sick bay 10 - Stairwells - -
Gymnasium 10 - Escape tunnel - -
Bridge and control 10 - Local equipment - -
room room
Galley 30 40 Switchgear room - -

2.15.3 Overpressure and air tight sealing requirement

The HVAC system maintains the TR and topside switch-room at approx. 50 Pa above
external air pressure. This helps prevents ingress of air, smoke and gas from hazardous
areas into unclassified areas. Sealing relies on the action of external doors and the HVAC
fire dampers.

Improved sealing arrangements around the galley doors to the forward service hatch have
been fitted to prevent smoke ingress due to engine room fires and the integrity of the escape
tunnel has been improved by the fitting of new doors with actuated closure mechanisms.

Extraction fans in the ballast pump room have higher capacity than the supply fans to ensure
a negative pressure is maintained.

2.15.4 Fire Dampers

The HVAC performance standard states as an objective:

to prevent the ingress of smoke and gas into non-hazardous areas, i.e. the local equipment
room, escape tunnel, TR and forward and aft machinery spaces

All ventilation inlets and outlets are provided with fire dampers. These are automatically
activated by the fire and gas system. Manual operation is also possible.
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Ducts passing through fire partitions have fire dampers and all fire dampers have manual
and automatic remote closing and reset facilities. The relevant HVAC fans automatically stop
when fire dampers are closed.
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3. Turret and swivel

The turret is located just forward of mid-ships with its centre in the process area and
immediately aft of the H120 blast/fire wall which protects the accommodation/TR.

It provides the FPSO’s mooring connection, the fixed point relative to the seabed and allows
the installation to weathervane around it. The steel turret structure includes bearings
interfacing with bearing surfaces on the hull, fairlead brackets and foundations for mooring
line chain-stoppers.

Its other function is to enable fluids and electrical power to be transferred from the flowline
and umbilical risers fixed relative to the seabed to the topsides piping and cabling fixed
relative to the FPSO. The turret includes the following features for this function:

riser connection structures

production and tests manifolds with shutdown valves and chokes
Brisco hydraulic power unit and control panel
safety system (e.g. ESD and SSIV control panels)

3.1 Swivel pathways

The production risers interface with the FPSO process plant via a swivel pathway. The upper
section of the turret also comprises a swivel stack (figure 2.16). This stands 11.25 m high
and weighs 115 tonnes. The stack has the following swivels (top downwards):
• two 10” for Banff well fluids
• one 10” for Third Party well fluids
• one 12” oil export swivel to the FSO via the STL or the shuttle tanker via the SAL
• one 6” for gas export (also includes a “tee” immediately downstream of the ESDV
provided with double block and bleed for tie-in for potential gas lift.)
• one 10” for Banff water injection
• three 1” for utility/chemical injection
• electrical slip ring assembly comprising 440 V 3-phase 60 Hz and 115 V 1-phase 60
Hz control umbilicals.

The swivel also has an electrical slip ring.

3.1.1 Production Swivel Pathway

The specification for the Banff production swivel pathways (1 & 2) is:

Fluid Hydrocarbon liquids and vapour, together with produced water and production
chemicals. Solids are produced in quantities approximating 2 kg/1000 bbl of
Production chemicals include:
a) wax inhibitor
b) corrosion inhibitor
c) scale inhibitor
d) demulsifier
e) methanol at start-up
Other production chemicals used from time to time (scale squeeze and
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Pressure Design pressure: 180 barg Normal operating pressure: 17 barg to

73 barg
Temperature Design temperature: - 20 C to 90 C. Normal operating temperature: 60 C to
84 C
Nominal Size 10 inch
Capacity Fluids range 50,000 bpd – made up of 45000 bopd, 5000 bwpd, gas at GOR
oil/water/gas 750 to 50,000 bpd – made up of 5000 bopd, 45000 bwpd, gas at GOR
Other requirements Frequent slugs are expected from the flowline (1 every 2 minutes maximum)
at a normal velocity of 3m/s

3.1.2 Gas Export Swivel Pathway

The specification for the gas export swivel pathway is:

Fluid Hydrocarbon gas with a water dew point of minus 26 C at 75 barg (water
content: 15 mg/m 3 at std. conditions). Hydrocarbon dewpoint: -2 C at 103
barg and above.
Pressure Design pressure: 240 barg.† Normal operating pressure: 150 to 182 barg
Temperature Design temperature: -20 C to 130 C ‡. Normal operating temperature: 50 C
Nominal size 6 inch
Capacity 60 MMscfd (an increase to 75 mmscfd is being researched)

• The design pressure of the gas export riser is fixed at 226 barg.

• The high design temperature of 130 C should occur during a short period of time (15
minutes) and no more than once during the field life. The high design temperature to
be considered on a continuous basis is 70 C.

3.2 Turret Gantry Structure

This supports operator and maintenance access ways for the swivel and associated safety
systems. It has the capability to lift the swivel and provides the reaction point for the turret
turning hydraulic mechanism. The weight is approximately 72 Te.

3.3 Turret Riser Capability

The turret structure can accommodate up to 15 risers and umbilicals that are carried through
the open centre of the turret and transferred to the installation by means of swivels and
flexible jumpers. There are upper and lower guides for a total of 15 risers/umbilicals,
terminating at the riser hang-offs.

Within the turret, each line is connected to hydraulically activated ESDVs. These are
immediately downstream of the turret, located on the upper turret deck.

3.4 Structure
The turret consists of two concentric cylinders interconnected with plating and stiffeners.
The upper end is designed as a flange which transfers the vertical and horizontal upper
bearing forces between the turret and the vessel. Valves and equipment are on the upper
turret deck.

Horizontal decks are located between the inner and outer shell. The lower end supports the
mooring fairleads. The turret is divided into 5 identical parts by vertical radial bulkheads.
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The main dimensions of the turret are:

• outer shell diameter: 7.00 m
• inner shell diameter: 4.20 m
• turret upper deck diameter: 13.35 m
• height overall: 21.70 m

3.5 Bearings
The turret is supported on 56 vertical and 28 horizontal sliding bearings. The upper bearings
transferring horizontal and vertical loads are located 0.4 m above vessel main deck level at
an elevation 16.9 m above the baseline. The lower horizontal bearing is located at elevation
4.9 m.

The upper bearing system comprises 28 (spring supported) sliding bearings, each consisting
of 2 vertical and 1 horizontal bearing element. The bearings are located on foundations 400
mm above main deck level around the ship’s moonpool. Each element has a vertical
capacity of 78 tonnes and a horizontal capacity of 102 tonnes. Bearing elements are spring
supported. The vertical bearing is designed for a vertical movement of  31.9 mm and a
horizontal movement of  20 mm. A central lubrication system is provided.

The lower bearing is a passive bearing system consisting of 50 elements located around the
turret. The bearing is an elastomer having compression of approximately 10 mm at a load of
450 tonne/ m2. The design allows a free horizontal movement of 10 mm.

3.6 Turning and Locking System

The turret is operated unlocked during heavy weather, allowing the vessel to turn about the
turret. The turret is locked during normal operations and when support vessels are in close
proximity. In certain conditions of wind and sea states operating the thrusters to achieve a
specific vessel orientation with respect to wind or waves, can be more effective in providing
stable operating environment than allowing the vessel to weathervane.

The mechanism comprises a dual set of hydraulic push-pull cylinders acting between the
main deck and the lower turret ring. A hydraulically operated locking device ensures the
main cylinder locks onto the ‘ring’ to move the turret, sliding back for new grip. A dual
redundant set of hydraulic power packs in the deck store near the turret, supply each
cylinder pair. See figure 2.25.

The operator display for monitoring of turret angular position is in the CCR/wheelhouse,
however, local manual control devices are sited near the turret. Turret turning is initiated at a
displacement of 15 as indicated by the turret gyro compass.

Turret turning is performed locally by an operator using local manual hydraulic controls. All
other personnel are excluded from the area during the turret turning operation. The turret is
checked for obstruction and a tannoy announcement made that turning is in progress.

The performance standard for turret unlocking states that the system objective is to maintain
a geostationary turret position centred on 0, but normally within  15 departure by locking
and unlocking the turret.

3.7 Turret Safety Systems

Accidental spillage of fluids is contained on the swivel and the turret decks and then
transferred by a dedicated drain system to the annulus between the turret and ship.
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The turret has a dedicated deluge system. The turret mounted riser ESD valves have a fire
protection rating of two hours, against a limiting valve body temperature of 250 o C.

3.8 Means of access

Ladders are provided for internal turret access with platforms for maintenance as required.
Safe access from the vessel deck is provided for maintenance of anchor chain stoppers.
Permanent grated walkways are fitted and there are lugs for scaffolding and for fixing
temporary lifting equipment.

3.9 Turret Hydraulic System

3.9.1 Turret Hydraulic Power Unit
The hydraulic power unit (HPU), which operates subsea equipment, is located in the turret.
The HPU is powered electrically via a slip-ring unit in the swivel. The unit connects to the
subsea equipment via a topsides umbilical termination unit (TUTU), a dynamic umbilical
termination unit (DUTU) and the subsea electrohydraulic umbilicals. The HPU supplies a
water-base hydraulic fluid at LP (207 barg) and HP (345 barg). The HP system is dedicated
to operate the downhole safety valves (SCSSSVs).

Power and signal cables for subsea control are connected via electrical slip rings to the
TUTU. The multi-function umbilical riser connects into the TUTU and carries power, signals,
hydraulics and chemicals to the subsea termination and distribution manifold.

The following sketches show a simplified view of the Hydraulic Well Control for Banff and
Kyle wells.

Banff Hydraulic Well Control

Kyle Hydraulic Well Control

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4. Topsides and Process descriptions

4.1 Subsea systems and risers

4.1.1 Well operations

Well management is separate from, but integrated with the Petrojarl Banff.

Well Kill Facilities

The Petrojarl Banff is not fitted with permanent well kill facilities; however, it is possible to kill
wells by bullheading down the production riser at a tie-in point adjacent to the riser ESDV.
Space is available adjacent to the turret to accommodate well kill equipment.

Well Intervention Chemical Treatment

No permanent facilities are provided on the Petrojarl Banff for handling well treatment
chemicals. Should such treatment be required, chemicals and associated equipment will be
located in a suitable temporary location.

De-aerated water is available via temporary supply facilities within the water injection system
and facilities are available for supply of chemicals and treated water to the production

4.1.2 Riser Arrangement

The risers are positioned between the mooring lines of the Petrojarl Banff with adequate
separation to prevent them coming into contact with each other during normal conditions.
There is provision for the installation of additional risers for future developments.

Banff field subsea flowlines are shown in figures 2.1.

4.1.3 Riser ESDVs

All hydrocarbon-containing flowlines and export pipelines on the Petrojarl Banff have
emergency shutdown valves fitted.

Riser ESDVs are located in the turret close to the riser hang-off connection. The risers are
connected directly to the swivel using hard pipe runs, which contain the riser ESDVs.
Provision is made for temporary pig launching facilities. The risers and connections to the
swivel are as direct as possible with the minimum of bends and restrictions. The production,
test and water injection manifolds are located outside the turret. The piping and swivel are
rated for maximum wellhead shut-in pressure (WHSIP).

4.2 Petrojarl Banff production

4.2.1 Capacity
Figures 2.13 and 2.14 are process flow diagrams for the production system on the Petrojarl
Banff. The process facilities are designed to handle Banff and Kyle peak flow rates:

Process facilities
Fluid type Banff Kyle Total ‡
Gross liquids /stbpd 90 000 30,000 120 000
Oil /stbpd 60 000 30,000 90 000
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Process facilities
Fluid type Banff Kyle Total ‡
Produced water /stbpd 77 000 27,000 104 000
Dry gas /MMscfd 75 15 90

This represents the full production with Third Party & Banff fluids.

The gas compression and treatment systems have a design capacity of 90 MMscfd for HP
compression and 85 MMscfd for export compression.

4.2.2 Product Specifications

The topsides facilities are designed to process the well fluids safely and to deliver products
to the following specifications.

Export oil
• oil product with a TVP of 1.0 bara at 38 0C for delivery to a remote shuttle tanker
• BS&W concentration of 0.5 vol% in oil (max.)
• temperature  38 0C

Produced water
oil in water concentration of 30 ppmv max

Export gas
• water dew point -26 0C at 75 barg
• minimum pipeline entry pressure 172.3 barg
• maximum gas temperature  50 0C, 70 C (start-up)
• maximum HC dew point –2 0C at all pressures >103 barg
• maximum H2S concentration 8 ppm @ 160 barg or 9 ppm @ 150 barg

4.2.3 Process Operating Philosophy

Process plant is designed as a single train system. Loss of particular equipment, e.g.
compression, or produced water treatment, may therefore require reduction in crude oil
throughput, in order to meet flare consent levels or oil-in-water discharge levels.

4.2.4 Process Control System

The central point of control for the FPSO is the central control room (CCR), which also
performs the function of wheelhouse when the FPSO is underway. This area is permanently

Distributed Control System

Terminals and cubicles in the CCR are the main operator interface for the distributed control
system (DCS). From this location all vessel and topsides process parameters can be
monitored and controlled. The DCS provides the main interfaces between the operator
stations and the following systems:
• vessel management system
• process control system
• subsea master control station
• emergency shutdown system
• process shut down system
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• fire and gas system.

Vessel Control Systems

One workstation is required to control each one of three functions of the FPSO:
• engine room - control of power management, thrusters and engine room auxiliaries
• cargo - control of the cargo and ballast systems
• process - control of the process systems

Subsea Control System

The subsea master control system (MCS) and electrical power unit (EPU) are located in the
local equipment room (LER) on the process deck. The turret hydraulic system is the control
interface between topsides and subsea control units. Figure 2.15 is an overview of interfaces
between the topsides, turret (swivel) and subsea equipment.

The majority of the control systems for the subsea flowline production and export facilities
are operated from the Petrojarl Banff, except during well workover operations when
individual wells will be isolated from the Petrojarl Banff control system by the workover

The control systems are connected into the Petrojarl Banff production and emergency
shutdown systems. They include:
planned phased start up and shut down of production wells
chemical injection system control and monitoring
well and flow control including temperature and pressure sensors
control and monitoring of production and gas lift chokes
monitoring of individual wellhead pressure
emergency shutdown (ESD) system including ESD valves in the Banff turret
monitoring of metering systems at the individual production wellheads

4.3 Process Systems Design Pressures and Temperatures

The process system design conditions are:

Design Max. Design Max.
pressure design pressure design
System /barg temp/C System /barg temp/C
Turret –production import 180 90 LP compression – suction 10 150
Turret – crude export 40 65 LP compression – 10 150
Turret – gas export 226 70 MP compression – suction 25 150
Manifold – production 180 90 MP compression – 25 150
Manifold – test 180 90 HP compression – suction 60 150
HP separator 25 120 HP compression – 90.5 150
Test separator 25 120 Dehydration 90.5 150
MP separator 25 120 Export compression – 90.5 150
LP separator 10 120 Export compression– 226 150
Slug catcher 25 90 Gas metering 226 150
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Design Max. Design Max.

pressure design pressure design
System /barg temp/C System /barg temp/C
Coolers / MOL pumps 16/40 120/65 Fuel gas KO drum 45 150
MOL pumps discharge 40 65 Crude metering 40 65

Process system operating parameters and temperatures are:

Flowline/manifold Pressure Temp

Inventory /barg /C
Turret-production import 60 65
Turret-crude export 12 36
Turret-gas export 193 50
Manifold-production 17 60
Manifold-test 17 60

Oil stabilisation Pressure Temp

Inventory /barg /C
HP separator 16 60
Test separator 16 60
MP separator 6 63
LP separator 1.5 56
Slug Catcher 18 25
Coolers/pumps-crude 12 36
Crude metering 12 36
Cargo tanks (see §

Gas compression Pressure Temp

Inventory /barg /C
LP compressor 6 56
MP compressor 17 27
HP compressor 66 27
Gas dehydration 65 27
Export compressor 194 27
Gas export metering 193 50
Fuel gas KO 32 10

4.4 Oil Separation and Stabilization

The oil stabilisation train has four stages of separation:
• 3 phase HP separator, normally operating at 16.0 barg
• 3 phase MP separator, normally operating at 5.0 barg
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• 2 phase LP separator, operating at 1.0 barg in the hot well fluids arrival condition
and at 0.5 barg in the cold well fluids arrival condition
• 3 phase test separator used as HP separator for Kyle, normally operated at approx.
13.0 barg.

4.4.1 Topsides Flowlines

Banff ‘A’ and ‘B’ production flowlines, downstream of the swivel, connect to the existing test
and production manifolds. The Banff flowlines have topsides choke valves and multiphase

4.4.2 HP and Test Separators

Well fluids from the Banff production flowlines are normally routed to the three phase HP
separator. Well fluids from the Kyle production flowline are routed via a slug catcher to the
test separator. A hot oil loop is installed from the test separator back to the slug catcher in
order to maintain temperature above wax formation temperature and thereby avoid wax. In
both separators the bulk of the produced water is removed and directed under interface level
control to the HP or test de-oiling hydrocyclones. Oil with residual water is directed under
level control via a crude interstage heater to the MP separator. Associated gas is routed to
the HP compressor.

4.4.3 Separator Internals

The HP, MP, LP and test separators are equipped with sand jetting nozzles and internal
sparge pipes. In addition to horizontal coalescing elements which assist liquid-liquid
separation and baffle plates for wave-dampening, these vessels also incorporate a Porta-
test inlet cyclone device to promote initial gas / liquid separation and foam suppression.
Adjustable weir plates are also installed in the HP and test separators between the oil / water
and oil compartments.

Baffles and structured packing are used extensively in the oil and gas packages to minimise
the effects of vessel motion. For example, longitudinal baffles and sections of structured
packing are provided along the length of the HP separator. In addition, measurement of
liquid level is carried out as close to the centre of the separator as possible.

Horizontal separators are aligned along the transverse vessel axis.

The main horizontal separators are located towards the aft of the FPSO and between the
centreline and the starboard side.

Level control in the horizontal separators relies on one level transmitter (and one interface
level transmitter), located roughly in the centre of the separator or slightly to the outlet side of
the centre. The separators have 2oo3 voting of independent high high level transmitters to
enhance shutdown reliability. However, the transmitters are located near to the outlet end of
the separator and high roll motion can raise the liquid level to above the high high level trip
point temporarily. The shutdown logic has been amended to introduce a delay in initiating
shutdown action to reduce the number of trips due to this temporary rise in vessel level.
4.4.4 Interstage Heating
Interstage heating is required in order to stabilise the crude to tanker loading specification.
As a consequence, oil and water separation in the downstream vessel is improved. Two 100
% crude interstage heaters are provided and located between the HP and MP separators.
The heating medium is TEG in fresh water.
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4.4.5 MP and LP separators and crude oil coolers

The hot multi-phase fluid exiting from the crude interstage heaters is routed to the 3 phase
MP separator where most of the residual water remaining is removed and disposed under
interface level control to the produced water degasser. Associated gas is routed to the MP
compressor. Separated oil is directed under level control to the two phase LP separator,
where the oil is further stabilised by releasing the remaining solution gas.

Crude oil coolers control the export oil temperature below 38 C.

4.4.6 MOL Pumps

The stabilised oil from the LP separator is routed to the variable speed crude oil export
pumps via the crude oil coolers. The LP separator liquid level is controlled by the variable
speed pumps, which export the cooled and stabilised oil.

Two variable speeds electrically driven topsides crude oil export pumps are provided with
pump suction configured to receive crude oil either from the process or from the cargo tanks.
The topsides crude oil export pumps are capable of the following export flow rates:
▪ 425 m3/hr (single pump)
▪ 630 m3/hr (two pumps)

The third crude oil pump is now used in the hot oil loop and is no longer in service as a crude
oil pump.

Alternatively, and when situation demands, the crude oil may be discharged by gravity run
down to the Petrojarl Banff’s cargo tanks. This action is controlled by the control room
operator via the DCS.

4.5 Oil Metering

The HP and test separators are equipped with production flow allocation meters to measure
the outlet flow of the three phases (gas, oil and water). A non-fiscal oil meter and a flow
totaliser are also provided to monitor the stabilised oil; this unit is located at the main oil
export line, downstream of the crude oil export pumps.

4.6 Produced Water Treatment

The bulk of the water is separated from the fluid streams in the test and HP separators. This
produced water is directed to the hydrocyclones for treatment to remove residual oil, prior to
offshore discharge via the produced water sump caisson that terminates below the sea

The produced water treatment facility is capable of handling 122,000 bwpd oily water flows
and will yield a product with an oil-in-water concentration  30 ppmv.

The system consists of a two-stage hydrocyclone for each of the HP and test separators’ oily
water flow and a common produced water-degassing vessel. Each set of 1st stage
hydrocyclones, for the HP and test separator produced water system, comprises two 50 %
parallel units. Produced water from the HP and test separators is fed separately to these
units under their respective interface level controls. The cleaned water underflows from
these units feed the 2nd stage hydrocyclones; again, comprising two 50 % parallel units. The
treated water discharged from the 2nd stage hydrocyclones is routed to the produced water
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The degasser has a skimming facility by means of an overflow weir into a compartment for
dirty water. This compartment receives discharges from the hydrocyclones’ reject streams as
well as the smaller produced water flow from the MP separator. The oily water from this
compartment is pumped back to the HP or test separators by means of low-shear recycle
pumps. The cleaned and degassed water is metered and discharged overboard under level
control via a dedicated produced water caisson.

One of the 1st stage hydrocyclone units, for each test and HP separator system, can be
configured by suitable pipework / valving arrangement to operate as a dewatering unit. This
may be required in the early and peak oil production phase when the water-in oil spec quality
is not achievable by normal gravity separation alone. To operate as dewatering units, the de-
oiling cyclone heads require to be changed out. Under this configuration, the main crude oil
stream exiting from the HP/test separator is routed separately to the dedicated cyclone unit
for removal of water from oil. The dewatered oil stream exits the hydrocyclones ‘reject’ route
to feed the MP separator via the respective oil level control valves.

Experienced Oil in Water during the continuous production of the Banff field from 2006
through out 2011 is shown in the below graph. The OiW values are the monthly reported

Average: 22.0 mg/l

4.7 Gas Compression

Figures 2.13 and 2.14 are process flow diagrams that provide an overview of the gas
compression and treatment on the Petrojarl Banff.

The systems have the following operating and design pressures:

Design Design
pressure/barg temp/C
LP compression 5 10 150
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MP compression 16 25 150
HP compression 65 35 – 85 150
Export compression 170 226 150

The export compressor discharge can be controlled to export maximum gas rates dependent
upon the Central Area Transmission System (CATS) pipeline operating pressure.
In accordance with the philosophy to minimise flaring, all separator off-gas is exported or
treated to generate fuel gas that is used by the topsides turbines (approximately 8500 m3/hr
at std. Conditions), as a stripping gas for the triethylene glycol (TEG) regenerator package
(approximately 95 m3/hr at std. Conditions) and as flare stream purge gas/pilot gas
(approximately 45 m3/hr at std. Conditions).
There are gas offtakes for fuel gas from the HP separator, slug catcher and downstream the
TEG contactors that are monitored for H2S using 1 gas analyser measuring in the range 0-
10 ppm.

4.7.1 LP Compression
Off-gas from the LP separator enters the LP compressor suction scrubber for removal of
entrained liquids prior to the gas entering the LP compressor. The scrubber is fabricated
from low temperature carbon steel, is glass-flake lined and has a top flange. It is fitted with a
stainless steel inlet device, vanepack demister and drainpipes, which guide the liquids to
below the liquid level. LP scrubber condensate is routed under level control to the LP flare
knockout vessel. The vessel is provided with relief valves sized for the fire case and also has
a manual depressurisation route to flare and purge and vent connections. The design
pressure of the LP compression system is 10 barg at 150C up to the emergency shutdown
valve in the LP compressor discharge.

An LP compressor recycle cooler within the LP compression system cools the compressor
recycle gas. The recycle cooler is an Alfa Laval plate type design that cools the recycle-gas
using a counterflow-cooling medium. Recycle gas temperature is cooled to the same
temperature as the LP separator off-gas that it commingles with before entering the LP
compressor suction scrubber. The cooling medium side of the cooler is protected against
shut in and fire by relief valves set at the cooling medium design pressure of 16 barg. The
LP compressor has a design pressure of 10 barg at -29/180 C and has ANSI class 300
flanges. It is protected against blocked discharge with relief valves set at 10 barg. A
blowdown valve is installed on the discharge and purge valve, for start-up purging, discharge
to the LP flare.

The compressed LP gas at a nominal 5 barg is then commingled with off-gas from the MP
separator and routed to the MP compressor suction cooler prior to further compression. The
anti-surge control primary measurement orifice is located in the compressor discharge in
order not to introduce a significant pressure drop in the compressor suction line.

4.7.2 MP Compression
The commingled gas from the MP separator and LP compressor is cooled from a
temperature of 120C down to 27C in the MP compressor suction cooler, which is a shell-
and-tube heat exchanger. The cooler is provided with relief valves on the cooling medium
side rated for the fire case but will also protect the cooler against tube rupture and
inadvertent shut-in on the cooling medium side. The gas outlet temperature is controlled by a
temperature control valve in the cooling medium return line. The two-phase fluid exiting the
cooler is scrubbed to remove hydrocarbon condensate and water in the MP suction
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scrubber. Condensate is removed under level control to the inlet of the LP separator.
Reverse flow is prevented during shutdown of the MP compression system by automatically
closing the condensate emergency shutdown valve and a non-return valve.
This vessel is fabricated from stainless steel and fitted with a stainless steel inlet device,
vanepack demister, drain pipes and has a top flange. The vessel is provided with relief
valves, sized for the fire case and manual depressurisation route to the LP flare together
with a purge and vent connection.

The design pressure of the MP compression system is 25 barg at 150 C up to the

emergency shutdown valve in the MP compressor discharge. The MP compressor
recompresses the gas to 16 barg for commingling with off-gas from the HP separator. A
remotely operated butterfly valve is installed in the MP compressor suction for use during
early field life for optimum compressor operation.

The MP compressor has a design pressure of 40 barg at -29/180 C and has ANSI class
300 flanges. The MP compressor is protected against blocked discharge with relief valves
set at 25 barg. A blowdown valve and purge valve, for start-up, are installed on the MP
compressor discharge both relieving to the LP flare.

4.7.3 HP Compression
Commingled gas from the HP separator/test separator and MP compressor is routed to HP
compressor and then to the TEG contactor and export compressor.

The HP compressor has a design pressure of 85 barg at -29/180 C and has ANSI class 600
flanges. The HP compression suction system has a design pressure of 35 barg at 150 C on
the suction side of the HP compressor. The discharge side of the HP compressor has a
design rating of 85 barg at 150C.

The HP compressor suction cooler is a once through shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The
shell side (cooling medium) is protected from tube failures by a pressure switch set at 14
barg that trips the compressor and relief valves set at 16 barg. The relief case is over-
pressure from a tube rupture as the shell-side design pressure (16 barg) is less than the
maximum operating pressure (settle-out pressure) on the tube side (approx. 24 barg). The
over pressure protection comprises two relief valves discharging to the LP flare header. A
non-return valve prevents gas back-flow into the cooling medium system.

A throttle valve is installed upstream of the HP compressor suction cooler and scrubber to
limit electrical power consumption for the compressor. The valve has a mechanical stop to
prevent valve closing and to maintain minimum flow to the compressor as per vendor

The HP compressor suction scrubber is fabricated from stainless steel and incorporates an
inlet vane diffusor, coalescer mesh pad and demisting cyclones. It has semi-elliptical heads.
Condensate is returned under level control to downstream of the crude interstage heaters.
Logic changes have been made to ensure that the scrubber outlet emergency shutdown
valve is closed whenever the compressor is shut down and a non-return valve is installed in
the line.

Relief valves installed on the HP compressor suction scrubber protect the HP compression
system from reverse flow from the export compression system and are set at the design
pressure (35 barg) of the HP compressor suction cooler. Reverse flow to the HP
compression system requires failure of both discharge non-return valves and the HP
compressor discharge emergency shutdown valve.
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The HP compressor is protected against blocked discharge with relief valves set at 85 barg.
A blowdown valve and purge valve, for start-up, are installed on the HP compressor
discharge both relieving to the ‘cold’ HP flare header.

4.7.4 Export Gas Compression

The export compressor has a design pressure of 230 barg at -29/180 C and has ANSI class
1500 flanges.

The export compression system has a design pressure of 90.5 barg at 150 C on the suction
side of the HP compressor. The discharge side of the HP compressor has a design rating of
226 barg at 150C.

Gas from the TEG contactor is scrubbed in the Export compressor suction scrubber. This
vessel is fabricated from carbon steel and incorporates a stainless steel inlet device,
demister section with axial flow cyclones and dollar plate. Liquid condensate knocked out in
the TEG contactor, scrubber section and Export compressor suction scrubber are both
routed under level control back to the crude oil separation train, tying in upstream of the HP
and test separators. The vessel is fitted with two relief valves sized for reverse flow from the
export pipeline. For reverse flow to occur the export compressor discharge emergency valve
and both of the non-return valves would have to fail.

The scrubbed gas is compressed in the export compressor to a discharge pressure of 173
barg and cooled in the export gas cooler to 50 C. Outlet gas temperature is controlled by a
temperature control valve on the cooling medium return line. The export gas coolers
(2x100%) are Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers (PCHE) with a 22 % chromium duplex core.
The cooling medium side is protected against fire by two relief valves.

In order to pressurise a depressurised export line at start-up, the export gas temperature is
raised to 70 C to prevent exceeding the minimum design temperature of the riser.

A pressure letdown valve (dump valve) on the export compressor discharge discharges to
the HP flare. This line is used for start-up to route off-specification gas to flare until the gas
dewpoint from the TEG contactor is within specification. The HP/export compression system
is gradually loaded (feed gas forward) with gas going to flare before gas is re-injected or
taken forward to the export pipeline.

The export compressor is protected against blocked discharge by three 50 % relief valves
set at 226 barg. A blowdown valve and purge valve, for start-up, are installed on the export
compressor discharge both relieving to the ‘cold’ HP flare header.

4.7.5 Control of Gas Compression

The LP and MP compressors are driven by a single electric motor through a speed
increasing gearbox. The LP and MP compressors have a common oil lubrication system.
The HP and export compressors are driven by a single electric motor through a speed-
increasing gearbox. The HP and export compressors have a common oil lubrication system.

The compression trains are remotely controlled from the CCR, consequently, minimal
operator action is required locally at the equipment. However, local monitoring and start-up
or shutdown is also possible by the operator in the local equipment room (LER), this is
known as the Man Machine Interface (MMI). The LP/MP compression train can be operated
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independently of the HP/export train, in recycles only. However, the latter train does not
require the LP/MP train to be in operation to export gas.

4.7.6 Gas metering

Although gas is not currently exported, the cooled gas can be fiscally metered in the
metering package prior to entering the gas export pipeline and onward transportation to the
CATS pipeline. The gas metering package consists of four orifice metering runs and
associated pressure letdown stations, dual HS gas analysers, dual dew point analysers and
dual gas chromatographs to comply with the CATS measurement requirements.
Downstream of the metering package is a pressure letdown valve, which maintains a steady
upstream gas pressure through the package.

A new fiscal gas metering skid was summer 2004 installed on the turret. The skid
dimensions are 4711 mm long, 2344 mm wide and 2500 mm high. The design pressure is
226 barg. With this skid, one has the option of exporting all the gas and meter it to a fiscal
standard, or inject all gas or do both. Both the export and injection line have a 4” ultrasonic
flowmeter, which is capable of measure the gas up to a velocity of 30 m/s. It is also possible
to run both flowmeters in serial for meter verification. Bypass around the gas injection meter
is also provided.

4.8 Gas Dehydration

Gas leaving the HP compressor is cooled in the dehydration inlet cooler. The cooler has a
design pressure of 90.5 barg at -20/150C. It is a printed circuit (PCHE) unit with a 22 %
chromium duplex core. The gas is cooled from a nominal 142C to 27 C by cooling medium.
A temperature control valve on the cooling medium return maintains the gas outlet
temperature. Relief valves are installed on the cooling medium side rated for the fire case. A
catastrophic failure of a single internal channel will not give rise to a relief load exceeding the
fire case load.

Cooled gas leaving the dehydration inlet cooler then enters the scrubber section at the base
of the TEG (Tri Ethylene Glycol) contactor. The TEG contactor has a design pressure of 85
barg at 150 C and is protected against over pressure by relief valves set at 85 barg.

The design basis of the TEG contactor is to reduce the water content to less than 15 mg/m3
(at std. conditions) or to a water dewpoint at of –26 C at 75 barg. The gas is contacted
counter-currently with TEG to remove water vapour. Rich, cooled TEG is then re-circulated
to the TEG regeneration unit where water is distilled off and lean TEG cooled, filtered and
pumped back to the contactor. (Modifications have been made to improve the operability and
safety of the TEG regeneration system. These consist of re-routing the pump suction, pump
spill back line for control and non-return valves in the TEG inlet to the contactor.).

Fuel gas stripping is the preferred regeneration technology to meet the CATS (Central Area
Transmission System) gas entry specification and minimise atmospheric emissions.

The contactor vessel is fabricated from carbon steel with all parts in contact with wet gas
being stainless steel clad. The scrubber section incorporates stainless steel inlet separation
mesh pad, cyclones and mist elimination pad. The scrubbed gas then passes via chimney
risers through the column packing and a demister pad and out of the column. Two relief
valves are installed on the contactor and are sized for the fire case. A blowdown line to the
HP flare is installed; this line is used simultaneously with the export compressor blow down
valve to depressurize the export compression system.
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Dry gas from the outlet of the TEG contactor is used as feed to the fuel gas skid for
treatment and distribution to fuel gas users. Gas quality is monitored at the exit from the
contactor and is used as a permissive for gas export and has a high alarm for normal
operation. Off-spec export gas is directed to the HP flare during start up and upsets.

4.9 Process Utility Systems

4.9.1 Fuel Gas System
Figure 2.21 is a flow diagram of the fuel gas system.

There are two sources of fuel gas; normal supply of dehydrated, low pressure, low
temperature process gas from downstream of the TEG (Tri-Ethylene Glycol) contactor and
an alternative back-up supply (start-up or HP/Export compressor unavailable) of water
saturated, low pressure, high temperature process gas from the HP separator.

The fuel gas system normally operates at 35 barg and feeds into a high pressure distribution
system operating at 17.5 barg to supply the gas turbine electrical generators and a low
pressure distribution operating at 3.5 barg serving the following users:
purge gas to HP flare header
purge gas to LP flare header
flare pilots
TEG re-boiler stripping gas
purge gas to atmospheric vent header

The fuel gas KO drum, superheaters and filters have a design pressure of 45.2 barg at -
40/150 °C. The LP fuel gas header has a design pressure of 11 barg at -30/150 °C. Shut
down valves are installed upstream of the fuel gas KO drum, on the liquid outlet of the fuel
gas KO drum and on the high and low pressure fuel gas distribution lines.

The fuel gas KO drum, fuel gas superheaters and fuel gas filters are protected by relief
valves on the fuel gas KO drum set at 45.2 barg relieving to the cold HP flare header. The
relief valves are sized to protect the downstream equipment from gas blow by from the
upstream pressure let down valve failing open. Automatic blowdown is provided on the fuel
gas KO drum and routed to the cold HP flare header.

The normal source of fuel gas is dehydrated process gas taken from downstream the TEG
contactor at 27C and 64 barg and routed via a let-down pressure control valve to the fuel
gas KO drum operating at approximately 10C and 35 barg. Liquids are removed under level
control to one of the following key interlocked routes: HP separator, test separator or HP
flare knockout drum.

Fuel gas is then directed to one of the 100 % fuel gas superheaters, where the fuel gas is
given 30 C of superheat, increasing the normal operating temperature to 40 C.

The superheated fuel gas is then routed to the one of the 100 % fuel gas filters where it is
filtered to remove 99.7 % of particles greater than 5 µm. The fuel gas filters and superheater
are protected by relief valves sized for the fire case and have a manual depressurisation
route to the LP flare.

Total fuel gas consumption is measured to allocation standards before entering the HP and
LP fuel gas headers for distribution to users.
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Individual supply lines are taken to each of the gas turbines via pressure let down valves
maintaining the supply pressure at 17.5 barg. The turbine requirement for full load changes
is ± 0.5 bar.

The system has been enhanced to maintain the supply pressure tolerance by incorporating
larger trim in the pressure let down valves and providing additional pressure control valves to
flare local to each gas turbine.

Relief valves are provided downstream of each of the pressure let down valves to the gas
turbines to protect the gas turbines from gas blow by, set at 27 barg. The low pressure
system is also protected by relief valves against gas blow by. Additionally, alarms and trips
provide early warning and protection of all systems.

In the event that dry fuel gas is not available from the TEG (Tri-Ethylene Glycol) contactor,
water saturated gas from the HP separator can be routed to the fuel gas KO drum. This
mode of operation requires that the fuel gas KO drum is operated at a lower pressure and
feeds gas forward to a single gas turbine at approximately 14 barg. Condensate and water
from the fuel gas KO drum must be routed to the HP flare KO drum. In this mode of
operation gas turbine automatic fuel changeover to diesel is not available.

4.9.2 Cooling Medium System

The cooling medium system cools the:
process gas (inter-coolers and LP compressor recycle cooler)
crude oil (two 100%)
compressor auxiliaries (lube oil and motor coolers)
Using an indirect closed cooling circuit with 30 wt% TEG (triethylene glycol)/ fresh water.
The system comprises:
cooling medium pumps (three 50 % capacity)
expansion tank
cooling medium exchangers (three 50 % capacity)
distribution piping and temperature control valves at the outlet of each cooler

The cooling medium system has a design rating of 16 barg at -7/100C.

Cooling medium is taken from an expansion tank and pumped through plate heat
exchangers where it is cooled by seawater. The cooling medium is then filtered and
distributed to the various consumers and returned to the expansion vessel via the return
header. The cooling medium distribution header normally operates at 5.5 barg and 20 °C.
The return header operates at 2.2 barg and 45 °C. Inert gas is supplied to the expansion
tank and a back pressure vent to flare is installed. There is also a hydrocarbon analyser with
high alarm installed on this line.

A bypass downstream of the cooling medium coolers returns medium back to the expansion
tank to maintain a minimum flow rate through the pumps.

The cooling medium expansion vessel is protected by relief valves sized for the fire case.
The expansion vessel cannot be over-pressurised by any input source and a low-level trip
provides shut down to the cooling medium circulation pumps in the event that level is lost
within the expansion vessel. This particular trip also causes an oil process shut down.

The shell of the MP compressor suction cooler is protected by relief valves sized for the fire
case. Tube rupture protection is not required, as the shell design pressure is equal to two
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thirds of the maximum gas-side working pressure. The shell of the HP compressor suction
cooler is protected by relief valves sized for a tube rupture case.

The dehydration inlet cooler and the export gas cooler are ‘Printed Circuit’ heat exchangers
(PCHEs). The only viable failure scenario for these exchangers is a single channel failure.

The relief loads generated by an equivalent shell-and-tube exchanger are typically two or
more orders of magnitude greater. After evaluation the fire case was found to be the
controlling case for the relief valve size for the dehydration inlet cooler and the channel
failure for the export gas cooler.

The maximum operating pressure of the crude oil cooler is lower than the design pressure of
the cooling medium system and therefore cannot cause it to be over-pressurised. The
cooling medium side of the crude oil cooler is protected with a thermal relief valve.

4.9.3 Heating Medium System

Two waste heat recovery units are used to provide process heating. Heat is transferred
indirectly to the process stream using 30 wt% TEG (tri-ethylene glycol) / fresh water heating
medium. The main components of the package are:
two 100% waste heat recovery units each rated for 9 MW
two 100% heating medium distribution pumps
a heating medium expansion vessel
a heating medium filter
a heating medium dump cooler

The system supplies:

crude interstage heaters
wellstream heaters
slop tank heating coils

Heating medium is pumped via a waste heat recovery unit and distributed to the various
consumers. The supply header operates at 10.2 barg and 150°C. Heating medium returned
from the consumers is routed from an expansion vessel. The return header operates at 7.0
barg with the temperature fluctuating between 100 °C and 150°C. All heating medium
distribution pipework and vessels located in normally accessible areas is covered with
personnel protection guards.

The heating medium expansion vessel is protected by a relief valve sized for the fire case.
The expansion vessel cannot be over-pressurised by any of the input sources and a low-
level trip is provided to shut down the heating medium circulation pumps in the event that
level is lost within the expansion vessel. The waste heat recovery units are provided with
trips to detect low heating medium flow and high temperature.

The heating medium system is designed for 25 barg between temperature limits of -7°C and
190 °C. This design rating matches the design pressure of the crude interstage heaters.

4.9.4 Seawater System

Two 100% service water lift pumps are installed with any two being required to deliver
seawater to the topsides facilities. Vertical lift pumps draw water from approximately 6m
below the lowest draught. A back-washable coarse filter package is supplied immediately
downstream of the seawater pumps, which removes 98 % of particles larger than 120 m.
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The service water distribution header normally operates at 10.5 barg. The seawater system
is designed for 16 barg within temperature limits of –7 °c and 50°c. Service water is supplied
to the following consumers:
▪ cooling medium coolers
▪ hypochlorite generation package
▪ pressurisation of the fire water main
▪ generator auxiliary cooling
▪ deaerator vacuum pump
▪ heating medium dump cooler
▪ sea water cooling to the engine room is supplied by dedicated pumps.

A dedicated hypochlorite generation package (located in PAU3), injects hypochlorite into the
suction of the service water lift pumps to limit fouling and marine growth. Dosing is carried
out on a sequential basis to prevent bacterial immunity.

As the gas and oil heat exchangers are cooled by cooling medium there is no direct
connection between the hydrocarbon and service water systems. In addition, seawater from
the service water system is not supplied to the accommodation. Thus there is no possible
interface between the process hydrocarbon systems and the living quarters.

4.9.5 Compressed Air System

Compressed air is used for starting on board diesel engines, instrument air service and for
general purpose. The compressors (engine room) are connected to the emergency electrical

General-purpose air (plant air), supplied by three air compressors, is distributed to service
connections in engine rooms, machinery rooms, workshops and stores. An air ring main is
installed on deck with connections to pneumatic tools, air hoists, etc.

Instrument air supply is from the plant air system and comprises two air drying units and one
instrument air compressor connected to the emergency switchboard.

Topside facilities have a dedicated compressed air system comprising three 50 % capacity
rated compressors each capable of delivering 1000 m3/h (at std. conditions) of dry air.

The air compression and drying system supply air to the following topsides users:
▪ control valve actuators
▪ ESD/PSD valve actuators
▪ utility stations / plant air
▪ topsides N2 system
▪ deluge valve sets
▪ electric motor purges (start up only).

Main headers for the topsides plant and instrument air are located on the central piperack.

The pressure in the dry air accumulator will vary from 9.5 barg - 7.5 barg. If the pressure falls
below 7.0 barg the standby compressor will start. If the pressure falls below 6.5 barg then
the supplies to the topside plant air consumers and the inert gas package are tripped.
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A low-pressure trip is also fitted to the accumulator, set at 4.5 barg, which will initiate a
controlled process shutdown. A low-pressure alarm is provided on the air accumulator, set at
5 barg. The compressed air accumulator is protected by a relief valve sized for the fire case.

The air compressors can be shut down by manual intervention, an air compressor package
malfunction or by platform ESD.

4.10 Chemical Injection

Five chemical injection packages provide injection and storage facilities for topsides and
subsea systems requirements. The chemical packages are skid mounted in PAU-01 on the
port side of the turret or in the turret.

The top deck of PAU1 is constructed to form a laydown area for various chemical tote tanks.
The chemical storage tanks in PAU1 are nominally sized for 3 weeks continuous chemical
injection demand at design flow condition.

The methanol storage vessel is fabricated in carbon steel. The polyelectrolyte ‘A’ storage
tank is titanium. All other chemical storage tanks are constructed in stainless steel.

All the chemical storage tanks are rated to atmospheric pressure (nominally 0.07 barg or 1
psig) plus liquid static head, apart from the methanol storage vessel, which is rated to 3.5

All the chemical pumps are metering multi-headed type of dual diaphragm design, rated to
full process system design pressure with relief valve installed in each pump-head discharge.
Each pump is provided with individual pump-head flow control by manual stroke adjustment
with provision for common calibration for each chemical injection system.

4.10.1 Process chemical injection

The chemical injection package for the topsides hydrocarbon process is located in PAU1.
The production fluids’ characteristics, the materials of construction and operating conditions
for the subsea and topsides processing equipment determine the requirement for treatment. Demulsifier
Demulsifier is injected upstream of the production choke valves and immediately
downstream of the HP and test separators at the oil outlet stream. Dependent on operating
experience, about 15 ppmv in terms of total gross produced fluid is injected continuously to
enhance separation of the oil and water phases. Anti-foam
Antifoam is injected on a continuous basis at 10 ppmv (based on gross fluid) upstream of the
production choke valves in order to prevent foaming in the production separators and thus
minimising liquid carry-over into the gas off-take at the separators. De-oiler
This is injected continuously at approximately 10 ppmv at the produced water outlet from the
HP and test separators to enhance oil removal from the water stream. H2S Scavenger

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This is injected as requested into the outlet of the HP, TEST, slug catcher outlet and
subsea. Scale inhibitor

This is injected continuously at approximately 5 ppmv at the HP and test separator water
outlet streams in order to mitigate carbonate scaling from produced water break through. A
scale inhibitor transfers pump tops up the subsea scale inhibitor injection day tank in the
turret. Wax inhibitor

Wax inhibitor is injected to prevent wax deposition in the pipelines and the topsides facilities.
Topsides insulation has been designed to avoid continuous wax inhibitor injection, so wax
inhibitor is provided as a contingency chemical to be used when required in low turndown
flow rates.

Dosing of wax inhibitor, at approximately 175 ppmv, is intermittent and carried out
infrequently at the subsea manifold. This is implemented mainly during low oil production
flow rate. No direct hard pipe to the topside umbilical termination unit (TUTU) via the swivel
is provided.

Instead, when wax inhibitor dosing is required, a flexible hose is utilised to connect the
chemical dosing pump discharge pipework to the dedicated subsea umbilical chemical hose
supply connection provided at the TUTU. The TUTU is located in the turret. Corrosion inhibitor
There is no corrosion inhibitor injection requirement for the topside facilities because of
selection of construction material and corrosion allowances. Duplex steel is extensively
utilised for the oil and produced water handling systems, however, a storage tank and
transfer pump are required to supply the corrosion inhibitor to the turret chemical injection

4.10.2 Turret subsea inhibitor chemicals injection

The turret chemical injection package comprises scale inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor
storage day tanks and multi-headed dosing pumps. The chemicals are injected at the remote
subsea production wellheads and flowlines. A separate chemical injection package in the
turret avoids a large number of swivel connections.

Intermittent utility or chemical requirements do not have a dedicated line through the swivel.
Temporary connections are provided between the turret and the topsides via flexible hoses.
Permanent connections are provided for corrosion and scale inhibitors, plus an additional 1”
path in the swivel is available for other chemical injection.

The scale inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor tanks in the turret operate as day tanks only, due
to space restrictions. These turret storage units are automatically topped up from the
facilities in PAU1. Corrosion inhibitor

Corrosion inhibitor is injected subsea into the production flowlines continuously at 10 ppmv
to protect the carbon steel pipelines against corrosion. Injection is via dedicated umbilical
chemical injection hoses at the TUTU.
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Dosing of scale inhibitor to the individual subsea wellheads is carried out via dedicated
umbilical chemical hoses at the TUTU. Injection is carried out continuously at 20 ppmv
depending on the water cut in the well fluid. Injection points are provided on each production
flowline upstream of the swivel. Scale squeeze and acid treatment

Permanent scale squeeze and acid treatment facilities for downhole treatment are not
provided. Temporary facilities are brought on board as required. Injection points are provided
in the water injection pump suction.

4.10.3 Methanol injection

The skid mounted methanol package includes the following main items of equipment:
A 25 m3 methanol storage vessel, rated to 3.5 barg, is nitrogen blanketed to 0.2 barg to
exclude air and avoid product dilution via moisture ingress/absorption and vaporisation
losses. It provides common suction to both sets of methanol pumps as follows:
two 100% four-headed topsides methanol injection pumps accommodate the intermittent
methanol demands from topsides facilities.
two 50% subsea methanol injection pumps accommodate shutdown methanol injection
requirements. Topsides methanol injection
Methanol injection is carried out at the following locations of potential hydrate formation:
Upstream of the dehydration inlet cooler, to prevent hydrate formation at start-up and to
dissolve any hydrate build-up inside the cooler in normal operation. The predicted hydrate
formation temperature (19 °C at the operating pressure of 65 barg) is close to the cooling
medium inlet temperature (20 °C).
Upstream of the TEG contactor condensate level control valve to prevent hydrate formation
in the downstream piping at start-up and to dissolve any hydrate formed in normal
operation. The operating temperature of the flashed liquid is only 2 to 3 °C whereas the
predicted hydrate formation temperature is 10 °C at 16 barg. Continuous methanol injection
is not anticipated since the control valve generates high turbulence in the downstream
piping and is located close to the production manifold, which operates normally above 60
°C. Additionally, the pipework from the level control valve to the main manifold is heat
traced to further minimise the possibility of hydrate build-up.
Upstream of the export compressor suction scrubber level control valve preventing hydrate
formation in downstream piping at start-up. The stream is dry in normal operation.
Upstream of the fuel gas KO drum pressure let-down valve and also upstream of the level
control valve preventing hydrate formation in the pressure control valve/ level control valve
downstream piping at start-up. The stream is dry in normal operation with fuel gas from the
TEG contactor. Subsea methanol injection

Two subsea methanol injection pumps are rated to deliver a combined flow of up to 10 m3/hr
with a relief valve on each pump unit set at 248 barg. The high design methanol injection
rate is governed by the end of field-life production conditions where water cut may approach
90 %. The anticipated maximum methanol injection requirements are 5.8 m3/hr at the
subsea wellheads and 10 m3/hr at the topsides flowlines. Methanol is switched manually
between Banff and Third Party wells subject to demand. Injection cannot be made
simultaneously to both fields.
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High-high and low-low pressure trips are provided for each pump unit. A common pump
start-up flow recycle line, complete with pressure control valve as well as a totalising
flowmeter and a shutdown valve are also provided. To meet a lower pressure methanol
injection requirement at the topsides flowlines, separate safeguards comprising a high
pressure trip and relief valve (set at 180 barg) are also provided on the pump discharge

4.10.4 Seawater chemicals injection package

This chemical injection package for the water injection system is located in PAU1.
Hypochlorite is dosed via a dedicated electrochlorinator in package in PAU3. Hypochlorite
Hypochlorite is injected into the sea water lift pump suctions to control marine organism
growth in all seawater used on the installation. Oxygen scavenger

Oxygen scavenger is required to meet the water injection specification and is injected at the
de-aerator outlet. Biocide
Biocide dosing into the injection water to control anaerobic organisms in the reservoir is
carried out on a weekly basis. Polyelectrolyte A & B

Two types of polyelectrolyte are available for injection upstream of the water injection filter
package. The polyelectrolyte acts as a flocculent to improve filtration. Antifoam
Antifoam is dosed intermittently, via an injection point upstream of the de-aeration tower to
counteract the effects of biocide dosing.

4.11 Cranes and Laydown Areas

Crane operation on Petrojarl Banff is in accordance with the Lifting Operations and Lifting
Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998. For more details, see section

4.11.1 Cranes
There are three electro-hydraulic pedestal cranes and one knuckle boom type marine crane
on the Petrojarl Banff.

Two electro-hydraulic type offshore cranes are installed on the main deck, one port and one
starboard. They load and unload from supply boats as well as moving heavy items of plant
during maintenance and other activities (see figure 2.30). The overlapping radii of the two
deck cranes and the forward “stores crane” ensure ease of access to all major equipment
and laydown areas thereby reducing manual handling.
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Both deck cranes have been positioned with mechanical handling operations in mind such
that lifting operations are conducted outboard of the topsides areas thereby reducing the risk
of dropped objects on process equipment. Each crane is rated for 15 tons at 40 m (max) and
17.5 tons at 8 m (min) for single fall and 15 tons at 39.5 m and 35 tons at 18 m for double

The stores crane, located forward of frame 90, is primarily for accommodation supplies and
engine room maintenance purposes. It is rated for 5 tons at 20 m radius and is mounted on
the accommodation roof.

An ‘Effer’ knuckle boom type marine crane (SWL 2tons at 8.5m) is installed on the Forward
deckhouse roof.

The boom of the forward provisions crane has been extended by 3 meters to enable stores
to be lifted from the laydown area aft of the accommodation to the transit area forward of the
blast wall. Provisions can then be lifted to the store (forward of the air conditioning plant
room) using the 2 tonne (Effer) crane. The movement of provisions in this way greatly
reduces the need for manual handling and therefore the risk this imposes to personnel.

The access hatchway to the galley stores and engine room has been modified. This has
been achieved by fitting a stores cage within the hatch, together with guide rails and locking
arrangements. The modifications much improve the arrangements for handling stores and
reduce the risks of injury to personnel due to manual handling. The weather window within
which stores can be safely handled is also increased.

4.11.2 Lifting Capacity

Defined at zero significant wave height:
single fall 15 tonnes SWL 40 m max 17.5 tonnes SWL 8m
double fall 15 tonnes SWL 39.5 m 35 tonnes SWL 18m

As to the constant moment system the lifting capacity is a function of the work radius
between 18 and 39.5 m.

4.11.3 Laydown Areas

Laydown areas are provided as follows:
• tote tank laydown in PAU 1 (chemical injection)
• spaces adjacent to PAU 2 - starboard, forward
• helifuel tote tank storage within PAU 2
• on the upper level of PAU 8 (utilities) - starboard aft
• PAU 5 Port side outside the workshop Local Equipment Room (LER)
See also figure 2.32.

New bumper bar structures were retrofitted as part of the 2000 / 2001 dry dock workscope to
improve protection of the process plant and structures from swinging loads.
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5. Petrojarl Banff Topside structure and layout

5.1 Topsides Structure

5.1.1 Topsides primary structure

The performance standard objective for the system is to provide structural support to the
topside equipment and the flare pipework. The elements of topsides primary structure are:
• process deck support stools
• process deck and PAU primary structure
• flare stack, guys and anchors
• turret gantry
• piperack
• swinging load protection

5.1.2 Structure General

The main deck of the vessel incorporates 99 primary and secondary support stools. The 60
primary stools each have a nominal static load capacity of 180 tonnes and the 39 secondary
stools 100 tonnes. The topsides equipment has been laid out to optimise the use of these
support stools within the constraints of the process equipment requirements, which are
located on a total of nine individual pre-assembled units (PAUs). The PAU primary structures
comprise fabricated carbon steel trussed frameworks, each with independent structural

The bases of the PAUs have a common elevation approximately 3m above the vessel main
deck and the areas between adjacent PAUs have been plated or grated providing access
across almost the entire vessel at this level. This deck is termed the process deck and
adjacent to the turret area, on PAU04 and PAU06, is rated to withstand a blast overpressure
of 0.5 bar. Portalised tubular columns have been used to support the PAUs, designed with
the pinned bases to minimise the transmission of moments into the support stools.

Originally the topsides structures were designed for in-place, load out and transportation
loads as specified in the Topsides Structural Design Premise. This document also specifies
the structural steel design codes applied and associated analysis methods. The in-place
analysis has been updated to reflect the revised maximum predicted hydrodynamic motions
of the vessel (100 year storm conditions) and this lead to the requirement for significant
modifications to the PAU structures, portalised columns and support stools.

These modifications, described below, were carried out at Blohm & Voss shipyard in late

All PAU primary and secondary structural members utilise high yield steels, in accordance
with the Topsides Structural Material Specification and the truss frameworks are assembled
according to the Topsides Structural Steelwork Fabrication Specification.

The PAU support arrangement [reference drawing BFD-TO-KN-PS-2000-02 PAU typical

support details] comprises a series of discreet support points, which are integral with the
vessel main deck, semi-spherical bearings and portalised support columns.

The camber in the main deck of the vessel (500mm) from centreline to side-shell has been
compensated for by varying the height of the support stools so that all except four supports
have a common elevation of 16.900m. The concave portion of the semi-spherical steel to
steel bearing is located immediately on top of the support stools; the convex portion is
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attached to the lower end of the portalised circular hollow columns which are in turn attached
to the underside of PAUs. The two halves of the bearing assembly are held together with an
arrangement of bolts and washers designed to allow the support to act as a pinned joint to
minimise the transfer of moments into the base, but to resist up-lift and shear loads.

5.1.3 Process Deck

The main deck of the vessel has been designed to incorporate a grid of primary support
stools, each one originally capable of supporting a maximum dynamic load of 300 tonnes.
The topsides equipment has been laid out to optimise the use of these support stools within
the constraints of the process equipment requirements, which are located on a total of nine
individual pre-assembled units (PAUs). The PAUs are fabricated in a three dimensional truss

Tubular columns are used to support the PAUs, designed with the bases pinned, to minimise
the transmission of moments to the support stools. The columns are bolted to the support
5.1.4 Process Underdeck
The process underdeck is the area between main deck and process deck, immediately
beneath all port and starboard PAUs. The underdeck space contains the following:
cargo and slop oil pumps
turret turning controls, pumps and hydraulics
service and fire water lift pumps
fire-water ring main and deluge control skids
deck drain piping, hazardous drain tank and pumps
marine piping and cable racks, principally the cargo manifolds, inert gas and vents and
limited services and utilities
tank cleaning machinery and valves
process deck supports stools
service water, produced water and drain water caissons (mounted on transom)
crude oil export meters and analysis package
access to cargo loading, water ballast tanks, ballast pump room, inert gas valves, tank
ullaging, sampling and sounding points

5.2 Layout of Process Plant

5.2.1 Layout Safety Features
For fixed platforms, recognised design practice is for utility/non-hazardous areas to be
arranged to segregate process equipment from the TR or areas containing essential

The Petrojarl Banff topsides follow a similar layout principle, whereby all hazardous process
areas are starboard and the escape tunnel to the TR is protected from these by the non-
hazardous port side PAUs. The oil separation area is separated from the escape tunnel by
the local equipment room structures.

The primary objectives for a safe installation orientation are to limit the potential for gas
build-up, ignition and escalation and to avoid impairment by smoke, gas, heat or explosion,
overpressure of the TR, escape routes, lifeboats, embarkation areas and the helideck.

The flare tips and vents are located on the windsail at the aft of the vessel. Heat, smoke or
gas release is therefore carried aft, away from the process and accommodation.
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This section provides an overview of the installation layout and the relative positions of the
main facilities, e.g. process, utilities and accommodation. Plant and equipment on the
process deck to the aft of the vessel has been sub-divided for ease of construction and
installation as pre-assembled units (PAUs).

5.2.2 PAU 3 Production Manifold and Water Injection Module

PAU 3 is a 17m x 22m x 8m high module weighing approx. 615Te and designed on 3 levels.
It is located on the port side immediately aft of the turret and comprises 2 production
manifolds, diverter valves, choke valves and shutdown valves together with the water
injection, gas and oil export manifolds. Production and export manifolds are connected to the
turret swivel by high pressure flexible jumper hoses.

This area also contains utilities: cooling medium coolers, filter, expansion vessel and pumps
together with the drain water centrifuge package and hypochlorite generation package.

Access to the escape tunnel is provided by an airlock door.

5.2.3 PAU 4 Gas Treatment Package

The gas treatment PAU is a 23m x 20m x 8m high module, with approximate weight of
750Te. It is located immediately aft of the turret on the starboard side of the vessel and
comprises a single, four stage compression train, on two skids with associated coolers and
scrubbers mounted on 3 levels.

PAU 4 also contains TEG re-generation units, the fuel gas treatment package and the gas
export metering skid. Gas from the Third Party slug catcher to compression/flare is metered
utilising an ultrasonic flowmeter located in a slot in the Banff metering rack.

The starboard escape route runs at process deck level along the outer edge of the PAU and
to the TR via PAU2.

5.2.4 PAU 6 Oil Separation

PAU 6 is 25m x 20m x 8m high deck at process deck level. The structure includes pipe
support rack, LP separator support structure and produced water degasser support
structure. The approximate weight is 715Te.

The oil separation system is located adjacent to and aft of PAU 4, the gas compression area.
It comprises HP, test, MP and LP separators and a slug catcher. The area also contains de-
oiling and dewatering hydrocyclones, degasser vessel, oil export pumps, coolers, crude
heaters and interconnecting pipework.

The starboard escape route runs at process deck level along the outer edge of the package
and to the TR via PAU 4 and PAU 2. Two escape routes run transversely and link to the port
escape tunnel via PAU 9 and PAU 11.

Space is also allocated for the future addition of sand washing facilities.

5.2.5 PAU 9 Pipe Rack

A mid-ships hydrocarbon pipe rack 24m x 3m x 8m high is positioned between starboard
process areas and port side utilities PAUs and weighs approximately 65Te. The pipe rack
minimises pipe runs and manifolding, which reduces topsides inventories and avoids cross-
over between functional areas.
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5.2.6 PAU 1 Chemical Injection

It consists of 10.4m x14.7m area of process deck onto which is seated 3 chemical injection
modules (by Brisco). These modules are 8x4x4m high seawater chemical injection package,
8x4x4m high process chemical injection package and 9x3x4m high methanol skid. Above
the module on the top deck is a laydown area for bulk chemical tanks and a safety shower.
Approximate PAU weight (dry) is 140Te.

The chemical injection area is located on the port side adjacent to the turret. A laydown area
above the skids can accommodate twelve 2.3 m3 chemical tote tanks and three 4.5 m3
methanol tote tanks. This area can also be used for general laydown. Adjacent to the
injection package is a safety shower and an airlock access door into the escape tunnel. One
firewater pump is located below this PAU.

5.2.7 PAU 2 Helifuel/ Laydown

Consists of a 15m x 15m laydown area at process deck level and is rated for maximum local
live load of 20kN/m2. The approximate weight is 100Te.

PAU 2 is located starboard of the turret and contains the mooring / riser winch and the
helicopter refuelling package with a storage capacity of 6.3 m3 and laydown for two 2.7 m3
tote tanks. Also located in this area is the turret ancillary equipment such as seal and leak oil
recovery units. One firewater pump is located below this PAU.

The starboard peripheral escape route runs over the PAU deck and leads via a stairway and
fire door through the H120 blast / fire wall into the TR.

The remaining deck area is designated as laydown. No process equipment is located in this

5.2.8 PAU 5/7 Local Equipment Room (Switchroom, Workshop, Lab)

PAU 5/7 is 20m x 13m x 10m high module approximate weight of 380Te and is located on
the port side of the Petrojarl Banff, forming an intermediate barrier between the oil handling
and separation areas and the escape tunnel to the TR. PAU 5/7 is at two levels with the
switchroom above the local equipment room (LER). The LER provides marshalling for
control cables and houses PCS and PSD panels and unit control panels for process
5.2.9 PAU 8 Utilities
PAU 8 is a 28m x 14m x 6m high utilities module of approximately 360Te in weight. The
starboard pedestal crane boom rest steelwork is integrated into this PAU which is.situated
on the starboard side at the aft of the vessel. It contains miscellaneous utilities including:
the LP and HP flare KO drums
KO drum transfer pumps and ancillaries (mounted below)
the compressed air package
N2 generation package
heating medium pumps, filter, expansion vessel and dump cooler
industrial fresh water storage tank and pumps
flare ignition package

A general laydown area is provided above the process deck.

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5.2.10 PAU 10 Windsail Structure

The flare structure is located on the centreline of the vessel above the aft transom and
originally comprised four distinct components:
• Support structure
• Main structure
• Guy wires
• Wind rudder

Substantial modifications were made during the dry-docking at the end of 2000 which have
significantly altered the structure. A legacy of the original delivery status of the Banff vessel
means that this structure is also subject to Classification society approval.

The 8 m high fabricated steel support structure provides support to a platform, onto which
the main flare structure is connected. The structure is configured to ensure that loading, of
an acceptable magnitude, is transferred from the flare main structure into the vessel hull
structure at strong points on frames 0 and 5. The vessel hull structure below the main deck
has been stiffened to increase buckling capacity.

The main flare structure comprises a 45 m high closed section which has an uneven elliptical
cross-section fabricated using a central 2 m diameter tubular with stiffened plate extensions
fore and aft. The geometry of the section is constant from the tip down as far as 3 m above
the support structure. At this point the section changes to a complex round to square
transition which extends down to the platform at the top of the support structure.
The trailing edge of the main flare structure was fitted with an adjustable flap – the wind
rudder, however this item was removed during the dry-docking in late 2000 (see 2.4.10

The flare guying system provides lateral restraint to the structure and hence reduces the
effects of bending at the base. This system comprised a symmetrical arrangement of six
guy wires linking padeyes on the flare structure with padeyes on the vessel transom.

The lower pair of guys was removed in late 2000 to facilitate the attachment of new rigid
prop members (see 2.4.10 below).

The two remaining pairs are attached near to the top of the structure. In order that the roll of
the vessel does not cause these guys to slacken and induce shock loads into the structure, a
pre-tension of 30 Te is applied and monitored.

5.2.11 PAU 11 Power Generation

PAU 11 is a 25m x 24m x 8m high module at process deck level, including air intake
structure and port crane boom rest.

It is situated on the port side aft, in a non-hazardous area and contains two ABB GT-35 gas
turbines with waste heat recovery units incorporated into the turbine exhausts.

A 40-man life boat and embarkation area is located on the outboard side of PAU11 protected
from the process areas by the local equipment room/ switchroom structure. The escape
tunnel terminates immediately forward of the muster station and is accessible via an airlock

A diesel driven fire pump hydraulic unit is located adjacent to the muster area.
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6. Power systems

Figure 2.26 shows the location of the main electrical equipment on the Petrojarl Banff.

6.1 Main Power

6.1.1 Turbine driven generators for main 11Kv / 60 Hz power generation
Two ABB GT35 dual fuel turbines driven ‘Brush’ alternators, each rated at 16.2 mw when
fuelled by diesel or 16.6 mw when fuelled by produced gas. Power is provide at 11kv to the
topsides ht switchboard. See the single line diagram (figure 2.27) showing the configuration
of the generators and services in relation to the High Tension switchboard.

Each turbine with its’ associated AC generator is built in a self-contained enclosure. The two
enclosures are located adjacent to each other within PAU11 on the port aft side of the
process deck. Each unit is supplied with fuel and services from the process module systems
and contains compartments for a local control room, a gas generator room, an AC generator
room, CO2 storage and compressed air bottles.

Turbine auxiliary services are supplied through individual switchboards located within the
turbine local control room. No1 turbine switchboard takes its power from the 440v MT
switchboard Port and No 2 is supplied from the 440v Emergency switchboard, this ensures
independent security of electrical supply and enables NO2 Turbo generator to be started
from emergency power in the event of a blackout.

Turbine exhaust temperatures are constantly monitored. The maximum acceptable

temperature being varied with the turbine load. The turbine is tripped on ‘temperature
deviation’. A waste heat recovery system is fitted in the exhaust structure, the recovery
medium is 70% water 30% TEG (Tri Ethylene Glycol) and is circulated to the various
production plant heaters.

The turbines and corresponding alternators are cooled by filtered sea water from the two
submerged process plant ‘Framo’ sea water pumps. Failure of the sea water supply causes
an ESD 1 process shut down and turbine shut down. Seawater is treated and filtered before
being directed to the turbines through stainless steel pipework before being discharged

The turbine is protected by high temperature lubricating oil alarms / trips and over-speed
trips on the ‘Gas producer’ and Power turbine.

6.1.2 Diesel driven generators for main 11Kv / 60 Hz power generation

Two diesel Wartsila Nohab16V25 generators, each rated at 3.5 MW are located in the
engine room. The 3 phase (Leroy Somer), synchronous star connected, AC generators are
directly coupled to the diesel engines and mounted on a common base frame.

A common, dual temperature, fresh water cooling system, provides cooling water services to
the engines. Each engine has its own mechanically driven circulating pump. The system is
also fitted with an electrically driven pump as stand-by. A common header tank serves the
Cooling system. As the engine heats up with increasing load, low temperature water is
automatically mixed with the high temperature water to maintain the jacket water
temperature constant. This action creates a low temperature water flow through the air
cooler thus as the load increase the air inlet temperature is reduced.
High temperature cooling water can be directed to two evaporators in order to produce
domestic fresh water from seawater.
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The low temperature fresh system is cooled in seawater coolers supplied by any one of the
three sea water service pumps. The sea water pumps take their suction from a split sea
water main which in turn draws water from the sea via the port and starboard ship side
valves. The ship side valves are ‘globe’ valves which give greater security that the more
conventional ‘butterfly’ valves usually fitted for this type of service. The sea water main can
be split, by closing a central isolation valve, in the event of damage to either side of the
seawater suction main this valve can be closed thus maintaining the integrity of the
undamaged section. The seawater pump suction piping configuration enables two out of the
three sea water service pumps to be supplied from either side of the Main.

6.2 Emergency Power

A self-contained 800 kW emergency ‘Cummins’ diesel generating set, model KTA-38-GCM3,
located in a separate enclosure forward of the H120 firewall is the emergency generator.
The generator output is 440 V ac 3 phase supply at 60 Hz.

The emergency diesel generator provides power to safety-critical systems and essential life
support services in the event of loss of main power. The systems connected to the
emergency switchboards include:
▪ emergency lighting
▪ helideck perimeter and obstacle lighting
▪ radio installations
▪ fire and gas detection system
▪ active fire protection systems
▪ PA and alarm systems
▪ ESD systems
▪ bilge / ballast pump, ballast monitoring and control systems
▪ identification and navigation lights.

The emergency generator starts automatically on loss of main power. The emergency
generator circuit breaker closes automatically onto the emergency switchboard. The
emergency switchboard is normally fed from the main switchboard and automatically
switches to the emergency generator on loss of main power.

The emergency generator is in an A60 rated enclosure within the forecastle, forward of the
H120 fire and blast wall and is supplied from a diesel fuel tank. The tank is sized to provide
sufficient fuel for 24 hours continuous operation.
Other safety features of the design include:
• generator air intake location minimising the likelihood of smoke or gas ingress.
• generator and ancillary equipment designed to withstand foreseeable shock loads.
• generator has the ability to operate at heel angles which may occur following the
flooding of dry compartments.
• damage to ‘abandon installation’ pushbuttons and cabling does not cause shutdown of
the emergency generator.
• distribution system designed for a high degree of availability.
• the distribution cabling is fire retardant and where possible, routed through the escape
tunnel for maximum protection.
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The emergency generator performance standard defines that it will operate in excess of the
DNV requirements at pitch and roll angles of up to 30 inclination. The generator is designed
to withstand reasonably foreseeable shock loads.

It is not vulnerable to any of the identified accident scenarios.

6.2.1 Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)

The objective of the UPS systems is to provide safety-critical consumers with transitional
power during changeover from main to emergency power and maintain the power supply in
the event of emergency generator failure.

Systems supplied with UPS are:

System SCE required for UPS type

1. Communications ✓ GMDSS, SSB, VHF satellite 24 V

2. PA/GA ✓ Amplifiers 115Vac
3. ESD ✓ CCR PSD/ESD control logic, turret 24 V
system, telemetry /115ac
4. F&G ✓ CCR control logic, turret system 24 V
5. i.s. telephones ✓ Also hospital call system 24 V
6. CO2 alarm ✓ Fire extinguishant 24 V
7. Firepump ✓ Electric start (2 batteries) Local
8. Misc. alarms  sauna, ref. Chamber 24 V
9. Control systems  subsea MCS, PCS, DCS, MMI 115Vac
10. Control system peripherals  printers, etc 110Vac
11. Engine room systems  engine utilities 24 Vdc
12. Navaids ✓ vessel identification lights, foghorn 24 Vdc
13. Marine operations  gyro & magnetic compass, navtex, 24 Vdc
clock, GPS, speed log
14. Bilge system  bilge detection 24 Vdc
15. Lifeboat embarkation lights ✓ abandon vessel 24 Vdc
16. Sprinklers ✓ control panel 24 Vdc
17. Switchboard tripping  PSD and ESD systems 110Vdc
18. Framo ✓ ballast system 24 Vdc
19. Cargo/ballast pump control ✓ vessel management and safety control 110Vac
20. Cargo/ballast valve control ✓ vessel management and safety control 110Vac
21. Thruster control  assisted steerage 110Vdc
24 V

6.3 Electrical Power Distribution

Figure 2.27 is the topsides single line diagram, showing the main switchboards.

Power generation is 60 Hz at maximum voltage of 11 kV 3 phase with sub-distribution at 440

V / 220 V. Normal load demand is approx. 28 MW. The system is capable of starting the
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largest motor driven loads against the maximum anticipated standing load. A load
management system administers automatic set management, load sharing and load
shedding where required.

The design configuration offers flexibility, high reliability and is capable of supplying and
carrying continuously, the maximum expected plant load operating at design throughput
under the climatic conditions specified without exceeding 5 % voltage variation at any

Due cognisance has been taken of harmonic loads created by non-linear end devices such
as large static variable speed drives and filters have been installed as necessary.

Modifications to accommodate the additional load for future potential Third Party production
facilities, approx. 13 kW, were made according to the Banff Field Development Electrical
Systems Design Philosophy. The additional supplies were for extra: lighting, trace heating,
chemical injection pumps, UPS and for motor-operated valves on the potential future gas lift
metering skid. Modifications were made to fuse sizes and overloads, or by using spare
circuits on distribution boards or by the installation of new circuits because existing circuits
were already at full capacity. Modifications were not required to the HV generation and
distribution, the LV main distribution equipment or the UPS supply and distribution

Emergency power distribution cables are located under the solid process deck and inboard
from the sides of the installation. This protects the cables from impairment by dropped
objects or ship collision. Emergency power distribution cables are potentially vulnerable to
pool fires and explosions.

6.3.1 Normal and Emergency Lighting

All areas of the installation where personnel might be present have adequate electrical
lighting. The luminaires operate continuously, except in cabins.

The emergency power supply system supplies approximately 50 % of all lighting in each
area. These luminaires provide illumination in conjunction with the normal lighting during
production and will continue to function following loss of main power supply to allow
adequate escape route lighting. The objective of escape lighting is to provide lighting levels
sufficient to enable escape and evacuation from any occupied area or workplace in the event
of loss of main or emergency power during an emergency situation.

Emergency lighting in the switchroom has battery back-up to ensure illumination during
transition from main to emergency power.

Escape luminaires are designated emergency lights with integral mains re-chargeable
battery and inverter, which can maintain lighting for 60 minutes in the event of total power
failure. Locations are escape routes, exit doors, all changes of direction and the switchroom.
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7. Safety Systems
7.1 Safety Integrity Levels
On the Petrojarl Banff the reliability and availability of the ESD, relief and blowdown systems
is enhanced by function testing in accordance with the results of studies to determine safety
integrity levels (SIL) for instrumented protection system loops. Trip categorisation studies
have established shutdown loops for the Petrojarl Banff process operations, in accordance
with IEC 61508 requirements.

Trips categorised as SIL 1 or higher feed in to emergency shutdown (ESD) or process shut
down (PSD) logic.

Shutdown input Shutdown action Voting
Banff Production flowline A hihi Flowline s/d, HP/test sep s/d (high 2oo3
pressure integrity)
Banff Production flowline B hihi Flowline s/d, HP/test sep s/d (high 2oo3
pressure integrity)
Kyle Flowline hihi pressure Flowline s/d, HP/test sep s/d , Slug 2oo3
Catcher s/d (high integrity)

SIL 3 trips have target failures: probability of failure on demand <10-3 for low demand
systems, or failure rate < 8.8 x 10-4 yr-1 for continuous or high demand systems.

Shutdown input Shutdown action Voting
HP separator hihi level PSD3, HP sep.s/d, flowline A&B s/d 2oo3
Test separator hihi level PSD3, test sep. s/d, flowline A/B s/d 2oo3
HP flare KO drum hihi level ESD 2 (high integrity trip) 2oo3
LP flare KO drum hihi level ESD 2 (high integrity trip) 2oo3
Cooling medium pump failure PSD 1 3oo3
Instrument air lolo pressure ESD 2 -
Gas export riser hihi temperature HP/XP comp shutdown 2oo3
Fuel gas superheater hihi temp. single fuel gas superheater shutdown -
Fuel gas KO drum hihi level fuel gas shutdown -
Slug Catcher hihi level PSD3, Slug Catcher & Test sep. s/d, 2oo3
flowline Banff A or B or Kyle s/d

SIL 2 trips have target failures: probability of failure on demand <10-2 for low demand
systems, or failure rate < 8.8 x 10-3 yr-1 for continuous or high demand systems.

Shutdown input Shutdown action Voting
HP separator lolo i/face level Produced water outlet SDV close -
MP separator lolo i/face level Produced water outlet SDV close -
LP separator hihi level PSD 2 2oo3
LP separator hihi pressure PSD 2 -
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Shutdown input Shutdown action Voting

LP separator lolo level PSD 2 2oo3
MP suction scrubber lolo level Liquid outlet SDV close -
Crude cooler hihi temperature PSD 2 -
LP/MP compressor discharge hihi LP/MP compressor shutdown -
HP/XP compressor discharge hihi HP/XP compressor shutdown -
Test separator i/face lolo level Produced water outlet valve close -
Slug Catcher lolo level Crude outlet valve close -

Note that the MP separator hihi level trip was revised from SIL 1 to SIL 0, but the 2oo3
voting arrangement was retained.

SIL 1 trips have target failures: probability of fail on demand <10-1 for low demand systems,
or failure rate < 8.8 x 10-2 yr-1 for continuous or high demand systems.

The study classed many input devices as SIL 0. These also feed into PSD logic. The study
also classed riser valve status transmitters as SIL 0.

7.1.1 Shutdown system integrity

The ESD system is a high integrity system that minimises the consequences following an
uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons on the installation. There is also a separate ESD
system for the equipment located within the turret area which executes the required
shutdown for this location whilst interfacing with the ESD system in the CCR, the PSD
system, the process control system (PCS) and the fire and gas system. The equipment
controlled from the turret ESD panel includes the riser ESD valves, the SCSSSVs, the gas
export, Banff gas injection and Kyle flowline SSIVs. The ESD systems are self-contained,
inherently failsafe, hard-wired systems.

The PSD system comprises two redundant Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).

7.1.2 Shutdown Levels

The ESD and PSD systems are part of the overall integrated control system for the

A shutdown activates all the shutdown levels (ESD and PSD) below it. The ESD / PSD
hierarchy is shown in figures 2.34 and 2.35. The basic levels are:
▪ ESD 0 abandon installation shutdown
▪ ESD 1 facility emergency shutdown
▪ ESD 2 production emergency shutdown
▪ PSD 1 total process shutdown
▪ PSD 2 oil process shutdown
▪ PSD 3 subsea shutdown and compression to recycle
▪ unit control logic for specific equipment.

The EDP blowdown trip is essentially part of the ESD1 shutdown level. The ESD logic
includes a particular logic unit for high integrity trips.
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7.2 Relief and Blow Down System

Relief and blowdown system objectives are:
• to protect process equipment from overpressure as a result of a system malfunction
or fire.
• to collect and safely dispose of hydrocarbons from relief and depressurisation
• to limit exposure of personnel and equipment to the heat flux from hydrocarbon

The relief and blowdown devices are located in accordance with API RP 14C, API RP 14E
and API RP 14J.

7.2.1 Depressurising
The process system is depressurised to protect equipment from potential failure during a fire
and to minimise local losses of containment.

Blowdown (logic contained within UCL/070 ESD system) of the process is initiated manually
via an ESD pushbutton located in the CCR, a 30 second delay on blowdown occurs post
initiation of this pushbutton. Confirmed high level gas in any area and confirmed fire in aft
areas will automatically initiate a blowdown via the ESD system. If a high level in the flare
drums is detected then blowdown through this drum will be inhibited, however this high level
will not prevent a blowdown if initiated via the CCR pushbutton. A blowdown inhibit
pushbutton is also located within the CCR, this pushbutton provides a manual inhibit for all
blowdown initiators.

The LP and MP compressors are blown down automatically to the LP flare header on
detection of seal failure, via the PSD system (UCL-230) without any time delay.

The HP and export compressors are blown down automatically to the HP (wet) flare header
on detection of seal failure, via the PSD system (UCL-230) without any time delay. Seal
failure detection on the HP or export compressors initiates a PSD1.

The philosophy is to depressurise process equipment to 50 % of design pressure or 6.9

barg, whichever is lower, in 15 min in accordance with the API rules. LP and MP compressor
blowdown, where the criterion is to depressurise to 0.5 barg in 15 min, is an exception.

Blowdown can fail due to blowdown valves failing to open, flare knockout drum being full of
liquid, damage to the flare system, or to operator intervention to inhibit the blowdown. The
blowdown valves fail safe (open) on loss of power to the actuator or loss of shutdown control

7.2.2 Pressure Relief

Any system with the potential to be over pressurised is protected against rupture by a
pressure relief valve (PSV). PSVs are sized in accordance with API RP 520 and located as
close as possible to the source. Pressure drops in PSV inlet piping are limited to less than 3
% of the set pressure at the rated flow capacity. Two 100 % capacity PSVs are installed
where a shutdown of the system to test or maintain the PSV is undesirable. The dual PSVs
and their downstream block valves are interlocked to ensure overpressure protection is
always available. Information on all PSVs, including their capacities and a statement of their
design relief case and assumptions, is recorded in the installation PSV Register.
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7.2.3 Flare Headers

The following flare and vent systems collect and dispose of hydrocarbons:
• high pressure wet (HPW) flare
• high pressure low temperature (HPLT) flare
• low pressure (LP) flare
• atmospheric vents for TEG reboiler, produced water caisson, drains caisson,
hazardous open drains tank
• cargo tank vents

The design of the flare headers complies with API RP 521.

High Pressure Flare Headers

The HP wet and HP low temperature flare headers are routed to the HP flare KO drum which
removes any associated liquids from the flare gas thus preventing liquid carry-over to the HP
flare stack.

The chance of having liquid carryover from the flare KO drums on Banff is very low as a
consequence of the following design features:

The likelihood of sending liquids to the flare system from the oil separators is minimised by
having 2 out of 3 high level shutdowns on all separators. Additional redundancy with respect
to shutdown valves in series is provided upstream of the HP separator.

Two out of three high level shutdowns in the flare KO drums are provided. Should these be
activated, then blowdown through this drum will be prevented.

The HP flare KO drums are sized to knockout liquids up to 400 microns at full gas flow up to
and including the high-high liquid level in the flare KO drums. The LP KO drums are sized to
knockout liquids up to 300 m.

During normal operation the HPW, HPLT and LP flare headers are purged with fuel gas to
avoid air ingress into the system. A secondary back-up supply is provided from the inert gas
system (by manual intervention).

Low pressure flare headers

The LP flare header is routed to the LP flare KO drum.

Any liquid associated with a relief incident is returned to the process from the KO drums
once the process is fully operational. The LP knock-out drum also receives any liquid which
accumulates in the LP compressor suction scrubber.

7.2.4 Flarestack / Flaretips

Assuming all separators are operating at their normal operating pressures and normal oil
export, the maximum continuous flaring rate is the flaring of the off-gas from the separation
train as the result of a trip of the HP/export compressor.

The flare tips are designed to burn up to 10 % wt. liquids, without liquid fall-out.

Three pilot burners, located close to the flare tip, ignite vented gas and are fed with a
continuous supply of fuel gas. There is continuous monitoring of the existence of the pilot
flame - should the pilot flame be extinguished; instantaneous re-ignition is automatic. If the
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pilot flame is extinguished for more than two minutes an external alarm is sounded in the

Upon loss of fuel gas, a propane back-up system energises automatically on low fuel gas
supply pressure and will supply pilot gas continuously for six hours. The fuel gas/propane
change over valve is monitored by the CCR operators via the PCS.

The top of the windsail has a maintenance access platform which has been designed to
shield the windsail structure, process equipment and personnel working on the process deck
from heat radiation during flaring.

7.3 Vents
Atmospheric vents exit the wind sail / flare structure at a minimum of 6 m above deck level.

7.3.1 Atmospheric vents

During normal operations, the atmospheric vent header is purged with inert gas to avoid air
ingress into the system. A secondary back-up supply is provided from the fuel gas system.
Inert gas is used during normal operation to reduce unnecessary hydrocarbon emissions.
The atmospheric vent serving the TEG reboiler is the only vent with a continuous input of
hydrocarbons (from the stripping gas source).

The atmospheric vents discharge from the windsail/ flarestack structure, 33 m – 39 m below
the flare tip.

7.3.2 Cargo tank vents From IG


To/from cargo & slops

400 mm header Deck water



250 mm header

Vent to
From cargo & slops
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The cargo tank venting system vents hydrocarbon gas from the five cargo tanks and slops
tanks and routes inert gas to the cargo tanks and the slop tanks. There is a 400 mm header
and a 250 mm header. Both headers have 250 mm breather valves, tied into the 400 mm
vent gas riser, which act as overpressure relief valves. The 400 mm header is tied into the
400 mm vent riser via a manually operated butterfly valve, which acts as the control valve
during venting operations.

The inert gas generator feeds into the 400 mm header. A deck water seal prevents
hydrocarbon gas flowing back to the inert gas generator.

The 400 mm header is the main inert gas distribution header during inerting operations and
is the main vent gas collection header during venting operations. When inerting and venting
operations are carried out simultaneously, i.e. during hydrocarbon gas purging, the 250 mm
header is used for venting by fully opening up its breather valve manually.

The ship’s cargo tank vent discharges to atmosphere at the level of the upper process deck
from the starboard crane jib support structure. In light wind conditions high molecular weight
vapour discharged from this low velocity vent has drifted onto the process plant in the past.
Consequently, the vent has been modified to increase the discharge velocity and prevent
this recurring.

Gas is vented from the cargo tanks when the cargo tanks are being filled with crude oil from
the process plant. The manual control butterfly valve on the outlet of the 400 mm header is
cracked open and manually adjusted such that the pressure indicator just downstream of the
deck water seal indicates 69 mbarg. When the tanks are loaded and no more oil is routed to
the tanks, the butterfly valve is then closed.

Inert gas is supplied to the cargo tanks when oil is being discharged from the cargo tanks.


Inert gas is supplied to the bottom of the tank via the cargo fill/discharge line through the
discharge pump, using the crossover (A removable spool) between the inert gas main line
and the cargo fill/discharge line.

During purging the inert gas tank valves are closed and the vapour line valves open to
create a flow through the tank from bottom (cargo pump suction) to top (vapour line).

Purging with inert gas will continue until readings by portable MSA tankscope, from bottom,
middle and top of the tank indicate a hydrocarbon content of 2% or less by volume.

7.4 Fire and Gas System

The objectives of the Fire and Gas system are:
to detect any reasonably foreseeable flammable gas release on the installation, to indicate
the event occurrence to an operator at the control station by alarm and to initiate executive
actions to prevent further release and to prevent ignition of gas.
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to detect any reasonably foreseeable fire on the installation, to indicate the event
occurrence to an operator at the control station by alarm and to initiate executive actions to
protect personnel from the effects of the fire.
to permit manual alarm and indication of fire or gas release to the CCR. To summon
assistance to a particular area e.g. in the event of a man overboard.

Detecting fire and flammable gas uses a combination of manual and automatic detection
elements. All detectors are suitable for operation in zone 1 classified areas and are certified
flameproof or intrinsically safe. Fire and gas detection is based on the concept of centralised
control and display in the central control room, to where detection information is
automatically transmitted and where control action is instigated.

The detection systems are designed to provide an effective and reliable early detection of
gas release or of a fire at the incipient stage.

7.4.1 Fire Pumps

The fire pumps function to meet the firewater supply objectives for active fire protection:
to supply on demand 1500 m³/hr firewater at 11 barg at main deck elevation
for one pump to start reliably when required.

The firewater supply is from three independent, 100 % duty, diesel hydraulic firewater
pumps. One hydraulically driven firewater pump is located below PAU5 (LER), with the
hydraulic driver package and booster package located in PAU11. The other two
hydraulically driven firewater pumps are located just aft of the H120 fire/blast wall, under
PAU1 and PAU2. The hydraulic driver packages and booster pumps for these units are
located forward of the H120 fire/blast wall on the forecastle deck.

Each firepump has a dedicated caisson to ensure a secure source of supply of firewater
from an area where hydrocarbon or biological ingress is minimised.

All driver enclosures are fitted with A60 cladding systems, fire and gas detection and active
fire protection. Where discharge, interstage and hydraulic drive piping and controls are
routed in areas potentially exposed to fire and explosion hazards suitable protection has
been provided.

The operator selects particular firepumps to be the duty or standby firepump at the F&G
control panel and are automatically or manually started by the F&G system. Firewater
pumps are started:
automatically and sequentially or manually from the F&G system.
automatically on detection of low pressure in the firewater ringmain.
manually at each firewater pump controller.

There are three electrically driven ships firepumps, rated for 200 m3/hr at 90 m head. They
have MMI control and local control panels.

Firewater pump sizing is based on the largest design scenario flow. The most onerous case
is a combined scenario involving escalation between the gas compression and the
separation areas. This requires the following nominal firewater supply:

Area Nom.flow/lpm Nom.flow/m3hr-1

PAU 4 gas compression 10 856 651.4
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Area Nom.flow/lpm Nom.flow/m3hr-1

PAU 6 gas separation 8 934 536.0
PAU 4 cargo tank top 3 257 195.4
PAU 6 cargo tank top 7 511 450.7
PAU 4 water curtain 3 1 472 88.3
PAU 6 water curtains 1&2 2 439 146.3
PAU 4 & 6 hoses 757 45.4
Total 35 226 2113.5

This flow rate can be accommodated through an impaired (one firemain section isolated or
damaged) ringmain case. Each of the three topsides firepumps is rated for 1500 m 3/hr at
120 m head. They are centrifugal pumps designed in accordance with NFPA 20. They can
therefore deliver 2250 m3/hr of firewater at 78 m head (150 % duty flow and 65 % duty
head). This exceeds the largest credible nominal firewater demand of 2113.5 m3/hr.

The OIM also has the option to run two topsides firepumps simultaneously, or to run one or
more ships’ firepumps simultaneously with a topsides firepump.

Simultaneous failure of all three pumps is very unlikely. The only events with the potential to
impair all three fire pumps are:
gas or smoke engulfment of the entire installation
high heel angles following a ship collision
high shock loads due to ship collision

The location of the two forward fire pumps makes them potentially vulnerable to fires in the
in the turret area.

7.4.2 Firemain
Deluge systems, sprinklers, hydrants, hose reels and monitors are supplied from a firewater
ring-main that runs throughout the vessel and process areas. See figures 2.38, 2.39 and

The objectives for the fire-main are:

to distribute firewater through a network of pipes at the required flow rates and pressures.
to provide sufficient water to largest fire scenario.
to be constantly pressurised by service water system (to provide immediately available
firewater supply).

The ring-main is routed to take advantage of structural elements to provide impact and fire
damage limitation. It is equipped with sectional isolation valves arranged such that the
deluge primary supply, secondary supply and area hydrants are fed from separate sections
of the ring-main.

Fire-main pressure is maintained from a connection to the service water system which is
sized to accommodate the flow from one hydrant outlet (that is; two combination branch
pipes – approx. 60 m3/hr.) A flow-rate greater than this initiates firewater pump starts due to
low ring-main pressure. If there is a requirement for excessive firewater consumption, e.g. to
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establish levels for process start up or during periods of excessive deck wash-down, then
wash down pumps are configured to prevent spurious firewater pump start-up.

The firewater ring-main is sectionalised and located under the process deck, approximately
10 m inboard from the installation sides. Impairment by dropped objects or ship collision is
unlikely. Given the cooling effect of the firewater, pool fires are not expected to impair the
firewater system or distribution pipework. Explosion is likely to damage small-bore piping
and therefore impair part of the firewater distribution pipework.
7.4.3 Manual Fire Fighting
The objective of manual fire fighting facilities is to extinguish small, localised fires or contain
or cool larger fires to prevent or limit escalation. It is not intended to tackle hydrocarbon fires

Hydrant stations are located throughout the installation in accordance with class
requirements and also, a design philosophy that two separate hydrant streams is brought to
bear on any part of the installation.

Fire-fighters using hydrants serving areas where there is an identified pool fire risk can
manually initiate foam injection into the hose stream. All hydrant stations in process areas
have AFFF concentrate supplied from drums placed local to the hydrant station.

Extinguishers and hose reels are located throughout the installation. Extinguishers are of a
type and capacity commensurate with the fire risk. Fire extinguisher media are:
▪ CO2
▪ Dry powder
▪ Tri-class foam
▪ Water

7.4.4 Helideck Firefighting

The helideck fire protection facilities exceed the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority’s
standard CAP 437 Offshore helicopter landing areas: guidance on standards.

The objective of the helideck firefighting system is to prevent and/or extinguish

helicopter/aviation fuel fires that may occur on the helideck by rapidly applying a reliable,
secure and effective distribution of foam when required. Specific functions are:

to apply firefighting foam to all parts of the helideck under all weather conditions.
to enable the helideck fire team to act immediately the demand arises, to act to control a
fire involving a helicopter or helifuel, on or around the helideck.
to have sufficient foam capacity to give the fire team a reasonable chance of extinguishing
the fire.
to enable helicopter engine compartment fires and non-fuel fires to be extinguished quickly.

The helideck has three oscillating foam monitors, each fitted with independent foam
concentrate tanks (225 dm3), adequate for at least 10 min of foam application at design
rates. Each monitor is individually capable of providing sufficient foam to protect the helideck
area, with a minimum throw of 19 m at 6.3 barg firemain supply pressure – helideck has ~23
m diameter. See fig. 2.41.

The firewater supply main is maintained at approx. 9 bar working pressure. Firewater is
therefore immediately available at the helideck, but requires the firepump to boost supply
within a few seconds of the demand arising. Operation of any single monitor will actuate the
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other two monitors. Oscillating drive and foam induction systems are hydraulically powered
from the firewater system thereby minimising inter-system dependency. The monitor supply
piping is from two separate sections of the ringmain.

The helideck also has two 45 kg dry powder extinguishers and four 22 kg CO2 extinguishers.

7.4.5 Passive Fire Protection

Passive fire protection (PFP) provides protection to structures where there is a risk of
structural damage from fire, where personnel will be mustered in an emergency or where
active fire protection is not practicable.

H120 fire and blast wall

The principal passively fire protected structure on the vessel is the H120 fire and blast wall
which separates the accommodation from the turret and process areas. The H120 fire and
blast wall provides resistance for 2 hours hydrocarbon pool fire and 1 hour hydrocarbon jet
fire resistance. The structure was designed to resist blast overpressures of the order of 0.5
barg. Analysis of the as-built structure carried out as part of the fire and explosion risk
assessment (see section 4.3 ‘Major Hazard Analysis’) suggests it has a much higher
structural integrity to resist blast overpressures of at least 2 barg.

Topsides building fire wall

A60 fire protection for damage limitation purposes is provided for PAU 5 modules, together
with the appropriate level of blast resistance and good acoustic insulation properties. The
structure is not intended to protect persons working within it for any longer than it takes to
escape. The LER has an independent HVAC system and all doors to PAU 5 are gas tight.
No safety-critical systems are located in the LER.

A60 fire protection is also provided for fire pump and the emergency generator enclosures.

ESDV and riser PFP

All hydrocarbon line ESDVs in the turret and parts of the risers (topsides end fitting), have
had H120 rated PFP applied to assist their survival in any local fire.

Turret swivel deck

The underside of the turret swivel deck is coated with PFP with a rating of H60.

Escape Tunnel PFP

The port side escape tunnel has PFP applied to its structure to enable it to withstand fires
and explosions. The structure and access doors are H60 rated.

7.5 Evacuation, escape and rescue assessment

7.5.1 EERA
Section 3.5 of this Safety Case describes the Petrojarl Banff emergency response strategy.
The evacuation, escape and rescue assessment (EERA) is part of this overall strategy

This section describes the provision for evacuation escape and rescue, which includes:

means of escape from the workplace to a place of safety.

the Temporary Refuge within the accommodation module.
access to means of evacuation.
means of evacuation.
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Section 2.8 describes the arrangements for general alarm, which initiates EER.

7.5.2 Escape Routes

The objective of the Petrojarl Banff escape routes is:
to permit safe escape from topsides process areas to the TR and from the TR to
evacuation stations for the minimum TR endurance time of 60 minutes.

They are designed to direct personnel quickly and safely to the TR and evacuation stations
within the accommodation and to ensure that muster times are optimised. Escape routes
comprise the escape tunnel, walkways, corridors, ramps, stairways and ladders. Escape
routes may be part of the routinely used passageways. All escape routes are unobstructed
and well-marked. Doors open in the direction of escape or are sliding action.

The following minimum standards have been used as the basis for escape route design:

there are at least two well-marked, escape routes from every regularly manned area,
leading in different escape directions.
outer passageways will be provided along the periphery of the installation at each main
the central passageway connects with the periphery passageways, port and starboard.
escape routes allow the easy transport of a stretcher.

All means of escape, including ladders, will be constructed so as to allow easy access for
personnel wearing self-contained breathing apparatus (BA).

A general improvement of the access routes to and from the upper levels of the process
plant has been carried out as part of the 2000 / 2001 dry-dock workscope. These
improvements included new stair access, improved handrails and kick plates. Process Area Escape Routes

Process deck escape routes are shown in figure 2.3. Further escape routes run along the
centre line and starboard periphery of the vessel. A number of escape routes run across the
process deck which connects to the port, centre line and starboard escape routes.

The primary escape routes from the process deck are the escape tunnel along the port side
and a peripheral open walkway on the starboard side. The escape tunnel runs from the aft
lifeboat muster area in PAU11 forward and through the H120 blast/fire wall to the TR with
airlock door access provided from PAU3 and PAU1. The tunnel is passively fire protected
and offers a temporary shelter in the event of topsides fire it also facilitates the safe passage
of rescue teams following the initial muster. The tunnel is positively pressurised to prevent
the ingress of smoke and gas.

The starboard peripheral escape way runs outboard of PAUs 4, 6 and 2, to connect with the
access stairway and fire door through the H120 blast/fire wall to the TR.

The primary transverse escape routes are open walkways running through PAU6 joining the
central walkway in PAU9 and leading to the aft lifeboat muster station and escape tunnel
access airlock in PAU11.

Secondary escape routes link PAUs and primary routes in such a way as to provide 2
directions of escape from all regularly manned areas.
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Access to the underdeck area is by a series of stairways and ladders from process deck
level. An additional stair has been added between PAU2 Laydown onto the Main Deck to
improve escape from the PAU2. Escape Routes from Machinery Spaces and Within TR

Common rooms and enclosed rooms containing machinery and process equipment are
provided with a minimum of two exits, situated as far apart as is practicable and preferably
leading to the main escape routes. Wherever possible, at least one of the escape routes
leads directly to the open air. Escape routes have a minimum width of 1.2 m wide and
minimum 2.3 m height.

The mess room and recreation room have at least two exit doors opening outwards. The exit
doors do not face process areas. Doors to escape routes are not locked and are equipped
with a safe opening mechanism.

7.5.3 Temporary Refuge (TR)

The primary function of the TR is to protect personnel from the effects of a major accident for
long enough to enable the workforce to muster, the emergency to be assessed and
decisions taken and implemented to control the hazard or remove the workforce from the

The TR is within the accommodation at the forward end of the vessel and has been
designed for 60 minutes endurance. It is designated as follows:

lower boundary floor of main deck (elevation 16.5 m)

upper boundary roof of air lobby
external aft boundary frame 90 H120 fire and blast wall
external side boundaries port and starboard external walls
external forward boundaries frame 122 bulkhead at elevations 16.5 m and 19.75 m
internal boundaries all forward external walls for levels above 19.75 m
service shaft bulkheads around engine casing and.

Access to the TR is:

from the escape tunnel on the process deck, via an H120 door at 19.75 m elevation
from the process deck is via stairs at on the starboard side with entry at 23 m elevation.
from the forecastle deck via a starboard stairway at elevation 23 m
from the weather deck via port and starboard entrances at elevation 26 m
from A deck via port and starboard entrances to the central control room at elevation 29m
from C deck doorway on the roof of the accommodation at elevation 32.6 m.

Internal stairwells link all levels of the TR / accommodation. The main decks and stairwells
are rated A60.

A safety review of the TR identified some improvements that were implemented during the
topside installation.

7.6 Lifeboats
There are three ‘free fall’ totally enclosed motor propelled survival crafts (TEMPSC) on the
installation. In accordance with the HSE Information sheet 12/2008 “Big Persons in
Lifeboats” the lifeboats have been downgraded from SOLAS standard to accommodate for
the increase in average weight for personnel working offshore. The lifeboat capacities in
accordance with SOLAS standard and HSE Information sheet 12/2008 are:
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Lifeboat Lifeboat Capacities

SOLAS standard HSE Info sheet 12/2008

Lifeboat 1 60 45
Lifeboat 2 60 45
Lifeboat 2 40 30

A study has been undertaken to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation following the
reduced lifeboat capacity [reference 2.26]. Max POB on Petrojarl Banff is 60 persons. When
all three lifeboats are available the percentage of lifeboat capacity to the maximum POB is
above 150%, thereby complying with PFEER’s approved code of practice (ACoP). If one of
the forward lifeboats is unavailable for an extended period, e.g. due to maintenance, the
POB on Banff will be limited to 40 persons to ensure sufficient lifeboat capacity for all on
board. Alternatively, hydrocarbon production will be shut down.

Lifeboat 1 and 2 are located on either side of the accommodation, forward of the H120
firewall. Access to these two lifeboats is directly from the accommodation or via external
stairwells. In the event of sea surface fire, the weather-vaning capability of the installation
should contribute to oil being carried away from the launch area. Lifeboat 3 is located aft, on
the port side and is intended for evacuation during non-hydrocarbon events.

All the lifeboats are fitted with internal steps and grab handles to assist entry; also handrails
are fitted to external access ways to the boats.

Safety / Maintenance strops are provided to ensure the security of the boats when the
release hooks are being tested and routine maintenance is being carried out.

7.7 Helicopter Services and Helideck

The performance standard for the helideck states the objective is to facilitate the landing and
take-off of helicopters sized up to and including the EH101 type helicopter PS 032 (2.32)

Helicopters are the primary method of transporting people to and from the installation. A
recognised helicopter service company provides helicopter transport services on contract to
Teekay Offshore (TOP). The flying time from Aberdeen, in normal weather conditions, is 60

The Helideck Landing Officer (HLO) conducts the safe, efficient transfer of passengers and
freight and the refuelling of helicopters under the authority of the OIM and in accordance with
work procedure WP17.

The helideck is sited above and forward of the accommodation and complies with the CAA
requirements for CAP 437 Offshore helicopter landing areas: guidance on standards]. The
helideck is capable of receiving helicopters with a ‘D’ value up to22.8 m and with maximum
take-off weight value of 15 t. The helideck conceptual design and operability was
independently reviewed. Helideck layout and safety equipment is shown in figure 2.43.
Helideck fire fighting is addressed in section 2.6.8. Access to the helideck is via the port and
starboard accommodation stairways or via the accommodation exit on C deck.

There is a helicopter refuelling skid adjacent to the helideck. Fuel is pumped from the
helicopter refuelling package in PAU 2. The skid is protected by AFFF-assisted firewater
deluge. Reference is made to our work procedure WP24 – “Reception, control and storage
of tanks for helicopter fuel” for details on control and management of refuelling operations.
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Limits for helideck operations are set within the Operations Manual – Safety and in the
Weather Policy. These limits cover vessel motions, wind velocity; visibility and recovery
prospects should a helicopter crash in the sea adjacent to the Petrojarl Banff.

7.8 Liferafts
The objective of the escape to sea performance standard is to facilitate escape to sea in the
event that evacuation of the installation by helicopter or TEMPSC is not possible (PS 009

Liferaft locations (see figures 2.42 and 2.45) are:

• three inflatable life-rafts each for 20 persons located starboard side, forward.
• three inflatable life-rafts each for 20 persons located port side, forward.
• one inflatable life-raft for 20 persons located at the aft end of the escape tunnel.

7.8.1 Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV)

The performance standard (PS 022 2.32) states the objective for the ERRV is to ensure a
good prospect of:
The safe recovery of personnel following their evacuation or escape to sea from the
installation in an emergency.
The safe rescue of persons from the sea near the installation in the event of a helicopter
Taking recovered and rescued persons to a place of safety.

The ERRV on duty in the Banff fields complies with UKOOA guidance.

The ERRV has the following capabilities:

Rescue and recover persons who have fallen into the sea as quickly as possible.
Launch two fast rescue craft in sea states up to 5.5 m significant wave height.
Attend close to the Petrojarl Banff and be prepared to rescue and recover persons during
the following conditions.
Supporting helicopter landings and take offs.
Personnel working over-side.
Diving operations from the Petrojarl Banff (if required).
Other activities which may require close standby.
Assist in evacuation of the Petrojarl Banff and accommodate rescued personnel.
Provide first aid to rescued personnel.
Act as a reserve radio station for the Petrojarl Banff.
Maintain observation for any signs of oil spillage in the vicinity of the Petrojarl Banff or
tankers in the field.
Police the area and warn-off errant vessels.
Support field operations when not in conflict with the primary purpose.

Teekay Offshore (TOP) has prepared sharing agreements to enable the ERRV to serve the
Petrojarl Banff and FSO Apollo Spirit. Trials are carried out on a routine basis to verify that
the ERRV can carry out this dual role safety and effectively.
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Oil is exported from the Banff FPSO to the Apollo Spirit through an oil export riser.

8.1 Cargo Tanks

There are five cargo tanks located under the length of the process deck, with a maximum
combined capacity of 120,000 bbl of oil. Each of the tanks has at least one cargo pump. The
tanks are kept inerted from a common source produced by an inert gas generator which is
located in the engine room. The tank tops are level between longitudinal B and C and
cambered outboard, which helps to prevent any build-up of hydrocarbon spillages or water.

The main deck (cargo tank top) is constructed from 15 mm steel and the cargo tanks are
bounded by port and starboard ballast water tanks outboard, thruster room cofferdam aft,
slop tanks forward and double hull design aft of frame 90. Figure 2.17 shows the cargo tank

The tank boundary structures are designed to allow unrestricted partial loading in any tank.
Oil is admitted to the cargo tanks at 36 C.

The principal cargo tank capacities (100% volume) are:

Cargo volume
Tank no. /m3 /bbl
1 port 1,059.9 6,666.45
1 stbd 1,059.9 6,666.45
2 4,784.2 30,091.18
3 6,378.2 40,116.96
4 5,873.8 36,944.43
Total 19,156.0 120,485.48

Two portable hydraulically driven supply fans are provided for gas freeing of storage tanks
for connection to tank cleaning hatches.

Tank venting lines with valves from each individual storage and slop tank are routed to a
main venting line with pressure / vacuum valves and breaker installed for protection of
storage tanks

8.1.1 Cargo loading

All storage and slop tanks are interconnected in order to enable transfer of settled oil from
one tank to another. Oil storage pumps and control valves may be operated locally or
remotely from the CCR. The loading and discharge system, including all pumps, is designed
to handle crude oil with density 900 kg/m3 and viscosity 10 cSt.

There are eight variable speeds hydraulically driven submerged cargo pumps - two in each
centre tank and one in each side tank. The capacity of each centre tank pump is 1250 m3/hr
with 95 m head. Each side tank pump has a capacity of 500 m3/hr with 150 m head. There
are two large units in each of the three main cargo tanks and a single pump unit in each of
the two smaller cargo tanks, which can be utilised on an intermittent basis to transfer crude
oil between cargo tanks. They can also be used to pump crude to export directly in the event
that the topsides pumps are unavailable.
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The two slop tanks are serviced by two pumps with a capacity of 100 m3/hr at 95m head.
In addition, a portable storage pump, with a capacity of 150 m3/hr at 35 m head is provided.

8.2 Oil export arrangements

Crude oil can be exported directly from the process and from the cargo tanks. Two modes of
operation are possible:
export from the process
export from the cargo tank

8.2.1 Oil export swivel pathway

The oil export route for all modes passes through swivel pathway (5). The specification for
the oil export swivel pathway is:

Fluid Stabilised crude, to a tanker loading specification of a TVP of 1 bara at 38 C.

Pressure Design pressure: 40 barg
Normal operating pressures (based on clean pipe):
5 barg for 60,000 bpd, 9 barg for 95,000 bpd, 21 barg for 160,000 bpd
Temperature Design temperature: -10 C to 65 C Normal operating temperature: 36 C
Nominal size 12 inch
Capacity 160,000 bpd

8.3 Storage Tanker

In the original design, the normal operating mode was to continuously export processed and
stabilised crude oil to a shuttle tanker via rigid pipeline, flexible riser and the single anchor
loading (SAL) system. The shuttle tanker was tethered to the SAL, which was approximately
1.6 km from the Petrojarl Banff. The shuttle tanker could weathervane 360  around the
mooring. For commercial reasons, to improve export availability, Teekay Offshore (TOP)
replaced the SAL system with a captive floating storage and offloading tanker (FSO)
connected to the pipeline by a Submerged Turret Loading (STL) system. The SAL system
has been partially decommissioned with a view to re-using the system later in the field life.

The vessel, “Apollo Spirit” is moored 2.4 km from the Petrojarl Banff installation as a floating
storage and offloading tanker (FSO).

8.3.1 FSO mooring and export riser specification

The STL mooring system was upgraded in 2014 and has 8 equally spread radial mooring
legs when on station. The mooring system can keep the FSO on location in all-weather up to
and including 100 year storm conditions. The mooring system is in accordance with ISO

The FSO can weathervane 360 around the submerged turret.

Flexible riser specification is:
flow rate 100 000 bpd
flowline/riser diameter 12” diameter
design pressure 40 barg
design temperature 65 oC
design life 10 yr
CO2 content 0.01 mol%
H2S content 0.5 vol%
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Seabed Conditions clay, silty, fine sand with soft clay underneath.

8.3.2 FSO Storage

The Apollo Spirit has 9 cargo tanks, with a total capacity of 910 000 bbl.
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9. FPSO motion and stability characteristics

9.1 Background
The Petrojarl Banff did experience roll motions during the first years of operation that
exceeded the original predictions. In the course of summer 2000 a set of model tests were
conducted to investigate the ship’s behaviour in particular “nasty” sea states in an attempt to
explain these motions. In an attempt to reduce these motions, bilge keels were designed.
Their effect on the ship’s roll was investigated in model tests.

The model test revealed a significant effect of the bilge keels. It was therefore decided to
retrofit the ship with bilge keels. The work was done in fall 2000.

9.2 Greenwater
The Petrojarl Banff shows little tendency to taking green water. The model tests show that
the bow does not submerge under extreme 100 year return sea conditions and the highly
flared bow form is effective in throwing water clear.

Overall, because of its relatively short length compared with conventional tanker-shaped
FPSOs, the Petrojarl Banff tends to follow the wave slope in extreme sea states. This gives
better green water performance than many tanker shaped hulls.

9.3 Active Heading Control

Although naturally weather-vaning by design, the Petrojarl Banff is equipped with means of
actively controlling the vessel’s heading with respect to sea, current and wind. The means by
which active control of heading can be achieved comprise three LIPS fully azimuthing fixed
pitch thrusters at the aft of the vessel, arranged port, centre and starboard.

Active heading control uses the thrusters to position the vessel with regard to the prevailing
environmental conditions, in order that to minimise the vessel motions. Currently, active
heading control is not essential for the safe operation of the vessel, nevertheless active
heading control contributes towards improved personnel comfort and process operability
under certain sea states. It acts to achieve:
mooring line mean load reduction
reduction in second order, slow drift motions
optimising vessel heading to reduce motions and improve habitability
control of vessel heading during routine operations such as supply boat
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The station keeping system of the FPSO is based on a mooring system composed of
catenary mooring lines, enhanced with thruster assistance as outlined below. A
characteristic of a catenary moored ship is that it exhibits comparatively large mean
displacements and slowly oscillating motions. These effects are inherent natural properties
of the moored ship and form an essential design basis for the flexible risers and umbilicals.

The mooring performance standard states the objective of the mooring system is:
to maintain installation on station
to make accurate monitoring and recording of mooring lines tensions and alert personnel to
abnormal mooring line tensions.

An important element of the stationkeeping system is the ship’s ability to naturally

weathervane about the turret. Because of the elongated shape of the ship, the
environmental loads on the hull, which are to be opposed by the stationkeeping system, are
minimised if the ship is head on to the direction of wind and waves. The weathervaning
capability of the ship in severe weather has been evaluated as part of the stationkeeping

Thruster forces will provide assistance to the weathervaning and damping of any resonant
slowly oscillating effects during normal operation if necessary.

10.1 System Description

The complete mooring system was upgraded in 2012-2013, including new chain stoppers,
new fairleads, new mooring lines and new anchors. In 2016 approx. 140 m of the top chain
was replaced by a polyester rope segment and a weight chain segment in order to reduce
mooring line tensions and chain wear.

The main elements of the station keeping system are:

10 mooring lines, positioned in five pairs. The upper end is connected to the turret via
fairleads and the lower end to drag embedment anchors. Each mooring line consists of six
main segments:

Diam. Minimum breaking load Length

Segment Type
(mm) (mT) (m)
1 (turret end)
Chain, R4S studless 105 1280 332)
2 Chain, R5 studless 105 1280 47
Polyester rope 201 1195 110
Chain, R4 studless 1) 120 1383 30
Chain, R4 studless 120 1383 ~480
6 (anchor end) 6-strand steel wire
135 1223 1650

1) The30 m Ø120 mm chain is connected to a triplate in each end, and have two 31 m
weight chain segments (Ø135 mm R4 chain) on each side, acting like clump weights
on the lower end of the polyester. Only the Ø120 mm chain takes load.
2) 33m below fairlead. Chain continues inboard above chain stoppers.
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High holding power drag anchors with size varying from 19mT to 50mT according to the
various soil conditions, are connected to the wire for each mooring line. The mooring system
layout is presented in figure 2.52.

The mooring chains enter the bottom of the turret over the fairleads and continue in the
annulus between the vessel and turret outer shell to the chain-stoppers where they are

Load cells built into the chain stoppers allow mooring line tensions to be monitored and
recorded. The data enables actual fatigue life to be compared with predicted values.

The fairlead assembly is a particularly important element in prolonging chain life. The
fairlead is equipped for rotation about a vertical axis. The purpose is to provide the best
possible condition for the fairlead wheel to align to the plane defined by the catenary and the
vertical parts of the mooring line. In order to maximise the fairlead wheel’s capacity to the
above, the resistance against alignment is reduced to a minimum by a greasing system plus
sheave cheek extensions

A program for changing the contact point between the fairlead and the chain, by
hoisting/lowering a few links of chain at a regular interval has been worked out in order to
minimise the fatigue of the chain links in this area.
Two mooring line pull in winches are used for maintenance of all mooring chains, risers and
umbilicals. Both winches are located on the process deck, one on starboard side of the turret
and one in front of the turret. The pull in capacity of the winches is 140 tonnes and the break
capacity 160 tonnes. The drive system is electric-hydraulic. Hoist/lowering speed is manually

Three LIPS fully azimuthing fixed pitch thrusters at the aft of the vessel, arranged port,
centre and starboard. Each thruster is rated for 2800 kW.
Simplex Heading Control System (HCS901) and Manual Thruster Controls (MTC) supplied
by Cegelec.
The HCS controls the thruster outputs to maintain the vessel heading, in the mode selected
by the operator. Following operational modes are available:
▪ Joystick Auto Heading (JSAH)
▪ Joystick Manual Heading (JSMH)
▪ Joystick Anchor Assist (JSAA)
▪ Manual Control

The system receives input from wind sensors, gyro compass, Vertical Response Unit
(sensor for vessel roll and pitch motion) and mooring line tensions. The thruster output
required maintaining the operator selected heading is then calculated by the system using
the gyro and in the case of anchor assist, anchor tension inputs only. In heavy weather the
mooring tensions and wind sensors can be selected in the Manual surge/ Heading damping
mode to improve the heading response and to minimise the heading oscillations.

A Trimble DGPS, consisting of a GPS and a differential demodulator. To increase the

accuracy of the GPS system to allow precise vessel positioning, a differential correction
signal is used. The differential correction is determined by measuring the error in the GPS of
a known fixed position. This information is received from Spotbeam satellites.
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Figure 2.1
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Figure 2.3
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Figure 2.12
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Figure 2.13
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Figure 2.14
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Figure 2.15
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Figure 2.16
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Figure 2.17
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Figure 2.18
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Figure 2.19
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Figure 2.20
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Figure 2.21
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Figure 2.22
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Figure 2.24
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Figure 2.25
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Figure 2.26
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Figure 2.27
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Figure 2.28
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Figure 2.29
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Figure 2.30
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Figure 2.34
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Figure 2.35
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Figure 2.36
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Figure 2.37
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Figure 2.38
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Figure 2.39
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Figure 2.40
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Figure 2.41
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Figure 2.42
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Figure 2.43
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Figure 2.44
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Figure 2.45
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Figure 2.46
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Figure 2.47
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Figure 2.48
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Figure 2.49
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Figure 2.52

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