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The document provides an overview of a book about Kundalini that discusses its nature and awakening in the context of Tantric Yoga practices.

The book is about Kundalini, its spontaneous awakening, its role in yoga, and its relation to sexuality, energy currents, chakras and different types of energy.

Some of the topics covered in the book include Kundalini in yoga, Kundalini and sexuality, energy currents, chakras as energy gates, types of energy, Kundalini as an inner teacher, and cosmic consciousness in Kundalini.

Alfred Ballabene

About Kundalini

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

80331 Munich
About Kundalini

written by Alfred Ballabene

translated by Corra

For more information and contact please visit www.explore-
Table of Contents

1 About the Spontaneously Awakened Kundalini
2 Kundalini in Yoga
3 Kundalini and Sexuality
4 Energy Currents
5 Chakras as Energy Gates
6 Types of Energy
7 Kundalini as our inner Teacher
8 About Cosmic Consciousness in Kundalini
9 Shakti and the Chakras
10 The Goddess or Great Mother
Appendix I – Ectoplasm and Amrita
Appendix II – Kundalini and the Chakras (functional)
Appendix III – Kundalini – Circulation of Light – China

Everyone who is familiar with this subject automatically may

wonder why there has to be another book about a topic on which
already thousands of books and countless internet articles have been
written. And naturally, one may think that this is a typical yoga topic
with that many people want to pretend themselves to be knowing and
experienced. There are no objections to these arguments.

When you type "Kundalini" in google, you’ll find more than 11

million articles. What an amount of texts and product offerings! In this
light it seems totally unnecessary to add more "knowledge", and that’s
not the intention of this e-book. But what is needed is a natural
approach in order to help us to distinguish between those many truths
and untruths which can be found in the internet. This is what this e-
book tries to do. In order to follow our intuition and reason, we need a

Some general views on Kundalini in Tantra Yoga: Kundalini exists

in every human being as a vital force. Its activity varies. If it becomes
active, then, according to Tantra Yoga, it awakens – depending on the
chakra through which it is activated – different abilities. Here it is
advisable to obtain abilities which give us deeper insights into the
nature of the human being. This is the objective of all of the various
Tantra Yoga practices in all its variations like Kundalini Yoga, Kriya
Yoga etc. After Tantra Yoga, Kundalini itself is not mysterious, but its
awakening and the development of special abilities, to which Kundalini
opens access, is very well mysterious.

When looking critically at conservative, "informal" texts, it seems

that nobody knows what Kundalini is exactly. At least one has the
impression of it, because behind many technical terms – which
pretend deep knowledge – not the simplest explanations can be
found, like: what is Kundalini? Where does it originate? Why is it
sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker? The principal questions
about the nature of Kundalini, e. g. how the inner alchemy of
transformation of physical into subtle powers takes place, are not
answered in those texts – out of a lack of knowledge, because
concerning this matter there are many knowledge gaps and very few
insights. Such a question is not only "theoretical and unimportant". If
we could answer this question, we’d know why some have more and
some less Kundalini power, and what would be needed to handle or
strengthen it.
But nevertheless we should be tolerant when looking at these
knowledge gaps. Regarding Kundalini, not only yoga but also many
traditions of other peoples of the world possess a good practical
knowledge which has been collected over millennia. However, the
interpretation of the underlying processes is quite insufficient. But this
applies to many acquirements of mankind. As an example, we can
take the fact that our anthropoid ancestors were able to throw stones
accurately already two or three million years ago, but until we could
calculate an object’s trajectory it took a long time. From an
evolutionary point of view, we have learnt that just in the last second.

Some explanations about the term "active Kundalini": this term is

used especially when – due to different symptoms – Kundalini seems
to be active. Most symptoms are an effect of movement and flowing
and not so much an effect of power (amount of energy). It is assumed
that a strong Kundalini will spring into action automatically. But this
does not always have to be the case. Regarding the amount of
energy, it may be that there is not much Kundalini power, but this little
amount can be in a state of great arousal – just like
our nerves can get agitated by a strong coffee. A Kundalini
agitated or aroused like this is not desirable. It can happen because of
excessive sex, stress or incorrectly performed exercises.

Thanks to the internet, conversation and information exchange

have become more intensive than they ever were in any time or
country. Due to that, facts scarcely observed until recently are
revealed. One observation in the recent past is that predisposition to a
strong Kundalini power can be inherited. As a result, there are many
people in the world which have similar experiences like they are
known from Indian yoga. Thus, a broader and more diverse
knowledge about Kundalini begins to spread. Maybe this will lead to a
new wave of insights in this subject in our present time.

From my circle of acquaintances:

"My mother has a mediumistic disposition and comes from a kin of
Bektashi. The Bektashi are an islamic religious community which
focuses on mysticism and magical practices. They mainly worship
saints and pray to them for help and support.
My father, on the contrary, believes in nothing. But his mother
came from a lineage from which many hodjas – islamic mullahs –
were derived. My father had two maternal uncles and both were

Regarding a spiritual evolution it can be stated that a good

disposition is pleasant, but it should not be overestimated. A person
can have very much and make nothing of it, and a person can make a
lot – and even a whole lot – out of little. Here, the inner force of the
person reveals itself. It is not decisive what we inherit, but it is decisive
what we make out of our lives!
1. About the Spontaneously Awakened Kundalini

Generally, Kundalini scarcely becomes noticeable in a person – in

yoga it is said that it’s sleeping. In general opinion, in this cases the
vital energy seeps or flows through the body slowly. Occasionally this
vital energy is not distributed evenly – which isn’t noticed as well. This
is considered as energy blockades, which means that the energy
channels are blocked and that those regions are insufficiently supplied
with energy. This is seen as a disorder. Many alternative medicine
healing methods are dealing with such blockades.

Yoga does not deal with blockades and disorders. The aim is to
strengthen Kundalini as an inner force and to bring the energy into
circulation. This is referred to as Kundalini "awakening". The methods
practiced do not always work.

As already mentioned before, spontaneous activity of Kundalini

now and then occurs in people who never have concerned themselves
with yoga or spirituality. One could deem them lucky, as it appears
that they have been given what many yogis are striving to accomplish
through years of practice – often in vain. But, unfortunately, mostly
those people aren’t happy about it, although they ought to be. They
don’t know what to do with this power.

It is generally accepted and confirmed through many posts in

diverse Kundalini forums that a spontaneously awakened Kundalini
behaves very unpredictably. It is comparable to an untamed horse that
can bring us into the hell of psychic abyss and mental disorder instead
of bringing us into the paradise of inner harmony. Some
representatives of yoga and healers, which are dealing with such
erratic appearances of Kundalini, state that many
psychic disorders are caused by the Kundalini and should be
treated not with medicaments but with other methods. It is in fact an
interdisciplinary subject between medicine and psychology, and thus
there is a conflict over competencies and responsibilities. A third
position – which would be the spiritual view – adds another
controvertible interpretation.

Parapsychology deals with another aspect of an awakened and

uncontrolled Kundalini, namely poltergeist phenomena, which are of a
paranormal nature. In the simplest case, this mainly results in
malfunction of electrical devices. But telekinesis, heat and cold
phenomena can occur as well and – in some very rare cases – even

In every case of an uncontrolled Kundalini, the question arises how

it would be possible to control such a Kundalini?
This question is very hard to answer, if there is an answer at all.
Certainly, it would be helpful to find harmony in body and soul. But
here again the question arises how such a balance should look like. In
the East, we find many instructions for life which intend to lead to this
balance – instructions regarding diet, movement, respiration and inner
These instructions mainly base on ideological and religious

In Western society, attention is turned more to the psyche than to

the outer way of life. It is a general opinion that mainly psychic
processes are responsible for an imbalance of Kundalini.

Whatever the causes may be, it is advisable to listen inwards. This

may be very difficult to do, but it can help us find the causes of any
disorders, as long as we are striving to be honest with ourselves.
If one has enough time, there are some methods to help to get an
inner harmony, like doing sports or various techniques as Tai Chi, Sun
Salutation and other exercises.
2. Kundalini in Yoga

Principally, Kundalini is known in all magical and mystical cultures,

from the Bushmen of Africa, the Aboriginal Australians, the Hawaiian
Kahunas to the Siberian shamans. The Indian yogis – strictly speaking
the practitioners of Shaiva Tantra – were the ones to describe the
Kundalini most exactly from a spiritual point of view and they have
established a very sophisticated system of exercises on this inner
force. Other Asian disciplines have been inspired by Indian practices
too and even extended some aspects of this knowledge – from energy
work with Chi to acupuncture.

In Tantric yoga, psychic aspects and vital energies are usually

represented in a personified way. It is assumed that the universe has
an inner structure, from solid material in ever subtler grades of matter
up to the most subtle spiritual light energies (see teaching on
chakras); thus, every psychic and vital aspect has its personified
representative in a more subtle layer. This applies to Kundalini as well.
In its vital aspects it is depicted as a serpent, in its spiritual aspect as
Shakti. Shakti is a magical, creative force which is personified as fairy
(dakini) for the denser spheres (the lower three chakras) or as
goddess (heart chakra and above) for the higher spheres. In her
cosmic dimension, she corresponds to the Great Mother – a cosmic,
intelligent force, which views all living beings as her children. The
Shakti in human being or the Mahashakti in cosmos is the life-giving
power – like a mother which gives birth to all life. This is the deeper
reason why Shakti is seen as female.

Because in Tantric yoga the cosmic structure is seen as polar,

there has to be a male aspect as well. While Shakti is seen as the
dynamic power, the male aspect is seen as passive and resting within
himself. Iconographically this looks like this: Kali, the Mahashakti, ist
dancing on the sleeping Shiva (see e-books by A. Ballabene "Shiva"
and "The Teachings of Tantric Yoga").

Because the Kundalini is a force which is connected to all dense

and subtle planes, it is also able to become a mediator for the cosmic
consciousness. We then perceive it as a golden light energy, which is
lifting us into a kind of spiritual "magnetic field" in which we can sense
the presence of the divine all-power nearly within reach.

As a mirror image of the goddess (Mahashakti), her power and

harmony will endow us with the highest gifts: love, happiness, content,
peace and the ability to perceive and express ourselves in a creative
3. Kundalini and Sexuality

Sexuality has a great influence on Kundalini. This is the reason

why there are some practices with which people try to stimulate
Kundalini only through sexuality. Not through pure sex, of course, but
with an appropriate inner attitude which aims at controlling the powers
which are set free. I think that it is not mainly the sex but the state of
our brain which takes effect here. When having sex, but also in
eroticism and amorousness, our brain doesn’t work like it normally
does. Special messengers are set free which cause an euphoric or
glorified state – depending on if the trigger was an orgasm or a loving

Sexuality can be a trigger for the awakening of Kundalini, but it has

to be compared with a flintstone: it can ignite a flame, but it can’t
nourish it. For this, other material is needed. In our case it is love – the
loving care for all living beings. In such a manner we can try to turn
the spark into an everlasting fire.

It makes a great difference if an orgasm or a long-lasting loving

feeling is practised. In an orgasm, the deepest cosmic states can
occur, light phenomena and everything with which normally Kundalini
is associated. But the state is only short-lived. It can give us deep
experiences which rise new insights into the principal questions about
human and cosmos. But what characterizes a real and lived yoga is a
transformation of the own personality and a spiritual evolution. For
this, other states are more appropriate which are less impressive, but
instead lasting over a longer period of time with a constant flame. We
can use these stable, higher states e. g. to connect to the divine
power while going for a walk in the nature and to see the divine in all
the life which surrounds us. In this manner, we can develop love,
spirituality and religiosity within us.
4. Energy Currents

Depending on how energy currents are flowing or not, various side

effects occur – accompanying effects of Kundalini. Many people are
proud that their Kundalini is "active". They justify this with sensations
of heat in the spine, pressure at the coccyx etc. But these symptoms
are misunderstood! Here, the interpretation of an "active" Kundalini is
only based on its side effects. Those people think that the stronger the
side effects are, the stronger their Kundalini has to be. But these side
effects are occurring when there are frictions or blockages – that
means, when the energy channels are weak in relation to the amount
of energy which is flowing through them. When the body is optimally
adaptated, Kundalini’s power cannot longer be interpreted with side
effects. An active Kundalini can rather be recognized by the inner
power that the person possesses, and not by heat, prickling, pressure
or similar effects. It is comparable to a conductor – if the wire is too
thin and the electric current too high, the wire will get hot. It is a great
mistake to think that the current is only flowing when the wire is hot.
Various energy currents are flowing inside our body. In addition to
the energy currents which are running on the surface of the human
body, there are others in which an energy exchange between inside
and outside takes place. One essential energy exchange which is
referred to as "Kundalini ascension" goes from the ground up through
the governing vessel (acunpuncture) or spine (yoga) and opens out
into one of the chakras, but mainly into the crest or crown chakra, from
where it disperses on the surface and flows down again.
The inner flowing of energy starts at the point where we touch the
ground – that is in a sitting yogi the base of the spine or at the
perineum. It is generally thought that Kundalini arises from this region.
There are differing methods in Hasidism (Jewish mysticism), where
the energy is led up from the soles of the feet (e. g. vocal exercises
IEOUA – Jehova).

In Indian yoga (Tantra) we find the idea of two additional important

channels (nadis) which are twined around the central channel in three
and a half coils. Those two channels are called Ida and Pingala. They
lead a warm and a cool energy current. It seems that a depiction of
these two channels, which are winding around the central channel,
has found its way over the Orient even to Europe – as the wand of
5. Chakras as Energy Gates

Some of my acquaintances and I have observed that energy

currents flow from the inside (the central channel) outwards to our
body surface. For this there are some main "exit holes" which are
called chakras.

Chakras are not only understood as exit holes for energy, but also
as switching points for special abilities. All those abilities seem to be
based on an interaction between human and environment. In this way,
chakras are gateways for communication. According to various
modern and Eastern opinions, it seems to be possible to use chakras
as gates for astral travelling. Here, a part of our energetic body seems
to be sent out. In the initial phase of this process, the energetic body
can appear as a sphere which is formed and then sent on a journey.

Regarding the position of the chakras it is said that the higher the
position of a chakra in the energetic body, the subtler and higher its
vibe is – and also the vibe of the subtle substances which are flowing
through the chakra. It is not clear what is decisive for the vibe – the
chakras, the Kundalini or an overall condition (which becomes
apparent in the aura).

In conservative literature, the number of petals of the chakras is

highly emphasized. According to observations by clairvoyant people, a
chakra can have a very different number of spokes (= "petals"). This
number depends on the wavelength of the energy – on the surface or
inside of the subtle body – which is flowing out of or into the chakra.
The dogmatically determined number of petals is due to the fact that
these depictions are used as magical and mystical figures, in which
mantras (syllables), qualities (solid, liquid, fiery, airy, etheric), deities
and other aspects are captured as a so-called yantra.
6. Types of Energy

The Indian people – as enthusiastic systematists – assign different

qualities to the Kundalini. In the internet or in books we find only little
about that; mainly it is just called "Kundalini". In such a simplification,
"Kundalini" can only be understood as a collective term for a lot of
different energy types and their appearance.

According to Indian yoga, Kundalini in its amount is strongly linked

to the breath. It is said that a basical energy – from which Kundalini
raises later through an inner process – is taken in through the breath
(= prana). This prana, the primary energy, is transformed into different
types of energy in the human being. Those are the five pranavayus:
prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana. Through an inner
transformation process, the etheric energy which is called Kundalini is
generated from the pranavayus.

On the subtle plane to which Kundalini belongs, the difference

between energy and substance seems to become indistinct. That is
the reason for the imprecision in language which becomes evident
when using the terms "energy" and "subtle".
In Europe, a classification of energies/ substances has become
established which does not so much refer to the quality but to the
density. This concerns ectoplasm, which is a substance inherent in the
human being and which presumably can be assigned to the
phenomena around Kundalini – a point of view which can primarily be
found in parapsychology and spiritism.

Ectoplasm (bioplasm) is the densest manifestation of inner

energies. It can leak out of various body orifices (mouth, nose, ears,
breasts, vagina) and then it flows slowly (with a honey-like
consistency) downwards (it obeys the rules of gravity). At the edges it
vaporizes, which looks like liquid nitrogen.

In Indian yoga, ectoplasm is scarcely mentioned. But in contrast, a

higher form (higher vibe) of ectoplasma is often mentioned, called
amrita. Amrita is glowing in a golden colour, more liquid than
ectoplasm and it does not vaporize at the surface. It is the substance
from which deities can form a body to become manifest in a denser
form, a substance which can heal and work wonders. Amrita
accumulated in the body is a sign of a perfected Kundalini yoga (for
more information about Amrita and ectoplasm, see "Ectoplasm and

In Indian mythology it is said that when the world was created, four
drops of amrita fell to the earth. At those places where the drops fell
we find the most sacred sites of India, those four pilgrimage sites
where the greatest Indian festival, the Kumbh Mela, takes place. At
Kumbh Mela, millions of pilgrims are gathering to bath in the river
Gangesm which waters are said to be especially cleansing during this
time. Those four pilgrimage sites are: Allahabad, Haridwar, Nashik
and Ujjain.
7. Kundalini as our inner Teacher

Originally, many people believed that through various yoga

exercises Kundalini is caused to rise up from chakra to chakra. Once it
has reached the seventh chakra, it will just click and then the person is
enlightened. It is not as easy as that, though (fortunately), because to
develop and to reach for the multifaceted, great and all-pervasive
cosmic consciousness also means to grow, to mature and learn
inside. Kundalini is energy. It is not enlightenment, even not if we find
ourselves surrounded by light. A perception of light may last seconds
or minutes and this state may be called "enlightenment" – for this short
period of time. But when looking at a whole life, one is nowhere near
to being enlightened.

With the help of the Kundalini we can open us and experience the
life around us more directly and in a process of identification. The
Kundalini teaches us to see the beauty, but our dark sides as well –
and to accept them. It teaches, urges, forces us to correct them. It
brings light into the twilight of our soul. In this light it is possible to
come closer to the divine principle. With every step that we take, the
divine cosmic consciousness comes three steps closer to us. If we are
ready, we can also sense the proximity of the divine, even perceive it
– as the goddess in appearance of our Shakti or as a male spiritual
guide. Kundalini teaches in different ways.

First of all: Kundalini does not cause the physical or psychic
disorders, but it reinforces them. It is a strong inner force which maybe
can become manifest in placebo and nocebo effects or in other ways.
As long as someone is not able to listen inwards to perceive how
the energies are flowing, where they are blocked and what makes
them being blocked, Kundalini will teach in another way, through the
body – the human becomes ill and remains ill until the inner wrong
attitude is corrected. The illness becomes chronic and presumably this
is due to a wrong attitude in way of life or in the psyche, which affects
the body psychosomatically.
Illnesses caused by Kundalini are strange. Such illness is known
from the Afrcian and Eurasian shamanism: the person is suffering
from a physical disorder which no doctor can
heal. As soon as they started to go the way of shamanism, which
was "chosen by the ancestors", they were suddendly healed from their
illness although they had suffered from it through years before.
According to the shamanisti belief, these people were forced by the
ancestors to go the way of shamans. If they became shamans, they
were healed. If they refused, the illness got ever worse, sometimes
until death. All these cultures believed in this and very often it proved
to be true. Of course every one of them went to the doctor or healer
first and tried everything. But the inner way restructured everything –
life and the inner powers as well.

Effects through the psyche

Here everything applies which has been said about physical
illness. Depressions are very common. But a reasonable person will
always go to a doctor first and only when nothing helps he will search
for alternatives.

Listening inwards
By listening inwards, one gets a feeling for the inner processes.
From now on it is proceeding fastly, regardless of the person being
practicing yoga or not – it’s all the same to the Kundalini. An inner
harmony and balance is reached soon.

Inner communication
Here everything works fine. If something does not work, a question
is asked inwards and at once, an answer comes back with a hint to
what needs to be changed or how we should go on. However, who
gives this inner answer isn’t clear in the most cases. The message
comes from inside, but who or what gave this message cannot be
recognized, at least not in everyday life. In a state of trance it is easier
to assign the message, although doubts about the interpretation are
alright and healthy, because in this way we stay open for new things
and we will not get confined to narrow-minded thinking.
8. About Cosmic Consciousness in Kundalini

We humans went through several stages of civilisation which had

an influence on our world view through the predominant technology.

An important stage, which followed the times characterized by

religion, was/ is a time in which the matter was/ is the centre of
attention (we have not yet left that stage behind) – matter as it can be
formed and worked on. This brought the materialism to us. It was
believed that matter was the only truth and that there was nothing
other than matter.

Now, our computers have marked the beginning of a new era – the
information age. Where before matter was of great importance, now
information has gained value.
Everything contains information, if wave, structure, particle or
whatever. Maybe once we will come into an era where we will believe
that behind every information lies an organizing, conscious
intelligence – life, consciousness.

According to the teachings of spiritual tantra, the universe is

undivided consciousness, an all-pervasive life force. Everything, even
"dead" matter can be an information medium for this cosmic life force.
And because we are a part of this universal life force, we, as a part of
it, are able to connect to the whole. We can do this directly and
indirectly by using single aspects – e. g. the Kundalini – as a kind of
mirror to see the works and effects of the cosmic consciousness
inside of ourselves, as a shaping life force.
If we face Kundalini with this attitude – to recognize it as an aspect
of cosmic life force – then Kundalini is not longer only a force, not only
carrier of all our energetic information, but then it is a living being. We
can speak with her, and ask her for help and support. And Kundalini
will give it!

We don’t have to practice complicated breathing and physical

exercises or imagination of colours and letters to activate the
Kundalini force inside of us. We can communicate with her directly
and ask what is interfering her. If we listen carefully inwards, then she
will tell us and help us to remove the obstacles. Together with her help
we can proceed much faster than with methods and techniques. It
may be an unusual thing for us to communicate with an inner
energetic being. But if we float in the river of life, if we allow us to be
carried by this river instead of trying to control it, we will be given
easily what remains denied to others who try to gain control and
power by techniques.

To speak with Kundalini or exchange information with her through

inner perception without words may sound very fabulous to some
people. Thus, I will explain more precisely the principle which
underlies according to Tantra:
The universe is structured like a crystal. As an example we may
take a salt crystal, which has the shape of a cube. If we break this
crystal cube it will fall into many pieces with plane surfaces – these
pieces are composed of many cubes themselves. And in every single
cube, there are even smaller cubes, right down to the molecule. Thus,
the little things are a mirror of the big things.

A salt crystal can be viewed as an analogy to the structure of life

in the universe. In small life, for example in us humans, the great, all-
embracing cosmic life force – god or however we may name this force
– is reflected. Names are unimportant, the principle is decisive.
The Indians call this cosmic life force Mahadevi or Mahashakti,
which are only two of many names. This cosmic life force is, so to
speak, a cosmic Kundalini, a living force – everything lives which
comes from god. Our Kundalini is a small copy of this living force, and
she’s alive, like everything which comes from god. And because our
Kundalini is alive and connected to the great cosmic consciousness,
we can communicate with her. This is the whole mystery – simple, but
unfortunately unbelievable for many people.

My encounter with Kundalini (by Gauri)

I was in deep immersion, when I noticed that my Kundalini, on her
way upwards, removed some blockades which stood in her way. This
was accompanied by an inner trembling sensation which almost made
me jump out of my seat. It was very intense, as if I was sitting on a
spinning washing machine. But I stayed still so as not to disturb this
cleaning and liberating process. I let it happen and avoided to interfere
this inner process. I had suppressed the Kundalini for years because I
was very afraid and lacked the knowledge, and due to this I already
suffered from various illnesses like calcific tendinitis of my shoulder,
states of fear in the night and depression. I just had not known what to
do and what was that thing inside of me and I was afraid of it. But
now, as I just let it happen, I felt that it was a healing power which had
wanted to unfold since years.
Now I had made it! I had perceived Kundalini and accepted her.
And now she made what she had wanted to made since years ago:
she ascended upwards and cleaned the energy currents in my body. I
felt this change inside of me as a physical and psychic sense of well-
After this first experience it was not surprising that my interest in
her had greatly increased. And this time I just had sat down and I was
waiting, curious what she would do
this time. I could perceive and see her as a serpent. This was a
clear inner sight, so that I always could make out where she was
situated. In addition, I learned that Kundalini is not only some
inanimate force searching its way, like water that bursts its banks. No,
she was a living power in which a higher intelligence was becoming
visible; she even had a kind of temper, depending on if she was calm
or active, if she felt good or if she was bothered by something. She
was more alive than me, with much more knowledge and power than
me. Strictly speaking I cannot compare myself to this higher
intelligence inside of me. I was only her "nest", her territory, her
protégé. She was interested in living together with me in perfect
harmony. That’s how her true nature is.
Now I sat there, listening inwards and watching her. At this time I
didn’t feel good emotionally, I was weighed down with sorrow. This
was due to stress and problems that bothered me. Thus, I wasn’t able
to concentrate and unconsciously I let my mind wander. I got
distracted and forgot about what I had wanted to do in the beginning. I
stopped to listen inwards and to sense the Kundalini. Only a few
minutes after I became aware of that. I gathered my strength and now
I focused more alertly on the Kundalini. Where was she? What was
she doing?
I searched for her in the coccygeal region. That was where she
normally would lie, wound- up. But she wasn’t there. I was puzzled. I
searched my whole back, but even there I couldn’t find her.
Then I saw her – or rather sensed her. She was in my belly. I saw
her there, wound up like a ball. She was filling my whole abdomen.
She was wide awake – and she was about to do something, I could
feel it. But I couldn’t feel what exactly she was up to. She didn’t let me
know – this was typical for the Kundalini, like I would experience many
times after.
As I was thinking about it and even asked her what she was doing
in my belly, she calmly raised her head and began to ascend upwards,
dead straigtht! She ascended through the vertical energy current
which goes parallel to the spinal column. I watched quietly and was
not able to think about it. I was totally absorbed in this observation.
In this way she glided upwards slowly, but determinedly, and as
she was passing through the solar plexus region I saw that she was
pushing along a big, dark ball. She ascended ever higher up to my
mouth and as I felt her there, I involuntarily had to open my mouth
widely. Then I exhaled for such a long time that I thought I was going
to exhale my soul. Fortunately, this wasn’t the case. It was a kind of
dark air or air-like substance which I was exhaling.

Later my Guru told me that he assumed that Kundalini had hauled

out all the negative energy, which had been accumulated inside of me,
in form of a dark energy ball. She had pushed it through my mouth,
because denser energies like ectoplasm cannot be released through
pores in the skin but only through body orifices. The Kundalini had
relieved me from the negative energies. Retrospectively, these
explanations were matching the perception I had had during this
experience – for as soon as I had exhaled, I was filled by an
inexplicable, deep silence. My inside felt like it had been emptied and
cleaned, and I felt embedded in peace and silence. I didn’t have the
need to speak, to think or to do anything. The only need I had was to
rest in myself. The Kundalini descended downwards again and wound
up in her "roost". It was like she was resting after work. She was
gentle and silent.
As I was perceiving this, a deep feeling of thankfulness
overwhelmed me. I loved her. I loved her for her selfless help which
she gave me without me having to ask her for it. She helped me and
filled me with calmness inside. All the troubles which had been
bothering me minutes before were washed away. I was relieved from
grief. The poison of my inner discord had been egested and I felt
clean, invigorated, and full of confidence and peace. I was facing up to
the future without sorrows and fears, thanks to Kundalini.
Thus, inside and silently, I thanked this high, intelligent energy that
was showing to me in the appearance of a little, dark serpent. I felt
connected to her with all my heart. The first time ever I was happy and
thankful to have her inside of me. She was my precious. I said that to
her. I said, inside: Shakti, you are my precious!
There she raised again. "What now?", I thought. I felt that she was
coiling upwards through my spinal column this time. When she
reached my neck chakra, she came out. Never before had I observed
her coming out of my body. But now she did, and I didn’t know what
she was about to do. For a moment she was not visible for me. I just
perceived a kind of pale cloud which was enfolding me. I felt a bit
uneasy, though.
Then I saw her again. I saw that the small serpent had turned into
a huge serpent. Now she was not dark anymore, but very light. And
she was glowing. She had coiled herself around my body now, and
her head was above me. I was embedded in her. I was lying in her like
a child in its cradle.
Not even when I was a child, lying in my mothers arms, had I ever
felt so protected. Kundalini had embraced me. Tightly, gently, lovingly
and determinedly. This was her way of saying to me: "I’ll always be
with you."

From then on, I never was afraid of her again. Countless times I
have felt her, countless times I have talked to her. So many times I
have seen with her eyes, heard with her ears and countless times I
was connected to the cosmic love through her. I respect her because
she is incorruptible. She has no appreciation of material wishes. This
is not her area. She doesn’t want to fulfill any mundane desire. But
she can free you from the bondage and chains of mundane
entanglement and ephemeral desire – if you want it and if you let it
happen, if you accept her as what she really is: a part of the divine
inside of you, your ticket to paradise. I love her because she is of pure
nature and because I know that she only wants the best for me – the
connection to the highest. She wants to turn me into a loving and
knowing person.
9. Shakti and the Chakras

(Spiritual Activity of the Kundalini)

The ascension of Kundalini:

According to the established tradition, Kundalini ascends from
chakra to chakra. Here the yogi achieves ever higher states of
consciousness. When Kundalini has reached the top, the yogi will be
In practice I learnt that this simple step ladder of spiritual
development is not right. Everytime when a subtler vibe is reached,
this has to be assimilated firstly. That means that the whole complex
of body, psyche, astral and spiritual layers has to be newly structured.
Everything is connected, and if one part ascends the rest cannot
simply stay behind but has to be adapted to the new conditions. Thus,
the whole ladder of chakras is worked through for many times with a
subtler vibe each. Every single chakra, beginning with the Muladhara
chakra, has to adapt to the new vibe, to distribute this higher vibe
within its area and to establish the corresponding connections.

Symbolic representations of Kundalini:

There are different symbolic representations of Kundalini.
Generally, we find a certain arbitrariness here. But what may become
blurred in detail is, in fact, clearly seperated from each other when
looking at the matter in its entirety. E. g. there is a clear difference
between the energies (prana vayus) and the inherent intelligence
(Shakti). As a general rule, a higher representation indicates an
increasingly higher guiding intelligence which takes effect in our
through Kundalini:

Energy currents: here, an energy is represented, similar to

physical fluxes.

Serpent: Kundalini is a purely vital energy which takes effect on

the physical layer resp. the body.
Raga/ Serpent-Fairy with half-human appearance: Kundalini
takes effect in emotionality here. Practically, this means that very
strong emotions occur from deep love to furious rage. Emotions are
fluctuating uncontrolledly.

Shakti: here, Kundalini is guided and controlled by a higher divine,

cosmic superintelligence. Spiritual abilities and deep, all-embracing
feelings of love arise in human.

About Shakti and her guidance:

One can think about how it is possible that, with increasing
spirituality, Kundalini – which might have been a wild and untamed
force in the beginning – turns into a being which helps and protects us
– and, if we are willing to listen inwards, a being which even gives
advice. I cannot really explain why energies can develop into
intelligences. But maybe things aren’t what they seem. Maybe all
these intelligences and pseudo-intelligences have been there from the
very start, and they just took turns as guides of our inherent powers.
Firstly, the subconscious may have had control over Kundalini and
later our Higher Self or a cosmic intelligence has taken the lead. Who
or what this higher guidance is, isn’t really perceivable, at least not for
me – but this intelligence exists. It is possible to communicate with it
and I have experienced this clearly and for many times. We may not
know who or what this intelligence is, but we can give it a name – and
this name is Shakti. Shakti is the highest manifestation of Kundalini
resp. of the intelligence which controls Kundalini. Through Shakti, the
human is connected to the divine, cosmic consciousness.
Depending on what chakra is increased in its activity, Shakti shows
herself in different ways. The following analogy might help to
understand why this is the case: imagine sunglasses. They can have
brown, yellow, blue or red glasses. Depending on through which
glasses we see, the world will get a different colour. While wearing
these glasses, we maybe will forget this fact and everything will seem
normal then, although what we see is slightly tinted red, blue or
yellow. It’s similar with Shakti, and that’s the reason why Shakti and
the Kundalini – taking effect through a certain chakra – seem so tightly
connected that we speak of Kundalini-Shakti and cannot longer
distinguish between them.

Shakti in the Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra) – Shakti takes

effect on the physical layer resp. on the body
When Shakti with her light quality revives the human being, she
begins her ascension again in the Muladhara Chakra – this has
happened before several times, but with lower and ever subtler
growing vibes. Due to her activity the person changes – the human
won’t get caught so easily by material desires and interests anymore.
His way of life will change from inside and not basing on directives,
like given in yoga as Yama (morality) and Niyama (ethics).
Out of an inner need, the diet is balanced – not more and not less
than the body needs. Eating for compensation will not happen
anymore, for the stresses have been relieved or they interact on
another, subtler layer. Dry bread will be as appreciated as a cake.
Smoking is unimaginable – the inside struggles against it.
The need for property will lose importance as well. An inner entity
struggles against every form of material obligation.

Shakti in the Manipura Chakra (Navel Chakra) and/ or

Solarplexus Chakra
In the previous stages, the Kundalini force has revived the human
with emotional power in the Manipura Chakra, although the emotions
could not be controlled then. Now, a new kind of energy arises in the
Manipura Chakra, a "mediumistic electrical" energy – this may not be
right literally, but it is likewise. If the human gets angry now – he will
oscillate between higher and lower states – then light bulbs and
electrical devices may break. It does not always have to be rage, it
can be the subconscious "testing" these newly arised energies: radios
are turned on or off, objects are moving, or other uncanny things may
happen. The human has become mediumistic-paranormal in this

Shakti in the Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)

In the previous stages, love already has been developed. Now
under the influence of Shakti a deeper love arises which enables to
merge and to become one with someone or something. While before
understanding had been developed through intellect and empathy,
now understanding arises through delving into the personality of
another being, through becoming one with it – thus, the situation is
understood deeply and wholly.

Shakti in Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra)

According to the Indian yoga teachings, the Throat Chakra is
attributed to the element "akasha" (ether). From here on the soul
(astral body) begins to loosen from the physical body. For the yogi/
yogini, a connection to the divine consciousness is already possible
via the Anahata Chakra, but it is a mental-emotional connection. From
the Throat Chakra on, the yogi is able to travel in the subtle bodies.
His soul is free and rises above the physical body.

Shakti in the Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra, Will Chakra)

With the sixth main chakra, the Ajna Chakra, an ability of inner
clarity arises in the human, which enables him to observe untroubled
by emotions and thoughts. If this inner clarity is subordinated to a
greater goal it will be an important help, almost indispensable for the
yogic practice. But if practiced excessively, this exercise can be
disadvantageous – when the yogi becomes "one-eyed" (?), or "white-
lighted" as it is also called. Because too much of this white light does
not only brings silence of thoughts but also extinguishes emotions.
Firstly this won’t be recognized, because the exercise causes an
euphoric feeling of happiness. It can be that the yogi becomes
addicted to this exercise.

Shakti in the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)

Through Shakti, the divine cosmic consciousness works
unhinderedly. The body has opened through all layers of subtle matter
to the cosmic principle. The yogi or yogini has become one with the
Shakti and the cosmic consciousness.
10. The Goddess or Great Mother

What is the goal of yoga and many other esoteric teachings? Most
teachers have same goal, a goal which has many names and yet it
seems to be the same: enlightenment, self- fulfillment, cosmic
consciousness, cosmic love, realization of God, all-unity, liberation
(mukhti), supra-consciousness. There may be other terms as well.

When I began with the first steps on my spiritual way I learnt: "The
goal of a yogi is to reach a state of consciousness beyond space and
time, beyond creation. Because this state is beyond polarities it cannot
be described, every description means division – and for this state
there are no divisions. Thus, it is called ‘neti, neti’ - which means ‘not
this and not that’. Another term is ‘sat-chit-ananda’ - ‘existence,
consciousness, bliss’."

How does one reach that state? One has to concentrate on the
Ajna Chakra, which is the chakra between the eyebrows, and
excludes all thoughts and feelings. Nothing should stir inside – deep
silence reigns. If one is lucky or it is given to one, the state in
meditation tilts over to a state of altered consciousness and we’ll be in
a state of limitless dimension, beyond time and space. Even beyond
the ego – that’s why there are no reflections about past lives, future or
whatever – because the awareness about creation is not longer there.

The method to reach this state has its dangers. If one achieves to
go into that state once – and even if it was only so slightly – but is still
anchored in the ego and in the world, one will get a feeling of
immense power. An inner, magical power which seems to have no
limits. It is an intoxicant sensation and one may rather get addicted to
it – in fact, it is a kind of
addiction. These half-enlightened people – if they are incarnated or
transcendent beings – are mostly beings of a high plane of existence,
but it is a light and cold plane – in my circle of acquaintances we call
them "white-lighted", for their auric radiation is a dazzling white, but
cold light character, without any empathy or emotion. They serve no
one and submit to no ideology. They only know their own will and this
will is incredibly strong.

Shakti and Mahashakti – or simply "the Goddess"

If we come into deep contact with Shakti and if we love her, of
course we want to know who or what she is.
We will soon learn what she is, because she shows that openly:
Shakti is near inside, she’s always with us, loves us, forgives our
mistaked, is patient and wants to give us strength and power.
If we want to know who she is, we won’t get an answer. We’ll only
hear that there’s no difference between her, Shakti, and the Great
Goddess, Mahashakti. Thus, we can’t find out if we encounter a
personal Shakti or a cosmic consciousness which communicates with
us. There’s nothing in her nature that could be confined to a "person".
Not even a mythological deity we’ll find in her. Thus, there is no
answer to such a question which wants to confine Shakti to a person.

Now about the way which the goddess teaches us, and which is
another way than that of the yogis who only practice with the Ajna
Chakra. She teaches us the way of all-uniting love, of becoming one
with all life. Whenever possible, she makes us aware of the love, of
empathy and identification with all life around us. Of course she does
not give instructions or preachments – only a goddess experienced
through a lower chakra would do that, for example the Manipura
Chakra. Down there, in the lower chakras, the nature of the goddess
is more human-like, because her auric radiation mingles with our
subconscious. What we receive then is not pure – just remember the
example with the sunglasses, it is exactly this principle.
It’s best to connect with the goddess through a higher chakra,
mainly the Tara-Chakras – that are: Hridaya Chakra (next to the
Anahata Chakra), the Forehead Chakra (middle of the forehead) and
the Soma Chakra (one end at the posterior palate and one end at the
crown – every chakra has its opposite chakra and both form a
spindle). In this way, we will learn through states of consciousness.
We recognize the divine presence in all life around us – humans,
animals and plants. We cannot choose an encounter, because the
state arises spontaneously. Suddendly we experience our counterpart
as life which is filled with happiness and love beyond the material
Appendix I – Ectoplasm and Amrita

Ectoplasm is a fascinating phenomenon. This phenomenon should

not be disregarded so much in esotericism as well as in the natural
sciences (this does not apply to South America, because there this
phenomenon is much more investigated).

Ectoplasm is a substance between the astral and the physical

matter. It exists in all degrees of density between these two realms –
from nearly astral to a range of physical materialisation. Ectoplasm
energetically causes occurrences like materialisations, telekinesis,
poltergeist phenomena and others.
People who naturally tend to develop ectoplasm are called
mediumistically inclined. This mediumistic disposition is inheritable.

It is unknown what kinds of processes create ectoplasm. It is likely

that the development of ectoplasm is linked to an active Kundalini in
the abdomen area. In different cultures, the process of ectoplasm
development is compared with an alchemistic process. So far,
development of ectoplasm has been observed only in humans, not in
animals and much less in inanimate matter. It is a very dense
manifestation of ether (etheric substance).

Up to now, ether has been found only in living organisms. This is

why in paraphysics the term "bio-energy" has established. Ether or
bio-energy is physically unverifiable.
Ectoplasm is the densest manifestation of the ether and is very
near to the material plane. It is so dense that it even can be
photographed in certain circumstances and it is possible to make
measurements. However, all measurements failed to provide exact
informations (experiments of Albert Freiherr v. Schrenk-Notzing, 1862
– 1929, Munich, physician and parapsychologist).

Ether saturates the whole body and evaporates from it – which is

the etheric aura. In its denser form it can be seen evaporating from
mediumistic people. I have observed for myself how ectoplasm was
flowing out of my mouth slowly and with honey-like consistency,
whereat it vaporized at the edges. Ectoplasm flows out from orifices of
the body, mainly from mouth and nose, but also from ears and vagina.

The Chinese people call this etheric energy "chi". According to

Taoism, through sexual energy (water, abdomen) in interaction with
fire (belly) a new form of energy is developed (chi), similar to the
formation of water vapour through water and heat. That is why deities
and Buddhas are often represented with a huge belly – a sign that
they possessed a great amount of chi energy.

Perception of ectoplasm during deep relaxation (from a letter):

I had the full bodily sensation of saliva flowing out from my mouth
during deep relaxation (sitting position).
Answer: this wasn’t saliva, but ectoplasm. I experienced this very
often and thought that after the exercise I’d have to be drooled all
over, but I was perfectly dry. As a repercussion effect (= astral body
takes effect on the physical body) I usually had salivary flow at the
beginning of my deep immersion. Since the deep relaxation always
was interrupted when I had to gulp, I later used to let my head hang
down so that saliva could run off. But my shirt was always dry after the
immersion. When I saw ectoplasm flowing out from my mouth for the
first time, everything was clear to me then. The ectoplasm looked like
a broad stream of a grey, honey-like substance that steamed smokily.

In a higher and spiritual yoga, it is tried to transform etheric energy

(fluidal, chi etc.) or, even better, its denser manifestation (ectoplasm)
into Amrita – through clarification impregnation with higher vibes
(love). Amrita is best described with "liquid light". The transformation
into Amrita takes place in the regions of the so-called Tara Chakras
(chest: Anahata Chakra and Hridaya Chakra; head: Forehead Chakra
– not to be confused with the Ajna Chakra – and Soma Chakra).

In the Anahata, the ectoplasm which still is earthy (fluidal) gets

percolated with the vibe of love and the lightful energy of the Tara
Chakras. The ectoplasm which was dull before begins to shine now.
Differences between ectoplasm and Amrita:
Colour: white to dark gray; can contain granulate material
Taste: none
Effects: responsible for various paraphysical occurrences
(spiritism); can be used for healing
It flows out from orifices of the body.

Colour: golden to white-golden
Taste: sweet like nectar
Effects: spiritual, ecstatic states; healing powers
It is only released when this is intended or with the help of
otherworldly guides. From the Amrita of the yogi/ yogini, deities can
form a denser body of appearance.

Observations by Gauri:
I have observed the following: the arms of subtle matter, which
were created during trance from my energy and which I touched, were
like a mass similar to chewy pudding or licorice mass. This mass
contained some granulous material. So far, the description applies to
ectoplasm. But the colour was that of honey – that doesn’t fit.
Another example: I saw a statue of G. It was about a half metre
and showed him in a sitting position. The statue had a deep golden
colour. I didn’t touch it, so I can’t say how the mass felt like. But so far
the description applies to Amrita. But the statue vaporized at the
edges! This again applies to ectoplasm. Thus, I assume that this is an
intermediate stage between ectoplasm and Amrita. This means that
this is possible – intermediate stages, I mean. The whole thing is
literally a refinement of the own energy.

The alchemists called Amrita "liquid gold" (aurum potabile). It fills

the body as golden fluidal and sanctifies it.
There were (and still are) not only alchemists in Europe, but in
India and China too. Maybe they have been there even earlier than in
the Orient and in Europe.
The Alchemist and the liquid gold
Amrita the Indian people call it,
Aurum potabile the Europeans call it – that mysterious potion of
He wanted to have this potion.
Obsessively, he read old books, destillated and cooked,
and tried many a formula.
A kind heart gave him a little phial. "This is from what Amrita
originates." The alchemist was excited.
He will find the formula and destillate it by the litre, he was sure
about that.
He found the substance, it was tears!
Angrily he threw the phial to the ground. He had been deceited,
he had been derided.
Instead of liquid gold he drank wine now. His head became heavy
and he fell asleep.
In his dream he heard the following: "Tears of love it is!
They make you immortal,
they set you free,
they cut the chains of earth and let you soar up to the gods,
they are for what you seek."
He soon forgot the short dream.
Work waited for him to be done,
a day full of destillation and cooking and reading of mysterious
books. (Alfred Ballabene)

Of course I have occupied myself with a bit of alchemy in the past,

too, with symbolical alchemy and chemical alchemy, with the wet way.
And maybe or maybe not with the dry way, the way with the force of
the sun, which has been forgotten during the millenia. I believe I have
found the dry way, at least for myself: it is the sun of the heart …
Appendix II – Kundalini and the Chakras (functional)

Kundalini can be active in different chakras. The main chakras –

which I am talking about here – are located at different heights of the
spinal column. Depending on the height of the chakra, Kundalini
behaves differently and different powers are developed in human.
These different regions will be dealt with in the following chapter.
One does not have to be a clairvoyant to perceive in what chakra
Kundalini is active at the moment. We are able to sense it in our own
body, if we listen carefully. Often we’ll have dreams in which the
activity of Kundalini is communicated to us. Kundalini is sometimes
more active in sleep than in everyday life – because we are in a
relaxed state then, which is mostly not the case during day.
To give some hints and to encourage to observe our dreams more
regarding Kundalini activity, I will give some main symbols here:

energy channels (Nadis): power supply lines, gas lines

chakras: mostly flowers or other round objects with vivid colours
states: volcanic eruption, flooding

Muladhara to Manipura Chakra (abdomen):

Here, Kundalini manifests itself in sensations of heat or pressure –
mainly this occurs in our body during the day and the symptoms last
for hours or days.

Manipura, Svadhisthana Chakra (belly):

The powers which are developed here are already in the
intermediate stage to subtle materiality in its densest forms – fluidal or
ether. If the person is very mediumistic, ectoplasm can be developed
and causes mediumistic manifestations (e. g. paranormal occurrences
in the physical).
In addition, in this stage of Kundalini OBEs (out-of-body-
experiences) occur. The substance from which the etheric or fluidal
body forms is developed by the Kundalini in the corresponding

Anahata (chest):
From this point on, Kundalini-Shakti manifests herself as a higher
spiritual intelligence, as which she guides the Kundalini forces inside
of the yogi/ yogini. In cooperation with a tutelary deity or with guides,
the Kundalini energies are cleaned and raised. The body is healed,
lighted and comes into a higher vibe.

Disorders in the Anahata region:

A Kundalini blockage in the thoracic region and lacking supply of
"fresh" lightful energy can lead to depressions in people which are on
a mystical way and in the stage of Anahata Chakra development. This
becomes apparent when a yogi oscilates between deep love and
depressions. These states alternate in short intervals within a few
days. Unfortunately, mystics cannot keep a high state of love in the
beginning, but are subjected to a change of high and low. Through
receptors and second messengers the brain tries to maintain a
balance. Due to the reaction retardation, a wavelike changing of states
(?) occurs. It is not easy to come out of a state of depression. Heat
exercises for the thoracic region can help here, for example the
exercise "breath of fire". It is imagined that, when exhaling, hot energy
is sent into the chest. While exhaling, the palate is slightly pressed
(which gives a slight resistance).

Side effects in mysticism:

With increasing all-love in mysticism, the following symptoms occur
when vivifying (enliven!?) the Anahata region – in ascending order:

glowing heat up to the laryngeal region
perceivable vibration, "humming"; it seems like the humming of
bees; this humming is associated with OM in Bhakta Yoga
Appendix III – Kundalini – Circulation of Light – China

In Chinese Taoism, the accumulation of Chi in the abdomen is an

essential point of Chi work. Such an amount of Chi is symbolically
represented by a huge belly.

From "Taoist Yoga" (Ballabene):

A characteristic feature of Taoist mysticism is the transformation of
animalistic life forces into a spiritual essence of light from which the
"diamond body" is developed (diamond as a symbol for the pure and
This transformation of the inner powers does not only happen
through the mystical exercises of light circulation, but also through a
conformable change in way of life, combined with physical exercises.
The Taoist yogi merges Ching (sexual energy, abdomen) with Chi,
the fire of the heart (or etheric energy), and both are merged with
Shen, the spiritual light of the head. The now developed "fluid light" is
brought back to the abdomen again, where the golden pearl and later
the golden embryo is formed.
Through an inner alchemistic process, Ching (water and life force)
and Chi (fire of the heart) are transformed into vapour (ascending
water), which ascends the spinal column to get lightened by Shen
(heavenly light) in the head region. Through this process, the golden
life elixir is developed, which accumulates in the abdomen and grows
to become the immortal body of light. With ongoing meditation, a body
of light or even several bodies of light are formed and released.

In the course of two or three millennia, new philosophical elements

have been introduced to the teaching of "circulation of light" again and
again, while the basical elements remained. Thus, the teaching has
become very complex and difficult to look through.

Richard Wilhelm and C. G. Jung: The Secret of the Golden Flower
– A Chinese Book of Life. Martino Fine Books, 2014


Alongside the European alchemy which is known to us, there is

also an Indian and a Chinese alchemy. It is often said that European
alchemy has its origin in these eastern countries. Principally, there is
an outer and an inner alchemy. The outer alchemy deals with the
transformation of substances like lead or gold. The inner alchemy
deals with inner, spiritual transformation processes inside of the
human being.
In Europe, the outer alchemy was stronger represented, and from
it the natural science of chemistry has been developed. In China and
India, alchemy was strongly linked to medicine and spiritual ideas.


Amrita (Sanskrit) is seen as "nectar of immortality" in Yoga. In India

it is symbolized iconographically by a jar. In introspection, Amrita is
seen as golden liquid and tastes like flower nectar. In my opinion, it is
generated through the transformation of ectoplasm (see: ectoplasm) in
the heart centre (Anahata chakra) with the aid of head chakras. In the
opinion of the theosophists and the Indian yoga, it originates in the
palatine, where the Soma Chakra is opening out. According to yoga, it
can be stimulated by the Khechari Mudra (the tongue is bent back to
the posterior palate).

Astral Body

Our transcendent body, consisting of subtle matter. It is a spiritual

body and generally appears as a reproduction of the physical body.

Astral Travelling
Travelling through transcendent planes (dimensions, worlds) with
the astral body. Also called astral projection or out-of-body-experience
(OBE or OOBE).
In medicine, astral travelling is understood as lucid dream (LD).
Astral travelling is known to practically all religious and shamanic
cultures, but the records are often very vague, so that the underlying
principle isn’t recognized anymore (only contents are reported, but not
the process and the origin of the phenomenon).


Subtle field around the human being, which can give information
about health or spiritual evolution of the person to the clairvoyant.
Such a subtle evaporation (radiation) can emanate from different
subtle bodies. Corresponding to the type of subtle body, the aura is
called "etheric aura", "astral aura", "aura of the causal body" etc.

Central Channel (Sushumna)

The energy channel within the spinal column (sanskrit:

Sushumna), through which Kundalini flows in a "Kundalini ascension".


Chakras are energetic vortices and, at present, widely accepted in

yoga and esotericism. In Indian yoga, chakras are understood as
centres which are of essential importance for the spiritual
transformation and the development of magic/ spiritual powers. There
are many chakras, but the seven main chakras – which root at the
base of the spine and mostly open out at the front of the body – are
best known.

In different religions, "consciousness" is referred to as perceptive
being. In the view of Tantra (see: Tantra), consciousness can exist
independently of a vehicle (= body) and is seen as the primal source
of all existence. This principle is represented by Shiva (male). The life
force inside of body and creation is called Shakti and often
represented by a goddess or fairy.


Fairy with magical powers. Dakinis are the ritual partners of the
Yogis and Yoginis which practice Tantric Yoga.


Deity (God/ Goddess) is a very imprecise term which can refer to

very different things, corresponding to what religion, culture or practice
defines this term. In Europe and the Mideast, deities are understood
as kings of heaven. In India, deities (Sanskrit: Devas) are immortal
beings which belong to a higher sphere of existence – among them
kings of heaven, demons, fairies, witches, shamans, Yogis and others.
In buddhism, deities are understood as beings living in a temporary
existence, a life in heaven.

In Maha Yoga the term refers to intelligences which have passed

beyond the space-time continuum. It can happen that a Yogi/ Yogini is
chosen by such beings as their protégé and this deity will guide the
Yogi/ Yogini and contact him/ her individually in different manners.
Here, processes can occur like those which have been described
under the term "Yidam" (see: Yidam). The origin of this personal deity
may be different in Maha Yoga and mostly remains hidden.


Sanskrit term for "goddess"; Maha-Devi = the Great Goddess (All-

Ectoplasm (Bioplasm)

Ectoplasm is a very dense etheric effusion which is considered

responsible for various poltergeist-phenomena. Ectoplasm is
generated through an inner alchemic process in the abdomen. It can
be released by the body in different manners. Like mist, it can
evaporate from the whole body surface. In its densest manifestation,
ectoplasm can slowly flow out of body orifices (especially mouth) like
honey, whereat it vaporizes at the edges.

Its colour is light to dark gray. It does not need to be homogenous

and can contain granulate material. In a few experiments, ectoplasm
has been successfully photographed. There have been attempts to
make measurements on ectoplasm, but those tests showed very
varying results without any significance (electrical conductivity, Albert
Freiherr v. Schrenk Notzing, 1862-1929, Munich, physician and
For searching photos of ectoplasm in the internet, the term
"teleplasm" is useful as well.

Etheric body (or Fluidal Body)

These terms, historically put forth and both an unfortunate choice,

refer to a denser subtle, energetic appearance of a human being. The
term etheric body was characterized by the theosophists, especially
by Helena Petrova Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and by Charles Webster
Leadbeater (1847 – 1934).
Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, 1493 – 1541)
wrote about the "sideric body", which refered to a similar or even the
same thing as the etheric body.
In theosophy, the etheric body is seen as a link between the astral
body (transcendent) and the physical body (material). It is actually not
a "body", but it is rather the astral body with (denser) fluidal energy still
adhering to it after this astral body has moved out of the physical.
When changing into the astral body itself, the etheric/ fluidal energy is
drawn back to the physical body and the astral can move freely.
Other terms for "ether" in the above sense: chi, ki, prana. See also:

Fluidal Body

Is another word for the etheric body. The term was preferred by the
French. In this context, the experiments of Hector Durville are known:
Hector Durville: The Theory and Practice of Human Magnetism.
Primary Source Edition, Nabu Press 2014 (Scan of the original
translation of 1923)

Higher Self

This term was coined by the theosophists. It refers to the highest

aspect in the human being, immortal and permeated by the divine.
The higher self stands above the individual part which is subject to
reincarnation (see also: inner structure of the human being).


An energy channel which winds around the Sushumna (central

channel) in three coils. The other polar channel is Pingala. In some
traditions, these two currents run straightly and parallely to the

Inner structure of the human being

In many religious teachings of the Orient and the East, the human
being is believed to have a scale of ever subtler soul bodies. Best
known is the theosophic teaching of the different hulls (subtle bodies,
vehicles). For better understanding, the model of an onion is used –
although these subtle bodies are imagined to interpenetrate each
We are structured like an onion. The inner heart is the higher self;
the eternal, divine part inside of us. The further away the skins are
from the higher self, the more they are characterized by an individual
consciousness and separated from the divine core. The material body
is the furthest away.


Is a Sanskrit term and originally means "coiled up".

Liquid Gold

Alchemy: aurum potabile – is extracted from the philosopher’s

Here, the term refers to Amrita, because in spiritual immersion
Amrita is perceived as liquid gold.


Maha = great (e. g. Maharaja = great king), Shakti: see Shakti.

Mahashakti is the cosmic all-force.


Energy channel. There are main nadis (Sushumna, Ida, Pingala)

and secondary nadis.

Naga (Water Serpent)

In India (and Tibet), serpents were seen as sacred since time

immemorial. It is said that the ancestors of the serpents originated
from the primeval ocean, long before the creation of the earth.
Serpents are the yogi’s protectors. They possess wisdom and magical
powers and guard the magical jewels.


see "Ida"


When hearing of polarity in an esoteric sense, we are thinking

instantly of a polarity of good and evil – due to the fact that we are
influenced by Christianity. In Tantrism, polarity isn’t viewed so much
from a moral-ethical point of view. According to Tantra, polarities are
frictions which are – due to their dynamics – forming the creation and
the inherent happenings. Iconographically, they are represented as a
couple that is complementary.


Indian term for consciousness in the sense of "perceiving life".

Instead of purusha, it is mostly the deity "Shiva" which is used in the
records. In this representation, it is Shiva who withdraws into himself,
not longer recognizing the outer world (creation) and dwelling in a
state of pure consciousness (Shiva in meditation position).


Fire serpent.


Rebirth. According to Tantric teachings, a person can have

different personality traits than in former life when being reborn. A part
of the psychic mistakes and impurity are being cleaned in a next
incarnation through a combination with various remainders of former
incarnations. This means that a next incarnation is not a hundred
percent continuation of a former incarnation, but a combination out of
an reservoir of personality traits from different lives.


In Tantric Yoga, Shakti contains all aspects of energy, motion,

dynamics and body. In a cosmic aspect, Shakti is represented by the
all-mother, Mahadevi, Parvati etc. Any female deity is in fact the
Shakti (the creative, visible and shaping aspect) of a male deity.
Shakti can become manifest as a quality within the whole range of
compaction, beginning with the finest spiritual appearance (most
subtle matter) down to the earthly in human being (densest matter).
Energetically and functionally, this means that different appearances
of Shakti become manifest within the scale of chakras, beginning at
the root with the earthly (Muladhara Chakra) up to the head chakras,
in which the highest cosmic appearances become apparent.
In depth psychology (after C. G. Jung), Shakti can be understood
as personified libido resp. as Anima, as well.


In archaeological discoveries in Mohenjo Daro and Harappa (5000

years old), the god Shiva or his early form is seen represented in a
sitting yoga position (apparently a jungle deity). The inscriptions
mention the term Minakanna, which hints to an old yoga tradition. In
former times, yogis were called Minas, which was referring to their
ascetisism and self-discipline. In those times they lived in caves, and –
sometimes – they still do so today.
According to the belief of Tantra, Shiva is the creator and
sustainer of the world – and the one who will dissolve the world again.
From him, the creation is born and also ends, just as if it was his
breathing cycle. This "breathing cycle" of arising and dissolving is a
process which applies to every individual. If this process is completed,
one dwells in the Shiva consciousness beyond time and space –
practically identical with the Nirvana. Becoming one with the all-
encompassing unity of Shiva is the goal of all the ascetic disciplines of
the sadhus and yogis. In asceticism, this becomes apparent in their
way of life through a "leaving of mundane attachments" (non-
attachment, lack of possessions) and symbolically through diverse
attributes of death.


Sometimes used in the sense of Amrita. Originally, though, Soma

referred to a mysterious potion which brought a state of
consciousness similar to enlightenment.

Subtle matter

A term used for any form of "matter" which does not belong to the
physical (material) sphere. It is a very imprecise term and is especially
used when a person does not determine a certain kind of matter
(which would be e.g. etheric, astral etc).

Tantrism, Tantra

Originally, Tantras (or Agamas) refers to a post-Vedic literary

genre of the second century A. D., but which came to thrive in the 7th/
8th century at the earliest. Its views, ideas and practices became
characterizing aspects of Hinduism and later Buddhism – especially
the Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana within the Mahayana tradition).

Tantric Yoga

Characteristics of Tantric Yoga are: representation and

visualization of spiritual principles through sexual symbolics, the
polarities active and passive, resp. male and female. It is assumed
that two principal forces form the universe through their interaction (an
idea which can be found in the oldest world views – e. g. churning of
the ocean of milk through the polar powers of gods and demons).

The harmonic interaction between those prime forces is expressed

through the representation of Shiva and Parvati (see Shiva, Purusha,

Important elements of the exercise system:

Nadis (subtle energy channels)
Mudras (positions of the body), breathing techniques,
visualizations, Mantras (words of power), Yantras (symbolic images)


There are several disciplines of yoga. Recently, similar practices of

other cultures are termed "yoga" as well (Taoist Yoga, Tibetan Yoga
etc). Most yogis practise several types of yoga in combination and
with different emphases, depending on individual preference.
Compared to Hinduism, yoga looks deeper into the question of
being. On the highest level, the yogi learns that all manifestations of
creation – deities inclusively – are illusion. The true being cannot be
described (neti neti – not this, not that). In its purest form this is
teached in Advaita Yoga (yoga of non-dualism).

Yogi/ Yogini

A person which is practising yoga and that is experienced in this

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80331 Munich

Publication Date: November 26th 2017

ISBN: 978-3-7396-7413-1

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