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Consonant Clusters Across Morpheme Boundaries: Polish Morphonotactic Inventory and Its Acquisition

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Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 46(4), 2010, pp.

© School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland



School of English


Morphonotactics is a term introduced by Dressler and Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (2006) to refer to the

interaction of phonotactics and morphotactics. This paper examines the acquisition of phonotac-
tics and morphonotactics, i.e. consonant clusters occurring within morphemes and across mor-
pheme boundaries. It is hypothesized that morphonotactic clusters will be better retained in pro-
duction than lexical clusters as they carry significant morphological information. Additionally,
the acquisition of consonant clusters will be investigated in terms of markedness. With respect to
markedness, two hypotheses have been put forward. Firstly, less marked (preferred) sequences
will emerge earlier. Secondly, preferred clusters will be retained in production better.

KEYWORDS: Phonotactics; morphonotactics; markedness; language acquisition.

1. Polish morphonotactics

The concept of morphonotactics, which has been proposed rather recently to cover the
area of interaction of phonotactics and morphotactics (Dressler and Dziubalska-
Kołaczyk 2006), refers to the first of the three parts of morphonology introduced by
Trubetzkoy (1931: 161ff), i.e. the study of the phonological structure of morphemes.
Dressler and Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (2006) focus on shapes of morpheme combinations,
especially those whose phonotactic make-up differs from phonotactics of lexical roots.
This section will be devoted to the description of Polish morphonotactics.
Polish belongs to a group of strongly inflecting languages and it has very rich in-
flectional and derivational morphology. As a result of the complex morphological
make-up, in Polish one may expect the occurrence of numerous morphonotactic clusters
among consonant clusters. Complex clusters are tolerated both in initial position (up to
four consonants, e.g. wzbraniać /ˈvzbraɲaʨ/ ‘to forbid’), final position (up to five, e.g.
przestępstw /ˈpʃɛstɛmpstf/ ‘crimes’-GEN.PL.), as well as word-medially (up to five
elements, e.g. bezwzględny /bɛzˈvzglɛndnɨ/ ‘ruthless’).
566 P. Zydorowicz

The first inventory of consonant clusters in Polish was compiled by Bargiełówna

(1950). The author enumerated all possible consonant combinations in the word initial,
medial and final position. In her inventory, Bargiełówna included consonant combina-
tions present in morphologically complex words, and she marked a morphological
boundary (/) or a dead morphological boundary (·). The author also presented quantita-
tive data which showed the number of clusters in Polish in all word positions. Table 1
presents a summary of the results compiled by Bargiełówna.

Table 1. The number of clusters in Polish in all word positions.

(Adapted from Bargiełówna 1950: 22 ff.)

Number Number Number

Cluster size
of initial clusters of medial clusters of final clusters
2312 534 100
Doubles 2163 (+15)4 479 (+55) 78 + (22)
191 596 347 305 353 179
165 754 26
Triples 160 (+5) 615 (+ 139) 16 (+ 10)
65 110 15 97 518 9 7
15 134 12
4-member member
109 (+25)
clusters (and more)
6 9 11 98 2 11

The first group of clusters are doubles. Initial doubles comprise 231 cluster types, 216
native and 15 non-native ones. Among native clusters, 191 types occur within a mor-
pheme whereas 59 clusters occur across morpheme boundaries (34 of these clusters
may occur both within and across morphemes). As regards medial doubles, the total
number of clusters amounts to 534 (479 native clusters and 55 non-native clusters).
Among native clusters, 305 occur within a morpheme, 353 occur across morpheme
boundaries, and 179 occur both within a morpheme and across morpheme boundaries.

It is necessary to take note of the criteria according to which the inventory of clusters was established.
Firstly, Bargiełówna recognised the existence of the following consonant phonemes: /b bˈ p pˈ m mˈ v vˈ f fˈ
d t z s ʒ c n ł š ž ǯ č r l ś ź ʒ́ ć ń g gˈ k kˈ x j/ (the Slavic Phonetic Alphabet, used by Bargiełówna, will be
replaced here by the International Phonetic Alphabet). Secondly, Bargiełówna chose word as a unit of analy-
sis, investigating clusters in a word initial, medial and final position.
The total number of cluster types.
The number of native clusters.
The number of non-native clusters.
The number of clusters occurring morpheme-internally.
The number of clusters occurring across morpheme boundaries.
The number of clusters occurring both morpheme-internally and across morpheme boundaries.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 567

Finally, Bargiełówna identified 100 double finals, 78 of which are native clusters and 22
are non-native. In the case of final doubles, almost all of them occur within a mor-
pheme. Only isolated cases occur across morpheme boundaries, for example, /jɕ/ in
czyjś ‘somebody’s’ as well as several dubious cases such as /kw/ or /tw/.
The second group of clusters constitute triples. The number of realised initial triples
is 165 (160 native and 5 non-native clusters). Among the native group, 65 clusters occur
within a morpheme, whereas 110 occur across morpheme boundaries (15 cluster types
are both mono- or bimorphemic). As regards medial triples, the total number of realised
clusters is 754, 615 of which are native and 139 are non-native. Among the native clus-
ters, bimorphemic clusters constitute the vast majority (518), whereas monomorphemic
constitute less than one sixth (97). Finally, the number of realised final triples is 26 (16
native and 10 non-native). Native clusters are monomorphemic in 9 cases and bimor-
phemic in 7 cases.
Four-member initial clusters are realised by 15 different types, 6 of which occur
within a morpheme, whereas 9 are bimorphemic in nature. As far as medial quadruples
are concerned, there are 134 types of realised consonant clusters, 109 of which are na-
tive and 25 are non-native. Eleven native clusters occur within a morpheme whereas 98
occur across morpheme boundaries. The number of realised final clusters (all native) is
12. Eleven clusters occur across morpheme boundaries and only 2 clusters intra-
On the basis of the data presented above, the richness of Polish phonotactics and
morphonotactics is evident. One can observe that as the number of elements in a cluster
grows, the cluster is more likely to contain a morphological boundary. To illustrate this
finding with an example, there are 59 initial doubles containing a morpheme boundary
compared to 191 lexical clusters. However, already in the case of initial triples one can
notice that there are almost twice as many morphonotactic clusters (110) as lexical ones
(65). In the case of 4-member initials, a majority are morphological in nature. In the
case of medials, the pattern is as follows: there are 305 lexical clusters and only 48
more morphonotactic double clusters (i.e. 353); in the case of medial triples, there are
over five times more morphonotactic clusters than lexical ones (97 lexical vs. 518 mor-
phonotactic ones). As for clusters of 4 (and more) members, 90% of clusters occur at a
morpheme boundary. As far as finals are concerned, most of the morphonotactic clus-
ters occur among clusters of 4 (and more) members, whereas doubles and triples are
rather lexical in nature. The occurrence of such regularities and patterns in Polish indi-
cates that complex clusters are indeed tolerated in a language, especially when they ful-
fil a morphological function.
According to Dressler and Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (2006), there are two sources of
morphonotactic clusters: concatenative and non-concatenative ones. The former con-
sists in adding affixes to the word root. The latter source generates clusters by means of
such morphological operations as vowel~zero alternation, zero-Genitive-Plural forma-
tion or imperative formation.
568 P. Zydorowicz

The default mechanism leading to the creation of a morphonotactic cluster in Polish

is affixation. Below, I present examples of inflectional and derivational affixes which,
when added to a word root, may generate morphonotactic clusters. In Polish, most of
the morphonotactic clusters come into being through derivation rather than inflection,
since inflection is largely vocalic in nature. The selection of the morphemes was based
(mainly) on Mizerski (2000).

(1) Derivational prefixes (ending with a consonant)

Nouns: przeciw-, kontr-, nad-, super-, hiper-, eks-, śród-, pod-, bez-, przed-
Verbs: nad-, ob-, od-, pod-, przed-, roz-, dez-, nad-, od-, pod-, współ-
Consonantal prefixes of verbs: w-, wz-, ws-, z-, s-
Adjectives: współ-, nad-, ponad-, hiper-, super-, bez-, przed-, post-

(2) Derivational suffixes (beginning with a consonant)

Nouns: (-da), -nie, -cie, -ka, -ctwo, -stwo, -two, -cja, -zja, -ki, -ba, -twa, -ca,
-ciel, -nik, -nica, -niczka, -czy, -niczy, -nia, -dło, -szczyzna, -szczak, -na, -czyk,
-czuk, -sko, -sztyl, -cia, -cio
Verbs: -nąć, -nieć
Adjectives: -ny, -ki, -czy, -liwy, -ski, -ni

(3) Inflectional morphemes (mostly suffixes beginning with a consonant)

Nouns: -mi
Verbs: -ł, -śmy, -ście, -my, -cie, -wszy
Adjectives: -szy, naj- (prefix)

Several observations can be derived from the abundant list of morphological affixes in
Polish. Firstly, Polish possesses non-syllabic consonantal prefixes: {s-}, {z-}, {w-}, {w-
s-}, {w-z-} (a subset of which is biconsonantal; {w-s-}, {w-z-} being variants of each
other), which when attached to a consonant-initial word stem, may generate the whole
range of morphologically complex clusters. Examples of such clusters are numerous: s-
chodzić /sxɔʥiʨ/ ‘to go down’, z-robić /zrɔbiʨ/ ‘to do’-PERF., w-robić /vrɔbiʨ/ ‘to set
sb up’, wz-braniać (się) /vzbraɲaʨ/ ‘to refrain’, wschodzić /fsxɔʥiʨ/ ‘to rise’ etc.
The second observation is that Polish possesses two non-syllabic consonantal suf-
fixes, namely the preterit {-ł} and the infinitival {-ć}. The former suffix may generate
such clusters as /tw rw sw/ in poszedł ‘he went’, umarł ‘he died’, niósł ‘he was carry-
ing’ etc.8 The latter triggers such clusters as /ɕʨ jɕʨ ɲʨ/ in nieść ‘to carry’, przyjść ‘to

The cluster /tw/ in poszedł includes a devoiced plosive due to the process of obstruent final devoicing,
though the pronunciation /dw/ is also possible when the cluster is immediately followed by a voiced seg-
ment, e.g. vowel, as in poszedł i wrócił ‘he went and came back’.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 569

come’, zacząć ‘to begin’.9 Apart from initial and final non-syllabic consonantal affixes,
Polish has an array of syllabic prefixes ending in a consonant which, when added to a
stem beginning with a consonant, triggers the emergence of morphonotactic medial
clusters, e.g. mówić ‘to say’ vs. odmówić ‘to refuse’. Similarly, numerous suffixes be-
ginning with a consonant (when added to a consonant-final stem) lead to the creation of
morphonotactic medials, for instance, mysz ‘mouse’ vs mysz-ka ‘mouse’-DIM.
However, according to Dressler and Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (2006), there are also
non-concatenative sources of morphonotactic clusters. The first mechanism leading to
the creation of new marked clusters is the process of vowel~zero alternation. This rule
is related to the demise of yers (or jers) in Slavic languages, also in Polish (Walczak
1999; Długosz-Kurczabowa and Dubisz 2001; Gussmann 2007). Proto-Slavic devel-
oped a pair of vowels called yers out of a pair of Indo-European vowels, /i/ and /u/. The
two vowels behaved in a similar fashion in all Slavic languages: they got lost in some
positions and turned into non-high vowels in others. The result is the emergence of a
pattern of vowels alternating with zero. Polish turned the non-lost yers into the vowel
/ɛ/. The examples below illustrate the process of triggering con-concatenative morpho-
notactic clusters, all of which have a marked status.

(4) len ‘linen’ lnu /lnu/ ‘linen’-GEN.SG.

(5) wesz ‘louse’ wszy /fʃɨ/ ‘lice’
(6) pies ‘dog’ psa /psa/ ‘dog’-GEN.SG.
(7) mech ‘moss’ mchu /mxu/ ‘moss’-GEN.SG.

Another morphological operation which perhaps does not lead to the emergence of a
“new” cluster but simply changes the position in the word, is a rule of zero-Genitive-
Plural formation. To illustrate this process, let us consider the following examples.

(8) przestępstwo ‘crime’-NOM.SG. przestępstw /pʃɛstɛmpstf/ ‘crime’-GEN.PL.

(9) matactwo ‘chicanery’-NOM.SG. matactw /mataʦtf/ ‘chicanery’-GEN.PL.
(10) miejsce ‘place’-NOM.SG. miejsc /mjɛjsʦ/ ‘places’-GEN.PL.
(11) tratwa ‘raft’-NOM.SG. tratw /tratf/ ‘rafts’-GEN. PL.

The final clusters in the second column words appear in this particular position exclu-
sively in genitive plural. Similarly, imperative formation may often lead to the creation
of marked final clusters, e.g. the imperative of mizdrzyć się ‘to wheedle’ could be real-
ised as mizdrz się with the final /stʃ/. However, morphology repairs this phonologically

The cluster /ɲʨ/ is derived from a nasalised vowel, graphically represented by <ą>, which in this particular
context, that is before an affricate, is realised as the oral vowel /ɔ/ followed by a nasal consonant with the
same place of articulation as the following affricate (in this case, the alveolo-palatal /ʨ/). The presence of a
nasal is also visible in the imperfective verbal form zaczynać.
570 P. Zydorowicz

marked form by adding a suffix {-yj}, making the original cluster /zdʒ/ remain medial.
Otherwise the aforementioned clusters are medials, and as such they are less marked
than if they were finals.

2. Markedness

In phonotactics-related studies, markedness has always been understood as and meas-

ured by sonority.10 A good initial cluster tends to increase in sonority, whereas a good
final cluster decreases in sonority.11 Thus, words such as plump or quilt are examples of
preferred unmarked clusters. However, sonority turns out to be an insufficient explana-
tion. First of all, it cannot account for all the occurrence of clusters even in such a so-
nority-abiding language as English. Second, evaluating consonant clusters exclusively
by means of sonority results in treating many different clusters equally. To provide an
example, an unmarked cluster type – plosive + semi-vowel – may be represented by
/pw bw pj bj tw dw tj dj kw gw kj gj/. It is evident that each of these sequences has a
different status in the English language. What is more, some of these sequences are not
attested in English, e.g. /pw/ or /bw/.
In this paper, markedness is defined in terms of the Beats-and-Binding model of
phonotactics (henceforth, B&B), introduced and revised by Dziubalska-Kołaczyk
(2002, 2009). The revised version of B&B phonotactics takes into account not only the
sonority of a sound (which comes down to the manner of articulation; henceforth,
MOA), but also place of articulation (henceforth, POA) and voicing (henceforth, Lx),
which notationally can be written as |MOA| + |POA| + |Lx|. The new model determines
the status of a cluster by means of a phonotactic calculator which adds the values for
POA, MOA and voice (Dziubalska-Kołaczyk 2008; Dziubalska-Kołaczyk and Krynicki
2007).12 The result is a Net Auditory Distance (henceforth, NAD). The NAD principle
can be applied to clusters in all word positions.
To illustrate cluster evaluation with an example, let us consider the NAD condition
for initial doubles:

C 1C 2V NAD (C1,C2) ≥ NAD (C2,V)

Figure 1. The Net Auditory Distance condition for double initial clusters
in the revised B&B model (Dziubalska-Kołaczyk 2009: 60).

In the present paper, the terms unmarked and preferred, marked and dispreferred will be used inter-
For the discussion of sonority (its definition, values and problems), cf. Selkirk (1984), Ohala (1992).
The phonotactic calculator devised by Dziubalska-Kołaczyk and Krynicki (2007) can be accessed from
the following website: <>.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 571

The condition reads:

In word-initial double clusters, the net auditory distance (NAD) between the
two consonants should be greater than or equal to the net auditory distance be-
tween a vowel and a consonant neighbouring on it.

In other words, a greater perceptual distance between the two initial consonants in terms
of the three criteria saves the cluster. As a result /pw/, /bw/, /pj/, /bj/, all equally pre-
ferred in the canonical understanding of markedness, are no longer clusters of equal
quality. In fact, the two former clusters are less preferred than the latter two, as the place
of articulation of the two member consonants in the former pair is too close to each
other (both share the feature of labiality). Conversely, bilabial and palatal places of ar-
ticulation are rather distant, which makes the clusters /pj/ and /bj/ gain a more preferred
In comparison to bare sonority, the NAD principle is a better explanatory tool, as it
makes use of more phonetically grounded features of consonant description, and as a
result it has a greater potential for distinguishing between clusters and predicting their
behaviour in different areas of external evidence. Moreover, it functions without the no-
tion of the syllable.
The NAD conditions for the remaining word positions are specified by the well-
formedness conditions specified below. The condition for double final clusters states:

VC1C2 NAD (V, C1) ≤ NAD (C1,C2)

Figure 2. The Net Auditory Distance condition

for double final clusters in the revised B&B model.

The condition reads:

In word-final double clusters the net auditory distance (NAD) between the two
consonants should be greater than or equal to the sonority distance between a
vowel and a consonant neighbouring on it.

The condition for double medial clusters states:

V1C1C2V2 NAD (V1, C1) ≥ NAD (C1,C2) ≤ NAD (C2,V2)

Figure 3. The Net Auditory Distance condition

for double medial clusters in the revised B&B model.
572 P. Zydorowicz

The condition reads:

For a word-medial double cluster, the NAD between the two consonants
should be less than between each of the consonants and its respective
neighbouring beat, and it may be equal to the NAD between the first conso-
nant and the beat preceding it.

The more a cluster diverges from the preference, the more marked it gets. The revised
model of Beats-and-Binding will be used for the analysis of produced and reduced clus-
ters in the process of acquisition in Polish.

3. Developmental phonotactics

The behaviour of consonant clusters has always occupied a significant place in devel-
opmental studies. The research has focused on the order of emergence (Fikkert and
Freitas 2004), the markedness of emerging clusters (Dziubalska-Kołaczyk 1999), reduc-
tion factors and patterns (Lleó and Prinz 1996; Menyuk 1968; Kirk and Demuth 2005),
cluster modification strategies (Chervela 1981; Łukaszewicz 2007), as well as the fre-
quency of occurrence of clusters in children’s speech in comparison to adult-based data
(Milewski 2005).
When investigating the process of language acquisition in Russian children, Gvoz-
dev (1961, after Milewski 2005) reported that Russian children start to produce clusters
at the age 1;8–1;10. Linguistic data show that the phonotactic system is acquired by the
age 2;3–3;0 though this remains to be a moot point. Before the phonotactic system is
acquired, children reduce clusters to single consonants. In fact, as regards the chrono-
logical emergence of syllable profiles, data from 12 Dutch children reveal that the de-
velopment of syllable profiles proceeds from CV only, through CV and CVC, subse-
quently CV, CVC, V, VC, to all syllable types, including those with clusters (Levelt et
al. 2000, after Bernhardt and Stemberger 2007: 578f). This progression is compatible
with universal syllable structure markedness. Many English-speaking atypically devel-
oping children follow a similar pattern of syllable development, i.e. CV > CVC >
Since CV is the most universal, unmarked and natural syllable structure, more com-
plex syllable types may be difficult to acquire. There are several strategies applied by
children to avoid the production of consonant clusters: reduction, epenthesis, prothesis,
substitution, assimilation, and syncope.
Few developmental studies on phonotactic acquisition took into account the exis-
tence of morphological boundaries. Kirk and Demuth (2005), who investigated factors
affection reduction of initial sC (/s/ + stop and /s/ + nasal) sequences and their mirror
images, final Cs (stop + /s/, nasal + /z/ sequences) in children, found little evidence for
the effect of morphology, as the subjects produced stop + /s/ clusters in mono- and bi-
morphemic words with equal accuracy.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 573

Marshal and van der Lely (2006) investigated cluster reduction in G-SLI children
(children suffering from grammatical specific language impairment). In their study, the
authors used past tense verbs containing clusters which might as well occur in mono-
morphemic words (monomorphemically legal clusters) and past tense verb forms which
occur only across morpheme boundaries (monomorphemically illegal clusters). The
performance on both types of verbs was investigated in the population of G-SLI chil-
dren as well as normally developing children. The results of the study revealed that G-
SLI children performed better on monomorphemically legal clusters, whereas normally
developing children’s performance showed no effect of morphonotactics, i.e. mono-
morphemically legal and illegal clusters had similar reduction rates.
Other studies which dealt with the issue of phonotactic acquisition with special ref-
erence to morphological boundaries in a cluster were conducted by Kamandulytė
(2006) in Lithuanian and Freiberger (2007) in German. The former author investigated
longitudinal data of a Lithuanian girl between the age of 1;8–2;8 and found out that
clusters, e.g. /st/, /sk/, /nt/ were produced correctly earlier when they occurred across
morpheme boundaries than within morphemes. A parallel longitudinal study of the ac-
quisition of German morphonotactics in first language acquisition was conducted by
Freiberger (2007). The author found that morphonotactic clusters, despite their fre-
quently marked character, posed no additional difficulty in acquisition (however, the
study showed no positive evidence in favour of morphonotactic clusters).
The present longitudinal study aims at presenting the process of phonotactic and
morphonotactic acquisition in the case of a Polish child.

4. The acquisition of Polish morphonotactics

4.1. Hypotheses

The acquisition of Polish consonant clusters will look at two parameters: lexical vs.
morphonotactic status of the cluster and markedness. The two hypotheses originate
from the model of acquisition in the framework of Natural Morphology and Natural
Phonology, which are functional theories. The first hypothesis predicts that morphono-
tactic clusters stand a better chance of being articulated faithfully because they signal
morphological information. In order to maintain the necessary morphological distinc-
tions, the child should produce bimorphemic clusters more successfully than monomor-
phemic ones (thus the child will pay attention to what is functional and instantaneously
useful). The second hypothesis predicts that phonologically dispreferred clusters will
undergo reduction more frequently than preferred ones. Moreover, the preferred clusters
will emerge earlier than dispreferred ones. These assumptions follow from language
universals which predict that unmarked structures emerge before marked ones. Marked-
ness will be determined in terms of the NAD principles, as presented in Section 2.
574 P. Zydorowicz

4.2. Data

In order to test the two hypotheses, data from the acquisition of Polish were used. They
came from the recordings of a Polish normally-developing monolingual child, Zosia,13
who was recorded by her parents between the ages 1;7 and 3;2. The data were translit-
erated in the CHAT format (MacWhinney 2000) and examined auditorily by the present
author. For the investigation of morphonotactics, samples were chosen from the data-
base as presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Audio materials used for the investigation of Polish morphonotactics.

Period Age Length of recording

Period 1 1;7–1;9 127 min
Period 2 1;11 & 2;1 86 min
Period 3 2;8–2;9 133 min
Period 4 3;1–3;2 126 min

Thus, the development of Polish morphonotactics was observed over the four periods.

4.3. Method

The method applied in the analysis was the following: all vocabulary items containing a
consonant cluster of any length in any word position – initial, medial and final – were
extracted from the recordings. All instances of words which might cast doubt on the
correct interpretation of their meaning or pronunciation were excluded. The remaining
items were divided into two groups:

(1) Words in which the target cluster was produced correctly (other changes such
as inaccurate quality of a vowel or a change in the quality of a simplex conso-
nant were ignored).

(2) Words in which the target cluster underwent reduction (one or more segments
in a cluster were deleted).

Zosia is a typically developing Polish child whose spontaneous production was recorded for the purposes
of the international project on “The acquisition of pre- and protomorphology” organised by W.U. Dressler.
The project was sponsored by the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften and by the Hochschulju-
biläumsfonds der Gemeinde Wien. Zosia’s recordings, comprising the age between 1;7 and 3;2, were re-
corded and transliterated by her mother. The data served as part of the Poznań contribution to the project
(Dziubalska-Kołaczyk 1997).
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 575

Finally, all words were categorised according to their position in the word (initial, me-
dial and final), as well as according to the main criterion of the study, namely the lexical
or morphonotactic status of the target cluster.

4.4. Results and discussion

The data are presented in Tables 3, 4, 5, and 7. The tables present consonant clusters in
the word initial, medial and final positions, and are further subdivided into intact and
reduced, lexical (L) and morphonotactic forms (M). Each cluster denotes a given type,
whereas a superscript number placed next to the cluster denotes tokens, i.e. the number
of word occurrences featuring a given cluster.14
Clusters which occurred in proper names, onomatopoeic expressions or interjec-
tions rather than common words were labelled CC(C)(C)PN (proper name),
CC(C)(C)ONO (onomatopoeic expression), and CC(C)(C)I (interjection) respectively. For
the same reason, in order to make allowances for the fact that not all words have the
same status in language, being extragrammatical words or proper nouns, some clusters
appear in a given table slot twice.
Notation of the type xy > x illustrates the profile of a change (cluster xy underwent
the reduction where element y was deleted whereas element x was retained). The ar-
rangement of clusters in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 7 is made according to sonority (or the man-
ner of articulation) from the least sonorous to the most sonorous (plosives–affricates–
fricatives–nasals–liquids–semivowels). Sounds which are usually assigned the same so-
nority value are arranged from front to back (for instance, plosives are arranged in the
order /p t k/).
Since the second purpose of the study is the analysis of consonant clusters in terms
of markedness, preferred clusters have been underlined in the tables, whereas dis-
preferred ones have been left un-underlined. Triples (marked grey) have not been evalu-
ated in terms of markedness. Since triples occur relatively scarcely, the percentages pre-
sented in Tables 6 and 8 concern doubles only.

Pronunciation of palatalised labial consonants in words such as miasto, wiosna, biuro, pies, wierny is two-
fold: synchronous and asynchronous (Zajda 1977). In synchronous pronunciation, the positioning of the ton-
gue towards the soft palate occurs simultaneously with labial articulation, which is transcribed as /m’astɔ/
miasto, /v’ɔsna/ wiosna, /b’uro/ biuro, /p’ɛs/ pies, /v’ɛrnɨ/ wierny. In the case of asynchronous pronuncia-
tion, the movement of the central part of the tongue is retarded in relation to labial articulation and the soft-
ness is rendered as /mjastɔ/, /vjɔsna/, /bjurɔ/, /pjɛs/, /vjɛrnɨ/. The asynchronous pronunciation is heard among
speakers from older generations but is very rare. The synchronous realisation, on the other hand, is the most
frequent and the most widespread (Madejowa 1993). Both types of pronunciation are considered to be the
norm. Since there is variation among speakers as to the pronunciation variant and both forms are equally ac-
ceptable, palatalised labial consonants will not be treated as clusters, that is candidates for reduction. In Zo-
sia’s pronunciation, both synchronous and asynchronous pronunciations surface.
576 P. Zydorowicz

Table 3 presents clusters attempted by Zosia in the earliest period of investigation,

that is at the age of 1;7–1;9.

Table 3. Cluster reduction in Zosia: Period 1.

L –
M –
L pt > p2, kr > k5, tʃ > ʨ5, sp > p1
M –
L pt3 wt2
M pk1 tk1 (ktONO 1) wk2 jk1
L dɲ > b1, mb > b2, wt > t7
M tk > k1, (ktONO > t3 k1), pʨ > b1, wk > k2
L –
M –
L ɕʨ > ɕ1
M –

Table 4 presents further productions of Zosia analysed in a slightly later period, at the
age of 1;11 and 2;1.

Table 4. Cluster reduction in Zosia: Period 2.

L –
M –
pt > p1, gʥ > ʥ1, tʃ > ʨ2, dr > d6, dw > d1,
L gw > g7, xʦ > ʨ4 ʦ7, ɕp > p4, vw > j1, mr > m1,
ml > m1, spʃ > p2
M –
L pt1 nt2 nd7 ɲʥ1
M tk4 fk6 mk6
L ɕʨ > ɕ1, nt > t11, nd > d1
M (mbONO > b1), mpk > pk1, rtk > fk1
L –
M –
L tr > t1, st > ɕ19 s4, ɕʨ > ɕ1
M –
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 577

Table 5 includes clusters which were attempted by Zosia at the age of 2;8–2;9 whereas
Table 6 presents cluster reduction rates.

Table 5. Cluster reduction in Zosia: Period 3.

gʥ1 pʃ33 bʒ1 dv5 pɕONO 1 kʃ2 kʃPN 1 gʒ2 gʒPN 2 kɕ9 bl1 dl1 kl5 pw3 gw3 ʧt4 sp4
L st12 sk3 ʃp1 ɕp6 xʦ5 xʨ2 fʃ2 vwPN 1 sw4 xw4 mn3 mɲ7
Intact dvj1 spʃ1 skl2 ʃkl1 zdj2 ɕpj2
M sp2 zb3 sk1 zg1 sx2 zn1 zj3
pt > p1 t3, kt > t3, pʃ > ʨ1 p1, tf > f1, tʃ > ʧ8, dʒ > ʤ1, pl > p1, tr > t6,
dr > d7, dl > j8 l9 01 n30, kr > k5, dw > d1, gʥ > ʥ6, ʣv > ʣ3, fʃ > ʃ8 ɕ5 x1,
L vʑ > ʑ1, sp > p1, xʦ > ʦ2, xʨ > ʨ1, ɕf > ɕ1, xf > x1, sm > s2, ɕɲ > ɕ5,
Reduced xl > x1, vwPN > v6,
gvj > gj1, stʃ > ʧʃ1, str > st3, zdr > zd1, zdj > ʑd1 zd1,ɕfj > ɕ5
zn > z1, zr > z6 ʑ1, vw > w2, zj > ʑ2
fst > st1
pk2 tk1 kt5 ps2 pɕONO 1 gʒ2 gɲPN 1 pr1 br1 plI 1 kl8 pw2 ʦk1 ʧn1 ʦj1 vd1 st26
sk2 zd2 ʑɲ1 ʃt1 ʃʧ21 ɕʨ2 ʑʥ2 ɕm3 ʒn1 sw2 nt1 nd9 ŋgPN 5 nʦ1 ɲʨ7 ɲʥ7 lk2
rn1 ljPN 2 wt2 jʥ4 wn2
ŋgv1 mpj3 wvj1
pk6 tk8 tkPN 1 pʧ1 pʨ13 pʦ2 bn1 dn4 kn1 tɲ1 dɲ1 gɲ1 dw2 gw2 ʧk43 ʧn1 ʨm1
fk4 ʃk15 sk3 sʦ1 ʃn1 ʒn1 ʃl2 ʃw3 nt1 mk3 ŋk20 ŋkPN 7 ɲʧPN 3 mn3 lk4 lkPN 2 ln2
lɲ1 wk10 jk2 jʨPN 1 jn1
stk1 zbj1 ŋgn1 nʧk1 rpk1 lkj1 wtk1
tf > v1 t1, tʃ > ʧ2, dm > d1, dr > d1, bw > b2, ʦj > t1, st > t1, fʧ > ʨ2 ʧ3,
ʃʧ > ʧ1, ʒʤ > ʤ1, ɕt > t2, sm > s1, nd > d3, ŋk > k1, ɲʧ > ʧ1, ɲʥ > ʥ5,
lb > b2, lk > k10, rgPN > g1 , rv > n3, lm > j1, rn > n1, wt > t2
Reduced ɕpj > sp1
tp > p1, dn > d1 n3, dɲ > ɲ1, ʧk > k1, ʧn > ʧ1, zm > s1, ʃl > ɕ2 ʃ1
M ɕʨʨ >ɕʨ1, dvr > w2, stk > sk1, stkj > skj1, mpk > mk1, mkn > kn1,
jpj > pj1
L st29 ʃʧ3 ɕʨ3 nt1 ŋk1 nʦ4 ɲʨ1 lk1 wf1 wn2
Intact ɲʨ1, ɕʨ5
L st > s48 ɕ4 ç2, ɕʨ > ɕ1, sw > s2, nʦ > ʦ1, ɲʨ > ʨ1, rf > f1
M tw > t2, ɕʨ > ɕ5
578 P. Zydorowicz

Table 6. Cluster reduction in Zosia: Period 3.

Lexical Morphonotactic
Produced Reduced Produced Reduced
Types 27 25a 7 4a
Total % 52 48a 64 36a
initials Tokens 128 131a 13 12a
% 49 51a 52 48a
Types 18 9 15c 10c 1 6 3d 1d
% 55 47 45c 53c 25 86 75 d
initials d
Tokens 29 99 82 49d 3 10 11 d
% 26 67 74 33d 21 91 79 d
a a
Types 39 23 36 7
Total % 63 37a 84 16a
medials Tokens 137 50a 179 12a
% 73 27a 94 6a
Types 21 18 10c 13c 13 23 2c 5c
% 68 58 32c 42c 87 82 13 c
medials c
Tokens 95 42 23 27c 103 76 2 c
% 81 61 19 39c 98 92 2 c
b b
Types 10 6 2 2
Total % 62.5 37.5b 50 50b
finals Tokens 46 60a 6 7a
% 43 57a 46 54a
Types 7 3 4c 2c 1 1 1e 1e
% 64 60 36c 40c 50 50 50e 50e
Tokens 11 35 5c 55c 1 5 2d 5d
% 69 39 31 61c 33 50 67 d
Without jest
types 9 5
– –
Total % 64 36
finals tokens 17 6
– –
% 74 26
types 7 2 4d 1d
P/D d – – – –
% 64 67 36 33d
finals d
tokens 11 6 5 1d
d – – – –
% 69 86 31 14d

Legend: (a) confirmation of hypothesis one: morphonotactic clusters reduced less frequently than
lexical ones; (b) disconfirmation of hypothesis one: morphonotactic clusters reduced more fre-
quently than lexical ones; (c) confirmation of hypothesis two: dispreferred clusters reduced more
frequently than preferred ones; (d) disconfirmation of hypothesis two: dispreferred clusters re-
duced less frequently than preferred ones; (e) inconclusive results (hypothesis one and two); P =
preferred; D = dispreferred.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 579

The data from the last period of acquisition are presented in Table 7 and cover the age
of 3;1–3;2. Cluster reduction rates are presented in Table 8.

Table 7. Cluster reduction in Zosia: Period 4.

kt1 gʥ4 pʃ27 bʒ2 tf2 dv3 tʃ4 kʃ1 kʃ2 kɕ3 pr2 pl2 tr2 dr1 kr1 kl3 pw7 gw2
L ʧt2 sp8 st6 sk3 ɕp2 xʦ8 fʧ1 ʃʧ1 fʃ6 sf2 sm2 zn6 vw3 xw3 zw10 mn3 mɲ7
Intact dvj1 dvj2 skl6
sp4 zb2 zd2 fs1 fʃ1 fx2 sx1 zm1 zn6 vw1 zw1 zj1
skw1 zmj1
pt > t1, kt > t3, gʥ > ʥ17, pʃ > p1 ʃ1, tʃ > ʧ2, tr > t1, dr > d1,
dl > n13, kr > k15, dw > d1, sp > p1, fʃ > ʃ8, ɕf > ɕ7, ʃʧ > f1,
L xʦ > ʦ2 , xʨ > ʨ1, ɕɲ > ɕ1, ɕl > ɕ2, vr > l1, vw > v1,
vwPN > v2, mɲ > ɲ2
kfj > kj2
M ɕʨ > ʨ1, zr > z11 r1
pk7 tk1 pʨ6 ps1 bʒ13 tʃ3 bn1 dɲ1 br2 pl4 tl2 gl4 pw2 kw8 ʣv1 ʦj1 vd3 st23 sk5
ʃk2 ɕt4 ɕtONO 4 ʃʧ33 ɕʨ3 ʑʥ1 sm1 ʒn1 ɕm3 ɕɲ1 ʃl1 nt6 nd24 ŋk3 nʦ1 nʧ1 ɲʨ4
ɲʥ73 nn1 lk2 ln1 jd6 jʥ2 jʒ4 wn1
pk5 tk16 db1 gb1 pʨ6 bn1 tn1 dn2 tɲ2 dɲ2 dl1 dw1 ʦk3 ʧk32 ʨʨ6 ʥm1 sk6 ʃk20
fk2 fʦ1 ʃʨ1 sʦ1 ss1 vʒ1 vɲ2 zm1 zj1 mb1 mt2 mk1 nk2 ŋk8 mʦ1 ɲʨ1 mɲ2 rk1
lk2 lʨ1 wk2 jk5 jkPN 1 jʨ5
dvr1 stk9 mpk1 mkɲ1 ŋgn1
tʃ > ʧ3, tr > t1, fʧ > ʧ2, mb > b1, nd > d2, ɲʥ > ʥ1, ɲ1, lk > k10,
rd > d1, rx > x1, wd > d1, jd > d4, jʥ > ʥ1, jm > m1
dn > n1, ɕʨ > ɕ1, ŋk > g1, jl > l1
stkj > tkj1, mkn > kn1, mkɲ > kɲ1, ɲʨʨ > ʨʨ1, jpj > pj2 pj1
L ɕʨ2 st16 ʃʧ1 ɲʨ1 wn1
M ɕʨ6 ɲʨ2 jʨ2
L kt > k3, st > s64 z1 ɕ2, rf > f3
Reduced tw > t1, ɕʨ > ɕ5
jɕʨ > jɕ1
580 P. Zydorowicz

Table 8. Cluster reduction in Zosia: Period 4.15

Lexical Morphonotactic
Produced Reduced Produced Reduced
Types 34 21a 12 2a
Total % 62 38a 86 14a
initials Tokens 142 85a 23 13a
% 63 37a 64 36a
Types 13 21 10d 11d 4 8 1d 1d
% 57 67 43d 33d 80 89 20 d
initials d
Tokens 45 97 40 45d 4 19 12 d
% 53 68 47 32d 25 95 75 d
a a
Types 43 13 41 4
Total % 77 23a 91 9a
medials Tokens 271 30a 153 4a
% 90 10a 97 3a
Types 21 22 5c 8c 17 24 1c 3c
P/D c
% 81 73 19 27c 94 88 6 c
medials c
Tokens 212 59 10 20c 104 49 1 c
% 95 75 5 25c 99 94 1 c
b b
Types 5 3 3 2
Total % 62.5 37.5b 60 40b
finals Tokens 21 73a 10 6a
% 22 78a 62.5 37.5a
Types 2 3 1c 2c 2 1 1c 1c
P/D c
% 67 60 33 40c 67 50 33 c
finals c
Tokens 2 19 3 70c 4 6 1 c
% 40 21 60c 79c 80 55 20c 45c
without jest
Types 4 2
Total – –
% 67 33
Tokens 5 6
– –
% 46 54
Types 2 2 1e 1e
P/D e – – – –
% 67 67 33 33e
finals d
Tokens 2 4 3 3d
d – – – –
% 40 57 60 43d

Legend: See Table 6.

It must be clarified that the results of the study were not subjected to statistical testing. Thus the presented
results should be treated with caution. The pilot character of the study meant that it aimed at observing ten-
dencies which must be further investigated on a more representative sample.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 581

In the two earliest periods of investigation, Zosia produced relatively few items contain-
ing clusters, which is partially dictated by the shape of her lexicon. All initial and final
clusters are reduced. The first clusters to emerge in Zosia’s productions are medials.
The majority of produced medials, however, are morphonotactic clusters. The key mor-
phological operation triggering morphonotactic clusters is the formation of diminutives,
e.g. kółko ‘circle’, główka ‘head’-DIM. (which are most probably rote-learned). One
should remark that although some medial clusters start to emerge, they are far from sta-
ble in the sense that they often get reduced. Other potential morphonotactic clusters are
missing as at this stage Zosia’s morphology lacks rules that might lead to the creation of
morphonotactic clusters. Due to the small amount of data in these periods, I will refrain
from calculating cluster reduction rates, especially because certain groups of clusters,
e.g. morphonotactic initials or finals are not attempted at this stage at all.
As far as the emergence of unmarked/marked clusters in the two earliest periods of
Zosia’s acquisition is concerned, one can make an observation about medials: the ma-
jority of the produced medials have a preferred status. In the lexical group, 75% (i.e. 12
out of 16 tokens) of all the correctly produced medial tokens were preferred. In the
morphonotactic group 59% (i.e.13 out of 22 tokens) of all the correctly produced me-
dial tokens were preferred. One might conclude that although the first medial clusters to
emerge in Zosia’s speech include both preferred and dispreferred clusters, the preferred
ones constitute the majority.
Periods 3 and 4 differ from the previous two in two respects. Firstly, one can ob-
serve a clear vocabulary spurt and, by the same token, a cluster spurt. Secondly, mor-
phonotactic clusters in all word positions are attempted, which means that significant
morphological distinctions and numerous morphological affixes have been acquired.
Table 6 and 8 present the reduction rates of clusters in all word positions, also with ref-
erence to their markedness. The reduction rates were calculated by dividing the number
of reduced clusters (in a given word position) by the number of all targeted clusters (in
a given word position).
I will now analyse the results of the study with reference to the first criterion of
analysis, namely the lexical/morphonotactic status of the cluster. As regards initials,
morphonotactic clusters are reduced less frequently than lexical ones by 12 % (period

Zosia’s early lexical repertoire contains word forms peculiar to herself, some of them are quite distant
from the target form. Not infrequently, one word form is used to express several meanings: pupi is used to
refer to pies ‘dog’, piłka ‘ball’, piłeczki ‘ball-DIM.’; papi is used to refer to parasol ‘umbrella’, piesek ‘dog-
DIM.’, piłeczka ‘ball-DIM.’, piłka ‘ball’, ptak ‘bird’, czapeczka ‘cap-DIM.’. The opposite phenomenon may
also be observed: one meaning may be realised through different forms: pies(ek) ‘dog’-DIM. is realised as
pupi, pipi, pasi, pasiete, pata; piłeczka ‘ball’-DIM. is pronounced as pipi, pupi, papi. The above examples
are quite distant renditions of the target words in which the feature of labiality is usually preserved but the
syllable structure, vowels and consonants are distorted. Since the above Zosia-specific forms undergo many
more processes than consonant cluster reduction, they will be exempt from the analysis and they will not be
counted as instances of cluster reduction. Secondly, the author will also exempt from analysis words which
are truncated or unfinished, e.g. uś for usiąść or aci for otworzyć ‘to open’ (Zosia’s phonological and mor-
phological development has also been studied by Dziubalska-Kołaczyk 1997).
582 P. Zydorowicz

3) and 24% (period 4) in the case of cluster types and by 3% (period 3) and 1% (period
4) in the case of cluster tokens. Although the results for cluster types seem to confirm
the initial predictions, almost equal reduction rates for cluster tokens come as a surprise,
and are incompatible with the original assumptions. In order to explain why the reduc-
tion rates for initial tokens are not lower than expected, one must consider the words re-
duced. A very frequent morphonotactic reduction is that of /zr/ as in zrobić ‘to do’,
which contains an alveolar trill /r/.17 An auxiliary study of Zosia’s production of single-
ton consonants has shown that she faces severe difficulties with producing /r/, even in a
CVCV sequence. This articulatory obstacle forces her to substitute or reduce this con-
sonant also in clusters. What is remarkable, however, is that Zosia retains the morpho-
logical marker /z/ which expresses the perfective aspect. As a result, morphological in-
formation is retained. A similar observation can be made about the reduction of /zj/,
whose reduction has a different motivation: /z/ is followed by a palatal approximant /j/
and in Zosia’s production the fricative gets palatalised. As a result, instead of a se-
quence of a hard consonant followed by a palatal glide, we obtain an alveolo-palatal
fricative /ʑ/. Thus despite a relatively high reduction rate of morphonotactic initials,
morphological information is easily decodeable in most cases. If one excludes from the
analysis all the initial clusters containing the troublesome /r/, the results immediately
change in favour of our hypothesis: then the reduction rates of the lexical cluster tokens
amount to 47% (period 3) and 33% (period 4), and the reduction rates of morphonotac-
tic cluster tokens amount to 28% (period 3) and 4% (period 4). (Separate calculations of
the reduction rates for all initials excluding C + /r/ sequences are provided in Appendix
As far as medials are concerned, the reduction rates for morphonotactic clusters are
21% lower than for lexical ones, both in the case of cluster types and tokens produced
in period 3. As regards medial clusters in period 4, morphonotactic clusters are reduced
less frequently than lexical ones by 14% in the case of types and 7% in the case of to-
kens. Such a reduction pattern fully confirms the original assumption about a better
preservation of morphonotactic clusters.
As far as finals are concerned, one can observe that in the case of cluster types, the
data work against the hypothesis: morphonotactic cluster types are reduced more fre-
quently than lexical ones by 12.5% in period 3 and by 2.5% in period 4. In the case of

For a detailed discussion of articulatory divergences in the production of /r/ by children cf. Łobacz (1996)
and references therein.
This footnote has been added in reply to a reviewer’s comment on the markedness of individual segments.
One could propose a difficulty/markedness hierarchy of singletons, as obviously certain consonants are more
challenging for children in the process of first language acquisition than others. Moreover, one could also
raise the question of potential difficulty of certain consonant–vowel transitions, e.g. approximants /w/ and /j/
are not problematic as such, however, in combinations with /u/ and /i/ respectively, they are clearly dis-
favoured. These examples show that the revised Beats-and-Binding model of phonotactics has a great poten-
tial which requires further development and testing.
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 583

cluster tokens, the situation is reversed, it is the lexical clusters which are reduced more
frequently than morphonotactic ones by 3% in period 3 and 40.5% in period 4.
As for the nature of reduction of final clusters, the high reduction rate of lexical fi-
nals can be ascribed to the extremely frequently reduced final cluster /st/ in the word
jest ‘is’. This type of reduction is also present in the speech of adults and is thus
phonostylistic in nature. If one excludes the word jest from the analysis, in period 3
lexical clusters are better preserved than morphonotactic clusters both type-wise (by
14%) and token-wise (by 28%). Upon excluding jest in period 4, lexical clusters un-
dergo reduction more frequently 16.5% (token-wise).
As regards morphonotactic reductions, the reduction of morphonotactic /ɕʨ/, as in
iść ‘to go’, as well as /tw/ in przyszedł ‘he came’ also occurs in the speech of adult
speakers. What is remarkable from the point of view of our analysis is that neither of
these reductions lead to the loss of morphological information. The first example, iść
/iɕʨ/, is an infinitive. However, the reduction of the infinitival ending {-ć} does not lead
to confusion, as this form is distinct enough from other forms in the inflectional para-
digm, e.g. the present tense idę ‘I go’ or past tense szłam ‘I was going’. A reduced word
of this kind is perfectly decodeable by the listener. Similarly, the deletion of the final
past tense suffix {-ł} in przyszedł does not lead to the loss of morphological informa-
tion, as przyszedł ‘he went’ is distinct enough, phonologically and morphologically,
from present tense przychodzi ‘he is coming’ or any other inflected form in the para-
digm for that matter.
As far as the second object of this study is concerned, namely the markedness of
clusters, the results are the following: as far as lexical clusters in period 3 are con-
cerned, dispreferred clusters are reduced more frequently than preferred ones in all
word positions, both type-wise and token-wise, with the exception of initial cluster to-
kens; in the morphonotactic group, the hypothesis is corroborated only in the case of
medials, whereas in the case of initials and finals the prediction does not hold, i.e. it is
the preferred clusters that undergo reduction more frequently. In period 4, the prediction
holds for lexical and morphonotactic medial and final cluster types and tokens, but not
for initials.
The following explanation should account for this inconsistency. Recall that a pre-
ferred cluster should have a rather great distance between the two consonants in the ini-
tial and final position, and as small a difference as possible in the medial position. A
great distance between initial and final CC can be obtained through combining such two
consonants as obstruent + approximant/trill. It is obstruent + approximant/trill sequen-
ces which are preferred, as they are good for perception. However, many of Zosia’s ini-
tial reductions include sequences with approximants/trills. Firstly, many of the preferred
reduced sequences contain the articulatorily difficult /r/, which makes C + /r/ difficult to
produce; secondly many of the preferred reduced clusters consist of a obstruent fol-
lowed by /w/, which in turn is followed by /u/ as in the word Włóczykij /vwuʧɨcij/
‘proper name’. The /w/ to /u/ transition is strongly dispreferred due to the feature of
labiality which is shared by the semivowel and the neighbouring vowel. Thus, although
584 P. Zydorowicz

Table 9. Cluster reduction in Zosia: All periods.

Produced Reduced
Period Period
sp18 4 2 8 4 sp3 1 1 1 20 0
sk5 1 3 1 0 0
Initials fʃ9 2 6 1 fʃ22 14 8 73 0
zn12 6 6 zn1 1 0 14
vw5 1 3 1 vw12 1 6 2 3 71 67
zw11 10 1 0 0
pk21 1 2 6 7 5 0 0
tk31 1 4 9 1 16 tk1 1 0 3
kt5 1 5 kt4 4 0 80
pʨ25 13 6 6 pʨ1 1 0 5
bn3 1 1 1 0 0
dɲ4 1 1 2 dɲ2 1 1 50 25
gɲ1 1 1 0 0
ʦk4 1 3 0 0
sk16 2 3 5 6 0 0
Medials ʃk31 15 2 20 0 0
ʒn3 1 1 1 0 0
ʃl3 2 1 ʃl3 3 0 60
mb1 1 mb4 2 1 1 100 50
nt9 2 1 1 6 nt11 11 55 0
ŋk38 27 3 8 ŋk2 1 1 25 3
ɲʧ4 1 3 ɲʧ1 1 50 0
ɲʨ11 7 3 1 0 0
lk12 2 6 2 2 lk19 10 9 83 0
ln3 2 1 0 0
ɕʨ16 3 5 2 6 ɕʨ13 1 1 0 1 5 0 5 35.5 48
ɲʨ5 1 1 1 2 ɲʨ1 1 33 0

the cluster obstruent + /w/ is classified as a good one, the longer string, i.e. the cluster +
the following vowel, make it difficult for the child (and as a matter of fact for an adult
too) to pronounce.
On the other hand, good medials are those clusters which have the smallest possible
distance between CC; the consonants in turn should be maximally distant from the
neighbouring vowels. What follows from this condition is that the best clusters are
Acquisition of Polish morphonotactics 585

those consisting of two obstruents. Since medial obstruents + approximants/trill sequen-

ces are dispreferred, and Zosia faces difficulty producing clusters with approximants/
trills, it is dispreferred clusters which get reduced more frequently.
Finally, let us turn our attention to the behaviour of clusters which occurred in the
data both morpheme-internally and across morpheme boundaries. Table 9 presents all
lexical and morphonotactically-driven clusters which occurred in the four acquisition
periods in both contexts. The Roman numerals refer to the period of acquisition, and the
shaded fields show values for morphonotactic clusters.
As regards initials, the clusters /sp fʃ vw/ occurred both within and across mor-
pheme boundaries: lexical /sp/ was reduced in 20% of the cases, whereas morphonotac-
tic /sp/ was always retained in production; lexical /fʃ/, which occurred in such words as
wszyscy ‘everybody’ or wszystko ‘everything’, was reduced 22 times out of 30 targets,
whereas morphonotactic /fʃ/ was retained (though it occurred only once); /vw/ was re-
duced several times both in the lexical and in the morphonotactic case, but the reduction
rate for the latter was slightly lower (67% compared to 71% for the lexical cluster).
Only one initial cluster in the data set behaved in the opposite manner: morphonotactic
/zn/ was reduced once out of 7 targets, whereas lexical /zn/ was produced correctly in
the six targeted cases.
As far as medials are concerned, in period 3 and 4 lexical cluster /lk/ in tylko ‘only’
was reduced in 83 % of the cases, whereas morphonotactic /lk/ in, e.g. lalko ‘doll-
VOC.’ was always produced correctly. The reduction of /lk/ in tylko also happens to oc-
cur in adult language. According to Madelska (2005), tylko is pronounced as /tɨlkɔ/ in
79.2% and as /tɨkɔ/ in 11.7% of the cases.
Several other medial clusters were reduced more frequently as lexical clusters: /mb
nt ŋk ɲʧ lk/. On the other hand, clusters which had higher reduction rates when mor-
phonotactic included /tk/, /pʨ/ and /ʃl/. Some clusters remained intact both in lexical
and morphonotactic contexts, e.g. /pk bn gɲ ɲʨ ʦk sk ʃk ʒn ln/.
As regards similar observations in final clusters, the only clusters common to the
lexical and morphonotactic category were /ɲʨ/ and /ɕʨ/. The former had a higher reduc-
tion rate as a lexical one (33%), whereas as a morphonotactic cluster it was always re-
tained. The latter cluster was reduced regardless of its mono- or bimorphemic status
(the reduction rates for the morphonotactic /ɕʨ/ were actually higher than for the lexical

4.6. Summary

The aim of this paper was to give an insight into Polish morphonotactics and present its
acquisition by a Polish child. The two major questions to be answered were: Do mor-
phonotactic clusters undergo reduction less frequently than lexical ones due to their
morphological function? Do marked/dispreferred clusters undergo reduction more fre-
quently than unmarked/preferred ones? The results at least partially corroborated these
586 P. Zydorowicz

hypotheses. The points where the results diverged from the original assumptions re-
vealed that the cluster reduction rates may be also affected by other intervening factors,
such as articulatory difficulty of member consonants in a cluster, unfavourable conso-
nant–vowel transitions leading to consonant deletion, phonostylistic tendencies also ob-
served in the adult language, as well as the reduction of the consonant of the stem ac-
companied by the retention of the suffix.

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Address correspondence to:

Paulina Zydorowicz
School of English
Adam Mickiewicz University
Al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań
588 P. Zydorowicz

The cluster reduction rates on the exclusion of C + /r/ clusters in period 3 and 4.

Period 3
Initials without C + /r/
Lexical Morphonotactic
Produced Reduced Produced Reduced
Types 27 22a 7 3a
Total % 55 45a 70 30a
initials Tokens 128 113a 13 5a
% 53 47a 72 28a
Types 18 9 12b 10b 1 6 2c 1c
% 60 47 40b 53b 33 86 67 c
initials c
Tokens 29 99 64 49c 3 10 4 c
% 31 67 69 33c 43 91 57 c

Period 4
Initials without C + /r/
Lexical Morphonotactic
Produced Reduced Produced Reduced
Types 30 17a 12 1a
Total % 64 36a 92 8a
initials Tokens 136 67a 22 1a
% 67 33a 96 4a
types 9 21 6c 11c 4 8 0b 1b
% 60 67 40c 33c 100 89 0b 11b
initials c
tokens 39 97 22 45c 4 19 0b 1b
% 46 68 54 32c 100 95 0 b

Legend: (a) confirmation of hypothesis one: morphonotactic clusters reduced less frequently
than lexical ones; (b) confirmation of hypothesis two: dispreferred clusters reduced more fre-
quently than preferred ones; (c) disconfirmation of hypothesis two: dispreferred clusters re-
duced less frequently than preferred ones. P = preferred; D = dispreferred.

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