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Towns & Cities Towns & Cities Towns & Cities Towns & Cities

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1. Forest's Edge - This small town lies on the very edge of the forest and was
meant to be a means of restocking before taking a trip into the deep woods.
Over the past couple of weeks, people have been mysteriously vanishing from
town. When the mayor one day vanished, the town went into a panic.
Something evil is stealing the villagers and taking them into the woods.
2. The Pit - The town is built around a pit at its center, which is at least 50 feet
wide but with an unknown depth. The current residents have not attempted
to mine, excavate, or even explore the pit, so they don't know why this location
was chosen to build when the town was founded.
3. Shellfish Bay - a small fishing village on the edge of an untamed wilderness.
It's a picturesque place - blue ocean, sand beach, up against dark trees and
thick undergrowth, but travellers and adventurers frequently avoid it due to its
reputation. Some curse affects the inhabitants - they are slow-witted and
short-lived, rarely living past their 30s, and everyone who lives there is
affected by it after a time. Many people have tried to help the cursed village,
but they've all missed the true, mundane cause - mercury buildup from their
steady diet of shellfish, and lead poisoning in the water.
4. Andrea Gail - A small desert community built around a shipwreck. No one
seems to know how the ship got here. Legend says that t was caught in a
giant storm that lifted it out of the sea. Others say it was a giant wave. Either
way the original sailors had obviously angered some god. Many people live
inside of the ship, including the mayor who lives in the former captain’s
quarters. There are also some tents and makeshift shelters around the ship.
5. Icefark - A relatively small city, cursed with eternal winter and dark skies. The
inhabitants are pretty chill, though it's known that the government is always
spying on them, and keeps making problematic people disappear.
6. Trigemnlow - A city with two floors - one above the surface and one below.
There is no distinction between the floors, though most houses are
underground and most businesses are in the surface. It's almost always
cloudy, because of the big cloud above the city that never goes away.
Inhabitants joke about it housing a secret sky floor.
7. Mournstead - A large wizard tower stands prominent and ominous protecting
its citizens by absorbing all magic spells cast within it's walls. No one has
seen the administrator of the tower... ever.

8. The Reservoir - Not much is known of the ancient precursor civilization that
built the massive structure that now dams the river. The lasting and resilient
design has provided shelter for the residents that now fill its ancient halls.
9. Karathimeth - Far to the north, a group of nomads discovered a massive
quartz crystal that provided warmth all year round. This geothermal wonder
and the fertile soil surrounding it has provided food and protection against
the cold and barren surroundings for generation.
10. The Blooming Truffle - once just the Inn the town gets its name from.... now
a bustling border town between the surface and the Underdark.
11. The Worm's Burial - 10 years ago, a heroic group of adventurers slew a
massive Purple Worm. A decade later, it's flesh still fills the storerooms and
feeds the people of the community that grew around it. It's armor has been
repurposed as a building material, leading to the unique architecture seen
nowhere else in the world.
12. Longstreet - One of the earliest towns constructed with the support of The
Human Confederacy in the New World. Named for its long main road that cuts
the town in half, and acts as a bulwark between the civilized human lands and
the savage Orc Natives. Unknown to the townsfolk, Longstreet sits close to a
cache of ancient wonders of a bygone age.
13. Tal' Vellar (Skyhold): Long ago, a clan of dwarves were forced into exile from
their homes and forced to wander the surface, searching for a new home. A
young Noble of the house found and rescued a wounded griffon, which (the
legends say) carried him back to the griffon aerie, high up on the cliffs of
Mount Targud. There the Dwarf found a series of shallow caves. He returned
and led his clan back up the cliffs and established Tal'Vellar. Clan
Norkaidrumm, the Cloud-Tamers, all descend from this clan. Tal'Vellar is all
but inaccessible to uninvited guests. Those who approach from the ground
must make their way up perilous, winding trails with steep ascents; those
coming from the sky must find their way through the thick clouds surrounding
it. More dangerous still are the clan's halberdier guards, who ride their griffon
mounts with unparalleled skill. Anyone who is allowed in, however, discovers
the wonder of the Caves Above The Clouds. Perhaps most notable in this is
the Sunforge, a large crystal carefully positioned and enchanted so as to
catch solar rays and focus them down for forging. Powerful magic weapons
are made here (even rarer are the Lunarforged items, possible to work only
during a full moon). The Cloud Dwarves, for their part, are strange mirrors of
their earthbound cousins, notable for their light-blue eyes and fair skin and
hair. Although standoffish and isolationist, the clan can be roused to assist in
helping those below, and may sometimes be seen serving as aerial
mercenaries for good-aligned armies.
14. The Scaffolds - When the great Sorcerer-King Atravarius attempted-and
failed-his quest towards deification, his empire crumbled and was destroyed
in a single night and day. One of the few remaining remnants was the colossal
bronze statue he was having built of himself in his capital of Atravia; standing
over 400 feet tall, the great statue represented the might of Atravarius. The

unfinished statue miraculously survived the Great Upheaval, even as the great
city around it simultaneously burned and drowned. Many of the workers
sought refuge in the scaffolding scattered around the statue; as most other
buildings were smashed to rubble, they remained there, building living spaces
in the labyrinth of rooms inside the statue and establishing a society safe
from the wandering monsters and marauders. A large of contingent of the
workers had been Kenku, and they took naturally to living in the ramshackle
scaffolds, precariously set high in the air. Today, the Scaffolds are a warren
of closely packed buildings and thin walkways, surrounding the bronze
skeleton of a long-dead king. While many of the original denizens have moved
to other cities, the city remains a common retreat for those seeking shelter,
or to disappear.
15. Potabello - This serene halfling town is built on top of an impossibly large lily
pad; the pad covers a good two thirds of the lake it is on. Three bridges
connect Potabello to the shore, and the town's denizens happily fish for giant
tadpoles off the edges. No one has seen a giant frog there in fifty years, so
where the tadpoles come from- and where they go if not caught- is somewhat
of a mystery...
16. Lantern - A small town buried deep in the forest. It might seem odd to name
a town after a lantern but it is well earned. Due to the surrounding hills and
forest growth, the town practically never sees any direct sunlight. Early
settlers created hundreds of magical lanterns that continuously cast Dancing
Lights, giving the town streets an enchanting look at all hours. A small river
winds its way through the town to help give its residents natural water and
resources. The river adds to the lovely view as it reflects the lights.
17. Cliffwatch - the only village on the Island of Whispered Regrets, Cliffwatch is
all but invisible when approached by land. The deeply overhanging cliffs that
give the village it's name are also host to a forest of enormous trees. Their
incredibly dense roots, enhanced with some judiciously applied elvish magic,
have allowed the village to form on the underside of the cliffs. While there are
secret routes from the village to the top of the island, almost all visitors arrive
by sea, sailing into the well-sheltered harbor that sits directly below
Cliffwatch. At night, the bridges and windows of the village shine brightly,
though they are eclipsed easily by the powerful Cliffwatch Beacon, a
magically fueled lighthouse built into the end of the longest taproot of the
trees above.
18. Fungosillo - A small, seemingly friendly oasis town in the middle of the desert
where cooking, eating or damaging a small, unassuming and common brown
mushroom with white spots that grows exclusively in the inside of its walls is
forbidden and highly penalized... in secret. The reclusive mayor is a puppet of
a Cordyceps-like myconid, who acts as a 'protector' (more like an extortionist)
and keeps the townsfolk sacrifice to a minimum as long as they kidnap the
occasional traveler in their sleep and provide them as an offering to the
underground fungi colony.

19. New Talyport - a magical city, which require outsiders to fulfill one
requirement for entrance. A magic item will cut off their left hands and
preserve them in jars. The hands can easily be reattached later but if the city
guard sees you committing a crime the hands are pricked with poison, kill the
evildoer in a matter of hours.
20. Bogsburrough - A town built in a swamp to avoid larger cities or governments.
A place where many of the valued illegal goods in the area are made, such as
potent poisons, meats of endangered species, addictive substances, and
many other kinds of items treasured by outlaws.
21. Mirage - This town, built on natural formations of the broken walls of a
canyon has a particularity that makes it stand out from most caverns, natural
occurring or crafted: the outer walls of all buildings and a grand open air spiral
staircase that connects many levels are of a thick, semi-transparent polished
22. Skum - While the town's true name was Ska'aum, a word that meant
temporary haven, over the years it has come to earn the bastardized version
of its name. A place populated by bandits and thieves, killers and assassins,
Skum has one, ironclad law; never deal your fellow residents raw. Allegiance
to that single rule makes the town, if not peaceful, a place that is much safer
than its reputation would suggest. Unless, that is, someone's coming to the
town with a writ, or a badge. Those things will get you strung up at the
crossroads as an example to other do-gooders and bounty hunters that Skum
is not a place for them.
23. Marabo'or - A fairly new coastal town of half-constructed houses with canvas
and net walls and roofs, sandy roads, and an overall feel of growth. The town's
known for being a rising shipping hub, built at an ideal local between two trade
hotspots. A renovated and remodeled shipwreck in the center of town serves
as the town hall, where each of the 12 districts (specializing in different
products/purposes) sends representatives to make laws. However, tensions
rise between the districts when a threat to the town is fast approaching. Will
the fledgling Marabo'or survive this, or collapse into anarchy?
24. The Crannogs: A series of artificial islands in a shallow lake, known for its
abundant freshwater clam beds prized as delicacies. Both bridges and canals
connect the numerous small islands. The old families are often in dispute
over each other and bridges have been known to be taken down and
reassembled elsewhere to make a point about shifting alliances. Lately the
clam yields have been dropping despite no changes to the collecting
methods. At the same time, the clam rakes have begun to bring up bones and
old rusty bits of armor and weapons with strange runes. A digger known to
be a strong swimmer was observed being sucked underwater after he went
in the lake to retrieve a dropped tool.
25. Savlok - A town built suspended underneath a large natural stone arch. The
upper class live in towers built up the suspension system of the town. The
town’s poor live in hovels 200ft down below on the ground floor where waste
and broken things are tossed carelessly.

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