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New Gateway to Computer Science Book - 8

Our Computer Series

Our Computer Series With

1. New Gateway to Computer Science-1 Video Tutoria
2. New Gateway to Computer Science-2 BOOK
New Gateway to Computer Science-3
New Gateway to Computer Science-4
New Gateway to Computer Science-5
6. New Gateway to Computer Science-6
7. New Gateway to Computer Science-7
8. New Gateway to Computer Science-8
9. New Gateway to Computer Science-9
10. New Gateway to Computer Science-10

Price Rs. 429/-

Shubharambha Publication Pvt.Ltd.

Kathmandu Nepal
Approved by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Curriculum Development
Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur as an Additional Learning Material.


Dinesh Adhikari
Dilendra Prasad Bhatt
Laxman Adhikari
Shekhar Poudel

Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal
Published by:

Shubharambha Publication Pvt.Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Authors : Dinesh Adhikari, Dilendra Prasad Bhatt,

Laxman Adhikari, Shekhar Poudel
Layout Design : Ram Malakar
Video Content : Dinesh Adhikari
Language Editor : Krishna Prasad Regmi
Copyright © : Dinesh Adhikari
Edition :First 2076 B.S.
Second 2077 B.S.

ISBN : 9789937579315

© : Publisher
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by means (electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission from the
publisher. Any breach of this condition will entail legal action and prosecution.

Printed in Nepal
It has become a fundamental right of children to get computer education. It is
very essential to get basic to advance knowledge about computer education to
compete the future. Nepal government has prescribed the syllabus and course
outline for the computer education from primary to higher secondary level. But
students are not able to get quality education due to the lack of systematic course
book and the computer system in the school. So we have developed the complete series
of computer science.
Along with the evolution of human beings new thoughts, area of knowledge and
technology also developed together. Among the eruptions, ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) is one which has unquestionably become important part
of human beings. A person is not better than a caged pigeon if s/he is far from computer
technology in this century. New Gateway to Computer Science is a complete package
which obviously supports a lot to the students as this is one of the most useful Text
Book, so far available in the market.
This book is completely prepared considering the level of the students. This text has the
various salient features like it focuses on child psychology, pictorial descriptions, video
tutorials, quiz section, practical sections, etc.
How to get video tutorials?
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2. After installation, open the apps from your device.
3. When you open this apps, a camera will appear.
4. Move your camera over the QR code picture (Scan here for video tutorials) that is
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5. Now QR code reader automatically scans it and displays the link of related video.
6. Touch on the link and open it in YouTube for video tutorials.
Ensure that you have internet connection before scanning the code from the text
It is impossible to acknowledge all who have directly or indirectly encourage me to
prepare this book on this single page. My special thanks goes to the students and
teachers of different schools for their regular interactions during the preparation of this
Comments and constructive suggestions are highly welcomed from the readers and
professionals to update this text book.
Dinesh Adhikari

Unit 1: Fundamental Knowledge and Skill of Computer 5-161

1. Fundamental Concept of Computer.....................................................6-11
2. History of Computer Development..................................................12-22
3. Generation of Computer....................................................................23-30
4. Types of Computer............................................................................31-40
5. Introduction to Computer Hardware & Software..............................41-51
6. Operating System..............................................................................52-78
7. Word Processing Program-2010......................................................79-108
8. Spreadsheet Software-2010...........................................................109-131
9. Presentation Software-2010...........................................................132-161
Unit 2: ICT, Computer Ethics and Cyber Law 162-211
10. Web Page Designing with HTML.................................................163-175
11. Information and Communication Technology...............................176-181
12. Computer Ethics and Cyber Law..................................................182-189
13. Computer Virus.............................................................................190-197
14. Introduction to Computer Networking..........................................198-211
Unit 3: Computer Number System 212-221
15. Computer Number System............................................................213-221
Unit 4: Computer Graphics and Multimedia 222-252
16. Introduction to Computer Graphics..............................................223-245
17. Multimedia and Application..........................................................246-252
Unit 5: Concept of Computer Programming 253-289
18. Program Designing Tools and Techniques......................................254-261
19. Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Programming..................262-266
20. Computer Programming in QBASIC ...........................................267-289
 Practical Time....................................................................................284
 Specification Grid...............................................................................290
 Model Question.................................................................................291
Fundamental Knowledge and
Skill of Computer

Inside the Unit

Chapter Fundamental Concept of Computer

Chapter History of Computer Development
Chapter Generation of Computer
Chapter Types of Computer
Chapter Introduction to Computer Hardware & Software
Chapter Operating System
Chapter Word Processing Program-2010
Chapter Spread Sheet Software-2010
9 Presentation Software-2010
Fundamental Concept of Computer

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter
unit, covers
students willthe following
be able to: topics:
• describe the working principle of computer.
• tell the advantages and disadvantages of computer.
• explain the basic computer terminologies.


Today is the world of computers as every field is

dependent on it. A computer is a powerful tool developed
by the human. Computers have reshaped our lives at
home, office, school and other various places. The
computer is a basic part of human life. The life of human
is almost impossible without it. The computers have not
only enhanced the efficiency of the user but also have
changed the lifestyle of human. It is a machine that performs calculations and processes
information with amazing speed and accuracy. They can help us in solving many complex
tasks and improving the quality of our lives. It can help in producing actual result, help in
teaching and assist in removing various human errors.

Working principle of computer

A computer is a machine that receives and processes data according to the instructions
given to it, and after the data has been processed, the results of the processing are usually
sent to an output device. The computer system works on the principle of input-process
and output.

6 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Computer gets data and instruction from the input devices like keyboard, mouse, scanner,
microphone, light pen, etc. Input is the act of entering data and instructions to the computer
for processing.
When a computer gets the input with the help of input devices then it starts to process the
data for the user. The CPU is responsible to do these activities in the computer system.
Input Computer Output
Devices (CPU) Device

Keyboard Monitor
Mouse Backing Storage Printer
Disk drive
After the data are processed they go to the output devices such as the monitor. The main
task of an output unit is to display the result. The output is always meaningful. The output
devices can be a screen (monitor), printer, plotter, speakers,etc.

Quick Learn
 A computer is a powerful tool developed by the human.
 The life of human is almost impossible without computer.
 A computer is a machine that performs calculations and processes information
with amazing speed and accuracy.
 A computer is a machine that receives and processes data according to the
instructions given to it.
 Computer gets data and instruction from the input devices like keyboard, mouse,
scanner, microphone, light pen, etc.
 Input is the act of entering data and instructions to the computer for
 The CPU is responsible to do the processing activities in the computer system.
 The main task of output unit is to display the result.
 The output devices can be a monitor, printer, plotter, speakers, etc.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 7

Advantages and disadvantages of computer
Advantages Exploring Knowledge!
 Computers are 100% accurate • TYPEWRITER is the longest word that
machine. you can write using the letters only on one
 Computer is fast and accurate row of the keyboard.
device. • Doug Engelbart invented the first computer
 Computer is a versatile machine. mouse in around 1964 which was made of
 It has high storage capacity. wood.
 Computers can be used in various • The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced
fields for different purposes. in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds,
and had a price of $40,000.
 It is expensive system so it is not easily accessible for poor people.
 Physical damage may occur at any time.
 It is totally human dependent so it cannot work without human instructions.
 It is creating unemployment problem.
 It is a non-intelligence device.

Basic computer terminologies

Data are the collection of raw facts which do not carry out any specific meaning. Name
of students, number of students, marks secured by the students in their exam, etc. are the
examples of data.
Information is the collection of data presented in a systematic way which has the special
meaning. The information is always meaningful.
Programs are the collection of many instructions together in sequence and in a logical
way to solve the problems. A computer requires programs to function and execute the
program’s instructions in a central processing unit.
Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer system. This
includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts
inside the computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many
others. Computer hardware is what you can physically touch.

8 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Software Exploring Knowledge!
Computer software is a set of programs • The house where Bill Gates lives, was
and related documentation that tells designed using a Macintosh computer.
the computer what to do and how to • The first hard disk drive was madein 1979, and
perform a task. Computer software could hold only 5MB of data.
needs hardware to function properly. • The original name of windows was Interface
Command Manager.
Commands are the instructions or order given to the computer to do some specific task.
The commands are dependent on programming languages and operating system being
Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or
permanently. Volatile and non-volatile are the types of memory. Non-volatile memory is
a permanent type of computer memory whereas volatile memory is a temporary type of
computer memory.
RAM (Random Access Memory)
It is the internal memory of the CPU for storing data, program and program
result. It is read/write memory which stores data until the machine is working. As soon as
the machine is switched off, data are erased so it is called volatile memory.

Quick Learn
 Computers are 100% accurate machine.
 Data is the collection of raw facts which does not carry out any specific
 Information is the collection of data presented in a systematic way which has the
special meaning.
 Programs are the collection of many instructions together in sequence and in a
logical way to solve the problems.
 Hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer system.
 Software is a set of instructions and related documentation that tells the computer
what to do or how to perform a task.
 Computer software needs hardware to function properly.
 Commands are the instructions or order given to the computer to do some
specific task.
 Volatile and non-volatile are the types of memory.
 RAM is a volatile memory.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 9


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. A computer is a machine that performs calculations and processes information
with amazing ………….. and ……………….
b. A computer is a machine that receives and processes data according to
the……… given to it.
c. The ………is responsible to do the processing activities in the computer system.
d. ……………is the collection of data presented in a systematic way which has the
special meaning.
e. …………….. is the collection of physical parts of a computer system.
f. Computer software needs ………………… to function properly.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. A computer is a powerful tool developed by the nature.
b. Computer gets data and instruction from the input devices like keyboard,
mouse, scanner, microphone, light pen, etc.
c. Output is the act of entering data and instructions to the computer for processing.
d. Computers are 100% accurate machine.
e. Data are the collection of raw facts which do not carry out any specific
f. Programs are the collection of many instructions together in a sequence and in
logical way to solve some problems.
g. Hardware is a set of instructions and related documentation that tells a computer
what to do or how to perform a task.
3. Match the following.
Hardware Set of computer programs
Software Physical parts of the computer
Memory Instructions
Output Storage devices
Command Final result

10 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write down the full forms of the followings.
5. Write very short answer the following questions.
a. Define the term ‘Computer’.
b. What is ‘Input’?
c. What are data?
d. What is the working principle of the computer?
e. Why does a computer need programs?
f. What is Random Access Memory?
g. What are the types of internal memory?
6. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of the computer.
b. Write about the computer hardware and software.
c. What is the computer memory? What is the role of the memory in a computer?
d. What is hardware and software? Write with examples.
7. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. Explain the working principle of the computer with clear diagram.
b. Explain, why the computer is powerful working tool?

Project Work & Activity

a. Conduct a presentation program about the advantages and disadvantages of
the computer.
b. Prepare a definition chart of any five computer terminologies and submit it to your

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 11

History of Computer Development

Expected Competency
This chapter covers the following topics:
At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• explain various mechanical calculating devices.
• define various electro-mechanical calculating devices.
• identify the electronic calculating devices.
• tell the history of computer in Nepal.

The history of computer was started from the Stone Age. Many inventors worked a lot for
the development of different calculating devices. During that time, so many devices were
developed for calculating and to do mathematical calculations. We are living in the age of
computer. Almost our daily activities are not possible without these calculating devices.
It is used increasingly in each and every field of our life. The history of calculations was
started with the abacus but, first such machine having principle of today’s computing
machine was developed by Charles Babbage in 19th century. According to the technology
and concept used on devices, there were three types of calculating devices such as manual
calculating device, electro mechanical and electronic computers.

Mechanical Calculating Devices

Abacus was used by the Chinese people to perform calculations.
It is being used throughout the world. It was made up of wooden
frame in which rods were fitted across with round beads sliding
on the rod. It is divided into two parts called ‘Heaven’ and
‘Earth’. Heaven is the upper part and Earth is the lower part.
The lower parts and the upper parts are divided by the mid bar
so that any number can be represented by placing the beads at
proper place.

12 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Napier’s Bone
John Napier, a Scottish mathematician and politician developed
a machine called Napier’s Bone in 1617 AD. In 1614 AD he
developed the concept of logarithm. He worked on this idea for
almost two decades before the concept of logarithms came into
effect. Napier also made improvements to the idea of the decimal
fraction by starting the use of decimal points; a practice that very
soon became common throughout Britain. John Napier invented the
‘Napier Bones’ which were devices that could be used as calculators. They were called
‘bones’ because they were made out of ivory. Ivory is a hard, white material from the
tusks and teeth of animals.
Slide Rule
It was the invention of William Oughtred which was
introduced in 1620 AD. The slide rule was based on
logarithm. It was a mechanical analog device that was
used for making numerical computations and reading
such as multiplication, division, powers, roots, functions, etc. The slide rule is actually
made up of three bars that are fixed together. The sliding centre bar is sandwiched by the
outer bars which are fixed with respect to each other. The metal “window” is inserted over
the slide rule to act as a place holder. A cursor is fixed in the centre of the “window” to
allow for accurate readings.
Pascaline also called as Pascalene is a calculating machine
developed by Blaise Pascal in 1642 AD when he was of 19
years. This was the first practical calculating device. It is a
numerical wheel calculator which had 8 movable dials. It
worked on the principle of rotating wheels. This machine could
only do addition, subtraction and multiplication by the repeated addition and division
by repeated subtraction. The numbers of calculating capacity of Pascaline was
9,99,99,999. It utilizes a mechanical gear system to add and subtract with as many as
eight columns of digits

Exploring Knowledge!
 Konrad Zuse invented the first computer Z1 in 1936 AD and Z2 in 1939
as the first electro-mechanical computer in the world.
 Blaise pascal was born on June 19, 1623 and died on August 19, 1662 in Paris,
 The first computer mouse was made up of the wood.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 13

Stepped Reckoner
A German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz invented a calculating
machine known as Leibniz’s Wheel (Stepped Reckoner) in 1673 AD. It was used in
many calculating machine till 1970 AD. The Stepped Reckoner expanded on
Pascal’s ideas and did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting. The Stepped
Reckoner was based on a gear mechanism that Leibniz
invented and that is now called a Leibniz wheel. The machine
 add or subtract an 8-digit number to / from a 16-digit number.
 multiply to 8-digit numbers to get a 16-digit result.
 divide a 16-digit number by an 8-digit divisor.

Quick Learn
 Abacus was the first manual calculating device developed by the Chinese
people before 3000 BC.
 Abacus was made up of the wooden frame.
 The upper part of abacus is called heaven and the lower part is called
 Slide rule was the invention of William Oughtred which was introduced
in 1620 AD.
 Slide rule is also called the first analog device.
 William Oughtred also introduced the concept of logarithm.
 Blaise Pascal developed the device called Pascaline in 1642 AD.
 Pascaline was capable to do the calculations up to eight digits only.
 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented Stepped Reckoner in 1673 AD.
 Stepped Reckoner was used in many calculating machine till 1970 AD.

Jacquard’s Loom
Joseph Marie Jacquard, a silk weaver, invented this machine in
1804 AD. This loom was the first to use punched card with
punched holes. Jacquard’s technology was a real boon to
mill owners, but put many loom operators out of work. The
punched cards controlled the actions of the loom, allowing
automatic production of intricate woven patterns. The punched-
card idea was adopted later by Charles Babbage about
1830 to control his Analytical Engine, and later by Herman Hollerith for tabulating the
1890 USA census.

14 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage was a popular mathematician, philosopher,
inventor and mechanical engineer. He was the first person to
develop the concept of modern digital computer which works on
the principle of Input-process-output and storage so, he is known
as the father of computer. Mathematical tables were important in
Babbage’s era for use in navigation, science and engineering. They
were calculated by hand and then compiled into tables. Errors were sometimes made
either in the calculation or in the compiling of the tables. The inventions of Babbage are
given below:
Difference Engine
It was the first invention of Babbage introduced in
1822 A.D. It was big in size. It was powered by the steam. Later on
it was developed for commercial purpose also. It was an automatic
mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
The name is derived from the method of divided differences, a way
to include or tabulate functions by using a small set of polynomial coefficients.
Analytical Engine
It was the second invention of Babbage which was introduced in
1833 AD. The analytical engine was general purpose mechanical
computer. This device contained the following components:
 The store (like a memory)
 The mill ( like a processing unit)
 The input section using punched card
 The output section using punched card.

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace was a daughter of Lord Byron. She was
born on December 1815 AD and died on November 1852 when she
was of 36 years. She was the first to recognise that the machine had
applications beyond pure calculation, and created the first algorithm
proposed to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often
regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of a “computing machine” and the first
computer programmer.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 15

Exploring Knowledge!
 Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1791, and died in October 18, 1871 in
Marylebone, United Kingdom
 Grace Murray Hopper was a U.S. Naval officer, and an early computer
programmer who was the developer of the first compiler for a computer pro
gramming language.
 IBM is an American multinational technology company located in New York,

Hollerith Tabulating Machine

The Hollerith tabulating machine was also known as the tabulating
machine. It was an electrical counting machine invented by
Herman Hollerith. In 1887 AD. He developed the system of
Punched Card tabulating system in data processing. The card had
been used earlier to control patterns in textile looms. He used this
system to process the 1890 census. It was successful, and Hollerith
found the Tabulating Machine Company, which later merged to become a company called
IBM (International Business Machine). Hollerith tabulating machines were widely used
throughout the first half of the 20th century, up to the 1940s and early 1950s.

Quick Learn
 Joseph Marie Jacquard invented Jacquard’s Loom in 1804 AD.
 Charles Babbage is known as the father of the modern computer.
 Babbage was the first person to develop the concept of modern digital
 The first invention of Babbage was difference engine which was developed in
1822 A.D.
 Analytical engine was the second invention of Babbage which was introduced
in 1833 AD.
 Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace is known as the first computer programmer.
 Tabulating Machine Company was developed by Herman Hollerith.

16 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Electro-Mechanical Calculating Devices
Mark I
The Harvard Mark I was the first electromechanical computer
developed by Howard Aiken at Harvard University and built
by IBM in 1937. The computer was 51 feet long, 8 feet high
and weighed 5 tons. It provided vital calculations for the
U.S. Navy during World War II and was the first of a series
of computers designed by Aiken. At the time, it was publicized as the world’s first
programmable computer. The Harvard Mark I was also known as the IBM Automatic
Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC).The Harvard Mark I could perform four
arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and had built-in
programs for processing logarithms and trigonometric functions. The Mark I received
instructions on paper tape and loaded data output on punch cards. .
ABC ( Atanasoff Berry Computer)
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the electro mechanical
digital computer built in 1942 AD at Iowa State University by
John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. This computer is
also called the first digital computer. It has electronic switching
elements and could perform binary arithmetic. The main
concepts of this computer are given below:
 It introduced the ideas of binary arithmetic, regenerative memory and logic
 It used 18000 valves and other 45 valves for internal logic and capacitors for
storage of electrical charge.
 It used punch cards as secondary storage.

Electronic Calculating Devices

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)

The first electronic computer was the Electrical Numerical
Integrator and Calculator, known as ENIAC. It was designed
by John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly in 1946
AD. ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer,

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 17

though very difficult to re-program. It was primarily used to computer aircraft courses,
shell trajectories, and to break codes during the World War II. It was made up of 17,468
vacuum tubes, 70,000 registers, 10,000 capacitors, 1500 relay and 6,000 manual switches.
It used decimal number system instead of binary number system.
EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)
EDSAC is an early British computer considered to be the
first stored program electronic computer. It was created at
the University of Cambridge in England. John von Neumann
developed it in 1949 AD. It could add two numbers in 1500
microseconds and multiply them in 4000 microsecond. In this
device 3000 vacuum tubes were used. It uses stored program concept for the first time and
also use the binary numbers.
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
The UNIVAC I was the first commercial computer produced in the
United States. It was designed principally by John. Presper Eckert
and John William Mauchly in 1951 AD. It was the first commercial
general purpose digital computer. The use of this computer started
from 1951 AD to 1970 AD. This device was 50 feet long and 25
feet wide. It was able to store 12,000 letters only. Magnetic tape were used as an input
and storage.
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
John William Mauchly and John Presper Eckert developed this in 1952
AD but the construction was started from 1944 AD. It was the first
computer based on stored program concept. This computer also worked
on binary digits and used stored program concept. It used 6,000 vacuum
tubes and 12,000 diodes which consumed 56 kilowatt power. It was
popularly used upto 1961 AD.

History of Computer in Nepal

The history of ICT and computer in Nepal is not so long. The IBM 1401 belongs to
the second generation computer which was introduced in Nepal for the first time in
2028 BS. This computer was brought on rent and after that another second generation
mainframe computer ICL 2950/10 model was introduced in Nepal. To work with the
technology, Yantrik Sarinikaran Kendra (Electronic Data Processing Centre) was

18 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

established which was later called as National Computer Centre (NCC). After
2039 B.S. microcomputer like; Apple , Vector, Sirus were introduced in Nepal. After
the year of 2039 BS computers have been used in different government sectors like
banking, agriculture, universities, etc. Now there are thousands of computer in states
providing computer education, assembling, maintenance etc. throughout the country. These
days the latest technologies and devices are available in our country.

Exploring Knowledge!
 Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998.
 The World Wide Web Consortium is founded by Tim Berners-Lee.
 Apple introduces the Macintosh with mouse and window interface in 1984 AD.
 IBM created the first floppy disk in 1967 AD.

Quick Learn
 Mark I was the first electromechanical calculating device developed by Howard
Hathaway Aiken.
 Mark I is also known as Howard Mark I. It was built by IBM in 1937 AD.
 The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the electromechanical digital computer
built in 1942 AD at Iowa State University by John VincentAtanasoff and
Clifford Berry.
 ABC is also called the first digital computer.
 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was the first electronic
computer designed by John Prosper Eckert and John William Mauchly in
1946 AD.
 ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer.
 EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) was the first stored
program electronic computer.
 EDSAC was created at the University of Cambridge in England.
 UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was the first commercial
computer developed by John. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly
in 1951 AD.
 EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was developed by
John William Mauchly and John Presper Eckert in 1952 AD.
 EDVAC was the first computer based on stored program concept.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 19

1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.
a. Which of the following is the first manual calculating device?
i. Babbage’s engine ii. Abacus iii. Napier’s Bone
b. Who was the inventor of Napier’s Bone?
i. William Jack ii. John Napier iii. Blasé Pascal
c. Which of the following device was based on logarithm?
i. Slide Rule ii. Abacus iii. Analytical Engine
d. When was Stepped Reckoner invented?
i. 1573 AD ii. 1773 AD iii. 1673 AD
e. What was the first computer based on stored program concept?
i. EDVAC ii. ENIAC iii. ABC
f. Which was the first digital computer?
i. ENIAC ii. IBM iii. ABC
2. . Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. The upper part of abacus is called ….. and the lower part is called earth.
b. …………..was the first analog device.
c. ……………. is known as the father of the modern computer.
d. Analytical engine was the second invention of ……………
e. …………… is known as the first computer programmer.
f. Tabulating Machine Company was developed by……………
g. …………… was the first electromechanical calculating device developed by
Howard Hathaway Aiken.
h. The ………was the electromechanical digital computer built in 1942 AD.
i. ENIAC was the first ………………. computer designed by John Presper Eckert
and John William Mauchly.
j. …………. was the first stored program electronic digital computer.

20 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

3. State whether the following statements are true or false:
a. Abacus was the first manual calculating device developed by the Chinese people.
b. Slide rule was the invention of John Napier which was introduced in 1620 AD.
c. Blaise Pascal developed a device called Pascaline in 1620 AD.
d. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented Stepped Reckoner in 1673 AD.
e. Joseph Marie Jacquard invented Jacquard’s Loom in 1804 AD.
f. Babbage was the first person to develop the concept of modern digital computer.
g. The first invention of Babbage was analytical engine.
h. Mark I is also called the Howard Mark I. It was built by IBM in 1937 AD.
i. Slide rule is also called the first digital computer.
j. ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer.
4. Match the following:
Difference engine First electronic computer
ABC Charles Babbage
ENIAC Howard H. Aiken
First commercial computer First electromechanical computer
5. Write down the full forms of the followings:
6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What was the first manual calculating device?
b. Who is known as the father of the modern computer technology?
c. Who was the inventor of slide rule?
d. What are the devices invented by Charles Babbage?
e. Who is considered as the first computer programmer?
f. Who was the inventor of Stepped Reckoner and when it was invented?
g. Who was the founder of Tabulating Machine Company?
h. How many vacuum tubes were used in the first electronic computer?
i. Which generation of computer was introduced in Nepal for the first time?

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 21

7. Write short answer of the following questions:
a. Describe in short about Abacus.
b. Why is Babbage known as the father of modern computer science?
c. What are the components of analytical engine?
d. Write a few lines about ENIAC.
e. What was the first electromechanical digital computer? When was it invented
and who invented it?
8. Write long answer to the following questions:
a. Explain about the inventions of Babbage.
b. List out the mechanical, electromechanical and electronic computers and explain
them in short.
Project Work & Activity
Name of Device Name of inventor(s) Date of invention
Slide Rule
Napier’s Bone
Stepped Reckoner
Analytical Engine

Divide your class in various groups and conduct a presentation competition on “The
History of Development of the Computer”.

22 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Generation of Computer

Expected Competency
At the end of this
Thisunit, students
chapter willthe
covers be following
able to: topics:
• explain the generations of the computer.
• tell the features of each generation of the computer.
• identify the memory component of each generation of computer.


Computers are truly amazing machines. In previous chapter we discussed about the
historical background of the computer. Computer Generation means the change in
technology that the computers were being used. The term 'generation' was used to
distinguish between varying hardware technologies. But nowadays, generation includes
both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system. There
are total five computer generations till date. Based on the period of development and the
features combined, the computers are classified into different generations from first to
fifth generation.

Generation of computer

Each generation has been discussed in detail along with their time period, memory
component and features below:
First Generation
The period of first generation was 1946-1958 AD. First
generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the
basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU (Central
Processing Unit). These tubes like electric bulbs produced a lot of
heat. The vacuum tube was developed by Lee De Forest in 1908
AD. In this generation batch processing operating system were

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 23

used. Punched cards, Paper tape, Magnetic tape were used as input and output devices.
There were Machine code and electric wired board languages used.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator), EDSAC (Electronic Delay
Storage Automatic Calculator), EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic
Computer), UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), etc. were used during this
Feature of the first generation computers
 It uses vacuum tube technology as a memory component.
 It was unreliable.
 It could support only machine language.
 The cost was very expensive.
 It generated more heat and it was very large in size.
 It had very slow Input and Output device.
 It was not portable.

Quick Learn
 The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic
drums for memory, and were often huge, taking up entire rooms.
 LEE DE FOREST was the inventor of Vacuum Tube.
 A vacuum tube is a device generally used to amplify a signal by controlling the
movement of electrons in an evacuated space.
Second Generation
The period of second generation was 1959-1964. The memory
component was transistor of this generation. John Bardeen and Walter
Brattain were the inventors of transistors. These computers were
cheaper, consumed less power, more compact in size, more reliable
and faster than the first generation. In this generation, magnetic cores
were used as primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage
devices. Assembly language and high level programming language like FORTRAN,
COBOL were used during this generation. Batch processing and multiprogramming
operating systems were used in this generation. IBM 1620, IBM 1401, IBM 7094, CDC
1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108 computers were used during second generation.

24 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Feature of the second generation computers
 The memory component was Exploring Knowledge!
transistors.  The Common Business-Oriented Language
 It was more reliable than previous (COBOL) programming language was
generation computers. invented. in 1960 AD.
 John Backus & IBM developed the
 The size was smaller because of
FORTRAN Computer Programming
the use of transistor. Language in 1954 AD.
 It generated less heat as compared  Remote control was invented by Nikola
to the first generation computers. Tesla in 1898 AD.
 It also consumed less electricity as compared to previous generation.
 It was faster than the first generation computers. The processing speed was measured
in microsecond.

Quick Learn
 The transistor was invented in 1947 by three scientists J. Bardeen, H.W. Brattain
and W. Shockley.
 A transistor is a small device made up of semiconductor material like germanium
and silicon.
 Second generation computers used the low level language i.e. machine level
language and assembly language.

Third Generation
The period of third generation was 1964-1971 AD. The third
generation of computer is marked by the use of Integrated Circuits
(IC’s) in place of transistors. A single IC has many transistors,
resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC
was invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This development
made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient. In this generation Remote
processing, Time-sharing, Real-time, Multi-programming Operating System were
used. High level languages like FORTRAN II, III, IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1,
BASIC, ALGOL-68, etc. were used during this generation.
IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP(Personal Data Processor), IBM-370/168,
TDC-316 computers were used during the third generation.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 25

Feature of the third generation computers.
 The IC was used as memory Exploring Knowledge!
 TCL/Tk, Visual basic, Visual C++, C# ,
 It was more reliable. Visual basic.NET etc. are the GUI based
 It was smaller in size and generated computer languages.
less heat.  The development of IC gave birth to a new
 Magnetic disk was used as a field of microelectronics.
storage unit.  ENIAC was the world first successful
 It was much faster. The processing electronic computer which was developed
speed was measured in Nano by the two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and
second. J. W. Mauchy.
 It consumed less electricity.
 It used monitor and keyboard as output and input unit.
 It was able to support high level programming languages.

Quick Learn
 IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby.
 IC is a single component containing a number of transistors.
 Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors,
which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
 Keyboards and monitors were developed during the period of third generation of

Fourth Generation

The period of fourth generation is from 1972 to till date. The fourth
generation of computers is marked by the use of microprocessor
which is made with the help of Large Scale Integration (LSI)
and Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI circuits
having about 5000 transistors and other circuit elements and their
associated circuits on a single chip made it possible to have microcomputers of fourth
generation. Fourth Generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable,
and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to personal computer (PC) revolution. In this
generation Time sharing, Real time, Networks, Distributed Operating System were
used. All the Higher level languages like C and C++, DBASE, JAVA, Visual Basic,

26 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

PHP etc. are being used in this generation. Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS are the
popular operating system used by this generation. DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11,
CRAY-1 (Super Computer), CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer), IBM PC, Apple Macintosh
computers are used in this generation.
Feature of the fourth generations computers
 VLSI technology is used to produce Exploring Knowledge!
a single microprocessor.  Jack Kilby developed the concept of
 It is cheaper and more portable than integrated circuit in 1958.
previous generations.  The first IC was invented and used
 It is very accurate and versatile.
 Ted Hoff produced the first micro
 The working speed is upto processor in 1971 for Intel.
picosecond and femtosecond.  The size of an IC is about ¼ square inch.
 Very advanced type of input and
output unit are used such as scanner, light pen, touch screen, etc.
 It brings great development in the field of networking.

Quick Learn
 In 1981 AD. IBM introduced computer for the home user and in 1984 AD. Apple
introduced the Macintosh microprocessor.
 Many high-level languages have been developed in the fourth generation such as
 The fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable and

Fifth Generation
The development of fifth generation is started from 1990 which
is still incomplete. In the fifth generation, the VLSI (Very Large
Scale Integration) technology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale
Integration) technology, resulting in the production of Bio
Chips having more than ten million electronic
components. This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI
(Artificial Intelligence) software. AI is an emerging branch in computer science,
which interprets means and method of making computers think like human beings.
We can imagine that this computer will be able to use natural languages like English,
Germany, French and even Nepali for the processing.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 27

Feature of the fifth generation computers
 The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used.
 It will be able to understand various natural languages.
 It will be able to think and decide.
 The operating speed will be faster than the fourth generation computers.
 It will create the advancement in Parallel Processing.

Quick Learn
S.N Name of Duration Memory Examples
generation in AD. Components
1 First 1946-1958 Vacuum Tube ENIAC,EDSAC,
2 Second 1959-1964 Transistors IBM 1620, IBM 1401, IBM
7094, CDC 1604 etc.
3 Third 1964-1971 Integrated IBM-360series,
Circuit Honeywell-6000 series,
PDP, IBM-370/168,
TDC-316 etc.
4 Fourth 1972-till date Microprocessor DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11,
CRAY-1 etc.

5 Fifth Undergoing Bio-Chips Robot

1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.
a. What was the memory component of the first generation computers?
i. Slide Rule ii. Abacus iii. Vacuum Tube
b. What was the programming language used by the first generations of computer
i. High level language ii. Machine Language iii. Assembly Language

28 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. What was the name of programming language used by the second generations of
i. C++ ii. Flowchart iii. FORTRAN
d. Which of the following is the third generations of computer?
i. IBM 360 Series ii. ENIAC iii. IBM 1401
e. Robot is an example of:
i. Second generation ii. Third generation iii. Fifth generation
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. …………….. was the inventor of Vacuum Tube.
b. The transistor was invented in ……………
c. ………. generation computers used the low level language i.e. machine level
language and assembly language.
d. IC is a single component containing a number of ………………….
e. ……… were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors,
which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
f. The memory component of the fourth generations of computer was …………
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic
drums for memory.
b. A transistor is a small device made up of semiconductor material like germanium
and silicon.
c. IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby.
d. Keyboards and monitors were developed during the period of first generation of
the computers.
e. CRAY –X-MP super computer was developed during the third generations of
4. Match the following.
Vacuum Tube Fourth generation
Bio-Chips Microprocessor
VLSI Fifth generation
IBM PC Machine language
First Generation First generation

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 29

5. Write down the full forms of the followings.
6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What was the memory unit of first generations of computer?
b. Who was the inventor of Vacuum Tube?
c. In which generation were FORTRAN and COBOL used as programming
d. Name any two computers that were used in third generation.
e. In which generation was IC used as the memory component?
f. In which generation the concept of AI will be used?
7. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Name the various computer generations.
b. List out the memory components used by different generation of computers.
c. Write any two differences between the third and the fourth generation of computer.
d. Write any four features of the second generation computer.
e. What is Artificial Intelligence? Explain in short.
8. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. Explain the features of the third and the fourth generation of computer.
b. Explain the memory unit used by different computer generations with their
time duration.
c. Explain about third generations of computers with its features and examples.

Project Work & Activity

• Prepare a computer generation chart including their memory component, example
and time duration.
• Conduct a presentation programme about the computer generations in your class.

30 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Types of Computer

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
able to: topics:
• identify the types of computers.
• explain the features of each type of computers.
• describe the types of personal/Desktop computers. Laptop / Notebook
Computer and Handheld computer.


Computers are classified on the basis of their work, size brand and model. People are
using different types of computers according to their requirement. The computers
that are personally used for simple work may not be compatible to the business
and for complex calculations. The computers that you are used at your home and the
computers that are used for film animation and video editing are totally different.
Next example we can take like the computer using at department store and the
computer used at telecommunication office is totally different. The telecommunication
office needs very high range of computer to work as compared to the computer that is
used at department store. The types of computer are classified according to the purpose of
uses such as special purpose and general purpose computer.

Classification of computer
The computer can be classified as below.
 On the basis of work/function
 On the basis of Size/ configuration
 On the basis of Brand
 On the basis of Model
In this class, we are going to explain the types of computer on the basis of work and size

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 31

On the basis of work

There are three types of computer on the basis of work they are analog, digital and hybrid
computer which we are going to discuss below.
Analog Computers
Analog computers are used to process analog data. Analog
data is continuous nature and which is not discrete or separate.
Such type of data include temperature, pressure, speed, weight,
voltage, depth, etc. Analog computers are the first developed
computers which provide the basis for the development of the
modern digital computers. The Speedometer of a car measures
speed, the change of temperature is measured by a Thermometer, the weight is measured
by Weighting machine are the examples of analog device.
The computers which provide us with continuous information are called analog
computer which represent physical quantities in the form of waves or in continuous
form. Analog computers do not require any storage capability because they measure and
compare quantities in a single operation. Output from an analog computer is generally in
the form of readings on a series of dial or a graph on strip chart.
Features of an analog computer
 The speed of an analog computer is high.
 These computers are not reliable and do not display actual data.
 These computers are the base for
digital computers. Exploring Knowledge!
 These computers are difficult to  The Antikythera mechanism was an
ancient Greek analog computer.
operate and use.
 CT-Scan stands for Computed
 These computers are easy to Tomography Scan.
 These computers have small storage capacity or no memory.
Digital Computers
The computers which present physical quantities with the help of symbols or numbers
and provide us discrete information are called digital computers. A digital computer
works with digits to represent numerals, letters or other special symbols. Digital
Computers operate on inputs which are ON-OFF type and then output are also in the

32 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

form of ON-OFF signal. Normally, an ON is represented by a
1 and an OFF is represented by a 0. So we can say that digital
computers process information which is based on the presence
of an electrical charge. A digital computer can be used to process
numeric as well as non-numeric data. It can perform arithmetic
operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and also logical
operations. Most of the computers available today are digital computers.
Features of digital computer
 These computers are easy to use.
 These computers are reliable.
 These computers have large memory and storage capacity.
 Working speed of digital computers is slower as compared to analog computers.
 These computers are divided into different categories such as personal computers,
Mainframe computers and Super computers.
Hybrid Computers
The computers which have qualities of both digital and analog
computers are called hybrid computers. Hybrid computer has the
speed of analog and the memory and accuracy of digital computer.
A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog computers. It
combines the best features of both types of computers. Hybrid
computers are used mainly in specialized applications. The hybrid computer processes
both continuous and discrete data. For example, a petrol pump contains a processor that
converts fuel flow measurements into quantity and price values. In hospital Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) an analog device is used which measures blood pressure and temperature
which are then converted and displayed in the form of digits.

Features of a hybrid computer

 It has the combined features
Exploring Knowledge!
of analog and digital computer.
• Seymour Cray designed the first Super
 These computers are reliable computer “CDC 6600” in 1964. CDC 6600
and provide accurate result. is known as the first Supercomputer.
 These computers are fast and
• Presently, China’s “Tianhe – 2” is the world’s
more reliable.
faster Supercomputer.
 It is mainly used in robotics.
 These are the special purpose

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 33

Quick Learn
 There are three types of computers on the basis of work they are analog, digital and
hybrid computer.
 Analog computers are used to process analog data.
 Analog computers do not require any storage capability because they measure
and compare quantities in a single operation.
 ON is represented by a 1 and an OFF is represented by a 0.
 A digital computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric data.
 A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog computers.
 The hybrid computer combines the best features of both analog and digital
 The hybrid computer processes both continuous and discrete data.

On the basis of size

There are four types of computer on the basis of size. They are super, mainframe, mini
and microcomputers which we are going to discuss below.

Super computer

Supercomputers are the most powerful computers in terms of

performance and data processing. A supercomputer is a computer
that has highest data processing and operational rate which is used
for scientific and engineering applications. These are specialized
computers used by large organizations. These computers are used
for research and exploration purposes. On 29th July, 2015, President of the United States,
Barack Obama, approved the development of an Exascale Super Computer. The examples
of super computers are Cray XMP, CDC Cyber 2003, Cray -1, PARAM, etc.

Uses of Supercomputers
Space Exploration 
 Earthquake studies
Weather Forecasting 
 Nuclear weapons testing

34 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Mainframe computer
Mainframe computers are not powerful as super computers, but
they are quite expensive. Many large firms and government
organizations use mainframes to run their business operations.
Hundreds of users can work together with this computer system at a
time. Mainframe computers are the fastest computers with large data
storage capacity. It can also process and store large amount of data. Banks, educational
institutions and even insurance companies use mainframe computers to store data about
their customers, students and insurance policy holders. IBM 401, ICL 2950, IBM 7090
are the mainframe computers.
Mainframe computers are ultra-high-performance computers made for high-volume,
processor-intensive computing. They are typically used by large businesses and for
scientific purposes.
Minicomputers are used by small businesses and firms. Minicomputers
are also called “Midrange Computers”. These are small machines and
can be accommodated on a disk. These computers are not designed for a
single user. Individual departments of a large company or organizations
use mini-computers for specific purposes. For example, a production
department can use mini-computers for monitoring certain production
process.K-202, Texas Instrument TI-990, SDS-92, IBM Midrange computers are the
popular mini-computers.
A mini-computer is a type of computer that possesses most of the features and capabilities
of a large computer but is smaller in physical size.

Quick Learn
 There are four types of computer on the basis of size. They are super, mainframe,
mini and microcomputers.
 Super computers are the most powerful computers in terms of performance and
data processing.
 Supercomputers are specialized computers used by large organizations.
 Mainframe computers are not as powerful as supercomputers.
 Many large firms and government organizations use mainframes to run their
business operations.
 Mainframe computers are the fastest computers with large data storage capacity.
 Minicomputers are used by small businesses and firms.
 Minicomputers are also called “Midrange Computers”.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 35


The micro-computers are widely used and the fastest growing

computers. Desktop, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA),
tablets and smartphones are the examples of microcomputer.
These computers are the cheapest among the other three types of
computers. These computers are specially designed for general
proposes like entertainment, education and personal work. Dell, Apple, Samsung, Sony,
Toshiba, etc. companies are producing various microcomputers these days.

Desktop computers, Gaming consoles, Sound and Navigation system of a car, Netbooks,
Notebooks, PDA’s, Tablet PC’s, Smartphones, Calculators are all type of Microcomputers.
A microcomputer is a computer with a central processing unit (CPU) as a microprocessor
designed for individual use; a microcomputer is smaller than a mainframe and a

Here we are going to discuss about some microcomputers.

Personal Computers/Desktop computers

These are small size computers and are used by a single user.
Desktop computers are also called personal computers or PC. We
can use these computers easily in offices, colleges, schools, homes,
and factories for various purposes.
A desktop computer is a personal computer that fits on or under a desk. They usually
consist of a monitor, keyboard, mouse and with a horizontal or vertical casing box. The
casing contains the various computer units like hard disk, motherboard, RAM, ROM,
Central Processing Unit, power switch, etc.
Characteristics of desktop computers
 These computers have fast speed Exploring Knowledge!
and accuracy. • The IBM 5100 is the first portable computer,
 It is small in size and easy to which was released on September 1975AD.
move. •The first portable computer or laptop is
 It is very easy to operate. considered to be the Osborne I, which was
released on April 1981 AD developed by
 These computers are cheaper
Adam Osborne.
than other computers.
• The first Apple laptop was the Macintosh
 We can use desktop computers
Portable which was released on September
in a singleuser and multi-user 1989 AD.

36 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Laptop / Notebook Computer
Laptop computers are another category of personal computers.
These computers are small in size and light packed in. These
computers are moveable because they work on batteries and can
operate without an external power source. Laptop computers are
also called Notebook computers. DEL, HP, ACER, SAMSUNG,
TOSHIBA, etc. are the popular laptop manufacturing companies.
Laptop computer is a portable personal computer powered by a battery or an AC cord
plugged into an electrical outlet.
Handheld Computer
A handheld computer is a portable computer that is small and can
be held in one’s hand. Handheld computers have not replaced
notebook computers because of their small keyboards and screens.
Traditional hand-held computers were PDAs and devices specifically
designed to provide PIM (personal information manager) functions, such as a calendar
and address book. Today Pocket PCs, smartphones and tablets are common consumer
devices. The handheld devices are turn into palmtop and pocket devices. Handheld
computers are typically used for personal information manager (PIM) types of
applications: maintaining schedules, keeping names and phone numbers, doing simple
calculations like smartphones and tablets.

Quick Learn
 The micro-computers are widely used and the fastest growing computers.
 Desktop, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets and smartphones are
the examples of microcomputer.
 Microcomputers are the cheapest among the other types of computers.
 The Micro-computers are specially designed for general proposes.
 A desktop computer is a personal computer that fits on or under a desk.
 Desktop computers are also called Personal computers or PC.
 Laptop computers are another category of personal computers.
 DEL, HP, ACER, SAMSUNG, TOSHIBA, etc. are the popular laptop
and tablet manufacturing company.
 A hand-held computer is a portable computer that is small and can be held in
one’s hand.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 37

Exploring Knowledge!
 Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne are the founder of Apple
Company which is located at USA.
 Intel 4004 was the First microprocessor.
 A tablet is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touch screen


1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is a type of computer on the basis of work?
i. Digital Computer ii. Super Computer iii. Notebook Computer
b. Which of the following computers is used to process numeric as well as digital
i. Digital Computer ii. Hybrid Computer iii. Analog Computer
c. Which computer has the both of the features of analog and digital computer?
i. Digital Computer ii. Hybrid Computer iii. Analog Computer
d. Which of the following computer is called personal computer?
i. Super Computer ii. Hybrid Computer iii. Micro Computer
e. Which of the following is a mainframe computer?
i. IBM 1401 ii. ICL 2950 iii. Both (i) and (ii)
f. Which of the following is a Microcomputer?

i. Laptop Computer ii. Mainframe Computer (iii) Super Computer

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. There are three types of computers on the basis of work they are …………,
digital and …………
b. ……… is represented by a 1 and an ………… is represented by a 0.

38 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. A ……… computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric
d. …………… computer processes both continuous and discrete data.
e. Many large firms and government organizations use ……………. to run their
business operations.
f. …………………… are used by small businesses and firms.
g. …………… are the cheapest among the other types of computers.
h. A ……………… is a personal computer that fits on or under a desk.
i. Desktop computers are also called ………………..
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Analog computers are used to process digital data.
b. A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog computers.
c. There are two types of computer on the basis of size.
d. Supercomputers are specialized computers used by large organizations.
e. Mainframe computers are not as powerful as supercomputers.
f. Mainframe computers are the fastest computers with large data storage capacity.
g. Supercomputers are also called as “Midrange Computers”.
h. Desktop, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets and smartphones are
the examples of analog device.
i. The Micro-computers are specially designed for general proposes.
j. Laptop computers are another category of personal computers.
4. Match the following.
Super Computer Computer manufacturing company
Mini Computer Personal Computer
Analog Computer Used for highest data processing
Laptop Computer SDS-92
DEL, HP Process analog data

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 39

5. Write down the full forms of the followings.


6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name the computers on the basis of work.
b. Which computer has the both combined features of analog and digital
c. Which computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric
d. Which device is used to measure blood pressure and temperatures these
e. Write any two examples of mainframe computer.
f. Name any two popular laptop manufacturing company.
7. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define analog computer with any four features.
b. Write down the features of digital and hybrid computer.
c. What are the computers on the basis of size? Define any two of them.
d. Write any four characteristics of desktop computers.
e. Why are laptop and palmtop computers popular these days?
8. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Define microcomputer. Explain the types of microcomputers in detail.

Project Work & Activity

 Collect at least two pictures for the following devices and paste in a chart paper.
Analog Computer , Digital Computer , Super Computer , Laptop Computer,
Palmtop computer, Analog Thermometer, Digital thermometer, CT Scan machine,
X-Ray Machine.

40 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Chapter Introduction to Computer
5 Hardware & Software

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
able to: topics:
• describe the types of software .
• explain the operating System and its functions.
• write about language translator and its types.
• tell the differences between compiler and interpreter.
• identify utility software.
• tell the types of application software.

Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer. Hardware
includes internal and external components such as the monitor, keyboard, hard drive
disk, mouse, printers, graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips. A
computer needs both hardware and software to work. Computer software is a collection
of computer programs which helps to give instructions to the computer system to perform
some specific task. Anything that can be stored electronically is also computer software.
Computer software is a set of instructions or statements that is carried out by the CPU of
computer. Computer software is also called programs. Without programs, computers are

Types of computer hardware

Input Hardware
An input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is used to provide data
and instructions to the computer system for processing. It is a device that translates data
into a form the computer can process. Normally, it translates into binary code that can be
processed by the computer to translate words, sounds, numbers, and images. The input
computer hardware are keyboard, scanner, pointing devices, Joysticks, and others.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 41

Processing Hardware
Processing hardware is responsible to process all the activities inside the computer from
the data entering stage to output stage. The CPU of the computer is more responsible for
this which is like a brain of human. It is the part of the computer that gives out all basic
instructions to every other component on your computer. The CPU has the following
three sections which are listed below.
a. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
b. The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and
executes them.
c. Registers/the Memory Unit, which is a temporary storage areas which are responsible
for holding the data that is to be processed.
Output Hardware
Output hardware are mainly responsible for displaying the processed data which allow
computers to communicate with users and with other devices. Output is the final result
displayed after the processing, which is meaningful. The devices that are used to display
the result to the user are output hardware. The output can be softcopy, hardcopy or even
in audio or visual format. The monitor and printer are the commonly used output devices.
The output displayed by the monitor is called softcopy output and the output displayed
by the printer is called hardcopy output. The softcopy output is changeable and hardcopy
output is not changeable.
Primary and secondary Memory
Computers are used not only for processing the data for immediate use, but also for storing
a large volume of data for future use. In order to meet these two specific requirements,
computers use two types of storage location; one is for storing the data that are being
currently handled by the CPU and the other, for storing the results and the data for future
use. The storage location where the data are held temporarily is referred to as the primary
while the storage location where the programs and data are stored permanently for future
use is referred to as the secondary memory. The primary memory is generally known as
‘Memory’ and the secondary memory as ‘storage’.
Types of primary memory
Random Access Memory (RAM): It is a volatile memory and losses all its data when the
power is switched off. It is the main memory of the computer system that stores the data
temporarily and allows the data to be accessed in any order. RAM is made up of different
ICs, which are mounted on a printed circuit board. RAM is also known as read/write

42 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

memory because it can perform both read as well as write operations. The speed of RAM
is faster than the other memory devices, such as hard disk, floppy disk, etc.
Read Only Memory (ROM): It is the memory that stores the data permanently, i.e.,
it can retain the data even when the power of the computer system is switched off. The
data can be easily read from this type of memory but cannot be changed. ROM is the
most commonly used memory in devices such as calculators, printers, etc. ROM does not
allow the random access of data rather it allows sequential access of data. It is less
expensive as compared to RAM and other storage devices, such as magnetic disk.
Secondary memory
Secondary storage devices have large storage capacity, and they store data permanently.
They can be both internal and external to the computer, and they include the hard disk,
compact disk drive, USB storage device, etc. The secondary memories are also known as
auxiliary storage media.

Quick Learn
 Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer.
 An input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is used to provide
data and instructions to the computer system for processing.
 The CP U of the computer is more responsible for processing activities which is
like a brain of human.
 The devices that are used to display the result to the user are output hardware.
 The storage location where the data are held temporarily is referred to as the
primary memory.
 The storage location where the programs and data are stored permanently for future
use is referred to as the secondary memory.
 Random Access Memory is a volatile memory and losses all its data when the power
is switched off.
 Read Only Memory (ROM) is the memory that stores the data permanently, i.e.,
it can retain the data even when the power of the computer system is switched
 Secondary storage devices have large storage capacity, and they store data

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 43

Types of software

The computer software is commonly known as computer programs which consists of

all the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. There are two types of
computer software which we are going to discuss below.
System software
System software is software that is designed to control and work with computer hardware.
It helps to activate the computer system and provide the operating environment for other
application software. The primary work of system software is to control, integrate and
manage the hardware components of the computer system. It provides an operating
environment where user can work with various computer applications software.
Types of system software
Exploring Knowledge!
In general, there are four types of
system software such as operating • Windows 1.0 was released on November
system, language translator, device 20, 1985, as the first version of the
driver, etc. which we are gooing to Microsoft Windows.
discussed below. • Windows 3.0, released in May 1990.
Operating System
An operating system is a software program that enables the computer hardware to
communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating
system, the computer and the software programs will be useless. Operating system
software helps to activate the computer system and provide them common platform to
work. Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Linux, UNIX, etc. are popular
name of operating system.
Functions of Operating system
There are many functions performed by the operating system but the main function is to
provide the common interface between the user and the hardware. Some of the important
functions of an operating systems are listed below.
Memory Management
It is an important function of operating system. The memory cannot be managed without
operating system. Different programs and data execute in memory at one time. If there is
no operating system, the programs may mix with each other and the system will not work
It is the process of starting the computer operating systems to work. It checks the whole
computer system and makes it ready to work.

44 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Process Management
CPU can perform one task at one time. If there are many tasks; operating system decides
which task should get the CPU at first.
Storage Management
Operating system controls all the storage operation means how the data or files will be
stored in the computers and how the files will be accessed by the users.
Data security
Data are important parts of a computer system. The operating system protects the data
stored on the computer from unauthorized use, modification or deletion.

Quick Learn
 Computer software is a collection of computer programs. System software is
software that is designed to control and work with the computer hardware.
 An operating system is a software program that enables the computer hardware
to communicate and operate with the computer software.
 Without a computer operating system, a computer and software program will be
 Memory Management, Booting, Process Management, Storage Management,
Data security etc. are the functions of an operating system.

Language Translator
The instructions given by the users are Exploring Knowledge!
the high level language which cannot • The full form of UNIX is Universal Net
be understood by the machine. So it work Information Exchange
must be translated into commands to • Shareware is a software that allows a user
understand by the machine. A computer to try all or part of the program for free
language translator is a program that
before buying it.
translates a set of code written in one
programming language into a functional equivalent of the code in another programming
language. The following are the important roles of a language translator.
 Translating the high-level language program input into an equivalent machine
language program.
 Providing diagnostic messages wherever the programmer violates specification
of the high-level language program.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 45

Types of language translator

Compiler: Compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level

language to low-level language. It translates the entire program and also reports the errors
in source program encountered during the translation.
Source Target
Program Program


Interpreter: It is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language

to low-level language. An interpreter translates line by line and reports the error once it
encountered during the translation process. It directly executes the operations specified in
the source program when the input is given by the user. It gives better error diagnostics
than a compiler.
Assembler: An assembler is a translator which is used to translate the assembly language
code into machine language code.
Differences between compiler and interpreter
Compiler Interpreter
It performs the translation of a program as It performs statement by statement
a whole. translation.
Program execution is faster. Program execution is slower.
It requires more memory as linking is Memory usage is efficient as no intermediate
needed. object code is generated.
Debugging is difficult. Debugging is easy.
C, C++ uses the compilers. Python, BASIC, and Ruby use
Device Driver
A device driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer,
such as a keyboard, mouse, pen drive, etc. A device driver is a small piece of software
that tells the operating system and other software how to communicate with a piece of
hardware.The driver program converts the more general input/output instructions of the
operating system to messages that the device can understand.

46 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Exploring Knowledge!
• The first compiler was written by Grace Hopper, in 1952 AD.
• The first autocode and its compiler were developed by AlickGlennie
in 1952 AD. for the Mark I.
• PL/C was a computer programming language developed at Cornell
University in the early 1970s.

Quick Learn
 A computer language translator is a program that translates a set of code written
in one computer language into another.
 Compiler, assembler and interpreter are the types of language translator.
 The function of a language translator is to translate the high-level language into
machine language.
 A compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language
to low-level language.
 An assembler is a translator which is used to translate the assembly language
code into machine language code.
 A device driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer
 A device driver is a small piece of software that tells the operating system and
other software how to communicate with a piece of hardware.

Utility Software

An utility software is a special type of system software used to maximize the utility of
the hardware devices and computer system. We can use utility software for scanning
the hard disk, repair and maintenance of computer system and remove the viruses from
the computer system. Utility software is a system software designed to help analyse,
configure, optimize or maintain a computer. Antivirus, Backup software, clipboard,
compression utility, debuggers; scandisk, and other toolkits are the examples of utility

Application Software
Application software is developed for the specific use. This software is developed using
high level language. An application software is a set of one or more programs designed

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 47

to solve a specific problem of a specific task. This program directs a computer to solve a
user-oriented problem, such as preparing bills, preparing marks ledger, etc.
Types of application softwares
An application software is classified into two types they are packaged software and
tailored software.
Packaged Software
A packaged software is software that is often used together to perform similar functions,
or includes similar features, as a set of software programs. It is readymade software
developed for the general users to perform the particular task. Word Processing, Database
Management, Graphics software package like adobe, multimedia software, etc. are the
examples of packaged software.
Customized Software
A customized software is also known as tailor-made software. This type of software is
specially developed for some specific organization or other user. Software of hospitals,
department stores, bill processing, school management software, banking software, air
ticket reservations, etc. are some customized software. Custom software is developed
for a single customer that can accommodate customer’s particular preferences and
expectations. The custom software is designed according to the needs of the user or an

Exploring Knowledge!
 Schools and colleges can use custom software to keep admission details of
 Custom software are also known as bespoke software.

Quick Learn
 A utility software is special type of system software used to maximize the utility of
the hardware devices and computer system.
 Antivirus, Backup software, Debugger, Scandisk, etc. are the name of popular
utility software.
 An application software is developed for the specific use.
 A packaged Software and customize software are the types of application software.
 A custom software is also known as tailor-made software.

48 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.
a. Which of the following is input hardware?
i. Keyboard ii. Monitor iii. Speaker
b. Which of the following is a processing hardware?
i. CPU ii. Printer iii. Scanner
c. Which of the following is a volatile memory?
i. RAM ii. ROM iii. Hard Disk
d. Which of the following is a system software?
i. Operating System ii. Application Package iii. Graphics Design
e. Which of the following is an language translator?
i. Compiler ii. Interpreter iii. Both (i) and (ii)
f. Which of the following is application software?
i. Packaged Software ii. Customized Software (iii) Both (i) and (ii)

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. An …………. device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is
used to provide data and instructions to the computer system.
b. The devices that are used to display the result to the user are …………….
c. The storage location where the programs and data are stored permanently
for future use is referred to as the ……………… memory.
d. ………………. is the memory that stores the data permanently.
e. An …………….. is a software program that enables the computer hardware
to communicate and operate with the computer software.
f. The function of …………… is to translate the high-level language into
machine language.
g. ………………. is a translator which is used to translate the assembly
language code into machine language code.
h. A …………. is a small piece of software that tells the operating system
and other software how to communicate with a piece of hardware.
i. Antivirus, Backup software, Debugger, Scandisk, etc. are the name of
popular …………………...

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 49

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. A computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer.
b. The storage location where the data are held permanently is referred to
as the primary memory.
c. A random access memory is a non-volatile memory.
d. Computer software is a collection of computer programs.
e. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs
will be useless.
f. Compiler, Assembler and Interpreter are the types of language translator.
g. A compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in machine-level
language to low-level language.
h. A device driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your
computer system.
i. An application software is developed for the specific use.
j. A custom software is also known as designing software.

4. Match the following.

RAM Input Hardware
ROM Secondary Storage
Mouse Volatile Memory
Hard Disk Processing Hardware
CPU Non-Volatile memory

5. Write down the full forms of the followings.


6. Write down the single technical term for the followings.

a. A computer memory which contains lost when the computer system is turned
b. A computer memory which can store the data and programs for the long time.
c. A computer hardware that is responsible to process all the activities inside the
computer system.
d. A system software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate
and operate with the computer software.

50 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

e. It is the process of starting the computer operating systems to work.
f. It is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language
to low-level language.
7. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What are the two types of input hardware?
b. Name any two output hardware.
c. Which of the computer memory is called volatile memory?
d. What is booting?
e. Name any two language translator.
f. Name any two utility software.
8. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is computer hardware? Define input, output and processing hardware
in short.
b. Why RAM is called volatile memory?
c. What are the types of system software? Write about Operating System.
d. What are the functions of operating system?
e. What is language translator? Why it is needed in computer system?
f. Define utility software with its examples.
g. What is an application software? Write its types.
9. Write long answer to the following questions.

a. What are the types of computer hardware? Explain in details.

b. Explain about system software. What are the functions of an operating system?

Project Work & Activity

• Visit your computer lab and prepare a list of application software, system
software, utility software, device drivers that are used in the computer system.
• Conduct a presentation on “The role of operating system in the computer and in
other computing devices”.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 51

Operating System

Expected Competency
At the end of this
Thisunit, students
chapter coverswillthe
able to: topics:
• explain the functions of operating system and its types.
• describe about the booting and its types.
• tell about MS -DOS and types of DOS commands.
• write about the windows operating system.
• identify the various desktop icons.
• list out some special features of window.


Operating system is a master controlled computer program which controls and coordinates
with all the activities of the computer system. A computer is nothing without operating
system. The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a computer
system. An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer
hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. It acts as an
interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all
kinds of programs. Some popular operating systems are Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS,
OS/400, AIX, z/OS, etc.

Functions of operating system

Memory Management
Memory management refers to the management of primary memory or main memory.
Main memory is a large collection of words where each word has its own address.
Processor Management
An operating system does the different activities for processor management which are
given below.

52 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 It keeps tracks of processor and status of process.
 It allocates the processor (CPU) to a process.
 It de-allocates processor when a process is no longer required.
Device Management
Exploring Knowledge!
An Operating System manages The purpose of an operating system is
device communication through their to provide an environment in which a user
respective drivers. can execute programs in a convenient and
File Management efficient manner.

A file system is normally organized into directories for easy navigation and usage. An
Operating System does the following activities for file management.
 Keeps track of information, location, uses status, etc.
 Decides who gets the resources.
 Allocates the resources.
With the help of password and some other techniques operating system prevents the
computer from unauthorized access.

Quick Learn
 Operating system is a master controlled computer program which controls and
coordinates with all the activities of the computer system.
 An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer
hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.
 An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and
the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.
 Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS, OS/400 are the examples of popular operating
 Memory management refers to the management of primary memory or main
 An Operating System manages device communication through their respective
 A file system is normally organized into directories for easy navigation and usage.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 53

Types of operating system

There are various types of operating systems. The types of operating systems are classified
on the basis of user and interface.
Types of operating system according to user mode
Single user operating system
Single user operating system is Exploring Knowledge!
developed to fulfil the requirement of
Real-time operating systems are used in
a single user. A single user operating
system provides the facilities to be environments where a large number of events,
used on one computer by only one user. mostly external to the computer system, must
In other words, it supports one user at be accepted and processed in a short time or
a time. However, it may support more within certain deadlines.
than one profile. Single keyboard and
single monitor are used for the purpose of interaction. The most common example of a
single user operating system is a system that is found in a typical home computer. A single-
user operating system is a system in which only one user can access the computer system
at a time. MS-DOS, mobile operating system, windows 95, windows 98, etc. are the
examples of single user operating system.
Multi User operating system
A multi-user operating system is
designed for more than one user to Exploring Knowledge!
access the computer at one time. Multitasking operation is accomplished
Mainframes and minicomputers work by scheduling processes for execution
on multi-user operating systems. These independently for each other.
operating systems are complex in
comparison to single user operating systems. Each user is provided with a terminal and all
these terminals are connected to a main computer. Multi-user operating system allows more
than one user to access a computer system at one time. Time-sharing systems are multi-
user systems. Most batch processing systems for mainframe computers are also multi-
user operating system.
Types of operating system on the basis of interface
Command User Interface
A CUI is a user interface to the computer’s operating system or an application in which
the user responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a specified line, receives
a response back from the system, and then enters another command. A CUI is an
interface which allows the user to interact directly with the computer system by typing in
commands into a screen.MS-DOS, Windows command line, Terminal, and the Linux are
the command user interface.

54 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Graphical User Interface
Graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface that enables a person to communicate with
a computer through the use of symbols, visual metaphors, and pointing devices. For
example, all the versions of Microsoft Windows utilize a GUI aspect in MS-DOS. GUI
based operating systems are more user-friendly and easier to use. We can use mouse, light
pen, touch pad and other latest types of input devices on GUI interface.

Quick Learn
 A single user operating system provides the facilities to be used on one computer
by only one user.
 A single-user operating system is a system in which only one user can access the
computer system at a time.
 MS-DOS, mobile operating system, windows 95, windows 98, etc. are the examples
of single user operating system.
 A multi-user operating system is designed for more than one user to access the
computer at one time.
 Mainframes and minicomputers work on multi-user operating systems.
 Multi-user operating system allows more than one user to access a computer
system at one time.
 A CUI is an interface which allows the user to interact directly with the computer
system by typing in commands into a screen.
 MS-DOS, Windows command line, Terminal, and the Linux are the command
user interface.
 Graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface that enables a person to communicate
with a computer through the use of symbols, visual metaphors, and pointing


Booting is the process of starting or Exploring Knowledge!

restarting the computer system or even Microprocessor technology evolved to
other computing devices. It is a process the point that it becomes possible to build
of operation that loads and starts the desktop computers as powerful as the
computer system from the starting mainframes of the 1970s.
point when a user switches on the
power button. In the booting, system will check all the hardware and software those are

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 55

installed or attached with the system and this will also load all the files those are needed
for running a system. All the files that are stored into the ROM Chip will also be loaded for
running the system. During this process the system will read all the information from the
files those are stored into the ROM Chip and the ROM chip will read all the instructions
those are stored into these Files.
Types of Booting
There are two types of booting which are explained below.
Warm Booting: It is a method where the operating system is restarted without switching
it off after a computer locks or crashes. This type of booting is faster and helps the OS
recover from errors easily. It is also the process of starting or restarting the computer by
pressing the restart button of the system unit or by pressing the CTRL + ALT + DEL key
at the same time through the keyboard.
Cold Booting: It is the process of starting a computer after switching it off. When the
system start from the starting or the initial stage that is a cold booting. Cold booting is a
start-up process that begins with turning on the computer’s power button. A cold boot is
typically performed by pressing the power button on the computer.

Booting Process
A booting process is a number of actions the system goes through to make sure that all
the required files and hardware are ready to perform user task. Below are step by step
procedures the system follows:
 Once the power button is pressed, the computer signals the motherboard to start
including the CPU.
 Once power supplied is sufficient, Exploring Knowledge!
the computer sends another signal
called “Power OK” to the BIOS  MS-DOS was a standard operating
which starts the booting process system for IBM-compatible personal
computers. The initial versions of DOS
by initializing the POST (Power
were very simple and resembled another
On self Test) process. operating system called CP/M.
 POST checks whether devices  In 1987 AD Microsoft released Windows
have enough power, all devices and 2.0.
interrupts are identified and
properly initialized.
 POST hands control back to BIOS to continue with booting.
 BIOS look for a Boot sector also known as Master Boot Record (MBR) which is
an image from the floppy disk, hard drive or DVD.

56 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 If BIOS finds the right boot sector, it loads the image in memory and executes it.
 If BIOS fails to get a valid boot sector, it halts execution and generates an error
message “Disk boot failure”.
Introduction to MS-DOS
It is a single user single tasking operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation
of USA. MS-DOS was originally called 86-DOS. DOS is based on CUI in which user
can use the commands to perform the task. MS-DOS was written by Tim Paterson and
introduced by Microsoft in August 1981 AD.
Basic terminologies
File is a collection of related information. It is a collection of data stored in one unit,
identified by a filename. It can be a document, picture, audio or video, data library,
application, or other collection of data. Files can be opened, saved, deleted, and moved to
different folders. They can also be transferred across network connections or downloaded
from the Internet.
It is like a folder which can hold many files. It is also called a cabinet for a file. A directory
is another name for a folder. File systems use directories to organize files within a storage
device, such as a Hard Disk Drive. For example, system files may be located in one
directory, while the user files may be stored in another.
A command is an instruction given by a user telling a computer to do something.
Commands are generally issued by typing them in at the command and then pressing the
ENTER key. Command is also an instruction written in a computer acceptable language
that user types on the DOS prompt.

Quick Learn
 A booting is the process of starting or restarting the computer system.
 A booting is a start-up sequence that starts the operating system of a computer
when it is turned on.
 Warm Booting and cold booting are the types of booting.
 MS DOS is a single user single tasking operating system developed by Microsoft
Corporation of USA.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 57

 MS-DOS was written by Tim Paterson and introduced by Microsoft in August
1981 AD.
 A file is a collection of related information. It is a collection of data stored in one
unit, identified by a filename.
 A directory is another name for a folder.
 A command is also an instruction written in a computer acceptable language that
user types on the DOS prompt.

Types of DOS command

Internal Commands

Internal commands are used for performing basic operations on files and directories which
do not need any external file support. The internal commands are those commands that
are automatically loaded in the memory. Some commonly used DOS internal commands
we are going to discuss them.
This command is used to clear the DOS working screen
Syntax: CLS
Example: C: \>CLS <enter>: It clears the screen.
This command is used to display and change the system time as per the requirement.
Syntax: TIME [Time]
Example: C: \>TIME <enter>: It changes the system time. You can press enter key without
typing the time if you do not want to change the system time. The time should enter in
HH:MM:SS format.
This command is used to display and change the system date as per the requirment.
Syntax: DATE [Date]
Example: C: \>DATE<enter>: It changes the system date. You can press enter without
typing the date if you do not want to change the system date. The date should be entered
in MM-DD-YY format.

58 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Exploring Knowledge!
 Windows NT (New Technology) is a 32-bit operating system that supports
pre-emptive multitasking.
 There were two versions of Windows NT. They are Windows NT Server and
Windows NT Workstation.

This command is used to display the current DOS version of your windows.
Syntax: VER
Example: C: \>VER<enter>: It displays the current MS-DOS version number.
This command is used to display the volume label and volume serial number of the disk.
Syntax: VOL [drive]
Example: C: \>VOL D:<enter>: It displays volume label and serial number of
drive D.
This command is used to create a new DOS text file.
Syntax: COPY CON [File name]
Example: C: \>COPY CON NEPAL<enter> : Type the text that you want to insert in the
file named Nepal and press F6 or CTRL + Z to save it.
This command is used to display the content of the existing file.
Syntax: TYPE [Previous or created file name]
Example: C: \>TYPE NEPAL <enter>: It displays the content of the file.
This command is used to display the files and subdirectories of the current drive with the
help of different wild card characters.
Syntax: DIR [drive:] [Path][File name][/p][/W]
 C: \>DIR <enter> : It displays all the files and directories of drive C.
 C:\> DIR/P <enter> : It displays all the files and directories of drive C with page

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 59

 C:\> DIR/W <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
width wise.
 C:\> DIR/O <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
alphabetical order wise.
 C:\> DIR/P/W <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
page wise and width wise.
 C:\> DIR/P/W/O <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
page wise, width wise and alphabetic order wise.
 C:\> DIR *.* <enter>: It displays all the files of drive C with having any file
 C:\> DIR *.doc<enter: It displays all the files of drive C with having .doc as an
This command is used to change the existing file name with new file name.
Syntax: REN [drive:] [Path] <old file name><new file name>
Example: C: \>REN NEPAL HIMAL<enter>: It changes the existing file name NEPAL
into new file name HIMAL of drive C.
This command is used to delete the existing text file.
Syntax: DEL [drive:] [Path] <file name>
Example: C: \>DEL HIMAL <enter>: It deletes the existing file name HIMAL of drive C.
This command is used to make a directory.
Syntax: MD [drive:] [Path] < name of directory>
Example: C: \>MD KAMAL <enter>: It creates a directory named KAMAL in drive C.
This command is used to select an existing directory.
Syntax: CD [drive:] [Path] < name of created directory>
Example: C: \>CD KAMAL <enter>: It selects the existing directory in drive C.
Result: C:\KAMAL>

60 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

This command is used to remove the directory. Be sure that if the directory is not empty,
you cannot remove the directory.
Syntax: RD [drive:] [Path] < name of directory>
Example: C: \>RD KAMAL <enter>: It deletes the existing directory KAMAL of drive

External Commands

These commands help to perform some specific tasks. These are stored in a secondary
storage device. External command is DOS command that is not included in command.
com. External commands are not memory resident commands. Some of the external DOS
commands are explained below.

This command is used to edit or change the DOS file.
Syntax: EDIT [drive:] [Path] < name of text file>
Example: C: \>EDIT HIMAL <enter>
 A new edit window will appear.
 Change the text as required and save it.
 After saving it, close these windows from the file menu.
 Now check it by using TYPE command in DOS prompt.
This command is used to format a disk. If we are going to use any new disk, we can
format it with the help of FORMAT command from DOS.
Syntax: FORMAT [drive:] [/V] [:label] [/Q]
Example: C: \>FORMAT A: It formats a disk in drive A.
This command is used to give or change the volume label for the specified disk.
Syntax: LABEL [drive:] <label name>
Example: C: \>LABEL D: It helps to give new label name of the drive D.
This command helps to check the disk of specified drive and corrects the errors.
Syntax: CHKDSK [drive:]
Example: C: \>CHKDSK D: It checks the disk in drive A.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 61

Quick Learn
 The internal commands are those commands that are automatically loaded in “the
 Some commonly used DOS internal commands are CLS, DIR, TIME, DATE,
 A CLS command is used to clear the DOS working screen
 A VOL command is used to display the volume label and volume serial number of
the disk.
 A COPY CON command is used to create a new DOS text file.
 A REN command is used to change the existing file name with new file name.
 A EDIT command is used to edit or change the DOS file.
 A FORMAT command is used to format a disk.
 A LABEL command is used to give or change the volume label for the specified
 A CHKDSK command helps to check the disk of specified drive and corrects
the errors.

Introduction to Windows 7

Windows operating system is a system program that

controls the operations of the computer system. It was
developed by Microsoft that provides an interface, known as
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for computers. Before the
release of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft users used the single-
task command line operating system MS-DOS. The first version
of Microsoft Windows was windows 1.0 and it was released in
1985.Windows acts like the intermediary between a user and the
computer hardware. It has two major objectives, first is to activate the hardware devices
and second is to provide an interactive interface to the user and interpret commands.
Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI), virtual memory management,
multitasking, and support for many peripheral devices.

62 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Features of operating system

The primary features of Windows 7 are listed below.

 It has new start menu which provides the primary access point for programs and
 It has the taskbar and notification area which contains three main components, the
Start button, the Task/Quick launch bar and the System Notification Area.
 It has Windows Snipping Tool which helps to capture, save and share “snipped”
 It has Windows Explored Libraries so that you can collect and track documents on
your computers that are related to one another.
 It manages the hardware such as printers, scanners, mouse, digital cameras, etc.

Introduction to the Desktop

The windows desktop is the first screen that appears when you operate a computer with a
windows OS. The below is the desktop screen that we see at first after opening a computer.

You can see some pictures on your desktop, these are called icons. To access the program
you can use the icons. To open an icon, you can double-click on it by using the left mouse
button. Some of the common desktop icons are explained below:

Explanation of some desktop icons

Users document
It is the default storage location (folder) for your files that you create.
When you save or open a file, Microsoft Windows first opens the user
dialog box. You can also manually select the desire location and store
the documents.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 63

It displays the information about your computer, such as the contents
of your computer drives and other peripherals devices like pen drive,
camera, mobile or other storage. It also allows you to find, view and
organize files in a systematic way.
Recycle Bin
This is a place where the deleted items from windows get stored. Your
computers data and files should be tidied up regularly. You can delete
any unwanted files from the system. The files that you delete from your
computer system will be placed first in the Recycle Bin.
Internet Explorer
With the help of the Internet Explorer you can search and view
information on the web site. You can search the information about the
various topics, download music, copy graphics, etc. with the help of this
The Taskbar
The taskbar is the long horizontal bar located at the bottom of the screen. The taskbar is
always visible. It has three main sections.

The Start button: It helps to open the Start menu.

The middle section : It shows you which programs and files you have opened. It
helps to quickly switch between the programs.
The notification area : It includes a clock and icons that communicate the status
of certain programs and computer settings.

The notification area

The notification area is located at the far right side of the taskbar, includes a clock and a
group of icons.
These icons communicate the status of something on your computer or provide access to
certain settings. The set of icons you see depends on which programs or services you have
installed and how your computer manufacturer set up your computer. The various icons
of notification area are listed below.

64 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Volume icon : It shows the current volume level of your computer. You can also change
the volume with the help of this icon.

Network icon : It displays information about

whether you are connected to a network or not
and also the connection speed, and the signal strength. You can double click on this icon
in the notification area to open the program or setting that is related to it.

USB input icon : It displays information when you attach storage device to your system.
You can click the close button in the upper-right corner of the notification to remove it.
If you do not do anything, the notification will fade away on its own after a few seconds.

Changing the New Account (New User)

Scan Here
In Windows 7 you can create your own account so that each person
that uses your computer can have their own user account. It allows
each person to have their own settings, and it allows you to set up
Parental Controls to limit the access with your computer system.
Here, you will learn to create new user accounts and change the
account settings. For video tutorials

Setting Up Multiple User Accounts

There are two types of user accounts control which are discussed below.
Standard: Standard accounts are the basic accounts that you use for normal
tasks. As a Standard user, you can do just about anything you need to do, such
as running software or personalizing your desktop.
Administrator: Administrator accounts are special accounts used for making
certain changes to system settings or managing other people’s accounts. They
have full access to every setting on the computer. Every computer will have
at least one administrator account. Administrator accounts are more powerful
but for the same reason, standard accounts are safer, so they are generally
better for everyday use.

Access user Accounts

 Open Control Panel from the Start Menu or from the desktop icons.
 You will get the dialogue box as below.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 65

 Click on user accounts.
 The Manage Accounts pane will appear. You will see all of the user accounts
here, and you can add more accounts or manage the existing one.

Creating a new account

 From the Manage another account button, click on the Create a new account.

 Type an account name.

 Select Standard user or Administrator.

66 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Click on the Create Account.
 Now your account will be created as in the given dialogue box.

Changing an Account’s Settings

Once you have created a new account, you may want to add a password or make other
changes to the account’s settings.

Creating a Password

Password is a secret word or phrase that prevents the computer system from the
unauthorized access. The following are the ways to protect computer with the password.

 From the Manage another account button, click the account name or picture.

 Click on Create a password

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 67

 Type a password in the New password field and retype it in the Confirm new
password field.

 If you want, you can type a password hint to help you remember your password.

 Click on the Create password.

 To go back to the Manage another account button, click on the Manage another

Note: Account passwords are case sensitive, which means that capital and lowercase
letters are treated as different characters.

Changing Your Account Picture

You can also change the picture for any account. This picture appears next to
the account name and helps you easily identify the account.

 From the Manage Accounts pane, click on the account name or picture.

 Click on the Change the picture.

68 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select a picture, or click on the Browse for more pictures to select as you required.
 Click on the Change Picture.

Setting up Parental Controls

 Go to your Control Panel from the Start Menu.

 Click on the parental controls for any user.

 Click on any user Account.
 Click on the on, enforce current setting.

 Now you can click on the Time limits, Games or Allow and block specific programs to set
the Parental Controls.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 69

Setting Date and Time

The date and time is located at the right most side (Notification
Area) of the taskbar. When you place the mouse pointer on the
Date and Time indicator, it displays system date as Friday, August 10, 2018 . If the current
system date and time is incorrect you can change it with the help of given steps.
 Click on Date/Time indicator in the taskbar.
 Click on change date and time setting option.
 A new dialogue box will appear.

 Again click on change date and

time button.

 You will get next windows, Scan Here

change it as required and click on
ok to apply it

Use of Snipping Tool

For video tutorials

The easiest way to make a copy of something is to take a snapshot of your screen. You
can use snipping tool to do this work. You can save it in the picture format and insert in
any part of the document.
There are various options with this tool which you can get
from New option.
 Free-form Snip: Draw a free-form shape around an
 Rectangular Snip: Drag the cursor around an object to
form a rectangle.
 Window Snip: Select a window, such as a browser
window or dialog box, that you want to capture.
 Full-screen Snip: Capture the entire screen.
After you capture a snip, it will automatically copied
to the Snipping Tool window. From there, you can insert, save, or share the snip. The
following procedures explain how to use Snipping Tool.

70 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Opening snipping tool
 Click on the start button.
 Type Snipping in the search box then you will
see the list of results.
 Click on Snipping Tool to open it.
Capture a snip
In Snipping Tool, select the arrow next to the New
button, choose the kind of snip you want, and then
pick the area of your screen that you want to capture.
Capture a snip of a menu
 After you open Snipping Tool, open the menu
that you want a picture (Press Esc before opening
the menu.)

 Press Ctrl + PrtScn.

 Select the arrow next to the New button, choose the kind of snip you want, and
then pick the area of the screen that you want to capture.
Annotate a snip

After you capture a snip, you can write or draw on or around the snip by selecting the Pen
Saving a snip

 After you capture a snip, select the Save Snip


 In the Save As box, enter a file name, location, and

save as type then click on Save.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 71

Quick Learn
 An operating system is a system software that controls the operation of a
computer system by activating its components and provide operating
environment for other software.
 Basically, there are two types of interface of OS. These are command
interface and graphical interface.
 Popular OS are Microsoft Disk Operating system (MSDOS), Windows System,
Linux and Unix, etc.
 There are different versions of windows. These are Windows 98, Windows 2000
Server, Windows XP, (XP is experience), windows Vista and Windows 7.
 GUI (Graphical User Interface) system is user-friendly than CUI (Command User
 Windows 7 has new starts button which provides the primary access point for
 The various items of desktop are called icons.
 The task bar is a long horizontal bar located at the buttom of the desktop.
 The notification area is located at the far right side of the task bar.
 Standard accounts are the basic accounts that are used for normal task.
. Password is a secret word or Phrase that prevents the computer system from
unauthorized Access.
 The date and time is located at the right most side of the task bar.

Creating a file in desktop

 Right click the mouse button on the

blank area of desktop.
 Select the New Option.
 A list will appear, choose Microsoft Office
Word Document.
 An icon will appear with document name.
Rename the document name as
required and double click on it to view
the document windows.

72 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Renaming a file or folder

 Right click over the name of file or folder .

 A list will appear as in the right dialogue box.
 Choose the Rename from the options list.
 Type new file name as required and press the enter

Deleting a file or folder

 Right click over the name of the file or folder.

 A list will appear as in the right dialogue box.
 Choose the delete from the option.
 Now your file will delete and move to the
recycle bin.

Changing the desktop background

 Right click on the blank area of desktop.

 A list of options will appear, select personalize option.
 Click on desktop background from the bottom left side.
 Select the required background option.

Scan Here

For video tutorials

 Click on save changes to apply the setting.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 73

Changing the screen saver
 Right click on the blank area of desktop.
 A list of options will appear and select
personalize option.
 Click on screen saver from the
bottom right side.
 A new screen saver windows
will appear.
 Click on down arrow and choose 3D text or
other required option.
 Click on apply and click on OK button to apply.

Changing desktop theme

 Right click on the blank area of desktop.

 A list of options will appear, select personalize
 Choose the required theme from theme options and
press right mouse button over the theme.
 Click on save theme and type the name for the

Scan Here

For video tutorials

 Click on the save to save the current theme.

74 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Introduction to Windows 8

A windows 8 is a latest and updated version of operating system popularly used in desktop,
laptop and other handheld devices. This operating system was launched on October
2012 for general use. It is different in user interface than windows 7. This interface was
specially designed for the touch screen devices. Nowadays mobile and some tablets are
also using windows 8. On October 18, 2013 Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a next
version of windows 8.

Requirement to use windows 8

 1 GHz processor or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit or 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit
 16 GB of hard drive space for 32 bit or 20 GB for 64-bit
 DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher.

Quick Learn
 A window 8 is a latest and updated version of operating system
popularly used in desktop, laptop and other handheld devices.
 Windows 8 was launched on October 2012 for general use.
 On October 18, 2013 Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a next version
of windows 8.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 75


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. ………………… is a collection of programs that manages computer hardware
b. A ………… operating system is a system in which only one user can access the
computer system at a time.
c. A ……….. operating system is designed for more than one user to access the
computer at one time.
d. Mainframes and minicomputers work on …………… operating systems.
e. A ………. is an interface which allows the user to interact directly with the
computer system by typing in commands into a screen.
f. ………….. is the process of starting or restarting the computer system
g. …………. is a collection of related information.
h. A ………….. is another name for a folder.
i. In …………………….. Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a next version of
windows 8.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. An application software is a master control computer program which control
and coordinates with all the activities of the computer system.
b. An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and
the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.
c. Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS, OS/400 are the examples of popular utility
d. The operating system manages device communication through their respective
e. A single user operating system provides the facilities to be used on one computer
by multi user.
f. A multi-user operating system allows more than one user to access a computer
system at one time.
g. A character user interface is an interface that enables a person to communicate
with a computer through the use of symbols, visual metaphors, and pointing
h. A booting is a start-up sequence that starts the operating system of a computer
when it is turned on.
i. Cold booting and warm booting are the types of operating system.
j. Windows 8 was launched on October 2016 for general use.

76 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

3. Match the following.
GUI Single user operating system
Multi User Functions of an operating system
Firmware Windows 10
MS-DOS Multi user can work at a time
Memory Management Software written on ROM
4. Write down the full forms of the followings.
5. Write down the function of the following DOS commands.
c. C:\> DIR/W/O/P d. C:\> MD KAMAL
e. C:\> FORMAT A: f. C:\> COPY RAM.TXT D:
g. D:\> EDIT RAMESH h. D:\> DIR *.*
i. C:\> LABEL D: j. D:\> TIME
6. Write down the function of the following DOS commands.
7. Write down the proper steps for the followings.
a. Changing the desktop background.
b. Changing the desktop theme.
c. Creating a word file in windows desktop.
d. Setting date and time from the notification area.
e. Creating password in your user account.
8. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Write any one function of operating system.
b. Name any two popular operating systems.
c. What are the types of booting?
d. Name any two internal DOS commands.
e. What was the first version of windows?
f. Name any two components of windows desktop.
g. Where is the default location of taskbar on desktop?
9. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is an operating system? Write its types and describe in short.
b. Explain the functions of an operating system in short.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 77

c. What are the types of an operating system? Define one of them.
d. Define GUI and CUI with some examples.
e. What is internal and external DOS command? Define any two of them.
f. What is a windows 7? Write any two features of it.
g. Explain the types of booting.
10. Write long answer of the following question.
a. Explain the types of OS on the basis of user mode and on the basis of
user interface.
b. Explain all the components of the notification area.
Lab Activities
a. Create a file in windows desktop with your name.
b. Use any type of picture as your desktop background.
c. Create a new folder name named ‘Computer 8” in windows desktop.
d. Create user account with your name.
e. Create password in your account.
f. Remove password from your user account.
g. Change the system date and time from DOS and desktop.
h. Open windows explorer and list out its components.
i. Create a file with your name on MSDOS.
j. Copy file in DOS.
k. Rename file in DOS.
l. Delete file having extension name DOC.
m. Make a directory with your Roll No.
n. Remove directory.
o. Take snip of your desktop background.

Project Work & Activity

• Make a list of devices and operating system softwares installed in your lab’s
• Make a list of any five operating system softwares.
• Make a list of internal and external commands.

78 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Word Processing Program-2010

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
able to: topics:
• define work processing with its features.
• work with formatting of word documents.
• work with header and footer.
• work with charts.
• work with Tables.


Microsoft Office Word 2010 is a word processing program,

designed to create professional documents with various document
formatting tools. It is one of the latest versions of Microsoft office
word. We can use it to prepare documents more efficiently. It has
more powerful editing and revising tools. We use this for creating,
editing and modifying the documents. Most of the features it has
are same as previous versions of office but there are some new
features, which are listed below.

 We can edit and modify the documents easily.

 Easy way to work with paragraph and document formatting.

 It helps to create browser, pamphlet , catalogue with some readymade samples.

 It has more features for picture, graph and chart editing.

 We can insert various styles of document themes

 It has various options for document printing.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 79

Starting Word 2010
 Click on the Start button and select All Programs options.
 Select Microsoft Office and click on Microsoft Office Word 2010.
 Now we will get the windows of word 2010.

Understanding the First Screen

File Tab
This tab holds the information related to file like save, open, new, print, etc. It also displays
the information about the document. It is one the most important features of Office 2010.

80 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

The ribbon holds all the information in a more visual stream line manner through a series
of tabs. There are various ribbons with various tabs which are listed below.
Home Tab
This is the most useful tab in Microsoft word. It is mostly used for text formatting. We can
work with fonts, paragraphs, styles and document editing with this tab.

Insert Tab
This tab helps you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip arts,
tables and header and footer options.

Page Layout Tab

This tab has commands to adjust page elements such as margins, orientation, inserting
columns, page backgrounds and themes.

Reference Tab
This tab has commands to use when creating a Table of Contents and citation page for a
paper. It provides many features such as Update Table, Insert Caption, Insert Endnote and
Footnote, Bibliography, etc.

Mailing Tab
This tab allows you to create documents to help when sending out mailings such as
printing envelopes, labels and processing mail merges.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 81

Review Tab
This tab allows you to make any changes to the document related to spelling and grammar
issues. It also holds the track changes feature which provides to make notes and changes
to a document of another person.

View Tab
This tab allows you to change the view of the document. You can use document view,
zoom, show, macros etc with the help of this tab.

Format Tab
This tab gets active when you click on any picture element of word document. We can
apply the different picture Properties with the help of this tab like brightness, contrast,
Wrap text, shadow effect, cropping etc.

Creating a New File using Design Template

Design templates are the ready made features of word which you can use directly. You can
use various built-in templates from a wide selection of popular Word templates, including
resumes, agendas, business cards, etc. These are inbuilt with Microsoft office word 2010.
Creating a template
Scan Here
 Click on the File tab then click on New.

For video tutorials

82 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 You can see various Available Templates options as in above dialog box.
 To use one of the built-in templates. Click Sample Templates, again click on
the template that you want, and then click Create.

To reuse a template that you have recently used.

1. Click on file an click on new.
2. Click recent templates, click the template that you want to add and then click on
create‑ button.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 83

3. To find a template on, under Templates, click the template
category that you want, and click Download to download the template from Office.
com to your computer. (Be sure your computer is connected with internet)

4. Once you have selected your template you can modify it in any way to
create the document that you want.
5. Finally, you can save it for your further use.

Opening a document
1. Click the File tab, and then click Open.
2. In the left pane of the Open dialogue box,
click the drive or folder where you saved your
3. In the right pane of the Open dialogue box,
open the folder that contains the document
that you want.
4. Click the document and then click on Open

Formatting the text

It is the way of changing the font size, font face, etc. We can do lots of editing task with
the help of formatting text option. Scan Here
To change the font face Shortcut: CTRL+ SHIFT + F
 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on the arrow of font name box.
 Click on the required font name from the list.
For video tutorials

84 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

To change the font size
Shortcut: CTRL+ SHIFT + P
 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on the arrow of font size box.
 Click on the required font size from the list to increase or decrease the size of font.

To highlight the text.

 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on the arrow of text highlight colour
 Now the text will highlight as your selection.
To change the font colour
 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on the arrow of font colour tool.
 A list of sample of colour will appear.
 Click on the required font colour to apply.

Bold, Italic and Underline

 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on ‘B’ to make the text bold, ‘I’ for italic and ‘U’ for
underline as required.

Copy the formatting

If you want to apply the same formatting to the

document as you have done in previous, you can use
this option. It means you can copy formatting from
one place and apply it to another place.
 Place the mouse or select the text which has
already formatted.
 Click on home tab and move on clipboard group.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 85

 Click on format painter tool.
 Select the text or paragraph that you want to apply.
 Now the text will change into its previous setting.

Quick Learn
 Ms-word helps to create, edit and format the text for the document
 File tab holds the information related to file.
 The ribbon holds all the information in a more visual stream line manner
through a series of tabs.
 Design templates are the ready made features of word, which we can use directly
in the document.
 Formatting the text means changing the font size, colour, face, etc.
 Format painter option is used to copy the previous format of text and apply it for
the new text or document.

Inserting symbols

We can insert various symbols in the document with the help

of given steps. .
 Place the cursor where you want to insert the symbol.
 Click on insert tab and move on symbols group.
 Click on more symbols to select various symbols.
 Click on the required symbol to insert in the document.

Typing Formula Scan Here

 Place the cursor where you want to

insert the formula.
 Click on insert tab and move on
symbols group.
For video tutorials
 Click on equation button.
 Click on insert new equation to select the type of formula
that you want to insert.
 Now, you can use the design tab to insert the required
formula or equations

86 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Inserting page number

 Click on the insert tab.

 Click on the page number button in header and
footer group.
 A list of options will appear.
 Choose the top of the page or button of the page as
 Click on the required number style to apply it.

Inserting border and shading

 Click on page layout tab

 Click on page border button in the page
background group.
 A next page boarder and shading dialogue
box will appear.
 Select different types, styles, colours or other
as required.
 Click on the OK button to apply it.

Adding watermark

Watermarks are text or pictures placed behind the

text in your document. You can add text watermarks,
such as Draft or Confidential, to your document.
Word has a gallery of watermarks to choose from, or
you can create your own custom watermark.
 Click on the page layout tab
 Click on watermark button in the page background
 Click on the required watermark style to apply it.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 87

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Working with spelling and grammar check

Spelling and grammar check are the most important

features of word processing program. In word
document the spelling mistakes of word or letters are
underlined with red line and the grammar errors are
underlined with green lines.
 Click on the review tab.
 Choose spelling & grammar buttons.
 A next windows will appear.

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 Select the correct spelling from the suggestions area and click on change to apply the

88 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Working with mail merge

Mail merge is used to create multiple

documents at once. These documents have
same layout, formatting, text, and graphics. Only
specific section of each document varies and is
personalized. The documents word can create with
mail merge include bulk labels, letters, envelopes,
and emails.
 Click on the Mailing tab in the ribbon.
 Click on the start mail merge button and click
on letters.
 Click on the select recipients option.
 Click on the type new list if you do not have
existing records.
 Click on the customize columns button.
 Choose the necessary field name from
the list. You can delete the unnecessary
fields if needed.
 Click on the ok button after selecting the
field name.
 Now, a list of selected field name will appear in new window.

 Type necessary data such as name, address, phone, email, etc.

 Save the data source file with suitable name.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 89

 Now, type the letter or document and click on insert mail merge field.
 Click on preview result to see and confirm whether the main document is
merged to data source or not.
 Click on finish merge button and again click on edit individual document.
 Now, the documents are ready to compose.
 Print the merged document if required.

Quick Learn
 Watermarks are text or picture placed behind text in the document.
 Ms word has some readymade watermark options like DO NOT COPY,
 Mail merge is used to create multiple documents at once.
 In word document, the spelling mistakes of word or letters are underlined
with red line and the grammar errors are underlined with green lines.

Working with Paragraph Formatting

This is a special feature of word. You have to press the

enter key to change the paragraph on word. Paragraph
endings are marked by a character that is usually hidden.
You can display these and many other hidden characters.
Displaying Hidden Characters
 Open the Word 2010 document.
 Click on the home tab and go on paragraph area.
 Click the Show/Hide icon on the ribbon.

90 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Paragraph endings will be indicated by the ¶ symbol as in above dialogue
box. You can see other hidden characters such as tabs and blank spaces.
 Click the same icon again to turn off hidden characters.

Paragraph Spacing Options

You can use the paragraph spacing options to adjust the amount of space before
paragraphs, after paragraphs and between each line in a paragraph.
To Adjust Paragraph Spacing
 Prepare a document with a paragraph and select it.
 Click the Paragraph dialogue box icon in the ribbon as shown below.

 The paragraph dialogue box will appear.

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 In the spacing section you can adjust the paragraph spacing options.
 Click on the up arrow next to the Before option until the box shows 12pt
like the example above

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 91

 Do the same for the After option so that there will be 12 points of blank space
before and after the paragraph.
 Click OK to make the change. There will be additional space before and after
the paragraph as below.

 Increase the spacing after the paragraph to

18 points.
 Change all the paragraphs with the dot points
so that each of them has 18 points of space
after the paragraph and 12 points of space

Adjusting Line Spacing

 Click on the home tab and move your mouse

on the paragraph area.

 Click on the line and paragraph spacing


 Change the Line Spacing option to 1.5 Lines.

 Click on blank area after change. The lines of

text will have more space between them.

This can also be done using keyboard and

toolbar shortcuts.

92 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Press [Ctrl] [2] to change the paragraph to double line spacing.
 Press [Ctrl] [1] to change the paragraph to single line spacing.
 Press [Ctrl] [5] to change the paragraph to 1.5 line spacing.

Auto Line Spacing

 Click the arrow next to the Line Spacing icon on the ribbon.
 A list of line spacing options will appear.
 Click on 1.0 to change the spacing to single line spacing.

Alignment and Indentation

The paragraph formatting dialogue box contains options for aligning text and indenting
text. In both cases, the formatting can be changed in the
dialogue box itself, or by using additional shortcuts.

Changing Paragraph Alignment

 Right click in the paragraph, a list will appear.
 Click on paragraph option.
 The Paragraph formatting dialogue box will appear.
 You will see a drop-down list next the Alignment.
Select Centered from the list.
 Click on OK to make the changes.

You can also change the alignment options using


 Change the paragraph to Right alignment by

clicking on the icon or by pressing [Ctrl] [R].
The text in the paragraph will be arranged to
the right of the page so that it lines up with
the right page margin.
 Change the paragraph to Centered alignment by clicking on the icon or by
pressing [Ctrl] [E].
 Change the paragraph to Justified by clicking on the icon or by pressing
[Ctrl] [J]. The text in the paragraph will be evenly spaced so that both sides of the
paragraph will line up with the left and right page margins.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 93

 Change the paragraph back to Left alignment by clicking the icon or
by pressing [Ctrl] [L]. The text in the paragraph will be arranged to the
left of the page so that it lines up with the left page margin.
Changing Indentation Options
 Make sure the insertion point is in the first paragraph of
the document.
 Click the Increase Indent icon on the toolbar.
 The paragraph will be indented by a small amount.

 Click the Decrease Indent icon to return the paragraph to its normal position.
These shortcuts can indent a paragraph from the left of the page.

Explanation of indentation option.

The Left and Right options allow you to change how much the paragraph is indented
from the left page margin and right page margin. The remaining options affect only the
first line of the paragraph. The Special option allows you to choose a first line indent or a
hanging indent. The By option specifies how far the first line will be indented by.

To display the above dialogue box we can use the following steps.
 Click on home tab and move your mouse to the paragraph group.
 Click on paragraph option button.
 Change the indentation as required.
 The left and right sides of the paragraph will be indented 1cm from the page margins.
The first line of the paragraph will be intended by a further 1cm.

94 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Click the Undo icon or press [Ctrl] [Z] to return the margins to their previous state.
 These margin changes can also be made more directly by using the markers on the
 If the rulers are not visible on your document, click the View Ruler icon at the top of
the scrollbar to turn them on.

Page Break

Page breaks help to specify where a new page will begin in a document. You can create
page breaks by manually inserting a break where you need. You can also specify breaks
in your paragraph formatting so that a particular paragraph, such as a heading, will always
begin on a new page.

 Place your insertion point at the beginning of the

word Save.

 From the Insert tab click Page Break.

 Scroll to the previous page to see the page break


 Click the Undo icon or press [Ctrl] [Z] to remove the page break.

Quick Learn
 Paragraph endings are marked by a character that is usually hidden.
 You can use the paragraph spacing options to adjust the amount of space before
paragraphs, after paragraphs and between each line in a paragraph.
 Press [Ctrl] [2] to change the paragraph to double line spacing.
 The paragraph formatting dialogue box contains options for aligning text and
indenting text.
 Page breaks helps to specify where a new page will begin in a document.
 You can create page breaks by manually inserting a break where you need.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 95

Page Headers & Footers

Headers and footers help to have similar information,

such as page numbers or document titles, repeated
at the top or bottom of every page. The footer at
the bottom of each page shows the filename of this
document and the page numbers in the document.
Adding Headers & Footers Scan Here
 Open the word document
 From the Insert ribbon tab, click on the Header icon.
 A list of header templates will appear.
 Click on the first option blank.

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 A blank header will appear at the top of the page with a placeholder as below:

96 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

The words type the document title text show where your text will appear. Notice
that while you are editing the header, a new header and footer tools tab appears
on the ribbon. Under this tab, you will see many icons for working with headers and
footers that can add useful elements like date and page numbers.

 Click on the Go to Footer icon on the Navigation

ribbon group.
 You will be taken to the footer at the bottom of
the page.
 Click on the Quick Parts icon on the Insert group of the
 When the list of AutoText options appears, click on
The field dialogue will appear.
 From the list of field types on the left
choose author. The options in the
middle allow you to select how the
author will appear for the selected

 Click on the OK to insert the Author name as selected in the above dialogue box.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 97

 Now the author name will be inserted in the right part of the footer as shown below.

 Click on the close button to exit from header and footer dialog

Modifying the Header

 Select the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
 Choose the header icon and then choose
edit header from the bottom of the menu.
 Click after the text [Type the Document
Title/ Type here].
 Press the [Tab] key twice to move the
cursor at the right side of the header.
 Click on the Date & Time icon from the
Insert group on the ribbon.

 Select the second date format in the list.

 Check on the Update Automatically box.

This will ensure that the date will update each
time you open the document.

 Click on OK to add the date.

 Click on the Close Header and Footer icon.

98 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Modifying the Footer
 Move your mouse over the footer at the bottom of the page.
 Double-click to edit the footer.
 When the Header and Footer Tools tab appears on the ribbon, click
on the Page Number icon and then select format page number from
the menu that appears.
 Change the number format to the roman numerals
option as given and click on OK.
To change the format for the total number of pages click on
the total page number so that the field is highlighted. Then
right click on the total page numbers and select Edit Field
 Select the roman numerals format from the list in the
middle of the Field dialogue and click on OK.
 Move your mouse over an area of the page outside the
footer area and double-click.
 Save changes and close the document.

Quick Learn
(Some Shortcuts)
 Alt Shift  Increase paragraph indent
 Alt Shift  Decrease paragraph indent
 Ctrl 1 Single line spacing
 Ctrl 2 Double line spacing
 Ctrl 5 1.5 line spacing
 Ctrl E Centre align paragraphs
 Ctrl J Justify aligns paragraphs
 Ctrl L Left align paragraphs
 Ctrl R Right align paragraphs
 Ctrl Enter Insert a page break
 Shift Enter Insert a line break in a paragraph

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 99

Working with Charts

You can insert a chart in a document directly

from Microsoft Word 2010. The data used
to plot the sample chart is stored in an
Excel worksheet that is associated with
the Word file. You have full access to the
same powerful charting features as you do
in Excel and PowerPoint. There is no need
to create a chart in Excel and then import it
to Word.
There are various types of charts like
Column, Line , Pie, Bar, Area, Stock ,
Surface, Bubble, Radar, etc.
To create a chart we can use the following steps.
 On the Insert tab, click Chart. The Insert Chart dialogue box opens.
 In the left pane, click on the desired chart type. (Templates)
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 Click on the OK. Microsoft Excel opens, displaying a sheet containing dummy data for
the chart.

100 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Change the data in Excel as needed.
Edit both the numbers and the labels.
You can insert or delete rows and
columns as needed; the chart
automatically reflects them.
 Switch to the Word window to view the

Working with Tables

Tables are useful for organizing and presenting

data. You can create a blank table, convert text to
a table, and apply a variety of styles and formats
to existing tables.
To insert a blank table
 Place your insertion point in the document
where you want the table to appear.

 Select the Insert tab.

 Click on the Table command.

 Place your mouse over the diagram squares
to select the number of columns and rows in
the table.
 Click on your mouse, and the table appears in the document.
 You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table to add text.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 101

To convert existing text to a table:
 Select the text you want to convert.
 Select the Insert tab.
 Click the Table command.
 Select Convert Text to Table from the menu. A dialogue box will appear.

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 Choose one of the required options in the Separate text at: section.

 Click on OK. The text appears in a table.

To add a row above an existing row:
 Place the insertion point in a row above the location where you want to add a

102 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Right-click the mouse. A menu appears.
 Select Insert and select Insert Rows Above.

 A new row appears above the insertion point.

You can also add rows below the insertion point. Follow the same steps, but select Insert
Rows Below from the menu.
To add a column:
 Place the insertion point in a column adjacent to the location where you want
the new column to appear.
 Right-click on the mouse. A menu will appear.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 103

 Select Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right. A new column
appears as below.

To delete a row or column:

 Select the row or column.
 Right-click on your mouse.
 A menu will appear.
 Select the Delete Cells option.
 Select the Delete entire row or Delete entire column, then
click on the OK button.

104 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 Line spacing gives the gap between lines.
 Page setup helps to set top, left, and right and bottom margin. It also helps to select
paper size.
 Page header is displayed at the top of the page and footer display at the end of the
 Headers and footers help to have similar information, such as page numbers
or document titles, repeated at the top or bottom of every page.
 You can insert a chart in a document directly from Microsoft Word 2010.
 There are various types of charts like Column, Line , Pie, Bar, Area, Stock ,
Surface, Bubble, Radar, etc.
 Tables are useful for organizing and presenting data.


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. …………. tab holds the information related to file.
b. …………… are the ready made features of word, which we can use directly
in the document.
c. …………….. option is used to copy the previous format of text and apply
it for the new text or document.
d. …………… are text or picture placed behind text in the document.
e. In word document, the spelling mistakes of word or letters are underlined
with ………. line and the grammar errors are underlined with …………
f. ……………. helps to specify where a new page will begin in a document.
g. ……………. gives the gap between lines.
h. Page header is displayed at the …………… and footer is displayed at the ………..

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 105

2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Ms-word helps to create, edit and format the text for the document
b. Copying the text means changing the font size, colour, face, etc.
c. Mail merge is used to create multiple documents at once.
d. Paragraph endings are marked by a character that is usually hidden.
e. Press [Ctrl] [1] to change the paragraph to double line spacing.
f. The paragraph formatting dialogue box contains options for aligning text and
indenting text.
g. You can create page breaks by manually inserting a break where you need.
h. Page setup helps to set top, left, and right and bottom margin.
i. Headers and footers helps to have similar information, such as page numbers
or document titles, repeated at the top or bottom of every page.
j. You cannot insert a chart in a document directly from Microsoft Word
3. Write down the shortcut key to perform the following tasks.
a. Increase paragraph indent.
b. Applying single line spacing.
c. Saving the document.
d. Printing the document.
e. Left align to the paragraph
f. Applying page break.
g. Inserting 1.5 line spacing.
4. Write down the proper steps for the followings.
a. Inserting chart and changing its type.
b. Creating table on MS-Word.
c. Inserting header and footer.
d. Changing paragraph alignment.
e. Inserting watermark in the document.
f. Applying boarder and shading.
g. Saving and opening a document.

106 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

5. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. In which tab can you see the options like save, new, open, print, etc.?
b. In which tab can you use to apply page setup?
c. Which shortcut key can be used to make the text centre alignment?
d. Which colour will appear on the word if it has spelling and grammar errors?
e. Which tab can we use to apply header and footer in the document?
f. Can we insert table and chart in word processing program?
g. In which tab can you get Format Painter option?
6. Write short answer to the following questions.
• What is Microsoft office word 2010? Explain its features.
• What do you mean by paragraph formatting and font formatting?
• What is the use of page break? Write down the steps to perform this activity.
• What are page header and footer? What is the purpose of inserting header and
footer in the document?
• Write proper steps to convert the text into table.
7. Write long answer of the following questions.
a. Explain the various tabs used by Microsoft Office Word 2010.
b. What is design template? How to create a template? Write with proper steps.
c. What is watermark text? What is the purpose of using it? Write proper steps to
insert watermark in your document.

Lab Activities
• Perform the following tasks in your computer lab.
a. Prepare your CV in Ms-Word.
b. Prepare a table with at least 10 rows and columns.
c. Design an advertisement format using text box and some drawing tools.
d. Insert some mathematical formula in a document.
e. Insert any three types of chart with result analysis in word 2010.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 107

Design a page as given below in word processing programme
Computer Hardware
Computer hardware is the physical part or component of a computer. Hardware
includes internal and external components such as the monitor,
keyboard, hard drive disk, mouse, printers, graphic cards,
sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips. The computer
hardware can be classified as below.
• Input Hardware
An input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is used to provide data
and instructions to the computer system for processing.
• Processing Hardware
Processing hardware is responsible to process all the activities inside the computer from
the data entering stage to output stage. The CPU has the following three sections which
are listed below.
a. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
b. The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and
executes them.
c. Registers/the Memory Unit, which is a temporary storage area which is responsible
for holding the data that is to be processed.
Primary and secondary Memory
Computers are used not only for processing data for immediate use, but also for
storing large volume of data for future use. In order to meet these two specific
requirements, computers use two types of storage location; one is for storing the data
that are being currently handled by the CPU and the other, for storing the results and the
data for future use. The storage location where the data are held temporarily is referred
to as the primary while the storage location where the programs and data are stored
permanently for future use is referred to as the secondary memory. The primary memory
is generally known as ‘Memory’ and the secondary memory as ‘storage’.
Types of primary memory
Random Access Memory (RAM): It is a volatile memory and losses all its data when
the power is switched off. It is the main memory of the computer
system that stores the data temporarily and allows the data to
be accessed in any order. RAM is made up of different ICs, which
are mounted on a printed circuit board. RAM is also known as read/
write memory because it can perform both read as well as write
operations. The speed of RAM is faster than the other memory devices, such as hard
disk, floppy disk, etc.

108 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Spreadsheet Software-2010

Expected Competency
At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• define MS-Excel with its application area and features.
• explain the components of excel 2010.
• identify the tool bars.
• work with border and shading.
• work with excel formula.


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet

program. It provides a grid
interface to organize the various
information. You can use Excel
to create and format workbooks
in order to analyse the data.
Specifically, you can use Excel
to track data, build models for
analysing data, write formulas to
perform calculations on that data,
pivot the data in various ways, and
present data in a variety of professional looking charts.

Excel is used widely in financial activity. It has the ability to create new spreadsheets
where users can define custom formulas for the calculation. Excel is also used widely for
common information organization and tracking like a list of sales leads, project status
reports, contact lists, and invoicing. Excel is also useful tool for scientific and statistical
analysis with large data sets.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 109

Features of Excel

 It is used for creating worksheet and workbooks.

 It is also used for various simple and some complex types of calculations.
 It is used for analysing the data.
 It is used for formatting numbers and text by adjusting column widths, text placement
and numerical options.
 It is used for preparing charts, presenting numerical information in graphical forms.
 It provides placing text data to the web as on interactive file.

How Excel Works?

All the excel document is called a Workbook. A workbook always has at least one
Worksheet. Work sheets are the grid where you can store and calculate data. You can have
many worksheets stored inside a workbook, each with a unique worksheet name. The
intersection of any given row and column is a cell. Cells are used to enter any
information. A cell will accept a large amount of text, or you can enter a date, number, or
formula. Each cell can be formatted individually with border, background color, and font
color, font size, font name, etc.

The First Excel Windows

110 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Components of Excel 2010

File Tab
You can use this tab to open or save files, create new sheets, print a sheet, and do other file
related operations. The details are listed below in the table.

Option Description
Save This option is used to save the document.
Save As This option is displayed asking for sheet name and sheet type. By
default, it will save in sheet 2010 format with extension .xlsx.
Open This option is used to open an existing excel sheet.
Close This option is used to close an opened sheet.
Info This option displays the information about the opened sheet.
Recent This option lists down all the recently opened sheets.
New This option is used to open a new sheet.
Print This option is used to print an opened sheet.
Save & Send This option saves an opened sheet and displays options to send
the sheet using email etc.
Help This option is used to get help about excel 2010.
Options This option is used to set various options related to excel 2010.
Exit This option is used to close the sheet and exit from excel.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 111

Quick Access Toolbar
This toolbar is located just above the File tab and provides a convenient resting place for
the most frequently used commands. You can customize this toolbar based on your need.
Ribbon contains commands organized in three components :
Tabs : They appear across the top of the Ribbon and contain groups of related commands.
Home, Insert, Page Layout are the examples of ribbon tabs.
Groups : They organize related commands; each group name appears below the group
on the Ribbon. For example, group of commands related to fonts or group of commands
related to alignment.
Commands: Commands appear within each group as mentioned above.

Title Bar
This lies in the middle and at the top of the window. Title bar shows the program and the
sheet titles.
The Help Icon can be used to get excel related help anytime that you want.
Zoom Control
Zoom control helps to zoom in for a closer look at your text. The zoom control consists
of a slider that you can slide left or right to zoom in or out. The + buttons can be clicked
to increase or decrease the zoom factor.
View Buttons
The group of three buttons located to the left of the Zoom control, near the bottom of the
screen are view buttons. The various zoom buttons are listed below.
Normal Layout view : It displays the page in normal view.
Page Layout view : It displays pages exactly as they will appear when printed. This gives
a full screen look of the document.
Page Break view : It shows a preview of where pages will break when printed.

112 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Sheet Area
The place where you enter data is called sheet area. The vertical bar is called the insertion
point and it represents the location where text will appear when you type.
Row Bar
Rows are numbered from 1 onwards and are kept on increasing as you keep entering data.
Maximum number of rows are 1,048,576 in Excel 2010.
Column Bar
Columns are numbered from A onwards and are kept on increasing as you keep entering
data. After Z, it will start the series of AA, AB and so on. Maximum number of columns
are 16,384 in excel 2010.
Status Bar
This bar displays the sheet information as well as the insertion point location. From left to
right. This bar can contain the total number of pages and words in the document.

Working With Templates

It has various built-in templates. You can apply your own custom templates and to search
variety of templates with the help of internet to find a template, you can use the following

 Choose the File tab and select New option.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 113

 Under Available Templates, do one of the following:
To reuse a template that you’ve recently used: Click Recent Templates, click
on the template that you want, and then click on the Create.
To use your own template that you already have installed: Click My Templates,
select the template that you want, and then click OK.
Note: You can also search for templates on from within Excel. In the Search for templates box, type one or more search terms, and then click on the
arrow button to search.
Scan Here
Creating a new workbook
 Choose File and select New option.
 Under Available Templates, choose Blank Workbook.
 Choose Create.

Saving a workbook For video tutorials

 Choose the File tab and select the Save As option.

 In the Save As dialogue box, in the Save as type list, select Excel Workbook
 In the File name box, type a name for your workbook.
 Choose Save to finish.

114 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Entering data in a worksheet
 Select the cell where you want to enter data.
 Type the data in the cell.
 Press Enter or Tab to move to the next cell.

Formatting numbers
 Select the cells that you want to format.
 Click on the Home tab, in the Number
group, choose the Dialogue Box Launcher
next to Number (or press CTRL+1).

 In the category list, click the format that you want to use, and then adjust
settings if necessary. For example, if you are using the Currency format, you
can select a different currency symbol, show more or fewer decimal places, or
change the way negative numbers are displayed.

Applying cell borders

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 115

 Select the cell or range of cells that you want to add a border to.
 Click on the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the arrow next to Borders,
and then click on the border style that you want.

Creating an Excel table

 On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you want to include in the table. The
cells can be empty or can contain data.
 Click on the Home tab, in the Styles group, choose Format as Table, and then select
the table style that you want.

116 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Applying cell shading

 Select the cell or range of cells that you want to

apply cell shading.
 On the Home tab, in the Font group, choose the
arrow next to Fill Colour , and then under Theme
Colours or Standard Colours, select the colour
that you want.

Filtering data

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 Select the data that you want to filter.

 On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click on Filter.
 Click the arrow in the column header to display a list in which you can make filter
 To select by values, in the list, clear the (Select All) check box. This removes
the check marks from all the check boxes. Then, select only the values you
want to see, and click on the OK to see the results.

Sorting the data

 Select a range of data, such as A1:E6 (multiple rows and columns) or D1:D6
(a single column). The range can include titles that you created to identify columns
or rows.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 117

 Select a single cell in the column on which you want to sort.
 Click to perform an ascending sort (A to Z or smallest number to largest).

 Click to perform a descending sort (Z to A or largest number to smallest).

 To sort by specific criteria

 Select a single cell anywhere in the range that you want to sort.

 On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, choose Sort.
 The Sort dialogue box appears.
 In the Sort by list, select the first column on which you want to sort.

118 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 In the Sort on list, select either Values, Cell Colour, Font Colour, or Cell Icon.
 In the Order list, select the order that you want to apply to the sort operation such as
alphabetically or numerically, ascending or descending (that is, A to Z or Z
to A for text or lower to higher or higher to lower for numbers).

Quick Learn
 We can use Excel to create and format workbooks in order to analyse the data.
 Excel is used widely for common information organization and tracking like a
list of sales leads, project status reports, contact lists, and invoicing.
 Excel is also useful tool for scientific and statistical analysis with large data
 You can have many worksheets stored inside a workbook, each with a unique
work sheet name.
 The intersection of any given row and column is a cell.
 Quick Access Toolbar is located just above the File tab.
 Zoom control helps to zoom in for a closer look at your document or text.
 There are 1,048,576 rows in Excel 2010.
 Status Bar displays the sheet information as well as the insertion point location.

Cell reference

Cell reference refers to a particular cell or range of cells in a worksheet. Cell references
are useful in excel to identify the data that should be used in formulas to calculate results.
For example, the cell below occurs at the cross section of column C and Row 4.

The cell reference is C4 and we can use C4 to refer to the data in that cell.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 119

We can use cell references to refer to:
 Data from one cell in your worksheet.
 Data that is contained in different areas of your worksheet.
 Data in cells on other worksheets in the same workbook
Types of cell reference
There are three types of cell reference in excel. They are relative cell reference, absolute
cell reference and mixed cell reference. The details are explained below.
Relative cell reference
It is a common cell reference in excel which is followed by the column letter with row
number. By default, excel uses relative cell references. In the given formula in cell D3
below, cell D3 references (points to) cell B3 and cell C3. Both references are relative.

Absolute cell reference

An absolute cell reference is a cell address that contains a dollar sign ($) in the row or
column coordinate, or both. When you enter a cell reference in a formula, excel assumes
it is a relative reference unless you change it to an absolute reference. If you want part of
a formula to remain a relative reference, remove the dollar sign that appears before the
column letter or row number. For the given sheet absolute cell address can be written for
Qty. as ($B$9) and for Rate as ($C$9).

In the above sheet the formula remain same while copying due to its absolutes nature.

120 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Mixed cell reference

A mixed cell reference is either an absolute column and relative row or absolute row and
relative column. When you add the $ before the column letter you create an absolute col-
umn or before the row number you create an absolute row. For example, $A1 is absolute
for column A and relative for row 1, and A$1 is absolute for row 1 and relative for column
A. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the relative references
adjust, and the absolute ones does not adjust.

In mixed cell references the value of either one of the row or column changed/copied and
another remained same. Scan Here

Working with Chart

 Select the data that you want to create a chart.

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 Click on the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click on the chart type that you want to
use, and then click on the chart subtype.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 121

 Use the Chart Tools to add chart elements such as titles and data labels, and to
change the design, layout, or format of your chart.

122 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Operators are the symbols used in a formula to define the relationship between two or
more cell references, or between two or more values. They cause excel to perform some
action. For example, in the formula: = A10 + B10, the plus sign is the operator. Various
excel operators are explained below.
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic Operators are used for arithmetic calculations. The table below explain the
symbols used in various arithmetic calculations.

Task Operator Example

Addition + 10+10=20
Subtraction − 10−5=5
Multiplication * 10*5=50
Division / 10/5=2
Percentage % 100*10%=10
Carrat ⋀ 2⋀5=32
The formula is visible only in the formula bar. A formula result will change as different
numbers are entered into the cells included in the formulas definition.
Relational operators
Relational operators are used to compare two or more than two values. The table below
explains about the relational operators.

Vales for evaluation Output

A= 10 , B= 5 , C= 15 , D= 10
A=B False
= (Equals to)
A=D True
A>B True
> (Greater than)
A>C False
A<B False
< (Less than)
A<C True
A>=B True
>= (Greater than or equal to) A>=D True
A>=C False
A<=B False
<= (Less than or equal to) A<=D True
A<=C True

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 123

Logical operators
These operators give true or false value by comparing two or more expressions. There are
various logical operators among them IF, AND,OR, and NOT are mostly used operators.


Functions are predefined formulas and are

already available in Excel. For example, cell A3
below contains a formula which adds the value of
cell A2 to the value of cell A1.
Parts of a function
Each function has a specific order called syntax which must be followed in or-
der for the function to work correctly. The basic syntax to create a formula with a
function is to insert an equal sign (=), function name (SUM, for example, is the function
name for addition), and argument. Arguments contain the information that you want the
formula to calculate, such as a range of cell references.


Function Argument
Equal sign

Working with arguments

Arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Individual values or cell references inside
the parentheses are separated by either colons or commas.
 Colons create a reference to a range of cells.
For example, =AVERAGE (D10:D20) would calculate the average of the cell range D10
through D20.
 Commas separate individual values, cell references, and cell ranges in parentheses.
If there is more than one argument, you must separate each argument by a comma. For
example, = COUNT (C6:C14,C19:C23) will count all the cells in the three arguments that
are included in parentheses.

124 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Various Excel Functions Scan Here

SUM function
The SUM function is a built-in function that is used to find the
sum for the group of cells.
Syntax: SUM (number 1, [number 2 ……..number n])
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SUM = (cell 1, cell2, [cell3: cell 4], …………….)

Practical sample 1
Do the calculation as given.
Formula: =SUM (D3:D6)
The given sample displays the sum as 365.

MIN function
This function is used to find the minimum value in the specified cell.
Syntax: MIN (number 1, number 2 ……..number n)
MIN (Cell 1: Cell 2)

Practical sample 2
Do the calculation as given.
Formula: =MIN(D3:D6)
The given sample displays the minimum value as

MAX function
This function is used to find the maximum value in the specified cell.
Syntax: MAX (number 1, number 2 ……..number n)
MAX (Cell 1 : Cell 2)

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 125

Practical sample 3
Do the calculation as given.
Formula: =MAX(D3:D6)
The given sample displays the maximum
value as 165.

AVERAGE function
This function is used to display the average value in the given cell range.
Syntax: AVERAGE (number 1, number 2 ……..number n)
AVERAGE (Cell 1 : Cell 2)

Practical sample 4
Do the calculation as given.
Formula: =AVERAGE (D3:D6)
The given sample displays the maximum value
as 91.25 .

PRODUCT function
This function is used to find out the multiple values (product) in the given cell range.
Syntax: PRODUCT (number 1, number 2 ……..number n)
PRODUCT (Cell 1 : Cell 2)

Practical sample 5
Do the calculation as given.
Formula: =PRODUCT (D3:D6)
The given sample displays the product of the
numbers : 39600000.

IF Function
In excel this function is used as a logical function. It is used to evaluate two or more than
two conditions either true or false.
Syntax: IF (condition, [value (if true)]) , [value (if false)]

126 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Practical sample 6
Suppose the pass marks of computer in theory is 20 out of 50 full marks. Now check
whether the student is pass or fail in this subject.
Formula: = if(c3<=19,”FAIL”, “PASS”)

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Practical sample 7

Prepare a result sheet with total marks, percentage, result and division.

To calculate total: =SUM(C3:H3)
To analyse result: = IF(AND(C3>=40,D3>=40,E3>=40,F3>=40,G3>=40,H3>=40),"PA
To calculate % : = I3/500*100
To calculate division: = IF(AND(K3>=80),"DIST",IF(AND(K3>=60),"FIRST",IF(AND
(K3>=45),"SECOND",IF(AND(K3>=32),"THIRD","NO DIVISION"))))

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 127

After the use of formula, the above table display the given result.

Quick Learn
 Cell reference refers to a particular cell or range of cells in a worksheet.
 An absolute cell reference is a cell address that contains a dollar sign ($) in the
row or column coordinate, or both.
 A mixed cell reference is either an absolute column and relative row or absolute
row and relative column.
 Operators are the symbols used in a formula to define the relationship between
two or more cell references, or between two or more values.
 Functions are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel.

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. We can use …..... to create and format workbooks in order to analyse the data.
b. Excel is also useful tool for scientific and …….. analysis with large data sets.
c. You can have many worksheets stored inside a …………., each with a unique
worksheet name.
d. …………………. is located just above the File tab.
e. There are …………….. rows in Excel 2010.
f. ………bar displays the sheet information as well as the insertion point location.
g. An absolute cell reference is a cell address that contains a …………….. in the row
or column coordinate, or both.

128 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Excel is used widely for common information organization and tracking
reports and records.
b. The intersection of any given row and column is an active cell.
c. View tab helps to zoom in for a closer look at your document or text.
d. Cell reference refers to a particular cell or range of cells in a PowerPoint.
e. A mixed cell reference is either an absolute column and relative row or absolute
row and relative column.
f. Functions are the symbols used in a formula to define the relationship between
two or more cell references, or between two or more values.
g. Operators are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel.
3. Write down the proper steps for the followings.
a. Sorting the data in ascending order b. Formatting the numbers
c. Applying cell border d. Filtering the excel data
e. Creating chart in excel sheet
4. Write down the function of the following Excel functions with its syntax.
5. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What type of program is excel 2010?
b. In which tab can we click to save the excel workbook?
c. What is the name of the bar which is located at the top of the excel work sheet ?
d. Name various view buttons.
e. How many default sheets are available in excel workbook?
f. What is the name of last column in excel 2010.
g. In which cell reference can we use dollar ($) sign?
h. Name any two arithmetic operators.
i. Which function is used to find the maximum value in the specified cell?
6. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is MS-Excel? Define with its features.
b. What is a design template? Explain in short.
c. What do you mean by data sorting? Write its importance in excel.
d. What is cell reference? For what can we use it?
e. Explain the types of cell reference.
f. What is function? Name any six excel functions.
g. What are the parts of function? List out some common excel functions.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 129

7. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. What are the operators used in Ms-Excel? Explain all types of operators.
b. Explain the excel function with syntax.
Lab Activities
• Open Ms-Excel 2010 and make a simple bill format as below.
Perform the following tasks and save it under your name.
Bhawan Books , Dang Nepal

S.N Item Quantity Rate Amount Vat Discount G. Total

1 Pen 150 45
2 Pencil 200 12
3 Eraser 150 5
4 Ruler 200 10
5 G.Box 80 55
• Calculate the total amount.
• Calculate Vat, Which is 13% of Amount.
• Calculate Discount, Which is 5% of Amount
• Calculate G.Total.
• Sort the above data of table on the basis of item name.
• Insert any two other sheet in your workbook.
• Prepare a pie chart and bar graph for the following table data.

Neelakantha School, Dhading Bensi

SEE Result analysis Chart
S.N Year Total No. of student Number of Number Number
Student Securing ‘A+’ student of student of student
Securing ‘A’ Securing Securing
‘B+’ ‘B’
1 2070 150 50 30 20 50
2 2071 130 30 20 20 60
3 2072 120 30 30 30 30
4 2073 115 25 40 40 10
5 2074 110 20 20 40 30
6 2075 160 50 50 40 20

130 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

• Prepare a Result sheet as below

2 Roll Name Maths English Nepali Computer Opt. Total Percent
No: Maths
3 1 Ramesh 80 66 48 77 73 ? ?
4 2 Gita 93 88 63 82 89
5 3 Shyam 92 67 56 84 78
6 4 Rasmita 89 59 42 84 68
7 5 Saujan 66 64 46 64 48
a. Calculate total marks.
Scan Here
b. Calculate percentage.
• Prepare a worksheet for expenses analysis
Given, House rent = 15%
Health = 10% Education = 20%
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Food = 25% Extra = 15%
• Prepare a chart for population analysis of different regions

1 2072 2073 2074 2075
2 West 880 790 560 650
3 East 980 990 880 1100
4 North 560 720 960 950
5 South 680 950 880 520
• Prepare bar • graph • Prepare pie-chart
• Prepare a line graph.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 131

Presentation Software-2010

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• explain the features and application of presentation program.
• work with PowerPoint presentation.
• work with different slide layout and slide design
• work with charts, tables and audio.


PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft.

It is a complete presentation graphics package. It helps to create
a professional looking presentation. It has word processing,
outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management
tools. It provides various features that offer flexibility and the
ability to create an effective presentation.
It can be used to create a presentation that includes music
which plays throughout the entire presentation or sound effects
for particular slides. The following are the common features of PowerPoint.
 The presentation is made up of a series of slides.
 The slides that you create using PowerPoint can also be presented as overhead
 You can print hand-outs, outlines, and speaker’s notes.
 You can format all the slides by using slide master.
 You can import what you have created in other Microsoft programs, such as
Word and Excel into any slides.
PowerPoint presentations work like slideshows. To convey a message, you can break it
down into slides. Each slide has a blank canvas for the pictures, words, and shapes that

132 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

will help you build your slide. Basically, you have to remember the following things
while creating a presentation.
1. Choosing a theme. 2. Insert a new slide.
3. Saving the presentation. 4. Add text.
5. Formatting the text. 6. Selecting way of the text.
7. Adding the pictures from various sources. 8. Get out of Slideshow view.

Working with PowerPoint

In previous classes we discussed about basic learning procedure of PowerPoint like

creating it, opening, saving, closing, editing and many more. In this chapter you will learn
more about working with PowerPoint 2010.
Checking Spelling errors
When you make any mistakes on the spellings, you
can use proofing features which helps you to produce
professional, error-free presentations. Here, you will
learn about the various proofing features, including the
Spelling tool. You can run a spelling check, or you can
allow PowerPoint to check your spelling automatically
as you type.
To run a spell check:
Scan Here
 Go to the Review tab.
 Click on the Spelling from proofing group.
 The Spelling dialogue box will open error that appears in
your presentation and suggestions.
 You can select a suggestion and then click change to correct
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the error.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 133

 If no appropriate suggestions are given, you can manually type the correct spelling
and then click Change.

Ignoring spelling errors

The spelling check is not always correct. At that time, you can just ignore the errors with
the help of given options.
 Ignore Once: This will skip the word without changing it.
 Ignore All: This will skip the word without changing all other instances of the word
in your presentation.
 Add: This adds the word to the dictionary so it will never come up as an error again.
Make sure the word is spelled correctly before choosing this option.
Automatic spell check
PowerPoint automatically checks the presentation for spelling errors, so you do not need
to run a separate check using the spelling command. The spelling errors are indicated with
the red wavy lines and green lines indicated for grammar errors.

134 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

To use the automatic spell check feature
 Right-click on the underlined word. A menu will appear as above.
 Click the correct spelling of the word from the list of suggestions.

Modifying proofing options

With the help of customizable proofing options, you can change the
way of spelling errors, including automatic spell check and contextual
spelling. Contextual spelling is an option that is turned off by default
but that can be turned on which helps you to find and correct spelling
To modify proofing options
 Click on the File tab and choose the Options.
 Select Proofing, the PowerPoint Options dialogue box gives you
several options to choose as the dialogue box given below.

 Move on when correcting spelling in microsoft office programs.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 135

 Check spelling as you type: Uncheck this box if you don’t want to check for spelling
errors automatically. (This automatically checks Hide spelling errors.)
 Use contextual spelling: Check this box if you want to check for contextual spelling
 Hide spelling errors: Check this box if you want to hide the red wavy lines that mark
spelling errors. (This option is disabled if Check spelling as youtype is

Note: If you turned off the automatic spell check, you can run a check by going to the
Review tab and clicking the Spelling command.
 The corrected word will appear in the presentation.
 You can choose to Ignore an underlined word, Add to Dictionary, or go to
the Spelling dialogue box for more options.

Working with Theme

A theme is a predefined combination of colours, fonts, and

effects that can be applied to the presentation. PowerPoint
has some built-in themes which allow you to easily create
professional looking presentations formatting. You can
modify themes by combining the colours, fonts, and effects
from different themes and you can customize them even
further by creating your own sets of colours and fonts. Here
we will learn to modify theme colours, theme fonts, and
theme effects, as well as apply a background style.

Modifying themes

To change theme colours

 Click on the Design tab then click on Theme Colours
command from themes group
 A drop-down menu will appear.
 Place the mouse over the different sets of theme colours to
see a preview.

136 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select the set of theme colours you want, or select Create New Theme Colours to
customize each colour individually.
To create new theme colours
 From the Design tab, click on the Theme Colours command on theme group.
 A drop-down menu will appear.
 Select Create New Theme colours.
 The dialogue box will show the twelve current theme colours.
To edit a colour, click the drop-down arrow and select a different colour. To choose the
exact colour you want, you may need to click More Colours.

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 In the Name field, type the desired name for the theme colours, then click Save.
 The presentation will update to show the new theme colours.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 137

To change theme fonts
 From the Design tab, click the Theme Fonts command. A drop-down menu
will appear.
 Place the mouse over different sets of theme fonts to see a live preview.

 Select the set of theme fonts that you want

 Select Create New Theme Fonts to customize each font individually.
To create new theme fonts
 From the Design tab, click the Theme Fonts
 A drop-down menu will appear.
 Select Create New Theme Fonts.
The dialogue box will show the two theme fonts.
 To change the fonts, click the drop-down
arrows and select the desired fonts.

138 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 In the Name field, type the desired name for the theme fonts, then click Save.
 The presentation will update to show the new theme fonts.
To change theme effects
 From the Design tab, click on the Theme Effects command.
 A drop-down menu will appear.
 Move the mouse over different sets of theme effects to see a preview.

 Select the set of theme affects that you want.

To save a theme
 From the Design tab, click the Themes command. A drop-down menu will appear.
 Select Save Current Theme.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 139

 Type a file name for your theme, then click Save.

Quick Learn
 PowerPoint is the slide show presentation program developed by Microsoft
 Slides are the page of PowerPoint.
 PowerPoint is available for multimedia work, presentations, advertisement
design etc.
 We can use multimedia data like Graph, Pictures, Animation, etc. on the Power
Point presentation.
 Slide layout is application for changing the slide design sample.
 A theme is predefined combination of colours, fonts and effects that can be applied
to the presentation.
 You can change the theme font from design tab.

140 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Background Style

To apply a background style

 From the Design tab, click the Background Styles command in background
 Select the desired style.
 The new background will appear in the slides.

If you want more control over the background, you can select Format Background from
the menu.

Quick Learn
 We have to use Slide sorter option to view multiple pages or slides on Power
Point application.
 Design template gives different types of design sample to apply on slide.
 We can insert picture, table and other drawing samples on Power Point slide.
 You can change the background colour and texture by choosing a different
background style.
 Master slide is the main slide of PowerPoint that controls all working slides.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 141

Working with Chart
A chart is a tool that you can use to communicate your data graphically. Displaying charts
allows to see the meaning behind the numbers, and it makes showing comparisons and
trends much easier. To use charts effectively, you need to know how to insert and modify
it. Here, we will discuss on inserting charts and modifying them.
Types of charts
There are various type of chart, which we can use for different purposes. The different
types of charts available in PowerPoint are listed below.

142 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Identifying the parts of a chart

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The Vertical Axis (Gross Earning)

The vertical axis is known as y axis. It is the vertical part of the chart. In the above chart,
a column chart, the vertical axis measures the height or value of the columns, so it is also
called the value axis.
Data Series
The data series consists of the related data points in a chart. If there are multiple data
series in the chart, each will have a different colour or style. Pie charts can only have one
data series.
The legend identifies which data series each colour on the chart represents. In the above
table, the legend allows viewers to identify subject name in the chart.
Horizontal Axis
The horizontal axis is also known as the x axis. It is the horizontal part of the chart .In the
above chart, the horizontal axis identifies the name of the students. It is also called the
category axis. In a bar chart, the vertical axis will be the category axis.
Inserting charts
PowerPoint uses an Excel worksheet as a placeholder for entering chart data. Therefore,
when you insert or edit a chart in PowerPoint, an Excel window will automatically open.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 143

To insert a chart
 Select the Insert tab.
 Click the Chart command in the Illustrations Group.
 The Insert Chart dialogue box will appear.

 Select a category from the left pane of the dialogue box, and review the charts that
appear in the center.
 Select the desired chart.
 Click on the OK button.
 An Excel window will open with a placeholder for your data.

144 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

To enter chart data
The data that appears in the Excel is placeholder source data that you will replace with
your own information. The Excel source data is used to create the PowerPoint chart.

 Enter your data into the Excel spreadsheet.

 If necessary, click and drag the lower-right corner of the blue line to increase
or decrease the data range for rows and columns.
 Only the data enclosed by the blue lines will appear in the chart.
 Close the Excel without saving then, the chart will update to your slide.
Note: You can edit the chart data at any time by selecting your chart and clicking the
Edit Data command in the data group on the Chart Tools Design tab.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 145

Copying and pasting existing Excel data

If you already have an excel worksheet with data you want to use for a PowerPoint chart,
you can transfer the data by copying and pasting it. For this you can just press Ctrl + C to
copy and Ctrl + V to paste on you desired location.

Importing a chart from Excel

If you have already created a chart in Excel, you can import and link it to your PowerPoint
presentation. When you insert an Excel chart in PowerPoint, any updates you make to the
original Excel chart will automatically update in your PowerPoint presentation, as long as
the files remain in the same location.
 Click the Insert tab, and locate the mouse on Text group.

 Click the Object command. A dial ogue box will appear.

 In the dialogue box, click on create from file button.
 Click Browse.

 Find and select the desired excel chart, then click OK.
 Click the Link check box if you want to link the data to the Excel chart.
 Now, it will update itself when changes are made to the Excel chart.

146 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Click on OK button.
 The chart will now appear in your PowerPoint presentation.
Note: To edit an imported chart, double-click it to open the excel placeholder. After you
have finished editing, to save the sheet.

Modifying charts with chart tools

There are many ways to customize and organize your charts. You can change the chart
type, rearrange the data of chart and change the layout and style.
To change the chart type
 From the Design tab, click the Change Chart Type
command. A dialogue box will appear.
 Select the desired chart type.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 147

 Click on OK button.
 The chart will update in the slide.
To change the chart layout
 Select the Chart Tools Design tab.
 Click the More drop-down arrow in the Chart Layouts group to see all of the
available layouts.

 Select the desired layout.

 The chart will update to reflect the new layout.

148 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Note: Some layouts include things like chart titles and legend labels. To change them,
place the insertion point in the text and start typing.
To change the chart style:
 Select the Chart Tools Design tab.

 Click on the More drop-down arrow in the Chart Styles group to see all of the
available styles.
 Select the desired style.

 The chart will update to reflect the new style.

Working with Table

Tables are another tool that you can use to display information in PowerPoint. A table is
a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables can be customized and are useful for
various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 149

To insert a blank table
 Place the mouse over the diagram squares to select the
number of columns and rows in the table.
 Click and drag the mouse. The table will appear on the
 You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the
table to add text.
To move a table:
 Place the cursor over the edge of the table. The cursor
will turn into a cross with arrows .
 Click and drag the table to the desired location.
 Release the mouse button to drop the table in the new
location. Scan Here

 You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table
to add text.

Modifying tables

To resize a table: For video tutorials

 Place the mouse over one of the sizing handles located around the edge of
the table. The cursor will become a pair of directional arrows .

 Click, hold, and drag your mouse to make the table larger or smaller.
 Release the mouse. The table will be resized.
To add a column or row:
 Place the insertion point in a cell adjacent to the location where you want to add a
row or column.

150 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select the Table Tools Layout tab, and locate the Rows & Columns group.

 If you want to insert a new row, select either Insert Above or Insert Below. If
you want to insert a new column, select either Insert Left or Insert Right.
 A new row or column will appear.

To delete a row or column:

 Select the row or column by placing the insertion
point in any cell in that row or column.
 Select the Table Tools Layout tab.
 In the Rows & Columns group, click Delete. A
drop-down menu appears.
 Select Delete Rows or Delete Columns.

Modifying the table style

To apply a table style:

 Click anywhere on the table. The Table Tools tab will appear on the Ribbon.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 151

 Select the Table Tools Design tab, and locate the Table Styles.
 Click the More drop-down arrow to see all of the table styles.
 Place the mouse over various styles to see a preview.

 Select the desired style.

Inserting Audio
You can add sound to your presentation. You can add background music to one slide, a
sound effect to another and one narration or commentary to a few slides.
You can either add an audio file from your computer or browse PowerPoint’s collection
of clip art audio. You can edit the sounds as required.

152 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

To insert audio from a file on your computer:
 Click on Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow from media group and
select Audio from File.
Scan Here

For video tutorials

 Locate and select the desired audio file, then click Insert.

 The audio file will be added to the slide.

To insert clip art audio:

 From the Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow from the media group.
and select Clip Art Audio. The Clip Art pane will appear on the right.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 153

 Enter keywords in the Search for: field, then click Go.

 The results will appear in the Clip Art pane. To preview an audio file, right-
click the file and select Preview/Properties.

 A dialogue box will appear, and the audio file will start playing automatically (it
may take a few seconds to load). To play it again, press the Play button.

154 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 When you finished previewing the file, click on Close.
 Once you have found the audio file you want to use, click it to insert it into the

Recording your own audio

You can record the audio and directly place into a presentation. For that you must have a
microphone that must be compatible with your computer system. Many computers have
built-in microphones or ones that can be plugged in to the computer.
To record audio:
 From the Insert tab, click on the Audio drop-down
arrow from media group and select Record
 Type a name for the audio recording.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 155

 Click the red Record button to start recording.

 When you are finished recording, click on the Stop button.

 To preview your recording, click on the Play button.

 When you’re done, click on OK. The audio file will be inserted into the slide.
To trim the audio:
You can trim some part of your audio. To do this you can use the following step.
 From the Playback tab, click the Trim Audio command.

 The Trim Audio dialogue box will appear.

156 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Use the green and red handles to set the start time and end time.
 To preview the audio file, click the Play button.

 Adjust the green and red handles again if necessary, then click OK.
To add a fade in and fade out:
 On the Playback tab, locate the Fade In and Fade Out fields.
 Type in the desired values, or use the up and down arrows to adjust the times.

Audio options

There are other options that you can set to control how your audio file plays. These are
found in the Audio Options group on the Playback tab.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 157

Volume: This changes the audio volume.
Start: This controls whether the audio file starts automatically or when the mouse
is clicked.
Hide During Show: This hides the audio icon while the slide show is being played.
Loop Until Stopped: This causes the audio file to repeat until it is stopped.
Rewind After Playing: This causes the audio file to return to the beginning when
finished playing.

Quick Learn
 A chart is a tool that you can use to communicate your data graphically.
 The data series consists of the related data points in a chart.
 The legend identifies which data series each colour on the chart represents.
 You can also add sounds in a slide.
 To insert Clip Art audio, you can go to insert tab.
 You can record the audio and directly place into a presentation.

Lab Activity 1
 Open an existing PowerPoint presentation.
 Select a slide and apply a transition.
 Change the transition duration.
 Add a sound effect to the transition.
 Apply this transition and its settings to all slides.
 Apply a different transition to one slide.
 Remove the transition.

158 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Lab Activity 2
 Open an existing PowerPoint presentation.
 Insert a new chart.
 Change the chart layout.
Apply a chart style.

Lab Activity 3
 Open an existing PowerPoint presentation.
 Insert an audio file from your computer.
 Preview the audio file.
 Trim the audio file.
 Add a fade in and fade out.
 Add a clip art audio file.
 Change the picture for one of the audio files.
 If your computer has a microphone, record some audio into a slide.
 Experiment with the different audio options on the Playback tab.

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. PowerPoint is a ………………..program.
b. The presentation is made up of a series of ……….
c. To check spelling you can go on ……………tab.
d. Red wavy lines indicates the …………….errors.
e. A theme is a ……………….combination of colours, fonts and effect that
can be applied to the presentation.
f. To change the theme colour you can use ………….tab.
g. You can change the ……………..colour and texture by choosing a different
background style.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 159

h. The …………consists of the related data points in a chart.
i. A table is a ……….of cells arranged in rows and columns.
j. You can …….the audio and directly place into a presentation.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. PowerPoint is a spread sheet program.
b. PowerPoint presentations work like slide shows.
c. You can modify themes by combining the colour, fonts and effects from
different themes and you can customize them.
d. You can change the background colour and texture by choosing a different
background style.
e. A table is a tool that you can use to communicate your data graphically as a
f. The vertical axis is known as legend.
g. The horizontal axis is also known as the x axis.
h. You cannot place the audio in the slide.
i. To record an audio you can click on home tab.
3. Write down the proper steps for the followings.
a. To change theme effects.
b. To insert a chart.
c. To change the chart layout.
d. To insert a blank table.
e. To add column or rows.
f. To record your own sound.
4. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Can we work with spelling and grammar checking options in power point? If
yes, which tab can be used?
b. What is the use of ‘ignore once’ in spelling check dialogue box?
c. Which function key is used to view presentation?
d. Which tab can be used to insert chart in presentation?
e. What is the use of CTRL + C and CTRL + V shortcut key?
f. What are the other three options available with Audio drop down list?

160 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

5. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is PowerPoint? For what purpose can you use PowerPoint?
b. Write down the common features of PowerPoint.
c. What indicates grammar and spelling errors in PowerPoint?
d. Define theme. Write down the steps to create a new theme colour.
e. Write down the steps to change the background style.
f. Define chart and name some types of charts.
g. Write down the Name of the parts of a chart.
h. Can you insert an audio in a presentation? If so, write the steps to add it in a
6. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. What is theme? Explain the ways to change the theme colour, theme fonts and
theme effects.
b. What is the purpose of inserting an audio in a slide? Write down the step to insert
clipart audio and recording own audio.
c. Explain the types of chart with its various parts.

Lab Activities
 Design some slides to explain about your school by using the
following slides:
 Title slide
 Bulleted list slide
 Column slide
 Slide with inserting table
 Slide with inserting chart
 Slide with organization chart
 Apply some design template on above slide.
 Create a pie chart on power point (you can make a list of male and
female teachers of your school in a chart.)
 Make a slide and record your voice and place on your slide.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 161

ICT, Computer Ethics and
Cyber Law

Inside the Unit

10 Web Page Designing with HTML
11 Information and Communication Technology
12 Computer Ethics and Cyber Law
13 Computer Virus
14 Introduction to Computer Networking
Web Page Designing with HTML

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• define the various terminologies
• list out the features of HTML and explain the HTML Tags.
• identify the structure of HTML document and Prepare HTML document.
• work with paragraph alignment and work with HEADING TAG.
• change the font colour size and face.
• work with various HTML tags.


Internet is the basic tool for human in this 21st century. Human life is almost
incomplete without the internet these days. It is used for various purposes like for
education, health, sports, entertainment and so many other fields. All types of information
on the internet are stored on web server which can be viewed with the help of web site.
The website is the collection of web pages which can be created by using some web
page designing applications. We can say web design is the process of creating websites.
It includes different aspects, including web page layout, content production, and graphic

Basic terminology
Web page

A web page is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML)
that is accessible through the Internet or other network using an Internet browser. A web
page is accessed by entering a URL address. With the collection of web pages we can
develop the web site.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 163

Hyper Text Mark Up language was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990 AD. HTML is
the standard mark-up language for creating web pages and web applications. Hypertext
is the method by which you can move around the web page by clicking on special text
called hyperlinks.
Web browser
A web browser is application software used to access and
view websites. We can also define web browser as a software
program that allows a user to locate, access, and display web
pages. Web browser is also called “browser.” Browsers are
used mainly for displaying and accessing websites on
the Internet, as well as other content created using Hypertext
Mark-up Language (HTML) and Extensible Mark-up Language (XML). Opera, Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. are the popular web browsers.
Search Engine
Search engines are used to view the web documents based on
keyboards. It is a web-based tool that enables users to locate
information on the World Wide Web. Popular examples of
search engines are Google, Yahoo!,, etc. A dictionary
meaning of search engine is “a computer program that
searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for
a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in
which they are found.”
Simply hyperlink means linking with multiple pages. Hyperlink is a word, phrase, or
image that you can click to jump in a new document or a new section within the current
document. Hyperlinks are found in all Web pages. A hyperlink is an element in an HTML
document that links to either another portion of the document or to another document.

Working with HTML

In this class, we are going to discuss the HTML. We are going to learn some basic tags
used by HTML.

Features of HTML
 It helps to create a web page with the help of various tags.

164 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 It helps to create a link between or among the documents.
 It helps to create data in a tabular format.
 It helps to insert pictures and symbols.
 It helps to create a form.

Quick Learn
 Internet is used for various purposes like for education, health, sports,
entertainment and so many other fields.
 All types of information on the internet are stored on web server.
 The website is the collection of web pages which can be created by using some
web page designing applications.
 A web page is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Mark-up Language
(HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network using an Internet
 Hyper Text Mark Up language was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990 AD.
 A web browser is application software used to access and view websites.
 Search engines are used to view the web documents based on keywords.
 Hyperlink means linking with multiple pages.
 A hyperlink is an element in an HTML document that links to either another
portion of the document or to another document.


HTML tags are the hidden keywords within a web page that define how your web browser
displays the content. Most tags must have two parts, an opening and a closing part. For
example, <html> is the opening tag and </html>is the closing tag. The closing tag has the
same text as the opening tag, but has an additional forward-slash ( / ) character. <HTML>,
<HEAD>, <BODY>, <B> etc. are the examples of HTML tag. There are two types of
HTML tags.

Container Tag : This tag has both starting and the ending tag which are enclosed with the
help of angular bracket (<>). In container tag, we must use slash (/) to close the tag as</
B>. For example <U> tag start the underline and </U> close the underline.
Empty Tag: This tag does not have the ending tag but it has starting tag. For example
<BR> code does not have ending tag.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 165

Structure of HTML document
<title> Tile of the web page </title>
Content of the document that you want to display…

 <html></html> : This basically defines the document as web page. It also

identifies the beginning and end of the HTML document. All other tags must
fall between the html tags.
 <head></head>: The header contains information about the document that does
not appear on the actual page, such as the title of the document, the author.
 <title></title>: The title tag defines the title that will appear in the title bar of
your web browser. The title must appear between the head tags.
 <body></body>: The body tags contain all the information and other visible
content on the page. All your images, links and plain texts must go between the
<body> and </body> tags.

Preparing HTML document

With the help of HTML tag, we can create HTML documents. To write HTML tag we
can use the text editor program like Notepad. We can save the notepad file with .html
extension and view it with the help of web browsers.

Starting Notepad

 Press windows key and R at the same time (Windows key + R) from the keyboard.
 A Run dialogue box will appear.
 Type Notepad in the box and press enter
 Now you can view the notepad screen as below.

166 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Use various HTML tags as required.
 Save this file with .htm or .html extension in your required location of storage.
 After it, use any web browser to view the page as a web page.

Text formatting tags in HTML

 <B> text </B>: This tag is used to make the text bold and close it.
 <I> text </I>: This tag is used to make the text italic and close it.
 <U> text </U>: This tag is used to insert the underline in the required text and close
 <SUP> text < SUP>: This tag is used to convert the text in superscript format.
 <SUB> text <.SUB>: This tag is used to convert the text in subscript format.
 <P>: This tag is empty tag used to change the paragraph.
 <BR>: This tag is used to break the line.

Lab Activity
<Title> This is the first sample. </title </HEAD>
<BODY><B> code is used to make the text bold.</B><BR>
<I> code is used to make the text italic. </I><BR>
<U> code is used to insert underline in the text.</U><BR>
We can use formula in HTML as given <BR>
A<sup>2</sup> + 2ab + b<sup>2</sup> as to display in superscript and H<sub>2</
sub>SO<sub> 4 </sub> as subscript.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 167


Changing the paragraph alignment

<P> Tag
This option is used to move the text or paragraph or an image to the centre, left or right
part of the screen. We can also justify the text with paragraph alignment tag.
 <P align = “Center” | “Left” | “Right” | “Justify”>text </P>
Open NOTEPAD and type the below text and display the result.

Lab Activity

<Title> this is second sample. </title </HEAD><BODY>
<P align = “Center”> This is our second sample <P><br>
<P align = “left”> This is our second sample <P><br>
<P align = “right”> This is our second sample <P><br>
<P align = “justify”> This is our second sample on HTML. <br> We can use HTML
for writing the tags.
<br>We can apply formula and others in HTML. <br> We can also work with table
and so on. <P><br>

168 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


Heading tag
<Hn> Tag
You can use different sizes for your headings. HTML has six levels of headings, which
use the elements such as<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>. While displaying any
heading, browser adds one line before and one line after that heading.
<H1> …………….</H1>
<H2> …………….</H2>
<H3> …………….</H3>
<H4> …………….</H4>
<H5> …………….</H5>
<H6> …………….</H6>
Where H1 is the largest heading and H6 is the smallest heading.

Lab Activity
<Title> this is heading sample. </title </HEAD>
<H1> This is heading 1.</H1><br>
<H2> This is heading 2. </H2><br>
<H3> This is heading 3. </31><br>
<H4> This is heading 4. </H4><br>
<H5> This is heading 5. </H5><br>
<H6> This is heading 6. </H6><br>

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 169


Font colour size and face

<Font> Tag
There are three different ways of defining a colour. The easiest way is to name the colour
in English. For example: black, white, red, green and blue. We can also use colour code
as below in HTML.

Colour Hexa Colour Hex Colour Hex Colour Hex

aqua #00FFFF green #008000 navy #000080 silver #C0C0C0
black #000000 gray #808080 olive #808000 teal #008080
blue #0000FF lime #00FF00 purple #800080 white #FFFFFF
fuchsia #FF00FF maroon #800000 red #FF0000 yellow #FFFF00
Here, size is used for setting the absolute values ranging from 1 to 7. Colour is used for
changing the font colour and face is used for changing the font name.

Lab Activity
<Title> this is font colour size and face sample. </title </HEAD>
<FONT COLOR = #008000 size = “7” face = “Arial Black”>we all are Nepali and
we are proud to be Nepali. </FONT>

170 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

In the given tag #008000 is the colour value for green, 7 is the size of the font and Arial
Black is the name of the font which is also called font face. You can change the font
colour, size and face as your requirement.

Marquee Element
<Marquee> Tag
This element is used to make the text or picture movable. You can move the text or picture
centre part, left part, right part, upwards, down wards, scroll and alternate. on the screen.
Where, behavior enables you to set the movement of the marquee, direction specifies the
direction in which the text will scroll, bgcolor set the background colour for the marquee
with a colour name or value.

Lab Activity
<Title> this is marquee sample. </title </HEAD>
<FONT COLOR = #008000 size = “7” face =”Arial Black”>
<marquee bgcolor = “red” behavior = “alternate”> We are learning the HTML. </

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 171

Working with image
<IMG> Tag
We can insert various types of pictures in HTML document. Before inserting the picture
you have to identify the extension of picture as it is .JPG, .GIF, .JPEG, .TIF or .BMPpicture.
Where, src used to specify the source of image, align aligns text around an image in word
wrap style, width specifies the width of the image in pixel and height specified the height
of the image in pixels.
Lab Activity
<Title> this is image inserting sample. </title </HEAD>
<P align = “center”><IMG SRC = “child.jpg” width =”300” height =”500”

Hyperlinks and Anchors

<A> Tag
Hyperlink is essential in each web document. When you click on this link, you can view
or open the new page.
<A HREF = “NAME OF THE WEB SITE”> Text ….. </A>

172 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Lab Activity
<Title> this is hyperlink sample. </title></HEAD>
<A HREF = “”> Visit our web page </A>

Quick Learn
 HTML tags are the hidden keywords within a web page that define how your web
browser displays the content.
 There are two types of HTML tags, they are Container Tag and Empty Tag.
 Text formatting tags are used to format the text.
 Marquee element is used to make the text or picture movable.
 You can move the text or picture centre part, left part, right part, up wards, down
wards, scroll and alternate, etc. on the screen.
 We can insert various types of pictures in HTML document.
 JPG, .GIF, .JPEG, .TIF or .BMP, etc. are the extension of pictures.
 Hyperlink is essential in each web document. When you click on this link, you can
view or open the new page.

1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.
a. Who was the creator of the first web page?
i. Babbage ii. Tim Berners Lee iii. Lady Ada
b. What is the extension of HTML file?
i. .HTML ii. .DOC iii. .JPEG
c. Which of the following is a web browser?
i. Opera ii. Google iii. Facebook
d. Which of the following is a search engine?
i. Opera ii. Google iii. Facebook

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 173

e. What is the meaning of hyperlink?
i. No any link ii. Link with in single page iii. Link with multiple pages
f. What is the name of the starting page of any web pages?
i. File page ii. Home page iii. Insert page
g. Which of the following tag is used to place the text to the center align?
i. <P Align = “Center”> ii. <P Align = “Right”> i ii. <P Align = “Left”>

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. The web site is the collection of ………………. which can be created by
using some web page designing applications.
b. Hyper Text Mark Up language was developed by ……………in 1990 AD.
c. ………… are used to view the web documents based on keyboards.
d. A ……… is an element in an HTML document that links to either another
portion of the document or to another document.
e. There are two types of HTML tags they are Container Tag and ……………
f. ……………. element is used to make the text or picture movable.
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. All types of information on the internet are stored on web server.
b. A web page is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Mark-up
Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network
using an Internet browser.
c. A search engine is an application software used to access and view websites.
d. Hyperlink means linking with only single page.
e. Text formatting tags are used to format the pictures.
f. Hyperlink is essential in each web document. When you click on this link,
you can view or open the new page.
4. Match the following.
Google Tag to insert picture
Firefox Adding horizontal line
<HR> Search Engine
<IMG SRC> Web Browser

174 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

5. Write down the function of the following HTML tags.
6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name any two web browsers.
b. Name any two popular search engines that you know.
c. When was the first web page created?
d. What are the types of HTML tag?
e. Which tag is used to make the text italic and close it?
f. Which colour code is use for green colour in RGB colour format?
g. Can we use space at the beginning or middle of the tag?
7. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define web browser and search engine.
b. What is HTML? Write down the features of HTML.
c. What is HTML tag? Explain its types.
d. Define hyperlink with its examples.
e. What is the default background colour of the web page?
f. Which tag is used to make the text movable?
8. Write long answer to the following question.
a. What do you mean by text formatting in HTML? Explain some text
formatting tag with its syntax.

Project Work & Activity

• Prepare a web page using HTML tag where you can describe about your
family and school.
• Prepare a web site by describing about your locality.
• Conduct a speech competition on the topic “Social media and its impacts”.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 175

Information and Communication
11 Technology

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students the able
willbe following
to: topics:
• tell about the ICT with its advantages and disadvantages.
• write the application areas of ICT.


The Information and Communication Technology is making dynamic changes in the

society in this 21st century. ICT has a great impact in our daily lives. ICT not only
covers about the computer but also all the technological devices that people are using
all over the world. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to all the
technology used to handle telecommunications, media, management systems, audio-
visual processing, and network-based control and monitoring functions. ICT has become
an integral part of everyday life for many people. It increases its importance in people’s
lives, and it is expected that this trend will continue, to the extent that ICT literacy will
become a functional requirement for people’s work, social, and personal lives.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has an important role in the world
since we are now in the information era. With ICT, the company can make the business
easier to happen with the client, supplier and the distributor. It is also very important in
our daily lives. The lack of appropriate information at the right time will result in low
productivity, low quality research works, and waste of time to pursue information and
even to do research which actually others had done in other countries. ICT is one of the
economic development pillars to gain national competitive advantage.

It can improve the quality of human life. It also provides wider knowledge and can
help in gaining and access the information.

176 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Advantages and disadvantages of ICT

 It is massively used in the educational sector.
 It has great impact in the field of communication.
 It is used to promote e-commerce. Exploring Knowledge!
 It is used in distance learning Information technology is the technology
and online health service. used to store, manipulate, distribute or create
information. It is a set of tools that can help
to provide the right people with the right in-
formation at the right time
 It has increased the piracy of data and information.
 More chances of spreading viruses.
 Increasing the viewers of pornography.
 A great threat from the hackers.
 People are depending on other resources which may decrease the efficiency.

Quick Learn
 The Information and Communication Technology is making dynamic changes
in the society in this 21st century.
 ICT not only covers about the computer but also all the technological devices
that people are using all over the world.
 ICT has become an integral part of everyday life for many people.
 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has an important role in the
world since we are now in the information era.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 177

Application of ICT

The major application areas of ICT are explained below.

ICT in education

The use of ICT in education is rapidly increasing day by day.

The various ICT tools are used in school and colleges for
the effective learning activities. A teacher can use ICT tools
for teaching activities like laptop, projector, smart board,
educational software, tablet, mobile and others. During
teaching learning activities students can listen and watch various audio and video clips
with the help of the internet. Nowadays, distance learning, online education, online
exams etc. are possible due to the use of ICT tools. A student should not depend upon a
teacher these days, they can use different web site and browse the related information at
anytime from anywhere.

ICT in Health

ICT tools are being used at hospital for CT-Scan, ultrasound,

endoscope, ECG, X-Ray to do the investigation of the patients.
ICT tools are also used to keep the records of doctors, hospital
staff, patients, doctor’s duty schedule, etc. Telemedicine and
online medical advisees are also possible with the help of ICT
tools. Telemedicine can be defined as the use of electronic communication technology to
exchange patient information and provision of health care services at remote locations. To
sum up, ICT in health sectors are used for the followings.
 Health and Education
 Hospital Management System
 Health Research
 Electronic Medical Record

ICT in Banking

Information and Communication Technology plays an important role in the development

of banking industry. In fact, ICT has made the banking sector more competitive

178 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

because of advancement of information and communication
technologies. ICT allows the banks to effectively cater the
needs of the consumers by strengthening internal control
systems which are backed by the effective communication
mechanisms. The wide spread use of smart cards, ATMs,
mobile banking, electronic banking, telephone banking,
twenty four hours service, the overall quality of services, expanded portfolio of products
and services, better customer relationship management with the use of advanced tools
and variety of products has enabled banks to better serve their customers with the advent
of ICT.

ICT in Communication
The world is very small due to the use of ICT in communication.
You can connect with the people of the world with in a very
few seconds. ICT tools are decreasing the distance between or
among the people of the world. You can collect and transfer
the information all over the world with in a few minutes.
Nowadays, the use of e-mail, voice mail, web chat, uses of social media like Facebook,
twitter, Viber are rapidly increased to have a communication effectively which are also
the tools of ICT.
Exploring Knowledge!
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation
and sharing of information, ideas, interests and other forms of expression through vir-
tual communities and networks

ICT in E-Commerce

E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce which is used to

buying and selling the goods over the internet. We can do online
shopping and also promote the business. E-commerce refers to
the purchase and sale of goods and/or services through electronic
channels such as the Internet. E-commerce was first introduced
in the 1960s via an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on
value-added networks (VANs). E-commerce is subdivided into three categories:
business to business or B2B like Cisco, business to consumer or \B2C like Amazon, and
consumer to consumer or C2C like eBay.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 179

Quick Learn
 A teacher can use ICT tools for teaching activities like laptop, projector, smart
board, educational software, tablet, mobile and others.
 ICT tools are popularly used at hospital for CT-Scan, ultrasound, endoscope,
ECG, X-Ray to do the investigation of the patients.
 Telemedicine and online medical advice is also possible with the help of ICT
 ICT allows banks to effectively provide all services accurately.
 The world is very small due to the use of ICT in communication.
 You can connect with the people of the world with in a very few seconds.
 ICT tools are decreasing the distance between or among the people of the world.
 E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce which is used to buying and selling
the goods over the internet.

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. The ……………………. are making dynamic changes in the society in this
21st century.
b. ICT has become an ………………….. of everyday life for many people.
c. A ………………… can use ICT tools for teaching activities like laptop,
projector, smart board, educational software, tablet, mobile and others.
d. ICT allows the ………………. to effectively provide all the services of bank.
e. ICT tools are …………………. the distance between or among the people of
the world.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. ICT not only covers about the computer but also all the technological devices
that people are using all over the world.
b. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has an important role
in the world since we are now in the information era.

180 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. ICT tools are popularly used at bank for CT-Scan, ultrasound, endoscope,
ECG, X-Ray to do the investigation of the patients.
d. Telemedicine and online medical advice are also possible with the help of ICT
e. The world is very small due to the use of ICT in communication.
f. You can connect with the people of the world with in a very few seconds.
g. E-Mail stands for electronic commerce which is used to buying and selling the
goods over the internet.
3. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What is the full form of ICT?
b. Are laptop and desktop computers related to technology?
c. Is it possible to use ICT tools in education?
d. Name any three ICT tools that can be used at your school.
4. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define ICT with its advantages and disadvantages.
b. What is the role of ICT in education? Describe in short.
c. What types of services can we get with the help of ICT tools at hospital?
d. What is the role of the ICT tools in communication these days?
e. What is E-Commerce? What are the different categories of E-Commerce?

Project Work & Activity

• Conduct a speech competition on the topic “Role of ICT tools for education
and communication in 21st Century.
• Collect various ICT tools from different newspaper and paste in your chart
• Take an interview with your school principal about the various ICT tools
that are being used and record an audio then present it in your classroom.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 181

Computer Ethics and Cyber Law

Expected Competency
This chapter covers the following topics:
At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• define computer ethics and its provisions.
• tell about the cyber crime.
• write about cyber law and its area.
• explain the cyber law of Nepal.


The history of computer ethics was started

from 1950 AD. It is a branch of applied
science. Computer ethics deals with how
the computer experts should make decision
regarding the social and professional
behaviour while working with the computer
tools and technology. It also deals with
the procedures, values and practices that
govern the process of consuming computing
technology and its related disciplines without
damaging or violating the moral values of
any individual, organization or entity. Every
society has its rules about whether certain
acts are ethical or not. These rules have been established as a result of consensus in
society and are often written into laws.

182 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Computer ethics address the following things.
 Accountability Exploring Knowledge!
 Responsibility Cyber law is the law that includes a variety of
 Liability issues related to the internet and other com-
munication technology, including intellectual
 Intellectual Property Right property, privacy, freedom of expression, and
 Obligation jurisdiction.

 Quality of system and quality of life

There are ten provisions of computer ethics defined by the Computer Ethics Institute.

a. Do not use a computer to harm other people.

b. Do not interfere with other people’s computer work.

c. Do not snoop around in other people’s files.

d. Do not use a computer to steal.

e. Do not use a computer to bear false witness.
f. Do not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
g. Do not use other people’s computer resources without authorization.
h. Do not appropriate other people’s intellectual output.
i. Do think about the social consequences of the program you write.
j. Do use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect

Cyber crime

Cybercrime is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer and computing
tools. Cyber terrorists use computer tools to steal the personal information, spread
viruses, hacking the website and blogs to earn the money. The growth of the internet is
increasing in the volume of cybercrime activities. These days people are also using
social media like facebook and others to commit criminal activities so that some
countries are restricting the use of social media. Cybercrime is committed by individuals
or small groups, as well as by criminal organizations that are often spread around
the world and committing crimes on an unprecedented scale.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 183

Quick Learn
 The history of computer ethics was started from 1950 AD.
 Computer ethics is a branch of applied science.
 Computer ethics deals with how the computer experts should make decision
regarding the social and professional behaviour while working with the
computer tools and technology.
 Cybercrime is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer and
computing tools.
 Cyber terrorists use computer tools to steal the personal information, spread
viruses, hacking the web site and blogs to earn money.
 The growth of the internet is increasing the volume of cybercrime activities.
 These days people are also using social media to commit the criminal activities.
 Cybercrime is committed by individuals or small groups, as well as by criminal

The following are the crime related to computer


Piracy is the unauthorized distribution, theft, reproduction, copying, storage, or other use
of intellectual property protected under copyright law. In computing, software piracy is
a global issue. When a software program is illegally copied, downloaded or installed, a
pirate commits an act of theft. Pirates engage in any activities like using, distributing or
copying software illegally, uploading or downloading online music illegally, etc.


A hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer system and networks
to gain access. Hackers are the computer programmers with knowledge of computer
security. A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses his/her technical
knowledge to overcome a problem.
Cyber terrorism
Cyber terrorism can be explained as internet terrorism. With the beginning of the internet,
individuals and groups are misusing the privacy to threaten individuals, certain groups,
religions, ethnicities or politics. Cyber terrorism is defined as attack against a computer
system, computer data, programs and other information.

184 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Cyber stalking
It is a criminal practice where an individual uses the Internet to systematically harass
or threaten someone. This crime can be perpetrated through email, social media, chat,
messaging and any other online medium. Cyber stalking is one of several cybercrimes
that is enabled by the Internet.
Spam is an e-mail sent to thousands or millions of people without prior approval. The first
spam e-mail was sent by Gary Thuerk on May 1, 1978. Spam is an electronic junk mail
or junk newsgroup postings. A spammer typically sends an email to millions of email
addresses, with the expectation that only a small number will respond or interact with the

Cyber Law

Cyber law is the part of the legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and
their respective legal issues. Cyber law is a term that captures the legal issues related
to use of the computer and internet technology. Cyber laws prevent or reduce the
damage from cybercriminal activities by protecting information access, privacy,
communications, intellectual property (IP) and freedom of speech related to the use of
the Internet, websites, email, computers, cell phones, software and hardware, such as data
storage devices. Social media related cybercrime in Nepal includes using pornography
content in social media or creating fake profiles to intentionally harm someone with the
use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any social media platform.

Area of cyber law

Computer Crime law

Computer crime law deals with the board range of criminal offenses using a computer
or any computing devices. Most of the computing related criminal activities are being
increased with the massive uses of internet. Computer crime is an illegal activity carried
out by the use of computers and computing devices. To stop such types of criminal
activities, computer crime law is important.

Intellectual Property law

Intellectual properties are the works done by the own creativity of an individual or the
creation of mind, such as inventions, literary , artistic works, designs and symbols,
names and images, etc. Intellectual property law deals with the rules for securing and

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 185

enforcing legal rights to writers,
Exploring Knowledge!
inventors, designers, artists, etc.
This law protects ownership of Cyberspace is the electronic medium of
computer networks, in which online
personal property or organizational
communication takes place. Cyberspace is
property. It includes copyrights,
a very wide term that includes: computers,
patents, trademark and industrial computer networks, the Internet data software,
design. etc.

Data Protection and Privacy Law

Data protection and privacy means the proper maintenance of security of information
or data from being theft or from the unauthorized access. This law helps the people to
maintain the proper security of data and punish those people who enter into other’s system
without permission or authority.
Copyright law
Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection provided by the law. Copyright
protection is available for original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form,
whether published or unpublished. The copyright act prevents the unauthorized copying
of a work of authorship or others. Nepal government also use this law as a part of cyber
Trademark law
A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular manufacturer or
seller’s products and distinguish them from the products of other. Trademarks make it
easier for consumers to quickly identify the source of a given goods. For example instead
of reading the print on a coke bottle, consumers can look for the Coca-Cola trademark.
Trademark law is also included in cyber law.
Telecommunication law
Telecommunication is the way of exchanging the information over significant distances
by electronic means and refers to all types of voice, data and video transmission. It
includes a wide range of information transmitting technologies such as telephones (wired
and wireless), microwave communications, fibre optics, satellites, radio, television
broadcasting, internet, etc. The use of telecommunication services are rapidly increasing
day by day. People may commit criminal activities with the help of telecommunication
services. To stop such types of criminal activities, telecommunication law is introduced
in cyber law.

186 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Cyber law in Nepal
The first cyber law of Nepal was introduced on Bhadra 30, 2061, which was named as
Electronic transaction and digital signature act ordination- 2061. In 2063 BS “electronic
transaction act 2063” and in 2064 BS “electronic transaction regulation 2064” was
launched. Nepal is a developing county. The ICT sector is also in developing phase like
other sectors. Nowadays the business sector, government sector and public sector are
using ICT as a major tool to support all types of business process and providing services
to the public. It is very essential to legalize the digital activities like online work to make
it useful and standard. Computer users, and the growth of technology has resulted the use
of computers for cybercrime. Most Nepalese use computers and internet for entertainment
purpose and are not aware of the risk they are involved in. They probably do not have the
knowledge of cyber security.

Quick Learn
 The history of computer ethics was started from 1950 AD.
 Computer ethics is a branch of applied science.
 Computer ethics deals with how the computer experts should make
decision regarding the social and professional behaviour while working with the
computer tools and technology.
 Cybercrime is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer
and computing tools.
 Cyberstalking is a criminal practice where an individual uses the
Internet to systematically harass or threaten someone.
 Spam is an e-mail sent to thousands or millions of people without prior
 Cyber law is the part of the legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace,
and their respective legal issues.
 Computer crime law deals with the board range of criminal offenses using a
computer or any computing devices
 A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular
manufacturer or seller’s products and distinguish them from the products of

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 187

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. Computer …………… is a branch of applied science.
b. …………… is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer and
computing tools.
c. These day people are also using …………… to commit the criminal activities.
d. ………… is the unauthorized distribution, theft, reproduction, copying,
storage, or other use of intellectual property protected under copyright law.
e. …………are the computer programmers with knowledge of computer security.
f. A …………. is any skilled computer expert that uses his/her technical knowledge to
overcome a problem.
g. …………… it is a criminal practice where an individual uses the Internet
to systematically harass or threaten someone.
h. ………….. is the part of the legal system that deals with the internet, cyberspace,
and their respective legal issues.
i. A ………………… is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular
manufacturer or seller’s products and distinguish them from the products of
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. The history of computer ethics was started from 2000 AD.
b. Cyber terrorists use computer tools to steal the personal information, spread
viruses, hacking the web site and blogs to earn the money.
c. The growth of the internet is decreasing in the volume of cybercrime activities.
d. Cybercrime is committed by individuals or small groups, as well as by criminal
e. A programmer is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer
systems and networks to gain access.
f. Cyber Crime can be explained as internet terrorism.
g. Spam is an e-mail sent to thousands or millions of people without prior approval.

188 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

3. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. When was the history of computer ethics started?
b. Write any one commandment of computer ethics.
c. Is cybercrime a criminal activity?
d. Who are called hackers?
e. When was cyber law introduced in Nepal?
f. Write any one area of cyber law.
4. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What do you mean by computer ethics?
b. Write any six provisions of computer ethics.
c. What is cybercrime? Is hacking is a cybercrime?
d. Explain about Cyber terrorism.
e. Define cyber law with its area.
5. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain the area of cyber law in detail.
b. What are various crimes related to computer? Explain each of them.

Project Work & Activity

• Conduct a presentation competition about the cyber law of Nepal and its
• Prepare a chart paper with the provisions of computer ethics defined by the
Computer Ethics Institute.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 189

Computer Virus

Expected Competency
This chapter covers the following topics:
At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• define computer virus and its types.
• tell the symptoms of virus infection, protection mechanism.
• write about the anti virus program with examples.


A computer virus is a manmade destructive computer program that can copy itself and
infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the user. It is also called program
or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs
against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. When the virus is executed, it
spreads by copying itself into or over data files, programs, or boot sector of a computer’s
hard drive. Most of the computer viruses will
delete data, overwrite information, display Exploring Knowledge!
messages, and add itself to other files on the The term ‘computer virus’ was first
computer. Almost all computer viruses only formally defined by Fred Cohen in
damage the data contained on the computer 1983
and do not physically harm the computer or
its hardware.

I love you, Code Red, Melissa, Sasser, Zeus, Conficker, Mydoom, CryptoLocker,
Flashback, etc. are the popular computer viruses. The common types of computer viruses
are listed below.

Types of viruses

The various types of computer viruses are explained below.

190 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Macro Virus
These are the particular type of file virus written in the macro language used to damage
the software applications like word processors. A macro is a series of commands that
automatically triggers a specific function within a software program. An example of this
type of virus is the Melissa Virus from 1999. The macro virus is initially embedded in
one document or a few documents, but it can spread to other documents within the same
computer, as well as reaching out to other computers through shared documents.

Boot Sector virus

A boot sector virus infects the boot sector on hard disk, floppy disk and also bootable
media such as CD and DVD. Bootable and non-bootable media can spread a boot sector
virus. Once the infected computer successfully boots, the boot sector virus stays in
memory and infects storage media when they are written to by the infected computer.
These viruses infect the master boot record, they are very difficult to remove. C-Brain,
Stone, Disk killer, Polyboot, etc. are the examples of boot sector virus.

File infector virus

File infector virus is also known as parasitic Exploring Knowledge!
virus that usually infects memory and
The Creeper virus was first detected
executable files. It is a type of computer
on ARPANET, the forerunner of the
virus that inserts its malicious code into
Internet, in the early 1970s. Creeper was
executable files on a system. When the
an experimental self-replicating program
infected file is opened or used, the virus
written by Bob Thomas in 1971.
may overwrite the file and cause permanent
damage to the content of the overwritten file. This type of virus targets a large range of
operating systems, including Macintosh, UNIX, DOS, and Windows. Once they are in
system they remain for a long time. Jerusalem, cascade, etc. are the examples of file
infector virus.

Polymorphic virus
A polymorphic virus is a computer virus that affects data types and functions. It is a
self-encrypted virus designed to avoid detection by a scanner. The polymorphic virus
duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly modified, copies of itself. The first
known polymorphic virus (1260) was written by Mark Washburn in 1990. Polymorphic
viruses change with each infection. Polymorphic viruses are complicated computer
viruses that attack computer data types and functions. Each polymorphic virus duplicates
itself into millions of copies. Evil, Elkers, Stan Bug, etc. are the examples of polymorphic

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 191

Multipartite virus

A multipartite virus is a fast-moving virus

Exploring Knowledge!
that uses file infectors or boot infectors to
In March of 1999, hackers released
attack the boot sector and executable files
the Melissa Virus, which was very
simultaneously. The multipartite virus can powerful that it forced Microsoft and other
affect both the boot sector and the program companies to completely turn off their
files at the same time. A multipartite virus email systems so they could destroy it
infects computer systems many times
and differently. The first multipartite virus was the Ghostball virus. It was discovered
by FridrikSkulason in 1989. To sum up, we can say that multipartite viruses have dual
capabilities and typically infect both system sectors and files.

Script virus

These types of viruses are created with the help of scripting languages such as VB Script,
Java Script, etc. Script viruses use email to send themselves to others is also a form of
worm. A Script Virus usually comes from web page advertisements, so it can spread
very fast. Almost all Script Viruses have these common features: attaching itself script
and being written via a scripting language such as Java Script. A Script Virus is spread
via web pages and has several properties such as being easy to program, malicious, and
highly transferable.

Stealth virus

A computer virus that actively hides itself from the antivirus software and create a copy
of itself in another location on the drive are stealth virus. A stealth virus will hide itself
in the system memory every time when a program scanner is run. It employs various
techniques to hide any changes so that when the scanner looks for altered sections, the
virus redirects it to any area that contains the clean, uninfected data. A more advanced
anti-virus program can detect a stealth virus by searching for evidence of changes within
system sectors along with areas that are more susceptible to attack, regardless of how it
is booted.

192 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 A computer virus is a manmade destructive computer program
 Most of the computer viruses will delete data, overwrite information, display
messages, and add itself to other files on the computer.
 I love you, Code Red, Melissa, Sasser, Zeus, Conficker, Mydoom, Crypto Locker,
Flashback, etc. are the popular name of computer virus.
 A macro is a series of commands that automatically triggers a specific function
within a software program.
 A boot sector virus infects the boot sector on hard disk, floppy disk and also
bootable media such as CD and DVD.
 File infector virus is also known as parasitic virus that usually infects memory and
executable files.
 The polymorphic virus duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly modified,
copies of itself.
 The first known polymorphic virus (1260) was written by Mark Washburn
in 1990.
 The multipartite virus can affect both the boot sector and the program files at the
same time.
 A script virus usually comes from web page advertisements so it can spread very
 A stealth virus will hide itself in system memory every time a program scanner is

Symptoms of virus infection.

 Computer will be slow down and does not respond properly.
 Computer will restart itself.
 Unwanted error message appears on the display screen.
 Programs and files may disappear from the computer system.
 Disk and drive may not open properly.
 Antivirus program may not work properly or may disappear from the system.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 193

Protection from computer virus
 Always use antivirus program on your computer system and update it regularly.
 Scan removable storage media with antivirus before using it.
 Use firewall system.
 Do not download unnecessary software and data from the internet.
 Do not open unwanted and junk emails.
 Give priority to use genuine software programs.
Routes of virus transformation
 Email attachment and web documents
 Removable storage devices like pen drive, memory card, etc.
 Fake websites
 Bluetooth, Xender, etc.

Antivirus software

Antivirus programs are utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices. Most antivirus programs include both automatic and manual scanning
capabilities. The automatic scan checks the files that are downloaded from the Internet,
discs that are inserted into the computer, and files that
are created by software installers. The automatic scan
also scans the entire hard drive on a regular basis. Some
special functions of antivirus software are listed below.
 It scans specific files or directories for any malware
or known malicious programs.
 It allows us to schedule scans to automatically run.
 It allows us to initiate a scan of a specific file, storage media or computer at anytime.
 It removes malicious codes that are detected.
Some popular antivirus programs
 Norton antivirus  Kaspersky antivirus  McAfee antivirus
 NOD 32 antivirus  AVG antivirus  Panda antivirus

194 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 When your computer is affected by the virus, it will slow down and
does not respond properly, restart itself, unwanted error message appears and
programs and files may disappear from the computer system.
 To protect the computer system from the virus always use antivirus program and
update it regularly, scan removable storage media with antivirus and use firewall
 Email attachment, web documents, removable storage devices like pen drive,
memory card, etc. and Fake web sites are the routes of virus transformation.
 Antivirus programs are utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices.
 Most antivirus programs include both automatic and manual scanning
 Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee, NOD 32 antivirus, Avira, A-vast are the popular
antivirus programs.

1. Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.
a. Which of the following is destructive computer program?
i. Virus ii. Antivirus iii. Both (i) and (ii)
b. Which of the following is a computer virus?
i. Code Red ii. I Love you iii. Both (i) and (ii)
c. Which of the following is a boot sector virus?
i. C-Brain ii. Script Virus iii. Mydoom
d. Which of the following is a symptom of virus infection?
i. Computer restarts time and again
ii. Errors messages appear on the desktop iii. Both (i) and (ii)
e. Which of the following is an antivirus program?
i. McAfee ii. Presentation Program iii. Mydoom

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 195

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. A …………... is a series of commands that automatically triggers a specific
function within a software program.
b. File infector virus is also known as ……………. that usually infects memory
and executable files.
c. The first known polymorphic virus was written by …………….. in 1990.
d. The …………….. can affect both the boot sector and the program files at the
same time.
e. When your computer is affected by ……………….. it will slow down and
does not respond properly.
f. Email attachment, web documents, removable storage devices like pen drive,
memory card, etc. and fake websites are the ………….. of virus transformation.
g. Most ……………. include both automatic and manual scanning capabilities.
h. Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee, NOD 32 antivirus, Avira, A-vast are the popular
……… programs.
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. A computer virus is a manmade destructive computer program.
b. Code Red, Conficker, Crypto Locker, Flashback, etc. are the popular names of
computer antivirus.
c. A file infector virus infects the boot sector on hard disk, floppy disk and also
bootable media such as CD and DVD.
d. The polymorphic virus duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly
modified, copies of itself.
e. A boot sector virus usually comes from web page advertisements so it can spread
very fast.
f. A stealth virus will hide itself in system memory every time a program scanner is
g. To protect the computer system from the virus always use antivirus program and
update it regularly.
h. Antivirus programs are utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices.

196 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write down a single technical term for the following.
a. These are the utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices.
b. It is a series of commands that automatically triggers a specific function
within a software program.
c. A type of computer virus that inserts its malicious code into executable files
on a system.
d. These types of viruses are created with the help of scripting languages such
as VB Script, Java Script, etc.
e. The virus can affect both the boot sector and the program files at the same time.
5. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name any three computer viruses.
b. Write any two examples of file infector virus.
c. Name any two routes of virus transformation.
d. Does computer virus affect computer hardware?
e. What should be installed in your computer system to protect it from computer
f. Name any two antivirus that you know.
6. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is a computer virus? Explain with examples.
b. What are the types of viruses? List out them .
c. What are the symptoms of virus infections?
d. What are the routes of virus transformation?
e. Define antivirus with some examples.
f. Explain the ways to protect your computer system from the viruses.
7. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain the types of computer viruses.

Project Work & Activity

• Conduct a presentation competition about the symptoms of computer virus
and protecting mechanism.
• Use any antivirus software that has been installed in your computer system
and scan D: drive of your hard disk.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 197

Introduction to
14 Computer Networking

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• define compuetr network with its advantages and disadvantages.
• identify the components required for networking.
• explain the types of computer networking.
• tell about network topology.
• write about network architecture.


People need to communicate electronically in today’s

world. They need to exchange data and information with
one another. A good communication system is a must for
every individual and organization. Most of the organizations
depend on interconnected networks of computers to service
their processing needs. A computer network is a group of
two or more than two computers that are linked together to
share the information and resources. Generally, computer
network is any arrangement where a sender transmits a message to a receiver over a
channel consisting of some type of medium. A computer network is a set of computers
connected together for the purpose of sharing resources.
We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols and operating system to
establish a computer networking.

Uses of computer networking

 Resource sharing like file, data, storage devices, hardware, software and some
application programs.
 It is used for providing high reliability.

198 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 It can provide a powerful communication medium like e-mail, messaging, VOIP, etc.
 It is very cheaper system.

Advantages of networking
 It enhances communication and Exploring Knowledge!
availability of information. Computer networking is an act of
 It allows for more convenient resource connecting or joining two or more
sharing. computer devices like the desktop,
laptops, tablet PC, smartphones, etc.
 It makes file sharing easier.
together to share files and resources,
 It has a highly flexible working working remotely to achieve targeted
condition. aim and purpose.
 It increases cost efficiency

Disadvantages of networking
 It is difficult to establish
 Trained person is required to handle.
 It has less privacy.
 More chances of spreading viruses.

Components for computer networking

Computer: It is the most essential component to establish networking system. A

computer can act as a server, host or client in the networking system. It is almost
impossible to establish computer networking without the computer system.
Network Interface Card (NIC): Network Interface Card is also called as LAN (Local
Area Networking) card. It connects the computer to the cabling, which creates links with
all of the computers on the network together. Each computer on a network must have a
network card. The network interface card is built in with motherboard in every desktop
and laptop computers.
Communication Media: Guided and unguided media are used in networking as a
communication media. Guided media use wire or cable technology and unguided media
use wireless technology like WIFI to create networks.
Exploring Knowledge!
Port can be referred as logical channel through which data can be sent/received to
an application. Any host may have multiple applications running, and each of this
application is identified using the port number on which they are running on.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 199

Connecting devices: To establish a computer in a computer network, we must have
network connecting devices such as hub, switch, router, repeater, etc.
Network Operating System(NOS): It is an operating system used to make the
computers participate on the network. It creates a working environment between the user
and networks. Windows 2000, windows XP, windows 7, windows 8, Linux, etc. are the
network operating systems.
Protocol: It is a set of rules that must be followed by the sender and receiver while
communicating with each other over a network. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol)
, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), IPX/SPX (Internet Packet Exchange / Sequence Packet
Exchange are the examples of network protocols.

Quick Learn
 A computer network is a group of two or more than two computers that are linked
together to share the information and resources.
 We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols and operating
system to establish a computer networking.
 Network Interface Card is also called as LAN (Local Area Networking) card.
 Guided and unguided media are used in networking as a communication media.
 Guided media use wire or cable technology and unguided media use wireless
 Network Operating System(NOS) is an operating system used to make the
computers participate on the network.

Types of computer networking

There are several types of computer networks. Computer networks can be categorized
by their size as well as their purpose of use. The size of a network can be expressed by
the geographic area that they occupy and the number of computers that are part of the
network. Networks can cover a single room to millions of devices spread across the entire
 Personal Area Network (PAN)
 Local Area Network (LAN)
 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)

200 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Personal Area Network
A personal area network, or PAN, is a computer network
organized around an individual person within a single building.
This could be inside a small office or residence. A typical PAN
would include one or more computers, telephones, peripheral
devices, video game consoles and other personal entertainment
devices. If multiple individuals use the same network within
a residence, the network is sometimes referred to as a home area network, or HAN.
Intercom phone system is the best example of PAN.
Local Area Network
A Local Area Network consists of a computer network at a
single site, typically an individual office building. A LAN
is very useful for sharing resources, such as hardware and
software. LANs can be built with relatively inexpensive
hardware, such as hubs, network adapters and Ethernet
cables. The smallest LAN may only use two computers,
while larger LANs can accommodate hundreds of computers.
A LAN typically relies mostly on wired connections for increased speed and security, but
wireless connections can also be part of a LAN. High speed and low cost are the defining
characteristics of LANs.
Advantages of LAN
 It is a reliable networking suitable for very small area.
 Adding and removing the computers is easy.
 Data transfer rate is very high.
 Easy to share hardware resources like printer, CD/DVD, etc.
Metropolitan Area Network
A metropolitan Area Network, or MAN, consists Branch office 1
of a computer network across an entire city or
Warehouse 1 Factory3
small region. A MAN is larger than a LAN, which
is typically limited to a single building or site.
Depending on the configuration, this type of network Central Warehouse 3
can cover an area from several miles. A MAN is Office

often used to connect several LANs together to Factory2

form a bigger network.
Warehouse 2 Branch office 2

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 201

Advantages of MAN
 It is larger than LAN and smaller than WAN.
 It is faster than WAN but slower than LAN.
 Centralized administration is required to handle.
Wide Area Network
A Wide Area Network, or WAN, occupies
a very large area, such as an entire country
or the entire world. A WAN can contain
multiple smaller networks, such as
LANs or MANs. The Internet is the best LAN
example of a WAN. Computers that are
connected to a wide-area network are often
connected through public networks, such WAN
as the telephone system. They can also be
connected through satellites. The largest
WAN in existence is the Internet.
Advantages of WAN
 It is larger than LAN and WAN. It means it can cover large geographical location.
 Data and information can spread all over the world in a few minutes.
 It is used to promote the business and services.

Quick Learn
 Computer networks can be categorized by their size as well as their purpose of
 A Personal Area Network, or PAN, is a computer network organized around an
individual person within a single building.
 A LAN is very useful for sharing resources, such as hardware and software.
 A MAN is larger than a LAN, which is typically limited to a single building or
 A Wide Area Network, or WAN, occupies a very large area, such as an entire
country or the entire world.

202 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Networking Topology
A network topology is the arrangement of computers in the networks. Network Topology
refers to layout of a network. How different nodes in a network are connected to each
other and how they communicate is determined by the network’s topology. Topologies
are either physical layout of devices on a network or the way that the signals act on the
network media.

Types of topology

Bus topology

Bus Topology uses the single main cable as a backbone

of network which has terminators at the starting and
ending points. All the other nodes like workstations,
peripherals, etc. are connected to this main cable. This
type of topology is widely implemented in LANs as it is
easy to install and does not cost much. It also does not
require much cabling as in the case of some other topologies like star and mesh. The main
disadvantage of this topology is that the entire network is dependent on the main cable. In
case some problem occurs in the main cable, the whole system gets affected.
 It is easy to set-up and extend bus network.
 The cable length required for this topology is the least compared to other networks.
 This topology costs very less.
 It is mostly used in small networks.
 It is suitable for LAN.
Disadvantages Exploring Knowledge!
 If the main cable is broken down, MAC (Media Access Control) Address
whole system may stop to work. is also known as physical address, which
 It is difficult to detect and troubleshoot is the unique identifier of each host and
fault at individual station. is associated with the NIC.MAC address
 It is not suitable for networks with is assigned to the NIC at the time of
heavy traffic. manufacturing. The length of the MAC
address is : 12-digit/ 6 bytes/ 48 bits.
 It has less security.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 203

Star topology

Star topology is a networking topology which uses the

centre connectivity device to work in a network. This central
connectivity device can be either of a hub, router or a switch.
This central hub also works as a repeater for data flow. A
point-to-point connection is laid between the devices and
the central hub. Thus, all nodes are connected to each other
only by the assistance of this central hub. Installation and wiring is easy of star topology.
The functioning of the star topology depends on the central hub. This type of network is
suitable for school, college, hospitals, department store, small office, etc.
 Easy to install and maintenance.
 Easy to add or remove the nodes in the network.
 If a node stops to work, other nodes keep on working.
 No disruptions to the network when connecting or removing devices.
 If a central connectivity device like hub or switch stops to work, the entire
network will stop to work.
 More cable length is required.
 It is more expensive than other topology.

Ring topology
In ring topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other
in such a way that they make a closed loop. Token ring
technology is used to implement this type of topology. It
can be used for handling high volume of data. All devices
are given the same importance in this topology. It is in a
shape of a ring, in which every node is connected to only
two neighbours. In case of any cable or device breaks
away from the loop, then it can be a serious problem for
the entire network.
 It is very easy to identify the problems in the network.
 Fewer chances of data lost while transmitting.
 There is no need for a network server to control the connectivity between work

204 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 An additional component does not affect the performance of the network.
 Every computer has equal access to resources.
 Difficult to add and remove the Exploring Knowledge!
computers. OSI stands for Open Systems
 If a single computer fails to work, the Interconnection. It is a reference
entire network stops to work. model that specifies standards for
 More computers cannot involve in this communications protocols and also the
network. functionalities of each layer.

Quick Learn
 A network topology is the arrangement of computers in the networks. Network
topology refers to layout of a network.
 Bus topology uses the single main cable as a backbone of network which
has terminators at the starting and ending points.
 Star topology is a networking topology which uses the centre connectivity
device to work in a network.
 Hub is the centre connectivity device for star topology.
 In ring topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other in such a way that
they make a closed loop.

Networking Architecture

Network architecture refers to the layout of the network, consisting of the hardware,
software, connectivity, communication protocols and mode of transmission, such as wired
or wireless. It is a framework for the specification of a network’s physical components
and their functional organization and configuration.
Types of Network Architecture
Peer to peer architecture
Peer-to-peer architecture is a commonly used computer networking
architecture in which each workstation, or node, has the same
capabilities and responsibilities. There is no master or controller or
central server in this computer network. Peer to peer relationship
is suitable for small networks having fewer computers on a single
LAN. In a peer to peer network each computer can act as both a server and a client.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 205

Client Server architecture
Client-server architecture is architecture of a computer
network in which many clients (remote processors) request
and receive service from a centralized server (host computer).
Client computers provide an interface to allow a computer
user to request services of the server and to display the results.
Servers wait for requests to arrive from clients and then
respond to them. A server provides a standardized transparent
interface to clients so that clients need not be aware of the specifics of the system.

Introduction to internet

Internet is a network of networks. The Internet contains

billions of web pages created by people and companies
around the world. Internet is also a telecommunication
network that uses telephone lines, cables, satellites and
wireless connections to connect computers and other
devices to the World Wide Web. All modern computers can
connect to the internet, as many mobile phones and some
televisions, video game consoles and other devices.

Uses of internet
 To access a huge information from the millions of websites around the world.
 To send and receive email messages.
 To share photographs and video clips with everybody.
 To buy goods and services (E-commerce, E-business).
 To use online banking system like e-banking.
 To establish better communication services.
 To play games with other people online.

Basic terminology on internet


The World Wide Web (WWW) refers to the collection of Websites connected to the
Internet worldwide, together with the client devices such as computers and cell phones that

206 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

access its content. The WWW is just one of many applications
of the Internet and computer networks. It is based on three
technologies; they are Hyper Text Mark-up Language, Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol and web servers and browsers.
Web browser
A web browser is an application program Exploring Knowledge!
used to access and view websites. Microsoft Opera is a web browser for Windows,
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla mac OS, and Linux operating systems
Firefox, and Apple Safari, etc. are the developed by Norwegian company
popular web browsers. The primary Opera Software AS. It uses the Blink
function of a web browser is to render
layout engine.
HTML, the code used to design or “mark
up” web pages.
Web server
A Web server is a computer system that hosts websites. Most Web servers are
connected to the Internet via a high-speed connection or faster data transmission rates.
A fast Internet connection allows Web servers to support multiple connections. Any
computer can be used as a Web server, as long as it is connected to the Internet and has
the appropriate software installed.
Web page
The web page documents are written in HTML (hypertext Mark-up language) and are
translated by Web browsers. Web pages can either be static or dynamic. Static pages
show the same content each time they are viewed. Dynamic pages have content that
can change each time they are accessed. These pages are typically written in scripting
languages such as PHP, Perl, ASP, or JSP.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 207

Quick Learn
 Network architecture refers to the layout of the network.
 Client computers provide an interface to allow a computer user to request services
of the server and to display the results.
 Internet is a network of networks.
 Internet is also a telecommunication network that uses telephone lines, cables,
satellites and wireless connections to connect computers.
 The World Wide Web (WWW) refers to the collection of Web sites.
 A Web server is a computer system that hosts websites.
 The web page documents are written in HTML (hypertext Mark-up language) and
are translated by Web browsers.

1. Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.
a. Which of the following is a component of computer networking?
i. NIC ii. NOS iii. Both (i) and (ii)
b. Which of the following is a Local Area Networking?
i. WAN ii. MAN iii. LAN
c. Which of the following networking system is larger than LAN ?
i. MAN ii. WAN iii. Both (i) and (ii)
d. In which topology is hub is used?
i. BUS ii. Ring iii. Star
e. Which is the patterns of computers in Network?
i. Router ii. Topology iii. MAN
f. Which of the following is a network topology?

i. Bus ii. Star iii. Both (i) and (ii)

208 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. A ……………….. is group of two or more than two computers that are linked
together to share the information and resources.
b. Guided and ……………… media are used in networking as a communication
c. Guided media use ………………. technology and unguided media use wireless
d. A …………… is larger than a LAN, which is typically limited to a single
building or site.
e. A………………… occupies a very large area, such as an entire country or the
entire world.
f. …………………. uses the single main cable as a backbone of network
which has terminators at the starting and ending points.
g. ………………………. is the centre connectivity device for star topology.
h. …………………………. provide an interface to allow a computer user to
request services of the server and to display the results.
i. The web page documents are written in HTML (hypertext Mark-up language) and
are translated by …………………..

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols and operating

system to establish a computer networking.

b. Network Interface Card is also called as MAN (Metro Area Networking) card.

c. Network Operating System(NOS) is an operating system used to make the

computers participate on the network.

d. A Personal Area Network, or PAN, is a computer network organized around

an individual person within a single building.

e. A network topology is the arrangement of computers in the networks.

Network Topology refers to layout of a network.

f. A bus topology is a networking topology which uses the centre connectivity

device to work in a network.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 209

g. In a star topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other in such a way that
they make a closed loop.

h. Network architecture refers to the layout of the network.

i. Internet is a network of networks.

j. A Web browser is a computer system that hosts websites.

4. Write down a single technical term for the followings.

a. A group of two or more than two computers that are linked together to share
the information and resources.

b. It is a set of rules that must be followed by the sender and receiver while
communicating with each other over a network.

c. A network, that consists of a computer network across an entire city or

small region.

d. Arrangement of the computers in the network.

e. A network topology that is widely implemented in LANs as it is easy to

install and does not cost much.

f. A commonly used computer networking architecture in which each

workstation, or node, has the same capabilities and responsibilities.

g. An application program is used to access and view websites.

5. Write down the full form for the followings.

6. Match the following.
WWW Star Topology
Network topology Metro Area Network
Hub Google
Search Engine World Wide Web
7. Write very short answer of the following questions.
a. Name any two components required for networking.
b. Name any two protocols.
c. Is LAN larger than WAN?

210 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

d. Name any two networking topology.
e. What are the types of network architecture?
f. Which network topology places hub at the centre?
8. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define computer network with its uses.
b. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of computer networking.
c. Define network operating system.
d. What are the types of computer networking? Write down the advantages of
e. What is MAN? What are the advantages of MAN?
f. Define ring topology with its advantages.
g. Define web browser and web server.
9. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. What is Network architecture? Explain its types in details.
b. Write about protocol. What is the internet? Explain its uses.
c. Explain the types of computer networking in details.

Project Work & Activity

• Draw a neat and clean diagram of different networking topologies in a chart paper
and submit your teacher.
• Take an audio interview with your school principal or subject teacher or IT person
about the networking system that is being used in your school.
• Visit nearby places like bank, department store, IT office, telecom office or any
government offices and collect the information about their networking

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 211

Computer Number System


Number Systems

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

Inside the Unit

15 Computer Number System
Computer Number System

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• define number system with its types.
• convert the number system.
• perform the binary calculations.


The history of numbers starts from the ancient time when there were no any counting
systems or any devices. Number systems are the techniques to represent numbers in the
computer system. Decimal number system was developed by Hindu philosophers, since
then people are using it as their daily activities. Binary number system was developed by
Francis Bacon in 1623 AD. A set of values used to represent different quantities is known
as Number System. The digital computer represents all kinds of data and information
in binary numbers. It includes audio, graphics, video, text and numbers. The number of
digits used in a number system is called its base or radix. The base is written after the
number as subscript such as (10101)2.

Types of number system

Number Systems

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 213

Binary Number System
Binary number system uses only two digits that are 0 and 1. All the computers and
electronic devices are using it for their internal processing. The base of binary number
system is 2, as it has only two digits. So, it is also called the base 2 number system. It can
be written as (101010)2.

Octal number system

Octal number system has eight digits from 0 to 7. Since 8 digits are used, it is also called
the base 8 number system. Every number (value) represents with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 in
this number system. The base of octal number system is 8 because it has only 8 digits. It
can be written as (76401)8.
Decimal number system
This is the most popular number system for user. Decimal number system has only ten
(10) digits from 0 to 9. Every number (value) represents with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8 and 9. The
base of decimal number system is 10 because it has only 10 digits. So, it is also called the
base 10 number system. It can be written as (9801)10.
Hexadecimal number system
A Hexadecimal number system has 16 alphanumeric values from 0 to 9 and A to F.
Every number (value) represents with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F. The base of
hexadecimal number system is 16 because it has 16 alphanumeric values. It is also called
base16 number system. In this number system , the value for A is 10, B is 11, C is 12, D
is 13, E is 14 and F is 15. It can be written as (961)16, (DAF1)16, etc.

Quick Learn

Number Base Used digits Example

Binary 2 0,1 (110011100)2
Octal 8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (562)8
Decimal 10 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (9801)10
Hexadecimal 16 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F (ABC1)16

214 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Conversion Table

Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal

0000 0 0 0
0001 1 1 1
0010 2 2 2
0011 3 3 3
0100 4 4 4
0101 5 5 5
0110 6 6 6
0111 7 7 7
1000 10 8 8
1001 11 9 9
1010 12 10 A
1011 13 11 B
1100 14 12 C
1101 15 13 D
1110 16 14 E
1111 17 15 F

Conversion of numbers

Decimal Number System to Other Base

To convert Number system from Decimal Number sytem to any other base, we have to
follow the following two steps:

Step 1: Divide the Number (Decimal Number) by the base of target base system (in
which you want to convert the number: Binary (2), octal (8) and Hexadecimal (16)).

Step 2: Write the remainder from step 1 as a Least Signification Bit (LSB) to Step last as
the Most Significant Bit (MSB).
Decimal to binary
Convert the decimal number.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 215

(55)10 into binary ( ? )2 Decimal to Octal
Rem Example

2 55 1 Convert the decimal number.

(110)10 into Octal( ? )8
2 27 1
2 13 1
8 110 6
2 6 0
8 13 5
2 3 1
8 1 1
2 1 1
Thus (55)10= (110111 )2 Thus (110)10= (156 )8
Decimal to hexadecimal
Convert the decimal number (128)10 into Hexadecimal( ? )16 .
16 127 15 (F)
16 7 7
Thus (128)10= (7F )16
Other Base System to Decimal Number Base
To convert number system from any other base System to decimal number system, we can
use the following steps:
Step 1: Determine the base value of source Number System (that you want to convert),
and also determine the position of digits from LSB (first digit’s position – 0, second
digit’s position – 1 and so on).
Step 2: Multiply each digit with its corresponding multiplication of position
value and base of source number system’s base.

Step 3: Add the resulted value.

216 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Binary to Decimal
Convert the binary number (100111)2 into decimal( ? )10 .

Binary 1 0 0 1 1 1
5 4 3 2 1 0
Positional Weight

Conversion 1× 25 0× 24 0× 23 1× 22 1× 21 1× 20

1×32 0 × 16 0×8 1× 4 1× 2 1×1

32 0 0 4 2 1
= 32 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 39
Thus, (100111)2 = (39)10
Octal to Decimal
Convert the octal number (435)8 into decimal( ? )10.
Octal number 4 3 5
Positional Weight 2 1 0
Conversion 4× 82 3× 81 5× 80
4×64 3× 8 5× 1
256 24 5
= 256 +24 + 5 = 285
Thus (435)8= (285)10
Hexadecimal to Decimal
Convert the hexadecimal number (DA2)16 into decimal( ? )10.
Octal number D A 2
Positional Weight 2 1 0
Conversion 13 × 162 10 × 161 2 × 160
Multiply 13 × 256 10 × 16 2×1
3328 160 2

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 217

= 3328 +160 + 2
= 3490
Thus (DA2 )16= (3490)10

Binary Arithmetic

Binary arithmetic is an essential part of all the digital computers and much other digital
system. We can perform four basic arithmetic operations in a number system. They are
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Binary Addition

Truth table for binary addition

Input (A) Input (B) Output (A+B)

1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 10
( 0 with carry over 10)
0 0 0
Add (101011)2 and (10101)2
1 1 1 1 1 Carry
1 0 1 0 1 1
+ 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Thus: (101011)2+ (10101)2= (1000000)2
Binary Subtraction
Truth table for binary subtraction

Input (A) Input (B) Output (A-B)

1 0 1
0 1 1
(Borrowing 1 from left column)
1 1 0
0 0 0

218 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Subtract: (1110011)2- (10111)2
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 (Minuend)
- 1 0 1 1 1 (Subtrahend)
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 (Difference)
Thus: (1110011)2- (10111)2= (1011100)2
Binary Multiplication
Truth table for binary multiplication

Input (A) Input (B) Output (AX B)

1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
Multiply: (11001)× (101)2
1 1 0 0 1 Multiplicand
× 1 0 1 Multiplier
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 -
+ 1 1 0 0 1 - -
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Product

Thus: (11001)2X (101)2= (1111101)2

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 219


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. There are ……….types of computer number system.
b. The base of binary number system is ………
c. (101010)2 is an example of ……………
d. Octal number contains the digits from o to ………….
e. The base of hexadecimal number system is …............
f. In hexadecimal number system, F represents the number ...........

2. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The base of octal number is 8.

b. Binary number is the combination of 0 , 1 and 2.

c. Addition is related to binary arithmetic.

d. In addition of binary number: 1 + 1 is 2.

e. The decimal number system is combination of 0 to 9 digits.

f. The number system having base 16 is hexadecimal number system.

g. In hexadecimal number system, B represents the number 12.

3. Write very short answer to the following questions.

a. Which number system has the base value 8?

b. What are the four types of the number system?

c. What is the base of the hexadecimal number?

d. What is the base of the octal number system?

e. What is the sum of the 0 + 1 in binary addition?

f. What is the difference of 1-1 in binary subtraction?

220 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write short answer of the following questions.

a. What is computer number system? Write down the types of computer number

b. Define binary number and decimal number with examples.

c. What is octal and hexadecimal number system?

d. Draw a truth table for binary addition.

e. Prepare a truth table for binary subtraction.

5. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary number.
a. (105)10 b. (580)10 c. (957)10 d. (7786)10 e. (1123)10
6. Convert the following decimal numbers into octal number.
a. (205)10 b. (463)10 c. (211)10 d. (4213)10 e. (1245)10
7. Convert the following decimal numbers into hexadecimal number.
a. (100)10 b. (215)10 c. (679)10 d. (1000)10 e. (4560)10
8. Convert the following binary numbers into decimal number.
a. (111)2 b. (1101)2 c. (11001)2 d. (10101)2 e. (101100)2
9. Convert the following octal numbers into decimal number.
a. (42)8 b. (105)8 c. (602)8 d. (1234)8 e. (6712)8
10. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into decimal number.
a. (999)16 b. (1AC)16 c. (DAD)16 d. (ABC)16 e. (FA1)16
11. Add the following binary numbers.
a. (101010 + 11111) b. (1100011 + 11111 + 111) c. (1100+111+10)
12. Subtract the following binary numbers.
a. (101010 + 1010) b. (101010101 - 11111 ) c. (11001100-111)
13. Multiply the following binary numbers.

a. (101 × 10) b. (1010 × 11 ) c. (101010 × 101)

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 221

Computer Graphics and

Inside the Unit

16 Introduction to Computer Graphics
17 Multimedia and Applications
Introduction to Computer Graphics

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students the able
willbe following
to: topics:
• define computer graphics with its applications.
• describe photoshop.
• work with various photshop tools.
• work with layers.
• write about adobe In Design.


The term graphics generally refers to the images generated by a computer or similar type
of computing devices. It is the way of presenting various information in the pictorial or
visual format. Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc. using
computers with the help of programming or various software applications. Computer
graphics is made up of number of pixels where pixel is the smallest element of graphical
picture. There are two types of computer graphics they are Interactive Computer Graphics
and Non Interactive Computer Graphics. Interactive Computer Graphics involve two way
communications between the computer system and the user. Non-interactive computer
graphics is the computer graphics in which a user does not have any kind of control over
the image. Computer graphics are any image media, usually movies and pictures, which
are created through the use of hardware and software.
Applications of Computer Graphics
 In illustration and designing programs
 Animation software
 Desktop publishing
 Web page designing
 Drawing and painting programs

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 223

Understanding Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics application software used to edit and manipulate digital
images. Photoshop was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John
Knoll. Photoshop was originally conceived as a subset of the popular design software
Adobe Illustrator. Photoshop became integral to many industries, including publishing,
web design, medicine, film, advertising, engineering, and architecture. The demand for
Photoshop rose as computers improved and digital photography technology advanced.
Photoshop uses a layer-based editing system that enables image creation and altering with
multiple overlays that support transparency. Shadows and other effects can be added to
the layers.

In 2003 Adobe included Photoshop in their Adobe Creative Suite, which bundled the
program with Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat, and the next year, it renamed the program
Photoshop CS. Adobe Photoshop CS3, introduced in 2007, offers features that give users
greater control over their digital images.

Photoshop actions include automation features to reduce the need for repetitive tasks.
There are various versions with Photoshop such as Photoshop 7, Adobe Photoshop CS,
CC etc. Here, we are going to discuss about Photoshop CS.

Photo Editing

Photoshop is an excellent tool for editing photos. If a designer is preparing a digital or

scanned photograph for use in a project, whether it can be a website, brochure, book
design or packaging, the first step is often to bring it into Photoshop. Using a variety of
tools within the software, a designer can:
 Crop photos
 Resize photos
 Adjust and correct colours
 Touch-up photos, such as “erasing” a blemish or removing a tear or fold
 Apply a large selection of filters such as “watercolour” for special effects and
 Optimize photos for the web by choosing file formats and reducing file size
 Save photos in a variety of formats for use in print projects

224 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Starting Photoshop in Windows 8

 Press the windows key and type Adobe Photoshop CC in search box and press
enter key to open the Photoshop CC.

 The Photoshop windows will display as below.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 225

Tools of Photoshop

Photoshop has various tools for the picture creating and editing. The tool is always
appearing at the left most side of the window. Let’s identify the tools of Photoshop.
1: Rectangular marquee tool: Make the image square or
2: Move tool: Move the picture or image.
3: Lasso tool: Free selection with the help of mouse.
4: Quick selection tool: Quick selection from the brush tool.
5: Crop tool: Crop the image in required size.
6: Eye dropper tool: Select the colour from the image.
7: Spot healing brush tool: Remove the spot from the image.
8: Brush tool: Paint the image.
9: Clone stamp tool: Make clone and duplicate in the selected
10: History brush tool: Apply synapse paint
11: Eraser tool: Remove any part of the image.
12: Gradient tool: Fill gradient from one colour to another
13: Blur tool: Make image dim by deducting the pixel
14: Dodge tool: Bring lightness on the image.
15: Pen tool: Edit point location and draw any type of shape.
16: Type / Text tool: Type the text, symbols or characters.
17: Path selection tool: Select an export of any part of image to other application.
18: Rectangle tool: Draw rectangle shape.
19: Hand tool: Move the image to the desired area.
20: Zoom tool: View the image in larger or smaller size.
21: Toggle tool: Set the opposite colour.
22: Foreground colour tool: To apply the foreground colour.
23: Background colour tool: To apply the background colour.

226 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 Computer graphics is a way of presenting various information in the pictorial
or visual format.
 Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels where pixel is the smallest
element of graphical picture.
 There are two types of computer graphics they are Interactive Computer Graphics
and Non Interactive Computer Graphics.
 An interactive Computer Graphics involve two way communications between the
computer system and the user.
 A non-interactive computer graphics is the computer graphics in which the user
does not have any kind of control over the image.
 Photoshop was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John
 Photoshop became integral to many industries, including publishing, web design,
medicine, film, advertising, engineering, and architecture.
 Photoshop uses a layer-based editing system that enables image creation and
altering with multiple overlays that support transparency.
 There are various versions with Photoshop such as Photoshop 7, Adobe Photoshop
CS, CC, etc.

Working with Photoshop Tools

Crop Tool
It is a way of removing portions of a photo or image to create focus or strengthen the
composition. We can use the Crop tool to crop and straighten photos in Photoshop.
 Select the required part of the image.
 Click on crop tool from the tool box.
 Click and drag on the required area of the image.
 Double click the left mouse button or press enter to

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 227

Lasso tool
This tool is used for free selection on the image as required.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the lasso tool from the tool box.
 Click on the picture and drag the mouse to select the
required area.
Eraser Tool
Eraser tool is used to remove certain area or part of the image.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the eraser tool from the tool box.
 Click and drag the mouse to erase the required portion of
the image.

Gradient Tool

This tool is used to fill colours horizontally. We can use this tool to create banners.
 Open the required image.
 Select the part of the image.
 Click on the gradient tool from the tool box.
 Drag the mouse across the image.
 Move towards left or right or as your desired location to
apply it.

Blur Tool

You can also blur portions of your image to emphasize and focus on a particular element.
It is used to reduce the extra pixel contrast and make the image dim.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the blur tool from the tool box.
 Choose the required brush from the present picker.
 Drag the mouse pointer over the part of the picture and
release the mouse.

228 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Zoom Tool

This tool is used to enlarge the size of the image. This tool is like a magnifying glass.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the zoom tool from the tool box.
 Press CTRL + (+) for zoom in [Larger View] and CTRL + (-) for zoom out
[smaller view] of the image.

Hand Tool
This tool is used to move the image horizontally or vertically on
the screen.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the hand tool from the tool box.
 Click on image then drag it as required.
 Drag the mouse pointer over the part of the picture and
release the mouse.
Text tool
We can use this tool to type the text, symbols, characters and sentence on the selected
area. We can also type the text over the image as well.
 Create a new blank canvas or open any picture file.
 Click on text tool from the tool box.
 Drag on the location where you want to type the
 A cursor will appear, type the text as required.
Clone Stamp Tool
Clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image onto another area of an image.
 Open an image.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 229

 Click on clone tool from the tool box.
 Keep on pressing ALT key and click on the area of the
 Click on the new area of the image to apply the effect.
Dodge Tool
This tool is used to apply more lightness on the image. We
can use the given steps to apply this.
 Open the image in which you want to apply the
 Click on the Dodge tool from the tool box.
 Click on image then drag it as required
Spot Healing Brush Tool
The spot healing brush is the default healing tool in
Photoshop. It can be used to clone areas from an image
and blend the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area.

 Select the Spot Healing Brush tool from the toolbox.

 Choose a brush size from the option bar.
 Choose blending mode from the mode menu.
 Choose Replace to preserve noise, film grain and texture at the edges of the
brush stroke.
 Click on the area where you want to fix, or click and drag over a larger area.
Magic Wand Tool
This tool is sued to select a larger area of image having similar colour, pixel and groups
 Open the required image.

 Select the Magic Wand tool . (If the tool

isn’t visible, access it by holding down the Quick
Selection tool .)
 Click on the area of an image to select.

230 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 Cropping the picture is a way of removing portions of a photo or image to create
focus or strengthen the composition.
 Lasso tool is used for free selection on the image as required.
 Eraser tool is used to remove certain area or part of the image.
 Gradient tool is used to fill colours horizontally. We can use this tool to create
 You can also blur portions of your image to emphasize and focus on a particular
 Zoom tool is used to enlarge the size of the image.
 Hand tool is used to move the image horizontally or vertically on the screen.
 We can use text tool to type the text, symbols, characters and sentence on selected
 Clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image onto another area of an
 Dodge tool is used to apply more lightness on the image.
 The spot healing brush tool can be used to clone areas from an image and blend
the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area.
 Magic Wand tool is used to select a larger area of image having similar colour,
pixel and groups together.

Setting Brightness and Contrast

We can change the brightness and contrast of an image as required.

 Open the image in which you want to apply the brightness or contrast.
 Click on image menu and select adjustment option.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 231

 Click on Brightness / Contrast option.
 A brightness / contrast dialog box will appear.
 Change the value of brightness and contrast as required and click on OK to apply it.

Flip or Rotate the Image

This option helps to rotate or flip the image either horizontally or vertically.
 Open the required image that you want to rotate.
 Click on image menu and select image rotation option.
 A list will appear, choose the required rotation option

If you select the option as 900 Clockwise, the normal image looks as the right figure of
the above.

Saving the Image in Different Format

You can save your drawing in different formats like .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .TIF, BMP, etc.
The following are the ways of saving the Photoshop image in different format.
 Prepare an image in a Photoshop.
 Click on the file menu.
 Choose save or save as option.
 Type the file name on the file name box.
 Click on save as type drop down option to view various file formats as below.

232 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select the required file format.
 Finally click on the save button to save the file.

Importing an image

You can import the pictures in Photoshop from the internet or even from your mobile
phone, camera, scanner, etc. Importing images from the internet and other devices is
different. You need to attach your device with the computer system to transfer the pictures
or videos.
Importing picture from mobile phone or camera is very easy, for this you have to connect
your device with the computer system then you can open the mobile or camera drive
from windows explorer. Just copy and paste the image on your computer system from the
folder of mobile or camera where the pictures are stored. Here we are going to learn how
to import the pictures from the scanner.
Importing from scanner
 Make sure that your scanner is connected properly with the computer system.
 Place the image that you want to scan on the scanner.
 Click on file menu.
 Choose import from the list of options.
 Choose the Pre-installed scanner name.
 Click on preview button then a preview of
image appears on the screen.
 Adjust the size if required and click on Scan
 Now, your system will start to scan the image.
 Finally, close the scanning dialog box and save the image with required picture

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 233

Working with Layer

Layers are the most powerful features as they are

individual slices of information that can be moved to
create your image composition. With layers, you can
draw, edit, paste, and reposition elements on one layer.
The layer panel lists all layers, layer groups and layer
effects in an image. You can use the layer panel to show
and hide layers, create new layers and to work with group
To Show or Hide Layers
To show
 Click on windows menu.
 Click on Layer from the list of options.
To hide
 Click on windows menu.
 Select remove the tick sign from
the list of options.
To add new layer
 Click on layer menu.
 Choose new from the option .
 Again, click on Layer.
 A new layer box will appear.
 Type the name of the layer in Name box and click on OK.
 Now, the layer will add in the layer palate as you see below.

234 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Opacity and Fill
The Opacity and Fill commands allow you to change the
opacity (or transparency) of a layer. In the circles shown below,
notice that the Opacity change affects both the fill and stroke
of the circle and the Fill change affects only the fill and not the
stroke of the circle. Opacity and Fill changes can drastically
change the appearance of a layer and are recommended when
trying to blend objects or make adjustments more subtle.

Locking Layers
Locking the layers can be a handy tool when working in
Photoshop. There are several ways to lock the layer or layer
contents. Each layer can be locked by selecting the layer, and
then selecting the type of lock. Below are the types of locks.

Layer Buttons

There are several buttons that are located at the bottom of the
layers palette. Many of these buttons perform actions that can
be found in other locations within the program.

Link layers: Select two or more layers and click this button to link them together.
Linking means that they will all move together.

Add a new layer style: This button allows you to add a new layer style without

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 235

going to Layer and selecting Layer Style in the menu. Add layer mask: Clicking this will
add a new layer mask to the selected layer.

Create new fill or adjustment layer: This button allows you to add a new layer
style without using the Adjustments Palette.

Create a new group: Click this to create a new group. Drag layers into this group
to organize them.
Create a new layer: Clicking this will create a new, empty layer.

Delete layer: Select a layer or multiple layers and click this button to permanently
delete them.
Raster Image
A raster graphics image is a dot matrix data structure, representing a generally rectangular
grid of pixels, or points of colour, viewable through a monitor, paper, or other display
medium. Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats. The photos taken
by the digital camera are the raster images which contains a large number of pixels. We
can store the raster images by using .bmp, .tif, .jpg, etc. file extensions.
Vector Image
Vector graphics is the creation of digital images through a sequence of commands or
mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a given two-dimensional or three-
dimensional space. This graphics required more space than the bitmap images. The file
are generally stored in .ai , .eps, .drw, .svg, etc.
Page Layout

In graphic design, page layout is a process of placing and arranging text, images, and
graphics on a software page to produce documents such as newsletters, brochures, books,
website, etc. Page layout takes all elements of the page like the page margins, blocks
of text, positioning of images and so on. Page design can be modified in page layouts
applications such as Adobe InDesign.

Adobe InDesign
InDesign is a page-layout desktop publishing software application for creating flyers,
brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. It is advanced more than the previous

236 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

designing software like PageMaker, Photoshop, etc. Projects created using InDesign can
be shared in both digital and print formats. InDesign is used by graphic designers, artists,
publishers, and marketing professionals. It is developed and produced by Adobe Systems.
Starting Adobe InDesign CS6
 Click on start and select all program folder.
 Choose Adobe InDesign CS6 from the list of options.
 Now the InDesign CS6 windows will appear as below.

Creating new document

 Click on the File menu and select New and choose Document.
 A Document Setup dialog box will appear as below.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 237

 Set up the correct page size, margins, and page columns for your document and click on
OK button.
The more options are explained below.
Number of Pages
Type a value for the total number of pages for this document.
Facing Pages
Select this option to make left and right pages face each other in a double-page spread.
Deselect this option to let each page stand alone, such as when you plan to print on both
sides of a sheet of paper or want objects to bleed in the binding.
Master Text Frame
Select this option to create a text frame the size of the area within the margin guides,
matching the column settings you specified. The master text frame is added to the master.
Page Size
Choose a page size from the menu, or type values for Width and Height. Page size
represents the final size you want after bleeds or trimming other marks outside the page.
There are presets for common sizes such as letter, legal, and tabloid.
Click the Portrait (tall) or Landscape (wide) icons. These icons interact dynamically with
the dimensions you enter in Page Size. When Height is the larger value, the portrait icon
is selected. When Width is the larger value, the landscape icon is selected. Clicking the
deselected icon switches the Height and Width values.
After clicking More Options, the bleed area is used to align objects that you want to
extend all the way to the trim line of your printed document.
After clicking More Options, the slug area is used for instructions to the printer, sign-off
forms, or other information related to your document. The slug area is discarded when the
document is trimmed to its final page size.

InDesign CS6 tools

Some tools in the toolbox have additional tools linked to them. These tools have small
black triangles in the right-hand corner. To view the additional tools click and hold down
on any tool that has a black triangle in the corner.

238 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

1. Selection Tool (V, Escape)
1 2 16. Gradient Feather Tool (Shift+G)
3 4
2. Direct Selection Tool (A) 17. Note Tool
5 6
3. Page (Shift +P) 18. Eyedropper Tool (I)
7 8
4. Gap (U) 19. Hand Tool (H)
9 10
5. Content Collector Tool (B) 20. Zoom Tool (Z)
11 12
6. Content Placer Tool (B) 21. Fill X
13 14
7. Type Tool (T) 22. Stroke (click to activate)(X)
15 16
8. Line Tool ( \ ) 23. Default Fill and stroke (D)
17 18
9. Pen Tool (P) 24. Formatting affects container (J)
19 20
10. Pencil Tool (N) 25. Formatting affects text (J)
11. Rectangle Frame Tool (F) 21 26. Apply colour (,)
12. Rectangle Tool (M) 23 27. Apply None (Num /,/)
13. Scissors Tool (C) 24 25 28. Normal (W)
26 27
14. Free Transform Tool (E) 29. Preview (W)
15. Gradient Swatch Tool (G) 28 29 30. Apply Gradient (.)

Inserting the text

 Select the Type Tool from the Toolbox.

 Click on your document where you want
your text, drag a box with your mouse, and
begin typing in the box.
Note: If you can’t read your text as you start
typing, go to the View menu and Zoom In, or
change the font size.

 To move a text frame, select it by clicking on it once with the Selection

(Pointer) Tool (the black arrow located in the Toolbox). Once it is selected, click and
hold, then move it to the new position and release the mouse button.
 To resize a text frame, select it by clicking once with the Pointer. Click on the “handles”
on the border of the text block and drag until you have the correct new size.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 239

 To change font, colour, etc., highlight the text and make the desired changes in the
Options Palette at the top of the screen (under the menus)
Importing the picture and placing
We can insert various types of pictures in Adobe InDesign. The following are the steps to
import the pictures and place in the InDesign document.
 Click on file menu and choose the Place
 A Place dialog box will appear.
 Choose the picture location and click
on open option.
 Click on the document where you want
to place the picture.
 Click on select tool from the tool box
and click and drag on the picture to
move it.
 Change the size of the picture by
clicking on its any corner then rotate it
as required.
 Apply the necessary changes for photo

Wrapping text

You can wrap the text around the objects.

When you apply a text wrap to an object,
InDesign creates a boundary around the object
that repels text. We can use the given steps for
wrapping the text.
 Insert the object that you want to wrap with
 Click on window menu and select Text
 A dialog box will appear as below.

240 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select or highlight the object to apply Text Wrap.
 Select the Wrap Style from the option panel.

Printing the InDesign document

Printing the documents means creating hard copy of it. We can use the given steps to print
the InDesign document.
 Open the required document that you want
to print.
 Click on file menu and select print option.
 A print dialog box will appear.
 Select the option default from the combo box
print preset.
 Now, select the name of the printer that you
have installed on your system.
 Select the required page or page range.
 Click on Print to print the document.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 241

Creating PDF for InDesign document

We can save the InDesign document in PDF format. To save the InDesign file on PDF
format we can use the given steps.
 Save your document.
 Click on File and select Export.
 A dialog box will appear
which ask you to save.
 Type required file name on
file name box and choose
Adobe PDF (print) from save as
type box.
 Another dialog box will
appear in which you can apply
other required settings.

 Finally click on export button to create PDF.

242 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 To import the images you need to attach your device with the computer
 Layers are most powerful features as they are individual slices of information
that can be moved to create your image composition.
 You can use the layer panel to show and hide layers, create new layers and to
work with group layers.
 The opacity and fill commands allow you to change the opacity (or transparency)
of a layer.
 Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats.
 The photos taken by the digital camera are the raster images which contain the
large number of pixels.
 Vector graphics is the creation of digital images through a sequence of
commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a given
two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
 In graphic design, page layout is the process of placing and arranging text,
images ,and graphics on a software page.
 InDesign is a page-layout desktop publishing software application for creating
flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books.

1. Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.
a. Which of the following is a graphics program?
i. Ms-Word ii. MS-Excel iii. Photoshop
b. Which of the following is a photo editing software?
i. Photoshop ii. PowerPoint iii. Accounting program
c. Which tool is used to crop the image in required size?
i. Eraser tool ii. Crop tool iii. Line tool
d. Which tool is used to remove the certain area or part of the image?
i. Eraser tool ii. Hand tool iii. Line tool
e. Which menu can we use to show and hide the layers?
i. File Menu ii. Insert Menu iii. Windows Menu
f. Which menu can we use to create PDF in InDesign Program?
i. File Menu ii. Insert Menu iii. Home Menu

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 243

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. There are two types of computer graphics. They are Interactive Computer
Graphics and ……………………… Computer Graphics.
b. …………tool is used to remove the certain area or part of the image.
c. ………is used to move the image horizontally or vertically on the screen.
d. Dodge tool is used to apply …………………… on the image.
e. You can use the ………………. to show and hide layers, create new layers
and to work with group layers.
f. The photos taken by the digital camera are the ………………….. images
which contains the large number of pixels.
g. ………………… is the creation of digital images through a sequence of
commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a
given two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
h. ……………… a page-layout desktop publishing software application
for creating flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books.
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels where pixel is the
smallest element of graphical picture.
b. Interactive Computer Graphics involve two way communications between
the computer system and the user.
c. Photoshop was developed in 1950 by the American brothers.
d. Copying the picture is the way of removing portions of a photo or image to
create focus or strengthen the composition.
e. Lasso tool is used for free selection on the image as required.
f. Hand tool is used to fill colours horizontally. We can use this tool to create
g. Move tool is used to enlarge the size of the image.
h. Clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image onto another area
of an image.
i. Layers are most powerful features as they are individual slices of information
that can be moved to create your image composition.
j. Vector images are stored in image files with varying formats.
4. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Who were the inventors of Photoshop program?
b. Name any two computer graphics software.
c. Write any two tools of Photoshop.
d. Which tool can be used to blur portions of your image?

244 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

e. If you want to set the brightness and contrast, which menu can you use?
f. Name any two layer buttons.
g. Can we save InDesign file in PDF format?
5. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is a computer graphics? Explain its role in designing.
b. List out the application areas of Photoshop.
c. What is the use of Crop and Lasso tool?
d. Write down the steps to set the brightness and contrast in the image.
e. What are layers? Write down the steps to show the layers.
f. For what can we use opacity and fill command?
g. Define raster image and vector image in short.
h. What is Adobe InDesign? What is the main application of it?
i. List out the name of any six InDesign CS6 tools.
6. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain any ten Photoshop tools that you know.
b. What do you mean by importing the image? Write down the proper steps to
import the image from the scanner.

Lab Activities

 Bring your image, scan it and use the following tools to apply
the effects. Save each time when you apply the effects.
• Spot Healing Brush Tool • Gradient tool • Blur tool
• Hand tool • Text tool • Clone stamp tool
 Setting brightness and contrast
• Collect some advertisement samples from the daily newspapers and design
them as same in Photoshop.
• Prepare a birthday card with the help of your teacher.
• Design a format of greeting card of the festival that you like most.
• Design an advertisement for your school about the “Admission Notice” and
print it.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 245

Multimedia and Applications

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• define multimedia with some multimedia terminology.
• explain the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia.
• identify the elements of multimedia.
• write down the application areas of multimedia.


Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that allow

people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print elements. We can
say multimedia is a combination of multiple media such as text, audio, video and image.
Multimedia technology applies interactive computer elements, such as graphics, text,
video, sound, and animation, to deliver a message. Multimedia is usually more enjoyable
and informative than text.

Basic terminology

Multimedia file: A multimedia file can be any computer file that plays audio and video,
audio only, or video only. Some examples of popular multimedia files include the .mp3
audio file, .mp4, video, avi video, and wmv files.
Multimedia software: Multimedia software is a software that is capable of playing or
recording audio files or playing or recording video files. Windows Media Player, VLC
player, Quick time player and MP3 player are the popular multimedia software.
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP):It is an advanced port designed for Video
cards and 3D accelerators developed by Intel and introduced in August of 1997, AGP
introduces a dedicated point-to-point channel that allows the graphics controller direct
access to the system memory.

246 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC): The MPC was developed in 1990 AD. MPC
computers are capable of running programs that combine video, animation, audio, and

Windows Media Player: Windows Media Exploring Knowledge!

Player is a media player and media library In 1954 George Devol invented the first
application developed by Microsoft that is digitally operated and a programmable
used for playing audio, video and viewing robot called the Unimate.
images on personal computers.

VLC media player (VLC): It is a free and open-source, portable and cross-platform
media player and streaming media server written by the Video LAN project in 2001
AD. It supports a wide variety of operating systems like Windows, iOS, Linux,
Android, Solaris, etc. VLC supports a wide range of file formats including: Audio
formats (mp3, AAC, AC3, RealAudio, WMV), Video Format (AVI, FLV, QuickTime
File Format, MP4, WAV, MPEG, WMV) and Subtitles (DVD-Video, SVCD, DVB,
MPEG-4 etc.)

Advantages of multimedia

 It is a very powerful tool for the teaching learning activities so that learning process
is becoming easier.
 It is used to prepare an interesting and eye catching advertisement to promote the
 It can be used for a variety of listeners, ranging from one person to the whole group.
 It helps to create interesting types of video games, movies and cartoons.
 It is used to develop an interactive web page.
Disadvantages of multimedia
 It is expensive system to establish.
 Trained person is required to work with this.
 The multimedia files are difficult to attach within an email because it has a large
file size.
 It may not be suitable for every user.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 247

Quick Learn
 Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that
allow people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print
 Multimedia technology applies interactive computer elements, such as graphics,
text, video, sound, and animation, to deliver a message.
 A multimedia file can be any computer file that plays audio and video, audio
only, or video only.
 A multimedia software is software that is a capable of playing or recording
audio files or playing or recording video files.
 A Windows Media Player is a media player and media library application
developed by Microsoft.

Elements of multimedia

Multimedia is completely meaningful because of its some elements which we are going
to discuss below.
Text has the most impact on the quality of the multimedia interaction. Generally, text
provides an important information. Text acts as the keystone tying all of the other media
elements together. Text in multimedia systems can express specific information, or it can
act as support for information contained in other media items.
Image or Graphic
It is a visual multimedia element which represents such as a photo, illustration, 3D or
diagram. In the computer, a graphic is a file such as JPEG or GIF, there is graphic formats.
Graphic is a picture image in the computer. We can use computer graphic to design a
picture, flash or game. We can make more effect in the picture, make a flash video or
make a game by using graphic software.


Audio is one of the multimedia elements. Audio is sound within the audio range available
to humans. Commonly we can hear many audio from Internet, Radio, MP3, Computer
and so more. Now, we can listen music or download music from website.

248 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Video is another multimedia element. It is the technology of electronically capturing,
recording, processing, storing and transmitting of images that show scenes in motion.
We can find many video from the Internet. Some people make a flash video and upload
to website to share with others. We also can use video conference to communicate with
friend or family. We can watch movie from online or download the movie.
Animation is one of the multimedia elements. Animation is a visual technique that provides
the illusion of motion by displaying a collection of images in rapid sequence. When the
images are viewed rapidly, your eye fills in the details and the illusion of movement
is complete. We can animate images by using the software programs. The purpose of
animation is to make entertainment to everyone.
Components required for multimedia
 A high range of processor and motherboard.
 Sound card and graphic cards with larger capacity.
 Larger memory and storage devices.
 A good display unit with high resolution and size.
 Digital camera and movies camera to capture the pictures and videos.
 A high resolution of scanner.
 Overhead Projector.
 Multimedia software

Application of multimedia

Multimedia plays a vital role in every sector. Some of the popular application areas of
multimedia are explained below.

There is a great impact of multimedia in
the field of education. The students do Exploring Knowledge!
not entertain with the traditional types of A humanoid robot is a robot with
learning activities. The use of multimedia its body shape built to resemble the
in education can make more changes human body. The design may be for
in the teaching and learning activities. functional purpose, such as interacting
The interactive CD for different subjects with human tools and environments.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 249

like Science, Mathematics, English, Computer and other subject is available by which
students can learn easily. The concept of distance learning is also based on multimedia.
Universities and colleges can provide multimedia CD and DVD to their students for the
learning as a studying material. Multimedia has the ability to accommodate different
learning styles by integrating text, picture, audio, video, etc.
The flow of information related to health service can be exchanged with the help
of multimedia. It is mainly used to provide telemedicine services in the remote area.
Multimedia tools are also used to provide health services all over the world with the
help of video conference. Multimedia technology and devices are used to diagnosis the
diseases. Multimedia technology can be used to transform the information about the
health services and produce public awareness programs which can be broadcasts from
different media.
These days, without multimedia, entertainment is almost impossible. With the help of
multimedia, we can record music; create a video, movies and animated documents. 3D,
8D, 16D types of movies, digital movies, and animated cartoon films are possible because
of the use of multimedia.
To create and promote business and products we can use multimedia. We can add
animation in the advertisement to make it more effective and interesting. For the
marketing strategy, the use of multimedia in business is essential.

Quick Learn
 Text, video, animation, audio, etc. are the elements of multimedia.
 Graphic is a visual multimedia element which represent such as a photo,
illustration, 3D or diagram.
 Animation is a visual technique that provides the illusion of motion by
displaying a collection of images in rapid sequence.
 The use of multimedia in education can make more changes in the teaching and
learning activities.
 Multimedia technology can be used to transform the information about health
services and produce public awareness programs in health sector.
 We can add animation in the advertisement to make it more effective and
250 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. ……………… refers to interactive, computer-based applications that allow
people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print
b. A ………………………. file can be any computer file that plays audio and
video, audio only, or video only.
c. ………………Player is a media player and media library application
developed by Microsoft.
d. ………… is a visual multimedia element which represent photo, illustration,
3D or diagram.
e. The use of ……………………. in education can make more changes in the
teaching and learning activities.
f. ………………….. can be used to transform the information about the health
services and produce public awareness programs in health sector.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Multimedia technology applies interactive computer elements, such as
graphics, text, video, sound, and animation to deliver a message.
b. Multimedia software is a software that is capable of playing or recording
audio files or playing or recording video files.
c. Text, video, animation, audio, etc. are the application of multimedia.
d. Audio is a visual technique that provides the illusion of motion by displaying
a collection of images in rapid sequence.
e. We can add animation in the advertisement to make it more effective and
3. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name any two elements of multimedia.
b. Write any two popular application areas of multimedia.
c. Is audio required in multimedia?

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 251

d. Write any one popular multimedia player software.

e. What method of teaching is effective in the classroom for learning process?

4. Write short answer to the following questions.

a. Define multimedia. What are the elements of multimedia?
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia?
c. What is a multimedia software? Name some popular multimedia software.
d. What are the components required for multimedia?
e. What are the application areas of multimedia? Explain one of them.
5. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain in details about the elements of multimedia.
b. What is the role of multimedia in education and entertainment? Explain in detail.

Lab Activities

• Divide your class in various groups and conduct a presentation on

the following topics.
• Application areas of multimedia.
• Role of multimedia in education.
• Latest multimedia technology for the entertainment.

252 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Concept of Computer
Read a,b,c

5 No
If a > b If a > c

If b > c Print a

Inside the UnitPrint c


18 Program Designing Tools and Techniques
19 Fundamental Knowledge of Programming
20 Computer Programming in QBASIC
Elements of QBASIC statements

Practical Time
Specification Grid

Model Question
Program Designing Tools and Techniques

Expected Competency
At the end of thisThisunit,
chapter covers
students the able
willbe following
to: topics:
• identify the various program designing tools.
• write the features of algorithm.
• tell about the types of flow charts.
• define the pscudocode.


Program Design tools are the tools used to develop a program. During designing a
program, different tools are required to solve several problems. Programming tool is a
computer program that software developers use to create, debug and maintain programs
and applications. The most basic tools are a source code editor and a compiler or interpreter,
which are used universally and continuously. A programming tool may be any software
program or utility that helps software developers or programmers in creating, editing,
debugging, maintaining and/or performing any programming or developing-specific task.
A programming tool is also known as a software development tool.

Tools for program designing

A programmer can use the given tools to design a program which we are going to discuss

We have to use different steps to solve the problems. An algorithm is a set of instructions
designed to perform a specific task. We can define algorithm as a step by step procedure
to solve a given problem in a finite number of steps. The steps which we are writing
in algorithm should be in a proper sequential order. While preparing an algorithm, we
should identify what should be the input, process, output and storage.

254 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Features of algorithm
 The entire algorithm should begin with ‘START’ and end with ‘STOP’ words.
 The words you are going to write for the algorithm should be clear and understandable.
 It helps to write and develop a program.
 Never use any programming code or language to write the algorithm.
 The final algorithm should produce actual result.

Some examples of algorithm

Write an algorithm to calculate simple interest.

Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Input the principal amount and store it in variable P.
Step 3 : Input the time taken and store it in variable T.
Step 4 : Input the rate percentage and store it in variable R.
Step 5 : Calculate Interest with formula, interest = (PXTXR)/100
Step 6 : Display the value of interest
Step 7 :Stop

Write an algorithm to add two numbers entered by user.

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum.
Step 3: Read values num1 and num2.
Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to sum as sum = num1+num2
Step 5: Display sum
Step 6: Stop

Write an algorithm to find out the area of a room.

Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Input the length of a room and store it in variable L.
Step 3 : Input the breadth of a room and store it in variable B
Step 5 : Calculate the area with formula, Area = (LXB)/100
Step 6 : Display the area of room.
Step 7 :Stop

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 255

Flowcharts use special shapes or symbols representing different types of actions or
steps in a programming process. It is a diagrammatically representation of an algorithm.
Flowcharts are commonly used in developing business plans, designing algorithms and
determining troubleshooting steps. Many software programs are available to design
flowcharts. Some of the commonly used software programs are Smart Draw and Visio.
Flowcharts are useful to:
 collect data about a particular process.
 understand the relationship among different process steps.
 help in decision making.
 show the structure of a process.
 measure the performance of a process.
 highlight important steps and eliminate the unnecessary steps.
 track the process flow.
Rules for drawing flowcharts.
 Never forget to use start and ending symbols at the beginning and ending of
 Do not forget to analyse the input, process, storage and output.
 There should be list of activities inside each symbol.
 Do not cross the flow lines with each other symbols.
 It should express all sections like input, process, logical and output.
 It should not be any programming language oriented.
 Always use connector if a flowchart is not sufficient in a page.

Quick Learn
 Program Design tools are the tools used to develop a program.
 Programming tool is a computer program that software developers use to create,
debug and maintain programs and applications.
 A programming tool is also known as a software development tool.
 Algorithm is a step by step procedure to solve a given problem in a finite number
of steps.
 Flowchart is a diagrammatically representation of an algorithm.

256 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Types of flow chart

There are two types of flowcharts which are explained below.

System flowchart
System flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows in a system and how decisions
are made to control events. This is the most common type of flowchart. It is used to show
the logical flow of the process and includes decisions, flows of control, data stores and
Program flowchart
Program flowchart is a diagram which uses a set of standard graphic symbols to represent
the sequence of coded instructions fed into a computer, enabling it to perform specified
logical and arithmetical operations. It is a tool to improve work efficiency. There are
four basic symbols in program flowchart; start, process, decision and end. Each symbol
represents a piece of the code written for the program.

S.N Symbols name Description

1. Start / Stop It indicates the starting and ending of
2. Input / Output It indicates input or output
3. Processing It indicates any calculations or ma-
4. Decisions It is used to show the steps involving
comparison and decision

5. Flow lines It shows the flow of control in a pro-


6. Connectors It indicates a junction point at which

flowchart joins with a part of flow-
chart to another place or part.

7. Comment It is used to write the comments about

flowchart symbol.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 257

Some examples of flowcharts
Draw a flowchart to find out the sum of any two numbers.


Read A

Read B


Print Sum


Draw a flowchart for finding the smallest of three numbers.


Read a,b,c

No No
If a > b If a > c

If b > c Print a
Print b Print c

258 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


Pseudocode is a simple way of writing programming code in English. Pseudocode is not

actual programming language. So, it cannot be compiled into an executable program. It
uses short terms or simple English language syntaxes to write code for programs before
it is actually converted into a specific programming language. This is done to identify top
level flow errors and understand the programming data flows that the final program is
going to use.
Examples of Pseudocode
Write a pseudocode to add 2 numbers together and then display the result.
Start Program
Enter two numbers, A, B
Add the numbers together = A + B
Display the Sum
End Program
Write a pseudocode to calculate the area of a rectangle.
Start Program
Get the length, l, and width, w
Compute the area = l*w
Display the area
End Program

Quick Learn
 There are two types of flowchart. They are program flowchart and system
 System flowcharts are the way of displaying how data flows in a system and how
decisions are made to control events.
 Program flowchart is a diagram which uses a set of standard graphic symbols to
represent a sequence of coded instructions.
 There are four basic symbols in program flowchart. They are start, process,
decision and end.
 Pseudocode is a simple way of writing programming code in English.
 Pseudocode is not a programming language.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 259


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. Program ………. are the tools used to develop a program.

b. A …………….. tool is also known as a software development tool.

c. ……………. is a diagrammatically representation of an algorithm.

d. There are two types of flowchart. They are program flowchart and ……………

e. ………………… is a diagram which uses a set of standard graphic symbols to

represent the sequence of coded instructions.

f. …………….. is not a programming language.

2. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Programming tool is a computer program that software developers use to create,
debug and maintain programs and applications.
b. Flowchart is a step by step procedure to solve a given problem in a finite number
of steps.
c. System flowcharts are the way of displaying how data flows in a system and how
decisions are made to control events.
d. Pseudocode is a simple way of writing programming code in English.
e. There are three basic symbols in program flowchart they are start, process, decision
and end.

3. Write very short answer to the following questions.

a. What is the use of program design tools?
b. Write the name of any two programming languages that you know.
c. What is another name for the programming tool?
d. Name any two types of flowcharts.
e. Name any two shapes that are used in flowchart.

f. Does an algorithm use symbols in steps?

260 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write short answer to the following questions.

a. Define algorithm and flowchart.

b. Write down the features of an algorithm.

c. What are the uses of flowchart?

d. Draw various symbols used by flowchart.

e. What is a pseudocode? Write a pseudocode to calculate the area of rectangle.

5. Write long answer to the following questions.

a. Explain the rules for drawing flowchart. What are the types of flowchart? Explain
b. Draw a flowchart to calculate the simple interest and amount.
c. Draw a flowchart to find the area of a triangle.

Project Work & Activity

• Prepare a chart with the symbols used by flowchart and submit to your teacher.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 261

Chapter Fundamental Knowledge of
19 Computer Programming

Expected Competency
At the end of this chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• define computer language with its types.
• explain the advantages and disadvantages of programming langauages.


Today, most people do not need to know how a computer works. Most people can simply
turn on a computer or a mobile phone and point at some little graphical object on the
display, click a button or swipe a finger or both, and the computer does something. But,
since we are going to learn how to write computer programs, you need to know about how
a computer works. Basically, writing software (computer programs) involves describing
processes, procedures; it involves the authoring of algorithms about which we learnt little
in previous classes.
A computer does not understand any languages as human. Programming language is
needed to write a computer program. It is an artificial language that is used to communicate
between computer hardware and user. We can use the three different languages to write
the computer programs. They are machine language, assembly language and high level
language. Among the three languages these days we are using high level languages to
write the computer programs.

Types of computer language

Machine level language

This language can be understood by the computer only. It is also called as the first
generation language. Writing program in this language is very difficult because these are
closer to machine but not a user. Machine level language is sometimes called a machine
code or object code. It is a collection of binary digits or bits that the computer reads and

262 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Advantages of machine language
 It can be directly understood by the machine.
 Program of machine language runs very fast
 Translation program is not required for the CPU.
 It uses less memory so it can be used in each type of machine.
Disadvantages of machine language
 It is very difficult to program in machine language.
 The programmer has to know details of hardware to write program.
 The programmer has to remember a lot of codes to write a program
 It is difficult to debug the program.

Assembly Language

It is a low-level programming language used to interface with computer hardware.

Assembly language uses structured commands as replacements for numbers. Only
assembler can be used to translate the assembly language into machine level language
and vice versa. An assembly language is the most basic programming language available
for any processor. With assembly language, a programmer works only with operations
that are implemented directly on the physical CPU. Assembly languages have the same
structure and set of commands as machine languages, but they enable a programmer to
use names instead of numbers.

Advantages of Assembly Language

 Memory efficient.
 Programs written in machine language are replaceable by mnemonics which are easier
to remember.
 Faster in speed.
 Easy to make insertions and deletions.
 Requires fewer instructions to accomplish the same result.

Disadvantages of Assembly Language

 Long programs written in such languages cannot be executed on small sized
 It takes lots of time to code or write the program.
 It is more complex in nature.
 Difficult to remember the syntax.
 Lack of portability of program between the computers.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 263

High Level language
High level languages are closer to human language. A machine cannot understand any type
of high level language. A translator like compiler and interpreter can be used to translate
the language from high level language to machine level language and vice versa. The
programming style and context is easier to learn and implement in high level language
than low-level languages. BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C/C++, HTML, JAVA, etc. are
the examples of high level language.
Advantages of high level language
 High level languages are closer to human language.
 It is very easy to understand.
 It does not depend upon a machine.
 It is very easy to modify.
Disadvantages of high level language
 It cannot be understood by the machine.
 It does not execute directly on the computer system.
 Language translator is essential to convert the high level language into machine
 More memory is needed to work with programs.

Quick Learn
 A computer does not understand any languages as human.
 Programming language is needed to write a computer program.
 We can use the three different languages to write the computer programs
they are machine language, assembly language and high level language.
 Machine level language can be understood by the machine only.
 Machine level language also called as machine code or object code.
 Assembly Language is a low-level programming language used to interface
with computer hardware.
 Assembly languages have the same structure and set of commands as machine
languages, but they enable a programmer to use names instead of numbers.
 High level languages are closer to human language.
 A translator like compiler and interpreter can be used to translate the language
from high level language to machine level language and vice versa.
 BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C/C++, HTML, JAVA, etc. are the examples of
high level language.

264 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. ……………….. is needed to write a computer program.

b. …………………. level language can be understood by the machine only.

c. ……………language is a low-level programming language used to interface with

computer hardware.

d. High level languages are closer to ……………… language.

e. BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C/C++, HTML, JAVA, etc. are the examples of

2. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. A computer does not understand any languages as human.

b. Machine language, assembly language and high level language are the
three types of programming language.

c. Machine level language is also called as machine code or object code.

d. Machine languages have the same structure and set of commands as machine
languages, but they enable a programmer to use names instead of numbers.

e. A translator like compiler and interpreter can be used to translate the language
from high level language to machine level language and vice versa.

3. Write very short answer to the following questions.

a. What is the name of language that can be understood by the machine only?

b. Name any two high level languages.

c. Name the high level language that you know.

d. Is assembly language a high level language?

e. Which of the computer language is also called object code?

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 265

4 Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is a programming language? Write down the types of computer languages.
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of machine languages?
c. What is an assembly language? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
d. Define high level language with its examples.
e. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of high level languages.
5. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain the role of programming language in computer system.

Project Work & Activity

• Make a list of any 10 programming language in A4 paper with the help of the
internet and submit to your teacher.

266 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Chapter Computer Programming in

Expected Competency
At the end of thisThisunit,
chapter covers
students willthe
be following
able to: topics:
• define QBASIC with its features.
• tell the elements of QBASIC.
• identify the types of operators.
• explain various QUBASIC statements.
• describe QUBASIC looping structure.


QBASIC stands for Quick Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is the
most popular high level programming language. QBASIC is the advanced form of BASIC
program. The BASIC program was developed by John George Kemeny and Thomas
Eugene in 1964 AD in USA. This language is quite simple to understand and has been
adopted by most of the microcomputers.

Features of QBASIC
 It is very easy to understanding and writing the programs.
 It has menu so that we can use QBAIC menu to perform various tasks easily.
 It is very easy to debug the programs.
 It is used for both scientific and commercial applications.

Starting QBASIC
 Boot your computer system.
 Open the QBASIC folder location.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 267

 Double click on exe file of QBASIC.
 Now, you can see the QBASIC screen as below.

 Press Esc key to remove the welcome dialogue box and start working on QBASIC.

Elements of QBASIC programming

Character Set
A set of characters that are allowed to use in QBASIC is known as the QBASIC Character
Set. The QBASIC Character Set consists of alphabets (both small and capital), numbers
(0 to 9) and special characters. These special characters have their own meaning and
functions. QBASIC has the character set consisting of the following elements:

 Alphabets: A, B, C,....Z

 Digits: 0, 1, 2........,9 and

 Special characters: + - * / ( ) . , $ ; ,: ,= ,> ,< , ^ etc.


To store data in the computer, location are used. To locate or naming the address variables
are used. Variable is a symbolic name that is used to store data (numbers, text, string,
special characters, etc.) in the computer memory. During the program execution, the
value of a variable is assigned to the computer memory. The following are the types of

 Numeric Variable

 String Variable

268 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Numeric Variable
Numeric Variable is a symbolic name which is used to store only the numeric data. To
declare numeric variable, the characters A-Z, a-z, string, special characters are used. For
Salary = 25000
Age = 12
Types of Numeric variables
Types of variable The number/character that it can hold Example
Integer A whole number between -32,768 and 32,767 A%
Long Integer A whole number between -2,147,483,648 and A&
Single precision Number from -3.37X10^38 to 3.37 X 10^38 A!
Double precision Number from -1.67X10^308 to 1.67X10^308 A#
String O to 32,767characters A$
String Variable
String Variable is a symbolic name which is used to store text, text with numbers. $ sign
is used at the end of string variable. The value of the string variable is stored in double
quotation marks “ “. The following are the example to store string variable.
N$ = “I am Dinesh Adhikari.”
A$ = “I am from Dhading.”
In the above example, N$, A$ are the string variables which store the value “I am Dinesh
Adhikari.” and “I am from Dhading.”
Rules for writing the variable name
 Variable name can be up to 40 characters.
 Do not use space between the names of variables.
 The name of variable always starts from alphabet and can follow by numbers.
 Never use QBASIC reserved words as a name of variables like CLS, INPUT,
CLS, PRINT, etc.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 269

Constant is an identifier whose value does not change during the program execution.
The value of constant is fixed value which is used in the program. There are two types of
constants that we are going to discuss below.
 Numeric Constants.
 String Constants.
Numeric Constants
Numeric constant consists of a sequence of digits with or without decimal value. Numeric
constant is a numeric value which is used in program. In numeric constant comma and
blank space are not allowed to use. Let’s see an example.
ADD = 20 + 10
In the above example, 20 and 10 are the numeric constants.
String Constants:
String constant is a string value which is used in program. In other words, it is the collection
of numbers or texts or text with numbers followed by the $ sign. In string constant, we can
use comma and blank spaces. Let’s see an example.

Quick Learn
 QBASIC is the most popular high level programming language.
 QBASIC was developed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene in
1964 AD in USA.
 The elements of QBASIC programming are character set, variables, constants,
 A set of characters that are allowed to use in QBASIC is known as the QBASIC
Character Set.
 The QBASIC Character Set consists of alphabets, numbers and some special
 Variable is a symbolic name that is used to store data in the computer’s memory.
 Numeric and string are the two types of variables.
 The value of constant is fixed which is used in the program.
 Numeric constant consists of a sequence of digits with or without decimal value.
 String constant is a string value which is used in program

270 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Operators and Operands
Operators are the sign or symbols that are used to do mathematical calculations like
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. There are four types of operators in
QBASIC. They are Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators and
String Operator.
Operands are the variables or constant values on which the operation is done. For example
in expression [a + b], + is operator and ‘a’ and ‘b’ are operand. The whole expression
[a + b] is called as the operations.
Types of operators
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic Operators are used to perform mathematical calculations like addition,
subtraction, division, multiplication and exponential. The following table shows arithmetic
operators used in QBASIC.

Operation Operator Examples Output

Addition + 20 + 30 50
Subtraction - 45-10 35
Multiplication * 6*10 60
Floating-point Division / 10/2 5
Integer Division \ 13\2 6
Modular Division MOD 15 MOD 7 1
Exponential ^ 3^3 27

Relational Operators

Relational Operators are used to compare the value of variables. A comparison of string
data with numeric data cannot be done. The comparison of string data is done on the basis
of ASCII value. The result of comparison is either true (1) or false (0).The following table
shows the relational operators used in QBASIC.

Relation Operator (Sign) Examples

Equal to = A=B
Greater than > A>B
Less than < A<B
Greater than or equal to >= A>=B
Less than or equal to <= A<=B
Not equal to <> A<> B

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 271

Logical Operators
Logical Operators combine two or more relational expressions to evaluate a single value
as True or False. The result of evaluation is used to make decisions about the program
flow. The AND, OR and NOT are the commonly used logical operators.
AND Operator
AND operator returns ‘True’ when all the results returned from individual relational
expressions are ‘True’. Otherwise it returns, ‘False’. The AND Truth Table is given below.

Truth Table for AND operator

INPUT (A) INPUT (B) Output (A and B)

OR Operator:
OR Operator returns ‘True’ if one of the relational expressions returns ‘True’. If all the
relational expressions returns ‘False’, then only the result will be ‘False’.

Truth Table for OR operator

INPUT (A) INPUT (B) Output (A OR B)

NOT Operator:
NOT Operator operates on one operand and returns ‘True’ if the logical operation returns
‘False’. The NOT truth table is as given below.

Truth Table for NOT operator

INPUT (A) Output (NOT A)


272 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


An expression can be a string, or numeric constant, a variable or a combination of

constants, variables with operators which return a single value. We can write algebraic
expression in QBASIC expression as given below.

Algebraic Expression QBASIC expression

3(AB + BC) 3*(A*B + B*C)
ab (a*b) / (b*c)
A2 + B2 A^2 + B^2
A = 2h (L+B) A = 2*h *(L+B)


A statement is a computer instruction written in a source language, such as QBASIC,

which is converted into one or more machine code instructions by a compiler. The
commonly used QBASIC statements are: LET, PRINT, INPUT, CLS, END and REM in
QBASIC which are described below.

Quick Learn
 There are two types of flowcharts. They are program flowchart and system
 Operators are the sign or symbols that are used to do mathematical
calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
 Logical Operators combine two or more relational expressions to evaluate
a single value as True or False.
 An expression can be a string, or numeric constant, a variable or a
combination of constants, variables with operators which return a single
 A statement is a computer instruction written in a source language, such as
QBASIC, which is converted into one or more machine code instructions
by a compiler.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 273

Types of QBASIC Statements

LET statement

LET is an assignment statement. It is used to assign the value to a variable. LET is an

optional statement i.e. without using LET statement we can assign the value to a variable.
The data type must match with the variable type otherwise type mismatch error will

Syntax: LET <variable>= <value or expression>

Practical Time
LET A= 20
LET B = 30
PRINT “The Sum is”; SUM
CLS statement
This command is used to clear the previous output screen. If you write CLS statement in
the middle of the program, then you cannot see the outputs generated before execution of
CLS because it clears the screen.
Syntax: CLS

REM statement
REM statement is a non-executable statement and stands for remarks. It is a basic
declaration statement that allows explanatory remarks to be inserted in a program. The
remarks may be useful in a program to explain about different kinds of statements and
user defined words.
Syntax: REM <text for remarks>

PRINT statement

PRINT command is used to display any message or value on the screen. PRINT statement
provides output on the screen. It prints the values of the expression on the screen. If

274 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

the expression list is blank, no characters are printed. The expressions in the list may
be numeric or string. We can use semicolon and comma with a print statement which
results differently than a normal PRINT statement. If expression list ends with comma or
semicolon, the next PRINT statement prints on the same line. Comma provides a TAB
space, but semicolon provides only one space.

Syntax : PRINT [“Message”]; expression

Practical Time
A program to display the text or number on the screen.
PRINT “We are learning QBASIC programming.”
PRINT “Learning QBASIC is fun.”
PRINT 98511 Output
We are learning QBASIC programming
PRINT “The number is:” ; 22004
Learning QBASIC is fun 98511
END The number is: 22004
INPUT statement
INPUT statement in QBASIC is used to accept the data item from the user. It allows
entering values into the computer’s memory during the program execution. This statement
will print and wait for the user to enter the value and then assign this value to a variable.
Syntax : INPUT [“Message”]; Variables
Practical Time
A program to find out the sum of any three numbers.
INPUT “Enter the first number: ”; A Output
Enter the first number: 20
INPUT “Enter the second number: ”; B Enter the second number: 30
Enter the third number: 40
INPUT “Enter the third number: ”; C
The sum of the three number is :90
SUM = A + B + C
PRINT “The sum of the three number is : ”; SUM


New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 275

END statement
END statement is used to terminate or quit from the QBASIC program. It can be used
only one time in one program.
Syntax: END

Selection Structure

It is also known as branching structure that allows you to transfer the program control
from one part to another on the basis of specified condition or without condition. Here,
we are going to learn some selection structures in QBASIC.
IF......THEN Statement
It helps the computer to check whether the relation is TRUE or FALSE. This statement is
used to make the decision as well as comparison.
IF <condition> THEN
Practical Time
A program to check whether the entered number 10 is greater than 2 or not.
IF A> B THEN Output
10 is greater than 2.
PRINT A; "is greater than 2."
Practical Time
A program to check whether the entered number is divisible by 2 or not.
N = 10 it is divisible by 2.
PRINT “it is divisible by 2.”

276 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

IF......THEN……..ELSE Statement

It is the two way decision making statement that can decide which part of statement it
has executed when the condition is true or false. It executes one part of a program if the
condition is true and another part if the condition is not true or false.
IF <condition> THEN
(statement 1)
(statement 2)
Practical Time
A program to check whether the entered number is odd or even.
INPUT “Enter the number” ; N
R = N MOD 2
PRINT “It is an even number”
PRINT “It is odd number”
Practical Time
A program to check whether the number is divisible by 4 and 6 or not.
INPUT “Enter the number” ; N
IF N MOD 4 = 0 and N MOD 6 = 0 THEN
PRINT “The number is divisible by 4 and 6”
PRINT “The number is not divisible by 4 and 6”

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 277

If.....Then....Else If......Else statement
It is multi-way decision making statement that is used when there is two or more conditions
to be evaluated.
IF <condition 1> THEN
(statement 1)
ELSE IF <condition 2> THEN
(statement 2)
(statement N) [N = any number]

Practical Time
A program to print the greatest number among three different numbers.
INPUT “Enter first number”; A
INPUT “Enter second number”; B
INPUT “Enter third number”; C
PRINT A; “is greater”
PRINT C; “is greater”
PRINT C; “is greater”

278 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn
 LET is an assignment statement which is used to assign the value to a variable.
 CLS command is used to clear the previous output screen.
 PRINT command is used to display any message or value on the screen.
 INPUT statement in QBASIC is used to accept the data item from the user.
 END statement is used to terminate or quit from the QBASIC program.
 Selection structure is also known as branching structure that allows you to
transfer the program control from one part to another.
 IF......THEN statement helps the computer to check whether the relation is TRUE
 IF......THEN……..ELSE statement is the two way decision making statement
that can decide which part of statement it has executed when the condition is
true or false.
 If.....Then....Else If......Else statement is multi-way decision making statement
that is used when there are two or more conditions to be evaluated.

QBASIC looping Structure

A looping structure is a logic which is used to execute one or more than one statements
for a number of times. A loop allows a group of statements to be executed a certain
number of times depending upon the condition. Here we are going to discuss some
looping structures.
For........Next Statement
It repeats a block of statement for specified number of times. It is used to execute a series
of instructions for a given number of times.
FOR <control variable> = <initial value> TO <ending value> STEP <N>
(Statement block)
NEXT < control variable>

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 279

Practical Time
A program to display the number from 1 to 50.
FOR I = 1 TO 50

Practical Time
A program to display the number such as 1, 3 , 5 , 7 , 9
FOR I = 1 TO10 STEP 2

While.....Wend Statement
It executes a block of statements repeatedly till the specific condition is true. When the
value of the condition is false, the loop stops.
WHILE <condition>
(Increase / decrease the value of control variable)
Practical Time
A program to display the number such as 1,4 ,7 , 10………….25.

280 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Do....Loop Statement
It repeats a part of program while a condition is true or until the condition becomes
true. This statement repeats block of statements while the condition is true or until the
condition becomes true.
Syntax 1
DO WHILE <condition>
Syntax 2
(statement block)
LOOP WHILE <condition>

Quick Learn
 A looping structure is a logic which is used to execute one or more than one
statements for a number of times.
 For........Next statement repeats a block of statement for specified number of
 While.....Wend statement executes a block of statements repeatedly till the specific
condition is true.
 Do....Loop statement repeats a part of program while a condition is true or until the
condition becomes true.

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. A set of characters that are allowed to use in QBASIC is known as ………
b. ………….. is a symbolic name that is used to store data in the computer’s
c. The value of …………… is fixed which is used in the program.
d. …………….. command is used to clear the previous output screen.
e. ……… statement in QBASIC is used to accept the data item from the user.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 281

f. Selection structure is also known …………….. that allows you to transfer
the program control from one part to another.
g. IF-THEN-ELSE statement is the two way …………… statement that can decide
which part of statement it has executed when the condition is true or false.
h. A ……………….. is a logic which is used to execute one or more than one
statements for a number of times.
i. …………statement repeats a block of statement for specified number of times.
j. While-Wend statement executes a block of statements repeatedly till the
specific condition is ………………..
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. QBASIC is the most popular low level programming language.
b. The elements of QBASIC programming are character set, variables, constants,
c. The QBASIC variable consists of alphabets, numbers and some special
d. Numeric and string are the two types of variables.
e. String constant consists of a sequence of digits with or without decimal value.
f. Numeric constant is a string value which is used in program.
g. Logical Operators combine two or more relational expressions to evaluate a single
value as True or False.
h. CLS is an assignment statement which is used to assign the value to a variable.
i. PRINT command is used to display any message or value on the screen.
j. IF-THEN statement helps the computer to check whether the relation is
3. Write down the function to the following QBASIC statements.
4. Write very short answer of the following questions.
a. What are the character set used by QBASIC?
b. Write a suitable example for string variable.
c. Name two arithmetic operators.
d. What are the types of logical operators?
e. Which statement is used to clear the output screen?

282 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

f. Name any one selection structure of QBASIC.
g. Name the looping structure that you know.
5. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is QBASIC? Write its features.
b. What are the elements of QBASIC programming?
c. Define variable and constant.
d. What are the types of variables? Explain them in short.
e. What is an operator? Name the types of operators.
f. What are statements? List out the name of statements.
g. What is a selection structure? Write some selection structure.
h. What is a looping structure? Write some looping structure.
6. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. Explain the types of operators with its truth table.
b. Explain the types of operators with examples.
7. Write QBASIC program for the following.
a. To find out the smallest number among the four different given numbers.
b. To display the natural number from 1 to 100.
c. To display the add numbers from 1 to 50.
d. To print the factors of a given number.
e. To calculate the cube root of a given number.
Lab Activities
• Perform the following activities in your computer lab and note
down the output.
a. To find out the smallest number among the four different given
b. To display the natural number from 1 to 100.
c. To display the add numbers from 1 to 50.
d. To print the factors of a given number.
e. To calculate the cube root of a given number.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 283

Practical Time-1
A program to display the number such as 100, 90, 80, 70, 60………up to 10.
N = 100
N = N – 10
Write a program to calculate the sum of the first ten natural numbers.
SUM = 0
WHILE I <=10

Practical Time-2
Write a QBASIC program to find out the average of any two numbers.
INPUT “Enter the first number”; A
INPUT “Enter the second number”; B
AVG = (A+B)/2
PRINT “The average value is”; AVG

284 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Practical Time-3
Write a QBASIC program to find out the area of a circle.
INPUT “Enter the radius of a circle”; R
A = 3.14*R*R
PRINT “The area of a circle is”; A

Practical Time-4
Write a QBASIC program to convert the kilometre into meter.
INPUT “Enter the kilometre value ”; K
M = K * 1000
PRINT “The distance in meter is::”; M

Practical Time-5
Write a QBASIC program to print the factors of a given number.
INPUT “Enter any number”; N
FOR I = 1 TO N

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 285

Practical Time-6
Write a QBASIC program to print the greatest number among ten different numbers
INPUT “Enter the first number”; A
FOR I = 2 TO 10
INPUT “Enter the next number”; B
PRINT A; ” is the greatest number”

Practical Time-7
Write a QBASIC program to calculate the cube root of a given number
INPUT “Enter any number”; N
A = N ^ (1 / 3)
PRINT “Cube root of “; N; ” is “; A

Practical Time-8
Write a QBASIC program to calculate the area of circle.
A = 3.141*R^2

286 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Practical Time-9
Write a QBASIC program to generate number series. 3,6,9...up to 15 terms.

Practical Time-10
Write a QBASIC program to display the series 1,2,4,7,11upto 15th term.
FOR I=1 TO 15
A=A + I

Practical Time-11
Write a QBASIC program to enter any two numbers and display the smaller one.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 287

Practical Time-12
Write a QBASIC program to enter any 10 numbers and display the greatest one.
FOR I = 2 TO 10

Practical Time-13
Write a QBASIC program to display the sum of numbers from 1 to 100.
S= 0
FOR I = 1 TO 100
PRINT “The total sum is:” ; SUM

Practical Time-14
Write a QBASIC program to convert the temperature Celsius into Fahrenheit.
INPUT “Enter the temperature in Celsius”; C
F = (9*C/5) + 32
PRINT “The temperature in Fahrenheit is:” ; F

288 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Practical Time-15
Write a QBASIC program to display the odd numbers from 99 to 1.
FOR I = 99 TO 1 STEP -2

Practical Time-16
Write a QBASIC program to display the series : 3 , 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.
FOR I = 3 TO 30 STEP 3

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 289

Specification Grid
Computer Education Class 8
Full Marks: 50 Pass Mark: 20 Time: 1:30 Hours

Theory Part
S. Area Topics No. of Types of questions
N. questions
1 Fundamental • Introduction of computer Knowledge Skill Low High
Knowledge • Introduction of Hardware Base Ability Ability
& Skill Computer • Introduction of Software
• Input and Output Devices
• Storage Devices b/w 1 1 1 1
• Introduction of Word Processing
• Introduction of Spread Sheet
•Introduction of Presentation
2 ICT, Ethics and • Concept ICT technology
Cyber Laws • Computer Ethics and cyber law
• Computer Virus, remedy and
protection 2 1 1
• Introduction data communication
and Network
• Introduction of Web design
• Use of Website, Internet and
3 Number System • Decimal to Binary and Vice versa
• Binary Calculation: Addition and 1 1
4 Computer Graphics •Introduction of computer
Graphics 2 1 1
• Uses of computer graphics in
various field
5 Concept of computer • Basic Concept of Computer 1 1
Programming Programming
Total 10 3 3 2 2

Practical Part
Full Marks:50 Time: 1: 00 Pass Marks: 20
SN Area Topics No of Marks
1 Fundamental • Creating document by following instructions.
Knowledge • Create four different types of data and show in chart
& Skill Computer • Insert given data according to instructions 1 25
• To create four Power Point slides and presentation
2 Computer Graphics • Develop simple Web page using HTML Tags
• Develop four colour Book Design 1 25

290 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


Class: 8 Full Marks: 50

Time: 1 Hour 30 minutes Pass Marks: 20
Group ‘A’ [10X1=10 Marks]
Very Short Questions
1. Who is known as the father of computer?
2. What is the name of the first electro-mechanical computer?
3. Which network is called the network of networks?
4. What do you call for the first page of website?
5. In which number system does the digital computer work?
6. How many number are there in a binary number system? Write them.
7. Write down any two photo editing software.
8. What is a multimedia?
9. Write the full form of:
i. W.W.W ii. G.U.I iii. U.N.I.V.A.C iv. Ms-word

Group ‘B’ [7X4=28 Marks]

Short Questions
1. What is an I.P.O. cycle? Describe with figure.
2. List out the components of MS-Excel.
3. Write down any five provisions of cyber ethics.
4. List out the devices required to connect the internet.
5. Write the features of a page layout.
6. Write short notes on:
i. Photoshop ii. Adobe InDesign
7. (a) Convert decimal number into binary numbers.
i. 75 ii. 100
(b) Binary Addition
i. 1012 + 1112 ii. 1112 + 1002

Group ‘C’ [2X6=12 Marks]

Long Questions
1. What is a flowchart? Draw the symbols used in flow chart and write its work.
2. What is an operating system? Write its types and describe in brief.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 291


292 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

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