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6scnfr: T T + .RCRC T I

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<D '1D
lS/lSO 1,t001 lS 18001
3{rf \rq\r€FqrFrdcr{{€iri
(Ina T{-R -r<{q)
6scnfr (AGdof ldi: [nrerpri*) IMS certified Power St-ation

, {rRrvcl{{etrd (rsFT/Ph: 03s92-247349

TeestaVPower Station h4.lT / F ax) O3Ss2 -2 47 227 /3 49
frIrirr,q{fBk- 73713a Email:
si East Sikkim' 737134
('dqqffirr.iqeHft-aril*-zssrcnnf&-oasran?ilrzozrlze Eirai- ot.oz.zozr

+fl *,
*rrt sQ(.s 6r$i crftc frfrts,
1o/s8,q6fr t'tua,@Fro f*,
*tftt rm,ri Elzfr -tloots
rffi: -
{Y+ irc - 981i282989
frrq:- 'frsr-v cr+t €rrfr *. ts srEc *. Aqe iffi yr *q (fis{ t sr$+zo.ooM t
srrS *rro.ooM 3[TSfi erfi + rdc fr-rera *.rcrc (Eltss3.ooM t
E1t640.00M) rrrl" tarqttlr i {riq *r

::,t<ttr ffia s;r{ * ftq qrq+ Em F€(-d ff rr{ frfrEr *+'R rt ff .r{ {r +rS rnr +rqitsr {irqr

NH/TSV/C0nI/CC-255INIT-685/LOA -524/2027/712 Rqi{.- Or/O2lz\2, o *;

fi 3nq-& qrsr riqtr

in ift-t tt qq stftftota rr i vrt fri * so H h fr'a-< ffi+ +-irr w 6anrr B-+r qmr 3rffi tr
rym a-gi'er rr*tm rG tg cr- sTqiqc i scRrd *ir

riqr+-rrqRqr # qftr


),.t:" rn
aftE6qo (h'fifl,
dFa.fl furEr,
frFiTr {Trr qra{ Faara

ILOA for'Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70,00M to RD1110.OOM upstream ofDam axis
(ELr583.00M to ELi640.0OM) at Dam site ofTeesta-V Power Station lPackage-llll"] Page 1
'<2' 'at
ts/tso900r rs/rso
u00l rs 18001

r{E{fril (^
(rR {{fRaTr(TE
of r.dia EnE.pns€)
lMScertified Power Station
a +FlvqrI{elri ({elFr/Ph: 03592-247349
TeestavPower Stetion b47I / F a:<: 03592-24? 227 /3 49
fSrrdF,Tllfrfk- 73713a Email:
Singtam, East Sikkim- 737134

NH/TSv/Cont/cc-2s.;/NIT-68S/LO A-524 /2021 / ttz D e: Ol-02.?OZl

Letter ofAward

M/s APS Hydro Pvt. Ltd.,
10/58, First Flor,r, Industrial Area,
Kirti Nagar, Nerr Delhi-110015
Email lD: - apsh]
contact No: - 98.].1282989

protection r easures from RDI70.00M

subr Letter of Award for the work "Left bank slope
to RDt110.001{ upstream ofDam axis (Eltsg3.00M to E,t640.00M) at Dam site of
Teesta-V Powcr Station [Package-III],,.
Dear Sir,

1.0 This has reference to the following:

(i) our NIT No.: N H/TSV/Cont/C C-zsS /NIT-6BS /ZOZO /994 Dated : 19.11.2020.
(ii) E-Tender lD:- il020_NHPC_598050_1.
(iiiJCorr.-l No. NH,/TSV/Cont/Cot/CC-2s5/NlT-685/2020 /1066 Dated :07.12.2020
(iv)Your offer Dattd 16.72.2020
(v) OurLetterNo. NH/TSV/CONT/CC-2S5lNrT-685/ZOZO /1r3t Datedt 24.t2.ZOZO.
(vi)Your reply thrr ugh e-mail dated:29.12.2020.
(viil Our Lener No.: NH/TSV/CONT/CC-2SSlNtT-68S /ZOZ|/SS Datedt t4.07.2021
(viii) Your Reply vide lener dated: Zt.0L.Z02t.

We confirm having accepted your tender proposal submitted by you |ead in conjunction with all the
Technical specincirtions, drawings, General & Special conditions oI contract, all other Terms &
Conditions ofthe Tender Document and subsequent letters referred in para 1.0 above and award to
you the contract frr "Left bank slope protection measures from RDI70.00M to RDtllo.ooM
upstream of Dam axis (EL+583.00M to ELr640.O0M) at Dam sit: of Teesta-V power Station
2.0 The total value for entire Scope of work under the contract shal be t 1,65,27J24/- (Rupees
One Crore Sixty Five Lakh Twenty Seven Thousand Seven t undred Seventy Four Only)
inclusive of app icable GST, taxes and duties and as per Schedule (,f Quantities & prices enclosed
as Annexure-A.

3.0 completion Time: Time is essence of the contract. The total :ompletion time for the said
work shall be ! 6 (Six) Months from the date of issue of letter of award as per Schedule-C.
The work has to be completed within scheduled period; ctherwise compensation for
delay period as mentioned in GCC shall be applicable.

ILoA for "Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70.00M to RDt110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(EL1583.OOM I o 81i640"00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V power Station
[package-llU,,] page 2
4.0 You are requested to submit a Performance security Deposit to the Engineer-ln-Charge
amounting to t 3,30,555/- (Rupees Three Lakh Thirty Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Five
Only) in the shape of demand draft from a Scheduled bank drawn in favour of M/s NHPC Ltd.
within 30 days of issue of this letter payable at Singtam, East Sikkim or BG in favour of M/s NHPC
Ltd. from a scheduled commercial bank as per CCC clause 3 (Format of Bank guarantee is
attached herewiti).

5.0 Technical Specification and Scope of Work - As per Annexure-8.

must ensure that any positive variation in BOQ items no.

6.0 Engineer-ln-Charge (EIC)
03,05,07,08 and 09 of BOQ shall be allowed only with the prior approval of the
competent authority as per DoP.
7.0 The work is of very much Critical and required to be completed within time bound
manner to avoid any consequential loss to the corporation. Best effort shall be
made by contractor to complete the work within the stipulatd time as per contract.

8.0 The contractor shall arrange the list of machinery/equipment as per "Schedule-F" of
Tender Documents.

9.0 The Contractor shall ensure adequate illumination for all his operations at the Site and at
the camp, including illumination of the streets.
10.0The contractor shall ensure that the labour camps shall be provided with toilets
11.0 The Site shall be kept clean and free of refuse at all times. No waste shall be dumped in
areas other than those approved by the Engineer-in-Charge for waste disposal.
12.0 Upon the Completion of Works, or when any plant has completed its functions the
Contractor shall dismantle and demobilize all temporary facilities erected by himself or
his subcontractors, and remove all debris, obiectionable material, and all other refuse
which may have been deposited on Site till completion of Works. Such materials may be
deposited only in areas approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
13.0 The Contractor shall, till completion of the Works comply fully with all laws and
regulations in force in Sikkim relating to environmental protection, mitigating
measures for reducing environmental impacts and remedial works on completion ofthe
Works, This obligation shall extend to the construction sites, all the Contractor's site
installations, and all quarries, borrow areas and pits.
14.0 Power Supply: Power will be provided at an available point to the contractor on
request and further distribution/panel/meter has to be provided by the Contractor.
Necessary recovery as per the actual consumption shall be made as per NHPC rate fixed
by Electrical Maintenance Division.
15.0 During execution of the work, the Contractor shall keep due protection to the adjacent
existing structures of the project, if any damages observed due to negligence by the
contractor. The same shall be repaired/restored by the contractor upto the satisfaction
of Engineer-in-Charge at his own cost.
16.0 Court of Competent lurisdiction: Any legal action taken or proceeding initiated on
any of the terms of the contract shall be only in the iurisdiction of Hon'ble High Court of

ILOA for "Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70.O0M to RDi11O.0OM upstream of Dam axis
(EL!583.00M to ELi640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V Power Station lPackage-lul"l Page 3
17.0 Land: Contractor will have to work within available land at Dam site for which
Contractor will have to make ground level as required and make necessary protection
works at his cost.
18.0 Payment: As per clause 45 of GCC of Tender Documents.

19.0 Payment Authority: DGM IFJ, Finance Division.

20.0 Compensation for Delay: The contractor has to take all efforts to complete the work in
stipulated time as per contract subject to satisfaction of EIC. If the contractor fails to
complete the work within the schedule completion period as specified in Scedule-C, the
contractor shall be liable to pay LD @ 0.07o/o of the contract sum of per day or part
thereof for the period of delay subject to maximum 10% of the value of contract sum.
Any GST liability on account of Liquidated damages shall be borne by the

21.0 Defect Liability period: The defect liability period shall be 12 (Twelve) Months from the
certified date of completion ofwork.

2 2.0 Engineer-In-Charge (EIC):- Sr. Manager (Cl, Dam-Civil, Teesta-V Power Station will be the EIC.
Name of EIC will be ntimated separately.

23.0 Court of Competent Jurisdiction: Any action taken or proceedings initiated on any of
the terms of this Agreement shall be only in the court of competent iurisdiction under
the High Court of Sikkim at Gangtok.

24.0 Signing of Contract Agreement - You are requested to attend the office of the undersigned
within 30 days from the date of issue of this Letter of Award to sign the formal contract
agreement as per clause 26 of ITB.

25.01n the event of any typographical errors, omissions found in this Letter of Award, the
interpretation of General Manager (l/c)/Sr. Manager (Contract]-Contract Division, Teesta-V
Power Station based on the original documents shall be binding upon the contractor.

26.0 This Letter of Award is being issued to you in duplicate. We request you to return its duplicate
copy duly signed on each page as a token of your acknowledgement and confirmation vide
post/mail within 07 fSeven] days, otherwise it will be presumed that you have accepted the LOA.

Encl: as above

All others terms & Conditions on Tender Documents shall also be applicable.

Contract Division
Teesta-V Power Station

ILOA for "Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70,00M to RD1110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(EL!583.00M to ELi640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V power Station [package-llt],,1 Page 4
ls/tso 9001 l5/ls0 14001 ts 18001
E{E{0m (rRa{TaRnE€,I )

D ,C (A GovL orl.dia Enterp.i.€l

IMS certified Power Station

TeesurvPower Station 6E]J / Fax: 03592 -247 227 / 349
Ffrr a,q{Rfik8- 737134 Email:
Singtam, East Sikkim- 737134



Name of Work: Left bank slope protection measures from RDI70,00M to RDI110.00M
upstream of Dam axis (ELIS83.00M to ELt640.00M) at Dam site of
Teesl:a-V Power Station [Package-III].

Descriotion ofitem Unit Qty. Rate ({) Amount ({)
1 Clearing jungle inc uding uprooting of rank
vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings
of girth upto 30 cm nreasured at a height of 1 m
above ground level arrd removal of rubbish upto sqm 235.20 6.00 t,411.20
a distance of 50 m o rtside the periphery of the
area cleared.

2 Manual Scaling of una pproachable area on slided

hillslope including removal of all the loose
materials and disposJ of the same at specified Sqm 235.20 113,00 26,577.60

3 Supply, Drilling, fixirg and $outing of Rock

anchor 25mm dia lm long complete in all
respect including all the materials, equipments RM 1472.00 1,105.00 16,26,560.O0
and manpowers requt red,

+ Extension of specified length of rockbolt into

concrete as per const'uction drawings, complete
in all respect inclrding all the materials, Kg 2196.842 7L.00 1,ss,975.78
equipments and manyrowers required.

5 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system

(cup lock typel on thr: exterior side, up to seven
story height made wi:h 40 mm dia M.S. tube 1.5
m centre to centre, lLorizontal & vertical tubes
joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes, Sqm 1310.40 260.00 3,40,704.00
M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and M.S. staircase
system in the scaffolJing for working platform
etc. and maintaining if in a serviceable condition
for the required drrration as approved and

[LOA for "Left bank slop(] protection measures from RDt70.00M to RDt110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(ELt583.00M to EL!640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V power Stati,rn [package-tll,,] page 5

removing it there after.The scaffolding system
shall be stiffened with bracings, runners,
connection with the building etc wherever
required for inspection of work at required
locations with essential safety features for the
workmen etc. complete as per directions and
approval of Engineerin-charge .The elevational
area of the scaffolding shall be measured for
payment purpose.
6 Reinforced cement concrete including
shuttering, compacting and curing complete in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications. RCC Grade M25. Height
Cum 200.00 10,000.00 20,00,000.00
upto 5m. Using concrete Mixer.

7 Reinforced cement concrete including

shuttering, compacting and curing complete in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications. RCC Grade M25. Height Cum 118.60 10,300.00 t2,2t,5AO.O0
5m to 10m. Using concrete Mixer.

B Reinforced cement concrete including

shuttering, compacting and curing complete in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications. RCC Grade M25. Height Cum 469.40 10,980.00 51,54,012.00
above 10m. Using concrete Mixer.

9 Plain cement concrete including shutterin&

compacting and curing complete in sub-
structure complete as per drawing and technical Cum 205 50 9,000.00 18,49,S00.00
specifications. PCC Grade M20.

10 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar

reinforcement in sub-structure complete as per
drawing and technical specifi cations.
MT 33.885 74,750.00 26,68,443.75

11 Drillling of 45 MM drainge hole as per drawings

and technical specifications. Rm 792.00 598.00 4,73,616.00

l2 Supply & Installation of perforated PVC pipe 40

mm dia. RM 864.00 171.00 t,47,7M.00
13 Providing & making Gabion structure witlt
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MORTH Clause 2500, of required Cum 160 00 3,830.00 6,12,800.00
size, Mesh Type 10x12[D=100 mm with
tolerance of 2o/o) Zinc+PVC coated, Mesh wire
diameter 2.7 /3.7mm, mechanically

ILOA for "Left bank slope

protection measures from RDi70.00M to RDi110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(811583.00M to E1t640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V Power Station [Package-lll]"1 Page 6

edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m
interval and shall ha re minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with laci rg wire of diameter 2.2/3.2
mm flD/0D], supplied @3olo by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension
of 200 mm, as per drawing all complete as per
directions of Enginee r- in-charge.

74 Structural steel work in single section, fixed with

or without connectijrg plate, including cuttin&
hoisting, fixing in position and appllng a
priming coat of alrproved steel primer all Kg 2540.00 90.00 2,2A,600.00

15 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/

Reinforced concret(, abutment, wing wall/
return wall with 160 mm dia PVC pipe,
extending through th: full width of the structure
with slope of 1V :2DH towards drawing face. RM 30.00 675"00 20,250.OO
Complete as per drawing and Technical

Total= I1,65,27,774.33

say < t,6s,27,774/-

(Rupees one cror(' sixty Five Lakh rwenty seven Thousand seven Hundred seventy Four only)

Note: - i) SAC C lde ofBOQ ltems of Contract-995420.

ii) The rirtes are inclusive of all taxes including applicable GST, taxes and duties.

o v
Manager (Civil)
Contract Division
Teesta-V Power Station

LoA for "Left bank slop€ protection measures from RDt70,00M to RDt110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(ELt583.00M to ELr640.00M) at Dam site of Teesta-V power Stati0 n
[package-flt]',1 page 7
I5/ISO900l ts/tso 14001 ts ru00r
r{Edhn (srcar-Rirr(fi )
(A covr. orlndi. Enr.rpris€) IMS certified Power Station
D fr€flrrrr{€nzr {GrFr/Ph: 03592-247349
TeestaVPower Station h111/Fa* 03592-247 227 /349
ftrrae,$lBfiH- z:zr:+ Email:
Singtam, East Sikkim- 737134



lFor PaclaEe-llll
L eal
1.1 nt ro{.ifu 5|rfri-i. -r F.t dlh...f-E.. b.b Eld.t d to t - Wb*8
*rlrr -rbbFrU b, fh eo.ark &.dn b rh r.Fidc.r d $. Co.d-.(L
tL.B. Itt ltrbrrdG arF lnh &? -r lralrd Drt oa. .., e .alkraa. to. .l
tadrdEr rd M Derntr r.-ktrhrts k trr tlua se.<iar.rix|.
lnry b.hrd-n{-trld.tEl-.hadqreref}-.-
l-f tb.. .r--lH.! fl b rd b rratrf n rlr tL G['&io.! d CdtlraGt ti.
lhdfr d lta I o? Oraraj.a '-FFt d lu-{5-r rla ra a.rErtartr, 0Erarr. t.r
cd ai. EQ1. ra lr C*6. fl qr!r, St a txurSGr ua.arEd ritr.r rh.
Cffi 0E*.4 &ak&Oq-r b*r.&i.
l-, lt ar t'tr itt dth cf-{crr4rr a{ !.. *tr ck.-aEa &oErtr 5 p$
d lrr Ti.rdrr f,a CrrE &ar'rt 6 ir frr hr q! Ir FurLa rt- (o.trratD. siul
cdtSa.ia ad a.llhal frlorl*at r,td afta$r|lf aatnyfri tct..'v b ,r.U. lrarn to
ia.rt a ralt tb,$rd ft,rdaa, b i.*b ha .r.!Edfr, aa r..ti lrd lo .e& Fog.rlv
l.a t r. Ut hd d hr Sr.ff..r i. lcE ttalr fr.t&r o, qr..ltt Lrlt
d.rrarb h ra- d, lc .t5rada O.ff !Aq) tr. d b corriH roa
..EaF-ca FEd-a fha.. h U- qt-r a, fh C{.t-tirdEl.. rrr Fcgord
r&.ah. S.a a qrrit L lrE tfadf.d- ll dil b. cLd qrt in
*{ttr| tr tlEhd...
!-5 Al Fat fl b .Ed a.E rl| b llla Cdidoat frr.rilr -ra, tr t il.trrfr
,r{a.r.d fr rdtalrrCa.r. lr a t &(|l rrd alaarra |'rw. ..i .a erpgli.r a.rd iort
rhd...t!*dr !r qQl |ts.firr*.
t-5 th. Contctor*a End-E .lr. faaCtta d rdt it*'t' t,r 3&r to csnFay *ltlr
th. trtdttEtt dlcdo.! btli..flrclir.t 'r@rtd tlr B|l!a.l,-bi"ora.t!.
r. rGOe cr
2-l Ih. *at rrria |tra r.Fd taarlrE.laaatr b Esieir. i- .riol or..Ft roat
b rd.i-qro.a.artd'-ataJt qr h Ifi l.* or rk Tr-rb
!!lta.,l.bdbEr-dT.E{tE a&6 E nE., -..Etkrr
( CeEs'l rd r!a{. ai-3 -a flrbaE i d rd
-dE o, tf.dLd ta.. rd frl6. PCC
k& fcf .r'd&.. aOE ,.al-f d. i-{ -id Ldl&i d Ft!..r. .rlra lEL, rir rfp.,d ffi.rd.-alt! r-I6a.}r*!rd lry h.nrrld.d
.fr*[ krr ol GdSr,c.-.r rlr*tar ]d , nr dr* a.i, ,r$5rf lD 6rqa.n d!.
d.ea-.r-., t.t lbrdtf !a*.-
2.t tha c.*& rtraa !a tt9arrfr. b. Fffra Fh. aqfFr.ia. EE fab d Ltol, b
frr prqea daa.r.d--V l.lfry irt 5L ffi,r tna rrfu rr$rrd tt
t r...[r*o caftaXlbab r*fl.rC*.ar

[LoA for "Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70.00M to RDt110,00M upstream of Dam axis
(81r583.00M to 8Li640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V Power Station [Package-lll]"1 Page 8

23 Ta;otrry ttro.b nl srir' ttlrildd o9.ailf Df l,t. G0rt.6E $dtlorlorrr to th!
rpbllrlodabr3. rfitllidl tE rffi,ollirra att,y r.$&llrtbrlhrffi hr
sdr Xirpr:, h r5lbG Ol., rlJ oildt frl, rl|r .l hlr aa rrardrirfi. h Sr(. in
hil ,r!l{| b.nfurm*f F*aft4 iafrdi !...qlnr b, rt0rdtg rnyiur*T.ntC
tt{.ab-nt ltrtdj$qrr rdlltt dfi ffi,
2t nr &tit. .u$!.fha qt,rtc a.f drirD d ll|. Cont-to/r Tt'nprry Worts
r{ r:nfter nrg !r r{.d b h.Fdo tf t,|. ECict{frry,.
e5 Ih Co.rllf fl.ectr rdqrrar tnHolr hrJ lA oprretor rt {ra lit rrd.ttr"
C.4, hdefirt *n#olr orbr t rctL
2.5 Af to.t' sfAnf* *ctly r{ od! m.t !.*ftD rl:t b. p.ofi.d lith
toLtr (!.r!.fi!t!,'oerftccdrd.dr(qrmtm.fdild
Ll llr Sft dla Ltttf d.-rdtt.oalrfr.r*Jtlrrr. rlo @ dl.E hr dlmp.d in.rar!
o0r.rtlr-thm+ud t$. C{h..rf}elttbEi.dT6.,{
tt lrpon tE Coaefaa d kt{ q dEr ry tH hj rIttelCrd s trnctisn thr
ConHr ni &ot rd .hff. { lnrFrl IS.r rncbd tr litnl.I or hir
iaEo0SBi ld nm I aff* .t!ffi ffi, ,d rX odhor rdu'r rhkh
q iu brn rhprfrd dr f: n .[nfhbr r. Worb. gdt fit&tts n{ t .hportcd
o{v h.n ir$.qrdty0r tfar.'*}Orp
l.t 1l!. S.L llclatrt ol tlrt!,trodttuf Sr {trrr..d ru]l.tiru h
tsr. h ll*h dHl to d!c.r*a Ft lbe l#;rti1 araner kr n<fring
rnlm-lJ ilp.dr., ltln6l E 3mooajldor drt. tto.b. Ihb obaifiixr {ur
trE$ !e |t. q*tdin d.! J Ut Co.ffit * iEiJ.tima l.|d .{ quxriGr,
l.IO Ih Hii rto$*doo (D*r Jrdr 5 psdr.r. Ird trarport d Co*rrtor,r Eqrigmat ;rd
EffiE t:5h,P.rar* t{dr|, ffi3q.rd.!n a6ttl. rnd rrrnovil ot
, IGla.ryfi!.tr.$t h*rffiil. -*. d ffir SEiild 5A!|I f.ctbfi.,n tif,
shll* to tt t{h.rittrt . ,tsr{q d trrlfrnt rl tlf, oil.irrq rirrt' oa
€l' *rbtq nandr .ra (5,rrGa( drir:. tnft rj lEvrtiaf ir r'.r b,r
Enes v, tl ..ry ol,rr Edr ffi h F?fltin fu torrrbuct*l pcnnaf,nt
Wotbrrl llot hi Fi' r9d, rrd b enlit cd tlr.!.d !t lt!. h.tffi in th. t rfr
Btt3h.rlll'kni dthr k tao rrfrn! d*rur.i* fu ?Wll or piylrunt lhr$
lr nrdr br 64f1t1 Sr ry e*annrrlJ ottruotr rr$rild tr ntiald rid *.tr
hr .ra rq!ff-.q e{r a drr:ru h Ui Sadil. ai al sdr ot rrlr ad b,v thG
to.lrxtato6.I.dfl !r codrHrtdc hod hfrrOt*rxb/r thit prict3.
t. Imtx rflrcEllEEqEt$lbrr{
3J llr bEtudir! ,Ea hrtll hmr rr irl;rl Ftt ol t d ., Sfr(ifi(2tirr3. rrt(, .rE
l: fh. q6d rod art(t ol {id ltr*rl !e FtFtd !, ..nhrrxrtl of scJ'q idbwr.t
!, dft fr !ah|| trr Bt dgrrr{. d.ddh3 rtlst trrr th. rppro.€h
b mtor r( drrrr q$il.atr rnlr*.
,3 lIrhb6lrmffi Orrdrrfodd!a nmd tld rry (r*.16 &p{ttst
ar tlr. dq. $J b drrrdt rmdl tH b alr ttt br dit lrl lGe itilrdt

[LOA for "Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70.00M to RDr110.{t0M upstream of Dam axis
(ELI583,00M to ELt640.00M) at Dam site of Teesta-V power Station [package- ll',1 page 9

!, facrl,urrrr rd lQffi b mC dl| dqFd td -- rI b. &l rt. r.hd
milr.ry r.Ed h gF.rfrrd h B C Cr..tEEE f5! *i hdu- OE .'rtit cat d
{ $rp*,b*ra d.f tr,F.rfl il|l,d b" rTtud..rIC,|., irho
rd,3Qbrl{rea mr6dr&rt!lt[hE-t}tkt..
.. maHEGlbh.rt!
al Il! ir[r& lhr m 5ni r frt il F.{ o, LcE*i Se.cEir.rr rt. n
{d-dab it Dl5l
aJ EGt AIE{}i b a t*Liaort..! rri,6nil d.Ef oa& dr rod srffi h.
card norU &d hol. ffx d a.dror drllx r glrlr nl r frtsr*r ,bc., ilry !o !. rErih cr rDC $air3 hr 'If
o( crrrt rBnttnr Ih rEd .t.lEr b
rynaymur rti'9d* ro(t rft ,'. 'l6o.Ia
ai nr UrG lrr:E! rk mff.l .ra ,ai oltb nhhdl rfnra! ii.l b I Fr
hES.k r$trr.r.rFuratt &r*tG{a.O!$t!.
li fO elill .qtiFt ttr d tii D.d r tF...rficlt dnr.dr..d..l oa.I0o.t r.F&[. ot
p.rro.ilt fu rffaa rtrirh! e !t Cotrtt rd $a * rdtrd to th rfurd ol
frgr..rin O*;.
aS Ih. C.urffi dri ir. sfidrrt {trfrf l!rt*!. trh fr U tlr tinrly onplador ol
ttx w't" Itu rl31nd*r tld b h l6d oFrri{ &ffon.r{ r&{.r. |or th.
!ffi.fDfl potrtai dUr !.L
4.6 Ih. *tIlIftril!.rrd.ddd!.ff brtlr.r!.@.6in
a.7 ltr srtrxtr $d hq ra lhr {r m u* snCy o, dhat trp rd iil ol {Fel
lits b.lrr Ffaira *j hltr iftnnt rr&l* to br:mntrrd kr $r canre ol
m'L Ild crndld rlt r, l.d'|,dvfu dr t'r to.l( rer tdttqri|.rd b
4.! i.ifrrft-rl.ttflD.ffir.l 6d.E *r J anplrr rrdG Enffi
n cr$-r r. 0t- ffir, fia{. rru|ll.rd |n rr!3
aS flx rd rn* !r lldM Am lti dd t[ilt d.b.m.d dnkd! b.rt
o$omh:b & fEAlrtfr t0. IhiarErdtlr trrfrrferly tr f93l nm
rrd tlr lqlt ri tdtt *I b ! Jwn E th Drfrr r .r Ctclrd tV lh.
E|in citclrtr tc ir Grtbrft qtHi..n !r Lr lEf t idGd h slDrttr
|i.G'r r.or.ila ty !r efr*r{lr;" fxr{Id rc{{rr fo. tll..nrfn| d th.
rlqh drmr dd b{t blttt l, dk fltf ol{E ti$ laa oarh. b.-
i1.f0 8.rt{ ph*flbii CffidF.lftffilrirhrrrr ltn rd.'ra
rl ]}[lrfr. lE plhdl&;lflLl2ttln
b) fs.nrrl& lro.lbollutuo0D
flll t* $.f lorfttn E F tfil lr S.n,.trC b. ft. & dtd h rr.rf lr.|ryd
tt ."
a-tl th. th .& sr tb F#|.tri d toh/rrdr..I rt{ !. Fffid d ti.i.rt d tilr,ilreFr{4fuHlil.E !-
a-ll lb d.rrtr d Ur licL.l{ h LB tlro lh that ,!0bb..sFdt,t.f !. lE.d hr
,l rn n dr. rl.t rdEr k lqlllp&r t.t a n f!..$* 3rt { aroud tl: 6r dFiEalhf, 'ntsr

protection measures from RDt70.00M to RDi110.00M upstream of Dam axis

ILOA for "Left bank slope
(EL!S83.00M to ELt640.00M) at Dam site of Teesta-v Power Station [Package-lll]"1 Page 10
a.!l Ir Lrf$ nl dil mftl b. rrCt GErd[tt tFdal nffo.rilg d.m.flt.rd to
tchlrl!d*atryndrl.,dd.II. Friicdtr llr.*d po.tbn od o{
lllbf,r*a1a.t,auS1lUftblf,f f?ft dlrbrdoll lir. Thr }[lGi
$J d,rld l9oblmG LtFilh l.IltrdIrrld rdur.
/tl' flhtlrh,GElllardrrrffir6illrd ott rffi d.rt (rltr.r{,
d.nrd Q &ri4 ar d *il qffitr d Ch rnt oqllrr.d *. fn hd., h rct,
.ltt Ilti b d t b lilrT.rd * Af H tana drd bc danrd rilh
.fiFrn.d * ocN. Ib cilFGr{ - fl d d,lt, C s oficr marbl
{tS [tlrEt.Lrt tt O*lrblr*rrt,H*Jdt Fbod tcinan thc
!.rlt; drb ra lh !d, a fr.l lrrrt; S d irf$rf , rstr rt.d, t rltnrrr
IJE f, e rffrdg.5r 5 rd hfr h!r** fr? tfr1 tr holr. ur. ho{. dd D.
rdld rd &ri rr{dtd rtorr5nffTF5.b ffi *tl0t rtcnnrt
il"l, Iortd r.tnrt il L ri ft. tr tU &n, Gr{f dtll trn . n tl' to c.r rf,
n|5 oa llllHr 0I rrd CG l' f,|il, r, . ra b GrH rdio oI ?:l !i rcil* tll
r&dL o. I ?fra tf th Elh.rfr{a} filf rr.L& Fqrll $tnfril rldl.itsd ryrGia,ry th. Eiti.t.irln €hrrt!
LTrrd!,tsh.nrlqrimdrufl trurdhf,Irputfilire d h. rorr
aU lh rdir E fl I hd ii! li. !,qffl.a bf !.E! nt .raiJ rc d lh lr(,l Ih.
b $I I ntU s tlrd h o.* b rrD |!d .onfrt lltx.n llL frd s{r'rc!
fi0 &dnrr Err &l b rnfrdd illr ffi it t{ai r rrnr rr b prrnnr .ny
mr:l d tir fmf hr hlttld Ih (.rmr ti* ,rpE rry b.n iBnd to !e
lrl'rnrC E fQlia h td d { l. d t|I lti f [$ d tncno.r itrrhd
Itd ilrrrd t,t ffi.*a.G]t] ffirlbnn*etttr u t Frirtprr lrrer
txlr'rnrrdhir ICodar, *f6rldhrlit r e*hcd ot
rl Eq*ilttl d n ardf b rtrdrutfi pffinr
4f{r#ral|d bktCi.dlG, q{fll, I&rDandg
.lR ntLc da,llr to*t erd'aff1

t &fi Adr Elh*rfbcEtaG{mQh.trca}

l.l llrrntn potin ol lod S fll &d ltdlo, *.,. rrgrr{ io b. crt.rd..l inro
strurtml eratar dr.0 Dldr$ dfd.ruy W tir irJrtehtrE.
t, lll .rE iil dat crtuit ol I tdqrd rrtrrig br ol rialer irr (t tr.t ot df, .nchorl

atd {r.l t. rdd.dfurilt otd.r b li. rdor.Ihr rd&tg rr{ thr offihf dtt bdr
Il$ crtsrifi paro $* br rr rymd bl [n!h..Fh{t.tta.
5.3 ttEHG{cqpLd tsb.pdlactlddr!rld.ndto.drd hruglrrd rnd pad per te
wt{rt hrb}d u til oi $a*ficc.

ILoA for "Left bank slope protection measures from RDt70,ooM to RDi110.(]0M upstream of Dam axis
(ELt583.00M tt, E1t640.00M) at Dam site of Teesta-V power Statio n [package-IIt],,1 page 11
I Orra crlm rldr{fbhhd L Jhtrfr tFPOOh h rr I l4
6l lll a*l:thr thrn lf,*t hil |l iqFl fr*d, d r| +tsolr b nrar ru 1l & ll.
5.1 lrquL dartr, ffi nd FtGfl !!l| F .rtsd &.trilr arryracd I
6.3 cffif qdgmt rd *rt h d rS apcef d rmdn rkd @adltbo tr& d
pshtnif tlpiltf nq*aisd dr*!rsrltdb{nr3rflrd dtatrrlr*"ttwp
6J thc (c*rxbr ill trrl *id t*Iltr&t { U. ft k tlr tfrN mflain d
ilt k fb tft ndit *{ tr h 1oil qr$r; crehn ad rdqre lr ttr
65 ltre8lrrXrilt tic*rdddnrffi britr.Sttoo.l66.
5-5 Pnert d.rlulril b ffi S p.fired Plr( iF d nE#rtd br!r. Ih.
6rr:trof ffi ffi h; I&e d t dbSb ftlh o lhn hth &riql s
6.7 flo hoh dtt b d*l trulh c[lcrdr ltbrt$ Jlr th Cffirr duir 6arts"
6.l hgrmnrurnr*dppa*rxt rdree.bhdrl
r) Ot*tjrlirdfloidh.hilkksmnkf hobftdsftn&Fl ba! "
bl }rpp} rd iffin dded rUe ;fi. I ht
5.9 l,.ilffirdthErsf rrfrdFr,Br.nlcthdrilhob lb Mbil d15
,El & rt lr d tlr li'fr d hdE* iild h gitils a lfrtctld t, 0tr hhr-
ir{lrtr. M d t! il.* t il! tffi trle rt' fr.r nrt t,tErtd n fe Be d
Qry{fra rIdt duf hd,t0r rdin€d d$or. rq$lttaf rd atr[rl* hr c*g
rd rrdel crCll hfr*d khryrVCdrl. r nttuA llr Urf Ftk! dtd rdy
int$crif, dU!. ldha hffinr*rdbadnnhol
5.10 ilr*rrrnrnBh FplatdtI(fir/hrotgam dr lelrd in ltr &einptnhrr
lturod U lh A$trc.h'(Lrf * b. dtu lq$ d pfr to Mh( @ d br
mdr * 0! tHt rrt tr k rrlt rr&nd h tt { d OrrrHiq didr thll in hd.
t n atin co$drlFl, rd ffiioi d r.rior.fd or m4;lbaud eirr .5 nll r {
3. Gbkril
0tlrribnrdlr:hr&rlulrrda*rfidiHr&n ttat t&in Sdrtdr d aEr -
UU hsrd bl hl*ffi Dfrhtat Gcansi olffin nd llrtS Sffi* of rJu
-l0lt isr!, ryt}m dtdti.a t ffitt dtt. rlnt *d lr rot&1|. nE

protection measures from RDi70,00M to RD*110.00M upstream of Dam axis

ILOA for "Left bank slope
(E1r583.00M to 81r640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-v tion [Package-tt["] Page 12
]trnr l{o al
cbu!. ilrrt hdlftl rrylotitl o, nrf f,Set abrl" 5rrr!. brurh
9901.2012 xpoq t't r lld !.0tll3 el1flt r4lo al r m r:Eurud rt a lettrt ot
P.i-lfr.l f m .bva ltqJ{ld krrtl atd rfilcrd ol rul*xrh uBo . dartm{r o, 50
Tdnicd ilmd lc*f ol uo$rorargc rrrrr o r :bdcd hi$rbla irdudint
2 S.dR:irtblr3 rrnruC oa a{ Ora 16. tnerirh .rd &por.l of tlre e.,ne A
{nr* -t
Tr(initrl gDpty, DrXt! ftdtt nd lrud,| o{ no( r ,tdu ol 25nnr 4. rkn
l rFdlld6 lol| collTttt ilr rf rueaat hcl|cnl rI 'h{ m.Eri:lr, cquipmentl
d la { ind
LduaC tr!.iain d rfcificrt lrrgti ol rod an irc irtp crrttr :s c.r
{ ,P.cmdqti olttsuctlon Aeil.t. corD9nt in Jl rtr9.d ildldrl s th.
al-!. .5 aod &rd
P'u*t[ lla t*1do{E tcfo$q rvt t'n lcup lo(t tvpel 6l the
riitlor ddt ltr to t.| tuy tttnf mde rriti /n mm di. M.5.
tt l-5 |tt .. f,t b annE ho.AoilH f ,t{tc.l tt.Ori t ining i4th
(rrp I lodr rf:tBt rdtt lrlt trt r, ll.S, xb. drali.r, M.5. damp,
.tld lrll. drl't S h t! rJfok&rt br r*rtiry fletform
:ic l.ld nrfnl.ilq t kr r rar$cr-h .mdtion ior rhr ru$rircd
dr o.r a rld rrmo*t it n}!dt r Ih! ratrotdirB
rftur drrl b. rfiiead dr !.:.iIr, rurn rr. (onn (tm *th th"
hflil:tC rfrEr t;!*rd hr tnrpoto.l o{ rrrt .t r:S.ll'ed
loctdoat ridr r|rlafrlid t{tly t!.trrc! br ttle uortflren €tc
couglrtr a 9rr *rdb.I ed tponl ., EnaiflGerjn<hirar .lh"
c{avtdod rG. cd lrE $ild&r! slr.f, t. rnarsurEd lor p:tm€nt

nCflhrc.a ctm.rt ffi hdr'0| $utt ri{. cornp.ctirT rrd

t, Lrt-2/ 13.5 f
artlt 6.n aae h olrtnntft sndlt I pt? dfr*lt rn.t
lpl I c.r.-l
trdtnld rpctrdoni' E Gr.ft 1ltr9 H.$n utso kL uring
irfficrd ctitErf omaratr ttchlel rrt Jttr,lrl. c!.np.ctrq rnd
orlll qnde h r+aEr$ra cfirp*o .! per drarit| ,rd
7 FYt-1, 1!.S f
(qllc*l !..lrail lP.cft.tiflB. Ef 6r.d. U25. {.Ut srn ro 10m. UiirE
tl.hrotrd crn rtl CdlG tb hddil rh rttlfilr3 cdnprcbng rrld
ts{x -x}u
%d.tJ lt.5Ft orlll ondafa h rd.rfnxt,c aqnfa*t I F drasrlg .nd
trduEJ lpr6(donr" mC fu fiEs. {.iH &E f&r. U*rU
ltir*{ clrrcrri! lfiraa,
-lol2 PLn ca nt @igGc hddl| Cxfiarht, comFactng tnd cuflnl
t.n-ll135 (Bl fiifaata in rdxlrrdur coa"lCt .! plr dr.Irl rld t <ini{:t
rpelcea. FCerdt f,rt
SttFt irv lltultr .rd ,hchf ]ll5o bl rarrom.rnent rn ruF
s50n -20t2
t .t-.f43.6 *wt t oo't!Ph0! stc ffi .nd trdnkxl rp..alk.tbn!"

ILoA for "Left bank slop€ protection measures from RD*70.00M to RDt110.r)0M upstream of Dam axis
(ELt583.00M t') ELi640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-V Power Stati( n lPackage-llll"l Page13
ll rydftrtb,n
ffi dag H rt*lrtr hd.r ptr rH|r.nd Hx*cC
da6r -6 *rAadot*
t, :fOlic*su !r4$y & hrOf*in prrfurAd nrc p[n rl0 rnrn dir.
chur. -C

Itrni*l f ln&l C.baol rErrchrc ffi ucdrui<4 Woysr

hlr.Itrd ltlr3aUffi mr i:rh 6.tbn lmr:rper
6 1601a:2011, lrrl()flIll Oa6. X& !, r.{uirtd ria, llsi }fpe
!&tt lIElO nm rith hasxn d r lt, &ri(+pvc corH, lrhctt
rit drn!trd.7B.7nn, mcrira*S rdfrOiglatrd sitf
1l p*iit*Irt ctw ln ir*fid sd lhaf h'9r n$linm t0 nrx&er
/16 91
ot ga&p p.i lt!!n!r oI rtrli pdplnd.tJu to tdrt tvi{ sr0t! *r of Cmlt.r f/3.&n6 tE tO! qlPdnd eil bV nat
d G**oil tffi, flid rilh bqidar rHr lr.rt flmnrin d lq)
nul r prr drui[, .S Elrpk 8 p.r fcctkrn ol E4irx.'- i+
nadsd sit l Iut h d'|b tlctbc fir..1 rlrr or f,ithod
tm.r(tlta DhG irrfuerl stffr'* lFa*itr, frng itr poahidt nd
i 16.9a
#ff . fhi{qtdreprmd strl pimrr rI tomy'etr
siur F olffig rrca bL! i! Did trlro.rllPt h/ n Affi c!firrt!
moffiretind Sfuctt *; r{/ r*rn rd rilr nm dir ffi gpr.
{!cdfi:ty re&3 th$ llr fiJ riCh d lho rrrdur rldr {opc o{ 1V:
lGthrn tEE ICl ffi tnil fu. Eompl+ r pc dr*hj rnd Tcctrr*C
iluil S$t Sp*dur.

Manager (Civil)
Contract Division
Teesta-V Power Station

ILOA for "Left bank slope protection measuresfrom RDi70.00M to RDi110.00M upstream of Dam axis
([11583.00M to ELi640.00M) at Dam site of Teesta-V Power Station [Package-ll{"] Page 14
iir ,t! i
lii $titi !lt:
fih r!.
ullil $[

sl I

=l ?I I


I E'


t, I ll I ! rr

[To be executed on Non-[udicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate valueJ

Bank Guarantee No...........


[Employer's Name & Address]

Dear Sirs,
In consideration of the .,. IEmployer's Name]........ (hereinafter referred to as the 'Employer' which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereol include its successors,
administrators and assignsJ having awarded to M /s ......[Contractor's Name]............ with its
Registered/Head Office at [hereinafter referred to as the 'Contractor', which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereol include its successors,
administrators, executors and assignsJ, a Contract by issue of Employer's Letter of Acceptance
No................ dated......... and the same having been acknowledged by the contractor, for ---------
lcontract sum in figures and words] for .........[Name of the work] and the Contractor having
agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee for the faithful performance of the entire
Contract equivalent to .......(*)...........of the said value of the aforesaid work under the Contract to
the Employer.

We ................[Nam e & Address of the Bank] ..........having its Head Office at...........................fhereinafter
referred to as the'Bank', which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereol include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and
undertake to pay the Employer, on demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the
extent of r) as afore said at any time up to (@1.....................
[days/month/yearl without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or without
any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be
conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between the Employer and the
Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority.
The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consent
of the Employer and further agrees that the guarantees herein contained shall continue to be
enforceable till the Employer discharges this guarantee or till ............(+]........[days/month/year]
whichever is earlier.

The Employer shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any way the liability ofthe Bank
under this guarantee, from time to time to extend the time for performance ofthe Contract by the
Contractor. The Employer shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to
postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they
might have against the Contractor, and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and
either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract
between the Employer and the Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to
the Employer. The Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any
exercise by the Employer of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or
by reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts of omission or commission on the part of
the Employer or any other indulgence shown by the Employer or by any other matter or thing
whatsoever which under the law would, but for this provision have the effect of relieving the

ILOA for "Left bank slopeprotection measures from RDt70.00M to RDr110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(ELi583.00M to ELi640.00M) at Dam site ofTeesta-v Power Station [Package-ltll"] Page 16
The Bank declar:s that this Bank Guarantee is issued by the Banl ulilizing the credit limit of
M/s--.-. (Name rf contractor)and also agrees that the Employt r at its option shall be entitled to
enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtcr, in the first instance without
proceeding agairrst the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee the
Employer may h; ve in relation to the Contractor's liabilities.
i) Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed_(+)_.
ii) This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to _[+J_.
iii) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee
only and only if Employer serves upon Bank a written claim or demand on or before (@l_

Dated this ... of ..........20_........................a1...........


(NameJ [Name]

(Official Address_ (Designation with Bank Stamp)/with staff Arrthoriry no. Complete Address of
the Bank with Tele-Fax

Notes: 1. (*l this su I shall be five percent (5701 of the Accepted Contract Amount (lenominated in the types and
proportions of currelrcies.
(@) This dote will be \inety (90) doys beyond the issue of Defec* liability Certi)icote os specifred in the Controct.
(+) This dote wi be the dote of issue of Defects Liabiliry Certificate.

2. Bank Guarantee should be executed on appropriate stamp paper of requisite value ,such stamp paper should be
purchased in the n€me of Issuing Bank, not more t]lan six(06] months ,rior to execution / issuance of Bank
Guarantee. The name of the purchaser should appear at tie back side of strmp paper in the Vendors Stamp. Bank
guarantee should corrtain rubber stamp of tJle authorized signatory of the ba lk indicatiry the name, designation and
signature/ power of attorney number as well as telephone/ fax numbers vith full correspondence address of the
Bank In case the san e is issued by a first class Inter[ational Bank, the law pr:valent in t}le country of execution shall
prevail for the purpose of Stamp Duty on tie Bank Guarantee. However, in such a casc, the bank Guarantee shall be
got confirmed through any Indian Scheduled/Nationalized Bank

3. Bank Guarantee is required to be submitted directly to the Employer by tht issuing bank (on behalf of Co ntractor)
under registered posr, (A.D.). The Contractor can submit an advance copy of B rnk Guarantee to the Engineer.

4. The issuing bank trhall write the name of bank's controlling branch/ Head Office along with contact details like
telephone/ fax and full correspondence address in order to get the confirmauon of BG from that branch/ Head office,
ifso required.


[LoA for "Left bank slope prot€ction measures from RD!70.00M to RDr110.00M upstream of Dam axis
(EL!583.00M t0 ELt640.00M) at Dam site of Teesta-V power Statio n
[package-[[,,] page 77
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by SUMAN DUTTA
Date: 2021.02.01 17:54:11 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC

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