Correct English Usage
Correct English Usage
Correct English Usage
Concede – means to yield, but not necessarily in agreement. Exceed – means to be more than.
All the food except the vegetables were eaten by the children.
The school excepted her from taking gym classes because of her illness.
In addition to a dictionary, he always uses a thesaurus. The first edition of Duka’s book was published
in 1997.
Advise – means to give advice. Advise is losing favor as a synonym for notify.
Acceptable: The teacher will advise the student about study habits.
Unacceptable: We are advising you of a delivery under separate cover. (SAY: notifying)
DON’T SAY: After having checked (omit after) the timetable, I left for the station.
Alright – is unacceptable.
Illusions of the mind, unlike those of the eye, cannot be corrected with glasses.
The business, however, was divided between the oldest and the youngest one.
Amount – applies to quantities that can be counted only one.
So far as we know, the barn was adequate for night‘s stay.
as if – is correctly used in the expression .”He talked as if his jaw hurt him”
Back – should NOT be used with such words as refer and return since the prefix re means back.
Unacceptable: Refer back to the text, if you have difficulty recalling the facts
Backward and backwards – both are acceptable and may be used interchangeably as adverb.
He broke his arm.
(Number is preferable).
Sure – is an adjective.
Cite –means to quote.
Come to be - should NOT be replaced with the expression become to be, since become means to
come to be.
In ceramic work, the potting wheel and the calendar are indispensable.
Compare woth – means to compare persons or things with each other when they are of the same
Consul – means a government representative
You must agree that they are convenient for the occasion
Acceptable: You could have done better with more care Unacceptable: I could of won.
Illusion – means to a wrong idea that will probably not influence action.
People were under the delusion that the earth was flat.
Acceptable: I doubt that you will pass this term.
Dute to – is unacceptable at the beginning of a sentence. Use because of, on account of, or some
similar expression instead.
The two girls have known each other for many years.
Several of the girls have know one another for many years.
Everywheres – is unacceptable.
Everywhere – is Acceptable.
AVOID: YOU can’t get away with it. (SAY: You won’t avoid punishment if you do it.)
AVOID: We have got no sympathy for them. (SAY: We have no sympathy for them.)
We are certain, however, that you will like this class.
We are certain that how ever you decide to study, you will succeed.
If it was – implies that something might have been true in the past.
NOTE: “We were walking in the room” is correct even though there is motion, The motion is not from
one place to another.
Irregardless – is unacceptable.
Regardless – is acceptable.
Kind of and sort of – are unacceptable for rather.
TENSE LIE (Recline)
Present The chicken is laying an egg.
I don’t know, but I would say much rain fell last night.
It’s him}
It’s he}
A number of pages (in the book) were printed in italic type.
SAY: His was the highest mark of all. (NOT of any or of anyone) Off of – is unacceptable for aloud.
Outdoors – is an adverb
People – comprise a united or collective group of individuals. Persons – are individuals that are
separate and unrelated.
The people of Tacloban have enthusiastically accepted Pope Francis during his visit.
Somewheres – is acceptable.
We can then proceed with our plan for resisting a second attack.
It is then possible that Plan B will supersede Plan A.
SAY: You surely (NOT sure) are not going to write that!
We should like to attend (Note take in) a few plays during our vacation.
Theirselves – is unacceptable.
SAY: Most children of school age are able to care for themselves in many ways.
Plan to go is acceptabl
SAY: A tornado is a twisting, high wind on land. (NOT is when a Twisting, high wind is on land.)
SAY: The president will consider the question wether (NOT of Whether) it is better to ask for or
demand higher taxes now.
It has been a severe winter, which in unfortunate. (CORRECT: Unfortunately, it has been a
severe winter.)
You did not write besides which you have not telephoned. (CORRECT: omit which)
SAY: The libratry is situated on the south side: (OMIT while) the laboratory is on the north side.
Though (NOT while) I disagree with you, I shall not interfere with your right to express your
Though (NOT while) I am in my office every day, you do not attempt to see me.
Who – The following is a method (without going into grammar rules) for determining
STEP ONE: Change the who- whom part of the sentence to its natural order.
THEREFORE: “Tell me WHO –Whom do you think should represent the company?” is correct.
It is he or I who am ….
It is I or he who is ….
SAY: I wish you had not (NOT would have) called earlier.